' " 12 THE OREGON - SUNDAY- JOURNALS PORTLAND,' SUNDAY! MORNING," MARCH 26, 1916. i EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE St Excellent Exchanges ; - Offered irt City1 and Country 10 acre near' Bilverton, fine build ings. 17 acres In hops. Price 114,000. ' Trade 'for houses and lot. - . - " Good apartment house, leased, west Ideas' Price-$30,000. j WU1 take elear ; city or country property as part pay ment, balance mortgage. - Big alfalfa and ho farm, 240 acre. , 160 IB alfalfa; good buildings; full C equipment; 500 hogs. , Price $30,000. Trade for Portland property. M .-Brick apartment heuse in Portland, good income. Price $46,000. Will tae " farm to $40,000 If stocked and - equipped. - ' - Fine building with big income in good town. Price $60,000. Will trade i for wheat farm. A Luedderfiann Co. 813 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or Exchange 240 acre -- farm, . 85 miles from Portland, a ' miles from county seat, on R. F. D. ' routes good buildings, running water, bottom land, horses, cows, poultry, vehicles, implements, tools, furniture, a gasoline engines, complete equipment. Adapted, to general farm products, " fruit, stock; srlendid English walnut land; sitely, convenient, attractive; ail v clear. Pack your rrlp and step into I'- going concern. No further eoulp . ment required. Owner does not live v on farm and cannot. attend to It. Will sell for $15,000, 1-3 cash or security, - balance on your own -time, or will ex ' chamr for attractive Portland prop- V erty. but must i be clear and no in- flated valuation will be considered IOt-- full riescrlbtlon of cronerty of- fered in exchange in first letter. Ad- dregg SX-o64, Journal. . .. $4500 Ranch $4500 -..-91 na torlr and lmolcmenU 20 ' miles from Portland. Near Columbia ; highway; 18 acres cultivated, bal--. ance pasture, some timber. Horse, row - hofirK- cnickena and imblements. ..'Mortgage. $1200. Take Portland bun lialow clear to 13300, 1 $5500 20 ACRES. OREGON ELEC, , 10 acres cultivated. About 4 acres onion land. Balance pasture. New bungalow. Barn, chicken houses. This is A-l. Owner will take city home to same value. Mortgage. $2600, at T "Assume same amount. "-. $-4600 10 ACRES, BASE LINE ROAD. ' 8 room house, well. bam. culti- n -vated. fruit and berries. Take bunga- -i. low to $2500 clear or mortgage to ; $1000. (Bi Dorr E, Keasey & Co, 222 Cham, of Commerce. . 9 t .", ALFALFA Is the coming proauct for - stock, is worth $20 Der ton in Port- land today. I have the best Irrigation proposition in the state for the price. .,- Over 600 acres, has own water rights, paid for; 160 in cuL, all fenced, orch . - ard and buildings; some stock and ma chinery, Umatilla Co.; close to R. R town, borders on deep water on Colum- bia river, price $75,000. Owner will I consider good property, city or coun- try, to $55,000. remainder can stand on property. The same proposition In .any other locality will be held from i, $200 to $300 per acre. I have person- ally inspected this trp.ct twice. L, K. Moore 1 317 Board of Trade Bldg. '47 1-2 Acre Tillamook Dairy Ranch A, ' " acres tillable, 20 acres now In , cultivation, balance pasture, on main - county road, 1VC miles from cheese f-- factory and school, land all lays nicely J on the bank of the Nestucca river; - good fishing, good house and barn and all necessary tools and outbuildings; mountain water piped to house. With 7 --this place you get 4 two-year-old . ' heifers, 2 cows, 2 calves and all tools ( and machinery on place. Price $5500. , Will take small place near Salem, Or.. up to $3500 in trade. For particulars write F. B. McKlnley, Beaver, Or. PLENDID 80 acre farm, with fine modern improvements, 60 acres "J; cleared, 15 pasture, balance timber; ? .on main road where daily auto truck and stage to Portland pass; mile . to JRy. station, town and high school; ' team, C cows. 6 head: young stock, v complete machinery, cream separator. hay and feed, $10,000; take Portland : home to $4000. little cash and long time- on balance. D. McChesney, Title end Trust blag, " 467 -acres 6 miles from The Dalles, f- Or.- 100 "acres in nice state of culti , vatlon, one-half of place can be cultl .I vated, balance good stock range with - plenty of water, fair buildings; will j take up to $6000 In exchange for good I- income nroDerty. $1000 cash, bal. long .-j. time at low rate of interest. Price v $25 per acre. For further information write Black Cnrm. The Dalles, Or. 35 ACRES. 1 miles of Newberg. 20 'acres cultivated: 8 room house, aood barn, chicken house and outbuildings; 2 acres orchard, 5 acres hops; spring ' water, deep black loam soil; on good 1 macadamized road. Price $5000 for 25 - acres, or will sell 15 acres with build- ings for $3000, $1000 down, or will ex c change for a good house and lot Ad- dress Mrs. F. H. Browning, owner, P. O. Box 887, Portland, Or. ,13 ACRES, fine soil, nearly all in cul--. tlvatlon. good house, barn and out V buildings, fully stocked and equipped; flQe young orchard, abundance of ber- riea, plenty of wood and running water: - property lays high and sightly, located nn good road, close to Portland, and Sot exchange for Portland residence. SAMUKU DOAJv. 1203 Northwesten Bank Bldg. " 63 H ACRES, splendid part of Yamhill . county, 39 acres in cuiuvation, gooa house and barn, on main road, daily V mail end milk routes, near school, . $6500; smaller place to $4000 or city t: home, balance terras. D. McChesney, f. Title sr -Trust oiag. BEAUTIFUL HOMB IN . LAUREL- -HUUST, near park, for $1000 less than cost and will take in payment a smaller house. Will take mortgage i- for balance. NO CASH required. H- s, -journal. UNINCUMBERED modern $5000 Port- i lana resiaence to traae xor improved '. acreage close to Portland of about the - same value. - SAMUEL DOAK 1203 Northwestern Bank Bldg. I. A ROE house, barn, chicken nouse -jtacre of ground: lots of fruit, berries; clear of Incumbrance; located in Hal . ev. Or.; want lot. acreage, business. ;,or house and lot. Owners only. Price r I2B00. t-944. Journal. V' WANT LAURELHURST RESIDENCE in exchange for two houses and lot 50x100, on Johnson street, near 20th s, street: price $7500; no incumbrance. . ' Ooddard & Wledrtck. 243 Stark street. i - CHOICE corner lot, 3 bouses; value . $6000; : no mortgage. Want good acreage or suburban home. Will ad t tut differences.. -Give particulars. G- ' '7K6T Journal. '. CALIFORNIA-OREGON " v Properties of all kinds and sixes for - interchange. -- See or write us. , U. S. MORTOAsE & INV. CO., " ' SOT Yeon bldg. -' . 680 ACRES, near Condon, Gilliam Co., 500 la cultivation, well improved. $20 f.. per acre, $2000 in trade. $1000 ash, baL t rop . payments. a Henry bldg. - - .Claude Cole, 300 HAVE -rtore building, ground 100a . 100, paying 1, on price asked for. . located in Halsey, Or.; want' Portland -property. - "What have you? c Price $1600.- E-576. Journal.-- ' ' ' - 7 YEAR .OLD walnut orchard with . -' i -- a pole ' fillers, - near Yamhill. . Or. ; ; $2400 equity. $600 Bits.;- for land, bun ' galow or ; 1915 - Ford. . Owner,,, P-570, t Jouraefc- - . ' r i ... FOR modern 6 room bungalow. In good i district and-on -- Improved -street 1 r. will give good unincumbered- home and ' cash difference or assume yonr.mort gaye. - Neal Brown. 209 Panama Bldg. 6 ROOM house close in. -Will trade ' for central j Oregon ;- land. Phone Col. 670 ;y .-A , ;. . . - WANTED-Modern , bungalow, Rose - City park preferred, for 10 acre near nea.verton.vy-o. .Journal, CORNER 100x150, dear, in Fairview exenange ior rood make automobile. Tabor .5379, or G-594, Journals . ..-. EXCHANGE -REAL- ESTATE 2 ' J (Coatta-ed) -- Clear House and. Cash Offered for Ranch"-'. This and -Other Splendid Properties for Trade . AH modern 8 -room home, on - hard surfaced street, fireplace, furnace and all the built-in . features; large lot Price $6000, clear of all encumbrance. Want the best ranch that this prop erty and $6000 cash will 'buy. but must be equipped. t 7-room all modern home, on $0x100 lot, close in in Bunnyside, a very fine home at $6000, clear of all encum brance. Want small place equipped for same amount. - Close in, well located. 2-flat build ing, walking distance, now rented at $50 a month reduced rentals. Price $12,500 with a mortgage of $5000 long time at t. Will exchange for good residence to full amount of equity. 6-room modern house, close to car, now rents at $16.50 a month; also large corner lot improved with 8-room house, part rented at $13 a month. Price for both $6600 clear. Will take improved place to the full amount. 6 acres, close to carllne, on the west side branch of the S. P. By, all im proved, with apples and walnuts, clear of all encumbrance, eood spring on the place. Price 33000. Want home in' city for about $4000. 560 acres, about 7 miles to good town on the Deschutes railroad. 240 acres cultivated and 140 in fail grain, balance of the land is pasture, plenty of sprints and a fine, small stock place. Full set of buildings and the place is nearly all hog tight fence. Completely stocked and equipped. Price reduced for a Quick exchange. $9,500, with a mortgage for $2000 at 6 long time. Will take Portland property for the full amonnt clear. the full EXCHAN DEPARTMENT The Oregon Home Builders Mar. 3718. 1330 Northwestern Bldg. A-6291. Bank WE have nartv with 8 acres earden land, set buildings and bearing fruits and berries; good well; right on street in v ancouver and about a mile from the new Columbia river bridge; also 3 lots and 6 room house In Vancouver: wants to get place of 20-40 acres im proved. These properties are clear. Submit your propositions. 60 acres, Klickitat county. Wash.. 25 cultivated. 5 acres full bearing or- cnara. about :o acres an air a, good house (6 rooms), all necessary out buildings, nice trout stream and good well; timber for farm use; fenced with rail and wire fences, want to ex change for small acreage tract near Portland. This is going at $4000. What nave you for it? 160 acres, near Winchester, Idaho, naif cleared, 66 acres timotny meadow, 2,000.000 choice pine timber, set old buildings. Will consider clear city In come. 40 acres, some improvements, bear ing orchard, Stevens Co., Wash., for house and lot. 100 acres, 65 In cultivation and most ly in crop, j miles Philomath, good house and all outbuildings, full bear ing orchard of 6 acres in good con dition, fenced and crossfenced; all go. rood soil and all tillable when cleared. Will take smaller tl slace closer to Port- land. Might consider city clear. Chittenden & Neiil 810 Oak Street. Farm for Portland Property 160 acres, 27 miles, from Portland, 11 acres cleared; $27 per acre, worth more. - Wll exchange for Portland home of equal value. (C) Sacramento valley town, acre. 5 r. house, sleeping porch, modern; near depot; family orchard, cement walks f val. $2500. Exchange for Portland property of equal value Dorr E. Keasey & Co, 2d Floor Cham, of Com. For Sale ,or Exchange for Oregon acreaee or farm lands. mortgages or North Dakota improved farm lands, nice suburban home, five room plastered house, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, all kinds of fruit, barn and outbuildings, sidewalk in. street graded and paid for, no incum brance; 3 lots. Also new 6-room bungalow, close In; modern except heat. Exchange one or both. J A. S. Postoffice Box No. 914. 960 ACRES about 8 miles from city of Lewiston, Ida., and 4 miles from Lapwai. This is on the celebrated Tammany Hollow Prairie, and is all in cultivation but about 15 acres. 320 in fall wheat, 250 barley, 40 acres In hog feed, fair buildings, electric light. Price $90 per acre; mtg. of $2000. Will tike up to $5000 in trade, f 15,000 or $20,000 cash, and time on the bal ance with liberal tearms. G-869. Journal. HOOD RIVER, OR. 20 acres 4 miles southwest from Hood River. $4000 residence; apple packing house; 4 acres in 12 '-ear old apple trees; rural free delivery; equipment worth $1000 goes in on trade, consisting of 3 horses, wagons, surrey, tools, spray wagon, etc.; exchange for Portland property. 'Price $18,560; mtg. $3500 atJ7. D-545. Journal. 238 ACRES about 4 miles from city of jewiston, iaa. 180 in cult., 20 more can be; all fenced and crossed; small house; creek through nlace. Price $75 per acre; mtg. $5000 at 8. Will con sider $4000 in trade, pal. on terms at vr. t--o&, journal. STOCK AND WHEAT RANCHES. With or without equipment and stock; exclusive list of first class properties, any size, many of them personally in spected by us. U. S. MORTGAGE A INV. CO., 607 Yeon bldg. Trades of Every Kind Our office is headquarters for ex changes of every kind, quick results and square dealing is our motto. BRUCE GODDARP. 503 COUCH BLDG 160 ACRES timber near Greer. Ida.: cruise about 3,000,000 ft. Yellow pine 430,000, red fir 1,075,000. tanaarac oiu.uuu, wniie iir 4iv.ooo, cedar 650, 000. Price $4000. Want clear Port land property. D-r.54. Portland. 67 ACRES, 60 in cult., 4 R. house, -ood barn, young orchard; water piped to house and barn; near Eugene: $8000. Trade for acreage near Portland. A. J. rarmer, 7 stock Ex. , Wheat Ranch' Trade 1300 acres under plough. 600 In crop traae ror city or farm property. Quigley. 202 Wilcox bldg. DOUBLE lot and cottage, unable pay int. due; , mortgage $400. Want smaller place or what have you? G- gu. journal. - - WJOD income property, valued $15, 000, Inc. $4000; will trade for-clear i&rm in i ir,rnn rr DDhtmrt.n, t? 391. Journal. - NEW 5 room bungalow, Oswcko st. bt. jonnev $1650; mtg. $600. Equity "r. ciear 101s. wwner, 1Z34 w. w. Bank AXMiuti. 1 acres in orchard, 4 acres In hay. 11 miles. from Hood River, t rede "'or lty property; will assume. a. j. rarmer. of stock Exchange 160 ACRES Umber east of Elk Creek: - cruise was 2.80rt nnn - 1 aaa aaa hi pi.": -rce uo. want clear port land property. Z-329, Journal 15,uo-8h ACRE Improved stock ,. nn, central Oregon. want city in come property, -gia Panama Bldg TRADE good house for vacant lot or au.iKia osj Alnsworth ave.. WILL trade Laurelhurst lot for equity j, ? T " - t Vm "ungaiow, in good NICE house in MUgcott district fo - improved acreage,, value $3500 ' ,N 43, journal,, , , ( - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE St 43 Acre Stocked Farm For city house or lots, t inlles front Newberg, 15 acres grain. 2 acres bear ing prunes, 5 acres slashed, bal. tim ber and pasture, - running water,..) room bouse, good barn, etc. Wilt ex change with - or without stock 'and equipment; which la worth $500. Take clear house or lots ud "to . 8210O or $2600. bal. terms. (Q r- Dorr Et Keasey & Co. 2d ' Floor. Chamber of Commerce." Knott Street' Home for One - v Further Out : - Attractive 7 room house., furnace, firenlace. Dutch kitchen, on 50x100. Good car service, also good walking distance. Price $3800. Mortgage $1300. aiso xjonr jjeacn bungalow, sizuv clear. Will exchange . both for a larger house further out. (MK) . Dorr E. Keasey St Co. 232 Cham, of Com. 590 Acres 170 miles south of Portland, 2 miles from R. R.. finely , improved, family orehard, 7 R.. bouse. 3 barns, all out buildings. 180 acres under fine state of cultivation and Is well stocked and equipped, which cost about $5000. We will exchange for Portland up to full amount, $24,000. DORR E. KEA8ET St CO.. -2d Floor, Chamber of Comme- ce. WANT CITY HOUSES OR VALLKY FARM. 525 acre wheat farm, well located, in Gilliam and Morrow Co.. Or. 475 acres under the plow, some summer fallowed, wire fences, well watered for stock from springs. Price $25 per acre. Will take up to $10,600 in small houses to rent or for Willamette val le farm of 80 to 100 acres, tiee D. M. Rohrbough, 269 Stark st. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON 7 PASS, auto and fine lot to trade for house. Bell. 443. H-769. Journal. Rooming Houses Bosipess Oppoirtiuiratoies A Diversified List of Business Opportunities Is Continually Offered in These Columns ROOMING HOUSES 85 Rooms, Apts., $1000 Down and $900 as you make it. Strict ly modern 2 and 3 room apts. New brick, very central. Furniture cost when new $6500. Tremendous bargain. Owner cannot look after it hence must sell. Might take some trade. Bruce Ooddard. 602 Couch Bldg. NOTICE TO OWNERS I have the following offers for rooming houses: all bonafide proposi tions. 6 room, new bouse, $2000. White Salmon acreage and cash. Two clear lots in Portland. Restaurant and cash. First class chattel mortgage. Subur ban acreage. ' BRWCE GODDARP. 502 COUCH BLDG. 12 Rooms, Rent $30 Fine, up-to-date place, close in, west side; beautiful yard; a real bargain for someone. Act quick. Price $275. CALL 88 10TH. NEAR STRAK. 16 Rooms, Rent-$36 All H. K. rooms; near Ladd school; good place to live, and moneymaker. PRICE $550, HALF CASH. CALL 88 10TH, NEAR STRAK. 37 Rooms, Snap, Trade Rent $60. Will trade for house and lot worth $2000 and assume a- little. Guaranteed to be a moneymaker. God- dard. 502 Couch Bldg. MY rooming house for-sale at a bar gain, beautiful furniture and vel vet rugs, simply given away. Must be sold at once. 390 Salmon st. ROOMING house, 29 rooms, nicely fur nished. Good paying prop. Close in. Small sum will handle. By owner. Main 5163. 22 ROOM hotel, completely furnished. lunch counter attached; "very reason able rent. No phone information. J. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDG. 8 ROOMS H. K., income $44, 2 rooms for yourself; $125, $50 down. $15 month. " 410 Salmon st. FOR specialties in apartments and ho- tejs see Boehm & Nye, 323 Henry bldg. 50 ROOM apt., 90 room apt, and 104 room apt. for lease, west side. Boehm & Nye, 322 Henry bldg. 18 NICELY furnished rooms for sale Doing a good business. Good loca tion; Address K-994, Journal. 14 ROOMS H. K-. $275; $50 cash, bal ance, $10 per month. 411 4th st. Owner. 13 ROOMS Rooming house, good home, fine location, for real estate or cash. 268 12th st. A-2595. ROOMING HOUSE FOR TRADE 50 rooms, trade for small farm: rent $75. Quigley. 202 Wilcox bldg. , 20 Rooms, $350, Terms Rent $30. Goddard. 502 Couch Bldg. FINE rooming house, cheap, 25 rooms; near f. O. Clears 175 mo.: rent laU. Lease. Price $300. Call 191 4th st. 14 ROOMS, good furniture, bargain. Ownr Pnviinr InvARtmAtit M a r- shall 578"l. $300 WEST side. Elegant furniture. 11 rooms. Rent $20: good income: a bargain; tejtns. Z-909, Journal. BOARDING and rooming for sale or rent, or will trade lor auto. in quire at 449 3d at., near coll ege FOR SALE. VALLEY HOTEL. 42 rooms. Inquire manager. 232 2d st. . 10 ROOMS H. K., $250. See owner. zb jetierson st. SNAP Furniture of 8 room aouse. close in. rent $20. 485 Alder. 14 ROOMS H. K., $276; $50 cash, bal- ance $10 per month. ,411 rtenry oiag. TO BUY, SELL OR TRADE, See Masters, 607 PittocK bin. BUSINESS OPPOKXL'MTIKS 20 FOR SALE, rent or exchange Moving picture theatre. Astoria; seats 490, D. H. Welch. Astoria, Or. YOUNG LADY desires to meet gentle man wno can finance small dusi1 ness; quick returns. T-521, Journal. NEAT confectionery and grocery store business, with living rooms, at a bargain, woooiawn 1940. THE best eter offered for two to get an establlslfed cash, business, Jf-7u. journal. - FOR SALE - Sheet metal works full set tools. Including brake; cheap for casn. w. Tnomson, Miiwauicie, Or, LADY candy maker wants a oartner with 1300: larae Droms. Marshall 1919. RESTAURANT, centrally located, do ing uin business. acrirtce. naii price. 615 Swetland bldg. FINE corner location for drux or con fectionery store; wui hem you start. ynone xaoor z&. - FOR SALE or trade, confectionery, and grocery with living f room. Tabor 3340. - BLACKSMITH, all tools and fine loca tion; sacrifice. Marshall 5448. 502 Dekum bldg: - - : f HOTEL in prosperous eastern Oregon town, fully equipped and now run nlng. Z-739. Journal. : -r : ' 20 - ROOMS, good . shape, steam heat. . electric lights. Must be . sold, this week. -Cheap. ' Main $813 , - CASH Groceryt A nap;. parties gSiag east. Call Owner. -Marshall 2389. - SALE Lunch, counteiy doinjj fair bus- mess: cneap. rn. za st. CLEANING and pressing parlor, good t- location, west side. P-566. 1 Journal. OARAGE for aale. -1101 Hawthorne ave.- Call Tabor 3794 W A. Crosby MOVIE SHOW, fully equipped; cheap :; for cash. C-374, Journal, PARTNER, loggin tie , mill; ... extra . TM.n.1 ? .... . MEAT market for sale or trade,-What - have you? : East 6316. - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 4 Coatlaaed) - - - - GRANTS PASS. - . What have you In Grants Pass r or vicinity to trade for Portland subur ban home worth $5000; incumbrance $1750.- F-897.. Journal. ' i - EXCHANGE: apartment house, 50 . rooms, all housekeeping, cheap rent, steam heat, for house and lot at Ken ton. Price $2000. mtg. $500. t Main 2664. - "' ' FOR SALE or exchange, a $1700 - equity In 4-year-old apple orchard, valuation $2700; must assume. Tabo' 2744. PRETTY 3 A, 10 miles on O. E new buildings; young orchard, running water. . Want 6 room bungalow; about $3000. Owner Mar. $431. WILL take $200 cash -for actual equity of $700 in modern 5 rtom bungalow. Restricted district. Phone evenings. Tabor 613. EXCHANGE small valley acreage for wom v m f w,ua vu - u or view lots. Address R. No. 3, box zia, saiem, or. 10 ROOM boarding house, 5c faie from city-uncome to per week, win ex change for house and assume.' Fine place for man and wife. Main 5887. r 80 ACRE improved farm in Central Oregon for sale or trade for good bungalow - on Improved -street; clear both ways. 610 Gerllng?r Bldg. CLOSE in residence property in Spo kane to trade for Portland residence property. Address 120 E. 27th St. N. Kant 3710. - FOR SALE or trade, 13 housekeeping rooms, large basement, stationary tubs, nice yard, near White Temple. V-167. Journal. ACREAGE for sale or exchange near city and cars; consider citv Dropertv ror part, or assume on good farm. Owner, no agents. U-257, Journal. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Clear lot on Hawthorne ave. carline to exchange for mortgages or con- tracts. Phone evenings. East 2557. 10 ACRES highly improved close in on Col. highway. Want modiern home up to $4500. W-971. Journal. BUSD.ES& OPPORTUNITIES 20 (Con tinned) ,s I M I I I I I M l M I 1 I I I Directions Read this with both eyes wide open. Have noth- Ing else on your mind. v We are manufacturing Jn Port- land the Crew Scientific Base ball Tables, 5 ft. square, In mahogany, Circassian walnut and oak. Practically every play known in baseball can skillfully be made when playing on this table. Come see the tables, then get your location, open a high-class - baseball parlor. Best paying business on earth for amount invested. CREW BASEBALL NOVELTY CO., 87 Grand ave. 71 I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I 1 I 1 I I Ti A MONEY MAKER. Suburban place where chicken - din ners can be served to auto parties. Faces Base Line road, has nice house, chicken house and other outbuildings, good water. Contains 4 acres, has lots of berries, some young fruit trees. You can keep cows, chickens, make garden, sell direct to consumer, making money summer and winter. If you are a hus tler, pay me only $400 cash and a small monthly Davment. It s a snap; don't miss this opportunity. Purse, at 306 Oak st. mornings or call Broaa- way 1658. SOME GOOD BUSINESS CHANCES Pool and cigars, $650. Terms. Live restaurant, snap, guaranteed. $650. Grocery, living rooms, $350. Confectionery, living rooms. $300. Rooming house, 30 rooms, mod.. $850. Grocery, at invoice, winner, $1560. Apartment house, 85 rooms. $2000. Others, too numerous to mention. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG, WE have an exceptional opportunity to offer a responsible young man wim 31000 to 11600 to secure an interest in an established wholesale business that is growing and has bright prospects. Party can devote whole or part time and must be clean cut and have busi ness ability, able to assist with office and represent firm in city and on the road in northwest territory. Money fully secured. F-968, Journal. MODERN dairy and route for sale, 12 cows; everything complete; buildings can be leased.' $750 will handle. Grocery doing 3 dauy, living rooms; rent $15; price $1000 cash. Lunch and delicatessen, apt. nouse district. Low price for cash. Grocery stores, $350 to izoo. in vestigate. Stone & Wentworth, 431 Cham, of Com. EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITY. For sale, V Interest in well estab lished gen. mdse. business, one of tha best of sise ever offered. Full partic ulars and reason to anyone interested. About $10,000 cash required. WX-719. Journal. FOR SALE $27,000, general mdse. business, good business, clean stock, good town, in center of large agricul tural district. If you are looking for a good business this will bear investi gation. Cash only considered. FX-960, Journal. AN established mfr. wants state man ager; high class article; should pay $7000 annually. $300 to $700 capital. Will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man we want Salesmanager. 1012 Republic bldg.. Chicago. ONLY general store village 20 miles Portland ; electric line, invoice sov. Cash sales $20 day. Mill employs 40. Big farming country. Cash only. No agents. Phone Main 5581 before 1 o'clock. AUTOMOBILE business. Owner wants a reliable partner to help mm. wui teach von the business and pay good profits to energetic man. A small in vestment required. Call room 329 Mornn bldg. - RESTAURANT fixtures, complete and first-class. If vou can find a loca tion to use them, we will rent them to you very cheap. Call room 329 Mor- gan oiag, AN elderly man can make an easy liv Intr A foine clear store, good loca tion, new stock, low rent, long lease. small investment. see me xoonaay. Jordan; 301 Lumbermens bldg WANTED A steady man to work In a store business as partner, can clear $100 month and very small in vestment required. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. - . GROCERY Located apartment district.- Clean stock. Good cash busi ness. -A-money maker. Price $925. Call 616 Swetiand bldg. ' CHICKEN raneh 6 miles from Port land; fully stocked and equipped; clearing $176 month. Miilership, 734 Chamber of Commerce.-- FOR SALK Electric store, hardware, -. plumbing and tin shop; obliged to selL Write to a C. Miller. Estacada, Oregon. FdSt SALE 3 pool tables, practically new, - cneap, 4641. easy . payments. : Eat SMALL grocery, confectionery, sell at - - invoice; unable to attend business. Broadway 1711. Call 20 N. 10th st. PARTNER, to finance Al mail order business. Want jrood penman-with $150 cash. - Give phone. W-373, Journal. FOR SALE Bakery. A - good place -yfor a man-and rrtTe. ' $450 If taken at once, - 9189 Foster Road, Lems. FIXTURES FOR SALE. :- -Good location for confectionery and fee cream store. Tabor 4342. owner. SNAPPY confectionery and lunch room. - doing $1$ day Will sacrifice. See Miilership,- 724 Chamber of Commerce. WANT energetic- man - as - partner In ' good , establlsed business, $ 1 50 . re-1 quired. Give .phone. P-360, Journal. J EVE !! EXCHANGE KEAii ES1ATE 24 ; CCotiaeed , . ; - 20 ACRES near electric line in Tual atln valley, close to Portland;, half under . cultivation, - buildings, well, county road, rural - route; all good land. Price $3000. dear. Want wheat land near Madras, Metolius or Cui ver; clear.' Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg. SEVERAL irrigated alfalfa ranches. : In Crook- county. Or., some stocked and equipped; have out range. For Portland property and terms. Also Willamette valley ranches, Ferguson, Ger linger Bldg. FOR EXCHANGES B acres, improved. within city limits of Vancouver; modern bungalow and other buildings worth $2000; good chicken ranch val ued at $5000. N. W. Merrifield. 810 Washington St., Vancouver. Wnsh. 5 ACRES, deep bottom land. 1 miles west of Huber station on S. P. eiec; 4 room cottage, new plastered: choice chicken farm. Will trade for home in Portland Mid assume some. Call 401 McKay bldK. Main 1242. WALNUT orchard and beautiful bun galow hom. 15 acres, fine location, fruit and berries, garden in; easy terms pr consider exchange small Portland home. William G. Shawk. Yamhill, Or. R. F. D. No2. bO ACRES of the best land In Wasco county. Near small - town and rail road. Farming Implements, hay, good cow. Price $3600 clear. Want 6 or 7 room house on 100x100. (G) Dorr E. Keasey & Co.. 232 Cham, of Com. GOOD hotel property, well furnished; confectionery and pool hall in con nection; lot 100x240; live country town. Will trade for small valley or ccast farm. Room 25, Russell birlr. 54 ACRES, good buildings; will trade for Portland property up to $5000; best located in state; in Marlon Co. Write Owner, J. F. Benton, R. No. 3, Gervais, Or. FINE large 9 R. house, lot and half (75x100), cldee in and to car; trade equity for smaller house or improved acreage. Price $5000; mtg. $1600. 510 uerunger mog. i EXCHANGE bouse on Richmond car I for Laurelwood house. W-374, Journal BUSINESS OPPOHTUM1T1ES 20 CCoatlnaad) Pool Room Men TAKE NOTICE Increase Your Earnings. If you will call at 87 Grand avenue, we will show you the greatest Invention on earth for the pool room. A big, clean money getter. CREW BASEBALL NOVELTY COMPANY. 87 Grand ave. HOTEL MEN, ATTENTION! Here you are, a 42 room hotel in a prosperous town with a good pay roll, near Portland. Doing a very good business. Am leaving city. Will make it an object for the right man. This is a rare opportunity. Address TX 971, Journal. VARIETY STORE BARGAIN Leav ing state. Everything new. Dandy location for strictly 5-10-15c store. None here. Invoice near $1000; can re duce. Also my 10 a. home. Baker ad dition, near high school and Baptist college. Sacrlfce price. Thompsons Variety Store, McMlnnville, Or. HAVE secured agency - for one of the highest grade temperance beverage mfg's; will assign & Int. for $15p; must carry $260. stk.. work few hours daily and make at least 3100 per mo.; lady or gentleman can handle. Highest references. V-562. Journal. - - ' LADY would like to meet unincum bered man with $1500 to $2000 to help promote one of the best and most promising Oregon incorporations. This is a proposition of merit; do not an swer unless you have this amount. G-749,-Journal. Ferry Equipment Exclusive monopoly on Columbia river ferry, launch and fine equip ment. Clears $300 month. Price $12, 000: down. Quigley 202 Wilcox bid. WANTED STEADY PARTNER IN ESTABLISHED MONEY GETTING BUSINESS. WILL STAND STRICT INVESTIGATION. HAVE DONE BUSINESS IN PORTLAND FOR 6 YRS. $2500 REQUIRED. Z-641, JOURNAL t I WANT shares of stock in a" working copper prospect; reliable, non-assessable corporation, Oregon, Washington or Idaho. Will give $3000 vaiuafel equity in Portland home for same. Must have good ore prospects. P-359. Journal. AN ABSTRACT plant, doing (rood busi ness, ror sale or trade; win accept mortgages or real estate as payment for the same. For particulars. dwin Lindstedt. 832 Morgan bldg.. Portland. Oregon. POOLROOM, lunch counter and confec tionery, doing good business, good location; must ell on account of noor health. 106 N. Main. Lents, Or. P. O. Box 722. DANDY confectionery store in good valley town, in center of business and good money maker, worth $1800, can take auto on this at real value up to $500. Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg. Dandy Grocery With living rooms furnished, fur niture, stock and fixtures for $650. Qu i 1 ey. 202 Wilcox bldg. Barber Shop 3 chairs, full equipment, rent $15, in good town. Cost $1200; $500 buys. Quigley, 202 Wilcox bldg FOR SALE Meat market, fully - equipped and doing good business; fwHl sell stock and fixtures; rent building; located at Hood River, Or. E. M. Holman, prop. riRN'KRAI, store in eastern Oregon: well established; doing good busi ness; will invoice about 93500. ua 931. Journal. WELL established jelly company, two stoves, one high pressure, goods, well recognized in city. N-366, Jour nal. WELL equipped launch building- plant on the coast for sale, splendid open ing for a first class boatbutlder. Neal jarown, ZQ9 rantma oiag. HAVE some real bargains in grocery and confectionery stores, both In the city and country towns. Neal -Brown, 209 Panama bldg. ' FOR SALE Furniture and undertak mg at invoice; country town, good surrounding country. AdJress KX 501. Journal. - ; WILL sell my long established clean ing business with my entire house hold furniture and piano; good chance r- mr4fci man "01 , aaHUwr 9 49 FOR SALE--Exclusive rights to 24 ' states. 1915 Pendleton Roundup films, with - negative.- Good money maker, all or part. TT-262, Journal. FOR SALE A two chair barber shop . doinr a rood business and in a first class location, at a bargain. Address 117 East 2nd at.. The uaues. ur. FOR SALE or trade, - smalj hotel, nicely furnished, in one of the best fishing and hunting - localities. Ad dress Mrs. J. C. Dixon. Elk- City. Or. ALBANY. QR-, a small combination candy kitchen and delicatessen. Light ranches, toe - cream -and . soft - drinks, $150. VX-S63. Journal. - PLANING mill "for sale: easy terms. Hillsboro Planlnr . Mill, Hillsboro. Oregon. - ; - - - '-- - GARAGE , and machine shop with Ford agency in thriving community; will sell reasonable KX-B80. Journal. WANTED Partner, real estate, estab lished 20 years, Portland: msat Httb money. T-$43. Journal. BUSINESS ARDS . Rose City Printing Co.. Third sL. Cor, Taylor. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 - .-w (Qoatlnned) . FOR - SALE or trade. 20 acres, . 6 H miles from Hood River on west side, fine macadam and gTavel road. 1 mile to 8 grade school and store. Good bun galow, barn, cool toouse and outbuild ings. Good well; also running water on place. $ acres in timothy meadow. 3 acres in strawberries, balance In pears and commercial apples... Telephone, electrlo lights and R. F. TJ at door. Want good Portland house ' and lot, clear, for my equity. $2500. Mortgage, $3500. This Is sure a snap. Address owper. PX-171, Journal. 7 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. -Just finished, full - basement, fire place, buffet, , bookcases,, complete kitchen and hardwood floors: have re cently taken this over before occu pied and will consider sale or . Lrade at . price that will make a bargain home for somebody. Address 1 16 Jfc Ash. East 7214. BUNGALOW FOR GOOD LOT OR ACREAGE. ; - Attractive 5 room bungalow on box 100 ft lot in good restricted district, 1 block of car: lawn, lots of flowers, k.u. Vln. tSROflr 11203 mta. runs. 3 years at 8. Will exchange equity for a good lot or some well located acreage. Phone Wood. 848, ELEGANT home, garage, etc. opposite reservoirs. Hawthorne line; 5 lovely rnnma Anwn. with KOa.Ce to finish 4 large rooms upstairs. Place cost $5600 oniT enrrvim 32000 mortgage. Will tni mv onttitv for nlaca closer In. clear of Incumbrance, discounting mine $700 or $800. tive location ana viuu of yours. H-901. Journal. Don't Overlook This c winin tinuse. lot 50x75. sewer and all street Improvements in and paid, mtg -$416. Owner lives out of town and' instructs me to trade equity for light auto and 2oo casn. . usDura, 610 McKay iag. I26E0 ORES HAM home, 6 acres, j room house, half mile business cen tmv -ariil exchana for small Place on 5c car line Greshanx Real Estate Co. Phone 17 X. ... BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 Continued) SOME "SPECIALS" IN GROCERY STORES. Grocery and Lunch room ....... $200 Grocery and Confectionery $200 Grocery and Confectionery $450 Grocery and Confectionery $500 Grocery and Delicatessen $600 Grocery and Confectionery $600 grocery ana tjonrecuonery ; Grocery and Confectionery ...... $700 Grocery at Invoice, about $725 Grocery and Market $775 Grocery and Confectionery ...... $800 Grocery and Confectionery' ..... $850 Grocery and Confectionery $900 Grocery and Confectionery $1000 Grocery and Confectionery $1500 Grocery and Delicatessen $3000 Most of these places have nice living rooms ana are good buys. MASTERS, 607 Plttock blk. FOR SALE Machine shop, including foundry and blacksmith tools. Ma chine shop is equipped with practical ly new toois ana mac nines, ioca tea m one of the busiest cities on the coast. Lease on buildings. First class water front and wharf. " - Address . KX.-389 Journal. COLUMBIA BEACH, confectionery. lunch; ferry waiting room; cigars and soft drinks; best location to make money; no expense for rent, light or fuel; end of Vancouver car line. Owner to go to Alaska. Phone A-5810. PLUMBERS. Attention! Shop tools. some stock. Established trade; no competition; one of the best towns in eastern Oregon. Go to work at once. Price for am. $200. Address Box 234 wasco. ur. waxm xjcij XLl&AK-write ror list o Inventions wanted by manufacturers ana prices orxerea ror inventions, our 4 books sent free. Patents advertised free. Victor J. Evans & C, 614 Ninth wasmngton. u. j, BLACKSMITHS. Attention! Informa tion.ahnilt ornnA lnatiin In , TZr 1 horse shoer and general repair man furnished free. Cheap rent. Address a-iu, journal. FOR SALE Grocery, confectionery ana milk aepot; good location; will Invoice about $2700: will take trade. For particulars, address Hofllch se HorrreecK. 417 Lyon st Albany, Or, FOR SALE Blacksmith and wagon makinz shon located in f I neat fa rm ing section in west, doing a fine cash business. or particulars address WX 1 is, journal. MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN 25 LOOK INTO THIS. IT MEANS PAY ROLLS FOR PORTLAND. AND L.AKUER RETURNS TO YOU. P-635, JOUKNAU I HAVE S60G eaultv in a 1900 lot. blocks from St. Johns carllne Two room house, streets graded, cement walk. Will trade for automobile. Z- 741, journal. WANTED Lady with $200 to 8500 as partner In one of the best paying propositions in city. For further par ticulars and appointment, call Main urn, ask ror m. 11. wooisey. WANTED Unincumbered lady partner for restaurant: of aood aDoearance and business ability, understanding cooaing; gooa proposition. $4Vl) re quirea. -330, journal.. I HAVE a proposition to make 25 per cent on the investment. Will take not less than $10,000. You handle youi own money. No agents. 0-965, Journal GROCERY delicatessen with- soda fountain ATid restaurant in connec tion. Established trade, in fine loca tion. call Tabor 5545. BARBER shop for rent, furnished complete, including hot and cold wa ter. gas lights. Good location. Next to orug store. Tabor 682. GROCERY and confectionery, with completely furnished modern living rooms and garage, in fine residence district, rent $20. D-882. Journal. Selling Inventions and Patents Address 601 Pittock Blork. $150 buys lunch room fully eoulDoed. big trade for live party. 44 N. 23d Bl. Main 4662. RESTAURANT Something different furnished complete; location centra! Aoaressv -1 5, journal. MAN with small amount of capital t take half interest In boat house good proposition. H-899, Journal. IB you want an interest In a. nt-o pectins- Co. 1 send out In A or 11. writ quicK r -gt, journal. BLACKSMITH shop, fully pad. good location. 420 Belmont BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "-:. WANTED 68 WANTED Stock Of dry goods, $5000 to iiz.uoo, in exchange for Improved farm in Mola.Ha valley or - land in Washington, one or both. , possibly some- cash. Room 217 New. Houston Hotel. , . - WANTED, for cash, small grocery or eonrecuonery. oeiween iUj-to $509. Don't nut It off too lout. Will bur Monday if we can find a paying propo sition, call at 301 lumbermen bids', or pnone croaoway Z36, WANTED To buy or rent blacksmith shop, or will trade in -for city prop erty. Fred Petersen. 146 N. 17th sL, Portland. Or. WE buy stocks of shoes, groceries, gen'l mdse., small or large, for cash; no traaes. ---u-ssv. journal. WILL TRADE 2 lots in Wellealy Add.. - Portland,, for' general merchandise stock. Address Box 836, Mabton. Wash. WANTED Large contract to cut wood by the cord, with drag saw. D. O. Roane. Psrkdale, Or, - - ; - IF you have a transfer business -you - want to trade for acreage, write to 7$ E. 28th N,- . - - - - : - WANT good country blacksmith shop : for - client if ..K. Fuehs. 420 Chamber Of Commerce. WANTED Grocery store from owner, , G-737, JoumaL , - l EXCHANGE- REAL ESTATE SA Z fContlmned) fx ; lExchangesg? r Hargrove & Sons - We can sret vou satisfactory ex change. - -'--"-"; - , want suburban home. Have 20 acres. all .l.ail -u, h,rn - PricJ $7000. "rSrtauv home; targe grounds, Want modern home, have - acres, I all cleared.' 6-room blattered house. . Base Line road; pay some cash; price i '. ; .- . - . .. want house. ttave r i acres, o , cleared, improved, i miles Tillamook; price $5500. ' want bouse.. Have lot Beaumont. lot R&atmoreland. . 80-acre 3.300.000 teet timber claim. Price sou. Want farW Have frSobm T house and Pice, hardwood floors. Phone"Maia ft!t!.h!J?i0jaf.K5,$.- Apt, 26. before 10 a. m. Sunday. : moTine nictura improved 6 acres close in.i ; rice aou. Trade for ' anything; have good suburban .business - property. Price $5000. - - v . - -- - Want good house. Have well-improved 7 acres at Jlood River. Price $6000, Hargrove & Sons . 122 North 6th St. Phone week days Broadway 4381. LOOK THESE OVER. -320 acres. 8 miles east of Hav creek. Jefferson Co., 50 acres in cultivation. 50 more can be cultivated, good smau house and barn, plenty of .water, all fenced, aood stock ranch. Will take acreage to full amount, $3500, clear. 100x190 feet, gdod 5 room house, al most new, . in good valley town, good schools, $2000. Mtg.. $650; trade for stock of goods. - , - 25x100 lot 14x20 barber shon in east ern Oregon town, clear, for Ford car. v. m. KooniK-a, etoca Exchange. -WANT A CITY HOME. 25 acres. cultivated. On electric line. I hour out. Fair buildings, team. cows, 2 heifers, chickens. Machin ery. Near graded .school and , rock road to Portland. This place unin cumbered and will take house and lot up to $3500. Balance long time 6. IN ElLiAN & PARKH1LL, 30 Stock Exchange Bldg. Want $28,000 Wheat Ranch Well improved 40 acre farm, near Vancouver, isew buildings. Close to Pacifio highway $8000 clear. i acres, aiso near Vancouver, witn iu acres young prune orcnara. isew barn, silo, 9 room house. $12,000 clear. Bungalow in Alberta district, Port land. $2000 clear. This property all clear for a good wheat ranch close to Walla Walla. Wash. Will add $6800 in good.irst mortgages. (G) Dorr E. Keasey & Co.. 232 Cham, of Com. FARM FOR ACREAGE. 120 acres. 40 cultivation, a-ood build ings, orchard, springs, on mail route and phone line, school on place, 4 miles town. 40 miles Portland, f horses. a cows, 1 neuers, pigs and chlcicens, farm Implements, feed and seed. Want 20 to 40 acres within 1 mile of sta tion on electric line and 20 miles from Portland. NEILAN fc PARKHILT 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. WANTED A house and lot in Port land for a 160 acre farm in th Wil lamette valley, located $ miles from iyons on tne s. p. it. it. Has 60 acres cultivated and in crop, good buildings and orchard, 8 cows, 3 horses. Brood sow and farm Implements. Price $7000. nAnrtt AtlUiEf JAIsD CO. 214 Failing Bidg.. Cor. 3rd and Wash, xaS-,i" bJXi suburb. 50 ft. from rarilni. 5n mfn ride to city. Will trade for vacant lot or automobile. 3600 to tlOOO. ha.1 half cash and easy terms. Must have $300 cash at once. Tabor 6982, Sun day of evenings. ., 13TH AND E. TAYLOR. rme apartment corner, 7-room good house; exchange $6000 equity for uiucr iiiupenj ana assume some ior vacant or acreage; consider good stump land or California property. iviain auoa. , BRICK BUILDING. Best west side location, corner, earn ing 6 per cent, for wheat ranch from $60,000 , to $100,000. Goldschmldt's Agency, Stock Exchange. 3d and Yam htll sts UNIMPROVED acreage to exchange for city property, $15 per acre; also wheat farm to trade for valley farm, valley farm for wheat ranch; valley farms for Portland property. Kinney, Y. M. C. A. - - 450 ACRES food wheat land in Gilliam Co., fair bldgs., good spring on place, depot 16 miles. This is a snap. De sire city property or close in acreage. Mcnenzie fc Co., 5iE Gernnger bldg. WANT from owner, 20 to 40-acre Im proved farm, $4000 to $8000; ex change even city property or will as sume reasonable amount. M-853, ipurnal. WANTED. Valley farm for income property from $15,000 to $26,000. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. 40 ACRES, 20 miles out. 6-room mod ern house in city; exchange one or both for Improved acreage close in on electric line; prefer Oregon Electric. L. Scott. 1204 East Madison. . WOULD LIKE GOOD- SMALL HOTEL Would assume if proposition right and give choice 160-acre farm, stock and equipment. Owner, 404 Northwest ern Man bldg. HOUSE and lot, very nicely situated. Will trade equity $2600 for ranch, or fruit farm of 10 or IS acres. Might assume little. M-917, Journal. TO exchange acres on Vsshon Is land, 17 miles from Seattle, for Port land property. Value $1200. W. C. Kinney, 415 6th st. HAVE several houses and lots; want acreage close in, also several farms to trade for Portland property. 1037 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or Exchange 8 room bun galow on car line for one cf f car line or for clear lot and some cash In Rfchmond district. B. 1469, . TWO dandy houses, modern, full ce ment basements, fireplaces furnaces, to exchange for good lots in Laurel- hurst. 304 Railway Exchange. MY IRVINGTON home. 9-rooma mod ern, equity $3000. Will trade for smaller bungalow in good district. $08 Oak. ROSE CITY PARK 8-room house, 45th St.. Vi block E. car, $4500, mtge. $2250, equity for clear lots. Owner, 1284 N. W. Bank bldg. WILL party advertising' 14 acre fruit tract. Falls City district, for ex change equity, communicate with R 153, Journal. 10 ACRES. 2 hi mi. east Vancouver. Want Portland property. T-987. journal. r57.r.. t... 1 11th & Shaver, rice $2850, equity for.clear lota T- Journal. ' , HAVE well improved farm, value $6000: will take about In city home. 310 Yeon. Marshall zaz FOUR good lots in Terrebonne for lot or. equity in Portland. Owner. K- 608, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE 8 1 iwiSTRn central property or mod ern resiaence;. win. Eastern Oregon land or Willamette farm. -X-674. Journal. A LOT in Rose city farx aiatj will ay cash; most be sacruice. -602. Journal. COTTAGE. Hawthorne or good dls- trict. Also lot closer In. . celL 2162. 4225 41st ave. . , WANT west side comer, vacant or lrn. proved up to io.vov., uive location. E-57J. Journal. . WANT lot or tomt euh for my $692.50 equity in- modern.-bungalow, Tabor STANDARD ABSTRACT C6. ik ft! HalzUp, Ptes.), 402Stodt Ex. BWg. Main 6774. ' . " WANTE&-rLot in good , district, near vair, me pouuc a-i w, journal. , WANTED Acreage, near Portland and canine; give - pnone. M-790.; Journal, w A.Mf.u improved, untmp. . acreage or ranch; give phone. -Z-3 16.- Journal. MODERN house-up to $4000 give loca- tion and price.; P-It 7, JoarnaU WANTED REAL i ESTATE 31 , -ARE- YOU MSOBSIflS TO ' I will build on your lot or mine sjid V furnish . the fund if HonlrAflf Prictg - are reasonable. Architect's plans and Sketches free. N. O Fkfnnd X18 - muvua.uie, . N. O. Ecklund, i Henry bldg. Main SSIS". - WE HAVE many cash customers for ' 10 to 40 acre tracts nn rood mads. not too far from Portland. If .the . " mui w win got you quick ao- uon, raui A. McKenna & -Co., JS7 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 3 bungalows in Rose City. Hawthorne or similar district -close 1 together, each 6-7 rooms, furnace, f tre WE have a cash euitnmtr, fnr .mill farms. . ( e also have some good exchange for farms or city property. ; McKenele & Co.. 615 Gerlinger Bldg. WANT store bldjar. for 2 clear furnished resroences. 000. Tabor 4286. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 CJUR INSTALLMENT PLAN i'm ''the surest and beet mthod of paying a loan. pr rauuin ir eu monies . (l $16.17 per month for 8$ months ' pays a $1000 loan and interest, (Other durations and amounts in " proportion.) We loan on Improved property or for Building purposes. EQUITABLE SAV'GB & LOAN ASSN 242 Stark at.. Portland. Or A LARGE AMOUNT of money la now seeking investment In good first mortgage securities at low rates. If in need of a loan on a good Oregon farm, Portland residence or business prop erty for a term of years, or a monthly installment loan on your Portland; home, please call on or correspond with us. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. 284 OAK ST. " MONEY TO LOAN. ' On Improved real estate or for build ing purposes; very flexible contractsj no commissions. COLUMBIA L,IFE & TRUST CO . 202 Stevens bldg. HAVE received some large eumi of money for city or close-in farm, . loans. Will make low rates If security is good. H. L. Archer, 404 Northwest- ern. canK Dion. BUILD1NU loans 011 clly and tuourbtta property; money advanced as wora progresses. W. G. Back. SIS i'liling I oiqk- main WE have funds to loan on reaidenoe and farm property at 7 per cent for three or five years. Provident Trust company, 212 Selling bldg $100,000 ON mortgages, city and tarm property, fire insurance. McKenxie Sc. Co.. Gerllnaer bldg.. 2d and Alder.. WE WILL SELL YOUR LOT Or make you a loan. J. C. CORBIN CO., LEWIS BLDG. MONEY 'IO LOAN In amounts or $100 to $5000 on city properly. A- H. Bell. 201 Gerllnger bldg. LOANS un iniuroveu bruvertusa. The Oregon Horn Builders. 1330 N. W.'' Bang bias. $200 $300 $500 $2500 On city or farm property. BOID REALTY CO., LEWIS BLDG. $1000-35000 to loan on improved city or rarm property. Would buy morU gages orsellers' contracts. E. 6329. VUA wHSSS ."SaMSK ! rates, r. H Lewig Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. i vtwo TO 40.0oo to loan on realty. l ire insurance. jr.. J. oieinmeis a4 Geriineer bide. Main KZOl. MONEY to loan at 7 on city and farm property. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham- ber of Commerce i A FEW thousand to loan on first j mortgage, residence property. K-993, journal. MONEY to loan un unproved cil, tarm property r, 1. mug. i iaiaing $1000 UP to jU0U tu loan on ..ty ur farm property, raoor ibzo. $100,000 TO LOAN at 0 and 1 ar cent. Goddard & Weidrlon. ii Stark. $40,000 UR LESS. r'AKrUNJlOls. $0 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. SEE us bmall loans, ir.biailtnciu :oau. Cellara-Murton Co.. 8:'6 Yeon bldg. MOKTUAUK LOANS. 6 and 2 Louts Salomon At Co.. S00 fak at., near ,th. MONEY to loan, to ';. W. tl. baits & Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE loans. 6 to 7. uretroa Inv A Mortsasr Co.. 170 Jd t CHATTEL nortgages, bought and real! estate loans secured. Main 898. 3200. 3850. 8600. $900. 81200. $1800. Fred W. German fo.. 7JT f ham. Com. $1600 OR any part on Portland real estate. Atty. 4it Piatt biag. $1000 AND 82000 TO LOAN. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. tl25 1150. 3250 TO LOAN. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. 7 MONEY Tu LOAN . CHATTELS, SALARIES fl SALARIES CHATTELS. Money loaned to salaried i -opls and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc.. at legal rates, with easy terms of pajr ment: no delay. PORTLAND LOAN CO MP ANT. INC Licensed. . 811 Dekum bldr LOANS WANTED 30 1 WANTED $1000 to $1500 at 10 per cent ror l year or more ior est I tarnished business. Responsible men, money f ullv secured bv assets of bust- ; ness and some real etate. Money needfJ ed for enlarging and further promotion of business. Will guarantee a special bonus based on the earnings, allowing the loan to represent an interest for a specuied time, u-to, journal. INVESTORS tn mortgages and bonds' are Invited to Inspect our safe de: posit vaults and boxes, which provide absolute safety for securities. Investi gate our trial offer UNION SAFE. DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., 284 OAK ST. . 8 PER CENT $500 first mortgage Ott Laurelhurst for sale: matures eo ruary 26, 1917. First class small short time investment. provident Trust company. 212 selling bidg. NET. west Side anartments.. Walking distance, $15,000; $5000 cash., bal. long time. Mr. Myers, Thsl Fred A Jacobs CO., 104 Sth st. WANTED from private party. $1500, on country real estates no commit, sion; give rates wanted. U-661, Jour-j nal. jg00 Second mtg. loau on city prop erty valued at $7500, 8 per cent. years. Aiso 82500. 1st mtir. on city property valued $7000. L-6J8. Journal. WANTEJJ from private party, $1000. 3 years, 8 per cent, on improved city i Ply John block. i D. Wilcox, 7 1 1 Plttock WANTED from private party, $2500 to ? replace loan on good rarm, too acres; cash vaise $10,000. 609 Com mercial block. WANTED $250 loan on 3 lots and S small house near Miiwaukie. K-fo, Journal. 3 WANTED From private party, $1200 - on house and lot worth $3o00:. no rommlasion. r'-Ylo. journaK WANTED, $500 on house and large lot, i;valu$140O: private party. 6S5. Journal, - . .-' wiNTrn tiso on $600 lot. 1 bike -rm-Rose City car. Owner. W-li. Journal. wist iisdfi on Portland Heights Im proved, 8 per cent Owner, 0-9S1.I Journal. On fine block timber, well located easy 1 access to Columbia, journal. 8490 wanted, will give first mortgage! on 3 lots, fenced and Improved,! value $1600.- N-948. Joufnai. iv iicTii-.r tsno l ruin on 20 sere im proved farm in Clarke county. Wsah XT-41. journal. t ' WAN to borrow $200: for 3 years a' 10 percent from private party; hav bouse and lot- Marshall 731, Monday WANT - $1600 on close-in lmprovetl acreage. E-. Journal. (Coattaasd on Hex TSi