THE SUNDAY FICTION MAGAZINE; MARCH 26, 191& Tlhie Me HE prevalence of beo ".; pie who my that they vcan see no beauty in ; By JosepK Ernest Bwfrcted i Irving K. Manoir. the r skyscrapers of New Yofk -does -not over his large, good-humored "features, halls and places where-they fox-trot In prove- that - the sky- to his masstre shoulders, his base- Greater New York. scrapers are not bean- bell pendant, of the lulu-fado on tifuL It demonstrates nosed shoe;: Finally they daxxled him' dry land they took to the water, practie- merely that many people are condemned with smile ot frank comradeship. inc complicated steps on the decks of ex- to task-labor in these buildings, losing ."Why,. yes, 1 don't mind coin to lunch cnrsion steamers, thereby a certain perspective; that many with : you,"v irid. "V:.; s more lack the perception of beauty; and that still more never find them-: serve across vaw mw ui nmnnKj Like " thousands who work ' on ; the New Jersey side of the ' " v Hudson,' Cliff Ryan knew mil lax l&fmai, beautiful in all of their varied aspects by - day and night. He had crown ": . up with the most impos ing of them. In the in tervals of punching a ma chine with a bank of num bered keys In ' the big Remson factory across : the river he bad watched daring -story piled on story until the summit was' crowned with a glittering-, triumphant dome. ' 7 The Remson factory, as you have possibly noticed ' with a pang of grief, is a sort of ; Brobdingnagian packing-case punched full of - holes for . windows, a staring- utilitarian satire on the marble" - magnifi cence across the water,- Often, while at work on bis stool in the ac counts department, Ryan would steal a glance across the busy river at the aspiring pinnacles of New York, and the sight would stir him to unrest. He would run a huge hand through his crisp. -- ---!' 1 " 1 'x w j - .. A fcor o, light flashed across his face; it wjas ; ashy gray. pretty, arms was more than ever like a ' ,- ;JTm sorry, you said "that, Cliff,' she' answered. f . . "You mean that I'm not rich enough? . "lJe, I guess I mean that you are too poor.? 4 . - r Ryan recalled the pessimistic Burrows strictures on girl clerks,, and .writhed-- ln It was in this way that wardly. "At that," added Mary, turning -on him a sweet and somewhai discrepant smile,. lf I Tever- do marry anybody, I shall want him to look-something like youT : : Ryan's optimism returned in U flood. Money, after all. wag the only difficulty. Well, thousands of peoples quite ordinary in appear ance, made money in bundles,' On his way .home that , night he regis- . tered a decision to earn promotion. He would become a startling ex . ; - ample of . dynamic enV ciency. The Remson peo ple had never realized his ability. - It.was possible that he had never given them " the chance. He would -. now proceed to show -them that he must be - regarded as one of their, rising young, men. After all, you had only to woik! -, He titon ished Borrows greatly b7 arriving two .min utes 'ahead of time i on 'the morning., when be entered, the of fice fired with thts reso-' lution. Burrows, on ac count oft his large and growing family, had BRILLIANTLY flushed. Mary leaned ever the raiL She swung her hat by the ribbons, baring ber calm brow, to the . cool breeze that blows off the end of Man Ryan felt that there was something de cidedly unusual in the. atmosphere. The customary piles of figures were not await : ing him on the' deskv- On the other hand, a. curtly addressed envelope stood on edge . between the keys of his adding machine. -He tore it open, and av moment . late ' .A .A...'-.. I- 7 ' . ... .. . M. . siareu ai - outtows in uuii smazcmenw Burrows smiled -weaklyj .. v . - ,- " "Canned P exclaimed, Ryan. Whit s VpliOiS never been able to afford the luxury :of , unpunctuality, . He was already at work, and he greet- They had a slight disagreement Uter Ryan, coming under the simultaneous in- xl Ryanwith a queer air of constraint. -. . ,: .--t. ... vi. because she Instated on nevina: her 'own flueace of Marv Oilman and the skvscraD- Apart rrom tne circumstance inai aaary tawny nair, ioruuf uuku w u - - . ,.- - . ,iMt with a heave of his -bow- cnecav nut tneur reiauons were ouerwise . era py nigni, was prungea mio emotions -t erful Bhoulders. It was a mysterious emo- estaWished twjste of bis depth. " tion that he never tried to analyze, and . ship. -n"-- - - :- JT . V the strangest feature of it was that be de. - By leanlngvback a little on bis stooLat rived the same sort of thrill, only with re- Rran found, he feoold see the doubled force,: from seeing the back of unUM playing on her dark hair and the Mary Oflman-s-neck.1 , : ' shapely line; of her neck and shoulder; . An adventurous colleague of Ryan's and the -was something in that Une had left the accounts department to adorn Wctt cc81011 uldeB TjiuuL' The portentous. Incredible a different sphere In the West. A . few Wood, accompanied by ta thrUl like W;,, of th.giant buildings In the,n i.t-: hU Rvan was still wondeir- electric shockvThe skyscrapers, even In -tl; di-trlet slid Maast them serosa; the' Ing what kind of raw youth would fuT the their sundown tintswere nothing Wackwater, wearing their lighted wln-'rotttt bad ' ' v-V. . vacant chair, be arrived at the" office to "comparison. He had to draw P.daw, llk6 apangies. -k , V ; Suddenly he flamed into. anger, to cross find the departed one's place etartlingly breaths to Tereome. fho .feoltag..;.;,, v; ijuonnments.-. areo't - theyTfJSsM in a few, etrldes. and. burst, into occupied by Mary Oilman. - - quiciuy appearea tnat the advent ot Mary was by no means raw.; She had Miss Gilman; had not produced the same the profile of a handsome boy. the finely impassion-on her other colleagues. - Bur molded arms of a lassie statue, and the tow for Instance, was moved to disgust, perfect self-psslon '-of a .traffic police-.H u man who dyed his hair, man She installed herself In the midst of wa ont to complaln.of the growth - her masculine coUeagues aTlf shead his family as a man might bemoan the tnifcln, bow. many thousand years men , been directly appointed by fte:" -- - - have been toiling and fighting and invent- InetaWyByaii ' lliifej7behliid:j at -ao -M . norning. lnJf xtvt her ou!d build thing like test-of his personality , noon to take corert but detailed stock ot V There', mar-. . ' . . -. -After 'three years work! What's tho her Those statuesque "arms showed to ried men wltb amllle tP10 "Some work!" assented Ryan. "Some- coinplalnt? Haven't X . earned my 20 arsluge m the operation of how,, whenevef I look across at them I perT , pins toto a hatrIneviUblyralw . . . "Is that all yon earn! What, did you 'Oitaum- waa WedlJitely2awaii otMa toi- T' )f hr Men' are wonderful.- said Mary, sigh- start atr , ' " - spection;-She swung round to dete ing, "When I think of the way they've, JThe same-$MThat' Just the point," rrankennrovaLPv struggled wHh their hands "T and : brains replied Ryan, thinking of .his shattered WM- she said. " "You might sV well yott won me kicWnv Jn since the world began, all to make It a resolution. " ,v . " a. . thev can count ud to twentv some fellow v. . .j .tnj..'i av it. - .fJ'-1 v ". ; .cuuuvrwuiv )im.- tw.wviuou utu vuuurw- ..- ib, inati jun ids jioiov; aErcea wf Mary admiringly. "They- always seem, to the omce or tne cniei accountant. ; Tne be saying what a fine thing It Is to be- a ..cniei was a oesiccaiea man, wiin coia, ex man." J 'K -..T- . :-nreselonle3sHeyes that had seen nothing ,-Oh. 1 dunno," Ryan replied. "It Isn't but figures for half a lifetime. He fixed the swell cinch, yon girls think It Is.- r bis pale orbs on Ryan'a vest- I wasn't thinking of cinches. --1 vm Tm fired, eh?" Ryan demanded hotly. "That's the way it looks to roe,", the - have been toiling and fighting and invent- chief replied, in a voice as colorless as tha "11 you insist on knowing It blurted Ryan, "I was just thinking you were some ' marries them- and makes , them .- stop at' -home." to live in, I wonder who told them it was chief in bis pale, dry voice. '"The mar their Job!" ''.i- ;.'' - - ' .--.v ket's dropped from under you since then. lOOjgy, . - , vv-?' V -'-T.-.?-' ... - . AU' ' un ,ru wuii , . i uycvv ;vu usnn vn yuiuog some - "And wondering who wished mW office, and whether X like the fox-trot, and girl U drawing $15 a week she can't see. distant, -? .The.-; wake rushed away from. ' .'.The chief stared still harder at Ryan's if I Jive with; my f olks-theymostly o,: mtn h dW?1n notlwith them in a jeweled swirl that made Ryan's vest and Jabbed( around his desk for the '-Well the'siswerlls "that-.if ;I; sU fcead arrimBa looked at'lCary flao eyealnjcr i, . C-" -S' , - . talk Instead of hunting some lunch I shall : ' A grain, of truth underlies most utter- instead, and .found In them a. more dan- :. don't -see that I've anyright to dls -faint ot a i'-i r Ances of this sort; but at Cliff Ryan's age gerous hypnotic light JBis strong hand, cuss this 'company's business ;with out Ryaugofr up,. .keenly mte8ted. along the rail, closed 'suddenly sidera," he snapped. TLet me show;i-you ;a' lunchroom,; beMoreover, Miss Gilman' was obviously able "over her capable fingers. . - r- ir"' " Clearjy there was nothing more to be Tolunteered.'-., Sv 'r'-;--v; i .-t r- -toseehlm without artificial aid to ylslon. . - "Honey ' kid,"- he murmured, 1 wish said., Ryan swung out, grabbed his hat Mary Gilman's reply, was characterls- So they continued to, see a. great dealof you'd, let me do just that for you!" -, . and shook the dust of the Remson factory -tically self-possessed. "Her gray eyes met each other, not 'only around the Remson -7: Mary turned her gaze on ibe skyscrap- from his feet 'with a certain emphasiSV -his in a iook ox open appraisal, traveiea xaciory oui aiso m many 01 vne uance ers again.-, pronie imi ,retxi. pn nw : - ,,ji,ib m rv-m iuj -