THE OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAL PORTLAND, T SUNDAY MORNING, . MARCH 26, 1918. 13 LOANS WASTED 80 CCoBtlABed) WANT $1000 to $5000 for Investment, with services if desired, money well secured. . Will par $2 or more for $1 invested. No fake about this. You will be pleased If you call at 439 Worces ter bldr. An for Mr. Miller. WANT $1500 on Ml Tabor Improved, ' N-669. Journal. FINANCIAL Si HAVE rd business realty In north , era Iri( town, county seat, to ex change for rood mortgage to value ; $2000, western Oregon. Address R. S, phi an,- cxnern, vr, In ana aorigas purcnaseu. as sellers interest In contracts. Or. and Waah. H R. NnM. f.n her n bldr STOCKS AND BONDS 68 50 SHARES of Oregon Home Build ers stock for sale or trade. - What have you. 700 E. 16th St. Belt $11. 'V HELP WANTED MALE 1 . - .llll". - -i W. .j ..P -aa.".!-. H i l I l WANTE Experienced salesmen to ... Handleweil known.- high grade of fice specialty, manufactured by one ' -olthB largest and best rated concerns - C. e country, on strictly commission - be p-Exciusive Oregon territory giv i S (-the right 'men, Splendid oppor-,iu.r- for those who are willing to work. Apply to Mr, Olson, care Hotel Imperial, between the hours of 1 to 4 p. m.. Sunday, and Monday. Wake Up ;. Don't be looking for a position half, your time. Get into a field where they are looking for you. Thousands of openings now at big salaries. We will show you Just how to qualify. We mean business. Write or call. Free booklet. Interstate Traffic, $18 Board of Trade bldg. - j - WANTED, competent married farmer to take care, of S5-acre apple or chard in Klickitat Co., i Wash. Must know apple business and pruning of . trees. To work on shares, furnishing own team. Will put up house and shed for right party. References required. L-519, Journal. WANTED Boys with wheels and mo torcycles. Must be over 16 years of are. Steady work, good pay. Can also use three boys after school and Sat . urdays. Call Monday. L. Mollenhour, 249 Oak at WANTED Young man that has had experience in garage work must have had experience in washing cars; good position for the right man; do not an swer If you haven't had exper ence; night work. D-651, Journal. FIREMEN and BRAKE MEN $100 monthly. . Experience unnecessary. Hundreds needed by the best railroads everywhere. Particulars free. 729 Railway Bureau, East St Louis. In. I WILL rive a worthy man enougn . work to pay his rent for six months In a new house ' at Flrland . station. Large lot. Bruce Ooddard. 602 Couch twinging. WANTED For profit department young man with hardware experi ence, quick at figures. State experi ' ence, references, and salary expected. X-966. Journal. .WANTED Men in all parts of Oregon and Washington to sell our attrac tive old line health and accident poli cies. Call or write I. C. Cunningham, 69 journal Diag.. r-ortiana. ur, WANTED High grade solicitor for -nhotorranhia directory: exnerienced advertising man preferred; something entirely new; references, z9ix, jour rial. : IT A DiDT T7 wA sv rtapi snosd rlltrv man VAl - - "'f Va -jva w J a aa. Capable of taking charge bf herd or 60 cows producing milk for retail dairy, adjoining Portland. W-176, Journal. RAILWAY mail and other civil serv lce places open. Write for free booklet FF. Earl Hopkins, $68 Marden bidg.. wasnington, ,p. u - WANTED Reliable man In Portland to sell our new form health and ac cident policies. Call mornings. X. C ' Cunningham. 608 Journal bldg. -WANTED Live lot salesman to sell property that Is moving and homes on installments like rent. Good pay. . Main 1748. " X WANTED, 2 advertising solicitors ex- pertenced in special work, 337 Cor Thett bldg - WILL give boy, not over 16, home. boar a ana wages ror light wora. "143 82d st. N.. Montavilla car. 2 EXPERIENCED machinist helpers, - lorging camp . machine shop. $2.75 per dav and up. Columbia Em p. Co. WANTED, delivery boy with wheel. not afraid of work; references ref ouired. - Phone - Sellwood I76S. WANTED Boy with, motorcycle or bicvcle.' ateadv work. Inquire 410 Aiaer sr. SALESMAN, Oregon and Washington; !- sell goods direct from factory. 701 B wet land ,Dio:g. MAN to cut 100 cords of wood near E. - 78th and Sandy road, phone Tabor 6990. ij Aiv experienced aairyman ior reiaii I. rla i rv enmm In man with famllv preierreo. mj aasi wm st. WANT figures on painting houses. - Stout Investment Co 723 Chamber Commerce. ; t'PUiYJnKNT department Y. A. Service f r-e to members M. C. i Salesmen; finance selves. T-7l2,Journal. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 LADY to have her old hats remodelled, blocklnr 60c, cleaning "8-Oe, trimming I5o up. First-class work guaranteed. We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamp. Mack's Millinery. 642 Union ava, N, .near Russell. East 23 81. i SALESMEN for high-grade apeclalty? aemonsirauon invanaoiy results in sale; write today for free booklet. Progressive Novelty Co. 653 Tan Ness ave.. San Francisco. Cal. . optometrist, ine d Peyser instl- tute of Optometry. Columbia Bldg. Day "and evening classes and instruction by correspondence. - - ' VlVE bright, capable ladies to travel, . 'demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $50 per week. Railroad fare pal'd. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 610, Omaha, Neb. : DON'T work for others; buy my first . class on ton delivery auto and have 'your own business; I am going east and will sell cheap. Sellwood' 205. e-s, journal. HAWTHORNE AUTO & OAS TKAtTOR SCHOOL, 446 Hawthorns A v. Students can earn board and room a wniie learning. GOOD money made at home knitting hosiery. Machines furnished " on time, we nuy or sen your goods. Easy and constant work. Wheeler Co.. (Ino.) til Mon, ijBuagn, PROFITABLE home employment: col. elect names and addresses for mail order firms. Instructions 10c. Mailing Service. 210 HolUday bldg.. Indiana- poiis. inn. WOMEN WANTED Full tlm. ..1..' $16, selling "guaranteed hosiery to ; .w rvri .g sa-uuur spare timet Por- ' luwicui, bau,i ioiiv,t3 uauecHHrr. wear- . I w ill pay any honest man up to $50 monthly ior part or spars time. No canvassing. No capital. Write to- oay. voornies. uesr isi. tjmana. Neb, : WRITE motion picture plays; $50 ' .. each ; experience unnecessary. , De- : tails iree to beginners, .producers Learue, 206 Wainwrlrht. St. Louis. -WANTED Young men as railway mail - clerks, $76 month, sample examina- won questions iree. - r ranaiia Insti tute. dent $41 N. Rochester. W. LATHERS wanted; all non-union lath era requested to meet in Room 804. AMwr xu.pji .v a -xnuiwoay, 8 p. m.. March 89. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing ?. . i t- yn icate. . ll. PC. ACQUIS. MOi "WANTED Name bf men or mimh wishing TJ- S. government positions, viw iimm.ii.' juiBwer. nABBt, iOBnUL HEADQUARTERS ' t 1st cla ,h.r. t i . cooks, csm. -w- Depot. 291 Yam- piii rn tiftHn 'jwrt onrtK, twer. lunch .STENOGRZ-PHY. course In S mo.' $10 ;. - per mo. .- jsTPye s frcnooi. Main 1696, UNCAULED for tailor nudttuimidi p.JXayl9r the Ullor. 289 Burnaids. 49 T. IL C A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day and night classes; training in repairing, driving and machine work; including forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc; time unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office Y. M. C A bldg., to inspect oar shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN T. M. C. A. and -its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 8-ft. swimming pool. shower natrm. ermramum. etc FEW years ago k started a small mall order business at home in spare time with a few dollars capital, i wanted to make. $30 or $40 a month, evenings. The net profits the first year averaged $200 a week. Five years' work netted mo $60,000. I will show you how to start a small mall order business. Send today for my proposition. It's interesting. No can vassing. Heacock. Box 87a, Lockport N. Y. - . EARN $100 weekly managing dean, legitimate mall order business. We furnish everything. Right party need not worry about capital. Splendid caance for Intelligent, employed per son to control independent business on profit-sharing basis, beginning In spare time, evenings at home. Particu lars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. write ior iarse uii ox openings of fering opportunities to earn from $100 to 1500 a month while you learn Ad dress nearest Office Dept. 312, Nation al saiesmens Training Association, Chicago, New York,, San Francisco. MEN and WOMEN wanted for U. S. government lire lobs. 165 to 1160" a month. Vacations with full -pay. No layoffs. Short hours. Common edu cation sufficient. "Pull" unnecessary. write immediately for free list of positions now obtainable. Franklin Institute. Dept. $60 N, Rochester, N. Y, THE OPPORTUNITY to learn steno- graphy In 2 to 3 months, accom plished by individual instruction. Day or night, special rates- to those ' en tering by April l. For particulars in quire Ostbye's School. Stock Exch. mate.. 3d and lamhili. Main 3595. GOVERNMENT positions in postof fice, railway mail and other branch es are good. Prepare for '"exams" un der former U. S. Civil Service secretary-examiner. Booklet H 84 free. Write today. Patterson Civil Service cnooi, Rochester, N. x, COMPETENT salesmen or merchants preferred, by well rated Cleveland concern, to sell merchant's greatest specialty of the day; $300 to $600 per month; commissions paid weekly; state experience. W. J. Smith, Station C, Cleveland, O. SALESMAN Capable peclalty man for Oregon; staple line on new and exceptional terms; vacancy now; at tractive commission contract. $3 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co.. 227-18 Carlln Bldg., Cleveland. O. WANTED Apprentice to learn beauty culture; will teach branches not taught by anyone else In city. Apply to 427 Washington. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED A few more experienced demonstrators for house - to - house work on 20 MULE TEAM BORAX products. Call Sunday, 3 to 4 p.m. SHARP, Hotel Carlson. Ask for Mr. Beecher. WANTED Girl or woman to assist at general housework in country horn; 3 in family, $10 per month. Mrs. W. L. Elliott, route 1. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Young or middle aged and woman to do light housework take care of child. 16 minutes out. wen Bias eiectrio. -igj, .journal WANTED A school girl to assist in light housework for good home, also go to beach in summer. Phong Mar shall 1243. LADY to take care of small rooming house. Call Sunday, from 9 a, m. to 4 p. m. 408 Hoyt st. LADIES wanting work; we want dem onstraters, $1.00 to $2.00 -day Is made. 602-3 Columbia bldg. '- WOMAN for general housework, cook. lng and part of laundry. Apply 674 E. Pine st. A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to work for room, and board; all the comforts of a home. Call 872 E. Pine at NURSE girl to care for 8-year-old $9$ Aspen st. rirl. Marshall 1925. Willamette Heights. WANTED, clean rirl to assist with ngnt nouseworK; good moms; small wages. ,3 m. rayior. xaoor 1898. GOOD German or Swedish rirl for Al - Deny; good noma; wages zor wining woraer. ua.u at ou Davis. Main 2393 WANTED Girl for general house- work. Main 7868. 697 Northrop st. NURSE girl for child 2 yrs. Main 17Z3. GIRL to help with light housework. Tabor 3841. CHAMBER maid; small wages. "ITS cond st. HELP , WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 EXPERIENCED man and woman to care for and manare 40 apartments. Reference and) bond required; salary so per montn. apartment, raa. eiec triclty furnished, or manage on com mission. M-178. Journal. MEN and woman to learn the oarbe.- trade, wares Dal a while leernlnr tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools . in the world Send for free catalogue. Mohler Barber coiiere, m. 4s iv ia sr. OREGON Barber College want men and women to learn barber trade m 8 weeks; positions guaranteed; tools free. paid wniie learning; modern ineinoa teaching, tuition reaucta. S33 Mdiso.i SUCCESSFUL Spanish instruction. Classes and private lessons, native Instructor; established 1907. 309 Com monwealth bidr., 6th and Ankenv at. WANTED Printing solicitor, salary ana commission; oia established con cern. G-766. Journal. WANTED AGENTS jajSA-iUAJ, exactly re semble renulne: same rainbow flre: stand tests; seU at sight; live agents wanted; profits $50 weekly and up. Write aulck for sample case offer tYm Mexican .uiamona imporung uo., box a-ib, i-aa yruces, in. jviex. WE START you In business, furnish lng everything; men and women; aw to weeaiy operaung our Aei System Specialty Candy Factories.1 home, anywhere; no canvassing. Op portunity lifetime; booklet free. Rags- oaie Kio., boi a .rjast urange. . j. AGENTS In all parts to sell Distillate . oasixners. attacnea to anv automo bile In 5 minutes. Get $9 miles to gal lon ox iwo uoug. weii advertised. Profits big. Any territory sou want. National uarage. 37th, near Haw- thorn e. BIG RUSH on for this money maker. 100 live agents wanted immediately, absolutely new, unlimited field. Write today, full particular free, r Cowan Co., Dept. 6. 409 Empire Stat Bldg. Spokane. Wash. '- ACT QUICK Automobile gasoline, go- uf op. bsu ua&o-ionia jsquais gasoline at 8c a gallon; eliminates car bon. Dollar an hour profit. Sales guaranteed. White Mfg. Co Dept. 10, Cincinnati, u. ' AGENTS Make 500 per cent selling "Novsltv Sirn Cards." Merchants buy 10 to 100 on sight, 800 vartetlesH catalog rree. Sullivan Co., 1234 W, van tturen t Chicago, in. AGENTS Call -on best people. Fast seller, netting you $1.25 jm every sale. Send for particulars. Th T. R Moeller Company. P. O, Box 594, Port. tana, yr. - - - -. PORTRAIT , MEN, write, quick for new catalogue; 24 hour shipments. pnais or xinisnea work; expense ad vanced reliable men. Roberts, Whole saie rtraits. Kansas City, Mo.- .tracts sell at sigJit. profit. Big invu. v its agent wan tea. . s-ssi, journal. - t RELIABLE agents wanted at Bush - nell studio. Men oc women. Oood SOLICITORS, salarv or inmmllnn caah dalLrt. Call liiU lil i). rnnm HELP WANTED MIflC. (Continued) - - WANTED AGENTS ' lOonejnned j BARN $100 weekly managing clean, legitimate mail order business. We furnish everything. .Right party need not - worry about - capital. Splendid chance for Intelligent, employed per son to control independent --business on profit-sharing basis, beginning in pars time, evenings at home; particu lars free. - Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, NY. - - x . AGENTS Amazing, new invention. Marvelous adding .machine. -Adds, subtracts and multiplies. Does work of $200 machine. Immense profit. Of fices, stores and factories buy from on to a dozen. Five year guarantee. Every demonstration sells. Write quick I or protected territory, uept. -ai-culator Bales Co., Grand Rapids. Mich. GOOD proposition for agents or sales men, inos. ft-icaerc, iti m SITUATIONS MALE 3 EXPERIENCED YOUNG BUSINESS MAN 28, aggressive; business school and university training. Expert corres pondent lumber experience understands figures, typewriter. Acquainted' with bookkeeping and office methods. YilU tring something to your Ou sines be sides regular routine service. Clear record and references. .. Address GX 767 Journal. - :" -. . CITY OF FOKTLANlr PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 14th and Jo an son sts, EFFICIENT MEN T FOR ALL POSITION& Salesmen, office men, clerks, me chanics, farm hands, bouse men. cooks, mill men, loggers, laborers, etc. No fee charged employer or employe. Out of town orders given prompt attention. Main 8556. A-6624. ORCHARD work wanted, by married man, 10 years' experience. " I . will care for properly, a unit of SO or 80 acres of fruit trees at so much per acre or by the month. Can select suit able soil for an (orchard for one desir ing to set one out and will plant and care for same until bearing age. Can furnish A-l references as to character and .competency. G. W. B., 67 N. 20th. AUTO mechanic, 9 years experience, understand marneto and carburetor thoroughly; 4 years have owned garage of my own ; do not answer this a un less you can give steady employment. zx-540, journal. EXPERIENCED mechanic and mill wrirht. 30 v ears' nractical experi ence in mills and house buildinr. 684 60th st. N. E.. Portland, Or. Tabor 6622. -- , YOITNG married man Wants work. 11 years' experience as gas engine me chanic, auto, stationary work; also an expert chauffeur. S-666, Journal, or Main 5478. , STATIONARY engineer employed at present wisbes to cnange to a ay work: best of references. Y-925, Journal. BARBER'S apprentice with 7 months practice woutd like position; can make good; give me a trial; out of city preterreo. x-osz. journal RAKER, first class all sorts of bread.' cake. tiea and pastries, long exper- lence. married ana sieauy. n-sv, - , - m m w r n JournaL . RfinifKEKPER. iron and wire works. experience, desires position, city reference, $60 per month to start, a. 745. Jotomalj position wanted as manarer o stock and dairy ranch, have had agricultural schooling and long sue cessful experience. X-733. Journal. HOUSE painting, papering, kalsomin- lng. aay or contract wora cneap. guaranteed. East 1911 SALES clerk, experienced electrical supplies, also office work. A-l ret' erences. F-903, Journal. PAINTING, kalsomininr. paper hang' ing. basements wnitewaeneo. races reasonable. East 6629. CARPENTER, repairing. building small or large lobe, raones aust 351; C-2666. KITCHEN helper wanta work even lnrs from 6 to 10. email wages, u 659. Journal. YOUNG man wants work as plumber's helper. Room 216. Hotel Rnem pfalz 263 Front st. A SINGLE man wanta Job as janitor in hotel or apartment nouse. rooa references, neat and clean. Main 9835 MARRIED farmer wants position, ca pable of taking run charge, xso cmi- oren, rererence. u-cn, journal. TUTTTE-R maker wanta position. years experience in cry. woric, good references. N. H. Hiatt. 665 E. 10th st af" experienced man. 2351. 1392 K. Hoyt st. REED Collere boy wants work, dur- lng this weeK. b-zixi YOUNG man 18 wishes work from to 6 n. m. r-gi, journal. PAlNTlN'a. paoerhanainr. tlntlnr. 3 per room up. -C. A. Barnes. Marshall 2828. Main 6549 UOntraCTOr nlasterinr. " brtck" 'an a cement work. 8. 8. Klngery, Mar. 1688 CuMPETENT shop mechanics and chauffeurs furnished by Y. M. C A Auto acnnoi. Main 7Ufa. a-sbsi. WANTED SituaUon as cook or baker by a Chinese boy. L-B17, Journal. WANTED Position as grocery clera experienced. F-902. Journal. WE TINT rooms, $i,60; guarantee good houpe painting work. East 502. BOYS 16 and 18 want work In city or country. B-agst. PAINTING and tinting done reason able. Sellwood Z775. SIVUAT10N8MALB ' REFTrfED and capable woman wishes position as housekeeper for gentle men in or out oi city or state. u-ee Journal. WANTED, small family washing at home by experienced colored laun dress; reasonable. Called for and de livered Main 630. YOUNG lady wilk assist in family, pleasant and homelike. Am neat. quiet, home evenings; references. Marshall 2166, WILL come and car for children by tne aay or r.our. uau xapor 2874 Monday. WANTED, steady day work, Tuesdays ana Tnursaays; experienced, zoa an nour. I'aDor zu. EXPERIENCED woman wants day . workAa-1 lroner. am also"' experienced cnamoermaia. labor 4297. EXPERIENCED middle aeed ladv wishes position in roomlni house for reniieman. zb tin ai. lOUNO lady experienced in confec tionery and bakery must have work A-l reference. Phone Marshall 942. EXPERIENCED cook wanta a position . either In or out Of city. East 982. or 0-966. Journal. SWEDISH woman wants a few more family washings: -will call for and deliver. 683 H Borthwlck at. city. YOUNG lady with some experience would like a position with nhoto- grapher; would leave city. Tabor-6609, WORK by day or hour, any kind, laun dry taken home, experienced; refer ence. Mrs, L.. phone East 3777. EXPERIENCED private exchan ige op- k. CaU erator ana cashier wants wor mornings. East 3777. WANTED Plain sewing, also crochet lng and embroidering. 350 16th st, upstairs. . ' LACE CURTAINS hand laundered, 40o -np.--T.-D. Bell. Phone Sellwood 1736. lOUNG German wants house work in good family, can 4530 50th t. 6, E. LADY wants day work of any kind. 4630 66th st S. E. WANTED Work of any kind by the hour. - Sellwood 468. BEGINNER In stenography wishes position; reasonable salary. M. 3006. CURTAINS hand laundered,: 1st class woTa.--iT 10.11th St.-sellwood 232. GIRL wants work. - Call . between 6 ana w p. m. g-ast 2S. - . i!Art,jtuiNi;iuj woman wants any - kind of day worfc Phona Mar.-3298. LADY wants position as housekeeper ror eioeny people, mone Mar. 8542 EXPERIENCED telephone exchange operator wants position. Bast 7014. XPER1NUED chambermaid - wants work. Marshall 2415. SIXIJATIONS--FEMALE - fOontUned) si s-s -ssa sss CITY OK PUKTLANU PC B LIC - EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Women's Department. City Hall. : - 'Na Fee Charred.. Reliable,' competent K help, any line. promptly supplied. - oriiee, cieras. bousekeepera. domestic, dav workers. seamstresses. Marshall . 4100, A-41ZB. I LADY employed will assist In light . nous worn morning ana evening, companion to children evening. -for room ana board. w-730, journal. BOOKKEEPER, cashier and gen'l of , f ice work. Exnerienced. Lumber and hardware. -References. No bjeo- tion to leaving- city. K.-395, journal. AN EXPERIENCED younr lady wanta I to laae care pi paoy or tmaii cun-i dren; - good wages wanted. T-947.lng distance. journal. GIRL desires, office work knowledge of shorthand. typewriting, i Phone Bast 6876. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife want to cook in camp or boarding house; best of refer ences. Tabor $693. MAN and wife with 8 children want position on farm; can give refer ences, u-buu, journal. DUESSMAK1NQ 40 DRESSMAKER very particular, wlshea work: manv years experi ence In shop and family work; $1.50 a aay. r;ast S497. FASHIONABLE dressmaker, also al terations; latest ideas, home or by oay. wooqiawn zon. LADY wants sewing; best, of refer ences. Columbia 691. r . DRESSMAKING at home or by the aay. worit guaranteed. Mrshl 2169. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, altera- tions; reasonable.. Kenwood 2417. SEWING by day. $1.76 er day; work guaranteed. Tabor 3500. COMPETENT trained nurss with 2tt years' hospital traininr. Institute work, care invalid. Phone East 849. FURNISHED ROOMS ROOM register listi several hundred also those in the association fireproof kIMIn lth .Knwar hatha !ynmma I pool, gymnasium, library, reading I rwmi, ii 41 pw io . . car w i i double, with individual beds, or $2.60 to 14.6C per weer single. i mnnn . n anna mmrrnn & I OE. y.L lOta ntt-rm It. natrnn, fh mnar nn fn of $3.00 week and up. Located in the I neart or tne business center at ntn and Stark sts. 111 KflJ New manr'nt. strict- nUlCI IViaUiaS ly mod.; 60c day up. $2.60 Week uo: tranalenta solicited. 44$ H Washington. Mm. C. H. Jerlmiah. . VALLEY HOTEL. Rates per day 35-60-75c. weekly $1.50 Vi outside rooms $..60 a Week. Xiit Zd st.. cor. Main. HOTEL BRISTOL, 12th and Stark, in tne business district, respectable and strictly .modern, room rates $2 week and up. Room with bath, $3 and up. CLAYTON hotel un'er owner's man agement: clean, respectable. -s team heat, hot water, phones every room; 82.50 nn. 105 lZth. Mar. 2790. fui rniT ICQ (! AO IS It n fl M-fC T . nth iraim u u.a. vjiuirairai-ii-vBirutfc oak. Mod- ern. tlreproor. reepectaple. 18 weeK pp. 81.60 WKKK up, ciean, warm, modern fur. rmc. central. The Kin jr. iC9Jef ROOMS ana apartments in tnodera hotel. $2.60 week and up. 465 Alder. HOTEL Gordon, W. Park and YamhilL ; New manarem't Strictly mod., reas. FURNISHED ROOMS rMVMB FAMXZ.T. 70 PRIVATE FAMILY Furnished room, preferably a business woman; use of parlor, pjjmo, phone. $2. 409 Col lege st. Marsnau 6676; FURNISHED front rooms, all modern, near ou vinceni nospiiu, line ioca-I tion. 9 to i4 per montn. 787 misan st. Marshall 7 64, NICE cosy front room, with or with out board, terms reasonable, on car line; waiaing distance. 34 Hi ma at. Benwooa 1859 ONE or two furnished or unfurnished rooms, housekeeping privilege if ivucBc 11.1 from post-1 desired; - 10 minutes walk office. 545 6th st. Phone Main 8648. NICE furnished room in residence district for rentleman. near carllna. All . modern conveniences. 58$ North. rup. Main 6405; NICELY furnished front room with al cove. Keasonaoie. irerer a men. 849 Wasco st.. bet 1st and 2d. E. 485 J j. M. Longhi. YOUNG married woman has extra . rtm c . V4 1 ri - i w v ". H!!u2i-.fiSn. ,h.8 -J5rrrr- moLmnd. A-oot, muniai. X-334. Journal NICELY furnished sleeping room, $6 a montn, xsu xsaruiia St., cor. 01 Madison. NICELY furnished room. adioininr bath. SVervthinr first Class.-walklnr uiHiamo, very reaonaoi. g r. lgtn. NEWLY fur. larg, LY fur. large steam heated front ms, sleoplng porch; walking dls- 38, and up. 666 Gllsan. M. 2696. roo: tance, $10 PER MO., 1 front room on suitable for 1 or 2. with be tiitf1,00 JSaA1- all 4558. . uv.o . a -a isa 4 o. Xtt1 trVanva?UavVU ,4 P" month. 664 Vancouver ave. . UhatRblnWo'-e &tfS& BTNGLE room, ana suites' with 31k216tCurt2V tfftS: NICELY furnished rooms, modern conveniences, central, verv raiona - ble. 404 Clay, near 10th. NICE sunny front room, west' side, walking distance. Phone M. 2126. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 THE HAZEL, 385 3d at, nicely fur. nished rooms; -steam heat hot-and cold water; also table board: strictly horn eooktnr; raonbie LARGE front room with alcove and balcony: fine for 2 people wishing! TOni. oj cm. aiarsnaii i4J. ROOMS AND BOARD waiTATB 2fAUHiT. LARGE front room with fireplace in irvmgioa nome, suitaoie ior l or 2 nannla amnlnvaH- .1a .1..nln. nnnU piano and home privileges; 1 . or 2 meaia East 3147. REF1N KD. experienced woman will care ior children in her own home: board and laundry, $10 per. month. Phone Tabor 793. room, bath in connection, all con - vemenoes oi moaera nome: excellent . . . , . , . . ooaru. wai amy qig tance. anam szsf. huawj ana room ior iaay in private umuy ga roriiana iieignts; CIOSS in. . wauung cusiance: reierencea - ex- . . . Changed-. rnone A-B394. CAN give on or two gentlemen nice. eonuvrupi nome, ciose in, ail con veniences, splendid meals, at reason- a oie rates, nam 644 Y. ROOM - and board, , bath, phone, use ,of piano, 6 per weekV oard first ciass. monernv sol lern. 664 E. Madison and 18 th st.i. ROOM and board in private famliv. - East Broadwav: waJklno- Aiatano. East 2712, WANTED ChUdren. to board; good ' home; mother's care. . 1174 EL Bet' mont st. Tabor 1284. WANTED, 2 or $ young men to join s outers, -TW14 wno are urea or eat ing in restaurants: invest! rate. E-7U1 WILL give room, and board la private winytant ItAMta IIIUUPl SB ' UVUICi Phone Tabor 4216. desirable location. WOMAN wanta infant or 2 children to care for. - 6236 70th st. 8. E. Ta oor SS74. PLEASANT room, close in, reasonable: board optlonat Mar. 429$. 323 tjroaaway. GOOD care for. boy in widow', home; rates reasonable; ref. Wi 3442. FIRST CLASS board and: . 17th at . Main .2866, room, at Ml 72 (Ooa tuned) LARGE room, pleasant, well heated. new furniture, aultabla fort z; ex-1 cellent board. - Modern:, new house; I Piano. 10 minute ride to iiawtnorne i car; rates raesonaoie. a4 isait sai t.Afw .1a. ., ti a niAA hnard lady, close in. phone today. E. oa. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 WANTED - board and room In private family by lady and 15 months oia daughter, West Side, dose in. , Call Kenwood 1177. YOITNfl ladv wanta room and board in private lamuy. anaranau vvaia- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running "hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison Sts.. $12 up. 291 Columbia st. cor. 6th. MEKCKDUS. XOlh and Morrison 1 and 2 room suites, hot-cold water, fur- nac heat. 81.60 to $3 week. 408 JEFFERSON, near 11th. 1 large front room on ground floor, 2 clean rooms in basement. , ROOM and kitchenette. Steam heat Hot and cold water. The place for a men to catch, 448 Columbia. ROYCREST, 175 12th. comfortable H. K, rooms, day. week or month. 'rea sonable. $1 TO $2.60 week; furnished H. K. rooms, tree neat. baths, j phone. E. 6039, 203 Stanton. W-A car. DEL. MONTE H. K. rooms. $1.75 and uo weekly. 20th and Morrison. Mar- ehall 4464. BACHING b. k, and sleeping rooma Hotel Repose. 2Sd and Ssvier sts. HOUSEKEEPING ROOiS 73 F2UTATB SUBURBAN home, largo airy rooms, home privileges, $20. 814 Willis blvd. 1 blk. N. Portsmouth. St. Johns car. SUITE of 2 well furnished connecting I hAn..v..r,in. nwm,. ii.Kt. I nhone ad"bath. loe? floor: nrTvaTa 1 rntnnr. Tttl BO W :r v- 20 NICE clean well furnished house- BOOMS AND BOAED ; nUTATSJ VaimY. ' t! VSJnl"!i9nntJ!0. No. 1135 B"V2Td fiCu,,no8: reason 'US. VY UOU1H.WI1 2 NICE, large, furnished, front house- J Keeping rooms, on igrouiiu iiuur, bath,' gas, yard; only $10 month. 366 zna st. iUUK larre eierantiv rurnisnea . rooms, firit floorT piaho,, gas. fuel. Path. Phone. AdUltS. 69 E. SUth N.. I corner Davis. TWO nicely furnished front rooms for housekeeping with free light, bath and phone for $9 per month; no chil dren. 695 Williams av. Wdln. 1120, $7.60 M. 8 well furnished rooms, range. gas plate, water, near Broadway! bridge. 846 Benton. ONE livinr room with kitchen, run ning water, electric lights and bath. 4i z per mo. Marshal 4to. TWO unfurnished H. K rooma con nected, phone, bath. $4 mo. 1066 E. Wash at Tabor 3882. - I NICE front housekeeping, sleeping I ..Ann. .I.nt. link,. I bath: $T-76"up: Main '1T7 410 4tn st SPLENDID front suite and single rooms. $1.60. $2. $4 week; rates by month. Z2 5th st. opp. courthouse. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, private entrance and porch. 102 k. istn st. ONE furnished housekeeping room with kitchenette, private family. 4U8 groaaway. TWO H. K. rooms, light .heat hot and cold water, sz per weea. 4.7 Jaont-1 gomery. Main 1634. I NEAT kitchenet room, light house-1 keeping, also sleeping rooms; cioss in; phone, bath; adufta 21 N. 11th at. ikuttn a iiouBQueepiug rwra nwui. x ai n. mi. V mt FINJB front suite, . lectrlclty, bath, Belmont v" - - - i xawr oa.i $2.60 FINE 2 room suite, also base ment, reasonable; walking distance. 174 Montgomery. CLEAN furnished 2-room suite, eiec- tt. n mM . .... Eft. T3 6th st. 8, and Brooklyn. Sellwood 2635. TWO large, well furnished housekeep - i wu large, wen Turmsneu bodbbkmp- lnr rooms, all modern conveniencea walking distance. 825 12th st. . TWO large back rooms. 2 beds, range, sink; rood rer ramiiy; can work ior half rent. 88 10th, near stark. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Suites and I single rooms. $1.26 and up. distance. 308 Main St. Walkins BEAUTIFUL furnished housekeeping rooms, very reasonable, walking dls- Itance. Main 6174. 176 17th St N. Itl JL'l ' :. i. .' .1. I' 1 1 BfijKJNUiL) rooms, suitaoie ior piam working peopleh.60. $2.00: rates by I HI On til. V OX.ll WW OPP courthouse. NICELY furnished housekeep'g rooms on Portland Heights; light, water, bath- block to car. I1B. B89 Clirron St I rilRVISHF.n boiMaekaeolnB- ronma. I nlVlnr latanea. 7B WlTllama ava I East B7B7 TWO or 3 large light H. K. rooma, $ and up, 15 min. walk to P. O. 61 4th st, 6. Ms In 4964. K,K. ROOMS In paant home, 665 Yamhill. Main i416, THREE light rooms in private family, i THHwiM 1 if at tooiub in pnv&t zAjx.iiTs $3 WEEK-AttracUv front room. $4$ "l2th st - tSSST XirT'' f Mt ffifr 9' M kODER K.chenette, 1st-floor -Jgffl."--? rW:, . 1 LARGE airy semi-basement rooms, I sink, phone, etc., cheap. 206 18th st I HO 1$ two and three room suites, fur- nace. 492 Clay. 1 LARGE housekeeping, in rear, but , i 1 1 i i Clean, tor rentiemen. 150 ciav. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms. Cheap, walking dist 808 loth. SINGLE and double housekeeping rms.. nicely furnished. 644 Everett st. 2 VERY large modern front H. K. rooms. 314. 429 Main st FOR RENT HOUSES VI 1851 E. LINCOLN, hardwood floors. fireplace, modern, $20; 202 E. 4Ah, 6 rooms, modernrYurnace, garae, $23. rneae are clean .tAumm. ooorgafVoR RENT $20 mo. room Lou.a a. rvoss, sus erunger mag. - SIX room bouse, full cement basement wooosioca. zw minutes car riae. 100x100 lot. jiuitable for garden pur- poses, saarsnaii - FREE RBTAL INFORMATION, CALL FOR COMPLETE LIKT Honaaa. evarv part -ttv TA-H 1 charge. Btmth-Wagoncr Co.. Stock Ex, ,n . T-r-v o, m.,, I llir--f nwvsatt HWMaiw, ava 1UMMUVU.U. -lactricltv. ras. hath: close tn Rrnad: way bridge.- Hiast 2805. mR RWNfKli noma In IA,.l hurst district: has nice yard and roses: reasonable rent. East 4755. $13. 6 RObMw modern house,. Chicken pens. . irun trees: srrounn luurino. i84 m. misan anq 4tn. m-y car. utiuiiKN 8 room oungaiow with gar- odern 6 room bungalow with gar are. nice lawn and flowers, in Sell FOR RENT Good 7 room -house, fuif I basement- 422 Union ave. and Ban I Kaxael. Kent $10. FOUR-. room house, acre,; $5 mo. In- cludlnr water. 1 block from ear. PI OCX Sellwood 1906. - -.. - - ' . COTTAGE 59; electricity, gas, bath. ivu mu. ir.. vruvp, six? oeuingv Main 8392.-- - - - - - FOR RENT Attractive $ room bouse with fireplace. $1$. a month. Call I wain, bp-. WOULD rent my home for summer, 4711 68th at, g EL, to adults;. refer ence. Bell. 630. " - - $13 7 ROOM house on Borthwick st;MODEKN 7 room house, 2- blocks to gas, bath, phone. East 2305. CLOSE IN Newly1 decorated - room cottage, basement.- ssg k. Anreny. j FIVE room modern , bungalow... $61' i j Grand ave.;'N. Woodlawn 1361 8-ROOM house, sleeping porch, near . Broadway and ' Union. $20. Mar. 3423. FORv RENT HOUSES 13 (Ooa tinned) ; : Something Extra vr-r tin t.mnn hnnu wwimnnt district, hardwood floors, i fireplaces and . furnace: beautiful lawn and garden. $35.00 per month. IN ALAMTCDA PARK. Fine 7 -room home, hardwood floors. furnace, fireplace and garage. $30.00 , per mo. . MANY flTHTCRR. Ton will find here the very best I rental houses in the city. Each and everyone personally inspected before listing. Rental Department The-Oregon Home Builders Mar.. 8718. 1330 Northwestern Bank ' Bldg. A-6291. Phone Mar. 4600 A-6101. MEIER A FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR, Private owners for beat anA nulck- est results should- list with as houses, flats, apartments, etc., for rent. We are In a position to bring such before the greatest number of people in the shortest time. This ser vice is FREE to all no charge . or obligation. $2510 rooms, 144 N. 18th st. near Hovt; suitable for housekeeping aota. $25 8 rooms. 392 E. Taylor sU. corner ... rr"-rlu ve., targe yara. 177o rooms. 789 E. Ash at- near a ' i 24th. 315 5 rooms, 651 Overton st, near 16th. $156 rooms. 45S E. 8th st, corner Varuirrers, nice vara. H. P. Palmer-Jonen P 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699. 667 E. 39TH ST., 10 room house with nearly 3 acres in orchard; berries and garden. Will make a verv low rent for two or more years to a finan cially responsible party. This is an SSAjfiT0 fanJly 151terie,t,e.d ,n chickens, gardening and floriculture: ?"??.. ?tbulldln$j and outfit. PeilWOOa 1B40 H1!:," i0- S"""? i nonn. a rooma ai int. ti.inn .v 1189, wica, em. w ooa. zsss or Main R08B CITY jfAKjt 5 large rooms, modern bungalow: 692 E. 63d St. N. esc Rent rflaontthU 1 1 vM.i..i. Drake, 601 N. W. Bank bldr.. Phone Mar. 4641 600 East 62d st N, phone FOR RENT. 812. S.mnm mtt. .1.. trio llrhta nnnui.w Lii. tubs, large basement. 22 by 44. lawn. roses, garden annt No, 3 E. 0th 8. Apply at No. 2 joth N. . ll be vacant Anm i. chnir s ropm bungalow. 70th st.. Mt Tabor, excellent condition. See renting dep' at Hartman & Thompson, (cor. 4th t. j tai jv. f 939 80TH ST. S. E. Woodstock caTl above, corner lot. larara nnrch an4 basement, electricity, rose bushes-. JTo: Phone Main 7ftih -nt r.i..v... "I III Modern 6 room cottars raa elac. n ... O 1 - w . . - c. house. 'nr rier"1,V.Vtlfl7VieT0 Gray, Island Sta Oregon GOING on mv ranch .hmt IkhI II?1 .Ill . Jt " my i room nome, recently ntmn . . . . ""tea; lot 60x180; berries, fruit, I run, lawn. 817.60 per mn via Tn nty. uii, Karuen. roaaa. 12-ROOM, modern residence. 67 Trin ltv piaia V V. .A " ' DO&Tdgra. ft Vrnah rw-srl-. a 1-. i I 2 wood lifts. etcZ eTo7 Frit-h'.n? owner. $12 Morrison st ' FOR RENT. room modern house l btv Woodlawn stores. 448 Liberty at 81J OTTO A HARK SON REALTY fVi 1 ' vimniurr or upmmiro 1 Ks.K . v--4.H w g uKLn.' rtfnriTrv a r hsaamaaA fruit Call Sunday 177 Farga at Woodlawn 984. XTA . V t rqoom house, Si Sv.a- MUsiasippl car Unea. Phona 1V1D UCVrT, . , - . . L Woodlawn 2117. 6 ROOM mnriam k L, !PIVn&fri "ST- ftrest; Sun f. 1684 X Washington; key 1 t Z' i ,T I BEVEN room home. 441 Tuiam.J.u -i" corner 7th st Good flreplaca. Tar re I t?ii . 7Ard; reaaonabla Phone porch and Broadwav 18r 11 Dandy, cl t tan3y. clean, newly tinted 4 room bungalow. 1 blk. Union mVi ks rviT -VvV rV"0? v car to Ivy SUNNYSIDE 4 wnue gnfs.mii nniah rin j - 1 - - Miywi a 44X, L, t"H-rr , linnas 41 n S . sv. fUUID 7r IIM WUn arage, $12. Tabor ."11. 1 BTBlf.T, STLY modern at rnim lM(taa-v alee Din fir nnrrh svtsiiant E. 7th and Weidfer. Apply 329 1C. 7th North. 6 ROOM house for rent nicely nished a-aa li.i 1 1 . fur Plana. vokii. 1V9 miciimn ava IWDl 414 - 8 ROOM house at 6s' E. ?th st, near 2 1 achool. P., rn i 7!. .! . h r6om house at 69 E. itth st, near s-ho?L , 1,011 OrtaiT Ren$ L7-0 includlnr water. Key at 1915 i i,iwu muuttiiiff water. Key t.SO-ROpM house. Sunny.lde, 1 block to car3 blocks to Laurelhurst AbW Commerca. ZP?" fm NICE six room house, with all ' lm- Drovements. fruit tr... w. 1 i. auu vpivMu uvuoo, ior rant cneap. owner. Tabor 712 or D-1463. - EITHER floor of fine e'lx-rooro mod- W fthniait Ait iri w ycr uig mu. uiu u rwi isnsn unnaa Kin a. r - - r i w nvivui ' 7 wiiijui-:ai o a r ,m r mt n mr rvi y s m Vw large rooms, , lots, barn, rent $6. 7015 48rd ave. Kern Park. Mt Scott line. Ktv ciii ii. s-koom modern bungalow, half acre. dayTaboroi118- -M & .iUV god condition, close -.,njr,,nt 11 D. K Moore. 317 Board ot I A BUNGALOW. Cloaa tn oarllna f venient and clean, very cheap 682 Ifiouth ava Woodlawn 8943 4 iottK near Arbour l Phone East 4941. Lodge . station. I $ ROOM bunralow 726 kl nv 'tr.J ft atora! 2o"tb Md aLrk St" JilJ 5724. 12 ACRES of around a k i Tnn(,. . . iir i. r.'.r"". . oawtnorns FORRENT $ room house. 364 San 'v'Va.V montn.. PhonsEast Mvoe or v-i.. $20 PER month, room house, close to hlrh schooL Hi r ith tit .. ueimont. rnone xabor 650 or n-isaa $16 MODERN" 9 room house, 7 lets. aa . .... . , ... ' rarare. fruit, berriaa n4 akmhKaw csmuiiiannii. rnonj Jast SOBS. SIX . room house, . acre, barn and - i chicken house. Jttarthali S483 Tabor - ls4R 1 r SIi802m ounlow n barn., Tabo 5 ROOM modern bunralow. 1084 Eas nKBninrion at kw ar inn - 119 $17.60 SIX room modern bungalow. ' virnia st. -isite ruiton car. FOR RENT Neat 6 room cottage, 464 B. Flanders. Phone East 888. $12 FOR 10 room nous-. 424 1st st FOR RENT, modern 8 room . honaa. I Portland Hts. I NEW 6 -room bungalow $17; furnace!. -fireplace. 863 E. Franklin ' 1 main pad. - 1 FIVE room cottage, close -In. cheao 'I rent. Woodlawn 196." . achool and car. $10 month. M. 9386. 7 liOOM. bouse, 770 Hoyt at: i bath rooms, gs and electricity. - M. 6724, FOR RENT 3 room, house, reasonable. Phone Tabor 808. 1 7 . ROOM house,, large yard, fruit trees! 1 : oa aarllna, Pbon Marshail 1693. FOR . RENT HOUSES 12 . . f Qoatlnned) NEW modern 6 room, gas, electricity, furnace, hot water heater,- china closet, pass' pantry, dining room and hall paneled; fine chandeliers; screened window; beautiful view of surrounding country. 62 E. 68th. Mt. Tabor car. $16. GOOD 7 room house with 4 lota, nearly ail kinds of fruit, enough to pay i-i rent If taken care of . Good chicken run. good barn; convenient to rood store. squire at l K. 3d no. Taoor ivs. SIX room house, yard, furnished. $12.60. 46 Shaver, st. East 4663. $12 MODERN 4 room cottage, E. 19th. anq banqy. East zzoi. ROOM modern house, very clean. $l"X7 Woodlawn 4164. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOL8ES-FOR RENT - ADS. of furniture for sale ars pub lished in tne Household uooas class ification when house Is not for rent. FURNISHED XXOUSE1 3d gwaa Private Home Hf strl hnma aH f V sra m arm A rnnint. B wsvs ag wasaw, WW vm 0 1 W r b ww completely and elegantly furnished. with piano, sleeping porch, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, fine surroundings, on carline; with garage $40, without $36. 1297 Sandy blvd. Tabor 4986 or Marshall 6140. . BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, beautiful home, just finished and furnished complete, with or without garage and piano, for rent reasonable to aesiraoie tenants, 629 East 61st sU N., corner Stanton. ROOM bungalow, all modern, niooly luruisueu, yiauu, iii i.v,. ,.i i Dir. to car, xtose v-iiy x-ara iw 6180. FURNISHED 4 room modern cottage, -7 large cherry trees, chicken park, garden and nice lawn, $12. 47 E. 82d st. Tabor 8815. NEAT, furnished 6 room house, all conveniences. 1623 Oatman . 3 blocks south of Peninsula school. St. Johns line, sir. 6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, laundry. every convenience, piano, fruit, garden; block Woodlawn car. 20.. 1444 Fern. ; . FOR RENT, $10 Furnished 8 room nouse, lawn, garden, oernea, cuuw houses; no children. 1519 Mobile st, Kenton. Key next door. URNISHED cottage, 610 E. private lower flat, 3 rooms, 21st st. Phone Sell. 2. Richmond car. ROOM furnished cottage, lots fruit beautiful home, rent $18. 403 Cook ave. East 551. FIVE rooms furnished, west side, walking distance; rent reasonable. Apply 864 First st. NICELY furnished 6 room house, Uni- Versity Park, clean; rent io to per rnanent tenant Main 4567. 602 Couch. Wir.T.T. furniahed. modern. 6 -room bun. galow, piano, gas. eieciric; in. Wood. 400. j BUNGALOW flat 2 rooms, dressing room. 2 beds, linen, smeiware. Phone E. 8874. $16 ' FURNISHED bungalow, 1 block west Of Evergreen station. ati u" Grove 1 IX. NiCELV furnished 6 room house, near car. Woodlawn 8966. 8-ROOMS. modern, close In. 287 Will- lams ave. ROOM furnished oottage, 834 Mon- fana av. 6 ROOMS, furnished; garden, flowers and fruit $18- 968 E. Couch. HOUSES FOR RENT 71 2Pt r-urrS2n btd ajtp tT2tTtrpra jp 715 CORBETT, cor. Hooker, opposite new Falling achool, 8 room house, furnished or unfurnished, bath, gas, Ruud heater, furnace, fireplace, nice yard; $36 per month furnished, or $80 unfurnished; references exchanged. In- gulre Donald wooawarq, im in w tark, or phone OwneisEast 3421. APART S1ENT8 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED NEWLY furnished $ room steam heated apartment, z. raonia, itouu- lng lights, phone. Belknap Apart ments. 187 17th near Yamhill. . DIEL APTS. 790 E. Ankeny st One com, furnished 3 room apt, 1st floor, steam beat electric lights free. East 1808. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S. 8 and 4 room furn. and unfurn. apts walking distance; at very reasonable rent; best or ssrvics mam ivt. KLINE Apartments, unfurnished, five rooma front and back porches, mod ern, all outside rooms, steam heat Jan itor service; reference. 661 Gllsan st. R6SENFELD (new) 14th and Eet Stark, bricK, moaern e room umur nlshed outside rooms; private phone, reasonable rates. Westonia Apartments " 21st ani Glisan. . rf Summer rates. 2 rooms unfurnished, -ITMMGR RATES. and 4 rooms, hardwood floors, as homelike as a bungalow. Portnomah, 200 E. 13th., THE NEW WESTMINSTER has a 4 room furnished apartment for rent reasonable. Modern. Main 6582, cor. 6th and Madison "Htiv. ncZKNDORF 101 16TH ST. Marshall 231$. Nice 6 room turn, and unfurn. apta.: Ino 8 or room furn. apertmenta THE w!nST6n. i4th and Market 2 and 8 room apts.. $16 and up. Heat light Included- Walking distance. Sum mer rates. NEW 4 room apartment, partly f ur- niahed, big porcnes: au convemancesi nowsrr roses; rsnt $U.50. Wdi. 8544. 113$ Michigan Ave. DENVER APTS. 21st and OvertOn-f Furnished ana uniurnisnea s, ana 4 rooms; elevator. W car to North rup. Mersnan zzt. TMePARKHURST Trtvata balconies, residence dlst, 3 and 4 room high class apts. Main 1178. PENINSULA APTS G-ll7o; concrete a.i w ann w mum sa i; not ana coia -m....- hAtTi. nnone. Bietm neti. i uw. ViUKf - - - TUUOK AUMS ARM, .l.'..afia.CS!!.L FbOnS A4 wain .w, raw dim. bldr.. 3. 3. 4 rooms, modern apta . . JEFFERSONIAN AART M EN To. 7 nn Taffarson. 2 and S room furnished apartments, 310 and up, The Windsor AA&C fur, or not; walking die. East 2907. FURNISHED 2 and 3 rooms, close in. every convenience. iz. 44 xten- ton. East 7013. : WAGONER APTS. - m aava aaaa ItH KInlan4u4 iS SS 4V StVAfia 9 I UVUIBi UUAUU4aUvJ(. H MM 5HIVUVI water, best gist., near rung; cneap. ROSE FRIEND, 284 Broadway &;mod ern unfurnished apts.; Urge rooma beet service, walking dls. Marsh. 1408. new furnished ante.: concrete block: $10 and $12. 1162 Vi Union ava, N. Woodlawn 612. '-';-- $2.50 PER week -2 room apt. -private bath. Harrison Court, 6th and. Har nson; waiaing distance MAGNOLIA APTil-, E. 3d and Belmont - Modern 1 ana 2 room apts., $i.6t per. week-op. sleeping rooms. East 318. THREE or 4 furnished or unfurniabed apartment Hats, ateam heated, walk ing distance. Main 3602. THE LUZERNE Modern ft 'room ituiC nished; pnckyOiag, - Fhone la aaoa spt..' 317 and up. Marshall -4637, N0K0M1S apU- 565 Marshall st Mod- ern. private bath and dresslnr room rummer rates, prices to suit. . THE CODX APARTMJCNTS . . K, 7th and Taykf sta; 2 and g room aPtr.i light free, private bath. f J n M n h n t i Court 40 1- 10th. , Modern UinUliinclU apartments, 10 to $20. FINEST 6 room- apartments la city. all modem conveniences. Main 4184. AMERICAN a-d Marlborough, mod. 4. 6 6 rm. apts. M-r. 8360. M. 7518. A-3676. LUXOR APTS. ' 324 13th at Main 1105. Fara. and unfurn. 8, 3, 4 room apta. CAMAR APTS- 70 4 r Love Joy 2 and v 3-room apts.. 330 to 327.50. Mar. 2917 THE WOODMANSEE. furnished, apta-, io to fzo. io n. i8tn. I NICELY furnished 2 and I room an U. $8 to $12 per mo. 268 Montyomery st , ' APARTMENTS 4 : FURNISHED -VND UNFURKISHEi fConttaaedl""" AUDITORIUM COURT Apartments, 3d. near Market st Newest up-to-date apartment house In the city, fire proof, all outside aptsM 2 and 3 rooms completely furnished. prlvatabathp and phones, best of service; charge? reasonable; S minutes walk to center of city. Call Mrs. Melstsr, manartr, Marshall 3988. References required. Lucretia Court v Lucretla st bet Wash, and Ever ett sts. Most beautifully located hlff class apta.. 3-J-4-6 rooma All modern convenlenceSj first elaaa service. Prices reasonable. References required. Man-, arer Mar. 1513. --?:--. RENT REDUCED TO $40.- 6-ROOM corner apt, all outside rooms,' hardwood floors, reception ball, ahower bath, all-white kitchen, self-, lirhter ras range, white steel refriger ator, gas logs fireplace, steam heat and janitor service. Cor. 21st and Overton. Main 8194 or Main 3339.; j BALBOA' APARTMENTS Extra large, ( classy, 2 room, furnished, new brick : building, oil burner, light airy laundry,! all new and clean; best of service, walking distance; reasonable. 424 Har-i rison st. - ' - - MARSHALL APARTMENTS. f 624 Marshall st Take W cars. F car or 16th st cars. Beautiful ; 3 room furnished apartments. All large, outside rooms. Private hatha, Hea'w water, phone, janitor service, oto.-j MA ST EN APARTMENTS. Three room, ateam heated, newly. renovated, rurnished apartment, mod-1 ern. in new brick buildinr of only 9 ,t u, m sivw urit-a wuuuwg ui vw; : m iipininenu; reasonaoia ii yuioa ave., North. Woodlawn 896. VILLA ST. CLARA ' . 12th and Taylor Modern, completely furnished apta' Walking distance.. References. . . L. i A SNAP Newly papered and palntsu 3 room apt, sleeping porch. 16 min utes walk. 463 Hall, cor. 18th. Xii" ligbt airy, plastered room on 3d floor., Fins for 2 people and very cheap rent Partlind'i hon of qal)ty. comfort snd rriee 1RVINGTON 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Convenient and comfortable. Finest residence section of Portland. See Janitor, 409 E. 16th at N cor. Hancock st. $46. DOWNTOWN, modern apta. 215 moain up, -including beat Ught eta Royal. Annex, 860 H Morrison, Main 4621. ) FOR RENT FLATS IS $10 PER month, to rent quick: $ room upper or lower flat; good clean walls, electric lights, bath, wood lift west side. 387-887H N. 21st. bst Thurman and Upshur. 2 car lints. Key next door. 6 MODERN, large light rooms, attic, basement, furnace. Dutch kitchen: 4Hs range, water heater, sleeping porch, large front porch; block Broad- way; rent reduced. 603 weldlSr St A MODERN and fairly new 4 room flat with gas, eleetrfu fixtures, big yard, basement and shelter for either auto or horses. 165 W. Killlngsworth ave.. $7 per month. Main 6570. A-1438. FINE 7 room upper flat, splendid lo cation. Nob Hill. Every room light Large yard, roses. Formerly $40, now 1 27. 6i. 775 Johnson st, bet, 23d and 24th. Phone Main 5591. ; - FOR RENT 6 room list. 169 E. 16th St.; 6 room house. 2230 E. 61st st jlOO N. W. Bank bids;. t 6 ROOMS, upper flat, gas, elect lie and furnace, $16; close In. Co lumbia st. STRICTLY modern 7 room flat at re- duced rent Apply 185 16th st, near xamnui. rnone mar. 4 841. vnn crvT ra i i, - mu - ,vm lints, modern and in fine condition; close in, on west side. 14 fettygrove. m FIVE room flat clean and light,' walk- lnr distance $18. Keys at 264H 266H 14th st. BEAUTIFUL 6 room flats, 101-103 & 19th. cor. Washington; rent16-13. rilUllfJ IBWf 19 11, room flat, porch, wood and ,.s range, walking distance. 649 jnaraet. - : r UHM8HED or unfurnished fist for rent Very reasonable. Mfs. J.. W. Alien, riat v, 4zo 2d st. ' MODERN 5 room unfurnished flat $18. Inquire 300 Grahsm ave. FLRNISHKD FLATS tiO AMn. l.l..l.h.J , - . J1.M ...1 . - twu, , I III.HCU AiaLa VlVHl WVfft lighted, pleasant, bath, i sleeping porch, gas, gas stovs and range. Good neighborhood, two earllnes and walk- Ing dlstanca Only $1$. 773 . Taylor. Phone Bast 6260. ' '; WILL rent my home, strictly modern, nicely furnished. S room flat varv reasonable to reliable people. Tabor 144. . NICELY furnished 4 room fiat with oatn. Kent reasonable st. Esst 3970, 64$ Kerb i'Oll RENT 2 room flat sleeping porch. nicelv flnlnhad. walklnr 4 la. tance 367H Vancouver ave. . rf DKSIRABxIe, neatly furnished 3 room' flat, rood neirhborhood. walklnr die. tsnce; adults: reasonable. 671 Belmont CLOSE IN east side clean furnished flat, sleeping porch, large yard. none hii. asi. j- . w, a tj L-wf A. ..i ... .-f . in . VV . A.k.., v. AU, .V room modern flat 5 room fornlsheo. Phone Sellwood 2668. WELL appointed four rooms, modtr ately priced. 8$3 Ross st Phons C- 2129. Conveniently located. 21 FOUR rooms, phono, ' hirhul water, piano; walking distance. East 3310, FURNISHED 4 room flat, hot and cold water, private bath. 727 MUwaukie t. sell. 86. CLEAN, modern 8 room furnished fist 310. fncludinr water. 739 WU- Hams ave. COMPLETELY furnished, well r heated 5 room upstairs flat. Mar, 8799, $17 4-ROOM sunny corner. fist wslk- mg distance. 442 Roaney. East 4, FURNISHED 4 room flat clean, com fortahle. Piano. 381 B. 4th st FURNISHED or unfurnished flat, $10 per month. 621 B. 11th. i ROOM furnished flat and sleeping porcn. e"i Williams ave. J,v. , FOR RENT Furnished 6 rm. flat, ft 14; 11th and Alberta. Woodlawn 367$. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Restaurant and 4 nice living rooms In 40 room hotel on Tillamook bay, only place In town. R. Gatchet, 1184 A th st. N. Phona eunaay after i p. m., wain. j-ss. $19 LARGE modern store, plats glass front, ahelvlng and counters: excel lent location; In bulldlnjp, with drug store, rrocarv and offices. .Tabor 482. amicK wareaouse in koutb Portiaod : tor rent, tracks g light ana airy. On paved street; reasonable. Journal Publishing Co:. Broad ay and Tsmhlll. WANTED TO RENT awaiJwaawaa1 Ma. WANTED room modern bungalow, ' furnished, near tt v. canine; must - be reasonable; will be permanent ten- ant; no crinoran. wooaiawn i4i. - i A POLICEMAN wants . room xur- nlahaA mndarn BOUI4 Call Morris, Ulaln 7181 or Tabor 4668.. WANTED to lease country - home. House snout 7 rooms. aaust oa moa rrn and close to Portland. Tabor 2448. WOULD like to rent 6 or 4 room mod--ern bungalow;, wJU buy if gutted. .A 798. journal WANTED By adults, a 7 or 4 room, moaei ern ' hou se near carline, : reason- able. 8-560. Journal. r - - - - -WANTED 5 room Cottage, west side, close in, advise location and rant I- so. dovimai WANTED Small furnished; house, I .room s ' preferred. : fenwooa s..- - - SMALL furnished cottage close tn on East Side; long time; T-945, Jdurnslf WANT bungalow of 4 or f rooms' foi family of . rA-8i., journal. CCoattnoed on ilsxt 3ragJ