The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1916, Page 53, Image 53

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ITi3 Pajama Mghtdreoo-I
Reduce That;
: FleoTb-- WitH"
l&BIerid Qui
IjvMnTodo Discusses
You Cori: Attain . the
:ahd; the 'Grace, tdOe';' h :c
1 L ' " ' t I'-'...-"..- -t. ' : T" : f
I - I ' ', i- ' ' i" i V-.-j.-- . -1 " . - - .--1-1..- , - v. ' V - J' . . ... .'. . .. V- ' ' ; !...' .I".. .j.J -'.' - , . tt 1 -I
: -Corselet L JK: V : r ,
--- -s
T WILL soon be time to take .. tbe
COgies ff. i i-r'.i
JfVM VU 4WW J. .
Haven't . you
: xiearai Tner c&me dicu mm petu-
' coats, '; short' skirts- and high 'boots.
' ilenrth. are fihillv: their m aiand-Aff.
. : lor- warmth -of character. oHnce, the
iocs icb are unueraiuuies igr pania--lettes;
". Thev are road of flash-colored
o rene de chine, or creamy whit .silk
t and wool. ,o thin mnd soft aS to ba
- It has been; rather a Joke to read
f what the wlBe old he-owls '.have vrlu
concerning a -ransersiM isur
of woDMD'i dreaa.' ' for this ia u as
of aartorlaj comfort. And no woman
r ean poeeibly be' a fashion plate -
lrer noae la bluev':-.. r
: . , . - ' a. . a ' . - . ; '
c and wonderful blend of two jrarmea;ts,
- a the allhouette g-arment la of three.
. . xneea new iruiei . are asiomaninsj
; ;A not Ohly ---fit form butJ In deooratlve
wiiecv.-jMiwe "piMiy sun oeanana
ara lait on-with aeaerooa hitnd. Some
. .:-hr btrdtv aome flowers and aoma are
weird -enough; to .give the alaeper a
'flt of nlghtmarea and ahlTera, .But
i they- ara rnw," and the "lateet thina
out" im - always - lntereatlnK, even , if kM to wear it in where no other
7 woman behold it to Urt up a fever
of eatious emotlohs - -; ?
Thev pajamas nigbt dresa slvea the
. ' effect of Turkieh trousers and dreaa--.'
: iBf jacket. The material is usually
ctepedahkifr la ielic&t fleah tints.
OocaalonaUy It, la' embellished with
- amoeklnaT, which forms vtha yoke, lm
' part . a waistline and tarnishes the
: ; cuff a. i The empress nightdress that
c slips ; over the head is another fav
0 orlto garment. It is decorated with
- delicate ' atitchery, t hand embroidery,
V val, tucks, ruehettes, olack vatvet rib-
oons and heaven only knows what all
in tha way ,of sartorial fuss and ele
v . gance. , m ,pr-... - -v.
' It Ja, not'aurfipientt that'he petti
, coat must fit. It tnuat be cast into
i atrait Jacket at tha Una of the human
i equator,' . The , corselet is a little af-
-::--,faJ that la not unlike a girdle.' Some-
;mes n ig boned; alwaya it Is Ue
T. algned. "lubatantially to hold under
; fsJfiient .in place. Yqur; know little
xreaderessr how a fahlmmy.; will bulge
abova the belt f -There yoa-are.' The
t. corselet la a. aort of police garment,
It is tha trim- figure that ona raust
-baVe. .'- . . v-.- . :tauf secure. ' snug- littla frame
4 ' bow' tobt Jt Is only the appear
x anea of curves that is tolerated. The
niera .thought of abundant adipose Us
,;.ue ia revolting to old Missus Fash-
- ion. whoi takes -Jtvfor g:ranted-Vthail
vary laaynaa anatomy, li s perfaea 31,
.-( tt not better. It is correst to . distort
...-:... . .i-- '
1' .15 estimated' that over 30. per
cent "of the bnndneaaf- of :the-: world
i.f has been brought about by Infec
tion of the eyes at birth. ' Few of us
can -realise the real meaning of this
aUtement for tbe cases of blindness
which wa see' are merely the Isolated
nea that we . meet here and . there.
But if we would take tirpa to visit
one of a great number of institutions
where the blind, are cared for and edu
cated we duidT realise in a way the
extent of this awful affliction. :'U
" This condition, aa. moat other Infant
- troubles, Is preventable. , .
Since the cause has been determined
- tha occurrence of infant blindness has
bean somewhat lessened. By teaching
- tha fathers and mothers the real cause
- and - seriousness tof - this disease it
should be entirely eliminated.,51- ;
Most people think.-! cijsei of blind
. children, that they were born blind.
;In reality; in a great number of these
cases the children were - born with
BOrmat.eyea and eyesight, but became
, mf ected : at .blrthi and -for'twant bf
proper care the sigh S waa. destroyed; V
The .great. Cause of . thin : rnndlHnn
is mrection - oc tne . coverina: of tha
eye with, the germ of gonorrhea.-v.Tais
germ-may: 'be v.present'. inthe birth
canal rwlthout producihg. any-marked
symptoms in thenoith.ert- sWhen " the
baby'ia born these-erms bacome Im
planted on the covering,, of. tha eye
In a' short time it pfodaees; a very
: violent Inflammation which ' if not
checked immediately ' Js. very apt - to
destroy the sight ;
' ' -s - r
The-iftrst sign of trouble with-1 tbe
eye Is shown by a: swelling of the up
per idV This may be in ne of both
cyes.-;The BWeiling is soon followed
The Old Age Sign ;
: T Double Crossed
Don't Jet 'rray hair make you look
years older than you are, for it is now
ait easy matter to tint gray, faded or
bleached hair in a barnJesi'wTi?!
r new-. preparation, "Brownatona" - is
proving so popular that thousands of
people of refinement and many lead
ing haJx-dreaaera are now using this
wonderful product exclusively. .
"Brownatone" meets every, demand
and, fulfills every test reJufredfit
and is, so simple to -use that no pre
viousvixperience to necessary. Comes
J"ay for use-no mixing and Is entire
ly free from lead, sulphur, silver, sine
mercury, aniline, coal-tar products or
their derivatives.. There Is no danger
of irritation of a poisoned scalp when
you , use "Brownatone because it is
guaranteed harmless. . - ' . .
Produces the most beautiful shades
from lightrolden to the deepest brown
or black. Will not rub or wash off and
cannot - be detected. Most all leading
druggista everywhere now sell "Brown
atone" in two sixes, 25c and 11.00 and
in two -colors one to produce "golden
or medium ; browB,-! the ether 'dark
brown or black." v - - - - .: - --x-w
- Get a 2So bottle from your dealer to
day, pr-lf you prefer, a sample bottle
with: interesting book will be mailed on
receipt of lee. to help pay postage and
Fackfng chargea, if sent to the raanu
actnrera. The Kenton Pharmacal Co
681 jnke at, Covington Ky, - f -
Por Sale by
21 Stores, on -the Pacific Coast
0fyGertrud?Myeri Myers.
perfect -lines with " arrange - draperies.
swaying hoops, enormous zar-tbingaitfi
and -endless layers and processions of
ruffles, but underneath: the measure
meats must be those of a prise win
ner."- It' iaidifficuJt,-Irenia of tbe
string t bean .build) Also it Is dis
couraging,' of Faulette of cweet abun
dance. "We ; do the best - we can",
with brohiidic heroism and enthralling
courage. " '
Bllhouett lingerie la one -of the
new notes in the general' hyle-hylo of
fashion songs. r- ,
It is composed of , two - layers of
ninon. ona pink and. ona blue.: forming
thus an exquisite shad of -orcbaide.
It Is - all - garments-- uv ; onevest,
fluffles and - petticoat.-. It eem to
be the feminine -gender of the track
suit, displayed - by - athletiOi heroes - who
perform before , admiring-, female1 ayes
at various university- gjnna.r Jt la also
about the nearest thing to nothinrness
that wag ever, offered at the lingerie
counter. Jr aprlngyesl - - .
On th aublect of . petticoats." the
feminine 'mind- bag - centered utterly
like a child's ey on : the Jam 'pot.
For aeVeral yeara the petticoat was a
curiosity, of the. wardrobe.- -If a lady
ransacking chests of antique wearing
apparel came upon a petticoat she
gasped. - ;"Wbat.r aaked she, "ia thiar,
'..-iXav'. I remember yara -and - yara ago
we' wore-them ;jw called them petti
coats. , But now we call them Joys
fand lovelies and Jusciou s thing.
- Taxi etas, mooaselmo clev sole, . geor
gette crepe, net, . chiffon and laces are
all employed with such lavishness that
it seems a srn. 1 The amount of ma
terial used is scarcely considered, and
many of these robes of the anatomical
netherlanda measure fully f five yards
at the hem. Sometimes the- founda
tion is of -chiffon, withholds of taf
feus, "or it ia . the reverse arrange
ment Quilling, pinked ruehettes, ruf
fles and flounces are all utilised, but
cording remains a -prima favorite. '- as
It distends the breadths and gives- the.
necessary balloonlike expansion caus
ing the wearer, to go through - doors
with difficulty and to be ' quite 'the
"hoopyesf creature' roundabout v
v A stunning evening petticoat nas
the upper portion of ;plaln ; taffeta tn
ashes of roses, while the knee flounce
it of Pompadour printed taffetas, cut
in Vandykes, outlined with narrow
ruchettee of moussellna de sole. .
' v-
-i The new silhouette, which - causes
the woman of fashion to resemble a
top, has - changed . the entire cast of
-characters in the comedy t of under
wear, -vThero: must be no ' fullness
around the waist, because tbe. waist
must b meager, and stingy. There
must be' no fullness above, because
the female form divine is supposed to
be as flat as an ironing boar: the
htfylsh figure Still -prevails. . Butv be
low, bouffaney and -flutter! 'One
spreads like a peacock's tan:" fh ,aU
directions, ; ' ' . ;
gainst Blindness
by. "thev formation ..of a yellow puru
-lent- diachaTK".- ft - i:;-"';i:v-'-i-;i--.
The eye is kept closed and the up
per and lower lids may become glued
together with this thick, yellow dis
charge. If the lids can be raised up,
tha inside is -seen to"be very red. In
flamed and ewollen.. Tfce light seems
to cause the child distress.' so that he
will not allow the eyes to remain, open. fown ot w same color,, and, so on-r-
; .: vi.-'i ; 'iJ-'X -,-cJhahce the color schemes Partners are
" It Is the "custom am'onaf alf tniht'
enea physicians and ittthel better
hospitals - to use- positive methods - of
prevention, the 'Idea being to im& this
germ oerore-f t aa : chance to grow.
-Immediately after "birth the eyes
of all babies are: bathed withv a boric
acid solution of tha strength of one
level tea spoonful ,' of borio acid 4318-
solved in one pint of boiled water, and
then two drops -of a l. per ent-,solu-
tlon ; of silver - nitrate -dropped ' Into
each eyesaclr. .,7":-::.. , v - .
,- The silver titrate- solution ia-very
irritating,' causing- e aught inflamma
tion itself. Its action s controlled by
following it with a weaK salt olution,
the ' strength-, beings about one tea-
spoonful -to 3 a pint of water. 4 This
treatment- ahould ; not ibo given all
babiesv - v.i-Q s -ri a ' - - -
-f The cause of this disease is so prev
alent tn&t U cases of infection- are
not prodii.-ed at birth. This same in
fection'' rkay be contracted from . ln
fected towels, instruments, clothing
or2 other' articles. "This is the reason
for .the much needed oommunlty- ac
tion in regard to public - drinking
places, pubuc towels, etc.
-Your Htisbanrl's Closet.-'
: Men , are ; divided sharply into : two
clasaea when it comes to neatness in
the home. Many men are born'untidy;
but when a man is neat be is more
particular about. the appearance of , his
room "and closets than la tbe average
woman. f--, -J ' ; : '
Women can do- much to" help their
trusbands to keep things In good order.
A man's closet is distinctly unlike a
woman's. It needs not1 only - hooks in
plenty, hut a stout pole soma way rrom
the back, over, which -trousers may be
?. How-to Transfer Design.; '
:S If s very sheeif rmaterlal - is used
It may be laid over the pattern .and
the design .traced through In pen
cil, h Or the design inay be easily
transferred by placing. a piece of
carbon paper on the material, shiny
aide down, and the1: design on - top
of the earbom . In tracing the pat
tern with, the use of carbon paper
use a very aharp1 pencil of a new
orange -wood -atlck;fcjs 1
Perhaps the best. plan: In transferrins-
a design is to pin the sheet
of paper and the material together
and hold them up against a win
dow pane when tracing the design.
The outlines will then be perfectly
clear. - - -
Another method' Is to place a bar
of soaps. in a pint of hot water,
until the water - becomes soapy.- Re
t move the soapr satura tethe design
with the mixture and partially dry.
Place whatever material you intend
to uae on a flat hard aurf ace and
Place the design, upon It face down
ward. Place over It two folds of
newspapers : and. run hard with 'a
tablespoon ever the pattern until it
.is. entirely, transferred.
I 7
I: -' rM yK rri : : Y ' : ft
i i "s . . -. 4 n. -.- j . i , i j . . i r - . i
I r K filin,iifiiiir- -i i'-'. " lj : -- -I---, ,- m nri -rTriwfs tW.
Left to right Nightgown of pale) pink "nlnoin,' vditi bodfloir cap of tho same material trimmed with sHver tissne roses and black yelret rrbbon (
- carselet petticoat, . with fitted girdle, so deiged aa to diminish the w sntigly sir.
. ranged; not content with ruffles on theuontsidev adjr, has them unjderxieath. r' Tbe raffled petticoat-gives bonffancy io frocks of
light fabric; very much a Bakt s4ren is the paj&ma person clod in the new novelty garment that Is xtighty, negligee and pant '
.alettes. ' ; - , A '"-'. . , 1 " . . f' t i;
ffvHIS affair, ' a violet party, waaJ
1. given. In .California,; where vJoleta
tra an ahurulnnt that ararAlv
anyone thinks' -of- using them. Th
same idea -is applicable to any flower
that may be obtained In abundance, or
where , expense does not have to be
conslderedN If this Is "given as "an
Eaeter party; the InvIUtiona may be
written on egg-shaped pieces Of violet
paper or cardboard. Give the day and
date, then in one corner write: "Pro
gressive Instead-o the name of
the flower tie a-tew artificial .violets
with ribbon of the same hue.
Decorate the rooms with a prof u-
oion of violets and a very pretty effect
ls obtained by using, drapery of lav-
ender cheese cloth, over the windows
and doors. The hostess may wear a
gown of the same color,, and so en-
Chosen bv finishing ouetatlens writ
ten on white, egg-shaped slips of paper
in. purple ink. The sUpa t'are cut in
two pieces. , dtH-- ''iW--
When all ara seated'paas ; egg
shaped booklets, the covers made of
so laid as to .preserve the ' Cherished
fresh creases made by 'the tailor. ( '
vTheloeet shb
hangings, for icoat. and ' wJdshallo W
shirt drawers. There ahonld also be
plenty of apace, for eat--boxes to aay
nothing of the boxes for ahoea and tbe
drawers for -Underwear,
These extra-drawers are' valuable for
clothes . stowed i away for" better use,
though the -common things 1 go into a
chiffonier or a cbest of drawers. Givev
all these, a. man with neat impulses
will keep himself Jn a fair restate ot
clothes, d -4 L,' v., - . ' ;
If the -closet le Crowded f ull of
clothes, they should "be protected with
white sheets, so the wall finish will not
rub. The cracks should be; puttied to I
xeep out tne moms or oust mat may
lurk in lt . ' , - .
-After all. trfla is dene, taa' closet
rTpHlS design for baby pillow eao be .used on almost any size desired and can be worked on either heavy of sheer linen. The
I ; pillow looks prettiest when made of whife handkerchief linen lot fine quality: and used over pbk or, bine, The leaves and
flowers should Ke worked solid, the stem in outline stitch and the eyelets in eyelet stitch. "
;.", ;:-';:-i-;v-7..;';..----,:;--V----x, - '. , C-; .
1 1 ' ' jtX 41- . ' . -". , t - . t .- 4 ' T . 1
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V?-; XSr?l r' ' ;V -' 'S'" ' :" 4 V'" -r '.'i
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- - , - - ' . ' , ; ' - -
Novelties in - Entertaining--'-By ;D Curtsey f
cardboard decorated'- with violets, the
inner Jeavesj tied - through ? punched
holes with violet ribbon.;: On each
table have a email . dish containing
leavea cut. out of vlolet-hiied paper
mucllaged on the back. i - --
The shape of ( these leaves inay.e
gotten from an artificial violet . On
the first page of the booklet have a
green calyx; -the game Is to have the
guests close their, eyes at the ringing
of a bell and see who can maker the
best . violet in a: minute's time. The
two who Have made the best flower
progress and are given candy eggs for
markers. ': Have -., sfx . leaflets . to . be
J ornamented,. For prixea : glye a : cor-
eage bouquet tl
ad with violet guaze for
the woman and a boutonniere for the
man. , .
To- select partners" for supper, - cot
paper eggs into irregular shapes; 'pass
them- and let tha guests match' them
until each, couple has a perfect egg In
form ' of coloring. Candles ' may be
pdrchased in violet end crystallised
violets may b used far decorating the
lee-cream ; and.icake. 1 Grape Juice,
should bave j weekly dusting, along
with thavcontentawi Jfwica ,a' year, it
should be gone oyer with a paint brush
dipped " in, .turpentine .mixed, with .'its
own buJUc.- of kerosene ' This is excel
lent Tar the prevention of moths. -' I -:
Ac woman's closet Should be cared for
in much the same way. It Is well to
have plenty of large-iron books for the
coat hangers. If the closet i small, an
iron, rod will, be a good substitute for
tha extra number of hangerav v .
A Use for Leftovers."
? The uses of candied, peel ate almost
endless,.and after following the recipe
for majting quantity,'-one can. easily
uuiise all such leftovers aa they accu
mulate in the course of a day or two.
Cut into ' shreds, a little orange peel
adds a delicate flavor to sauces tor
iced, may be served -during-the even
ing - -If 4. individual charlotte ruaee- Is
served,': grape juice- lea - wiM,(tbe
whipped cream a lovely violet color.' .
. Mothering" Sunday. T
The flrat Sunday in April brings -a
day; that I wish-every One , would cele
brate; regardless jOf creed or sex. r It
is the fourth Sunday; in t-ent,-known
by those who remember - old customs
and are strict churchmen as "Mother
ing" Sunday.; ' Modern 'church calen
dars name this only as mid-Lent .but
in dayagone by in England this day
was especially set apart to . do honor
to one's-mother. It was a feast, to
bar, conducted. and celebrated, by her
children those who 'were married in
cluded their .husbands and wlves but
there 'Were Jmo -other' guests. i There,
was a sumptuous, dinner, with special
diShes known to-be among mother's
favorites; tbere were gifts, family mat
ters were discussed with all possible
freedomv. . . y r , , . ,
. Thos who could not be present sent
Utters, to be read; in fact, it Was -a
puddings or for duck. - The 'dried 'and
candied peer s nice tomlX with raisins
and figs for dessert It can be . used
for stuffing Jigs or dates in 'comblna-tion-wttb
nut' meata,-. . - ' i '".
A little of either- orange, or' lemon
peel ia" an addition ' to - any sort of
stewei fruit- It can be used to add
flavor to an otherwise plain cake,. It
will garnish cookies; it will -be nice Is
baked pudding with raisins and cur
rants. : Mince meat is improved "by It.
Children- like it and it Is better for
them than candy. . ' '
Of course orange extract is only , 25
eents a bottle, but it does, not give the
flavor that the .homemade article does.
The pecollartty about homemade ex
tracts, sauces and confections is that
one does not tire of them, as one does
of the commercial article. -
dear, old-fashioned family gathering.
The- head ef tha house was ,net for
gotten, ,but .made the - recipient ef a
bottle of r rare wine, or . aome special
delicacy. - :
- , -.. -
Back as .far as the days of "Queen
Bess" this day was celebrated, aa tbe
records show a recipe i for "Sltimel''
cakes, which were always served at
mothering Sunday feasts. ' They r- re
sembled - a rich fruit cake, with nuts
in the icing, which was made yellow
with saffron.
- . Now , we can all plan individually
the best way for - lis to observe this
day. -; Every one of us can send a
special letter, if unable to be with the
dear mother. ' Most of us know aome
special thing that4 would-be : luxury,
and I, for one, want; to. make thia sug
gestioh. thatnext year we have a spe
cial 11 tUe box set aside for "Mother
ing. Sunday, for I know of no greater
pleasure or Joy than honoring the dear
soul whom .we call mother. If we are
so unfortunate as to be without a very
own mother, let us make a -feast -Tor
j some one's mother. -
v In the' Shops..; c
"A great deal of gold lace Is used Sn
evening dresses.. ' some" of -them ara
made entirely of gold, cloth. f . a. v ; : i
ji Evening dresses sire very short with
a square - straight - train . falling from
tha waistline. v , ,
Summer outer wraps wHl be mostly
of pongee, v Many of them havo -lining
Of brUllantly colored aUk. . .
- Pink . batiste is now beingjised -for
nightgowns and combinations.-
" , The newest outing bat' tor summer
wear is a panama straw, with the trim
ming painted either- on the brim or
crown... . ' . -. , ' . - - - -L
-. The spring turbans are - not ' worn
straight on the bead, but tipped
slightly on ona side . ' '-., -
- -Suit Jackets . are somewhat shorter.
They have belts and pockets; also flar
ing tails. . . -. - -. f '
By Lilliah Rutstll. v
Oaprricht tT UUlaa Russell.)
NK of th rnost, attractive things
about youth iaits grace and aup.
pleness. - And on Of the; first har-
bin gers' of age la .a general'- stiffening
and thickening- In -'all parts of - the
body,-v;- , -. , .-, t. .
- Have you : come to -that 'state .where
you no longer like. to bend overhand
pick up things from the- floor? -Tour
waist is losing ita trJmneas and, flexi
bility, Do you .long for? the..Tnoment
when you, caa put off -your corset end
get into' a ;comfortable -kimono? : Tod
need an exercise ' for reducing the ab-
' Don't a4l6W yourself togetrinto the
condition where yorf move heavily, are
easily tired in walking 'and no longer
feel that .- year t ankles ,-iooit weu la
pumpa- Beduce that . , auperfluous
flesh. 5 Begaln' that Utlclty which is
rightfully yours i,S;rrv
'. Szaroise, exercise,' exercise. Slip' on
your pajamas - end . try - this morning
and night In order to reduce fat hips
and so wajUwe buoyancy and sprtBgl
ness to ' your ' alfc. It will also
Strengthen - and -develop the calves of
the-legs and reduce -the excess fat : '.. :
Stand' with your fiaAds on" your hlpal
advance tha right i f oot abotil i 1 1
Inches inf front of the left and sink t
the right . knee.- Now- put the right
foot4 forward ;agalnrieft, foot right
foot. You ; may 'iflnd aoma dlfflculty
in rising after you have dropped ort
one knee e-nd "that meane that your
knee joints need Just thle-sort of re
juvenation and need ft badlyf' - - Af t
There is nothing qtjlte so. unattractj,
ive as hi anaiea.' .nave you ever come
T'upstairs behind in stout woman- with
white stockings and blacic strapped
slippers pn her pudgy feet and ankles?
Didp't ybu almost choke with a' wild,
unreasoning angei-as you looked at
the vat expanse of white at her
ankles emphasised by tha narrow
black atraps of her slippers? --: '
-Get rid of that .extra amount of
flesh at your, ankles,: .This exercise
Answers to Beauty Queries
- ' For Your Eyebrows.
M ; M. M. To increase - the thick--'
ness of ydur eyebrows and lashes
try tha following formula; ;Vaae
ItAt,'' two ounces: tincture ot can
tharldee, one 'eighth of an ounce; oil
of lavender. 15 drops: oil ot rosemary.
n dropa Mix thoroughly anoy apply
to the eyebrows with a tiny tooth
brush once a day until the. growth is
sufficiently stimulated, then less of
ten. The - ointment may be used for
the- eyelashes:.: alsoIn thia - caa . u
should be very carefully applied. It
will inflame the eyes If it 'gets into
them. . - - ",..,:"---''
Wash the Eye. "
' ' Telle.' The eyes should be washed
as carefully and - diligently as tbe
teeth. -'. If you find your lids inflamed
Or granulated use boric acid . of the
strength ef ten grains to six ounces
of distilled water, r heat and strain.
When cool use In an eye eup. : ,
' For my use every day 1 take eight
ounces of distilled -water and add one
ounce of a 20 per cent solution of
mHB1 other morning Mrs. Wolllgegsher neighborly -visit she was fnformeiS
14 was aroused to a terrible . pitch.
" Bha hA bn vialUne her helsrfabor.
Mrs. "Watcbecaller, :'v tne s. day , before,
from whom she had learned soberly
and frankly that the up to data woman
goes in for modern things. . 'S---
- Sbe remarked in some such words as
these: It is no easy matter for women
to be good housekeepers, these days.
Ourmothers ; thought "they were per
forming arduous tasks when they-repaired
and renewed their wardrobes
twice a year,' but nowadays the borne
furnishings must be kept as up to data
as the costumes you-wearj' ; ---"Fashions
tn ; f urnishln gs, . the very
idea!" exclaimed Mra. . Wolllgeg. : tax.
Ing the story-almost for, a joke. In
stead of on its face' value.- "Tou must
keep your, home looking stylish- no less
than yourself - and your little ones.
Well, I never." - - - , -r
"Why, of course Mrs. Wolllgeg. . I
have been busy for the last week and
more matching up my breakfast 4 room
in black and white. - Tou . may have
Hue and black if you like, but the im
portant - thing is j. to ; have -the - wall
paper, curtain .'and .china all- har
monize,.' , ,, ,
"The china plays 'ucb'an- Important
part It seems j to me 'that the wall
paper and- tbe draperies are , only a
fit setting for the china.? Some of. the
smartest luncheon 'seta aire the check
er-board pattern. This Am repeated in
tbe curtains and the draperies as wall
aa on the china. r '-',--
"Mrs Weller, our neighbor: has
dressed up a breakfast room , and a
formal dining room just to let ber
friends- know how far she can go in
these formal furnishings.. -
' v i. .-v ; t - v
- -.. .:' f.'Sv '
'Before -Mrs
Wolllgeg bad finished
-'-.1 t si - ' aar-
Whs apiro hssaofl tor UkMieporr'e SB' koodred f etlr ma -4 vrnneastievsr tbeerr
n Wxwiid slso do fnr jrm i,Bt,Tn ie m oh!nf to try It. TbH Her pmf not be reveled,
se wrts t f--; lor s ? Ul ivx. f am?o aad Utr-in 111 atr-. bk 1 Gt are bota frte.
UsVess TkU ADIK CGAUXZ - 777 Aitiaad Luuaa, New Yrk. wTV.
is quite - .remarkable: in Us power to
make the ankles supple and symmetri
cal."' '- ' .
- '-"-" 7 -.Stand
with your heels together, tees
at an angle of about 4S degrees, hand
on hips. ift your toes of right foot
and. using heel as a pivot, svslncthem
over to touch toes of right foot, while
at-the same tlmeTou lift heel or leit
foot.r and using -tha toes as a pivot
swing heel to right - This will leave
tha feet- In. av V-shape. . toes together,
heele apart. . v-ik"---v --..'.V, -s;;::-- . '
..Now- lift the-heel of the right foot
and. ing the toes as a Pivot, s win it
ltlte the right to touch heel of left
foot 'while at the same tun you lift
toes Of 'left foot and, using beela aa a
pivot awing it to tha right
,'Thlg leaves the feet: 1 V-ihp
again;- but with heels togsthertoe
apart . - .- -?' "- ' -
s piUca" thlss lowlyKntrl yeuv get
the movement Then Increase : th
speed antu you can- work your wf
across; the room In alternate Vg In v
f ew seconda .f '-- J. - " .
SAf teroniy- if' f eir :k weeks': of ' ? th I s
exercise you 'vlll discover ! that yon
have a itewi sense of 'lightness and
f reedomof inxovementV "Tour : anklea
will : lose -that - too-plump -.appearance
and will gain .an extraordinary amount
of slenderneds -and graces And there
are f e w - things as v-charmlag as a
slender, well-shaped ankle on a pretty
woman"yvt .-v. .' - ---- .
iiorboMtf few'yiieasona dancing
has been the rage, and now that skat
ing has come 'into its own the two are
equal bidders '-for your -'time - Both
are excellent exercises; for - the Whole
body. - But in order to be graceful on
the dancing floor or the glistening Ice
one must be sure and tireless of foot
and ankle. ' Don't lose the fun of the
ballroom or skating rink because of
weak anklea. ' Exercise is the boon ef
the gods , and is the best , medicine in
the world,. . .
... - ... . - . -
.-. -.:--, .: -:.- . .- .:. .- .
borio-add and ten drops of spirits of
camphor. If the camphor smarts di
lute the mixture with pyre water. '
: Use this with an eye cup daily. I
will send, if you wish, a splendid exer
cise .for strengthening the. eyes. V
- - .'I To Whiten Hands. 'Z
M. It. Van B.4 A splendid formula to
use on the hands after washing 1:
Fifteen grain s of powdered borax, 1 S
grains of common table salt one-half
dram of spirits of ammonia, one dram
oil of orangey two ounces of glycerine,
six ounces of alcohol. '
' Wear Wider Shoes;,1",
Margaret, R. First wear A ehoeithat
is, wide enough to keep the tpes from
being, pinched together. Put a piece
of absorbent cotton. between the first
and second toes large enough; to keep
them apart; then .take an - f dhesive
plxater bandase and bandage the ball
of the foot firmly, .holding the; join t
in place. . By holding the Joint In pile
with the plaster the. Inflammation W1U
soon leave it and it will become nor
maL Fable in. Chin;
that she would have to refurnish, or
at least snatch Up, her china to be. on
level witn ner neignoors. v 4
Wben sh A broke' the' news to her
husband he took - this suggestion as a
bit of humor until be was told
women ( of - tha -neighborhood . bad
formed a club which was" to devote
its energy;: and. time studying fashions
ln china; - They were -going to have a
paid lecturer talk to tllem on th his
rbry and th manufacture f china.
Before they had finished they would
know . all about tbe decorating and
glazing of china.8 - r .
On alternate lessens they-were gtrinv
to visit many of-th large bouses t
familiarise themselves with 'foreign
and domestlo china. In a very short
time 4. they were to --have a (borough,
understanding of - Limoges, Polten.
Royal Worcester, - Vienna V"kd s, other
wares. ' It was to be made a compara
tive study,' learnings tha uperlor qual
ities of tha various wares and the spe
cial ties ef the different houses, j
Mr.-Wolllgeg thought thr sugges
tion a good one Until he was told that
the coarse would conclude with ach
member refurnishing- her ; breakfast
room, carrying out alt tha good points
she got from the course on the fash
ion in china.
It was only when he blustered it
waJ 'all nonsense te'castv stuff said
because it was out of fashion and did
not harmonise that Mrs.-Wolligeg flew
Into a temper and satf that they had
better leave the neighborhood if they
were unable to do as their neigh
bors do.. ,
. v Pearls are the favorite .artificial
necklaces, followed . by ? glass beads,
and next by coral. -
la Fatal to Health, Cemfort IlarpLaett ,
ana ertan ratal te LUa. -Mpeevt
sees m loarer esepsfr. tor thee Is s stwrn .
booi nm4f fPb atd tbs cstoly redaee f.
fma aa part ot U body. It is eslise the AXili-0 1 rsu
sasat aad to srer tbstlt am thwWk aalMaat
w r imuuj Bsnsuess wj, e witi mi
coc. b6x f.ree :
aay persea wme ts n M Sad seeae as INur
??'?S4.MlW4?,iF ' peeve ta
AWPp takes oS st tr rtortn aormsl
functions of tbs eynfrtu wliaoat alsia. sr.
eisteff er aiseomtort Ksmkir, w o.r to
re-r this to yoa at eer era eseeas. Other
like iMnMsm, AsttHae, Kidney er
Her ImblN, Uut stMe COOM elui bMHy ;
-Uaprevsatyee rm&nrn. ,
- vm T nmrii iir limn rr . 1
5?2? -"v A. FoboH. MCenUvtn,
pbio. Mr 1 Vm aorro 1 um 1 k m sa - -lfMi,
fw ,,,, y , jj,, in, fcijTJiajxJltr r
M is a.ffi Click, lauejehasea at, sXeelrak.
Iwa,Sysi aDtrOM. . wlmm. mkmi '
Mr. Joha Mefiewan. HcmrsBUMk. K. k4
f awae ysi I mmm w t wwr -.