The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 02, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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Big Organization of ; Baseball
, Boosters I s,to "Be Launched
5 ' to HelpWorkiAlong. ;
-fsssl Baseball Ouat Bstwsen Candi-
. oatse for Of fie u4 tN Bsavsrs
Xs Also Betas; Flanad.
. Twenty thousand people at the
opening baseball game or bust."
With that as their slogan, Portland
baseball enthusiasts -have started a
movement to arouse Interest In and
bring" out a ! record breaking crowd
tor the opening baseball game.
. Here are few of the things they
propose to dotv, s
Immediately form a big organiza
I'tion of baseball boosters.
Assist-' the membership council of
": the Chamber of Commerce to stage a
'"baseball day" at the Chamber ef
Commerce, April 17.
' -' Handle a monster parade to wel
come the Beavers.
Take over the grandstand for the
exclusive use of the '"boosters" on
the opening day. j . -
; , Caaolaat.s to Play. .
Stage a real - baseball game be
tween the various candidates for of
lice and the Beavers.
Have Governor Withycombe pitch
the 'first, ball and have Mayor Albee
try to catch it.
Last year there were about 11,000
at the openingv gmev but 14 enthusi
asts and representatives of various
-organizations meeting at luncheon in
the - Imperial hotel yesterday no?n
concluded that Portland should have
at least 20,000 at the opening game.
With that : In mind the enthusiasts
got busy.
They promptly reorganized the' Port
land1 Baseball Boosters' organization.
and elected the following officers.
X.. EL; Werleln. president; Ray Ed
wards, vice president; Harold Jones,
i.' secretary-treasurer,
Ray Barkhurst was elected chair
s' man of the parade committee. W. . T.
Pangle was elected ' chairman of the
committee oh decorations. Dr. W. O.
- Bpencer was elected chairman of the
committee on membership arid--but-
'. tons and all the 14 were elected &s
original boosters.
, X ; Booster , to Organize.
preliminary plans call for the
' Immediate organisation of a big
, association of boosters. The dues will
4 b 25 cents -and in return each.mem
.ber, will .receive a "booster button."
'5 The., money , Jsi to be-used to give the
2 parade , and - for Incidentals.
Arrangements were -also made at
4J membership council of the Chamber
: otwommerc o nave a Daseoau aay
at noon April 17. At that time, every
booster is expected to be present and
take part in the activities.
When the Beavers arrive Here on
April 18. the "boosters" wilt- greet
them "with a monster parade and es-
cort -them i the Vaughn street
grounds. '.
. ,They propose to have a preliminary
.v game between the candidates for of
. flee and : the " Beavers, . or possibly a
' game :i between the candidates them
selves. The details for this, however,
: have not- been worked out.
' T To Meet Tomorrow.
' Another meeting of the organizers
is to be held tomorrow noon at the
Imperial - hotel, when plans will be
discussed In detail.
Those present at yesterday's meeting-
and the . organizations represented
E? S. Higglns, Roy Edwards, Ray
Barkhurst, J. E. "Werlein, C. C, Bradley,
R. JW. Hodgklnson, Portland Ad club;
Ir. A. K. Higgs. H. Doxey, Harold
Jones, -Dn W. O. Spencer, Progressive
Business 'Ken's club; N. O. Pike, A. H.
Brown, Rotary club, and W. T. Pangle
and. .W. P. Strandborg.
Motor Boat Club's Committee
' 'Will Meet Wednesday to
1 Prepare. ,
Preliminary details of the program
: of-the motor boat regatta to te staged
4n,' the Willamette river during the
Rose Festival will be arranged this
week. Chairman L. Myers, of the
regatta committee of the Portland
v Motor Boat club, has called a meeting
'of Ms assistants Tuesday night, and
, onf Wednesday night their plans will
4bj ratified by festival committee.
' - It ig planned to have, a four event
regatta with a free-for-all 1 8-f ooters.
pleasure boats , . and ; cruisers; The
'i course will also be selected at Wed
nesday pi ghts meeting.
" The local If-footers, "voglers Boy
II- and MBaby Bell will be entered in
the '1-foot event and the free-for-all
mMOl the "Oregron Wolf IV wilt enter
the free-for-all.- Johnny Wolff has
started to tune up his craft already,
so that it will be in first-class run
, ning order by the middle of next
month. - v
- Merrill Heed, .who Is a " member of
the -festival regatta, committee, is In
" Seattle securing the entries of sev
' ral of -the speed boats of that ' sec-
tlon. ,
The 'motor boat men are- working
hard to make the regatta a success,
a this is the first year that the fes
tival association, has officiality reeog-
nixed the river - clubs. A yacht race
may be .added to the program.
In w -t ' 'vjll
i ' : - - If-
t Coming Bout' Should Be One
of Most Interesting Events
of Ki(id in Years, " - ;
Frank Vance of Seatle, Wash., who
will wrestle Eddie O'Connell,
claimant of the world's welter
weight title, in a catch-as-catch-can
match at the Rose City club
April 7.
Portland Gun Club's Second
Annual Affair Promises to
-Be One of the Best Ever.
Sculling Race r In June. . -
Although ;tfiTs Vafs1'- Oxford " vs.
Cambridge and Royal ' Henley regat
, taswill. not be held in England, the
war has not entirely obliterated row
ing, as George Gobbet t of Greenwich,
Tennis ' Proa, ' to 1 Play.
' A! court tennis . match . that will
arouse macn ' interest rias ben ar-
ranged , between' "Punch" Fairs, for
mer world's professional J chamnlnn.
and John West Jr., of Wapplng, have Land Walter Kinsella,' for -15 00. , The
been matched to scull from Limestone
pier to Blaokwells stairs for $500 -on
June 11. x There is a possibility- that
.the stake may be raised to S500 a side.
; Today promises to be one of the
biggest of the season at the Everding
Park traps of the Portland Gun club.
In connection with four trapshoot
lng contests scheduled, the club will
hold its second annual beef barbecue
and make the barbecue a little
more attractive, there will be spaghetti
as a side order..
The feature trap contest will be the
class merchandise shoot of five 20-birJ
events. There will be five classes. A,
B, C, D and K. A prize, donated by
ex-President Henry It. Everding, will
be offered to the winner of each class.
There will be special event for the
women shooters, provided there-- are
enough Dianas present.
The fourth match of the series of
telegraphic shoots against the Spokane
Gun club is also billed for today and
the Imperial medal will also be shot
for and last, but not least, "Bill" Bris
tol will engage in a-couple of special
match contests with his trusty 20
gauge gun. 1
president Strowger had worked hard
to make the day a success and all
members are urged to be present and
bring their families.' Ed Morris, known
as "Ole," in the white cap and apron,
will be . the chief chef and the beef
and the "spaghet" will be prepared to
a queen's taste. . It is expected that
this season's' barbecue will eclipde
the one staged last summer.
. With 257 members, the Astoria Rod
and Gun club is going to branch out
into one -of the best trap shooting
clubs in the state. This is the opin
ion of Jim Bull, ' one of the local
professionals, who visited Astoria last
week. Bull stated that "; the Astoria
sportsmen are very enthusiastic over
the bluerock game and they will in
stall an automatic trap in the near
future. Dr. C. V. Brown is president
of the Astoria club and is an all-round,
Last Wednesday .28 members of the
club participated id a 'shoot' in which
a hand trap was used. The following
scores were registered: Haldertnan 65,
Corbett 40, Grant 40. Hope 40, B. Van,
Dusen 40, Burlingame 80, Juad 0, A.
Van Dusen 40, Gouch 60. Lutke 60,
Spexarth' 60, Haye ; 4J, ; McLlnn 40,
Yount 60, Harrison 80, Lancaster "30,
Humphrey 68, Reed 40, Olson 80. Mc
Lean 40, Brown 11, Madison' 80, .Ford
80, Waetus 40, Lovell 83 and Leahy 40.
C. J. Schilling is planning to make
a special ' load for" the 20-gaug gun.
He will probably have the loads ready
a week from today, and he will give
them a tryout at that time. ;
W. C ("BiUX Bristol is -just as en
thusiastic over his- shooting with his
20-gauge gun as the shooter who uses
the 1 2-gauge. -Bill In-ihe enthusi
asm part: has a little -shade over the
other fellow, and it, a. result- of his
boosting he ha, two match shoots on
his -hands, the first against 'Walter
Honeyman and the second against Ed
Mathews. -. Last Sunday rBlll" trimmed
Ed Morris. .- - :i .
Ex-President Henry , Everding Js
stilt at the Mineral Springs. , but it -is
xpeeted that he will return in the
near future. . ' 4 -
contest will ' be played in New Tork
on April 29. Jay ? Gould. - amateur
champion, r will : train Fairs for ; the
match. " ' , '
Two Preliminary Boziar Boots aad a
, Oortala Xalser Are Also Down
oa the Program.
Next Friday night Eddie O'Connell
of Portland, claimant of the world's
welterweight championship, wilL grap
ple with Frankr Vance of Seattle; at the
Rose City Athletic club. There has
been a great deal or rivalry between
these two wrestlers for the past sev
eral years and the coming bout should
be one of the best-ever staged here. :
Neither man is leaving, a stone un
turned to -condition himself. O'Con
nell, who is always in training, Ms
working on some new holds, which he
will use in the match against Vance.
He is worklne out daMy with some of
the best heavyweight grapplers at the
Multnomah; club and from bow on m
will train with Edgar Frank. . ; - -
O'Connell. although he Is not claim
ing a victory, has high hopes, bf beat
ing his rivaL- According to reports
from Seattle."4 Vanca Is working out
with some of , ' the Seattle Athletic
club wrestlers. - ' -, .... x --.s :
There will be two preliminary "nos
ing bouts, besides -a -curtain raiser.
Bronson and Kaye, two 125-pounders,
will meet In the main . boxing event
Bronson, since his victory- over Leo
Houck. has become a popular favorite
among the fans. The. other boxing
bout will be between Jack Wagner and
Jack Allen. These two boys should
put up a. slam-bang bout.
The referee, has not been selected for
the . wrestling match and there will be
some arguing; between ins two princi
pals before a . third man is selected.
Vance. It is known, will not submit to
a Multnomah .man officiating, so. it
looks as though Mike Butler will have
the call unless some outside man
should happen to drop in town at
that time. '
O'Connell and Vance will weigh In
at' 6 o'clock on the night on the match.
Vance will make 156 pounds for the
local man. . v '
Athletic Contests V Planned.
Included among the soldiers training
in the training camps in Toronto and
other cities of the dominions are many
star 'athletes and it is proposed to hold
a series of athletic contests between
the troops .which will be the greatest
ever held.;1 They will be pulled off
this summer.
Will Send This Piano
to Your Home
: - . ' . ..j.. . ..... .
Share i . "
25 to "XT
30 - H
in If
Prices. r II
. . 1 tmm . . .-t, , ,.-. .- I
mj fa cib
B jjlf f Mem
No Interest
"Aren't They Splendid?" (The Usual Expression of Fur chasers). -
The above ipustration gives an idea of these elegant pianos; come and
see them; hear the full,. rich, mellow tone - Your old piano, organ or talking
machine taken in part payment, t ... , .
5??2 -S&Viff- 'SoM,maaogaay . . . S34S
660 Stevensoa, mahogany . -V315
f SOO ZntSTSoa, manogaay 105
s&eo , fiuiuiwm ruTtr riMe; ...... 8205
Tliis AY eeli's Spedalsl
Talking Machines to Suit Every Purse
aaso Pianola Flayer,' mahogany . . .' g go
kiy. "
' -saas. . JEWS1"
Wtskly. vv Wtsxly,
Tour Old sCaehiae- Taken in Exchange. V Visit oar TalUar lftachins Saloas
Hear the lotteat Kecord.. ..
Two 45 nonographsr saon. . . . B.OO
was s so cnonograpa at . . . . . .jg 6.00
Oas 35 Sise TalUaa' Kaobas..K 7.RA
Oas- S10O ZMse Oamnst . . . w . . . . I55.0O-
This Y eeks Specials
PiaSVlae'oTalLng &S2riJS the .
. It will now: secure a new ar nmd Hana' PInvvc nr Toltlnr ioiin
desirous of buying, but unprepared at this time to take advantage, of the pres
ent great , reduction in price, have decided to accept $1 down 'when- contracting.
oa.ia.nce as may oe arrangea. 1 , , , . ",,,'."
. .Every, Piano er Player, Pland&pu renamed carries -with-it -the Schwan Piano
Co. guarantee of satisfaction, as also the usual- guarantee from each : manu
facturer of these new musical instruments: besides, we will take it in exchange
within one year, allowing full amount paW if desired. Open Monday -and
Saturday evenings during this sale- - : . . r . . , ' ,; . v , ,
Xannf actarers' v
Coast Dlstrilmtors
111 Tourtn Street
at Washington .
Ladies Home Journal Patterns and "Good Dressing' for May Now Ready at Pattern Counter
.1 Stamps Given on Charge Accounts I Paid in Full on or JBefore the Tenth of Each Alonth
5 4thioois y
Plan your Shopping to
include Luncheon in
Our Beautiful Tea
Room on ' 4th Floor.
Reliable, Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phono Marshall 4800
Home Phone A-6231
Filled r
: by Expert shoppers.
, Out-of-Town Custom
' era Are Invited to Avail
Themselves of - this
Special Service. Satis
faction Guaranteed. '
New Silks I
"KHAKI KOOL," the new
"Qualite" $Uk for sports suits.
Shown in attractive stripe pat
terns, also in plain colors.
Gros grain and fancy Gros
grains for Spring suits and
WISP" Silks, beautiful sheer
quality, used extensively for
overdrapes, etc Shown - in
all new shades.
NEW TUB SILKS in full line
of the wanted stripes. Don't
fail to see these- new plaids,
checks and - novelty silks in
all the latest colorings.
many novel weaves, alsd the
staple kinds for suits, dresses.
The Latest
"Dimple" Boots
For Women
Main Floor New "Dimple" Boots
for women, . 8 J4-4nch top, lace
style, with narrow toe and close
trimmed sole. Half-Louis heels,
vamp of patent with white buck
tops, perforated, showing black
under white. A very striking
new novelty. Shown in all sizes.
Priced for this sale at, tfrr ff
the pair ..' Vl UU
Full lines New White and
Champagne Boots in button' or
i s biii s. c:ii
'X 13 aaw
New Suits, Coats, Dresses, Gowns, Waists, Petticoats
Skirts, Sweaters. Authentic Modes. Correct in Detail
315.U 0 to 398.50
Fashion Salons. 2d Floor -Smart New Suits for
- all occasions. . . Belted, tailored and novelty cuts
with full flareand plaited skirts. Many of the
. new inodels ?are shown iq" white , materials
.trimmed with black. . Others of cheviots, serges,
gabardines poplins and mixtures, also combina- '
tions of silk and wool, v For street, sports or
dressr wear, there are 4 models to suit every
fancy. Prices range from $15.00 ' to $98.50
S1250 to 355.00 ; -
Fashion Salons, 2d Floor New Sports Coats of
oruuroy, wooi jersey ana gaoaraine, short and
medium lntrfh" wHh Vilc m.h
These are to be had In Hht Vr atV snfr
in' checks, plaids and stripes. For general utility
wear, we show a handsome range of coats in the
newest models belted, flare and novelty styles,
in checks, stripes and plain colors. Some with
cape collars. .Prices range $12.50 to $55.00
i V - New Models in :
Women's ? Slclrts
35 to 312.50
,2d Floor New platds, checks,
stripes and plain colors, tailored
and novelty , styles, v many have
"pockets and belts.. Some of the
newest styles , are developed Jn
combination of taffeta silks and
. wool goods. , $5.00 to $12.50
35 to 317.50
,2d Floor Taffeta Silks and Silk
Poplins are very popular for the
more, dressy skirts. Great many
diferent models in this showing.
a-plece styles.-plalted.and flare,
effects. Plaids, stripes, checks,
plain colors.' Sizes up to 3o
waist. .Prices range $5 to $17.50
p- ..m - -t bet
i m i:mimfflmm:
1 j miirffiBCtaari
Wl I I II s- IB I 1 m mr .111 lit ' l ir
Sale of Spring Dresses
Dainty New - Models Ti - py. f
Priced Very Special 1 at mOlO
Fashion Salons, 2d Floor Any woman who intends buying a dress
in -the near future will do well to anticipate her needs by taking ad
vatageof this sale for the price quoted for these attractive dresses is
very much lower than regular. In the assortment are beautiful new
models ,; ; r ; :;; .
Of Georgette Crepe. Taffettaand Crepe
v de Chine in the Newest Spring Shades
The styles are altogether Jovely, just such .as you would be willing
to pay full price for. Some have dainty bolero jacket effects with
shirred high waistline skirts. Others have dainty lacey waists.' Skirts
are in .the latest full flaring styles, some with overdrapesi'-.'Very de
sirable dresses for street or evening wear. Shown in the light shades
and in the darker colors, navy, green, etc. All are beautifully
trimmed with bands, laces, buttons, etc., and extra well CI T OK
made. Take your choice of many different styles'for $X iaD
Shbwn in Full Assortment of Sizes '
SSto sso
WOMEN WHO SEEK esclusiveness in
Millinery will find here the most
extensive showing of high-class
models to be seen in the city. HEvery day
we are adding to the collection the very
smartest creations as fast as they appear.
Don't fail to see this wonderful showing,
of Easter Millinery on the Second Floor.
-...;-- " -.
Charming New Hats
for Allvc asioiis From World's
Foremost Designers
Lichtenstein, Tappe, Waters, Germain, Hyland and many others'
have representatives in this splendid collection. Each model with
a distinctiveness and originality all its own. Flower-trimmed hats
in small, medium and large effects. Tailored Hats in the new sail
or and roll brims. Black Hats, White Hats and Hats of all shades.
See Display in Morrison Street Window.
Basement Underprlce Store :
Sale Spring Millinery
MondayTuesday Wednesday
300 HATS
Worth to $2.48
Small,-, Medium
; and Largo
200 HATS
Worth to $5.00
Small, Medium
and Larce .
V ' Effects i
THE BASEMENT MILLINERy;announces a Great 3-Day Sale of
Trimmed Hats that will eclipse anything held in Portland this sea:
son.' 500 Hats are involved in the 2 big lots. 7AII are new up-to-w
date; styles turbans, graceful bailors, rolling- brims, . pokes, etc.,
trimmed with flowers, bows,' fruit and Other novelties. Black and
every wanted color is here. - AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFERING.
5 LOT 1 Hats Of AAI L O T 2 -1 Hats ifTA
worth to 2.48, sp'l px.llj worth, to $5, special IXtJU
;; - Millinery .Flowers, Special 19c
Miscellaneous Kitchen Needs
65 c? Parlor Brooms special 50c j $135 -Meat Safes, special $1.09
$1.00 Stool Step Ladders at 79c. I 75c Vacuum Cl'thes W'sh't s 59c
" - , $t:75 CTmb. Mop Wringrs $1.39 -r-.
Latest Spring Waists
New Sweaters
.Second Floor Women's all-wool
sweaters in medium weight for
spring " wear.4 Styled with roll
collar and. patch pockets. Colors
cardinal, gray, green, heather,
delft, rose, white; also (Ppr flfl
black. Priced special j)U.UU
32.49 to 312.50
Second Floor Tailored and
fancy models In silks, voiles,'
nets,. laces, chiffons, marqui
settes, crepe de chine, Geor
gette crepes, pussy willow
taffetas, tub silks, etc. Plain
colors, strfnes" checks, nlaidc
and figured effects, , Here
you will find the season's '
daintiest styles. Prices
range from 2.49 to 12.50.
New Rcssbn Clsases
: Second Floor We have Just
received a shipment of the
new Russian blouses in crepe
tie chine, satin and pussy wll
: low . , taffetavery smart ,
models. Don't miss seelnr
- them. Priced 7.50 to 9.00.
Second Floor ' ' Our; showing of
the 1 new sweaters ' and .sports
coats Is complete in every detail. .
New i sports tcoats of silk or
wool Jersey with square or roll
collars, some with sash and large
'pockets. 5 ' . .
Silk PETTICOATS for Sprinrf
All New Shades
Second Floor You will prob
,ably want a new petticoat for
that new suit or dress. We
show all the latest models with
full flqunces trimmed ..with
tucks and rufflls. Rustle taf
fetas, ; chiffon , taffetas, tnessa
lines and silk. Jerseys in all
Hhe wanted spring shades and
new floral and -changeable ef
fects.?; Regular and exit a
Sizes. Prices 2.49 to 9.95.
Fancy Petticoats'
Especially' adapted for evening
gowns and; sheer summer
Presses. Beautiful Jace and
ibbon f trimmed styles r- in
pinks, bines,; "maize,- etc:
Saleof Aluimiiiiim YJ or
o5c Straight Sauce Pans at 50c
90c Straight Sauce Pans at 72c
t . 1 5 i Straight Sauce Pans 92c
l.2S Collandjcrs, special, $1.00
2,25 Oval Casseroles: at $1,13
475 v Asparagus Boilers'$28
95c Lipped Kettles, special 7.1c
95cj Lipped Sauce Pans, at 75c
90S Soup Strainers now for. 72c
'75c Pan Sieves special at Zeyc
5.50 Fish Boilers, special C?.75
5pc;CakeiPans,:9-in.tslze, 39c 1:45c Perforated Pie, Plates at ZZc
And other articles like prices.
Jtf M