JHE - OREGON t DAILY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND MONDAY, : MARCH 6, 1916. 12 ! ; BOOMS AKD BOARD vi FUT1TB TAMXX.T. ' QoUnoatt - n; ROOM and board In beautiful, new. Ynodern home, large, light, iron. room, - running water la room, every home privilege and ue ot vool table. Kates very reasonable. 654 E, Maai- ton.!-f ; ' , ROOM and board for 1 gentleman. 84 N. 16th.. cor. Davla, t HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 ONE room with kitchenette, complete- ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone Irr every room: T blocks from 6th and Morrison sts., tit up 291 Columbia St.. cor. 6th. ami iirwRiiriV at nr cor. Elev .t wo m t v. . en tli. nice, clean ana respcciamw housekeeping suites: two and threa , -. rooms tlfl per month up. j 'JLAHOK outBide room, with kitchen, Steam . heat: single rooms, uth -laundry, gas, $2.25 week up. 445 Co- 4 t JumDia. ''".FOR RENT 4 housekeeping rooms -yti - with kitchen. Call Main 9224. Boom - fr a car. 5-:' 1 TO $2.60 week: furnished H. K. m .0 rooms, free heat, laundry, baths, ;?prione. E. 6039. S03 Stanton, W-A car MERCEDES. 20th and Morrison 1 and " 2 room suites, hot-cold water, fur ., y&rf heat. 1 n to 13 week. " Uenfl APISiFree bath, hot, cold water ( TWO big housekeeping rooms, euit- able for 3 persons. 376 Yamhill. BACHING h. k. and sleeping rooms. Hotel Repose. 83d and bavler sts. . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 ' J WUTATE FAMgiT- - - TWO large well furnished H. K. rooms . and kitchenette, clean, desirable, .electric lights, gas ranne. bath, bal cony; good neighborhood, only 315. 2 1 E. Taylor st. East 5260. j BEAUTIFUL furnished from room ' apts.. sleeping porch, furnace, heat, .etc.: sink, hot water, gas range, laun- , dry: 820. 123 TsT. 23d. i'OUK H. K. rooms, strictly modern, : privte bath, Dutch kitchen. 727 Milwaukle st. Sell. 85. - liO'JfcEKJEEPING rooms at about av " trage operating expense of place. 105 nth st., s. - FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, v first floor, neat, gas, electricity. Tabor 190. CICELY furnished housekeeping or sleeping rooms, free phone, electric ( - lights, bath. Main 1517. 410 4th st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or suites: 31.50 a week up: children , admitted. 301 V, Water and Columbia. iJ TWO nice rooms, Z month; bath, i : .- phone. Hnen. close In. 129 13th st. ' CICELY furnished H. K. room. I5 '. - Park st. , $4. SO WEEK, outside rooms, bath. 3 ; .; home cooked meals daily. 284 Main st. v LARGE H. K. room. 3150 per week. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 $10 FIVE room modern cottage, gar " age and chicken run, garden fertil- ld and plowed, stoves connected, ' choice neighborhood, near good school ; - & minute car service: rental payments may apply on purchase or trade. Tabor 1279. 6 ROOM modern house, concrete base ment, electric lights, piped for gas cooking. 914 Milwaukee 8t., Sellwood car line. Rent 312.60 per month, with "water. Inquire 614 Holgate st. X ROOM cottage, fine garden paved , i. street iszu tj lavior. see 1320 ?Dwner, W. L. Nash, 1385 Tabor Court. Phone D-1081. 5CLEAN, modern 5 room house. 31i I E. 8th, near Burnside, $15. Apply 104 Second. " tJ ROOM house. Oak Grove. i acre, f many kindj fruit; reasonable rent. . jTrione Sellwood 179. f'lVE room house on Russell near Union; electric lights, gas for cook- : yng. bath. $11. 619 Rodney ave. : IMODERN 4 room bungalow, garden i" and berries, cheap to good tenant. Fast 2568. fFOR RENT 5 room cottage. 28 N. - 20th St., $20 per month. Call Main ?9224. , $10 PER MONTH, good house, five rooms, bath, walking distance. East 16604. . S3 ROOM new. modern house. 346 College, suitable for rooming or hoarding houset Marshall 3888. tFOR RENT 6 room house, 860 Union ave N.. $15, including water; nice fand clean. East 4749. FIVE and six room modern houses, Cheap. ' Owner, 1201 N. W Bank ryldg. J. D. Morris. Main 6976. 3EAT little house with bath and gas, i:? 5. Phone Tabor 3704. FOR RENT House at 615 E. Davis S St., $20. Inquire 634 E. Burnside st. FJVE room modern cottage, 9 per mo. y- east side, z-7 zs, journal. & ROOM modern cottage, cheap. Eall- - wood 2774. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 5 room cot- taye,- for rent. Mar. 4425. SIX room bouse, vard, fruit trees, close in. 315. East 4663. MODERN 6 room house, i ? st.. near -East 2d, $15. 344 Oregon 1RVINGTON 8 room modern house. witn garage, ssu. mast ezg. - MODERN 6 room house. Wdln. 3526. FURNITURE- FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 3-3 i t FIVE room house, pantry, bath, fruit, ! .;:- chicken nark, for rent: furniture and t - chickens for sale at bargain. Call 971 ; "K. 36th st. S. Woodstock car. Phone 1 ; Woodlawn 270. - PARTY leaving city has furniture oi : room nouse, rent Jio, including 2 V acres paid until June; also 100 thor ovghbred hens; snap On all. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. LAURELHURST home, rent $26, new , oak furniture at a very low figure; : : house has tile bath, hardwood floors, ' sleeping, porch. H-896. Journal. $80 FURNITURE six room housei v everything complete for two fam ;:;r Illes; make- your rent free; near Broad--t way bridge. 346 Benton. -ET7K!!5ETfoTuoTn8eT7In,ga,Tl ' bargain, cottage for tent if wanted. - ; Grafonola, 50 records, half price. . Phone Main 5149. ir FURNITURE of 8 room lrvington . house for sale cheap; house for rent East 2913. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; V gooa xurruiure cneap Dy piece. . w. lfttn. jwarsnaii ite. - i? ADS, of furniture for sale are pub- Uahed In the Household Goods class--. ification- when honse is not for rent. FURXlSHfil) HOUSES 3t " J STRICTLY MODERN 5 room 'bungalow, oak floors, flre- ?lace, neatly furnished. Call 093 K,' 25TH ST. N.. OR WDL. 3942. IRVINGTON home. 6 rooms, sleeping porch. : garage, house modern, one block from Broadway on carline; rent - reasonable. Phone East 1 616. 9 1 ROOM house, 6 rooms rurnished, 2 bathv fireplace,, furnace, etc.; near W. H. S.; win rent for year. Phone mornings. East 3407. . NICELY, furnished 6 room house In , . -r Ladd's addition, 1 block from car, - $3. Main 7273. NEATLY lumlshed 2 room apt, rent t $ 10. including . eiectrlo and water. jX Milwaukie st.' - :.h ROOM, modem house, 100x100, fur- nUhed. $15; no , children. Phone Tabor 4175. ' ..FIVE rooms.-piano, fruit, etc.. $20; nicely furnished, adult. Phoue Co- lumbia 1. :- - . FOR RENT, furnished S room cottage. pavea street, an mooern. xapor 954: -MODERN -furnished cottage. water, light. lib."" Ka8t 1603. 114 5 ROOM cottage, furnished: piano, 1405 Oweonta, Woodlawn car. Adulta lfr FOUR room bouse, piano, good . furniture, cleatu : Woodlawn 4449. ti ROOM furnished house, cheap rent. 1 7 Powell. '-near 16th - Brooklyn car. , nuOM lur&isned bouse, $io. Apply 3S9 6th ft. Monday a. m. 3 ROOM t urniahed . eottacw clo in. bet. Oak and Pine. ISiino. 44 E, 7th. APARTMENTS ' FTJRNISHED AND ITNFUnXISHEIJ VILLA 8T. CLARA 12th and Taylor Modern, completely furnished apta. Walking distance. References. BALBOA APARTMENTS Extra. largeT classy, 2 room, furnished, new brick building, oil burner, light airy laundry, all new and clean; beat of service, walking distance; reasonable. 429 Harrison st. AWkHTMSMT WTt51. TXMTM AMD AJMrl Tsv Portland's bouse of quality, comfort and service intu SHEFFIELD 279 Broadway a t and 4 room furn. ar-d unfurn. apta.; walking distance; at very reasonable rent: best of service. Main 2606. THE FARKHURUT Private balconies, residence dist.. 3 & 4 room hi rh 'class apts. Main 1178. THE UiCZENDOHF 208 18TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 6 room furn. and unfurn. apta.; also 3 or 4 room furn. apartments. ; RENT BARGAINS. i Moving expenses paid 3 and 4 rooms. hardwood floors, walking distance. Portnomah, 200 E. 13th. 34 WEEK. 2 room furnished apart ments, private bath, free cooking gas, light. Harrison Court, 6th and Harrison. THE WESTFALL, modern 3 room fur nished, brick bldg., private phone, 820 and up. 410 5th. , PENINSULA APTS., C-1170; concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hdt and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat. 312 up. ROSE FRIEND, 285 Broadway S.; mod ern unfurnished apts.; large rooms, best service, walking dis. Marsh. 1403. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmont. ' Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. 31.50 per week up. sleeping rooms. East 212. THE LUZERNE Modern 2 room fur nished; brick bldg. Phone in eacn apt.. 11" and up. Marshall 4637. NOKUM1S apts., 565 Marshall st. Mod ern, private bath and dressing room; new management: prices to suit. DOWN TO W N, modern apts., J15 month up, including heat, light etc. Royal Annex 350 Morrison. Main 4521. LINCOLN apts., cor, 4th and Lincoln. Nice 2 room apt., private bath, phone, etc.. 321.50. Phone Main 1377. THE CODY APARTMENTS E. 7th and Taylor sts.; 2 and 3 room aptc. : light free, private bath. LUXOR APTS.. 324 13th st.. 2. 3 4 room apts.: also light h. k. and HVLAND APTS kitchenette, 2 and A apts.. reasonable. 490 Morrison st. CinrMnnai Court- 401 loth- modem IIILIIIIIall tpartments. 810 to 823 FINEST 5 room apartments in city, all modern conveniences. Main 4124. 3. 4 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, steam heated. 331 Eleventh. AMERICAN a. d Marlbcrough. mod. 4. 5 6 rm. apts. Mr r. 3360 M. 7516. A-2676. FOR RENT FLATS 13 THREE room flat newly tinted, cheap rent 387 11th. FOUR room flats. 31 5 E. lith; clean; reasonable. East 963. MODERN 3 room flat verv cheao. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn ly53. 5 ROOM flats. 7.5u. 4 22 Fiist St. FURNISHED FLATS 50 3 ROOM furnished flat, sleeping porch, private bath, wash trays, fur nace, walking distance. 367 Vancou ver ave. FULLY furnished flat. including player piano, sewing machine, heat, water, phone and garbage removal. Call East 4708. NEWLY refinished, four rooms; walk- UAf?0?30" L, "vTnTi m i ,i7CMt?w: in? distnr sa Tn twn MvoRuff Cocnin bantams. 1447 Mallory. ine distance. 383 Ross, two blocks to Broadway bridge; reasonable rent. G-2129. THREE room lower flat, walking dis tance. 312. 340 Tillamook. FIVE rooms, well furnished. Nob Hill district. Mar 6168. References. STORES AND OFFICES H FOR RENT Stores in new bricK building; good opportunity for drug' gist, dry goods, meat market or hard ware; exceptionally good opportunity for restaurant; reasonable rent. In vestigate. Cor. E. 11th and Division Sts. inquire 523 or 5234 Division St. BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street; reasonable. Journal Publishing Co., Broadway and Yamhill. STORE room with oven in rear, suit- aoie ior oakery ana comecuonery. 1327 Hawthorne. FOR RENT HALLS 59 HALLS for rent. Lodge rooms, par ties and dances. Corner Front and Gibbs. Main 1511. WANTED TO RENT WANTED by manager of corporation, unfurnished 6 or 7 room house or bungalow on or near Willamette Hts.; must be modern in everv respect; will lease. G-715, Journal. HUNDREDS of calls are coming in for medium-size, moderate-priced bunga lows for rent. Have you one? List it with us. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. SIX or 7 room house, buncalow Dre ferred, lrvington or Rose City Park aistrict&; reierences given. Give loca tion and rental. B-973, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IS FIVE, horses and 1 mare for sale cheap. Take S car south and get off at Mead st. 711 Second street. FINE pony outfit cheap or will take horse or good cow in exchange. 1029 East Yamhill st. 3 TON camel back wagon, cheap, or exchange for horse or cow. 1029 East Yamhill st. RANCH team and harness, cheap; must sen. iuzs cast xamniu. BARGAIN Sound, gentle young mare ana 7 montns colt. Main 8300. A BARGAIN Good farm team, mares. IDS.. IX t. 4UU Kusseil st. TOP buggy, wagon, cart, double and. MUTT AND JEFF No Use Wasting a Lot of I 1 n i : ! 1 7 ' 1 ' ZZT I 1 66 I I I I - s I I S . I ax(. t GoYr a fceRiCrV4S 'A PuLL yoo(L MGM MJfiCxrcHTTl'l ' tiCK:. THtrt UVT IFYOUWflNTTo THf 5K06t 5N.V -thkLtll, f DOCCflNP 1YI "S. TKN I'VE NOYHlNo ( UOOKOR. XHrcRfi FAT A 1 T , TNrX-r THY j I SecocHb PMiCOPe T-v J " ? Sk, S 't supRite us rs-t Mr lritvuc , J -7" -n (W r 1 V ' ii mj ifli h i ti ii 'Bi is-jantti-iin fi 1-6 in n i ' 1 1 JB a l aimfr.t. k-ii n -r ?ssssr it7wiiib i .sfs. s. issk-iaaaB-sstJasa iJiiRuiL'fl.ja ---a.-- "SMai i- "i , r-ii l i tiiaiiaifsiiijiHSMii lie ti -jo . :.-vu r a m !"' iw ujn. si - im jh m mi mil r s. n ! uP. m. r ,ti u l ri'fri u n ii:Si Hiin-i: jj . w tiin u ii i tut i in i itji rr if i tin n;i.BBBBBai"1"J-iui n ir, f i it i a ji u"i ii tt imir.-iii mu..iti.. ' r? i, 1 1 b 1 1 n ii n s 1 1 1 iv -j r. t yj9 ' "Miin rim i m'v i: in- - ki's iih lu: m r- : -m -. ; 'nn-u m n dA' mu h " a s" i - mi- " ' - n ' ' 'iffi 1 rr - ' t ' i " " ' ' ' v wis ay. m ryse ' . f . , - v, -r . - ... - , , . is eaaass) HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 AUCTION BALE. 10 O'CLOCK-SATURDAY. 74TH AND STARK STS. Saturday. March 11. . I will sell 14 head young . heavy sound draft horses, age 6 to 11, from 2600 pounds to 3200 pounds per team. I axn closing out my construction work and ' leaving for California. These horses cost me high, but wilt offer them at the mercy oV-the public rage Mt. 'taDor car to 7za i barn. E. R. bt range, Rd ONE team horses.' bay and gray, gentle and true, are good workers; a good team for the - farm. Also good set heavy harness: team and harness $110. One ' team mules, good workers, good travelers and perfectly gentle, for any boy to handle, set of hand-sewed trace harness, all for 8135. Will sell the above half cash and balance time to good, responsible parties. Call at 444 Hoyt st. b-'AN of geldings 8 and 9 years old, weighing 2500 lbs., sound and true; light out of bard work, with double harness, $160. 'Span of ireld'ngs, weighing 2300 lbs. 9 years each, sound and true; blocky built 3135; also some blocky built Percheron mares; some with foal, to sell at a low price. Model Stabjes, 5th st. and Davis. U. S. STABLES, 248 FRONT ST. Just received a carload of good young" horses. 1200 to 1600 lbs. Some food matched teams of good mares, f you are in the market for a good horse or team, call and Inspect this stuff. Everything sold with a guar antee. ' G. D. WILLIAMSON. SPAN of mares, weight 2200 lbs., heavy harness, farm wagon, $145. Team of horses. 2100 lbs., harness, farm wagon, $125. One good single horse, harness, top buggy. $60. .Wood yard corner E. 8th and Hawthorne. FO. horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediuua Hn these classifications. 542 KARL ST. Leaving town; must be sold, 1 brown gelding and also 1 brown mare, good workers and good wind; $160 takes the span; weight Z30C-. ON account of the Inman-Poulsen mill fire. Holman Fuel Co. will sell a few horses. Gtt prices at barn. E. 6th and Ivon sts. CARLOAD horses, mares- all well broke and young, all guaranteed. Columbia Stables. Front and Columbia. . PETER WILLIAMSON. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Port land Rendering Co. FOR SALE Span of horses. 1600 lbs., 6 years old. James Petty. Glad stone. Or. LIVESTOCK 35 FIVE fresh cows; will trade or sell for beef cattle. 955 Mississippi ave. Take Kenton or L car. U.N'E Holstein, fresh April 1, gal. C Shaw, Vineyard Station, Oregon City car. Phone 69-X, Oak Grove. A CHOICE l year old registered Jer sey bull for sale; $100. 83 Fifth st.. city. lOUNG very gentle cow, good condition. family Jersey 735 E. Pine. 8 HEAD of hogs for sale or trade. Mrs. Case. Park Place. Ore. City car. TRADE young cow for beef, for fresh cow. T-i4u. journal. FRESH Jersey and Guernsey cow with calf, for sale. 4132 79th St.. 8. E. 8 FRESH dairy cows and calves. Price $50. Terms. Bruce. Union Stockyards. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 BARRED ROCK eggs $1 setting: spe cial price incubator lots; E. B. Woodlawn 1656. WHITE Leghorns, Wyckoff strain. setting eggs, 15 $1, 100 $5; day old chicks, $11 100. March delivery. Sunnycrest farm, Milwaukie, Or. Phone 75-J. t'LI.I. blood Black Minorca eggs for hatching, heavy layers, extra large eggs, 32 for 15. Tom Cowing, Lents, ur. M'aoor bmu. SINGLE combed Rhode Island Red eggs and stock for sale, laying and prize winning strain. Sellwood 1670. 561 a 46th ave. s. is. FOR SALE Buff Leghorn and Silver , uampine eggs ior setting. 91 per set ting. H. c. KODertson. box ze, Jen ntngs Lodge. Or. G. DUBY'S laying strain of Buff Leg- noras. eggs ior natcning, 11 per 15 Y. W. Duby, Parkwood, Or. Phone Sellwood 1060. FOR SALE &6 thoroughbred White LeKhorn nullets. Oak Heights strain. and 30 R. I. Reds. Stables, Knight'a station. WHITE Wyandotte cockerels from Itinuhouse first prize stock. 33 to S5 Settings from mv fine stock. $1.50 per id. iasv ni. ztin st., im. EGGS from Hoskins" prize winning strain. Black Minorcas, $1 for 15 Mrs. T. E. Huxley, 6123 E. 101st St., ients. THOROUGHBRED White Orpington eggs for setting, also St. Andreas- ter-' canaries; Tabor 1051. 1 SELL cheap thoroughbred game roos ter and 7 hens (laying), house and run. Tabor 4928. 200-BGG Petaluma incubator, cheap if lateen at once, an oeiore z:su p. m.. 400 S. 4th. WHITE Plymouth Rock hatching eggs ior sale, blooded stock. Route 2 box 309. Hillsdale. Or. BLACK MINORCA eggs and stock for Bale. Mammoth laying strain. Sell wood 1670. 5619 46th ave. 8. E. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock cock erels for sale. Bargain. 605 Junior St. W oodlawn car. ORDER R. L Ri baby chicks for March A few good cockerels left, good stock, tseilwood 2618. A FEW choice barred rocks for sale reasonable. 5707 38th ave. S. E. HATCHING eggs. Reds, good stock. 50c aoz. Public Market. Stall 320. FOR SALE 2 Buff Orpington cock erels. 1635 Knowles ave. FULL blooded Barred Rock eggs, $1 . ior 15. 619 E. John st, St. Johns, Or. POULTRY AND PIGEONS (CoBtlanad) INCUBATORS Miller's Pacific Coast "Ideal combines low nrlce with best possible construction, I Pricss $9.00 np. FlfteertJ years on tne coast. tuu oivinat mmntt satisfac tion and good service. Writs Lilly's, Portland. . THOROUGHBRED Mammoth WUU Pekin ducks, 6 to 8 pounds in 10 weeks, breeding drakes, $2.50 each: eggs for hatching, $1.60 per 11: $10 per 100; fertility guaranteed. R. B De Long. Vancouver. Wash. . 1 -PPP8 BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 40 FOR SALE Registered Scotch CoUle dog with papers. M. 8636 or M. 2716. FINE pedigreed lawn 2275. Persian cat. Wood- AUTOMOBILES-AOCESSORIES 44 Used Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN. 1915 HUPP. 5 pass.. cyL 1915 MITCHELL. 5 pass.. 4 cyL 1913 HUPP. 4 pass., 4 cyl. 1911 HUPP. 4 Dass.. 4 cvL 1912 MITCHELL. 5 pass.. $ cyL 1912 VELIE. 2 pass.. 4 cyl. 1912 CASE. 5 tass . 4 evl. SEE OUR 12-PASS. STAGE LINE CARS Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, E. FIRST ST. & E. MORRISON ST. EAST 7272. B-1216. . WE 'have the largest stock of used cars in the city and can supply you with any make or model at very low prices and easy .terms. Northwest Auto Co. 331 Couch St., Near Broadway. GARAGES 830 and us Portable nou- s e s, chicken houses, wood sheds. etc. M illmtdc Construe tion Co. Main 1167.544 Hood st. Sundays and evenings. Wdln. 3615. A SNAP. 1914 Studebaker. electric light and self starter, as good as new. 15&0. One 6-cyL Stevens Duryea, 7-pass. touring. 3550. One 6 Stevens Duryea delivery truck guaranteed, 8450. you must see them to realize value. Beaverton Parage. Beaverton. Or. SEE our stock vf ora delivery bodies, also auto wheels, our own make; guaran teed. Carl Peterson, 121 Grand ave. north. East 1433. DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tires, made from your old ones. Bring thein in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash, at 18th. Burnside at Broadway 1335 Burnside.) 1914 Cadillac touring car for sale at a bargain. Has had the best of treatment and is practically ' as good as new. H. C. Griesel, 108 Front st. Phone Mar. 4o5. BARGAINS IN USED CARS Large stock, prices $200 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. Studebaker Distributors, Park and Davis. Broadway 616. Written guar- antee w 1 1 n- every spring. 26 N. 15th st. FORD cars repaired; better workman ship costs less; satisfaction guaran teed; try us; always open. Slegelman Garage Co., 605 Burnside. Main 102. FOR SALE CHEAP. 1911 Marion roadster, electric light, best condition and good tires. Phone Broadway 113 for Hendricks. WILL cell automobile cheap and take part out in altering building. Apply Stanley Hemphill, 331 Couch st, near Broadway. WILL sell or trade ton truck or will take cattle in exchange. 955 Mississippi ave. A BARGAIN, Thomas 5 pass., A-l con dition. Also a Ford. 1063 Hawthorne. Tabor 294JL ALMOST given away, small delivery auto; fine running condition., if you need It, make offer. 268 Mill. GOOD 7. pass, car, high grade, sell very cheap on any terms If secured. East 2305. TWO-ton truck, with established route, short haul and good roads, $1250. terms. Main 9175. A-2691. CASH for cars-, Speer, Central Garage, 2d and Main. FORD delivery body for sale. ing. 68 Fail- HIGHEST prices paid for scrap rubber, metal. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. M. 6198. 5 PASS. Ford bodies, also delivery bodies, taxlcab body. 505 Burnside. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 We Need Your Car Because of our reputation for overhauling and guaranteeing all used cars sold by us the demand for them has exceeded our supply if you want to dis pose of yours at the top market price, list it with the manager of our used car department Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. Phone Broadway 887. WANT to buy wrecked or dismantled Ford car chassis and engine. Wood lawn 266. - $400 EQUITY In $800 lot. trade for good 5 pass. auto. Y-372, Journal. ll iBllIf! Perfectly Good Periscopes rs Cob tinned) LATE model high grade- 5 pass, car; must be a bargain. P. O. box 41 , city. MOTORCYCLES BI CYCLES 65 FOR SALE f ft. . Indian or will trade ror single A. 113 e. Madison. SNAP 1913 7 H. P. Twin Indian, fine condition, $85. Tabor 668. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 EV1NKUUE rowboat and canoe mo tors: row boats, canoes, motorboata. See our beautiful motor boat and en gine for $143.00 Evinrude Motor Co., Morrison and Front. ONE 28-7 foot hull. 8 h. engine. 1 26-5 foot hull, Z4 h. engine, vor particu ars. Box 26. Woodland. Wash. WANT to buy houseboat. T-714. Jour nal. WANTED - To rent houseboat by re fined couple, w-170, journal. MARINE broker. Houseboats, boats, engines. C, W. Kaynor. spaiaing Dia. T. DANIELSON Boat Shop,ft.Nebraska Building, repairs; best work, low price. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 31 SECURITY STORAGE CO. Will close out: 1275 Wellington unrieht wal nut' for .T. $ 95 cash $375 Howard upright, mahog any for 135 cash $650 Stelnwav & Sons. Un- right, mahogany for 290 cash $400 Chickering & Sons, old model for ' 35 casn $300 Boudoir piano, upright. 60 casn 3250 pianola player, mahog any for 45 cash $145 Estey organ, with mirror 28 cash TO FIRST CALLER. 109 4th St.. stor age 75c monthly. BEFORE purchasing se our specials in usea Piano Bargains. New ptanoa moaateiy pricea IF YOU are looking lor a really good, artistic piano, see the almost new Lester toano that goes on sale Mon day. Well worth looking at by one desirine a hitch class piano at a moue rate priceX Reed-French Co.. 10th ana sraric sts. CHICKERING, piano $100; good condi tion: Kohler and Campbell, is 10 style. No reasonable offer refused, and one for $120 used only six months Place rented and must sell quick. Earl ton Apts.. cor. Russell and Union ave., apt. 1. 5 cash, $1.25 weekly, send new $325 fiiano to your homes at $245 club ces. Members share 25 to 30 per cent in price; no interest, time privil ege; total saving $172.28 to you. See display adv., or call Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. BECKER Bros, piano, $16o. Elsworth, $138. Willard. $145. Every one an exceptional bargain. See them today. Reed-French Co., 10th and- Stark sts. STEINWAY piano, original price $575, guaranteed in good condition, $260. Terms if desired. Reed-French Piano Co., 10th and Stark sts. BEAUTIFUL walnut phonograph, lat est model, fine selection records, val. $130; $95 cash for. Immediate sale. F-93, journal. $145 CASH will buy a fine mahogany piano for Immediate sale. Phone Main 5851. FREE use of piano or player-piano, 2V4 years. See display adv. or Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. MUST sell at nce, fine Grafonola and records :no reasonable offer refused. 324 East 9th st. $62.50 Victor and 15 records, for chickens. East 5998. trade TYPEWRITERS WE save you from 50 to 76 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder: retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washineton st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on purchase price. Remington Type writer Co.. 86 Broadway. NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 FOR SALE Oak dining table, oak dresser, 6-hole steel range (weod or coal), nearly new. 407 Jackson, near 11th DRESSER, chairs, stand, cook stove, tools, cheap. 6210 E. 93d st., Lents. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 "GUM and Pine" cures cougns, while other remedies merely think about It 60 cents the bottle. Clemson Drug company. Front and Morrison sts. SPECIALS IN PRINTING. 1000 envelopes, noteheads. billheads, statements. $1.75. Samples. Main 9386. Box 682. Portland. 1000 PHONOGRAPH records, 10c and up; talking machines less Vz price. 128 First st WE have a few new suits for boys from 14 to 18 years, oheap. Orpheum Cleaners, 355 Stark, car, park. ROTARY White sewing machine like new No. 15. Bargain. 191 Park st, near Yamhillj S5 SEWING MACHINES, all kinds all' makes, guaranteed. 349 Morrison st Main 1845. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell, Agt. 194 1st. Main 1221. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Mach. Co.. 311 Front st. Main 5492. BOOK and magaxines bought, sold an exchanged. Johnson's Book store. 210 -4 th st. FOR SALE Lady's Knowles avenue. bicycle. 1535 ROTTED - -ANURE GREEN ORE. FERTILIZED CO.. E. 2861. CANARY and breeding cage. Smith, 468 Yamhill. FOR SALE: Heywood wicker baby buarary. ood as new. Call Main 3783. LAW course for trade or sale cheap. O-S 4 5, journal. WFLL-rotted manure. E. 4832. AUTOMOBILES WANTED FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS JO (O ntlanxl) y f . j Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-S674. MACHINES of all makes sold and rented. $2 up. Sewing Machine Empo rium, 190 3d near Tay lor. Main 8431. A-3626. BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and twvtol hilHorrf tohl bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables ror residences. Vhe Brunswick-Balk e-Collender Co.. 46-4S Bth st. Phone Main 4970. 1000 USEFUL articles, consisting of household goods, office furniture: everything or anything that you may neea, Tor sale or trade. NEW YORK SALVAGE STORE, 128 FIRST STREET. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. WHEN ready for a suit look over our uncalled for suits' for $3 up before purchasing elsewhere. ' Open evenings. Orpheum Cleaners. 355 Stark, ior Park AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, ltunqhes or Doats are separate ciassmcations. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. A BARGAIN Tinner's tools and ma chines used 6 months at Willis blvd., Portland. Phone Woodlawn 1939. Write box 43, route 8. Newberg, Or. SWAP COLUMN EXPO-POLICE kodak and enlarging apparatus for Grapaphone and rec ords or what? P. O. Box 692. WANTED To exchange a Ford. Call 216 Cook ave. lot for a WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 3 ATTENTION, FARMERS. We are in the market for 1000 sacks potatoes; also large quantity fresh eggs; will pay highest cash price and buy in any quantity. Simon Salvage Store, 131-133 First st. J. Simon & Brother, proprietors. 1 AM in need of 2d hand turniture and will pay the highest prices for lr Gevurtx Furniture Store. 207 1st st. Marshall r.87, NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers, rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pay the once. N. W. Furn. Ex.. E. B3 WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash price for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seator. 143 Russell Et. NATIONAL cash recister will buy 2 small machines and pay cash. W -172. Journal. SECOND hand clothing buyer J. Meyer, .tailor, pays more for cloth ine. shoes. Marshall 1229. 229 Madison. WE pay cash for phonograph records; ALSO TALKING MACHINES. 128 First st Main 4495. HIGH grade cash register wanted; state kind- and price. G-716, Jour nal. WE pay highest prices for junk of all kinds Main 4686. 235 Front st. LAVATORY and' bath tub. Wdln. 352?. FURNITURE wanted. Main 1904. NOTICES 26 CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that bj virtue and authority of tbe terms sod conditions of tbst certain chattel mortgage dated tbe 29 tb day of February,. 1912, given by Multnomah Hotel company, a corporation, mortgagor, to the K. R. Thompson Katate Company, corporation, mortgagee, recorded in book 461. of mortgages, of Multnomib county, Oregon, on page 181, on tbe 0th day of March, 1U12, and recorded In book .78 of chattel mortgages of said county and state, at page 23S, on tbe 30tb day of April. 1813. in ike sum 01 f73.ouo.uu, aa security for all rentals of any and every nature what soever to become due under tbe terms of a certain lease made and executed by said R. R. Thompson Estate Company, as lessor, to 1. Gevurtx & Sons, a corporation, as lessee, dated tbe 1st day of April, lull, for tbe premises kxown aa tbe Multnomah hotel, described in said lease as block 44, In tbe city of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, to gether with tbe elgbt story reinforced concrete building thereon, which said lease was before tbe execution of said chattel .mortgage, for a valuable consideration, duly assigned by said I. Gevurtx sons to tbe Multnomab Hotel Compxnj, as security for the fixed and liqui dated damages agreed upon between the par ties thereto, and fixed in tbe sum of $75, 000.00, ss reasonable compensation, but not as a penalty, to be paid by said mortgagor to the mortgagee, and as the limit of the liability of said mortgagor, tbe conditions of wbicb said chattel mortgage bave been broken, and said mortgagee having declared the debt there by secured, to-wlt: tbe sum of $75,000.00, due and payable, and tbe payment .thereof having been refused, tbe undersigned will by virtue of tbe authority and power provided and granted in said chattel mortgage for tbe sale of tbe property covered thereby, on Wednesday, tbe 8th day of March. 1916. at the hour of II o'clock a. m., on the premises described ss block 44, Portland. Oregon, known as tbe Multnomab hotel, sell at public sale to tbe highest bidder for caab in band, for the pur pose of paying and satisfying tbe amount due on said mortgage, to-wit: tbe sum of $75. 000.00, as provided in said chattel mortgage, all of tbe property covered by tbe said chattel mortgage, and more particularly described aa follows, to-wlt: All of the furniture, fixtures. furnishing and cbattela, linens, crockery, cut lery, tableware and other personal property of any nature whatsoever, used by and belonging to tbe Multnomah Hotel Company, now sit uated in the eight story concrete hotel build ing situated on block 44. Portland. Oregon, known aa tbe Multnomab hotel, and all other personal property of any description, and wheresoever situated, belonging to said Mult noinah Hotel Company and covered by tbe Ilea of said mortgage. The said property may be inspected at the premises of tbe Multnomah hotel. THE R. R. THOMPSON ESTATE COMPANY. By A. H. WINN.- Manager. BAUER k. GREECE and A. H. M'CURTAIN. Attorneys for the R. R. Thompson Estate Co. ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Na tional Copper Mines Co., room 209 Imperial hotel, at 6 p. m. March 6. 1916. We are ship ping rich copper ore to tbe smelters. Very im portant. All stockholders to be present. W. TREVOR. Vice President. THE annual meeting of he stockholders of tbe Pacific States Fire Insurance company will be beld in the assembly room of tbe Im perial hotel, Portland. Or., at 2. o'clock p. 01. on Monday, March 20, 1910. J. H. BRIDGEPORD. Asst. Secretsry. ' I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills con tracted by my wife after March 4, 1916. J. DAWSON. I (Copyright. 1910. by H. C. riaber.) (Trade-Mark Beg. D. 8. Patent Office.) 21 LOST Umbrella, silver and pearl han- tiie. ingravea ts. r u., in Division Jitney, Dec 19. Return 487 Taylor or phone. Marshall 6598. Reward. FOUND Lady's locket and chain. Owner may have same by describ ing it and paying for ad. Keystone Apts.. Mrs. Hart. LOST A black wallet containing life insurance application. Finder please leave at Metropolitan Life Ins. office. 1000 Yeon bldg. LOST Eagle pin with diamond In breast. Sat. Feb. 19. Return 487 Tay lor or phone Marshall 5598. Reward. PERSONAL 22 r . 1 . K J I V-f 1 1 , -.... T -.-! an.. , .,,.. . lation. Facial, scalp, manicuring. 417N to z rsortnwestern Harm tdg. bKING this ad and 25c for manicure and face massage. 502-3 Columbia Mdfc. GERMAN trained nurse gives massage and baths for rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. 256 11th. Mar. 5033. Open Sundays I aunor Consultation free. LdWycr 4993. 708 Sellintr 1 Main bldg. Katherine Orloff, chiropodist and scalp treatment. Room 210. 350 Morrison. LdAtar Advice free. 225 Fleidner .ct W y cl building. Main 2650. SCIENTIFIC treatment for dlseasei of scaln. 163 Park st.. room 3. 10 to 7. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2393. Professional and ACCORDION PLEATINa AtCOKDIU.S, KMs's, A.U BOX PLKAilMi: HEMSTITCHING, BRAIDING; BUTTON HOLES. BUTTONS COVERED. EASTERN NOVELTY MFIi. CO.. RSA .YTH. TTWAY 2O0O K. bltfUtN tii-uiaUK niug. accordion, I1 and sunliursL pleating: but tuns covered: good ponged. Scalloping. 2li Plttnrk blk. B-1O0H. AO ATE CTJTT&HS CLTT1NU, pulisklug. uiouutiui,-, gold or silver; Mock on hand. Miller's. :43Vr Wb. M.1S74. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS P. E. aABcSailAtfE implement", vehicles and general farm Mippllen. 2r4 Front Portland. A8SAVER8 AND CHEMISTS , llbcKT-HAU. to. t'ourti iilrtr.. IOM 4tli si. BLANK BOOK MAKERS t'AVIS HOLMAN. luc, 1UU id st. Blank book manuiacturera; ageata for Jones Im proved Loose Lear Ledgers. See lbs new Eu reka Leaf. A-8183, Main 183. BUILDINg CONTRATORS Geo. E. Mangas Keaiileuc SHe.-imiA&. 4W Macleay Bldg. J, P, Taylor IS uuuuer's tliloieucjf, me. Main 6533. CABINET WORK kiblU vOUi, turniture repairing. Horace D. Jones Jr.. (S2V. 2:id t. Main :t32: CARPET CLEANING IFILUlflF MK west Rug Co.. 188 E. 8th. from old carpets, rag rags, carpet cleac!?. North K. U580. B-I28U. juitL UHUH.. tiectrii: ccaniug Works Car peta cleaned and laid; reflttlug our specialty Eat 440. B-103. 204 E. 19th at. North. fiiNlA&ijUAK uug Wuik Hag rug auu car pet weaving. 151S I'ntton ave. Wdln. 2va. CHIROPRACTORS 1K M' MA HON L tiruulc case, taking lime, Bi treatments, $13. Worth $50. Additional new offices aua-212 Maclesy blU.. 4th A Wsh. Lit BUTENSCHOEN, specUU't suimmn Ul esses, terms reasonable. 208-200 Gerllnger big lr O. S. Xlgard IS ireatuitsuu, lu. Northwest bldg. Main 7260. ov COAL AND WOOD A-) 1H t'iU, 4 ft. or aawed; sLorl orders a specialty. Coal, S6.&0 a ton up. National Fuel Co.. East 2041. WHY pay for cord wood when you can gt good inside blockwood at $3.30 a load, double load I6.0O. Phone Broadway 2330. OLD growLh llr wood, green aud dry, a uu. one, f4.&o; uo. two, $4 per cord, delivered. Main o-io. NEER A PARK, dry fir. 4 ft. 4.60 to ti.lii. Klockw'd. 306 Water st. Main 4500; A -4547. DRY BOXWOOD Phone Main 6S3; A-55W. CONTRACTORS at BUILDERS k'tiR eaiiiuales on new or reyair tubs tub vt buiid- lnff Dlumblng. planter Ing, brick or concrete work.' call 8. S. Klogery. Msrsbsll 15MB. Wcuural cunuactur. Kberlock bldg. EDUCATIONAL DANCING AtANCtt&TUR Dauclug Academy, oofc olb st. bet. btsrk and Oak; special rates, 4 pri vate 'lessous, (2; morning, afteruooo, evening, all latest dances guaranteed. Class Thursday, f-niurdav eveuiuir. 7:0o-:a. Broadway 21MO. Mil ana Mrs. Heath's bcuook Umhu uaay. ciasa Tuesday, Friday eve., 10B 2d at., ret. Washington ana Btarg. ieswns im. mn WHEN "you answer these Want Ads, Tbe Journal, mention LOST AND FOUND Manufacturers Jobtcra- DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Complelo liue ury goods, tununbluga. uoUuua. L. Dinkelsniel Co. ffivTgSr'gg: PAINT. OIL AND GLASS BASMUSSfcN CO.. "High .i' N. E. corner 2d sod Taylor. M. 1771. A-tfJl. PIP E--WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO.-Pactory ana office near 24tU and lork ata. Mala 348. INFORMATION COUPON If vim want the nami of reliM4 buslneaa house deallns In any Una of mercndle, or information regarding reaorta. boteia. railroads, team, anlp UniaT 7c.. addreaa Oregon JouraMU lnlormaUOB Bureau. Information deaired; 1 ..- Name Address 23 WHY pay nig pricea tot classes? I can fit your. eyes with first quality lenses In a gold fUleu frame, as low as 31.50. lenses dupli cated at a big saving: satlsfaation guaranteed. Charles W. Goodman. OP tometrlwt. 209 Morrinom Main 2134. APPENDICITIS has a cause. CoUlnu out the appendix does not remove the cause. Physical treatment removes causa and effect but leaves the appen dix. Dr. Bertschtnger, 341 Pittoclc h!K. Broadway 650. ? FEBVET & HANEBUT. leading; wis and toupe makers: finest stoclC, human hair goods; hatrdressing. mani curing, face and scalp treatment, comb ints to order. 147 Broadway.. Main 646, 1WOMAN with 6 years' business expert r ence In Alaska wishes to meet bust- ness man Journal. going in spring. P-900, SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles. Tues. 2 p. m.: Wed.. Sun. 8 p. n. Reading daflv. 03 Bth st. Mar. 89S0. G. P. Rummelin's Son &Co. Manufacturing Furriers, 416-1S-17 Pekum bldg. SEE your hair switch made from combings, s. F. Pierce, 267 Holladay ave. Phone East 2784. C-2341. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4QQ Dekum. Marshall 1702. DR. V. G. KETCHUM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash, bldg.. 4th & Wash.. Rm. 441. Mar. 448. Business Directory MUBIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHER! IhOr. 1. E. LA WSON I'lanu leuuua at yuur home. eOr. Phone Tshor 2ttH. SCHOOL. OK MUSIC Statf of lcacher. ore Son Conservatory. 141 13tb st.. at Alder. E TH1ELHOHN Violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 807 Kleldner bldg. A-4180. Marshall 10. POPULAR MUSIC iiAGTlMK on piano guaranteed' beginners in 10 to 20 lessons. Three trial lessona free It to- convinced, 'ree booklet. 601-2 Ktiera Bldf, SCHOOLS AKD COLLEGES. ATTEND Mlas Decker's PRIVATE Business College, Commonweslth bldg.- Bdwy. 42S8. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. LUNOt Specialist. Moderate prices. Glasses fitted. Dr. r. i,aseasy.oi7 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wa. FIRE INSURANCE PAClS'lC SXA'XEci KIKE i.SSUUANCMl tO., only Oregon fire insorsnce comrmny. FLUTT RUGS AND RAO RT0S FOJUUFF m msde from old lngrsin, Bruela. Axmlnster, Smyrna carpets. Rag rugs, all sixes. Mall or ders prompt attftntiou. Booklet. WESTERN KLUPK HUG CO.. 81 Union ave. N. Pbon- Kant .Mfl. B-1473. LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS 'XUfe URbVUAN LfcAiHtU CO. Oldest firm in northwest. Agents 'Monarch" snr "L. A M." sole leather. 829 Everett St. NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES WEiNHAUD'b Goldeu aud Amber Neuiar. Usu ry Weinhard plant, 13lb and Burnsldt sts. Main 72. Pbores A-1173 PAINTING WE patch aud palut U.AK1 mining. Imperial I'alut Co. uuoi a Tabor 44T PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS lHb IV X flifca, JOHN M. MANN, 3b2 Stark St. Broadway 4o.' A-44WS. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS AL&O bteuulis, itade Cheeks, Uiasa Blglta. PAUt'lC CUAbl'.SlAMP WOUKS 231 Waahlugton st. Main 710. A-2710. 8HEET METAL WORKS UxfaiatAU Uu auu gratei tou... 810 1st st. Pboue Main 1424. 4S4.-WO I iU. STAMP DEALER POSTAGE stamps and collections, bought and sold. 94 N. loth tt. Main 7S00. Columbia Btunip Co. TOWEL SUPPLIES Wil'UlAMs Xowst Buyuiy tv t. elli and lis sta. Phones: Eigt 941 p Uoma. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. EaUbllsbed 1870, Transfer and Porwarulug Agents. tiorg Pre Trseksge. office and storage. 474 Utlsan st. lStn and Gltaan. Main 9. A-l IS. ALWA1S "PICK" 1UK BES1 UUUUiulU GOODS SPECIALIST Slorags, Packing, Sblpplug and Moving. Horse or Aulo Van. biecial freight rates to ail points, C. O. flCk TUANSi'Ert at STORAGE CO.. 24 and Pine sts. Brosdwsy 690. A-1WS. OLJiON-UOfc. XUA.Niifxa Co. feuruuur luov ars, packers, storage; fireproof w re Douse. 16lb and Hoyt ats. Msln Q4T. A-2247. - WALL FAPEB MOKUAN WALL PAPEtt CO.. 240 M sU. tween Main sud gslmun ill, -Wholcsal en PLUMBING PIPE STEAM SUPPLIED M. L KLINE- W-80-B7-B jRONT STREET PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLCMBlNo supplies, wbclesaia 'prices. Stark. Davis Co.. 2I 3d St. Msln 797. SANITARY WIPING RAGS l. SHANK CO. phon" PUONZ MAIN 1 MA 4LJ at By BUD FISHER PERSONAL (Continued)