The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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: Rain Starts Slide in HHJs Back
of Curry County Cornmuft
in lowlands.
, eeidenf- Mot to Safer mes Taea
9C fe la Iwwtiwtt Vul-
" Mff StUH AX TTereataaaO.
; aarbf ield. Or. March . A me.
eejre rem the Reiue river country
njm that there is danger Of the town
f Wedderburn in Curry county. slld-
- Ins; into the river sod beinsr entirely
- ripd out.
' Sloce last Tuesday there has been 11
Inches pf rain there, the sreateat on
record for that length of time, eaus-
In U6e. It is feared the hills bor
' derlng the town will cause the entire
settlement to li4e lato the water.
.' . v OwMd by Xacleay Zststs.
Wadderburn- is owned by the M
ejeay estate of Portland and is bead
Ouarters of theVwsdderbum Trading
company, the firm name under which
'the estate operates. The store of the
- company,. carrying a $40,000 stock, to
.Setlier with warehouses, hotel, cheese
tfactory, residences and other buildings,
Sr in immediate dancer, gooie of the
amities of employes have mo red to
the private lodge of poderlcli Macleay
Jon the bill, and others' are fleeing
(across the river to Gold Beach to find
ytafety on higher ground.
i- m
WUt Balsam Caaaarr Saaaaaerea.
1 Continued rain is expected to cause
Tloods in the river which wilt endanger
she big salmon cannery of the Mac-
4eay estate and also the 8eaborg can
nery further up the river.
V Ve3derburn Is on the south side of
the river and extends along the water
!way from a point near tfaa sea up
jgtretun for nearly a mile. The store,
canneries and other structures are
large and if carried away the loss will
be very great.
I BiitMlngs Oa &ow Luis.
" The buildings are located along the
low lands of the river with steep hills
" Jbehind, which threaten in sliding to
tarry everything before thera.
The high water will likely cause
great loss to farming districts up the
fr-iver. Ail of the town of Wedderburn
nd all buildings in the place ere
-; owned by tho Macieay estate. Sev
' rsl hundred persons live in the place
during tbs fishing season.
$ " "
South America Will
! Be Prey to Europe
. - Director Oeaeral of pan-American TTn
; ion Declares U. B. Must rrcpare to
Defend Couatry Under Soctriae.
Buffalo, N. T., March . (U. P.),
Couth American countries will be the
prey of European nations after the
war and the United "States roust not
: only be prepared to defend herself,
but must be prepared to defend her
charges under the MdnWe doctrine,
' declared John Barrett, director gen
eral of the pan-American union, who
poke before the lawyers' club Satur-
: Jjsjr night. Barrett said no love for
the United States need be expected
Jfrom the war's winner or loser and
J that the tight bond of pan-American-)tm
must be presented to the covetous
Glass of Hot Water
Before Breakfast
a Splendid Habit
1 1 Open s
Juices of the system each
morning and wash away the
poisonous, stagnant matter.
I Those of us who are accustomed to
Joel - dull and heavy when we arise;
plitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid storo
aeh, lame back, can, instead, 'both look
p.nd f tel aa fresh as a daisy always by
fr ashing the poisons and toxins from
b body with phosphated hot water
aeb morning,.
Wo should drink, before breakfast,
?a glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phosphate in it
ro flush from tho stomach, liver, kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre
vious , day's indigestible waste, sour
llo and poisonous toxins: thus cleans
ing, sweetening and purifying the en
tire alimetary tract before putting
tnoro food Into the stomach.
1 The action of limestone phosphate
and, hot water on an empty stomach
is. wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans
iut aU the sour fermentations, gases,
waste and acidity and gives one a
fcplendld appetite for breakfast and
It la said to be but a little while until
the roses begin to appear in the
heeka A quarter pound of limestone
phosphate will cost very little at the
erug store, but It is sufficient to make
anyone who is bothered with bilious
ness, constipation, stomach trouble or
Rheumatism a real enthusiast on the
Subject of internal sanitation. Try it
and you are assured that you will look
etter and feel better in every wav
e in
e of
Submarines Wanted
Bedjoal ChaagM WU Be ecom.
saeaded 3y Secretary waea Xe Ap
pears - Bofore Vavaj Cosasattteo.
Washington, March . (U. P.)
When Secretary Daniels goes before
a congressional naval affairs commit
tee to explain why he cannot get
contractor to build two 1600-ton sub
marines, authorized a year ago, be
will suggest. a radical change in con
struction of' this typo of warship.
This was . made known exclusively
to the United Press following the
publication of a letter from Daniels
to Chairman Padgett of the house
naval committee- The latter was an
xplasatton of the delay aad a vug
gaatloo that congress reduce tho 20
knot minimum limit of speed author
Either at the coming congres
sional hearing, or later, Ponlels wtll
urge that congress decide:
. First, to select two types of suo
marines aa the standards which here
after will be used, one type to be
seagoing or fleetboats and the other
to be & coast defense or harbor suo
JSeeoQd, to authorize immediately
construction of a sufficient number
of these two types of submarines to
meet the needs of the nary.
Dallas. March . Polk county fish
ermen can flab close to home again
this year. For a time It was feared
they would have to Journey far to
enjoy their piscatorial sport, as last
fall the state fish and game commis
sion closed all streams in the county
to angling, following the placing- of
more than 35,000 trout fry in the
(-streams. The commission issued an
order this week reopening the streams
to angling after April 1,
Justice Go?f Says Supreme
Interest in the War Is to
See England Defeated,
Sore Throat
it Tightness acroet the chest mad
I sore throat can atoneo be relieved
t by applying Sloaa'a Liniment. It
I foes riihf to. the scat of paia
t warning and soothing the painful 0
. The inflammation subsides tt
I porta.
and the pain is gone.
"Keepa bottle In yoof home." H
; V-ftioa XSc Mc. tLM , - - ft
New York, March 6. (U. P.) To
"proclaim to the world that the Irish
race has not been and cannot be
absorbed Into the English race," 2000
Irish men and women, headed by Vic
tor Herbert and Supreme Justice Goff,
met In the Hotel Astor ballroom here
Saturday at the Irish t-' conven
tion. Justice Goff brought' cheers and
tears and the cracking of heels to
gether when he denounced England
as the "oppressor of Ireland, the evil
genius of Franco and every nation
blighted by her alliance."
m 'In the outcome of the great strug
gle now raging." said Justice Goff,
in referring to England's part in the
war. "we have one supreme interest
and that is to see EngJand, the tyr
ant and oppressor of Ireland and her
people, defeated,
"from th scaffold, III years ago,
with ,all the fervency of his great
heart, Robert Eramett proclaimed his
faith in -Irieb nationhood. If the
principle for which he died was right,
then it cannot be wrong now. Eng
land's rule by force in Ireland is
either right or wrong. If it be Tight,
why smother the people's voice? If
it be wrong, the people are Justified
in expelling It on the first oppor
tunity. "England's difficulty Is Ireland's
opportunity. Unless all signs fail
that opportunity may soon present it
self." Son Is pound After
Thirty-Year Search
Mrs. C. Thompson of XandaU, Wash.,
rinds Two.' ear-Old Baby stolsa
By Huaband Bow Grown Blaa.
Webster City, Iowa. March 6. (U.
P.) A 30 years' search lor her son,
David, stolen rom his cradle by his
father, when two years old, ended Sat
urday ni;jht when Mrs. C. Thompson
of Randall, Wash., located him at Le
high under the name of David Brun
dage. Brundage is now 32 and makes
his home In Lehigh, with his foster
parents, Mr. "arid Mrs. Joe Brundage.
In a letter the mother pleads with
the foster parents t tell her some
thing of her -on's life, lite Brun
daes adopted David in 1887 and be
believed ho was the! - son. David will
hot give up his foster parents, but
be will visit his mother.
The boy was located through Mr.
Thompson's attorneys and will come
into an estatv which has been held In
trust for him. lie was found by the
Brundages in a children's home at
Des Moines.
Taft Lauds Senate
For Aiding Wilson
"I Should Bare Voted to Stand by tho
President Had X Been a Member of
That Body," He Says.
Boston, Mass.. March 6. (I. -N. S.)
"Stand by the president," said former
President Taft In commenting yester
day afternoon on the present Interna
tional situation.
President Taft made a social call on
Governor McCall and when asked if he
cared to say anything about the ac
tion of the United States senate on
the Gore resolution, replied: .
"I should have voted to stand by the
president if I had been a member of
that ilOdy.,
"Do yoti think President Wilson la
right in the position he has taken?
Profef-sor Taft was asked.
"This Is an international question.
be said. "On all International ques
tions of this kind we should stand be
hind the president."
Russian Government
Blamed by Socialist
BC, Tebeulsa, According' to German Bo
Port, Views War Onflook Vesslmlstl
. csJly aad Deplores Great boases.
Berlin, via Sayvllle, March 6. (I. N.
S.) M. Tcheuisa, Russian Socialist,
views Khsal&B .prospects In the war
most .pessimistically, according to the
TranarOceen News bureau.
. He declared la the doma that Rus
sia's casualties in the war were greater
than those of all the other belliger
ents together. Losses on the battle
field, however, were small compared
with those caused by starvation he
stated. Bad government was responsi
ble for tho loss of these millions, bo
Aged Bookkeeper Found Dead,
Henry B, Barber, mjed 62. a book
keeper who had. been out of employ
ment for some time, wag found dead
In a jocWng chair at 0 Main street,
where he - was rooming yesterday
morning. The people there knew little
or nothing about him. He Is believed
to have relatives at Long Beach, CaL,
but Bona jln ..Portland. .;. ;V
Local Fishermen WiJI Be Able
to Enjoy Their Favorite
Sport Close at Home.
three miles oast of Dallas. Bbe mar
ried Horace o. Burnett, who died, and
eight years later married Henry Me
Carter. Biz children survive, They
are: Mra Olivia. Lea man, Mrs, Bailie
Shults. Rowland; Qulnn, Albert and
Benjamin Burnett and Austel MoCar
tar. v Interment was in the L' O. O. F.
cemetery la this city.
V, 9. a rant, Bresltfeat of Aeeeciatloa,
BsaetTes Word Trota Booking
Company ' Settlag Jaly 6-X1.
Poultry Associations Federate.
Dallas, Or., March . A movement
has been initiated by -the Polk county
Poultry association for a federation of
the poultry associations of the weat
side, and the secretary, Mrs. Winnie
Branden, has been instructed to take
the matter up with the secretaries of
the other associations. The idea is to
have a large poultry show held In a
different town each year, thus Insur
ing larger and better exhibits.
Another 1845 Pioneer JHe.
Dallas. Or.. March S. Another pio
neer of Oregon of H48 was laid to
rest the past . week. Mrs.a Amanda
McCsrter, whose maiden name was
Lovelady, was born in Missouri De
cember 13. 1S34 and died In this
city February 24. Ills. he crossed
the plains with her parents in 1845
and settled on a donation land claim
Wounded Fighting tor Britain,
- Dallas, Ori March s. Word has
been received here that Charles White,
a young man who worked for Richard
danfletd and other farmers in the
northern part of the county until
about a year and a half ago, has been
seriously wounded while fighting with
the British' army in France. Toung
White waa an Englishman and re
turned to his home shortly after the
outbreak of the war.
Families Will Move Again, ,
Dallas, Or., March . Judge H. H.
Belt and Dr. V. q. Staats of this city,
each recently purchased new houses
and moved their families Into them.
This week the two gentlemen traded
properties and the families will now
move again.
Pallaa Chautauqua July 6-11
Dallas, Or March 6, U, S, Grant,
president Of the Dallas Chautauqua as
sociation, has received word from the
booking company that the date for
tho 19H Dallas has been
set for July 5 to 11, Inclusive.
Russians Captured
Bijar, Persian City
Bight Wing Advancing Toward Bag
dad Makes Conquest; Blaco Is ISO
files Borth of Xerasashab.
Petrograd, March 8. (U. P.) Rus
'sian troops have captured, the Persian
city of Bijar, 120 mile north of Kar
manshah, after a battle, the war offtoo
at'iiounced last right. The victory was
won by the right wing of the army
that took Kermanshah, and Is advanc
ing westward in the direction of Bag
dad. -
Bijar has a population of about 5000,
and Ues 70 miles east of the Persian
Turkish border.
fOs Our la S te IS Saye.
Dreg rifts refund sjeoey if PAZO OIKTMEJfT
ttlh to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protrnd
Ins rtlea. First application gives relief. 60c A4
"German Soldiers Have Been
Killed by German Guns
Supplied by Krupp," Says,
London, March t (I. N. S.) A
Beuter " dispatch from Amsterdam
says: " :
"Stormy scene'5ccurred in the.
Prussian diet during tho debet on
the budget. The Socialist Herr
LiebJinecht, ia)4 that the, government
had not allowed the Vorwaerts (tho
Socialist organ) to publish anything
likely to cause excitement.
"He charged German capitalists with
selling war materials to the enemy
through neutral countries.
" 'German soldiers have been killed
by German guns supplied by Kruppa,'
said Herr ' Llebknecht, adding, 'you
all know how capitalists are inter
nationally related to each other, es '
peclally as regards the armament In
quiry.' "Th president called Llebknecht to
order, but later Liebkntcht was again
on his feet warning the government
against the danger of opening the
prison doors and turning criminals
into the array.
" 'The danger must not be over
looked,' he said, 'There are In. the
army hundreds of men of criminal
tendencies. Our great responsibility
toward the defenseless populations of
the occupied territories ought to make
us very cautious.
"'The degeneration of tbs young !
the natural consequence of the de
generation of mankind and this war
threatens the Regeneration or our
whole culture.'
"Again Herr Llebknecht was cajle
to order. He protested against the
president's attempt to 'gag him.
"Minister of Justice Besler - de
clared to reply In detail to Herr
Liebknechfs interrogations, where
VPOQ tb budget was adopted.
' y
(PHOOSE a friend like you would your .molon'
v tobacco. Don't have one that ain t wuth
keepin' always and that you won't
grow to like better eVry day.
A jovial, kindly companion, whose
mellow friendliness has brightened many
a trying hour for, us.
A steady, commonsense friend, this slow
burning pipe of VELVET how often some
knotty problem has been solved with its aid.
How many times has VELVET'S cheer
inspired us to "try again!"
Honest, trusty pipe of VELVET, Nature made you a
heary, kindly friend. And two years have you spent
in bringing your fragrance, mellowness and flavor to its
full perfection. V
Old friend, pipe of VELVET, herd's wishing ourselves
many of you I
10c Tiss 5c Metal-lined Bags . One Pound Glass Humidort
. . JjMffjm fafactm Qs ,
- - v - t - n
There arc a lot of things about the coffee business that the public
doesn't know.
There are a lot of coffees of the "ten -karat" variety masquerading
as the "eighteen -karat" kind.
There can be no better coffee than
y&H Onto
SnnpeF-Qealliitly Cofiifee
It sells rejilarly at 40c. No "first quality coffee should sell for
There might be times when a higher price would be justified but
not now.
"Green coffee" prices fluctuate just as does suar or flour and
any other staples. Due to a decreased demand in Europe, coffee
has been "down" for a whole year past. During part of this time
the "best" coffee could be retailed, with a reasonable profit, at 35c
in the home market and 40c in distant markets. During that time
we sold ROYAL CLUB at the reduced price. Recently prices have
advanced the regular price of ROYAL CLUB is now 40c, and
it's worth it
The coffee roaster vrfao inaintaineH a price of 40c to 45c, during
this "low market" period, charged you too much lie robbed the
public of thousands of dollars: They were entitled to share in this
saving just as they do on sugar and flour and other staples.
The Coffee Roaster who charges you an unreasonable price fifty
one" weeks out of the year, for coffee no better than ROYAL
CLUB, and then reduces his price for one week to what it should
have been all the year does not deserve your patronage.
We will challenge all competition. ROYAL CLUB has no equal in
quality or price. We will not be undersold no, not for a single
We will allow no "outside" coffee roaster to unload his surplus
stock on the . unsuspecting public at what he claims to be a marvel
ous reauction.
For two weeks you may buy
ROYAL CLUB at reduced prices
to meet all competition. Buy it in
any quantity at these prices. You
know it is the best that money can
buy., You know it is fresh for it's
roasted daily in Portland and deliv
ered to your grocer in small quanti
ties just as he needs it You can
be certain that it has not lost its
strength in 'warehouses or in transit
vi(V CJ Chi
0 (ftemnu rrnm
m mm
. - : : ' ' ' ''
sksslksfe S J..; . e .
0 Mi..:
Tlie Royal Clulb." .Mouse
v ',"7 i ' '- k