THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916. 17 CAR SHORTAGE SITUATION IS ALARMING TO LOCAL MILLERS . , : ' . . ." . : ' "v Edited by HymanH. Cohan VEAL MARKET HAS A S WEAKER TONE AND ' LOIR PRICE HERE ..Reaction in Quotation Follows a Recent HJgh Mark Which Had V. Been Due to Extreme Scarcity V Receipts Again Heavier. Teal market la weaker and lower after a Spectacular price advance along the whole sale war. Sales along the street are reported generally at lllgHVie a pound (or best "quality, although bere and there some dealer may secure as bleb as 1 2c from some amall Stitcher for t'slogl animal. Following the extreme aeareity of dressed 'Calves along the street and the high (light oT prices, sharp Increase la the volume of tea! marketed along tbe wholesale war was stewn. Late last week and on Monday and Tuesday of tbe present week, there was such a amall amount of veal reported Ln by tbe trade that receivers were able to command aiD'oat any price tbey chose. ' There is Just a steady, tone Jn the dressed fcos, market generally along tbe street. The main trouble the trade Is baring at the mo ment la witb tbe small nixed toff, and re ceipts of that character are comparatively liberal. "SUGAR ADVANCE IN EFFECT 'The forecast of an advaure of 10c per hun gered pounds in the price of all grades of re - fined sugar bere, took effect during tbe .Borning. Thil places granulated at $T.10. , BETTER ASPARAGUS COMES r " Asparagus from the south Is coming with : batter quality. Soma atock packed In prra- s ids with selected quality sold at 28c a pound ' tor tbe Initial 'shipment, bat other packing ia -reported at 20c. EGG MARKET STEADY HERE Market for eggs along Front street Is fen rally quoted steady by tbe trade. Receipts are less liberal and most sales are reported round 18 Ve a dozen. Outside demand still quit good. CRANBERRIES KEEP WELL Cranberries of excellent quality are still be lag offered In. tbe wholesale market. It is VEGSUal for the trade to retain good quality berries so law In tb sessoo. Demand ia lew. SMALL CHICKENS WANTED . Tbe demand for chickens bas taken another .twist. While a abort tlm ago tba principal call waa for large hens, now the demand la for - Small birds. bruilere are in limited supply VttH sales up to 3bc. BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE ftptc markets continue to advance. Cheese and butter markets steady. . Apple demand is less liberal. '. Supplies of fresh crabs are liberal. .. Potato market Is alow at former prices. Hides are quoted firmer in the east. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau semis tbe following notice to shippers: Protect shipments, during the next . 8 hours as far north ss Seattle against mini mam temperatures of about 34 degrees: north' east- to Spokane, 20 degrees; southeaat to Boise, 20 degrees; sooth to Ashland, 33 de grees. Minimum temperature at Portland to- -f lilgbt about 34 degrees. 4 Sail Francisco Wool Market. fitw-Trinflir Uitrrii lifS. V..-aWtatl growth, 21g2c; do 12 months, 25&28c; mid dle counties, 8 months' growth, good, 1719c; do-fair. 1531Tc; Red Bluff and vicinity, 20 it 23c; soutuern California, fall and lambs' wool, 12(531 13c; Nevada, atock, 1820c, accord ing to quality. St. Louis. Mo., March 2. (I. N. 8.) Wool unchanged. Great Smelt Bun . In Cowlitz Report Of Fish Dealers Receipts So Heavy' That All Near by Markets Are Glutted With Supplies. The greatest run of smelt ln tha Owlltx river that the local trade has known for a number of years Is now shown. Receipts from the Washington stream are very heavy, completely glutting tbe trade bere as well as at nearby points. While sales of smelt continue generally at 75V. box In tbe city, the price Is wesk at that for fresh offerings. Preparations are well under way for the dlrpatch-of tbe ships and steamers to tbe Alaska canneries. Provision lists are being gathered and tbe work of getting tbe boats retdy for their northern Journey will be started within a day or so. Columbia river packers in genersl are over hauling their machinery and additional faclli ties - for canning will be provided at most plants. Tbe chief Interest at this tlm Is lo the installation of machinery for putting op mere half pound tins. In tbe meantime the canned salmon market reflects much strength with prices maintained. Columbia river Chinook stocks are liberal. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Seattle Market. Seattle. Wash., March 3. U. P.) Onions Oregou 2V4c; Yakima, 22ic. Potatoes White River $S27; Yakima Bur beitka, S33; Yakima Oema gu32. Baa Francisco Vsrkst, San Francisco, March 3. (U. P.) Potatoes, per cental. Deltas ex-wharf $1.00fl.S5; ditto extra fancy, Jl.40igl.55; fancy Salinas. fl.0 2.15; Oregon, tl.7A2.00; J da bo netted Oram, l.UO(-i2.0o; sweets, S2.60 delivered on side walk. Onion Per cental, California, ex-leeboose, $1.30(82.00; Lompoc, $2.00; Oregon, I1.75Q 2.00; Nevada, $2.00. DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST San Francisco Market. Pan Francisco, Marcb 3. (U. P.) Butter Extras, 24c; prime firsts. 23Hc; firsts, 23c. Eggs Extras 18c; pullets. 17c. Cheese California fancy 17c; firata, 1616c. Seattle Market. Seattle, March 3. (U. P.) Butter Native Washington creamery brick, 30c; ditto solid peck. 20c. . Cheese Oregon triplets 21c; Wisconsin triplets, 21c; Wisconsin twins. 21c; Young America 22c. ggB Select ranch 25c. Los Angeles Markets. Los Angeles, Marcb 3. (P. N. S.) Eggs Cane count, INC. Butter fresh, extra, 24c. . APRIL BLUESTEM NOW TOUCHING $106 PER ON 'CHANGE BUSHEL Sale of 5000 Bushels of That Vari ety and Option Indicates Short Covering April Oats Sold at Advance of $1 a Ton. NORTHWEST GRAI RECEIPTS Cars Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Portland, FT!... 1 Year ago 30 3 Season to date.. 0.181 1351 Year ago 14,853 1788 Tacoma. Tburs.. 14 .... Year ago 38 5 Season to date.. 5.940 400 Year sgo 8,193 473 Seattle. Tbure.. 14 Year ago . . 1 Season to date. . 6.690 1113 Year ago 8.607 94 3 2 1296 1682 12 6 1672 lTOd 8 833 1805 "b 263 558 4 17 774 1026 Hay. 18 4 1832 1613 2 1790 2581 15 4 3237 3334 Eastern Barley Market. f- Sew York. March 2. (1. N. S.) Barley anesoy; mailing, fotstic. Kansas City, Ma, March i (I. N. 8.) Barley, MStWc, v ; Chicago. March 2. (1. N. S.) Barley firm; Dialling, 64370c. Orogon. Apples in South. San Francisco, March 2. Apples per box, Oregon and Washington. S'pftzenberg, SI. 90 2.50; Ben Davis, 1 1.00 1.50; Roman Beau ties. $1.00al-50; Newtown Pippins, 11.00 2.23. New York Sugar and Coffee. New 'ork March 3. Sajar, centrifugal, 15.20. Coffee New York No. T Bio, 0e; No. 4 Santos loi4c San Francisco Hop Market. San Francisco, March 2. Hope, 1915 crop, basis per pound, Sacramento valley, 10124e; ether sections, 10124:i Oregon, 10ll24c; Washington. 1012e. TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Chang of Boat) The Big, Claavn. fftin i fn",n pi o Elegantly Appointed. Saa-aaing Steamship ails Tram Ala worth Sock 3 P.M., MAR. 4 10O Golden Klles on Colombia Blver All Kt Include Berth and Xeala, ; Tables aaa Servic v&ezoeiiea, am,. Bain m.ritu ax J Oo-.' Tnird and Washington Sts, I vita vf-w. tt. s n. oo.) a'sU. Kroava- way 4600. ,a-131. 1 r ii,,i3L'.rjiiiJ ' ' ' Palatial. Six-Deck. Speedy S S;. NORTHERN PACIFIC Sails tor SSn Francisco Saturday, March 11. SBd thereafter every - Saturday. From San t rmcciaco tor i oruaoa , erery Wednesday. North Bank ateamar Expraas leave 9 a. m. aVuuer altip . "Great Northern" irch e! JOBBING P1UCES OF POHTTiAXD These prices are those at which wholesaler sell to retailers, except as otbarwla sta tad: Dairy Frodaoa. ' BUTTER City creamery cubes, extraa, 27c; firsts, 20c; secouds, 24c; carlon prints, 29c; country creamery, cubes, 20c; Oregon uairy, lbc. BCTUiiKFAT Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream 27c; No. 2, 25c Selllug iica by dealers nnsetTled. delivery extra Selected fresh, 2oc per dosen; case count, Orfgon ranch, 1818toe. 1.1 VK foUL'iiti tien. ueaji Plymouth Btck, 17c; ordinary chickens, 16c; springs, if to pounds, 18fe2uc; turkeys, Ibtti dressed, fancy, 2426c; culls, lte; plgauna, $1001.25; squaos, fl.20 dosen; geeae, live, loaiOVic lb.; fekln ducks, old, 16c lb.; young and heavy, 18c; Indian Bunners, 1314c lb. JACKKABBIXS Faney. T5cftl dosen. CHEESE Selling price Fresh Oregon fancy full cream twiua and triplets. 22t23c per lb.; Young America, 22c. Price to Jobbers: Flats. 2uc Youna- America. 21c f. o. b. : cream brick. 2324c; limberber. 234j2ic; Wisconsin wheel. aiHiSoc; block Swiss, aoc. JTruitsi and Vsgstahlsa. t'ULSU knoixB Uiauaah fancy naveL S2.ouutt.25: bananas, be in.: iemooa. ta.uotis S.OtMwx; grs)Mitru, Florida, l iUiibJ3 casv; pineapples, ovinsoo per o., psars, tuionfi.w tangerines, S1.50 bos. AJrfUiL,a LOC4U, ii.JWti.w per oox, accord ing to quality. onions no. l. a.oo per cental, assocuuoa selling pries carloads, $2.00 t. o. b. counuy points; garlic, 12Vfec li. rUiAluta oeiuu pneo iocai, ai.zoia 1.50; buy lug price. per cental; aweat asi.SQO. VEUKTABLES Turnips, (1.00; beats, gl.OO rer sack: carrots, Sl.oo p-r aack; paranlpa. 1.00 sack; cabbage, I1.2i(al.50 cwt; green onions, 20e per doa. bunches; peppers. Florida. 25c; head lattuca, California. 2oU30 crate; celery, California. S4.75; cauliflower. California, 15 per dosen; French artichokes, 9Oc4i1.00j aaparggus, 20c lb.; botbouse cucum bers, $1.25(5,1. 5o per doz. ; tomatoes, Mexican, $2.75((43.0W; Florida, S5; egg plant, 20c lb.; sprouts, 9c per lb.; cranberries, eastern, gll.50 12 barrel; spinach, 11.10(1.15 box; rhubarb. UkttHc lb. Meats, Fish and Provisions. DRKSSEU MHATS Seliiug price Country killed: Fancy bogi. loc; poor. 8c; fancy veala, llllVac; ordinary, lOfelOHc; poor. 7 fete; goals, 2&4c; sprlug lambs, 10c; mut ton. 6iy.Sc lb. UAaiS, BACON. ETC Hams. 1520c. breahtast batvon. lSU2ac; ballad nam, ae; picnic, 11 He; cottage roll. lc; Oregon x ports, lSVsttltC per lb. - 0fSXS.Ha Olyuipia. per gsllon. $3; canned aatern, 56c can, t6.n0 dosen; eaatera ln afaell. ai.t3 er 100; raaor claiua. aoaan; eaat- ern oysters, per gallon, solid pack, au.Oo. F1SU Uressetf flounders, 7c; steelnead aal Kton, 12c; Chinook, 15c; perch, 74Jc'per lb.; lobsters, 25c; silver smelt, be; aaunon trout. 12 Vie lb.; halibut, 9feQ12c; Columbia smalt, f&c per 50 lb. bos; tout cod, 7c; black baaa, 7V.0 lb. C BABS Large, $1.75; medium, tl.25 dosen. LaiiU Xlarvas, tntUa tsinaerau ucj ,tanuxd. 12c. STJGAB Cuba, 7JK; powdered, 7.55; fruit r hsrrv. S7a0; beet, .6.90; dry granulated. S7.10; 1 yellow, S6.30. lAbova o,uoiaUona are aicar JP" stl . New Or- i.... ueao. btkuatoci blue roM. iVke. oaL.1 Coarse, half grounoa, lOua, ia54 per ion; il-au; "o usury, out, gitt; los, 5V; baUsa. aUi 1ujo souk, tMi iw "bBAN B Small whlta. 7-25j large wuu. 1Ui; puis, 5.75j lUuna, tUMU; Ihwu, .; red, op(i wool Kidaa. H OFS Kouunal bujriua Briem. 1B15 enm. cnolcr, 12VaUJMi-. sxinvs. sic; medium. nuhai-.. 3-25sJ0 per cauaa. W001 Nouunal, 11 aiip; Wiiiamstta vai- m. HUN Cotawoid, 2&akoc; uieuium linrtm. kUU'C, SVJbC ChtM Uucf lota. KOC( twisii urea"", k-mstx' UlDoJi i'J1 lung wool pelts, 17c; dry abort sr out paita, 14c; ury eneep aocsringa,, luulov. saltaa ahaatu ananriuga, sacn. laaxac ktiwH nloca iifci iua- anu up xoa; sautMi im tW Ml. IUU uf AAV, XLM. 441 lb), lbv; sailed valx (up w 15 ius, u; teeu uiusa l u. and up, la; graan ,Ui tJO ins. and upj. ijt; green kip ilj .. 10 n lna.l. iuv; arvau cast tuu to la it, i. Xatv; dry fUnt bides, Mc; dry flint calx u ts t ins;, a" nry nursa klora. eaca, ioq ut i.uv, mu aoraemoaa, sacA. kA-uw to V-Oo; bontenaor, XAc laLWW-No. 1, m; No. 2. 5c; greaae. Be. CUllXlal OH CAiCAbVA BAkUx auriaut tiwc, lux car ioi, c; mm iwui car Via. . " . to Ok. NUUAi a. . -- fsiava and Oils. UNbEKU Oluaw, obu., W2c gallon; ket- Uj Ouiiwu, duis.. naw, case, vie; boiiad, cases, uuc gal.; lots of 25U gaxkiua 1c less, COAl, OIL Water white. In drum and trust uarreu, ivs, IL'aa'hlNl'laki Tanka, 7e; casaa. T4e,gal- Wia. WHITS LEAD Ton lots. 814c lb.; O0 lb. lots, '.c, je tota. w-fcc per in. " uil jaa,Au carsoaa suis, kh; kaaa - l.m m-jw. sa GASOUNtt Bulk. 16Ve per gallon. Ter Honolulu, March 6! and 21, Bhriners" offl- ttal trip March 24. - Ticket office, 6ta and Stark. , Itatten. 10th and Hoyt. Bwdy 820. A-66TL.' lAcerican-Harmas Stehip Co, FRElGHr SERVICE PORTLAND 1TO -----HONOLULU s. s. CtORGIAN 'SAILS ABOUT APRIL 1ST - O, 9. JfEltniiDT, Areat. -; -tT0 Stark Bt, Portlaad, Ot. - ; : San Francisco Grain Market, San Franc Uoo. March 3. Barley calls: March . March t trpen. Close. Ctooe, May i-.ISSB- lViA 14B ix-cember 1371A i: irtsti Spot quotations Wheat Walla Walla Sl.JO wi.ift; rea ttusaian si.Bl'if(fl.70; Turkey red. Sl.82gl.8T; bmesrem. 91.t7Uvtl.po. reed barley 1.S21.35; brewlug. $1.40 White" oats S1.40431.42U. Bran S 2324; middilags, 303S1; sborta. aA.wfio.vv. SHIPPERS Srt VOOIX ysar next shtpmaait sf ajAl H0G6V rOULTBY, EGG3, HI15Z8, atfc. If yom want BETTta PKICU. Yen get you? money next day, leaa k anaauuusat. - Market -infer. Bastion, tags, ato., pramptly anppliad. California la purchasing small supplies of wheat in this territory While the volume of sales la still limited, the fact" that tbe south la buying at all la taken aa a good Indication by tbe trade ln general. The car shortage along the lines of the Southern Pacific la causing much concern to milling interests generally, because they ar unable to fill their orders for millstuffs. Some of the millers claim to have had orders for several weeks before being able to secure trsnsportatlon. Coarse J rains are quiet ln tbe interior with little business reported there in any of the cereals. Grain bags continue to strengthen ln tone and price, but as there 1' practically nothing offering here with guaranteed delivery, tbe market Is considered nominal. Broomball cabled from Liverpool that the wheat market waa abowlng a firmer under tone. There was nervousness over subma rlnea and a probable embargo ln America. Floating quantity la Increasing. Argentine weather favorable. Port stocks are increasing and the interior movement ia larger. United Kingdom General demand for wheat la very quiet, aa It ia believed that supplies are enough for tbe present. France Favorable weather Is helping crops and tbe coudition la Improving. Argentine ablpmrnts Wheat 2.864.000 bush els; corn 604.UUO bushels; oats, 690,000 bush els. FLOUU Selling price: Patent. $3.40; Wil lamette valley, $5.40; local straight, 14.80(3 JI0: bakers' local. S5.0OCa5.4O: Montana spring wheat, S6.30; exports, $4.7034.90; whole wheat. .5o: graUaux, $3.00; rye flour, j4)5 per barrel. MAY Buying price, Willamette valley tim othy, fancy. $16.00: eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy. $18.00; alfalfa. $2021.00: vetcb and oats. JlO.OOigle.oO. clover, $13.54) U14.00. UKAIN SACKS 1916, nominal: No. 1 Cal cutta. 13 ft (J Ho in car lots; less amounts cxe higher. SJ1L.USTI ffs selling price, carload lota: Bran, 2a.50: shorts. X26.0O. KOLLCU oats sJMHO.t5 per barrel. Kt'LLEI) BARLEY S3 1.5041 31'. 50 per ton. Witb tbe sharp advance ln the Chicago trade ant price, bids for wheat on the Portland Merchants exebange were firmer. Marcb deliv ery bids were In to 3c a bushel higher than Thursday. Tbe feature of the day's trade waa the sale of 5000 bushels of April bluestem st $1.06. Recent buying of that delivery at tbe higher prices indicated short covering. Marcb oat a bida were unchanged, but barley advanced 50c back to $29 again for feed. A aale of 100 tons April oats were made at $26 a ton or $1 higher than Thursday's bid fur similar delivery. Merchants Exebange March quotations! WHEAT Thurs. Outside Demand Is Less Heavy; Onion Stocks Are Small Sales Are Xot So Liberal, bat Total Holdings Are Keeping Trade Ideas Good. While outside sales of onions are reported less liberal by ahlppers, the msrket continues to show strength generally and prices are being maintained well at $2 per cental f. o. b. country points. The poor quality of tbe California atock which Is being offered in the south at ex treme low prices ia affecting to some extent the demsnd for the better Oregon stock, sl tlcugh recently the better clsss trade in tbe south baa ahown more disposition to take bold of the northern product. ' Total boldinga of pnlons ln this state are so small that the trade does not anticipate for a single moment that any difficulty will be experienced in cleaning up all offerings at ful values before new crop is available from other sections. Becaure of the. excellent quality of the Oregon product and the fact that prices are held within reason, it is Impossible far new crop Australian onions to secure a foothold on the coasT this aea.son. Opening Strength a Surprise for Wheat Cticsgo, March 3 (I. N. S.) Wheat openel stronger today. This change came as a mrr prise to many of the big traders, who had expected a continuation of the weak market. Liquidation apparently has run its coarse on the present bearish conditions. While the short side today argued tnat large reserves and the shipping situation la again a higher move ln prices, the bulls took the stand that recent depressive news hen been overworked, and that tbe market la lower than the conditions within. Liverpool opened stronger today on factors that In this country are considered bearish, namely, the obstruction of shipping until the submarine issue la settled. A good portion of the optimistic side of tbe market continued to favor sales on the rallies. Both corn snd oata opened fractionally np from yesterday's close. Trading in these two eralns during tha first hour waa of a normal volume and a firmness characterised the mar ket. Later, however, fluctuations were more pronounced. Technical factors ln these two grains are ssld to have been exercised to the maximum, and It la thought that tbe market ia now awaiting newa or a controlling nature. The bog market waa firm. May wheat opened at 112. and was steady at first. July opened at 109, and waa lees regular. Range of Chicago pricea furnished by Over berk & Cooke Co., 210-217 Board of Trade building: Friday. Bid. Ask. Bluestem 103 106 Fortyfold 83 102 Club 03 90 Eed fife 03 100 Bed Russian 83 loO Wed. Tues. Bid Mon. 100 03 02 92 f3 OS 93 90 0 90 2500 2600 Feed 2b0O Brewing FEED OATS 250O 25O0 BARLEY 2850 2850 MILLSTUFFS Bran 2050 2200 2050 205O Sliorts 2200 2500 2225 2250 Futures were quoted: WHEAT April bluestem April fortyfold April club April red fife April Busslan April FEED OATS PEED BARLEY April bran . . April shorts MILLSTUFFS 1 : 08 00 93 S3 00 83 88 t$ S8 83 2500 2500 2900 2850 8000 2075 1 2100 2250 2250 Bid. Ask. .15 107 !ik o:i !H 101 04 101 94 101 2525 2600 2S50 2100 2.100 ,2250 25(10 Stanfield Section Looks Prosperous There la nothing at all the matter with the Stanfield section, according to Lloyd Klfhea, editor of tbe Stanfield Standard, and a former employe of The- Journal. Mr. Riches waa ln the city today, baring come forward with several loads of cattle owned by Dixon Bros. of Stanfield. The Stanfield section is ln good shape," says Riches. "The livestock men bsd plenty of feed over tbe cold spell with some to si are. For that reason there were only nom inal tastes during tbe winter. The fruit trees were not damaged, according to the best svallable- information and tha growing wheat crop is in excellent condition." BOSTON CX)PPER QUOTATIONS Boston. March 3. Coddot bids Mason V alley Zft' Mann. Gas . . 1 1 Mayflower . . S3 Mass Alining Aiexooi cons. 4ti Adventure Ahmeek . . , Allouei . . . Arcadian . . Alaska Baltic Bohemia . . . Butte Hup. . Cal. & Arig ;al & Ileela 550 . Canada 1 Centennial .. 15 Chino 66 Cons. Cop. M. 1 Cop. Range. . Cortes . Crown Ren-. . Daly West . . Davis-Daly . First Natl... Franklin . . . Ooldf Cons.. 90 G.-Cananea . 444 Oranby . Hancock Helvetia Indiana . Inspiration .j 44 4 Isle Royala.. 21 Ketwetnaw . t Kerr laako .. SV4 La Salle 4 Iake Copper. 16 McKinlOy D.. 40 Majestio .... 5 20 3 2 92 63 60 40 2 1 87?, 15& 40 4 Miami Michigan . . . Mohawk Niplssinir' . . . North Butte North Lake . Ohio Copper. Old Colony.. (Old Dominion useeoia. Quincy Raven Ray Conn. . . Santa Fo , . . Shannon ... Shattuck Stewart Succeiisi .... J Swift Pkg. 1 T'n wm ..1. ! United Frui United P. , uititcu 4Wv-t I C 79 Un. Verde E. 14 v? litah Apex . Utah Cons... 35 4 91 29U I. 2 71 93 91 15 24 Jv. 36 30 69 130 514 WHEAT Open. High. Jjow. Close. Msy 112 114 11114 113 July IOM'4 111S 108' 111WB CORN Msy 74 74 734 744 July 74V 74S 73 74 oats May 4314 43 42H 434 July 41 41 40 41 PORK Mav .....2120 2147 2117 2143 July 2112 2142 2110 2140 I.ARD May 1062 1065 1057 lOfio A. July 10S2 KKS5 1077 1085 A RIBS May 1165 1172 1160 1173 July 1180 11S5 1172 1182 A BANK STATEMENT OP COAST Clearings Monday . . . Toesday ... eanesoay Thursday . Kriday .... Clearings .. balances . . lortlanfl Banks. This week. Tear ago. $1,708,771.31 $ 2.160.721.26 1.87.501.91 2,833,580.52 1,940,541.64 2,433.424.30 2,041.043.17 1,715.127.39 2,001.823.69 1,803,609.89 Seattle Banks. .$ 1,800,694.00 117,307.00 Tacoma Banks. Clearings ...$ 8S 1.522. 00 Balances 09.885.00 Clearings Clearings Baa Francisco Banks. - .$9,898,091.00 Loa Anaeiem Ban Vs. $4,061,718.00 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES PULP CATTLE COME TO YARDS ON CONTRACT TO i , TACOMA PACKER Liberal Shipment in Yards From Best Section of Idaho General Cattle Situation Doll Hogs Steady No Mutton for Trade. ONE LOT HOGS AT $8.10. Better duality of ona lot nf fanes nffmrakA aft North Portland during the day brought out a price of $8.10. The general market showed really no change, the higher figure being due to quality only. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN - Hoga. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Friday 658 Thursday 180 v eauesdav 81 Tuesday 47a Monday 2,674 Saturday 373 week ago 1,022 1 car ago l.iaa Two years ago. 57 Three yeara ago 143 482 73 4 479 10 162 61 a 14 20 17 $47 '74 6T3 4R5 200 248 The delayed shipments of stock during late yesterday were not reported la until the morning. The general market situation Is showing practically no change.' Pulp cattle came forward from Idaho ln liberal supply, but the entire shipment wss a direct purchase ln the Interior by Carstens of Tacoma and only rested here. Tbe shipment consisted of 12 loads with a sprinkling of aheep among them. Cattle market was slow ln starting, al though some rather good stuff came forward from Umatilla county. The general cattle market ranee: Choice pulp fed ateera $7.50(97.70 Ctoice grain fed steers 7.257.83 Ordinary era In fed ateera 7MMI.7 IS Choice bay fed sters... e.OOQfl.e.l Good steers 6.75W6.85 Ordinary to common steers 6.00a6.60 Ctoice cows 6.60(6.75 Ordinary to common cows tLodhr A no Choice btifera 6.75 Ordinary to good helfera 4.00(95.75 Choice bulls 8.75Q4.BO Good to fair bulla 8.00(83.50 Ordinary to common bulls 2.002.75 Best llabt calves Ron Oood calves 7.00417.50 Hog Market la Steady. Market for hoes U stead v at North Port- Innd. There was a rather fab: run in the ytrds overnight, but the bulk of the stuff came from Willamette valley points and on guaranteed price at $3 for best. General beg market range: Choice light weight $S.O08.10 Good light weights 7.S57.M Medium weights. T. 707.75 ttougn ana Heavy 7.50(U,7.eo No Mutton for Market. While there was a small run of mutton re ported in tbe yarda overnight, tbe limited stock came forward to killers, one bunch being for a local concern and tbe other for Tacoma. General mutton and lamb, trad conditions ar? firm. General mutton and lamb range: Choice weight lambs $9.0009.03 Good to common lambs 8.00418.50 Choice yearling wethers .00 Good to common yearlings 7.00(37.75 Old wethers 6.75 Choice light ewes 6.7o7.00 uooa to common ewes B.ooau.o0 Friday Livestock Shippers. Hogs Pacific Cold Storage Co., Stanfield, 1 load; F. B. Ferguson, Amity, 1 load; J. E. Pioffltt, Dayton, 1 load. Cattle U. R. Peacock, Caldwell. Idaho, 2 loads; Pacific Cold Storage Co., Stanfield, 1 load; Dixon Bros., 4 loads. Mixed stuff J. D. Jensen, Sugar City, Ida ho, 12" loads cattle and sheep direct to Car stens; B. C. Davidson, Emmett, Idaho, 1 load cattle and hoga; J. D. Bardlck, Albany, 1 k-ad cattle and hops; J. B. Parrlsh, Jefferson, 1 load calvea and bogs; C. E. Lucke, Molalla, 1 load bogs and theep; J. D. Dinsmore, West Sclo, 1 load cattle and bogs. Friday Morning Sales, STEERS No. Ave. lbs. Price. 1 steer 1020 $7.50 23 steers , 1134 6.85 26 steers 1080 6 85 15 steers - 972 6.25 COWS 10 cows 1207 1 cow 840 1 cow 1090 Consolidation Talk About Locomotive Financial, Industrial, Development New Tork. March 3. (I. M. S.) The stock market today opened blather. Industrial lead ers were heavily traded la the opening; boar. The baying movement was credited to certain 1 large Interests on the "inside," and which are said to posses knowledge of the enormous earnings of the big commercial institutions. Rallies of this sort were augmented by the natural abort covering that followed tbe in coming support. Beading again was aceumu ltted in large quantities by tbe same Inter, eats' which were behind the recent movement. The possibility of this government adopting a fixed policy toward the German sub marine campaign and thus obviating condi tion of uncertainty, waa considered one of the snstslnlng factors today. The advance in copper dividend waa ex pected to stimulate pricea, but failed, bow ever. For this reason it 1 thought that the copper list hss settled for the present to a pure trading baals. It also a bowed that good newa falla to affect stocks aa much aa bad newa. It waa rumored on the floor ahortly after the opening that Baldwin and American Locomotive will merge. These two issue were unusually active, bnt the trend of prices ln the first hour failed to Indicate anything more than mixed trading. New York Central opened at 104: Reading at 82H; Southern Pacific 96, and Union Pacific at 181V,. Thev were the leaders ln rails snd they posted fractional advances ln I the early trading. Crucible Stei sola bp 1 point from 72. Lackawanna was active be. tweea tbe opening at 75 V4 and high at 77. United State Steel was stronger around 81. The coppers were normally traded and prices were firm, with tbe leaders showing fractional gatna ln the first hour. Baldwin opened at 100 and Locomotive at 69, and both ad vanced. Mexican Petroleum waa active and stronger in sales from an opening at 98. Associated Oil sold at 68 Vs. Tbe market closed strong. Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co., 216-217 Board of Trade building: DESCRIPTION I Openl Hlghl LowjCiuse Keen Competition Among Bond Buyers at Astoria and Walla Walla To Install Rest Boom for Bank Clerks Imported Woolens to Be Searce. Uit 141 . Sh. 14 i 7 fi lZ Victoria I Winona " ! Wolverine .. I Wyandot . . . I Yukon Gold 4 13. 3 k 2 Various Wheat Markets. VOGEL PRODUCE CO. . x raozx sin roarLAJTO, Llvernont-ash wheat unchanged to Id higber. Bnenos) Aire Cash wheat rlc lower, imtuth May $1.14; July $1.14HA. Winnipeg ilay $1.12; July. $1.12. Minneapolis May $1.1.1; July $1.13. Kanssa City Way $1.05; July $1.04. . Chicago Cart wheat 2eliirber. Omaha Cash wheat oncbsnred to c bigber. Winnipeg Cask wbeat 2c higher. Columbia River Smelt. New run fresh Columbia rlrer smelt, $1 for 69 pound box. Orders shipped promptly. Sanitary Fisa, . company, First and Waabingtoa. (AdvJ Omaha Hoca $8.80. Omaha. Marcb 3. (I. N. S.l Hogs Re ceipts 8700, higher. Heavy, la.0O8.B0: light, $P.403s.70; pigs, $7.25(8.25; bulk of aales, 6.50tf8.70. Cattle Receipts 1200, strong. Native steers, $7.504r9.10; cows and helfera, $5.5O7.50; western steers, $o.2oto; Texas steers, $67 Etockers and feeders. $628. Sheep Receipts 4800, steady. Yearlings, s.2JW9.; wetners. 7.owiis.23; lamos, $10.5011.15. Chicago Hog $9.10. Chicago, March 8. (I.' N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts 24.000, slow, at yesterday's average ,,,(. .. r uiAa me tHkAta - i ; I, . o tis it n-. mixed, $S.7o(ai9.10; heavy, $8.609.50; rough. xa.noi.d; pigs, 17. no MS. 30. Cattle Receipts 2000. steady. Native beef steers, $7.25(9.70; western steers. $7.10 8.25; stocker and feeders, $3.75(87.85; cows and heifers. $3.45(38.45; calvea. $3.50(311.25. Sheep Bee ialpts 6000. strong. Wethers, $7.90 QS.SO; lambs, (. 25(311.35. St Loni Hogs $9.10. St. Louis, March 8.-7(1. N. S. ceiDts 8000. bigber. Pigs and lirbts. 16.500 9.10; mixed and batchers, $8.S509J.O; good heavy. SWB.lo. Cattle Beeelprs 1200. steady. Native beef steers, $7.5Wttt.50; yearling ateera and helf. era, $S.309.50: cows, $5(37.25; stocker snd feeders. $a.50j7.75; southern steers, $5.25SS; cowa and helfera, $46; native calves, $ia 11.23. Sheep Beeeipts 2000, steady. Yearling wetners, .oijiiu; ioiuds, avi(ii.w; ewes. $6.uU(8.10. Kansas City Hogs $9.00. , Kansaa City, March 3. -(I. N. S.) Hoga Receipt. 30UU. nigner. Hulk 01 sales. H.7Ht 8.95: heavy, $8.U0&4; packers and butchers. $8.758.U5; light. $3.508.&5; pigs. $7.73tt S. 25. Cattle Recelnta 6O0, higher. Prime fed ateer. $8.75tt9.40; dressed beef steers, $7.50 iS.U0: western steers, $7.23.85; stockers abd feeder, 8tf.25fe8.60; bulla, $5.50i&7; calvea. $6.6011. Sheep Ret-elpts 10OO. steady. Lambs. $10.80 gll; yearlings. $9.2."ai0; wethers, $7.75i b.iO; ewes, $7.75i8. Denver Hogs $$.50. Denver. March 3. Cattle Receipts 300, steady. Beef steer. $6.5007.75; cows and heifer. $5.50G.OO; calves. C8lgll. Uoks Receipts 700. higher. Tod. $8.50. Bulk of sales. $8.45f(T8.50. bheep Beeeipts 1600. steady. , Seattle Hoga $8.85. Seattle, March 3. (P. N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipts 774. steady. Prime lights, $8.25; mo dium to choice, 10; smooth heavies, $7.50 (17.75) rough heavies, $77.25;, pigs, $7tii r.75. I t attle Receipts none, steady. Best ateera. $7.70(47. SO; medium to choice, $7.257.50; common to medium, $6.50$; 7; best cows, $5.75 66.50; common to medium cows, $3.505; bulls. $305.50; calves. $7.5018.50. Sheep Receipt 9, steady. Lambs, $9(39.25 7 ear Lings, $7.504i7.75; ewes, $b6.75. Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, March 2. (I. N. S.) Egg ateady; better demand good. I Butter Beeeipts. 5976 tubs- creamery ex trss, 34c; extra firsts. 32 33c; , firsts 2fj 81c; seconds, 25(27e; dairies, extrss. 32c: firsts. 2S(S3uc; packing stork, 1944f20c. Kggs Receipts, 11.153 cases; firsts. 21 tSKiVac; ordinary firata. 20?t24c; miscellane ous, 2022c; storage Aprils, 12Q17c. Stokes Store Robbed. Oak Grove, Or.. March Z. Five dol lars in money and a quantity of to bacco was stolen from the Btokas grocery store Wednesday night. 4 cowa . 1 cow . . 1 bull . . 1 bull .. 1 bull .. 11 ewea . 7 hogs . 5 bogs . 5 hogs . . 3 bogs . 10( hogs . BULLS EWES hogs" . .. 825 ... 980 ...1920 ...IS.iO ...1170 ... 172 ... 167 . .. 2"0 . .. 300 ... 117 ... 90 $6.15 6.00 6.50 6.00 4.00 $,-..50 4.75 4.00 $6.23 $S.10 7.60 7.10 6.75 6.05 Liverpool Cash Wheat. Liverpool, March 8. (I. N. S.) Wheat Spot, No. 1 Manitoba, 14s 7d; No. 8, 14s 8d; No. 2 hard winter, gulf, 12 9d; No. 2 red western winter, 13 Id. HIGH STANDARD OF OREGON CnY PRAISED BY SCHOOL OPPICA L Alaska Alii Chalmers, c Allls Chalmers, pf.... American Beet Sugar. . American Can, c American Can, pf American Car Fdy., c. American Cot. Oil, c. American Linseed, c. . American Loco., c. ... American Smelter, c. American Sugar, c... Am. Tel. 6s. Tel American Woolen, e... Anuronda Mining Co. . Atchison, c Atchison, pf Baldwin Loco., c...... Baldwin Loco., pf Baltimore A Ohio, c. Bethlehem Steel, c... Bethlehem Bteel. pf Brooklyn K T Calif. Petroleum, c... CHlif. Petroleum, pf.. Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c Cntral Leather, pf Chesapeake Ohio.... Chi ic G. W., c Chi., M. St St. P Cbi. & N. W.. c Chino Copper Colorado P. ft I., c. Consolidated Gas Corn Products, c Corn Products, pf . . . . Crucible Steel, c Crucible Steel, pf Denver A B. G., c.... Denver B, G., pf.... IHsUileri ... Erie, c Erie. 1st of. General Electric. . . General Motors.... Goodrich Rubber.. G. Northern, Ore Lands G. Northern, pr Gnggenhelm Exp Hide & Leather, c... Hide & Leather, pf Ice Securities Illinois Central Industrial Alcohol Inspiration Int. Harvester.,. Ii-terboro, c . . .' , Inter bora. pd. . . . . - Kansas City South., c. Lackawanna Steel..... Lehigh Valley Mexican Petroleum. . . . Miami Copper M. k.. Jc T., c. ........ M. K. & T pfd National Biscuit National Lead Nevada Cona New Haven New York Air Brake... New York Central Norfolk W., c....";.. Northern Pacific Pacific Mail Pennsylvania Railway. People Ga Pittsburg coai, c Pittsburg Coal, pfd.... Pressed Steel Oar. e... Pressed Steel car. pfd.. Ray Cons. Copper Railway Steel Springs. Hearting, c Reading. 1st pfd Heading. 2d pid Republic I. & S., c Republic I. & S., pfd.. Rock Island Rock Island, ofd Seers, Roebuck & Co... Studebaker, c Sloes Sheffield Southern Paclfle Southern Ry., c Southern Ky., pia Tenn. Copper Texas Oil Texss Pacific Third Avenue 'Don Pacific, c Union Pacific, pfd V. 8. Rubber, c C. S. Rubbet pfd II. ft. Stee: Co.. c U. S. Bteel Co., pfd.... Utah Copper Virginia Chemical, c... W. U. Telegraph WestingbouKe Electric. Wisconsin tentraj... New York Cotton Market. Open. High.' Low. Clw. January, lgiz l-'ltt 1210 March.. 1138 1143 1138 May 115 11&8 1149 July.... 1174 117? 1167 October. 1192 1194 1184 liccsmb'r 1202 1212 1E02 Whan srrlflar or caillug please mention lbs Journal. 1214 1144 1155 1175 1191 1207 at advartiaer, J.-E. Calavan Visits Upper Grades and Finds Pupils Are Up to Expectations. Oregon City, Or., March 2. That Or egon City's liigrh school Is one of high standard, was the statement made by E. F. Caxleton of the state department of public instruction, who visited schools ln this city Thursday, with County Superintendent J. E. Calavan. He Baid that be found that the pupils were eager to answer questions put to them. He also eald that the teach ers were very efficient and that on the whole Oregon City high school was one to be proud of. Mr. Carleton will be In Clackamas county for a week, and during that time will visit schools in CoUon, Es tncada. Can by, Molalla, Milwaukee and Sandy. Ridgefield Teams Win Both Ways Ridgefield, "VVasb.. March 3.-i-The affirmative and negative debating teams of the Ridaefield high school scored a double vctory over - their opponents Wednesday night when the local high school affirmative team, consisting of Esther Taylor and Ira Taylor, brother and sister, defeated Harvey and Frank Willtston. of the Vancouver high school at the JUdge field high school assembly balL The second victory for the local detaters was that of the negative team, . com posed of Frances Crof f and ' Ruth Maxeon. who won from the - affirm tlve team, consisting of Clarence Stu- der and Galen Litchfield, of the Van couver high school, at the high school auditorium at Vancouver. "Resolved. That the Monroe Poctrino Should. .Discontinued. p t 20 V4 7814 67 5S ill 65 2l" 69 109 'A 62" 85U 102 Vt 101 100 86'" 4tiO 27 164 ei" 93 4 1261-4 40 21 98 72 46 36 450 69 41 120 21 Vs .1 4T 28 152 'ie 73j T5 77 05 83 20 27H 77 87 59 111 86 zi" 70 98 109 "62 80 102 1014 102 '80 468 28 ia 63 oi 17 66 41 '23 98 73 48 400 70 41 120 21 '47 28 162 40 16 735aJ '77 77 88 35 1 27 70 6 67 110 60 2l" 08 86 109 62" 84 102 101 100 86'" 460 66 16 67 139 104 115 112 28 57 30" 14! SO 24 82 26 68 164 6l" 93 126H A6 40 21 96 72 50 175 135 54 0 28l 54 300 131 49 80 84 fUBLL 88 66 16 67 140 104 115 112 67 SO" 105 6O 24 38 82 61 18 175 i:s 64 87 20 64 301 is2 48 82 84 84 88 63 3 45 S6 450 69 40 120 21 47 28 150 4 16 73 75 77 95 35 06 16 67 139 104 114 111 24 57 29 104 24 37 81 60 17 174 133 88 86 20 54 198 131 49 " 80 83 83 88 62 20 26 76 68 110 66 63 21 70 88 109 127 62 85. 103 101 102 108 86 469 128 S594 28 59 106 52 110 61 12 93 126 56 41 131 23 P7 73 112 7 12 4 8 166 460 2 120 21 8 47 2S 100 151 44 100 16 73 25 76 77 98 35 4 13 120 16 67 138 104 115 112 28 67 103 80 104 49 1 24 38 82 H 44 44 51 110 18 175 138 64 97 20 57 54 1200 7 60 131 49 107 81 116 84 84 88 63 35 Beeeat Bond 8alov Three sales of bonds were closed this week ln which Portland bond houses were either the successful bidders or among those at the top of the list. The Port of As toria sold to Morris Brothers $75,000 of bonds issued to pay for general port development purpases. The expendi tures will include, it la understood, coal bunkers and grain elevators. As the Port of Astoria limits are one with the county boundaries, the obligation lies against the. entire property of Clatsop county. Tbe bonds bear 6 per cent interest. One-fifth of the Issue will be retired after 15 years and one fifth additional each succeeding fifth year. The sale price was 103.11, which returns to the buyer 4.77 per cent. To finance the erection of an addi tion to the high school and to.' one grammar school, the school district of Walla Walla sold to the state of Wash ington, at par and Interest, $200,000 bonds, optional after one year, 4 per cent interest, payable annually. The state bought them for the irreducible school fund. The Lumberaena Trust company submitted a bid of a premium of (4,067.77 on the basis of the bonds bearing 4 per cent Interest, dae in 20 years, but optional1 after 10 years. Interest payable semi-annually. The school trustees had difficulty ln decid ing between the bids of the state and the trust company, because they were so clOBe. Between a , per cent bond payable annually and a 4 per cent payable semi-annually, there Is a nom inal difference in favor of the seller of 13.85 a thousand, but in order to earn the difference the school district must keep its Interest money busy all of the time. The trust company of fered to demonstrate to the school districts that lta bid waa the highest but the difference waa so small that nothing came of the offer and the state took the bonds. There were 13 bids in all submitted. There were 85 bids made for an Is sue of $85,000 of bonus offered by the school district of Idaho Falls. Morris Brothers and the Lumbermen Trust company were the second and ntiird highest bidders, the sa's being made to a Salt Lake hnus at a premium of $2978, a basis of 103.60. The bonds are for 20 years, with optional payment after 10 years and-bear 5 per cent interest next fall's trade. "The rise In woo the premium on spinning machinery the extra cost of dyeing, Increases wages, have brought wool goods ii general to nearly twice the accus tomed price. There is an effort mads to reserve men to supply the needs, of the Industry- but the labor supply if ; wholly Inadequate." I Best Boom for Be-- Clerktv Ladd d Tilton bank hamado r.rrangements t lease the mezzanine floor of the Spald ing building, which, until recently, wa used for barber shop purposes. It wiU connect with the main room of th bank and be fitted up as a reading an4 luncheon room for th-- clerks, or tor t meeting place when off duty. Bankers Organise Artillery Company From the membership of San Frauw clsco chapter, American Institute oi Banking, is to be formed a company for the coast artillery corps, national : guard of California. Seventy men, rep , resenting all of the banks of the city) will be mustered. Liberalise Provision of Clayton Act, -Affecting1 Bankers. Representative, Johnson of Maine has Introduced ia ' the house an amendment to the day ton act which would permit a director of a national bank, with deposits oi $5,000,000 and up, to be a member 01 a bouxd of directors of one other navs tional bank, and allow a member of board of a state bank with equal cap italization to be a member of board of one nationavl bank. t The law now forbids representation ln more than one bank of $6,000,000 capital oe upwards. Woolens Will Be scarce, "It la, in deed, quite impossible for one to cite the many difficulties which must be overcome in order to obtain a repre sentative fall line," writes a Boston importer to W. P. Kramer of this city, concerning the prospects of getting im ported goods of the better class for Tarty Tons of Pish a Week for lob dlers. The Canadian government haJ arranged to ship to England 40 tons oi froeh fish a week for use of soldier Tbe first shipment Included aaUrood and halibut from the Paclflo coast They are shipped under cold Storage all the way. Two Principal Causes of Tallarev- Selected because it was believed to be : an average business community, a an in vey ct the business development of Waterloo. Iowa, has been made. The v changes that have occurred In the bust . noes houses of that community and the reasons for them have all been ao : curately ascertained covering a period ' of 20 years. It has been found that ol the 20 concerns in business at tbe be ' ginning of the period studied, only six are active today,' and a great many other changes ln addition have oc- ' currcd. Two causes for business fail ures which led all the rest ln fre quency of occurrence, were overbuying and poor bookkeeping. VANCOUVER SCHOOLS SHOW TAX LEVY LESS THAN STATE AVERAGE Thirty-Three Districts Are Spending More Per Cap ita and Nine Spend Less. Total ssies, 846,700 shares. Marriage licenses. tt w..h XMarYi i Mar. rlajre licenses have been Issued at the office of the county auditor to the fol lowing Dftrsons: Thomas C. Morrin, 27, and Myrth Mishaud. 18, both of Port land; W. H. Bixoy, 32, .ann j-inaretn i,-i oi hnlh ftf Or TVs 1 1 r Leroy Hennlngton, 12, and Alice May Holland, Z4, oom oi rui mnu, on Houeh. 25. and Bellrosa Adcox. 22, both of Portland. EhingJe Mill Idle, nidtrefield. Wash., March 8. The Bratlie-McClelland shingle mill at thia place was forced to suspend Monday, when the drum on the lpg haul broke. It was repaired, but broke again. A new one is now being cast. While the mill is idle Improvements are being made. NOTICE to Shipper of Country Killed MEATS While It la true there baa been passed in this city an ordinance re quiring that all meats pass inspection before the same are offered for sale, advised that this in no wise Inter feres with or prevents your shipment of the same aa nereioiora, certain simple requirements must be adhered to, however, ana iney are as roiiowst iJvv and kidneys (not lunas and heart remove these) must be left In the carcass of a veal or mutton. In dressing hogs remove as heretofore ail organs except the kidneys. All healthy animals of suitable age and sise may he maraetea. javeramg rsnsii, x-rans xexnpiaioa. Derthick Bros. Vancouver, Wash., March 8. Some interesting statistics have been se cured from the educational directory relative to Vancouver's comparative standing with other districts in the state as to enrollment and expenses of operating the affairs of tbe district There are 43 districts in the state, which have an enrollment of 600 or more, and Vancouver ranks tenth. In high school enrollment Vancouver ranks eighth. Thirty-three district are spending more per capita for the education of their children than Vancouver and nine are spending less. Tbe average for the 43 districts is $6.50 more per pupil than Vancouver spends, and the aver age number of pupils per teacher la 26.7, while Vancouvera average Is a little more than 29. The local tax levies vary from fire to 19 mills. During the year 1911-14 Vancouver's levy was the lowest of the list: for 1914-15 Aberdeen was one tenth of a mill lower but the previous" year Aberdeen's was nearly double thatof Vancouver. An average of the past three yeara shows that Vancouver's levy has been the lowest of the 45 largest districts in the state and less than half of the average for that time. The average in 191S-14 was 11.13 mills and in 1814 15 tt was 11.8 mills. Vancouver's levy during that time was fivex mills. 'Files Suit for Divorce. Oregon City, Or., March 2. Agnes Louise Babbott has filed suit against O. M. Babbett for divorce, tbe plaintiff claiming cruel and Inhuman treatment and her husband accusing her of writ ing anonymous letters. She also claims that her husband shipped her personal belongings to an Isolated section in eastern Oregon. Mrs. Babbett asks for the custody of nor minor child, Juanita, aged years. Dan Ray Babbett, aged 4 years, is with the defendant. There are no property rights, ao these have bees settled by agreement PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Thursday. 1:88 p. m. 665 Savier street, chim ney fire; no damage. 6:40 p. m. 609 Vancouver avenue, fallen electrle wire; slight damage. 6:44 p. m. Mississippi avenue and Fremont . street, crossed wires; slight damage. Trlday. No fires. Paid Checks are indisputable receipts. Pay your accounts with checks on this bank. It is the clean, quick, safe, dignified way. LUMBERMENS National, bank Fifth and Stark Capital and Surplus $1,200,000. Overbeck & Cooke Co gteckp. Bonds. Cotton, Orain, Xte, . xe-ai7 Board of Trad Ball Ola. ' DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES - ItewtMtra Ctcaa 1sovr4 f Tra4ak Cerraspondence of Xorss Brraa - Chicago. iiw JEorlu . Market Your Stock Through . V ' I r -1 .LCI I ! oil -t.U . Jl S aeauie union mm mm s ? i :.. .V 'Best Market in Northwest :; 3:;V Prices 15c to 25c higher than any other market on ; the :? Pacific Coait. because it U the only yard in the United States not controlled, by the trust. It la clearly r, to ypur interest to patronize true competition. ; ;r - . A 1