The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 26, 1916, Page 20, Image 20

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three children, wag" killed by a motor
track. - - - -
family," said Mr. Welk, when told of
his. wife's death. ' "I became blind
shortly after our marriage, through
the paralysis of the nerves of my
when Z fell and struck my head on the
cellar steps while carrying a sack of
potatoes into the cellar." -
J Evemhlnz tVai Jewelrr; s . .
New ; Vork;T ; March: r 35,J-CrowiBg j J
Joseph ' Welk. her husband, la . 4S
their happiness with a Jewel or a
wedding, Gussid Diamond and Jsph,
Pearl: wilt wove Uvtp a ;erfee;. gem .
of a flat' on the east side. w
years old; her two daughters, Regina
ana Caroline, are 15 and S years old.
and her son, Joseph Welk, Jr Is 1. .
"Mary has been the father of the
You WOfrTSMISSr THB USE OFsYOUfctfOTOR TODAYibut you will when the four.'
J Many; Such as Starters and
Electric ; llampsfjaye Al
"Wfriost Become Necessity,
Car Shortage Makes Matter
of Delivery of Cars Very
-Indefinite Matter,
Occasional 'inspection -f or :tfie
I Necessary; Repai rs cAdds; to
Itsi Period of kUseV '
mg season im nsrre. j ict vurncu couuniu uicu (ums mvi miwm
f Owbiti of Machines Advised to HaTS
Overhanlinf one Jfow Instead,
ef "4 f Baring; Itu WMtli:. 4 .'.
This Season Zs More Serloos Than Ever
Znstallatloa of . JTsw jarts Xeo.ntr'ed
Before la History of Auto
mobile Zndostry.
Best Plan to-Xeep Maohiae at ; .
KlgHest Efficiency. --. . -
- j - , - (Tateata Jreadlar.) ' fFL-
r - r
.tDo you still have to crank your car?
(m- JDo you stillhave all that bother and
I i airt of, fussing with oil lamps? Does
, .. the-car lack those devices of mors re
j t cent origin which have come to be al
. most a necessity in driving about the
jclty,, such as electric horns, electric
! Ughts with dimmers, starters and such
' - appurtenances?
'; ' Why not nave them put on when
f I yotuJjave that spring overhauling? -.,
1 v, in a trip through the local ' acces
sory houses hundreds .of devices can
be found which will make motoring a
greater pleasure and remove some of
its tmaller troubles nd labors. ' - 1
There are on the market -today a
great- nurater of devices which will
start Mhe motor of almost any car
that has been built. Possibly your
wife does not drive the' car because
she Is unable to start It, or because
fsne rears mat ir sne siarxea n once,
I ft might stall and cause delay on some
downtown street.
: .a Starters Are Efficient.
f ,fifany of the starting systems de-
signed' for cars built without them are
2"sr. efficient "as Oiose' Trtfflt ' into . the
modern car or. today. All or tnem can
be trusted to remove one of the bug
Bears of the gasoline car. ,
The same 1 true of a lighting sys
tem. In traveling ground the streets,
you occasionally come to a' dark" spot
tn the suburbs where it is almost' dan
gerous to drive withot a powerful
f light. Also while out on the roads It
lis highly" dangerous to travel without
I the protection of proper illumination.
J ; A consultation with some of the
electric specialty. men can very easily
i f help matters.
: t if you desire the greatest efficiency
you will have a generator put on. For
; tbe ordinary traveler who does n;t
I f upend too much time away from the
; ha so of supplies, a Storage battery
system ' with a small Initial cost and
I surprisingly low maintenance will suit
the demand.
j IT1- damping Devices Shown.
--- '.. 'Another thing which every motorist
dreads Is the task of pumping up the
ire out on the road. Several Port-
land houses are showing devices which
can be attached o' the motor In which
all the work is done by the car. These
1 are .but few things which will help
make the old' car moat modern In
."'everv respect.
! ; If the upholstery Is not Just what
i fc it - should be, , many of the supply
I- houses and also Portland makers, will
I ;jCurnish, seatL covers which add an air
! or extreme inaivwuatny-to- any aunu
1 : of-aar, .-; -..- --
j Installation of these devices entails
i t some cost and -. the loss, of the car
J when done later in the.year. The re
: , vpalrman xsan help . you. out while you,
! tare -dcing the spring overhauling and
1 save you money at the-, same time in-,
i suring a better "Job... '.'
i Company Is Turned
: Into a Corporation
; Grant Motor Car Oo. Changed to Grant
f - Motor Car Corporation, and Is Beoap
t Itallsed at 4,000,000. "
) - A. B. Manley, head of tfie.Dulmage-
v;Manley Auto Co., has received word
that the Grant MotorCar Co.has be
I come the Grant Motor Car Corporation,
-and that it has been recapitalised for
' ( S4,uOO,O40. The personnel remains the
i,. ljne,i."D.A. Shaw remains. as Presi-
; ..-
. .
-' 'f '
" .
Personal Taste
: Cat!L tiiored,
7;NN Sf ' IP- - 'r 'i
dent; George S. White, sales manager;
George S. Salzman, production man
ager, and James M.- Hause, engineer.
Repair Shops Are
Little Factories
Several Have necessary Zq.nlpment to
Snpllcate Any Part of Any Car a
JFactory Cost.
Inspection" of Portland's motor car
repair establishments Teveals the fact
that several of them are little automo
bile factories tn which, wvery part of
any v car can be duplicated it factory
cost; " ' " ' ' ' ' -
, This means much to the car .owner.
A piece of steel used inr the rnpair of
a broken . or won part roust first t
all receive the proper treataiont. It
must receive the varions heat and (em
paring treatments that will make the
part durable when put bacK in the ma
chine. -' -- -A ''
In this work !t will " be found that
severaf of the largest shop have ovens
In which the steel is baked. Such pro
cesses as "case-hardening"'': are adver
tised by some of the best shops. In
a few other ways they bring out the
fact that they are In a position to make
repairs in the manner In which the
the car was first built.
Several shops . advertise that ' they
are., prepared to make new bearings
and repair worn ones. .No detail of a
motor car can cause more annoyance
than bearings which have become worn.
To make them right la a comparatively
simple matter when given to the right
men and adds indefinitely to the life
of the car. "
Other Portland shops have automa
tic devices for reboring and regrinding
cylinders. V Now is the time when most
of these shops, like the general repair
If your tailor made exactly the same style of
suit, out of the same cloth and pattern, for
every one of his customers, it 5 wouldn t take
you long to quit him.
No. wonder, then; that so manyf automobile '
buyers are ceasing to purchase look-alike cars,
I and are placing their orders for WintorilSLxes.
Every Wintbn Six car is distinctly individual.
Our artists submit suggestions gladly, the buyer
expresses his owh-preferehcesr and we produce
v f or him exactlywhat he wants. , Hi car is always
a 'superior personal; pbsSessiotfa delight to 'the
owner and his friends,: and a welcome , sight to
. passerby in contrast to. the endless streams of
monotonous looking cars on the streets. r
Two Winton Sixtmotor andxhassis sizes: 33
at $2285, and 48 at 3500. , Consider us" at your
'service; simply telephone" Main 4244." 1 , 1
,Tp Antori Company v
Winton Building; 23d and
Miss Katherine Graluun, who Is a
enthusiastie as she is experienced
as a motorist. She drives her
Chalmers , with the ease of a vet
,eran. men, can do the job most, pains
takingly and also when the car
owner will not miss the use of his
motor quite so much.
Individual Colors
' Are .Found to Take
Several particularly prosperous deal
ers in three or four largest cities have
found it an excellent plan to repaint
the standard blacks from the factory
giving options of gray, maroon, cream,
white and one or two other combina
tions, together with extra tire, slip
covers, etc., at a nominal .additional
charge of $1M: or a little more,
.These varied color schemes have
made many sales ' where the buyer
turned away from the standard black.
To many buyers spending $800 or
thereabouts an extra $100 for a color
to meet their own demands and to
give them a car of different color
from any other In town, is not a hard
ship. They look upon it as a good
buy. They, have a distinctive car.
They have accomplished exactly what
they desired to do. Many- dealers can
imitate.: this painting policy to good
advantage. '
Washington Streets
; "People who contemplate; the pur
chase of an automobile this spring
or summer had better place their or
der at once or they will be, compelled
to wait for delivery and not get a
full season's use -out of their car,'
was about the first remark dropped
by A. D, Plughoff, vice president and
general manager of J. W. Leavitt &
Co., Pacific Coast distributors of Over
land and Willys-Knight automobiles,
who arrived In Portland Thursday.
Practlcallv everv season much irah-
llclty has been given to discussion
about a possible shortage of automo
biles, but this season the proposition
is more serious than ever before, ac
cording to Mr. Plughoff. In fact this
possible shortage Is largely responsible
for Mr. Plugfaoffs arrival in this
city. He Is in consultation with W,
J. Pedlar, assistant "general manager
of J. W, Leavitt & Co., who was
.called here especially from Seattle,
and H. H. Eling, manager of the Port
land branch.
Oar Shortage Serious.
Mr. Plughoffs trip to Portland fol
lows Immediately after a conference
between himself and J. W. Leavitt,
president of the Pacific Coast dis
tributing agency, with John North
Willys, presiding- genius of tb Wil
lys-Overland company, Toledo, O., and
H. T. Dunn, vice president and -di
rector of sales of the same concern.
In Pasadena.
"The shortage of freight cars, more
than anything else, will affect tho
shortage ofautomobiles on the Coast,
says Mr. Plughoff. "Of course there
has always been more or less of a
shortage in freight equipment each
year because of the fact that the au
tomoblle business has grown so rap
idly that the railroads have not been
able to keep pace with them in con
structing the special cars necessary
to handle this class of freight. This
year many of these cars that could
have been depended upon at this' sea-
on are tied up on both the Atlantic
and Faciflo Coast waiting for ships
on which to load their cargoes for
foreign ports.
Cars Enough acade.
"The Willys-Overland company is
manufacturing enough cars to sup
ply the demand on the Pacific Coast,
for their production this year will
reach the 200.000 mark and our con
tract calls for a very fair percentage
or these. Both Mr. Willys and Mr,
Dunn assured Mr. Leavitt and myself
that they did not intend to neglect
the Paclflo Coast If they could hep
doing mo that it was all up to the
railroads to supply the equipment for
transporting inem.
"With our sales on the Coast show
lng a CO per cent increase over last
year, this unusual condition presents
quite 'a problem. The southern ter
ritory, where the selling season opened
up early, is already way ahead of its
allotment of cars, and it is the north
west that will suffer particularly at
this time from a shortage of ma
chines, as the season, is Just starting
Output Xs Immense.
The day that "Mr. Leavitt and my
self visited the Willys-Overland off!
clals in Pasadena, Mr. Willys received
a wire from his factory superintendent
to the effect that 828-Tnachines had
been manufactured that day the high
water mark yet. The maximum pro
duction of 1000 machines will prob
ably be reached in a few weeks. Dur
ing the next 90 days 60,000 machines
will be produced, which is as many
cars as were manufactured during the
enure 1914 season."
Cheap Watches Will
Not Be Repaired
Glasgow. March 25. (I. N. S.)As
every skilled hand is engaged ln gov
ernment work, Glasgow .jewelers -and
watchmakers announce that they will
not undertake to repair watches unless
in gold cases and of special value, and
at two iDonior notice.'
Arnold Cohen.
One of the youngest, yet one of the
oldest, la the e-ubject of today's tale
under Who's Who. He is , Arnold Cos
hen: Arnold first rose to fame when.
with, his brother Ed. he swamped the
town with two. cylinder Maxwells.- Xa-,
ter 4e helped other line get started.
Then-again last year he was with the
MaxwelL New he is with the Covey
Motor Car Co, and 4s treating; the
Dodge the tray )ve did some o the oth
era A - fiance 'over . the; registration
sheets showa whether he is busy or
not To save the glance, It might be
well to remark that he is very fcwsy. ;
Whether or not; to repair the old
ear and make 4t vdo another -season's
work Is very often a' problem which
the motorist has some trouble decld
ing. Why riot roll it down io one of
the reliable - repair men of the ecity,
who" will very soon tell you Just: what
is the best thing for -you to do with
it, , I , .
Such a visit may he a real revela
tion. Cars formerly cost much more
than they do today. There was a
reason for that. Parts were .made
heavier, cars were made with more
hand work on them and In many de
tails there were those refinements
whicn cannot be brought out la mod
era quantity production where every
thing Jdone in Job lots of a thous-
sand or ten thousand. - f
if you hays taken reasonable care
of your old car. it-probably can be
entirely reclaimed and placed in ap-
ple-pie order for a sum which will
make the proposition a real Inducement.-
. '
Furthermore, the car of today is not
designed to be turned In or sold so
that another of the next year's model
may be had after the first has run
less than a year. Standardisation of
parts and equipment and thorough
manufacturing methods have brought
the motor car to . a point where its
life is practically indeterminate.
Ferlodio Inspection Beqalred.
But, the best car built will not
keep its' pace and will only bring
satisfaction when given proper treat
ment. Such long, mileages as 125,000
or 200,000, which one hears about all
the time, are only made with cars
which have periodic Inspection and
proper treatment.
There is no reason why the car
which you now have will not do as
good or even better than that-mileage.
A good repair man, such as those
listed in The Journal today, will be
the cheapest insurance of long life of
the car. '
What if you do have to have new
pistons put in? Possibly some new
gears would help. You will be sur
prised to find that your car when you
get it back will show as much power
as it did the day you got It.
Why Care Is Essential.
Automobile service people, such as
the taxlcab companies, bond them
selves on capital based on a period of
eight years. In other words, under
such hard service as is given the av
erage taxi, the company has it fig
ured out that the equipment will last
eight years.
The company has a UTThg to make
and also does not for a moment be
lieve that the equipment will be worth
less when that time is up. A great
deal of the overhead of such a com
pany lies Jn tne systematlo repair
department where every piece of
equipment is given a daily inspection
and kept up to scratch at all times.
a he average owner with his light
driving need not do this, but his car
will have practically unlimited life
if given to the right man at least
once a year for an overhauling, which
will overcome any faults which may
have developed, and so prevent any
thing worse in the future.
Every man figures that some day
he will sell his car and get a better
one. At such a time ne win do able
to thank himself for the condition
brought about through proper care.
Woman Support of
FamUyJs Killed
Philadelphia, Pa.. March 25. Mrs.
Mary Welle, 39 years old, for 17 years
the support of her blind husband and
Now Is the Timd to Get
Have lYour ..'Repair : Man Install
Burd Pisipn?;Riis;::
r Standard Equipment with Packard Haynes, v -.
Saxon and 14 . Others
Lewis'Bld ;? : 7,; ? Phon&"Marshair303 '
V the Above
Wra. H. Stewart, Jr., leading authority In motor
car" education, says: ,
"The introduction , of water through mixinf
chamber while motor is in operation, in proper pro
portion, will, by chemical reaction, finally remove
the carbon without III effects."
s By. using Petete Steam Carbon Remover, vapor
is introduced into the cylinders all the time from'
above the water in radiator, thus creating an artK
ficial atmospheric condition that conforms with the
best conditions under which a ear is. driven. The
Mailed Prepaid to Any Part of U. S. 15-17 N. Sixth St, Cor. Burnside
Indorsed in Portland by Local, State and County. 'Agent Wanted
A. N. Stanton, Traffic Manager MeW & Frank. E. H. Miller, M. D-, Healy BUf . L. R- Kollock.
Chauffeurs' Union, E. W. Rossman, Vic Presi Columbia Supply Co., H. H. Lewis. Stewart Brothers Co.
Economy Machine) Co. F. J. Cariyta. Parker's Market, 109 Front. Portland Electrotype Co.
Fisher, Thorsen St Co. , Nottingham St Co. And many others.
Does Your Storage Battery Need Attention?
We have an up to date Battery De
partment with an expert in charge and
are equipped to -do recharging and re
pairing on all makes of Batteries. Have
a talk with our Battery man and he will
tell you how to get long life out of your
Storage -Battery. ip
Magnetos Repaired
All magneto work absolutely guaran
a 1 T- MAm.AaM nnJ aMa
LCCUt vrc repair yuur iuaD6w cassva i
same thoroughly before delivering it o L
you. A magneto is like a watch and should never be tampered
with or taken apart except by an expert who has proper machin
ery and equipment with which to do this kind of work. Our
magneto expert can save you money and guarantee you satisfac
.tion. ' ' v .
Pacific Phone Broadway 307 Broadway at Oak Home Phone A 6638
Your Car Ready for Summer
... t r-.
7;rrth i 'Ijpj
i - j .. mi a
Cylinder Grlaoinf ' Oversize PUton Rings
Crank-Saaft Grinding Orersiae Valves ;
, , Valve Grinding 4 X t Cear-Cnning . ,
BaUBearinc Grindbic
t ' . Ovarslsst
V- ?
One of the' largest eseioatre motor ear repair ahops on the ooast.
Repairing and
Main 4337
You take no chance. Give It
Phone East 6810. . UNIVERSAL
in 15
For All Sizes
and Makes
of Motors.
inventor has experimented with the internal combus
tion of .gas engines for several years, and this steam
Injector is the result of one of his experiments
Many auto drivers have noticed that some days,
or nights,-an engine pulls better than at other times.
This is conceded to be on account of the atmos
pheric' condition. With this attachment it gets the
lime results all the time. Your car will run
smoother, and pull better on hills, spark plugs will'
not 1oul and carbon Is eliminated.
(Installed in a Few Minutes.)
jf ' , ' "t .
: .Oayscetylene WeWinf t
- Pistons t ; " ' . " k
Overhauling, ?f ; ;
Machine Work . ;a
528 ALDER ST. )
a free . trials .
rl07 East 2Sth St. N.