The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1916, Page 40, Image 40

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Events of the Week at Honw , , , !r -''i ''.'" vAsfts II '. . , ' ftV.N' Vl . Wf-FS'S) ''.' mVOT ''' Vf3ftt?' v-"- ?N
; " Mexican. Situation
lAJT AKTOHIO, TlXM.-An alleged
attempt to dynamite the bridge of
the Southern Pacific railroad 40
miles west of Del Klo was reported to
Itajor-Qenral Funstoii.. 1 ' ,
Oolombas, K. IL The Twenty-fourth
and Twenty-fifth Infantry, negro rega
in en ta, crossed the border iito Mexico.
OalTtstoa, Texasr-rBandlts believed
to be Carransiata. deserters, burned.- the
town of Xeliclcas, Coa nulla, killing 20
persons, including women and a priest.
Zl Paso, Texas. General John J.
Pershing wirelessed that Carransistas
severely defeated 1 the Vllllstas ' In a
pitched battle Tuesday.
-, TX Paso, Texas Lieutenant Thomas
- S. Boven, of the American expedition
ary forcj waa seriously Injured .wheft
his aeroplane fell while he was scout
ing for Vllllstas.. The first American
. army aviator injured in active, service.
- aa Aatoalo, Texas. General Fnns
:. ton asked the war department to give
" him additional troops, so he could ad
equately : protect' General Pershing's
."dangerously thli" lines of communis
cation.' ' UiJffli -V. '..::v-
. Baa Aatoalo,' Texas. The -war de-
- partment informed Major-General
lunston that S2O.OO0 had been placed
. to his credit to employ scouts, guides
..and Interpreters for "use In Mexico.
. ' Chlo ago. Two trainloads .- of - motor
trucks and one tralnload of water wag
ons left over the Bock Island tinea tor
the Mexican border for army use.
XI Pasor , Texas. , Two American
- troopers were killed near Namiqulpa,
: when a scouting; party of 22 Americans
encountered a strong force of Vllllstas.
o Waahlagtoiu The protocol, between
i the United States and Mexico setting
,. ' forth the' reciprocal terms of which the
. campaign to- get Villa will be conduct'
:-.-ed, was completed.?. ;-, .
Zl Paso, iTexas-Stripped and mu
tllated by sword thruste. the body of
- H. J. McKlnney; American,- employed
on a Palomas ranch, -was found hang
ing to a tree by American troops, a up-
- posed iy murdered by Vlllisu - x
waahlagton- A dispatch denying
that General Luis Herrera, military
governor of . Chihuahua, had renounced
General Carrajiza" was given out at Car'
ranza headquarters here Thursday.
.European War?.
03TZK3r With a loss of three Uvea,
1 the Danisn, ateamer Skodaburg was
.sunk. ' ...
Iioaaoa-SIxty-f ive allied -aeroplanes
" bombarded the German naval, base at
Zeebrugge and the military aerodrome
, at Houitade,' doing, considerable dam
age. Amsterdam reports say 200 were
killed and 35? Injured. r :
, Mtttoa. Nine persons were - killed
and 3 1 in jurea in a : German aeroplane
, ' raid on te Kentisa coast. i.
Xjoaaoa. with : a reported loss of
v several lives, the British steamer Fort
Dalhousle and the Norwegian eteamer
" . lAngetl were eunkTi ' i -
TMadoa Four British destroyers de
, leatea ; tnree werman aestroyers in
. battle off the Belgian coast. . ;
Madrtd Manuel, deposed king of
Portugal, - has telegraphed to Lisbon,
iinD( aim ierreet so i'
Petrorradv Capture of Ispahan. Per
. ala, br Russian troop waa. announced
' Amsterdam. Turkish troops evacu
a ted Erxingan, where the sultan's men
established , their headquarters , when
' Erxerum . . was - lost, Bucharest dis
patches said.- , ' - . 1
IiOadoa-r-Austrians abandoned' th
city of czernowits because of Russian
victories ton the Dnelater, according &
. an unconxirmea wireless message from
- xaenarest. Russian ; warships off
. .Kallakra Roumanla. " torpedoed and
- eank the Germaa 'steamer Esperanza,
..... sauna xor ijonsianiinopie with a cargo
-or..looovS-i;vl,-Sir:":-,iCs: V;'tO
"fcoma. With the object of inducing
JBuigana. to cooperate in. the. eventnaj
attack on Salonika and prevent a ep
.tUmpttodmrnlUtte brtde of ' - -rtatrtA5m , . v - -.AA nr. V
1 The Focrth '.'field artillery moving into camp at Columbus, N. M, after hurry call from Fort
Sam Houston; . " ' . . .. . ' . ' . . -
2 Soldiers of the". Twentieth .infantry -on guard at El Paso- Texas. r V
Lieutenant Colonel De Rosey Cabell, Tenth cavalry, who is chief of staff of the expeditionary
force ' under;: Brigadier General Pershing. ''.' ' ; w? " f v -' . i
4 Major Malvern-Hill Barnum, chief of stafjf inider Major General Fwston. '
6 Delia Evans, 17 year; old girl who notified ranchers in vicinity of Columbus, N.M of Villa's V raid.
6 Soldiers of the Sixteenth infantry prtparing supplies' for -use by the members of the expeditiou
ary force in Mexico. C , . . .y ' -. . ' vv ' h '
'T Sixth field artillery mobilized
8 -First battalion of Twentieth infantry who were hurried to Columbus,
arate peace, the Austro-Germans for
mally ceded Salonikt to Bulgaria, and
promised to uphold the cession at the
peace conference. s. v , ... .v ;" , ,
Berlin. French prisoners taken : at
Avoncourt number 68 officers and 2974
men, according to an official bulletin.
Toadoii. The Hamburg - American
steamships Kron Prihzessln 'Cecil I e and
Prins Adelbert, which have been in
terned in British ports since the Out
break of the war, have been condemned
by a prize court .and commandeered by
the government. , , . ', ,.
Washington One hundred and twen
ty German submarines have been cap
tured by the British since the begin
ning of the war, according- to admiral
ty information transmitted to officers
of the United Statesjoast gyard aerv-
We t ,
Zjoadoav Agents of the Turkish and
Bulgarian - governments V arrived at
Berne for the purpose of starting peace
negotiations, according; to a dispatch.
Xioadosw-Two German aeroplanes
were . brought flown . in Sundays raid
against the English coast. S - :
Zadea. The Norwegian steamer
Kannik has been sunk, accoralng to ad
Vices .:. , .. . ', -: -
Xoadoa Thel French ateamer Bou-
ganviile' -waa sunk by . a German sub
marine - . .
Xioadoa The ' Norwegian bark" Lind-
field, . registering 2276 tons, was sunk
off the Irish coast, advices say.- The
Llndf teld sailed .from Portland, Or. Mo
vember J. , . ...v :.-.i
' .'.' Foreign. v ;j: 4.;'i
PZTZtOOBAXI-Huiister of - the ..In
; terior " Alexei 'Mlcholoaevitch Khjr
, ostoff resigned. Bis portfolio was
taken over by Prime "Minuter ' Basil
Vladlmlrovitch Bturmer. '. t
oma Cardinal : Gotti died here.. '
ojaV Two shots wsre fired at Pre
mier Radosl&voff. Of Bulaaral. as he
rode in an open carriage at Sofia, ac
cording to dispatches. The hots were
said to have been fired by a Bulgarian
postal employe. The premier was un
injured. One bullet hit the coachman.
Xjoadosw-Mra Herbert Henry As
qultb, wife of. England's premier, was
awarded, damages i 6f $6000 from the
Lotidod Globe for publishing stories
that Mrs. Asquith flayed tennis with
and sent Sifts to German of fleers in
terned atDonningten halt, , ,; mM
- Pekiag A mandate ann6unced aban
donment of plans for a monarchy and
resumption of the republic, with Yuan
Sht Kal as president. i JiAirf"
? Tadon A proclamation prohibiting
ui uujwrwmm. or sutorooDiies, motorcycles,-
musical i-instruments. mti
player pianos and ; phonographs; : and
at Columbus, N. M., before ! moving across border in pursuit of Villa.
spirits and other strong drink, except
brandy and rum, was signed by King
George. t t-. . : -' ' ;i
Zrondon. Sir Charges Wyndham, the
veteran actor-manager, 7J years old,
and Miss "Mary 'Moore,' who was his
leading lady throughout a long stage
association, were married.. v.' .
Xioadosu Lord - Scars dale, father ; of
Lord Curson, died. ' s ' ' ;
: National Capital. -
WASBXsTQTOHr Cap tain Louis J.
Van Schack, Eleventh. Infantry,
. was " designated as military ' atr
tache of the American embassy in
Mexico. , '
Waabiagtoa. The appointment-. of
Colonel. William A. Glass ford as com
mandant of the Ban Diego army avia
tion school was confirm. : -
Washlwrton. The ' house defeated
representative Kahn's amendment 'to
the Hay bill for a larger regular army,
making the military forces 220,000. '
Washington The United States su
preme, court denied the, aovernmenfs
application to have the steel trust suit
postponed until autumn, .y, A , i ;
Washingtasw-Representatlve Dwver.
or at. fxxuis, introduced a bill nrovid
lng for the establishment of a military
academy . and aviation, school, to cost
(10,000.000 and-to be located t within
100 miles of St. Louis.
' WasningtoauThe United States su
preme court recessed until April
Washiagton-Northwestern railroads
petitioned. ,the interstate j commerce:
commission, for' a new. hearing .of the
Aatoria.rate ease.i..;
wasalartosv-A ; test vote,: in the
senate showed. that s 2 to 1 majority!
favored .the passage of the Tillman ar
mor plate factory bllL' .' a ; g ; . ;
Waeaiagtom.- Nation-wide frauds, by I
which the government has been swin
dled out of millions of dollars in to-
haoco taxes, : have , been : uncovered by
department of the treasury: agents, ac
cording to anqwuneeincnt;. $.-4?? f-.
4 Waslilagtoa---T-he house passed the
amendment to the Hay bill authorising
the president to requisition bi indus
trial concerns for the manufacture of
munitions in time of war, or when- war
seemed Imminent. ' - :
Washingtoa. Lieutenant - Colonel
Samuel Reber, head of the. aviation
branch of the United States' army sig
nal corps, fell from the window of. his
apartment and. was ' taken ' to a hos
pital, i 'H :- ;- ?
. Waahlngtoa. The senate passed : the
Chamberlain . bllL doubling the number
of cadets at west Point. . - ; v
'"I wasilartoB -Albertus H. ' - Baldwin,
United SUtes commercial attache at
N. M., to reinforce garrison there.
London, reported, that in the present
war. the entire tonnage that has been
captured or destroyed is 3,774,129, or
3193 vessels. ; ,., . . k ,
, .Washington. Senator Sherman in
troduced a resolution authorising. Presi
dent "Wilson to call 60,000 volunteers
for service in Mexico. . .
' Waahlngtoa President Wilson nom
inated Z. M. Bradford to be postmaster
at Juneau, Alaska.
' Washington The house ' committee
on' interstate commerce rejected the
senate dam bill, framed by Senator
Shields, and substituted- Chairman Ad
mB'fcV' ' . ' . ' ' -:' . ;
Washlartoa The , cruiser .Milwau
kee was .ordered to .join the, -Pacific
fleet., relieving the torpedo boat Iris,
which goes out of commission. - Y
,Washlagoa.Ths' house ' adopted,
without -debate, Kahn's amendment to
the army bill, authorising the president'
at any time to call into active service
the 60,000 reserves provided for in the
army "bllL ' ,.( . . .' , .
-. Waaning-ton- The house' rejected' the
amendment to the Hay bill providing
for the establishment of a government
plant tOfproduee, nitrates , - ,.
" Waahiarton The - house i passed the
Gardner amendment to the Hay army
bill, providing that 'the three year en
listment term be curtailed to one year,
at the end of" which - the soldier goes
into the reserve. -
Washlngtea A. resolution ' offering
a reward, of $50,000. ror. the pody of
Francisco Villa upon delivery to. Amer
ican military authorities was Intro
duced in - the bouse by Represeptative
ocoit, oi rennsj tvuuui. -, . a
rWsahlngtbn -The" house rejected the
Kahn amendment to . the Hay bill,' in
creasing , the regular 'army ' to 'a peace
strength of 220.000 ,men.)j j. .'.r i -i1.
Waahlngtos Eight - million dollars
Will he needed to cover the expense of
the American expedition to -Mexico and
the cost of recruiting, according to an
estimate sent to congress by Secretary
of Waraker, ' - -' f : I s -; ;
Washington- H Parker WUlIs. sec
retary of the federal reserve board, has
left 'Washington "for Manila, where he
will assume the presidency of the Phil
ippine National bank and direct Philip
pine finances. " J , f ' - ,
. General.'- X " V"
jOaVCSTOV, V. J R. P. Cleveland,
son of ex-Pres Went Cleveland, was
'elected president of the freshmen
class at Princeton. ' ? 1 r . ,
v Chloago. Four . persons were., killed
and many injured in Chicago, as a re
sult of a blizzard. C . , - x
-'Ban Tfaaolsoov The Japanese liner
Tanya. Maru was held up five miles out.
of Yokohama by a British warship, and
eighth Hindus were - taken off, passen
gers declared 'when they arrived on the
vessel from the Orient.'
; Indianapolis. Governor .Ralston,' of
Indiana,, appointed, Thomas .Taggart to
succeed the- late United States. Senator
Shlvely.' v? - -" ' r .:; -:
Xks Angeles The city . council reci
ommejided ,the abolishment of the city
board of moving . picture - censors and
Use appointment of a film commission
er at a salary, of $2100 a year. : -"
Omaha, Teb. Mrs. A. H. Woo'sly,
aged 22, is the. mother of seven chil
dren, following the , arrival -of twins,
and the step-mother of six others. The
father is a teamster, who married Mrs.
Woosly -when she was 14 years old.
Angeles. Stephen W. Dorscy,
former United States senator from' Ar-j
kansas. 1873-79. and of late, years
capitalist of this city; died.
' Chioago Without selecting a tem
porary chairman for the Republican na
tional convention, to be held' here in
June, the sub-committee making ar-1
rangements 1 or the ; gathering ad-'
Jourhed unUl some time In April. .
catloaso Percy Hlllis' $S9,000 libel
suit against his uncle, Newell Dwight,
HUlis, was decided in. his favor by T,
K. Wehster, appointed to arbitrate between-,
them. The amount was not
Elkton. Xy. Ellen Green McRey-
nolds, mother of Associate-Justice Mc
Reynolds, of the United BUtes supreme
court, is dead. "
Smray. H. O-Fire destroyed prac
tically the business portion of the town.
irashvirls, Teaa. Fire swept a path
f rom sthree to-f Ive- blocks wide and 40
hivu Ion, about half the territory
being the best residence section east 4f
the Cumberland river. . xne aamage is
estimated at $1,600,000.-; .,: :.Y r
AnMta. Oa Flames ravaged vone
and a quarter square. miles, including
10-? business and , 20 residence diocka
The loss is estimated at $6,000,00. -One
person is known- to ne aeao. i; : ;
- sCUineapolis, ISiaB- The.: 'Western
Film company contracted to pay Dr. H.
8., Halseldenr Of Chicago,, $100,00d to
star for one yearin a series of -films
based on-Jef ective babies, j r , ,
! . Blue Kidge, Oa A- big" ammtanition
factory at Copper Hilt, near' here, was
destroyed by anV explosion which t fol
lowed a fire.- ' ? ', .
. Mario", -Iad Sevin persons were
killed and more than lO injured as a
result of a storm -which struck Marion
and immediate vicinity last night. '
- 2ee's Ohusunlt, Ho--CoIeman Younger-,
noted -as Cole .Younger.- died, aged
72 years, the last of the three brothers
who, : with the James voys, wrroniw
the middle .west for years with .their
desperate deeds, -fi' t u 'i- K. ;,y: ' ?3 '
. irw Torkv E. H. Sothern's farewell
appearance on-me AmBnin wm
ing the two weeks beginning May 14
when he Is to present "If I WereKIng,'
will' be a benefit for the Actors'' Fund
of America. s - '
Tiara vaxaeThree are dead, 10,000
are homeless, and from $7,000,000, to
$10,000,000 oamngo w- tu
fire,' which' devastated two thirds: of
the city. "
Bismarok,VZ Senator La, Folletts
defeated Henry ' D. EUbrook r in the
presidential primaries of North Dakota
for the Republican nomination.- ,
C V , Oregon c
D miTXB The urge sawmill
owned by the Oregon Lumber com
pany, at Hood River, &as resumed
operations.- ' ? v-- - v y, '
Astoria. Fire : practically 'destroyed
ARCH v 28;f 1916.
the Leyde hotel and damaged six .other
business placesentailing a loss of ap
proximately, $60,000.. ' ' -
Culver. The proposition " to create
the North Unit irrigation district car
ried in a special election. Directors
ohosen were: AD. Anderson, of Mad
ras ; Fred Fisher, Madras ; H. Yk ' Gard,
Gateway; John -Henderson. Opal City,
and P. N. Vibbert. Opal City. ; 4
3EarsMielL Of flcial annduncement
was made of a deal , whereby "Philip
Buehner of Portland, has taken over
part of the Coos county holdings of the
Simpson Lumber company at a cost of
$ r-Vv.-; Vv-
aalewi --Declaring , contractsentered
into by the city, of Roseburg, the Rose.
t burr & Eastern Railroad Co. and the
1 Kendall - Lumber corporatlop : void and
unconstitutional, the eupreme1 court en
joined the enforcement thereof and tot-
bede the Issuance of $300,000 bonds to
be applied to the building of the rail
road. .
ICarshfieldv Mrs. Esther .MXAck-
j, pjoneer ..0f coos county, the first
wonian COme to - the county, 'and
teacher of the first
She was 91 years old, and crossed, the
plains In 1861. . . : -.. - ". -
. Peadletoa Fred J. Donaldson,'- pio
neer druggist of this city, died, fellow
ing an operation. ' ,? ' ' ' -
. . r . ,. .- . . .
Astoria, Prt of Astoria commission
authorised a call, for bids for the con
struction of hulls for two boats . for
service between Astoria and. up-river
points costisg- approximately $20,0)0
each.,.,.:.. , : f. T'-,r
sCcaTiaaviUsT A West Side Farmers'
Week and picnic is to be held in Mc
Mmnville June 21 to 24, under the au-apio-s
lof the McMlnnvUle grange
. Xugene N. 8. Robb, now' at the Uni
versity of Idaho, was selected by the
Lane county, conrt as county agricul
turist, to succeed R. Bs Coglan, who rs
signed. '' ;.-:?t - - i 'i.
Preewate The FyeewAter postof-
flce was burglarised, - the robbers- se
curing $40 in cash and etamps. - '
xmgeae Two Volunteer student drill
companies ' were organized at the Uni
versity 'of .Oregon ,r-fc' , . '
' "Cottage Orove Mrs. Jane Garoutte,
a pioneer of the early '60s, died at the
Se'of 70 years. ,
-I Washington ' s 1 -
ISSAQUAJL Safe blowers blew open
1 the , postofflce' safe ' and 1 made off
Vith $100 in cash. , , s y . t. f r .
. dhshsllsi Me teal f , f farmer, - was
burned to death when the Randle hotel,
at Randle, was. destroyed- by f Ire.- -, 7--
Spokaae John Hindis, .- assistant
cashier of the Auditorium theatre, and
Cassie Baldwin and -Anna Schaffer,
members of a- vaudeville troupe, were
dangerously injured when- an automo
bile in which they, with - five others,
were returning from a party at Seven
Mile roadhouse plunged off the south
end of the Monroe street bridge.
- 43hshaliswThomas Rush,' 83 years
old, who settled in Lewis county more
than 60 years ago, died. "
Toaasket The milt of the Tonasket
Flour" Milling company, the - largest
north of Wenatchee, was destroyed by
fire , , . f j.,1 . .
poksss. Over 20 cities and towns
have advised that .they will, participate
in the northwest preparedness confer
ence in Spokane, Mar;h 27: and 28.
- Walla' Walla Donald C. Creswell,
sged 90 years, a pioneer ef 1862, died.
v: Soaking for "several 'hours' In but
termllk, followed by a rinsing in clean
water, will soften and cleanse sponges.
Finicky Patients
Are in Serious Fix
Chronlo Pyspeptlcs and Other Buffs.
: srs Cannot Get Pavorits Xsd, Tel.
slow er Oreen XOlxtr.
-' London, March 26. U. P.) Brit
ish family doctors are In a quandary.
The; finicky chronic patient who has
been accustomed to taking a red, saff
ron or green elixir isn't sstisfied with
the"color now. Neither are the fam
ily physicians, according to the whole
sale druggists,-but there Is no alter
native. The cochineals for the red
tonic that does the chronic patient so
much good, while It. is red, is getting
scarcer ;; and scarcer. ' The , Innocuous
Saffron which is secretly put into the
bottle Just to make 'the mixture yel
low, is about exhausted and the
chlorophyll which -forms the basis for
a pretty - green is simply unobtain
able. Meanwhile the -chronic dys
peptics and other suffering cbornics
are getting sicker and sicker. Some
have fired, the family doctor, but that
does no good." The Germans have the
dyes and wtlf probably keep them un
til after the war. ,
111 :li
Casprets Gently Cleanse the Liver and Bovyels, Stopping
Headache, Nasty Breath; Sotir Stomach or Bad Colds,
Better Than SaitsaOitfomei or Pills fonlVIen,
: t - Women, ChildfenNever Gripe2a Millies
'r' Boxes Solo! list Year.: . . ;
' Take-be or two Cascarets tonight
and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and
bowel . cleansing you ever experienced.
Wake up feeling grand,. your head will
be , clear, your tongue clean, ; breach
sweet. , stomach .regulated and - - your
liver and thirty feet of bowels active.
Get a box at any dru g 'store now and
get straightened uo by morning. Stop
Central Powers Now
Plan Trade Alliance
Commerce Bodies Adopt Besolutloa Pa-
vorins Adoption of Treaties
Tariff System Pavorlng Teutons.
Washington. March 25. U. P,Y
Economic upheavals expected after the
war have led -the central powers if
supplement their military and political
alliance with an economic union, ac
cording to diplomatic reports received
by the state department, pointing ou
the far. reaching significance of sue!
an alliance in Its relations to Ameri
can commerce. .
Diplomats' in Austria declare tha
commerce bodies In various cities of
the, empire have adopted resolution?
xavonng sucn an aiuance ana uui sen
tlment is crystallising for the adop
tton of a treaty between the , Teuton
allies. The proposed alliance, it 1'
said, will be preceded by the adoptiot
of a uniform tariff system, to lnsur
unity of sction in negotiating commer
Ciai treaties with other nstlons.
the headache, biliousness, bad cold
and bad days. Feel fit and ready fci
work or play. Cascarets do not grlo
sicken or Inconvenience you the nej
day like salts, pills or calomel. Theyi
Xinei . - ' -
-Mothers should -give a whole Ca
caret any time . to cross, , sick, billot
or feverish children because it. wi
act thoroughly and cannpt Injure.