The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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1 : :
Woman Succumbs to Fright;
ISeaman Swept FromRoan
SSoke by Huge Comber,
7ernr PortUad-Almlta Uut Sam
U acta Off Tatoosh, Bonad for Port
; 1b Tow of Admiral Dewey.
San Francisco, March 6. (P. N. S.)
Two deaths and three men badly
- Injured Is tho toll of the terrific
storm which Is rasing; from Point
Reyes - north to Alaska. Almost
overy steamer -nd sailing vessel making-
the Golden Gate from ports beyond
the point is reporting damage or
trough passaKes with delays of from
:"j-13 to 24 hours (
. , "Woman EHes Trom FrlgHt.
Mrs. Carrie Miller of Point Arena,
lied online steamer Sea Foam through
; Irifht during the storm.
August vO!son, seaman on the
J" steamer Roanoke, of the North Pacific
Steamship company, was washed over
board off Tillamook.
Oscar Carlgren, seaman, Oscar
Ryden. storekeeper, and John Mlnne
han, boatswain, also of the Roanoke,
V wars badly hurt and narrowly escaped
-ahartng Olsen's fate when a big wave
piled over the ste: 1 of the vessel.
, Storm Hoar Colombia's Month.
" T- The steamer, under command of
l-iC aptaia R. Dickson, struck the worst
Of the storm off the mouth of the
Columbia. Tho wind blew from the
southeast, and swells came from both
the southwest and the northwest,
f ys ' It was one of these latter waves that
' caught the Roanoke. Olson was wash
ed to the rail and managed to grasp a
stanchion. Carlgren caught the capstan
" and, seeing Olson's predicament, he se
cured his veg and drew Mm to safety
' ;.' Second Wavs Does Damage.
Ths second wave came and they
- wera whipped from their point of
,f safety. Olson, who was unconscious,
.was swept out of Carlgren's grip and
; over the side. Carlgren was swung 25
feet down the deck,- receiving numer
ous cuts and other injuries. Ryden
and Minnehan were thrown against
tha pump and were also badly cut
When the wave cleared away it was
. found that considerable damage had
been done In the stern of the steamer.
J Tho pump was made useless and grat
f lngs were mashed to kindling wood.
J Upon arrival here It was necessary
' to send Carlgren to tha harbor emer
' gency hospital
Port of Portland Tub Outruns
Competing Company's Craft.
J The Port of Portland tug Oneonta
put over two victories on the Puget
Bound Tug Boat company's tug Pioneer
5 in the midst of the heavy blow off the
. Columbia river.
v'.' Teeteraay Captain "Hurry T7p" John
son, with the tug Oneonta, brought in
V the Norwegian bark Musselcrag. 60
: days out of Callao. Her master re
'-ported another ship outside, and re
5 turning at once, the Oneonta this morn
ing, hooked the Norwegian bark Olive
i bank, 46 days out of the same port.
t- The British ship Alice A. Leigh, 137
days out of Dublin, is believed to be
Xoff the river also, and the Oneonta
' will return at once to the search for
r that vessel.
,: The Pioneer, an old tug formerly
y Owned here, in command of Captain
; Astrup, deposed master of the Oneonta,
ila fighting the Oneonta for every tow.
" Although five miles closer than was
the Oneonta to the French bark Bon
" champ, hooked .Friday, the Pioneer is
r; said to have beaten her competitor
"only five minutes in the chate after
that ship.
; The "jinx" reputed to hover over the
good ship Anvil got Jn its work again
,? -yesterday, when her engines broke
down off Knapp's point, in the Co-
lumbia river. She has a cargo of
; Wheat for San Frapcisco delivery and
la to go into the Mexican coast trade
as soon" as she reaches San Fran-
i:";. Fast work was done in loading the
After los-
- steamer Bear last weeK.
lng a day ana a nair m aryaoca, 2uu
j;-tons of freight were put in her noias
in about 15 hours' actual work. At
one time 146 men were busy about
rf Unless further delay occurs at tbe
V'S Celllo canal, the steamer Twin Cities
:f iil Amnart tnf T ..wl.tnn fmm ira
Tuesday night. Charles Steelsmlth,
" " - - -
manager of the line, is expected home
from the east today.
Captain Sears, well known here as
the former master of the steamer Aro
line, IS due here Wednesday with the
steamer Coaster. The Coaster has C50
tons of freight for the Parr-McCor-
: stick Steamship company.
iA The steamer Daisy reached the river
ifrom San Pedro. yesterday and is load
ing at Knappton and Wauna for the
- To -Sell China Mall Stock,
.j Sacramento, Cel., March 6. (TJ.
it-The China Mall Steamship company,
the directors of which are 11 wealthy
Chinese of San Francisco, was given a
"permit by Corporation Commissioner
' ' Carnahan today to sell $2,099,685 worth
of stock. The money is to be used in
maintaining and equipping new steam
ier ;f or, the company's lines between
liSan: Francisco and ports of China and
' the Hawaiian islands.
Mow to Cure
Keep Out of Drafts. Avoid
Exposure. Eat and live
V;- RigHt and Take
Dr. King's Ne w Discovery.
Ten catch, cold' because yonr system
is below -normal .and finds: Itself nn
able to throw eft the cold germs. To
recover you should first take 4 rem.
edy to kill the genna. . Then be care
ful of your eating. Avoid exposure.
Go to bed early and save your strength
in every possible s way. To kill tne
aenna take Dr. King's New Discovery.
Southwest Storm
Moderates During
Night; Some Harm
4t ' Southwest storm warnings
are up at all Pacific coast
The 'wind attained a velocity
of 5 miles an hour at North
Ik Head yesterday but had mod-
He erated to 30 miles from tha 4t
ift west at noon today.
The oil tanker Atlas, on ac-
Ht count of having the Barge No.
m 91 in tow, in still detained at 4
Astoria, but all other shipping
ife passed In and out safely.
The wind here 41d soma fur-
ifc ther damage to Irving Dock, the t
firewall north of which was
if, blown down Thursday night, 4t
ifr but no other damagaa has been
reported. x
Wand Bound to Port.
Seattle. Wash., Mai :h 6. (U. P.)
Caught in a gale, the lumber-laden
schooner Thomas L. Wand, owned by
the William Olson Steamship company
of San Francisco', which left Kagle'
Harbor Sunday for San Pedro, is re
ported breaking up off Tatoosh island.
The steamship Admiral Dewey has
put a line aboard and is towing the
Wand toward the straits.
Part of the schooner's deckload la
overboard and two of her three masts
are lost.
The Thomas L. Wand is of 670 tons
register. She carries a crew of 20 and
was built in Aberdeen in 190S. She
has been in the lumber and general
coast trade out of San Francisco for
a number of years, except for six
months spent in the Portland-Alaska
trade two years ago.
Arrivals Kuch 6.
Breakwater, American steamer. Captain Mac
genn. pamragers and freight, from San Dleso
and way ports. North Pacific Steamship com- j
Uoncbamp. French boric. Captain Orondln,
from Gatico. in ballast, to Strands k. Co.
Arrivals March 6.
Mills, American steamer. Captain S B.
Shaw, bulk oil from Martinez, Shell company.
Departures Karen 0,
Mills, American steamer. Captain Shaw, bal
last, for Martlnes. Shell company.
Asuncion. American steamer, captain Spen
cer, ballast, lor san rrancisco, standard ull
Departures Karen a.
Barge No. 91. Captain Daniels, ballast, for
San Francisco, Standard Oil company.
Marine Almanac.
Weather at River's Mouth.
North Head. March 6. Condition of the
mouth of tbe river at noon, rough; wind west,
30 miles; weather, rainiog.
Sua and Tides March 7.
Sun rises, 6:ii9 a. ni. Sun sets, 6:03 p. m.
Tides at Astoria.
High Water: Low Water.
2:41 a. m. 8.9 feet St:2U a. m. 0.3 foot
3:1." p. m. 7.3 feet 9:22 p. m. 1.9 feet
The time ball on the L. 8. hydrocraDbic .
tffir wsb rirrmrwMf at evuctlT noon Inriar 12011, '
meridian time.
Daily River Readings.
8:00 A. M., 120th Meridian Time.
a a
a m
SI m
Oregon City . . . .
t Kislng. ( ) Kalliu.
River Forecast.
The Willamette rlrer a Portland will con
tinue to rlre fur the next two or three days.
Steamers Due to Arrive.
Name. From. Date.
Breakwater 8. F C. B. A E..Mar.
8. r.. C. B. E..Mar. 8
Northern Pacific... 8. F War
F. A. Kllborn 8. F., C. B. fc R.Mar. 12 :
Roanoke 8. D. and way... Mar. 12
Bear 8. F. L. A Mar. 15
Llty L. A. at O. F loW.
Steamers Due to Depart.
Name. From. Date.
Wapama 8. D Mar. 7
Breakwater C. I. A 8. F..Mar. 8
Beaer.. L. A. S. F. . .March It
Northern Pacific.... 8. F Mar. It
F. A. Kllborn C. B E. A 8. F..Mar. 12
gear... 8. F. 4 L. A Mar. 18
RoceClty U A. a. F Indef.
Steamers leaTlnj Portland for San Francisco
only connect with the steamers Yale and Har- yards with a depth of BOO yards, 80,
Vrd' JSV,Bf Kn,c,"o Monday. Wedoes- 000 big shells fell in six hours. The
day, Friday and Saturday for Los Angeles and
Vessels in Port.
Asuncion. Am. ss
Atlas. Am. ss . ".
. .Linn ton
. - Astoria
Bonchamp. Fr. hk
Breakwater. Am. ss
Col. P. 8. Mickle. Am. as .
. . .bound np
f- Bluings, Am. sch
.... Westport
; Hoit Hill, Br. bk
...N. P. Mill
- ims. am. oh
j E- B Jackson. Am
Mills. Am. ss. . . .'.'.'.'.'.".V " V
; Muteelcralg. Nor. bk
Notre Dsme d'Orror. Fr bk.
Rose City. Am. ss
North Bank
....North Bank
Pier No. 1
: tream
.. Vminlra t-
1 inaonu, ur. DK . .
am. oarge.
Wapama, Am. ss...
. St ri-i-.
At Neighboring Ports.
Astoria. March . Arrired at 7 and left np
at 10 a. ra.. Breakwater, from San Diego via
bVrk SueteTg.1 "P " 7 m- Nerwegl.
Astoria. March 5. Sailed at midnight. Bear
for San Francisco and San Pedro. Arrived at
4 and left np at 5 a. m. Hllta. from San
Francisco. Arrived at 4-art
at noon Daisy. from Sun rnriJ r ...
at 7 a. m.. French bark Boochamn. Sailed at $Lnrn Portland, via Eureka, 10:40 a. m.:
? .mm- Johr. Poolsen, for San Francisco; at PT."- San Pedro, 2:20 p. m.; Daisy Gads
1O..J0 a. m.. Nebslem. for San Pedro and San by Columbia rlrer, 2:30 p. m.; Phoenix, Bu
A.rrlTed Doon Norwegian bark Mus- 4 Pi,10-: JB- Stetson. San Pedro, 5
T '2 r' fronL Valparaiso. Arrived down at P ra-!w- s- Porter, Point Wells, 6:30
4.30 p. m.. barge No. 91. Gasoline schooner V- .m Washtenaw. Columbia river, 6 p. m.;
AnIl broke down near Knapp's Point. Un- . Freeman, Grays Harbor. 7 p. a.; Gov-
known ship outside at 6 p. ra. I erwr. Victoria. 7:10 p. m.; Brooklyn. Bandon,
Coos Bay. March 5 Arrived at 8 a. m and Iu EurTk"- 7:30 p. m.: NaUonal City. Fort
sailed at noon Breakwater, from San Dieaxv ?"- 9:30 P- m- Tamalpals, Grays Harbor,
and way ports for Portland. 11:20 p. m.
San Pedro. Uaach 5 Arrired Willamette ; Sailed Rainier, oPrt Townsend, 11:40 p.
from Portland, rla Grays Harbor. 10 Sartrday; barge Fullerton, in tow of tor
Balboa. March fi. Arrl.i d.i.v. Fearless. Port San Luis. 7 s m wi..
?r teyatoke Castle, from Portland for United
x.it0L Mr5n7, T Oneonta hooked the
from Callao, at 11
s and Colds.
Wstson, westboond, 7:30 a. m.
Jnst the minute Dr. King's New Die-' Jaea. March 5. Sailed Jefferson, south-
hTvhe!SanhdedTeld '
eeases. . The cough eases and you Honoluln. March 4. Arrived' Japanese
begin to get, better. Dr. King's New steamer, tiakeshima Maro. from Vancouver.
Discovery is Just laxative enouah to B ,.c- Sailed c. S. A. T. Dix. Seattle,
expel the deaTgermY d ol.onou, xZifSSafr"-0
secretions. VakUvostok. Feb. 27. Arrlved-Jaaaaese
The lnfrredlents in Dr. King's New st',nwT Koan Mara, from Seattle.
Discovery maka It an excellent cough, trViylf'6CM
and cold remedy. Don't endure the an-1 lrToiot 7,Mrch j! - Salted-Barw
noyance of coughs and colds. Don't i vTasbrocaa, for San Francisco tow tug Pioneer,
keep on suffering. Don't take the risk Richmond Beach, March 6. Arrived ty.
N.rDv:'1110 Kta ' "-Harbor. arred-Sciooner
w Discovery. Watch your eating Watson A. Wert, from AdelaMe. ""T
and hablta. Ion will find your cough TacotnaWasa.- March 6. Arrived La
and cold under easy and natural con- Tonche, from 8. w. Alaska, :3 s. m.; Mb-
trol and be asaurl m mJi- JL. kHt frtHB Sa Sraeelare: . Loop. San
. ""ured .f - Speedy re- , rsnclse. yesterday. , . Sailed William - H.
covery. At all druggUts. . , ' Murpby,. San FrancUcaT . ' . "
Germans' Announce Minor
Engagements Continue and
Claim Capture of 934 Men
Berlin, March 6. (U. P.) Miner en
gagements on tha east bank of the
Meuse, north of Verdun, wera reported
in today's official announcement. The
operations of last night resulted in the
capture of 14 French officers and 934
men, it was announced.
Paris, March 6. (I. N. S.) Com
plete cessation of infantry attacks
along the entire front, but violent artil
lery engagements at various points.
featured last night's fighting, accord
ing to today's official communique.
The night was "calm" the communi
que stated. The text follows:
"In the Argonne district wa bom
barded different position- in tha
Chappe forest, at Avocourt and on the
Malincourt road.
Northward of Verdun, there wera
no Infantry engagements laat night.
Violent artillery bombardments pre
vailed on 'the left bank of the Meuse
and intermittent cannonading on tne
sector vest of Douaumont and in tha
Woevre region."
Paris. March 6. (I. N. S.) Failing
any new developments in the Verdun
battle, French military critics unani
mously proclaim the failure of the
kaiser's offensive.
"The enemy has ceased to advance,"
saya the Temps. "He is squandering
his men in furious attacks which yield i
no advantage. Arter & fortnight s bat
tle we are more confident than ever.
"The enemy will continue his on
slaughts, but there is no reason what
ever, to expect him to do better."
Lieutenant-Colonel Houssett, the
noted critic, saya he is able to state
that the opinion of the French gen
eral staff is that the battle is bound
to end in Oerman failure.
Wedding- Gift Withheld.
"The kaiser, who has gone to Berlin
to attend the wedding of his son. I
Prince Joachim, had intended Verdu I S. Senator O'Gorman from his anti
as a wedding gift," he writes, "but the British attitude. She came on the
tear and poison shells, liquid flames TT . . , ,. ,,,
and all the other abominations of his Holland-American liner Rotterdam,
chemists, which were lavishly used in ; Incidentally she is here to secure aid
the second phase of the battle, won't
give him Verdun."
The offensive has brought out the
fact that one of France's best fighting
generals is Petain, who began the war
as a colonel.
He led th offensives in Arras in
May of last year and In Champagne in
September, and was transferred to
Verdun t deliver the counter-attack
with his iron divisions, which definite
ly checked the Germans 'a week ago.
Petaia Is Forceful Xeader.
The soldiers who call General Joffre
"father," know Petain as "the General."
He is a forceful, tireless leader, who
abhors passive tactics.
Although not so much advertised as
Field Marshal von Mackensen, he is
held to be superior to the kaisers
sledge-hammer general for delivering
I SWlft, crushing blows.
t h . .toff AYTtAA , Vl A A B
nnri rhamnJio-n ttnir tn
over several days, Petain in each ant of Warren Hastings, whose im
case won through to the assigned peachment ended one of the most f am
limit of advance within 24 hours. . ous trials in history. She was sent
German Guns All Large.
, London, March 6. (I. N. S.) The
authorized representative of the Brit
ish pres with the French armies,
writing from Verdun on Saturday last,
"The storm of projectiles rained
upon the French lines exceeds any
thing ever before known in warfare.
Practically no small calibre guns
were used by the Germans and the
main artillery preparations were made
with 8-inch and 12-inch guns.
"In one place on a front of 1000
trenches were llterallv swent out of
irencnes were iiterauy swept out or
Portugal Prepares for Attack.
Lisbon, March 6. (I. N. S.) Antici
pating war with Germany, an edict for-
uiuumg ugnts in tne naroor nere was
issued today, a submarine attack on
war vessels also was feared.
m- "nd I"ed In ?t 12:10 p. m
Sharpness. March a. Arrived ITronz-V. K-v
Dupleix, from Portland.
San Francisco. Cel., March 6. Arrired W.
F Herrin. Astoria, 6 a. m.; Westport. San
Diego. 8 a. m.: City of Topeka, Eureka. 8:30
t.m-; W?P- Port Angeles, a. m.: Qulnaalt,
Wtllapa Harbor. 9 a. m.; Tale. San Pedro.
. 1)r0'
Elisabeth. Bsndoo. Iff a. m - KnMiwu I
11 a. m.
osiiea r. a. nuourn. sen Diego. 4 m. -U.
8. 8. H-l. Ban Diego. 9:30 a. m.
' Caspar, 12:10
' Pirate Cove,
San Frandwo. March 5. Arrived Alcatras.
a- m.; Schooner Golden Gate,
12:fiO a. m - Aitmirai (t.ku.
fcSimV frj.r.ll
4:20 a. m.: Celllo. San r iT.
Foam. Mendocino, 6 a. m.: HonoluUn." " New
iZZi. L?"-?,120 J"i. : Lakme.
m .: Svea Ran Pnim o-vi ' n . t- , ' m
. 'nil., . VI L niUK. H
Jr2m,ftSoIn,Der"tSdtV S.aeMtown via Nor-
p. m.: Caspar. Caspar. 2:30 p. m. : San Pe
dro, Grays Harbor, 12:40 a. m.; J. B. 8teten.
Beattle. 0 p. m.; Celllo, Portland, 9 p. m.
Seattle, waalL. March 6. Arrived Fraak
n. Buck. Ran Francisco, 2 a. m.; British
steamer Talthyblna, Vancouver B. C, 5:30
a. m.; Congress, Everett. 11:15 a. m.
Seattle, March 6. ArrtTed Aroltne. Sea
Francisco, 9:25 p. a.; Oleum. San Francisco.
8:15 a. in.; Multnomah, from Belllaa-ham. In
distress, at 2:30 a. m-j Japanese steamer Awa
Mara, Tacema, lO a. m. ; tag Pioneer. As
toria, nose. Sailed Admiral Dewey. 8an
FranclKO, S p, a
V aides. Alaska. March 6- ailA Admiral
lL .i1
William Hoover, aged 02 years,
To make his home with his grand
sons, L. D. and L. A. Freeland of Port
land, and L. H. Freeland of "Washou
gal. Wash., William Hoover, the
grand old man" of Waseca, Minn., has
come to tbe northwest to live after
residing for over half a century in
Woman Will Try to
Convert O'Gorman
Wife of Head of Irish O'Gorman Clan
Would Change Senator's Xisanlng
rrom Anti-British Attitude.
New York, March 6. (I. N. S.)
Mrs. Flora O'Gorman wife, of "The"
O'Gorman, head of the clan of that
ilk, has arrived here to convert U.
for the French Red Cross.
Mrs. O'Gorman is a second cousin
to the senator. Her husband is a
colonel in the regular army and has
been at the front since the outbreak
of the war. He is a direct descendant
of the family which has ruled the
Clan O'Gorman for 1100 years.
! vice at the front as a nurse. Her
eyesight was damaged by a shell in
the retreat from Antwerp.
When questioned at the pier she
said she had heard Senator O'Gorman
was anti-British in attitude.
"I have letters to him," she said.
"I Intend to see him and try to con
vert him.
"Those who live in Ireland have
aliened themselves nobly with the
British and the enlistments in Ireland
i nave ueeu as great u m nw
! land." said Mrs. O'Gorman.
Mrs. u oorman is a airect aescena-
here by the French -wounded emer
gency fund and will visit every import
ant city in the country.
Gerard's Secretary
Reaches New York
Saya He's on Vacation, But la
lieved to Have Explanatory Votes
on Hew Oerman Diver Warfare.
New York, March 6. (I. N. S.)
Albert B. Ruddock, secretary of Am
bassador Gerard in Berlin, arrived
yesterday on the Holland-American
Tjr.ttriflTn He h.
liner Rotterdam. He declared that
his trip was only a vacation and baa
no international - significance.
However, it was learned that the
appendices and explanatory notes of
i the new German submarine
; declaration were on board. It-' was
i also stated that thest documents were
brought over by Mr. Ruddock.
- , . v
Lodge Officers
Elected at Ashland
Iiodge 944. B. P. O. 3 Chooses Its
Officials fox Coming Tear at An
nual Keating' of Members.
Ashland, Or., March 6. At the an
nual meeting of Ashland Lodge 944,
Elks, the fallowing officers were
elected for the ensuing year
I Exalted ruler,
George W. Owens,
. esteemed leading knight, George T.
I Watson; esteemed loyal knight.
Charles Hast; esteemed lecturing
knight, C. L. Miller; secretary, J.
Edward Thornton; treasurer, P. Pro
vpst; trustee, W. E. Newcombe; repre
sentative to grand lodge," D. A. Apple
gate: tiler, P. Provost.
Cheapest Remedy Made at Home 128 Teaspoonsful for 50 Cents.
When In need of a remedy for the
treatment of Bronchial Affections,
such a Bronchitis, "Whooping Cough.
Croup, Stubborn Cough. Colds or
Hoarseness, don't simply ask the drug
gist tor a 'Cough Medicine" but get
the beat. Tell him to give Vou Schiff
mann'a New Concentrated Expecto
rant, Instead of being traduced Into
buying something else purely on the
strength of some testimonials or the
exaggerated claims of the manfac
turer. The. same- "Money Back" guar
antee goes with every bottle of this
remedy sold by Huntley , Drug Co.
as does with Dr. Schiffmanjn's famous
Aathmador and your money I will be re
funded. If it does not give perfect sat
isfaction: In act even more, if it is
not found the best - remedy ever used
for these affections. In buying this
new remedy-, ; besides securing the
guarantee these druggists give. It will
Boilermakers' Union
To Take Strike Vote
San Francisco.-March . (P. N. S. j
Five ' hundred bollermakers and
helpers, . members of BotlaTmakars'
union No. 6, will take a strike vote
a a meeting here next Thureday. Tha
bollermakers soma weeks ago present
ed demands ' for a minimum scale of
$4 per day for new work and $4.60 per
day for old work. The helpers ara
asking $3 per day minimum. Tha de
mands, while not definitely refused by
the employers, have met with no en
at wheel of his automobile.
The Portland Freelands are well
known furniture manufacturers and
Mr. Hoover is' at present wlth their.
He is 92 .years old and up to the
time he left Waseca last month he
drove a Ford car.
Mr. Hoover is greatly pleased with
Oregon and is delighted that the state
Is "dry."
Financial Problem
In Mexico Serious
Carranza will Meet With Cabinet tn
Mexico City to Discuss Matter
Bate of Exchange Bally Dropping.
Mexico City, March 6. (I. N. S.)
It is understood in official circles here
that First Chief Carranza will ar
rive here about the middle of March.
It Is declared he is coming with his
ministers to hold a cabinet meeting
to discuss the financial problem which
nas become serious. The rate of ex
change is dropping lower daily.
It is hoped that the visit of the first
chief will Improve the situation and
that confidence in the constitutional
ccvernment will increase.
Carranza will remain hsre about 20
days, when he will return to Quere-
Arajiro Moura, the Japanese charge
d'affaires, is leaving Mexico City for
Toklo at the call of his government.
Lower Prices Bring
More Sales of Land
Transfers In Hermlston Section In
creasing, Sue to STf erts of Com
mercial Club Sevtsiag Values.
Hermlston, Or., March 6. Land
sales are increasing in the Hermlston
section with the opening of spring
weather and the recent reduction of
land prices. The H.ermiston Commer
cial club has Induced land owners to
reduce their prices from the old-time
fruit boom values to a new basis in
the interest of rapid settlement of the
idle lands on the Umatilla project.
A new booklet describing the methods
of raising alfalfa, irrigating, harvest
ing, marketing and . feeding, and the
by-products of alfalfa, has Just been
issued for free distribution, and an
effort will be made to atract home
seekers this spring.
Plays Dead, Fools Robber.
Oakland. Cel., March 6. (U. P.)
Elijah Josephus played dead early Sat
urday when a bandit struck him to
the pavement and took his watch. He
"revived" suddenly enough, however,
to trail the hold-up man and cause his
arrest. '
Army-Navy Orders
San Francisco, March 6. (P. N. S.) Army
These leaves of absence granted: First Lieut.
Norton M. Besrdslee, coast artillery, two
months on surgeon's certificate; Major John M
Jenkins. Inspector general, two months: First
Lieut. Andrew Smith, two months on surgeon's
certificate; First Lieut. George Orunnert, cav
alry, two months.
Captain George W. Wallace, 16th infantry,
transferred from base hospital. Fort Bliss,
Texas, to Lettermsn general hospital, this
city, for observation and treatment; First
Lieut. Robert W. Adams, 7th Infantry, havinc
been absent without leave for three months. Is
dropped from the rolls of the army as a de
serter; Second Lieut. John C. Wslker Jr.. 12th
infantry, detailed to aviation section, signal
corps, as student at Ban Diego.
Vavy Orders.
Commander C. B. Trice, detached from the
Philadelphia nsvy yard and to four months'
sick leave; Lieut. (J. G.) W. D. Kllduff, de
tached from Perkins and to tbe Illinois.
Ensigns assigned as follows: D. C. Wsrsoo,
from Buffslo to the San Diego; Lv J. Wiltse,
fmm the San Diego to temporary duty on re
ceiving ship at Ssn Francisco.
Navy Votes.
The Kentucky hss been ordered placed on re
serve list on arrival In Philadelphia.
The Kearsarge was plsced In reserve at
Philadelphia navy yard March 3.
likewise be found the most economical
to use. for the reason fhat ...T'
V"-U"e IOr lne r"On that One bottle
yov cents- wortn) makes a. full oint
(128 teaspoonsful) of tbe most excel-
lent cough medicine, after being mixed
at home with one pint of granulated
sugar and one-half pint of water. One
bottle will probably, therefore, be suf
ficient for a whole family's supply,
while the same quantity of the
old.v nrdlnarv mv.n.j. t,. .
, , . iuuj ox
medicine would cost between $2 and
$3. It is prepared from strictly harm-
I... , . ,
less plants, contains absolutely no
chloroform, opium, morphine or anv i
ni -., .. -
Other narcotic or injurious drugs as,
ao most cougn remeoies, snd it can
inereiore oe given to cnnaren with
perfect safety. It is pleasant to take
end children are fond of it. Absolutely
no risk whatever Is run in buying this
remedy under the above positive guar
antee. v R- J. Schltfmann. Prop., St.
Paul, Minn. ' (Adv.)
Royal Guatemalan Marimba
BandsBegins Series of Con-i
certs at Columbia, .
Hark to the seductive marimba!
For the first time in local musical
history the marimba, a most pleasing
and unusual instrument, was played in
Portland yesterday, when the Koyal
Guatemalan Marimba band began a
series of concerts at the Columbia
theatre as an added attraction to the
regular photoplay bL
Those Portlandere who heard these j
masters of the peculiar instrument j
from Central America were completely
captivated by its rich tones. j
The marimba Is a primitive form of
xylophone, native to South Africa and
Central America. Its name comes
from language of the A-Zandehs, an
African tribe.
Played with hammers resembling
those used on the xylophone the tones
produced are entirely different, being
far richer.
The lower notes are produced by
gourd like resonators. Assisting in
the bass with the visiting aggregation
is a bass viol.
The Royal Guatemalan Marimba
band Is in Portland after a long and
most successful season at the Panama
Pacific exposition. The band was
awarded a gold medal by the exposi
tion authorities.
Testerday's program included two
typical Central American composi
tions, "Clelo Andalua" and "Maria
Lusa," both of which were Immensely
enjoyed by the Columbia's audiences.
Woman Slaver Is Sentenced.
New York, March 6. (I. N. 8.)
Sentence of two years in the peni
tentiary at Sing Sing was pronounced
upon Miss Katherlne Brand today by
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
of ritUbnrs. in the State of Pennsylvania,
on the 31st dsy of December. 1915. mad to
the Insurance Commifwloner of the State of
Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of caplUl paid up 11,000,000.00
Net premiums recelTed during the
yesr $1,611,444.23
Interest, dividends, snd rents re
ceived during the yesr 111,610.39
Income from other sources re
celTed during the year 731.44
Totsl income $1,783,786.08
Net losses paid during the year. . .$ 868.580.46
Dividends pid on capital stock dur
ing the year 80.000.00
Co. inixKiotm and salaries paid dur
ing the year 635,285.34
Times, licenses snd fees paid dur-
iny the year 55.014.72
Amount of all other expenditures.. 151,102.86
Total expenditures $1,689,993.38
, Assets.
Value of real estate owned (mar
ket value) $ 147.800.00
Value of stocks and bonds owned
(market vslue) i 849,882.33
Loons on mortgages snd collateral,
etc z.zo. o.ib
Csh In banks and on nana suo,i.i4.oa
Premiums in course of collection
written since Sept. 30. 1813 260,552.37
Interest and rents due and ac
crued 43.622.55
Totsl assets ....$3,454,767.91
Less special deposits tn any state
(If any there be) 78.862.41
Total assets admitted In Oregon. 13,375,905 .60
Gross claims for losses unpaid....! 170,943.81
Amount of unearned premiums on
all outstanding risks 1.742.B07.7H
Due for commission and brokerage IMI7.72
All other liabilities 20,974.15
Total lisbillties, exeluslre of p- I
Ital stock of Jl, 000.000 11,833.033.48
Total nremlums in force December j
81, i13 482,263.46 ;
Business in Ores on for the Tear.
Totsl insurance written during the :
rear x.ais.ios.uu
ros premium received during
Groos pre
the year.
fxwsea paid during tbe yesr
Losses Incurred during the yesr..
Total amount of Insurance out
otandloK In Oregon Dec. 31, 1915 2.811.983.00
By 11. M. 8CHMITT. Secretary.
Statntory resideut genersl agent and attorney
for service:
P. M. WIGGINGTON. Portland. Or.
Synopsis of the ""' Statement of tha
o Edinburgh. Scotland, in tbe Kingdom ef
rsi-ent Rritaln. on the 81st dsv of December.
1915, msde to the Insurance Commissioner of
the State of Oregon pursuant to law
Anvount of capital 9 200,000.00
Net premiums received during tbe
year 12.514.680.03
Interest, dividends snd rents re
ceived during the year 263,516.96
Income from other sources received
during the year, sgents- Daisncea,
SA4.41 : received from bom of
fice, S30.972.50; sale of real es
tate, SU4.50
Income $2,811,868.40
Net losses paid during tbe year... $1,232,702.60
Dividends paid on capital sioca
during tbe yesr
Commissions and salaries paid dur
ing the year ;
Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur
ing the yesr
Amount of all other expenditures
remitted to home office. 157.
501.00; decrease liabilities sc
rount of reinsurance treaties, $6.
123.55: sgents' balances charged
off. $!4.33; Joss sale of bonds,
$763.62; mtscellsneous, $214,
717.24 279.70t.34
Total expenditures
Value of resl estate owned (mar
ket value) ..9 213,028.26
Value of stocks and bonds owned
(market Value) , 5.405.845.00
Loan on tnortgsges SK.3OO.0O
Cssh in banks and on hand 378,048.20
Premiums tn coarse of collection
written sine Sept. SO, 1015 530,699.34
Interest aud rents due and ac
crued 84,748.55
Total assets
Total assets admitted In Oregon. $0,700,670.45
Gross cUlms tor losses unpaid.. . .$ 214.322.00
I Amount of unearned premiums on
all outstanding- risks.
i f
Fands held under reins ara nee tree-
Total liabilities, exehwtve of
capital deposit of 820O.O0O.00. .$2.876,507 Xi
Total premiums la force December
- ' Total Insurance written during the
year .......83 183.160 00
Gross premiums' received daring' the
.r V ' ' " V V 'L' "JL 85420.09
. riraunni mum auiai um w 0,1119.1
Losses nsld dnrlnar tbe rear.. ..... 30.570.77
LoM, Incurred during tbe year... 29,632.77
Total amotmt of tnsnraace out- . ,
standing in Oregon December SI. '
1M5 3.501,476.00
U. S. Manager,
Statntory resident general agent arid attorney
for service: ?
: EDWARD f THOMPSOJf, Portlaad.
Resident Agents,
Federal Judge ' Hand. Miss Brand j
was : conviciea , or wnu suavery in
bringing i her 19-year-old niece herej
from Dayton, Ohio, .for immoral pur-1
j poaea, - : . .
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25cat all druggists.
Clears Complexion
Don't worry about skin troubles. You
can have a clear, clean complexion by
using a little semo, obtained at any
drug store for 25c. or extra large bot
tle at, 11.00.,
Zemo easily removes all traces of
pin: pies, black heads, eczema, and ring
worm and makes the skin clear and
healthy. Zemo Is neither watery,
sticky nor greasy and stains nothing.
It Is easily applied and costs a mere
trifle for each application. It is al
way dependable.
Zemo, Cleveland.
Peoplfe Notice It. Drive Them
Off Wjth Dr. Edwards
Olive Tablets.
A pimply -face will not embarrass
you tnucu longer if you get a package
of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The
skin should begin to clear atter you
have taken the tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, the bowels and the
liver with Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive 1 ablets are tbe
successful substitute for calomel
(.here's never any sickness or pain alter
ukinz them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and Just as tt
lectlveiy, but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and Irritating
Iso one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed wltn a dark brown taste,"
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
leeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil; you will know them by
their olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted' with liver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result.
Take one or two nightly for a week.
See bow much better you feel and look.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, O.
GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil Cap
sules will bring new life and quickly
relieve that stopped-up congested feel
ing. Thty will thoroughly cleanse and
wash out the kidneys and bladder and
gently carry olf the ill effects of ex
cesses of all kinds. The healing, boo ta
ins oil soaks right into the walls and
lining of the kidneys and exDels the
poisons in your system. Keep your
kidneys in good shape by daily use of
GOL.D medal. Haarlem Oil Capsules
and you will have good, health. Go to
your druggist at once and secure a
package of this time-honored, world
wide remedy. It is not a "patent
medicine. it is passed upon by U. s.
government chemists and declared pure
before coming into ima country. uul.v
MEDAL, is tne pure, original Haarlem
Oil, imported direct from the ancient
laboratories in Holland where it is
the National Household Remedy oi
the sturdy Dutch. LOok for the name
GOLD MEDAL, on every box. Accept
no substitute. Your druggist will
gladly refund your money if not as
represented. Guaranteed and sold b,
The Owl Drug Co. (Adv.)
J)ll lnr UOtllO
j wvf '
Just because you start the dsy wor
ried and tired, stiff legs and arms and
muscles, an aching head, burning and
tearing down pains In the back worn
out before the day begins do not think
you have to stay In that condition.
Be strong, well and vigorous, with no
more pains from stiff joints, sore mus
cles, rheumatic suffering, aching back
or kidney disease.
For any form of bladder trouble or
weakness, its action is really wonder
luL Those sufferers who are in and
out of bed half a dozen times a night
will appreciate the rest, comfort xnd
(strength this treatment gives.
To Drove The Williams Treatment
conquers kidney and bladder diseases,
rheumatism and all uric acid trouble,
no matter how chronic or stubborn. If
you have never tried The Williams
Treatment, we will give one 60c bottle
(32 doses) free if you will cut out this
notice and send it with your name and
address, with 10c to help pay distribu
tion expense, to The Dr. D. A. Wil
liams Company, Dept. 2380E.
General P. O. Block. East Hampton,
Conn. Send at once and you will re
ceive by parcel post a regular 60c
bottle without charge and without in
curring any obligations. (Adv.)
For Pimply Faces
Try Cuticura Soap
and Ointment
Free by Post
A simple, easy, speedy
treatment. Smear the
pimples lightly'
1 with Cuticura
Ointment on end
of finger and
allow it to remain
about -five minutes.
Then wash off with
Cuticura Soap and hot
water and continue bath-
tug I on some mmuies. xnis treatment,
best' upon riruig and retiring, butia
usually enecuye at any time.
For pimples, redness, roughness, itch
ing and irritation, dandruff, itching scalp
and falling hair, red, rough hands and
baby rashes, itchings and chafings these
fragrant super -creamy emollients are
wonderful They are also splendid for
nursery and toilet purposes,
Sample Each Free by Mail
. "With 32-p. 81dn Book on request. Ad
ores POBt-card "CaUewra, Dept. 17,
too." Sold, throughout the world.
tt VIM:.
Journal i
It hu distinctive features.
No waste space or dark
corners in the offices.
No entrances to .rooms
over 20 feet from eleva
tors. All outside rooms.
A free auditorium of 25 0
capacity for tenants.
Lunch room, and barber
shop excelled by none.
An advertising directory
for the tenants.
The Distinctive Bulldlnx.
The Journal Building
Tenants' Directory
klaraball Ml, A(t63. 10th fir.
BUELL, W. B., EmU and In
sursnos. Main 887s, A-3971,
aoom- 0&.
U. D., KarshaU til. A-2463,
10th floor.
Wittenberg, Manacar. stanaall
800, A-10li. Room S14.
DAVIS, JAMES M., Lawysr. Mala
7a. Keem 601.
DAVIS, 0. H. it.. Tire bar Leads.
KarahaU SOS. Uta floor.
D0WHS, ARTHUR X., Q?tieiaa,
Main SC38. Room bit.
DT70AM, W. W Attornsr. Mala
6743. Room 601.
llo Aoooununts. Main 6714.
Room 709.
V, Elliott. Manager. Mala 4135.
Room (14.
rox. ravrjr u., optoewtrtat.
Main sSS,
a-uri. aoom vis.
HALL, C. M.. Hseaanartsrs for
purs brsd livestock. Marshall
MM, Room 414.
H0BB8, FIRS'. Room MM.
HOWARD. H. W X. D. Mala'
SO, 'Room 907.
VERSITT, ManaaU li0. Roota
LYTLE, T. E., Real Estate,
Xanhall 4S40. Room 607.
SfcCAtTLXT, T R A V X, M. S.
Mala tSS,. A-1971. Room 91S.
Main 441. AiM. Room Ml.
ician and Surreoa. Ksia tn,
A1J71. Room 910.
MTERS. DR. X. 8.. Ostmatk,
MarabaU U7S. Soon Vn.
Main 1907. Reeas 901.
Main SSS0. Room 909.
I. 0. Ounalafham, Managsr.
Marsaall 1799. Room 909.
ORTMAjm, D. W., Xaaafaovar.
era' Asset, Railway SappliM.
Marshall 908. 11U flr.
rHOTS St ETTBAjrxS, Attsr
nevs at Law. Marshall SOS. A
1011. Rossb 914.
ft TH CX. R. R Tire lasereaos.
Orefea Eire SUUef Am' a. Maia
997f, Room 909.
RUTHERFORD, T. .. Attorney.
Msrshsil 8996. Room 814.
776, A-7941. Room Sl.
eiaa aad Sorfooa. Maia 688,
A-ll. BeosB 916.
TIKDaXX, H. T. MarshaU 908,
Uth flM.
etaa aaa sraraeoa,
Room 991.
Kaia 97.
Paving Contractor . Maia 9799,
AseL Sovoath floor.
4JM, A-S6S4. Reen ML ;
torasy at Law. Maia 1907.
9WrA-8U6, Room 909.
WXOTSIBE, DB, aio. ., m.
steiaa and aVargtoa, Mais ISM,
07. s. j,
Timker Lands. Marsaall 90.
11th Elaar. ;
Ti'i'ifrvf-:iK--"':-J' f i in v iWHtm
3 ,