The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 18, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Beginning Sunday, March 26,
There Will Be Mass Meet
. ings Daily Except Saturday
rii Musical Programs Kve
Preparation for Srveral
A three weeks' series of Scandlna
, vian revival meetings will begin Sun
day afternoon, March 26. at 3 o'clock.
'" With a mass meeting In the Swedish
Baptist church. Fifteenth and Hoyt
streets. Nine Scandinavian churches
have joined far the meetings. The
rrlne pastors will conduct the revival
?. meetings without outside aid. Each
Sunday afternoon there will be & mass
meeting and each evening, excepting
- Saturday evenings, a revival meeting
will be held in one of the churches.
r- The choirs of the participating
churches have been rehearsing special
-musle for the past six weeks. General
preparations by the pastors and con
gregations have been going on for a
like period.
' Rev. John A. Willman of the First
- Swedish Methodist Episcopal church
will be the principal speaker at the
first mass meeting, Sunday afternoon,
; March 28. at the Swedish Baptist
Place of Meeting.
Beginning Monday evening, March
27. the first week's meeting will be
' held in the following churches: Mon-
- day evening, AUn chapel. Skidmore and
Michigan; Tuesday evening. Free
Lutheran church, Wygant and Rodney;
.. Wednesday evening. Swedish M. E.
church, Beech and Bonn wick; Thurs
day evening, Norwegian-Danish M. E.
cHurch, Eighteenth and Hoyt; Friday
evening. Free Mission church, Sumner
and Missouri.
' The mass meeting on Sunday, April
J. will be held in the Mount Scott
Swedish M. E. church, Anabel station.
The five evening meetings beginning
with' Monday, April 3, will be held in
'the Norwegian-Danish M. E, church,
Vancouver avenue and Skidmore
: etreet.
Sunday, April 9. the mass meeting
will be held In the Norwegian-Danish
. M. E. church, and the nightly meetings
for the following five days will be
. held In the Swedish tabernacle. Sev
enteenth and Glisan streets. The final
mass meeting, Sunday afternoon.
April IS. will be held in the Swedish
Churches Which Are Cooperating.
The nine Scandinavian churches co
operating in the revival meetings are
- Three Swedish mission churches, one
, Swedish M. K. church, one Swedish
. . Baptist church, one Free Mission
church, two Norwegian-Danish M. E.
churches and one Free Lutheran
The revival meetings are the out
" m of a general desire of the Scan
dinavian pastors In the city for a re
newed Interest In the churches. The
meetings .were planned for an aarlier
- time, but have been postponed for one
cause or another.
Preparations have been made Indl
virtually by the pastors for these re-
- vtval meetings during the six straight
weeks of religious meetings in the
. Scandinavian churches from the first
of - January through the middle of
jreoruary. -
Eminent Clergymen
Will Be Lecturers
Eminent churchmen' will be In at
tendance as lecturers at the first ses
sion of the Portland summer school
for Episcopal clergy, which will be
held here June 27 to June 30. They
are: Dr. Francis J. Hall, professor of
dogmatic theology in the general sent
Inary. New York; Dr. H. H. Gowen of
Seattle, an authority on comparative
religion; and the Right Rev. Herman
iage, bishop of Spokane.
Dr. Hall's lecture subjects iwlll be as
follows: (1) "The Incarnation and the
Sacramental Principle," (2) "The Re
demption," (3) "The Mystical Body.
(41 "Sacramental Grace," (6) "Escha-
xoiogy ana Modern Science." He will
also address an open meeting at the
close of the session .on "The Road to
Dr. Gowen's subjects will bs: (1)
im rsaiter." (2) "Prayer Book Re
vision." (S) 'The ADoerytrhn."
' Bishop Page will give two lectures
on "Sunday School Work." a depart
ment In which he has. had a large and
morougn experience.
California Pastor
Will Preach Here
Br. Albert Hatcher Smith of Los
i Angeles, Cal., will preach at White
temple at both services. His morning
theme will be "Kindness, or the Great
est Sentence in Literature." The tem-
: pie. quartet will sing "when I Survey
: th- Wondrous Cross." by Schnecker.
and for an offertory "Christ Is Knock
. lng." by Otis.
, In the evening Dr. Smith will speak
i , on the subject "Sympathy or the Se
. jcret of Helpfulness" and the choir will
" sing the anthems "Come, Weary Soul,"
by Gilbert, and "I Will Lay Me Down,"
; py -tjraasoy. .
Kindergarten at
5S St. David's Success
The . kindergarten begun at - St.
David's Episcopal church last Sunday
to accommodate mothers of email
children justified Itself and it will be
continued. The kindergarten, as an-
:i -r nounced In Tha Journal's story last
- Saturday, was in charge of two young
women of ths parish. The children
- were left before ths -11 a. nr. service
. and picked up by the mothers after
the ienric::y-4 -
Hotleeo forthe classified, efcoxom
directory, sn4 otnsr miner w ni
Mili .ehli. .. Bolnmii ' Of -"tfia
jn-rnl niit bat in ths "' odltorlal
rooms of Tie Journal by noon Thurs
day In orave to utsar puoucawon.
lifNH all - mail . Tninm--to,m
Charobes," - cara City Xdltoi, The
Jouraai. Items mv appearlsg la the
Smtorday chszeb vago win o found
la th Sua day church oolsmm.
Father and Son to
Hold Revival at
Friends' Church
Special revival services begin
tomorrow in the Sunnyslde
Friends church. East Thirty-
fifth and Main streets. The
pastor, H. L. Cox. will be as- t
m sisted by his father. Rev. Levi
F. Cox of Winchester, Indiana,
who will give a series of bible
lectures of rare Interest to bible
Services are scheduled for
each evening at 7:45 and Tues-
day, Wednesday. Thursday and
Friday afternoons at 2:30.
Holy Cross Choir
Will Give Concert
The choir of Holy Cross Catholic
church, University Park, assisted by
soloists from other Portland Catholic
churches, will give a sacred concert
tomorrow night In Holy Cross church
for the benefit of Holy Cross Institute,
a school for boys. Miss Amelia Ullman
is organist and director of the Holy
Cross choir.
Tomorrow night's program Is as fol
Dixit Dominus Marso
Tl Preao O Padre, trio
Justus ut Palma, duet . . - . Lamblllotte
Selection, contralto solo
Sanctus Gounod
Violin solo:? (a)Menuette ..Beethoven
ID) mum der Sennerln LaDltzKy
Quia est Homo, duet Rossini
Ave Verun. solo Millard
Tantum Ergo, quartet Donizetti
Address. "The Influence of the Cath
olic Church on Music
Rev. Father 0DonnelI
The Martyrs in the Arena, male
quartet . De Rille
Sa,lve Reglna Dana
Cello solo. "O Thou Sublime. Sweet
Evening Star" Wagner
Inflaramatus. solo and'chorus. .Rossini
The soloists will be: Sopranos, Miss
H. Theberge, Miss Grace Dawson; con
tralto, Mrs. Rose Frledle Glanelll; ten
ors. James Flynn, A. Gianelll, Fred
Miller, p-ather Raymond. N. P. Ben
nett; baritone, H. H. Griffin: bass. H.
G. Droppelman; violin. Miss Rita Man
ning; cello, Miss Gladys Johnson: ac
companists. Miss Amelia Uhlman and
Father O'Donnell.
hristian Science
Lectures Planned
Free Xectares to Be Given by Charles
I. Ohrsnsteln, C. 8, B., of Syracuse,
JT.T at Second Church of Portland.
Three free public lectures on Chris
tian Science will be delivered by
Charles I. Ohrenstein, C. S. B., of
Syracuse, N. T., in the edifice of Sec
ond Church of Christ, Scientist. East
Sixth street and Holladay avenue
Monday. Tuesday and Thursday even
ings, March 20. 21 and 23, 1916, at 8
Mr. Ohrenstein is a member of the
board of lectureship of the mother
church, the First Church of Christ,
Scientist, in Boston, Mass. These lec
tures, given under the auspices of
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of
this city, are free and the public Jaj
cordially Invited to attend.
New Enthusiasm Is
Brought Into Church
The "Every Member" campaign has
resulted in bringing new enthusiasm
Into the Mount Tabor Presbyterian
church. The pledges for financing the
work the coming year have exceeded
those of any previous year, and the
benevolence fund, which includes home
and foreign mission support, reached
twice the amount asked for and over
three times the sum ever contributed
In one year. Extensive plans for in
creased efficiency are being made by
all the church -departments. A com
municants' class for young people is
being formed under the leadership of
the 'pastor, Dr. Moore. A large number
of new members are in prospect for
the Easter communion.
For the next four Sundays the morn
ing, music will be under the direction
of Mrs. A. Carrick. C. A. Muir Is drill
ing a number of young voices from the
Sunday school for the evening serv
ices. The regular organist and musical
director. Miss Eugenia Patton. who has
given excellent service for many years,
has left the city for a few weeks' rest.
The Ladles' Aid society recently
held its annual meeting and elected
the following officers: President, Mrs.
C. A. Muir; vice presidents, Mrs. H.
Fltxpatrlck, Mrs. Charles Flick. Mrs.
M. V. Sheltus, Mrs. W. N. Jones; sec
retary, Mrs. A. M. Beebe; treasurer,
Mrs. E. M, Underwood.
Discourse Promises
To Be Thrilling One
In giving the second in his series
of sermon lectures on "The Preachers
of Protestantism" at the First Meth
odist Episcopal churoh, Sunday night.
Dr. Frank L. Loveland will delve into
history, stating among other things
the reason, as he sees it, for the
French revolution. His topic will he
"Henry of Navarre, the Huguenot of
France." The discourse promises to
be the most thrilling description of
former days in Europe yet given by
him. Christianity in the flames the
carboniferous era of religion and
feaint Bartholomew s day. will be top
ics to be discussed. In , the morning
the subject will - be. "The Unseen and
Unknown God."
Thursday evening Dr. Loveland gav
the second 1 bis series of Lenten ad
dresses. Tho subject was "The Seven
Words of the Master" and under this
head the second words, "la' Paradise,"
were considered. The attendance was
the largest In months. Next Thurs
day evening he will speak upon the
third words, "Thy Mother."
Young Men Will Be
Hosts Sunday Night
Ths Innovation Introduced after the
evening service last Sunday, when the
young women of First Presbyterian
church acted as hostesses at an In
formal reception to all young people
of the congregation In the chapel will
be repeated tomorrow evening, whea
the young men will be the hosts at a
similar reception. Preparations have
been made to entertain a large number
of young men and 'women in this hour
of fellowship and sociability after the
evening service. Dr. Boyd will speak.
Dr. Boyd's evening sermon tomorrow
?n ;The Glory vof . Woman
hood."' . .-.- - ' - .
Plan Contemplates Use of
$30,000 Endowment of
Dallas College,
If plans to be submitted by Rev
C. Cv Poling of Portland to the board
of trustees of Dallas college and to the
annual conference of Oregon United
Evangelical churches in meetings to
be held In Ockley Green, April S and ,
are approved, a Bible training school
will be established In Eugene or Cor
vallis. This announcement 'was made by
Rev. Mr; Poling, presiding elder of the
U. E. church.
As the five-year effort toward fed
eration of the United Evangelical
churches and the Evangelical associa
tion or Oregon seems to be nearing
fruition, the latterx organization will
probably Join In the establishment of
the school.
The $30,000 endowment of Dallas
college would be used as the beginning
rinanciai basis of the training school.
The classical course offered by the
University of Oregon Is an inducement
to locate In Eugene, but advantages
possessed by the Oregon Agricultural
college appeal to some of the elders
of the United Evangelical church and
the trustees of Dallas college. The
decision, in regard to location, will be
made at the annual conference.
Bishop U. F. Swengel, D. D.. of
Harrlsburg, Pa., will preside over the
Dr. Dyott to Start
Lent Sermon Series
In the First Congregational church
the pastor. Dr. Luther R. Dyott, will
begin a series of Sunday evening
Lenten sermons on March 19, at 7:45
o'clock, his general theme being "The
Teachings of Jesus."
The special themes follow: March
19. "Jesus as a Teacher"; March 26,
"What Jesus Taught About His
Father and Himself; April 2, "What
Jesus Taught About Lost Souls";
April 16, "What Would Happen in the
World Jf the Teachings of Jesus Were
Applied Everywhere?"; April S3,
Easter celebration, morning and even
Sunday morning, March 19, Dr.
Dyotfs theme will be "Give Christ His
Chance." There will be special music,
morning and evening.
Sunday School Lesson Tomorrow.
Fhilfo and the Ethloplin acts 8, 84-40.
Memorise verses S4, 36.
Golden Text Understanoest tmm wnat uoa
readeetT Acta 8. 30.
Home Readinr M. The Goepel In Simula,
Acts 8, 4-13. T. Sin and repentance. Acta 8,
Young People's Topics.
Christian Endeamr "Getting Power From
On P!ilo- Pa. 2V 1-14.
Junior Christian Endearor "How Will Bible
Study Help Ua?" Pa. 118. 97-104.
Epwortn league "A World Program for the
League." Matb. 28. lft-20.
B. Y. P. V. -"Getting Power From a
Pledge," Pa. 25. 1-14.
First White Temple 12th and Alder Mrs.
A. W. DeLong, acting pastor. Sermon by Dr.
Albert Hatcher Smith. 11. "Klndnesa, or the
Greatest Sentence in Literature." 7:30, Sym
pathy. or the Secret of Helpfulness."
Swedh-Flnnlsh Mission. White Temple, B.
Esst Side E. 20th and Ankenr ata. Rev.
W. 0. Shank, pastor. 11, "The Master Is
Here and Calleth for Thee." 7:30, "At the
Last Trump."
Highland. E. eth and Alberta Ber. Chaa. F.
Mlelr. 11. 7:30.
Arleta Rt. W. T. 8. Spring. 11, "Adop
tion." 7:30, address by Mrs. Hopkins.
DnlTersity Park Bet. C. L. Heskett, 11,
Swedish 15th and Hoyt, 10:43. 7:30.
Grace MontaTllla, Ker. M. T. Cash. 11,
' Sell wood Be v. F. H. Hayes. 11. 7:30.
St. Johns E. P. Borden, pastor 11, 7:30.
Calvary E. 8th and Grant ReT. Thomas
Stephenson, acting pastor. 11, 7:30.
Mt. Calvary E. Pine and Grand are. Rev.
A. M. Uacnack, 11. 8.
Third Knott and Vancouver are. RT. W.
J. Beaven. 11. "The Lore That Lives Again."
7:30, "Lessons From the Psssover."
St. Johns (German) Rev. F. Braerman, 11,
Ctilnese J. C. Malone. 7.
Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson. 11, 7:80.
Second German Morris and Rodney ave.
11. 7:30.
Glencoe E. 45th and Main Rev. A. B.
Walts. 11, "Ordinance of Baptism In the New
Cbnrch." 7:30, "The Ideal Man."
Mount Olivet Rev. W. A. Magrett, 11, 8.
Italian Mission Rev. Francesco Sannella,
11, 8.
First German 4tn and Mill Rev. J. Kratt,
11, 7:30.
Goodwill Mission 15th and Boise MIfs A.
M. Nelson, superintendent.
North Portland Mission 880 Nlcolal St.,
Friday. 8.
HMsellville Mission Rev Albert Lengh
brldge. 3. 3:45.
Tabernacle E. 4 2d and Holirste Rev. Wal
ter lhiff, acting pastor. 11. 7:30.
First Park and Columbia Ber. Geo. F.
Darsle. 11, "To Every Man His Work." 7:30,
"An Ever Living Question."
Montavllla E. 7utn and Hoyt Rev. J. C.
Gbormley. 11, 8.
Gladstone Rev. Roy L. Dunn. 11. 8.
Woodlawn 7tb and Liberty Rev. W. J.
Milllnger. 11, 7:30.
Sellwood 13th and Tenlno Rev. M. Johnson.
11. 8.
Rodney Avenue, at Knott at. Rev. J. F,
Ghormley. 11, "Will the Old Book Stand r1
7:30, sermon by Rev. J. C. Gbormley.
East Side Christian E . 1Mb and K. Taylor
Rev. A. L. Orlm. 11. "Reapers." 7:30. "A
Good Mother-in-Law."
Kern Park Rev. G. K. Bfrry. n. 7:30.
St. Johns Rev. Herbert F. Jones. 11, 8.
Vernon Church of Christ E. 15th and Wy-
rsnt J. A. Melton. 11. 7:30.
Betnei c. ana xuuuiinoa mt. aaoicy
W. Wilson.
Catholic -
St. Peters Lents Rev.- P. Beutgea, 8.
10 .30. 7:30.
Pro-Catnedral I5tn ana uavis Rev. B. v.
O'Hara. , 7:16. 8:30. :45. 11. 7:45,
St. Lawrence 3d and 8berman Rev. J. C.
Hughes a, 8:30. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Patricks 18th and 8a vie r Rev. E. p.
Murphy. 8,10:30,7:30.
St. Francis E. 11th and Oak Rev. J. H.
Black. , 8. 9, 10.30, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams are,
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 8. 8. , 10:30.
Holy Rosary E. Sd and Clackamas Rev. .
8. Ulson. 6. 7, 0, . 11. 7:ao.
St. Rose K. 53d and Alameda Rev. J.
O'FarrelL 8, 10, 7:30. .
St. Andrews E. Bth and Alberta Rev. T.
Kiernan. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
The Madeleine R. 24th and SUklyoo Rev.
George F. Tbounsoau 7:30. S. 10:30.
Ascension E. Yamhill and E. 76th Francla
ean Fathers. .8, 10:30. 7:30. ;
Holy Redeemer Portlaad trd. and Vancou
ver are. Rev. F. H. Miller. S, 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blaa
dena Rev. B. V. Kelly. 8. 10:30. 7:3a
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoln Rsv. C. Raymond.
8, 10:30, 7:30. - - -
St. Ignatius 220 43d St. 8. E. Jesolt Fath
er. :30. 8. 10:30. 4.
St. Stephens I2d and E. Taylor Rev. War
ren A. Wain. . SU30, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Phillip Keri K. 16th and HIckfy Bev.
w. l. cartwritftt. s. 10:30. 7:30.
' Sacred Hear; E. 11th and Center Bev. G.
KoGl. a. io:ao. 7:30. - -St.
Agatha B. 15th and Miller Bar. J.
Cumnjiufcy-. . 8. 10:30. 7:30. , ,
St. Joseph (German) 15th aad Coach Bev.
B. Durrer. 8. 19:30, 7:30.
By Rev. S. Earl Du Bois, Pastor of Church of the Strangers
Lpoem or the rare
- - ,3
Golgotha's hill with lips uncomplaining. This One claimed to
be living brea4 and living water that would forever banish hun
ger and thirst. Millions testify from actual experience that
Jesus fulfilled His claims. No human need has arisen that
Jesus cannot meet. He remains the solitary, all-sufficient
savior of humanity. .
Money Has Been Used for
Retired Ministers for 61
Years; Date March 1, 1917
Philadelphia, March 18. The gen
eral clergy relief fund, which for 61
years has been used to provide for re
tired clergy of the Protestant Episco
pal church, will be merged with the
church pension fund on March 1. 1917.
by when it Is expected, the $5,000,000
needed to insure the success of the
pension fund will be in hand. Trustees
of the relief fund met at 14 Wall
street. New York, a few days ago and,
by a unanimous vote, decided to unify
the systems of pension and relief for
the Episcopal clergy, their widows and
The relief fund, which has been de
veloped largely under the leadership of
the Rev. Alfred J. P. McClure. its
treasurer and financial agent, who has
headquarters in this city, has a capital
of $700.-000 and distributes about $120,
000 annually. It has been agreed that
hereafter the officers of the relief
fund will cooperate with those of the
pension fund to develop one system
which, when the $5,000,000 is obtained.
8t. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ave. and
Falling Rev. F. Mathew. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rev. M.
Balestrs. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
St. Clements Smith and Newton Rev. C.
Smith. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Clares Capitol Hill Rev. Anthony. 8.
10:30, 7:30.
St. Charles 34th and Kllllngsworth Rv.
G. Sniderhorn. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Christian Science.
Lesson sermon, "Matter."
First church Everett, between 18th and 10th
sta. 11. 8.
Second East 6th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third East 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11.
Fifth Myrtle Park hall. 11.
Christian Science socletr Holbrook block. St
Johns. 11.
First Park and Madiaon Rev. Lnther R.
Dyott. 11. "Give Christ His Chance." 7:45.
"Jesns as a Teacher."
First German K. 7th ud Stanton Rav. E.
0. Willman.
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett
Rev. Thorn is S. Anderson. 11. "Power of
Habit." 7:45. "The Bane and the Blesainc of
university Park Haven St.. near Lombard
Rev. F. J. Meyer. 11. "Flabera of Men."
7:80, "Weighed in the Balance."
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. E. g.
Bollinger. 11. "Being and Doing." 7:30.
".Treasure Hunting."
unaernurst Bev. 1. B. Gray, 11, 7:45.
Pilgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver at. Rav.
W. C. Kantner. 11. "The Growlnc Vision of
St. Johns Rev. Daniel T. Thomas, 11.
Wsverly Hela-hts E. 83d and Woodward
Bev. A. C. Moses. 11. 7:30.
Sunnyslde E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staob. 11. "The Great Break In Christ's Kin
ship." 7:15, "Team Work in the Kingdom."
Zlon (German) E. 9th and Tremont Rev.
J. H. Hopp.. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rav. J. ft.
H. Simpson. Rev. J. G. Hatton. 7:80. 10:13.
11. 7:30.
Trinity 10th and Everett Rev. A A Mor
rison. 8, 11, 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen, the Martyr-
Very Rev. H. M. Bamaey. 7:45. 11, 8. 7:45.
St. uarld s c. lZtfc and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins. 8:30, 9:30. 11. "Christ's
Temptations snd Ours. 7:30. "Some Enemies
of the Cross."
St. Matthew's Corbett and Bancroft Rev.
W. A. M. Breck. 11.
St. Jobna MUwaukle Rev. John D. Rica.
3. 4.
St. Andrews Hereford at.. Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
urace Memorial weiaier ana e. 17th N.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8:30.
St. Michael's and All Angels' E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, 11. 7:30.
Church of Our Saviour 60th ave. and 41st
at. 8. E. Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
bi. jonn s aeuwooa nev. jonn u. riles. 11.
St. Paul's Wood mere Rev. Oswald W.
Taylor. 4.
Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good 8a-
smaiitan hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard.
7. 7:16-
All Saints' cbnrch Z3th and Savler Rev.
Frederick K. Howud. 11. 6:30.
Evangelical Assoc la tloa,
Carson Heights G. F. Lienlng Jr. 11:30, T.
First . English E. 6th and Market Rev. E.
D. Hornschacb. 11, 8.
First German Evangelical 10th and Clay
Rev. G. F. Uentng. 10:45. 8.
Evangelical Syned.
German Evangelical Friends' church Ta-
eoma ave. and E. loth. Rev. Ellaa N. Her
gfcrt. 10:45. 7:30.
st. rani evangelical cnarcn MT Falling
Eev. J. Hergert 11. 7:8a ,
Free aUthoditr
- Central 65th and E. Flanders Rev. L. B,
Blaekman. 11, 7:45.
First E. 9th and Mill Rev. I. Harrington,
Friends' Chorea.
Sunnyslde E. 85th and Main Rev. Homer
Co. 11, 7:80.
Lents South Main St. Rev. John Riley.
West Piedmont Rev. ' Mra. Ethel M. Ar
nold. 11, 7:30. '
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
RabM Jonas,, vtise. rriaay, s p. m. Satur
day. 10:30 ai. m. ,
Latter Say Saints. i
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
(Mormon) s. zatn and ataaison. 11:45, 7.
Montavllla (not Mormon) 11, 7:30.
Immanael 19th and Irving Rev. J. Richard'
Olson. 11. 8.
Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Williams
ave. and Graham iter. j. a. Rim bach. 10:15,
:ji. -' . -
United Norwegian 45 N. 14th Rev. Pit
ana Laraen. 11. 7:43.
- Bethany Oaniab Union ave. N. and Mor
risRev. M. C. Jensea-Kngbolm. 11. 8.
Oar Savior's E. 10th and E. Grant sts.
Rev. George Henriksen. English service, 10.15.
Norwegian service it :io.
Immanoel German Sellwood Rev. H. C.
s-helina-. 10:30. '
Grace English (Missouri Synod) Alblne are.
and Mason Rev. C. Lnecke. 10:30. 7:S0.
- St. Paul's German B. . 12th and Clinton
Kev. A. &- avraassi v service,
. German Evangelical Lntherlon 2km (Missouri
...Jl . M1itr...ii 1 LI LI
liprr " "'-iai :. , -' . ,''-.-; . - -
The hunger of the human heart is not sat
isfied with wheat bread nor its thirst with
water from .Mt. Hood. ; Nor does the fine
painting stop the heart ache.
.These blessings are the possession of thou
sands' who are still unhappy. Until the" bread
of satisfaction is found and partaken of, life is
full of tantalizing hopes. . God, who provides
wheat bread and now water, has not over
looked a sufficient provision for yearning, un
satisfied hearts. He sent One to walk the hills
of Palestine with holy steps and to die on
will be continued by a merger of the
two organizations. 1
An announcement of th nronnwi)
merger bears the signatures of Bishop
vreer, president, ana vr. McClure,
treasurer, of the Clergy Relief Fund,
and Bishop Lawrence, president, and
Monell Say re, secretary, of the Church
Pension Fund.
Calvary Church to
Canvass Membprs
Calvary Presbyterian church ex
pects tomorrow to be a great day.
Companies of the church members
will bo formed to conduct an every
member canvass, the object being a
general Increase along all religious
lines. After the completing of the
canvass a praise and victory ser
vice will be held Sunday evening,
when reports of the work will
be given. Last Sunday the pastor,
Rev. Oliver S. Baum, preached a ser
mon on "A Lost Art." which attracted
much favorable comment. Tomorrow
morning's subjeot will be "The Power
of System," and a strong, helpful ser
mon is expected.
Questions Asked by
Girls to Be Topic
Rev. Henry Marotte, D. D., pastor
of Westminster Presbyterian church.
East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets,
will preach at tlnemorning service to
morrow on "Some Questions Asked by
a Class of Thirteen-T ear-Old Girls."
Rev. Mr. Marcotte particularly Invites
parents to hear these questions.
St. John's Peninsular md Klrkpatrlck Rev.
K. O. Salrman. 10:45, 7:30.
Swedish Augustsns Rev. H. E. Sanatedt.
10:45. 7:45.
United Norwegian Portsmouth Rev. H. O.
Heodrtrkson. 11.
German Evangelical Reformed Lenta Rev.
W. G. Lienkaemper. 11.
8t. James, English West Psrk and Jeffer
son J. Allen Less. 11, "Remember Now Thy
Cttater." 8, "Where Shall We Find tha An
swer T"
Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free chnrch
Wygant and Rodney avenues Rev. J. A. 8tav
ney. 11, 8.
Methodist. !
First 12th and Tsylor Dr, Frank L. Lova
land. 10:30, "The Unseen and Unknown God."
7:45, "Henry of Navarre, the Huguenot of
Centenary B. 8th and E. Pine Rev. T. W.
Lsne. 11.
Taylor streeters Sidewalk Third and Tay
lor. Morning aervlce only.
Trinity E. 10th and Sherman Rev. A. B.
Calder, 11. 7:30.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beech Rev. John
A. Wellman, 11. 7:45. .
Epwortn 26th and Savler Rev. C. O. Mc
Cuiloch, 11.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Bev. O. T. Field, 11, 8.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev.
Ltraia Thomas. 11, "Communion." Evening,
"Rugged Saviors of the World."
Sellwood Rev. Alexander p. Maclean. 11.
Sunnyslde E. S5th and Yamhill Rev. R.
Elmer Smith, 11. 7:45.
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Bev. C.
C. Uarick. 11, 7:30.
St. Johns Hayes and Leavltt Rev. W. E.
Ing alls.
Montavllla Rev. W. H. Hampton, 11, 7:30.
Laurelwood 63d at. S. E. and Foster road
Rev. C. R. Carlos. 11.
Clinton Kelly Memorial E. 40th and Pow
ell. Valley Kev. J. West Thompson. 11. "An
Auequiie irnimeui or tne world s want
and Woe." 7:30, "A Far Cry Frwom the
Japanese Mission Rev. Ellaen Rlbsra. 0:30.
Rose City Park Sandy blvd. and E. 5Rth
Rev. William W. Yonngson. 11. "The Christ
liko God." 4:90, "The Cross Builders: Herod."
German Rodney are. and Stanton Rev. F.
A. Schumann. 10, 8.
African Zion 288 Williams ave. Rev. W.
W Howard. Rev. E. D. L. Thompson, 11, 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norweglan-Danlsh--Corner
Skidmore Kev. Abraham Vereide. 10:45, ser
mon by Evangelist Jack Godwin. 8. sermon
by pastor on "The Neeo of the Hour."
Olin Eldridge. 11, "Spiritual Clairvoyance."
Unlverrity Park Lombard and Flske Rev.
C. L. Hamilton, 11. "The Friend Above All
Others." '7:30. "Playing the Fool."
Lents Rev. W. Boyd Moore. 11, g.
Bethel Larrsbee ana McMillan Rev. J. L.
Craw. 11. 8:15.
Westmoreland MUwaukle ave bet. Ramona
and South avea. Rev. C. B. Harrison. 11,
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln Rev. G. G.
Haley. 10:30 8.
Patton Michigan and Alberta Rev. George
H. Feese. 11, 7:45.
Woodstock E. 44th and 60th ave. S. E.
Rev. Frarrfc Jamea.
First German Rev. A. F. Cramer. 11, 8.
Brentwood Rev. W. L. Wilson. 11.
Berkeley Heights clubhouse Rev. A. B.
Cslder. 3.
Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30.
Carson Heights Rev. L. C. Douglass, Ken
dal station.
Clark acboolhouae Rev. A. B. Wilson, 7:30.
K. E. Church, South.
Union ave. aud Multnomah Rev. W. J.
Fenton. Presiding Elder Rev. S. M. Check
of Cor t a Ilia will preach at 11 and 7:30.
Swedish Mission Rev. B. J. Thoren. 11, 8.
Ellm Chapel Rev. B. J. Thoren. 10.
- Bethel Free church Ivy and Williams Rev.
J. A. Stavuey. 11. 8.
. Nazarens.
First Pentecoatal E. 7th and E. Couch
Rev. C. Howard Davis. 11. 7:30.
Sellwood E. 9(h and Spokane Rev. H. C.
Baker. 11, 7:30.
Brentwood E. 67th at. and E. 65th ave:
S. E. Rev. Stella Crooks. 11, 8.
Scandinavian 948 Garfield Rev. J. O.
Brtngedahl, paator. U. 7:30.
Highland Park 11. 7:30.
First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd.
10:30, "Titos Alone in Crete." 7:30, "The
Glory of Manhood.
Fourth First sad Glbbs Rev. Henry G.
Hanson. 10:30.
Calvary 11th and Clay Rev. O. S. Banm.
10:30' "The Power of Hyatem." 7:30, "I'ralse
and Victory Meeting."
Arbor Lodge Kev. George B. Cromley. 11,
7:45. -
Kenilworth E. 34th end Gladstone Rev.
Leslie Kirk Richardson. 11. "The Hem of
Christ's Garmenta. T:i. "The Christian
College and Young People In Christ's Service."
Mispan E. lttth and Division Rev. Harry
Lreda.. 11. 7:30.
Hope Montavllla. 78th and E. Everett sts.
Rev. S. W. Seeman. 11. "The Real Wonders
of Pentecost." 1:30, -Are mere Kings In
Heaven 1"
Forbes Rev. Harry L. Pratt. 11. 8.
Central E. 13th and Pino Rev. IV. K.
Grimes. 10:30. 7,:30.
Millard Avenne 7241 ave. S. E. Rev.
U. Amos, 11, 7:30.
Mt. Tabor E. 55th and BMmont Rav. Wil
liam Graham Moore. 11, "The Love That
Pascetu Understanding." "Theory and Prac
tice in Appuea inriaiiani7
i Coity Rev. W. Lee Uray 11, t. i-.V" y-
l Vernon 19t and -. Wygant Rev." H. X.
Mass Meeting Will Be Held
Sunday Afternoon, April
20; Great Chorus to Sing,
The One hundredth anniversary of
the death of Rev, Francis Asbury.
first Methodist bishop in America,
and one of the most apostollo men In
the world's history, will be observe J
in Portland with a great mass meet
ing In Centenary M. K. church Sunday
afternoon, April 2, at 2:30. The an
niversary has been planned by a com
mittee consisting of Drs. C. E. Cllne,
E. O. Eldridge and J. W. McDougall.
Superintendent of the District Or. Mc
Dougall will preside. A chorus of ail
Methodist churches will lead the con
gregation in the singing of Wesleyan
Three themes will be presented, (1)
"The Life and Work of Asbury and
His Influence on American Civilisa
tion"; (2) "Methodism at Present,
Where It Is and What It Is"; (3)
"Methodism in the Future, Its Pros
pects and Opportunities." All Meth
odist pastors have been asked to pre
sent the subject of Asbury to their
own people the last Sunday in March.
Bishop Francis Asbury died March
31, 1816. at Spottsylvania. near Fred
ericksburg, Virginia, as the annals of
the poor the annals of Bishop Asbury s
life are short.
He was born neat Birmingham, En
gland. August 20, 1745. From the
age of 13 until 20 he worked at
blacksmithlng; converted when 15, he
was class leader at 16, a local preach
er at 18, and was appointed to a cir
cuit when 221 He was accepted as
a volunteer or missionary for Amer
ica at the Bristol conference in Aug
ust. 1771. and arrived In Philadelphia
October 27.
He decided to cast his lot wfth the
Americans when, the rest of the Brit
ish preachers returned to England in
1776. Bishop Asbury was ordained
deacon, elder and bishop by Bishop
Coke at the organization of the Meth
odist Episcopal church. He had been
selected by Wesley and elected by the
first general conference at Baltimore,
December 25-27. 1784.
Madame Jomelll to 8in2.
Mme. Jomelll will sing at a concert
at East Side Baptist church next Fri
day. Other numbers, both vocal and
instrumental, are on the program. The
proceeds of the concert will be used
ror xoreign missions.
Monnt. 11, "Professed Christians and the
Claim of th Church." 7:30, "Making Ex-
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Rev
A. L. Hllt-fhlnann 1 A - In 7.01
- -v.w,
V estminster E. 17th and Rchnvler ttr.
V wrI Marcotte. 10:30, "Soma Queatlons
A brawl hr r.aa. u- . T .
Y?M. "-Dead Fllei " "We""VW
t H?'Q':,ltT prk E 45th and Hancock Rev
J. M. Skinner. 11, f:80.
A.'nnTlVsO3 "hali-JUv
wt v . AUl CVA UTTTIM A 1111. .
Chinese 145H First St. 7:40.
Reformed Prssbytsrlan.
. d? m7.blidl73TU "nd AlMW,ortB-B
First 3rman 19th . t-n
ber, 10:45. 8 "'
A 8WrMnUmbI blTd' "Dd 834 st-Rev. E,
k.Z. , i " v. w. a. uen-
Ttltrfl PlftK - T n M
Salvation Army.
gPS No. 1243 Ash. 8,
Swedish Corps (30 Barrjeide.
Scandinavian 243 Ash Rev. John Oval.
Seventh Bav id,ni.t.
.rl v,., T;:" wi aenomlnatlon
-w aU W USB IUI Un V .
tw . . . . .
v.cutri ... iiu ana aTverstt Elder P. C
Hayward, pastor. 11. "
and Alder-Elder E. W7 CnOln U.
r:- ."i" a E- Everett Elder
w. a . sn.llj . 11 alUU I .
Alblna (German) Skidmore and Msllorv
Elder A. C. Schweitser. '
I .Pfltsl fith nA VUk ww
chitwod. ii: -'" .
ElSer E!bD-rnlb,'urt.!n,, "nd
Monnt Tihn, K m a .
. H. w ..u JK1HHHI1' BMW c
J. Cummings. 11.
Scandinavian cbnrch 62nd and 89th ave S.
F.. Elder O. E. Sandnea. II. ' "
Services for the Deaf.
r. A " "sco and Grand ava.
Rev. g. Earl DuBols, 10:30. 8.
Chnrch tit (n r.ih.. n . ...
h.URev.-T. L. Eltot V. D." llf "FallaclS;
and Truths Concerning Intereessary Praver
5. "Ideal Iaternationilism."7 syer.
unttaa srathran.
Alherta 27th n1 A h-.t. d M .
11" 7:30.
First K. 15th and Vforrtson Rt. j n
NUewonder. 11. Ara.Mt u and to
Kmirth AOfh sit nA uo a s n
E. Conner. Il7 7:45. '
Third 67th st. and 32d are. 8. E. Eev
PrtT. White- , 0ar P"t iTsalvTl
United Evangelical.
Fourth Rev. J E. Conner. 11 7 80
llE7daoal-JeMOP t-BT- Henderson.
Manor. Circuit Services Cherry Grove. 8 n
m Brush Prslrle, 7 :30. ' " p-
Ockley Green WlUametta Wvd. and Gay
Rev. S. L. LovelL 11. 8.
Fisst E. 16th and Poplar Rev c r
Poling. 11, 8. ' G'
St. Johns Rev. A. P. Laytoa. 11. s
Wichita Rev. H. H. Karnham. 11. al
United Prsabyteriaa.
First E. 37tb and Hawthorne Rev Frank
DeWitt Flndley. 11, "Our Beat for Christ and
the Chnrch." 7:30, "What a Young Man
Ought to Know."
Church of the Stranaers Wasco street and
Grand ave. Rev. H. Earl DaBois. 10 SO
"Stewards of God." 7:30. '
Kenton J. 8. Cole. 10:15, 8.
Universal is t.
Church of the Good Tidings Broadway and
E. 24th Rev. J. D. Corby. 10:45. "A Study
of Esther." "The Courage Ut Work With
T. at. C. A-T. W. C. A. 4
Y. M. C. A. 6th and Taylor H. W. Stone,
general secretary. '
Y. W. C. A. Broadway and Taylor Miss
Llna D. Jamea, general secretary. 4:45. roan
women of the First Presbyterian 8. 8 In
charge. '
Associated Bible Students (I. B. 8 A )
Area Bum hall. 13th st. near Washington J via.
Georne T, Faweett and M. Chandler. 3, Stew
art McKUslck on "Reflations 14."' 7 ao
public lecture by A. Yerax, "l God s Day of
Wrath Revealed V 7
Advent Christian (not Seventh Day) Second
st. bet. Hall and Lincoln Rev. J. i Lucas
10:30. Y:3o. '
Church f the Brethren (Dnnkarda) Borth-
wick aad Bralnard Rev. George A. CaxL n
East Stark st. Gospel Han. between 28th
and 29th. ,
Pentecostal Assembly 227 Ankeny Will
C. Trotter. 11. 7:30.
The Cbnrch of God (German) 754 E. 8th X
-Rev. D. F. Komm. II, 7:30.
Piagah Mis' loo Lents.
Lenta church John Riley. 11. 7:43.
Scandinavian Evangelical Mission cbnrch
737 Alberta. I. 7;43.
Commons Mission 22 X. Front at. Mjrra
Bmitb and Miss Esther EI2!sr aapts.
Armenian M lasloo Wood mere Buffalo st.
New Thong tit Temple of Troth Ellers Bldg.
Mrs. Ann Xonng-Uantrsss. S r. SB.. "How
W Gow."
' When wrttlnf calling advertisers,
(lease mention The Journal. . . .. (Adv.)
Rev. M. Howard Fagan.
Albany, Or.. March 18. Kev. M.
Howard Fagan, pastor for the past
year and a half M the First Christian
church of this cfty, has resigned anJ
.will engage in evangelistic work in the
Pacific Northwest. Ills resignation
will take effect in September.
Kvangeltstic work will not be new
to Mr. Fagan. Me has engaged in the
work off and on for several years.
Rev. Mr. Fagan came to Albany from
Cottage Grove, where he was pastor
of the Christian church of that city
Prior to that he took a course In the
Eugene Bible university, where he
Bible Conference Be
Held at Sunny side
The Portland Bible conference, which
It was recently announced would be
held at the White Temple, will open at
the Sunnyslde Congregational church
corner East Thirty-second and Taylor
streets, April 2, at 3 p. m., and con
tlnue there until April 7.
The afternoon lectures will be upon
the Book of Acts and will be valuable
to Sunday school workers. Dr. A. C
Gaebeleln of New York, .who will be
the speaker, is the author of many ex
pository volumes jjhich emphasize
particularly the dlspensatlonal fea
tures of the Bible, and his addresses
here will cover a wide range of Scrip
tural truths.
The evening lectures, will deal
largely with the prophetic New Testa
ment Scriptures.
The public is Invited to attend the
Motion Pictures to
Be Forum's Topic
The "Young Men's Forum" of the
First Methodist Episcopal church is
taking for its Btudy during the month
of March, "The Motion -Picture Ques
tion." Mrs. A. C. Newill, president of the
Portland Board of Censorship, will
address the Forum at Its regular
weekly meeting tomorrow noon, n
the First Methodist Episcopal church
Sunday school temple. Twelfth and
Taylor streets. The Ergathea Bibla
class of the young women, will be the
guests of the Forum at this meeting.
Farca Was Oreat Success. The
three-act farce come'dy, "The Other
General Fuller,' produced by amateur
talent for the benefit of the University
Park Congregational church. Tuesday
evening, at Artisan hall, Lombard and
Portsmouth avenue, was a grand suc
cess in every way. The cast numbered
nine and the leading roles were well
chosen. That of Bill Fuller the hero,
was Impersonated by J. Ralston Clary.
Mrs. Fred Reynolds took the part of
Isabella Dare, the bride, and Edna
Weber, the part of Dorothy Dare. The
rest of the cast was composed of Earl
Williams, Leo Hinkle, Agnes Le Doux.
J. Berry, Guy Reynolds and Gussie
Fember. The Utopia Glee club, under
the direction of Mr. W. C. McNaught,
sans; between acts. The play was re
peated last night at Yeager.
Coadncttag Revival Bar. Mrs. J.
E. Hockett, pastor of Salem Friends
church, Is conducting a revival at the
Piedmont Friends church. Miss Grace
Allen, the blind singer, is the. soloist.
Services will continue through the
coming week.
ICach Interest Shown. Interest is
being shown in the "Taking Men
Alive" meetings being conducted by
George B. Pratt In First Christian
church. Park and Columbia streets.
The next meeting will be held Mon
day night at 7:45.
Will Speak on Boys. Chester A.
Lyon will give a stereopticon lecture
on the "Big Brother Farm" at tha
Church of the Strangers, Wasco street;
and Grand avenue, tomorrow night al
Will Observe Men's Day. The First
Christian Sunday school will observe
men's day tomorrow morning at 9:45.
Tom Richardson, formerly secretary of
the Commercial club, will address the
school on "Commercial Efficiency."
Birthday Party to Pastor. The
Ladies Aid society of Woodstock
Methodist Episcopal church, assisted
by the Epworth league, gave a surprise
party and -.reception on Friday evening.
March loj to the pastor. Rev. Frank
James, in honor of his birthday. About
76 attended.
r. Btateotte at Albany. Dr. Henry
Marcotte 6f Westminster Presbyterian
church conducted the vesper services
at the University of Oregon in Eugene
last Sunday.
Win Oiv Concert. The choir. of
Mount - Tabor Methodist Episcopal
church will give a concert tomorrow
evening at 7:30. No admission will be
charged, but a freewill of ferine will
be taken for the benefit of the choir
Btsetlng Set for April 9. Th date
of the annual congregational meeting
and dinner of Rose City Park church
has been fixed for April . ;
, Will Xrsetars Tomorrows ' L B.
Rhodes will give a stereopticon lecture
in Rose City Park church- tomorrow
night at 7:30. - . y
The Christian Endeavor society of
Pilgrim Congregational church will'
celebrate the twenty-sixth anniversary
of Its organisation tomorrow evening
at 7:30 In a special service in the
church, Missouri avenue and' Shaver
f T j 3S
Edifice It Is Expected Will;
Be Completed and Ready x
for Dedication by" April 2?
Volunteer lahnp 1 feiiilrfin
home of the TTnlrv Pr.ihvl.rian
church. Seventy-first street and Sandy
boulevard. Tha huilrllna- la .nt.l.'
to be finished and ready for dedication
A nr-il 9
The main church auditorium Is 80'
by 46 feet and a meeting room addt
tion Will mouilra 19 fn J - A t
building of this sile would cost $2000 '
ai tne least, according to V. Les
Gray, minister, but the money cost toi
the congregation vlli' nmkahiv nn
ceed 1500 for materials and fixtures.
r rea itose is carpenter and superin
tendent of construction. A. E, Newby.
v. H. Waugh. Howard Waugh and
rrauK. v.orneu constitute the building
For the cast four va r. ,. MAM e-sak
gatlon of Unity Presbyterian church
has worshlnert in a hnii,ii . d...
enty-third between Sandy boulevard i
and Fremont.
Musical Program Is
loije Uiven Sunday
A fine musical program will !e
given tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. by the
choir of Mount Tabor Methodist Epis
copal church, assisted by their friends
snd directed by Mrs. Stella Gamer
Hutchinson. Miss Helga Hansen will
be the accompanist
There will be no charge for admis
sion, but a silver offering for the
benefit of the choir fund will be taken.
The program:
Organ prelude. -Grand March From
A.W. yerdl,: anthem. "Clod Be Mer
dful Brackett): contralto boIo, "Oh
tyes That Are Weary" (Bracken), bv
Airs. E. N. Wheeler; fnor solo. "One
Sweetly Solemn Thought" (A. .1.
Boex). Mr. Buckmeyer; vocal duet,
"The Lord is My Light" (Dudley
Buck). Mrs. Marguerite Moore Bourna
and Mrs. Stella Uarner Hutchinson;
organ offertory. "Andanttno" (H H.
Iemare); anthem. "Sanctus" (Kr.' St.
Ceceliss Mass) (Gounod); bass solo,
"Consider and Hear Me" (Wooler). Mr.
Eugene Sletnmetz; ladles' quartet.
"Pilot Me" (.1. K, Gould), Meadames
Bourne. Hutchinson. Wheeler and
Wright; soprano solo. "Behold tho
Master PaHst-th II" (Jolin Carring-
ton). Airs. Marguerite Moore Bourne;
"By Babylon';
Sunnyside to Miss
Easter Calla Lilies
Mrs. M. J. Fuller of 603 Thirty-fifth
street. Oakland, Cal., mother of Mrs.
J. J. Rtaub of 963 East Taylor street,
died Tuesday morning. Mrs. Fuller was
sick but a short time.
The congregation of Sunnyslde Con
gregational church will miss the
basket of calla lilies sent by Mrs.
Fuller each Easter for the past 24Jr
years. ' Mrs. Fuller has often vlsltai a
with Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Staub of
Sunnyside Congregational church.
Practical Freedom
From Debt Reported
Practical, if not entire, freedom
from debt of the First Methodist
Episcopal church. South, building at
Union avenue and Multnomah street, t
will be shown at the second quarterly
conference for the year. The con
ference will be held in the church au
ditorium tomorrow, beginning at 3
o cloclc Presiding Elder 8. Al. Chee'
of this diocese will act as chairman
of the conference.
Plan Revivals at
Woodstock Church
The Methodist church of Woodstock.
Rev. Frank James, pastor, will begin
a series of tabernacle revival meet
ings tomorrow. Evangelist J. Wesley
MacCallum will lend. Mr. MacCallum
Is a man of experience, both as a pas
tor and an evangelist. There will be
special musle. Services will begin at
7:45 p.m. a-.d close at 9.
Christian Church
Selects Its Elders
The elders of the First Christian
church have, organized by electing F.
H. Gloyd president, and Will F. Pow
ell secretary. Tha board of elders are:
F. H. Gloyd, Dr. J. S. Dale. E. U. Mor
rison, G. Evert Baker, E. S. Muckley,
Will F. Powell, S. M. Conner and Dr.
A. E. Kldd.
The regular monthly district bus!-
ness meeting has been postponed from
Monday to Wednesday evening at f
o'clock at the Y. M. C. A.
Definite announcement for the dis
trict rally cannot be made this week
cn account of tha revival meetings at
Centenary church. The date of ths
rally Is March SI.
St. Johns gospel team, No. 2. took
charge of 'the prayer meeting on
Thursday -evening. Team No. 1 win
have -charge of the prayer meeting on
Thursday, March 80. Sunday evening
a special district worker will have
charge of ths service.
: RT. . W. W, Youngson has InvlteJ i
cabinet members to be present at a
meeting of the thrift campaign com
mittee on Monday evening at o'clock,
. m
Last Sunday evening Clinton Kelly'
chapter had a special program consist
ing; of musical numbers. Interest in
ths Sunday evening meetings is In-
creasing. .
Tomorrow evening many of the
leagues will have special services
along missionary lines. The central
office has sent out special programs
on the "World Program of ths
League." The topic of both home and
foreign missions is to be studied from .
now until EaBter.
. a . :
All chapters are urged to ses that.
items oi interest intended for publica
tion reach Mr. ChJlson. 610. Northwest,
building. Sixth and Washington
Mr. umison is very aesirous 10 re
ceive contributions from all tha Chap-tars.