The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 11, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Purpose to Enable Mothers to! J
Attend Services; the Pro-;$
Cathedral Finds Plan Good
Kev. Thomas Jenkins.
To enable mothers of young chil
dren to attend services at St. David's
church a free kindergarten In charge
of two. instructors will be maintained
in the parish house, from 11 a. m.
Veach Sunday until after the morning
service. The first session of the
kindergarten will be held tomorrow.
Miss Empler and Miss Hall, experi
enced Sunday school teachers, will be
- in charge.
A new departure' in Sunday school
work will be inaugurated tomorrow.
A regular church service for the chil
dren will be given at the regular Sun
day school hour. The plan of taking
the burden of caring for children dur-tna-
church hour is not exactly a new
thrng In Portland, the pro-cathedral of i
. , . . , v.i a I
Bt. Btepnen s naving uuue
year or more past. At the pro-cathe
: dra a trained nurse is engaged.
The idea Is one of eastern origin
and has been found to work with
greatest success. In Portland, children
of the primary class, from three years j
and up. are cared for, but in many
' cities even infants in arms are taken.
These are provided with babies' and
children's toys and fed with crackers
and cookies, the theory being that if
., the little ones have a good time and
can be made to look forward to the
: church hour, the mothers will be all
the more iikely to attend services.
Mr. Jenkins Intends to continue the
children's nursery at least through
lent. If. it is a success, it will be
continued indefinitely, he says, Just
as it is at trie pro-cathedral.
Dean Ramsey Will
Give Lent Lectures
Two series of lectures will b de-
- llvered in St. Stephen's Episcopal pro
. Cathedral by Dean H. M. Ramsey
'during Lent. Friday evenings the
" general subject is, "Important Epochs
in the History of the Anglican Com
munion." Sunday evening Dean Ram
" eey will speak on "Important Points
in Chrii-tian Doctrine."
The specific subjects for Friday
- evenings are: March 17, "The Roman
Usurp-tion;" March 24. "The Refor
mation;" March 31, 'The Church and
the Puritans;" April 7. "The Oxford
Movement;' April 14, "The Genius of
Modern Anglicanism."
The Sunday evening subjects and
dates are: March 12, "The Trinity;"
. March 19, "The Divinity of Christ;"
March 26, "The Virgin Birth of
Christ;" April 2, "Did Christ Found a
' Church?" April 9, "The Christian
The Sunday evening service will be
at 7:40.
Revival Services
! . Are BeinArranged
Klamath Falls. Or., March 11. The
building committee, to which was in'
structed the duty of providing suit
;'' able accommodations for the holdieig
' of the series of Mathis-Vessey evan
V : gelistic meetings in this city, begin
ning March 19, after a-joint session
that a contract has just been closed
for the leasing of the Pavilion, corner
of Fourth and Klamath.
i""rr . i The proposed tabernacle was to have
f a' seating capacity of 1200 people.
' -..When the building committee Investi
: ygated the Pavilion they found it meas-
ured as wide, and was but three feet
'shorter In length than the proposed
' - tabernacle, and that in addition, it has
' ; a balcony which can be utilized. This
'i.t'fi provided for really more seating room
than . the proposed structure would
S ; . bave contained.
; Some slight alterations will be made
'" 'and workmen will sJbn start getting
- " things in readiness for the opening
; nigbt.
McMinnville Pastor
Will Preach Here
iSRtr. J. Sherman Wallace of Mc
'MlnnviHe will preach In the White
. Temple Sunday, taking for his morn-
ins topic. "The world s Greatest
Need."" - The Temple quartet will sing
the anthems, "Savionr Again to Thy
'Name." dt Shelley, and Te Shall
t ' ? " ' e" "' t ' I I
!. - Dwell to the -Land.! by Stainer.
j :.-' :-In the evening' Mr. Wallace will
j preach on "The Making of a Prince."
f The quartet will sing, '."God Is Love"
i ; by Shelley, and "Arise. Shine," by
' Brackett. - ' '.
; js-i Rer. Wallace has been .professor of
.vublie speaking and Bible for the past
- even years In ueMinnvuie college.
. Previous to . that time he was a
i-: pastor to Tacoma, . He la the author
!V'rof -What of thai Church- "True
' ' - Wealth," "The, Real - Initiation of
; V Christ" and "Why go to Colleger
-?i ,-. " - . r
i J ar - Will Install Pastor.
' rfSPSaleBT'Or.. vMarch lL-InatallaUon
A' 1 servicee f or Rev. -3 anaea -Elvln of 8a
! ; 1m. .OT will be held In tha First Con
' . -' gregational church hero Tueadar ---
'; ' ningv :Df. ; I. R, : Dyott, of the First
church. Portland, will deliver the In
," stallatlon ermoiu : .
Presbyterians Had
A Touching Time
On Tuesday Night
Ht The Christian Endeavor o-
clety of the Central Presbyter-
lan church. East Thirteenth and
'Pine streets, successfully car-
ried 'out plans to raise some
money for its treasury by hav
ing- a Touching Time" on
March 7. Several booths and
sideshows were constructed In
the club rooms of the church
and admission charged to each.
Central Aid Society
Party Enjoyable
Last Wednesday Mrs. A." B. Manley,
683 Williams avenue, served a lunch
eon to the Ladies' Aid society and
flrends of Central M. E. church.
Forty-two people were present It was
the birthday of the hostess and of one
of the guests, Mrs. J. E. Slaughter
back. The plan of entertainment was
for each guest to do something. About
nooti the guests began to arrive, some
in costume, creating much merriment.
Those deserving of special mention
were a wedding gown 57) years old,
companion to this was a bridegroom
costume. Two g"uests were dressed as
little girls. A Campflre Girl and a
real clown caused unlimited amuse
ment. Songs, recitations and story
telling occupied the time: not a dull
moment. A business session was held
and several new members were added
to the society.
To Debate Merits
Of Motion Pictures
The merits of the moving picture
bill now before congress will be dis
cussed at the young men's forum of
the First M. E. church tomorrow at
12:15 by W. Carter and M. . A.
Zollinger, two Portland attorneys of
this city. The study for this month
at the forum is moving picture cen
corshlp and every phase of the cen
scrship problem is being discussed.
The bill before congress provides for
a national board of censorship of -l
moving picture films. In this bill it
ir provided that all films, as soon as
manufactured and before being copy
righted, shall be submitted to this
board in Washington, D. C, for ap
provai or rejctuim. mo iii.juo
l l : TK. -n.lAa
. .. viju,
that a subsidiary board shall sit at
Los Angeles, Cal.
Dr. Loveland Plans
Series of Lectures
Featuring the Lenten season. Rev.
Frank L. Loveland. pastor of the
First, Methodist Episcopal church,
has arranged a series of 8unday
evening sermon lectures on the gen
eral theme, "The Preachers of Protes
tantism." The first of these will be
given tomorrow night, the opening
topic being "Savonarola," the Reform
er of Italy." Five sermon lectures
will be included, the last to be given
on Sunday evening. April St. On the
evening of April 16, the full vested
chorus of 50 voices, will render, under
the direction of Hartridge O. Whipp,
Sir John Stainer's famous "The Cruci
fixion," and on Easter Sunday even
ing, April 23, the choir will give
Wifllam G. Hammond's "Messiah
Young People Aid
In Church Singing
Rev. and Mrs. Ingalls of the St.
Johns M. E. church have succeeded
in reorganizing- their young people of
the church so that they are now a
great help In the regular Sunday ser
vices. Two Sunday nights in every
month a young girls' vested choir of
16 voices furnishes the music, and on
the other two Sunday nights a mixed
chorus does the Binging. Two gospel
teams have been organized in the Ep
worth league composed of six mem
bers each. These teams have charge
of the Sunday evening young people
services, both In their own chapter
and in those of neighboring chapters
where they occasionally visit. The
Junior League has also been reorgan
ized with a membership of 25. The
pastor also reports that a great num
ber of conversions have been made
lately, and that he is looking forward
to a bright and prosperous day for
the church in St. Johns.
The third quarterly district rally
will be held at the Centerary M. E.
church Friday evening, March 31, at
8 o'clock. This rally will he a special
! conBecraLtlori rally stnd it has been def-
lnltely decided that no social affair
will follow the lecture. The rally will
open a special 15 minute song service.
A prominent leader among young peo
ple has been engaged to speaK,
O. J. Gill of Woodlawn chapter re
signed as publicity manager on ac
count of business obligations. The
cabinet are looking for someone to
fill the vacancy.
Last Monday evening at a special
meeting of the cabinet. Miss Ida Mat
son of Montavilla chapter was ap
pointed as temporary vice president of
the fourth department, to fill out Miss
Taylor s unexpired term.
Last Friday evening was special
Epworth league night at the Social
Service Pageant. The program ren
dered was especially beneficial to the
young people in their missionary
The district cabinet has received in
itatlons from Seaside and 8unnyside
chapters for the next convention in
May. The cabinet has not as yet ac
cepted either Invitation. The district
president is desirous that all interest
ed leaguers suggest good persons for
the cabinet for the coming year. It
Is planned to have nominations in
hand before the convention opens.
The Sunnystde chapter will hold a
St. Patrick's entertainment in the
cnurch next Wednesday, evening at
The St. Johns chapter gospel team
led the meeting at University Park
last Sunday evening-.
Dr. Moore of the Palestine Pageant
spoke to Pat ton chapter' last Sunday
evening on how modern discoveries
have a direct bearing on old - Testa
ment scriptures.
The St. Johns chapter is conducting
a Bible Study class at the parsonage
very Friday evening. Much Interest
is being shown. A . regular course of
study Is being pursued.
Feast- Recalls Deliverance of
Jews of Persia; Date Falls
on March 19 This Year,
Purlm a feast in the Jewish calen
dar, falls this year on March 19. The
reading of the Book of Esther from
a parchment scrool on that day con
stitutes the principal feature in the
Synagogue service. The feast recalls
the deliverance of the Jews of Persia
through the intervention of Queen
Esther and her kinsman Mordecai
from a threatened massacre planned
by Haman, the king's vizier. In the
words of the Book of Esther It com
memorates "the day wherein the Jews
had rest from their enemies and the
month which was turned unto them
from sorrow to gladness and from
mourning unto a good day." It "'as
decreed that the day be observed in
a joyous spirit that finds expression
in sending portions to one another
and gifts to the poor. (Esther Chap.
9, verse 20.)
The feast bears the name of 'Pur
im," because it is recorded that Ha
man the arch enemy ot the Jews,
sought to fix the day of their destruc
tion by casting "Purlm" which, ac
cording to a popular etymology given
in the Book of Esther, means "Lots."
The feast is more social in character
than religious. It does not require
cessation from labor or any special
religious ceremony other than the
reading of the Book of Esther and
the reciting of a few special prayers
inspired by the event commemorated.
In former times the celebration in
some places partook of the nature of
a carnival. At present the Story of
the Book of Esther is not unfrequent
ly presented In dramatized form. The
injunction to remember the poor was
and is observed faithfully. During the
centuries of persecution, the feast of
Purim was quite popular, due, per
haps, to the fact that the story of
deliverance from the plottings of the
tyrants. which the day recalled,
brought hope of a similar deliverance
rrom the evil designs of existing Ha-
New Pastor to Preach.
Eugene, Or., March 11. Rev. G. H.
Parkinson, new pastor of the First
Methodist church here, will preach
here the first time tomorrow. Rev.
Mr. Parkinson is a young man, be-
Kotices for the classified church
directory, and other matter for the
Saturday church columns of The
Journal, most be la the editorial
rooms of The Journal by noon Thurs
day in order to insure publication.
Address all mail communications.
Churches care City Editor. The
Journal, items not appearlna la the
Saturday church page will be found
la the Sunday church column.
Sunday School Lesson Tomorrow.
Heroes and MartyTa of Faith Heb. 11, 1 to
IS. S.
Memnrw 12; 1. 2.
Golden Text lt u run with patience th
rrce that ts set before ua. looking nnto Jceus
ho author and perfecter of our faitb. Ileb.
Home Readings M. Heroes of Faith, Heb.
1. 1-1. T. Triumphs of faltb. Heb. 11: 17-31.
W. Martyrs of faith. Heb. 11:32 to 12:2. Th.
ifice ot dipcipieshlp. Matt. 10: 34-42. F. Par-tal-ers
of Christ' suffering-. 1 Pet. 4: 12-19.
S Security in God. Jude 17-25. S. Psalm of
faith. Heb. 3.
Young People's Topics.
Chrlatlan EndesTor "Tie Causes of Fail
ures In Life." Ptot. 10: 1-32.
Epworth leaziie The TJrrenrr of a flvrnt
Tiak," Neb. :13; Luke 2:49; 9:51: 12:35-37:
Matt. 10:22, 23.
B. T. P. c "The Causes of Failures in
Life." TroT. 10: 1-32.
First White Temple Mrs. A. W. DeLonr.
acting- pastor. Rev. Sherman Wallace, on "The
World's Greateat Need." 7:30, "The Making of
Bwedfch-Flnnish Misaion. White Temple. 8.
East Side E 20tb and Ankenv ats. Her.
W. O. Hhank. pastor. 11. 7:3U. "The Baptist
riTe-xeaj- irograni wnat la It?
men land. K. otn and Alberta Rer. Chaa. F.
Mieir. 11. 7:30.
Arieta Rer. W. T. 8. Spriggs, 11. 7:30.
L'UiTersiiy rar Kei. c L. Heakett, li.
Her. C
Swediah 15th and Hojt, 10:45. 7:30.
Grace MontaTilla. Rer. M. T. Cash. 11.
Sellwood ReT. F. H. Hayea 11, 7:30.
St. Johns E. P. Borden, pastor 11. 7:30.
CaWarx E. 8tb and Orant Re. Thomas
Stephenson, actlns- pastor. 11. sermon hv tie
Aiirt Lflughbridge. 7:30. sermon bj Vr. J.
u. spnngston.
ait. laiTarr t. fine and uraod are. Rer.
A. M. Macback. 11. 8. '
Third Knott and Vancourer are. Her W.
J. Beaven. 11. "(jetting ISeit to Jesus." 7:30.
lni winnower.
St. Johns (German) Rer. F. Bruerman. 11.
Chinese J. C. Malone. 7.
Lents Rer. J. M. Nelson. 11. 7:30.
Second German Morris and Rodney are.
ii, i :ju.
Glencoe E. 45th and Main ReT. A. B.
Walts. 11. 7:30, sermon by Dr. Albert Laurh-
Lriage. remrnea missionary to Kurma.
Mount oilTet Her. w. A. Magrett. ll.S.
Italian Mission Rct. - Francesco SaniMlla,
ii. a.
First German 4th and Mill RtT. J. Kratt.
II, T:ao.
Goodwill Mission 15th and Boise MUs
M. Nelson, superintendent.
North Portland Miaaion 830 Nicolal St.,
mas, s.
RassellTllU Mission Dr. Albert Lausabrldre.
s. s;o.
tabernacle e. 42a ana Hoirate kt. wal.
te; Duff, acting pastor, 11. 7:30.
' ' Catholic.
8t. . Peters Lents Rt. P. Bentren.
iu:3, i:au.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and DstIs ReT. E. T,
O'Hara. . 7:15, 8:80. 9:45. 11. 7:49.
St. Lawrence 8d and Sherman Bar. J. C.
uua-nee u, b:ju. iu:3u.
St. Patricks 10th and Sarier ReT. E. P.
Murpnr. 0, 10.JO, 7:30.
St. Francis E. llth and Oak Rer. J. H.
Black, s, 8, 0, 10:30, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams st.
and Stanton ReT. W. A. Dal. C, 8. 0, 10:30.
Holy Rosary E. Sd and Clackamas Rer. E.
B. uiaon. 6, T. 8, , 11. 7:90.
St. Rose E. S3d and Alameda Rev. X
u r arreu. s, 10. 7:80.
St. Andrews E. 8th and Alberta Rev. T
KternsB. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
The Madeleine R. 24th and Slfklyou Rev,
ueurgc r. tuomnson. 7:30. . 10:30.
Ascension E. Yamhill and E. 70th Francis
can raisers, s. 10:30. T:ao.
j Holy Redeemer Portland bWd. and Vaneon
rer are. Rer. F. H. Miller. 6. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland are. and Bias-
acne kcv. b. v. Kelly. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Rev. C. Raymond.
o, iu:su.
St. Ignatius 8220 43d at- S. Ev Jesuit Fath
ers. :308. 10:80. 4
St. Stephens 42d and E. Taylor Rer. War
ren a. wattt. s. s:au. iu:su. i-Mt.
St. Phillip Nerl E. 16th and Hickey ReT,
rr. J. cartwna-nt. 8. 10:30. J:3t. 4
8acred Hear; E. llth and CeatetwRsv. O
KOM. 8. 10:30. 7:80. -
St. Agatha E. 15th sod . UiQer Bev. 3,
Commlsky. 8, 10:30. 7 JO.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Coach Bev.
B. usurer, s. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Stanislaus Polish) -Maryland sve. and
railing kt. r. Mathew. s. 10:SO. T:30.
8U Mlcbael (IUOianJ 4th sad Mill Rev. M.
By Rev. James Dimond Corby,
who summon him, regardless of past moral
record. He must comfort the sorrowing,
visit the sick, advise with the anxious, help the weak, reason
with the wayward and befriend the stranger.
When I'm misuiderstood, when my acquaintances shun me,
when society ignores me I am sure to find sympathy, substan
tial help, wise counsel, when I go to a minister. Never forget
when you want a true friend, come to the minister and he will
serve you in the spirit of one who said, "In as much as ye have
done it unto the least of one of these, my brothers, ye have
done it unto me." v
tween 35 and 40 years of age, and has
been pastor of the church at Newton
Center, an aristocratic suburb of Bos
ton, for the past five years. He is a
graduate of the School of Theology ot
Boston, of which Dr. Wilkinson is also
a graduate. Mrs. Parkinson and two
daughters, 11 and 14, are in the city.
Preacher Will Tell
Of Trip to Mexico
Rev. A. Vereide, pastor of the
Norwegian-Danish Lutheran church at
Vancouver avenue and Skidmore
street will lecture tomorrow night at
the church on Mexico. Rev. Vereide
has just returned from a Mexican
St, Peter's Parish
Will Stage Comedy
For the benefit of the St. Peter's
parish, "The Other General Fuller," a
three act farce comedy, will be staged
in connection with a St. Patrick's
evening program in the Yeager thea
tre at Lents. The play will be inter
spersed with musical selections by
local talent of Lents.
Balemtra. S, 10:30,,7:3O.
at: Clement Smith and Newton Ber. C.
Smith. 8, 10:30, 7:30.
St. Clares Capitol Hill Bet. Anthony. 8.
10:30, 7:30.
St. Charlei 34th and Kllllngaworth ReT.
G. Snlderhorn. 8. 10:30. 7:30. -
First Park and Columbia ReT. Geo. F.
Dante. 11, sermon by J. Ralph Roberta on
"Three Dramatic Attempta by the Tempter."
7:30, "The Day of Days."
Montavilla E. 76th and Hoyt ReT. J. C.
Ghormley. 11, S.
Gladstone Rct. Roy L. Dunn. 11. 8.
Woodlawn 7tb and Liberty Rer. W. J.
Millinger. 11. 7:30.
Sellwood 13th and Tenino Rct. M. Johnson.
13. 8.
Rodney Arenue. at Knott st. ReT. J. F.
Ghormley. 11, "God's Purpose In Christ." 7:30,
sernxm by ReT. J. C. Ghormley.
East Side Chrietlaan E. 12th and E. Taylor
Kev. A. L. Crlm. 11, "A Great Problem."
:30, "A General Letter From the Psator."
Kern Park ReT. G. K. Berry. 11. 7:30.
St. Johns Rer. Herbert F. Jones. 11, 8.
Vernon Church of Christ E. 15th and Wy-
gant J. A. Melton. 11. 7:30.
ttemei eza ana xnompaon ueT. a u Drey
W. Wilson.
Christian Science.
Lesaon sermon, "Substance."
First church ETerett. between 18th and 19th
sts. 11, 8.
Second Bust 6th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third East 12tb and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth VancouTer are. and Emerson. 11.
Fifth Myrtle Park hall. 11.
Christian Science society Holbrook block. St.
Johns. 11.
First Park and Madison ReT. Luther R.
Dyott. 11. "The Gate of Heayen." 7:45, "What
is UodT"
First German E. 7th 1.0 d Stanton ReT. E.
0. Wiilman.
Atkinson Memorial E. 28th and ETerett
Rct. Thomas & Anderson, 11.
UnlTersity rark tlaTen at., near Lombard
ReT. F. J. Meyer, 11. 7:30.
Hlgbland E. 6th and Preseott ReT. E. 8.
Bollinger. 11. "Weights and Wings." 7:30,
luyesttnenu. '
Linderhurat ReT. D. B. Gray, 11, 7:45.
Pilgrim Missouri aTe. and SbaTer St. ReT.
W. C. Kantner. 11, 7:30.
St. Johns ReT. Daniel T. Thomas. 11.
Warerly Heights E. 33d and Woodward-
Rev. A. C. Moses. 11, 7:30.
Sn tiny side E. 82d and Taylor Rer. J. J
Slanb. 11. "The Timeless Kingdom of Jesus
Christ." 7:45, Beginning at the Bottom.
Zlon (German) E. 9th and Tremont ReT.
J. H. Hopp. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rt. J. E.
H. Simpson. ReT. J. (J. Hatton. 7:30. 10:15.
11, "8ome Purposes of Temptation." f:30, 7:30.
Trinity ReT. A. A. Morrison. 8, 11.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen, the Martyr
Very Key. H. M. K&msey. 7:4a. 11. 3, 7:45.
St. DaTld a B. iztn and Belmont Rer.
Tbomaa Jenkins. 8:00. 9:30. 11. "Christ's
Temptation and Oars." 7:30, "Some Enemies
of the Cross: Joseph Calaphesy High Priest.'
St. Matthew's Cdrbett and Bancroft Rev,
W. A. M. Ereck. 11.
St. Johns Milwaukle Rct. John D. Rice.
3, 4.
St. Andrews Merer or a si., fortsmoatn
Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
Grace Memorial weldler and E. 17th N.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Rev. John Dawson. 11
St. Michael's and All Angels' E. 43d and
Broadway Key. t. r. Bowen. 11, 7:30.
Church of Our Bavtonr eoth are. and 41st
St. S. E. Arcbdencoo Chambers in charge. 11
Bt. John's Beiiwooa iter, jonn u. Kite. J 1
St. Paul's Wood mere ReT. Oswald W.
Taylor. 4.
Bishop Morria Memorial chapel. Good Sa
marltan hospital Rer. Frederick K. Howard.
7. 7dC.
All saints' cnarcn zstn ana Barier ReT.
Frederick K. Howard. 11, 6:30.
EvaBfclioal Association,
Carson Heights G. F. Llening Jt. 11:30. 7
First English E. 6th and Market Rev. E.
D. Hornecbarb. 11. 8.
First German Evangelical 10th and Clay
Rev. U. F. Llening. 10:45, 8.
Zvsngalioal Synod.
German Eranrelioal Friends' church Ta
coma aye. and E. lSthrRev. Eliaa N. Her
gtrt. 10:45, 7:30.
. St. rani Evangelical 1 enure n Ml Falling
Bev. J. HergerL 1, 7:30.
Tre VethodUt.
Central 65th -and E. Flanders Rev. L. R.
Blackman. 11. 7:45.
First E. th and Mill Rev. I. Harrington,
Frianda" Chnreu.
Bunnyslde E. 85th- and Main Rev. Homer
Cox. 11. 7:30.
Lenta South Mala at Bev. John Rilej.
11, 7:30.
West Piedmont Rev. Mrs. Ethel M. Ar
nold. 11, JiSO.
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Mats
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Friday, 8 p. m. Satur
day, 10:80 a. aa.
LattCT Say Saints.
Chsreh of Jeans Christ of Latter Day Saints
(Mormon) E. 25th sod Madison. 11:45, 7.
Moat Till (sot Mormon) 11, 7:30.
Immannel 19th and Irring Bev. J. Richard
Olson 11, 8.
Trinity Ortnan (Mlaaovl Synod) Williams
sve. sad Graham Err. jr. A. Bimbach. 10:15.
United Norwegiao Bev. Ditmaa Larsen. 11,
Bethany Danish TJnlon aTe. N. snd Mor
ris Her. M. G. Jesses -En e-bolra. 11. H.
1 . Our SaTtor's E. 10th and E. Grant ats.
D. D., Pastor of the First
If I wanted a friend I'd go to my pastor.
In .discouragement or trouble 1 would go to
my minister. If I wanted counsel from one
who wished my best welfare I would hunt up
a minister.
Life here owes most of its safety, peace
and kindness to the influence of the church.
The ministers are men who serve their fel
lows faithfully without consideration for the
money such service brings them. They must
be ready to give their services freely to those
Plan Campaign to
Complete Building
The congregation of Bethel African
M. E. church, worshipping now in the
basement of a proposed church build
ing, will soon start a fcampaign to
raise fhe necessary $5000 to complete
a church building. The committee,
headed by the pastor, Rev. W. H.
Prince, plans a building which may
be used as a community house for the
young colored people of the city.
Other members of the committee are:
F. D. Thomas, W. H. Smith, S. Golden,
E. L. Jameson and W. T. Bell, trus
tees. To Discuss Religious
Campaign in Salem
Dr. A. L. Hutchison, pastor of the
Piedmont Presbyterian church, has
gone to Salem to conduct a religious
campaign in his -old pastorate. Re
cently Dr. Hutchison completed a
series of meetings at Camas, Wash.
Rev. Can H. Elliot, pastor of the
Salem Presbyterian church, will oc
cupy Dr. A. L. Hutchison's pulpit in
Piedmont Presbyterian church tomor
row. '
Rev. George Henrlksen. English
errlc, 10:13.
Norwegian service. 11:15.
Immauuel Genua d Sellwood Rer,
Ebeline. 10;GO.
H. C.
Grsce English (Missouri Synodl Alblns are.
and Mason ReT. C. Luecke. 10:30, 7:30.
St. Paul'a German E. 12th and Clinton
ReT. A. H. Krauae German seryice, 10:30.
English, 7:30. -
St. John's Peninsular 1 nd Klrkpatrlck ReT.
K. O. Saliman. 10:45. 7.30.
Swedish Augustan Rer. H. E. Sanatrdt.
10:45, 7:45.
German Evangelical Lutherlon Zlon (Missouri
Synod) Salmon and Chapman ReT. H. H.
Uoppelmann. 10:15, 7:45.
United Norwegian Portsmouth Rer. H. O.
Hendrtckson. 11.
German Erangelical Reformed Lents Rer.
W. U. Llenkaemner. 11.
St. James. English West Park and Jeffer
son J. Allen Leas. 11. 8.
Bethel Norwegian Lntheran Free church
Wygant and Rodney avenues Bei. J. A. SUy
ney. 11. 8.
First 12th and Taylor Dr., Frank L. LoTe-
land. 10:30, "The Faultless Christ." 7:45.
8Tonarola, the Reformer of Italy."
Centenary K. oih and E. Pine ReT. T. W.
Lane. 11. Sunt. Taylor of Antl-Sakvm leacue.
W. A. Godwiu, revivalist, begins meeting to
morrow night.
Taylor streeters Sidewalk Third and Tay
lor. Morning serTice only.
Trinity E. 10th and Sherman Re. A. B.
Caldpr. 11, "God's Care of Hagar." 7:30.
Giving an Account of One's Stewardship."
Swedish Borthwlck and Beech Rev. John
A. Wellman. 11. 7:45.
Epworth 26th aud Sarier Rev. C. O. Me-
Culloch, 11.
First Isorwegian Danish 18th and HoTt
Bct. O. T. Field, 11. 8.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland ReT.
Louis Thomas. 11, "Lent." Evening, "Peace
at An Price."
sellwood Ker. Alexander P. Maclean 11.
7 :30.
bunnyslde K. K5tb and lamhul ReT. H.
Elmer Smith, 11, 7:45.
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Rev. C.
C. Rarick. 11, "The Challenge of a Great
Task." 7:30. "The Unexplored Remainder."
St. Johns Hayes and Leavitt iter. W. E.
Mont a Tills Rpt. W. H. Hampton, 11. 7:30.
Laurelwood ti.'M at. S. K. and Foster road
ReT. C. R. Carlos. 11, "Th Art of Glrlng."
7:30, "The Comnlement of Life.
Clinton Kelly Memorial ReT. J. West
Japanese Mission Rer. Ellsen Ribsra, 9:30,
Rose City Park Sandy blyd. and E. 68tb
Rer. William W. loungaon. 11, "Love Four
Square." 4:30, "Cross-Builders: Carlaphas."
German Rodney ave. and Stanton Rev. r"
A. Schumann. 10. 8.
African Zlon 238 Williams are. Rer. W.
W Howard. ReT. E. 1). L. Th nnnson 11. 8.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Corner
bLUn... I) . A I . - I. . I .1 .1
Mount Tabor 61st and E. Stark Rev. E.
Olln Eldrige. 11, "An Enlarging Lifa." 7:30,
"Aa uiuers oee 11. '
L'nlvertlly Park Lombard and Flake Rev.
v. l. Hamilton, 11, 7:30.
Lenta Rer. W. Boyd Moore. 11, 8.
Bethel Lsrrabee and McMtllaa Rct. J. L,
Craw. 11, 8:15.
Weatmoreland Milwaukle tvi bet. Ramon a
and South aves. ReT. C. B. Harrison. 11
"The Story of Joseph." 7:30, "The Way of
Lincoln E. 62d and Lincoln Rev; G. G.
TT.l.w in. 90 B
Patton Michigan and Alberta Rev. George
a. reese. 11, :o.
Woodstock E. 44th and GOth ave. 8. E.
ReT. Frank James.
First German ReT. A. F. Cramer. 11, 8.
Brentwood ReT. W. L. Wilson. 11.
Berkeley Heights clubhouse Rev. A. B
Calder. 3.
Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30.
Canoa Heights ReT. L. C. Douglass, Ken
dal station, ciark scuoomoune Kev. a. B.
Wilion, 7:30. .
X. Zv Church, South.
I'nlon are. and Multnomah Rev. W. J,
rentoni 11, 7:30.
Swedish Mission ReT, B. J. Tborea. 11, 8,
Ellin Chapel ReT. B. J. Tboren. 10.
Bethel Free church Itt and Williams Rev.
j. a. Blarney. 11, o.
First Pentecostal E. 7th and E. Coach
ReT. C. Howard Davia. 11. 7:30.
Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Rev. H. C.
Baker. 11. 7:30.
Brentwood E. 67th St. snd E. flSth ' are.
S. E. Rev. Stella Crooks. 1, 8.
Scandinavian 948 Garfield Bev. J. O,
BringedauL pastor. 'J, 7:30.
Highland Park 11. 7:30.
First 12tb and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd
10:30, "The cwircp as a Business Enterprise
7ao The dorr at Womnnhonrf."
7:30. "The Glory of Womanhood.1
Fourth First and Ulbbs Rev
Henry O
Hanson. 10:30, "A Lost Art." 7:30, "What
1 LifeT"
Calfar llth and Clay Rev. O. 8. Banm.
Arbor Lodce Bev. George R. Cromley. 11
Kenliworth E. 84th and Gladstone - Rev,
Leslie Kirk Richardson. 11. 'The Thorn in the
Flteb." 7:43, "The Working-man's Best
Mlzpah E. 19th and DlTlslon Rav. Barry
Leeda. 11. T:30.
Hope MontaTilla, 78th and TS. Everett sts.
Bev. a. w. neeman. it, sermon dt i. r
Rhodes. 7:30, pastor, "Is God the Father jot
Forbes Rev. Barry L. Pratt. 11.8.
Central E. 13th and Pins Rev. L. K.
Grimes. 10:30, "The Business ot the Church."
- Millard Aveime Rev. W. H. Amos. 11 7-JO.
Evangelist William A. God
win to Conduct Services at
Centenary M, E. Church,
William A. Godwin.
From the green cloth of the gaming
table to the broadcloth of the pulpit
is not such a very big step, according
to William A. Godwin, evangelist, who
opens religious meetings In Centenary
M. E. church tomorrow. The meet
ings, will run until easter.
"Three fingered Jack" was Godwin's
name among the card sharks before
he was converted in 1908. Then the
same keenness which fleeced the
lambs waa turned to saving men's
After giving up gambling Godwin
went into the insurance business, but
the desire for religious work grew.
and he solicited permission to speak
in Tacoma. He stirred the Sound city
so that before his first series of
meetings was over he had received
Mt. Tabor E. 55th and Belmont ReT. WU-
Uam Gr&ham Moore. 11.
Unity Rev. W. Lee Gray, 11. 8.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Rev,
A. L. Hutchinson. 10:30. 7:30.
Vernon 19tb and Wygant Rev. H. N
Mount. 11. "What Time Is It? or. Clock
Like Christmas." 7:30, "The Works of Him
That Sent Me. '
Westminster E. t7rh and Schuyler ReT.
Henry Marcotte, 10:30. sermon by Rev. Sol W
Seeman. 7:30, sermon by Rev. Alfred L,
Tax la.
Rose CltT Park E. 45th and Hancock Rev,
J. M. Skinner. 11, 7:30.
Spokane Avenue E. 16th and Spokane Rer.
W. S. Mr-Cullagh. 11. 7:30.
Marshall Street Rct. A. J. Hanna. 11,
"Fools." 7:30.
Trinity, corner Vlrglnle and Nebraska sts.
ReT. E. Benson. 11. 7:30.
Anabel 50th st. and 37tb are. S. E.
ReT. Alfred Levis Taxis. 4.
Chinese 145 Firat at. 7:45.
Reformed Presbyterian,
First church Minnesota and Alnsworth-Rer.
F. D. Fraxer. 11, 7:30.
First German
-12th and Clay Rer. G. Haff-
ner, 10:45, 8.
Second Columbia bird, and S3d st. Rev. E.
A. WjTBS. 11.
Third Fifth sva.. Lents ReT. W. G. Lien-
kaemper. 11.
Salvation Army.
Corpa No. '4 207 Salmon.
Corps No. 1 243 Ash. S. "The Devil's
Dream," by Adjutant Joseph Harrison.
Swedish Corpa 130 Burmlde.
Scandinavian 243 Ash Rct. John Oral.
Seventh Say Adventlsta.
Note Regnlsr serrlces of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central K. lith and ETerett Elder F. C.
Hayward, psgtor. 11.
Tabernacle west Hide. K. ot P. hall, llth
and Alder Elder E. W. Catlin. 11.
Montavilla E. 80th at d E. Everett Elder
J. F. Beatty. 11 and 7.
Alblna (German) Skidmore and Mallorv
Elder Av C. Sebweitwr.
I-enta 84th and 68th ere. Elder D. J,
Cbltwond. 11.
St. Johns Central avenue and Charleston
Elder E. I. llurlbtirt. 11.
Mount Tabur b. 60 and Belmont Rev. C.
J. C'ummiuR. 11.
Scandinavian church Km and 39th are. S.
F.. Elder O. E. Sandnes. II.
Services for the Daaf.
United PretbyterUn Rer. S. Earl DuBols.
10.30, 8.
tnnron or iur ratner nroaoway ana im.i
hill ReT. T. L. EllotD. D. 11. "Until That
Day." 5, "There Came a Ruler," Re
eT. W. G.
Eliot Jr.
united .Brethren.
Alberta 27th and Alberta Rer. C. C. Bell.
11, 7:30.
First E. 15th and Morrison ReT. J. T).
Nine wonder. 11. "A Christian Monopoly."
7:30, J. F. Merrill.
Fourth ewh at. ana ezd are. s. E. Rev. L.
E. Conner. 11, 7:45.
Third 67th st. and 3Zd are. 8. E. Rev.
Herbert F. White, 11, "The Carefree Life."
United EvangelloaL
Fourth Rer. J. E. Conner. 11. T:30.
Radical Jeasup at. Rev. A. S. Henderson.
11, 7:30.
Manor: Circuit Services Cherry Grove, 8 p.
m Brush waine, 7:ao.
Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Kev. 8. L. LoTell. 11. S.
First E. 18th aud Poplar Rev. C. C.
Poling. 11. 8.
8t. Johns Rev. A. P. Lay ton. 11, g.
Wichita Bev. H. H. Fa m bam. 11, 8.
United PreaDyUriaa.
Flrt E. 37th and Hawthorne Rev. Frank
DeWitt Ftadley. tl. "Working a Great Work
With Christ." 7:30, "The False Prophet."
Cbnrcb of the Strangers Waaco street and
Grand are. Rev. 8. Earl DnBols.-10:30,
Kenton J. 8. Cole. 10:13, 8.
Chnrch of the Good Tidlmrs Broadway and
E. 24th ReT. J. D. Corby. 10:45. 'Prepared
ness: The Need of a Christian Life: A Len
ten Message."
Y. X. C. A T. W. C. A.
Y. Mrf. C. A. 6th, and Taylor H. W. Stone,
general secretary.
Y. W. C. A. Broadway and Taylor Miss
Una D. James, general secretary. 4:45, Miss
Mary Allen and her blind sister. Miss Grace,
will have charge.
Associated Bible Students (I. B. g. A.)
Arcanum nan, i.-aa at. near nasnington 1:43,
A. Broadwater, C. W. Field. 8. A. A. Yerez,
"Singleness of Heart." 7;30, F. UcKercber.
"TUt Kina-dotn Come."
Advent Chrlatlan (not Seventh Day) Second
at. net. nau ana Lincoln ner. i. s. Liicas.
10:80. 7:30.
Church of the Brethren Dunkard'a) Rev.
East Stark st. Gospel Ball, between 28th
sad 28th.
Pentecostal Assembly 227ft Ankeny Will
trotter, ii, J :.
The Chnrch of God (German) 754 B. 6tn H
Rev. D. F. Komm. 11. 7:30. ,
1'isgah Iliavioo Lents.
Lenta chnrch Jobs Riley. 11. 7:45.
Scandinavian ETangelical Mluion eburch
737 Alberta. 1. 7:40.
Common -Mission 32 T. Front St. Mrra
Smith una Miss tamer eiua, anpts.
Armesiaa Mission Woodmere Buffalo at
Overhauling Houses.
When von secia to cleaa no roar oremlses.
remember experts whose ads appear In today's
classified section, tint walls, repair roofs, gut
ters, stc - -
four invitations to conduct revival
"Godwin is a diamond in the rourh,
our brother of the underworld, the
alums, the streets," says a former
gambler. "1 was one) of those with
him for 20 years and I know."
A Tale man, converted in one of
Godwin's Tacoma meetings is in
Portland now working, among the
slums. This man will get them to
come to Godwin's meetings here.
"Twenty years from now there wl.i
be no underworld, said Godwin. "And
it will not ba socialism that will
banish it, but the gospel of Jesus
Christ." Godwin is a man with abun
dant energy, belief in the goodness of
the world and confidence In himself.
A. L. Reed of - the Jacobs Shirt
company of Portland, has known
Godwin a number of years. Through
the rambling period Mr. Jacobs be
lieved the boy had better stuff than
he showed. "He has been more than
a father to me," is Godwin's tribute
to Mr. Reed.
Real Pancakes Are
Served by the Men
Real pancakes and maple syrup with
coffee composed the menu served by
the men's club of St. David's Epis
copal church in the parish house. East
Twelfth and Belmont streets, Tues
day evening, to members of St. David's
church. Bishop Peter Trimble Rowe
of Alaska told some of his northern
League Will Give
Birthday Dinner
The league of the First Congrega
tional church will give a birthday
dinner in the parlors of the church on
Friday evening, March 17. The fol
lowing- women wtll act as hostesses
at the dinner, each presiding at her
own table: Mesdames J. A. Bell, J.
L. Bowlby, D. L. Brace, W. H. Doane,
h. u. u "iten, wm. Stalger, A. D.
Walker, L. Murdock, W. S. Turner,
F. P. Young, and Miss Anna Palmer,
Canvass of Members
Planned Tomorrow
The "Fellowship Canvass" of the
First Christian church will be made
among the members of the First
Christian church tomorrow afternoon
from 2 to 6. All the homes of the
church will be visited to promote
sociability and friendliness. The
"every member" canvass for current
expenses and benevolence was male
in December and was highly sue
Bishop Rowe Will
Speak at Trinity
Ttis-ht Iter. Peter Trimble Ttowe.
bishop of Alaska, will deliver a lecture
sermon at Trinity Episcopal church
tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock.
Bishop Rowe wiJl talk on his work In
the far north and afterward a collec
tion will be taken to further the work
of the Episcopal missions in Alaska.
Debt la Jviquidated.
Dallas, Or.. March 11. The liquida
tion of the debt of the Methodist
church was celebrated here yesterday.
The program began at 2:30 with a ser
mon. At 4, Dr. T. B. Ford, district
superintendent, presided at the quar
terly conference. At 6 a dinner was
served and at 7:30 an entertainment
To Bead Paper. Professor Norman
F. Coleman of Reed college will read
a paper on "A New Note in Poetry"
before the Presbyterian ministers'
meeting Monday morning;.
Hiss Xornuth President. At the
business meeting of the Christian En-
deavor of -Anabel Presbyterian enuremtne Christian Endeavor service at Mil
Miss Gertrude Hornuth was elected ( lard Avenue Presbyterian churoh to
president to succeed Miss Inez Coney, : morrow, the hour at the regular ohuren
who has moved to Alaska.
Fellowship Canvass Planned. For-
merIunlclpal Judge J. H. Stevenson
will peak. tomorrow evening to the
men of St. James Lutheran hnrrh in
the church at Park and Jefferson
lem of Boy
of Boy Xilfe." "The Prob-
Life" will be the subject
of the lecture to be delivered tomor-
row evening In the Sellwood Baptist
. , phiiip A T vnn
I "' - -
X.nther Xieatrue to Meet,
The Iuther
leaeue of St. James' Lutheran church
will hold its monthly meeting on Tues-
day evening in the Sunday school room
of the church. Miss orace ie uian,
a mettiDer or me rmu
will speak.
, alnn Boberts to Speak. J. Ralph
Roberts, author of the Kansas "white :
slave law," will .preach tomorrow
morning In the first Christian church
at 11 o'clock on, "Three Dramatic At
tempts by the Tempter.
srinn Kan Organize. The young
men of the Woodlawn ChriBtlan church
have organized a chapter of The
Knights of SL Paul or Kappa Sigma
PI, a world-wide oraer witu ueuijuw
ters in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Piedmont Ken Hosts. The Pied
mont Men's Community club was host
to about 100 at dinner Tuesday eve
ning. George M. Hyland, secretary to
the Oregon commission to the P. P.
I E talked about the part Oregon
played In the California exposition.
Will Robinson's male quartet and Mrs.
W. H. Hathaway sang.
m Olsansrs Meet. The Gleaners,
. woman's society of Anabel Presby-
torton church, held its monthly meet
ing recently at the home of Mr Pri
deauz on Fifty-first street. The fol
lowing officers were elected: Mrs. D.
K, Livingston, president; Mrs. E. O.
Strang, vice president; Mrs. Electra
Johnson, secretary and treasurer; Mrs.
W. H. Ferris, secretary of literature.
Kaydles' Aid Election Officers of
the Ladies' Aid oclety of Trinity Pres
byterian church of Fulton elected at
a recent meeting were: Mrs. W. 8.
Calkin, president: Mrs. Dan McCarthy,
first vice president; Mrs. Litherland,
second vice president; Mrs. S. S, Kin
gery, secretary; Mrs. N. W. Lawlor, j
treasurer; Mrs. Sarah, Belding, chap-i
lain. "
Cflurea Benefit o1ttl -Mrs. 8. A. j
Matthieu, of SSI Eugene street, was I
hostess at an afternoon tea Shrove '
Tuesday for the benefit of th Cnurch !
of th Good Shepherd. Graham and ;
1 Vancouver avenues, Th parlors were '
Bishop Sumner Appoints
Men; Philadelphia to Tm
to Raise .$1,000,000,
At the request of Rt. Rev. William
Lawrence, bishop of Massachusetts,-
president of the Episcopal church pen4
sion fund. Bishop Sumner of OreaTonf
haa appointed the following CommlH
tee to take general charge of the rals-l
ing of Oregon's portion of the fund:
J. C. Alnsworth. J. W. Bennet Of!
Marshfield, R. V. Blackwood, Davidi
M. Botsford. P. A. Cowgtll. Thomas
U Emory, j. w. Ganong, R. L. OllsanJ
Graham Glass, J. Raymond HolmahJ
captain Hamilton Hutchlns, U. 8. NJ
James t). Kerr, William J. HendersonJ
r. c. .Maiias. John c, Mann of Med-I
ford, E. v. Matthews, o. R. MenefeeJ
Aiima .-vorrnan of Eugene, F. N.
farKer. A. I.. Mills, Frank Spittle
Astoria, Joseph N. -Teal, George Web-I
uer ana uiiam u. Wheelwright.
n. 1 1 . .. . .
uciitiis 01 me autlea of. the comH
muiee ana a plan of w,rk will be de-
cidea after a meetlnK is held. whiobJ
will be following tlie receipt of futS
tner advices from the east.
News Has reached here that In PhttJ
adelphia the committee, which is comJ
posed of some of the most prominent
men in Pennsylvania, has decided tol
unaertaxe tne work of financing One-I
rirth of the $5,000,000 fund, or U0
uou, and Bishop Rhlnelander la in
nopes that the task will h arenm.
plished before the present year ia outJ
tne district around PhiladelDhia 1
one of the strongest Episcopalian cen-J
ters in tne United States.
Member Campaign
Proving Success
Presbyterian laymen and ministers)
have undertaken to make their Easter
campaign for new members a success.
All the churches have enlisted and
the pastors find themselves rein
forced by the work of the laymen
At the last meeting a considerable
number of new members was reported.
The next meeting of the laymen and
pastors will be held Monday, at 12:15.
in the Y. M. C. A. building, and an ad.
dress will be given by Dr. John H.
Boyd on "How to Approach Men for
Tomorrow Will Be
Everybody Help Day
Tomorrow at Highland Congreffts
tlonal . church, will be "Everybody
Helps Day." The church is closing
its every member canvass. An appeal
has been made to nearly every family
that is represented in all the church
departments to take part in the sup
port of the work.
Combined Choruses
Will Give Concert
Tuesday evening the combined
choruses of the Oratorio society and
the First Presbyterian church wIMH
sing Mendelssohn's Forty Second
Psalm and a varied program at a free
concert in the church. Twelfth and
Alder streets.
decorated with daffodils. Musical so-l
loLsts heard were Mr. J. Chris CDay,
Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. Gallagher and the
Misses M. Kinssley, Wold and Kath
erine nort. i ne accompanists were
Miss Sehloth and Miss Myers.
i College Board Seport. Following
( service w ill be used in presenting the
I work of the college board of the Pres
J bytcrian church In an Illustrated lec
: ture.
Officers Art Eleetsd. The follow
ing officers of the Christian Endeavor
of Millard Avenue Presbyterian
church were elected at a recent meet-
j lng for the coming six months: PreslJ
, dent, Charles Tronson; vice president!
j Mildred Mcintosh; corresponding mo
retary, Essie Strang; recording atecre-
retary, Clara Mcintosh; treasurer, Kelll
M. Robertson; chairmen of committees.!
i prayer meeting, M. K. Williams; look-l
out, Mildred Mcintosh; missionary.
Grace Spauldlng; social, Bernlce PsHs-
ley; music, Nell M. Robertson.
" "
AlMksrn Bishop Speaks. Bishop!
Peter Trimble Rowe of the Alaskan!
Episcopal diocese made a strong ap
peal in St. Mark's Bpiscopal church!
Wednesday evening. "More interest!
I in what you need," said Bishop Row. I
Yesterday at 3, Bisnop itowe addresseri
all the women's auxiliaries at a meet
ins In St. Stephen's pro-cathedraX ,
Kevlvals Xnd Tomorrow, Rev. P.
W. Ruth, who has been conducting js.
successful revival in the First Church
of the Nazarene, East Seventh snd
Couch streets, for the past two weeks.
will close his engagement tomorrow!
night. The meetings have been well
attended and were to have closed last!
Sunday night, Taut at the request of I
the congregation Rev. Mr. Ruth con
sented to remain another week. Rev.
Mr. Ruth .will 'conduct three services!
tomorrow . at 11. 2: JO and 7:30. He I
leaves forth east Monday.
Basaar Xa SnoeessfvL The recent I
bazaar given by the parishioners of I
Holy Rosary Catholic church was I
very successful according to Mrs. Jo I
seph Hughes, resident of the bazaar.-
Mrs. Hughes Is grateful for the help
th parishioners and the many others
who visited the booths.
To Teachers and Sun
day School Workers
Provide yourself now with.
, Peloubet's Notes
for 191
Price $1 post paid
Tarbell's Teachers'
Guide for m
Price $1 post paid j
Gist of the Lesson
for m
. Price 25c post paid
Third ft