Portland, Oregon; Sunday morning, march 28, wie. CROWD BffiSTM;-' EVER SAW FIGHTlN CITY OFNEW YORK Twelve Thousand People J am Themselves Into M adison Square Garden, b LEAN UR' IS OVER $60,000 ICotUttut Ii More Popular With Crowd y ZBf Ways Than Caom ; : ' pioa, Judrlar.fcy Applause. New York. March 25. UN. S.) The largest crowd that aver attended an- indoor pugilistic battle in New York, fought its way into the historic arena tonight to watch Jess Willard and -Frank Moran in their 10 round battle., . i Th war In which the crowd was handled bjr th management put It in an u jly mood. Instead of opening the doora at (-.30 the gates were kept locked until Ut." ' In the meantime over 10,000 persona jammed their way Into the Madison Square district. The- doors were thrown open at last. A crush followed. JYee-for-all fight took place in' several places. Clothes were torn and hats smashed. Once inside, however, it was an easy rnatter to handle the spectators. There as an array of. ushers and they did kbeir work ably. The excuse given Eor; tha delay in opening the gates was hat tha carpenters had not finished their wofk. ' wia Clear Over $60,000. Tex Rlckard. before the tight, an nounced that the receipts totalled ap proximately 1175,000. Tbat figure la beyond all previous -jitimatea." someone ' maid. l"V '. hif T am .lulus . W fraigbt facts," said Rlckard. 'At tha lowest the receipts will be 1175,000. .The expenses, so far' aa I km able to fiaure them out win not te beyond" $110,000. That means Mc ackin and J will. clear between $60,- poo and 70,000 on the light." The rat .' preliminary went on a.t 8 'clock.,.. It wu a four round affair etween Nate Jackson. 118 pounds, of piuahoma City, and Peter Slaight, 116 Founas. or Kiew xork. it waa a fast nd ft urioua mill with plenty of free iittiBg. Jackson's aggressiveness and leaner ; hitting gave him a decisive ictoryv . . ; t , 'Croifd Becomes Impatient. Tha second preliminary waa another roar rouaaafe which called into action IronojgUarquard, 12 pounds, of New Fork, and Red Mack, 123 pounds, of Newark. Clauda Tibbata. ... who ra- fereed the first bout, alao officiated n tats. xn o&tue waa raat ana xcltlng, but the : crowd refused to Vet enthused. Marq.ua.rd waa the factor. ' He scored a knock-out In tha inal found. Jimmy Murray of New York and pharlea Treybell of Chicago, mixed in he third preliminary. ,Both weighed 19 Bounds. Murray had tha tight all his" own .way until Jlhe third, round. When he lost it by-'rouling th Cbl- cagoao.. Th crowd finally cam out of its apathy and mada Itself heard, by Ivhistiing and moving around in th hairs. . .. At the 'conclusion of th semi-final khich.was at 9:15. it waa announced I hat y Willard and Moran positively Ivottld appear In th ring at 9:30. ' . . MMA M I Just before th big fighters entered he ring a request waa made" for the udienc to atop smoking. This was rranted by a fair proportion of the rowd. Th vast auditorium, however, lva- a blue has of amok by that im and it waa suffocatingly close. Th Garden waa Jammed at 9:2a. Th rowd numbered beyond 12,000. Jesa Willard waa th first to enter he Ting; He Jumped through th ropes I 9:i0v Accompanied by his manager. om' Jones. Willard wore a heavy treen' oathroo over his maroon tights. Moran entered, the ring at 9:41. L The applause that greeted Willard I. as surprisingly small. It waa catteradand not prolonged. Willard nd Jones faced a battery of cameras h th'center of the ring. lfforan Xa Popular One. Just .aa tha , photographers had happed tha champion and his man ger. Moran. followed by his retinue if aparring partners, hove into sight. n crowd brok out In . wild tumult nd gay th blond Plttsburger & tr pendoua ovation. Moran also wore a heavy bathrobe ver ma pale green tighta, through rhich wu entwined a small American lg. W ' After' Moran and Willard had been hotographed together thev went to heir . respective corners and received nal instructions from their, handlers. In Moran's corner were Willie Lewia. iQ McKlnnon, Barclay Madden -and rank- Kendall, The Willard seconds ere-Jack Hemple and Walter Mona lan. . - ... The " timekeepers were Dr. Georra inia oi in state ooxing commission d. Weiss for Willard and George Con. awi zor Moran. tordham Starts on i- New Gymnasium Fordham university has begun the nstruction or a 3100,000. gymnasium b New York, college will also have splendid- Outdoor equipment for stu nts .o better themselves In football. seoalL track, tennis, handball and her Bports. The cornerstone of th w. structure will be laid during comm encement day in May when the sev- ty-rirth anniversary -of th found' X of the college will be celebrated. -fV5? -'. , I Purse Offered 1 for Record. Walter 'WlnanvL th .Bnglish trot tig enthusiast, who la-well known in ,is country, has offered a cup for th rst - registered hackney that- trots lie In three minutes, and another pphy.of lesser value to the repre- ntativ of that breed that can nego- ' I ' R Greatioins A Formnal PreseMatioin of FasMorfs Newest At Olds, Wortman & King's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Women of 'Portland and vicinity are cordially invited to attend this important style event and view the new Spring models in Wearing Apparel, and, also to inspect our superb show ing of Spring merchandise in general. .Stocks are magnificently complete the fresh, new goods have the allurement of newness, the chaTm of unhandled crispness. Keeping step with the vast increase in the demand for Olds, Wortman & King merchandise, we have assembled far larger stocks than ever before, which means better satisfaction in choosing for our customers. The supremacy of this store was never so strikingly evidenced as in this masterful exhibit of Springmerchandise. Don't fail to see special window displays. 's A WONDERFUL silk sea- son has been ushered in. The looms never produced more exquisite weaves nor more striking or novel colors than has been pre sented for the Spring Season. Every weave, every color, every pattern favored by fashion is here. We don't know of a single one that is missing. There, are fancy taffetas in dots, stripes and floral effects plain taf fetas, -Georgette crepes, crepe me- teors, crepe de chine, satins, and tub silks in pleasing variety of colors and exquisite patterns. T HE NEW DRESS4 GOODS are truly - superb. . Fashion's fondness for checks' is strikingly shown in our collections tor there are checks of JiU-kinds and colors large and small, r New Suitings and Coatings. In- all the wanted weaves for Spring. m w w w w - w AIR ORNAMENTS The -woman who likes indi viduality, in coiffure Vill find here the very newest ideas -casque combs, pin, barrettes, etc., in crystal, amber, shell, etc. . ' Prices range 50c P to $5.00 H New Millinery Of Rare Beauty OPENING EXHIBIT of Spring Millinery Monday, Tues day and Wednesday of this week. Comprehensive showing of exclusive models from all the leading modistes of both continents. - GEORGETTE" GERMAIN MARIE LOUISE LEWIS JOSEPH BENDEL HYLAND TAPPE RAWAK and many others. Also clever creations and adaptations by our own skillful ex perts. New Tailored Hats, Semi-Dress and Pattern Hats in every desirable shape and material. MILLINERY SALONS 2D FLOOR DRESS TRIMMINGS that OpRING DRAPERIES that are being selected by leading J will appeal strongly to all home modistes are displayed here in lovers may be seen In great as endless profusion, sortment in our D.rapery Section. Trimmings suitable for the most New Curtains in exquisite designs, elaborate gown crepe chiffon broche some in colored effects. gold and silver embroidered chiffon New Cretonnes, Damasks, Tapes- striped Marquisettes and Persian ef- tries. Drapery Silks, fects. New Venlse and Rose Point, New Rugs in richest of colorings Point Gaze, Dutchesse and Iridescent and in designs entirely new. Bands and Flouncings. New Spring Furniture, including New AUovers and Silk Nets. Reed Chairs, Rockers, Tables, etc. New Novelties in Handbags New Silk Moire Bags, lined with Women's Handbags pin seal, ta- - plaint or novelty silk frames -are ptr calf, buffed alligator; combina-moh-e covered or set with rhine- tions silk,. suede. and silk, pin seal, stones. Priced at $2.50 to $6.50 New Leather Belts in - popular New Strap Purses $1 to $3.50 styles for Coats, Suits and Dresses. 11 :. Spring Needs for the. Garden Third Floor With planting time now at hand, there will be great demand for rarden needs don't delay, buy what you need now, while old prices are in -force. We sell only dependable makes. Boys' Garden Spades at, each, 60c uaraen iroweis, pneeu ar, eaca iuc Standard Spray Pump at, each 45c , Lawn Mowers, priced at,, each $4.60 ' Galvanized Grass Catchers at $1.00 Poultry-Wire by toll or by foot. ; 1 Headquarters for S-W Paints W omen's New Spring Suits hloa Salons. Second Floor From the inexpensive Sports Suits to the more elaborate, Jnodels of silks and combinations of various materials, we show styles to please every fancy. Belted, semi-fitting and fancy cuts, smartly jtrlmmed with braids, buttons, novelty collars and cuffs. Latest full-flare and plaited skirts Every wanted fabric and every wanted color is represented in this notable collection. Prices range $16.50 to $110.00. New Coats for All Occasions Fashion Salons Second Floor- Clever little Sports Coats in wide stripes, large checks and; plain colors, with or without belt smart new ?4 -length coats for utility wear, of tweeds and homespuns, with belts and patch pock ets new novelty istyles in great variety of different cuts, some with belts, others in loose flaring styles. We also display handsome new coats in Styles appropriate for evening wear..' These are developed in Waterfall Scintilla, Broadcloth, TaffeU Silk, Poplins and other high-grade materials. Black . and colors. Prices range $10.00 to $55.00. Women's and Misses9 Dresses Fashion Salons, Second Floor More charming than Words can express are these beautiful new Dresses for Spring and Summer wear, Of soft taf fetas with flaring skirts and dainty chiffon waists of crepe de chine with chiffon waists, trimmed with hand-embroidery of silk and serge combina tions in dozens of pretty styles also models of wool serge and gabardines. ' Checks, stripes .plaids-and plain colors. See these new dresses. Prices range $15.00 to $42.50. r . . Exquisite New Evening Gowns v Fashion Salons, Second Floor Our showing of 'New Gowns, is the most complete we have ever bad. There are beautiful models of taffetas, with combinations of silver cloth and laces, silk nets, silk crepe and nets, figured crepe de chine, Doily Varden silks, crepe meteors' and other materials. Some are trimmed with French flowers and hand-embroidery. Distinctive models, shown exclusively at this store. New flare and plaited. Skirts. Moderately priced at $25,00 up .to $87.50. - V Showing the New Waist Styles 1 Fashion Salons, Second Floor Tailored Waists of tub silks, tfff etas and crepe de chine. : Many are' finished with hemstitching, buttons "and' fine . tucks. Novelty styles with newest collars and sleeves. These are made up . from Georgette crepes, laces, chiffons, nets and' crepe de chine.,,, We also show a magnificent collection of lingerie waists in plain and colored voiles, batistes,; lawns, organdies and. linens. Full range of sizes. , Prices range from $1.39 to $11.50. Latest Models in Dress Skirts Fashion Salons, Second Floor The separate Skirt is to play an important part in the Spring Wardrobe. We are prepared to show you the season's newest models in serges, gabardines, cheviots, poplins whipcords, cordu roys also the more dressy styles in satins, taffetas and silk poplins. Plain colors, cSecks, plaids, stripes. Prices range from $5.00 "up to $22.50. Silk Petticoats of Every Shade Fashion Salons, Second Floor-Women's Silk Petticoats in latest full styles, with deep flounces, accordion-plaited or trimmed with narrow ruf fles or scallops. Chiffon Taffetas, ' Messalines and Silk Jersey. Complete showing of the latest Spring shades, Including fashionable changeables and floral effects. New lace-trimmed Petticoats for wear, with evening gowns ' are also here: Prices range $2.49 to $9.95. :-.., B S1 (EAUTIFUL New' Wash1 Goods Such Weaves Such Colors! Here's a fabric as sheer as gossamer there - a fabric that brings visions of smart coats and tailored frocks. Voiles-hold first place In fashion's preference and naturally they hold prominent place in our Wash Goods' showing for Spririg. Countless other novelties and the staple weaves as well. ' PRtNG FOOTWEAR for women a superb collection of all that's smart from the Fashionable Pumps to the new High Top Boots of light-colored leathers. New Champagne and White Calf Boots, 8-inch tops, 18.00 the pair New White Nu-Buck Boots, in lace and button styles New, White Can vas Boots. - P Js " . V rOMEN'S HOSIERY in every conceivable color and combination.' Of silk of silk boot sheer, cobwebJjyy yet" firm in texture, so dainty that their possession is a delight. . : At 1.00 we show oar celebrated "Portland -Maid",, Silk Hose in black and all wanted colors. Other, grades in wanted shades, ranging from 50c to $3.50 pair. ECKWEAR NOVEL- TIES in a bewildering assort ment of the season's newest ideas' form the simple little turnovers to the elaborate. rf , . -White Georgette Crepe Collars with colored borders also Collar and Cuff SetsI 4 ; , New Collars and Sets of Leather In the wanted shades for. Spring. Many charming , new Collars in the dainty fischu effects. New JTestees in scores of dainty new styles of fine lawns , and organ dies. , ' ' . ; N J 1ST V EWBiiRT Ashes of Roses and the new Peacock Novelties- New Lavallieres. Brooches, BaKPins, Stick Pins, Cuff Links, etc. Any number of interest ing things on display in this Dept EW EMBROIDERIES in exquisitely dainty patterns for dresses, waists, lingerie, etc. v Finest of workmanship on Voiles, Swisses, Cambrics. One lot , of 17-inch Embroidery Flouncings .are priced at 25c. 45-inch Flouncings in distinctive, patterns for 'Spring. Priced 1 1 .69 yd. EILS AND VEILINGS no matter what you have in mind, you are sure to find it in our splendid showing. Prices right. .New Georgette Crepes In-all the wanted shades for Spring. --New made .Veils In novelty meshei New Veilings by ihe yard. -New Circular and Tea Veils in . many smart' designs. New Drape Vein ad Metal Edge Veils in wanted colors. EW GLOVES in shades to match ' the New Spring Suits and 'Gowns. Depend able makes I In both, kid and fabric. Many new novelty shades and stitch Ings are to be seen in the new arrivals. Reasonable prices always. PRING RIBBONS in gorgeous array! Beautiful new blues and coral tones so much in demand are here in extensive as-, sortment. J; ;-" ' New Plaids, Checks and Floral Rib bons in every color and lit hundreds of different combinations. New Novelties for Millinery, Sashes. Bows, Neckwear, .Girdles, . fancy and in the wanted 'plain colors. Reason able prices-v ..,;.. ' N' S Standard Garden Hoes at, each 25c Standard Garden Rakes at, each 25c if.nard . Lawn Rakes at, each 40c Standard Spading Forks at, each 85c 50-ft. Gard'n Hose (complete) $3.85 Adjustable Window Screens at 25c I New Sweaters and Sports Coats hion Salons, Second Floor Popular styles In Women's Sweaters" and Sports Coats art now on display. " Sports -Coats are of Jersey silk, : fibre1 silk and Jersey, cloth- Sweaters are -of silk,1 Angora, wool Jersey and ' knit wool. Plain and fancy weaves. . Smart belt styles, some with scarf to match. Square or roll collars, large buttons and fancy pockets. All new colors. Prices range $5.00 up to $30.00. - . " Men's Spripg Hats v,$2 and $3 Men Store, Main Floor Our ceieDratea . "Wellington" - Hat at 83 has no equal for style and quality. Step In and let our hat expert show, you the new shapes soft or stiff. , '- -r For a bat at i lower price; Our ''Napoleon' is far ahead of those you see elsewhere at the price. rSoft and atiff i styles Sii all the new Spring Styles In MenHvaai-Young Men's Clothing are now on exhibition. Next Wednesday Will Be Red-Letter DayTen Free Stamps Will Be Given to AirVisitors to the aS. & Prcmiuirh Parlors; VT Lote bn4th Floor Monday Will Be "Sperry Magazine DayM The March Issue Is Now In and Will Be Distributed FreVoi CdWge to ft h.t a.roil la 3.3 9 the trials to be fid during the race meeting at Fat sea park,. J-onaort. . , - . t - , I W a I ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaaaWSBMssssssaaw sg i ... . , - " 11 . ' v