THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1916. ASTORIA FOR NAVAL BASE AT - Chairman Harley of Commit- ict; is huw hi vvabiiuigiuii to Use His Best Efforts. . IMPORTANCE IS SHOWN Wallace B. Struble Contends That City by Bea Tavor Sparge Pre paredness Program. The campaign for a naval base at the mouth of the Columbia river has many features of encouragement, ac cording to Wallace R. Struble. secre tary of the naval base committee, who its ill ine city luutty . "and will at once Inaugurate a pub licity campaign in the newspapers and before congress, and the navaLj eommittees mat must produce iavor Sble impression. "The contention of the naval base .committee ia that the location of navy yards '.is not a matter of political or other pork,' but one that concerns the government at large. The view : hitherto has been that projects in Oregon a-nd Washington have been handled with a view to glorification . pacadcS by them as campaign ma- , I . . . f .. -1 . 1 .(..... miiat be submerged in the present mighty national campaign for preparedness, nrl our pn;ilora and congressmen are . being urged lo tane tms attiiuae. "Astoria is in favor of the largest possible development for aid Pacific coast ports available for naval equip ment, but it insists that the Colum bia river must not be overlooked." Real Estate Transfers. ... W. 11. I Alt to Alfred Felix Hug-, tract 175 feet Sk. 21. T. IS., R. 1 E $ Ernest K. Voelker, A din., to Otto J. Voelker, L. 16, B. 15, Tremont Park Budolpu I.. Voelker et al to Otto J. Voelker, U 1, 6. B. 10. Central Al bina ad; L.. 16, B. 18. Tremont Park K. B. Itic and wife to Winifred K. Lalng Taylor, L. 13, B. 23. Alameda Park .A. A. Viler and wife to Henry Broders, L. 12, Beecb ad., being. Sub. I IT, 18, Etmex Park Ada V. Alexander and husband to O. I. Miyarawa et al, L. 19, B. ill. Weat Irvlngton Jonathan J. llenke to John Heuke, N. : Us. L. 1. yr. 10 feet N. 1 l. 2. B. 8, Weblnina ad Ora 8. Murpliy to Flold Murphy, N. 28 feet W. 50 feet L. 7, B. 147, Caru thers ad. Sarah S. Ball and nnsband to Eugena Loan A 8a,. Bank of Eugene, Or., I.. . 19, 20, 21. B. 3; U 14, 15, 16, B. 6, Portsmouth ' ITnn,. KMatl mtA 4 f j. tt r for RnRmilS- 10 10 1,000 100 10 10 10 10 en et a I, I,. 1, B. 11. South port H. J. Miller and wife to Andrew J. MCann. L. 12, B. 11 CeSitral Al- btna, alan L. 26, B. 2, Spanton'a ad.. Ai drew J. MrOann to II. J. Miller et al. t, 12, B. 11, Central Albina, also L. 26, B. 2, Spantna's ad Clla C. Durham to tue Merchants Nat l. Hank of Portland, 62x102 feet tteg. at at pt. in E. line R. 27th at. which pt. ta due E. from NE. corner L. 8. B. 10 10 - S, Bra we St. ad O.a. Cooper to Minnie Kranklin, W. . H SW.. '4 KW. "4 Sec 18, T. 1 "N., H. 6t.; H. 4 SB. Section 18, V. 1 N., K. E ... Piiiler V. Mount to Advanee-Rumler Ttorenher Oo.. Ine.. L. 1, 2. 7, 8, B. 67. Hast Portland Q M. ijiuffhlln and wife tw K. Burling ' 1. 4. B. lr.2. Portland Wellesley Laud Co. to Dora Johnson V Jraith. 1 21, 22, n. 6. Argyle Park . Doora Johnnon Smith and husband to Nellie Johnson, t,. 21. 22. B. 6. Ar- ; S.vle, Park Erneat M. Oatfleld and wife to Kred Srboen et al. 1. H. B. yl, Sunnyalda 11." U. Carl to Matilda Carl. S. H I,. , 9, B. 15, Hanson's 2d ad A. J. Frledly snd wife U Stranahan t Clark. L. 9. B. 17, Klnael Park Al U. Fowler to Myrtle I,. Kowler. fj. 5, B. 41, Roae City Pork (Hton Graham and wife to W. Q. Buf- flnftoji, I.. 18, B. 14. Roesroere ;... p. McClintock and wife to Title & Trust Co., 8. 50 ft. L. 4, B. 75, Irrtiiirton Katherine Graham, to Hebecca Vlc- (Jowan ind. ? int. I.. 12. B. 158, Ke City Park J; C. Alar-worth, Tr. . to Barbara Stager. I.. 10 B. it. Oakbnrat IZHXr & Trust Co. to lint). & I.araon HoBieboiMera ln. Co.. U 11, 12. B. 5. Joneiimore Atlele Rrady to R. J. Lowe, L. 21, B. " 2. Windsor Hta f- J OuWIon to Anshy K. Biabop, L. 23, B. 103, Laorclhiirtt 10 10 10 eoo 300 1,100 10 10 . 10 275 10 S.150 8.250 Building Permit. -'A. ti, ManeT, repair one atory frame dwell-In-. 1107 E. 28th ft. N., between Sumner and Emerson ats,: builder, Fame; $300. T ! fwajne. construct retaining wall, 1213 K AHh' rt., betwen R. Oak and E. Pine at a.; builder. K. B. Turner; S200. J. P. Onnollv. wreck two story frame store and rooms. 32-34 N. Broadway, between Burn aide and Couch sts.; wrecker. O. K. A Kose Citv Wrecking Co.; $2W). Harrr Mareus, repair two story frame 'dwelling. 387 N. 21t et.. between Thru-man and rrwhur sts.; builder, Dan Ulnilman: 5 15. forenson. repair two story frame dwell -his. Tt4 Main st., between Ford ami St. Clair at.; butld"r, W. Van Meteren; 1. J. Perine, repair one story frame dwell ing. 10ht Albfna" ave., between WyRant & All-rta sts. : builder, aame; $40. l?dward Klelst. repair two story ordinary atorea and theatre, 812 Clinton at., between E. 2ftrh and E. 2lh sta.; builder. M. J. Belsner; $10. M. Corletto, repair two story frame dwell ing 4f4 Larrabee st., between Knpont & Han cork sts.; builder, D. Capabo; $.10. Mr. Grlnbi(X)n), erect one atory frame garage. B43 E. Sth at. N., between Knott -and Braiee ab. builder. Mr. Rothsteln; M). C R. Davis, repair two story frame store, 883 Flanders at., between Park and 0th sta. : builder, same: SoO. er, same; S-IO. II. -V. Jones, repair two atory frame stores I and spta.. 1032 Hawthorne, between B. 34th and B. 35th sts.; builder, J. U Bunch; $123. Western American Inv. Co.. repair three story ordinary " hotel, 95 Broadway, between Ftark and Oak sts.; builder, Moore-Meagher Co.; $400. 3 NORWEGIAN AND 2 FOURTEEN LIVES LOST Report Is Made to Lloyds That Vessels Were Victims of Mines or Submarines. London. April I. I. N. S.) Four steamers, two British and two Nor -weglan, wers sunk during Sunday with a probable loss of 14 lives, according to reports to Lloyds. The vessels were the victims o.f either mines or sub- marines. ; The Norwegian steamer Peter Ham re was the heaviest sufferer. So far only one of her crew of IS lias been reported saved. The Hamre was of 1080 tons. . v The other boats sunk were the Nor wegian steamer Hans-Ouge of 1110 tons, the British stamer Gold Mouth of H46 tons and the British steamer As li MOUTH 0 F COLUMBIA BRITISH SHPS SUNK barton of 445 tons. The crews of all three have been landed safely. The Norwegian steamer Rorna, from Villa Garcia for Cardiff, engaged in the pine wood trade, was also tor pedoed in the Bay of Biscay by a Ger man submarine, according: to the Ren ter correspondent at Almeria, Spain. The crew has fceen landed. There is no Norwegian steamer Rorna registered. The name of the ship was probably the Norma. There are two steamers of Norwegian regis try by this name, one of 1826 tons, sailed out of Bergen, the other of 131 tons was registered at TrondhJIm. King George Gives Treasury $500,000 British Sovereign Donates Xiarge Bum to Be Used Is Any Cause the Govern ment Kay Bee Pit, London, April 3. (I. N. S.) The Press Bureau announces that the fol lowing letter has been sent to the prime minister. "Privy Purse Office Buckingham .fa lace, March 31. sir: I have re ceived the king's command to inform you that his majesty has given Instruc tions for the sum of $500,000 to be placed at the disposal of the treasury. "It Is the king's wish, that the sum he gives, as the consequence of the war, is to be applied in whatever man ner is deemed best In the opinion of the government. , (Signed) -PONSONBT. "Keeper of the privy Purse." King George, who is a devoted phil atelist, recently gave the gem of his stamp collection to an auction sale of stamps in aid of the Red Cross. It is a nine penny British stamp of 1865, unused and very rare. It was sold to a collector for $1450. SILICA DEPOSIT NEAR OREGON CITY TO BE DEVELOPED AT ONCE Within 30 Days Refining Mill Will Be Erected on Terrill Ranch, It Is Announced, Oregon City, Ot., April 8. Develops ment of the silica deposits found on the ranch of Charles F. Terrill on the outskirts of Oregon City, is sssured. Within 30 days a refining mill will be erected on the property and em ployment given to a score of men. Thirty feet of tunnel, cut Into the main mass of the deposit has assured Portland engineers that the deposit measures up in purity to Bridgeport silica, which is the standard for the United States, and which is fully equal to the Cornwall silica formerly 10 imported from England. i-ne silica will be shipped to Port land for marketing, and as only Mr. Terrill and a small group of Portland men art interested in the project, and as home labor will be employed at the plant, the enterprise will be strictly an , 1 - t . . . .. sv auair. j . is estimated mat there are 400,000 euble ysrds of silica in the deposit, all of remarkable pur ity, and all located convenient to transportation. The only other known silica decoslt j in Oregon is located six miles from the I Deschutes railroad, near Terrebonne, and Is owned by the same capitalists wno are developing the Terrill deposits. Raids on Saloniki Result in Protest Deputise Make Demands In Greek Chamber; Also Want City Sraouated Immediately by Forces of ths Allies. London, April 3. (I. N. S.) a Reuter dispatch stntes that deputies representing Saloniki have handed the Greek premier a memorandum demand ing that Immediate measures be adopt ed with a view to insuring the security of the population against th danger of renewed aerial bombardments. The abandonment of Saloniki by the allied troops was demanded as well as the removal from tho town of all am munition and stores. The deputies proposed that Oermanyi be notified that further bombing op-1 orations would be considered as an act against Greece. The premier has already demanded the evacuation of Saloniki by ths allies and the removal of the ammunition and stores. Tiny Girl Has Brass Stickpin in Stomach Toungster at MOrls Is So Absorbed In 711m That She Swallows Prls With Candy Cass Is Watched. San Francisco, April 3. (P. N. S.) j With a brass stickpin three Inches long lodged In the lower end of her stom I.rli nrot t.vM l Marin. llMnriar la ' . - , j . , " ; servation of the surgeons, who are try- j lng to avoid an operation. I So far no serious symptoms have de veloped, and the child is In bright spir its, laughing over her plight with the nurses and doctors. She went to a movie theatre yeeter day with her father, as was her regular f Sunday custom, and induced her father j to huv her a bas- of nrlse candr. An- I i-a 9 w w as. aaw v 11 j r;s ici sorbed in the thrilling scenes ermcted on the screen, the girl munched at her candy and finally swallowed it in a lump, pin and all. Th nln CA.ti.rht in her throat, and. unable to cough it up. she told her Tathar H carried tha child to the latner. carnea me emia to xne central emergency hospital, where nhy-, siclans for half an ' hour tried to re-' movs the pin, but could not succeed. She was then taken to Lane hospital. 1 Wtrt"Ar ,i-V"5 into the stomach. FUNERALS Besntlfel adult etas er broadcloth easket. eaibalaalsg, congb bos. searae. tw ttntoaslaes sd servtees tor....... . Vers reasonable fa. sru for go. S40. tea. Blgher priced fsasr ala la proporttoev We maks Or m aas. kau. Lady saalstast. Private raoenil ebapaV. MILLER & TRACEY r ' nroEPCxsEirr nrnzxAX. siszotox - washiartoat sad SUs. Sts. Mais Sail! A-7U All State Employes Are Not Protected Assistant Attorney-General Wilson of Washington Kolds That Work oX In spectors X Hot Extra Hazardous. Olympia, Wash,, April 3. P. N. S.) State employes engaged in certain lines of work may not draw compensa tion for. Injuries sustained In their work, according to an interpretation br the attorney-general of the provisons of the law. Asked to rule as to the field engineers of the pubJlo service commission, Assistant Attorney General Wilson holds that these men, mine in spectors, track Inspectors, inspectors for the labor commission and other slmlarly employed men cannot be re garded as engaged In extra-hazardous employment and cannot recover on claims under the workmen's compensa tion act. ' Evangeline Booth Recovering. New York, April Z. (I. N. S,y Com mander Evangeline Booth of the Salva tion Army has been seriously 111 for three weeks at her home In Hartsdale. Up to 10 days ago, when the crisis wag passed, her life was despaired of. Miss Both is suffering from acute gastritis. Her physician says she is now recover ing. -Believe Strike Is Over. Glasgow, April 3. (I. N. S.) The end of the strike of munition workers was believed Imminent today by offi cials of the ministry of munitions. Many of the strikers already have re turned to work. Prefcheron Stallion 1 r ifeulit bYBaldwin p cFor HiOig Ranch W-l OK. ABaldwin, real estate man r With withof fles In the Wilcox buLWlnjtAs now the owner of yrrouQiM," a pure blooded J(r yfrnport Percheron stallion. Haipurchased the blue ribboned anyriai several aaya ago Trom Trv. Murphy of Eleventh and i6yt streets. It Is said the lit purchase price was about $2500. Mr. Baldwin will ship the m horse Immediately to hLs stock ranch in eastern Oregon near Stanfield. Troupler was lin jjt ported from France. So much for the bars facts! Behind the purchase Is another !w story, a recital of the facts -Sr that led up to the purchase and sale of Troupler. For the sake of brevity they can be ail summed up in two sentences. Mr. Baldwin was peeking a blooded animal. He saw Murphy's ad in The Jour- nal's Classified columns, and t answered It. It pays to ad- vertise, doesn't it? NEW TODAY EDWARD MOLMAN CO. XSTABLISEXS 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS aitd FUNERAL DIRECTORS . LADY ASSISTANT TBXBD A2TD SAXHOH BTBESTS. MATJT 607. A-1S11. v. vtk.-ik TV-AiV On City snd Farm Properties ia Any Amount at Currant Rates. Hartmas A Thompson. Banksra. Corner of k ourtb and Stark Sta. THE J. L. FEAREY CO. a uts xrorss. xobtqaqes A3TD COimULOTS. eon Dtrcai - -ldg rortland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment Jb Mortgage C. Offices 202-4 1 3d 8fc ABU MLOUUX 9 uu i'fm koail 6EO T. MOOKB CO.. 61 AMnyton TSr. MEETING NOTICES 4 FORESTERS of AMERICA, Court Mt. Hood, No. 1, meets every Tuesday night at Foresters' hall, 19 4th st. CHAS. WARD Chief ranger. VT. F. ROSE WELL. Recording Sec. Team No. 1 gives a social fourth Tuesday of month. every EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 6th. Vital Statistics murriages.Birtbs. Deaths. BUSINESS CARDS . I W. G. Smith & Co. . n d cards. rri 2 js ji m m lloor ftl"rgan Pqg- "KEbS suits sold or rented, low prices, .; we buy dress b" "a "t Wtn. Store 51 3d. DRESS nuit for rent, all sizes. Uniaue DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 JZJZ Ia tr.' AFrtl & f!lniny residence, 9tO first at., Hasel, aged 18 years, daughter of Frank Bontty. The funeral services will be beld Toesday. April 4, Bt 2-30 o'clock p. n., at the residence establishment Si. J-p. rl?le &, D' Montgomery st 'Fifth. lnTlted" tat,,rment " Rirview eem- bEEM-In this city. April 1, H.pple Iem. Hi years, roomer of Frank Deem ot lOSt) Hasrnlo and Mrs. G. N. CarUale ef Gen eva. 111. Faneral services will be held Tuesday, April 4, st 4 o'clock p. m., at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son. Mont- genery at 6th. Friends Invited. HORNER In tola city. Afwu 8, at his late residence, 63 Bast Fifty-sixth atreet north. Charles V. Horner, aged 28 years. Ths re mains are at the residence establish meat of J. P. Flnley A Son, Montgomery st Fifth. Notice BEIir-At LtnntoD. Or., April 1, James Bell, aged 27 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Anna Johnson Bell. Remains will be shipped to Clatakanle. Or., -Tseeday morning, April 4. la charge of Miller ft Tracey. MITCH AM April 8, at his lata residence. 246 ieech. James - Burrell Mltcbam, aged 83 years, ' beloved husband of Albertlna Mltcham. Remains are at Pesraoa's undertaking parlors. Rnsscll street st Union svenne. UURNS At his late residence near FSirvlew. on Rockwood road, April 2. Michael Burns, sged 82 years. Father ot John C. and Mary G. nurns. x u tie remains are at home. Funeral no- tlce later, i DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 CBttBfie4 - MCCARTHY Is this city. April 3, William McCarthy, aged 34 years, beWed brother of Mrs. Frank Mallon and Mary McCarthy of thii city, and Daniel McCarthy of Baa Praneises. Remains at the residence of Mra. Frank Mel lon, 1212 Moor at. The deceaaed waa a mem ber of tba Brotherhood ot LocomootlTe Enl neers and Firemen. Id chars of Miller 4k Tracey. Notice of funeral later. SCHWAB At the family residence. 1182 Wood stock arenua, April 1. William Sebwab, aged Tl years, beloved hosband of Julia Schwab, father of Mrs. Darid Goldberg and Mrs. Ruby Bllrerman. Funeral cervices tomorrow (Tues day). April 4 11 a, in., at Holmes's funeral parhira. Third and Salmon, streeta. Friends Invited to attend, later men t Mt. Bcott Park cemetery. FLEMING At the residence, 535 Eaat 23th at.. April 1, Albert L. Fleming, age 82 yeara, beloved husband of Grace Fleming. Fu neral aerrlces will be held Tuesday, April 4, at 3:30 d. m.. at narlors of Miller A Tracey. j Interment Riverview cemetery, under the au- ypicea oriocai union ISO. jiffl, l. is. a.. SMITH Laura Kvaua-Smlth. wife of Archi bald Erskine Smith of Vancouver, B. C. daughter of William end Sarah A. Evans of Portland, - Or. Funeral aervicea on Tuesday, April 4, at 2 p. m., at the Holman undertaking parlora. Interment at Riverview cemetery. SMITH I .aura Evans, wife ef Archibald Er akina Smith of Vancouver, B. C. daughter of William and Sarah A. Evans. Funeral at Holman's undertaking parlora, 2 p. m., Tuea- cay, April 4. AN'DKRSON April 3, Edward Anderson, ased 4 years, beloved nusoana or -nine Anae-non. Remains at the parlora of Miller gc Tracer. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. S47 Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers ana tiorai designs, jso orancn stores MAIN 6116. wreafhs, pillows, $3 up. Sprays tl up. Chappells, 347 Mor rison. TONSETH FLORAL, CO., 285 Wash.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main B102, A-1102. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 H 6th st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Tears of Experience" Enables This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service This modern - establishment, with its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway. In sures absolute privacy, caus ing in no way a departure from an established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant. J. P. Finley & Son The Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Montgomery at Fifth. Main 3, A-1599. A. D. KENWOKTHY & CO. Two Establishments. Tabor 5267; 6802 92d st.. Lents. Tabor 5895; 66th st and Foster road. Arleta. rv : P. Mrr Undertakers. UUIIIIIII& IV-mOL-lllCC Moderrrln every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 430, A-4658. Lady assistant. F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 H. Alder st. Phone East 52. B-2525. Walter C. Kenworthy 1532-1534 E. 18th. Sell wood 71, B-1122. A. R. Zellar Co East 1088. C-1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. MILLER & TRACEY, Independent fu neral directors. Prices low as $20. $40. $60. Wash, at Ella. M. 2691.A-7885. Chambers Co, and Kerby. Wood- lawn 3306. C-1133. Lady embalmer. BREEZE & SNOOK. B-1252, T. 1268. 1026 Belmont, at "34th. Lady attendant Uoiil-vrv-t-a-t 80th and Glisan. Fu naUlllKJif neral services. Tabor 4313. P. L. LERCH. leadinar east side under. taker. E. 11th and Clay. B-1888. T. 781. Q1CACQ Undertaking Co. Main 4152 OlL VV LO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. R T RrnQo3villianTS and Knott. Ill ti u y I IIVOKa.' st ins rvi 43 ERICS0NMEbeiDl RESIDENCE UND. PRLS. A-2Z35. 445 Morr. VAULTS THE NATIONAL VAULT COMPANY. l't. Montgomery st. Main 8978. Steel reinforced concrete tim-iai vi.h. Air tight, waterproof, everlasting. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MAKBLE WKS. 264-26 ..M!1 5- opp- cit' hal1- Main 8564. Philip Nui jfe ijona, for memorials. R?bLAE15lMG CftANlTrl CQ III ?T-Sr?D 3TCOP. MAOlSOM. I FOR SALE HOUSES CI IRVINGTUN, on 23d St., 7 rooms modern, lot 60x100; owner must leave city; biggest sacrifice this year; $4375; $1000 casti. IIMBDEN STOCK & LARSON CO. Ground floor 306 Oak st. N. 1 1 w If you own a lot we will build and Large variety of, plans to select from. Ground floor. 306 Oak t. 3 RM. house (attic) and chicken house mi P lntfl. 1 hlrwlr frnm I .1 ... . school, 82d st. Sacrifics for $530; easy LCI UIB. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSOK i-n Ground floor 306 Oak st. THE lowest yet. Am forced to act quick. My 5 room bungalow; fire place, Dutch kitchen, full basement, laundry trays, in Jonesmore, 2 blocks from Glisan st. carline. Cost 83000. my price aiauu. jvir. jrurse. Maw. 16aa. $20 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY, including interest, for modern 6-room cottage; large attic, -A. nicely fenced, at 6655 oza sc., sc., near wooamere school. $2000. $1350 6 ROOMS, newly painted and renovated; 100x100; chicken houses and runs, lots ot fruit, berries and flowers. 276 85th St., near Clay. Mu Tabor car to Altamead. Tabor 5596. $3250 MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace, built in effects, hardwood floors, screens, shades, shfubbery, cor ner lot, paved streets. 873 E. 51st st. N., cor. Broadway. Tabor 6205. FOR SALE toy owner, a dandy cor ner 6 room house, full basement and furnace. Phone Sellwood 2762, 572 Clin ton St. $1750 Artistic new modern bungalow, 5 rms.. cor. lot. See specimen at 29th and Wygant. Terms. G. C.. Golden berg. owner, Sellwood 75. $20 CASH. $12 MONTHLY, Including Interest, buys 6-room modern bunsra- low, 2 lots fenced, fruit, at 6418 83d St.. se.; ?iezu. HOUSE and 5 ljts, 1058 E. 33d at. and 63d ave. Take '.v-W car to 53d ave.. walk west to 33d ft., to blocks north of T". 11 . . FOR SALE by owner, good S r. house, full lot, fine fruit treesj plenty roses; also small barn: fine location. Price $1800. 870 E. 11th North. WILL make big sacrifice on my mod ern bungalow if taken at once. 1024 E. 28th st. N.; easy term a Alberta NEW 6 room modern bungalow; take residence lot as part payment. Mar shall 3513. A SACRIFICE. 6 room house. 6 lots. 2 blocks Has. thorne car. Price 83500. S-578, Journal. 3 ROOM house and lot for sale cheap, s. Lnariui. doz 104. R 2. MUwauEie, ur. HAWTHORNE sacrifices, 3 modern 6 and 7 room bungalows. Terms. Own er, Tabor 4688 SIX room modern house, newly - reno vated, like new,. $2600. Wdln. 197. 6 ROOM cottage, close in; terms to suit; $2200. 312 Panama bldg. ' MY - Irvington modern - 9 room ' house must be sold at a sacrifice. Ea, 4167. 61 THE Oregon Home Builders own, con trol and can get xh-oice lots in all first class districts in Portland at low est prices; If you do not own you own lot. we will furnish one, and ouild to suit you on easy terms basis. Do not buy or build until you see us. 1S30 N. W. Bank bldg. Why Not Build i And get a home according to your Ideals. I design, build and finance any building; artistic sketches free. See me before you build. N. O. JEklund, 818 Henry bldg. Main 5812. 1 AM compelled to dispose of my new 6 rm. bungalow; all conveniences, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-in effects; large attic; near If you have a little money I will sur prise you in price. Call Main 7889 or Tabor 4563. I MUST raise cash; my $3500 home for .52350. This Is 11200 less than cost; house two years old: 7 rooms, modern, large attic, sleeping porch; fireplace, cement floor; furnace, fine lawn, east front. T. F. Keeiey, zoa i 70tn tip. Phone Broadway 1658. FOR. SALE RY OWNER. Modern 7 room bungalow In Rose City Park, 1 block from two carlines; hardwood floors, furnace, built in buf fet: cost owner $4250: will take $3500; part cash, balance payments. 411 E. 41st at.. Tabor 4784 AM forced to sell my 4 rm. modern bungalow; Dutch kitchen, fiieplace. cement basement; restricted district; 73d near Halsey; $1690; terms. Mr. Furlong, Broadway 16S8 or Ta. 2296. FOR SALE LOTS 16 22 MINUTES FROM BROADWAY. MAPLE WOOD, PORTLANDS BEAU TIFUL SUBURB. Lots $200, 4 lots for $700, easy terms, Address C. R. Greisen, liaplewood or 816 Broadway biug. Phone Main 5506. CHOICE view lot in Alameda Park, $1604), clear, part cash, part terms. A splendid buy in the best neighborhood. Address owner. Oregon Home Build ers. 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. API RTMKKT sit for whflf it In as sessed at $1700 cash and assume some street indebtedness and taxes, SOx 100, E. Salmon, bet. 13th and 14th. Owner, 675 E. Salmon. GARDEN tracts, west side, 16 min utes' ride, 6c fare, for only $S50, $10 down. $5 per month. M. EL Lee, 605 tjoroett oiag. TWO full lots improvements paid. Alnsworth ave. $325 each; terms. U- 941, journal. 3 LOTS on Division st. ; good for any kind of business. Frank O'Neill, own er. Call 1080, corner 36th and Clinton. FOR SALE Cheap, 80 lots in Boise addition. Marshfleld, Coos Bay, Or. TX-524. Journal 60x100 LOT in Rldgemont cheap. Will take 6 pass. Ford as part payment, balance on easy terms. Mar. 3995. 40x100 with alley; terms to suit. 812 Panama bldg FOR SALE 2 fine lots, fruit and ber rles, with large new barn. Main 6160. ACREAGE Ji7 Buy an Acreage Home Have city conveniences, such as mountain water piped into your hou3e, electric lights, etc., and country benefits; rich soil, fine community, 30 min utes out by Big Red Steel Trains. Ixw prices, easy pay ments. Any sized tract. Let us show you. The Shaw-Fear Co. 102 4th st. SNAP for chicken ranch or garden, 1 acre (or less). In city limits, four blocks from carline, 6o fare, C room house. 4 acres, an improved, on hard sur faced Base Line road; good 6 room bungalow; a real bargain. UMBDKNSTOCK St LARSON CO. Ground floor. 306 Oak St. COUNTRY HOME. 10 acres, fine soil. 1 acre orchard, well, 6 room house, barn, 2 chicken houses, 2 acres fenced, chicken w4re, all farming tools, cow. chickens, house hold goods, immediate possession. 17 miles out, close to graded school, a bargain. 210 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 2 acres on Base Line, 2 Vi miles from city limits. -Good house. welL gasoline pump, bitr chicken yard and houses. SIS ft. front. Cheap and good terms. O. P. POTTS & CO.. 1980 E. Stark st. Phone Tabor 800. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Cell wood 476. John H. 0!bon, owner. ORCHARD, 10 acres. 7 acres good bearing trees, small house, tool house, water, 2 Vs. miles from The Dalles; $2000. Chas. Barnett, 723 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN ranches near Portland, 2. 6. 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric, $65 to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar- land. 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. 20 acres for $260, good land, near Co- lumoia river, stores and postofTice, buy this and you make money. Burley, 822 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. FOR SALE 40 acres unimproved fruit land at Underwood. Washington. Very cheap. Whole or part. Phone Main 5766. or address W. 171 King sc. Portland. ACRE tracts in cultivation on new Carver line at Coleman station; 100 fare; terms. See E. Coleman. Phone Milwau4tie 81Y. $1340 EQUITY in $2000 for 40 acres, 9 miles from Clatskanie, Or.; 6 cleared; snap. 265 N. 17th st. 6 OR 10 acres, 800 cords of wood. Ta bor 4787. 318 E. 86th St. FOR SALE FARMS 17 105 acres, 40 acres in high state of cultivation and balance easy cleared, plenty of good living water, house and barn, etc On Pacific Highway and Joining a good lively Incorporated town. V, mile to boat landing and about 22 miles from Portland. Don't fail to see this place before you buy elsewhere if you are looking for an A-l farm. Price $9000, $3000 cash; plenty of time on balance. By owner. 294 Ivy st., Portland. Z-927, Journ al . Wheat Ranch for Sale 840 acres, also 640 school land ad joining, $140 per. year rental; Yakima county, 400 acres now in; good build tngs and water, $21.00. J. R, Shepard. 210 Stock Exchange bldg. Stock Ranch for Sale On Columbia river, Klickitat county. I860 acres, fine winter range, good residence, springs, a bargain. J R, Shepard, 210 Stock Exchange bldg. HONEST BARGAIN 206 acres, plen did farm and dairy combined. Good buildings, rich soil, walnuts, etc. Wil lamette valley. Easy terms. Write to owner. PX-800, Journal. MAKE fine chicken ranch; 10 acres, Orenco; fruit, berries, house, out buildings, near town. $2800, terms; no traoe. w-oi o, jqu rnai. FOR SALE 16 or 40 acres arood land! good buildings. On macadam ruad, mail route, close to school and church. Terms. Owner. Z-333, Journal BEST dairy in town for sale; 10 cows, dairy complete - and modern. SX-574. Journal. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FARM 90 acres, 20 acres clear, run ning water; good barn ' and house. Inquire 715 Clinton St.. or phone Sellwood 150. .' FARM for rent. 60 acres, 25 clear, or chard, on Columbia highway.- Good buildings. 1 miles from Troutdale. Owner. 925 Worcester bldg. 20 acre imp., farm, g mi. out, $200 yr. today only.-191 4th sc. FOR SALE HOUSES ! (Continued) 14 RANCH FOR KENT. S3 acres. 20 tinder cultivation, bal ance woods pasture, place fenced and cross fenced, good ? room house, large barn, and outbuildings: good orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing; fine little trout stream, good water, and all rural advantages, -I mi. from coun try town and 10 miles from Vancou ver, rent 1250 per year. Part fine onion or garden land. THOMPSON SWAN, 6 th and Maift Sta.. Vancouver. "Wash. 2 ACRES, all in fruit and berries. Just outside city limits', Portland. 7 room plastered house and barn, clos-j to car and macadam road, cheap rent. Main 3517. Leonard. 202 Wilcox bid - 10 ACRE farm for rent cheap; 2 acres , of fruit; also farm implements for sale; 1 Jersey eow and household fur niture. Mrs. Elpha Anderson. Mt, Pleasant. Wash. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 38 WANTED 40 to 80 acres. Improved. Oscar Alderton, 164 E. 80th et. HOMESTEADS 47 160 ACRES fine timber can be taken as homestead; quite handy; $76. M- 860, Journal. GOOD homestead near coast, fine place for man with small capital. Apply ruavarre Hotel, siz GOOD 40 acre homestead near Port- land, close in; $40. M-868, Journal. TIMBER 2S SMALL logging or milling propo sition near railway and river. cneap, faraer. 502 corbett bldg. TIMBER for sale; 260 acres timber In is e rial em cneap; terms if ae sir ecu Aa- dress W. Prlngle, Mist. Or. MUST sell at your price well located timber worth $2600. Y-534. Journal. EXCHANqEKEAJL. EgTATK a" fewexchanges. ' ' 20 acres, all rich land. 17 under cult., fine buildings, running water, con siderable personal property, on fine road. Wants a clear home for equity of $3500. 41 acres. 20 under cult, dandy house, spring ywatsr. acetylene gas plant, good outbuildings, considerable personal property; ideal location, fine trout stream, 7 miles out. Want un incumbered home up to $5000. 80 acres. 46 under cult., comfortable buildings, all good land, spring and trout stream, good personal property; Ideal location: will take unincumbered property worth $3500 for first pay ment and give 10 years at 6 it de sired on balance. THOMPSON & SWAN. 6th and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. Z.-'i 1 T? oqIa .vosIa. VI v Amiltv rt Sin 000 in a well Improved Tillamook dairy of 160 acres, 22 cows, 1 reg, Hol stine bull, 3 heifers; all necessary ma chinery, large barn, 11 room hbuse, water piped to all buildings. Hot and cold water, bath and patent toilet. Pre fer from 60 to 80 acre valley farm; full particulars in first letter. FX 3tr5, Journal WANTED To exchange for Portland suburban property. 10 acres with good 5 room house, barn, 2 poultry houses; located near Oakland, Doug las county; all kinds of berries and fruit: near good school and cannery: Xhk miles from railway station; all cultivated; no incumbrance; will sell cheap for cash. N-714. Journal. 2700 ACRES wheat and stock ranch. choice. 2-3 cultivated, balance pas ture, abundant water, creek, full eouip ment; 3 miles railroad. Price $30 per acre. Rent, sell or trade for smaller property. Thomassen. Owner. Main 7771. 4 ROOM cottage $2000 6 room cottage $2500 Store building and house $2600 $ Vacant lots $1200 All or part for improved farm. Will assume. E WEN. 812 Panama bldg. $1250 eauity In strictly modern house. wash tray, sleeping porch, 8 blocks from carline, 2 from fire station, good sidewalk; to exchange for smaller house or acreage clear of incumbrance, R-392. Journal. DESERT claim, 8 miles north of Bend, Or., water rights paid, also 8 lots In city to trade for stock of merchandise or house and lot. Rose City Park pre ferred. Phone Msln 826. FOR EXCHANGE Lease on Alder street garage with necessary tools for seaside property. l-J. ti. Jdoswortn, 32 Corbett Buiiomg. CANADIAN patent worth $4000 for mail order business; trade for good lot or lota worth $600. M. O. Ott, 2002 is. starK st.. city ATTRACTIVE, modern arts and crafts bungalow, magnificent view, will exchange equity for desirable lots or acreage. Phone Tabor 3810. hHGHT room modern home, Kansas City, Mo., exchange for home in Portland, value $4000. H. 1., Green. 830 Albina ave. CHOICE income property equity, $50, 000, to trade for ranch or smaller property. Thomassen. 402 V 3d. Main 7771. HOUSES, autos, lots small tracts. lanns, timoar, to traae ana sell. Mar. 5945. GIVE me cheap lot and $200 for 5 room modern bungalow, mortgage tlftoo for a years, vvooaiawn Z5S3. $2600, 7 room bouse, large lot, near car, for near ' acreage. H. R. Tyler, 9nnn eff.i. c TT" O w 6 V IU U. ' J WILL trade my 30 acre ranch for f oou car or Deacn lots tor roaaster. 1. 2701. - - MY EQUITY in modern 6 room home for lot or small house and lot. Will assume. Phone Owner. Tabor 6222. FOR Trades of all kinds see H. W. GARLAND, 191 4th St. WILL exchange 6 room house and 2 lots for acreage. 88 West Preseott st. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED Real estate Vacant lot for 6 room house and one acre at Tl gard. Only good district considered. Z- 7 42. Journal. WANTED, the best lot $500 will buy. Cigar store. 6th and An ken y. ROOMING HOUSES Monday's Bargains 83 rooms on Washington St., lease, rent only $40; 2 suites pays rent. You can not lose with this rent. Price for all $865: terms. Peters, 16 N. 6th st. Bargain Hunters IT rooms, clean as a pin, steam heat; rent only $16; one room pays rent. Price today for all. $350. Terms. .fetera, or course. 16 xv. nth st. 25 ROOM rooming house, all on one floor; rent only $50; always full: vera, heart of west side; price for all $245; $100 down. Peters. 16 N. 6th St. B"RDING and rooming house, i rooms. Have 7 steady boarders. For" sale or rent or will trade for auto. In quire 449 3d. ROOMING house, 9 rms. furnished, all nouseaeeping; wui rent zor $zo. tail 825 1st st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 GENERAL store in eastern Oregon, well established; doing good busi ness; will invoice about $3500. GX 931. Journal. A GENERAL merchandise store for sale or. trade for a good mortgage; stock run about $12,000. Owner in city. C-878. Journal. BUSINESS CARDS Rose Cltv frlntina- Thlrd St.. Cor. Tay; 42 rooms. Inquire manager, 232 H za st. CLEANING and pressing parlor; price reasonable; ; west siqe. jr-sss, jour nal. WANTED From 60 to 60 gallons of good, clean milk. 1520 Glisan, Ta- Dv OTV1 $260 for grocery, soda fountain ana Delay. Mississippi car,; - .. ' TO TRADE-? 6 lots and houses for stock of goods. TT-66S.' Journal. SNAP Leaving city; restaurant, 295 East Morrison. Phone East 2554. FOB RENT FARMS t Continued) - f BUSINESS OPrORTUMMUM SO , ,,-, '- - : Contined . . ; MILLINERY STORK SACRIFICED. Completely fumlshsd and stocked tore. , --v-: , ,;...v-vv Can be bought at about COo on the .dollar. . " j- Big snap; good location, f Splendid opportunity for the right i Woman - - i W. H. Webb. 60S Yeon ptdgv Main 4ll, WANTKD Painter or good outside man to take hair interest in weii established auto and wagon painting business. $160 dollars will handle stock and work on hand to the extent of 1600. DX-662. Journal. BRICK AND TILE JfAU'lUtt : for aale or rant! arood machinery: 160 : h. p. engine and boiler: 1 V acres ot land, a duress jr. van straien, orva Plains or. a iomq w , GROCERY, confectionery, cigars, to bacco, light lunch and soft drinks. Will take auto as part payment. See owner, 1803 E. 11th st opposite Sell- uuu t hi uarn. bargain Seekers. I bav several very good grooery end confectionery stores at sacrifice If taken at once. Masters, 607 Pit- IOCK OIK. PARTNER for established office bust ness. Man more than money. Open Sunday. Millership, 724 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Good, steady, reliable man to take part interest in growing manufacturing-business, small amount of money required. 278. Hawthorne. YAMHILL ST. Splendid business lo cation, easy rent. Suit butcher or delicatessen. . Be Quick. , X-716, Jour- naU , FOR SALlO Blackumlth shop for $250. Box 362, KaJama, Wash. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 I 'CAN use any kind of merchandise, weather damaged, shelf-worn or out-of-date. Consolidated Sales Co., 233 Clay st. MONEY TO IXAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR INSTALLMENT PLAN Is the surest and best method of paying a loan. $21.24 per month for 60 months ?ays a $1000 loan and Interest. 16.17 per month for 9t months pays a $1000 loan and interest. -(Other durations and amounts in proportion.) We loan n Improved property or for Building purposes. EQUITABLE SAV'QS A LOAN A8SN., 242 Stark st.. Portland. Ore. A LARGE AMOUNT of funds at low rates for good first mortgage securi ties; get our terms for loans on Port land residences and business proper ties and Oregon farms. 'Monthly in stalment loans on Portland homes, tfc. Safe Deposit boxes 1 cent per day. Union Safe Deposit A Trust Co.. 284 uk et BUILDING loans on city and suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G, Beck, 816 Falling run p. Main 8407. MORTGAGE loans on Improved city or acreage property. Easy re-payment firlvlleges. Mortgages purchased. Cow I s haw, 607 Commercial block. $100,000 ON mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKensle & Co., Oerllnger bldg., 2d snd Alder. MONEY TO LOAN In amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. Bell. 801 Gerllnger bldg. ! LOANS on Improved propertiee. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. BanK Diag. - $600 TO $6000 tut Portland oroDerty: mtg. loans on lowest rates. Fred S. Williams. 92 1st St. CASH paid for .mortgages, notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 8 Lewis bldg, $o00 TO $2000 to loan on improved Portland real estate. Call Broad- way 401. MONEY to loan from private party. Woodlawn 8879. MONEY to loan on improved city, farm property. F. C. King, 814 Spalding. $1000 UP to $6000 to loan on city or farm property; Tabor 2620. 840.000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. 86 4th st. Board of Trade Bldg, BEE us Small loans. Installment loans. Cellars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7. Louis Salomon & 'Co.. 300 Oak st., near 6th. MONEY to loan, 6 to . W. XL Salts & Co., 310 Spalfllng bldg. MORTGAGE loans. (H to 17 Oregon Inv. Mortgage Co., 170 8d st. CHATTEL mortgages, bought and real estate loans secured. Main 5898. $200. $350. $600. $900, $1200. $1800. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham. Com. $100,000 TO LOAN at current rates. Goddard & WIedrlck. 243 Stark St. $2000 or less to loan, city. 821 Eugene st.,, MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc, at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ments no delay. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC., Licensed. 811 Dekum bldg. LOANS WANTED SO FIRST mortgage loans for sale. $1000 8, $1400 8, $2000 7. Holders of bonds and mortgages find our safe de- fioslt vaults a convenient and econom- j CLAYTON hotel under owner's man cal repository for their safe keep-) agement: clean, respectable, steam lng. Call and see our vaults and learn aooui our special oxier, ubivb oua i leposu irust. to.. m street. -1 $1000 CONTRACT, 8. fine security; excellent moral risk: land free snd , clear; 85 paid. 80 discount. F-673, journal. - 8700 WANTED on good realty seour- lty, all clear. Win pay bonus and R. w-979. journal. LOAN wanted on 4 five room bunga lows. by owner. Sellwood 2473. $500 1st mortgage for sale, 20 dis count for cash. P-864, Journal. FINANCIAL 51 1st and 2d mortgages purohased: also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. snd Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. HAVE mortgage due in August; will discount 15 for cash. a-760. Jour nal. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Male stenographer, bet. ares of 23 and 80. Must be capable of acting as secretary to office execu tive or large corporation, inexperi enced applicants not considered.' An swer, stating age, experience, address ana pnone numper. Zi-aas. journal. WANTED; party to take contract tut ting 300 or 400 cords wood. 1613 IS, 17th st. Sell, 1672. Sell. 257. WANTED An elderly gentlemen to do few hours' work for board and room. 621 Savler, near 18th. BOY wanted in grocery store. Morrison.. RAILROAD machinists wanted, apply 401 Stock Exchange I - - . EMPLOYMENT department Y. ;M- S A. Service free to raemPera, FIRST-CLASS salesman for city trade, com, pasis. x-aaa, journal Salesmen; finance selves. T-712. Journal , HELP WANTED MISC. 4.1 Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; training in repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge,, lathe, s ha per, drill press, . etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office Y. M.'C. A. hldg to inspect our shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y. M. C. A and its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-fL swimming pool, snower patns, gymnasium. etc. WANTED Names of men or . women wishing U. S. government positions, $75 month. Answer, HX-864, Journal. HEAlxjUARTERS for 1st class chefs. cooks, Calif. W Depot. 291 Yam hill. M. 6600. Soft -drinks, mer, lunch. STENOGRAPHY course In 8 mo.; il5 per mo, Ostbye's School. Main $595.$ HSLP WANTE1 Miaa 4.0 (Oon tinned) UNCALLED for tailor mads suits 8.S0 up. Taylor the tailor. 28 BurnMrl. HELP WANTED -FKatALli U WANTED vAmateur. lady for partner ? v yaudevtlle- sot, give description and details In first , letter. M-191, WANTED, thoroughly exp. mllllne iy. Hoffman Millinery Co.. 867 Morrison WANTED, girl for dressmaking shop ..Call between 8 and only. Wood- WANT Klrl for aenaral houaawork. .a'a!;ily of j; references , required. i in vi.. nur in. LADY to do small amount of work In , rooming house for rooms. Main 4991. H2J!sl:tKKK1,l!;It dty. n washing. Li- sob. Journal. HELP WANTED MALE AND V ' FEMALE - MOLER BARBER COLLEGE waftts men and women to learn the trade; paid while learning; tools free; Fositions secured- summer rates: write or catalogue. 48 N. 2d st. OREGON -Barber College want's "men and women to learn barber trad in 8 weeks; positions guaranteed; tools free, paid while learning; modern method teaching; tuition reduced. 233 Madison., SOLICITORS, salary or commission. Cash daily. Call 2834, 2d st. Room 1. WANTED AGENTS a i RELIABLE agents wanted at Bush-' nell studio. - Men or women. Good proposition. TO SELL TRUSd" O wuhlnr nnm. Jino, ,-eoft .commission. Sell. 1078; 14 E. 23d. - -. , 16 EITUATIOXS MAM2 EXPERT gus or oil tractor and sta tionary engineer desires steady em ployment best ot references. Address zxjx osb. Kami iler, Or. YOUNG married man desires position, hotel clerk or timekeeper. In or out tw. Geo. Bush. 312 Chery st.v East D 1 jtU. SPRAYING trees, bushes, basements Es'st 66W9MheS' ; "tC" whltewh,n-: PAINTING, kalsominlng rooms, $1.6 j "P. Paperhanglng. whitewashing. East 6629. ' COMPETENT shop mechanics and chauffeurs furnished by Y, M, C A. viipqi. Main YOBft. A-8061. Co nt ra rtn r B"iWin, p 1 u m b i n VUliLl ablUI plastering, brick ami cement work. S. 8. Klngery. Mar. 1 b 8 MAN wants tending, grading yards, clearing lawns; any kind work. Marshall 1890. Room 4. - f PAINTING; paperhanglng. tinting. II -v??.r .p,a,"i- -A.. Barnes, W. o4i &oo ratlin iiosw LXPERT lawn mower grinding, latest improved method; all work guars n teed. 600 Alberta st. Woodlawn 4132. BEFORE contracting your painting or kalsomlning, call Broadway 1634 and wave money. PAINTING, paperhanglng. tinting. $4 .Per room up. C. A. Barnes, Mar- enan ram, juain 0B. YOUNG man will open store mornings or work evenings; also keeps books; references. P-863, Journal. BAKER, experienced man, wants posi tion. o-Dvo, journal. We TINT rooms, $2.60; guarantee good nouse painting worn. East em. BOY, 17, must have work. Phone Mar ' shal 942. . EXPER1ENC15D grocery clerk and so- Ucltor. Call Tabor 6884. SITUATIONS. FEMALE LADY, experienced in gents' snd la dies' alteration and pressing. Mar' snail GIRL employed will assist in light housework morning and evening for room snd hoard. Q-927, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING or chamber work wanted by a middle aged lady. Main 3761, room zo. GOOD, experienced cook, country pre f erred. G-754. Journal. RELI A BLE woman wants day work, Msln 376T. Call Room O. ' GOOD laundress wants washing, house cleaning. Main 7957. EXPERIENCED woman wants work cleaning, eto. Ref. Wrtln. M72. WORK by day or hour, anything. Main B639. room 27. OFFICE work, clerical, stenographic or doctor's office. Tabor 6066, DRESSMAKING 40 FASHIONABLE dressmaker, also al terations; latest ideas; home or by day. Woodlawn 3622. FURNISHED ROOMS II ROM reglsteV listing several hundred in all parts of the city st Y. M. C. A. : also those in the association fireproof building, with shower baths, swlmminar pool, gymnasium, -- library, reading rooms, at $160 to $2.76 per wee double, with individual beds, or $2.64 to $4.50 per week single. Hotel Madras it'M.rfoo'-da'y'p: $2.50 week up; transients solicited. 448H Washington. Mrs. C H. Jerimlah. BACHELORS' HOTEL. Everything new and up to date or men only. Tenth snd Washington. Main 319 heat, hot water, phones every room; i.ri up. ivn1 ittn. war, 4r. ar,., m a m, h tvn m. T.nth st 7 1 LtJIU U ITfL UyUuUmP.C Oak. Mod ern, fireproof, respectable. 83 week ROOMS and apartments In' modern hotel. $2.60 week and up. 468 Alder, HOTEL Gordom' w; Park and Yamhiil. New managem't. Strictly mod., ress, $1.60 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern rur. rms., central. 1 ne King, sus jt. florvi Arvre 11 week up. 401 First st. Vjem APISiFree bath, hot, coldwster FUliNZSHED ROOUs 70 LARGE well furnished room, second floor front:- large clothes -eloset, light, bath and phone; walking dle taprce; also smaller room, same con veniences; prlcss very reasonable. 624 Flanders. Main 7815. CHEERFUL comfortable rooms, mod- arn conveniences: walking dlstaneet breakfast if desired. Phone Marshall 77. NICE furnished rooms, private pUos; running water, asw Campbell otei. T MOTt St. NICELY furnished rooms, modern eon veniences, central, very rsesonaote. 404 Clav. near 10th. NICE furnished room. per month. 269 Fargo st. UNFURNISHED ROO.MS JO WHY Pay mors when you can rent unfurnished housekaeplns rooms. light and airy, gas plate furnished, for i per wees:. i'n ntinront at. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 ONE large, pleasant, front room oa 1st floor, suitable for 3 or mora Also tnAma .VTY,11n hftma AAA if iWK. shower and tub baths. Reasonable rates. i jsrrerson, near nrwawi THE HAZEL. $86 3d St.. nicely fur nished rooms; steam heat, not and cold water; also ta.ble board;- etrlotly home cooking: reasonable. BOOMS AND BOARD P1UVATH TAJOIT. 7d FIRST class room for t; board If de sired: best nomt cooking. Ji&r. 11. v28 14th St.. near Jeffernon. WANTED, for room and board T private family; everything modern; $18 per month. Mar, 3292. 826 Hall. NICELY furnished front room, suit able for 1 of X. persons; excellent board. East 6504. VANTED Two children, room Sj. board, ressonanie. Msrsnau n;.1 ROOM and west side. board, 334 6airoon t iCosUaued ea Last