THE OREGON ;DAILyV JOURNAL, r PORTLAND. : FRIDAY,- MARCH 3.--1916. BRIEF INFORMATION nual - banquet of' tho North' Portland Commercial club, -which will be given on March 18 la the Jefferson high school ball. - -.- (8CD Bit p ISIS.) : Coming Events. Realty boer4 loscbeon, March S. at neo Btail Mmbllti' annual dtnaer at Cham ber or Commerce March 3, 6 'JO a. .as. orevoa vine hmw taeencoe. Marcs a. Otkoi Anduboa soeletr kjrtare. March 4. 8 k IKS Y. U. C. A. buildlBf. fobert Emiaatt celebration, tittsu boata. 'Borbink Dir" will b obserred la public fcrbools March ytoodrow wtlsoa Man meets Marea s, S fe. m., Mbrary baU. Ad emu luocaeon at noon Marco s. Orron Irrigation. Drainage and .Rural Cred U eoafer.nea, Salem. Marea 9. -Sooth Dakota State soeletr meets in OetU- tlon halt Marco 9. North Portland Commercial club annual tu- Wt, March 18. f Portland Sjmobont orchestra concert 'at tbs lisllig-, Karen 11, l i. a " Today's Forecast. .-.' Portland and vicinity Toolzht and Bator- flay rata; southerly wind. : Oregon Toolvbt and Saturday ram went. rala or anew east portion; cooler interior sooth- prest portion tonight; southwesterly winds. re-1jlug gala force Bear, the coaat. Waablnsum Tonight and - Saturday, rain rest, rain or anow east portion; -. southwesterly rinds, reacblnavfale force near the coaat. Idaho Tonight and Saturday, rata or anow north; unsettled, probably rala or anow couth portion. ' Weatber Conditions.. "The North Pacific disturbance la central thle morning sear Prince En pert, and atom warning were changed" to aootbweat at 7:0 a. m. today at all seaports In this district. Maxtmnm wind Velocities ot 60 miles from tbe sooth at North Head, 60 ml lea southwest at Tateosh Island and 38 miles south at Seattle occurred daring the night. A large high pres sure area overlies the central and southwestern portions of tbe country. Precipitation has oc corred tn the Pacific northwest, Canadian Uoatbwest. northwestern Montana, South Da kota. Kabraaka. Illinois, Missouri, tbe middle and north Atlantic states and tbe St. Lawrence alley. Tho weatber is warmer on most of tba Pacific slope, in. Montana, Canada. North Dakota, eastern South Dakota, nortnern Colo rado and northPSKtum Florida; In general, it la cooler In other sections- Being I- degrees cooler in the lower Willamette valley. Tba conditions are laToraole tor ram tonignr aad Saturday in western Oregon and western Washington, and tor rsm or snow east oi ma Cascade mountains. Winds will be southwest erly, reaching gale force near tbe const. THEODORE F. DRAKE, Assistant Forecaster. Machinists TM-mlnat1ftTi Notice Is hereby given that applications on form l00 for tbe position of machinist in the lighthouse senrrce will be received by tha local secretary, board of ex aminers, lighthouse service,' Portland, up to and including March 29. im. to fill a vacancy at the Tongue Point lighthouse depot, Oregon, near Astoria. at a salary of. S100 per month. B. 1. Ceheldman Is Dead- Henry P. Scheldman, father of Mrs. Magde lena Bauer and John Scheldman of this city, died at his residence, 411: Russell street, yesterday at the age of 82 years. Mr. Scheidman has been a resi dent of Oregon for the past 2 years. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock., from the Ger man Congregational church, Last Ninth and Fremont streets. Boys Will Be Entertained. A free motion picture entertainment for Boy Scouts and boys of scout age. will be given tonight in the First Presbyter ian church. Thirteenth and Aldsr treets, beginning at 8. Four reels of pictures will be shown: "The Work a Forest Ranger;". "Yellow Pine Logging on the Coconino;" "Lodge- pole Pine Tie Making on the Wasatch; and "Reforestation of the Wasatch." Battery to Be Inspected. Lieuten ant Emory T. Smith, Fifth United States field artillery, stationed at San Francisco, will Inspect Battery A. Ore gon National Guard, at 8 o'clock to night. The battery equipment will be ntspected today and tomorrow, and Lieutenant Smith Sunday will inspect the artillery depot at Cleckamaa range. At Masonic Hall Tonight. An en tertainment will be given this evening ii. the Masonic Temple hall, under the auspices of the British Benevolent society. An excellent musical pro gram has been arranged by Portland artists, who donate their talent for the occasion. Dancing will follow tbe program. Observations. Temperature S ..B I. 5i u M 8 ? To 5 J STATIONS 5 5 j A iH if -' i a 5 85 I" tj t Q 3 J B. Baker, Or H 10 3tt SX) 12 O Boise, Idaho,.... 44 16 40 38 0 Boston. Mass 522 30 22 08 Chicago, III 20 S 24 29 12 .01 Denrer, Colo 24 14 34 22 lO O Koreka. Cal 60 S r.2 43 12 0 rresno. Cal 4 6 60 44 0 Galveston, Te 48 18 74 48 20 0 Helena. Mont... 6 10 10 -2 .01 JsckwnTille. Fla 72 8 80 68 30 O Kansas City. Mo 8 14 30 8 12 .IS Kaoxville, Tenu. 384 58 88 12 .11 Lewiatoa. Idaho. S8 8 36 01 Los Angeles, Cal 60 2 62 SO O Marshfleld, Or.. 44 1 50 44 16 .78 kioorbead. Minn. 8 I 16 10 - 8 10 0 New Orleans. L. 48 IB 80 48 10 0 New York, N.. 22 8 30 20 18 .02 N. Head, Wn... 42 0 44 40 30 . 54 N; IMatte. Neb.. -40 10-4 08 V. Yakima, Wn.. 34 6 34 32 22 Oklahoma. Okla. 12 14 34 12 22 O Pittsburg, Ps... 14 20 34 14 0 Pocstello, Idaho. 30 32 26 16 0 Portland, 80 1 45 35 .... 1.74 Kapld City, 8.D. -84 8-10 C4 RosehnrK. Or... 52 14 SO 50 14 .00 ttacramento, CaL 440 -50 44 O SU Louis, Mo... 20 O 34 1' 10 .03 St. Paul. Minn. . - 4 O lO - 4 10 O Salt Lake, Utah. 34 6 88 30 0 Saa Diego, Cal.. 48 6 60 48 0 San Franclaco... 48 2 . 68 48 0 Seattle, Wash.. 3 0 38 36 16 .54 Spokane, Wash. 40 20 28 24 20 .20 Tacoma. Wash.. 38 2 42 30 68 Tatoosh I-. Wn. 40 2 38 36 44 1.08 Walla Walla, W 48 14 44 42 16 0 Washington. D.C 80 V 4 A 46 30 1 .m tax Cashing actures. Max TL Cushing will give the second lecture In the extension course commemora tive of the Tercentenary of Shake spere's death this evening; at 8 o'clock in library, hall. The subject will be The Spirit of the Elizabethans." Wind velocities of less than 10 miles an bonr nd amounts of precipitation ot fcss than .01 Ot aa Inch are not published hereon. TOWN TOPICS rrt-a In PavcholoarY The extension f lass tn nsvcholos-v will meet with Dr. ah nf tho TTniversltv of Orecon tonight at 8 o Clock m room oi met Central library. Dr. iteDec will speaK nn tha auhiecta. "Sensation, the So- Called Raw Material of Knowledge," and "The 'Sixth Sense and the Senses Beyond." This lecture will " combine tha lmnortant phases or tne two lec tures orlzlnallv announced for the course. On Saturday evening at 7 p m Prnfumor Prescott will meet the ex tension class in practical public speak. ins- in room B of the library. At 8:15 p. m. the class In public speaking for ),r will meet in the auditorium of the county courthouse. All who are Interested in these classes are invited to attend. Maiamaa to Take Kike. The Ma samas will have an all day hike Sun day. .They will take the Bull Run train at First and Alder streets at 8:45 a. m., going to Gresham, thence walk' the Section Line road to the Automobile club and Springdale, one , mile beyond the Sandy river. They will then walk over the old road to Troutdale, obtaining fine views of the Bandy river and the highway. They will then take the O-W. R. & N. a Troutdale at 4:40" r). m., returning to the city at 5:30 p. m. The nine will cover about 12 miles. P. G. Payton is tbe leader. r City Auditor WIU Speak. A L. Bar bur,- city auditor, will talk on "The Cause of High Taxes" before the Eve- is nlng 8tar grange at its meeting Sat urday night la the nail at Bast Elgnty second street nd Section Line road. H.-1 Lewis will give a demonstration of pruning trees and berry bushea. 'A. D. Smith will talk on "Raising and Marketing; Strawberriea" Mrs. H. Goods will render a solo. A. . Kee nan. will have charge of the program. ally WilT Be Held Toairht. A rally of all young people's religious societies will be held tonight In White Tempi Baptist church. Twelfth and i Taylor streets. -This meeting- may be - the beginning of negotiations to com ' bins all tbe societies into one, so that mors effective work can be done. The presidents of the Christian Endeavor, B.-;T.'P. U. and Ep worth league will peak tsnlght. - ' t.A iiMI.JIIa S.,.11 zee 25c (umit rour pounas to person Come and try a cup and see the best war tn make coffee. Martin Marks Cof fee company, 252 Third street, (Adv.) - toreu-al ; Speakeni Znrtted. Inrtta ; tions have been sent - to i Governor ; Wlthycomb. commissioner aiyj iin- ' ternsi - Revenue Collector Miller, - Us ' wald - West, and. Professor Jenkins of ' the; Jefferson igh schooL by the pro- .gran oommlttee, to speak at the an Cozy Dairy Lunch S23 WASHINGTON ST, Near SUtk, 1 Famous ' for its delicious : Coffee, - choice) Meats anal rich home-made day evening. ? Judge 'P. H. CArcy of Salem will be ' tbe principal speaker. Following the oration a program will be rendered at which. J. LV Walsh will preside. .. . . - !- ..- ; . atcCargar, Bates fe lvaty- Firs, cas ualty and automobile insurances Teon bide. TaUphone Mala lit, CA4v.) Solly, Barrr Overstocked. Main 6686. poena. a ; v price. Phone after-CAdv.) Kabtal Wise to Speak-" Judaism, a Necessity in World Morals," will be Rabbi Wise's topic a: Beth Israel to night at 8. Services tomorrow at 0:30 All are welcome. Bible study circle Tuesday at 2:30 at the Central library. 3. V. Behada'a Jawalrw Snain aaa. 223 Worcester Bldg will be continued. Ad. rise Book .ana Catalog Printing. F. W. Baltes - Co. Main 165, A-116S. Ad. Oenul s Bngllsk Toffee-Tha Trail Candy Shop, 702 Wash, st, (Adv.) Br. U. S. Skiff, dentist, removed to 466-469 Morgan building. (Adv.) PURITY IN HUSBANDS SHOULD BE SAYS DR. L QVELAND Fathers Often More Interest ed in Good Sires for Stock Than ClekirMen for Girls, Jewish Services Tonight. Services will be held at Congregation Ahavai Sholom, Park and Clay streets, tonight. at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morning serv ices at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abra hamson will officiate. Crood Time to Oo. Shlpherd's Hot Springs, Carson, Wash. (Adv.) Br. B. 0. BrowA, Xys, Bar. Mohawk buUding-: (Adv.) Portland Will Be Well Represented Clnb Women to Save Special Train on Occasion of Trip to General Ted era on Convention. Tbe west In general and Portland in particular, promises to be well rep-, resented on the special train which will carry the club women of the west to the convention of the Ceneral Fed eration of Women's clubs to be held In New York, May 23 to June 2. Mrs. Jewel Bruce, chairman of the transportation committee for the Ore gon Federation, is, in general charge of arrangements for this state and she has the assistance of Mrs. Sadie Young, president of the Portland Rail way Woman's club. The train will Include delegates, club women and their friends from Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Utah and Cali fornia and the Portland delegation will leave May 17. It is necessary to have only 76 people for a special train and to date 160 have signified their Inten tion of making the trip. The convention will be held In the Seventh Regiment Armory, Park ave nue, between Sixty-sixth and Sixty- seventh streets. .Rooms will be pro vided free of charge for state head quarters, committee rooms, etc., in l each hotel. Tbe various state societies are arranging for special entertain raents for visitors. Mrs. Nort Mc Lean Is chairman of the general com mlttee and Mrs. Stuart Glenn Meek is vice chairman. Elks Attention. Special meeting of Portland lodge. No. 142, B. P. O. E., Saturday, March 4, Elks' Temple, 8 o'clock. Initiation. M. R. Spaulding, secretary. (Adv.) Steamer Jesse Xarklsa for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally, except Sunday. Leaves Washington Street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.) Btr. Twin Cities, for Lewlston. Ken- newick, Pasco, Umatilla. Arlington and way points. Leaves Taylor Street dock March 4, 11 p. m. Main 613. Adv. Alumni Fraternity Dinner. The monthly dinner of the Alpha Tau Omega- Fraternity Alumni association will be held tomorrow evening. Bark Again. Mattresses made to order, and renovated. Portland Curled Hair Factory. Main 224, A-1374. (Ad.) Judge B'Arcy Will Spea The one hundred and thirty-eighth birthday an nlyersary of Robert Emmet will be celebrated In the Hibernian hall, Rus sell street and Rodney avenue, on Sun- Prominent Woman Bitten by. Rattler Mrs. John r. Archbold Was Hunting on Husband's Property Hear Thorn asvUle, Oa.; She Shot Snake. Thomasvllle, Ga., March 4. Mrs. John F. Archbold, daughter-in-law of John D. Archbold of .the Standard Oil company, was bitten by a rattlesnake while hunting on the Archbold estates near here. Physicians said a heavy leather boot prevented complete poi soning and her wound would not prove fatal. Mrs. Archbold shot the snake after she had been bitten. - Gold Medal Musicians. The Marimba band, winner of the gold medal at the exposition, makss their first Portland appearance at the Columbia theatre, starting at 2:30. Sunday. (Adv.) - Prophesying the day when this coun try will forever prohibit! marring a be tween the physically, morally and men tally unfit, and will put a quarantine against sex diseases. Just as against bubonic plague or Asiatic choiers, Dr. Frank L. Loveland, pastor of the First M. E. church, addressed a great meet ing of men at the Empress theatre this noon on "When a Man Marries" Dr. Loveland said in part: "When a man marries he stands within the portal g of heaven or the vestibule of hell. Tbe realization of on of the other has already com menced. Both players can win or both can lose at this game, played by one man and one woman. ,"It is not a mere device for sensual gratification, nor an expediency to meet an emergency. Neither should it be an accident that occurs without premeditation. It is an Institution that lies. at the foundation of society. To pervert or degrade it is a crime against civilization. To enter into it hastily or unadvisedly is an act of idiocy. "Marriage is more than a law. It is a relationship; and out of it flows parentage and posterity. If the foun tain be poisoned at the source, the stream must inevitably be polluted. When a man marriea he demands, and rightly so, that his bride bring to him a white soul and a clean body. A woman has -the same right to demand the same of the man who vows at the altar to love, honor and protect her. Women should not only demand this, but parents owe it to their daugnters. Thousands of fathers will use money and every needed means to find fit sires for their breeding paddock, and will give great care and study to the prospects of cattle, hogs and grains, yet, without any Investigation or pa rental solicitude, will allow their inno cent and uninformed daughters to keep company with and marry some "lousy scrub' or "rotten rake,' who will as surely wreck their lives and damn their children as effect follows cause." Professor Norman P. Coleman t of Reed college will speak tomorrow noon on "When Firs Fights Fire."- - - '- m nan iianassisn ! - a Evidence Collector Collects of Lawyer " . Judgment for S300 Awarded to J. IX. 2algie Against ltemher of aw Plrm of Salts a Clark. J. E. Dalgle has received ludement for S300 against Maurice W. Seltzof the law firm of Belts & Clark. The suit was heard try a jury in Judge Gatens department of the circuit court John C McCue acted as attorney for Dalgle. I Dalgle sued for 3500 as fees due tor collecting evidence for a damage Suit contemplated by the Seltz-Clark firm against a railroad company. After Dalgle had , collected information i on which the proposed suit was compro mised for $9700, the attorneys refused to settle with their special agont in compliance with an agreement alleged to have been made with Dalgle. ? IS was brought out at the trial that Setts Sc. Clark received a fee of $1700 for their work as counsel in the pro posed damage action. Loganberry Plant At Newberg Is Plan Newberg, Or., March 3. Charles W. Jones, president of Jones Bros. & Co. MA Q it N CW .rnvals Card of Thanks. ' We desire to extend to the many friends our thanks and sincere appre ciation for the kindness shown us dur ing our. recent bereavement and for the many floral tributes. Mrs. Segrid Jacobson and relatives. in Portland Skoul- Firit F Heir Way to Hotel CorneK o - nun 1 nun US Saturday Evening Dinner Dance De Luxe Served 5:30 to 8:30, $1 -Informal. After Theatre Dance A la carte service. Dancing from 10 to 13 Informal. Elliott's Orchestra The Portland Hotel GEO. C. OBER, Manager LTBS fl A BAT AID BV. O. W. Cornelias, President, K. B. netoher. Manager. Park aad Alder, Portland, Or. of ' Portland, land Watsonvllle. CaL, manufacturers of - elder " and. "vinegar was in inewberg Thursday and met . number of the mem bars of the Com mercial'dub last night and discussed ; tbe .feasibility- of engglnig in tba cider and loganberry' juice business as a branch to the Portland house. Be met with considerable "encouragement and there Is reason to believe that the. proposition will be carried otit. Use Basset fa, taa Original KaUra Herbs for Constipation. Rheumatism. Headaches. 60 tablets 25o. All druggists.- UNION DENTISTS Corner of Second and Morrison. Look lor tne Dig union sign. ; m . wi guaranteed. - Full Set Teeth, that fit $5.00 Gold Crown, 22-k. . . .$3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-k... $3.50 Painless Extraction . . . 50? -If you find this number you wwt set hurt." Br. Whetstone. Mgr. Npw Renublic Grille 347H Korrisoa, Bet. Broadway and r a, kjwusi 1 , . UAM.l.An,a T.ttnrn zaP. Sunday Chicken Dinner, very fine, 60c. snimeae m pw" . ENDEAVORING as we do to per sonally know our patrons, per mits txs to render invaluable service when cited a reference for position or credit accoiiimodations. We are able to judge whether individual is business-like, systematic, and prompt in meeting his obligations " Wouldn't 70a appre ciate such a bank service? Wo shall be glad to welctme you as , a patron. ................ t HAVE DINNER THIS EVENING i AT THE ' Imperial Hotel -k Northwestern Kiii: 5SS Bank Buikiind . Sixth and! Morrison. I S: HI uni . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 p. 1 " i . uniir it ii ii a nvJuuZ7 ulu . i j II Bfjnmiinrft fauns i1 iii- 1 Tapestry R-taurant DINNER 75c (Served 5 to 9 P. M.) Imperial Hotel Orchestra, S to 8. F. H. Wing, Director. Pompeian Restaurant DINNER 35c (Served S to 9 P. M.) For Men and Women. Also a la Carte Menu. Phil. Metschan, Jr., Manager n r, Jenning's Saturday Special! All Day Saturday f e3 The Saving Instinct once acquired, will never allow you to waste your money. It has ' proven tho turning of the tide for better conditions the lives of, millions of people. It will sorely do' as mack for yosu A savings ac count in this strong state bank is a step in the right direction. As small aa amount as one jdollar opens an account here. . LADD & TIL.TON BANK Oldest in Waskinrtoa ; the Northwest " - -'- v , '' . and Third , S 1 1 A- S T-Al LIMITED SERVICE TO GRAYS HARBOR VIA O-W. R. R. & N. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM From Union Depot Daily 2 :10 p.m. Better Service at NO EXTRA FARE STEEL CARS OF COURSE Phone the CITY TICKET OFFICE Washington at Third A-6121 Broadway 4500 for tickets, reservation, etc! 3 Your Barrage Checked at Home Ask About It. All Day Saturday ii' lU All Day Saturday All Day Saturday Regular $2 Pure Alumi- to H jf nam Coffee Percolators P JL mUrC? Fine, heavy Percolators, of new design, with seamless spout, hinged top and standard size glass. Capacity, 2 quarts. This is a rare bargain at the price. No Telephone Orders Taken None Sent C. O. D. No Deliveries. Basement Salesroom Main Store. HeniyJenning&Sons Washington Street at Fifth Ml! FACTS - . The agriculturhl interests the country (are - mount In importance, but that successful and progres sive agricultural develop ment Is not possible witbott adequate -provision for transportation by means of . good roads from the farms to - both the railroads and market centers of distribu tion. An Isolated - farm. however fertile. Is a lia- bill ty, that can be converted into an asset if it -Is con- nected ; with a road hard surfaced with BITUUTHIG ; Warren Brothers Company, . "Journal Building, ' : ' Portland. Oregon. VICTROLA "the only in5trument,, tj The Victrola is the only instrument for which the world's greatest singers and instrumentalists make records. . fjThe only instrument they consider able to do justice to their magnifi cent voices and superb art. . tJ'The Victrola is the only instrument on which you can hear the greatest art ists in your own home just as clear and true to life as if you were hearing them on the opera, concert or theatrical stage. The $100 Victrola tj Hearing is believing. We will gladly play any music you wish to hear and demonstrate the various styles. We offer perfect Victor Service a service which provides for your utmost com fort, pleasure and satisfaction, whether selecting a Victrola or a Record. Victrolas, $15 to $400, on Easy Terms All the Victor Records Shermaniflay & Go. ' - :y; -. STEIKWAT AND OTHER PI AN08. PIANOLAS, -. - - VICTROLAS AKD ALI. THE RECORDa , : Sixth and ; Morrison Streets; Opposite Postof fice PhonesMarshall 1,. Home A-6281 "JONES' SUPERIOR QUAUTY" IF you want the best to be had in MEATS IF you want perfect market arrangements as suring absolute cleanliness in the handling of MEATS you eat, IF you want MEATS that have been properly aged, that are tender and juicy, you will buy here, where JONES' "QUALITY" REIGNS SUPREME. THIS SATURDAY our leading . special will be LAMB LAMB LAMB Legs of Lamb, lb. i 22c Shoulders of Lamb, lb. 13c Breasts of Lamb, lb. 11c Lamb Cutlets, lb. 15c Lamb Rolls (nearly boneless) larded with salt pork, very tasty, lb. 15c PRIME STEER BEEF Shoulder Pot Roasts, lb. 14c Rolled Roasts (boneless), lb, 16c Prime Rib Roasts, lb. 20c FRESHLY MADE SAUSAGE Bock Sausage, lb. .20c Jones' Pure Pig Pork Sausage in 1 lb. sanitary cartons 20c Veal Sausage, lb r 18c Clubhouse Sausage lb. 15c Veal Loaf, lb. 15c St. Caller Schieblinge, lb 15c Our Special Bargain Meat Counter Offers big inducements in meat values to the real mar ket shopper. Here'sWHEREYOUCANDOTHEBEST. JONES' SUC4AR CURED SMOKED MEATS, rightfully named PRIDE-OF-OREGON. From Oregon's best grain-fed PORK, cured and smoked right here. Hams, Vz or whole, lb. 17c PURE LARD Bacon, whole, lb. 18-20c Jo. Pail, . . . . .. . . 65c Tenderloin Backs, lb. ..16c COMPOUND Picnics, lb. . 12c No. 5 PaiU ......... 55c Cottages, lb. 13c No. 10 PaiU . . . .$1.10 Phone Orders Taken. Cash or Credit. Exact Penny Change B Powers' All-Day Saturday Special fit lSL- fWlrf I - $25 Aluminum Rice or Mush Boilero for . Oa SaW AS Day Satwroay ' . Another fine piece to add to your aluminum outfit a large- size silver-finished rice or mash bofler of 9V pure aluminarn. Ha aluminum cover which fits either base or inset three-ply special riveted handle and enameled cover kneb. Worth 2.2S in any store. Only 150 to sell st this special low price. " Oao to a Ctbtomer .. No Phono erCO.D, Orders No De&varUs lvGrade Display Ftxiiiiture Samples Reduced . One-Half and Less. V ,: Ly xii lit ymmki , ...... , J a -Pastry at low prices. -