The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 30, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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" (90TH DAY Of 1918.)
Coming Events.
Animal meet in of efrle burtsa of Chamber
f Commerce, Uarcb 80, 8 p. m.
Annual meeting of grain aundard boreaa
f Cbambet ot Commerce, slareb SO, 8 p. m.
ProgreaiT Boalneas Men' a club luncheon,
Oregon hotel, at noon, Karcb 30.
Annual meeting of legislation and taxation
bureau ut Chamber of Commerce, Maxell 31. B
Annual meeting of raffle and tranaporta
tkm bureau c f Cbamber of Commerce, Marcb
Bl. 8 p. m.
Eeaity board luncheon. Oregon no tel. at noon.
Marco 31. :
" Jaonlt session of Washington lodge and
Portland lodge. A. F. at A. il., Manonle TVin
ylf, March 31. 8 p. m.
Rotary club luncheon April , at noon.
Ad club luncbeon at noon, April S.
Cbamber of Commerce annual meeting and
dedication of Oregon building, April 7.
"Michigan 1.'' Taeadar. April 11.
Stat Grangca will bold annual tutetlog at
Grants faaa May 8-12, lnetuslTe.
Boee Festival. June 7. 8 and .
Conventions of Knight of Pythias atd
Pythian Bisters will be beld la Portland
August 1-10.
Today's Forecast.
Portland ami Th-lnitjr Tonight and Friday
flr; eaau-riy wind.
Oregon Tonight fair, light froat sontbwest,
beary froat esst portion; easterly winds; Fri
day fair.
Washington Tonlgbt fair; light frost east
portion; Friday fair except showers extreme
northwest portion; eaaterly wind.
Idaho Tonight fair with bear; fruet; Friday
Weather Conditions,
The pressure la decreasing oyer the extreme
northwest aud precipitation baa occurred on
the Brititb Coolumbla coast. A moderate de
pression is orer Arizona and a high pressure
area, -central over Montana. overlies most of
the northern states, Mlssiasippi and Ohio val
leys and Canada. Precipitation ha occurred
In Utah, the'Mlssonri ralley and on the North
Atlantic coaat. Frost forrtied this morning in
toutbern and eastern Oregon, eastern Wash
ington and Idaho. The weather Is warmer in
Missouri and interior British Columbia and eor
rtiondingly cooler In southern Nevada, the
central and -southern plains states. Montaua
tail Saskatchewan. Temperatures are !elow
normal in most interior porlloiia of this dis
trict. The conditions are favorable for continued
fair weather in this district, except tbat
showers are expected for Friday in extreme
j.orthwestern Washington. Kr.sts will form
in early morning in southwestern Oregon and
la the remainder of this district east of tbe
CaKcaile wouutalns. X. F KAN CIS DRAKE.
Assistant Forecaster.
Temoersture S Sj
. a
- x- a
S 11
28 - ?-c
- m " " fcw -3
li t -
c - af Z
S B . J is 0.
Kaker, Or 2H i i 4 ' 'M t
Hoise. Idaho ; O 52 0
Boston. Mass 42 (1 44 :VS 01
Chicsgo, III 4t 4- 2 3X 0
Jienter. Colo US 8 44 28 0
lies Molriex. Ia. 44 8 ."is 42 10 0
Kureka. Cal 4 4 M 44 O
Fresno, Cal , 4S 2 To 4H . . . . O
lialveston. Texas si o H 12 0
Helena. Mont !I2 6 H4 U'J 2
Kansas City. Mo. B2 10 d j2 0
Knoxville, Tenn. 422 4H C 0
Irfwiaton. Idaho. 34 0 0
lx Angeles, Cal 542 Htl S2 0
Marsh field. Or.. 86 4 4 3l 0
New Orleans. Im. 0 4-4 NO M) 0
New York. V. Y. 4 4tt 42 16 ."2
Nome. AlakaV. 14 4-10 -IS 0
N'. Head. Wn... .V) 4-8 o2 SO 12
Js Platte. Neh. 26 12 4) M 01
X. Yakima. Wn. 4 60 W o
l'ucatello, Idaho. 28 2 44 2S 01
Tortiaud. Or 44 H 2 44 0
Red Bluff. Cal.. M 4 72 04 0
Koseburg. Or 36 4 i 3tl 0
hacramento, CaL S2 0 T2 52 12 0
fct. Iut8, Mo 4i 4- 4 M 44 JO 0
Kt. 1'aul, Minn.. 40 4- 2 B 40 10 0
halt Lake, Ltah. as 2 44 :4 02
Ban Diego. Cal.. 68 0 84 fl O
San Franclseoo.. 60 10 70 60 12 0
Beattle. Wash... 4J 4 56 40 0
Knokane. Wn 30 4 52 'M O
Tacoma. Wn 3S 4 54 :W 0
Tatoosb I., Wn. 46 6 50 46 2S O
WaJla Waila as 0 56 38 0
Washington. D.C. 48 8 44 44 Ql
Wind Telorfties of less than 10 miles an
hour aud amounts of precipitation of less than
.01 of an luch are not published hereon.
Afternoon report of preceding day.
jBdgv Hoffman Daad. The death in
St, Louia of Judge J. J. Hoffman, for
merly of Portland, which wag an
nounced yesterday, recalls to old time
Oregonians the times preceding and
during the Civil war. Judge Hoffman
was secretary of the Union league of
thig city, an ardent and patriotic body
of men in favor of upholding the union
and opposed to Confederate sympa
thizers. He was at one time law part
ner of George II. Williams, U. S. at
torney general, and removed from
Portland to accept a position in New
York city as deputy V. S. prosecuting
attorney. Judge Hoffman leaves a
daughter, Miss Leonora May Hoffman,
who resides in St. Louis.
Cornell atnTwnt Flsvn IHnnaiv
Alumni of Cornell university in Port
land will hold their annual dinner at
the University club at 7 o'clock Satur
day night. The dinner will be fol
lowed by an illustrated lecture by
Wells Gilbrr, scheduled for 9 o'clock.
Slides just received from Ithaca will
bo shown and anyone interested in
Cornell is welcome to hear the lec
ture. Hugh Henry, secretary of the
local alumni organization, has the ar
rangements in charge.
Sweet Pea Society to Meet. The
Oregon sweet fea society will hold a
meeting at the Sherman. Clay & Co.
tore tomorrow night when Professor
T. D. Beckwith of the Oregon Agri
cultural college Will talk on "Sweet
Pea Inoculation." Musical numbers
will be a feature of the program. Plans
for the annual sweet pea show in July
will be discussed.
To Present Tlaff. Multnomah chap
ter. Daughters of the American Revo
lution, will this evening at 8:30 pre
sent a handsome American flag to the
Americanization school which meets
in the evening at the Shattuck build
ing. Mrs. James N. Davis, regent of
the chapter, will preside at the pre
sentation exercises and all members of
the D. A. R. are invited.
KontaTilla Kagg Meeting" Called,
Taxpayers within the Montavilla sewer
district will hold a mass meeting Sat
urday evening under the auspices of
the Montavilla Board of Trade in the
W. H. Hamilton chapel. East Eightieth
and Glisan streets. The meeting will
be called to order at 8 o'clock All
residents in this district Interested are
especially requested to attend a mar
ters pertaining: to reported defective
cewer pipe will be discussed. The city
engineer and commissioners are ex
pected td be present. W. H. Hamilton,
president of- the Montavilla Board of
Trade, will preside.
Grocers to Withdraw. The Portland
Grocers' and Merchants' association at
tta meeting last Tuesday night de
cided to withdraw from the Oregon Re
tail Merchants' association, and will
organize a state association at Pendle
ton next September. There has been
dissatisfaction with the state organ
ization existing for some time. The
convention of the Oregon Retail Mer
chants' association will be held in
Portland on April 24. 23 and 26. and
until its meeting the members are in
good standing under the custom here
tofore prevailing of annual dues being
paid at the assembling of the conven
tion. Mach Excitement; JTo On Injured.
An exciting runaway in which no one
was injured occurred yesterday aft
ernoon at Union avenue and Fremont
street when the neckyoke on a team of
horses broke, allowing the tongue to
drop. The horses became uncontrol
lable, and after dragging the wagon up
on the sidewalk at Beech street, broke
away. They were finally captured by
the driver, whose name was not learned
by Patrolman Elliott, who witnessed
the runaway.
Kavival Meeting Program. To
night's Scandinavian revival meeting
will be held in the Norwegian-Danish
M. E. church. Eighteenth and Hoyt
streets. Rev. A. Rodeen of the Swe-
dish Free church will preach. Rev. i
A. Tjerlund, temporary pastor of Swe-
dish Baptist church, will have charge
of the services. Miss Amy Jacobsen
will sing.
To Discuss "Early Indians." "Eary
Indians" will be the subject of a lec
ture to be given at 8 o'clock this eve
ning at the Brooklyn school by Dr.
David Raffety. Dr. Raffety is a pio
neer resident of Portland. All Inter
ested are invited to hear him speak in
the assembly hall of the school.
Sunday School Head Hers. K. C.
Knapp of Spokane, general secretary
of the Inland Empire Sunday School
association, is a Portland visitor. Mr.
Knapp is a lecturer at the annual Mult
nomah County Sunday School associa
tion convention which closes tonight
in First Congregational church.
Want FubUc Interested. To interest
the public in the work being done by
tbe newsboys is the purpose of a social
to be given by the Portland Newsboys'
association next Monday night in the
Neighborhood house. Second and Woods
streets. A good program has been ar
ranged. The newsboys extend an invi
tation to the general public to attend.
Emll Seidel, former mayor of Mil
waukee, Wis., will speak at Arion
hall. Second and Oak streets, Friday
evening, March 31. He will deliver a
message of appeal and encouragement.
He will point to the masses he way
to a better and brighter future. Come
and hear him. (Adv.
Membership Contest Ends April 11.
A membership contest which will close
on April 11 is being conducted by the
Washington High Alumni association.
Two teams have been appointed and
the losing team will banquet the win
ning team.
To Hold Members' Festival. A mem
bers' festival, wilh the purpose of so
cial acquaintance of church members,
will be held in the parlors of Imman-
uel Lutheran church. Nineteenth and
Irving streets, beginning at 8 this evening.
Xansang Will Meet. All ex-Kansans
and friends are invited to attend the
regular meeting of the Kansas society
of Oregon, which will be held Friday
evening. March 31, at Foresters' hall,
129 Fourth street, A musical pro
gram will be rendered.
Bote Conraen-Keed students concert;
box office opens at 10 o'clock Friday,
Hellig theatre, for exchange of com
plimentary tickets for reserved seats
for concert Monday evening. (Adv.)
To OiTe Oyster Supper. The women
of Glencoe Baptist church will give an
oyster supper at the church. East For
ty-fifth and Main streets, from 6 to 8
next Friday evening.
Sight Boat to Tbe Dalles Steamer
State of Washington" will resume
daily service from Portland beginning
tonight. Alder street -dock. Main 914,
Steamer Jesse Harking) for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally,
except Sunday. Leaves Washington
Street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Coffee Say Saturday Our 40c bulk
coffee 25c, limit 4 lbsf We deliver.
Phone early, M. or A-1893. Martin
Marks Coffe Co., 252 3d st. (Adv.)
Chiropractor to Meet, All Aaltno
mah County Chiropractors meet at Dr.
Lehman's office Friday night, 8 o'clock.
Sr. J. S, Suback, eyesight special
ist, moved to 120 Broadway st. near
Washington. (Adv.)
Multnomah Hotel Turkish Baths con
tinue. Use main hotel entrance. Ad.
St. Martin's Sprlnrs for health, rest
and recreation; water hot as ever. Adv.
Sr. W. !. W od has returned. 412
Oregonian building. (Adv.)
Sr. Haynes, Optician, Morgan bid. Ad.
",? J.
v y i g jtL
7i) I
i 1 sri
Chamberlain Has
Forwarded 1000
Packages of Seeds
One thousand packages of
garden seeds for planting on
vacant lots in Portland are now 4
on their way from Washington, 4
D. C, having been forwarded
by Senator Chamberlain upon
the request of Judge W. N. 4jr
Gatens. representing the Coun-
cil of Parent-Teacher associa-
"I am so glad we are to get
the seeds," said Mra Alva Lee
Stephens, president of the coun-
cil, this morning, "for we want
every vacant lot in Portland to
yield a good crop this year.
Such a plan adds greatly to the
appearance of the city and at
the same time will fill many
mouths next winter. We are
having the lots plowed and put
in shape for people who have
no way of doing it." ,
New Russian War Minister.
Petrograd, March 30. (I. N. 8.)
General Chuavioff has been appointed
minister of war in place of General
Pollvanoff, who has resigned.
r George M. Orton.
George M. O.ton, dictator-elect of
Portland Lodge No. 291. Loyal Order
of Moose. Mr. Orton is one of the
leading fraternalists of the city, and
has occupied the highest positions in
tfie Improved Order of Red Men.
Ha was state senator from Multno
mah county a number of years ago
and has been prominent in securing
the initiative and referendum and
other progressive legislation in Ore
gon. Ip the business world he ia
head of the Multnoman Printing company.
Eye Comforts for
Reading and Distance.
I am beadquarters
for the wonderful
Dr. Geo. A, CUTTING.
Eyesight Specialist.
892 Va Wash., near
lOth. Belluuj-Hirach
Blk., Ground Floor.
. Apron Check Gingham, 7c qualitv,
Friday only 5c
ic iu ureas uiogDam, snort
lengths, yard 8
In plains and small checks, and
small piaiaa.
Great bargains, slightly water
hurt Embroideries. Laces, Hose,
Handkerchiefs, Towels and scores
of other items.
Short length Wash Goods at
Green S. & H. Stamps also.
m 166-7 First St. Near First and
- Morrison.
.aw -a. - a. v i K
je -m -m -m 9 m m
Close-in residence loans, 7. No com.
Commerce S. D. & M. Co. Main 3067.
It Soothes and Relieves Like a
Mustard Plaster Without
the Burn or Sting.
MUSTKROLE is a clean, white oint
ment, made witht the oil of mustard:
It dees all the work of the old-fashioned
mustard plaster does it better
and does not blister. You do not have
to bother with a cloth. You simply
rub it on and usually the pain is
Doctors and nurses use MUSTER
OLE and recommend it to their pa
They will gladly tell you what relief
it gives from Sore Throat, Bronchitis,
Croup, Stiff Neck. Asthma, Neuralgia,
Congestion. Pleurisy, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the
Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Mus
cles, Bruises', Chilblaims, Frosted Feet.
Colds of the Chest (it often prevents
At your druggist s in 25c and 50c
jars, and a special large hospital size
for $2.50.
Be sure you get the genuine MUS
TKROLE. Refuse Imitations get
what you ask for. The Musterole
Company, Cleveland, Ohio,
J($2960r$3300 ill
Fact No. 16
The cylinders of the Twin Six
are of a size that give greatest
efficiency; bore three inches;
stroke five inches.
Cornell Road, 23d and Washington
6 Course Dinner 75c
Jpof prau
Served Daily
From 5 :30 to 8
at the
Sixth and Alder Street
After Dinner Dance Music by Dittrich's Banjo Sextet
he Laws of Our State
impose upon state banks wise restric
tions as to investments, and the best
of our banks have gained the public's
confidence through conservative inter
pretation of these rigid laws. Oldest
in the Northwest, this strong state
bank enjoys the confidence of a mul
titude of savingg and commercial depos
itors who know, and appreciate, the
advantages and protection which such
laws make possible. Your savings ac
count, even though the initial deposit
be only one dollar is welcome here.
Established in 1859
Dinner Enjoyment
Can Be Found at
Ye Oregon Grille
The Popular Restaurant
due to its superior CUISINE, which give a new
meaning to a la carte service to its SPECIAL
DINNERS, a culinary delight for 1.00 to its
ENTERTAINMENT, which is unequaled In any Port
land restaurant to its DANCE FLOOR and DANCE
MUSIC, "which are a delight to at that have tried
them to its ATMOSPHERE, peculiar to its charm
and striking individuality.
THE ENTERTAINMENT this week includes the
return of Miss Pauline Arthur, the dainty soubrette
of charming voice Donald Macgregor, the versa
tile Scot, in dialect songs and standard ballads.
Ye Oregon Grille
Broadway at Stark.
E. E. Larimore, Manager
new customers
Quality makes
permanent Cu s-
The craftsmanship in
Reed Bros.' Suits for
men maintains Quality
from every viewpoint.
You'll be interested in
the new fabrics; the
patterns are exclusive.
203-204 Wilcox Building
Sixth and Washington Sts.
W Hopski
)gk The Wonder Drink
) There's a Difference
ty Blumauer & Hoch
l!A JUstrfbutors tAj-Bflfx
tji ios-107 lath snaQRICIWAL
Mayer's Quality Groceries At. Your Service
Our Well-Equipped Stock, Our "UP-TO-THE-MINUTE"
ORGANIZATION, All at Your Command
Mayeir Ik Co,
Clock Repairing
Tour clock can be made to keep exact
time at very little expanse. We call
for and deliver.
Second Floor Selllng-Klrsch 21dg.
. 38 8 H Washington St.
Main 3379. A-2413.
A Moderate-Prices Hotel of Merit.
Hotel Clifford
East Morrlaoa St, Hear Oraad Ave.
75c tl per oar. with bats, m
Here's the Answer!
When you want quick action Telephone.
A Long Distance call-gives instantaneously
information that itjwoukl take two days or more
o obtain ty raaiL
When you need some detail information, from
a' distant factory or customer, Telephone.
"Today, Not Tomorrow is the slogan of the
live business man and his Long Distance Tele
phone is one of his best aids for obtaining quick
A-4432, MAIN 9432
Seasonable Goodies that you should include on your
shopping list today:
Simon & Weil's Egg Matzos, package 25c
New 1916 Brazil Nuts, 2 pounds 45c
Sunshine Whole-Wheat Crackers, tin 30c
California Sweet Dry Prunes (5 lbs. to box),
per box . $1.00
Burnham & Morrill Fish Flakes, tin 10c
Ferd Kraft Zweibach (sole agents), pkg. 25c
In Our Fruit and Vegetable Department
Alligator Pears Green Beans
Telephone Sweet Peas New Potatoes
Bermuda Onions Hothouse Mushrooms
Fresh Strawberries Will Arrive Saturday Momng
Place Your Order Now for Simon &fVeil' Matzos & Meal
For your use
we have begun a
weekly telegraphic
bulletin service
Water, weather and
fishing conditions at the
Principal Fishing Centers
along the line of the
Union Pacific System
will be posted the
latter part of each week
at the company's
Washington at Third Street
Broadway 4500 A6121
1 You'll find this
Service helpful.
Ground Gripper Walking Shoe
71 I Belmir I .ussdoti I laUowia ..
m ierwMin Achifi
. j.isisri J I
I a-ssJ6"ise'
This correct muscular-action ' shoe strengthens Weak
Arches, allows NATURE to relocate distorted feet ,
ROTOR HEELS give the body balance
This scientifically correct shoe frees your feet of all foot
troubles. You will walk as nature intended. Visit our store
and examine the Patented shoe.
Carried in stock for men and women in the high and low
shoes and all leathers. Ground Grippers do not cost as much
as other high-grade shoes.
Ground Gripper Shoe Shop
(Sola Agent) ,,t 381z Wsshington St