1 -:3k--; - mm THE i OREGON i DAII JOPRNAI POOTLAND. sFRIDAY. t MARCH fcf 18 18; 13 irmicoo ttmc hiuv IIIIUjM ILLLO Mill IS BRANDOS OPPOSED BY GREAT FINANCIERS Gets Big . Lead in Straw Vote Of 3000 seeding- BepnUlcsns Wno Aa iwnd Citeqlu 40 Tn Cent Want Kim to Hav XoaUaatloa, New 'Tortc; "March CI. Tt. 6.) "For Heaven's sake don't put my name on any such circular," wrote Colonel Roosevelt a year ago to Henry Green, a cublicitv usnt who u bealnning Inmity Engendered ' Because ; YtTrLZ of Advocacy of the Qregon :'"(Ur th barom,ter ot pubUc Law tor Working Women. ELMIRA LUMBER MILL TO OPEN OUTLOOK IS R CONTINUOUS RUN Washington, March 8 .-ML jf. s.) oseph Walker, former speaker of the ixesacbuBetts SMembly,-testifying in ch&lf of Loula D. Brandeis, In the enate investigation of his fitness to w es ww-' -wwu 4 mk? WW aMU "Brandeis got In wrong with the inanclal interests first because of bis ight against the gas companies. Then 4 fought the New Haven, then the ln- u ranee companies by advocating sav- ngs banks insurance for workmen. Enmity was engendered "against him Is? by his advocacy before the su preme court of the Oregon law regulat- nff the: hours or work for women, and ylB membership in the public franchise eacue or Boston. ' "I think it is Brandels' public serv os .which has stirred -up the 'financial J uteres t against him, and in propor- 1 ton ; as their hatred grew, did the -aspect in which he is held by the Leople of Massachusetts increase." Senator Walsh of the sub-commit-eo, conducting the hearing, has re eived 1000 Harvard students, pro sting against the action of Pre ienfc Lowell of Harvard In opposing irandeis and urging- favorable coo peration of his nomination. : Francis Peabody of Milton, Mass., ast of the character witnesses fe -lioso opposing confirmation of the fiOmination, : said Brandels' reputation was; that be was . "not trustworthy tind sailed tinder -false; colors." JjUther Burbank 111 ftAt California Home Plant Wiard Threatened With Pneu monia But Physician Says Els Pies, isnt Condition Is JJot Sangeroas. Santa Roe a. Cal., March 8. (P. N. p;) Luther Burbank, the plant wiz ard,: is ill and threatened with pneu monia at his home here today. His sickness is th result of a bad cold ! which attacked him several days ago. ilia physician reported this morning teat his condition is not dangerous. J-For the first time Burbank. will be prevented from taking part in the Lvrbor day celebration in the public bchools next Tuesday, which falls on (the came day as his birthday anniver sary. The pupils have observed the wizard's birthday and planted trees and shrubs at the same time for many years. ; Burbank UBually tours all the schools on Arbor day and addresses the pupils at their exercises. - He is a liberal contributor to school enter- ; fprtses tuwt the social center. I Suit Half Century ! 1 rt -it - ' -i ,um is uompronusea, litigation in XentnciijuCouaSy Bas made Itself Pelt la Every Bhrierally Selection While It Existed. j Louis vj lie, March 4. Litigation be gun 45 years ago over a. bond issue for a railroad that never was built ended here when Union county taxpayers comprised a suit for J500.000 wHh the bondholders for $100,000 and paid the smaller sum into court. ; Incidentally it Is the first time in nearly half a century that a sheriff of Union county has not felt that he might be under the necessity of re signing bis office rather than be com pelled to collect taxes with which to liquidate the judgment. A number of them did resign rather than oppose their constituents and make the levy. Green sent circulars to 20,000 prom inent men. He has reeetved 8000 an swers. Colonel Roosevelt heads the list of presidential preferences; Roose velt so far has polled more than 40 per cent of the Republican vote. Fol lowing him in order are Burton, Hughes, Root and Senator Borah. There were only two Democratic names on the circular, those of Presi dent Wilson and Champ Clark. Wilson has apparently clinched Democratic sentiment witb the speaker of the bouse running strong. 1 Sheridan Man Files Eor the Legislature W. O. Sims, lawyer, Seeks to Repre sent Yamhill County in Rouse of Representatives as a BenbUcan. Sheridan, Or March 3. W. O. Eims of (his place has filed with the secre tary ?f state his declaration of candi dacy for representative for the thir teenth representative district, com posed of Yamhill county, and will stand as a candidate on the Republi can ticket. M-r. cims is a member of the state 'bar association and is now serving bis ninth term as city attorney of Sheridan. His slogan is, "For economy and conservative legislation." Slay Go to Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio, March 2. (I. N. S,) It is not likely; that any decision on- accepting" the superlntendency of rte Columbus '. schools will be made by John H. FMthcls, superintendent of the Los Angeles schools, during his present visit here, according to his views when be arrived here. "I haven't had time to consider the situation from all sides," be said, "and do not believe I will be able to give any answer -today. I am leaving your city tonight." One or Two New Logging Camps Will Be Started in . Coast Mountains, Report, Eugene, Or.. March 8. The sawmill of tbe Elmirs, Lumber company at E3 mlra, west of Eugene, will resume op erations Monday with a fores of 80 or 35 men In the plant, besides several teamsters hauling to the railroad at Vetena. P. C. Walters, manager of the company, said yesterday that It is expected to run all summer long if the price of lumber remains good, and that one or two additional logging camps will be opened in the coast mountains if the market continues on the upgrade. There is one camp now in operation, employing a number of men. ' A big drive of logs was recently re ceived at the mill, having been floated down the Long Tom river from a tract of timber which the company owns in the mountains) a few miles back of El mira. Slide Destroys Road. Eugene, Or., March 8. A big slid a the road that was constructed by th forestry department at Cap Per petua on the coast of Lane county las rear, occurred Curine- the recent stormy weather and about 100 xeet o.s-1 it will bavo to t reconstructed, ac cording to H. B. Rankin, supervisor of the Biusiaw national forest, wno nas recently returned from a trip to the forest. Mr.. Rankin says that the slide tore out the road and It will be necessary to cut back into tbe solid rock, as was doni at the beginning. Girl Questions Are ' Subject of Session CorvalUs, Or., March An enthu-l elastic gathering of teachers, mothers and club leaders was held in the Chris tian church. It was arranged for by the Girl Triad association and was participated In by the various organi sations of the city and Agricultural college interested in girls. The following program was given: The Teen Age." Mrs. L. H. Ax tell. Miss Hansery. Miss Morrison; "Play as a Moral Force," Miss Maud Turley; "The Relation of Story Telling to Character Building," Mrs. M, I San ders; solo, Mrs. J, H. Edwards; ."The Influence of Hand Work on Character," Miss H. M. Peer; "Tbe Relation of Mother and Daughter," Mrs. W. J. Kerr; "Ideals," Miss Francis and Mrs. von Tobel; "How to, Bring out the Best in the Girl," Dean Fawcett, Miss Currey; round table, conducted by Mrs. C. A. Rexwood. The conference closed with a short explanation of the "Girl Triad Plan" by its originator. Dr. Louise B. Dorman, and tbe reading of a poem. Baikoad Promoter j ' Coming to Roseburg BspressatatlTS of rirm WUen U to" BuCd XJtato Timber Districts to .Start WesMarcm 8. - 1 Roseburg, Or., March 8. C I Sec man, personal representative" of Ken4 dall Brothers of . Pittsburg, who are to build the proposed sawmill and rail road to the timber districts from Rose burg, has received a letter stating that S. A. Kendall will leave for Roseburg on March 6. ' Should a decision favor able to the city, as Is expected, be re ceived from the Oregon supreme court in the case brought by John Hunter and others against tbe city of Rose burg attacking the proposition, it Is believed that work will begin shortly after Mr. Kendall's arrival here. Prac tically all other matters In connection with the enterprise are already settled, Jfon-snpport Charge Dismissed. ,: . Roseburg, Or, March 8 The charge of non-support against R. H. Jennings, formerly of Toncalls, preferred by his wife, was settled and dismissed by the court ' upon stipulation of the at tornoys, .Mother Only 11 Years Old. San Bernardino, Cal., March 8. (U. P.) A seven pound baby waaborn to day to Slmona Abllu, a child of 11 years. Surgeons consider the case a phenomenon. Simona is barely four feet tall. She weighs 80 pounds. NOW IS THE TIME ! With tbe approach ot Spring, we ire now offering to tbe public Saturday and all next week, the largest selection of artistic wall hangings ever offered before, ap propriate designs for every room in the house, at prices all can af ford. Make ready for the Spring renovating. While this sale is on 3c Per Roll and Up Come and see what we have to offer In Walt Papers before mak ing your selection, we save you money always. THE BOLLS WALL PAPER CO. "PORTLAND'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE" 203 2d St Phone Main 600 Open Saturday Nights ,J2) amy Wholesale Prices -Retail Quantities UNION PEAS SHOULD SELL FOR 16& 3ans25c 95c DOZEN CARNATION MILK 4ans25c No Delivery No Phone CITRUS POWDER ITcPkg. Must Be Purchased at Stord Hoadmaster Named :; By Douglas County X. A, Sinclair, of Portland, Gets Job at SaiOO a Tear ea Beeonunendatlon Of Teon and Holman. I Roseburg, Or., March 8. K. A. Sin clair of Portland wan Thursday ap pointed roadmaster for Douglas county by the county court. He was recom mended by Commissioner- Holman and Road Master Yeon of Portland who had formerly employed him. Ills salary Was fixed at $2100 per year. Mr. Yeon. who. is in Roseburg. addressed the Commercial club on road matters to- bisbt. Chappell Fortune " fi Left to Children xj. Denver. Colo., March -3. CI. N. S.) The. will of the late Delos A. Chap pell;. president of the Nevada-California Power company, bequeaths a $1, SOO.OOO . estate to the -two children, Delos A. Chappell. a student at Leland 'Stanford university, and' Mrs. Jean C. Cranmer. " t Young Chappell receives 11,000,000 and: Mrs. Cranmer $500,000. The son la:, to receive $30,000 cash, upon bis marriage, -. .- SUGAR CANE, sack . . $6.60 BEET, sack . .$6.40 CANE, 15 lbs. $1.00 BEET, 16 lbs. $1.00 ExtraC,161bs.$1.00 Less Than The Wholesale Prices FLOUR OLYMPIC, k, $1.33 CROWN, sack $1.33 VIM, sack . . .$1.33 HIGH Flight. $1.33 Any of above, bbL $5.12 Valley Hour- sack $1.15 No. 10 Bag Flour. . .35c 3 Lbs. Royal Blend 40cCofee98 for 2 Lbs. Special Blend ?orcCoffee 55 c 1 lb. Fine Coffee 25c lib. Good Coffee 20c Roasted Fresh Daily BETTER THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered Dr. ; ; EdwardsV01ive Tablets Are a Harmless Substitute. : Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets tbe satntltate for calomel are a mild but nre l.iatlT. aeeV-Xheir effect os the Hirer is almost la atastaseoasl They are-the result of Dr. Ed. Yards' determination bo te rreat liver tad bcwl rompllnts witli raloHiel. HU effort, tebsnlsb It broosbt rat these Utl .U. eulored Ubleta. . '- Toew pleasant little ; tablets do tat good tsa( - calomel does, bot ha ao bad aTtar ftacta, Tr don't tajm the taeta Ilk. strong vll(si4s sr calomel. Tsar take bold ef.Uis troable. nd qnickly correct It. Way ecre tie' liver at tbe expense ef the tsetal r Calomel sometimes plays havoe witk tbe gams. ea 4a stzong uqmaav . - ; - - Jt is best sot to take cafeaeL bat to let f r Edwards' Oilre Tablets ttke its place.' ! Moat neaaacBes. -auunew. ana tnst laxy feeUne come from constipation and a dis ordered liver. Take Or. Kdwarda' Otivo Tableta wbaa yoa feel "Joggy" and "heavy." Holm bow they "ctearV ckmded brais and bow taey . 4-petk us" tbe spirits. At 10e and 24 per box AU droggista, .. -.. . . t '. Oe Olive iiilet fJeCMoWmvOV-ISC WESSON'S OIL SMALL LARGE 27c $1 PURE HONEY ISclone CRISCO 28c, 52c $1.02 Strawberry Butter at 65c Roll Eng. Walnuts Imported 2 Lbs. 35c Ranch Eggs Not Over 4 Days Old 21c, Dozen Rolled Oats 5 Lbs. 25c Crystal White Soap 7 Bars 25c Store No. 2 264 Alder 2 Doors East of Jones' Market PHONES A-321 1 Main 322 Hei A. Mlwm Main Store 401 Hawthorne Avenue TELEPHONES Est 867, B-1615 Store No. 3 142 Second Near Alder Fone Main (4160 All Hawthorne A v. Cars Stof in front of Store). FREE De&rerie$ Daily DeL Sunnytlde West Side Cast Side Clpse la IrviagtOB Richjnoa( - . -., i MonHay snwood E. Morelasal TuescUiy Ml Scott Lcsits Woodstock ... '" Piedmont v -Ted. Ros C: Park t - - , Sandy Read . IThurf. IFriday (Saturday SalTwoed Bo. Portlaad Roso Citr Park E. MoreUndj j Piedmont Sandy Road TheTPWCES -SHOWN H ER E Are. But FEW of Our BARGAINS j r ibJl- Sir 6 ICij LJl-5 1 Jibdi ' j 1 ,,t .... AJU ii i - ' ! '. LLSr' ". WU Him II - I 111 i ' II it ii 3 aL, my) riMi nr Lai. n'mM 1 sad Saw Jr Money U j on Your Household Neoessitia CASTOR IA For, Infants and Children . In Uso For Over 30 Years Always wears the Sgnfi&roof Saturday Specials 9 Boxes Black and White JJf Tip Matches uC 3 Cakes Swift's White "f Cn Laundry Soap XUC All Spices 5c Can Buy now,, will raise soon.. Good canned peaches and spri- 1 A cots, largo can 1UL Washington Market FIRST AT WASHINGTON 5TS. 32 Green TRADING STAMPS With ttis JU aal OovBeas, Goad Bator aar, March e, ltondayT March 8. MaO exdna gin prompt attantlM. -tSi THISD ST. Bat. Salmon and Main. Phone Main IMS M 11 Tho Only - Largo x PnbUe Market in tho City Caring s. a Green Trading Stamps lm ,-- EMTXJIS " ' ' QUASTSS BZrOCK ' Cor. Second and Yamhill 26th Century COFFEE Roasters (in the Yamhill SANITARY Market) Tm have India and Ja pan. Teas in; large variety and every range A Ci oS Qf prices. , Splendid cupping Japan Tea at 25 pound. English Breakfast Tea, 50c grade at 38i; pounds Lipton's Tea at 59 pound. sf-ipi? grr Carefully selected and carefully roasted sold to you A CC ho frQrfl our own R0aster. CAUTION Don't let any cheap imitators mislead you when looking for our place. Insist in getting your Coffees AT THE ROASTER. Remember, we sell 40c grade Coffee at 28 per pound 3 pounds 55 or 4 pounds for $1.05. DOUGLAS MARKETSTALL 30 PORK SAUSAGE VEAL STEW IE . . 12V2C BOLOGNA .SAUSAGE fW (Til ;6 LUX BROS.STALLS 22 AND 24 BEEF POT ROAST. 10c & 12gc SIRLOIN STEAK .. . -fl fstsf VEAL ROAST i t T-BONE STEAK. . . jl (P PORK ROAST 1Z3C Mfl lDC ROUND STEAK. . . . STALL 11 OREGON ROSE BUTTER Direct from the -Churn to YouBuy the Best M.6352-STALL 4Free Delivery Double S. & H. Stamps on Bulk Coffee and Tea 10 bars Soap . , 25 .3 lbs. Fine Evaporated Peaches 25 g lbs. Fine Evaporat'd Apricots 25fr STALL 26 - Carnation Butter, roll 65 Clear Creek Butter, lb .35 Apple Butter, 3 lbs. 25 Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. 25t 10 S. & H. Stamps on Bulk Coffee and Tea. " STALL 7 ' Fine lot of Chickens for Saturday Quality Meat at Quantity Prices TILLEY MEAT CO. f STALL 17 Doable S. & H. Stamps on All Purchases. STALL 5 Lemons, per dozen 10 Potatoes? 17 pounds for 250 STALL 15 Ripe Olives, pint 250 Summer Sausage, lb 350 Potato Salad, lb. , 150 STALL 18 Pickled Pigs' Feet, 2 lbs 250 Home-made Dill Pickles, qt...2O0 Home-made Sauer Kraut, qt..2O0 STALL 10 Strictly fresh churned Monmouth Butter, per roll. .700 Crystal Creamery Butter, roll 800 Lisle's Candy Kitchen Fresh Peanut Brittle, lb 150 Choice Home-made Candies. Watch Us Make It. 'fa j. mi 8 mm '.Dili 13 i MaeaaaaM (News Item from daily papers.) CLEAN FOOD IS TOPIC Consumers' League to Wres tle With Domestic Problem. "Is your food clean? It not. how can you make It soT "These two questions will be tak.n up and discussed at a luncheon meet ing of tbe Portland branch of the Con sumers' league. Tuesday, March 7. at the Imperial hotel. Miss Lillian Tin gle, supervisor of domestic economy in the city schools, will be the principal speaker." The best food, of course. Is the Basis of eleanUaess, and buying the best for less is the keynote of economy that 's why this store supplies more families rear tn and year out uxsn any other In the entire northwest. Carefal house wives realise this and no special baits are accessary to attract a continually Increasing somber of those who want QVaUTT combined with SATZVOS. V SPRING TONICS lbs. Dried Peaches ... S lbs. Black or White Figs a ids. Italian trunes A ,1 T.. . i . t lua. i-ajiujr AunwwiB ,t- , RTtrii lnrra "SiinVlat" Drnnraa Kn Cfl Saturday only. 30e per dos; case. Iiemona, per doz. .......................1 Parsnips and Carrots, per lb. Small Cheese, per lb. .,,.,,..,,2 e e oo ECONOMY HINTS 3 Ijoaves Fresh Bread ! lb. pkr. Shaker Salt 1 qt Jar Sweet or Sour Pickles .... 8 bottles Fancy Stuffed Olives , , 3 boxes Matches Best Quality Bhrlmp ............. S bottles Vinegar , bottles Worcestershire Sauoo ... 2 Durkee's Salad Dressing , 7 cans Domestic Sardines , 1 cans Corn 25f'. per, dozen ....... 3 cans Imported Peas 2 cans Tomatoes. af' per dozen . 8 bottles Assorted Extracts 8 bottles Assorted Pickles 2 lbs. Fancy English-Walnuts ..... Onions. 1 lb., 10i 10 lbs. for ..... nest union Bets, z ids Potatoes, per sack Hood aiyer Vewtowa Aim las ....... Xoed 3Utst Vewtowm apples Other Apples. 75 per boa snd up. e t( saw ....20 ::::5l ....5e1 MEATS PORK Leg Roast Pork, lb. 15c Choice Shoulder Pork, lb 10c-12lftc Loin Rotst Pork, lb. .16c Fresh Side Fork, lb. .15c Link Sausage, lb. ...15c Lotn Pork Chops, lb 17 He Shoulder Pork Chops, lb. 12 He MUTTON Leg- of Mutton, lb 15c Shoulder of Mutton, lb .12 He Loin Roast of Mutton, lb. 15c Loin Chops, lb. 15c Breast of Mutton, lb. 10c : BEEF Choice Prime Rib Roast, ib. 15c Choice Sirloin Roast, lb. 15c Choice Prime Roast, lb. -10c-12Hc Rib Boil in Beef, ib 10c Shoulder Steak, Ib. 12 He Sirloin Steak, Ib 15c Round Steak, b f$c T-Bone Steak, lb. 1 5c VEAL Veal Stew, Ib .J0c Shoulder Yea! Roast, Jb. 12Hc leg or Loin Roast Veal,' lb 16c Shoulder Veal Chops, lb. 15c .Loin Veal Steak, b.- 17 He SMOKED MEATS Picnics. Ib ...12ttc Dry Salt Pork, lb. 12 We Eastern Hams, lb, -.. 17c Bacon, lb. 18c, 20c, 22Mc Cottages, Ib 4c Bacon Backs, Ib. .............. 15c, 18c FLOUR SALE Corvallis, sack S1.15 Bbi $4.50 White River, sack $1.35 Bbl. ..S5.40 Vim, sack $1.35 Bbl. $5.40 White Mountain, sack $1.35 Bbl. , ...$5.40 Olympic, sack $1.35 Bbl $5.40 FOLGER'S COFFEE WEEK 1 pound ...... r 35c 2 pounds 65c 2l2 pounds 75c 5 pounds $1.50 BAKER'S COCOA, Saturday only, . per can 20c J SOAP 15 bars Elk Savon ..i.. 7 bars Golden Star Soap o oars ivory roap .....,. 2Se 25e ...25e bars Fairy Soan .....25cr bars Cascade Soap .....Sad BREAKFAST NOTES Uncle Sam's Food ...... Shredded Wheat 4 packages Krinklo Corn Flakes i package cream or vy neat . Wheat Kats, 2 packages for lb. sack Wheat ami Oats 9 lb. sack Cream Oat 9 lb. sack Corn Meal .20 lOet 24 .IK ..S1.40 ..stl.OO t CRACKERS AX. WATS FKXSX . 8 packages Snowflakes ..25c) Larks package Snowflakes ...,2Qe Larks package Soda Crackers 2Ql case 6od Crackers. ,...?.75e MACARONI 5 lbs. Broken Macaroni ...25d 4 lbs; Beady Cut Macaroni 25w I lba Broken BpagbetU ..25er SUGAR SPECIALS 8 lbs. Fine Granulated Sutrar It lbs, Fine Granulated Sugar 4 mr hcji 14 lbs. Fruit sugar . a m i . jo ids. luu? Dugur ,....,............, IS lbs. G. C. Sugar ......,.,..,. 8 lbs. G. C. Sugar . .50 8 lbs. Powdered Sugar 254 BO tm ll.OO SYRUPS Pure Olivo OU Special ,' l pint Can ....40e 1 quart Can i.......,.,, .,.75 BUTTER YOU'LL LIKE 1 roll Homestead Batter, the best. .. .....0(M 1 roll Good Creamery Butter, i ......... .55 Oleomargarine, per roll 45 Fresh Oregon Ranch Eggs ZOC SpeciaU Worth Noting 1 gallon Pure Honey W......J.. ...... Sl.lO H gallon puro Honey ............... ...o 2 Combs Honey 25 3 cans Blpe Olives.;,..., 25i OtgeMarmalade'and Jelly. 8 glasses 25 SaladOU, per bottle ................... .2fti 1 fakron womesteaa .................... M gallon Homestead 1 gallon Karo Vt gallon Karo 1 gallon Log Cabin a-auon Mk caDin gallon Log Cabin .40 m tfKaV MILK SraCIALaturday only All Milk Except Borden's in 6 cans . . UC libbf As- - A; rut paragus, can HAWAIIAN PINE. APPLE, "sliced or grated, per can .... 10c Dependaole Garden and Flower Seeds at saving prices. We Take Phone Orders Friday Everiulgs Until 10 o'Dock rbmeMain 5700..A-6255 Quicks Smmyside Store 994-996 Belmont Oonveaieat Mow many eavart . side patsoao. Bans prices, smg serrlee and speelals Mattbsssaus, stoso.. - .. Phone svisis - -Vase XS I 1ST. .AND : J mm sss m sssv w w m m m m .... , '" ,sw . j r- rx wj ;Dclivery aenwsoa. rsveaaays ' TO EL: CniCU!AL. 1 rt fir , Thorsaars. ' City wack. : JCsM ;- TremoM sad stents, w o .aesdsyg a ad rsidsys. ; -SSeaSawtna - .natsdsytk ' . Othes see. . ttoas. dally. i : RICE 5 lbs. Broken Rice . .25c 4 lbs., Jap Rice ..... .25c 3 lbs.' Carolina Head . Rice , 25c 4 lbs. Unbleached Rice .., 25c ' . "-... Recommended -By pWFlynn Natural, Uableec W O fT Rke, 41b. ..,.UL