The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1916, Page 44, Image 44

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    . 2
i:-Ji;i V V ; ABOH so-. ;H)r. , W?S'-- ?- viJ tessta
It Fletcher K. Linn, Miss Gertrude Black-
' mar, Mrs. J. B Leach, Mrs. Carl Nlell,
i Mlas Mildred Broughton. Miss Bertha
r Masters, Mla Marguerite Sheeny, Mrs.
! Horace Fenton, v Miss . Myrtle -Gram.
2- Mn. J. E. Wlthrow. Mrs. H. W. Hop
It kins, Miss Helen Wesfman. Mrs. Joseph
', Keho, Mlssv Esther Maegley Miss Cecil
k Miller Miss Louise Boyd, Miss Pearl
,,Cady,, MlssIiOttlss.Brsce, Mias Iters
f Redman. Mrs. J. J Franklin. Mrs. Wil-
llam'Klrkpatrlck.'Mre. Q.fc? Cornish.
Miss JManan - Snyder and Miss Ruth
DunnltSy. :.. ;
5 Mrs. Isam'Whtte 'was hostess at a
I large - and elaborately appointed din-
'r party given Tuesday evening In
t compltment tiMrsrDltten -
iK;m ou.-v ""-j"'!
of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Isadora
Lang, c -The. large- round table was
ornamented -with baskets and tiny
. vases of fragrant carnations, rose
buds, cyclamen, orphids, forget-'me-.
nota ana ferns. (Rovers were lai4 ion
Mrs.' IHttenhofer; Mi ,:. and ; ' Mrs. i.
Lant. Mrjand Mrs. T. N.' Flelschner,
Mr. and"Mrs.?"Wntiam Heller Ehrman,
' Mr, . and Mrs., Julius L. Meier, Mr.
and Mrs., Max 'Fleischner, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry , Metsger, Mrs ; and Mrs.
Abe Meier, Dr. . and . Mrs. ' Jongh A.
Wise, Dr. and , Mrs. James Besenfeld,
Miss Edith- Nans and Mrs. .White.
'." i : . , jva- a .
Beek. -j chairman; Mrs, XX , ? . , - 5 - i - ? - - 1 .11 - w,,f . V. - v.: -
' Miss - Catherine Therkelson is being
welcomed 'home from the south, where
she has passed the last .seven months
visiting her sunt. Mrs. O. G, Davis st
San Francisco.
. ;Mr. ahd'Mrs. J. e.. Friendly have re
turned Xrom their . wedding trip and
5 will h' t home-to theif friends at
Hotel Benson Sunday, March 26. and
Wednesday, March-2, from 8 until. 6.
" Wo vards. i '-r - .
- s e e ("
The msrriage Monday of Miss Doro
thy Sharp and John G. Kelly Jr came
' ss s . surprise td the many friends
- of the youAg . couple. They were
married Monday afternoon at the resi
. dence of the bride's parents, Mr. and
T-Ttrsj Jesse R. : Sharp, 9 Prospect
Drivel the Rev.' John H. Boyd, pastor
; of.-.thSjFlrst Presbyterian church.-of-ficiati.og.
The y. ceremony was Quite
simple, only the relatives and a very
few of the most Intimate friends of
' the couple being invited. Plans had
' . been made for an elaborate June wed
ding, but tho-brldegroom had a busi
neas offerinYVcean Falls, B. C' and
. an. . immediate marriage was ' decided
upon. Mr. ad Mrs,v Kerry left- St ; 6
o'clock: Monday for Ocean Falls to pio
neer at a construction camp, Mr. Kelly
having been appointed superintendent.
Mrs, Kelly is the granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Warren ..McCord, he
' is a -pretty and talented girt, a grad
uateof -the Pertland Academy.' and f
Chevy Chess at Washington. D. C. Mr.
, - Keily ls the sen of George 'H. Kelly.
. president of the Wbitm4r-Kelly com-
i MrsJf JLenore Vali ? Griffin, s well-
known newspaper woman of the
. city, returned. home last Saturday from
- the (east, where she has beeen via.
tunc since tostr- September.. She
went first to her 'parents. Dr. .and Mm.
J- B. Vail, at IJma. Ohio, where she
- stayed ' for several months, and,5 then
went oh to Kew .York where she made
ia. an extended visit with. Mrs. Friend M.
Aiken , at her . residence on Riverside
.' drive. ' Mrs Aiken sUrted west With
Mrs.-Grirfia' to. Visit hep in Portland,
but was taken sick at Muskogee. Okla
-. where she la now convalescing, and will
ltf1aln IfKi Griffin hr r -. V
' Dri aiRl Mrs. Vail and their' daugh
" r4er," Mrs.; George Bayly have been .at
' Honolulu daring Mra. Griffin's sojourn
at mtw York, and met her: here Sathr-
, . day,, when fbey went on. ts their east-i
. . ' ;-erh, home. . i -, . pz? - r
Mrs. RPf Graham -entertained with
seven tables of auction bridge Thurs
day, i compHmentihg Mrs. : William H.
See, whet leaves Portland in April with
, Mr. See, f or WarnlSprtng,Or..' where
. . he has Jntercstsj 7 They expect t re-
2n caiiuro ca&d
W. a SMITH & CO.
thud noon- xoaoajr buxw
,1 i
were 'won. by Mrs. Wllls L. gtraugh
and Mrs. R. TX Inman. .Mrs. Graham
will entertain later, honoring her niece,
who will visit here during the -Rose
Festival. Her gaests on Thursday In
cluded: Mrs. William H. See,,- Mrs.
hfViUiam Hare, Mrs. B. F. Weaver, Mrs.
j c Mrs a. M- Brown. Mrs.
loiito, Mrs. , YOUngMrs. T. PjWear.
ing. Mrs. T. C. . Warner, Mrs. . Bella
Raeder, Mra, Clyde Atchson, 1 Mrs.
David Gooqsell, . Mrs. C -E. Runyon,
Mrs. w. T. Masters., Mr. M. A. Dibble,
Mrs. E. M. Baker, Mrs. C 'L. Boss,
Mrs. C. O. Richard, Mrs, F. D. KuettnerH
Mrs. Cora Puffer, Mrs, 8, Carver, Mrs,
William Infold, Mri. Aron Tilyer.TMrs.
W.-WSwaugh; S. M. Murhard. Robert
t.: In man, George F. Brice and J. -H.
Thursday afternoon at her Portland
Heights residence -Mrs. John A. Keat
ing entertained the members of her
Wednesday morning art class with an
afternoon musical. A feature of the
affair was an informal talk given by
Mrs. H. C. Wortman n her recent -visit
of several months' duration at New
Tork city.. She told Interesting tidbits
of the musical season in Gotham.
-Nu chapter of Gamma Phi Beta. at
the University of dreron, entertained
with an Informal dancing party -at the
chapter house last, Saturday - evening.
A rainbow decoration scheme of t tulle
bows, greens and spring flowers' con
verted the rooms, of the lower floor
into a summer bower. The tianee pro
grams and even the supper wich-was
served alter the dance carried out
this;1' tolor - scheme. '. Patronesses '; of
the" 'evening were:" Miss M. Guppy,
Mrs.' Hamilton Weir- of Portland and
Mrs. J. D. Guttery of Hood River. The
guests werer Messrs. ; John Betkett,
Ed i Harwood, Henry -i Howe. William
Gerretsen. John ' Wilhelm. Kenneth
Bartlett. Fred Packwood, Lamon
Bonny, De Witt Gilbert, Psul Doward,
Dave Wilson, William Tuerck, Dorsey
Howard, James -Cellars, Kent WllsOn,
Kussei . KaJSton. Bill Snyder. - Keith
Kiss-ins, Etolph Phipps. Dobby Garrett.
rvooeir xangiey. faui tsmitn, sert Ford,
Kooen Majaraey, , warren ; Edwards.
Wardi McKlnney, iNellia ' ; Hamlin.
Arthur r Fertig. Ed McEwen. .. George
Hunter. Robert McNary, Orville. Mon-
teitn and Wallace Eakln, v ; f a
(. The ; active members of Kd chapter
or uanunl Fhi Bets are. Katharine
Bridges. Beatrice Locke.' Grac' Lilly.
Grace Mackensle, Kats Stanf ield. Mar.
guerue uross, joy Gross, Mary Cellars,
riorence rareuuSt - Marlon - Grebel,
Dorothjrc Downard Harrietts"-: Pol-
httaus- -of t-orUand, Agnes. MUler.
Helen: McCornack of Spokane, Imogen
Comett, Grace Llstman, Rita Coroett
Of North Yakima, Mlgnon Alleri, nma
r oouon, eara uaraer, uorothy Mont
gomery. Dorothy Dunbar of Aatorix.
f Esther Mary Hill of Cottage Grove,
Mary Alice mil, Helen Curry and Nits
Hunter of La Grande.' Ruby SteiwerTjf
Jefferson, vMary Johns. Helen Johns,
Lillian Roylen of Pendleton. Genevieve
Dickey,. - Florence 7 Sherman, Dorothy
Collier of" Eugene. Helen Guttery
Vernice of Hood River. .. - . -.-
, -f ' ' '-.
v The German Ladies' Relief society
will give & coffee party for the benefit-of
the .Women's" Auxiliary of the
Germas Red Cross society at the resi
dence of Mrs. J. C LackeL 15 Front
street, Thursday afternoon, .March -S 0,'
from t Mil 6 o'clock, A. cordial inviu
tion is extended t aU who are Inter
ested in the cause. Home-made candies
win be a&t6r-sv't irti
The reception, commutes .follows:
Mesdames J. Rometsch, H. Jasper, C
Mayer. J. CU Luckel, C. Buck." L.- J,
Gentaer. -J.'QriebL Sthinrr. - w
Eberhardt, A. Niemann, J. Alstadt. L.
otaoiucKii,- a. aiaiaier,? W Patterson,
,A big attendance is promised at the
Rose City, Park club next . Tuesday
evening, when the : program promises
a -vouniry iance as a variation from
the usual form of entertainment. Th
memberB generally 'will appear garbed
In th old clothes, as nearly as pos
sible after the manner prevailing ' In
the country districts two or three dec
ades ago. Visitors . will u also come
dressed for the occasion and everybody
KU.X. emer iuvo me spine of. the fes
(Vharactertses .publio affairs at, toe
Kose ctty J'ark -club, '- - : v,
Frank Sehlegel will call the figures
for the "cotillion dances and the mem
ories of old- tlmfes will' be 'revived by
such - music as "Naches Under the
H1U," "The Irish Washerwoman,". -The
Arkansas c Traveler," , etcr Of . course,
tasAmore odern- dances Wima4jatt,ta
spersed "among those of ah earlier day,
thus' catering to-the tastes of all those
present. The affair " under the
direction of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Chris
tiansen, Mr and Mrs. L. R. Bailey ant
Mr. and Mrs. .Floyd Campbell.
...... .
Miss ' Ernestine Heslop entertained" i
the Alpha Chi. Omega Alumnae club
at her home oti TwentyUhlrd and
Marshall -streets' last , Wednesday af
ternoon.", - Mrs. J. E. Wlthrow, presi
dent, presided over its meeting. Later
in the afternoon dainty refreshment s
Were served by the .hostess. Those
present were Mrs. J. E. Wlthrow, Mrs.
H. W. Hopkins, Mrs. Frederick Lister,
Mies'4 Helen Wegemann, Miss Ernes
tine Heslop, and Miss Jessie Maxwell,
of Iota Chapter of the University cf
Illinois. Miss Maxwell was a . room
mate of Mrs. Hopkins while in. school.
: Mr. and Mrs.-4 L- Gevurts- announce
the engagement of their daughter Fan
nie to Zlegfried Crohn of. Seattle. They
will be at ' homo' today.: from S to . S
o'clock. - - .. " - .
eye V "
A beautifully appointed bridge lunch,
eon was given -Monday at the- Hotel
Benson, when Mrs. S. Kapstein was
hostess. Covers were' arranged at "t
long table, for 25 guests. Crimson
carnations and ferns graced the" table
and there were corsage .bouquets of
the; same spicy flowers. . After the
game bridge' was enjoyed,' those tak
ing the prises wera: Mrs. S. Sfaemah
ski, Mrs. N. WeiiiBteln, Mrs. P. Prae-ger,-"Mrs.5
.H, Gerson. and, Mrs.- H.
Polits. 'Mrs. Kapstein will leave soon
for New, York-to visit her relatives,
expecting- to be absent , two months
and a ' half. - She will .. be Joined . by
Mr. .Kapstein and they will return to
gether. ,-." .'--'-"- i"',:.-: t-&:'z.--
A large number of card enthusiasts
enjoyed th card party at the Laurel-,
hurst dus Tuesday afternoon. Bridge
honors fell to .Mrs Herbert Cloyse and
Mrs: I. J. Gordon. "660" boners to Mrs.
Ferdinand EL Reed ahd .Mr a.' Charles
PureelL , ' ,"':
Monday - evening Orchestra- Night-
at the Laurelhurst club was a gala
affair. About 100 couples were Jn- at
tendance, enjoying the - dancing, bil
liards and card games. A pleasing fea
ture of the' evening waa a group of
Incidental solds by. Miss Grace Daw
son, accompanied . by ? Mies Marie
Chapman. , a "; . - r " ' -
Thursday evening the intermediates
of' - Multnomah-' club gave 'their
first dance - of . the season. ' An - In-
f ornial - affair was arranged to which
allv the" club members were invited,
though the r ycunger . boys were, .in
charge of , arrangements. - The. com
mittee includes Jack Crofesley. Reed
Klls worth,. James Harness, and. .Jack
Holden.- The patronesses were Mrs.
J. W: Crossley, i Mrs. H. W. . Hol
den,'Mrs. Allan M. Ellsworth. and
Mrs.-. E.-. A. Burness.y . 4 - r"V
-Mtiss - Mabelie Holmes " entertained
the i. 'U. Gj club in . her attractive
home in Laurelhurst last Monday sf-
Aa designed to givo yourperfect" comfort as well as 'correct your '.
-t' i --. , - a- foot trouble., - j- , "'t" "a s
v- If you Tdo not enjoy-walking, try a pair of 'Ground Grlppers and,
yon win be surprised st the difference la , these and the, ordinary,
- kind. - - -i . a . , ..vj , -. . .. ' - , . .
Our Oxfords are now in and we can give you either the bJgh
! or low shoes. r . -a
.--.j -..Call and loo's-them over and get a Medical book on foot trou
bles and their causes. ' - " , .
- - 81H Washisgten Bt, Pittock3iock -
.--'. -: ' - - Sxoloslvo Agents ,.- .j, -
:'. : .-.! :-;.-: :-. .--'--': .., - :
- ; f -; r .a i a - t v xr , j. rjr 3 . - - : l.
1 ..Y a;-- X s -X"JL . "WOJ Prffiiav
ternoon. . Elaborate . plans arfe-i. being
made for the J.U,;0, dance, which
will be given May S in the Irvlngton
clubhouse. Those enjoying the after
noon:' were the. Misses Rita LindJEs
ther Jtudeen, ; Agnes Torgler; UrSah
McMillan, Alta rinman, Heleft : Wege
mann, ConsUlnce Davis, -Esther Zim
merman, Gladys, Morgan, Helma Fox
and Edna Cobb. ' - i -
.The.' club is - planning-, a character
party ' which will be given at t-he home
of Miss Esther Rudeau - in Alameda
Park next Tuesday evening,
1 Tlie Blackstone club -will "glv an
other of its informal dancing, parties
Tuesday .evening In Murlark -ballroom.
The following ? members have ' been
designated as - the---commiUee on ar
rangements for thla.event: - Messrs.
Earl :Wi .HammondW Walter ' T. Mc
Guirk," Ernst J.- MagiuS.Jr., TheodOrS
t. Harmon, John i. Bosorth, Alfred
J; Shawcross,- -and Thomas B. Collins.
This' committee will be assisted dur
ing' the. eyening by 'the following
young ladies: Misses Lydia M, Ville
neuve. Winif red P.' Ralston, - Irene M.
Harmon,'! Reglna - M; Shea,AvHeta A.
Donovan," 'Ruth. aA. Routledge .? and
Evangeline F. Melntosh.-.y - . :rU
? Judge and ; Mrs. fArthur '3. 4 Dayton.
Judge.snd Mrs. Dittlefield. and
. Mxrie; Herbert
V. Ladief Hatter
; N 428 ALDER ST
The besf. fbr the price no-, matter
,r. ' -v. what -the price' ' , . .
V ' " ' '
- .. - :.
i ::; . y . ' s s '
' ' 11
Judge' and Mrs.'' Arthur. Langguth,
wu . act as ' patrons, and patronesses
for the occasion. 4
l 1's
The Irvlngton club will give a. chil
dren's dancing party at the club house
next Friday evening, which will e
open to" all children of "the Irvlngton
district ahd their friends.-! ThO com
mittee in charge is Mra. A. H. Cousins,
rs. J.
W... Creath nd Mrs. H. Ti-
, Mrs. i,willlam Kerr Sheldon Jr.of
Seattle, who is the '. guest ' of r Mr.
Mrs. ;Wilsondirect representative frorriDenriison fac- ;
tory, is" giying lessons eYeryday ir the- art of weafv- ;
: Ing rope baskets lamp shades trays and the thou- -,
sand and-one other dainty and artistic articles which - ,
may be'made tjiiickly and inexpensively with Dennison
art rop-tissue, etc. Come in at any time and spend '
-an interesting and instructive , hour or, so- Yon are
A..weicorne." . t r .,..' r i..
' - - '-"a 5 " ' - f , . ' " " - -
Mrs. Wilson Also Toadies Pkturo-Frame Making;' t
Bring la Your Ladies' Hn Journal Pictures to Bo Framed f
The J.
K. Gill Co.i Bookseller. Stationers and Complete
i Office OutiltteriWrhifd and Alder Sts. ' i; "
MARCH. 23, 191$;
Cbarles George- Arnold,, was -the honor
guest at -a luncheon given recently by
Mrs. Austin: F, Flegel Jr. - Covers were
laid for six about m table prettily ar
ranged with daffodils. .
Mrs. Glenn W Perclval ; gave an
Orphaum -party followed by tea st the
Portland In honor of the visitor Wed
nesday afternoon, --- :
If- A mJI r A.. -C- I" TA.lAn will,
their baby boy,, left Thursday for Chi
cago, vwhre they vwlll ' visit for -the
next- month, when Mr. Woodruff will
begin : . bis-: next engagement. Mr.
Woodruff has been leading man' with
the Rakers Player- this, winter. Mrs.
Woodruff was the - - charming '..'Miss
Ruth Bigelow. - a-"i , -,, - -
--. Many Informal. affairs marked the
visit in Portland of Mr. and Mra San
ford S.Wolfe f san Fraacisco, who
left' Monday, after a week's sojourn
In the city. Mr- Wolfe Is a nephew
of Adolphe -Wolfe, prominent Portland
In .Dennis on a
Paper RopeBas-
keVy caving
' a. ' (Second Floor) t , -
11 t-
business man. They were 7 marries
March. 6, anavlslted .first at Seattle
with relaUves. They left last night
for . the. east and south where they
will travel' extensively, enjoying In all
a - three : months' weddlag . trip. iMrs.
Wolfe was Miss Sadie Holsberg, the
daughter' of Dr. D. Holsberg of San
Francisco before her marriage.
- . - . ' .
'Miss Lottie Hatfield left last Men
day for Bar Francisco, from Where she
'Esclusivo -Corset
34(t Washington, Nosr Bread way.
"Dslktous 5-. ,
- Chocolate) -.
Per Box Now.
Sig. Sichel & Co.
nvTkird St. - - Phone Kant BOS
Photos That Please
Not only.
7 . Distinctive,
c?jcWa but Artistic.
r coi.yTOiA'nriXrjr " -'-
- Worpan's-Exchange.,
lse Btn C ; : -. 4 t isuia 4aa.
A TZV Ct Ont lyzetAlItZg, '
SwMUh Freit Cake,- : Hetth ' Bmt
Cream Puffs to order. Boat . maf . tat,
Chlidrn's Crocks smss to order. . . ... -y
ChristexisehV Halls
and Dancing School
M; Chrutenxen"
"- " - yelaotpal'
, eradiate Caatle'e Xersul SekSet ef
' Peseteg - --
- ,. ' Jfaia 017. A-M.
MAJ M suae sj
! : ' I
will, san for Honolulu after a short
visit in California, Her sister and
brother-in-lsw, Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
Morris (Maud VHatfieidi -are in the
islands on their honeymoon- and they
Brill lit Mtn.i lAm. In i' i
' 'Thefrnany friends of Miss RMt
La Vers Granstrom win be glad to
know or her recovery from her recent
operation : for appendicitis performed
at Walla WaHa, Wash , where she
has made tier home the past year
with her sister; Mrs. D. P. Shepherd
-t- r. - a. ! Si - i . ' . .i t . , iwf .-
Mrs. Lachlan Macleay and small ser
(Continued oi Following page)
De Blanche
Ladies9 Tailor :
Presents Late
tor bprtng
. And,Summer,J916'i
','408 WASHINGTON ST. ' .
SMStai golaSHs V-;
The eoly tee-atarly takaaraad iraaaeal
staeieai ergaiisatios Is tae ssrikweetj
Party A"CeWl,j0wserai Xibeetst.
Sat. Taber Ms. flaiisn, XatS TJTI
For Engraved Wedding Cards, J
aad Stationery
All the latest
TXOVOX - ', "
.- y,.. : .- coxitrMBiA
Dance Records
88S XartlfM st." v Itl onrtk st,
in dining-room, kitchen or any
where around the house you can
supply your wants at any time by
turning to The Journal's 'Temale
Help" columns,
1 .