- J'. SECTION FOUR , SOCIETY, ML'SIC, CLUBS, C FASHIONS, NEEDLEWORK TWELVE PAGES," ' v SPRING STYLE EXHIBIT? , , ; PORTtND,pGON;?fSUNimYJJpN 26,. 1916. - 2 r Thfe Most Wonderful Showing of 1 : ml ' it t V ''v,i I ' lit J''-" - n ' S I II III Nw fjf pobtlctlob in tb 8noUr l Tb JmmiI nf. ovfarty pact mutt tw Is The Joarotl of- nee by fridny ttwuooju Bjr Nona Lawler. ' vi-' HE very atmoephere Is teeming t wlh lntrestiBg social affairs. The opera Juat over gave an ln eplrjng impetus to this dull sea- . - aon of the year.' and it broke Into the Lenten quietude with a merry clash. If only the joy of a rrand opera, sea son could be extended, leaving- time to rest between-each -performance., then dinner parties j and . teas-: after the matinees could take on more spirited enjoyment. The t three" performances, followed in each case by the ballet ware's strenu ous that they made after-theatre pleas-' vre finding . a. - serious sand. -fatiguing tjon 4iaa Just been heralded, the second annual cotton. ball for the benefit of1 Scaddlng House, In which, a number of prominent women '. are Interested. It will be: given at Cotmion, hail .Easter Mondav. Anrtl 24. -. L ' . ' . The college fete . too is ;yet in the uiure several wee a, Dut la occupying the .time of. hosts of . college alumnae. or mu - wen jnrcn centers in in. I- masque . to - be given at -Cotillion all Thumday evening, at 9 o'clock.-by for the benefit of the French soldiers it th front. About 80 invitations were issuedT and the event bids fair o eclipse .all the similar - affairs given thus far this season. A number 1 of prominent maids and, men. have posed ?n masque 'for -The' Journal, as they frill appear at the bail. and. their pho- rographs appear in thl eecllon today. I Friday night and yesterday afternoon fend evening the . Boston Grand Opera rom pan y, with Anna Pavlowa and the Ilugstan Ballet, served as ! all . ab sorb lag interest for those two days.' The berformances drew throng of people. pf course, the flrat night, by way of a t octal occasion, furnished a brilliant MIM O m Aid laat nlrhl Varri T-vt Won hosts of admiring' friends in her tint i operia! engagement in : the-' city. She appeared here in concert last sea- feon, and so was not altogether , un- nown. The audience, with its hand- omely gowned women, presented a aaclnating scene, v Many, lovely cos- umes were noted.;-.' i " vv acb ' performance neid an - especial nterest. There was at the matl Saturday, titer. Japanese prima konna, Tamakt Miura as Cho Cho San Butterfly, and the dainty and pop lar MtU Felice Lyne, as "Mimt In Boheme Saturday evening, 'Miss Lyne has visited Portland, often.' and has posts or friends aa-well as relatives tn the city whlcb made her appearance lere almost a. ttomecomlng. ; . - , : From, La Grande, where she - made er home as a-Toung girl a group of rtends '.arrived 7 eapeclany. for ber erf ormance. . They included: ' Mr. and jara Jay Van Buren, ;Mr. and Mrs.. J. carr and Mr. and Mrs. 11 Snod rasa. ' ' - ":f. : -. . Another theatre party was made ;p of Mr. and Mrs. i E. W.M Bartlett. 41as Helen Bartlett nd Dr.and Mrs. . v. iAaix wno :motoreo;-irr. rom elr homes at Kstacada Saturday, ea- eclally to hear Miss Lyne, wh ia an d time friend. - .. - . f . - - From ;;New .York City ' Wednesday e i the' tidings . of f the engagement nousoement March 22 of Miss Hazel SUlls Dolph, the - daughter of the aU Cyta - A, JDolph ?'and Mrs. Polpb. and Edward W ' Clark," third if Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence M. Clark, of hiladelphla. who with, their son have teen . frequent .visttors in Fortland, here Mr. Clark- Sr. s has extensive justness interests,-being chairman of Re board of dlrectora -of the -Portland all way. Light Power company. Mr: lark la a Harvard man of class 0T. Mrs, Dolph and i Bar daughter: have Ben traveling in the southern and katsrn atitiu jtlnro Iit Miniiur and Sv been- in New York jJity most bf be winter. - Miss Dolph a engagement of widespread Interest.' .Hr family oda of the most' prominent pioneer kmillea -of, the state - that has been entlfied with Oregon's beat Interests and progress. She is a charming girl. Intelligent . and widely traveled, al ways social favorite and much loved by hosta of little children of the poor with whom she has been a great work er as a member of the Junior league.. ; The wedding plans have not- been made but will probably ' be -arranged for the fall, i - The. engagement was made known at a reception last Wednesday given a the New York residence of Miss -Julia Chester Wells. . Mrs, Dolphf and ? her. daughter will remain east for, several weeks longer and many social affairs are being arranged for the bride to be, . - e e .. . Miss Gladys PJtts arrived from her home Victoria, B. C, last Monday, and Is visiting - at the William - Mao- M aster nome, Ardgour, the guest of bourg and then i in i "The Madcap Duchess.- Not content with Ugiit opera. Miss Swlneburn refuaed flatter ing offers in that field to bend all her efforts o her voice for the concert stage. "She has always been a worker and . last fall her-premier appearance in concert - in New York was a big artistic and social .success. - :i Mr. Schirmer is tne of the most prominent music publishers in New York and 'is reputed -to be a very weumy man. ' Mrs. Ditchburn left- Slan Francisco immediately afterSter. daughter's mar riage last Tuesday: arriving: in Port land Thursday. - i : . - "The ceremony whJch was attended only by a small group of friends and Mrsi . Dltchbuwi; nd Mr. -. 8chirmers nephew. "Gnstave; Schirmer, New Mtes ; Matoie VanMs ster edneeday-4 York, was A-very simple f farr. I wa afternoon about it girls of the.'youBr-I solemnixed at lt'o'clocv Titl mam er set went out to tea- to greet the visitor and passed the afternoon sew ing. Mrs. Afred Aya of La Pipe, OTt poured. -. - . -.. - Miss Ailsa MacMaster, who was op erated on at St. Vincent's hospital two weeks ago, returned home Thursday. She will pass a month or morajn quiet convalescence, before - t&Jdng up any social acUvlUes. . - J -' Great, interest-is manifested by alumni of the University of Michigan and former residents of the .Wolver ine state In the concert of the Univer sity of Michigan musical clubs to be given at the .Eleventh street playhouse Tuesday evening. -April 11. -The Michi gan glee, and mandolin clubs have, a Tilgh reputation for excellence -among university, and college musical organi sations. and the forthcoming Visit : of the Ann Arbor men recalls the former visit to Portland three years sgOt . The patronesses for the concert in clude the following: Meadamea - ' - - f Maurice St. Oaapaeker Robert G., Morrow ' - - KalpB Jty Honourr, . .rreo'k J. ruiehteDberger Artnnr H. jatansoo Fred N. Detieffe John u. Btreng - William B. Gilbert . Wilsoa W. Clark ' WlUlam F. Hubbard " James Li Con ley -:; " Pan! P. Ferrens . ' Cbarlea a Hall Cbariea E. Cocaras, t' Portlaad :- Salem economy Save the dressmaker's bill bv doin ur mwib( wiiq our neip.i we also V oresamaKine- - ione, Maln 8702. Donald W. Oreea - Palmer U. rales George C Sterling William D. Clark Robert B. Karkeet Frederick 11. Green William B. Ley too 'f Fred B. New too , Tbomaa M. Joyce William P. Knox . H. Gerard WfiniteV Featoa . Grigaby George Arthnr Brown William B. RobertoB Lloyd 1. Wentworta inbn B. Clelaad Junius v. Obowrt 9 Mrs. Walter L Tooae, Dallas Mlaa Botk Goppy, . GDseae. . : .. :- solerahised at H o'clock Tuesday morn Ing at a small suburban Baptist church at can JfTandsco. - -- v - The -couple wiavloln Mrs. Dltchburn in Chicago. In six weeks,: ". .. Mrs. LHtchburn - and daughter left New. York Just before Christmas and came to California where the daurh ter tuts oeen resting and preparing-for mi spring concert season. She. will sume her -work on Jier arrival within two months In New York. At Chlcako they will visit' Mrs.-Ditchburn's son. John Ditch burn, to whose home a tiny aaugnier arnvea on ax. ratnears Day. The little girl has been named for her aunt,. Ann Swinburn, . 'e e MiSs Lesley SmlthT whose wedding to Charles E. Miller April 12 will be one of the moat Important events of the season, was .much, entertained last week with informal affairs, small din ners and luncheons 'given among her most intimate friends, prior to her de parture for a 10 days', rest at Gearhart Park. She left Thursday in company of her mother, Mrs. A. ,T. Smith, and sis ters, Mrs. Elliott . R. Corbett and Miss Lucy . Smith, for. 'their seaside cot tage. v . - - Mrs. L. Allen Lewis was a luncheoo hostess Friday, honoring Mrs., Marlon P. Maus. ' The table' was charmingly arranged with tulips in shades of pink, which harmonised prettily" with the Venetian glass service. Mrs.'' Lewis' guests were: " Mrs. . Maus, Mra. Holt C Wilson, Mrs. Solomon . Hirsch, " Mrs. noon. . Henry X. CabelCt jirsl-:'8heWaaHaT Mrs. '-- Thomas Kerr. ? Mrs. . JL dealer Ladd, -Mrs. Walter, F.'BurrelU Mrs. J B. Montgomery Mrs. W H.,Nunntand Mlsgj Msy Failing. u'W vj'fc t ' The date for the comrtlmentarv re citai to be ; given , byjMrs. -Bese'Cbar-' sen Reed at the Heilig theatre has been! set for Monday night, April 3,-; Ofl this' occasion . Mrs. Reed wilt present a class of -advanced pupils in concert program and the -well known Treble Clef ' club. directed by Mrs. Reed, will assist. This i event - Is ; being ' much; anticipated T)y the hosts of frlenda, " both- of ,Mrs. Reed and those who wllf Appear on the program andwlU be a social and . musi cal event of much interest... .- f.t, .-v. - - - z : - s- " : . v Mrs. Jervls WebV- Maufens : Camp bell) from Detroit; t Mrs.: .David M. fClay 0 (Lennette; Ferguson) A-from vSe- attle and - Mrs. Vernon -Cartwrtght Margaret -J4alarkey) from t England,- all Portland ; girts - Whose marriages took : place: about the v same time and who since than ? haver been making their-1 homes, at.-'distant' places, are visiting i their a respective : parents in Portland ; and enjoying many welcom ing' social affairs, Mohdajr, afternoon Mies Katherinet Hart.1 gave a luncheon for "them at her home -.on . Portland Heights. .Hetf ' guests were,- besides the three honor guests. ' Miss Martha Whiting and Miss Mary Stewart Smith. n-f - .vi " For- MraiCartwright csnd " Mrs. Webb, . Miss. Mary Stewart Smith en tertained at ( lcncheon Tuesday after- Flowers nd-all the pretty expres sions . of congratulations are' find ing- their . way: to -MrV and Mrs. DonaM Green. (Dorothy -Morrison) whoa home, was gladdened' Sunday morning, witn the arrival of a baby boy. The" littls fellow has been named Donald w. Jr. Mrs. Green is the daughter of Dr. A. A. , Morrison, pastor of - Trinity Espls- copal church, and ' Mrs. Morrison. .- "Original "'Afternoon' r is the terrri given toJdrs. T L. Eliot's parlor read ings , tomorrow afternoon- in the home of Mrs. Lee Hoffman. It has been a long time since Mrs.. Eliot has enter tained, publicly by reading any of -her own charming stories, and tomorrow's opportunity of hearing her once more will be -greatly appreciated, r Mrs. Thomas Carrick Burke will add to the s afternoon's pleasures by fur nishing a' musical program.; The Uni tarian Woman's Alliance will aid Mra. Hoffman in welcoming the guests at the Hoffman residence, 705 Davis street, beginning at 2;30 o'clock. Ad mittance tickets mar be had at 24 T am bill street from 1 to o'clock afternoons. The proceeds are for the relief work of the alliance, x ... ' "Mr; and Mrs. C. Henry 'Dkvis Jr., are' passing two - weeks ' at Pasadena with Mr. DavW ; parents. They . jtfi expected home abotft next Tuesday. :.' Taeaday evening Miss Helen ' Ladd entertained the Tuesday Bridge elub of two tables at her, home in West Park street, -.-v - Wednesday aftsrnoon Miss Lsdd gave j a luncheon for eight covers for Mrs. i Vernon- Cartwrlght (Margaret Malar-j key). The table was aNoom VwithJ nowers : pma- tuiips ano v- sweet peas centering and bouquets of vio lets marking places - for Mrs. cart- wright, ?Mrg. Hallett ; Maxwell Grac Peters), Mrs. Hasel - Blumauer utt. Miss Marr-Stewart Smith. Mlaa Ruth Teal. - Miss Rhoda Bumelln, Miss JCstheriae Hart and the hostess, For the second annual college fete many interesting plans are in progress. This-event which will take place April 14, at uotiiiion nan,- is 10 raise money for the $250 scholarship to send some high . school girl to the , University . of Oregon.. Any money over that amount goes to the U. of O. Women's building fund. - The National Pan Hellenic as sociation is giving the affair- and all the sorority women of - the , city ? are taking an active interest in its success. The. committee chairmen included 'Re- eeptlon, Mrs. Burton Beck; .booths. Mrs, .V. A. Crum and Miss Marie Wil- Uamst program. Mrs. . A S. Moody; patronesses. Miss - Agnes Beach, 'and Miss - Lenore Hansen; and publicity, Mrs. George Woodley snd Mrs. H, W. xiepains. - J On the , reception committee are: 5m (Continued on Following -Page) Word was received last Week from San Francisco announcing the marriage of Miss -Ann-- Swinburn and Rudolph Schirmer Of . New York, ' which took place in that city last ' Tuesday at 1 a, m. Mrs. Schirmer is the daughter of Mrs.-Ada Ditch burn and : since - her success .In the .music field she .. has taken yher paternal grandmother's maiden :name of Swinburn. r. ,-v Mr. and -Mra. Schirmer are passing their honeymoon; in the-south, the exact place beings kept -"secret, . Portland liss longTouowea tne career of A this beautiful and - talented girl with much interest. "She was a. local favorite as a clever reader at the age of five- years and has held the enthu siastic . Interest of hosts of admiring friends since that time.. In her dra matic work she 1 Is quite fascinating, and when with maturity she developed a. voice of unusual 1 beauty, . all . her friends predicted a great future. She has already realised many of these fond hopes, staring with great suc cess first in "The Count ' of Luxera- THAT ARE GRACEFUL - : i LADIES Oar - splendid jSprin; v Suits emphasize -in f s forceful iminner that we are specialists in. presenting, the New and Distiae tive FashioBs. - 's. '. :' :. : , ' fSScliair: r- jP"t - ' " -ii xi---'- irfie.' Tailors -''V;"A:i49 TsntVSLV;?'; -AOpp. Olds, Wortman V King - ntm . . , s. IIDDllllllllllllH Advance Display of ttc Ne wFiirsf or Summer ExtrdofdinartlylBnlliant Shoib'A -v"-:' ' tng of Stunning White box- ' Light fur neckpieces and fur. trimming's will be worn" again thisrv season. A Liebes far adds a smart tone to the simplest tailored '4 suit, and digriify and elegance to wraps: and gowBS. , See 'the display ;of: special. Summer urs- you are welcome. - :. - V- Have;: Your Last Seas oh's ; Furs : : . Remodeled Now at Summer Prices . . , K You can save money by having your last season's tur garments .: remodeled now Putin g the Summer months -our workrooms' are slack, and the .workmen can give your work-ample time- and though.' ' ' -, --'.f. ' - - ' ; Store 'Your -Winter -Furs Here, " J '- 'Where They Will Receive the - ' Expert 'Attention .of a Furrier- ' Winter tors should be stored away during the Summer for pro tection against fire, theft and the moths before being storejd . they should .be .examined by our expert, and-cleaned by. our -r vacuum (process this assures their, complete protection and preservation while in .our cold-storage vaults. We call and de ; liver free rates most moderate- " ' A Our Vaults; Kept 20, Below Freezing H.UEEES&CQ. 285 'Morrison. St i 'J.'- P. Plagemann, Mgt. MmmmiHi?ftftinffmtiitfiff?ttifviiimfitifrtfiiimHmffnffftifiHiftinfmnmftt?mfiimHntfttfimntttffittiMi Mi,: I AMI i . 4 - Ybu-Have Ever .Beheld .: EkposiitipBi and Sale : Never? bef pre were we so splendidly ready with: the, new floor coverings for Spring never a season when floor covering? were so beautiful, so varied in design and color, as; riow, when a larger assortment' was made ready for your selection. The display is- truly wonderful and, merits inspection of - all who have ; floor coverings to ' buy : Iconomy demands your 'attention here this week., , - A Splendid Assortment of High Quality Wilton Rugs Anglo Persian, Royal Ka-Shan, Herab, Etc r 36x3 WTXTOir STjas In a variety of .' colors and designs suitable for door-: J? Cf Ways. halls, etc;, offered at. . . . s. . . jvUU v. . - j Jd w . mm v va Aii, iiiwt t' s varied- showing:.: ever displayed in 1 1 ,012 v. U this . quality v. , ,.,;s. , ipl lmmO- 4-a7-e WTXTOXT BTOaf A score, of beautiful new de- - siarns introduced this Spring.000 QC offered: at ,..Tr.. ....... . P&OtaiU 6x9 WZXiTOV TJO For the small room or hall, hifheat quality weaves, CyfO ftY offered at' , ?4aiUU. S-3zi0- wnTOV ITjai Appro--prists for moit any .room ; in the. ri: TC home, private patterns offered at., vvitlu txia wrrrow mTo scores W the '-'' moat, wonderful patterns- we .have CCfiTVA v ever shown, offered at. . . i. , y UO.UU . Inlaid Lin oleums on Your . .Floor SI. 17 80c Printed Lin oleums on Your Floor ; . 60c - $1 Heavy Print ed Linoleums on Your Floor a'. $1.50 VELVET CARPETS cut to m Thirty ; splendid new Sprins patterns of , hirh ' quality Vel vet Carpets, with - Stair to match. In Persian or Oriental deafen. Extra snecial. laid on your floor, wits good lining, per; yard . 9x12 HEAVY WORCESTER AX. MINSTER fcUGS on Sale for Reduced In price and sold fin unusual terms of credit, 11.09 downianfl then . .SI. 00 each week. . Twenty g-ood patterns to. choose from. High pile Axminater Rugs, reduced from a greater price... !i22l Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases IN A BIG SPECIAL SALE Trunks worth from SH.00 to S17.00, choice of fiber -'.- "1 or- canvas covered models.: four sizes, steel protec- Co QC tlons, leather straps, now. ..... s ...... , Three-ply fiber covered and riveted Trunks, Unen i lined, sole leather straps, in three-sizes, 34, 36 a"i"Cl4 IV 38-inch, extra special' value St, . , . . i .. -. .......... i . . P ,v'-- rf,b. nrih rvnm '!?4 tn ISR. made bf indestruc- " '- table - Douglas1 flO malleablss steel ' protections, d1A QC ijrsisea, now ...... . -- . rounded-corners 3-to HO-inc Fibers -Shopping Cssea; izea, now. Fiber Suit. Cases,. .built like a suit case, ' steel frame, extra f1 (t now at ,,...y!,-....Ni'C 'epeclal now at. . P Window Display Extraordinary BaaaaaaaaaaaaasaiaBaaBBaaBsaasBBBasaaBaBasaiBBiBSBSSBaiSBWSSBaeasw -Without question; the most -unusual window display . ever attempted by any fur . ' ntture store anywhere. A - display - ao strilcins so, out -of the. ordinary that thou- " ' sands have stopped toview- . u. i our approval is - desired.- v, j.SSjaaC5a j. ( ..,v-.,v,-r,..p, - - v r-i 1(2 J f - , . v - u - . i' - ft&si" , $5.00 ihgsThis Jacobean Oak Set toYou THEN4l.OO A WEEK QUICKLY PAYS FOR IT This four-piece Jacobean Set. marked to sell at,$1.7B, is offered this week at a special price, and on unusual-terms of credit. During this special offer this four-piece Jacobean Set will be sold at f 49.60. It Is upholstered in genuine leather and has auto spring seat construction. - Reed-ttifiagM?-ere sv No Other Sido in All Portland! Visitors have remarked it big -business bas proven "it The styles and finishes are so entirely different so much more de sirable that comparison proves our supremacy. $29.7S Ivory Dresser in Adam .... Design For . SIS A typical Powers value. Finished - in six coats of ivory enamel with shaded Inset. - Excellent in construction - and perfect in finish. A limited number to i sen, - - This $38.00 Model in Ivory With Reversible Gear $29.85 By far the best Reed Carriage value offered today. Built of half round reed and finished In -old ivory. Cordurc ' upholstered, with full length sides, wings, hood and Wind shield. . It has a sliding adjustable reed hood and tubular, reversible gear, foot hrakfi and reclininw back. Gear finished same, aa bodv. Beau tifully finished. A lilgh quality -carriage at a: low price. -, . $f 1.75 Oriole Cart $5.95 $12 : Go-CarU, $7,95 WML Right Now Is the 'Time" For T i ft er -: v$2.60 Kent aaarquUette Curtains,, filet insert- 4fc 1 tti , - ill ing ana eases, iy yaras tong, puii, pair. . . T - - - , I.I fy-' .- . .'. ... . - . . . ' . i 11 1-600 ins'quauty' nemstitcned . siarquisette cur- i 1 IfT - lain Goods by the yard, with colored overdraper ' y 11- les attached, rn red, blue or gold, yard.. wVCf.S' ,0V ' 1.1, - f l.V (UMUf -III. A ..1 1- J . . . rw l VI, a.tm.a f Materials 1! designs and' stripes suitable for any room In the gJO - . it7T .r home, special yard '...v. Vvl tl.". $1.75 Enamel Bath' Cab inet with' 'M- QQa rot for ; i ; OU $2.60 Slightly soiled Bedspreads, either square C 1 Q CS MahosanT Sllk? or scalloped cut corners, each. ...., vv'' . ;,-iSIis d EUctrie ' , SPECIAL WORK SOLICITED ."J ) j: FWt- r Over 7000 Portland Homes : HAVE DECIDED1 IN ;FAVOR OF THE ;A-B SANITARY;?'.''-,?:-?'--::. rHear tho reair :V Harry Lauder - . -Ifoa mar bear others sins; Lander's songs, but the only way to enjoy them is to hear tauder sing them himself. ' . Hear this rreat bcotch come dian cm the Victor and you act tally bear him with au of his delightful -witticisms and the asnal touches of comedy, : .' , . Come and hear some of bis Selections. No trouble to ta tao obligation on yoor part, i ' - Victors $10 to $100. ? Vktrolas T1S to $300. Terms to suit. . aft" A r l TVTr v- V tm- -'.Comparison proves th superiority of ' If ii ""J Ll.' ' . the- A-B- Sanitary. Its patented, gas ' Jr ' tSrjf - ' f . -valves, k automatle lighter, -t white " "-1 r I Pli I I saving In fuel consumption are sv few' - J 1 finV -, I v,t JrSSSS .I' it loInts onlywhich prove it the peer Uw.AIII a- aw JLa-- ot au otner gas ranges. you see i tl'TCT the A-B sanitary demonstrated ; you ' ' 1 " :s a.wa r-v ! will buy no other, - - - V - Term as Low as $1- Wkly. : s a - " VM""'I ' r mU-v 1 V,,'.