The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1916, Page 25, Image 25

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kMNAism was a $1 ,500,000 deal in Oregon
Big in leiikMWyMfiiiy see prof its coming
h-Jml Home' Snaps ..
. .My Home Goes ! at $100:
"'.:' V,:U: Down 0 ; ;
Hawthorns Bungalow."" , Term:
Rather - than rent my home of five
rooms, reception ha.lL modem, fins lot,
flowers and shrubbery, I will sell on
terms of $10oTdown. balance $25 per
rnonth. - Including interest. Including
8- range, $3T gas stove and kitchen
furniture and linoleum. Owner leav
ing tor east April X. ? j -" - t
"7 ROOM nnrrsui tot 8t100. r-
'$160 down-special snap Price $2300,
.Balance 20 per month, 7 per cent, ln-
ciuuiug interest, i room nouse, cam,
saa. electricity; reception halL- lots
34x100 each: fruit, berries, garden, etc
On 27th st. N near Alberts, Owner
has left city. ,CB) , , -
Dorr Keasey & Co,
232 Cham, of Com; bid. - Main 1189.
New modern bungalow, all built-in
conveniences, 5 rooms .and reception
nan, xirepiaee ana oooacases. oining
rooni naneled. with attractive buffet.
cabinet kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms, linen
closet, nice betnroom, narawooa rioors,
fixtures -and shades and screens
thrnnarhnitr ralrnnl hUcmaDL. wa an
trays ; 1- block to car, nice neighbor
hood; fZ35Q; terms, 'xaoor 4i.
New 6-room rfsssy bungalows.
. " Beauty, comfort and convenience com
n bined make these ths swellest ever.
1376 and 1386 K, Grant t.. nr. E. 60th
. 8197S and 22160. ,
Very little down,, then $25 par month,
including interest.
Houses onen 2 to 4:30 n. m today.
Fireplace, built-in effects, oak floors.
', panels and beams, window shades.
lighting fixtures, porcelain piumDing,
Dutch Kitchen has cooler, woodllft etc.;
launrr trava in. cement basement.
Lots 36 and .4 J by 100 ft. Take Haw
thorne ivt. Mr or 1itnv to E. 60th.
walk south on 50th to Grant, or take
Mount Scott car to E. 50th and urani.
314 Ry. Ex. Bldg. (OWKiiK) Main
. f 2000 81000 CASH.
. tlS monthlv. including interest, buys
house in City View Park, newly paint-
a, .crtna new garage, witn ctmeni
runways, titrrf surface street, side
walks and sewer all paid; nothing .to
assume; 1 rooms 15x16, another 14x14,
large bathroom, fully equipped, Dutch
kitchen with range, linoleum, table and
chairs; three 9x12 rugs, buffet, china
closet and bedroom furniture, dandy
.basement.. screens and shades for all
windows, screened Dorch, roses and
shrubs galore. Take Sellwood car to
Lexington, Come west to 447. Phone
Sellwood 440.
New 5 room bungalow, with all mod
fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, eool
' , ing cabinet, two bedrooms on the first
floor aid to finished off sleeping
porches on the second floor. Plenty
of cloeet room. Attic and full cement
22860 TERMS
J, L. Ksrnopp, Ry. Exch. BIdg., Owner
OWNER wants to sell a good modern
4 room house.' Dutch kitchen, water
cooler, woodllft. window seat, book
ie f,MI. buffet rflunnurinv bed. oak
jioors, rruit cupboard, laundry trays,
cement basement, floor, and fixtures.
double walls and floors, large attic,
street lmnrovtmcnl, oaid: Drice 32000;
terms.- Take Alberta car to 16th st-,
go one block north to 402 Sumner st.
Phone Woodlawn 1898. ,
1300 CASH and easy terms buys close
in 8 room modern house, hardwood
floors, furnace, rarase. etc Street.
sewer and walk all Iu. $15 caah and
SIS Der month buvs modern 4 room
bouse, tit cash and 320 per month
-buys modern s room house near Union
are... Other bargains- Ask for Kel
logg, 3&7H Oak- st. Main 1743.
Ooatlaned) -- -:
Laurelhurst Snap ;
New mnderm nunraJow. ' 6 rooms.
living room 15x28, fireplace and book
case, - large dining-room, mahogany
buffet and nnish. Caruwooa floors
with mahogany borders cabinet kitch
en, jarge bedrooms ana sleeping porcn.
fun buemcnt furnace, fixtures and
shades, walls papered, garage; $3,750;
terms. lanor 64 , - -
iuu wan Kjusf tuiuusna,
$10 per month will put you on a
Parlcroee tract. A small building re
striction keeps out undesirable shacks,
water piped to every piece. We have
a dandy tract on Sandy road, sise 45x
280 feet, only $780. -Cement sidewalk
sad paved street are already In and all
paid for. Best of soil; no rooks or
gravel. PARKROSB OWNERS branch
office. Sandy Road and 46th st Tabor
868. C-2111. -;
BEAUTIFUL new Colonial -1 - room
house, Alameda far; narawooa
floors and enameled - threurhout: ta-
Astoria, Columbia river port; five
SO ft, lots in the city, block trom
school; $100 each. will sell, one or
pered, tiled bath, sunroom.
basement, farage; Hamblet ave near
zetn; also vso Aiameaa arive, i room.
attic, beautlfulview. Owner, 766 VA1.
ameda drive. Phons Woodlawn 8.
WAR on carpenterlstic designs, a home
too expensive and impractical is a
burden what is a. lot without a build
ing on u; i pian, ouna ana iinance
building. Sketches and estimates free.
N. O. Ecklund, 31$ Henry bldg. Main
, IB60.'
Have neat Itttle 3 room shingled cot
tage on corner- lot 60x100; 860 down,
8io montniy. irrea W. usrman -o.,
732 Cham, of Com.
Owner oomoelled to seel this week
houses, value $1500, $2600 and $3600,
price win oe maae a real ottject.
qulre 404 Northwestern Bank bldg.'
If OR SALE, 8 room house, 3 lots, sOz
izs. auevzo rt.. small barn, s-as in
house and some berries. Price $700;
part cash, balance $16 per month. Call
Tabor 71&9. 8442 E. 86th st. S.
A HOME for $676.' Warranty deed and
ciear aDstract. s rooms, wen im
proved lot.
KITThiH. LOWE Bt 1E3 JTOttlsaX,
206-207 Board of Trade bldg.
mors. Those will ssu for big profits
very oon. Act quickly; am closing
an estate. Burley, 822 Chamber of
Commerce bldg.
' One lot and a quarter. 60x125, with
alley tn rear; cost me $580; I need
money and will sell for $$72. $160 cash,
balance, long as wanted; street assess
ments paid; two blocks from car. (BNi
Dorr E. Keasey & Co r, 332 Cham, of
MY equity of .$800 in fine, strictly
-modern room house tor saie at a
sacrifice, or will trade for auto or
glear lot. Z-174. Journal.
MAKE me a cash offer on small bouse
and lot. 6913 46th ave. S. E.. Kern
Park. Any reasonable offer accepted.
Must 11. 820 East Davis.
NORTH Irvington. 6 room bungalow.
attic, street improvements in and
paid. 11th and Shaver. Sacrifice for
eash. Owner. 1284 N. W. Bank bldg.
ROSE CITY PARK, swell room
hraiu. v. 4Eth. u. block north car.
Answer this ad: guaranteed snap. T-
$89, Journal.
ABSOLUTE snap, 6 room bungalow,
Oswego St., N. Lop Bt. Jonns cax.
Full lot. Must raise money. Make of-
tfifiO FLOSF1 CAITY PARK 1660.
Between 4Sth and 48th on Sandy, 42
ft. - frontage; basement already In.
This is a real bargain for cash. Hickman-Wilson,
46Ui and 8aody. Tabor
6888. C-2121.
60x100' LEVEL corner lot. $275, on
K. 58th St.. near Rose City Park
school; no assessments; dear deed, ab
208-207 Board of Trade bids;.
LAURELHURST Very desirable cor-
ner View lot. 8. EL corner . E. 39th
and Hazel fern; original list was $1600;
price now siooo. with part city assess
ments paid, Vt eash. R. A. Schramm.
owner.-Z4Z Btar st.
MUST sell two east side lots, 60x100
each, high, sightly. 1 block to car
11ns. 16 minutes' rids from town.
Walking distance. Creston or Frank
lin schools. Woodstock car to 4233
48th ave. 8. E. or phone Sellwood 2867.
25x100 each, on JJr
street worth $500, now $200. $50 cash.
810 monthly, irea w. uerman km.,
782 Cham, of Com.
WILL sacrifice 50x100 ft. In Gregory
Heights, 4 blocks from Sandy blvd,,
sidewalks in and streets graded, price
$375 cash. Call Main 4902, Monday or
BELLA VISTA, on the Columbia, the
choicest and most sightly acreage
overlooking the beautiful river, in my
new subdivision, Bella Vista, six miles
II Vancouver, on the river road, can
obtain building sites 1 acre to 6 acrss
at $300 per A. up. Inter-stats bridge
makes the property only 4ft min. drive
from center of city. Log cabin com
munity club house to be erected at
onoe; tennis courts,- etc. - Make YOUR
selection NOW. Automobile service.
Ernest- Wells. 1234 N. W.. Bank bldg.
Is ACRES, " is cultivated. -s Umber,!
running- - water. 4 room house, barn,
fruit, black soil, tools, Implements,
$1300; bargain. ; , ! - - . v
. acres, all cultivated, 'level, near
car, ReedvlUe; 13 miles Portland; good
soil, $1260, snap. ,
1-3 acre, 3 room, new bungalow, lo
fare, $850; terms. "Gstewood." 165
4th st.
Acre With New Bungalow
Located close to electria station, 9
cent fare; water and light, high class
neighbors; pries only $990: terms like
rent. The Atchison-Allen Co., 600 Con
eerd bldg., 2& and Stark. - - - :
I MUST raise cash. My $3500 home
tor $2350. This Is $1200 less than
cost. House T years old. 7 rooms, mod
ern, large attic sleeping porch, fire
place, cement floor; fine lawn, east
front. T. F. Keeley, 253 E. 70th N.
: Phone Broadway 1858. -
i'OR SALE At The Dalles, house and
two large lots, with berries, fruit
and chicken house, good ' location;
would take up to $900 in cash and
work team, young stock, or small acre
age; time on balance. 1211 Elm ft,
The Dalles. Or.
BARGAIN 6 room house, cement
basement. 60x125 lot; 6 bearing fruit
trees, berries, roses, lawn, 414 Brasee.
E. 6061. '
N. 6. "Ecklund. 313 Henry bldg..
- about planning and building your new
home, terms If desired. Free sketch-
es and estimates Main 6812.
BEStf bargain In Portland, $2000
equity 0 room bungalow, with garage,
on Sandy blvd.: will sell cheap or
would trade. Broadwsy 3338. Monday.
$50 CASH. $16 MONTHLY,
t room plastered bungalow. St. Johns
line. $1600. A real snap.' Fred W.
German Co.. 782 Cham, or Com.
49th and Tillamook; facing east;
elegant corner, 1 block to Bandy blvd.;
contemplate building, go see it; price
$900 cash. U-264.y Journal. -$40
A 2E0O eoultv for 8250 cash with
-$200 mortgage payable $10 per month.
Assessments, interest ana taxes puu.
Earl Jones, Estacada, Or.
Will sell my 60x100 east front lot
on 16th near Alns worth ave. for $260
cash. This lot is worth $700. Fine
view of mountains- K-1000, Journal.
Raise Chickens and Ducks
On Bryant Acres . s
Fries $200 and up. Terms $S per
month. Some with running; water; 10c
fare. Investigate and mk your rent
buy a home. The Atchison-Allen Co..
500 Concord bldjr. '
: Corners on Powell Valley paved road
and cross road to Section Line, 3 miles
from city. Beautiful location and en
vironments for country homes! te. Fine
trees, all level land. Price $1950.
Terms $600 cash; bal. easy monthly
Chamber of Commerce,
160 acres, lays fine, well settled com
munity, near Nehalem river, Columbia
county, not over half a mile from auto
stage road, $200 down, balance 10
years, 6.
732 Chamber of Commerce.
FIVE acres, mile to earllne; beauti
ful view of city, on paved road: land
lays fine and is covered by small fir
trees; will make a very desirable sub
urban home site or can be cut up into
acre tracts and soia at a gooa pront.
u. u. oha x, 7 jnam. ot uom.
Phones: Main 828, or Residence,
Tabbr 2983.
17 ACRES FOR $850.
Joining town, all e-ood rich solL and
all tillable except 2 acres, on good
road. 28 miles from ' Portland. ' good
nrtn, VBt.v will m f ITI. II,.
tie larm. omy requires iuu casn ana
Dai. can run to suit at 8.
J. B. RULEY CO.. 928 Cham, of Com
tL lf!BE MftNTAVlLLA. 8650
$25 down, $5 monthly buys this
very sightly piece, all cleared, close
to new school. Fred W. German Co..
T3Z cnam. or com.
5 - SACRIFlCIi $1400.
wiMeat. modern bungalow. 3 rooms.
bath, basement, laundry, elec. fix
tures, shades, nice lot for garden and
chickens. Near 70th.-Short block to
Rose City Park car. 386 cash. 316 mo.
fiiont me 'I'aoor 304.
Modern 7-room bungalow in Rose
City- Park, one block from two car
lines, hardwood floors, furnace, built-
U in -buffet; cost owner $4250; will take
$3500. part cash, . balance payments.
411 K. 41et N. Tabor 4734.
Com Dels sacrifice or modern 7 room
house, 479 E. 24th. cor. Division. $4000.
Main 3066,
BARGAIN $2400 equity in $3000
house and 4 lots lor 81400: terms.
Phone sellwood no".
Von SALE A auarter block in th
best part of Walnut Park. Both
streets ' paved, this property belongs
to a non-resident snd must bs sold at
once. Address W-861, Journal.
MODERN 6 room bungalow, cheap, in
Irvington. Owner going east. 874
MUST sell 6 room modern- bungalow,
payment, bal. easy. 494 Marguerite
$750 Three room house. 50x200 ft., on
E. 60th, north of Gllsan st. Your
terms. G. W. Brenner, 683 Rodney.
Ttirh land can ba bonsht direct from
nwnara at II & tn 340 ner acre and
very easy terms, within five or twelve
miles from Aberdeen and Hoquiam.
two prosperous and rapidly growing
cities; the soil is rich and produces
enormous crops, for which the market
is unlimited right here on Grays Har
bor. Tha landT is free from rocks,
gravel and underbrush. We have
schools, postoffices, stores, telephones
and good roads. Work can be secured
at any tune in the adjoining logging
camps. For zurtner lnxormaiion write
at once. - -
Aberdeen. Wash.
A -Little Park
2 acres east of Parkrose and near
Columbia Douievara, view river ana
mountains, beautiful grove of - native
trees, near electric station, spring
water pipea to lot; siuuo. a. f. ut
burn, 610 McKay bldg. Main 6229.
GOBLE Near rail and river;, under
40 miles from Portland; 10 acre
blocks, some with runninr water: rich
red shot soil, great for dairying, good
roads, land cleared if desired; lumber
provided for buildings: low prices;
exceptional terms. G. Wynn Wilson.
903 Chamber of commerce.
BARGAIN Going east: $57.50 per
acre; nearly 11 acres. 7ft cultivated,
balance easily cleared: 27 aonle trees.
4 years old; small house, barn, chick
en house, running water; fenced three
wire; located on county-road near Clat
skanle. Inquire 703 Lewis bldg..
Splendid Willamette Valley ?
Ranch and Farms-
300 acres. Cloverdale Taller. 1SE
acres first class river bottom land in
cultivation. - Close to Eugene tn Will
amette Valley. . Splendid roads. This
if setter place than adjoining ranch,
which sold for $100 per acre less than
year ago.. Price $22,000; one-half cash
bal,. 6. This Is first time this place
has ever been offered for sale.
777 sere. 'Willn.matt Vnllv Ka-
tween Cressvtall and Eugene: 600 acres
in cultivation, bal. In Umber and pas
ture; good fences ; 10-room house, gar
age and barn; all rood repair? also
other buildings; spring water toiiousa
and barns: 40 head of cattle, 6 horses;
complete farm equipment. Price $35.-
wv. luuniiaDie payment aown, Bal
ance to suit at 6.- This idekl stock,
and dairy ranch offered for finkt time.
Price is right. as.4CHARLESL.WH
14t acra, farm KA mnrm In motiva
tion; balance of land pasture and tim
ber?. Bear creek . borders place:' fair
bouse and barn; spring water piped;
fences fairly food- two and half miles
east Cresswefl. Or.. 33.000. lncum.
Dairying,? Chickens, ?JHog
Raising, Truck farming
' Ths Bt. Helens Lumber Co. offers
Its lands in the -vicinity of St. Helens,
Or, direct , to. settlers. This property
which hss been kd off the market
for years, adjoins a highly developed
farming area. Among the advantages
quality of soi). excellent school "sys
tem, .marketing conditions tCOOPER-
vvaiu.j av VTafc-V svwe.
ROLL of $60,000 PER MONTH, and
less than 80 miles- down the Columbia
highway from Portland. These factors
combined "ith LOW COST-OF LAND
velop a home. For information Phpna
Kh.Lh.rt, Mainrsiis.
sis war 4 tea
St. Helens Lumber Company. -.
Bt Helens, Or, 617 Ch. of Com., Port;
THE best small farm in Clarka county,
equipped, 20 acres, 10 acre in cult.,
balance sood pasture, all good soil.
brance, . payable $500 annually at 695iSod nulldinis. f Ine water, orchard, on
age; in trade uPlgood road, l mile school. miles, Van-
Will take email acraas-a.
e,vvy. vxreat pjacs at only $6000.
10 acres rt vai - Wtnm 1. n -(nw
sandy soil; highly Improved: new
house, new barn: on good road: on
winamette river, l miles to good
town, on main line & P. A S. See pic
tures at office.
J1 arm una Department
The Oregon Home Builders
1330 Northwestern Bank Building.
After lookina- this n, v ...
no doubt that you will say that taking
soil, improvements and location In
consideration It is the best 5 acre
garaen rarm and home you have seen
for 32550. cash. Five minute walk
to electric line.
- ' FARM. ' '
We mean choice, if ,nn i luui
looking to buy a farm and have got
wicu ui iTOniug. it win piease us to
show you this place and stock. Close
Si Joad"; fine Improvements.
Price $20,000; a rare bargain consid
ering stock. Improvements and loca
tion. KELLER & DEAL. 314 Lum. Ex. Bldg.
Portland. Or.
FOR SALE 20 or 40 acres choice val
ley land close in,, young orchard
startea, wen fine water: some in cultl
vation: high school: risrht in tha can
ter of the saw mill Industry; small
payment down. bal. 6 years
96 acres riarht at town and echnnl.
Improved; house, barn and other out-
Duuaings; oronara; 40 acres in cultiva
tion. This is a bargain, $7000,
eash, bal. time.
Marcola, Oregon.
couver, equipment to run ranch, $3600,
very east terms.
40 acres, well improved Just outside
city limits Vancouver. $8000, extra
fine home, terms can be arranged.
60 acres, highly. Improved 37 acros
prunes, gooa ouitaings, inciuuiaj
Jr a
au stoca ana equipmoov, w 1 "ri
I mile school. $20,000. terms: would
consider good horns in Portland to
We want 80 to 160 acres good but
cheap land with some improvements
that can be made good farm, for
highly improved 10 acres near one of
the best towns in Willamette vallsy.
with modern buildings.
Atkinson & Nichols
611 Main Street, Vancouver. Wash.
FOR SALE by Widow A splendid
farm of 100 acres with unusually
good market and transportation fa
cilities; 68 miles from Portland; rail
road station and Willamette river less
than 1 mile distant; above high water;
Umber, fruit, grain and hay in; good
soil, plenty, water; possession given;
32 Acre Home Stocked '
- Only $4600
Here Is a genuine snap. 82 acres
fnmt tinnn- win sell for 84600 with
stock, etfc Buildings cost 84000. Has
11 acres in cultivation, balance easily
cleared, almost level A-l soil. 90 cords
of wood goes with place. ' Fine 6 room
new house, with hot and cold, water,
beam celling, panel dining and front
room. Certainly a beauUful house,
l.r.A n w hum ' rhfekan house, etc.
One fine horse, one cow and calf,
brood sow. 2 wagons. 1 ifonkey stump
puller cost $400. This place adjoins
railroad atatlnn ss miles from Port
land, with beautiful - view overlooking
Oiumoia. pome terms, tunj ,
Dorr E. Keasey & Co".
232 Cham of Com.
13 acres right at staUon 1 mile
from Donald 23 miles from Portland;
all fsnced and in clover; 6 room house,
barn, 2 wells; very best deep loam; al
most level; cost owner $4000 eash;
price $2200.
QODDARD & WTEDRICK, 24$ Stark at.
BIG 7 room house, furnace, large lot,
37th and Hawthorne. $3300. Owner,
Sellwood 2292.
5 ROOM house, Hirhlaiid Park, $1000,
Any terms.
cester bldg.
E. E. Miller, 430 Wor-
7 ROOM modern house, by owner. Lot
50x160, Fruit, chicken house and
yard. Tabor 3029, Snap. Terms.
FOR SALE Ji acre, good 3-room
- house, cement basement, fruit trees,
water in; terms $1100, $59 down, $10
per mo. at 6 per cent, or bargain for
cash. Woodstock car to end of line, t
block south of 65th ave.,, on 3d at.
n. i'. nuii, cuser. vr.
If you own a lot we will build and
finance yaur home on" easy terms.
Large variety of plans to select from.
Ground - floor. - 808 Oak t.
Modern new bungalows, 6. 6 7 rooms,
large lots; price $2500 to $2650; easy
-terras: wouia accept vacant lot as
' Part payment. S. E. corner E. 70th and
Bandy road. . ;
MUST sacrifice new modern home;
basement,-fruit trees, small fruit,
concrete sidewalks, and curbing In,
Bee owner and make offer. 6430 63d st.
FOR SALE cheap, or will trade, flve-
-room - cottage ana one lot at in
4 Id ava. S, E.; -leaving city; must sell.
Inquire of owner at above address.
Mt Scott ear.
MUST SELL my nearly new 7 room
bungalow., rireplace. Turn ace, hard
wood floors: 2 - blocks from car .and
Peninsula Park. Cost $4000; will lose
300. Phone owner East 4167. -
6-ROOM house for sale. Rose Qty
- i'ara. ei eutn . Bieepmg porcn,
fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors, full
anient basement, furnace, laundry
rays. Terms. ' -
NIFTY 6-room bungalow. 3 bedrooms.
fireplace, woodllft. clothes - shute.
uunary luoa. nice jawq, cement waiics.
lBou, inciuamg improvements; terms.
18ZT uciaware. v.
SACRIFICE, v $2260. large modern
nouse. corner, lots, good location,
fruit,- chicken bouse; terms. 5511 60th
C 8.R.:
SIX room house, with all improve
ments, rruu trees, parn, chicken
house. Slie - 93x200. For sale chean.
Kasy terms. uvner ranor TZ6
$800 A big. value in 4 room houas,
nice location, near Peninsula school.
I must have $600- cash. Call Woodlawn
4 or see R. g. carey; 04 mm par d st.
I. MODERN xooni colonial house at
410 E sstn, n. a. peautiiut noma.
"Will sell mr equlty. : Owner. Tabor
6852. - - - -
For SalsBy Owner.
A dandy . close in corner. 8 room
house. . full , basement r and furnec
fhone sellwood zz.- .
-, j Here's a Real Home $ 1 400.
( room bungalow, atuo and - base-
i menu . Close tQ car and scnooi. Terms-
JtDOr'ZMf. '
FORCED to- sell. - 6 room nod s- n
fast becominir business district. '
650, Journal. ' - -
1 5 ROOM new bungalow and acre tract
I' house modern. So fare, on easy terms.
Price $995. N-768. Journal. -. - -
NEW modem, ,6 room bungalow, 4t Bl
- E9th at N- Rose . Cttv nark.
Sunday. Phone Main 9184. -
A MODERN r 6-room bungalow; will
-sell cheap, .&ee owner. $$4 EL 32d N.
Aioerta car. -- ... -
8 ROOM house and 18 lota, olose In, at
a Bargain, laooy oij.
PRIVATE home, modern 6 room bu
galow. 60x100. Young fruit. Near
pood car. 1253 Delaware ave..
3800 By owner. 4 lots. House. 6a fare.
trood terms. Marsnail 4834.
BUNGALOW 6 rooms for $960. $260
down. 247 h Madison st.
ROOM modern house, on East Broad-
way. Terms or cash. E-4957.
FOR SALE At a sacrifice, 6 room
cottage, win rent. Tab, ibis, owner.
MOD. R. C. Park home for amount
against It; easy terms. Tabor 4286.
so bearing fruit trees; no mortgage or
assessments; going -east ana neea
money, t-719. Journal.
FOR SALE $476' equity in $800 lot
one Diocx irom fen insula raric. Tor
8200. Good car service, etc Phone Ts
hor8945, Sunday or mornings,
3800; cash, or - 3900 terms. Paved
streets, Reason cheap, owner going
away. tr-Bas, journal.
CHOICE lots reasonable. 2 blocks from
fins school. Take Alberta car. Terms
810 down. 310 a month. Inquire W. J,
BorehamT.lm E. Sth st N.
3 LOTS near Mt Tabor Park, fine lo
eatioa for a home; $425 each: easy
8350 cash or terms. Also bungalow
at a sacrifice. Tabor 6664 or Dorr E.
Keasev & Co., Z32 Cham, or Com
wistena ave.. ovxiuo, less than bik
to car; easy terms. Hickman-Wilson.
46th and sanay. Taoor 88. c-2121
IIITOEI "CO v . wlu VU.y avvvi
worth $2000. 68$ Cham, of Commerce.
CHEAP quarter block on Alberta st,
near tear; neea money, so wn
sacrifice,' Address box 131. Brush Pral-
lie, wasn.
EQUITY $340 . and $100-street im
provements In corner lot for sale;
near' Peninsula Park: $310 due. What
is your orierr ktj7. journal.
FOR SALE at a, bargain: Lots 22. 23.
ana 34, mocK iof university tr.
Box A. Reubens. Idaho. ' '
FOR SALE Three most desirable lots
- at -uienmorris. Aaaress u, care
journal, Oregon city, or.
FOR - SALE cheaD. 80x100. foot a
Rodney ave., cor. Farragut - Phone
Woodlawn 4825 or call 476 Mason.
43x107 on Ainsworth. near Union ave.,
for business or residence. Call up
week days. East 839. C-1899.
FOR SALE . One lot" -one block off
Hawthorns ave, near 17ta st; $800.
S-898", -Journal." ' "
LOT 3. block 14 Portsmouth addition
tor Portland
rood auto. AX
tRVlNGTON If you wan or
for sale or trade for
79Z, Journal.
on 17th st near Rl ski von.
H. Wilson, box SI. Salem. Or.
60x115 ON Glenn ave. between' Herri
.son and Hawthorne,, for $376. Phone
SA - 17",
LOT, "60x105 on E. 44th stj
ai nione tj-lsss.
a. snap
CORNER let $660, Alameda Park; good
iorat ion, uwner, g79 E. Davis. -
$700 LOT for $130 and. st. lmprove-
nienra. Maoison St.
3 COUNCIL Crest lots-grand . view.
. snap. , vwncr. zt N.IVV, lisAg WOf.
f ACRES $250.
tlS down and 15 a. month buvs 6
acres logged off land, between Port
land ana centralis, on main line or s
railroads, 1 miles from town of 800
population, sawmills, shingle mills and
other industries. Some of these tracts
are nearly eleared and have a spring
or running stream' on tnem. rnce au
per acre. Many tracts of different
sixes to choose from. Good soil, lies
well, fine location perfect title.
gin rtaiiway .mxenange Diag.
A Great Bargain
13 acres, mile city limits of Van
couver, fins view, high state of cul
tivation, good soil, good road and
small house, $3000. terms. 8, P. Os
burn, 810 McKay 'bldg. Main 6229.
to pick-up SO acres of good soil, 28
miles from Portland, on railroad and
cleared, all rolling bench land, a pick
up ror idu caan.
J. B. RULEY CO.. 928 Cham, of Com.
1080 acres, about 60 miles from
The Dalles, Or,, 400 acres in fall grain.
800 acres in cultivation, an block, im
plements and tools go with place.
Price I2S- ner acre,
108 acres. 36 miles from The Dalles,
Or in arr.i in fall wheat. 108 acres
terms, cash, time and mortgage; might in cultivation, good buildings, family
orchard, ail stock ana implements go
with mace, trice to per acre,
(Qoatlnnod) . .
520 A fine wheat land. 478 culti
vated, fenced; abundance of water;
located in good wheat belt Gilliam Co.;
part summer fallowed ready for crop.
See, D. M, Rohrbougb, 268 Btark St. at
SNAP' 8400 (must he cash)
everything, nearly new furniture.
curtains, linens, dishes, cutlery, com
plete kitchen, fine steel ran ge, ; . hot
water: 100 thoroughbred chickens, R,
X, Reds and White Leghorns, laying;
Incubator how hatching; 2 months
rent paid In advance, provisions. Splen
did 6 room house, bath and toilets fins
garden, fruit and berries. Rent $10 a
month; 6c carfare, Oregon Electric and
soumern r-aciiic, near stations, jrnone
Marshall 8046.
400 Acre Ranch
for rent; place will keep 76 head of
stock; - located on Dig Nestucca river:
about 160 acres in cultivation; good
barn and new house, low rent Present
renter wisnes to sen stock ana ait
farm Implements. This ia a good buy
ror f40oo, as me place win maae
$3000 this year Address F, B. McKln
ley. Beaver, Oregon. -
FOR RENT, sale or exchange, 120
acres, 50 in cultivation, running
water In every field; large barn, house,
poultry yard, orchard, free fuel, part
rent can be worked out on place; cheap
rent; near school. Address Idle Uest
Goldendale. Wash.
IMPROVED 31 acres near Tigard.
TWO MILLION feet lares yellow fir
timber 1 mils from railroad town,
88 from Portland. X-609. Journal.
WE want Willamette valley farms lor ,
- wheat stock and alfalfa land, well
Improved, ranging in price from $10,
060 to $160,000. We want soma good
city property to trade for stock, wheat
?nd ' Irrigated ranches. Good dairy
arm in Clark Co. to trade for wbsat
ranch in Klickiut Co. - If you are look
in foe good trade it would pay you
i?. ff or writs ns. - Atkinson b
Nichols. 611 Main st., Vancouver, Wn.
100 ACRES, unincumbered, la Douglas
county. Or., and unincumbered, weU
located 6 room house and corner lot in
Seattle, Wash., to trsde for wheat land
in southern Alberta, Canada, or stoek
In Alaska Petroleum & Coal Co. Might
add other property for extra good pro- 1
position. - .;.. -,
farm WANTED 40 or more seres.
near station, within 60 mile Port--land.
PYeferrsd with stock and Unplo
mentg, Will exchange 6 room plas
tered, plumbed, electric lighted Salem
home with large grounds, and-10
acres Tillamook timber land near rail-.
road; all clear' Of Incumbrance. Want
Offers. C M. Thomason, 247 Madl
son street. ' '
NEW 4-room bungalow. 100x100,' ooat
81400; sacrifice tor $650. One acre,
beautiful bungalow, at Greshara,' fur
niture and chickens, trade for Calif or
nia. 4 lots, Falrport, near oars, clear,
trade for small acreage on interurban.
s room modern house, rieamont, ciesr.
About 25 acres in cultlvauon, part j trads for well Improved acre on T Inter
onion land; largs orchard assorted , urbaa- Weber, 12$4 Northwsstsrn ,
fruit, several hum, and Other build-! kM. w.ii.. im -
r- r- ---- - - ----i mua. r, VUu,a
tenant cheap. J. G. Rain ay, 904 aeou
Bldg. Marshal' 3177.
00 ACRE farm for rent, all ia cultiva-
tlon and nearly all in crop: close to
city, on good road; good improvements.
Will rent for a term of years, $460 per
annum. , $450 cash required. Call or
address 4835 66th St., B. city.
20 ACRES 8 miles to Oregon Citv;
15 acres unde- cultivation; house,
barn, creek, fuel, mail, cream route,
school; 10 ml. to eleetrld car. Rent
$120 yr.. half cash. bal. work. H, F.
Ronald, Concord, Cal. '
69. ACRES for rent 10 acres in cultiva
tion, rest pasture; good house, barn
and orchard: K mile from station at
Caatlerock, Wash. B G. Brewer, Oas-
FARM for rent; 2 miles east .of
Greshara; 66 acres; good soil, well
adapted for truck farming or dairying.
Inquire Monday. 1117 Board of Trads
bldg. Mam M34,
10 ACRES under cultivation, good
buildings, fine orchard, mountain
water in house, cheap , rent to right
party. Z-542, Journal. '
WELL STOCKED FARM. 200. acres,
i - 1 mr . ah ltttfa frAA hill 11 n 0S
near Airlle; reasonable rent Call
Main 6120 Monday
RANCH at Beaverton. 29 acres. 12 In
cultivation, 3 room house, good well
and outbuildings. $100 a year. C Rey-
noids, 875 E. 7ttl, JM. -
FARM for tent 60 acres, 26 clear.
rood build
1 miles from Troutdale. Owner,
consider desirable small acreage, ocean
ironiage, on payment Address R. No.
3. box 212. Salem, Or.
If you are looking tor a nice section
to make a home come to Yamhill. We
need you. Lota of room, land is cheao
and can be bought on easy terms. We
have good roads, schools and churches,
10 electric- passenger trains daily.
Take the big red ears on 4 th st and
let us show you what we have, or
writ Yamhill Improvement Club,
Yamhill, Or. '
$1150 buvs 2 acres. 144 miles east
of Lents Junction, on Foster road,
quarter mile-from Belle Rose station.
This property is easily worth $1800;
1400 casn, t serra-annuaiiyv rTea w.
German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE 5 acres, mile from
Harrisburg. Oregon, on Pacific High
way; new six-room house, well paint
ed, good barn. 3 large henhouses and
storehouse: variety fine berries, bear
ing orchard; land in high state of cul
tivation; price fzooo, including iuu
Leghorn hens and good Jersey cow;
some terms. Albert Hutchinson, owner,
Harrisburg, Or. -
WE have for sale twp 5-acre tracts In
Rock wood, near the Base Line road;
this property has been sold under at-
tacnment proceedings and tne owner
nas dui a snort time in wnicn to re
deem it and is willing to sacrifice.
R. B. M KIN if tiiS ft CO..
418-417 Railway Exchange BIdg.
Phone Main 4035;
If you had you would buy it priced
at $1500, cash, for twoacres, very
best of soil, and buildings worth
around $800; located right at station,
north of Jennings lodge,. Oregon City
earllne. See this. Jacob Haas, Dekum
Over 2 acres and half at Garden
Home, surrounded by county road,
electric line and station. This tract Is
beautifully situated for small country
place, perfect solL beautiful, building
trai Tin iter rA stii unnna airantMiv
wain, set z. -
41-2 Acres, $7500
New 5 -room bungalow within the IU
mile limit from the courthouse, - fine
ior suoaivision or rine ror nome ror
garden tracts; $2000 cash, bal 6 per
oent to suit, rmnay. en, nenry piqg.
Close to earllne. and close in. lots of
cnoice i run ana Domes, gooa traiid
lnrs. fine sorins? -water: nrlce S2S00:
the iars from Vancouver to this place
IS Ov cents.
10 acres: acres in eron: bulldinra:
right at the station Pleasant Home: on
hard-surfacs road; will sell for one-
nait price; i-rms;price 81700. Jacob
Haas. 716 Dekum bldg.
UNUSUAL" bargain, 6c fare. 10 acres,
8 In cultivation, some good timber:
situated on Mt Scott 2H miles of
Agents; tana lays good, no gravel, rood
lances,, Ifricv fauu io lorce a saie;
PRETTY 80 acre place on Foster
road, 11 miles from Portland; , good
buildings, well improved; -all kinds of
fruit good location at a bargaitt.
Owner. R. 3, Box 114, Boring. Or.
$10 buys my acre, all cultivated, close
- to s eiectric stations. line view, low
fare. R-3M. JoumaL
60 ACRES, small improvements, very
reasonable terms. E. Hobart. Silver-
ion, ur.
40 ACRES ftnlmproved land cheap, no
trades; owner, J. X. Mackey, Carrolla.
ONLY $2300, 46? acres, 28 miles Por-
. imii, creeaa, springs, no traae. good
term a H-744, JotimaL -
40 acres. Camas, Wash- very easily
- cleared, $20 acre, good terms. 422 &,
tm au
ACRES on Oregon Electric, near ta-
hod, 2hd -per. acre, ; pnon Wdln
SOBS. - - - . - .....
$370 EQUITY in 7 acres, fin soli. 10
muca oui, roras.wooa, I
8980 mortfaya Bell wood 165.
ACRE tracts near city -on ; earllne.
paved road, 35 cash, 36 per mo. Fred
.re. ouortFT, on tnam. ipr commeree.
S ACRES choicest solL near Milwaukle
price right. .. Owner. F-900, Journal.
120 acres, 50 cultivation, deep black
loam soil, 1 mile woven wire fences,
springs, orchard, new bulldinra. On
state and county road, macadamised.
e Vt miles gooa town, zoo yards to 2
room modern country school, an R. F.
D. Cream routs and phone Una Price
$6200. Terms.
808 Stock Exchange Bldg.
Gibson Half Acres
flood soil, city water, close to ear-
line, easy terms; will build to suit pur-
AhAAAP Phnn. ttlt ... Alt
V , in . . .. v .. w bk.h..- .. .www w wv.m
wood 4T8. John H. Qmwn. owner.
16 acres, all rood soil: can all be
farmed; easy clearing, roads, school,
neighbors, easy terms.
if, a. liULUUOOK. CO.,
214 Lumber Exchange bldr.
16 .acres, 6 miles from Vancouver
ferrVon hard surfaced road; Salmon
creek runs through; 6 room house, barn
24x38: price ror quick sale. 32000.
GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st
TWO acres. 5 room house, woodshed.
chicken house, well, fruit trees and
berries, all under cultivation, 2 blocks
from Stanley station; $100 down, $10
per month. Owner, 1784 Vanhouton
st.. St. Johns carline.
I ACRE, all in cultivation; with mod
ern 8-room new bungalow for $1500.
Tha house alone is worth the Dries.
Close-in, hard-surfaced road. 11c fare.
Terms. J. c. xtainey, so xeon Diag.
Marshall 317T.
Will sell a very choice niece of acre
age right in the city for price very
iar Dsiow vaiue u soia at once, uet
terms and price at 404 Northwestern
.nana piag.
EQUITY of 84600 in 23 acres i morovfi
farm near vswego ana tne lake mala
road: magnificent view. Take city
property part casn or small, acreage.
8.9 acres fronting on paved road and
carline at station near the city; $3000,
3500 cash, $25 per month. Fred H.
Strong, 617 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE 160 acres in Washington,
60 in cultlvauon. rooa sou, free from
sand or gravel; $1000 cash, balance
terms to suit, or wiu traae. u-zeo,
Journal. - - -
fruit, berries, $1600. Piano or used
Ford part first payment. $$00. Hol
lingworth, 6610 71st st? J3.JB. Tabor
near Portland, 3, I, 10 acre tracts,
best soli, good roads, near electric, $66
to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar-
land 609 Yeon bldg.. Peruana.
For Sale
V acres,, west side, near Capital
Hin; tc rara 3875. can m. ti07.
NEAR TIGARD. pretty 7 acres; will
divide, new buildings, youne orchard.
trout ' stream; splendid '- buy. i. Owner,
Mar. 8481. ' -
FOR SALE 40 8vcres"of unimproved
Und In Klickitat Co Wasln Inquire
at T1Z4 43d ave. m. ta. . -
150 ACRES fine. Yamhill Co, land.
Price $50 4 per aors, Tonus.,, p-707,
journal. - . .
SNAP for chicken ranch or garden 1
acre (or less) in city limit 4 blocks
from carline. 6c fare: f room house.
4H acres, all Improved, on bard sur-
racea tfm xjine ruu, uoa f ruum
Bouse, a real oargain, .
Ground floor, 806 Oak st
1000 ACRES In Cowlits CO- Wash-
not far from rail and river, good
solL part -tillable. 6 million feet Um
ber, all for $3600. Neal Brown, 203
Panama Bids.
For further inforatlon in regard the
above places write
Black A Crum,
The Dalles, Oregon.
FOR SALE Ranch of 168 acres, 90 or
mors heavy fir timber, 13 in crop,
balance open and slashed, running wa
ter, good orchard, good buildings,
team, harness and alljnachlnery, elev
en head cattle, cream separator, hogs,
chickens and all tools and household
goods.telephone in house, school 1
mile Wren station, store and. postof
f Ice miles, county road mile. Price
for all- quick - sale. $6000. $2000 -cash,
balance 6 years or longer at 69a. Ad
dress R. E. Nelsen, Wren. Or Ben
ton Co. - -
on Columbia highway:
825 Worcester Bldg.
40 ACRES for rent or trade, houe and
barn: 25 acres plowed, irnirated. 1
miles from R. R. station. 961 E.
st, N. - Woodlawn 2583.
A GOOD farm of 60-acres, all cleared,
to rent (well improved). Call room
25, Ruasell Bldg.
FOR RENT 6 acres, house, barn and
well, 860 per year, inquire Bell Rose
st.. Oresham- car, C. J. Jones.
About in cul., bal. good pasture, - I
easy cleared. 10 acres fruit fIr build I
lngs, ll cows and heifers, one horse,
nay. grain and farm imp. Pries $8eo, .
33000 ratg.; would .assume some on,
wdclt property. S. P. Osbura, $10 4
$20 ACRES in Blaine Co.. Idaho,' ideal
stock or wheat ranch, all In culti
vation, good running water, M - mils
Ry. station, good roads and plenty of
outside range. Also a 7 room house at
noise, win sxcoange one or Both ror
farm In western Oregon or Wash, Carr
Co.. 811 Panama bldg. '
SPLENDID farm, 24 acres, at MeMlnn- "
ville; good 7 room . house, barn and
outbuildings; gravity water system;
choice fruit; 13 seres in cultivation,
balance pasture; fine for fruit gar
dening, poultry or . small dairy; $4600.
Take clear tiouse to $2506. R. . F.
Feemster. 309 A b ing ton bidg.
46 ACRES, part bottom land, fronting
on Willamette river and fins ma
cadam road; first class soil, -7 . room
house, s large bam: family orchard;;
$6000. Portland horns to $4000. , ,
McChesneyf Title & Trust Bldg. -
FIVE room modern bungalow, close
to carllnes; gas and electricity;
close In snd good horns district Pries
$3600. Exchange for clear acreage.
Improved or unimproved, at $20 J J.
Lueddemann Co., 913 Chamber of
DAIRY of 30 acres close in. good soil,
good house and outbuildings; a fin
place. Bee owner, 7a tn. Main pi
164 acres Willamette valley farm.
ml. from elec line. 6 rm. houses barn 40 ACRE farm close in, good buildings,
36x94 ft.; 126 acres under cult?; fine 510 Gerlinger Bldg.
Hera Is a 120 acre farm. 60 cultiva
tion. 6 miles from good town near
Portland, fair buildings, springs and
orchard. 10 cows, 6 heifers, 3 horses
hogs and chicken a machinery and 'ev
erything needed for crops. Pries $9000.
Want $1000 cash, balance exchange for
city property and mortgage back on
place. . .
803 Stock Exchange Bldg.
college and his-h school near; 2S min.
drive; fine town; 33 mt from Port
land; abundance water; rtver front
age. Price 816.600 terms 6 .. See
D. M. Rohrbougb, 269 Stark, at -
New buildings, team. cow. heifer
chickens, implements, feed, seed and
Household furniture, H mile school, 4
miles town, 85 miles Portland, $800
cash, bal. 10 years. 6.
308 Stock Exchange Bldg.
FARM for sale or exchange; 320 acres.
xencea ana cross xencea with nog
tight fence: . 36 acres wheat 20 acres
alfalfa, young orchard, fair buildings.
piauiy oi wooa ana water, an ainas oi
tools, machinery-, and stock go with
place; church and school mile:
deal with owner and save commission.
Address box 27. Hartland. Wash.
110 A. I ml. to Amity. Yamhill Co.
80-A. rich bottom land In cultivation,
house, barn, fenced, running water, 3
A. bearing orchard, 18, A. timber, some
pasture. Snap at $70 per A.; tetms to
suit Bee Seachrest at
(Cor. 4th and Stark.)
BEAUTIFUL farm home, bargain: 60
acres, 1 miles from -Amity; 25 in
cultivation, 10 in prunes; fins 6-room
bungalow, barn and outbuildings;
cost $2600; $1000 of personal property,
stock and Implements: price only
$5000, V4 cash; no trade: fine view:
genuine sacrifice. See Millership, 724
Chamber of Commerce,
DO TOU want to buy a farm
near Portland, r elsewhere.
We hsv a good list any size or
price. -
FOR SALE or trade, on cash basis. 160
acres of fine Oregon umber lsnd.
between 3 and 4 million ft. Near good
market in Lane county. Want from 6
to 10 acres well lmnroved within 6o
car fare.-in city of Portland. Address
owner, 3Q etn st.. p. is., Portland, or,
39 Acre Fruit Rancn
All full bearing, cost owner $8600;
erop last year 62000; will sacrifice
equity 31250 cash or $2500 trade; mort
gage 33600 e per cent yulgley, 202
Wilcox bldg.
. 7 ACRES.
At station on electric. Gresham dlst
running water, all cultivation, pries
ivu. Terms.
" . 808 Stock Exchange Bldg. ;,
Oregon City car line, 12 acres culti
vated, lies level, no better soil, fine
bearing orchard, fins road, fair build
ings. Best buy on market at price oi
JACOB HAAS. Dekum Bldg.
120 acres In Clarke Co.. Wash,, good
level, some green Umber, a -trout
stream. sawmllL nlaner. store, school.
church close by; 16 miles from Van
couver, fie per acre, terms. A, C
Kriger. 1296 E. Salmon st.
WASHINGTON CO-160 acres partly
imnrOved-r - some - fine-' botom Jland.
some timber, new house, bearing orch
ard : mile to town; a -nours-irom
Portland; low price, easy terms.; S-398,
40 ACRS - Willamette valley dairy
farm. stocked and equipped - good
buildings, plenty water; no trade.-Ad-
jrew box so. w. x, junction wityyr.
$0 ACRES for only $400; good county
road, level land, near Columbia river,
postoffics and stores. Barley, ; 822
Cham. of Com- Portland. Or,-
KELSO.. Wash, 2 acres fine land, good
- nouse, -narn, etc., iruit ana Derries.
Price $7(0. Cash $300, baL easy.. 431
ensmner or commerce. - -
160 ACRE Improved farm' all in eulti
- vation. good buildings. - near -La
Orsnde. Or KX-4M. Journal.
FOR 8 ALE Bes, farm in Oregon that
- 37000 will buy: no trade, halt cash.
weal Brown, zo panama mag
16 TO 160 acres land, near Gresham
sell vat bargs-ln and terma' . E. .E,
Miller, ownert 480 Worcester Pldg.
20 AC- 10 in orchard.' mostly prunes,
New housa $2600. $1160 cash. Call
$37 B, 11th st So. No agents. .
180 ACRES, Gresham, 26 cultivated,
. good buildings,, . pasture. G-598,
FOR SALE, cheap. 1 30 -gal. boiler.
- hotcake elate 18x34. 1
Division at
12 acres, buildings suitable for cows
or poultry, city water, boi ta. q w.
A SNAP if taken before April 10, 500
a. in Boutnern wasco Co., euo till
able. 100 in fall grain, some alfalfa.
orchard and berries, running water.
good Improvements; $30 per acre;
would accept trade to $5000, some
cash, time on balance. iLV-761. jour
nal. '
Located 10 miles from Woodland on
state highway; 27 acre cultivated, 3
rm. house, barn, all kinds of out
bid gs, fine bearing orchard! well lo
cated ror stock raising, etc. price
335091 terms. See D. M, Rohrbougb,
2(8 stark st. j
150 acres in Morrow county. 11 miles
N.,W. from lone; fenced with 3 wires
on cedar posts; small nouse, shed ana
hem in fair condition: terms all cash.
No trade. Goddard it WIedrick, 24$
Stark st
Win1 ...ii II enn ia aawa- r.t l -n n
mile from boat landinir. La'Cimbr.
Wn... 10 acres eleared. t it t seeded in
pasture, young Dear in g orchard; an
stock, implements and . household
goods Included, Must sell at a sacrifice
on account ox neaitn. no agent P-713,
FOR SALE 169 acres, unimproved. 15
acres in Brass, e . acres nay ana
garden; an ideal dairy country, good
school, house and barn: river runs
through place; $1800: 31000 cash, bal
ance 7 4 years. Address Paris, Or..
Box 4$. '
FOR SALE"" 60 a. improved dairy
-1 ranch, part bottom land, rood soil,
plenty of water, tools snd some stock;
price $4500: $ miles to town, on main
county road, north- of Portland, on N.
P.- Owner. P. B. -Bherritt Wlnlock.
wasn, k. z.pnone J 8.
1200 acres 6 miles from Condon.
Gilliam County; good buildings, dandy
orchard, lots water; going at $10 per
acre, iisq acres s miles or Condon;
600 In . wheat: farm eaulcment: $13
per acre. Claude Cole, 8d0 Henry bldg,
6 , ACRES near Oregon City, about
in cultivation. -bal. good pasturage.
easy cleared. 10 acres fruit fair build-
lngs. stock, implements,: nsy, gram,
for good city property nn to 86500.
clear: price $$500; B-.7J3ox 42, Ore-
gon city or. -
320 Acres ood Land
' Near Bend.- new 2R. R.'.nasses near.
90 acres in cult; house, barn; sell for
$8 - acre. $500 will t .handle. Qulgley.
zoz wucox oiog. - - -
$4 ACRES. lk mile out, improved with
t new Sbulldlngs. electric lights, tele
phone, dty water, all level, 46 acres in
crop; terms to sunr iio per acts.
Address it. i. box . tJariton, yr.
FORCED to sell my 20 acres, ail fin
oil, 15 acres In-culUvatlon, 2 mllee
of town. Will sell for less than cost
and taka sinpayment down, Prlca
31750. -owner, y-z, journal.
$13.60 ACRE for 320 acres -wheat land
In fall wheat: one-third crop goes
with place Address owner, U-llf ,
Want House and Lot, .
Worth $2600, olear or good equity with
small mortgage. Trade you good val
ley land clear of incumbrance.
B.- F. KELLY, 728 Cham, of Com. Bldg.
it; will
ACRES, 6 room bungalow, near sta-
tlon. IQc fare. Main 7831,
29 ACRE ranch, equipped and stocked.
to rent, zi miles out feast naz,
10 A, close in. team, tools, etc., for
sale cheap. Q- 61. Journal.
barn, lota
change for small 4 or 6 room house in
suburbs of Portland, What have you,
JACOB HAAS, Dekum bldg.
20 ACRES, 8 miles southeast of Ora
gon City, well .improved, 6 v room
plastered house, etc. Pries $3000, mort
gage of $1000, exchange for Portland
home. Jordan, 801 Lumbermens bldg.
IMPROVED lot labor and some- caslw
. to exchange for well- located, acre
age, convenient to Portland. Be rea
sonable or don't answer. Belt 1423 eve-
nlngs. X-833, Journal.
FIVE room plastered cottage, Mt
Scott district Price 31000. clear, and
$800 cash, to trads for scresgs or for
house closer in, and will assume up
to $103j, J. Singer, 428 Lumber Exch.
24 ACRES. 39 miles trom Portland, S
miles from electric line, on county
road, all level, almost all cleared.
Fins spring.' 8880. $800 cash. Kauff-
rnann. 825 Lumber Exchange.
UNIMPROVED Willamette valley land
wanted. Will exchange $6000 bust
ness property that rents for $15 per
month for suitable unimproved land:
must be near B, R., fairly level, good
soil, and have running water. Ad
dress cx-871, journal.
WANTED 80 to 160 acres improved
or unimproved land, good sou ana
water, to $2500; have 2 lots worth
fl-VV in fortiana to ai;iia,iiBe, awiiv
cash. Q,762. Journal.
WANTED To ' hear from owner of
good farm or unimproved lar.a tor
sale. C. C. Buckingham, Houston, Tex.
40 ACRES at Crawford. Vi mils to sta
tion, stock and implements. Will
take house and lot to $5000. Xauff J
mania 4b Moore. $26 Lumber Exch,
Income city property from $S00S to
816.000 for farms with or without
Stock. Owners. 840 E. Ankeny. '
85 ACRES stocked. 80 acres in cult
fine buildlnrs. Will take house VP
to $5000. Balance long time. L. J.
Rohlnson. 826 Lumber Exch. East 1688.
BUNGALOW 6 rooms, full lot, closs
in, paved streets and sewer, trace
for chean acreass partly improved. N-
960r Journal. n
12 s ACRES.-all ouitivatea. rich son.
near cariine; win traae tor ciear city
property or ,, lightly incumbered, j N-
94, journal
FARM, 20 to 160 a., within 30 miles of
Peruana, oive run aesenpuon ana
pries. X-Q03, journal,
WANTED To rent 60-800 acre pas-
ture, not too tar out. viniger, .
3d st. - - "
WANT a stdck farm. 961 E. 28th st
K. wpcoiawn z&3.
Homestead Relinquishment
for rood stocked 80 or 120 homestead:
will trads good six-room boms en car
line, eash value $4000.- - my equity
2400. i am not iorceo io aeii, uui o
I- need money. I simply want good
homestead, uive run lniormauon m
first letter, P-669, Journal.
Homestead, 40 Acres
S rftflm hauia 1 acre cleared, some
furniture. 36 miles from Portland. 1
miles from. R. R,, stores and school.
line creek;
ttuaui, ,ll nrjijr j viug.
$ HOMESTEADS recently opened to
homestead entry, not really home
steads but farms, all level, lots of wa
ter, wood. Ideal climate. Government
makes you a present of land. Greatest
opportunity in ywu- -. mwuv.
Box 4, Laptne, sjt.
WE CAN locate a number -of line
- homesteads and' relinquishments in
the- best grasing country, rich soil.
water, near rallroadr tins stock, or
grain proposition. Write today, the
Percy M Johnson Co., vaie. Or. . v
nAn a "tj ' U. i 'f ln.1 i-J.'
- miles from Harlan, all tillable. 850
If taken at once; also good saddls
horse; saddls, bridle; and light buggy
cheap.7 .can is aaississipp ava,' cor.
vvaiis. . : - - -r - - -
220 ACRES Will make fins stock
farm?, close to finest kind of grass
range. '200 acres "Will raise 1 rraJn sr
alfalfa, - Main 9818. Chas. L, Wheyler,
description $1, Clair Hunt Col rills,
WsB- . - ': - ' - "
160 ACRES and 4.000,000 feet of lum-
ber; close in. or terms, scares u
T51. JournaL ' ,
VtlAY beat, relinuuishment -on Road
creek,-' near railroad station, isO, II-
910.- journal. -
DANDY timber or homestead, near
Portland, $50. TJ-460, Journal.
A $10.00Qtimberclaim, Location' fee.
$150. Phone Woodlawn 8384.
BEST, homesteads in TillamoorCp. to
oona noe-settlers. - wain- ?i.
TIMBER For Sale Approximately I.-
eoo.eoo of gooa at timber located tn
Tillamook Co., Or., 4 mile from main
county roaa; gooa: locauon xor mm
other timber adjoining can be bough
reasonable. Price $4000, - Address B,
F. D. l, box l a. Tillamook, or.
WANT unincumbered lots for equity
in small bungalow, large corner lot.
all Improvements in, Woodlawn ioo,
EXCHANGE confectionery and grocery
with living room. What have rttf
TSBor 8840.
g00 'EQUITY In 1 room houss and
lots for clear lot or furniture of
rooming nouse. fTanor egfte,
WILL TRADE ray equity in 6 -room
8Z000 resiaence, mtg. ioo; taas tots,
AAWAAMA AW !,( W?.fi fi K .TAtt.flll
160 ACRES of irrigated land In Cali-
rornia ior trade or sais, owner,
6336 44th St. S. E. ' -. r -
IF YOU wish to buy, sell, exchangs or
rent Oregon property, ses the onve
Investment Co., room i Russell ping.
WANTED- Pwflatnl Tot have ' good
8450 first mortgage to trade, tj-163.
Journal. - -
SIX lots, spot eash value $4000; want
farm or city house, a. N. tuu, sis
r. Z3. ronmnn.
IF YOU have "any good property, to
trads we will match you. Ayres 4
Smith. 801 Nortwwest DICK. msi k7Z,
clear 1
ava vou clear to trade ior
U and $100 cashT 0-3f.
ROSE CITY lot, $1250, to exchange for
small modern bungalow in suburb..
not over iflS0.-W-974, Journal.
INCOME property value $6000, lncum', -brance
$1000. want 160 acres.. 132$
B. Yamhill st - - - v
W'tL TRADEeattle mt for lortlaad ,
tot,:..; Owner.. 1296 Hood st Main
1848. r " -
WANT ' 80 acres or more partly 4m
proved, suitable for dairy. Havsrlty
property tor about siooo. xanor zao.
FINE 16 aors fruit ranch, clear, for
bungalow tq-83 500 or 4uoo. , poenm
A Nye, 822 Henry bldg
CLEART good, big .house and 8 lots
, for gooa nouse Closer in. vi as-sume-
$1600. Tabor 4286. ' - '
FARM close to Portland to exchange
for Portland property. Call room, 2 e,
Russell hid g. ' . ...-....
MICH. . land wanted for my -western
property. Write full partlcnlats. T-
SiZ. Journal.
TWO modern houses, 6 and 7 rooms.
unincumbered, Wsnt hous tn.somo
good district, about $3000. Wdln. $683.
$0 ACRES fins soil, nw ' town,-R, R,
for, city property. u-p. joumai.
ONE acre, Or.-Elee. sta.,.for lot; give
phone. " Z-176.- JournaL , , -r
ONE acre; Oregon jCity .car, for lot, W-
726. Journal. -r
HOUSES and lots tor Improved acre
age. 81$ Panama bldg. -
SMALL- house and -vacant -lots for, '
room raooern, jranama oing.
320 ACRE wheat aneh te-exchangs
. for eastern property. rast n. -
WILL sxchangs nice 6 rtoai house ana
3 lots for aereare. west rrenmu.
CANDY stock and alfalfa ranch for:
Portland or near $21 Henry bid y,
(Ooatlaaed 3fea J?se