. . THE: OREGON . SUNDAY JOURNa; PORTLAND,. SUNDAY MORNING,- MARCH 28. 1916. for ! ' - - - a : - . ' . - ; ' - - - " " " i4 " ' - i 1 :V' v Y f - BESr-''---'vx-J v ' ( , uV -V ' f C- n tirnw- v r.niln. Alta SI. Crabtree and 'child. -? 3Ir. Grsbtree, i -president,, of s e. - RAnhena RarniTeAcher iLKiKM'iacinn. which 'announce m hlir ven -: tng meeting for this, weeld All new tot tMm department mart ' b in the btndf of ibe club editor sot later thin 4 o'clock Friday afternoon to Inaare p b Ilea t ion on the oUowlnc Bandar. , 3y Vella Winner. - I : T HE big event of the week," in fact the tig event of the entire year in women's : organisations,; la the banquet announced for Friday evening of this week at the Com- v- mercial club by the; Council of ' Pert ; ' land Parent-Teacher associations, Tbis ""is a getting together of the aasbcta - women as well as the civic and com mercial clfaba of ths city, they educa ..tlonal organizations f and prominent , eltisens, severs) hundred - "invitations ..having been lasued. Education -will b i tha general theme of ther evening: and ijitbs principal address will be given r.by Dr. A. R. Sheldon, bead of tho de a partment e( education at-th State--University and accounted one of the r most brilliant speakers , on the'eoast: - There will be fiTs minute talks, byi a . " dosen of Portland's most prominent men. f Miss Dagmar Ines Kelly Is in ?" charge of the musical 'program; -which be as follows: k The prologue from :IPsgliacct, (Leoncavallo) r "Voce di donna o'd'angelo" from "Giaconda" t "11 i'aamero" (Aconl, Miss KeUy. Dr. Stuart McQuire will also sing. Mis -Clslrs Oakes will be the' accompanist ' Beservatlons for the banquet : should ''''be made at once,with Mrs. P. A. Jack- on.v'--East 1129. ;'.- ; l 1 Grade Teachers Meet. ! . - ' The regular monthly business meet ing of the Grade Teachers' association Wednesday was followed br a tianquet , at the Imperial hoteL A large number ' 353Y8Hit-cT0N Suits, ' I I I ... nl .1 i, ii-i.i i - ii r i - r 1 1 ii - . -.. , , , urn i i. i n, n 11 I mini , ... . . -:. of teachers attended, and an enjoyable dinner hour was spent. . . r- . . After the banquet the company ad journed to one of the parlors, where an informal program was given. Miss Ines Kelly sang some -attractive solos, and Miss Stark, accompanied by Miss McDonald, gave a spirited -rendition of a selection from "Cavalleria ; Rustic can a" Miss Florence. MoElroy, accom panied ' by her ' sister. added to the pleasure of the occasion by giving two violin solos ' L. R. Alderman, city au perintendent, -: In response to a nearty welcome from hia teaohera, tnade - an address, 'and O. M. ; Plummer,' of the school .board, made an v appeal for friendly relations-among- all. members of the. teaching , corps. , . ' - Th teachers, were) especially happy, in -welcoming Dr. 'Alan Welch Smith, another member of the board of educa tion. - Dr Smith . met again with -the association for the first time slnce'hls serious illness of last winter. :- .- " y Oontrresg of . Mother Adopts . " ; Resolutions ; " ; v - A spe'clal called meeting of the ex ecutive board Of the Oregon Congress of Mothers was held last week for ths purpose of considering r. suggested changes in the constitution of the na tional organisation at the meeting, to be held in Nashville. . The meeting re sulted in the drafting of a letter of some length to ths Pennsylvania Con gress of Mothers, from which 1 stats came the suggestion for a v concerted movement in an effort to have some changes . made in the constitution. After 5 several : paragraphs -of general comment on She past- action of i the national body follow these paragraphs: St; Portland. 0 Airs. P. - J. Mann, who was yestenda-f . hostess at a- - large reception i given. In honor of lrg..G.J:Fraiikel'aid. Mn.' J. A. PcKtiU e L . ' spectively , retiring and'newly elected presidents of the 'Portlan4 'TWe agree -with . the ImplicaUon'of your-loslhg, question.'that more defi nite progress can be secured 4n the national congress, as In other 'organl nations - of - a. 'similar j mvtare,' by. ro tatiosv. 1 of rice.. rThej poUcyl of , holding all elections in Washington-, naturally limits the suffrage of . the . organization, .. since the distance is too - arrest to - permit of any '.large delegation-of .western women. v s ; . : - ,,-; ' With. no .personal feeling' and au ated only by our deep Interest in see ing the affairs of the national congress on the broadest and most democratic basis, the Oregon board has adopted resolutions instructing Its delegates to stive notice at the Nashville conven tion of the following amendments to the constitution: v - ? . - "To. ardend Article II by adding after the closing sentence:" -' "' r'y-1. " "It'shall be' the ;tollcy"of tbl"ej'- gress to forbid -the use of the name of the organization, or the name Of any of its members, acting in her of ficial capacity,' in any connection with a commercial organisation or its pro ducts. - -- : : -? "' a- w To amend Article TV by 'addina: Provided that in the election of 117 the term ofof fleers elected shall be for period of two- yearsr returning-: in 1919 to ths three year term. - rro amend Article "VT by sddlnr to the first ; sentence: ; "Provided, that no two consecutive elections shall be held in the same state, and strik ing out of the last sentence the phrase rhen Officers are to be elected.' . To amend Article V bv addina: 'Section IV. y Ths- operations ' of - the board of managers and of the execu tive; committee shall be identified only with .the business details of the con gress. . In oases of emergency between conventions, all questions . of public policy involving-the congress or its members acting in . official capacity, shall be submitted to a referendum vote- of the stats organisations.' ; ir -in support "of this last amendment we would call your j attention to. the minutes of meetings of the 'executive board, held in - Washington, January 11 and 12..1916 (foumembers being preient) from .which It appeara . that the national president, officially rep resenting the . National Congress of Mothers and - Parent-Teacher associa tions, accepted - the Invitation of Mrs. Linden Bates, president of the women's division of the American Commission for -Relief in Belgium, to continue her activities in cooperatlonwlth that or ganisation. in its new work in the in terest of national preparedness against war :,-4-Li- -:.-' v "We mention this as an-Instance-of a matter so vital, and concerning which congress members hold such differing opinions,, that-it .should not be deter mined by four members of the execu tive committee, bat should be referred back to the state organisations. - -'v "Trusting, that you will agree - with us as. to the wisdom of these' amend ments -and will cooperate with. : us to secure their passage and to do every thing which may.be necessary to. se cure the widest development and activ ity of the national congress, I am. on behalf .. of - the - pregon Congress of Mothers and ' Parent-Teacher associa tions, very sincerely,'. - '--. r . rXMBS.) LILLIAN NEWTON.' ' - ."Corresponding- Secretary,? . "P. 8.Thls letter has been. unani mously: approved by the executive board of the Oregon Congress of Moth ers and Parent-Teacher assoclaUons and-copies tf It haver-been-sent to mil members of the board of managers. To . Present ; VMldsnrnmcr , Night i jEj ' . , " I Snail 1 1 tv H -' 4 Frank Price Giles will present ""Mid summer Nights Dream" at the Little theatre Monday evenlnr. ADril S. This is the first of many interesting affairs mat. win t (given next month in ton or of Shakespeare. Ms. Giles was re cently, with the Viola .Allen company. ana comes to the coast as a reader for the first time. Mendelssohn's score is used with the veadinar: sad. with Ahh LWhlteside at the nlano It will be u. mu sical treat." The following patrons and patronesses insure social , Interest ' as well as artistic: Miss Josephine Ham- mona, - jars. Julius Louisson, Mrs. M. Baruh, Mrs. Thomas C. Burke. Mrs G J, Frankel, Mrs. Emma Gllleepi. Mrs. Edward Preble Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Garr Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branch Ktiey. Mrs. Tillie D. - Thomas. Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, Mrs. John M. Scott, Mrs.v A." T. ; McKInley, -Mary , Francis isom and Miss Frank To wnslee. Story Hour Club. . r. The- Story Hour club will meet in Ubrary. hall Thursday afternoon. Mrs j2i X. C LeBarre, leader, of the .Portland Shakespeare club; will present "Shake spearean . Exercises- for ChlldreDu? Miss Jane Smith,'of Portland academy, and. Miss Kstner -Hawkins,, of Couch (f school.' will demonstrate some J., new ways of teaching 'poetrr. t '5? California. Woman vfor President; The western delegation, i of . club women to the biennial of the General Federation of Women's Clubs to be held in New York In May,' will go Instructed to indorse Mrs. Josiah. Ev ans Cowles of Los. Angeles for presi dent of -the- General . Federation. It will he remembered that four years ago when the biennial met in Han Francisco TMrs. Cowbss-T-wa In 'Jine for the presidency! she then being president, however, she generously urged - that the meeting be "held in the- California city, puttrag any. per so-sat. ambition aside, aa it is not cus tomary to select a neao oxiicer iron a state In which the meeting Is held. Ths western . women now- hoid that J ths honor is "omlng rightfully to Mrs. Cowles and The Club Woman, .the of- fida' v organ of rthe "California ,Fed- eration of Women's Clubs, vhas dedi cated Its current issue to Mrs.' Cowles. It is filled .from cover- to -cover "with highest commendation to Mrs. Cowle as an executive -officer, efficient ad viser, friend and woman, Other western women, who ar seek ing; recognition at the hands of the General Federation are Mrs. Sarah Evans of - Oregon and Mrs. William , P.', Harper of . Washington, c Mrs. Har-! per, who " is now s, member of the board, seeks' to be elected auditor, and; Mrs. Evans aspires to ' the same office. 'It ;; is understood that V the eastern -women do not favor two west ern 'women as .officers, feeling that if the ? presidency comes to California, the western women should be satis fied. Mrs,.-8amuel B.. Sneath. :now first " vice president f the General Federfitioni has announced - her can didacy for - the presidency. -t She . has io suua oexaung ot jnio, irom wnicu state hescomesv - '" c5;v Psychology Circle Meets.-4-r Wednesday the North Irvlngton. cir cle of the .Portland Psychology club met - at the residence of . Mrs. Hallle Johnson, -931" East Eleventh street. North, Mrs.1- Oeo."-' Dexter - presiding. R H.' Whitney, princl;! of the Ock ley1 Green" school, spoke- on educs. tlonal , work with an emphasis cn the Industrial arts as a means of each tng the head and . heart through the hand,. , in cases.: which otherwise seemed -f hopeless. A - discussion' -followed.- after .-which refreshments were served . . - ; f -,' - v - Miss! Katherine s Hutch and Mrs. Ethel ' Knight furnished musical selec tions.. -.- .y At the next meeting. April 5, Mrs. Fanny. Perry . will j address , the circle. Those present' were: Mrs. ,H. BronhV. 'Mrs,- Geo. Collins. Mrs. L.1 A. Duncan. Mrs. CI E. Hesla, Mrs.-Annie Renshaw, Mrs4 Chas. Jackson, Mrs. A. C. Tinker, Mrs.' Ethel Knight, Mrs. 'Geo, Dexter, Mfais' Lucille Johnson, Mrs. . - Q, W. King, Miss Katherine Hutch and Ella Gross. :y l ;: r:X:j ' .".! Clean-Up ; Week Announced. The .civics Committee of the- Oreson Federation of Women's Clubs has se lected April . 22-29 as clean-up week for this- state, and the- clubs are being suuiiea o mis eiiexu .x; ... -t Gorkj ls Studied. ; V The- 'Tuesday Afternoon ' club met last week at the home of Mrs. Geo. Wi . Tablers 4 East Seventh street North. Maxim Gorky was ths sub ject of ths day's program. Mrs. Frank McKay gave a character sketch of the Spring 'noMncmen Let us make your Spring House cleaning Easier To demonstrate to you the superiority of our method of cleaning Oriental and Domestic -Rues . 'and Carpets itve will clean a small rug Free of Charts. : . 7:-;--"':: 1 East 7300 Master Cleaner and Dyer : B-1194- nsBBssw" -- ' m MotkcrV Congress in kNaskvill ApnZ 4-9. .. The twentieth annual chlfd welfare conference and "National convention of ths National'-Co.ngress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher associations. will be held in- Nashville, Tenru April 4 tt 9. Sessions will be held in the state cap Itol. -'.Every state, is entitled to three delegates rand president. Members of all circles and all-who are Interested in child -welfare are invited to enjoy the "conference. Mrs. George M. Math wyi represent the" Oregon congress.' -i (The Joint work of ths bureau of edu cation - with -the National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher, associa tions has given a nation-wide Impetus to what many regard as the most Jra- r portant educational movement of . the day, vis.f education. In child- nurture and home-making;. Every phase of child welfare is considered by. the con gress.. - , ' -r J- Five state child; welfare -conferences are being held during March, and April 4; to 9 all; the groups of speakers will arrive in Nashville, tor the convention which, undoubtedly, will be the largest oyer, held by; the. congress. ?The; tour through the south Is .a Joint tour of representatives of the. bureau of edu cation and - the , National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher associa tions. Three groups will visit, all -the Atlantic,, seaboard r states.- while as many more will come from-the north land the jvest. s. ' Mains Joins work.' J The National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher associations wel comes into : Its nation-wide work for child welfare the Maine branch of the congress 'which was organized in Wa terviiie,- February 10,i with 28' charter associations paying dues for over 1200 members. Fifty-two delegates : from over .20 associations . were In attend-, ance and gave reports of work accom plished, ; School 'fiuperintendents, teach ers, ministers and parents were thor oughly interested end great enthusiasm was shown. The Watervllle schools closed tha teachers telght attend ths meeting for organisation. Mrs.-Walter Leroy Smith, national chairman of the department of Parent-Teacher essocIA ttons, . has dons U the preliminary or ganixstion work- frith wonderful 'suc cess, j and to this Is due .the splendid success of the first congress in Maine.' Mrs. David O. Mears and Mrs. Milton P. Hlgglns . with .- Mrs. Walter Leroy Smith represented ' . the - natlonar. con gress at ths ' Watervllle meeting and rormed the state branch. . , '; x "it etroit Oonf erenoe Zntsrsstiaa. ' -- 'In Detroit, the National Congress of Mothers' and Parent-Teacher associa tions held Its annual conference In con nectlon-'wlth-the department of super. Intendence, National - Education - asso- cition, - February. .24-25, Commissioner vuuwn presiuing . at ens session, sirs. oryilie T; Bright.: nauonai- vice presi dent, at the other. Especially notable Is the fact that the -months of January. February and March have brought the National Congress of Mothers and Par. ent-Teacher associations Into.. close touch' and association with all women's organizations and with the educators of the United States.;; l&r Aberdeen was' so Interested in the -educational work of the .National Congress : of " Mothers! . and Parent Teacher associations - and in Its co operation with the bureau of education mat sne gave an enure day to visits to the off ice of the eongrefes and t the government - departments, learning Of their bulletins . and their . methods. In company with the national presi dent and secretary.' " ' Nashville, is preparing' a royal Wei corns for. the National Congress of Mothers, i . Mrs. James E. Caldwell: Is general chairman; Mrs. Eugene Crut ch er, state president; Mrs. Clara Louise Fraler. chairman of receDtlon: Mrs. B. F. .Wilson, chairman of points of interest; Mrs. R. D. Murray, chair man of publicity; Mrs. A. Lyon Chil dress, chairman of htftels; Mrs. Robert French,; chairman , of register; Miss Cornelia- Barksdale, chairman of press; Mrs. John Hooper, chairman of print lngr Mrs. M. M. Dunun, chairman of souvenirs; . Mrs. E. , C. Fox, chairman of - badges; .Mrs. Alex. S. . Caldwell, chairman of automobiles. . The campaign tour comprises the following national representatives: Southern state, - Mrs. Fredrec Schoff, Miss Lucy Wheelock, Mrs. W. N. Hutt, Mrs. Milton P,. Higgins, Mrs. William F. Thacher, Mrs. David O. Mears, Mrs J. P. . Mumford, Miss f Bessie Locke; middle west, Mrs. Orville T.Brlght, Mrs. Fred' Dick, Mrs.-Henry J. Hersey, Dr. Jeanette H.' Bolles, Mrs. -K-O, FothergilU Mrs- A- O RUste, Mr. Cary, state., superintendent of schools, Wis consin;. Mr. Pearce," city superintendent Of schools, Milwaukee, Wis.; 1 Jasper McBrien, u." S. bureau of education; Mrs. H. -N. Rowell, and Mrs. C C iiuuib . .. 5-.-, . -, : ,,-. . . .- writer,' and mVs. Merwln "Pugh talked on the subject of his short stories, Mrs.-;.Wm.; Cavanagh gave ,fThe ,Fal con" 'and several .other selected', read ings. At the conclusion of the pro gram hs hostess served refreshments, assisted by Mrs. A L. Vorse, a former member of, the -'club. .Mrs. E. X San born, 63S - East Fifty-seventh street. North; will entertain ' ths cluh next week ; at the usual hour. Take Lose City car to Fifty-Seventh street.'. -- ' Club and Association Notes. - Judge. George' TasweU will .ba the speaker at.tha meeting of the Wom an's Political Science club' Tuesday afternoon- at 2:30 at Central library Roll cait will be answered .with cur. rent, events. , ,vThej department of public speaking of The .Ceteris wilt meet . Monday at t - p. m. In -ths Imperial hotel. f The Overlook Woman , club wlU hold an open meeting Jaonday even ing at : S o'clock. St Pilgrim Congre gational - -church. : Mrs: Helen Miller Senn .will, speak on "Woman's Statua in. the Laws of Oregon." Mrs. A. M. Bteckle is in charge of a musical -program. All friends of the club wlU bs .welcome.-.. ' -,r''f .. -:-----".-. ' . ."Nature" is the assignment forv the stud y of this circle Tuesdar - evening. Mrs. R. A. Honebch and Mrs. Ellsa- TO PRESIDE .L-i.. .- -. . ..i-r -tc . ----, W9S9y v., ---"c ' - -. r - ( 'A If'' ' 4 ' V' ' ' f ' J - 1 f , J V v j ' 1, I 'V , v . - . y - , - . t - t i ' a ' ' x A- v V y1 - ' v?ia rM W - , s 4 V S i" '-i AV r I ' . 03Vs&:-' rlVi 4y '- ' - QJWS. .- ; : : 1 .- . .... -. . .; -- .'-r ' - --; .- - " Mrs; Alva - Lee Stephens, president . Council of Portland Parent Teacher Associations, , ytko will council will give at the Commercial Clab Friday Night, bethr Bond -will contribute - jousical numbers to the social hour, - .. Chapter A, of the PE. O. Sisterhood, will meet tomorrow at 2 p. mt with Mrs. - William .Hull, 792 Clackamas street. - - ' ,. -: v.. 'j,..,--1 -, - - - Stephens Parent-Teacher association will, meet Wednesday evening . at S o'clock.. District Attorney Evans wfll speak on "Annals - of. Prevention"; - a short address - will also : be made toy Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens. , Superintend ent y; Alderman, O., M. Plummer and Judge Munljr will -participate ' in- the general discussion. Miss Vera'Sason will give piano . numbers and Miss Eloise Anita Hull will give vocal numbers,- Mrs. Clarissa- Hull accompanist. All parents of .the neighborhood .are urged .to .be present.-,, . :"s.n--.- f "4 v'" - Evening class of Portland Shake speare Study club , will meet --Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. Central library. ' . Portland Shakespeare Study i club The WONDER ; MILLINERY .t Importers ' . a Designers i Creators, I - Cordially invite' your- inspection of .the. latest models .from the -leading New York 'and Paris i Modistes" together"; vith 'their - own .original ; - creations. l Shown by us exclusively for the t : v Spring Style :Exhibit 1-3 4 r The. Wond AT BAKQU.ET preside nt the banquet which the will meet Monday at 2 o'clock p. m. with Mrs. A. A. Eckern, 410 East Twen ty-sixth street North. Take Broadway car. t r. ' -The Parent-Teacher association of Mount Tabor school, will grive an en tertainment, early in April, under the direction; tf Miss ; Nina Greathouse. (Two interesting and humorous farces wl't be given. "Spreading the News" and. "Mrs. - Basra's -Bargain Bale." "Spreading the News" Is an Irish farce, written, by. Lady Gregory; and, while humorous, Is full 'of practical lessons. The caste of - characters ' will Include many well known men and women of Mount' Tabor. An orchestra and" a quartet "will furnish music for the eve ning. . - - v ", ?, i At the political tea to : be held at central headquarters, 1714s Eleventh street. Mrs. M. Li T.. Hidden will be in charge of the plans to have the can didates that she desires to see in of- March 26th to 29 ii 4 - - .: SIXTH;-AND ALDER ; 4 i- I ' i '.; -r - , " - . . " 'j. erviviin f ice as ihe speakers. Other political meetings will be held' later in the in terest of the candldatea'Of the Prohi bition, the Republican and the Pro gressive parties. , , The Laurelhurst - Dramatic Study. club will meet at the clubhouse to morrow , afternoon . for ths ' study . of Trojan Women" Mrs. John Suttla- rll have charge of the afternoon and -most interesting meeting Is antici pated. The relation ' of 'Trojan Women to Shakespeare's nlavs and to Horaer-s "llllad will be considered. - There will be a meeting of the Asso ciation of Collegiate Alumnaa at the Portland Heights club-.Saturday, April 1, at J:S0 o'clock.- Dr, Frank L-Love- land rw ill speak on 'The Obll rations of Leadership." , - , ' . - . - ., ,. , . Gypsy Band Travels; Xing John and 60 smbjesto Arrive ta Chicago: 2esplte Kodera Aooomme. - datloms Bag-gags Zs la Hvideaoe. Chicago, March 26. Kfng John, lead er of a band of Wallachiaa gypsies, resehed Chicago in a special car on the Chicago, Milwaukee and fit Paul railroad. lis was sccompanied by 6ft of his subjects. Ths policeman at the Union station escorted the tribe to the immigrants' room, where the women and children were taken care of by the matron in charge. King 'John, It is believed, is ths first gypsy leader to bring his band to this city In a private car. In spite oi ins seeming attempt at moa ern traveling accommodations. ths traditional baggage of gypsies was In evidence. : i The "king" refused to be photo graphed and escaped to look for rooms for bis following. Mail Order Catalogue Did It. . Mattoon. 111.. MsrctvSS, Noah Lundy, a farmer living north of here, with drew 43600 from the bank and placed it in a mall order catalogue in hia home. Mrs. Lundy, In cleaning up the house threw the catalogue In the stovs and burned It. "imiiM i unirn nn IUU LL IlLlLK UU "once 'you '-try- dressing on Credit. "Come up to CHERRT'S with me tomorrow. Sue. and ses the ravishing clothes they're showing! You'll be your longings right on the spot. That's why Cherry's Credit Clothing Shop (1SS BUCU B U1K nvmi. "They let you buy. whatever you want by paying only a part Of the prica Then It s yours to wesr and enjoy and you simply pay the rest of the orice in mooeram, ra-w-m- installments by the weelt or montn v - 1 can see UIU yva rm iminu Sue, and you'll be happier still when you look through, the lines of darling A... V. Tt.i.ti . n anil be- suits, urmtmru, - -. sin to reaUse bow extremely smart CHERRY'S new spring garments ar. YesTand don't forget to tell RsJptt that he can get his suit there, too. Their address is I89-S91 Washington street, in the Plttock block. - - For Hit n-CUss LADIES' TAILORED SUITS and Perfect Lines, Sea B. FIMK aa IflT F.rWs Bhls. v PRICES REASONABLE fn evt v. th mery m& " SHABBY UGAIPUE"