The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 31, 1916, Page 18, Image 18

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for the chHdren.Saturaar afternoon, 2 to 4 p. m., Musie Hall, Stxth
Floor. Five reels: V. ) ,Tbe Haunted Hotel, (b) Dlssolvlnf Views !
2, (a) Crocodile, (b) Torn Trousersi little Maurice Lores Rosalies
4, Fairy Tale -Bad Temper, bat a Good Heart; 5, (a) Hedgehog, (b) ;
: Ant-Eaters;:'' ; ' ; '-'- ' ." '' ' ,x - y
Skirts cut to measure
free if materials pur
chased here. f Skirts ac
cordion, box or knife
plaited, $1.
Furs stored in our "Stik MaidT $1? Hose,
vaults are safe from fire, finest dollar siockings m
theft, moths and loss. the k market. All staple
Lowest temperature. ' and latest novelty, sKades
lloo. rtftB Btrees i
; Study of Plans for Financing
f : NevvJhdustriesFeatur of
' the Work, r ft:
lutn 5t;' tae Xrf ; t Cbwtn
f JCommerea 4 vXts Frtiemt ; I
.'Wv MmleslH Xs ; TM.
- " " -V . ; . - '
' - &e rsets Tnemselres Speak.
"Couldnt tell - whether you
meant It for a, knock or
, boost," commented one man.
" "Convey to me the impres- H
g. aion that the Chamber of Com-
V mere really 'has been doing;,
more than I : bad been clving'
It credit for," said another. r
Both were referring to The '
Journal reviews of Chamber of
Commerce activities. The Tirst
man was told that the purpose
is to review only in terms of -
accomplishment and to let the '
facts plainly told do the knock-
rS lnff or boosting-. vv
- Today the manufacturers bu-
- taxation bureau.
; By Marshall N. DanP.
f A payroll city Portland.
The statement is simple. The duty
is equally svmpie 10 mane me terms
. synonymous.
; The job Of getting for Portland the
kamuII . n MMt .1... atk...
- xeii to mi inausines ana manuiac
tures. Dureau ox tne viiaraoer 01 vom
' tnerce as heir of the old Manufac-
: ': turers association.
-- The bureau's greatest first year
v ' atutv trt Anvam mm nil of flrmnrinff
slabor to interest Portland capital ia
J- InAiiKtrtflt Hnvalonrnfint If nnlv In (h
;unaerwnuns vi inauiirui securities.
In rommr n with thm tm.ia ahA rm-
V - merce oureau, the industries and man
- uractiTres bureau has found it some
v-strenuous job to arouse Portland to
" a working faith, that lines of ships
and factories are good things to op
erate. ' 'Case Is Illustrated.
4 ?. We will illustrate with a reported
M , we have Interested a
i-! reputable concern producing a stand
vW.ard article to consider a Portland
location. To make it truly a Port-
f . ; More details calculated to arouse
"Gentlemen, that's a fine propost
' tion. Some one ought to take it uo.
?: Out - files the committee musing
." about the story of the rich brother
i'wno arose alter an arrecttng appeal
f And fervently said. "Let us give three
- Cheera for the noor."
The bureau could locate many de
: sirable industries, it declares, if it
j.oraia nuance tnem.
, f Th bureau has under way a survey
f the resources in- raw materials nf
V,Oregon. also as to fuels and power.
. A survey of local industries to de
tennine what needs are unfilled and
what opportunities are unmet is being
The bureau circulated the petition
;i which, signed by representative Port
land men, induced Robert E. Strahom
. to undertake the financing and build-
..1ht, of a railroad in central prego:u
Smelte Kaa ZHseaased.
: Incident to the campaign to locate
, a .smelter on the Columbia river it,
t w jbudo mat urns ana cose may
be secured in quantities required by
; a big amelter ,
" The bureau has submitted proposal
, for a factory plant wherein small
- Industries m V awnra eholtap nn
. , A'vnvo
heat and other service.
Other accomplishments:
i ' : 1 a 1 i i
t,v&kiiuvrry juice manu
facturers in order to standardise and
.nationally advertise the beverage,
f - Located fireworks plant and secured
for it its first order.
Secured' modification of fire laws
t that permitted American LJfeograph
- company to remain in the eltv.
Gave the Clarke County Iron Works
a- welcome to Portland.
. active in: locating eopra mlU
here, -now working or return cargoes,
such -as paper, anticipating that the
: ln. establishing shipping
7 Organized Portland planing mills
Tor standardisation of product.
- Secured change ia public auditorium
plana permitting a manufacturer's
working exhibit
-; 8ecared local 1 .w.
. , . " V V ' 11"- t ij g LUC
. muBj ot a span each of the Inter
n state, bridge for demonstration pur
rr poses,. '
J ;' Oregoa rir Vied.
.V.uSarf,d chn8 n epecificaUons of
; the PorUand and The Dalles new post
. offices permitting tho use of Oregon
' nr,Trihep tnan outhern pine.
I Held manufacturers' show at Arm
i . rsv and manufacturers' day at the
1 livestock show. .
( - Brought into manufacturing com
ytj? ct a raor -"trP n and a leather
IS "V vlaK"?r .aiso a patented har-
. .d-vc. "iiwuer concern and a
a local iron works. '
Induced the governor not to have
I- tbe penitentiary engage in the manu
i facture of brooms.
) . Brought bare the Long fruit prod
r nets: begins operations this summer
Invests 930.000.
- . .IS .. CMO'lBI Oil IDrlnn)4tl.--'
determine manufacturing posslblUties
;oym,grewa ;jii. uj v uiamette val
jThe bureau ia largest in the Cham
ber "of Commerces It has 789 mem-
' or. - us nuutaguig committee car
j rles on most of the work. Special
committees are relieved when rv
i - done..' One , general . bureau meeting
j yfm uviu o 7w,v 4 -
WUowaCounty to
: Have an: Opening
iLa? Grande, 'Or., -March- L More
tha S000 acres- lying ,north and west
of Elgin, ' bordering- on the Promise
Wallow county tewItoryvAwili be
opened 1 to entry and settlement May
10, 'according .. to Information ; Issued
by v the , land office. r;.
Persons having 1 priOf -Yalld settle
ment "-rurhts- or .preferences will ; be
allowed Xo make entry la' conformity
with existing law and .regulations.
IntendJnsr settlers are also warned td
ascertalnthe ; atatws ; ef tihsw Jands. s
& Misses'
Suits, $19.50
Actually Hundreds
of Smart Suits
THE 'other afternoon a woman came
inlo our Suit Shop and said: "I
want a little Spring Suit-i1 want, it to
be full of style I want, good material
and I don't want to spnd more'than
twenty dollars less, if possible. I
wonder if you have anythmg like
-'Indeed we hare, Madam scores of them," said
the saleswoman. And proceeded to show the cus
tomer this unusual assortment of Spring Suits at
t9.50. '
-Jaunty cape coats, Russian blouses and Morfolks,
with smart flaring skirts, of all kinds of materials
that are being worn this Spring -serges, gabar
dines, fixtures and checks In blue, tan, green,
gray and all the popular shades. Some lined in con
trasting color others in Pompadour silk.
This customer was delighted and you will be
pleased, too, when you see these good-looking suits
at J19.50.
Other Suits $15, $17.50
$22.50, $25.00 to $85.00
rottrtb Floor, rifts street
, ' -- " '' 111 r MEN'S SHOP ! ; .. V .
Men-See the New Silk Shirts at $3.85
-Deliehtfully cool and fresh -looking the most fascinating assortments of trioes vou ever saw! Some'
in neat, conservative colors and others brilliant enough to suit any college chap! Both plain and satin
stripes in various widths. Air sizes ;at 33.85!
New, Exclusive Neckwear 50c
Good-looking ties, in dozens of new patterns and colors. Stripes in all widths,
from the tiny pin stripe to the regimental and multi-color effects allovef pat
terns and small figures. Every desirable style here in both four-in-hand and
bow ties.
50c Pure Silk Hose 35c
"Mill Run" of pure-thread silk socks, full-fashioned or seamless, with double
heels, soles and toes of lisle thread. Fancy stripes and accordion effects in red
and black, black and blue, etc., also plain black, tan, pearl, champagne, gray, red,
green, white. Three pairs for 1 1.00, pair 35c.
Munsing Union Suits, Special $1
Desirable weight for spring and summer wear. Made ofgood quality cotton, your
choice of white or cream color. All the popular styles long or short sleeved, knee or
ankle lengths. All men's sizes.
Up to the usual Munsingwear standard perfectly fitting garments well made and
tailored. Special suit $i.
Men's New Spring Hats
Knox, Stetson, Borsalino, and
M. & F. Special $2 to $5
New Muslin Nightshirts $1
Made of celebrated "Fruit-of-the-Loom" muslin, known for soft quality
and durability! Cut full V neck and trimmed with white, red, blue and
black washable braid. Or pure white.
asala Xloot, Korrlsoa Street.
Every Day We Receive Interesting New Things in
Young Folks' Apparel
Dresses, coats, suits and undermuslins for the "flapper" of
"in-between" years and for the tiny little folk as well!
S3JS-$5 Dresses, $339
Lingerie frocks for confirmation and
Summer wear. Of sheer batiste, with
full skirts and straight waists, daintily
lace and embroidery trimmed. Sizes
6 to 14 years.
of black and white checked material.
In quite as many smart styles as are being
shown for grownups. Skirts are full and
flaring; some on yokes; others pleated or
gathered. Jackets show pleats from shoul
der 'with small round collars new blouse
and tailored effects. 12 to 16 years.
Priced $12 to $20
of serge, poplin, checked and blocked ma
terial, Bedford cord and novelty weaves.
Some -with dainty little lingerie collars, oth
ers with deep sailor collars of self-material
and many with collars and cuffs of contrast
ing colors. Navy, Copen black, tan and
other Spring shades. 6 to 14 years.
Priced $4.95 to $15
Boys' $U0 White Linen and
Blue Chambray Wash Suits,
Sizes 2 to 5 Years, $1.19
leooad noor, tlrta Street
MEN! Connect Up With Style Tomorrow
Spring and Summer Suits
At $25
We have them as fine as they can be
produced the best fabrics in all styles,
sizes and colors.
The "BELTER" is one of the many clever
distinctive models shown here. We have had
this smart suit drawn so you may see just
how it will look when worn. It is a style
appropriate for most all occasions of Spring
and Summer.
Suits for all ages and all builds. Long, short, stout,
slim and regular. Priced at $25.
Other suits an Immense assortment for youths,
$10 to $20; for men and young men, $15 io $35.
New Golf Suits
Mixed tweeds and two-tone gabardines. Designed
to give the greatest freedom. Norfolk coats, knickers
or long trousers.
High-grade sporting clothes, $20, $25 and $30.
Sole Agents "Society Brand"
TMre rieor. rifth Street
, For the New Spring Chape au
50c New Veiling at 25c
Dainty white figured Shetland and new "Magpie" effects. Yard to
morrow 25c.
Novelty Veiling, Yd. 65c-Sl.
New border, scroll, hand-run
and chenille dotted effects.
35e-80e Black Veils, 19c
Small and medium figured black
veils, 1 yard long. Each 19c.
New Drape Veils, priced here 1 to $2.50
Mala Floor, Uta Strtei
Misses' and Children's Charming
New Spring Hats
School Hats smart little
tailored sailors with straight
or rolling brims, pokes and
mushroom shapes, made of iisere and
Milan hemp, trimmed with a simple bow1
of velvet or grosgrain ribbon. The hat
sketched is of white Milan, with black
Velvet band and buckle of the straw. Only
$2. Other models $1.25 to $6.
Dress hits In profusion made of soft
horsehair and open straws, combined with
silk, chiffon and crepe. " Trimmings of
dainty French flowers and fruits and rib
bon bows. The model sketched, natural
colored tan straw, faced with brilliant blue
crepe, yellowish roses at side and trim
ming of braided blue grosgrain ribbon.
It's $7.50. Others $3 to $11.50.
Toorta noor, Sixth street
"As -Born"
are ideal for children.
We've just , received a
new shipment in gun
metal, patent leather and
tan Russia calf. On nat
ural foot - form last, as
illustrated. .
Sizes 5-8, $2.25
Sizes 8i2-12, $2.75
M. &F. Special
--Shoes for boys are the very
best that we -can have made.
Shoes that "wear like Iron."
One is sketched.
Siaea 9 to 13)4, $3.00
Sixes I to 5 H, $3.50.
Xhirt noes, ruts street
A New Departure in Ribbon Novelties!
Made-Up Ribbon Bows
for Trimming New Hats
A boon to women who would trim their own hals. Bows
in about a dozen different new styles, made of the best and
newest ribbons in every color you can think of. Select one
of our new hat shapes, bring it to the ribbon counter, and we
will te glad to assist you in choosing the proper bow for that
particular hat.
Bows priced at 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50. -
Hairbows and Fancy Ribbon Novelties
Made to Order
Perrin's Gloves for Women
We Are Exclusive Portland Agents
Real French kid gloves the kind that retain their shape and give
the hand the slender, graceful outline desired by all women. Wearing
qualities unexcelled. ....
Perrin's Washable Doeskin Gloves, $125
Perries "LaMure" and "Tou
raine" overseam and pique
French Kid Gloves $1.50.
Perrin's fancy embroidered glace
- and washable doeskin gloves,
$2JS0 Imported Long White Kid Gloves, $1.75
Extra special offering for Saturday only! Fine quality white kid,
16-button length, overseam style, in all sizes. While any remain $1.75.
noor. TUta Street
Perrin's finest quality real French
kid gloves, plain, fancy, the
pair $2.
Perrin's fancy embroidered styles,
best French kid, pair $2.25.
Our Own Make
Pure, Fresh
40c Butter Wafers, lb. 29c
40c Cream Wafers, assorted,
pound 29c
50c Pecan Brittle, lb. 35c.
25c Peanut Bar, pound 19c
80c Mexican Chews, lb. 59c
ataia aad Vlath noor
and Basement Balcony
Your Eyes Examined Free
by our registered optometrists, who prescribe glasses only when
pieeded. Special Saturday:-
Eyeglasses at $2.50
Lenses expertly fitted to the eyes. Gold-filled mountings.
Broken Lenses Duplicated From Pieces
Baleoay. Sixth street
No. 2-A Folding
Single Achromatic Lens, $8
Rapid Rectlinear Lens, $10
A child can operate it.
Compactly built, scientifically
made. Kodak ball-bearing
125c Eastman Fixing Powder,
VUG ;VUUU 1U1 ftm7Ce
noor. Slxtbtrot
Exclusive Agents
"Sampeck" Suits
For Boys 7 to 18
Priced $7.50-$ 15
New Spring -model suits
are in. Two pairs pants with
each fancy, suit Good weight,
new colored fabrics, and sold
under the guarantee, "Satis
faction assured"!
New "Sampeck" reefers
aad top coats, $6.50 to $12.50
Sole Agents 'Samson
Suits, $6JS0, and
'Kaynee' Wash Togs
; for Boys
-Spring bets for bSf boys
worsted, silk, felts, sizes 6)f
to 7Ji, $2, $1.50, $1, 50c.
-Spring- bats for small boys
straws, silks, worsteds, and
wools, sizes 6H to 7, 50c
to $5.
Caps for school 5 0C to $1.
Fancy Eastern hams, best
cure, well smoked, closely
trimmed. Regularly 22C lb.
tomorrow, lb. 20c.
Eastern Bacon, 8 to 10-lb.
strips, Vt strips, lb. 22c
FancyButter, Royal Banquet
brand, roll 73c.
Boiled Ham, surplus fat re
moved, sliced, lb. 35c
Weinerworsts or Frankfurters,
fresh, lb. 15c.
Cream Cheese, rich Tilla
mook, lb. 25c.
Corn Meal, white or yellow,
No. 9 sacks 30c
New Walnuts, large imported,
lb. 12HC.
Victor Coffee, 3 5c blend, 2
lbs. 55c lb. 28c -
Table Fruits, 1 5 c . peaches,
apricots, pineapple, 3 cans
- : ' a
Fancy Sunkist 126 size, case
$3, 3 doz. $1, dozen 35c
Large Navel 100 size, case
$2.19, 2 doz. 55c, doz. 29c
FREE Pancake Tarner with
2 pkg sv Toco Pan- OKi
cake Flcnr at tlC
Hlatb noor. rata Street
25c Swahsdown Face Powder, Tomorrow 15c
25c Woodbury's Facial"
Cream 20c :
50c Daggett & RamsdelFs
Cream 43c
50c r Dr.- Berry's Freckle
Cream 45c '.
75c Bourjois Ashes of
Roses Compact Rouge,
with Iamb's wool' pad,
, 'or 59c; . - . -Alrfloat
Talcum, box- 10c
Mary - Garden Face Pow
, der$l.
25c Sanitoi Tooth Powder
for 20c
25c Sanitoi Tooth Paste
? for 20c ,
25c Squibb's Talcum Pow
der 19c
15c 4711 Rhine Violet
Soap, a for 25c.
Lapactic Pills, loo for 33c ;
Physicians' and Surgeons'
Soap 10c
Boracic Acid, 20-MuIe-
Team brand, J4 lb. He
Peroxide of Hydrogen, S4
lb. 13c
Fountain Syringes, guaran
, teed. No. 2 medium, at
Bathing Caps, all styles,
colors, 25c to $2.
Tloor, Sxxta street
t rift3txlvt6Tacy Abler Ota
This Columbia 'iader"
1 J I J MM
Outfit $75
$5 Month
$5 Down
Splendid tonal quality.: Oak, walnut or mahog-
any, cabinet, with 1000 assorted needles.
New.So-Log -Lettjr" records the latest mu
sical comedy bit just ia. Hear - thorn in our
soundproof parlors. ; Basement Balcony
: : '. :