The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 12, 1916, Page 27, Image 27

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situations malb
14th and Juaioit sta.
Salesman, office men, clerks, m
chanics. farm hands, house men, cooks.
awB4V bbb lawi a; i ss a-vw
c c; aa aw iUivVI V aS vj V. va
ef town orders given prompt attention.
Main 3555. A-5624.
with complete shop equipment, will
take old ear or interest in stoop as
wasres. D-62 4. Journal.
LOCOMOTIVE eigineer wants job on
loffrtni k. a: z yearr service. on
one trunk R. R.; 60 years Id. S-717,
SALESMAN.' at present employed,
wants new line from reputable firm.
Commission, any territory. -78$,
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cast?
ler desires permanent" position: not
afraid of work; can give best of refer-
TULt". V VjT'T, WVU. .
SHOR salesman seekjf nasi ti on
where ability and hard work count.
Can increase your business; references.
X-563. Journal.
JANITOR wants work: experienced
reliable, good references: or other
Inside work. P-695, Journal.
WANT good borne for boy 14 years.
where he can work for his ooard ana
clothes. 240 Stanton st
CARPENTER, repairing, remodeling;
small or large vobs: reasonable.
East 351'. C-2656.
Women's Department. City Hall.
fin V Phnrrwl
Reliable, competent help, any line,
Sromptly supplied Office, Clerks,
ousekeepers, domestic,, day workers,
seamstresses. Marshall 4100, A-412S.
RELIABLE woman, German, wants
upstairs work, private family, sews
nicely, attentive in illness, speaks
French and English, excellent refer
ences, main ivaz.
COMPETENT cook ana housekeeper
wishes position with elderly couple.
food manager and capable of taking
ull charge; would appreciate a good
borne. X-65 8, journal. :
EXPERIENCED .telephone operator
- wants private exchange; business
house or hotel; also good typist. B
878. Journal.
COMPETENT stenographer, copy or
dictation; - addressing circulars.
Phone Broadway 37. Evening, Mar
shall 349. .
MtauiAaijta young woman warns any
kind of day work, dining room or
chamber workt Phone Main 4336. Ref
erences. . ,
SEPTWEn n,nm. will nn tnr thi.
aren oy tne hour any time, juso
read, or assist in any way desired.
VmTWn nrnman with llttU trl I-l 9 vra
old desires position as housekeeper
I or widower sman wages, wait aar
snail 47l. Apt, z.
FIH NO clerk, phone operator, ex
perienced, wants office position;
small salary. Phone mornings, A-
POSITION by unincumbered woman as
houseaeeper. ror bachelor or widow
er, or one or. two gentlemen In ipart-
jnent - Can room at home. E-6081.
: YOUNQ lady wants work by hour, tak-
ing care of
Bell. 904.
PLAIN sewing, hemstitching and fine
hand work at very lowest prices. O
858, Journal.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day
work cleaning, etc Woodlawn 2334.
-Apt 4. Ref.
MIDpLE AGED lady cars for elderly
couple, or small family; small was as.
x-atm journal.
onice; reierences.. ,i-oi4, vurnw.
A MARRIED , woman with baby six
i months' old wants work In family.
956 E. Gllsan t. Portland. Or.
PRACTICAL educated woman wants
A-aii. journal
CURTAINS hand laundered; first class
work. 8S7 E. 11th. call Sell 222.
: afternoons.
STEWARDESS Wants position - on
ship, will go anywhere. Marsh. 447.
rowm 1.
AN experienced lady wishes position
as taanaglng housekeeper in or out
City; no cooking. Main 2451, 10 to 3.
NEAT woman wishes posoltion In good
' family or helper sanitarium. Wood
lawn 689.
EXPERIENCED telephone operator
wants private exchange, business
house or hotel. X-313. Journal.
EXPERIENCED waitress wishes post
tion at Seaside, hotel preferred. A-
581. Journal.
dsy work, any
GOOD hand laundry wishes bundle
wash In Phone Tabor 4275.
HOUSE cleaning, $1.50 per day
canare. t'non, TaDor zoas.
GIRL desires office work, some steA
ographla Phone East 6875.
' GOOD laundress wants washing;
'; house cleaning. Main 4903.
WANTED Work of any klndsby the
hour. Sellwood 668.
GIRL wants work day or hour pre
ferred. Call from 1 to 3 p. m..B-328.
LACE CURTAINS hand laundered, 40o
- tfp. F. P. Bell. Phone Sellwood 173 8.
-WOMAN in need of work
taka in
kind day work.
jau Marsnaii zioi.
would ilk
y. catering; East 982.
WAiTKESS wanU work at once. E-880.
Journal. A
BY saleslady at once best references.
J-531, Journal. .
WOMAN wants day work. Wdin. 3802.
" AP FEMALE " 23
BY man and wife or woman alotia
. Charge-of .apartment or rooming
house. Both experienoed. ' Business
and personal reference. Fbons Main
EXPERIENCED and reliable man and
" wif would like to take charge of
4 apartment house or hotel. Phone Ta
bor 6989. ,
EASTERN milliner and dressmaker, all
; the latest styles, now located 407
6tr.rtc. comer 1 ; ti, makes, and remodels
suits 88 up, bats trimmed 86o. M. S83S.
ISUITS, - one piece .dresses, blouses,
f sWrts,1ccts and shirt waists mads;
reasonable; work guj-aftteed. Mar
shall8459. JiixPERlENCED dressmaker, also ai
terattons, latest ideas, home or by
fay. Woodlawn 3622.
-FASHIONABLE dressmaking, work
' guaraJlteeuV at home or by day. Main
5578. -t ' " .- - .--'.: '
.DRESSMAKING. i day. silt or hom'i
Tabor 4871.
TRAINED nurse, ladies, I give mas
sage, violet ray electrical treat.
tnents, your home or mine. Tabor 221 3.
'A GRADUATE nurse desires the care
of chronic . case. $10 a . week.
Phone Main 488. . '
AN experienced nurse,
preferences, desires - a
$10 a week. Main 488.
with doctors'
chronic case.
$1.60 WEEK up, clean, rann, modern
: ROOMS and apartments in modern
hotel. 1 1.50 week and us. 463 aidar.
'.HOTEL Gordon, W. Park and Yamhill.
wew mariagem't Strictly mod., reaa.
12 'WEEK Front room, very nice lo-
. canon. r 3s lztn si.
UNFURNISHED rooms. 761 Wash.
f- r-nons jvjatn 9214. . , -
ONE lares room sul tails lor two. $L2t
safilv - Sit West Park, . - .
BOOM register listing: several hundred
, in all parts of the city at Y. M C. A.:
also those in the association fireproof
bnUdiag, with shower baths, swimming
pooU gymnasium, library, reading
rooms, at $1.58 . to $2.75 per . week
double, with, individual beda. or $2.(0
to $4.5e per week single. '
12.66 week, up; transients solicited.
443 -Washington. Mrsr C. H. Jerlmiah.
CLAYTON hotel nn'er owner's man
agement; clean, -respectable, steam
heat, hot water, phones every room;
$2.60 an. 105 18th. Mar. 2780.
THE BEST modern rooms in ail Port
- land at the Clevinger Hotel, 413
Washington St. for $2. Nice home for
nlea pecj1. New, clean. .
WEST SIDE Well furnished front
rooms, electrie lights, free phone,
close ln.84 10th St., cor. Oak, Phone
Marshall 583. '
VALLEY hotel, 232 2d at. Rates
S5c. 50e. 76c. day. Weekly, $1.60.
$2.00. $2.50. Nice outside room, $2.60
a week, tree oatn. pnone.
THE FRJLNCI S Fu rnished. steam-
heated rooms, single or en suite,
$1.76 up. 12 W. Park, cor. Morrison.
FURNISHED rooms. Just opened un
der new management; $2.50 and up
per room. Call 240 tth st
1 mm mmmmt s-v iw.
em. nreproor. respectanie. s ween up.
ROOMS for rent. Hot and cold water.
steam heat.
$2 week and up. Phone
Main 8627.
FURNISHED room, modern home,
small private family, walking dis
tance, on carline; willing to serve
breakfast; gentlemen preferred. 306
E. Broadway.
WANTED In a refined home by party
employed, two neatly furnished
rooms for housekeeping, near St. Vin
cent's hospital preferred. Marshall
WEST side, walking distance, large
sleeping porch and room adjoining,
hot water heat in -room, two in fam
ily, no otfcer roomers. Phone Marshall
3326; A-4689.
CHEERFUL, comfortable rooms, walk
ing distance; all modern conveni
ences; breakfast, if desired; reason
able. Phone Marshall 27 76.
1 OR 2 refined ladies can each have
room and housekeeping privileges,
reasonable, with young women whoVrwo front connecting H. K. rooms.
have cozy flat 808 Belmont. J
PLEASANT sleeping room for a gen
tleman. Also a 2 room H. KL suite.
Walking distance, bet. 6th and 6th.
309 Jackson.
FINE sleeping room in beautiful home.
or lady. C 8. preferred. Very reason
able, zn i4tn st. uentraiiy located.
ROSE CITY PARK district Entire
first floor, one bedroom second floor.
hardwood floors, open fireplace. Ref
erences.. Phone Tabor 8275.
$1.50 WEEK furnished front room,
heat, bath, phone, .close in. 420
FURNISHED sleeping porch, with or
without kitchen. Phone East Bill
687 East "Morrison st
FURNISHED front room, all modern
conveniences. 34 16th st, N., near
FRONT room-
suitable for 2 gentla-
men, meals if desired.
1176 Mississippi ave.
IRVINGTOC beautiful room. new
home, 2 blocks from Broadway or
I. car. East 1139.
FRONT room, bath, phone, private
- home;-very reasonable. 634 Taylor,
corner 17th.
MODERN room, walking distance, near
Broadway onage; reasonable. a
Ross st.
LIGHT, ' airy. elegantly furnished
room, all modern conveniences, walk-
ing distance. 325 istn st.
NICELT furnished front rooms suit
able for 2. Free .prone, gas, bath;
$8 and $6 month. 327 Hall st.
liAKOb front rooms, hall price.
- klfcheliftte and bath. 857 lztn st.
296 Clay st
Jl.Za and up.
NICE furnished rooms $T
a month;
light bath. Mi Fargo st
furnished room with sleep-
Ing pbrch
775 Gllsan it.
FURNISHED room; clean and modern;
at 190 13th St.
NEWLY "papered front, price 1$. Sic
f Everett et Marshall 450. .
ATTRACTIVE room, .reasonable, walk
ing distance. Phone East 8540.
ROOMS In modern flat for gentlemen;
very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th.
CLEAN and' warm room 76c week.
408 w. Park.
NICELY furnished rooms, heat an
hone, 228 West Park.
YCREST 1751 2th. Suites and
single rooms, complete for H. K.
ACCOMMODATIONS for 3 people in
our beautiful 20-room residence, oc
cupying, block in the heart of the city.
4 blocks rrom f. v.. suu jeiierson.
mow m.
THk. HAZEL. 285 2d at., nlcelv fur
nlshed rooms; steam beat hot and
cold water; also table board: strictly
ROOM and board In new. beautiful
noma, $6 week and up; bath, phone,
Close in. Bft iii. Aiaaison. Acer
PRIVATE horns for children, 15 years
txperienc. 714 Everett Marshall
2181. -
WOMEN or men interested in forming
email ooaramg ciuo, private nome,
walking distance, iwarsnaii Baa7
TWO large' rooms. 2 beds, range, gas
elnk, yard: .man can work for half
rentr 88 10th' st, near Stark.
WANTED A y9ung man in private
laraijy, room ana u jier uio.
Phone Marshall aza. wan
YOUNG man to share large. Warm
room, attractive, homelike, close in.
Main 3792.
COZY home for lady employed; more
for com can v than Profit. -1643 E.
Hoyt cor. 68 th.
ROOM and
board, walking distance
rates reasonable.
422 Wasco st
Pnone East 7338.
WANTED 1 or more children to
board, country home. $7 a month.
Aggress journal,
WILL give room and board in return
for piano lessons. Columbia 91
GOOD home for infant;, will be given
mothers love and care, a-ssks.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms at 180 17th
CENTRAL furnished housekeeping
rooms, very cheap. 223 Pine, cor.
1st .st.
TWO bis rooms, orivate bath, nantrv.
yard and basement for 12 week. Pet-
ers, 15 N. 5th st
SPLENDID 2 room . suite and single
. H. K. rooms, right In town. . 508 Al-
oer st.
NICE f-urniahed-vhotiaekeeoinflr rooms
single and en suite. 181 13th, cor.
x amniii. - - - '
$1 TO $2.60 week; furnished H. K.
rooms, free beatf laundry, baths,
phone. E. 6039, 203 Stanton. W-A car,
THREE - furnished H. KL rooms, with
else, light water, phone free, close
In. oo carline. Call Columbia 377.
MODERN front H. K. and kltcbenetts,
Z frss phone, bath, lights. 194 Louna-
FOUR onf urnlshed housekeeping rooms
witn oatru. Main 2302. 497 Cblnmbla.
flam KrAc $1 week ur-. 401 First at
Wilt f IMIVI
Free bath. hot. cold watr
l' AND Z rooms, large kitchen, i2 per
week up. -zz itn st.
BACHING h. k. and sleeping rooms
noTei wepose. ro arm wavier sta.
TWO rooms, for housekeeping, cheap
; rent tor trfpUts. 378 YamhTll.
ZWO room furnished apts 487 Taylor.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean, light
housekeeping rooms, -. with private
sleeping porches; light and bath; $2
per week and up. Single rooms, $1 per
week and up. Central location. 431
Btark corner 12th. Phone Mar. 2121.
ONE-room with kitchenette, complete
ly furnished. ' steam beat, running
hot and cold water, phone In every
room; 7 blocks from -6th and Morrison
sts.. $12 up. 291 Columbia St.. cor. 5th.
BEAUTIFUL 1 and 2 room housekeep
ing apt, hot and cold water, nested,
bath, lights, $2.60 to $4 week. The
Clevinger, 413 Washington Si., cor.
lltn. New, clean, nomeiik.
408 Jefferson st, near cor. Eleventh,
nice, clean and respectable house
keeping suites; 2 and , 3 rooms ' $19
per mon t n u p.
CLEAN, light. 2 and 3 room suites,
running water, free bath, phone. t
and $3 week; Bleeping room $1. 18.
FURNISHED housekeeping and single
rooms; steam heat, eltctrlc light, con
venient; right In the business district.
The Palmer House. 350 Aider st.
FIVE furnished housekeeping rooms,
$8 a month, also one large room, pan
try, bedroom, steel range. $7 a month;
half block Hawthorne car. 291 E. 49th.
$6 and $7 Suites jt fur. housekeeping
a uwni a. t o Lit w VU Ol-i - r
sta., half block from Mt. Scott car.
LI VINO room, kitchen, bath, light and
Phone. S3 week, close in. i i4tn.
near Wash.
MERCEDES. 20th and Morrison l and
2 room suites, hot-cold water. fur
nace neat, to 19 wee.
OUTSIDE room with kitchenette, hot
and cold water, steam heat; private
entrance. 446 uoiumoia.
FOR RENT One housekeeping suite,
11 Per month: also one single house
keeping room, 8.60 per month; close
in. hoo Jefferson at. Phone Mar-
shall 2420.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms.
clean and cuiet: price only $13 per
month. Oaa, electrlo lights, phone, etc.
43 11th st.. upstairs. S. W. corner
FRONT rooms beautifully furnished,
livinar room. aleeDlng norch. kitchen
sink, hot water, etc., gas range, laun-
dry, 2 beds. 1Z3 N. Z3d,
TWO well furnished conecting house
keeping rooms with sleeping porcn.
rree electric lights. Phone, rent fix
89 E. 8th st.. north
T phone, light and bath: walking dis-
tance: $12.60 month. 253 Chapman.
Marshall 8938.
TWO cool rooms for summer.' Light
heat hot and cold water. 32 per
week. Main 1634. 4Z7 Montgomery.
FOR RENT Two front rooms, elec
tric light bath and laundry trays, $6
month. 122 E. 10th iS. J13t 3588.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnace
heat, clean, reasonable, conveniences.
! 1 I o l ii si. rnoiie inaranaJi iwvi.
EXTRA well furnished front suite H.
K. electric lights, bath, phone free.
J12 month. 989 Belmont. Tabor bbz.
$11 MONTH, large room with kitchen
ette ana porcn aiso z room suite.
$14.50. 171 13th.
THREE connecting housekeeping
rooms, newly tinted, unfurnished.
water in kitchen, cheap. 387 11th.
LARGE, light H. K. rooms, close In,
'new bed. use of piano. East 3987
2R7.rhrrv st.
BASSEMENT room suitable for gentle-
man to bacn; everything rurnisnea;
$1.50 week. 542 Morrison st
NICE large furnished housekeeping
rooms on ground bloor: 2 beds, bath.
gas. yard: only $10 month; 866 2d st
FOUR H. K. rooms, strictly modern,
private bath, Dutch kitchen. 727
Milwaukie st Sellwood 85.
FINE newly furnished housekeeping
rooms for rent call at 128 Graham
ave., near Mississippi ave. .
NICELY furnished
rooms with gas. $2
per week, - 241
6 th st 1
TWO housekeeping rooms, running
water, steam heat, laundry. $16
month. 147 13th.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in
pleasant home. 666 Yamhill. Main
4416. '
CLEAN, light room, heat, light, gas,
Bath, phone, laundry. 429
TWO nice, unfurnished H. K. rooms.
fine location. 54 month; no children.
Tabor 8882. .
FURNISHED H. K. room, $1 week;
steam heat laundry, bath, phone. 147
13th, near Alder st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, light clean
and airy. 82 and S3 ner week, Call
266 6th st.
ONE furnished room .for 1 or 8 gen-
tiemen. 203 14th. bear lay i or. A-
2646. "
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; also
sleeping rooms suitable for z gentie-
men, 390 Salmon st near lotn.
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 1 front h.
k. room and kitchenette. 170 (Jhap-
man near Morrison.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. 342
Clav: and Basement rooms.
LARGE H. K. room $L60 week.
W. Park.
OUTSIDE single H. K. rooms; phons
and bath. $1.75 and $2. 400 2d st
ROOM and board, ' in private family.
Walking distance or town, zzs istn.
ONE Bleeping room, 1 single, house-
keeping. ao may st. . Mam aia-
$30 Irvington house, 7-R. mod.
626 E. 16th North, Irvington car.
$40 Willamette Hts. 7-R. mod.
beautiful view. 1123 Tnurman.
320 7-R. mod., 23rd st car.
$ 6 7-R. mod.. 1490 Vincent st
Frank U McQuire. M.1068.
NEW bungalow, modern, built-in, buf-
ret bookcases, cninonier. aresser.
furnace, linoleum, porch boxes, lawn;
$15. fl E. 26th.
$25 -7 rooms snd sleeping porch.
with bice garage. Just overhauled.
Smith-Wagoner Co. Stock Ex.
12 ROOM modern residence, suitable
ror roomers and boarder. 67 Trin
ity Place, open today. 3 to 5. F. Aben-
FOR RENT, 5 room dwelling and 5
lots located at 60 E. 62d st. 116
per mo. Oregon Investment ft Mort-
gatre company, inc.
LARGE, modern 13 room house, run
ning water in second floor rooms;
desirable location, walking distance,
vest side. Main 8411.
$10 INCLUDING water. 6 rooms and
bath, newly sainted and tinted
house, 424 Summer st, Union or Al
berta cars. Marshall 4079.
$12, 6 ROOM house, 243 Tillamook st
Electrioitv. gas . and bath, close to
Broadway bridge. East 2806."
$16 MODERN 9 room house, 7 lots,
garage, fruit berries and shrubbery.
Base Line road. Phone East C666..
$145 ROOM modern conveniences'
partly furnished if desired, large
ard. 849 E. Stark. East 86o3.
MODERN two story house. Furnace,
fireplace. electric lights and gas;
two blocks from car. 1607 E. 16th st
ROOM house, furnace yard, walking
distance. 592 Madison. $20. Mar-
Shall 4220 ' ;
6 ROOM house, fine condition, auiet
modern. 286 Ivy st - Owner next
door. Wdin. 2S&S.
8-ROOM house, close to school and car
line, rent $12 month to good tenant
Phone Woodlawn 4357.
FOUR room cottage, good location,
electricity, good yard, all for $10.
674 Northrup st - . 11
SEVEN room modern house, $ a mo.
woooiawn Z7. 79 e. 7in mt.s. n.
is 5 ROOM house. West 8tde. walk'
ing oistancek Eqquirs szs Jlay st
5 ROOM cottage at 638 Albina. ava,
yard ana fruit trees
5 ROOM cottage with - yard at 148
v tTo r Wrt mt S ..
ONE acre, 4 room bouse, Oregon City
carime. U-H64. -
COTTAGE for rent 28 N.i.SOth, t
Garage. Phone Main 9224. ,
C Con turned) ...
4 room cottage at 718 EL Ankeny.
On Irv si a nitr month
a room pungaiow, zirepiace, cnicaea i
nouss and fence. 17 e. 4tn st
corner of Ash. $10 ear month.
a room ounraiow 3 uivision. st.
near sist. per montn. . 1
room cottage and 3 lots. 8022 5tni
Ave. & E.; fine chicken bouse and fruit I
trees. $8 oer month. I
U llh rnninl . nu
lixA .hnv. Mrntrnf COth anrt K Sta.rk
301-2 Lumbermen's Bldg. 6th and Stark'
$35 10 rooms, 891 Yamhill at, near 10th
$25 10 rooms, 144 N. 18th st, nr.-Hoy t
$25 S rooms, 392 E. Taylor st, corner
Grand are.; large yard.
$17 7 rooms, 789E. Ash St., nr. E. 24th
$15 5 rooms, 651 Overton st, near 16th
404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699.
FOR RENT 979 Schuyler st, 8 room
house, modern: has garage: in good
order; good location, near school;- lease
given; zt per month, a. r. wuson,
60 W. Milwaukie, or at new house, 26th
anq xnompaon sts. .
FOR RENT 5 room house, bath and
toilet full- basement barn. 8 chick
en houses.- large and small fruit and
flowers, acre fenced, i blocks to
car. $15 per month. J. J. Conboy. 4512
Woodstock ave., cor. 4Btn sr.- .
100x120 LOT, extra half acre, chicken
run, abundance fruit all kinds. 6
room house. 1 chicken house, at Berk
ley, 6o carfare, $10. Also ' two fine
places up Willamette. Main 1985.
Cherryman, 169 16th. '
7 roOm. modern house. I
100x100 lot and garage: Richmond 1
suuiuun; 1111 newwuii ave.:
iticnmond car, get oil at asm St.; go
z mocks south.
Nearly new 6 room bungalow, on car
line, witn garage, au, lease lr de
sired Sunday Tabor 3433. During
week. Main 1700. A-1515.
SEVEN room home, 441 Tillamook st.
corner 7th st. Good fireplace, large I
porch and yard;
reasonable. Phone
roaqway ivvi.
FOR RENT or lease, a new, modern, 9
room bungalow to right party; a
good location: $25 a month. 800 Pat-
ton ave. woodlawn 3440.
FOR RENT Moderof six-room house.
furnace heat, built-in conveniences,
good car service, rent reasonable.
Phone Tabor 74 8. Tabor 4232.
$12 6-ROOM modern house, barn,
chicken pens, fruit trees, looxioo;
also 4-room cottage $8. 1384 E. Gllsan.
49 th. M v car.
FOR RENT 7 room house, sleeping
poccn, not ana coia waier, luvnao
lot with some fruit. Inquire at 6321
43d st. 8. B.. Woodstock.
S ROOM, modern bouse, full Dlumblng.
lot EOxlOO: S3 month. See owner.
Henry Yost at 361 Fremont at; take
union aye, car.
FOR RENT 4 room modern house.
with large lot $8; 6 room modern
house, $9; 4 room modern house, $6.
Tabor 1931.
$17.60 NICE 8 room house, Sunnyslde,
l block to car, s otocas to laurei-
hurst Park. 635 Chamber of Com
merce. Marshall 1853.
STRICTLY modern, 3 rooms down-
stairs with pantry and china closet;
also bath and toilet.
177 Fargo. Phone
Woodlawn 984,
tt)R RENT 6 room house, bath, eiec-
trie light and gas. 86 per month: E.
88th and Arnold. Call Main 2204; ask
for P. A. Sutherland.
MODERN 9 room bouse, fireplace.
yard, fruit flowers. West side, walk
ing distance, $18. Water st, near
MODERN 5 room house. 808 E. Morri
son: two lots adioining for chickens
and garden. '$12.60. Williams, Wood
lawn 2714.
COTTAGE of 4 large rooms. 2 lots.
barn, rent 86. 7015 43rd ave.. Hazel-
wild station- on Mt. Scott line, Inquire
6915 43rd ave.
87.50 4-ROOM plastered house, hall.
nantrv. cloaat nlumblng. eleCtria
. r
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house,
electricity, furnace, nrepiace, cioso
in; rent Yib. Apply ma Montgomery
FOR. RENT 7 -room modern bungalow.
Hawthorns district per mo..
water included. Phone woodlawn 8636.
FOUR- rooms $6. including water, 381
Stanton, walking distance, not mod
ern, Phone woodlawn 6068. ,
FOR RENT ttage 2 lots, can have
good garden. 8629 67th st S. El
Hawthorne car. -
H a T.Ti acre, equipped nor chickens.
modern bungalow, reasonable. Ta
bor 4012.
6 ROOM house, hot water heat mod-
bor 1375. .
on E. 49th st; rent only $io. uau at
170 E. 49th et. or phone Tabor 425.
FOR RENT-Modern cottage, cement
basement, nice yard. 640 W. Broad- I MODERN 8-room house, big lot, chlck
way. I ens; rent reasonable. 411 N. 26th St.,
5 ROOM cottage, yard, 248 Dixon, 2
blocks Broadway bridge, reasonable.
ROOM cottage, yard. 248 Dixon. 2
vnft rent 7 room house, corner
next door.
MODERN 7 room house. 2 blocks from
car and school, in month.
7 ROOM modern house. 312.50
or will sell, easy terms.
East 6782.
4 ROOM plastered house. 2 lots, 82d
st. Hawthorne car. Phons Marshall
6468, Mourle.
STRICTLY modern 6 room house,
sleebing norch: excellent condition.
E 7th
weiaier. Appiy z m. vtn w.
FOR RENT 4 room houss cheap. 680
soutn ave, east sia river nana, oen-
wood car .
cottage, big yard,. vry rea-
sonable, in food condition.
eo etn
st. Owner. 42 N- 6tb. Broadway 2882.
MODERN. 6 room house, newly tinted, 1
near Jefferson hign. 184 Mason st,
216. Woodlawn I1B6.
825 MODERN. 7 rooms, further rea-
sonable repairs to suit tenant 896
E. 28th st. N. Marshall 1875.
FIVE room, modern, bungalow, sas and
electrlo light; good attic 176 E.
75th st N 2 biocka from Gllsan st
I14KINE. modern Hawthorne bunga-
rooms; paved street
low; 4 large
23 E. 43d at.
SEVEN room house, 615 E. Pine. bath.
gas. fine yard, rent $16.
Apply 695
E. Couch st
6 ROOM cottage. 270 E.
6th st, N.
wood 1 awn 4179.
NEAT, 6 room cottage, 991 Williams
MODERN? room house, good location,
$15 Change. 615 Dekum bldg.
$12, MODERN 4 room cottage, east
- - ' - -
mn ano panur oiva. luasi soi.
lWO cottage, on North ltth, near
uiisan; key n piortn nun ay
6 ROOM house, gas. bath. 804 Min -
nesots, ave.
8 room houss. 1578 1
naves st. rnone n.aet tsza.
$8 FOR RENT 4 room -cottage,. E.
Ash st, between I6th and 17fft.
$10 Modern-8 room house, 1678 Haven
st. fnone .ast esz6. 1
SIX room house, nice yard, fruit clos
in. sib. 4S snaver. e. 4663.
FOR RENT, modern 8 room bouse.
Portland Hts. nam
IRVINGTON, 8-room modern house.!
with garage. East 6270.
U& MODERN tt roomed house, good
condition. Inquir 948 S. Taylor.
FOR RENT 5. room cottage, fruit $.
irnone xaoor onT. p
VERY CHEAP. 'small house, clos in,
. . .line location, peuwooq in. . - '
.room houss with concrete nrue.
. E4S Kut (5th mt Phmi Crl g?o .
5 ROOM cottaae. Corbtt st. 814. Ksv
BBi ijoroett.
SIX rooms, $11, bath, gas, inquir 293
N. 18th.
PORTLAND Heights, 6 room cottage
for rent. Marshall 4426,
774 MICHIGAN ave., cor. of Beech;
n.ati. including
(Costumed) '
Phone Marr 4600 A-6101.
Private owners for best and Quick
est results should list with us
bouses, flats, apartments, etc.. for
' " w ... " t wr"
J?S21J.D?0i?(, hrf.. S Thi J
E.mJh?h.r.te?Kt,me - -7Ais "el!
K 1 ' lUiC W mitUV K VI
202 EL 47tb Furnace, flreplaos, gar
age: $23 " -
1201 ti. Sherman, 5 rooms; lis.
74 E. 27th. 5 rooms, fireplace; $16.
6803 69th ave. S. El. 4 rooms, sleep
ing porch. $9. .
308 Gerlinger Bldg.
657 E. 39th st 10 room house and
complete outbuildings, nearlv 3 a.
In orchard, berries and garden; low
rent financially responsible parties
only considered. Ideal place for fam
ily Interested in chickens, gardening
and floral culture. Sellwood 1640.
ssbjs-ixasi wsawsPW'--wi
To Satisfy a Debt
All or any part of 62 rooms of Tow
priced furniture at any prices it win
bring Monday and Tuesday t 33 ha
North 5th St.
FURNITURE of S room buneralow for
sais rhesn: terms: finest location:
hardwood, floors! mnr 117 V.6S.1
ADS. of furniture for sale are pub-
lished In the Household Goods class-
iflcatlon when house is not for rent ,
FOR SALE-t New furniture of 6 room
flat 24 N. 10th st.
$8 3 ROOMS and large lot on Bass
Line road: 2 blocks Montavtlla or
Mt. Tabor car line, or jitney service
pass the door; has chicken house. 2080
E. Stark. Owner there for 3 days to
agents. 104 5th st
FOR RENT 1 year good 8 room fur-
nisned noma, in- lrvington. 340 per
month, to the right party. Shown by
appointment only. Possession April
1. Good garage. Phone EL 7082. morn-
lngs. Will H. See, 423 E. 24th st. NJ
ikvington heights. Almost new
nine room modern bungalow, partly
furnished, lot 100x200. all kinds fruit
i"r, rA '" V:,
Irvington car.
- V 4VU(Mik .a ss
bor 5940.
71 ft CORBETT, cor. Hooker st., oppo
site new Failing school 8 room well
furnished house, bath, gas, Ruud beat
er, furnace, ' fireplace, nice yard, $35
per month: references exchanged. In-
quire by phone, East 3421.
EAST slope of Mt Tabor, 6 rooms.
nicelv furnished-, good location. 118.
Renting department at
(Cor. 4tH and Stark Sts.)
NEARLY new, furnished. 3 room bun
. galow, to a careful couple, no chil
dren, cheap. Also a 6 room furnished
house on corner. 2 blocks Sunnyslde
car, by owner. Call today. 997 E. Alder.
FURNISHED house for rent or sell,
modern 6 room bungalow and sleeD-
Ing porch; restricted district. Price
right 681 E. 45 st, N. Beaumont
fc-rtUOM furnished house, all modern,
fruit and berries, garden, good fur
niture; no children. Inquire 4711 68th
it. 6. E.
FIVE room furnished upper flat also
the lower five room flat furnished.
Pleasant place, large yard. 227 East
19 th. near Hawthorne. Phone Tabor
622. . r
6 ROOM. house, furniture, baby grand
Piano, telephone, water, rent only
$25; owner going south account child's
illness; lot 60x100; lot of fruit gar
den, eta woodlawn -43uz
I ROSE CITY PARK district. 8 rooms.
I hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen.
sleeping porch. Reference. Phons
Tabor 876.
FOR RENT Furnished 6 room mod
ern cottage. 1483 Mailorv ave. 2
blocks west, block north Woodlawn
school. Phone-Woodlawn 3047.
NICELY furnished 8 room house, cor
ner: garage, fruit trees, real home.
low rental to desirable parties. 21st
and isast Taylor.
8 p CAR SHOPS 3 room cottage, $12;
A -rfTt AAtfs rra 1 1 C ntM lnrmm.
$18; nicely furnished.,E. 26th and Hol
gate. Call East 3226.
SIX room, modern, well-furnished
house, walking distance. 602 Van
couver ave.
NICELY . furnished 6 room house in
Ladd s addition, l block from car.
$30. Main 727fa
$6 MONTH, acre and 8 room fur
nished snack, 6 DiocKs soutn wood-
mere, on Mt. Scott line. Tabor 1388.
West side.
west side.
2 ROOM, partly furnished house; lOOx
100. fruit and garden: 24 per month.
I loth st.
I nice garden, fruit and flowers. Call
Home phone B-2652
1 LOWER part modern house, nicely
furnished, biano. East Everett and
20th sts. Phone Marshall 3487
Phons lis FIVE rooms, doss In, 291 Sacra
I msnto st. near Union ave. Key next
door Bungay a. m. anq week days,
1 6 ROOM bungalow, furnished or un-
furnished. 313 E. Kelly st Sell-
FURNISHED house, dean. gas.
Mount Scott
car, 6709
j Myrtle Park, near car. Phone East 7048,
I 32649 E. 10th St N., walking dls-
I tance. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex.
I NICELY furnished 5 room modern bun
galnw. Sellwood carline. Phons Ta
bor 6183. , ...
8 ROOM modern house furnished, in
cluding piano, $20 per month, 635 E.
Couch st. . ' - - -
FOR RENT Completely furnished
bungalow, modern. Ross City Park,
half block to car. Tabor 6180.
$26 HAWTHORNE av. modern 7-
i room houss furnished complete, fur-
Pace, a bedrooms: raoor 4679. -'
1 THREE room furnished cottage, E.
20th st. N.. block from
car. Phone woodlawn 3569.
j FOR RENT Cheap, furnished 5 room
"cottage. 175 Stanton st
SIX room, partly furnished house, $20.
3iio oranam avenue.
I 7 ROOM furnished bouse. $29.
I MODERN furnished 5
room house
Sellwood 2.
I with or without niano.
I MODERN furnished
1 Hint. lit. cabi lavz.
I FIVE rooms, piano, fruit .$20 nicely
t furnished, aauits.
Phone Col. 1.
1 FURNISHED 6-room
cottage, gooa
220 Cook and Gantenbein.
4 ROOM cottage, furnished; water, gas;
iv, i Vancouver ave.
SIX rooms, modern. 627 B. Burneide.
THE LUZERNE Modern" 2 roomfur-
nlshed; brick Bldg. Phone in each
apt, 17 ana up. siarsnau 4437.
NOKOMIS apta, 665 Marshall st Mod-
ern. private oath ana dressing room:
DOWNTOWN, modern apts, $15 month
up, including heaClight tc! Royal
new management; prices to suit
Annex. 850- Morrison, Main 4621.
J 8 and rooms, hardwood floors;
I w" muw, g-". mn.
I E. 7th an
1a layior sis.; a ana g room
te ; 1gnt freef ?te bath.
LUXOR APTS,: 324 13th St.. 2, 3 and
4 room apts.; aiso itgnt ft. k.
C!n!nn'aiCourt' 401 Hth. modern
IllUllllldll lpartments. 310 to tn
FINEST 5 room spartments in citv,
all modem conveniences. Main 4124.
TWO room furnished apt. 487. Taylor.
tOoattanslf .
( ROOMS unfurnished newly papered,
2d floor, outside, entrance, . porch,
bath, beater laundry, telephone; $27.56
2 rooms unfurnished, $9.
Furnished 1. 2 and $ rooms, low rent.
Close in west side. .
THOMASSBN, 402 Third Street.
Lucretia Court
Lacretla st. bet Wash, and Ever-'
tt sts. Most beautifully located high
class apt. 2-3-4-5 rooms. All modrn
conveniences, first class servics. Prices
reasonable. Ref ersncss required. Man
ager Mar. 1513. - JJ - - ''-'."
FOR RENT room strictly modern
apartments, all modern builtln eon-
vcnlcnnia. IncJixlin hot and cold wa
ter, hot water heat for $20 a month,
walking distance, west side, edge of
Portland Heights. Chapman Apts-,.J&8
Chapman St.
8 rooms, steam heated, newly reno
vated, furnished apartment, in new
brick building of only nine apartments;
cheap. Woodlawn 896. 927 Union
ave. North.
llth anil Tavlor
Modern, , completely furnished ' apta
Walking, distance. - .References.
fiof, Jfferm St.
Clean, cozy, 4 room furnished apart
ment Also one single room. Heat
water, phone and Janitor service in-
ciuqea.- phone Mam 5435.
PortUnd's son of aaallty, eomtort nd erviee
624 Marahall -t Thru r&rliniu Baau
tiful 3 room furnished apartments. All
arse outsiae rooms, private oatns
Heat, water, phone, lanltor service, etc,
250 N. 19TH ST., near Marshall; ele
gantly newly furnished, apt, modern,
steam heat kitchenette, very dsslr-
abl homo tnr rftni UAv tis nar
mo.; references. Phone Mar. 2722.
THREE room apartment, well furnlsh-
ea. clean and desirable, electricity.
gas, batn, sleeping porcn. walking dis
tance two carlines. Only $16. 773
iflaat Taylor . East 6260.
UtVlNQTON 5 rooms and sleeping
porch; convenient and comfortable;
finest residence section of Portland.
bee janitor, 409 E. 16th st N cor. of
Hancock at; $4&
THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway a
3 and 4 room furn. ardbnfurn. ants.:
walking distance: at very reasonable
rent; best of service. Main 2606.
Private balconies, residence dist.
& 4 room h-lgrh class apts. Main 1178.
16th and Jefferson. Two and three
room furnished apartments, ground
rioor, nz anq ttp.
208 16TH ST. Marshall 2216.
Nice 6 room furn. and unfurn. apts.;
siao a or 4 room furn. apartments.
$5 AND $6 month, several 3 and
room apts., east end of Broadway
onage. including water and bath.
Main 8291.
ROSENFELD (new) 14th and East
fetark, brick, modern 4 room unfur
nished outside rooms; private phone.
re&sonaoie rates.
TUo MirAnr 181 E. 14th. 3, 3.
no ttiiiuoui room modern ants.
fur. or not reasonable, walking dist
Hi. Z37.
6 rooms, unfurnished, heat phone,
water, best dist.. near King; very
$4 WEEK 2 room furnished apart
ments, private bath, free, cooking
gas, light Harrison Court, 6th and
THE WESTFALL, modern 3 room fur
nished, brick bldg., private phone,
$20 and up. 410 6th.
PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170; concrete
bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold
water, baths, phone, steam heat. 312 up.
TUDOR ARMS Apts.. 18th and Coach.
Phone A-1644, Main 2559; new brick
bldg.. 2. 3, 4 rooms, modern apta
WIELAND Furnished housekeeping
apartments, bath, steam beat $ft,
$12 and 35 per month. 63 N. 18th st
ROSE FRIEND, 285 Broadway S.; mod
ern unfurnished apts.; large rooms,
best service, walking dis. Marsh. 1403.
NEW furnished abts.: concrete
310 and 312. 1162 Union av.
Woodlawn 612.
MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmont
Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.60 per
week up. sleeping rooms. East 212.
CAMAR 704 Lovejoy. 2 and 3 room
apts., rent $20 to $25; also basement
apt, f IS. Marshall 2tl7.
AMERICAN a d Marlborough, mod. 4, 5
6 rm. apta. M-r. 8360. M. 7516. A-2676.
$10 PER mo. for lower or upper flat
5 rooms, electric light bath, in fairly
good condition, 387-887 N. 2lst bet
Thurman and Upshur (on the west
side.) Key next door.
5 ROOM upper, fireplace, sleeping
porch, gas range and water heater,
modern, well arranged. Excellent
neighborhood. 271 EL 25th, near Haw
thorne. East 3084. .
MODERN 4 room upper flat sunny
rooms, sleeping porch; furnace.
"eZn.e.nli i. 'uwauung w.r. m
, l,Hnur B-
auuanw ? room iu jirepmei quiio-
. "fw.t i "TV. .lJr1"
SWELL 4 rooms, very large porches,
flowers and roses, jjartly furnished,
every convenience. 1139 Michigan ave.,
Woodlawn 2544. .
$17.60 INCLUDING water, modern 5
room lower, furnace fireplace, Dutch
kitchen, etc. E. 19th and Davis.
Woodlawn 4373. .
$16 NEW modern 6 room, furnace,
. flreplac. gas range, water heater,
Dutch kitchen, linoleum. 70 El 23d. N.
6 ROOM flat all outside rooms, fin
yard, 610 E. Madison at.
FIVE room modern upper flat $! 300
Graham ave.
4 ' ROOM flat, 608 E. Clay; low rent
East 963.
( $15 6 ROOM modem flat for rent
679 E. 21st st Brooklyn car. ,
FOR RENT S room modern flat
E. Stork. $16.
WEST SIDE 4, 5 rooms.
fin view.
porch; cheap.
Sellwood 1870
MODERN 5 room flat sleeping porch,
steam heat fireplace, on two car
lines, f umishsd or partly furnished,
storags roora. west side. Rent fre to
April 1. Nics lawn, reasonable rent
Call Main 8448.
2 ROOMS modern, disappearing beds.
sleeping porch, heat hot water, gar-
Dago removal, pnone, yara, 1 csrunes,
walking: distance, cheap : rent 427
Rodney av., near Tillamook. ' ,
FOR SALE 4 room fist completely
- iurmaneo ail obisio roams, not wa
ter heat, convenient to three car lines.
delightful place in summer: rent rea
sonable. Phone Marshall 6904.
4 OR 6 room furnished flat; all out
oide rooms; modern, clean and com
fortable. Call at 1364 .Hawthorns
av., w, e. x arnswortn.
lower floor," con
unfurnished flat
corser. nice yard.' well
located, many rosss, -referenc. Mar-
snail 380 atternoons. - -
5 ROOM flat completely furnished,
reasonable rant Apply 671 Mil
waukie, Sunday, 16 to f. : -
MODERN 4-room flat, walking dis
tanee. 383 Ross st, near Broadway
priog. .jLiow rent,
NICELY furnished 4 room flat with
' bath; rent reasonable. 543 Kerby st
.ATA ... .. .... . ., .
FIVE room flat furnished. 11th and
Aider sts. rnone Kroadway z"6
ROOM furnished flat rood, walking
-: distance siv. , Jiaarsaau - xso.
(Coatmsd) J
t ROOM, nicely furnished flat; no rest-
sonaoie orrer reruseq, Vt r. Jgn.
DESK room, well furpiabed . bff ice;
win pnone, reception . room, pn rate
room. 404 Northwest bldg, fits, suid
BRICK warehouse in South Portland
for rent, trackage, light and alrv.
On paved Street; reasonable. Journal
fuoiisntng uo.. Mroaaay ana itymntu
GOOD business location, new stores.
602 Williams ave- near Kusatfli: liv
ing rooms in rear, low. rent Phone
East 2196. - ; -
STORE bldg. at E. 33d and 'division
sta now occupied by atetcaiz, gro
cery. Inquire ?84 Iiviwlon. nrxt floor.
NEW STORE on Williams AV,, near
Ave., $5. East 119jfc, Wdin.
FOR RENT Storeroom, bakfe oven ra
rear. 1337 Hawtnorne.
FURNISHED desk room
$4. 431 Chambar of
HALLS for rent Lodge itooma, par
ties and dances. Corner. Front and
uiotis. Main i6ii.
for rent
nicely furnished.
ZVVfr go st.
Mairt 8627,
FOR RENT cheap, boarding house in
ractory district, c-aii iz7t jorDett st.
Phone Mar 4600 A-4101.
Ws have at all times a reliable list
of houses, flats, apartments, etc., in
all parts of the city. Avail yourself
of this FREE servics. " Information
cneeriuiiy furnished.
WE are unable to fill the demand for
; small bungalows and cottages from
$12 to $20. If you have a place for
rent see us eariy Monaay or Tuesday.
Rental Dept. Fred A. Jacobs Co., 104
6tB St ;
HAVE you a house that's going to be
vaeated? List it if you want a
good tenant with the renting dept of
Cor. 4 th and Stark.
WE are having a steady and large call
for medium size, moderate price ren
tal houses. If you have one or more,
list with The Oregon Horns Builders,
1830 -w. nank bldg.
MODERN, furnished or unfurnished
bungalow. Good district Reason
able, by people without children. Ta
bor 2349.
WANTED to rent 5 room modern bun
galow, equipped with gas, water
neater, in good neighborhood. Must
be reasonable rent. Y-919, Journal.
5 OR -6 room bungalow
trict No children.
in good dis-
Prefer place
where can make garden. References
exchanged. Phons E. 6783
MODERN four or five room unfur
nished. North of Holladay. Couple,
Permanent Reasonable. April 1. E
892. Journal.
-WANTED 7 or 8-room modern unfur-
nlshed bouse, near Piedmont barns.
reasonable rent. i-Ttona u-z49.
FAMILY of 2 wants modern, 5 room
bungalow; good location. E. 4119
WANTED To rent first class house
boat. A-686, Journal.
2900 lbs., are
young draft mares.
tre to pull and the
right kind. Also set heavy harness,
ail like new, at one price, 280.
Mares Team low. bloeky. heavy
boned, wear for ever kind. Both are
sound ana gentie. one mare nas been
bred; also fine single worker, gentle
for lady. Set heavy breeching harness,
all at ons pries ef $210.
Mares Team 2600 lbs., are good
team of aged mares that will do lota
of work and always keep fat They are
gentle, rn or out of stable and will
make grand ranch team for old couple.
Set good heavy harness, all at low
price of $165.
Team matched blacks, full sister and
brother, and are as like as two peas in
one pod. Both have stars in forehead
and weigh 10 lbs., different They are
tne grandest orcnara team in tms city
today. Both are fat grain fea, short
haired and ready to do their work now.
Set new breeching, sewed trace, silver
mounted harness, complete st on low
pries of $225.
Team matched sorrels, 2860 lbs., are
good honest workers and will make
ooa. ah purposes nmcn team, set
eavy harness, complete at one price.
Dannie erav team, horse and mars.
low blocks, with the best of feet and
legs and a team that will wear a life
time; mare has been bred and looks
to be In foal. Set heavy harness, ail
at on price of $145.
Wagons We have two new farm
wagons, 3 gear, complete with box
and seats, at low price.
Harness We have two sets of heavy
Mwed lni harneaa. silver mounted.
and the good kind, at $30 each. Also
two sets single harness cheap.
All srooda bought of us wDl be
taken to boat or R R. free, also fed
thre days free. Call and see me
personally. C. B. RULEY TRANSFER
CO., lltn at Hoyt st
TEAM of mares, " 6 and 8 ysars old.
u 1. f. 1 v ,. v 11.1 w v i
mars and horse, . heavy, new harness,
weight Z60O. bizb; bay team, geiaings,
4 and 7 years old, weight 2700 lbs.
Portland van & Storage Co., 16th and
Raleigh. Take "R" or 16th st car.
HORSE, weight 1600 lbs,. 9 years bid.
He is an odd horse and got no use
for bim; true to work any place; took
him in on a debt and wilt sell cheap.
Joe, the blacksmith, zs 5 yront st.
TWO set heavy double harness, new
silver mounted at 330 each, call 129
N. 11th st., also second hand farm
FOR SALE Horse, rubber tire buggy
and harness, horse 4 -years 01a.
sound and gentle, 707 Belmont East
4-YEAR-OLD spirited hors for sal.
James I. Miller. 2043 Delano st Mon-
tavllla. Or.
BARGAIN farm team, mars and horse,
- 230n lbs., harness snd farm wagon.
1967 fi. Stark st. Trial allowed.
HORSE, weight 1250: s,ra Just out of
hosnital and must selL
d seen
at 270 East 7tn st. .
GOOD, work team, weigh 2500.' $186.
Team mares, weign. zzgw. iio. s
wagons ana harness. Z74 7tn st.
GOOD, sound 900 bound horse 84E.
2418 Kauffman avenue. Vancouver.
wasn.- rnorw z-j.
W ANTED 1 ton delivery wagon, will
jtay casn. fcawara xjusco, oox 315,
jregon t;ity, urs. :
HORSE, harness- and light delivery
wagon for sale..cbap. Central Sta
ines, n tn ana Aiaer.
LIGHT wagon, and incubator, - boms
mad bona grinder.' light plow, bar-
row, for sals. Tabor 8244. -
HORSE, buggy, harness and saddlln
good shape, Woodlawn 20,
FOR - sal . cheap, - new spring wagon.
size , vbu na tvoaney sts.
WANTED Horse, weight 1250 to I860
ids, winw ipor m.
team 01 noraes, jbu 10.; l team
Of mules, 1400 lbs. 114 E. 19th st N.
FIRST class hand mads rtocirr r.
on fins condition; cheap. East 1819.
DELIVERY wagon and horse- Will
ell cheat for cash.
.660 East vAlder.
horse. 1414X1
To DOT 3B90
DEAD horses and cattle , taken (.free.
rabor zvs.
g FARM wagons, light and heavy,. for
saie- iz n. m.
1000 LB. team, 8-ln. wagon, gocd har-
pes, titv, uau izb E, fta.
j . Saturday, Match 11.
I will sell 14 head younr heavy
sound draft horses, ages 6 to 11, front
zsuv pounas to 9200 pounds per team.
I am closing out my construction
work and leaving for California.
These- horses coat roe high, but will
offer them at the mercy of the public
Take Mt Tabor car to 73d st Bed
barn. E. R. strange. .
PAIR of 8600 lb. mare. 8 years old.'
Just out of bard work; grain fad,
a good pair heavy breeching harness
all for $275, Nearly new iron wheeled
wagon with large toot box, $35. Will
sell separata. Bay horse, 120 lbf..
good worker, single or dsuble. Spring
waon ana narness, s - saddle pony,
fentle for children to .rid or drive,
30. 170 Killingaworth. Wood laws
CARLOAD of eastern Oregon horses
ana mares, ranging from lido to
1400 lbs., well broke. A pair of half
Shetland boniea. well matched.
Wagons and harness. Ons Shetland
ony, zoo lbs., the prettiest in the city,
oka Scott Williamson. Star 8tables,
08 Front - st Auction sales Monday
Jid Thursday. Sell for everybody a
SPAN of geldings weighing 2600 lbs.
s ana 10 years old. true workers, sin
gle or double. 8125. Gray mars 6 years
old and gray horse 8 years old, both
weighing 3350 lbs, sound and true to
work, $160. Also 86 head of block '
built farm mares, some winter foal;
and heavty draft horses, soma light de
livery or wagon horses at a very reas
onable pries. Model Stables, 6th and
Davis sts.
Just received, a carload of good .
young horses, 1200 to 1600 lbs. Some
fooa matched teams or good mares,
f you are in the market for a good
horse or team, call and inspect this
stuff. Everything sold with a guar.
AS we are selling off our horses w
, nave 3 teams lert; team geldings,
and 7 years old, weight 2400; also team
mares, weigh 2200, heavy harness;
horse and mare, weight 2800, heavy T
brichen harness. Come and see these .
teams before you buy. 265 16th St,
Multnomah stables. , i
RENTED the -place, have no use for
the following: Team bay geldings.:
weight 2450, age 7 and 8; pries 3156.
They are 'in good working condition, .
Oregon City car to Arlington Station
come up river to wagon bridge, cross, .
turn to left, first house.
FOR SALE Pacer, bay horse,. 1104
pounds, 4 years; true and perfectly
sound; Al horse for army officer, 8160, :
Rubber tired, open, leather upholstered
buggy and single harness, $36. Call v
at 8609 67th Ave. S. E, Lents, Mt
Scott car.
BLOCKY bay horse, 1275 Jps., work any
place, $70; also good as new two
seated top spring wagon; will carry a'
ton; farmers' rig; no use for it; very .
cheap. S car south to Mead st, walk
2 blocks west. No. 253. '
1300 lb. HORSE with harness and light
wagon, $66; team, mare and boras, $
snd 10 years old, 1100 lbs. each, $110;
also 90o llf black pony, $20. Aem
Fuel Co., barn, 293 Union ave., near
FOUR horses for sale, weight eacn.
ilOO lbS;, cheap; also 1600 lb. horse,
been foundered; 7 year old black..
$30, at 711 Second st S oar south.
Stop at Meade street -
Foil horses snd vehicles, dogs sni
household pets and poultry, read th
ad tinder .the respective headings.
The Journal leads all other medluug-.
In these classifications.
FOR SALE Toung team of" mules!
weigh about 2150 lbs., sound and :
good pullers, guaranteed for any kind
of work; a bargain. J. M, Endsulls,
Hunt, or.
FOR SALE 1200 lb. horse, hand mad
delivery wagon and narness for 8100.
Have bought auto; will sell separata.
Woodlawn 347. -
FOR SALE CHEAP One , team well
matched black horses, weighing 2609
lbs.; 1 young mare weighing 1600 lbs..
1 team draft horses weighing 3000
lbs. 226 Russell st.
TEAM Shetland ponies, mares, color
red and white: weight 400 lbs.; each
gentle; well broke. Will sell ons or
both. To be sold at reasonable Dries.
StarBams, S08 Front st.
isPAN of blocky mares, weight I30t
lbs, Heavy harness snd wagon.
Sound and ready for work. $148. 1 good
single work horse. Wood yard, E. 6th
and Hawthorne
10 HEAD of fine small Shetland
ponies. 2 nics mares heavy in foall
will exchange for cattle or . horses.
lusts m. xamnm. -
1250 lb. H0R8E, sound, fat, good
worker. $80: also bay horse. 1000 lbs.
for $26. Res. $10 E. 6th st, betweea
Clay and Market.
LIGHT team and harness, good condl- ,
tion. work any piace: price i.
Sellwood $240. 5710 68th ave- 8. E.
Take W. W. car, ;
CARLOAD Eastern Oregon ' horses,
mares. 1100 to I600; an wan crones
also 8 farm wagons, Columbia Stablest
AO TJ-t it - skv.Al t fMn Kl at mk '
wv a vat vi vvi n - 1 f 1
WANTED, good bors and buggy for .
its keep; iignt worg, gooa care, ny -responsible
party. G. A. Oisen, afsts
ger. Or. ,
NEATEST rig in city. 7-year-old mar.
harness, iignt stuaebaker wagon, an
in good shape. 3610 66th t S, E.
Tabor 6038.
FOR SALE 3 hers and 1 camel back -
wagon. Cost 8600 now and X Plat
form spring wagon, cheap for easb.
Call $86 Belmont
5 AND 8-year-old mares, weight 960 -and
1600. Price 840 and 8160. Pbon
Tabor 74. -
1801 Ll! horse, Mitchell delivery'
waron. heavy single harness. Phons
Tabor 328,
TO trads, 2400 lb. team and good
wason. for good Ford auto. Call .
896 Belmont.
GOOD 14oo lb. farm team to trad in
on auto or vacant lots.
U. r, Sta-
Mes, 239 RUSSell. .
FINE delivery wagon, harness and
horn. 8176. Its down. bal. 218 a mft.
Unique Tailoring Co., 309 BtarK
HEAD of horses and mules, harness
snd two waarona ehaafi. Box 169.
Dayton, Or. . . - "
ACCOUNT inman-Poulsen mill fir.
Holman Fuel Co. will sell few hdrsS.
Prices at barn. E, 6th snd I von sts.
SPRING wagon. No. 1 shape, for $3C.
E. L, Brown,, 1824 Division, Haw
thorns cas to 1 1st. 4 blocks north.
ONE good team, weight about 8200
ins. uui ji iiau st or pnons ar
shall 1780.
DEAD - horse and animals buid!
. away fre. , Call Woodlawn 26. Port-
land Rendering Co, r
TWO ton furniture wagon in fin con
dition; top and curtains, $85; also 1
light spring wagon. 38. 994 B. 29th, N
FOR SALE On black mar. 7 years
old, wrcight 1260 pounds: can b sa
at Anderson bam, 2d and Jefferson.
XytXtj& riiib i Guernsey cow. WlU
sell very reasonable. Vancouver car
to Stafford st Corner house.
MUST sell cow. young mare, pigs and
poultry: bona and 2 acre for rant,
at Attrora. R. F. Walters, na ist at.
FRESH grade Durham cow $46 2418
Kanffmim av. Vancouver. Wash.
Kb one 9Z5-J,
THREE young genU Jrsev .Own-'.
seys, rtcn mux. mh ?q r
WANT fresh cow, Oscar Alder ton, cor,
E. 78th and Wash, sts.
FRESH eow for sale, gait per .day.
Tabor 4316. '
MOS. Chester Whitpig. $4. GardjaT
HOB9 Poultry io yjani-n ri'nam, vtt.
FOR SALE Cheap, 4 cow, yich, heavy s
Tv.11Vor 47A Col. blvd.
1TRKSH family cc wi years Id and
wks, heifer calf; .646 Miss. Ave.
GOOD mare to trad for cow. - Owftsr-
. PV OC TAtil - T
"FRESH cow for sal. Telephone Mon?
1 v O . vys nt
day, peuwooq
ALL BREEDS of dairy cows, term.
Brace, Union stock Yards.
CContuuMd ;o 3fsxt Sracej.