The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1916, Page 45, Image 45

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1 f.-.-.r .; . .- : . . r, . , .- : . . . . --. - - -r ' '-.--. -. - i ' .-.,. . ..
' " ,.'- ,.- :.--'.. T : r -.-17 .'T..,V'. '.'-;; ' ?' ' y , '-. t 1
Dwtl,, srbo have been visiting' Mr.
cJeay' sUter. Mrs. Sb alts, left Wed
; neaday for thel home in Syracuse, N.
Y via . San- Francisco and lxn Ab-
geles. t.Hrt. Shulta accompanied them
-'r-far. m Loi AngeUa. - -j
.:.-... - .-- -'.",.-''-' '
X''- Urs Hilda Oranatrom Boyt, who has
been visiting with her two sistera; Mrs,
,I. P. Shepherd, and Miss Roma 1a
vere unanatrotn ,- at,, jviu , waiia.
Wash., the past-three weeks, will re-1
urn to hr home In Portland 8unday
. evening. ; -. f ; : ., -j
.. miss jueien Kent uiarKe arriveo
Thursday morning in Rose City Park,
gladdening the home of Mr. and Mrs.
I Charles B. Clarke. Mr -and Mrs, Clarke
reside at 7Z2 East Sixtieth street
BOTth,'' ; " 1 ; w - " "
Mrs. Homer HallockVhd her daugh
"ter, Miss Alma Halloek, left the latter
I, part of last week for Neakabnie iavera.
, where they will pass a couple of weeks.
- . - .
Mrs.: LloyAI Breeds (Lillian Stone)
returaed Tuesday to her home In Mon
tane, after several weeks', visit -wlth
her mother, Mrs. B. Ll Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis S. Smith1 (Helen
Case), 1031 East Morrison street, are
receiving congratulations on the birth
of a sdn, born March 20,4 -
' M. L. Oumhert of the Hudson Bay
Company, leaves -"".Tuesday,--, for New
York. HewiU be absentlabout five
1 weekav : - , - " . -.
. . " '". -
Mrs. Frank E. TVatkins has left for
a. .two montha' visit with her sister,
- Ir., Bella- J. Macdonald of New York
fdty. " v" : v"' Y : '""-
' - . - ' - . ."
." "'.Mr.- and Mrs. C. IX Gilham have re
moved to the Brace "apartments, 56
North Twenty-fifth street.
- .-, ; ' r "
' Mrs. anford B. Rlcaby of this city
is visiting at Salem, a guest at the
- Marion hotel. . .4 .-' -
,i"'";-t' ' . : . " : 'O.
L Miss Vida Cross of Salem la visitln-
Lln Portland, the guest of Mra. Elmer
etringer. - i ' :.
; , . N .--,r- - ."t-
Mrs." Bale Slusher iSallle Sterrett)
of Pendleton, to visiting her parents In
Portland. A r ., . . . v ; .
Saturday morning ; at," 10:30 ' Miss
Thella McCarty i and; George ; CJeland.
both of PortUnd, wer united in" mar
riage by- Rev.. f Mr. Powell -at St.
Mark's Episcopal church.- After tha
ceremony the bride and groom and
it w J2m f rIft8. 4 h breakfast : In
the Tyrolean room; of Hotel : Benson.
A basket jof spring flowers adorned
h blV and covers .were laid lor
Ttev. "and Mrs.' PowelV Mr. and Mrs
A. King- Wilson, Miss .Haubous, M v
Mantle Mr, Pretton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Cleland - , .j, V--- t. f
pr-"ft.'2 ' ;VW ' '"; V'- ?v
t " On of the rpretUest weddings oc-
.urnoB - in unii joox .place at the
homvf tr. and: Mrs. J. H.i McSloy at
newn last Saturday,. March 25. when
EliseM- vBrUtht,, daughter of Mrs.
Toackla Bright 'and , Thomas McSloy
werei Joined in ' wedlock.. Re J Ji.
Ooode ffictated, the ring aervice' be
ing used. . The bride looked very beau
.tiful to a own of white, embroidered
voile. ..The maid of honor was" Miss
. . - -I -
The Season's New : - ,;l V : -
!Engravinff StyleiTor ri k c- " V.
; v; ' Announcement Jnvitatiom .
. ; Calling Cards,Stationery,at " ;
ii i. i ,mm ZStjtf?& V$S-V
t"g .':"" V "'- -
Hazel MorrisOn of Vancouver, Washl.
and the bridegroom- was attended by
C B. Travis. The house was prettily
decorated with cut flowers and potted
ferns. jMany beautiful gifts, were re
ceived 4y the young couple.
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was " served to about-.' 66
guests: .-. - - ' i
, Mr. and Mrs. McSloy left on ' the
steamer , Beaver laetv evening for XJt
Angeles where theywBl make ,thli
- Vancouver Barracks, March 25. Un
expected orders came on Thursday for
the' Immediate . removal of the Third
battalion of the Twenty-first infantry
to southern California. The troops left
yesterday morning at 11 o'clock toy spe
cial train from Vancouver, bound for a
point south of San Diego and about
16 miles from the Mexican border. The
dangerous condition of affairs in Mex
ico' made it a sad leave-taking. Only
light marching equipment was taken,
the heavy baggage being left in charge
of the remainder of the regiment still
stationed here.
' The .'battalion is , in command of
Major - Dean with the following 'of
ficers in command of companies: Cap
tain Offley, Captain Allan Parker,
Captain" Sayer and Captain Hegeman. -
f. Inasmuch- as Vancouver Barracks Is
still, the headquarters of the regiment,
the families of the officers and men
will remain here unless it should be
found, that the battalion is to be sta
tioned permanently . on -this -aide the
border, . ,
- .-: - ' .--
A 'romance In' army. life was culml
hated by the sudden news of the quick
removal, of some of the regiment. Or
ders came Thursday , afternoon and on
Friday morning at 8 o'clock Mrs.. Mar
garet DuBols Waring was married to
Lieutenant. Charles C. Benedict. The
Rev. Thomas May performed the cere
mony at the home of Mr. and Mrs: C.
B. Sears.- Mrs. Sears is 'the sister of
Mrs. Benedict s. In case his company is
given, permanent station. Mrs. Benedict
will Join her husband la, California.-.
Mrs. ' Benedict ' is : one of tha most
popular of the younger set of the-bar-rac&s
and her romantic marriage - will
cause a flurry of interest throughout
army society, she having lived in army
posts .both In .the "Philippines and in
TexaaC ' ,".. .
lieutenant Benedict is' a- recent
graduate of the United SUtes Military
acdemy at West Point, - having' been
assigned' to this ' regiment' upon - his
graduation." He was a member of the
West Point -football team durlp'g each
of his four years at the academy.
'viQeorge Clark Rockwell, elder son of
Lieutenant and Mrs. i Rockwell, enter
tained his playmates in the post at a
birthday : party i last ' Saturday , after
noon.' the occasion being the sixth an
niversary "of -his -birth.. His guests'
werer'BiUy Kunxlg Katharine Rows,
Ladie? Tailoring
aos ; BTSAjurs iwamxa
tKaia lorn, A-3218. , '
; : r i..:-" .
? : .- I I - ;" --i
1 . : ' . -
Bunty -Gibner,' Jlmmie ' Woolnough,
Dawn Baldwin, -'Maudie Harts, Clara
Jouisv Hartz and Thomas Rockwell.
. . ' . . . " . - e ;. j- . -,
" Mrs.' James M Hobsort twlth her lit
tle daughter, left yesterday for Calt
fornia where she will visit her, mother
for a week and then Join Lieutenant
Hobson at 8an 'Diego where he will be
stationed for the summer with the
First battalion. ..r.
Little Miss Ellen Knox, daughter af
Captain and Mrs. Robert 8. Knox, en
tertained her small friends of the post
at a party on her eleventh birthday
which was Thursday ' afternoon. ; .The
usual children's games wre played
after- which refreshments were served
Colonel David J, Baker and -Captain
Robert S. Knox lectured, at .Fellda- on
Thursday night. ' " -
.- . ..
Miss Josephine Offley, daughter-of
Captain and - Mrs. Robert Offley, en
tertained Miss Wood's: piano pupils
last Saturday evening. After a short
musical program, refreshments were
served. V
The card elub met on Tuesday aft
ernoon with Mrs Louis Irwin as host
ess. Fonr tables of bridge were 'played
and the prizes, dainty Madiera hand
kerchiefs, were won by Mrs. William
Crulkshank, Mra." Torrey- B. Maghee,
Mrs. Hiram Cooper and Mrs. David J.
Baker. The draw prise was won by
Mrs. William Crulkshank.- After cards
several additional, guests came In for
tea. Among them were Madame Jn
galls, mother of Lieutenant Raymond
E. In galls. Mrs. Charles T. King. Miss
Patricia Tleman : and - Miss Evelyn
Teal. The dining room and table were
prettily decorated with daffodils Mrs.
William . Brooke poured the coffee' and
Mrs, Charles T. King the. tea. x
' Mrs. " Baldwin, " mother - of .'Captain
Murray' Bald win, arrived Tuesday tor
a visit with her son and daughter-in-law,
r Yesterday afternoon Mrs. -Baldwin
gave a tea In her honor. -
.The current- events : class met . on
Monday afternoon with Mrs.' David J.
Baker, . .-i. -. -. .. y. - .
""-" -' ''".:.- l '-"-
The bridge tournament held Us last
meeting on Friday afternoon 'with Mrs..
-indicating the trend of fashion add
interest; to the distinctive array of
'.r. Jal((cux
uAcS an
y : For; AIL
- . "J-, ; Now on
It would be a pleasure to have' you call
ZBS' Alder Streey at Path,
Raymond Ei lngalls. The high score
was won by i Mrs. - Herbert r C.- Gibner
while Mrs. pavid J. Baker, secured sec
ond' place. ifp-Tk'i '.'XXtzi
- Captain Bobert S. Knox lectured, on
Preparedness' last Lwek In Seattle . i wuuii. , a ;t
-.. A delightful , affair of last ' week
was a St Patrick's ..Stepping party
given by Mrs. Clyde Hoyle .-at-. hail
borne ' in Laurelhurst. - The colors
scheme of green was used tn decorat
ing. After an evenlngSpent in music
and dancing a buffet luncheon V.was
served.: ;0--.v -jy .' J-.V
J . The - guests " were Mr.', and Mrs.
George Manning, Mr. and I Mra. -Bob
Clemens, - Mr;, and Mrs. Lou ' Dock
stader, Jkf r. and Mrs. Dentin, Mr. and
Mrs. George Thompson, Mr., and Mrs.
Ben i Buck, Eugene Nordstrom, ' "Mrr
and Mrs.,CSeargvlCeUoggr Miss. Ethel
Ndtt, Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Anderson, W
Brewster,; Mr. and Mrs. - Sterrett, f Mr.
and Mrs. . Harry HobbS,; Mr. and Mr.
Nott. JJr.H.'A; Bashor,- Mr and Mrs.
Jesse . Booth and Mr. and . Mrs." Clyde
HoyleJ v V'v M' 'i;- 3-i:
Some handsome gowns were worn.
Mrs".' Clemens -wore black1 satin - and
yellow crepe de chine;. Mrs. Manning
cream voile; Mrs- 1 1 Kellogg. V yellow
crepe' de chine and lace; Mrs. Dock,
stadev blak : taffeta; ; Mrs. Booth,
black lace and "crepe de . chine; Mrs.
Sterrett lectrlc1 blue - taffeta; Miss
Nott, "black taffetas Mrs. obbs,; black
and - whiter taffetat Mrs,- Thompson,
blue , satin and chiffon; Mrs. .; Buck,
white ' satin and' black lace;. MrsCAtt
derson. - brons UaffetaT Mrs. - Dantin,
mauve velvet and satin; Mrs, : Nott.
black" broadcloth; ' - The - hostess. Mrs.
Clyde "Ho1e' waA-charnring In pastel
pinlr and gold; .,lape.;----"iV '-'r."..' -v
"'The.-; : many-ZYriends oT- the ; A. Trf B.
Girls ' were .-delightfully entertained
Satu rday- evenin g,- March 1 , with a
St. Patrick's jwrtyiat't Library' haM.
The hall was artistically decorated
In green and whiteitheseyalso being
the club colors. A 1 short program
was Dresented. consisting of ' piano
solos by the Misses' Catherine. Newel 4
and Lela Gil strap; -a recitation, oj
Cecil McKercher; v vocal solos . by
Valkyria Larsen and Kathleen Booth,
and A . unique Spanish , dance by Ada
Johnson and Esther '.;, Nordstrom.
Dancing and games . followed. s- after
which ' refreshments " were - served.
Music was furnished ty-members of
the club, assisted by Hal Davis. These
enjoying .the hospitality of the A
T. B.'s were: "-
The Misses Kathleen Booth L. K.
Bowdish, Ruth Gibbs; Lela - Gilstrap.
Lorine Gingrich. Evelyn Gregory,
Irene Farmer,- Mae-? Hlcksv Ada and
Alice Johnson, Mary Klnnear, Valky
ria -Larsen, Cecil 'and. Irene McKef
cher, Lola -Murphy; Catharine Newel,
Esther- Nordstrom,-tHortense iPicber
au.; Luetta and Mabel -Thomas, Anne
and Emma Tlndula. Ruth , Watson,
Sylvia Wrheeler s.nd Ralph -Barber,
Robert Busbnell. Lee , Chaff In,-. True
man Cook, Sydney Cooper. George
Cota, Hal Davis. - Milton Ers, Stuart
Fagan. J. Hailett. Alfred J . Kellogg.
Henry Leverman Clarence Messa
more, Jesse MHlerrT-Reuben Stnnes,
Elmer Thomas. -Darwin Utter.; i Delps
Watson, John Young., Miss Bowdish
and Miss . wneeier - cnaperonea uie
party. . ..... " vV" "
. . 9
Mr. 'and Mrs. Hy Greenberg were
hosts last Sunday evening at their
home, 605 Fourth street. In honorof
the Bar-mltsvab of, their son Samuel
A delightful supper was served, covers
being laid for Mr. and Mrs. H. Good
man. Mr. and Mrs. M. Martin, Mr. M.
Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bader, MY.
and Mrs. J. I. George, Mr. and Mrs.'X
Vldgoff, Mr. and Mrs. H.' I. Rosenthal,
Mr. and Mrs." F. Apter, Mr;, and Mrs.
S. - Bercovltx, Mr. and Mrs. P. Jsco.
Johanna George, Cella Gothelpb, Carl
George and Otto. & Rosenthal.
... -
A" St. Patrick's party was given on
Saturday evening, March 18, by-Mr.
and Mrs. Bruno Maaro at, their home.
East Fortyf ourthiatreet and "Harri
son. The house was- beautifully deco
rated, everything. being carried out in
shamrock design. ; A short program
was given by . Miss Vernnle Flanders.
Miss Fanny Flynn, Miss G. - Baylee
and Miss G. Young, after which each
guest told their best. Irish story, Miss
F. Flynn receiving a- prise ' for the
best story. Dainty refreshments were
served at ll o'clock. Those ' present:
Dr. JJ Earl and Mra. Else, Mr.and
Mrs. Archie Lewis, Mr. artfi MrsTom
Odale. - Mr. ' and Mrs. O.- W. Botlee,
Mr. arid Mrs. Earl Boslee, Mrs. Pike,
Mrs. R. T. Martin. S. A. Mauro, Miss
Loney, Mrs. George Beal, Mrs. Jose
phineVShelburn . -'
.One of the' most, delightful events
of the .'week .was : the party given jy
Mr. and Mrs. L G. Kleimenhagen in
honor of their first marriage anni
versary Thursday evening, .March 16,
at their home. 695;. Bast Crane street.
Those present were their guests -at
their -wedding. . Six tables at cards
were . arranged, : and the rooms - were
uit&f Goats
Occasions ,
" - V "-"'i "."- m. t w'-r"?"-- ?-.:"-"
s ' , 1 ?
a ' .. , ! '" : ':"? , .v. , 8 . - 4
redolent- with, beautiful bouquets 'of
daffodils, , foliage and i ferns. At the
conclusion of the game, music was
enjoyed. T Mrs.01gaVGolberg TSrifflth
favored -'the guests t with several selec
tions. .Prises at-600 were won by
Mrs. Geo- CI" Snider, .and L. .- Bowder.
Those .present' were:,.? Mr. and Mrs.
Geb. Griffith, , Mr. and,. Mrs. E. C.
Young, Mr.' antLa Mrs. Charles F.
Frederick. '.Miss Alma Gunhus, Mr.
and Mra, A. ; t Berc.'.Mrs. George C
8nlder, liOrin -r Andrew: Oioyt'' Miss M.
RJiSmlthiMissvT.jM.KanakViM. C.
Rohse, Mlssr Ldpkey. . Mr; and Mrs.
StranbeV Mr.; and MrSi, I; M. Paulsen,
Mr. and Mrm I H-Kennedy, 'Mr. and
Mrs: H. H. Stark, L Schlmmel, Miss
Edith- Struck, R. . H. i. Struck, .. James
Schlmmel, L.- Bowder. a , ; .:k , - - i..
At a late hour a delightful lunch-
So tmw
- . . r m .ww Jtm r w sr & tai i a a ss v -w w
'HH ,
' II V' -rl;i:ict--iil:Z4irt I I. , - Mvfh' '111
. ill; y,v,lH-; -
f- ' - '
-..- . - ;:"
1 1
eoir was served, with, Miss Alma Gun
hus. Mrs. A . Berg. and Mrs. George
C. - Snider Assisting the ' hostess. ,
' Mr. and Mrs. 'Kleimenhagen were
the recipients of many gifts.
Sunday even lng,M arch . H, an en
joyable party was given by Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Welch of Capitol Hill for
the benefit of St ' dare's church. , - A
dainty luncheon was served at 6 p. m.
The genial hostess' bad tier handsome
country home" specially, "decorated for
the occasion. Bridge and 6 60 were
the games which, amused the guests.
Mrs. J. O'Brien - had - the honor of
winning a beautiful home-made cake
offered ... as a prise. y. Ed Walsh.-. - Jr ,
played a few selections on the violin:
Miss Marle- O'Hare and. Mary. Cole
man! --rendered vocal solos. Rev.
XT 7' 1
11 a I
Spring Style Exkitit
"Oil ask what is the Fashion. Madame Paqain replies
' . think .well of the fashions of today. . They are
i . j .i ....Lit. ,j -
wumaniy ana iruiy cnaraciensuc oi our penou. in a
word, the Fashions of the new season are not inspired
by any. one period 0 any one school." . ". I '
Emporium' windows and Emporium displays 'reveal the true
rasmons tor .apring and bummer.- - Our aim has been to bring;
together Suits, .Coats, Dresses,.;
style and, withal,) meeting the
women. -1
It is this policy that each season fs , widening the Emporium's
circle of patrons.? Here is 1
sense specialized service.;-
Come .tomorrow, and enjoy the beautiful dis
plays. ' Whether ready to choose your Spring
Millinery or Apparel, viiit . the store now.
Millinery at $5.!o6; $7.50,"
$10.00,12.50, $20.00..
Suits 'at 17.50, $19.50,
$22.50,. $24.75$27.50,
$29.50, $35.00 to $56.00. .
Coats at; $10.5b,$14.75i ' .
$19.50, $23.50, $26.50,-
$29.50, $32.50,
Dresses at $7.50,
$14.75, $19.50,
$27.50,- $32.50,
Waists' ' at - $ 1
$2.75, $3.45,
r $5.95,' $6.95,;
Uwiner - Models wi
t fashions in y our windows , Monday and
Tuesday evenings, 8: 15. to 9:45. Carna-
;: tions to. store visitors
124t128 Sixth SUetecg.Wcishiit:
Father v Modeakl Is - pastor. . Those
present included: - Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
WaUtL iMr. J.O'Brien. j Mrs. J Dol-
"phin,'Mrs.: If. Brewster, , MrsT,;Cole
man. Mrs. Setercan, Mrs". Oleson. Mrs.
Morrow; f Mrs.- Bleggr s.- Mra. Gerrel,
Mrs. . Borah,; Mrs. . DlceS M rsXf Molloy,
Mrs. Blackendeen, ; Mrs. Brighten
bauch. the Misses, Anita "Hurley, Mary
Coleman, , Marie O'Hare. Catherine
Madigan. Alice O'Brien, Marie Borch,
Olive Brightenbauch, ! Marie Blegg,
Dolly - Duffy r Queenle Walsh .Frances
Morrew, y Fay . Berrell. . Messrs. , John
O'Brien. Charles Sable. Thomas Hlg
glns, J. Hurley, Ed Walsh, Jr., Bud
and 'Martin,' Walsh. The party was ,-a
grand ' success, '--for which Father
Modeskl thanked every one present.
- i t. --'".'.- :-'."-. . -;"; 1
'.i The; Rose'cinb Vas pleasantly en
tertained vtaat Wednesday evening, at
the home of Mr. . and v Mrs. ;E i-R.
Thomas, "1065 East - Twenty-second
tidrth, 880 : beln ; played at v three
tables. "The rooms were prettily dec
orated . in green and s ' jrellowvSi High
honors: at cardj jwere ' won, by a MVs,
Robert Johnson and J, Durant, Jr.
The lowest score was held by Frank
Morris purlng the - ivehing music
was enjoyed, after" which dainty re
freshments weie served.-. Those pres
ent! Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones and
daughter Marion, -Ir. and Mrs. Robert
Johnson and son Gordon, . Mr. ' and
Mrs. -Harry Sitton.' Mr. and Mrs. J.
Durant. JrMr. - and Mrs. VFrank
Mortis, and the host and hostess,- Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Thomu and .daughter,
Mable. . hlJ-X . -." 'r-e;Vs?-'s ',
7 The . n ;xt meetlnr will be held In a
fortnight, with Mr. and Mrs. - J. Du
rant, Jr., at the Auditorium: Court
apartments. J "S-?
'- .i .
: The party given Thursday hlght "at
Holmes' Business college by Ihe stu
dents was; one of many surprises. ; In
addition to. the -:dahcing.: Alfred Muel
ler'a performance ; on the . sitherr was
mors- than pleasing to music lovers,
Carl Meeker, gave several jof i Harry
Lauder's favorite songs, accompanied
by his sister, Mrs. King, whicb caused
a great- deal of merriment, ' and Mrs.
Reva Gilford sang "My Mercedes. Mr.
McCabe was master of ceremonies, And
the success of the party1 was due
wholly ; to his untiring ef forts.? The
sudden appearance of an Hawaiian or
chestra late in the evening,4 together
with Ermann Karleson, who" whistled
some very catchy tunes, gave the flnr
tshing touch to a very pleasant even
ing... ; " -v.; V" ''
- A very pleasant surprise party - was
held at the' home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Westbrook Monday evening,
March .13, the occasion being their
twenty-first wedding anniversary. Tbe
program ' consisted of singing and
dancing.. Refreshments were enjoyed
by all. Those present were , Mr. ami
Mrs. Hugh MacKensie. Hannah Mc
Lean, Mr. and Mrs.- Dolg. May Dolg,
Tom Doig, Mrs. Mary Kessonj David
Kesson, Kate Gardner, Margaret Gard
nar . .Iimu ' Onrilner. - TSrnest Dick.
- . - v.... - . TN - I
Davits Mewitson, ..em- riiers, xorwi . m
MTullnch. Enon Bettencourt. Jack W
Stewart, Mr. Bocknell. Isabella Wood. .
Crissie " Young, Caslmiera i-Vensky,;
Kate Westbrooke, Anna - Westbrooker,
Rose westbrooke. Mrs. jvicinnes, janei
MKTnnn an Rlsstn Hewltson.
' A surprise party was given by Mrs.
Mary A, Maney for Mrs. "Nora K.
a k'' A' I
Eirst United
Waists and MiUinery, correct in
bopuiar - price deman
d of
specialty store in the true
ThatV'doesn't mean high
Jt v
$35.00 .
.00, $1.38,.
all day Monday.
-JUffVlf f" I lV At Wv
UrW-i. WMM' - ' I S 1-11 1 1 ; -
Martin of 2031 Eugene street-Wednesday
afternoon. .March 22. The aftr-;
noon wis most enjoyably spent and a"
light collation was served. Among
Continued on Following Paget
482 rt.zxDirxs nvrtSiVKfk
Phone Main MXO ,
1 lr..'Jb.t. " v 7v
I; ; .(Biirs
Hi J. K. GUI Co., Third and Alder
VTL1 1 Ir" ". n r " , t i -
';.. - .V.' - -. -V . -.' . :: . . - v . rT-- . . . .'. --v. . . .- 'r. . . ... . . 'i- .' .
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