The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 19, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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Much of Raw Material is
'Brought, to Mills; From
Washington .State,-
-HUrhfco State ActasQy Uses 055 CaMo
f Teet Per Capita We Tse SI?
v . ud Germany 3& ?:
-'Much speculation . has prevailed as
: to' the-' relation between the annual
- prod action? of timber products and th
consumption of such material wltbia
-the states of Oregon and Waahtnirton.
Because of the 4 importance tit these
factors to the- tirober-oonsunrlng in-
duetrles and timber-owners of these
states, an exhaustive study was Inau
gurated by the forest service during;
1918 to ascertain as accurately as po
stble the extent to which standing
timber Is being consumed by the vari
ous industries relying upon the forests
" for, their raw material; also to deter
mine the extent and character of the
local demand for these products.
Statistics - were compiled. from t e-
- ports obtained from individual oper
. atora-dealers and purchasers of tim
ber products. ' Although the data were
r secured entirely by correspondence.
great care was taken in collecting- and
- complling'the figures, and, where pos-
slble, careful estimates were prepared
In order to make' the totals complete
. and th data serviceable as well as in
- Operators Co-operate Heartily.
: Because of the hearty cooperation
furnished by the various operators and
dealers, the present ' compilations on
-. forwt pro. ri s are - more complete
than any", similar report previously
- issued, for Oregon and Washington.
';Tho; log lumber, lath;, and j shingle
production iigures are Dasea on isis
statistics. "The data obtained: frorr-
- ;tfie railroads and pole dealers are for
the year ISM, while the other figure
represent normal amounts instead of
for any specific year.
: y In order to prepare grand total of.
. . . production' and consumption of round
.timbers for each state. It was neces
sary to reduce all of . the various
-units, such as cords, linear feet, etc.,
- to common factors, as board feet and
cublo feet, by using- the best a valla bio
.equivalents for each class of material
: , .-"Uses store Than Cat.
.... Washington consumes by her timber
industries X 82- per cent of' her log
. production . and 87.5 per cent of all
of tne wooa cut irom net rorests
annually. Oregon uses for her timber
industries J7.6 per cent in c excess of
the; log production and IS per cent. In
excess of the wood cut from her for
" ests annually. Owing to the natural
geographic conditions she draws heav
11 y on -Washington for -." raw material
xor ner mins, ana tnereoy conserves
her Umber.: res6urces,L.' . . .vV-.' i
-. Oregon's total annual "production Is
1,439,406 board feet and the consump
tion Is 2,827,197.810 board feet Waah-
iugton's total annual . production IS
, 973. 801,821 board feet . and the- con
sumption, is 6,102,620,580 board feet.
- ' The totals, indicate that Washington
:. harvests ,495ft.. board feet'v per capita
or 1.78 per cent of her timber stand
. annually.. Oregon harvests Slid board
feet per capita or .44 per cent of her
timber stand, The residents. of Wash
ington actually consume in the for
of timber , products used within the
. state. 265 cubic feet per capita annual
- ly as compared with 100 cubic feet for
the entire United States, and 36
- cubic feet by -the people of Germany.
Oregon uses 217 cublo- feet per capita.
Fifty per cent of Germany's conaump
tlon is i for fuel, while 82 per cent
. of Oregon's consumption and 70 , per
cent of Washington's consumption are
; for this purpose.
X , Detailed Beport Being Prepared.
Washington consumes 17.8 per cent
' of her lumber production, of '.Which
64.2v per cent is used s for building
purposes, 6.8 per cent Jy the railroads.
38.4 per cent by-the -wood . using- in
. : dustries, and . , per 'cent a In - mine
.work. - V ' ' . ".
- r Oregon consumes l.t : per cent of
her lumber production, of which 57.2
per cent is used for building purposes,
13.2 per cent by the railroads. 39.4
- percent by the wood using industries.
and .2 per cent in mine work.
-. A. detailed report for each state Is
, now in the course of preparation
.'. which will show the amount, of wood
, by species, size, and form of material
used for each of the purposes given
In- the accompanying tables, as well
as the same data for each of the wood
- using industries- in the two states.
: r "
Great Britain-Has -
to Fight
Significant letter Received by Fort-
land Woman Trom Brother ta BTew
fcoalaad xaaloates English an Sanest
. The British empire has Just started
: In to- fight, says a letter received by
Mrs. M. Clark of this city, from
her brother in Howick. Auckland, New
Zealand. The colonies are vastly
wealthy and they can1 still, put up mil
lions s.nnnrrii ya, w -
Extracts from the letter contain this
- interesting information; v..
"We have 80,000 -raens'now ready In
- this -colony ' to go to 'the front- and
about 3000 a month more are coming;
In. The Germans are being worn down
gradually as- the - British empire has
only just started.. The colonies alone
' are enormously .wealthy" and can put
up millions more in men ana, money.
This little colony 'wttb onlyvl.OOO.&OO
r people exports 40,000,00 a year, say
'40 a head. ; Ther TJnite States is nly
t 4 a head and jtireat Britain IT, ,Men
are coming in now from a thousand
British islandsln the- Pacific. - Every
mailboat : to New Zealand from T15L
-'. Solomons, Tonga and Cook islands
and hundreds or other are full .with
them. The building trade is practi-
eally stopped.; We cannot get building
material, locks or stoves or building
- ironmongery because i of v the :war.
- Howick is. a pretty lit
, tie place '.but it ' Is frightfully, iali
since the war started, all the .young
'men belngr away. .A. jot t our girls
have been married to soldiers, in fact.
: mib: people too many of them.'
CrabtreeV Ori- March. IS, New gen-
: ral storeimder the' firm name-of
"The Crabtree- Cooperative Mercantile
v assoclat lon, wlH pen April it--. in- a
new building1 erected for. the -purpose;
-A. E. Meyer has been retained as man-
-See Page 9, this Sect, Our 'Men'sGrill the
tionS for details ' of !.. bur Dutch Roomis a pleas
Spring; 1916, sale of toilet - ant rendezvous for Port
articles Mnd drugs. Turn ' landers to eat, chat, smoke
Ho kthis -announcement ' now.7 and spend a social -hour
'Silk Maid' :H6se fSr
Women Finest $1 Silk
Hose on the markets Our
Spring y showing is Jar
ticularly-impressive - v..'
'. TmajwUirSrFoioUUiSr'
1 J
Our Apparel Shops Are Radiatiinig
. i i ii I i i iv- .. 1 " ! a ovaovi'un p I 1
, . -. s , I - rm wm mm mm v mm w a . r . ,
'Consult bur' -qualified A rtistic Picture F ram ..See Page 9,' this 'Sec
.Chiropodist in Manicur 1 ing : ati lowestirithecity tion, for details of. our
v ing Parlors. Phone for ap prices. Kodaks, Cameras, Spring; 1916; sale of toilet
pointment: or arrange in ? Supplies, l)evelopingf En articles and drugs. Turn
person 5th Floor, 5th St. larging. Printing. to this announcemnt now.
the Breath of Sprin
r . ?. k -
Tailored ' '?
DressUp ' ' ;
Sports Models --
This. 1$ a very cordial invita
tion to all Portland women to
visit our Millinery Salons, where
the cream of the season's styles
is now on exhibition, , .
This is a season of millinery
surprises, you know. . In accprd
with ; Fashion's: decree,' you'll
find the quaint, -old-fashioned-looking-,
flower-bedecked styles
that are a necessity ' with 'the
frocks now being worn. : Dress
up bats from best designers
Then there are the smart tailored models worn by women . who
are conservative and prefer. the more Staid models.
Colors are" as exquisite as they are varied, btjt of course there's
a huge showing of black, black and white, soft, frays and taupd
shades for the more conservative dresser." " ' : ' . .
New-imported flowers and fruit novelties for trimmings, and; a
very splendid assortment of new-style untrimmed shapes, moderately
pficed. .. Fourth Floor, Sixth SL
New: Spring Gloves
Many New Styles Shown for the First Time '
v ? VaffierY Frrach KU Qovas $25 T
The !tadechirable" quality a wondetful ; gloyec for twear, style,
and comfort Black, white, pearl, pique sewn, two-clasp style, fancy
embroidered backs-ln three styles. Sizes SJ4 to 7. r , -
. Ireland's Arabian ' ;
Mocha Cloves, S2
Splendid shades of butternut,
gray and black. Novelty
stitched backs, full pique sewn,
two clasps.
Ireland's Glace'
Street Gloves, $2
Fine, quality cape white,
ivory and butternut, with con
trasting colored welts., Pique -sewn,
one-clasp style.;
Novelty Ribbons 35c
A new, ribbon for sashes and hairbows all pure taffeta in 30
different combinations of colors. Solid centers with combination
edges Vi .ta fi-lnch wide. Width of ribbon 5 Inches. T Being con
tracted for before the market advances last Fall, we can : sell it now
at, the yard, 35c. -. ' T
: "Res City Hair Bow
'C' ", Ribbons, 2Scv. J
A very heavy quality- all-pure
silk ribbon for sashes, hairbows
and hat trimmings. White, pink,
blue, green, Mack, scarlet, navy.
Very attractively priced. .
Specials in Black Taffeta'
Ribbons t : .
for h a i r b o w s sashes, hat
trimmings.. Heavy f finish,' high
luster taffeta. ..' No. too width,
yard, 1 9c ; No.-l50,.yard, 2Scj
No. ?00 yard,r30cr No. 250,
yard, 35c. ' - v-
'Hairbows 'Tied Fro at the Ribbon Counters,
All Sorts of Ribbon Novelties Made? to Order.
-Otaia Floor. Tlfth Street
What Kind, of
Do Yo ti
Ifs Here!
HUNDREDS of i women nave . found ;the
answer to ;, that, perplexing . problem
in our- Garment iSalonsvthjs ..past week I
Enthusiasm ' ran high-the most extrava
gant compliments were paid the show-
ing. : 'Women-all over Portland
ing about the v . wonderfully beautiful,
Spring suits and coats to be had at -
Meier & Frank's and, best of r all, the
prices are moderate! " See them for your
self tomorrow. Many new arrivals go
on display for the first time.
2i u
.-Such a variety, of styles Js shown that it is. hard
to resist having several new suits where you in
tended to have only oner , , - -
Knit 'jerseys of every description and color, in
both1 silk and wool, are irresistible. One model .
at 122.50, of delft blue, has deep sailor collar and
belted coat, with full skirt belted in Oliver Twist
fashion.-", Handsome ' suits of silk Jersey : have
striped - coat with - plain- skirt, trimmed in solid
bands or plain coat with striped skirt.
Fascinating little cape ' effects and ripples add
to the picturesqueness of the' suits this Spring!
Etons and short box coats have half capes or
shoulder capes, with belts introduced in a hundred'
and: one 4 different ways, from -a single or double
strap-to a-wide girdle .effect i Priced, at 1$,.;
19.50. to 75. - ; . , .-.
Just Arrived New Taffeta Suits
of Solid Blues and Blacks, Priced
$35 to $75. r '
White Cloth Suits, $25 to $85
' The coats divide favor .'between-a military 'Cipe
. effect and a plain sports model,: each vieihg with
the other for nrcstirel ":.r ; ' '..- .
Some fascinating modelsv have been developed
of Jersey silk or wooL The plain 5 straight,
: belted coat of Jersey is quite stunning. In vari-
ous high shades they cost as little as 15, rang
ing, on up to 75. An unusually smart coat is of
black and whtte striped Jersey, three-quarters;
length with wide belt, side capes and deep ac
cordion-pleated collar. This is priced. at 29.50.
Simple little coats of herrin r hone . weave, in
- bright rose or blue, with black velvet or silk col
lar, are priced as little as llo--and they re . un
commonly smart, jtool Conines, in brilliant hues,
' ranee from 12.5 o to 45, while practical serges.
gabardines and checks are here from 1 5 to 45.
- Coats Of all descriptidnst Priced at 12.50 to 7S.
New Silk and Afternoon Frocks-
Georgette, Taffeta Serge and, Cbm
btnations Arriving ' Every Day
Priced $15 to $85.
Everything f on the CperaWe are making, a special Jho'ming tomorr'ot& of
lovely new Gowns and Wraps in our AppareV.Shop.
Venrtli neor. rifth Street
" Of Crepe de Chine and Georgette
Unusually Lovely Models
' Priced 6.S0 to $18
The ; blouses . are . positively
alluring, and every woman who :
sees our newest arrivals will be
charmed. - . v
The' white, .flesh v and; . raalsa
crepes and silks are particularly
splendid. - One we're thinking of v
is maise color, embroidered in "
golden br6Vn and sapphire blue -beads
not "fussy,?; fatfter
tailored instead in effect.
Many are draped, . Val." -lace
trimmed and touched with eye
let embroidery, equally unusual
A II . . . It J " "imt
ana mitogeiner aesirame. , 1
We're also prepared to - show
you dozens -of new tailored
waists for business and costume
wear. ' Ask to see the new ar
rivals when you visit; the depart
ment tomorrow. '
- ?ourta noor. Central
Newest Laces
: r
Beautiful Chiffons and Crepes Just Received
Our offerings in dainty materials for. party frocks and blouses
In chiffons,, Georgette Crepe, laces and .the noted "Madam Butter
fly" voiles said to be "as sheer as a cobweb and wear like broad
cloth"? are ready for your selection, , Just a hint:
: . : ; Chiffons and Georgette Crepe.
We were fortunate in securing complete lines in every conceivable
color and combination that's new and good this season. Lovely 40
inch chiffons for blouses at 1 and 1.50. ; Novelty voiles and chif
fons in plaids, Bakst effects, floral and conventional designs.
Georgette Crepe in rose. Jade, bisque, mint, Joffre blue and all
the staples is- priced 1.75 to 2.50, while the desirable "Madam
Butterfly" Voile is only 2.00.
New Lace Bands and Iaeertioas Are la.
The laces are exquisite this year and we're lidw showing such
lovely examples really you cannot tell them from the Teal Calais
laces In white and Paris shades, Chantilly and Margot laces to be
combined with Georgette for frocks and blouses, net top and silk
malines for vestees and trimmings.
- . 65c-$l Flouncing-s
- . SpeciaL Yard 49e. -:
Skirtings and flounctngs, 18,
27'and 45-inch widths lawn and
nainsook, pretty large designs.
Also 25-inch batiste flouncing
for children's wear, 45-inch
voile flouncing'' for frocks;-- and
ruffled or scalloped-edf e ruf-
flings for baby dresses.
. , 20e-25e Embroideries,
: Special, Yard, 15c.
A collection of Swiss, nain
sook and cambric edges and in
sertions. A very good assort
ment of dainty patterns, all
; with fast edges, making them
durable ,for undenuuslins, etc.
Edges to & inches wide, Inser
tions to xi Inches. ;
j'loor. rifth Btyeet
si- "P ', - ' - ' f .
Women s
All the . Spring, and Summer
members of the Sweater ; family
are arriving pure silk; fiber silk
and fine wool sweaters coming in
great numbersl -
Sweaters In .every 'style "for
sports wear and all other oc
casions some with wide sailor
collars and ' belts others with
fancy sashes. Blue, rose, canary,
emerald, . black , and white in
fact, 411 the popular new shades
you would care to seel . . . ' "
SUk Sweaters, ' 2 5 t6 35
Fiber Silk Sweaters 5 to 22.50.
Woo Sweaters 5 to 12.50 -.
Third Tloo. tizth street
Priced in Our Stocks Yard, 35c.
Fresh,, new patterns In' the widest variety of colors for your
choosing. ! Rose, blue, pink and yellow. They will lend themselves
to the furnishing of almost any'room. :
Handsome designs and excellent quality special prices. Monday!
4.00 Curtains, the pair $3.40 I 3.00 Curtains, the pair, $7.20
5.50 Curtains, the pair, $4.00 I ti.Q0 Curtains, the pair, $8.80
--Before furnishing your home CONSULT OUR INTERIOR DEC
ORATING DEPARTMENT We employ experts In artistic home
furnishing.' Seventh Floor,' Sixth Street
A Few Good Cook Books.
My New Recipe Book Mrs. T.
B. Wheelock), i. . .
Salads. (Mrs. T. . B. Wheelock),
SOC. ; f;.; ,' ' " :
Mrs. Rorers New Cook Book,"
ioo.i Ur
The -Neighborhood , Cook Book,
? , .U; ,:j
The F o r 1 1 a n d Woman's Ex
change Cook Book,. 7 Sc.
White House Cook Book, 95c.
The Rose City Cook Book, 50c.
Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing
Dish Dainties (Janet M. Hill),
t.5o;.'-. .
The : Fun of Cooking-. (Caroline
, French Benton), 1.20.
The New Hostess .of Today
r (Linda H.; Lamed), 1.50.
j. 1 AJBaaataent1 Baloouy
Men's Belts
With Sterling Silver
Front Buckles at
98 c
Men's f i n.e s t $1.50
leather b e Its as illus
trated with Sterling
front buckle, handsomely
engine turned df en
gravedmany - splendid
designs. Fine calf skin
tubular belt. Some have
Old English initials. ; ;
HaU riooT.Korrlaoa Street
1000 Pounds of
New Germantown
Skeift 9c
"Swan Brand Is a hit h-class trade of Swiss-ribbed '' underwear : for women and . a favorite
with Portland women.- ; Finest quality, and finish-7-perf ectly . made. : .,
Our new Spring and Summer stocks yare In exactly right" Weights for .warm
days. . Plain styles or prettily lace or crocheted' trimmed. ; All Swan Brand.",
and . near-warm
Light Woicbt Vasts i
4 RefnIar'Siaes, 65c-"
The "Cumfy Out," with square
, necks and crocheted lace yokes. Splen
1 -didx weight fott Summer, or. women
.who prefer thin undergarments. ,
Plaited Silk VesU,
J Regular Sisee $1.25 '
-Swiss - ribbed plaited i
suk vests, - in a nne
weight,, for S a m m e t
wear. Will r wear .. and
launder splendidly, ' as
they're "Swan : Brand'!
and up' to standard. ' ,
Thread Silk Vesta,'
Regular Sixes, $2 ;
"Swan Brand" pure
threadV silk vests, in
Tlnk, white and sky
blue. Very elastic,
dainty a a most - desir
able weight for Summer
undergarments. V
-UIo .Suits, '
- Rexular Sia 10 .
v Extra Siss; 'fl.75f -
Fine light' weight,'? Swiss-ribbed.
The: "Cumfy-Cut", style, .with tight
knee. Desirable- yeight for warm
weather. r 1
Fin Lie Vesta, r
: -. Reculair f Sixes, 95c
A fine lisle in a light weight for,
Spring and Summer wear. - Made in
V-neck5 style, with ' mercerized cro
cheted yokes. - A '
Union S i t a"', ,' .
Regular .Sizes $15 ; ;
, . Extra' Sixes, . $1.50 - -
Summer weighty knee
length, , low .. neck, and
s I e e v e 1 e s s.'T Swiss
ribbed,; and perfect 'fit
ting. ri V ;;.
LUIe UhiosSnit s' - . . . . '
RegTdar Se $1.60 ,
Summer-weight lisle,- Swiss-ribbed
union suits. Pretty crocheted yokes
and tight knee. "Swan Brand" qual
ity perfectly fitting and finished gar
ments. Main Floor, Sixth SL
Here a wonderful' bargain In fine-quality yarns.
We bought all a manufacturer had on hand, to sell
at this -lowiprice less than wholesale cost today!
All desirable-- colorings Cream, garnet, gray black,
crimson,; navy, scarlet While the lot lasts, 9c a skein.
N Patchwork
The quaint bid, patterns so dear io the heart of
Colonial women-and treasured heirlooms now are
being revived fu our new patchwork today! We have
just received a large shipment of quilts, pillows, crib
sets, eteWdeUftful;a,e -1
:.&).X :"- " ecoa rioor. nzth Street
mill TIOOW -: T J. -uu
Furs Stored
in our safety vaults are. safe from
fire, theft, moths . and loss. Per
fect refrigeration from our own
ice-making plant on the premise.
Store your valuable furs now
they will be returned to you when
desired with the natural luster of
the pelt restored. Repairing, and
remodeling by our: experts, at low
prices. Phone Marshall ,4600, A
6101, and we will call. ;
t v
you cannot afford to waste your time :wwc-.
ing .bobbins these busy days , Make your, sew.
Ing ..lighter get an. ..V;. '-'. '" . -K'.:5
Eldredge 2-Spool -;
Rotary Machine
the ;. most modern sewing machine j you , can
purchase all the new -attachments and devices
to make sewing ' easier and more .' attractive!
Light running and durable.' Come and see it! i .
Easy Terms of Payment if Desired
. . ,.f . . SeeoaA rioox, TUtk Stsve
6 r
Bi Sale
of Swiisalu
Deep reductions on, these splendid cooking utensils,
ally strong and durable! ' ' '
Made of good weight aluminum. . Unusu-
'. i " Lipped Sauca Pans : :
: 50c f -quart size at 39c 5
:;,;.60c y -quart size, 47c -',75c
2-quart sizeat 59c :
90c-3-quart size at 72c
1.00 4-quart size at 79c
$1.35 S-quart size, $1.07
1.60 6-quart size, $17
r " Tea Kettles' - ' -l5o5-quart
size, $2.69 -4.00
7-quart size, $3.14
$ 4.5 o S-quart , size, ' $3.49 '
(5 RiceBoflers
3.00 1 -quart size,
3.75 2-quart size,
4.50 3-quart size,
JCoffa PoU
3.50 1 -quart size, $2.69 '
' 3.75 2-quart size, $2.98 "
v 4.00 3-quart size, $3.19 -e
Ten Pots '
3.Sb l-quart size, $2.68
3.75 2-quart size, $2.97,
4.00 3-qart size, $3.18 v
' Berlin Covered Pans and
, Kettles
- 75c l-quart size at 58c '
1.00 y -quart size, 78c
1.20 2-quart size at 96c
1.40 3-quart size, $1.12
1.50 4-quart size, $1,19
"1.75 5-quart size, $19
2.00 6-qaart. size, .$1.59
Waffle Irons ' .V '
2.50 Gas Waffle Iron,' $2.1 4
2.00 Waffle iron now $1.69
:-. Sasemeat, TUah
mm. lt