THE OREGON J". SUNDAY, JOURNAL, -PORTLAND,. SUNDAY , MORNING, 4 MARCH .: 23, . 1916." ' 7 BRIEFv INFORMATION ' v '(MTH DAT or-l.)' jr- , " , .'Ovk' vitjii Ann " " ' '.At ' Home. C-arrg Daeth of 17S3 Vast fifteenth street. i en of 1t?e 1 Ufa ted on on board tbe tatted State submarine y-4- at Pearl Harbor, Ho- Large land holdings are retarding the prog-re- of railroad eonatrnetloa la -Oregon, de cUres fx farrelt. president of tbe O-W. B. A N. Co.. In a, letter to tne state land board. Corneratoee of tbe ' new Coach eebeoi, wee placed. The building will bare a root garden p-ejgmmd., ..- : ..' . , . . . - . . ' -? Athena .'Koe matter ' what - aarviflces -are ennj,-ir shall fore the Dardaoenea." waa the atatement of. Rear Admiral irueprat. - LAodao London -Dally Hall advocate eota "pulaory military service, declaring that vohm tary service plan ia breaking down. Honolulu Wlrelew mesa age, received her from- flotilla ef submarines aearrbtng for eub n arise P-4. missing sine - early yesterday inornlag, eald bo trace of the veseel bad bees London A thrilling '. story" of baring eteel darta ratwtd boob fate vessel by GerraaB taebes f lying er the channel was brought to Booth gblelda r leptain Vgt of tie Jforwegtaa siesner isisnn. - New York Harry K. - Thaw's appeal from Stat Supreme , Just W Page' refoeal to re turn Btm to . New Hampshire following his acquittal on a ebarg of conspiracy to escape Iron Hatteawaa was placed on calendar. - , ; AMUSEMENTS - - urDnmwiy t, a. ai w sjar rHiHwiw "Tbe Whirl ot Ufe." featerlnr Mr. and M erooa caaue. CoatiBooas dJtlly 1 p. m. to ,'11 p. m. fppODKOME (Formerlr Btkerl . Broadway aar Uorrtaoo. Baker players la 'Tbe Maa KrotB Home." Erery nlbt - and aoetlsces tooay, wednesoay aod Batnroay. DRPHEt'M Broadway at Xamblll.-TandeTllle. I-AVTAGKH Broadway at Alder. Vaudeville. aairnaB9 -tkroaoway- bi sura, 2:30. 7:30 and :IS week daya. - from 3:15 Sundays. THE STRAND park at SUrk. VandevUle. CoBtinuoua PhotOTtUe. - Continaoua, 1 p. ea. to 11 p. ra. LY RIC Fourth and Stark. "Vlualcal eomedy. S:30. 7:30 and 9:10. . , . : UAJtSTlC Waabiogton at Park. Motioa pie turea. 11 a. n. to 11 p. m. COLUMBIA Hlxth. between Waablagtoa and Star. Mothm pietorea. 11 a. at. toll p. a. H'NKET WublDCton and Broadway. Mdtien pirturea, 11 a. m. to 11 p. a. -GLUBU WaalUngtoo at faereata. ttires CIRCL.E Fourth mail Wa'hiDgtoo. tnrea. ART Ml SBUM-Ftf lb and Taylor, 5 week daya: 2 to 5 irodays. Motion ple MoUob pic Hoara 0 to Free after modi of Tneaday, Tburaday, Prloay.atur- uay ana Bunaayv. , , Coming Events. - Multnomab Coonty Sunday Sebool eoBveatloa. kl Clrsff rjMgrMiriflMl esinrrta Park aad iiaa- : Uou. March 2b and 29. - - Rotary club hmebeoa Hard 2S, at boob. ' Ad club luncheon at boob llirch 29. 'Annual meet log of publicity .eonreDtlooa bu reau, of Chamber of CouJmerca. atarcb S9. S p. Bt- Aanaal meettna of Oregoa derelopmeut bu reau of Chamber of Commerce, March' a. p. m. ' i , Aunual meeting ef clric bareau of Clumber of Commerce. larcb 80, 8 p. ea. Annual Meeting ef grain standard bareaa of Chamber of Cemnierce. March 30, A p. ra. Progrefslre Buahieaa Men'i club luncheon, "lOiegoa hotel, at soon, March 30. Aumta meetlnir of leglxlatlon and taxation bareaa ot Cbanber of Commerce. March. 31. Annual meeting of tnf fie and tnneporta- ttoo bureau ef Cliamber ot Commerce, March I 1. 9 D. Beaftr board luncheon. Oregon hotel, at boob. I Alarcb Chamber of Commerce anneal meeting and dedication of Oregon building, April 7. '. "Michigan Kay,' Tuesday AprU 11. State Granges will hold annual meeting at Grants Pea May 8-1S, lncloalea. Roae FeaUral, June 7. a and 0. Coarentlotts ot Knlgbts of Pythin atd Pythlta olater wlU , be bald In Portland Auguat 1-lu. . Josaph Paams Bnrlodv Joseph Past-1 ha. who -died at . his .-' home near I Woodburn, Friday March- 17, was -'hnm In" r.nrmanv irt lKfiO. comlns to Nebraska in 1892 : and to .Oregon In i' 1905. He was! married Uo Josephine Bier In 1888, Be ven children being s burn to . them, six of - whom and the -widow aurvlve. The -children : are Joseph Paxi na of . .Portland, .Mrs. Hat tie Watson of Dallas Mrs.,; Anna McClure of. Condon, Mrs. . Klele Seely ; of Woolburn, and Carl and- Ernest 1 Paslna of Woodburn. The funeral ' was held Sunday, March 19, in charge , jof the Modern 'Woodmen, with Inter ment in Belie Passl cemetery, : Wood burn. . ' - ' ' v'' . . Portland Art Association The last ' opportunity to see the collection of - French paintings, at the Art Museum, - lent by local owners in connection with the exhibition, last : week, of this afternoon.. An exhibition, con i slating of, 49 i paintings, by Robert Henri, George Bellows and others of .the same school, from the San Diego 5 exposition, . will follow. . The , regular hours of the museum i are: Week days, ) to i o'clock; Sundays, 2 to : free the afternoons of- Tuesday, Thursday, -Friday, Saturday and Sun day. : . . - - , ' - ; Haval Man Qo to ttpokaa. Lieuten ant John H. Blackburn, in charge of the. U. 8. navy enlistment station. In ' this city, will go to Spokane tonight, 'accompanied by Dr. St, Clair, medical examiner, and J. J- Enor, chief yeoman, ! to examine and receive enlistments In - the U. S. navy and naval -reserve. 1 While In Spokane," Lieutenant Black burn will 'address the Northwest as sociation on - national preparedness. -The party will return to Portland next -Tuesday. f - - ir Oymnaslnm Oak to ' SrOL The 'Bohemian Gymnasium -club wilt Ktv -a public drill and folk dance at rast Thirteenth and Duke streets tonight. l to which the nublio Is invited. There (will be a number of tableaus, a drill i and a dance of six - young women. ; Last year the club ' sent a team of i folk dancers from Portland " to the Panama exposition to " take part n some of tho old. country dances - and choruses. -.. V- resident Wilson Bayst If - " mkn ' spends 3160 per year on hist - tatlor ho will be a 3260 a month man. . Now we wui raw you a sun. so yotr can I pay for them . on easy, payments at 310 down and the balance - 35 . a months There is nothing like mak ing ; a good appearance.'. Unique Tail oring Co.. 309 Stark,, between Fifth and Sixth. , . . . : - (Adv.) Steamer aTesso Harklna for Cam ! ". Washougal and way landings. dally. excepi aunuay. Ayeaves Washington fetreet dock at 2 p. m. t i . - - Ad4 -" Tllll Job Is .Sought A telearram ffromJ. , Miller, . Strathcona, Alberta, requested J enjef .of v Police Clark to , search in . this , city ; for . Miss , TiUle ; TOWN TOPICS It Choice Meat Rich Home-ma' Anything You Can Wiih for Alwaytv-FoZou) the Crowds h COZT-'BAIRY 323 Washington St. Near, SixthV T TKe Place. i or, Ladies V ."- T ' - ' -'-I-.----. . .-r ."'' V' v..")'. . '?-. :'. . - ; 7 t ' i - .' Most Comfortable, Cleanest an4 Best Ventilated Dairy Lunch on Pacific Coast - Large Variety of Breakfaat Specihl Served in DonbieQuick Time 35c Chicken Dinner Today, Including Ice Cream and Cake r ' 'i Munat Fund for Aid : Of.Stiidents IsAim Admirars of dumctor ot Zt lartrao- tor e'ThtlTOjt 'Would XaT Th teachers oi Lincoln high achooL wishlnr ' toe express 'their-' regard for the , lte , Mrs. Henrietta .Mundt, who died last- Thursday, . have ; started a memorial loan fund for needy etudent. -i. The teacherm themsWves hare al ready tiyen'7i10 and they y lovlta f rienda of Mrs.: Mnndt and former Lin coln students to contribute to the fund. , Mrs. Mnndt was teacher atLli cola Sot many years, and her associates feel that she would approya of c what theiTi are: doln-wlth intent T to u help worthy boys and (Iris obtain an edu cation. ' ' -i : T . -..- -; "' The committee In charge of the fund is composed of Mrs. U Altmah, Miss Caroline Barnes, L A. Alien and Miss Efflmt Wold. '.- - . :t ' i ', i-- J,y:-. , ' ' m " '-' ' SUetz IiadiaffiFiiiy ; Indicates Progress: " . ' " i " vpozintoaasat a Cnalorafjk ' Xaaoda , Xt 'forte of Crorensaent Wards at Afjxl- onltazs 'a: MMbaadry. ""r- -r'h - . f Indicating-the progress made by the American -Indian In agricnlture and husbandry K. L, ' bhalcraf t, auperin tendent of. the Ellets and Grande Ronde Indian reservations, points to a fair held on the SlleU reservation last fall. Mr. Chalcraft was in Portland yester day on business' ,' ' "Our fair was the only on held In Lincoln , county," said Mr. Chalcraft. "and attracted farmers from all parts. We had f 300 In . premiums and the In dians on the reservation showed as fine specimens as I have seen anywhere. The fair was such success that we' are already making plans for another in the fall." . ' British Dockyards " ; Feverishly Active Kff"ai"f . Aooonimodatleaa In .' Soma ' Places so Boarca, Bewards OlTta for Information BerardUr Taeaaoiea. London. March 2S. -L N. S. Some Idea of the feverish activity in British dockyards Is given "by ; tbe fact .that people In Chatham, Rochester and OH lingham are offering rewards for first Intimation of empty honses. so scarce ia housing accommodations. A local newspaper, for -Instance, contains an offer of five pounds ($15) for such Information. 5 . -' '-.'- Job, " supposed to be somewhere In Portland. The sender stated that Miss . Job's brother. Fred, was dead. She has been asked to answer the telegram at once If located. ' Kansans Meet Triday. The reiru- 1 law mAA.fna Af th. - V . n srwl et V K . b,m. - vtmrvh t 4n B Will S.TB9 UCIU va -sua vs vav - - the Toresters' hall. - 12 Fourth street, at t p. ra. Tho program will consist of musue, general talks and a social hour. " Air- former- Kansans are .tHvited" to attend. Sweet Pea ' Society ; to Keet-The Oregon; Sweet Pea society will meet Friday -evening, March .31. in tbe Sherman A Clay building. - Dr. T. IX Beckwith. head of the department of "'bacteriology 'at Oregon Agricui iri l"'jlwulj . i? vf .?wj Pea Innoeulatfon." . . mueajiltua Ju Thames Elmer Cat ltn will speak tonight at Wall's ball, corner Bast -Thirteenth and Lexing ton .avenue In Sejlwood. . His subject will . be.-The Millennium." He will also " lecture Wednesday, and Thurs day, evenings of this week .at the same place. ... v '; '' J.', " ; Kansas Soclaty to Jdeet The, Kan sas society will . hold Its - , regular monthly meeting Friday, March 31. in' Foresters hall. 129H Fourth street, near the corner of Fourth and Washington streets, at 8 p. m. The evening program will consist- of music, general ' talks and a - social hour. " -. library Presented PlarvA hand some Untied States flag has been presented"' to tho Montavilla" branch library by the William McKlnley Women's Relief corps No. 46 of - the G. A. R. V '- -.j : t Indiana Society to Meet Vhe In diana -society will ''meet -tomorrow night at the Masonic temp'lefi A good time , Is promised by the - entertain ment committee. There will be music, dancing, cards 'and refreshments. : Yd Vespers at Bood... No 'vespers service will be held in the Reed col lege chapel this afternoon, owing to the fact that tho college has closed for the spring recess of one week.' JtemovaLEstes J Grill has moved from. Cornelius hotel basement to new quarters directly across from Cornelius hotel, on Park street,' near Morrison.' Reopens Tuesday. (Adv. Bxperlekced collection attorney lo cating" la Portland desires connection with reliable firm. - State terms. DX-347.- Journal. (Adv.) . . . ."f Hotel Moore, Seaaida, Or. WinteT rates, 33.60 and 3. per day.- American plan. , By week, special. - . (Adv.) V'Bmoko Ituoky Tips. Standard 3d mgars. - Sold by dealers everywhere. , ,.-''. r. " . (Adr.) StyMsb, attractive miltm, U0 and up. Herbert Greenland,.201-6 Morgan bldg. JCultnomaa Hotel Tuklsn Baths con. tlnue. Use mala hotel " entrance. Ad. ' Cheod Tim o fo Shipherd's Hot Springs, Carson, Wash. (Adr.) " Th Oe&nlne Eagllsb t Toffee At Th .Trail Candy Shop, 70S Wash. Ad. ; p. Byiw Optician, Morgan bid. Ad. Ttrfa Mao BUckle. See Bus. Direc Cards of Thanks. - fWev desire : to "thank - our friends, neighbors, firemen-and electrical work ers for the kindness shown us In our recent bereavement. - -Also - for the beautiful flowers received. Mrs. E. G. Gustafson and children. - ... --f v Mrs. Laura Maxwell and familv- de sire to express their sincere thanks to sympathy, were - expressed during the recent Ulnests and death of Mrs. Max well's -daughter, Mrs. Etta March an t. Also for the many, beautiful floral of ferings. it ... .. . ... -,... r (Adv.) 3 m I 1 PfKP AQAIU Jfl i. ' TZFZ OFANNUALTESTiVAL Rules for v Exhibitors "j nd . Classification ' oi Entries Are Made; Public. v: - SHOWROOM IS SECURED SxUfWt Win Bo om xth Sloor of . ; jaeaer xrsns vtore oa Jane i Portland's tenth -annual Rose "'Fes- a f - - a.A . . . . . uvai win again - reaturo tne exnimtion of choice rose blooms by the Portland nose society -as on of the features of tbe- celebration June 7, and 9: -With . the rose the central feature of tho annual Rose Festival, the board of governors have decided to this year emphasise the' rose stronger than ever . The festival association haa appro priated 32260 for the. exhibition, and Julius L.9Meler. of the Meier V Frank company, has donated .the use ,of the sixth floor" In ,th new building 5 for w snow. Mr. Meter nas aiso agreed to keep hts atora. open 'June 7 and S until 10 p. m. to accomodate thous ands of people -who- cannot visit -the exhibition during .' the hours of the day.. . - For more than 20 years the annual Rose show -has been an sr. Important event In Portland's history, and It wai from the rose show whence came tho first Idea' for an annual Rose . Fes tival and the. Introduction of parades, river sports, band concerts and other carnival features until tbe June event is known the- world over.-. , Complete Display of ftotea. The shdw at the Meier & Frank store thU 'year will present a com plete display of choice roses grown to the- height . of perfection. The - fes tival center will show roses and otheTi flowers arranged in great "beds to form wonderful 'color schemes In ' the i center of whic ' will be the' rose foun tain of 16,000 Dorothy Perkins roees. The floral parade will show to what extent roses arenroduced In Portland e -h year when millions are gathered for one pageant alone. -1 . . : f - EL' B. McFarland. president of tbe Portland : Rose society, says that ' rose growers in general. are more than gratified at the Interest shown by the 1913 festival board in making - the I show not only- possible, but the. best lit iio uiawry V4 mv avt'icijr. "The members of the Portland Rose society." said - Dr. " ' McFarland, "now feel that efforts of years i have been rewarded and that tho U16 exhibition will be tho best ever staged. We are especially grateful to the festival for its financial assistance and. to Julius L. Meier for hIa fine cooperation. Mr. A-eier is not. only donating the sixth floor of tbe new building, but is pro viding the light, "decorations1, cartage, printing and will keep., the store open two . evenings to give ' people an op portunity to see the' show who would be unable to visit the exhibit In the daytime." . - , arhow Open- to PubUo.' Already details .for; tho (exhibition are. Doing worxea out tor tne display. Committee are-abeing appointed to handle different departments and the rules governing vhe exhibition with the classification of . the displays, . are being distributed to members of the society and to exhibitors. vThe rose show will open to the public the afternoon of . June T at 2 p. m. and remain open until 10 p. m June 8 . the doors will be open from a. m. until 10. p, m.. From 1 to 2 p. m. on June 7. will be a private ex hibition of one - hour to members 'of the society. Following are the rules and classi fications . announced for tbe 1918 ex hibltlon at the Meier V Frank store. - Xalaa far Shew.- '. 1- Nose but saembera of the society shall compete at any of the society's abowa. and no prises ahaU be awarded until the does for the current year hare been paid by the exhi bitor. Persons desiring to become members any do ao by filing application- with t be sec retary as paying the annual does of 60 centa. The eecretary will be at the exhibition kail m the morning or the rose show, from 8 to 10 o'clock to receive entry blanks and sppUra tlt-na for membership and does. . ' - - . 2. The halls will be odsb at T a. m.. and exhibitors are urged to bring' their roaes as eany aa possible. While exhibits will be re ceived an to 10:15 a. m..'tae committee ean sot promise to rornlab late eomera with aaht ancs In piscina their exhlbita after AO a. m AU ezbtblts, whether In boxes or vaaea. jnuat b- In place sad ready for the lodges not later iran ivw wciora on ut morning or tne eini bltloa. Any exhibits not ia place and ready fo.- tbe Jadgea at 10:) a. , m. ahaU be dia qralified. . v 8. AU exhibitor other thaa'Jodges aetnatly engaged In judging, or oftlriaU whoa dntiea require them to remain, moat leave the exbl Mtlua floor at the time appointed -for judging and nraat not ea jh floor during - ,i Batify laoratary Ahead. Boies far eahlblts to aectkm "A" nH naaaeia lor eanmita in aectkma "W and 'l wilt be tarn ia bed by the society, bat aa only a limited number of thee articlea are ea hand, it will be necessary that exhlbltora Vbo wish the society to furnlah boozes o baaketa aotlf r the eecretary at leaat three daya fat advance of the- a now, or take their efaaareav - , - 5. All roaes a boo Id be correctly named, at otherwise tho-exhibit may he dlaqna lined at tbe discretion of the Judges, v 6. Mo person shall be allowed to compete aa an amateur who sells rose plants, blooms or buda tor bvddlng. aay person la the em ptor of a nursery maa. Aay objection raised aa to the rightful quallflcattosa of aay exhibi tor ahall be referred to the- execatlv commit tee for arbitration, and their decision ahall be final and blading on, all parties. The exhlbita ot amateurs moat not be ataged or prepared o staging by trade growers or their assist ants, or by professional gardeners. . 7. - Aay person Bay have two or more ex hibits 1b any class, bat no exhibitor may take more thaa oao-prla la any ooe claaa. - - a. The aame aoae or rosea caaaot be entered for two or more prises. - - 8. Where a -certain namber of rofe Is des tgaated there must be neither more nor leas thaa that number entered. ; . . - , - . ', . tetiea,'uA'' . ' ' -Box Kxaibit. . rirat and Secead Prises. Class. . -. - ' , . - . 1. 0 roses, separate' aamed variettea. ' t, .11 rosea, separate named varieties.' -8. 18 rosea, separate named varieties."-.-'' 4- j 24 rosea, , separate . named varieties." -' keetioa " , Bli ii. I kwt. EM. M P . . ' t. - S spraya any named variety of cJImbmg or pillar rose.- i .... - . S. ' 13 spray a. any named variety ef climbing pWar ss.-; ?--' , ' 3.; '8 spray a, any turned variety ef small Na ' climbing or rambling roae. 4-12 apray a, any named varldty of ' small . u - cnmoing or: ramoung roae. -I A "away", is best defined - as A -pry'v u t define - A mall .li4Mit or brcl.." Sprays wntiininf tld wod s aa nila.KLa a aaa-hlklel-.. - .. esioT asv a-aitevni awe, vavavaaaaaa i sxmi ur pusjrsj, - the flower fader quickly and make tbe exhibit annangnuy. .i . .. . , N r . - Saetiaa "0" , . Shows la Tase. tTrat and Second Prizes. ' Claas. - - ' , L On rase exhibit. ' T. loetioa . ' ' 1' .' 'Shows ia vaaee. , Firet and aeeond prlsea.. : Claa ---' ..- , - 'a - t r.ii 1.. , 3 Tea roaes,, any named variety, v " Tea roaes, aay named variety.. .i "K- '. . - lecttoa "X."- . Shewn bt vase, first and second priaee. , Claa - - -'i '-- . , 1., .3 Hynrid Tea 'rosea, aa.v named variety. 9 1 K UrtwWI T. . nu. - .11. M.m .--.... 3 varieties Hybrid Tea rosea, aamed - i 4 . bkioma each. ; , - Soctiam "T." ? - I-Shows la vasea. " First and secood priaa ' Claaa' v. ' . , . - t 0 RG AN1ZATI ' "I'' ' ' ' '" '' "'-'''. ,-.- t. " r..f i -j.' ) "- . ' ' - -' , - If - - v- A - v - V ' S " i awASBhsnaBMawaahaZ. , Sit ( r ? " ' i ' . -I f I f m i ' " '-mllvl'm'-'- CUTBE.RTH Top Clan-Macleay, order of Scot tlsh Hans. . Bottom, ' left to right Dr. A." K. Higgs, director 101G ' Rose Fes- tiral, in charge of fraternal, civic and military pageant ; flout of Fraternal ' Brotherhood to 1015 FestiYal. . -s , .,; ., -' . . " ,. ,.-f' :; ,.! To organize the Rose, Festival .atxsv ilary. the body- presenting the annual Fraternal, .Military and Civic parade, a- masaVmeetlng of, all fraternal bodies,: marching organisations, 'clubs and societies has been called tor April 8 at the Imperial hotel. ' ' J ; Dr. A. IC Hi gga, festival director In charge of this : event; will' preside. A general' chairman will be selected, as wtil a vice chairman and secretary. Delegates . from more than 100 or ganizations" will be present. - Letters calling attention to the. meeting are being mailed this ' week and. It is ex a pected, several Hundred people will be present. - Many, details 1 of the -big pageant will . be ' discussed and ' the schedule of prizes to be awarded will be discussed.' - ' ' It has been' decided to eliminate" in dustrial features from this ""pageant this year, and confine the feature to a demonstration of the fraternal strength J of - Portlanfand -vicinity, the military -: forces ' of - Oregon and - the northwest -and the clubs, socerles and L a Hybrid Perpetual "roses, any named ya- rlety. ,' ' ' 2. 6 Hybrid Perpetual roses, aay aamed va- , riety. : ' - - - . . . t U- leetion .' V -' - - ( Pirat and second prizes., ..- . . . . , . - Class '.'; ' 1. Bowl or baaket of decoratlr roaes with foliage, any named variety. 2. Bowl or baaket of single flowered rosea. - any - named - variety or., mixed named varletlea. - ,"S- , ; . .- 3 Bowl or basket-of Baby - or ' Polyantha 1. rosea, any named variety. - -.-.'.' 1 ,. aeotion K.'V-' .... Kbown' in vases.:; rirat and aeeond prisea. f Class ... ...... . . - .! 1. Beat exhibit of new roses not shown .be fore 1912. .. ' rt . ;J Saetiea " .'-' ; Shown ia bowhu. First 'and second prises. Class - ,.... ;. , 1. 12 Caroline Teatont-rosea. , -.. k '-.- ', 2 25 Caroline-. Teatont rosea. . g 60 Caroline Teatont roses. ''"' ' Beetioa "3." ' ' Shows U vases. First and second .prizes. ; Class - ' ' i 1. - 7 red roses, aay named variety. . 2. 7 pink roses, any Lamed variety, ; enter man uaroun leatooi. -.-..' 3. - 7 white roses; any named variety: '-'.y-. . i t yellow roaes, any csaied. variety, . - leetioa -'X.". , . - '... - 4. Show a la bowls. First and aeeond, prise, i Claaaes . '- : . .. ;: i 1. . 13 red roaea, aay aamed. variety. , 2. 12 pink roaea, any named variety, ' other than Caroline TeetooU : ' -- ; r 8. 13 white rosea, aay named variety. . 4. 12 yellow rose, any, named. variety., action "L.- . . "Tbown In bowls or baaktta. F1rt a&d second c - v- -r: v - v y 1. 12 rosea, aeparato named ' varletlea -2 -25 roaea,. aay named- variety, other--than Caroline Teatont. - . ? 3. 23 roses, separate named varieties. - 4. 60 rosea, - any named ..variety.: other thaa . Caroline Teatont. - . . - loetioa "B." For aniatsors who hare never won, a tro phy. Ftrat and aeeond priaeav -. , ' - , -n Claas - .... . - . - 1. y 6 roaes; ' any' named wartety. Shows . Is -vase. . -. " ' '", . 2. 2 rosea, separate named varieties,' Shows la bowla. . , :t; - : feetioa '." , Best decorated tea. table. First and second nrtsea. The proportioa of roses used will count la the dev-tolon. - -. .. ... . . ..- . x - :W-'- SpoofaU aeUaa.'' .'i-.v-i-:'. - Best lndlvidnal rose- in tbe fhow,.,-whereTf found- Jio entry Bcceasaryr , ' " : . -- ; 1 t .. n , ' , ; - Regular 'Family - Reunion", m ; Madison Wla, Match lf-When- Al len Young was sent to Jail for 'violat ing his -parole on a -charge pf thefC the family, of mother, father arid two sons, , was' reunited" behind; the prison bars. .The other members . had , been sentenced for - disorderly -conduct and theft .- '- ' " ' ' " JACOBS j (INC.) r-j V t shirt Makers' s . t . .. . ZrtU Washlarto& .SU' Oof.- Sixth. Bortnwest xidg roruaad, or. ,'- Phone Mala 1347. - - X b ns to plan for marching . bodies In . general. ' . . v The--parade will be the feature-June 9, r closing . day of the -. tenth ' annual festival, .and ' will - move promptly at 16:39 a, m.. - :- - ' ' ' While letters ' have been -mailed to organisations. Issued the following - general - invitation to all- persons interested in the parade to be present -at' the meeting April s: . - "Once again the -Portland Rose Fes tival' association will extend an op portunity for Utb fraternal and - civic bodies of Portland -to show their, re- marKaoie strengin in a .- great aemon-j stration. u This will take place the morning of Friday,' June 9, when tho Rose Festival w.Ul present the frater nal, military' and civic pageant as one of . the i big ; f eaturea of Xho i tenth 'an nual celebration. . In order to make this parade -one of tho greatest of the festival,, we -need the hearty coopera tion of your organisation. - ' . "J. H.. Dundore, president- of . the 1918 ; Rose Festival association, iAs selected- the ' undersigned, one of - the governors of this year's fiesta, to- be director in nharara .of this event and for that-reason' I am anxious to hava-i your organization -represented at ' the first meeting ; of1 the. Rose . Festival Auxiliary at the Imperial hotel on the eveulng of Thursday,. April 6, at 8 p. m -ii- ' .,',.- -v ' -. - "With Europe closed to '.tourist travel,- and people -all over tfie'TJalted Stes.looklng to thenorthwost for their- summer' vacaUons; -Portland will, no doubt,' be crowded wlth v sightseers festival ' i days. Attractive ' rates have been offered by both local and trans continental fines to cover? festival week and for that reason We may 'ex pect' big crowds' bro to witness the attractions.'- '' ;- r"'-.v 4 -:--'- . : -We want ' your organisation ' to have a part In this big demonstration and hope ydu will' have -a representa BMdf Men Fan ., . tllntaJppen Trap ; $:fln;the Sidewalk ' e,V- ".- J ' : , m Walking , along the sjdewalk . i orr Stark atreet at 7 o'clock yes- --terday -morning,, C J. Johnson, j T 38'yeafa old. and William Beers, i29 years old, both blind andt jr,f students' at the Benson trade school,-fell' 1 feet Into a base- ; ment -trap.. thos-door of whlch Hi 'A bad: been lett -open. - 4f air v Beers received - a fractured right wrist and. Johnson was so badly-cut about the face that - many atltcbee had' tobe taken to close the wound. Tho men - fell heavily. i and .groped help- ' ' ' lessly . about the - foot of , tho v stairs $untll rescued. The res- ,cur,at.flrst did not know, the , men t were , bUnd. Tho Injured - e . men were v taken - to .the 4Sity -t emergency hospital id the" po- lice ambulance. . ; , " .. iiv j Jacob s . Sobeasler, scavenger , who.left the-door open, was ar , vested,, pleaded fuUty In the . munlcfpal court ,a few hours plater, and Judge :Lang guth. im- m v Posed, a fin? of 328. . v - ' w Johnson' and Beers live. at 27 - .-'North Eleventh street.- . SWOW TO BEM0VB . WRINKLES 'Prevent -from - coming, and remove double hin, use, the in stantaneous face re Ju vena tor. To make voiir skin eins, . ki -n ei . r n ... situ iu it, vmrj 3a1kk-affarr liquid face dressing. In place or all towdera; guaranteed harrr. lesa and pur', rto sine or lead. JTlkk XCasv Cream, and Balm make your face, neck, .arm a and bands smooth and vel vety. -Also close enlarged pores. Yen cannot -detect .Bikk-Marr harmless rouaa, TJe Blkk-laazx gray hair root tonio to 'restore- - hair-' to its natural color from the roots. Send 2c stamp for booklet or "call, at office between 1 and p. 'in. -jTree 'demonstration. Phone Main 3271. - Address all commu nications Agency, Nikk Marr Toilet Preparation.-388 1 -Washington St.-. Office. No 8, Portland. Ore. gon, Dept; V. j- Also used - and for sale at 821 Morgan bldg. - On sale at Woodard.-.Clarke Or,'.:--" C' t. HOTEL SAINT PAUU-i I '-l-4jl:zUS:Tdni Preav I Bemndelad. newls fnrv Biabed ti rougboat. Tel- epuunr in every reoiaw J. -atataa SI in. . Phone- Mam nxn1 Oer. 4th sni Alder." ' -'" xaruaaey eregea. "II ?$.h;- FESTIVAL tive present " at :fhe meeting ; on April 8,., since such -representative will be of assistance in perfecting the -details of the organisation. Kindly advise in by- letter, or. telephone Main !2$00. whether or not you will be repre sented. ' DR. A. K, HIGGS." Correct Jewelry A Vital K Factor In Present ; Day Dress ' Every womanand most ;men realize that correct Jewelry - adds the touch that transforms a merely correct costume Into one of charm. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN SO. - ti-:- . "" . .1 And this season toe quaint,; - colonial stylesjn women's. attire, ' and the' somber dress of the men i emphasizes the point that Jewelry this season will play t most im portant part with careful diessers -Among the- many new-things Portland's quality jewelry estab-f Hshment, ' Jaeger Bros., has on r' display are . - X" -i' Dorine boxes -of Sterling Silver ' "lfl , dainty colors. ' (They are . genuine Cloissonne), and the . Perfume Spheres, ' also of Clois onne, on necklaces .'to match, - containing scent clay are meeting ) the popular fancy of the critical. ,"r , i-The new gfeen gold (color ob-1 - tained by" special alloying of v gold) used-- in, pendants, rings . ana pruotucs ui rcrsixn oesigns- , and workmanship, and - the flexi . ble bracelets of green and Roman gold platinum set C ' . : . ..: Hi-'' Ours are'the cheapest "because the best, fitted by experts "and guaranteed to liold.,. Seeley's Spermatic Shield Truss usually closesthe opening' in 10 days. Sold only by LAUE DAVIS D RUG CO.; 3d &. Yamhill sts., Portland, Or .Truts Experts LIME ELET.IEHTS ARE ? BEING SUPPLIED THE : LAND OF VILLAMETTE c ejsBaisaaBeBaseawawais t Shipments xof Natural De posits in Idaho District Be v. ing'Made Into Portland. FARMERS ARE BENEFITING Carload Dap Beceived from Test Plaids, Beds of Waleh Ar Close to Surface of Earth. Seventeen les east of Huntington, Eaton, Idaho, a farmer on a farm nea waa boring ar lund in his land searoli- tag for. some clay he thought could be used for brick.' A whitish powder came up with his so!K augur. 'I believe that's lime," be sald. And lime It proved to be. burned In nature V kiln from the shell deposits lying on the bed of the great sea that covered th Intermountaln region: It had been slaked-by the action of time and now appears as a calcium carbonate.' r'-ri?- t ; H. D. Wagnon? has leased the sur rounding farm land and is now ship ping, a carload a day into Portland for tho sweetening of -sour lands In the Willamette valley. ; -. , - i IVaad Can Be Bedalmed. - ji "Lots of land Vi tho Willamette val ley could be made extremely product iv if the lime elements that are lack ing could be supplied," said Mr. Wag non, who was in; Portland this week in connection with the first . ship ment from 'the lime beds. '-'In this vast deposit we are now working,, the farmer can supply this lack. To fur nish the lime, we have organised the Farmers' Lime company with the aid of Portland capital' and are now equipped so we can get the lime to the Willamette farmer st the rate Ofs $3.50 per acre, including freight charges. , "The lime Is a Silurian deposit cov ering at leaat 400 acres. . Our lease covers the adjoining lands also, includ ing altogether about 1200 acres. We have the rights of moving the lime only, the owners continuing to farm the surface as before. ; '. Beds Close 'to ' Srarfaos, : Indications are .that this lime was evolved from shells ? and coral, many specimens or wntcn are being upturned every day. "The bed is close to the surface and so. easily accessible that the mining and, sapphires are being much admired. ,. . ' Then there is the NEW GREEN GOLD wrist watch, worn with s silk ribbon or gold bracelet (rib bon can be changed to match any gown), as well as hundreds of other articles that are related " to the attire of well-dressed men and women, AND' ALL PEOPLE WHO PRIDE THEMSELVES AS BELONGING TO THIS CLASS SHOULD MAKE IT A POINT TO SEE THESE VERY ARTICLES DURING THE COMING DAYS OF THE SPRING STYLE EXHIBIT, March 27th, 28th 29th and 30th. NOTE The resetting of stones, the reconstruction of old Jewelry -and the manufacture of pendants, V brooches, rings, etc, from strict ly original and exclusive designs, IS A SPECIAL SERVICE THIS SHOP OFFERS See the Special $100.00 Diamond Ring Jaeger Bros.. Jewelers Opticians , 131-133 Sixth SL, . Oregonian Bldg. process is extremely slmpJe.'We have built-a spur, track: from the Oregon Short, Line -.and' are- now! equlped t load a 40 ton car every day. Enough orders are already In sight to keep us running all summer." - i Mr- Wagnon described one piece of barren land in the vicinity ot the de posit that - had been so enriched by treatment . that ' it became tho most productive acre on tho whole - farm, though. before the treatment -nothing could, be induced to grow on ft. V. - 1,1 J. PBXWCIS BBAJCB. : Candidate for-school director. Born In ' Petaiuma. Cal. Son of the late Colonel Frank V. Drake, an attorney, at law of Portland. Haa resided in I this city over 30 years. Graduate of I the Portland high school, the law de partment of the University of Oregunat and the N. P. College of Dentistry, '' Was ' bookkeeper for the JK, OHV,, company ror ten years, tserven over 10 years in the First regiment," O, w O..' -retiring -with the rank of captain. Organised present H company. Third regiment, O. . N. O. Claaslfied th flora of Oregon for the World'a Colum bian, Kxposltlon, Chicago, Was profeasof of Botany In the N. P. College of-Pharmacy and of Chemlatry and Metallurgy InUhe N. P. College of Dentistry,- and is a member of the faculty ; of the collegt at the present time. ' . ; v,:.,:- Married ? Miss Stella M. Kellogg, daughter of Capt. Orrln Kellogg, a pio neer of 1848, and a well known steamboat- man of this city. Resides at 885 Elliott Ave.. Ladd's addition. "( .- (Paid Advertisement) Wool Bats and Mattresses ' AWT SXSB ABB WXXOKT. ,By DtNot Sfrom Manufacturer. Blankets, Mattresses and Peathert Beaorated. We do Wool Carding. ' CBTBTAX. BPmTlTOB TZBTSBXBO ' " WOBKS, Main 8674. 133 Tsnttt, Bear Alder,' Chock Repairing Tour dock ean be mads to keep exact time at vry uttlo . oxpeass. Wo call lor and dUvr. . . u" . , W. S. MYERS CO. leooad Floor SeUiag-Hlrseh BldgM ; ' 38 8 H Washington St.- ; - 4 , lCala 837. A-8413. , ' . - HAVE IT REPAIRED JOTrBBAX'S BSPAZB DXBJJ0T0BY Olvea all tho prlacipal places where yoar various noods eaa . be t gives ...... taetr propr avwaa-sioa sasj - f.' lunmg a ataitinia Piaona and Play: er Pianos. Price reaaonable for pert -work.- . Cor. Sixth and SheiriMay&Ca Morrison. Highest' quality, iewelry' repairing, oiamona scitina. - wbm. repairing. -. i - G. HeitkemperCo., For many ' years head quarter for reliable ret - - pair service. 130 8th St, Toon Bld SHOE REPAIRING We eall sad dsllvet. Phen as. Bebhas Hsais, aaaa er Wcanea'a, So. : BElf'a aOt'iS, 7e IAnua- tOLES, 80 OOOiJTBAB BOB CO 14 Poartb Btw Boas Alder.,- UcbreHas Repaired tad Re-Corered raetsry ea th PramUo STpert work most reason, hi prices , kew ribs 2Sev New cxreera 78 op. Phou us. Uatn 378. LENNON'S Morrison St P. O. Opposito PIANOS REPAIRED Expert Workmen. - : ery Reasonable Price. AttWork OoaranUed as - : 4Jrurd. ",- Gra?es Music Co. 151 4th flu bear Mor- - .- rtaoe. i- : HATS SOc We Clean and Block Hats for 0c - - WOBB ' . ; OVABABTZXO. THE HAT BOX ,', ass Brrrisoa at Sad. ' Sttttt '" Pressed, 35c Salts' Pramrh dry eteaned or steam' cleaned $1.00, Free eaUa and etUrartea. Vaiono Tailoring Co 108 - stars - St. .- . set. ..- - 8th aad ttb. . rbeo Sraadaaay 814. A-4J1. TRUNKS AND CASES REPAIRED By Srptrti r - TBCB ' MJLla 8774 - pOBTtAirr TBVB3C u?a. CO ' -3d end 2t BEPAIB UUtECTOaT APPEAXS V&T SUIiDAT and afaoald b preaerad In etery booie aa a ready gnld. i ' - at- w frz' y jr" ' " " 1 r 7