The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 25, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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A A A- '- AtaW W : VfUW A . . J W W i v m f -V - aa - r w ...
Interesting and Instructive
.Program Has Been Pre
pared; Meeting to Be Held,
- . President C. S. Whitcomb.
Next Friday evening the First
Methodist Sunday School temple will
be the scene of one of the biggest
- Kp worth league rallies ever held in
this city. C. S. Whitcomb, the presi
dent, has prepared an extensive pro-
gram which is aimed to be instructive
to-the leaguers. The rally will open
& k. . I . a U LU ca, Sim A- Vu auitfc ov. - -w-
in charge of a special leader. This is
to be a consecration rally and all sub
jects presented will have a bearing
on the present day life of the league.
- E. E. Taylor of the anti-saloon lea
gue will give a ten minute address
on the Importance of all young people
of the church registering so that they
may-- vote for candidates who align
themselves with the dry cause. He
will be followed by Mr. Schnell, presi-
: dent of the Portland Epwortn League
Presidents association, who will out
line the work of the gospel teams,
which the district officers are organ-
j izirrg. The gospel teams have already
been of great benefit Jto some of the
smaller chapters In the outlying dis
tricts of the elty where it is very
hard to Ret special out of town speak
ers to visit. It is planned to organ
ise these teams in all of the stronger
chapters of the city and thus to
build up the work in many of the
weaker societies.
The National Thrift campaign.
which-was launched in Portland last
j.onday evening, will be explained to
the rally by a member of the com
mittee.' D. Chilson, secretary of the dls
; tTict, win present the Epworth Her
ald and explain all of its different de
partments at the same time trying to
? show the real value of the paper to
each leaguer.
- Hubert Scott, of Trinity chapter
and chairman of the Methodist
: pageant, will outline the plans of the
pageant and call for more volunteers
to help in several of the parts.
. Each chapter will asked to stand as
a body and respond to a roll call.
After the roll call C. S. Whitcomb
will outline the work of the district
with respect to the coming conven
tion in May. The First church has
arranged several special musical num-
' The last number on the program
will be a special talk to young people
by Dr. Loveland on the importance of
the young life of the church conse
crating itself '.- ' the work of the
Dr. Loveland Will
Speak on Cromwill
"Cromwell, the Puritan of Eng-
land,' has been chosen by Dr. Frank
, I Loveland as the topic of his ser-mon-leeture
Sunday evening at the
First Methodist Episcopal church.
The reason, as Dr. Loveland puts It,
is "in the work of the Christian
.. church among the Anglo-Saxon race,
nothing in the onward march of Pro
v testantism was ever more remarkable
than the rise of Puritanism under
Cromwell." The general subject of
the Sunday evening series Dr. Love
land its giving ist "The Preachers of
Morning Sermon to
vBe Second of Series
. Tomorrow Rev. John H. Boyd will
; deliver his second morning service
lecture - In the First Presbyterian
church on "Lessons From Lives That
Teach." The sermon subject is,
"James, the Son of Alphaeus The
Tragedy of a Record! ess Life." The
Sunday morning sermon topics byDr
-Boyd during the remainder of Lent
' are -
" April 2 "A Man's First Gray
; Hairs A study of Spiritual Decay";
AprO t - Demas A Story of Mis
placed .Love"; April 16 "Isaac, Re
- opening the "Wells of His Father, or
Old Thirsts and New Satisfactions":
April 23 Jacob at Bethel, a Dream.
a Vow, and , Divine Call."
: Tomorrow, the 99th anniversary of
vth birth- of the late Father John
Flinn, pioneer Methodist minister of
Portland, will bs observed at the 11
- o'clock:' morning ' service at Centenary
M. 12. church, Kast. Klnth and East
. Pin streets.
- An i organization f tov b". known by
' tom name - - memorializing , Father
Flinn will be started by the congre
gation at thia -service, -" - -
The name most frequently suggest
ed Is the "Father Flinn Memorial As
sociation." The plana to be suggested
for; final action tomorrow will -include
'the following Ideas.' , . . . -
Membership , will ba granted upon
- tbe . payments of . 99 cents tomorrow
and on each. : succeeding march 28 or
the Sunday nearest that date.
The money raised .will be used to
; '. ' . "-'- - .
i '7 Villi
if - - r . )
Dr. Shank: Takes -
Novel. Means To:
Interest Youths
Rev. W. O.' Shank, pastor ol ,
East Side Baptist ' church,
plans a novel method f or in--creasing
the interest of the
boys or his congregation in the
11 a. mj services.
Tomorrow he will offer a dol-
lar to the boy who writes the
best criticism of the- pastor's
11 a. m. sermon. Five minutes
will be allowed the embryonic
Atkinson Church
Makes Fast Progress
Since the coming of Rev. Thomas S.
Anderson from Bay City, -Mich-, to" the
pulpit of the Atkinson Memorial Con
gregational church. East Twenty
ninth and Everett streets, the broth
erhood of the church has been re-established;
a men's class, which meets
following the preaching service on
Sunday for the study of the Bible,
has been started, and a social service
added following the usual prayer
meeting on alternating Thursday eve
nings. The attendance at services
has increased.
Plans are under way for an orches
tra for the Sunday school.
The Atkinson Memorial Congrega
tional church is making a canvass of
the neighborhood, extending an in
vitation to every resident to come and
participate in the services oX the
church. -' ,
Value of Teachings
Of Christ Is Shown
Interest is increasing In the series
of Sunday evening sermons otu "The
Teachings of Jesus," delivered by
Dr. trtither R. Dyott His special
theme Sunday. March 26, at 7:45, will
be "What Jesus Taught .About God
and Himself." The main purpose of
thia sermon will be to show the pres
ent tense value of these teachings of
the Christ and their possible worth to
men and women in the everyday af
fairs of life. The theme of Dr.
Dyott's practical message in the
morning will be "The New Christian."
Vernon's Y. P. S. C.
Names Its Officers
At a meeting of the T. P. 8. C. of
the Vernon Presbyterian cnurch re
cently held at the home of Miss Bessie
Lee, the following officers were elect
ed: President, Everett Dodson; vice
president. Miss Dorothy Nichols; secre
tary, Stewart Pratt; treasurer, Miss
Fern Darling; pianist. Miss Lucille
Chilcotte. Eight new members have
been received and the prospects for
good work in a rejuvenated society are
Missionary Society
Organizer Is Here
Mrs. E. L. Miller of Pasadena, na
tlonal field worker and organizer of
the Woman's Home Missionary society
of the Methodist church, is spending
this week in the Portland district. She
plans to visit the local auxiliaries and
organize some new ones while here
Tuesday evening the Montavilla aux
iliary will give a reception In her honor
at the Montavilla Methodist church
This will be preceded by a "get to
gether" supper at 6:30.
Missionary Will
Speak on Wednesday
Dr. TV. M. Zumbro, principal of the
American College of Medura, India,
will lecture in the First Congrega
tional church Wednesday evening,
7:30, April 25. A dinner, at which
Dr. Zumbro will be the guest, will
precede the address.
Sunnyside chapter reports one of
the best meetings in years last Sun
day evening. The topic under discus
sion was -Helping Others." The meet
ing hour proved too short to finish
discussion of the topic so the same
subject -has been announced for to
morrow evening. Miss Zola Bartholo
mew is to be leader. The nominating
committee will also make its report
at this meeting on the candidates no
minated for the coming year.
Last Sunday afternoon Patton
chapter held a special service at the
Patton Home for the benefit of the
old people. Rev. Mr. Rarictc of the
Central Methodist church preached
and Miss Helga Thompson rendered
special music.' It Is planned to give
the old folks an entertainment in the
near future.
Central chapter cooperated with the
other departments -of the church at. a
social, under the direction of the La
dles Aid society, at which enough
money was raised to clear all the in
debtedness on the church.
The regular monthly meeting of
the district cabinet was held at the
Y. M. C. A. on Wednesday evening.
The district convention to be held in
May .was given to Sunnyside chapter
m response to an urgent invitation.
Miss Marcy, superintendent of the
Junior league, reported that Junior
chapters had been started at Midway
ana st. jonns. Mr. Whitcomb ap
pointed the committees to (have
charge of the Methodist pageant and
the publicity worlt of the district.
establish a missionary In some foielan
field., such field to be determined by
tne association. . -
at, tomorrow's service Dr. C. E.
Olne will, deliver a biographical
sketch of "Father" Fllnnt District At
torney Walter H. Bvans will speak on
"The, Economic- and Moral Relations
or irauier iDTinn to tho Development
of This Section of the Northwest, and
Robert Tucker will take as bis subject
"The 'A.fter effects nt a. cunA
fhPrL?TJC as rehearsed MJrri
: ;
: "e eipeci auuui ivv xo join tomor
row, as .charter members of the pro
posed association," 'said. Dr T. W
Lane, " pastor of- Centenary r. Mv B
church.1 today. ; "As soon as we have
sufficient funds to establish a. mission
we shall get the person weywant and
send him to his work." . -
. .- . -- .- . : -- . -
Minister oi Church of Eng
" land Recounts Dramatic
Story of Soldier-Priest, "
Writing from the-battle front to the
London Telegraph, a preacher of the
Church Of England remarks the num
ber of priests .and preachers there are
In the ranks of the belligerents men
who fight with the fighters and then
when the fighters rest resume their
labors as men of God and pass among
the injured giving them spiritual com
fort and consolation Jn speaking of
the Roman Catholic priests, the Epis
copal ean minister recounts this dra
matic incident: ,
"There are plenty of priests in the
trenches acting simply as private sol
diers, but ready at a moment's notice
to comfort the wounded or shrive the
dying, or even as opportunity affords
to bring the rites of religion to the
hale and sound.
It is officially stated that there
are n6 fewer than 60.000 priests serv
ing with the belligerents on all fronts
and this exclusive of the priests of
the Eastern church serving with the
Russian forces, and the thousands of
ministers of ail denominations serv
ng with the Protestant troops of
Great Britain and her gallant sons
,from beyond the seas.
Soldier Priest la' Trenches.
"I heard some months ago from
Catholic sources a moving account of
the work or one of these soldier
priests. A half-ruined church, within
the zone of fire was filled with
wounded men laid in rows upon straw
along the nave, chancel, and aisles.
Yet the altar was lighted, and by it
expectant servers stood waiting.
"Presently the door opened and a
cavalry captain entered and made his
way through the dolorous scene or
pain and death, his spurs clinking on
his heels, his sheathed sword held in
his left .hand, while with his right
he made the sign of benediction over
the ranks of moaning men. From pal
let to pallet he passed listening to
whispered confessions from tortured
lips and givirTg absolution, at length
seating himself in a chair near the'
altar where those who were able to
do so came to him one by one with
Sunday School Lesson Tomorrow.
The Great Multitude (Review) Her. 7: 9-17.
Golden Text. They shaU hunger no more,
neither thirst any mure; neither shall the sun
strike upon them, nor any beat; for the Lamb
that ia In the midst of the throne shall be
tbelr shepherd, and shall guide them unto foun
tains of waters of life; and God shall wipe
sway ererr tear from their eyes. Rer. 7:
18 IT.
Home Beading i. M. The Ascending lord,
Acta 1: 1-14; The Coming of the Holy Spirit,
Acts Z 1-11; T. Peter's Sermon at Pentecost,
Acta 2: 20-24, 29-41; The Spirit of IJfe,
linm, 8: 12-30. W. The Lame Man Leaping,
Acts, 3:1-12: The Boldness of Peter and John,
Acta 4: 8-21. Th. Humbled and Exalted, Phil.
2: 1-11; The Christian Brotherhood at Jerusa
lem, Acts 4: 32 to 5. 6. r The Bcrea Help
ers. Acts 6: 1-7; The Death of Stephen, Acts
7: 54 to 8, 3. S. Heroes and Martyrs of Faith,
Heb. 11: 32 to 12.2. S. Philip and the Ethio
pian, Arts S: 28 40; The Great Multitude,
Ker. 7: -17.
Young People's Topics.
Christian Endeavor "Great Home Mission
aries, " Luke. 10:1-20.
Junior Christian Endeavor "Africa, The
Country nt Bijt Thioes," Pa. 107: 1-8.
Lpwurth league "What New Work Ought
Our league Undertake?-1 Isa. 43: 18. 19; Rom.
15: 20; John 4: 34. 35.
B. Y. P. U. "Chriatian Character mad Chris
tian Conquest," Ps. 15: 1-5.
First White Temple 12th and Alder Mrs.
A. W. DeLong. acting pastor. Sermons by
tr. Albert Hatcher Smith. 11. "The Man en
the Outside of the Church." 7:30, "Will Jeans
Christ Save Oar Country?"
8wedih-Finniah Hlsalon, White Temple, B.
East Side E. 20th and Ankeny sts. Rev.
W. O. Shank, pastor. 11, 'The Boy Who
CVunts Who la He?" 7:30, "Jesus, The Man
of Sorrows."
Highland. K. 6th and Alberta Kev. Cnas. r.
Mielr. 11. 7:30. Sermons by Her. E. A. Leon
ard fit Grreaham.
Arleta Rev. W. T. S. Springs, 11.
University Park Hew. C. L. Heskett, 11,
Swedish 15th and Hoyt, 10:45. 7:SO.
tirace Montavilla, Rev. M. ' T. Cash, 11,
SeUwond Rev. r. H. Hayes, 11. 7:30.
St. Johns Rev. E. P. Borden, paster.
Sermon at 11 by Dr. C. A. Woody. 7:30.
Calvary K. sth-ana urani . i nomas
Stephenson, acting pastor. 11. 7:30.
ait. calvary t. rine ana uriua in-nei.
A. M. Mac-hack. 11. 8.
Third Kautt and Vancouver ave. Btv. W.
J. Beaven. 11, 7:30.
St. Johna t tier man) Rev. F. Brnerman, 11,
Chinese J. C. M alone. 7.
Lenta Rev.. J. M. Nelson, 11. 7:30.
Second German Morria and Rodney avs.
11. 7:30.
Glencoe K. 45th and Main Rev. A. B,
Walt 11. "What We Carry Into the Prom
Ucsf 7:30. 'The Devil- Biggest Fight."
Mount Olivet Kev. W. A. Macrett. 11. S.
Italian Mission liev. Francesco Saciwlla,
11. 8.
First German tb and Mill Rev," J. Kratt,
11, 7:30.
Goodwill Mission 15th and Boise Miss A,
M. Nelson, superintendent. '
North Portland Mission 880 Nlcolal St.,
Friday. 8. ,
KnsaellviUe Miastoa Kev AlDert uingn-
tirldee. 3. 3:45.
Xabernacie K. 4za ana Morcate nav. r si
te: imff, acting pastor. 11. 7:30.
Christian. -
FirstPark and Columbia Rev. Geo. F.
Dtraie. 11, "Rejected Answers." 7:30, "Christ,
the Door."
Montavilla E. 70tn and Hojt Rev. J. C.
Gbormley. 11, 8. , .
Gladstone Rev. Roy L. Dunn. 11. 8.
Woodlawji 7th and Liberty Rev. W. J.
Milllnger. 11, 7:30.
bellwood 13th and Tenlno Rev. M. Johnson.
11. 8. -
Rodney Avenue, at Knott st. Rev. J. T.
Gbormley. -
East Side Christian E. 12th ami E. Taylor
Rev. A. L. Crim. 11. Morning sermon by Kev.
Sawyer of Vancouver; evening aermon by Rev.
Conner et Portland. -
Kern Park Rev. O. K. Berry. II, 7:30.
St. Johna Rev. Herbert F. Jones. 11, g.
Vernon Church of Christ E. 15th and Wy
gant J. A. Melton. 11. 7:30.
Bethel K. 8-d and Thompson Rev. Aubrey
W. Wilson. ,
St. Peters Lenta Rev.
10:30. 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davie Rev,
O Hara. , 7:15, 8:30, 8:43, It, 7:45. .
Sti Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev.. J. C
Hughes 0, 8:30, 10:30. 7;30. - ' -v .
St. 'Patricks 19th and Savler Rev. E.-P.
Murphy. 8, 10:30, 7:30. ,
Kt. Francis a litu and Oak Rev. J. H.
Black. "0, 8, 9, 10:30, 7:80. -.- . i
-Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave.
and Stanton lie v. W. A. Daly. , S 0. 10:30.
1:30. . - - -
. Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. K.
S.-01son. ,6, 7. JB, 9, 11. 7 .30. -
St. Rote E. 63d aad Alameda fier. X.
O'Karrell. 8,' 10. 7:30. - . -
St. Andrews E. th and Alberta Bev. X.'
Kieroan. 8. 10:30. 7:30. -
The Madeleine E. - 24th and Btfktyon Hv.
fttti Fatnerfc .a, jo:3U. i:so,
Holy- Redeemer Portland hlvd. and Vancou
ver ave. Rev. F. Miller. - . S, 10:30, 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blan
dena Rev. B. V. Kelly. 8, 10:30, 7 ;30. . -
Holy Cross 7T4 Bowdoln Rev. C. Raymond.
8. 10:30, 7:30. -
SC Ignatius 3220 43d at. S. E. Jesuit Fath
er". .-6.30, 8,10:30, 4. -v - . --i
St. Stephens 4Zd and R.-Taykie ReVi War
ren A. WaitLt S. 8010. 10:30, 7:30. . -' ,
I " ' 't
' J 4
Rev. G. E. Lewis.
Rev. G. E. Lewis of Los Angeles,
who takes up his work as pastor of
Highland Congregational church April
1, arrived in the city today.- He was
met at the station by a number of
personal friends and Highland Con
gregational church members.
Rev. E. S. Bollinger, retiring mln
later, has been pastor of Highland
Congregational church nine and a half
Rev. Mr. Bollinger and family will
leave Portland about June 1 for Rev.
Mr. Bollinger's new work In Douglas,
their penance or grief, and he declared
to them the peace of God.
Officer Bays
Confession over, this accoutred offi
cer proceeded to the altar and said
mass. .
"He was a priest.
"Did ever any priest say mass under
more solemn and awful circumstances;
did ever any soldier fight . a nobler
"We all want to do what we can, to
be sure, but not many can do lt so
dramatically as this."
St. Phillip Neri E. 16th and Hickey Rev.
W. J. Cartwrlgbt. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Sacred Hear. E. 11th and Center Rev. G.
Robl. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. I.
Cnmmisky. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Conch Rev.
B. Dnrrer. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ave. and
Failing Rev. F. Mathew. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
fit. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rev. M.
Balestra. 8, 10:30. T:30.
St. Clements Smith and Newton Rev. C.
Smith. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
St. Clarea Capitol Hill Rev. Anthony. 8,
10:30, 7:30.
St. Charles 34th and KlUingsworth Rev.
G. Snlderborn. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Christian Science.
Lesson sermon, "Reality."
First church Everett, between 18th sad 19fB
ts. ll, 8.
Second East 6th and Holladav. 11. 8.
Third East 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11. .
Fifth Myrtle Park hall. 11.
Christian Science society Holbrook block. 8t
Johna. 11.
First Park and Madison Rev. T.nther R.
Dyott. 11. "The New Christian." T:46. "What
Jesus Taught About God and Himself ."
tirst German K. 7th -nd fetanton Kev. K.
O. Willman.
Atkinson Memorial E. 28th snd Everett
Tboomas S. Anderson, minister. 11. 7:49.
University Park Haven at., near Lombard
Rev. F. J. Meyer.
Highland B. 8tb and Prescott Rev. K. 8.
Bollinger. 11, "High Thinking." 7:30, "Our
Under nnrst Rev. D. B. Gray, 11, 7:43.
Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver at. Rev
W. C- Kantner. 11. "Some Thlnaa Faith
Can Conquer." T:30. " A Young Man Who
Kept His Record Clean."
St. Johns Rev. Daniel T. Thomas, 11. .
Waverly Heights E, 33d and Woodward
Rev. A. C. Mosea. 11, 7:30.
Sunnyside E. SZd and Taylor Rev. J. J
Staub. 11, "The Church to .Today and" the
Church of Tomorrow." 7:15.
vuurca oi Aomorrvw. i .xo. y
Zion (German) E. 6th and Tremont Rav.
J. H. Hopp. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. E.
H. Simpson, Rev. 1. Q. Hatton. 7:30. 10:15.
11, 7:30. ,
Trinity lOtk and Everett Rev. a. A. Mor
rison. 8, 11. 8. i
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen, the Martyr
Very Rev. H. M. Ramsey. 7:45. 11. 3, 7:45.
St. David's E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins. 8:30, 9:30, 11. Ill "Christ's
Temptations and Ours." 7:30, III "Some Ene
mies of the Cross." .
St. Matthew's Corbett and Bancroft Bev.
W. A. M. Breck, 11.
St. Johns Milwaukie Rev. John D. Rice.
3, 4.
St. Andrews Hereford at.. Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
. Grace Memorial Weidler and E. 17th N
Bev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver ana Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 6:30.
St. Michael's and All Angela' E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Boweii, 11, 7:30.
Church .of Our Saviour 00th ave. and 41st
at. 8. K. Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11.
St. John's Sellwood Rev. John D. Rice. 11.
St. Paul'e Wood me re Rev. Oswald WV
Taylor. 4.
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa
maritan hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard.
7, 7:15.
All Saints church 2Mb and 8avier Rav.
Frederick K- Howaid. ll. 6:30.
Evangelical Association,
Carson Heights O. F. Llenlng Jr. 11:80, 7.
First English E. 6th and Market Kev. K.
D. Hornscfauch. 11. 8.
First German Evangelical loth and Slay
Kev. u. . uaning. io:o, s. .
Evangelical Synod.
n.rmln Evanaellcal Friends' ehnrch T
coma ave. and fc. 10 tn. Kev. eilaa N. Her-gt-rt.
10:46, 7:30.
B. rxsi j&vaugeiicai cnurra ( sailing
uev. . uergeri. u, :ov.
Free MethodUt
Central 65th and K. Flanders Rev. L. R.
Slackman. ll, imo. t
First B. 8th and Mill Rev. I. Harrington,
Frienda,' CTsutcm.
Suanyalde E, 35th, and Mala iRev. Homer
Lents South Mala St. Rev. John Riley,
11. 70. -
West Piedmont Rev. Mrs. Ethel M. Ar
nold. 11, 7:30.
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonan n. wise. rioay, a p. m, Satur
day,, 10:80 a. m.
' latter Day saints.
Church ef Jesus Christ of Latter Day Salnta
Mormon ) K. zotu and Madison. 11:45, T.
Mob ta villa (net Mormon) 11, 7130.
Lutbaran, - ,.
' ImmaBuel 19U and Irving Bev. J. Richard
mmn 11. 8. "' "
Trinity German (Missouri Synod Williams
ave. and uranam Kev. j. A. aumnacn. 10:15,
'Cnited NorweglaiH-45 14th Bev. Dit
man Larse n, 11, 7:45.
Bethany - Danish Union ave. N. and Mor
ris Rev. M. C. Jensen-Enguolm. 11, 8.
nor Savior's B. 10th and B. Grant ara..
Rev, George Henrlkaen. English service, 10.19.
Aorwegua service, nwa. .
Immanoel Geruan Sellwood Rev. H. C,
Khellne. 10:30.
. Grace English (Missonrf Synod) AIMna sv.
anil Uimd-Hev. C. Loecke. 10:80. 7:30.
St. Paul's German E. 12th and Ciinton
Bev. A. 8. Krause German service, 10:30.
Kna-llah. 7:S0.
German Evangelical Lntherion Zka (Missouri
Synod) Salmon ana coapmaa ev. ti. n.
Koppelmanav 10:13, - ,
St. John's Peninsular nd Kirk pa trick Rev,
K. O. Salcaiaa, 10:4V 7:30. . -
Call far-Conference Signed by
20 Organizations Jews
Disagree on Gathering.
Philadelphia, March 25. Final ar
rangements have been made for the
preliminary conference tomorrow and
Monday for the organization and con
vening of the American Jewish con
gress, t
The call for the conference is signed
by the heads of twenty nation-wide
Jewish organizations.
In stating the purpose of the com
ing congress, the call says:
"The movement for- the holding of
an American Jewish congress to labor
for the attainment of Jewish rights
has by steady advance attained a dom
inant position in Jewish public life
Brought face to face with the unpar
alleled crisis in Jewish history created
by the war, the, realization has been '
norne in upon tne jews in America
that only by means of the collective
strength and moral forces of our peo
ple could we attempt adequately to
solve the grave problems confronting
Democratic Meeting Planned.
"True to the highest Jewish and
American ideals, the demand was
made for organization on a democratic
and representative basis and the spon
taneous response with which the
masses of our people met this call
for greater Jewish unity and responsi
bility constitutes at once a challenge
to indifference ami. a pledge of serv
ice before which all doubt and hesi
tation should give way."
With reference to the proposed con
gress, the American Jewish commit
tee has sent a letter to the secre
tary of the organization committee,
which after reciting some of the work
done by the American Jewish commit
tee, gives its reason for declining to
take part. In his letter, Louis Mar
shall, the president, says:
"... It would be unwise. Im
politic and positively injurious, to
convene a congress during the prog
ress of the European war. It is so
strongly convinced of the soundness
of this proposition, not only as a re
suit of its own study and observa
tion, but of information received from
responsible organizations abroad, that
Swedish Augustana Rev. H. E. Sanstedt.
10:45. 7:45.
United Norwegian Portamouth Rev. H. O.
Heodrirkson. 11.
German Evangelical Reformed Lents Rev.
W. G. Llenkaeniper. 11.
St. James, English West Park and Jeffer
son J. Allen Leas, ll, "Our Accord in Prayer
BDd Supplications." 8, "Whom Shall We Fol
low r
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free church
Wygant and Rodney avenues Rav. J. A. Stav
ney. 11, 8.
First 12th and Taylor Dr. Frank L. Love
land, 10:30, "A Misunderstood Beatitude."
7:46, "Cromwell, the Puritan of England."
Centenary E. 8th and E. Pine Kev. T. W.
Lene, 11.
Tayior atreeters Sidewalk Third and Tay
lor. Morning service only.
Trinity E. 10th and Sherman Rev. A. B.
Calder, 11. 7:80.
Swedish Borthwick and Beech Rev. John i
A. WeUman. 11, 7:45.
Epworth 36th, and Savler Hev. C. O. Me
CuUoch, 11. "A Great and Startling Appeal."
Firat Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rev. O. T. field, 11. 8.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev.
Louis Thomas. 11, "Pioneerin with Asbury."
Evening, "Jesus the Healer."
Sellwood Rev. ' Alexander P. Maclean, 11,
Sunnyside E. 35tb and Yamhill Rev. R.
Elmer Smith. 11, 7:45.
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Rev. C.
C. Rarick. 11, "Life's Widening Horizona."
7:30. ; .
St. Johns Hayes and Leavitt Rev. W. E.
Ins alls.
Montavilla Rev. W. H. Hampton, 1L 7:30.
Laurelwood S3d at. S. E. and Foster road
Rev. C. R. Carlos. 11.
Clinton Kelly Memorial E. 40th and Pow
ell Valley Rev. J. West Thompson.
Japanese Mission Rev. Eilsen itlbara, 9:30,
Rose City Park Sandy blvd. and B. 58th
Rev. William -W. Youngson. 11, "The Unes-
I rupa'ble Christ."' 4:30,
I piidi.
"The Cross Builders:
snd Stanton Rev. F.
German Rodney ave
A. scnumann, iu, s.
African Zion 288 Williams ave. Rev. W.
W Howard. Rev. E. D. L. Thompson. 11. 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norweeian-Daniah Corner
Skidmore Rev. Abraham Vereide. 10:45. 8.
University Park Lombard and Flake Rev.
C. L. Hamilton, 11, 7:30.
Lents Rev. W. Boyd Moore. 11, 8.
Bethel La rrabee and McMillan Rev. 3. L.
Craw. 11. 8:15.
Westmoreland Milwaukie ave. bet. Ramona
and South aves. Kev. C. B. Harrison. 11,
Lincoln E. aZd ana Lincoln Rev. G. a.
Haley. 10:30, 8.
ration uicoigan ana AiDerta Kev. George
H Feeae. 11, 7:45.
Woodstock E. 44th and 00th ave. S. E.
Rev. Frank James. 11. VThe Solitary In Fam-
niea." 7:30, Dr. McCallum on "Is the Game
Worth the Cbase?"
First German Rev. A. F. Cramer. 11. 8.
Brentwood Rev. W. L. Wilson. 11.
Berkeley Heights clubhouse Rev. A. B.
Calder. 3.
Chine Mission 11 and 7:30.
Carson Heights Rev. L. C. Douslaas. Ken
dal station.
Clark scboolhouse Rev. A. B. Wilson. 7:30.
Mt. Tabor East Sixty-first and Stark sts.
Rev. E. Olln Eldrtdge. 11, "Christians Who
succeed." 7-.BO, "ouent rartnera in a loucg
Man's .Life."
X.' E. Church. South.
Union ave. and Multnomah Rev. W. J.
Fenton.. 11, 7:30.
Swedish Mission Bev. B. J. Thoren. 11, 8.
Ellm Cbapel Rev. B. J. Thoren. 10.
' Bethel Fnte eburch Ivy and Williams Rev.
J. A Stavney. 118.
' . Hazarana.
First Pentecostal E, 7th and E. Conch
Rev. C. Howard Davis. 11. 7:30.
Sellwood K. th and Spokane Rev. H. C.
Baker. 11, 7:30. : '
Brentwood E. 67th st. snd E. 5th ave.
S. E. Rev. Stella Crooks. 11, 8. , '
Scandinavian 848 Garfield Bev. 1. Q.
BringedahL pastor, ll, 7:30.
Highland Park 11. 7:30.
First 12th and Alder Bev. John H. Boyd.
10:30, 7:3K
Fourth First and Gtbbs Rev. Henry G.
Bsnson. 10:30, "The Church's Biggest Task."
7:t. "Confessing Christ."
Calvary lltb and Clay Rev. 0. 8. Banm.
10:30, "Tbe Mlniatry of the Clouds." 7:30,
"A Sermon on Backbone.
Arbor Lodge Rev. George B. Cromley. U,
T-4S. ,--,- -
Kenilwortb E."34tb and Gladstone Rev.
rslle Kirk Richardson. 11, "Tbe Memory of
Sin and the Cross." :, "cnrigt seeking the
Mispan E. 19th and Division Bev.' Barry
Leeds. 11. 7:30.
Forties Rev. Harrr L. Pratt. 11. 8.
none Moatavilla. 78th end E. Everett ats.
Bev. S. W. See man. 11, "The Certain 8ue
eets of Christian Work." 7:30, "Conservation
In Its Highest. Form.
Central E. 13th and Pine Bev. L. K.
Grimes. 10:80. 7:3J.
ZTotlees tor the claaislfled cbnrcb
sUractorFf and other matter for tst
Saturday church, colaaiss of The
Journal, must ' lis - in th ' editorial
rooms of That Journal by book Thnrs
day la order to ixumrav pnbllcatlon.
Address - all mall . communications,
'Churches," 'cars City Editor, The
Journal. - Items not appearing in the
Saturday - ehurcb page will be found
la the Sunday chnrca columu. . "
By Rev, Dr. A. L. Crim, Paator of
v An sppch had been produced chiefly along
two lines, religious and philosophic: Juda
ism, assisted by revelation, and unaided Gre
cian philosophy. Like pillars in an arch, each
was incomplete without the keystone. Christ
-was the keystone.
. Since the Dark Ages, development has
i followed similar line. Protestantism and
scientific civilization. One with, the other
without, a divine revelations, ?
, A divided' Protestantism, like Judaism,
has had but a partial revelation for the world,
fx i
f y i
and therefore is incomplete. Present civilization, without
Christianity, is inefficient. :.s This is being demonstrated at Ver
dun. The highest civilization known in the world, unrestrained
by true Christianity,. is writing history in blood.
The end of this dual development is at hand. The arch
again waits the keystone. Christ only can supply the world's
cry for fullness. .
A divided church and a Christless civilization are impotent
in this epochal hour! These fields are white. They demand
men. Men of highest possible civilization, unfettered by de
nominational differences and guided by a pure Christianity.
lt cannot, without doing violence to
its convictions, participate In any
movement , which would contemplate
the holding xt a congress prior to the
cessation of hostilities, not only be
cause of its futility, but because of Its
potentiality for mischief."
Mr. Marshall then cites facts which
he says shows that the congress will
not be democratic due to the method
of selection of delegates, and in con
cluding says:
"Jacob H. Schiff in an authorized
interview also assails the congress
idea, declaring that ai: that is neces
sary is a conference or convention, and
declaring that the congres is un-American.
He said:
"We do not want any politicians who
wish to make political capital out of
the great Jewish tragedy and want to
be constantly on the band wagon. We
need men who have shown their great
interest in Jewish affairs in the past,
and really feel deeply the sorrows of
the Jewish people."
In a public address at Boston, Kabbl
Stephen S. Wise, formerly of Portland,
took vehement exceptions to Mr.
Schiff's statements.
Lenten Days.
O Sad, dear days of Lent!
Now lengthen your gray hours:
If so we may repent
Before the time of flowers.
Millard Avenue 7241 Bth ave. S. E. Rev.
W. H. Amos. 11, 7:30.
Mt. Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Bev. Wil
liam Graham Moore, 11.
Unity Rev. W. Lee Gray. 11. 8.
Vernon 19th and Wygant Bev. H. K.
Mount. 11. "The City of God." 7:80, Ulna
trated lecture.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Bev.
A. L. Hutchinson. 10:30. 7:30.
Westminster E. 17th and Schuyler Bev.
Henry Marcotte. 10:30, "The Refusal of Re
sponsibility." 730. "The Young Men of.
America and the Leadership of the World."1
Rose City Park E. 45th and Hancock Bev.
J. M. Skinner. 11. 7:30.
- Spokane Avenue E. 16th and Spokane Rev.
W. 8. McCullagh. 11. 7:30.
Marshal Street 17th and Marshall Rev.
A. J. Hanna. 11, 7:30.
Trinity Corner Tirginla and Nebraska sts.
Kev. E. Benson. 11. 7:30.
Anabel Bttth at. and 87th ave. S. .
Hev. Aiirfa Lvia 1 axis. t.
Chinese 145 First St. 7:48.
Reformed Presbytarian.
First church Minnesota ana Ains worth-Rev,
F. D. Fraaer. 11, 7:30.
First German 12th and Clay Bev. G. Haff
ner, 10:45, 8.
Second Columbia blvd. and S3d St. Rev. E
A. Wysa. 11.
Third Fifth av., Lents Rev. W. G. Llen-
aaemper. ll.
Salvation Army.
Corps No. 1243 Ash. 8, Adjutant Joseph
Swedlan Corps 130 Burnide.
Scandinavian 243 Ash Rev. John Oval.
Seventh Dav Adventlsta.
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett Elder P. C.
Hay ward, pastor. 11.
Tabernacle West Side, K. of P. hall, 11th
and Alder Elder E. W. Catlin. II.
Montavilla E. 80th aid E. Everett Elder
i. F. Beatty. 11 and 7.
Alblna (German )r-Skldmore and Mallory
Eider A. C. ScbweHaer.
Lents 84th and 58th- eve. Elder D. J.
Chitwood. 11. .
tst. Johns Central avenue and Charleston
Elder E. D. lyirlburt. 11.
Mount Tabor E. 80 and Belmont Rev. r
J. Cummings. 11.
ecanatnavian cnurch 62nd and 38th ave. 8
E. Elder O. E. Sandnes. 11.
Services for th Deaf. ' '
United Presbyterian Wasco and Granrt
Rev. 8. Karl DuBots. 10:30. 8.
Church of Our Father Breadwav and V.m.
bill Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D. ll, The Bap
tUmal Formula." 5, "Chriat and the Church."
Unitad Brethren.
Alberta 27th and Alberta Kev. ft tt : fiellT
11, 7:30.
First K. 15th and Morrison Rev. 3. n.
Nl wonder. -11, "Abrupt Sayinara of Chriat '
7:30. "Something Interesting."
Fourth 9th st. and 62d ave. S. E-R...
E. Conner. 11. 7:45.
Third 67th at. and 32d ave. 8." It R
Herbert F. White. 11, "The First Test of
Christian Love." 7:30.
United EvangelloaL
Fourth Rev. I. . Conner. 11. 7:30.
Radical Jessup at. Bev. A. S. Henderaan.
11. 7:30.
Manor. Circuit Servicea Cherrr Ann. a n
m Brush Prairie, 7:30. -
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gav
Rev. S. L. LuvelL 11. 8.
First E. - ltitu and 1'oolar Rev. r. r
Poling. 11. 8.
t. jonns ev. a. f. Layton. ll. a,
Wichita Bev . H. H. Farnbam. 11, 8.
United Presbyterian.
Firvt E. 37th and Hawthorne Rev. Frank
DeWltt Ftodley, 11.
Church ot tee strangers Wascs street
GraBd ave, Rev. S. Earl DuBola. 10:30.
Observance of Lord'a Sunner." 7:30. "Fm.
pbaala on Boy."
ueutou j. b. uoie. io:ij, 8. .
Church of the Good Tidings Broad wav mA
R 24tb Rev, f. D. Corby. 10:45. "Ia Life
Ruled by cnance or are we Guided to liar
- T. X. C. A. T. W. C. A.
t M. C A. Oth and Tailor H. W. Ston.
aeneral secretary.
I. V. V. a. nroaawiy ana xaylor Hiss
Una I. James, general secretary. 4:30 Mm.
WtlUam E. Hopkins, returned mtsaionary to
iiioia win jws - r-, , -
' - Miscallaneons i( - -.
Associated Bible 6tudeuts(I. B. 8. A.)
Arcanum ball, 13th st. near Washington 1:45,
Clarence Beck and Carlton Yerex; 3, William
A. Baker; 4:30. 7:30 Lecture by Stewart Mc
Kissick on "Tbe Eternal Destiny of the Moav
eieci.".- , ..
Advent Christian (not Seventh Day) geeond
st. Det. Ban ana Lincoln Kev, J. B. Lnraa.
Church of the Brethren TDnakr,i.t T
wick and Bralnard Bev, George A. CurlTii
7:30. '
East Stark at. Gospel Hall, between 28th
and Urth. . .
,. pinJ52!t", ASeJ?W7-227 Ankeny-will
'The Church it God (German) T54 K. eta M
Rev, D. r. Korora. 11, 7:30. ' w'
Plsgah U la loo Leeta. - .
. Imu church John Rllev. ; 11. v.aa
Bcandiaavian . Evangelical Mission chareV
Comaaona Mission 22 N.. Front It llin
Armenian Mission WoodmereBnffale at.
New Thought Temple of Trntb Bitera BIdg
Mrs. Anno -.Xoung-Hnntresa. 8 p. m., . "i
Theoeophy 738 Morgan building. 8. snb-
ject, "The Meaning and . Use of tbe Law of
Splrituslista Sixth and Montgomery. 10,
armposlom. 2:30, 7:45. - -
Swedish Free Mission Missouri Avenue and
Somner. H. G. Rodine, pasutv 11, 7;3U.
East Side Christian Church.
E-Gambler WiU
Hold Services for
Taylor Streeters
Jack Godwin will conduct
services in front of the Old
t Taylor Street Methodist church
tomorrow at 10:15. Godwin ?
is conducting a series of '
He Evangelistic meetings at Cen-
.tenary church on the east
aide and this is his first pub-
m no appearance on the west
- side.
Picture Censorship
To Be Forum's Topic
The last of a series, of lectures and
discussions on the v motion picture
question under the auspices of the
Young Men's Forum of the First M. K.
church, will be given tomorrow noon
in the new Sunday school temple of
the church. Twelfth and Taylor
streets, by F. T. Richards, a member
of the Portland Board, of Censorship
wis aupject will be "The True Aim of
Motion Picture Censorship."
The forum will take for its study
during tne month of April "The His
tory of Christianity." Among the
speakers scheduled to talk before the
forum on this subject are Professors
Norman F. Coleman and K. F. La
tourette of Reed college, Dr. Luther
R. Dyott of the First Congregational
church and Dr. George Reber of the
University of Oregon.
Baptist Brotherhood
Will Meet Monday
Completion of a stronger organiza
tion and probable election of officers
will be the order of business at the
meeting of the White Temple Brother
hood. Monday night With the prob
ability of Rev. William Russell Owen
of Brooklyn as the White Temple's
new pastor fairly certain renewed interest-
ia being taken by the Brother
hood, an organisation whose aim is to
assist tbe pastor.
Will Enlarge Church.
Gardiner, Or., March 25. Work will
soon be commenced on a new room ad
dition, 16x40 feet, to the M. E. church
of this place. This extra room will
be used as a class room, reception
room, and for the Ladies' Aid.
Meetings to Continue. Th e revival
meetings which have been in progress
during the past week at the University
Park Congregational church will con
tinue through the coming week. The
pastor, Rev. F. 3. Meyer, will speak on
Sunday and Monday nights, and Rev.
A. C. Moses, pastor of the Wav
erley Heights Congregational church,
preaches on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday nights.
""Visits rormer Pastorate. Dr. A. I
Hutchison, pastor of Piedmont Presby
terian church, has returned from a suc
cessful evangelistic campaign witn ma
former pastorate at Salem and will
occupy his pulpit next Sunday morning
and evening as usual. He has prom
ised the Salem people to return later
to conduct, a course In dispensationai
Bible study. ,
Tabernacle Meetings. The Wood
stock Methodist church revival meet
ings which are being held In the tab
ernacle, Woodstock avenue and Forty-
Beventh street, S. E., are large con
gregations. 'Evangelist J. Wesley Mac
Callum is leader. Music is furnished
by adult voicea, and a children's chorus
will sing at the services tomorrow.
Xnten Musical Service. The Lenten
musical service at the Universalis!
church tomorrow morning at Broadway
and East Twenty-fourth street will In
clude plpa orgari selections by Miss
Jean McKercher, a soprano solo by
Miss Leah. Coyle and a service of fa
miliar hymns led by George Uptne-
Welsh Memorial Service. A Welsh
service In memory of Mrs. W. P. Jones
will beJield-at the Sunnyslde"'eongre-
gatlonal) church East Thirty-second
and Taylor, tomorrow afternoon at 8.
The service will bo conducted by tne
Rev. R. M, Jones and Rev; J. R. Griffith;-Music
by.a mala quartet will be
sunsr in Welsh, - '
Annual Meeting of Cburchv The
annual meeting of the Vernon Pres
byterian church will be held in the
church building; Monday evening. Re
ports from all church societies will
be - given - and plans sfor the coming
church year considered.
Awards for the best piece of Indi
vidual handwork, for the best exhibit
6f departmental equipment, and for
the best exhibit of officers' equipment
will be granted at the conclusion of
the two-day Multnomah County Sun
day School association convention to
b held in the First Congregational
church. Park and Madison streets, be
ginning Tuesday' afternoon at 2:30.
Another offer of interest to Sunday
school members is the announcement
that Robert Ralkes diplomas will be
granted to those who file their proof
of seven years' consecutive attendance
at Sunday school classes with the
Preachers Will Take New
Member on Hike Up Old
Baldy Next Monday.
Her. George II. Parkinson.
Eugene, Or., March 85. Dr. George
H. Parkinson, the newest member of
the Eugene Ministerial association,
and the only "tenderfoot" in the or
ganization, will be the victim of n
initiation into membership next Mon
day, when ten or a dozen of the min
isters of Eugene and Springfield will
take the new member to the top of
"Old Baldy," a mountain seven or
eight miles northeast of Eugene and '
2000 feet higher than the McKenxia
rivnr TVrTVl wilpli it rlaa. ahnmtlv
ur. 1'arKinson, wno is irom Mas
sachusetts, is said to be a "tender
foot" in the literal sense of the word
The other ministers declare that
has confided to some of them that ha
has never climbed, a mountain In his
life and that he doubts his ability to
make the journey over the rocky ,
pathways that lead to the summit.
"But he will have to xio It." said
one member of the ministerial assO
elation yesterday. Rev. Louis 8.
Cupp, pastor of the First Christian
church, who is also an easterner, hav
ing come here from Missouri, was,
given a similar initiation and ha
proved equal to the occasion, say his
fellow workers. The other ministers
of the city have been here for a num
ber of years, coming before thesa
"hikes" were inaugurated by the aa-
Dr. Parkinson is a Harvard man,
having received the degree of A. JL.
in that institution. He also received .
the degree of A. B. and A. M. In
Northwestern university, Chicago, and
the degree of B. D. in the Garrett
Divinity school at Evanston, Ind.
Will Celebrate Anniversary.
Baker, Or., March 25. Rev. Ward
MacHenry, pastor of the Presbyterian
church, tomorrow will celebrate the
flfth'annlversary of his pastorate here
and will feature the morning service
with an anniversary sermon toiichlng
on the past, present and future of the
Will Go to T acorn a. Rev. and Mrs. t
S. A. Danford of Bismark. 8. D., who '
have been visiting at Wheeldon Annex
for the past few days after a series?
of Methodist evengelistio meetings in;
Oregon, will open a series of revival
meetings in the Mason M. E. church
at Tacoma tomorrow. .
Missionary to Speak. Mg. William
E. Hopkins, for nine years a mission
ary in India, will speak at the Y. W.
C A. vesper service, tomorrow after- -noon
at 4:30. Mrs. Hopkins has trav
eled through India extensively.
Toons; Woman to Usher. St. Jamear
Lutheran ehurcb will emphasize wom
en's work in the congregation on Sun-
day morning, when "Mother's and
Daughters' Day" will be celebrated.
The young women of the church will
have charge of the ushering.
Dr. Dyott Gives Blbla Reading
RevXuther R. Dyott gave a Bible read-J
ing on "The Confession of Kins" in tn
First Congregational church Thursday;
evening. Miss Beatrice Palmer wa
the soloist. f
XAdles' Aid Sleets. The Ladies Aid
society of the Kenilwortb Presbyterian
church have elected the following; of
ficers for the ensuing year: President,;
M-o Tt Tt M,nhnt' vir. rrMirlnt3
Mrs! B. J. Town; secretary, Mrs. 8. K.J
Hewitt; treasurer, Mrs. R. O. Rector,!
Sacred Concert f Tomorrow. The
chorus choir of the Sunnyslda Congre
gational church will give its regular.
monthly sacred concerts tomorrow eve
ning. A program has been prepared
under the leadership of Professor J.
II. CowerJ. t
Meeting for Men- The Men's Blbla
class of the First church of the Nas
arene. East Seventh and Couch streets,
will hold a meeting for men only, to
morrow at p. m. The pastor. Rev.
C. Howard Davis, will speak and spe
cial musical selections will be given,
Man Plan Social. The men of ths
Fourth Presbyterian church. First and
Gibbs street, are planning a social in
the church parlors for Friday evanlnr.
March 31. ' The men will prepare and
serve the refreshments.
county superintendent before Tuesday,
The convention will open ,wlth
temperance demonstration conducted
by Mrs. Ward Swope at 2:J0 Tuesday
afternoon.'. Adult, secondary junior
and beginners and primary conferences
will be held Tuesday and Wednesday
afternoons beginning at 4:15. - '
The address of Dr. J. Earl Else,
president of the association, will fea
ture Tuesday night s program.
E. C. Kanpp of Spokane, general c
retary - of the ' Inland Empire Sunday
School association, .will take a prom
inent place in the Wednesday after
noon and evening sessions. -