SECTJON THREE - DRAMATIC, " PHOTOPIAYS, , EDITORIAL TWELVE PAGES Vr H . -- 1 . " j. - - , -i ; - PORTLAND;" OREGON, SUNDA Y MORNING, MARCH 26, a 1916. Tf M Lr V 1 I l -V1 l I I I ' I 1 I U I fi NUAY LI I i I V : I I I f- I I v I f. i' III -V I I I ITvJ III . I y I i 1 I I r II III ICirsSS-vxXCsw HL V . M IK 1 VZ. - f QPENO QUESTION Children Often Follow in Foot- steps of .Parents in Going . 'on.biagej SOME JUST- DEVELOPED Coald7&l Tn Cat of : SUm Az . Praoa "WTio Bout Vo Xlatriaaio ';.';:vx Aaotr WkitTr. 4 Sewing Tjme Is fieret- . 1V , 5c fr.l v: i WM Deliver a New ty 1 , FREE r--r'v. '( SewingMachiiie to yourf; home at onc through our special Spring rflMemberthip Club iVty Sc'kdditioiuJ each week. wm that no family will miss and the best sewing machine ma4etoday is yours. ; . -f iftl Floor 'A 'Lampi Is the tile . "- of. an Attractive Room Oixr Free Classes in Lamp Shade .Making of fer - nnusual opportunities for making wonderful lamp and can dle shades that rival .the Imported', ones. Classes are free when wire Jrames, cretonnes,' silks or. other materials to cover are purchased here,1 from ourexquisite collec tions. '"- '. i , - '; ' f Classes ?:30 ia,i 2it6 57: -'-i-?-'' ;-; r;f ' v?-rSixth Floor. By. Loaella 0.rr90ii '1 5 ff wuli," said Clara; Kimball Youn mdd1 would . forzet that I wa car Hed on tho stare when I waft only 3 month old and that X learned to be an- actress at tho tlm most children ar sarlnr 01d Mother Hubbard.-, am 'always being reminded of the fact that my parents are responsible for my ability a an actress. Of .course. lt' pleasar.t to have a histrionic llne are, but don't you think I deserve a little credit on my own aceoumTV ' Here la where Claxa. Kimball Tounp and heredity come to blows. The Kim bail -"faintly " formerly found favor in the eyes of English audiences under the namer Kemble, and ' so Clara was given a talent for attlna aa her birth rifht. , - . . - Whether . heredity coonts . for more or less on the stase than In other walks of life has not been satlafactor ily settled. It la a known fact . that children often follow in the footetepa of . their parents and that the " stage has aometlmea seen three generations Of one Tamil y. . - 9rew Tasaliy Xs BTomeroaa. . Take the Drew family. Ethel Barry, more's mother and grandmother , were , noted f actresses. Her uncle. John ' Drew;' ber brothers. Jack and Ucjnel, all have followed the. Jure of the foot lights. Jack and Lionel have botn been prominent in the movies," and , their iBiar obi seen seen on iae screen in several Metro productions; Will the three Colt children. Ethel Barrymore's babies. follow it he for tunes ef . their family and seek'' the footlights or the screen? They pre all -, babies now. too young to take' any pride lit the family name of Drew. If " they do decide that heredity Is to guide tlieir deatijiiew, Xhey will, have big rep utations to live op to. Sidney Drew, the director and actor of film come ;es, is anotner player roemoer oz tne same cianv. - s r uf .r The Gish girls, with their mother. weret in Chauncey CHcott's company , until ltlllian made good Ji picture and Was ableo aaalst Dorothy and to gtve her mother a home, . . -,. . v k artfmhs Mother i.hkered fttaga.t If-'fieredlty ls necessary for ; rietrv onle eucceaa, thew David "WV Griffith haa missed something In hlssbtlUiant . career. H told me of 'his muUier, a -plong woman, who thought the stage a wick-sd-f place. David, ?with , bU brH-; ? Uaht imagination and love of thet.jrnaiie believe S world,; never received any en couragement at home. His mother tried her- iesi to keep. Wm away from the life hechoae. r -i ii'--" .' ' Some, people put a lot of flth ifl heredity, Some snap their fingers' at . it, 'and.- others are indifferent toward Its power, t. .-' ''-.. "I know I can be an actress," write .. a lS-y ear-old girl. ; "My father was an actor at the time I was born, and I have always realised -1 was destined to become a famous etar. ' ' A Jot of faith to Pin to heredity, That child probably thinks her inher ited , talent will land, her right , Into . the middle of a picture studio Hered. ity never landed anyone anywhere without effort. ' Probably her father carried; - a spear ; in a Shakespearean drama, or entered the room and said j f Tour carriage awaits; milord." -i . Xlgbt Sbow o Taleat. - "Even If be had'a speaking i art. and earned oil the bonors or the evening, the little; daughter might not chow any trace of fathers talent ' v in : the picture business 10 players out Of- every y 60. jike Tops. Just growed." . They have, no family tree, no long line of starring ancestor. They hare made good because they had the right stuff in them. " Betty Brown.. Beverly Bayne, Buth etonehouee. Marguerite Clark.' Lillian Walker and scores of other movie stars . entered the profession alone and nnaid 2 ed. Other leading women who Mad the assistance of their - family are Anita Stewart, whose Mster.-Lucile Stewart, la the wife of Ralph Ince. Miss Stew art has reached a point in her career wnere ane wishes to paddle ,bn own canoe. - She has entered , a . protest against this family influence oueiaess, i and, - quite independent iof . Ralph, la being directed, by another Vltagraph English Theatres Affected by War VroUam JPIaya aad Zstotlomsl Srama , Sow Hot Oo at All; Khakespeare , Vresemtea wlta Oood metaraa. - The war Is having a disastrous ef- feet on the theatrical business in Eng- lana, accoroing to tne Theatre maga 'sine. - . " . -..r If it werent fr Tommy Atkins, re - lleved from duty at" the front for , week-end visits back home, it is said - tha t the . Iondon- theatres could not i -keep ging.:iA.i" v-;; : And this accounts for the fact that : It--is i extremely perilous to produce .: anything Vat the light drama or muai--: cal comedy." The problem . play a'nd ; the emotional drama are having a bard lime of it- - - v - . - . Strange' to say. however, the English metropolis this season has had lota of Shakespeare and U has been presented : too with substantial . returns. . i - -- With the Germans the ! trip back to ? Berlin la not bo easy, but the drama Is . not neglected by the kalera-soIdiera Before hostilities broke out a theatre at Lille was in course of construction. Vow the Germans have completed it. having- secured in soma- way the or iginal ' drawings, and a professional company, from Berlin is daily holding forth.'' - - - - . - ' The . drama seems to be accepted everywhere as the great; panacea, for -j-V.'.- awsiaaia-aeaasasMMSMassBaBMBssaiaBasaiaaMMaHBBiaeBsBMeseiaesasa w St. The Great Pictorial Review Sewing and Dressmaking School Starts Monday. April 3d JOIN AT ONCE CLASSES LIMITED Entire Course of r if teen Lessons 50c V" - Madame Richet 1 representing the Pictorial Review Pattern Company.TwUl include in this course of fifteen lessons general sewing, dressmaking, sthe .con struction of garments, the alteration of patterns, and demonstrations In.' braiding, birfding, hemstitching, fine tucking and edging. ;s ' -Apply ; at Notion Counter for. Membership Tickets. 'V:W' ' c" " ? First Fler Just Arrived, Latest Models hall borchet dress . forms -Our expert 'demonstrators will be ; glad ' to show you - last how much easier and Jiow much more restful yout. home dewing will be if . there's a dressmaking -iorm in ytfur sewing-room. -Made In dif ferent v sections and- priced - at H2.ocf to 20.00. All Adjustable Dressmak " " ing Forms Sold on EASY PAYMENTS! DOWN$l WEEK' i ' Beoond Tloor 4 Art Needlework Contest . ; Starts Monday t March 27th 1 . ': 4 " Open to the Public : : Cash Prizes Given to anv customer whose work shows the ereatest skill, and who'pur- xchases the article to be ; made and all materials for working No entries less than St.OO.ftThe following prizes will he aistriDBTea? ,,7 $30.00 in gold for bmst silk embroidery work. ' ' ,$30.00 in gold for best cotton embroidery work.V : '$25.00 hi gold for best Wool crochet and knitting, ' " ' $15.00 in gold for best cotton crochet and knitting. , - - . , - - : , ' fthTloo Especially Desigrned in' Large Sizes - ; - Fdc;idmeii' - . . . : . ; . ,. - .. ., - " In Two Late Models as Illustrated Special $25.00 " This is an announcement that will mean . much' to the. woman. who requires an extra' ;." ' ; . ; large size, for these models have - been de i signed and made by a prominent maker who specializes in. stout women's suits. They; must not be confused with suits . that "are v . merely ordinary suits made larger; but every suit has - the extra ' gusset under the 'arms, insuring perfect arm 11 1 in iaci, oesignco m everv wdy iu mwi uic demands of the stout woman. ' ; 5 .. ; . i ne new ana .tne wortny in suit lasmons are rep-, resented in these special models of Gabardine in jiavy blue and black and' in black and white checks. -r- ,',.:'' iW4---:Viy'. : . The skirts, are smartly flaring, the coats have the new belts, the collars have over-collars of silk benga line and while they conform to the prevailing flare. , and fullness so much in vogue, they give to the stout j figure a graceful and slender effect. n half sizes 40Vz, 42ytp 44y2, 46Vtp 4$y2 . and 50yz. : ' Third Floor j Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers jc nerc :Kmdie cf cl Merit Only Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A-6691 l- A $125 Imported Scotch ? ! . ; Pure Linen Daniask $1:00 Yard This damask was made" before the great advance In linens, which enables - usto offer it at this exceptional price. Imported 4irect f torn Scotland, , erery thread pure linen, nil bleached, and shown in such favorite designs -'as, the scroll, the stripe and floral -effects. 66 inches wide, gti ; 21x21 -inch napkins to match, $3.00 dozen. . . ? ? Extra Heavy Extra Special SlieM Extra heavy round thread, full bleached linen-finished sheets ,; 4 free from dressing; Made seamless and torn before hemming,1 thus insuring perfect shape after laundering. Size 2 by 2 yards. : ; Mohawk Pillow Cases - - 100 dozen of this very popular make, in a good weight, pure flnUh muslin a full bleached, soft finish and free from filling ' - '- Size 42x36 inches 18c Size 45x36 inches 20c . . : - v- - ,- aeooaarioot We Will Place on Sale. ToTnqrrow 1000' Yards of the Newest Weaves in . .. - . 50c White Fabrics at 25c Yard ' This will be t season of white, and her ls where the wise woman will ' '-anticipate her needs, for this sale bffers all that Is newest and best in finest 50c white fabrics; white striped corded voiles, white nub weaves, white lace stripe effects, 36 to 40 inches wide. Ideal for fashioning waists, skirts and one-piece dresses. s ; ; ; SIUC SApE V K A Tremendous Of fering of 3000 Yards : AIL New, " oh Sale Monday First Time ...... -v ".O-. 's. . 'f - " 'V ; ZJOKJ Yard Yard-wide' striped messalines, Jacquard messalines,- striped taffetas over 50 beautiful patterns to choose from all new colors extra heavy standard Lipman-Wolfe qualities. '?: -. ' : -69c Yard s. . :;. . 1 AriotHer shipment of te famous -Cheney. Bros.' shower-proof foulards in the: loveliest-patterns .we have ever shown new shades of 'tans, grays, taupes greens; blues and combinations-? very remarkable at 69c yarjd v 7f?r Yard tieavy ,au -suk uucness satin, m cream,' light:, blue, : pink, champagne, tan, silver, rose, green, brown, reseda 75c a yard is less than wholesale cost today, for this fine silk, which has an especiallyrich finishi t ? . 1 '-, " Second Floor y Tnc New Beach Cloth 29c Yard ; Justfarrived-this'new weave In pink, lavender, navy, Ughtitnd iiarl. ' green and natural color. s The best material for suits, as ' it resembles : : Jinen but is much lower in price. Medium weight. 36 inches wide. k VelrpieciaO of New Colored Crepe de Chine t One of! .the smartest aemi-tailored stylesin crepe de- wune Diouses is ottered nere1 -i-In the new Roman strines and fancv candv stripes, showingalL tne new and most attrac tive colorsandcolOr cpmbmationsyf Made with; a lage pointed collar" of white sillcpearlt button trinumngs. ' Lone sleeves with itttrn-back x:uffsi Third Floor 9 Original, High Priced Models Have Been f Faithfully Reproduced in Wl:mWf,Jlf' ;v;-. 4 " f7To Setl:aihif OhPrltm - , . -1" ;" ' '-' sbbbb bmbI av, -df-, ;' These suits are superior at "the price," for they" are the composite Of "eorrec't -stylei'fihe fabric and excellent tailoring ,; , ri . -;r . ' : ' - f -Of ?fine serges, gabardines and? wool., poplins in. .blacky tfarkand light blue, the MwT shade? of .tan and gray. Also. black? and white checks.- ' k .. - .-. . - - t . -.-a--.-. Third CToor 4 . : r V. Are You An Elk? It you are,... then one of these novel, new- card caser will' t please .v you ''beyond measured . Very 1 compact and fit. the card perfectly 'Solid" gold top'' and Ihe lodge ..emblem enameled in ,obe "corner In purple and white. : Can be attached to chain, i Special $8c - v iri rioor ' Bif ffoft; Button, y Who Cot theJ ' Button? H-t , y -Our -button k shop has n 1 everjrv.kind of new button ed buttons tnd pearl but tons,- crochet buttons and ivory buttons, - Buttons in ill sizes: arid for all pur poses.'; 4 . Firat Floor CheclChecldChech ' v r Ths) Latest Arrivals in - We Are Showing the MostComptcic Assemblage of Checks of ;Every Kind at this Very, Special, Price V-' A New Embroideries 17 Inches Wide Flouncln gs -and r corset-cover embroideries iwltb band -loom edges rand . dainty, well-worked designs on .sheer nainsook, Swiss and cambric "These embroideries would .sell Regularly "at 40c and 5oc yard. : ;' . i .1"'. $&5JU0Yoili QCkA 40-Inch Flouncings OaC These voile flouncings are shown ; in -beautiful- designs, which' areworked in mercer ized cottons in effective floral and conventional . patterns. f ZUeorgette rrj Crepe at. .;; :M1. 0 In the new desirable .colors, tuch is rose. gray."fleSli, fcoraL wisteria. Nile, Copenhagen, deam and white- and numerous ' other shades. -A'-. First Floor A New importation of io Hand-Made Underwear - Has Just Arrived,Which Was Ordered Seven Months Ago, 6ur rVtff Go on 5ae, Regardless of the Rise in Cost MMkI&NW Ejacepticmal Prices ; ; Made of the softest, sheerest materials, the seams are all . hand run, and every garment is adorned with the", most ex- : 5" quisite designs of hand embroidery, which 'have been copied - .frbm;the most elaborate French patterns;W , -w',,- -Gowns, in slip-over and Empire styles, with kimono and set- : 7 in sleeves and iif all sizes. Specia $2.95, $335, $4.4S-$6.95.' s y-rrEnvelope Chemise in sbaight and Empire styles.'with plain I scalloped edges or embroidered designs. Special; $1.98, $239, $3J9 to $4.95. v; ,?v;v.(. Vesfs, whicli are to be worn under the corset, finished with :- plain scalloped edges, with tiny floral sprays. Special, $1.59 and. $2.49. ... . . i. 7- ;V,.:;; . :; r. ::r ; Regulation Chemise, -with scalloped edges,' ribbon drawn. . Special $1.98, $2.39 and $2.95. VK -Fourth Floor . ExfralTwelvfe Different . In the SeasonWery Latest Black Uhtruimed MOianemp Sailors Featuring i $2.00 and ($2.50 Models . - Now in Greatest Vogue -These remarkably attractive hats will be placed ' on sale , for- Monday at' the exceptional price of . '4 Ik :. ;. i ... , I . , " - THESE HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE if their; trimmings. are also purchased in the department ' .j. , r - $1.39 Third Floor This' season the smartest 'suits and coats. are, of checks pin' checks, angular checks, regular 'checks, block checks,-novelty checks but. they mutt be of checks.- Separate' skirts, and dresses are, also of checks, as are many of .the .trimmings on women's apparel. The checks are 4n colors iir the cleverest combinations,- such as . 2, - Black and White - Brown and White ; " Navy and White: Green and White -: : Gray and White. . Novelty Mixtures - Every yard full 56 Inches wide, -which cuts to ex cellent advantage In the new full styles' J, Except at Morning V andat Night' , a woman ought never to be con scious that she'is; wearing a cor set at an, except when she puts it on or takes it off. Sfe-;:S Such comfort " as this comes coupled with enviable smartness in every CB. a la Spirite Corset. And the extraordinary range of models over -240 in-alHtn- sures every woman's finding this comfort - " - -V- - - Spend a : few -minutes : in our corset department tomorrow and see the handsome, CB models which its makers designed- espe cialy for "your particular- figure. q:s: ALA SPIRITE CORSETS" '. New Models $1.00 to $5.00 For . the i Worn an - of Fashion f, -The Standard Everywhere) Fowrth Floor s X v, . ' Featuring the Newest Designs in i " X , : SPRING CRETONNES AND S ? : :'X!mARTieHiN& iM 29cc9ccScCthefYard 5 ; ' In' these five special groups we have endeavored to present nothing but the best patterns and the most effective of new col- ; Each; group is composed of original 'designs as well as de signs that have been copied i romthe imported and much higher ; priced materials.'. ;Nv- : : - : ' - X. X But no matter for what purposevyou might need Cretonnes, you win find dozens of patterns that will be suitable for living- ; rooms, bedrooms, dining-rooms and for upholstery Full 32 and 36 inches wide! i.- : - - - Fifth Floor, : fNa Phone Orders X Filled foryBasement' '.-"XiXSalesJX y Special 25c -v fof Lunch, 11 to 2 o'clock Basement. I ' ' XhX Where You Spend the Least and Get the Most For t" ? i Most Attractive Spri ash Goods at Extraordm ; X 47 ORIENTAL RUGS , f , To Close Out at Prices That Are Less TKan Present .Wholesale Cost ; -. " - X'ln sixem 4 ft. 7 by 2 ft 6, to 6 ft. 4 by 3 ft.' 6. i These rugs are; unusually good, and should be availed of by ; ; ', all .who appreciate Eastern weaves, and colors andmellowing ? .durability in floor coverings. v ' r '.' . . , $22.50 and $25.00 Beloachistans-. . .$14.85 V ' . $270 to $30.00 Belouchistans.. i.$17&5r , . V; ; , : $35.00 to $40.00 Beloachistans : M$22A5. X $27.50 to $29J0 Mossouls . . . . . X.S19.8S :i X $35.00 to $390Mossouls:X...$24.85x $42JSai6i&20-fJouoid9rzXrrmW'te - Tv " , . CooJs.:.... 19c . , - New crepe and. nub voiles, sheer, weaves, alt I9t6 Spring goods, from ; 36 to .40. inches wide. .-Makes npv into dainty waists an d dresses: V ; ; ; :Voii-:,..'..3c- Seed voiles very sheer, with nub effect the Ideal fabric for all kinds of i waists, dresses, child?en's wear, etc." 36-fnch. . , - . - ", . ;X$XXXX XX;$145 Folding Ironing Boards $&c Strong,, durable boards, with, sleeve-board attachment -Xt'XX45c AtummumiWash Boards-29c Jj v - With str9ng wooden -frames, good 45 c qualily.'-, ':.,.'- ;. 10c Citrus Washing Powder, 2 Packages 15c i One of the best washing and cleaning powders made.- . . ; ; H 5c Crepe Toilet Paper, 7-pz. Rolls 3c ' "T; We limit ten rolls to a customer.: , Positively no phone CO. D. or approval orders filled for these ctai aiicnen section saies. v. spe- ' Madras. : . 20c , -; Splendid patterns for men's- and. boys' shirts, women's.: waists Cand children's apparel. Fine assortment of stripes in good colors.' 3 2-jnch.' "9 CZ m Tef m r yl essVeaFfse sS aeVaW af M ' Voi7. 18c New woven striped voile In a wide i collection of colors, in 12 different! striped effects, for waists and dresses. 'Sheer and dainty. 36-Inch SiUc Mixed Poplin 75c ' , Black, White and Complete Line of New Colors ' Here we of fer one of the most popular Spring fabrics at less than the wholesale cost today.. No old goods, no old, colors, but new merchandise, just arrived, shown in all the scarcest and most wanted light and dor k 'colors. Comes full 36 inches wide, in just the right weight. ' ' ; lceptioiial Lace Sale-25t Edges and Bands to Match lOcYd. Remarkable PttrchaVe Mflde by' Our, BuyerWhen" In-N.-Y. New.Pattern for-Spring Trinimins J Beautiful laces for trimming waists, dresses fancy work. Curtains, chik? dren's dresses; underwear and dozens of other yse , "As this is decidedly a face season, women will buy a good supply of these remarkable laces, be-', cause they are So attractive and the price is so ridiculously. lpw- Included, are bands j and edges 4toli match, from 2 -, to 5 inches j wide Platte, Valenciennes, Point de Paris, Nottingham; Cotton Torchon, Cluny and Shadow Laces. Women's Regular and Extra Sizes in 50c to 65c. I i Famous Globe Union Suits 39c r-A new shipment jusf In all fresh; new garments, of ribbed while cot ton, low neck, sleeveless, knee-length style, neatly trimmed. Extra good quality and fit' -,-'- . :J . 3 . I Jiist . From New:York-2500 Yds. $1 .50, $2 Wool Dresi Goods 98c 1 ' Just in Time for Spring wmg-tr-A Sale of X ' 2.00 New Model Bust Foirms, Special.98c ' Made with the long hips and new waistline. ; Papier macne, covered wifb black Jersey ctoth.' j All sizes, 32 to 4,2. -i : r , ; ' The cbvering of these forms has been sfightly damaged in transit, which, is the only reason forrthis radical price-reduction. - ' Sizes 38 and 40 in Bust Forms, Spectal 4Sc ;V Papiernache. cOvereJ with black Jersey cloth. Jwo sizes only t t i6 to 56-inch dress toods the most wanted of Spring weaves and colors, comprising a . large purchase bought especially for this sale. Buy now for the i entire season the. price is extraordinary for these fine qualities ot materials. inciuaea are Granites , Jacquards Eponge Diagonals : Vigoreaux't Whipcords Checks ' Cheviots Novelties ' Skirts eut FREE; of cKarg from aD materials purcbaaod in tKU aI,-: Per. i tect tittujg, fasbionabio skirts era aaaured. f - - - ' ' 3 - t ' the Horrors, of war. , . . y : ,J r