The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1916, Page 54, Image 54

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. Jjcavc umcc
VorrieV Bchinci
By Irene Gardner,
'i When men are what traits they
" i.aroln' some -quallflcatione but there
i one which eVery -xnan witt ajf i fek
- requires.-It,. to that', wife should not
take' ht kHcheorJnto -the' parioiUv;
I Nrv should ahe byithaaame
" token, maaibould not take hie office
I intonls bomerf:
- Women know .so well how men.dis
I ilk to -'be met with complaints regard
i ingr the domestic, machinery when. they
vul"viuviti . . B . - -
' discuss Theusehold cares i before w the
" husband.- And this Is as it should be.
1 for men hsve. care enough ia the busi
f reus ' world without, i: bein burdened
with; the caret of the domestic end of..
life. "-And it is equally true that the
I majority of horoe-tnekers have enough
to worry them' without being burdened
', with every phase of the i husband's
Business We. Tbe; kindest"1 of hus
'! bands, men who would really' not hurt
' their wives for the world unconscious
". ly. Inflict added burdens , on them by
I taking tbelr office home with 'them. :
; . . ; . -. ; . .: : :
'can' tell the moment my" husband
': en left' the . door.; whether' things bave
j sons right at the office that day ,r said
J a woman, who has long, since learned
1 that -1 1 . does .not ; conduce to domestic
happiness t takeVher kitchen into the
,,- dining room, to say nothing or v toe
i parlor,-;:. . .- r - 7 .ought to be ashamed of
.,; himself. : His wife has many caress
I Mhe runs the house .with the asStst-
J a nee of 'one medium, priced girt and
i there' are three. young children. tThey
I ' all live comfortably but' It 'takes good
management,- for the Income . is not
Urgev?owdon'tyoaS think that one
;t Dae juai as muca nim to ,"jvj -"
ti. evening free" from office cares as the
man has to be free from kitchen cares?
i She seldom hag suck an evening, far
i . the is more than often obliged to .hear
4 all the. trials that have beset her hus
band during the day. ' This means that
her already tired brain and body re
i ceive an unjust burden,, , . , ." r'.
Winsome; Utt!fliady:sfDif-
ferent : From Any, Other
t un
- - ..1-
i. When a man meets . serious :busl
; ness difficulty . the majority of .wives
ris magnificently to the occasion and
.i help bear the burden bravely, but they
' should not be annoyed' with the from
day1 to day troubles, rfo; they. have
f enough of ?theirownr Ax V" "c'--'
- vt There was a man who recently told
- his wife detailed accounts of a diffl
culty he was in at the office and add
-ed. "If things don't change soon, J don't
' know ; what m. do" and kept n this
rate until he got her all worried. The
tlifflculty was one that bad just arisen
' nd was only -temporary trouble, as
deep lit his ; heart he knew. But he
wanted sympathy, and so got it from
his wife by appealing to ber. In the
morning be was gloomy and left, her
with a weighf like lead at her heart.
"AH day . long she felt depressed. .The
children were cross and she ibad to
. srive, much strength to them, meantime
carrying the added burden of ber-husband's,
busiuess. - When he came home
at night end sh saw his radiant face,
she xaaped! -Oh, Will, 'is it all rtght'T
; . J v-, wS ft ' J ..-'
, .What do you mean? he asked' blank
'.-Itr- then, remembering, - added- laugh
j lngty,- "fOh. yea; that turned out-".si-
right. I" found the letter waiting "for
m when I got to town this morning."
. And he will never know that just such
instances as that are eating away the
bloom from her lovs for him. - She is
, one of those women, who, wheh one
, of the children are sick, will send him
- off., to buslness; with a. smile- and a
, kiss and tell him it's less serious than
she. really fears it to be, for .she does
. not want bim to. carry an added worry
, during business hours. She does not
, compel bim to take the family and his
house to bis office. ! ; r
; If you've got a wife like that, my
, masculine reader, just see that .you
play fair with her, ; You are' probably
a kind and Indulgent husband," as most
. of them are, but be still kinder by Je
: ing as kind to ber as she is to you.
pos't take, your office home at night.
, - Lock it all in when .you, turn the key
' In the door. ' . , .
' Madame t Tamakl k Mlura. "Japanese
diva,'1 wiu C the -Bostonj jGrind ,-Opera
ompany,; fa' a iiving, melodious ; testi
mony' that Kipling was ; wrong when
he wrote; Jj.' v- ."',,,,
"O. -eMt'i east art tret J weat.'asd serer
the win bll meet, - .- ' . ' - .. '
Till earth and heen ataud presendi1 at Coe a
Madame Miara giVe voice,: cul
ture and charmi of fascinating acting
all, thatiis required . by ithe beautiful.
artificial, otcidental f art of grand
opera In ole that! Is rooted in and
in substance Is J of Cthe' orient
A prims donna is just about the. last
thing we lookedi for, rpm-Japan, yet
here she is in-and hot anlyt that she
is the Japanese prima donna,- and the
definite article is designaUng' her- Is
the absolutely-correct one: to,use,. for
Madame Miura. is the only: one of her
kind In , the world- v . -- -: .'
The tiniest ot tiny ladles. : Madame
Miura.4 clad ! in a- wonderful ; kimono, l
glossy black -coiffure banded wtth jew-'
Is.i magnolia.- blossom skin, cherry
Hps." questioning . sidelong - glances , an
gestures , that- art all grace---euch . U
the prinia donna . , of : the-, orient . and
tn'erefore'the differentesprtma donna
among All the many -varieties -of .prima
donnas, known to the operatic stage, ."v
; The peopletntbis country like my
"BuerGy'JsOf 'wrjr4 muchithat Vt am
sure I. jam-1 the happiest, girl in alt
Japan, or the" happiest Japanese girl
in. the world, I should iay.. Everyone
Is so kind .to me and l nave .naa aucn
s big success that "I ..wiSlv.I .did not
have to1 gO' bc.ckr to Japan, but I ! must.
We, my husband and I, will salK the
sixth of May for Irfmden. where Dr.
Miura; my -husband. who Is - doing re
search wOrk to 'chemisiry, iWllf finish
seme' special work and ; then we ' will
go von to-Japani but; only lor a time,
for I am1 to come back tb your beauti
ful! America next year and sing "Iris.
the beautiful vpera' written by Mas-cagni."--:
-:J.V;i:jf -. r ;. ;
v Are you .going to encourage other
Japanese women to enter the operatic
profession r was asked. -
; ryes, but I will tell them not' to
expect success without a very great
deal of hard work; There is so much
to learn, X have so-much to. learn yet.
yry GiA' O light
; to :Rnd Trade I
By Anita Stewart,
Madame ITamakl . Sfiiira
some ray-f friends tell . me.V I have
such a, fine art. : but I know there Is
still- much -or roe to know and I shall
continue tof study and perfect myself
and, so I tell the women of my country
that thy must first have - a natural
vWce and then they must not. expect
success . toe -quickly. :
Copyright Intsmatkmal Kew Setrlce, Ki
My ." mother--my ; wise, , farseeing
mother began when i was a little girl
te prepare me to be self-supporting. I
bad a very,'sweet, strong, high soprano
voice, and it , was : intended T In those
days that. I should - befa singenvbut
chance opehed the door of a moving pic
ture studio to me. :;. I made good, and
my fate was changed
S- Aar A r Hlor iifrrto'9nA''.
J 1 VI - HI II I IVI - I IV! I IV. Ul IVJ -e'-e
i Her Pets;-.
TVi vnii think mnv nnn1'9r Min
InW to see my.'Butterfly'r she asked. If useless misery' and suffering.
with; all the. childlike Interest of a ;' ' v i"
'But how J make, my living is a mere
detail ftThe main i point- la that ' my
mother did not trust my future to luck,
as is the 'common Vay . with parents
wtth their girls, 'although they" , are
careful enough fd try . to safeguard
their boys. K ' 1 ' 1 ,' - -
My mother, didn't say",' . "Anita - is
prettyj s)h'll - be sure, .to ' marry and
live happily ever afteirwsrd. ; ;
.-' She said. ."Perhaps -Anita may -marry.:
. Perhaps she msy pot "marry..-- Per
haps,: if she does marry,- her husband
may . turn .out to be poor-- business
man, who.-' has no faculty for making
money, orHe" may become an Invalid,
or die. and leave her with children, and
she"-may need to know, how-to make
money - a hundred - times - more desperately-
than any single woman ever does.
.''I've seen all .of. these- calamities
happen ,over Sad over ' again,- and 1
don't want my ' daughter to 4E one -of
those helpless, f utile women who have
never made a dollar,, and couldn't make
a dollar to save their livel If they -were
thrown out on their . own resources, ' -:
That's the way my mother-looked art
toe subject, and if every other -mother
iook inefsame line ii wouia save a rot
debutante in her first party.
?And when 1 assured her that every
body was going to hear Madame Miura
and. incidentally to her "Butterfly,'
she flashed back in her demure Jap
anese way, "Ton Americans always say
something nice and so I like to listen."
A - half hour with v this ' winsome
life that makes so many of them make.
sucn a mess ni it. - ' - " .
tf -every girl was taught some trade
or profession by which she could sup
port herself it would . do away with
nearly vail; of the unhappy marriages.
Then ,a girl could wait until ' the
maiden, veritable breath from., oner-nian came along, instead pf having to
nr-hinunm-iinri in.nn. ion' ruitu I take -the first' man who proposed to
the simple trustfulness that must by I her, because ber family shows her that
Its, very 4 nature end in-; unutterable ""a dh .ui uyo uW(h wi
" - -. -j ,v.'- . wlher: lOna enouehr and that she ouht
I know what Is in the heart of the t oui vtw way nr you.ser
Jananese woman." she exDlains rwith llsters, ; -'I .? ; : ' ':,-'-;
simnlicltv?: -iButterflv, is of Janan. so I a The girl, with her own occupation
I know how she would feel and what I doesn't bav to marry for home, but
she' would A6- tmt I -do it.', i 'rr'r I the dependent girl does, only too-ofteo;
-aba ka nn if uft with th niMirl The girl who - has a good trade or
of poor iitUe tJhoi Cho San who. be-1 Profession is . treated bettet by . her
lieved and waited-
Large Gathering ot Masons Next
; ' -; Weanesday at ;i Temple. , ,
ind waited. -'
. "Te rat on SegrM WorkWW'ashing
ton lodge No,46, A. F. and A. M., will
put on. the, work ot-the M.1L degree
in : the Masonic temple, r west side, as
gnest' tof Portland: lodge No. 65 next
Wednesday "nigbC . The large hall will
be necessary- to accommodate" th "Vis
itors from- Portland and outside' lodges.
- TelUd ' ProphaU ' Saaoe and ' Cere-moalaL-
The Mystic , Order , of Veiled
Prophets: is- represented .by a; loe
grotto known: as Gul Reaxee. It-will
give a da.nee next Thursday knight in
the .Masonic Temple. . All blue lodge
Masons and their i ladies are invited.
Oul Reaxee grottpi is., growing; vapidly
in ' this city: and expects to take In a
large class at the ceremonial session
to be . held nex Saturday. At this
time 3S candidates front Eugene, head
ed by Frankt Hard, monarch-elect ef
the new ' grotto to be formed -there,
will take the ceremonial degrees, A. A.
Bailey, monarch of Oul 'Reaxee grotto,
has-been deputised to -confer the deg
rees on the members of Angoria' grot
to of-Seattle at an eaHy;date. c
Vevr "Kasoalo XHrecteiry ' XssnsdV-R.
I Polk' & : Ccs, by authority,, has Is
sued a directory of Masonic4 bodies in
Portland for.l9.1 It is a vest pocket
slse booklet tf or i'use. of members .of
the lodges and -allied - fraternities.
There are 14 9. pages. . ..;. ... v-. .
hiamOfflcw fwm Tislt-Fred
E. Wheaton, ef Minneapolis, supreme
keeper of '-records and , sesl.-of . the
Knighta f ythlaa, will .be , In Port
land April 1. to make final arrange-
husband, - too. ' Do : you know" why so
many wives .stand for : drunkennews.
unraithtuiness ana orutamyv irom
their husbands? It's because they have
no way .Or maxtng a living ror xnem-
selves-w, They've never been, taught
ments- for : beadquarters s. for', the' su
preme convention; to be neld here" Aug
ust 1 to Is. -' He will be received bv
the supime' lodger convenUon-com- (how to .earn- a cent, and it's a choice
mittee, composea v or., representauve I between being abused or itarvlng-with
memoers es tne vregoncrana loage. -1 them. .-. . s -. . . .j -
Jtoysi -erigirbOTSajuuversary--Tbe
Royal Neighbors of America has been
celebrating the" 'twenttfkf irst : anni
versary of its- benefTciaryi department. notice i on her husband that- if - he
MaVgueHte cams of Portland save Its I doesn't treat ber right she'll- go back
.. But the woman wlthr a1 good;prof es-
sion at her fingers" ends -simply serves
program last Tuesday night. Many
other meetings are being, held In van
6us parts of- the state.'.- H
Court MXrHood W1U ZatextaUu-
Court Mt Hood, Foresters of 'America,
will entertain ; members and ' friends
with a card party and dance next Tues
day night at F. of Jl.. hall. 129 Fourth
Superfluous Hairs Just
Famous Beauty Secrets that Have
Made the Theatrical Star,
Valeaka Suratt, America'a
Greatest Self-Made
r. -r- . , . Beauty i
I NEVER see a woman with -
superfluous hair on ber face . -or
body .Jhat-it tloes not re- i .
mind me or some care woman. .
It is hideous, and, it is inexcus
able, ? because n easily ; and :
thoroughly removed; at least.H ;
it becomes so by usihs the- fol--
lowlns which never fails- - Yot rani a
ten the bairs to be removed With sulfa
solution. . You see the hair - dissolve
away In quite e remarkable manner,. -
ana you men wasn it on. -me sun is
left clear, soft and unmarked. ' Anoth
er splendid feature is that it can be
ued en the tenderest skin, or any parti
of the- body. with, perfect safety. It
ran be obtained atuiy drug store. iOr-!
d I nary depilatories burn off the bair
und leave a red or irritated spot where
s p plied. - -Bat instead ef burning off the
hair and injuring the skin, no matter
how tough, sulfo solution dissolves the
hair and is a, positive, benefit- to the
Pklo,. - ' - -v. ...
- ..
' LOOlilNdS" OL.t- I ram" particularly
r roud of the results of my skin reju
venator, which is a cream made by dis
solving two tablespoonfuls of glycerins
and two ounces of eptol in a half pint
tf hot water. This Is the most aston
ishtngi wrinkle remover I have ever
round, making crows' feet, deep wrin
kles and , lines:-, disappear, with great
rapidity - It . makes the skin plump,
youthful and vigorous, and by-faithful
x e yo-j , will soon see a tremendous
t -. in your appearance, i The
col can be obtained at any drug store,
.nts also makes the: most economical
.ream you can , . , . -, ,
FAiXJNO 2 am known as the onlv
woman - on 'the American stage 'who
t, esrs : no hair' switches of ther hair
mavce-sturts.,- irouowf. my suggestion.
pnd use my bair secret as follows: To
i Aif a pint of alcohol add half a pint
cf . water for else you may use a full
f I lit j j wv "
nia -add one ounce of beta-quinol, It
las i powerful action upon- the bair
f ila, hair roots and the scalp. ' Tour
' j.J r-will be healthy vigorous, fluffy.
i grow luioninuy u wm oe start
r in its results. - - - - - ;- . -;
. . . -e-;?V'.-i-.-;--.-c.-.i."-, .,':
V. - .
1 " ilip"-x
to her old position, and you are going;
ta f Ind out that when every woman is
self-supporting' there is going to be
the greatest reformation the world has
erer knowB'iii ths ; conduct of hus
bands.' i ' ti'r- -
And it gives a girl such r a - sense
or. Independence and ' dignity to - know
that she; can stand; on tier own two
little .feet, and 'doesn't baveto be. like
Commercial Travelers Elect Offl-1 a flopplngr vine banging ontc the near-
ceSry- The following -officers have l est, support. . Jt makes her feel that
been-' elected by Oregon council.. No. 1 sne s a numan oeing ana some account
, united -Commercial- Travelers of I " ne woria, anauuii is aooauM sou
America! ' RXW.vHoda-klnson.' senior I aaosfyiilg an emotion as we "ever set.
counselor: A. H. Metselaar. ; iunlor Is y8o-limr, rirla, by all means -learn
counselor; Pi Ev Arlett; past counselor; I now to w some one muig -weu enouga
B.P. Mortu. flretirv-triHri" . v. I to make a living by it. i It doesn't mat-
L. Frelich.. conductor: Hawthorne I ter-wnetner you are ncn or poor, rorj
Doiev." nacre- J - H : KDiirnlerr nentlnel. I nwwB wi eon vi usa,Md
vmormta auu a, t r, buoi. i.i tm a
w""!'uw jouge. iaiigBi'or; -yvn- jiean on if you peed it. and if you never
las naetne amy company er unirormed need ft' It is a' comfortable thought to
rank m the city, Portland -company know that - vou'vt rot it fn rrrvm
wo. a. oance is to be given, under I jfa -Just: like having money ln the
ltsausnices next ttondiv nirht.-fol- h.nv ' .-j -
owing a social entertainment. Mem
ber a and riends are invited."' '
' W. S. C Social at "Woodaswm. The
WomansA- Relief . corps - of Woodlawn
will give a social and dance at Green's
hall Woodlawn, next Thursday night.
large Class of Qdd TeUowav Sama-
JPavlowa ! of the poetic toes -Pav-lowa
the- lncomparable.v . i -vyM -.
She is child, - woman" and artist in
turn and all - at once, f ' She received
me in the drawing room"xf; ber suite,
wearing " a -short black skirt and . a
loose flowing jacket of : cherry col
ored 4 charm euse C which i ' threw : In to
striking relief her raven-like hair,
sallow. sJn and eyes so big, so vivid
and: so penetrating , that they are to
her.' face, what: her tos aretO' ber
dancing;.' the transmuting "vehicle ef
an - mwara " lire, , - -
Only her syes seem to belong -' to
tben-Pavlowa of the ; ge. t always
glancing, about with -- lUe -Jiuk-knesK
ofv a: bird - and"; always". holding you
subject to -: her--. thought, v She i. was
quite -without .paint . or : powder and
she never uses-them except as part
of her stage costuming. .
Lnlike most artists. Pa vlowa ; never
takes 1 a vacation. - r , -
I'l cannot sffrtrd" to. jaha'amtled.
f roust . work for' hours t of every!
day 1 1 : 1 would . keep . at my best, - '' f
wjlth her exquisite,, atry. dancing, but
even the flutter, '-ot-'Jier marvelously
flexible " fingers ;'ie- a ithlngftot-con-
tant endeavor.:.- She s looks' so - frail
and la;- sucii a tiny .woman, "scarcely
weighing -;100 - pounds, ;that lt -beems
Incredible to' find her 1 taxing almost
no rest anddittle 'fresh: air, : when r I
asked, if; she rhever : tired 'of dahcingi
If, she never - f elt - thei ned xf repps?,
she answered; rX"Test; but to con-
Unue .working, workiis life, and with'
out it I should not -care . to lve.'.I
dance before my, mirror with my.
ballet master i many hours jeVery. daj.
mademoiselle you may believe - me
when I say that I love " it. r ' I
While we talked lit trotted a homely
little beast who" -rubbed what- little
nose 1 he had he is a Boston bull
against .her han.4 and . wagged .his wee
stub of it'talK In response, to the name
Poppy. - .' , T,-. :
"Very foolish name. Ian t it, but we
got him in Los Angeles where the poor
pies bloom 'and. somehow we coudn't
think of anything else, ' she declared.
Beautiful Soma la "England. " .:
: "Even when I an at my home- In
England; I yroAZ . she- said, - picking
up? the thread of - conversation whers
foppy . naa broken it off. "I have a
beautiful' summer home. Ivy House,
just , outside 4 Ixmdon. . ...It has ;, large
grounds and . opposite : itis ;, a ? great
public park, and it is .20- miles from
Xondon. so it is ..beautifully quiet and
that is what I want after the hard sea
son, and the meeting with- many neo
pie. . There I can rest and Telax and see
no one, which li What I have a
young gazelle that frolics about' the
lawn and- many pigeons, swans,; par
rots, .that ; besides : speaking English,
DTencn- ana uerman, . can even aay,
should worry", in American.- :: ' '.
And the birds and animals do dance.
To - Ease '.Housekeeper's '. Borden.
SPooha "used in cook in e should. be
ltnln8n I n ft k.. ..tTOI.M. I M TOM M Ilf SS POSSIDIS. A lew
day hight May 3, for the lnit!aUon of i metal- ones should be kept for meas
4a tha AMa 34o-a h O.s-Iaw - I T : " W W ' - V
w w viwcov .IVURV ! VI US)U - Uiu UUV 1 v m - ' . : L .. 1
r twi i '( k- -. - Is xo cean gui irames ana over-man-
Joint- Odd PeUows - Celebration - Or. I - kk - ki. : it..- .111
- - . . - . . v w . mu ..uv .WA
tHiinted' for -a 'folnti Ce1.thrj.Tutn of thai . w . a -
ninety-seventh anniversary of Odd Fel-J ": j&' creaming butter and sugar, If the
lowsnip oy tne lodges tianaarltan. ori- 1 butter.' is hard never warm it It
ent, Hassaio and Minerva the night of I makes the caka' coarse.' warm the
J t.'DITH R. O. There ' is only one
rfect head wash: that I know. This
; rol. By dissolving on ieaspoon
t of this in half a cup of hot water,
1 hare a hair and - scalp cleanser
. h is unusually thorough and quick
renovin'all scurf, dirt and dead
n. Ifarmi tne nair Tluff v aM allkv.
a Sil ca-n. be secured at any drug
--. It far surpasses any soap or
.cr aiuu yoo. . . .- . --. . .. .
. --.. . . ; . ;
PREPAREDNESS -There - i- nlT
one real skin beautifier I have ever
known and, this will remove freckles,
red spots and other . blemishes - so
promptly as to surprise you. This 'is
my pwnvionmua wmcn is as follows:
Mix two tablespoon! uto ef glycerine
with half a pint -of -hot water and add
one ounce of -sintone, - which you " can
obtain at the drugstore. - Ths liberal
use of this svesan absolutely perfect
complexion. You can positively do-
a uponat. . - i -
T. JC C I am aorrv Vnrl At
appointed in -not getting the sulfo so
iuuon irom your druggist.; .My secre
tary, will get it for jyou and send it tf
juu auiiyir aoaress. -ecretary to Va
leaka - Suratt. --TlhomTmoii MHav m,i.
cago - and . enclose the price which la
one dollar,'
. i
? 3USANA- M. N.My formula for re
moving blackheads i is the7only posi
tive, quick and sure way; by sprink-
miwuii on; a sponge made
wet -with hot water.. -.This r,.KK
th. Wackheads wiU remove them .- big
and little, in a few momenta Thi Jl
roxin can be ? obtained -at any drag
in -uoubt-Tes, really ,all .face
powders ere. too chalky, and make the
face -"powdery." - I use none but my
own face powder.: which-has absolutely
no chalkiness. It is iumrh in 1..
ness, smoothness and scent, and is ln
detectabie. It is now obtainable at drug
. . . .!
j. v-.-r- aa tiso you not to Use
mechanical instruments for -bust de
velopment, Though it is impossible to
assure such a development, yet the fol
lowing has been successful in many
cases. A half a cup of eugar and two
ounces of ruetone should be'disaolved
in half a Dint of eM water ani of hi.
two teaspoonfula taken three or four
times a day. You can secure the roe-
soger or the bowL'
To preserve oilcloth, first wash It in
warm water, using no soap, and when
ury run over witn atcioth dipped in
sweet milk, then' polish in the usual
r r e
If a . little milk la -mixed with pipe
clay before it is rubbed on the door
steps', the: whiting , will .not 'come off.
- To prevent ' the - juice . from oozing
through, the crust of a- pie, brush the
under sideof the crust with Jhe white
or anexz. 1
. a. '
Silver? that is in" daily nse can be
Order of Moose is - deeply interested J kept - bright if it- is left for 'several
in a skating party ' to be given . next I hours In very hot," strong borax water
Friday night - at the , Oaks,; Special I once a weex.
music anil refreshments ' a ra faatiireal - .:
promised. - - ; j vPut a good blgpiece ef ; charcoal
m ue aim in wmcn , mo .onios are
planted; it will keep- the .water from
turning sour -r
TJll TT' . Cl'-Ll J 1 Z i ' When you -put the cereal on the
J.QU1 iOI TI IS QlliniRrS nleht- before, be careful to have It
-. , .... ,. . nn ;
Ziarge Crowd at 8oeia3L Klrkpatrick
council,.. Knights, and .- Ladies - of Se
curity,.' held.' its operr social and dance
last-Friday night in Moose hall. - The
hall was crowded to "its seating capac
ity.": SAn interesting musical hnd liter
ary program.. was given.,
; Saceivedv'VeteTaas' JeweL Jake 3.
Baumgardner of Echo, who-- for the
past 2a- years has been a member of
Overland lodge No. 2S. I. 0.- F.,
has recently.been sent a veteran jewel
by urand Secretary E. E. Sharon. -Mr.
Baumgardner , is 80 years of agSi &nd
weii anown in umatuia county.
jaaior SKoose to SkatedThe ' Jnnior
'AgecLf Commander '
i" j-' ..t.3;:- it 1 . - i'? -'T'ff ii:v.
Igorrotes rBecdming
Fortdon of Tribe TravsBng la ' Tnlted
States Wants Wa JBrery Day an'U
soura on sof suk , . -
--San' Franclscov lCalr March 2 S.(U.
P. Back in the mountains- of the
Philippines, wher - digestions have
flourished with' ostrich. like Invulner
ability. American -pastry: la corning to
taxe xne piace 01 aog rawti as xne na
tive food of the Bon toe n-ribe - of Ig-
orrotes. v '.'f-J-n-'-
A little f ra. gment of :"a "tribe, -which
for a year: has been traveling about
America, is now In San .Francisco un
willing to return. f On 'April X their
agreement : with- the", federal govern
ment expires and they must." return.
But it has been learned that the tribes
men have learned to eat pie and they'll
only eat fdog ence a week' now.' " :
The natives are making a fight-to
remain, in America, because .they like
to see movie shows and ride 'In Jitney
buses,-explained their : manager today.
"I have . to buy seven pies a day,'
he said. "They are threatening to kill
themselves ' If. they have to go home
: Ajina Pavalowa. ,
A . '-
. 'Axdjnlng room should be one of the
most attractive places . In the.! home,
for in It one literally begins and ends
the day's work.' It should -breathe an
atmosphere of restU'yet. be full of ra
diant good - cheer, and .that is why I
always hope that this room may-? bet
ruii or eunsnme. a wotmng has brought
such- a change for the better in most
cases) as the absence of the plate rail,
as unusually held - a heterogeneoua
mass 'of odd plates, platters, cups and
saucers; In fact. It was a catch-all tor
whatever the family did not Just hap.
pen toTiave a place for at that j-rticu-lar
w'P' i iff WrSf:i XiSf-Mty i
-w natever ths -baby tvcouid ot,' nave
found a safe abiding or hiding place
on' the plate rail J father; lafQ his pipe
there and wished to find it there .per.
baps a week hence ;. school , books rest
ed - there untlL? tomorrow mornlnc-,
and so on things without end. .s- i--.- r
The old style of dividing the wall
space into three parts is also no more
(praise be and the correct thin is
one colors straight - up to -tha h torrie
molding, or if the walls are over nine
feet the 'ceiling U dropped a f 00 Of
course,-the Ideal -finish for a dinlns
room . Is .-paneling of real ; wood or of
cream enameled paint, many coats put
on and r-ibbed down, to a soft eggshell
finish. . , t . -
PertoQ. furniture is always good, as
- V .1 1 Sf ' - .
they--ae"fpxemptedt. by. ithe . same .mo-.
Ove'srtbar., impel Jhumanbeings tcthls
kin d-of . expressloh.3 They toq.-wantj to
produce, an - esctas y tov abandon.! tnem-.
i .... . jr v..T.m
and to f orgetin'.-the' exactin "moment
of, supreme happiness all the .puazlmg;
distresses: of 11 e.f:f or", even tnebeasu
nave their troubles- you Knew.;
' ,?To sav-that dancing; ls"just as mach
spiritual as". tt,-I a, matter 'ef "physical
grace is a piatituae, 1 unnx. puvit ap
ptles to animals as well as to-human.
If you have -a pet dog for instance.
like. Foppy, and you've been j away a
long time and -he is-just so happy to
hsve you horrie again he, can hardly
contain himself and runs madly around
In' a circle or scampers gailyi Up and
down the. hall and makes repeated fly-
tng leaps -on ana ou a paruvtuar-vmuiY
why ibless Shis -mongrel heart! he's
dancing- tpr ; joy. f and-'., his strange
rhythmic' actions are but the. inartic
ulate expression of a sosU '
"TJancingf, you - see, is the one art
which bars , neither man or beast f rem
becoming- ai devotee ; of its Joys. - .We
cannot, all . sing, or act or paint, nor
sculpture or write; but we.can all respond-to.
rhythm as-a jneans of emor
tiohal expression, and rhythm is not,
Only the soul of the dunce, but the
whale universe ' , ? - :
i -But what. I started to tell-you was
that I worked -while . I am on my va-
cation. . (Sounds not quite true, doesn't
itr Butl do. You see the seven maids
that travel 'with me are with me at
Ivy' House -and 'life, goes on much the
same as when', we.- are on the , road. I
rest all, I can and spend as much time
out of doorg. as 1 can;' but'I always
have an engagement In Xxhdon. danc
lna- in thera every day. making, the trio
back and. forth in Jny. motor.. . .r. .,1
B y . Madame aiai son.
tha .reproductions are Just about jper-
fect' Can ifbu: Imagine anytMnr mors
lhvlting thatf ?a? dtolng troom ; done" in
WUliam and Mary," the finish being
a.4ulI,ichfdar8noakandith i ehair
seats in" ai grayish lue hair, cloth t A-,
set bf 10 ; pieceswould: mean 'an--tension
tableUside tablesi" a aldeboerd
china closet,' twe.arm.7 chair and, four?
side' ones.;
a - a . .-Aj.
- Use Z anlimitatlbnChinese Chlppen
dale rug on the floor, cream.. or.eystr
white y tlnen unner? on ; (ther tabla
worked m blue cross stltclu. brass or,
Sheffield ? eandlestbcks withv talT7un
shaded candles on the buffet : and Jut
ths -very,- necessary 'tea or icoffeeNser
vice avoid all cluttering' of small s)l
ver knd keep aU dignified and plain. .
Hang no picturea, unless they, are old ; :
family4 portraits with jio place .else t
hang them. . , -"'.-,' '
?. Arrange-: thai shelves of the china
closet without acrowdingj , put extra '
pieces 'and all extra service In the but
ler'a pantry, t See that the swing door :
moTes ? noiselessly for .1 rhay dined;.
where the rsqueak oftha door evary,
time : thb maid entered -was ,nost-an :
noylng,;4lthougHth?faniMy''Wer ap
Patently -tised toiit. .,A breakfast set.-
in -old Canton blus would; be ebarmlag. .
In' this o.V;Vt-'S' ' ,K '";.
Net or scrim curtains may be used ;
with, overdrapery sor blue sundouri or
Just1 use sMe draperies, of 1 a "figured ;
? 1 V. I - VIS a.uaa .aa. 4 fr
Diu UiriQ flariiig w on vi, rv ib -wc
Tn iattr win o especially awro.e
$142;27 Jsia: Lot ; of- Honey:' to r Save on
inev rorcnase; aiinisomenaiananQp
1 wu.
:ta.; (
TTsiiai 07C added 01 07 In rich Mahogarro Walnut for t OOft ll-M ;
Price 5375 eUewhere W Members 14J7 wX3Uwaly.
rum in. si critical as ybu. Please; see this ew J !l-mwL niompn r-iano
hff inert mhVganvt-lts clean cut case design; Its, full, aettonei its new,
imrfrOTed TaVy 'double repeating action will satisfy you thst this is the best
bmMrMw"fane propositi oir eVer of fered In this fc Cyandyoeallywtl
wan to buy now. -vV5MWill? take your; old piano ,er; first -payment;
Closing Out 1 9 1 & ivioaeis
A Well-Koown Actress TeU. How She
;; Darkened - -.Hrr-Grajr Hair - .and
. Promoted lU; Growth . Wtl , i
Simple Home-Mads Mixture-.- ;
' J - ' - t -'
'.'ltia I Blajaihe Rose?: .a well-known
actress,, who; darkened iher gray, hair
wlth a simple prepare y on which she
mixed at'borae. In a recent interview
at Chicagoi 114 made 'the t following
statement: , "Any'.lady, or gentleman
can- darken their gray hair and .make
it soft and - glossy with ; this simple
recipe, which they can mix at home
To -sv half 'int of water add X ox. of
bay rum, a. Small box of Barbo Com
pound, end U oa. of .glycerine. '; These
ingredienta tan d jwugns a any omg
store atjyry,litUe cost. Apply to,the
hair twice a week until it becomes the
required shade. This will make a gray
haired person look fQ years younger.
It is also fine to promote the growth
of hair, relieves Itching and scalp hu
mors and. is excellent ,for -dandruff
and falling heir:.- . . , , - (Adv.j
s-ws." rVnii Tw Paw1" ' "5 . '.i;'l:-...-Sr ' . i
Ws donot charge Interest for a With Only Thesef4f ;! X0 1.
l St piSoTweaell. therefore , .Prices.. 'Jdur1-. .
T1 ....f.iiiuui fsaa Iht'at Ko, .Actual Cash ;lyv-
tf . ', " s Kle. rihter. ssv- Pay- Pay- -,
.i . - ? ...a r?- " laaak : ei suet n i t
iu ;,,siwrsr .
... .1 M.r.
rr-T".w . . ' where. i'. est.
akix m.iVMit ss Sons. tiDrisht.l5W.40 10 $328.40
seio Steiaway upright. , . T46.8 ,f; 345 ... 400.8&
SoiWd ftbasV -upright ...-!?f ?vf?22-i VJlil
aau . ffrann . . . . .. ... ... .. m w o u.vv ..
400 Chiokerina k V' f;5AS-?S'
"""' "',"..v-r'r- ""'-iidi 1 9 t aaas
ioo Weekly
O.OO-': -v.-
l.oo weaniy
2.00 Weekly
2.00 Weekly
10.00- - f
. - .ni a araaktv. arott' can. therefore, afford to buy. a
BwouxoompsoB, pj" :jr'ri;,:-::K ioRs .iio. 11
esOBUger. piayer piano- , !.... iiJS Sr: Ilia ias tii.oo
fiaSStvno-;;;: rt oSp : k ? f.2S-bfe
1350 Pianola
B300 Ans-elus
aMKT.Ml1a TV
" r ' v .m.nna aemra a new or used Piano or Player. -. Mar5y desirous or
buying "t unTrepae4 atPthis time to take advanUge of the Pnl i great r
reduction in prlceVhave decided to accept $1 down' when contracting, balan.-e ;
EverVSS'ohayer Piano'Vumaaeicarriee thleSch :
Co.-" guartnteiT of satisfaction, as also the usual twarane from ch manu, 4
facturer of these new musical Instruments:, besides, we wiltUM i iln axohangt
withione year, allowing full amount paid If . desired, f Open Mondaysand-Sat,
urday evenings during this sale. : " - - . ., ".L ' ' '', ' ff-j:
" '.w' . IBS XOJKII TUT BBI IWliS SiW isaaai.:. . ... '-.i..
:-. i .Waryaateo.Jlaoki
lir.-V,'--" UL11 1 f till A 1U11 V 1
..-.fc,:;-- .T . . , .. i.,r ;
KIQTin I ft
.: warrantee ,acad i
. $12,000,000 -
Sfleld : Marshal - Count .) Toa : Saessler
Is 80 Tears Old but Site Korea' as
Straight mm aa ''Arrevr..' -
.-Berli n,-March U5.-(I,N.; S.)r-Field
Marshal Count von Haessler,' 80-years
old. but, anting his horse straight I slip the knife under them, and "out
as an arrowy, is the adviser of the I them free of . the rind. - keeping , as
boil - for - at least 20 minutes before
fixing the fire for the night. , If this
precaution s not taken: tht cereal may
turn, sour.'.vvvv- a-- :
To V slles bacon ' properly-Al way a
place it rind down and do, not lattempt
to cut through the rind." When you
have - the desired number .; of slices
crown -prince and the real commander
at Verdun." - - i .
The 'bronzed vend -grizsled warrior
Is the Idol of his soldiers. - He ia ; a :
close to It -aa possible.
To freshen a faded; carpet, take the
carpet up, well beat, and Ibrushit,
After this, is done, drag it face down
veteran, indeed, for be fought through-1 ward" over itha lawn. . When- it Is fas
out we wars or 1854. -1868. and ; 1870. J tened down again put ene pint of
-.iespite, nis age. Count ; von Haessler vinegar into water that ia hot, enough
is one tf the .most modern and" un- I for tha hand to bear, and nib thta well
doubtedlybne: of the most important Into every part of the carpet t with a
oi.ucrmaa generals.- ,
ians Have
t . . i 4. .
for Export
clean floor doth. . The result is sur-
prlsing. t . " V '
100,000. Murderers
Free, Says Warden
Budapest. March - it. (L - K. &)
The paper Es Ast sUtes that Bulgaria ; Kansas City. March 25.- There are
possesses much more grain ' than the I more criminals ' at- large -and unpuu
population needs until . the : next har-1 lahed in the United' States than in any
vest. The- surplus ; Is - estimated - at 1 other nation, declares J. K. Codding
"wrty u,vu carioaus, ana wut oe semi waraen ox ins juhiu pui icn iia.r j.
ta Germany and Austria-Hungary as v There are 100,009 murderers - at
soon as possible. The kingdom Is also lsrge, he said.v: t3ermsny convicts
able .tor furnish great" quantities of to per cent of -her' criminals. Kogland
other foodstuffs and limited shipments SO per cent, the United States 26 per
of meat, especially pork-and mutton, eent Crime costs this country $$
to tha central powers. - ; v 4r: 1500,00 a day.
You can ha
. i .. i, - -
3 at
a .
It is all eUmatter of care and 'cultivation.
Ttn'crt, fcr-iritillatlrj'T.tixiiriant hair is within the reach ot every mrl and woman
' No longer is it necessary for your hair to be, dull.-brittle, lusterless. 'A few applications of - NEWBRO- II E K P.I C I V E i
?will effect. themost astonishing changed Jhe hair will radiate health and beauty its. growth will, be .stimulated Jt will
luster before unknown 7 Everv oarticle of dandruff wilt-" disappear and the ;hair will cease to come -
Tout. f The scalp will be clean' and healthy and the itching instantly stop. Herpicide has a most exquisiteodor, and is " .
4 delight to, use. - ; - - - - . - - - . - 4- '2r-
Tf vn,irMi nn.s not have NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE. the Grisrinal f Dandruff - Germ Remedy, in s
send direct to our laboratory for the genuine.' A full 50c -size bottle vill be forwarded to 'you by mailpost
. - -.1 : .11: l-.l.l.i . .1 i .Ll .... L.:.'' i- :.-y . . : "
age prepaid, togeuierwun an lnteresung uwwci iciung ati auuui tuc uic w mcwu.'
SoH.tirad oucrcntecd tA vH ' toilet c-cds counters.; ;
:ApplicaUohsf d v