n .r'-' THE ; OREGON DAILY ; JOURNAL; PORTLAND, MONDAY,- MARCH 27, 1916. 11 INTEREST it BY. NEW BOND ISSUES Paradise Project j Includes the Bids for Construction Work and Issue of Bonds, v TEEL PROJECT IMPORTANT Spokane fc ZuUn Trust Co. Xadnoed - Take Part 1b Wnaaolna; to Wasatch District Plan." GAIN IS SHOWN i Increasing Interest tn irrigation if projects on the part of developers and k 'investment houses is In evidence m the reports concerning; three new V bond issues. One concei-ns the Para diss irrigation project in Umatilla county. The second is connected with (h Tl Irrigation district, in I the same county. The third is a part of the Wenatchee reclamation district In the case of the Paradise project bids 4re being; received both for con i straction work and a bond issue. The 5 proposed bond issue Is for $2,705,510. . metering- in series, and bearing; 5 per cent interest. Bids on the entire tissue are being; received by J. C, secretary; at Echo. For the con- 1 straction work the proposals are bo - Inr tviaHa In nnH m Ttia n rt i (Ml 1 m rf ; the work may be had by correspond- I inr 'with the same officials. . yj. u, reel, preemeni, ua xr. J ' Frank Spinning;, secretary, are re ceiving; bids on an issue of $1,100,000 , 8 per cent serial bonds for the de- velopment of the Teel Irrigation proj eet. also in the same county. The Spokane and Eastern Trust company has been Induced to take a ;part in financing1 and taking; out of 'the hands ox the receiver the Wo- tnatchee reclamation district undertak I lng. They have just purchased an Issue of 1160,000 bonds, lifted the re iceivership, and construction work has begun, sd that water can be turned on in the project April 1. The bonds were bought at 95 and interest. A IX PARSONAGES ASSESSED i Countjr Assessor Taxes Church Holdings, According to Law. Henry is. Keed, county assessor, says that since 1905, that part of the realty holdings under church owner ship used for parsonage purposes, is always assessed. He takes this action because of a court decision which ruled that assessors must follow this plan. In determining whether or not prop erty should be assessed under the law which allows religious, educa tlonal and philanthropic Institutions to be free of taxation. Mr. Reed says he follows the rule of the principal use to which the property is put. ' In the ease of a parsonage, the chief use of the property is for a private rest Idence, he asserts, whether or not an occasional church meeting; Is held or la Sunday school clans gathers in its parlors from time to time. I The question was raised with . Mr. I need -at-this time by a natron of iThe Journal, who protested against the -taxing of a parsonage, on the arround. that it was necessary to ahurch" work. Real Estate Transfers. . P. Tttekmon t B. I. Aahllne. L,. 14. B. 12. AHln Prk t 10 IB. M. Lombard and wife to Bra Vil t al. and. H Int. L. 2. B. 1. Mr. , Mooii Add 10 Irtann Cenoa t Mary L. Grm. Ij. S8, , imngTon ran :rl A. Roberta and wife to Title a Trurt Cv. L,. S. B. 2. Boalrrard Add 10 10 ns 10 1.450 10 10 10 10 10 1.000 Hn Ehlera and wife tn Km ma M. mtit. 22, B. 10. WHUama Are- Bwe Ad"1 BfrW M. Brannon and lma. tn B. G. AIfrlnn. L. 27. 28, B. 22, Soathcni Portland portland Tniat Co. of Orffno to J. C. ppwnt, it. v. io, n. a. tamoas Hta... Itle Truat rv tn H. D. Oca la, U. 18, B. Ill Laoralbunit rsaland Ck. to dura II. Sandlfur. T. to. 2S, Arlete Park. we iTMt u. to veliMlT Uinrt Co.. It. IT, 19, B. 19. Moatrlalr rl A. Htrta and wife to J. O. Rolk- rt. It. It. B. 27. Hrlla flrt kda F. AlTandr nrt but. to Mm. B. J. SMiree. I.. 9, lt, 11, 27, 2S, B. 19 Point Viow leoMe Ooldle to F. B. Milno. N. 60 ft. w. loo it. U I. B. 2, WUllama Add. no, a T.- reteraon and w1f to Portland Tnt Co. of Oneon, t 1 to 6, B. 177, rara Ana. to seat Portland 61,000 impt wrnlf to jnoepnlne Qrecnirald. 800 10 10 10 armnod C. GoUioca aad wife to 6m. k. wur, u. . b. t, woodmere. Cltr Park Aan. to Ford M. Oon- !. r 3. b. RO, Roao c'Hy Park.... 1)m17 tand 0. to Lmm E. Foley, t.. ST. 1. B. lt. Montlalre few H. PolllliiB and wlfo to John A. How-land. L. 21, 23, 25, B. 14, irr hipton Park . 10 flwu Oreson Traat Co. to Title a Tniat Co., L. 8, B. S, Arcadia 8,090 Building Permits. Rnd(tar-Mrle Co.. reoatr two atorr frame ectnry. USA Maradam at near Biebardeon talldr. day work: sooo. Arthnr rinly. repair two atorr frame dwell- h. 778 Clackamae at betireen E. 23d and B. 4tt ta.; bniider, Jatn-a O. Never : ioo. . Fatllnr eatate, repair fonr atory ordinary tnr, jt Jat at.. btwwi Btark and Oak ata.; iiiraer. i. . jseea; ProTldwjt Trort Co rert one and one half my frame dwpllln. fwtt B. Mth at. N be- tm Mcramonto 1 ijotnpooa ata.; builder. H. Rlavcaa: S2nO0. ProrWent Trnat Co, erert one atory frame tlllar. Bra E. 87th ac N between Sacra. b i to A Tbompaoa ata.; baildar. W. H. 81a- W. K. Flloa, repair one atory frame . dwell- hay 7Z H. aad at. N., wetween Presort and CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S COMIC GAPERS I YOU WANT A 00 B OK MY X) SURE E'-ZRA YfB MOW WALL I'LL GIVE YOU A TRIAL.! IWEVE QOTTA ACT W15 Ull HEY WHMCHU DOlH? I 1 I Jv ai I HUF OF THE EGQ5 WILL K3 FARM 00 YOU? WALL YOU? ALL ABOUT THE FAR GO DOWN TO Ttft BARN. AN" MAKfe HIM BELEIVE WE r SORTING THOSE 1 (X i t? HATCH OUT ROOSTS. 123 GOT TO BE EDUCATED V IN FACT Wf WfR GET THE BASKET FULL r ' KNOW ALLjAOUTTJjE Sut JIS mi - 0 " " Ul 7 'UlfiNa YOU SAID YOU WIMTEO - JK RiFjm O'HEN EMS J Christian Endeavor Union Is Organized Albany Orfaalsatloa Expected to Even tually Branca Out Into a County TTa Ion j Purpose Xa Efficient Work. Albany. Or- March 27. An Albany Christian Endeavor, union, which. It Is proposed, will eventually branch out into a county union, ws organized at a meeting in the United Presbyterian church Friday evening. . Officers elected are: Roy E. Dowd, president; Mrs. Frances Myers, vice president; Mrs. C. H. Leonard, secre tary; Gordon Little, treasurer; Rev. W. P. White, spiritual councilor. Rev, Mr. "White la pastor of the United Presby terian church. '. The purpose of tb union is to in augurate more efficient work in the state. RELIEF EXPEDITION IS Fl ' SHACKLCTON PARTY Wireless Says Aurora, Ex plorer's Ship, Badly Dam aged; May Be in April 4, London, March 27. The government of New Zealand has, plans already un der way to dispatch aid to the im periled Antarctic expedition of Sir Ernest Shackleton. A dispatch from Wellington states that official plans to send a relief ship to the assistancJ of the auxiliary steamer Aurora have beefi made. Other plans are proceed ing to get supplies to Shackleton. The Aurora in the wireless received here giving first news of its failure to meet the Shackleton party, for which it carries supplies, stated that it was in a badly damaged condition without anchors and fitted up with a Jury rudder and 600 miles south of New Zealand. It was hoped to reach a New Zealand port by" April 4. Of ficials In Wellington believe a ship hould be sent out immediately to meet the disabled vessel. Lady Shackleton Optimistic More optimism is felt here today that Sir Ernest and his men as well aa the party left behind at the Ross Sea base by the Aurora when she was carried away by the ice, will survive. With the stores put ashore for the Aurora's party belore the ship was carried off and food left behind by the second Scott expedition, It is be lieved that the Shackleton party will survive if help Is sent reasonably soon. Lady Shackleton Is most optimistic She said today: "Relief must be dispatched at the earliest possible moment. The Mac intosh party ha food, but they must need clothing. I am hopeful -about my husband. He will never give in. 4 expect to hear from the Endurance at any moment. My husband's repre4 sentatives in London will hold a meet ing; tomorrow." - Endurance Xa looked Tor. The Endurance Is the three-masted vessel in which Sir Ernest and his party sailed from Kimnu a. which waa to start back after landing mem ror tneir transcontinental r- ploration' expedition. A dispatch to the Times from Buenos Ay tea says that the Endurance is expected at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, within a fortnight Captain Amundson. discoverer of the south pole, says there is no dnr of either of the missing parties starving as mere is pieniy or game in the vi cinity of the Ross Sea base, accord- nf io a vopennasen dispatch. To Hatch Fish for Tourist Fishermen 1111 I People of Tenmlle Zake District Sub scribe fund to Build ana Maintain a Hatchery of Their Own. Marshfield. Or., March 27. " The people of the Tenmile lake district north of Coos Bay have decided to build 'and maintain a fish hatchery of their own so that the lake will be well supplied for tourists. T. J. Scammon, who conducts a commer cial hatchery, will be manager. Al ready about $50 a month has been subscribed and sportsmen throughout the county will be asked to make small monthly subscriptions to help maintain tbe hatchery. Sewer Contract Awarded. McMlnnvllle, Or., March 27. V. It. Dennis Construction company, with offices In Portland and here, was the successful bidder for the Installation of the lateral sewers. It bid was J11.S94.2S. Work is to commence the first part of April and is to be com pleted the first part of July. The trunk sewer was installed ' last fall Golna- ata.; builder, same; 8200. Uiaa Ha Ha Nelnjg, erect one atory frame dwelling. 401 Baldwin at., between Waati boarne &- Wabaafe ata.; builder, Johanaoa a- Marleon: 11500. Julian B. Cbjbke, erect one story frame workshop. 692 Ppokane are., between E. 17th and B, 19ta ata.; builder, Andrew Kooats; iao. John Wllma Eatata Co., repair four atory ordinary reataurant 142 4th at., between Morriaon and Alder eta.; builder, Oearge W. Gordon Soaa; 8390. Mr. CooTnn, ageat repair two story ordinary store. M Union are:, between K. Washington and . Stark ata.; bonder. W. V. Ryan; $100. PLANNED OR A D OF STREET CAR . TRAFFIC IN SALEM SERIOUSLY One UnS Out of Commission Entirely; Sewers Inade quate; WaterJn Basements Salem. Or March 27. Streetcar traffie in Salem was seriously ham pered by floods Saturday and Sunday, the. Seventeenth street line being oilt of commission completely. The street department was helpless In the face of the Inadequacy of sew ers to carry off water and several hundred residents waited patiently for the water to recede so that they could recover goods In their basements. Oth ers waded In and rescued what they could. The business section wss not af fected to any extent. The Willamette river Is rising rapidly. Prisoner Taken to Colombia. Salem, Or., March 27.-Virgil Jones, who has been held two months in the Marion county Jail on a charge Involv ing Mrs. Mary Jerbeck, was taken to Columbia county Sunday. Jones was I with Mrs. Jerbeck, in Rainier, when arrested and brought here and claimed to have married the woman shortly before. Jerbeck claims to have mar ried her 20 years sgo and that there was no divorce. During Jones' in carceration here Mrs. Jerbeck, who has been Jiving again with Jerbeck at Waconda, wrote him letters and re ferred to him aa her "dear husband." Jones was taken back to Columbia county because the authorities think they have a stronger case against him there. Man Faces Another Charge. Salem, Or., March 27. Chief of Police Welsh left Sunday for Port Or ford. Wash., to take charge of Charles Adams, who has just finished a 90 day sentence there, and bring him here for trial on a charge of theft Funeral of W. A. Claypool. Salem, Or., March 27. The funeral of W. H. Claypool, who died Saturday at Marlon, was held this afternoon from the First Baptist church. Salem. Mr. Claypool, who was 79 years old, is survived by eight chil dren, 21 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Bloodhounds Trail Lone Train Bandit rootprlata of Man Who Stole Begls tered Hail Prom Train JTo. 1, Hear Soy, XTtah, Picked Towards salt &ake Salt Lake City, Utah. March 27. Bloodhounds are being used today by sheriffs of several counties and rail way detectives to trail the Ion bandit who early Friday morning held up train No. 1, on the Oregon Short Line, en route to Butte, Mont, near Roy, Utah. The hounds are from the state prison, - Footprints leading in the direction of Salt Lake were picked up in the open field and are being followed. The robber took SI pieces of regis tered mall, overlooking others, after forcing the engineer to disconnect and run the mail car ahead. He did not molest the passengers. What the stol en packages contained cannot become known until there is a checkup through the postofflce department. Bobber Kills Italian With His Jack Knife Body Pound With Head Almost -Severed Only Clue Bank of Italy Check Xaife round XTear By. San Francisco. March 27.-(P. N. 8.) One of the most atrocious murders committed in San Francisco in many months was revealed early today, when the body of a well-dressed Italian, with his head nearly severed, was found lymg in a pool of blood. Close to the body lay , the assassin's weapon, a blood-stained Jack-knife. That robbery was committed was evidenced by several of the victim's .pockets turned inside out and blood stained finger-prints in other pockets. The-only tangible clue to the man's Identity Is a Bank of Italy counter check for 160, dated last Saturday and made out to Camillo Troilo, which was found on his person. ' FUNERALS Beantlfol adult tm ea broadrtotb aiitt. aibalmlag, renfh box, kaaraa. ta ltwonalnea aal m-rlcra for....... Store raaaaaaMe fa aarali far 2S. 840. 30. Blgaar priced fanr ala la proMrtloe. W make our own ea. keta. Lady aaatetaat. Private taaeral ebapek. MILLER & TRACEY nrDzrarDsvt rtrirrxAL riarcToas Waahinttoa aad Ena Sta. Mala Mali A-7IU HAMPERED BYFLOODS Teacher Kills Pellow Worker by Accident Bin Taken on Drive to Shoot Gophers Accidentally XHsoharg ed and Touts; Woman loses Bar Ufa, Medietas Hat, " Alts, March ST. (XT. P.) 31dys Patterson, a school teacher at Puahley, Alts., was shot and almost instantly killed near Irvine, Sunday afternoon, when a rifle in the hands of Esther Nicholson, another eacher, wag accidentally aiscnargea ai cioo range. The two girls had been, driving with male escorts and the rifle was taken along; for shooting gophers. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW BAKERS auction sale of costly furnish ings of private nome tomorrow, Tuesday, at 10 a. m. 168-168 Park st. NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN CO. XSTABXJSXED 1877. ' RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS aitd FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT TXXRO AJTD 8AJUS0V BTBXBTS. 507, A-1511. THE J. L. FEAREY CO. atm arorsB. HoiTa&ac AJTD OOHTUOTl 80S Dekxun :.ldg. Vartlnna. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment a Mortgage Co Offices 208-4 l?o 3d at aa Ajaouaxaoa 'Moax BJSJSJBBBJSBBSBSBSBSBSBSBSM CEO T. HOOM CO.. 61 AUncttm Bldr. On City end Farm Fropartiaa la Aay Amount a On mat Bataa. Hartmaa 4- Ikompaoa, Baakara, Corner of k'onrta aad Stark Bta. MEETING NOTICES 41 MT. HOOD LODGE N. 167, A. F. and AT M. Stated communication tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 7:50. A Masonic bureau lecture will be read. Visitors Wel come. L Order W. M. . ED. C. DICK. secretary OUL REAZEB GOTTO, NO! 65. Stated session to nlrht. 8 o. m. Masonic Temple; guard drill and rehearsal of ceremonies, A. E. PULTON, Sec'y. EMBLKM jewelry a apecialty, buttons, plna. charms. Jaeger Broa.. 131-3 6th, Vital Statistics ' marriagcs.Birtbs, Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Letter Preston Laws, 869 Cable at., legal, and Lou Johnaoo, aame addrtaa, legal. Robert L. Klnbart. 2TZ 4th eU, legal, and Dorothy M. Ahlera, 570' Mill st. Jobn V. Smith Kallbridge. Or., legal, and Bom . Diamond, aauie addraas, legal. 1'earle D. Barruas. Kalbridg. Or., legal, and Ellaabeth Uaolela, aamc addresa, legal. ' Edward H. Antonlapn. 1587 K. Stark at., lepul, and Gertrude Portb, ISO E. 82d at., legal. R. P. HyTprKon, 781 Barter at., legal, and Itt M. LWermore. Huber, Or., legal. Charles It Crandall. 51 E. 3d at. legal, and Vlla Edna Jonea, aame addrraa legal. Ellaba BarUetU 140 N. VKjd at., legal, and Iteylive Amlel, aame address, legal. W, 6, Smith & Co. SSSfda. Third floor Morgan bldg. DRESS suite sold or rented, low prices. latest styles, all sixes; we buy dress Milts Barslrs Misfit Cloth. Store. 61 3d. DRESU suits for rent, all slsea Unwue Tailoring 'o.. S09 Btark st. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 73 BELL la this city, Marrb 2o, at bis lata realdenee, 889 E. 12tb at. N., Edarln H. Bell, aaed 59 yaara 'i montha 13 daya. De-r-aed aarrlred by a widow, Mrs. Edna A. Bell, and one daughter, Mra. Erelrn B. Hen dersbott, both of tills citj. Funeral notice later, 43 years; brother ot dhria Aerne, William Aerue and Mra. K. Q, Freeburger. Remalna will be shipped to Portland. Or. Funeral no- tlce later, CLAPP-Tbe funeral aerricea ot the lata Nellie 8. Clapp will be bald at P. L. Lercb under tckine parlors, Kast 11th and Clar ata., to morrow (Tuesday), at 2:80 p. m. Frlanda in- nted 0I.8ON In thin city. March 21. Peter Olson, aged 49 years. Private funeral aerricea will be held ia the chapel of Mt. Scott Park ceme tery crematorium on Monday, March 27. at -,a:M a. m. - MAIN 116. wreaths, pillow vs. S3, ua. Sprays 81. up. ChappeUs, 347 Mor- rison. MAKTiN & FORBES CO., florists. 347 Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions .artistically arranged LLAkkj iitvUa florists. JJbJ Morrison st Main or A-1806 Fine flowers end floral designs. No branch stores. TONHKTH FLORAL CO., .285 Waah bet. 4th ana no. wain oivx. a-iivx. (Copyright. 1016, br J. Keeler Ey DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 - tCoatlaaed) - LOMAI In this city. Mires 2Z at the rest oeaee of her sea. A H, Xobux, 86 Faat Washington St., ana Lonux. aged 64 year, mother of A. B. Lomai, V. W. Ixraax of Boulder. Colo., aad L. O. Lemaa ot Tellorlda, Colo. The remains are at tbe chapel of F. 8. Dancing, Ine., East Bide Funeral Director, 414 East Alder st Funeral notice la a later law. MAX M. SMITH, flor'st. 141 H tn at." FUNEICAL DIRECTORS Tears of .Experience Enables Tils Firm to OivaJrOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with its conveniences. Includ ing a secluded driveway, in sures absolute privacy, caus ing in no way a departure from an established policy of moderate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant J. P, Finiey &;Son The Proeressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Montgomery at Fifth. Main . A-169.9. A. D. KJSN WORTHY & CO. Two Establishments. Tabor 6287; 6S02 92d st. Lent. Tabor 6896-t gfith st and Foster road. Arleta. HiinniniT X.KrV n4aa Undertakers. UUliiliiifS utiYivuiuoD Modenin every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 430, A-4B68. Lady assistant. MILLER & TIVACEY, independent fu neral directors. Prices low as 120, $40. $60. Wash, at Ella. M. 2091.A-7885. Walter C. Ken worthy 1632-1534 E. 12th. Sellwood 71, B-1122, F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 E, Alder st Phone East 6$. B-2525. A. R, Zeller Co. SSita-Sita Lady attendant Day and night Berries. Chambers Co,!&?bT lawn aatftt. iii8i. taay emrjaimer. fclKKKZK e SiUOK. a-ltan, T. 126a. 1026 Belmont, at 34th. Lady attendant Uomittnnast and Ullsan. b'w iiumiuuii neral services. Tabor 4311. P. L. LURCH, ieadin east side under, taker. K. 11th and Clay. B-18S8. E. 781, CICIACQ Undertak'.-r Co. Main4lai OiVLMLO A-Z3Z1. cor. 3d and Clay. D T D,nap Williams and Knott. 11a I , UyillCOEait 1115. C-114S CD irorMRKSiDKJMCi!; uwu rwj. rniLOUIl M.6133. A-2235. 445 Morr, VAULTS THE NATIONAL VAULT COMPANY. Ft. Montgomery at. Main 378. Steel reinforced concrete burial vaults. Air tldht. waterproof, everlasting. MO MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS vineat mnrhlo and aranita N A. Schanen Marble at Grr-.nlte Works, 187 Hawthorne ave. , - PORTLAND MARBLE WK8.1 264-266 4th st. opp. city halt Main 8564. Philip Neu & Sona for memorials. dBLA5IN6 6RANlTrlC0 IT 26T-3HD ST COP. MAPI9QN. 1 FOB SALE HOUSES 61 Ll AM COMPELLED to dispoaajof my f new 5 room bungalow. It has all con veniences, narawooo. iioors, ri replace, all built-in effects, large attic; near carline. If you have a little money I will surprise you in price. Main 78 BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will build 'and finance your home on easy terms. Large variety of plans to select from. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO.. Ground floor. 806 Oak t. MUST SELL my nearly new 7 room .bungalow, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors; 2 blocks from car and enlnsula Park. Cost $4000; will lose 1700. Phone owner East 4167. 1 HAVE 12700 Interest in 3 houses re cently sold ty me on installment plan payment, 360 per mo. Will sell my interest tor zsoo caan ir taxen at once. Phone Woodlawn 4357. THE best homes built In Portland, planned and constructed Dy The Oregon Home Builders, on easy pay ments, your lot or ours. 1330 N. W. Bank Bidg I MUST sacrifice my nearly new 6 room bungalow. All modern con veniences. Above the ordinary. On 70tli, near Glisan car line. A real bar gain1. Tabor 2296. SIX room house, with all improve ments. Fruit trees, barn, chicken house. Pise 93x200- For sale cheap. Easy terma. Owner Tabor 726. HOME of house and 2 lots, cheap; lots of small fruit and flowers; house 24 by 36. Vt story; little cash good terms. Talk to owner. Tabor 667, evenings. PARTY leaving city wants to sell a modern 4 .flat building- of 5 rooms each; all furnished, A-l location, at a special price. Marshall 6168. For Sale By Owner. A dandy close in corner, 6 room house, full basement and furnace. Phone Sellwood 2762, WANTED A man with $700 that wants a real bargain and terms on a 5 room bungalow. Call labor 4975, A SNAP 6 room cottage, all modern Improvements: lot 65x100, prloe $2000. 2 blocks from carllne. Main 1008. A MODERN 5-room bungalow; will sell cheap. See owner, 984 E. 32d N. Alberta car. MODERN 6 room bungalow, cheap, in Irvlnnton. Owner going eas 874 Clackamas. MUST sell 5 room modern bungalow. payment, bal. easy. 494 Marguerite ave. ' $750 Three room house, 60x200 ftj on E. 60th. north of Glisan st. Your terms. G. W. Brenner; 683H Rodney. $800 By owner. 4 lots. House. Sofare. Good terms. Marshall 4834 8 ROOM house and 18 lots, close In, at a bare-ain. Tabor 6812. . MY IRVINGTON modern 9 room house mast be aold at a sacrifice. TC. 4167. arranemtit With Eaaanay Co.) 61 (OomtlBa) I200OI1 OOO HASH. - i - $fS monthly, including interest hoys house in-City View Park, newly paint ed, brand new garage. With cement runways, bard - surface street side walks and sewer all paid i nothing to assume; 2 rooms 16x16, andthor 1 large bathroom, fully equipped, Dutch kitchen with range, linoleum, table and chairs; three xll rags, buffet china closet and .bedroom furnltura, dandf basement screens and shades for all windows, screened porch, -? roses and shrubs galore. - Take Sellwood car to Lexington. Come west to 44J. Phone Sellwood 440. - t MUST raise cash. My f S&Ov home . for $U50. This ia $1200 less than cost House 2 years old, 7 rooms, mod ern, large attic, sleeping; porch, fire place, cement noor; nne iawn. front T. . F. Keeley, S5 J E. 70th N. Phone Broadway 15. . x FOR SALE At ThbnDaJles, house and two -Urge lota, with berries, fruit and chicken house, good location ; would take up to900 in cash and work team, young stock, or small acre age: time on balance. 1211 Elm at. Th Dalies. Or. THK LOWEST YET Am forced to act quick. My 6 room bungalow, lire place, Dutch kitchen, full basement laundry trays, large attio. On Irving street, in Jonesmore, 2 blocks from Gllsan st carllne. Coat IS000. My price iisoo. Mr. Purse. Fhone H'dway AUTO AND BUNGALOW. . $1600 1400 Down ' - Vaa 4 K matm mnrlaim lotinrlMr karH gas range, elec. block to R. C. P. car. monthly payment. 820. Sacrifice for quick; sale. No trades. Phone me. Tabor 3040. - FOR SALE LOTS 10 FOR SALE A quarter block la the beat cart of Walnut Park. Both: streets paved, this property belongs to a non-resident and must be sold at once. Address W-361. Journal. - A GREAT BARGAIN. 7 100x100 corner. Piedmont district S blocks west of Union ave., only $800; worth 32000. 635 Cham, of Commerce. FOR SALE Three most desirable lots at Glenmorrie. Address C care Journal. Oregon City. Or. LOT 8. block 14. Portsmouth addition , to Portland, for sale or trade for good auto. AX.-782. Journal. ACREAGE 7 Buy an Acrsage Homo Have city conveniences, auch aa mountain water piped into your house, electrio lights, etc., and country benefits; rich sol, fine community, SO min utes out by Big Red Steel Trains. Low prices, easy pay ments. Any sised tract Let us show you. The Shaw-Fear Co. S 102 4th st SACRIFICE. Over 1 acres and half at Garden Home, surrounded by county road, electric line and station. This tract Is beautifully situated for small country place, perfect soil, "beautiful building site; must be sold. Phone evening. Wdln. 867Si v Gibson-Hair Acres Good soil, city water, cloae to ear Una. aav terms; will build to suit Pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Cell- wood 476. jonp M. me yon, owner. 836 PER ACRE. 15 acres,, all goodsoll; can all be farmed; easy clearing, roads, school. neighbors, easy terms. F B. HO LB ROOK CO, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. 6 ACRES on Ore. elec., 30 miles out. level land, good soil, cleared and fenced. Will take carpenter work or late auto In part paymentA J. F. GaskiU. 828-Comniarcfal st. Woodlawn 4357. 50 ACRES unimproved on good roads near St Helens, cheap. Will take carpenter work or late auto at caah value in part payment. J. F. Gaskill, V2S commercial at. woooiawn saof EQUITY of $4600 in 83 acres improved farm near uswego ana we iaxe main road; magnificent view. Take city property part cash or small acreage. Box 234. Oswego. R- 1. 5 ACRES Near Salem, house, barn, fruit, berries' $1600. Piano or used Ford part first payment. $800. Hol lingworth, 6610 71st st. S. E. Tabor 6S8. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN ranches near PortlantfT 2. 6, 10 acre tracts, best soil good roads, near electric, $65 to 8200 per acre, easy terms. McFar land 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. $370 EQUITY In 7 acres, fine soil. 10 miles out, 60 cords wood. Balance $980 mortgage. Sellwood 1665. 160 ACRES fine. Yamhill Co. land. Price $60 per acre. Terms. P-707, Journal- ' ONLY $2800, 465 acres, 28 miles Port- land, creeks, springs, no trade, good terms. H-764. Journal. 40 acres, Camas, Wash., very eaaily cleared. $2 acre, good terms. 422 1st st. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 70 SNAP for chicken ramch or garden 1 acre (or less) in city limits 4 blocks from carline. 6a fare; room house. ' 4 H acres, all Improved, on hard sur faced Base LlnA road, good 6 room bouse. A real bargain.. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO., Ground floor, 806 Oak st. -Xi SALE FARMS 17 FOR SALE Rancn or 168 acres, 90 or more heavy nr limner, is in crop, balance open and slashed, running wa ter, good orchard, good buildings, team, harness and all machinery, elev en head cattle, cream separator, hogs, chickens and all tools and household goods, telephone in house, school 1 mile wren station, store and postof flce 2 miles, county road mile. Price for all quick eale. $6000. $2000 cash, balance t years or longer at 6. Ad dress R. E. Nelsen, Wren. Or., Ben ton Co. . . ,. 120 aPres in Clarke Co., WaSTi., good level, some green timber, a trout ream. Mwmill. planer, store, school. church cloae by; 16 miles from Van couver, 316 per acre, terms, a. c Krlger. 1296 E. Salmon st. A ACR.KS. U mile out. imoroved with new buildings, electric lights, tele phone, city water, all level, 46 acres in crop; terms to sun; jbv pr acre. Address R. 1. Box 28. Carlton. Or. FOR SALE HOUSES 17 FOR cash. $1600, 80 acres ot land. S mllea from boat la.ndlnar. La Center, Wn., 10 acres cleared. 15 seeded in pasture, young- bearing orchard; all stocK. implements ana nousenoia goods Included. Must sell at a sacrifice on -account of health. No axent P-712. Journal. 160 ACRE Improved farm all In culti vation, good buildings, near La Grande. Or. KX-4S8. Journal. ' FOR RENT FARMS 11 FARM for rent. 60 acres, 11 dear, on Columbia highway; good build ings; m miles from Troutoale. Owner, 8Z Worcester Bldg. 40 ACRES for rent or trade, houae and barn; 25 acres plowed, irrigated. 1H mllea from R. R. station. 961 E. 28th St. N. Woodlawn 2583. 1 3 acres, buildings suitable .for cows or poultry, city water, ooa ti. a 3a n. FARMS WANTED 88 RENT OR BUY WANTED To rent 50-300 teres pas- . . . ,,,, i , oa ivure, qui too car out. vimm, xao d St. HOMESTEADS 47 8 HOMESTEADS recently " opened to homestead entry, not really home steads but farms, all level, lots of wa ter, weed, ideal climate. Government makes you a present of land. Greatest opportunity in Oregon. Information Box 64. Lapine. Qr. V2RT bent relinquishment on Road : creea, near railroad station, 360. II- ftlA Innrnul BaNDY timber or homestead, near Portland. $50. TJ-400. Journal A $10,000 timber claim. Location fee. $150. Phone woodlawn 3384 EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE 21 Farm for Portland Property 160 acres. 27 miles from Portland. 11 acres cleared: 327 per acre, worth more. Will exchana-n for Portland home of equal value. (C) Sacramento valley town. i acre. 5 r. house, sleeping porch,' modern; near depot: family orchard, cement walks; val. $2600. Exchange for Portland property ox equal value. Uorr t, Keasey & Co, 2d Floor Cham, of Com. C ACRES, deep bottom land. 1 mllea west of Huber station on 8. P. elec; 4 room cottage, new plastered: choice chicken farm. Will trade for homein Portland find assume some. Call 401 McKay bldg. Main 1342. IMPROVED lot, labor and some cash. to exchange for wen located acre age, convenient to Portland. Be rea sonable or don't answer, sell. 1423 eve- nings. X-882. Journal. $2650 G RES HAM home. 6 acres. room house, half mile, bualness cen ter; will exchange for small place on &c car nne. uresnam Real Estate co, Phone 17 X CLOSE in residence property in Sdo- kane to trade for Portland residence property. Addresa 120 E. 27th at. K East 8710. TWO modern - houses. 6 and 7 room. unincumbered. Want house In some good district, about $3000. Wdln. 2583, HOUSES and lots for Improved acra- age. si2 Manama biog, ROOM house cloae In. Will trade for central Oregon land. Phone COt. 67 0. TROUT LAKE district hay and dairy. mignt rent; want income or vacant. uive particulars, ux-546, journal, CORNER 100x150. clear, in Fairview, exchange for arood make automobile. Tabor 6879. or o-594. journal. $16.000 800 ACRE Improved stock farm, central Oregon. Want city in oome property. 8,12 Panama Bldg. SMALL house and vacant lots for room modern. 312 Panama bldg. 320 ACRE wheat ranch to exchange for eastern property. Kast 7iz. ROOMING HOUSES 63 ROOMING house. 23 rooms, fine loca tion, rent cheap, lease, leaving for east in 3 days; must sell: clears $75. mo. Price complete $275. Call 191 4th st ROOMING house. 29 rooms, nicely fur nished. Good paying prop. Close in. Small sum will handle. By owner. Main 6163. 18fNICELY furnished rooms for sale- Doing a good business. Good loca tion. Address K-994, Journal. 13 ROOMS Rooming house, good home, fine location, for real estate or cash. 268 12th et. A-2595. BOARDING, and rooming for sale or rent, or will trade for auto. In quire at 44 3d St., near college. run BAJLtc. v Aiauiui. nullum 42 rooma Inquire manager, 2iH . .7 FOR . bAJur., VAbLUl riUXiU 2d st BUSINI&S OPTORTUNTrTES 20 FOR " SALE Meat market, fully . equipped and doing food business! will sell stock - and fixtures; rent building; located at Hood River, Or. E. M.Hoiman, prop, FOR BALE ' Grocery, confectionery and milk depot; good location; will invoice about $2700; will take some trade. For particulars, address Hoflleb tt Horn beck. 417 Lyon at., Albany, Or. WANTED Unincumbered-lady partner for restaurant; of good appearance and business ability, understanding cooking; good proposition. $400 re qulred. Z-830, Journal. . GROCERY and confectionery, with 3 completely furnished modem living rooms and garage, In fine residence district, rent 2Q. iiz. journal. FOR BALE Furniture" and undertak ing at invoice; country town, good surrounding- country. Address KX- 601f journal. PLANING mill for sale: easy terms. Hillsboro Planing Mill. Ulllsboro. Oregon. RESTAURANT Something different. furnished complete; location central. Address V-165. Journal. FOR SALE, rent or exchange Moving; ' picture tneatre., Astoria; seats v. D. H Welch, Astoria, Or. i NEAT confectionery and grocery store business, with livtng- rooms, at a bargain. Woodlawn 1940, , RESTAURANT, centrally located, do ing BIG business. Sacrifice, half price. 616 Swetiand bldg. HOTEL in prosperous eastern Oregon town, Iuiiy equippea ana now run nlng. Z-789. Journal. FOR SALE FARMS - Cniaaaadk BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 ; : f Con tinned? - " i. M J III! Hit (lUtl 1 1 I 111 u- Directions Read this with - both eyes wide open. Have noth- ; - lng else on your mind, - - , wa are manufacturing IB Port- - land the Crew Scientific Base- - ball Tables, ft aquarejn - mahogany. Circa salan walnut - - and oak. Practically every play - known in baseball can skillfully - be made when playing on this - table. . Come see the tables, then get - - your location, open a high-class ' - baseball parlor. Beat paying - business on earth for amount - - invested. - CREW BASEBALL NOVELTY CO., 87 Grand ave. v 7 t I I I M I II I 1H Ml M I I It M Pool Room Men TAKE NOTICE Increase Your, Earnings . If you will call at 87" Grand avenue, we will sbow you the greatest invention on earth for the pool room. A big, cean money getter. CREW BASEBALL NOVELTY COMPANY, 17 Grand ave. - a ' e , VARIETY STORE BARGAIN Leay- r ing slate. Everything; new. .vanuy location for strictly 6-10-160 store. None here, invoice near $1000; can re- , duce. Also, my 10 a, home. Baker ad--, , dition, near high school arid Baptist college. Sacritoe price. Thompsons Variety Store, McMlnnvllle. Or. W ANTED STEADY PARTNER-IN ESTABLISHED MONEY UisrxiJNW BUSINESS. WILL STAND STRIC-r INVESTIGATION. ri A V Hi 1JU" ri v BUSINESS IN- PORTLAND FOR: YRS. ; $2500 RBQUIR-JSD. , JOURHAU POOLROOM, lunch counter and confec tionery, doing good business, good -location; muat sell on account of poor -health. 106 N. Main. Lenta, Or. P. O. - Box 722. , iT-io a a i .w. nr irari,. amali hotel." nicely furnished, in one of the best fishing and hunting localities. Ad dress iJfiACJpixontElk BUSINESS CARDS QC Rose City Printing Co., Third et.. Cor. Taylor. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 WANT hardware, grocery or general mdse. store Oregon or Washington, for Portland prop., auto, clear lot, house and lotvalue $3300, Incum brance $800. Write J. Logan, 186 h 67th. N.. Portland. . WANTED Large contract to cut wood by the cord with drag saw. D. -O. Rouse, Parkdale, Or. WANTED Small tessen for. cash. grocery or delica- ' N-788. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 nriH INSTALLMENT PLAN la the surest and best method of paying a loan. ,321.24 per month for 60 months .Tt Fays a 81000 loan and Interest. . 16.17 per month for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and Interest (Other durations and amounts In s proportion.) We loan on Improved property or for Building purposes. " EQUITABLE BAV'GS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark st., Portland. Or. A LARGE AMOUNT of money is now seeking investment In good first mortgage securities at low rates. If In need of a loan on a good Oregon farm, Portland realdence or business prop erty for a term of years, or a monthly ' installment loan on your Portland home, please call on or correspond with ua. UBIION SAFE DEPOSIT At TRUST CO.. 284 OAK ST. BUILDING loans on city and suouxbaa property; money advanced as woric progresaea. W, G. Beck, Sit falling . bldg. Main 3407. . $100,000 ON mortgages, city and farm ' property, fire Insurance. McKenxie ' A Co., Ocrllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. ' MONEY 'lO LOAN in amuuuta of $10 to $5000 on city property. A H. Bell. 201 Gerllnger bldg, , LOANS on imoroved properties, in Oregon H6me Builders. 1330 N, W. Pank hldg ' CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H, Lewie & Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. i.aii T-f i j t dim r. lA.n n ,..tt ' , I r . i eyv v .w,w ,v t 1 Insurance. V. J. Stelnmeta Co 664 - KGerllnger bide. Main 8201. A. FEW thousand to loan on first mortgage, residence property. K-993, Journal. ' - " MONEV to loan ori improved city, farm property. F. C. King. 14 Bpaldlna $1000 UP to UOV to luau uu vity ft rarm property, xaoor iviv. $100,000 TO LOAN at 6ft and T ar cent. Ooddard & WeldrlcK, 243 Stsrk. aan.aoo oft Licms. KAHUINUTUK. 80 4th at. Board of Trade bldg. SEE us Small loans, installment ioana. Cellars-Morton Co.. 8it6 Yeon bldg MORTGAGE LOANS, and 3 Louis Calomon CO.. 300 Oak -wt.. near tth. . MONK If to loan, to H. W. ti. aaitl fc Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. . MORTGAGE loans, 6Vs to 7. Orecoa Inr Jtr Mortaat Co.. 170 ia et. CHATTEL Mortgagee, bought and real estate loans secured. Main 6898. $200, $360, $600. $900, $1200. $1800. Fred W. German Co.. 78t Cham. Com 11600 OR any part, on Portland real estate, Atty. 416 Piatt bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 67 CHATTELS, SALARIES SALARIES CHATTELS. Money loaned to salaried i ople and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobile, diamonds, eta, at legal rates, with easy terma, of pay-r ment; no delay,. . v PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC,-, Licensed. Ill Dekuro bide. FINANCIAL at 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; ala sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and Wash, H. W. Noble. Lumbermews bldg. Luke Makes an Easy Job Difficult ,1