The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 28, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 C 1 3.
i'mmtpc mm in did
iConvrlrMi 191. International M
By George McManu:;
Kerietered C sited btatee. fates Ofnee.
iUiM uL rui urrui.
1 KNOW tTYl.e WHffH
V-y - l .tt& IT I
I ,. , J JL,
St.- Paul Cyclone " Wouldn't
Even Put 'It Up Against a
Newsboy in; Street;.
iyom Ooldea Waistband Zrom Tum
u4 "Will Add Xt to Xdst of Jram.
Uy Selrlooins of JCUUi CIab. j. '
6V l -HATiTTHe ucrcsrl .
I o - - -'
' ' 57,
"KoQilntf doing on : the ' diamond
belt ' announced "Walter Miller,-1 St.
Paul grappler, . who wrestles Eddie
O'Connell at ths Eleventh street play
house tomorrow .night, . af tef his ar
rival yesterday morning from . Ban
Francisco. ; , i . . 5 ''
"If all up to Walter to .do aa ho
'.pleases,- chimed In Charles Cutler,
the heavyweight, who look like Calus
Julius Caeaer. judging from C J. 'a
picture In tbt Roman Dally Raaoo.
I wouldn't put that belt up for a
match with a newabodr In- the atreet,1
aaserted . the , Minnesota ? man-eater.
.' I am rotes- to keep It as souvenir
and family heirloom, - It Is now my
personal property. . -r
. "Hera la the short and simpH an
- :nala of the) much dlacuaaed diamond
rhampionahlp belt. " It was put up by
Tllchard'K. Fox three years ago. for a
"middleweight tournament held - In
Waahlncton, D C. to determine .the
middlewalfht championship of the
- unlrerse.- Joe Turner ' won 'the" belt.
WelU Turner blew Into Bllllncs,
1 Mont where I .happened to be , ao
: Journlnr, last January, and challenged
me to a bout. I took him and tossed
I Mm twice, the first fall in 2:50 and
tbe aecond In IS minutes.
"Turner wasn't satisfied and wasted
: anwtber match, but I knew Z could
throw, him -and didn't want to go to
the trouble of training; again for him.
Jle Instated, however, and offered to
wrestle for the -Waistband. Well. It.
was a handsome piece of metal with
ome rosy tooKing roc ice, ana i saia 10
myaelf, I'll Juat gather that in as an
addition to the list of trinkets In the
family. Turner was in belteixondi
tion than before. I managed to throw
Mm after two hours and 24 minutes of
wreatling. and he couldn't come back
for the second fall. . .
"Therefore rmalntain that the belt
1 my personal property and I don't
see Where Mr. -Fox cuts In on it. It
won't go up for this match, that's cer
tain. While I am. confident of beating
O'Connell and do not believe the prise
'would be in jeopardy, yet, as I said be
fore. I -wouldn't take a chance on it
with some weak little newsboy in the
atreet." "
Enter now into the discussion.
Caul us Julius' Caesar Carlos -Cutler:
'"Miller, is In great shape and we ex
pert to give Mr. O'Connell a nice little
i ri mining tomorrow , niani.
maybe we are going back to San Fran-
riaco, .wnare 1 111 inrow Dsniei twice
!n an hour, already being signed up
for the match." ' ,
In the meantime Promoter Milt Sea
' man' is anxiously awaiting word from
Fox, donor of the belt, as to what the
terms of competition may be.
Miller beat" Pete Busukos la ftan
Frannsco Friday nlgbt In
two falls.
the first in three minutes and 'the
second In one minute, which Indicates
that O'Connell' opponent Is some
"f Sfeyers Gets - Two Falls.
Chicago. Feb, tS.-(U. P.) -Billy
Smith of Oshkosh gave Johnny Meyers
a stiff tussle In their bout here Satur
day night the Badger wrestler forcing 1
, the American middleweight challenger
to extend himself to the limit but be
, ing unable to gain a fall. Meyers got
tlm first fall in 17:05 with a .body.
. scissors and wrist lock and the second
,1a 12:13. with scissors and wrist lock.
: Coltrin Signs Contract.
Ppokshe, Wash, Feo. (P. N. s:
Bobby CoItMn. shortstop, formerly
wlththe Portland Northwestern and
(Coast league clubs, today Is a bona
fide member of the Indiana r Coltrin
signed a Spokane contract and will
i probably be made captain under Man
-sger Nick Williams. . -
j - ooaiue jtsaLu 11111s ouu .
; Philadelphia, Penm. Feb. 38. (I. N.
"8.1 - Johnny "CLeary of Seattle,
the lightweight champion of Canada,
eaally defeated Solly .Burns of Loa An-
; celes, la six exciting rounds, at the
, National AV C. Saturday night.
v ,JT. O. Fiht Called Of t. V
New Orleans. Feb. St (I. N. 8.)
Domlnick Tororich tonight called off
the fight between Joe Mandot and
Hltchle Mitchell set for March S be-'
cause Mandot hurt his arm In train
ing and will not be ablev to box. Bobby
Waufh will probably meet Mitchell on
the date set for the scrap .
In tha blsreat two-men emit oi the araarm.
rolled laat night oe the Portlaad alleya. Walla
nl Raymond werewtnaera with a total of
- rui piae for als gamea RaymonS baring tha
rme averaf e of Wi. allma and franklin aerond.
l and and aierrlrk third aad f'raar sad Free
boronsh fourth, k V , ' ,
Mima woa the prtae offered Cor higb alngla
tame. 23ft. and Wllkinaoo and Caaer the prise
ror hi(h efcigie team game, a .IS. Twaaty.foor
men entered the con teat.
Satarday algbt "Bob rrasklla's PortUnd
Alley teem was victorious la the match game
rritb toe Ohaka of Catena, rolled ee the Ooak
alleys.. Seora. Portlaad 2727, Ease 267-.
I'atton et Bssano rolled tita-h a-a mm, 237. -and
airraae, ZOO. For toe Portland team-Krusa
had high areragaias, aad GUroy 1V2. - . .
Sprains and J
are so common la ovct v Itoms)
1 that it pays to keep a good Liai-
asaaaiasaa J SVIIIIS ' V,,
; "Keep a bottle In your home.
' Prion lc see. S1S0 - :
1. . . n
: J man SJoan'a Liniment. I stops J
, rain, relieves congestion. - re- J
' duces . swellinae-..and. does it M
t Quickly too. just apply a few S
"4""w w w r ' w taeyx nil pa g
a .. ,,. . av .-
: fTTT m-T a 1 IT TT 1
Captures Honors In Inter-City
Chess Tournament; Fight
: Against Last, ' ;
The Multnomah club chess . team
finally clinched first honors In the
inter-city chess lee. (rue tournament last
Saturday . nlgtit. Team "A," of the
Portland Chess and Checker crub.
which had carried off the laurels In the
first - round of, the tournament, was
forced to be content with a tie for
second place with the Acacia club,
All the places in the league standing
nave now been finally determined ex-
cept. In the cases .of the Llnnton and
Vancouver chess teams, : whioth have
an adjourned match between the two
captains to play off. ' to determine
whether Linn ton shall remain alone In
last place or fores the unwilling Van
couverttes to tie for the bottom po
sition. The final standing of the teams
leaving ths adjourned Vancouver-XJnn-
ton match out Of consideration. Is:
Multnomah A.' A. C...
A carta etnb
Team A"
Trim "CT
Chamber of Oommerce
Team "B"
t-Hier Chess elub.
IJanton Cbesa : club. . . .
The rrtnal Xesnlt.
The Dlav.1' at the Multnomah
lagt gaturday night resulted as follows:
; Mnltnomak A. A, C. va. Team "0.
I n Rl "7, a. Vu Kant
F J. Pent...
C. 8. Arnold
B. K. Brown
a. L Wood
F. 3ol(lnaji
A. W. Unlblcum.
3 Total 1
Aeaaia Clab Va. Team ""
A. l. JchTiaos..... 1 H O- ghort. ..... '
I., R.- Eldr 0 A. K. Trenooime... X
T x-. K.hhn' -1 1. Walton.. ........ O
H. Woodwart. H. Kurth.. 1
ii'. W. llolcontb Jr. H W. K. Orimtb.... t
Total ... 8 Total
Chamber of Cenuneree va. Team " a."
A. C. Wklna.....t O. Goldman... 0
fl. Dobrla A. Welaeoateln.... H
K. Prtnan H A. J. Ray Jn
I O. Schwarfx.... t O. B. llarrlmaa. . . . O
C. W. DeGratt.... 1 J. W. Baa day 0
Total 4 ToUl 1
aocanvar Cheaa Club vs. Llaataa Ohaaa Club.
I. McMaateC
G. B. Lloyd 0
W. M. Hodgkia... 1
A. A. Pompe 0
Total .......... 1
I . V) HtATT-
I. W. Ualone...
O. K. Gleaaner..
JL. J. Barley
' Total X
The game between McMaater and Story
was adjourned because of tbe aerion Illneaa
ot tha Unatoa captain, but wiU be played
off later. . . . .
Two surprises featured last Satur
day's play. The Chamber of Com
merce team played the crack team "A"
to a standstill and the players on the
latter team were fortunate to even
rake two drawn games out of the fire.
Q. W. Holcomb Sr. played an end-game
position very elegantly and secured a
win In a position .where his opponent
and nearly all the bystanders believed
a, draw absolutely certain
. Tho Za dividual Averages,
The following table gtves an Index
to the individual prowess of the play
ers la this tournament. Only the aver
ages of those players who participated
in six or more games are given:
That Bear yiayere.
Kama. 1 -1 - -Wea. fcoet. Dra. Per.
U. Jnhnsoa. ...........
t. Rice.. . ...
. 4
. 1
- 1
. .81
' .75
1 ' .66
- .4
, aa
5 .ao
1 .33
K G, Hhort.
I.. E. Storr
O. Goldman S
1. UeMaater 4 T
i. Van Zaote .....'- 2 S
laaae swau
Beooad Board PUyara.
r . e. ........... - -
: A, K. Treaholme., ... 7 1 3
J. Tan Xante....... S 1 - 1
H. Dobrtn o 1 1
P. Sv My era. S 4 2
G. B. loyd..... 1
M. W. Maloae. 6 S 1
A. Weieenetela S I
L. B, Elder 4 3 11 O
- Third Beard flayers,
E. K. Brown 0 1 1
h'.-Goldman .... S 2 O '
A.J. Ray. ...... ... . S I' 2
Li, Van Bebber. S . 0 - f2
W. 14. Hoditkln... ' 1 1
C K.,Glaeaer...... 4 - t 1
reoxtk Board Player.
G. L. Wood 7,11
U. W. Holcomb Sr. T " . 4 ' 1
C W. HaGraff. .. ......... 8 0
U. B. ITarriiuaa. ..... . 43 . 1
U. Kortn 4 ' 4 1
A. -W. Unthtcam........ S O
A. A. PoDKi.....t:i.... 2' ' 2
11. J. Barley..........,... 3 . 11 p
rifts sad BUtfc Beard PWyarm.
W. H. Adamaoa. .......... 4 1 1
A. Buruhaai.. ............. - i 1
,t. W. tiuicomb Jr......... 4 . , 4 a
, J W. 8nday. ...... ....... 3 - 3 O
F. K rur ................ a .i -
L. Humphreys. A 4 . O
W.-B. IniBole.. ........... 3 w T 0 ,
- Wisconsin Nosed Out..' r y4
Urbana.' CaC Feb, It. CU. 'p.)'
Illinois nosed Wisconsin oat of the
first ' Wisconsin - Illinois conference
meet when she walked -away with the
relay race. The score was 4 to 42.
Captain Mason t of , nilnois starred,
breaking the local gym ' record mile
by 1014 seconds and the two mils rec
ord toy ! 10 1-5 seconds.' Both races
were spectacular. " . Illinois- scored a
slam In the high Juiap. The broad
Jump, Illinois' strongest event, was
omitted at Wisconsin's request. Illi
nois could have won, Illinois contend
ers say. '; ': ' . ' '.s - ' . '. - .- -i-
Duke Due- Uere Soon.. . .
t Duke Kahanameku. the Hawaiian
swimmer, .may tour the United States
this year under sanction of the Ama
teur Athletto Union, arriving here in
April. ': : ' ;; ; " .-. V".-
Likewise Inland Club" Presi
dent Trims Portland Ex- '
President in Match.
Tor the second time' Portland's wom
en shooters bowed to defeat before the
Dianas of the Spokane Gun club. In
yesterday's telegraphic event the Spo
kane women ' broke 62 targets, while
the local women scattered 46 targets.
A high wind seemed to bother the local
women more" or less.
Mrs. Ada Schilling of the Portland
team was high gtin in the lnter-club
event With the score of 22 out of" 25.
Mrs. C. A. O'Connor- of Spokane broke
20. . The scores: Spokane -Mrs. C. A.
O'Connor, 20; Miss - Sybil March. 17 ;
Miss Bessie Lamar, 15; total. 52.
Portland Mrs. Schilling.'- 23: Miss
Gladys Reld. 14; Mrs E, H, Keller. 9;
total 45.
Charles O'Connor, president of the
Spokane Gun club, defeated Henry R,
Everdlng. ex-president of the local or.
ganlzation. In a special 100 bird match
race, SI to 83. A return match will be
shot next Sunday.
Thirty-five shooters wers present at
the traps yesterday, and considering
the high wind some very good scores
were registered. '
The Percentages: Charles lith M.
Fred Duncan 92, John a. Clemson 2.
If. A. Pollock 72, Earl R. Goodwin 74.
Mark Slddall 81, Al Seguln 80. J. 8.
Crane 74. H B. Van Arnam 83. J. C
Morris 70, A W. Stowger 73. Mrs. Ada
Schilling 82. Abner , Blair tl. Miss
Gladys Reld ,70, -James Reld 'II, B. K.
Ieonard 67, Ray Winters 60. H. R.
Kverdinjr 80. W. C Bristol ; with 20-
gauge gun 40. E. K. Piatt 72.- Frank J.
Gerth.20. J. D. Piatt 42. Trava Joneai
32. w. A, Shaver 10. J. Bull 86, Frank
van Atta so. iii. t. Keller 74. Mrs. E.
H, Keller 18, a a Kelly 80, J. H. Klos-
lerman zo. James -W. Seavev 74. 1 H
Besson 88, and Wade Strowger, with
-gsuge run, is.
Trapshooters Of Florida are laying
vimnu zor ins rorming or a stste asso
ciation. Florida Is one of ' the two
states without a state association.
The annual' trapshootlng tournament
of the New Tork Sportsmen's associa
tion wui do neia at ay recuse, n. x in
June. The state championship shoot
win taae piacs m tnis meeting. . .
Plans are under way for a series of
snoots throughout the country thi
summer -for members of the Boy
Scouts of America. The boys will be
taught how . to hold the gun and the
little fnings to know about traoshoot
lng. and some day tne ezperlencawmay
Since live '. bird 3 shooting ha ' been
prohibited by law in Florida, trap-
onooung nas increased in popolanty,
It is the main sport now at Palm
Beach and the other fashionable win
ter resorts.
Otto HorlX has been chosen as fJTeal-
dent of the Cleveland Gun club. He
has plana zor an interesting season.
There are eight active dubs in the
Connectieut Trapshooters association
of which W. H. Newsoms of Hartford.
Coniu. was recently elected president,
Stratford. Norwalk, Merlden, Danbury,
Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven and
magerieia nave clubs m the assocla
Uon, which Is one of the most enter-
prising m tne country,- --The Individual
memDersnip contains the names of
more man t4r shooters and the av
erase number ot contesUnts in -the
i tournament was J0 .
j. no Connecticut association t. Jam
something else besides promoting and
uHim im iri or trapscooting.
It Is interested in the welfare of game
birds and their protection and nrnna.
ration. They have a legislative com-
"" wnicn seeps in touch- with the
doings of - thOT state -legislature and
they try to secure legislation that wUl
aot. oe injurious to tne birds. ' r.'j-
Hot Springs,- Ark4: Business Men's
league will conduct . a . 20-days' horse
race rnee in Aiarcn. ' ,
Various Form g
- "It is necessary in order to treat heed
aches properly to understand the oausea
which produce the all ecu on" says Dr. J.
W' Kr,J,JLElockton Al- Continuing
be says, "Physicians cannot even begin
the treatmentof a disease without know,
log what causes give rise to it, aad we
must remember that headache Is to be
- treated according to the same rule. We
mutt not only be particular to give
remedy Intended to counteract the cau
which produces the headache, but we
-must elao sits a remedy to relieve the
pain unul the eauae of the trouble has
leen removed. To aaawer this purpose,
aau-kanuda tablets will be found a moat
convenient aad satisfactory remedy.
One tablet every one to three houig
gives comfort and rest In the most se
vere esses of headache, neuralgia and
particularly the headaches of women'
- When we have a parent snbjeeatoreg
nlar attacks of sick headache, we should
caution him to keep his bowels resnler.
for which nothing Is better than "Act
olds.' and when he feels the least sign of
an oncoming attack, he should take two
A-K Tablets. - Such patients should al
ways be 1 rut roe ted to carry a few antl
kamnia tablets, sp as to have them ready
forlnstantoee. These tablets are prompt
in notion aad can be depended on to pro-
.oVi!KTib?etV7",T l6W n
AnU-kama'.a uhleti at aU eraggutt.
' ' " J1,VJJ.anannaW,JMInaTn
Vancouver Rover Is Unique
v Figure in Great Canadian:1 :
'Winter Sport, '".
By A. J. OaPrey.
Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 28. Cy
clone" Fred W. Taylor, former Lis towel
Whirlwind and various aliases, has
Just finished his .thirteenth season in
the greatest of winter sports and
probably the most - thrilling Of aU
pastimes. From what, information
Fred Imparts he first saw thelight fit
day back In June 23, 1885. He, was
about knee high to a g-rassbopper
when he first indulged, in the puck
chasing game, playing with a school
team In his home town back in On-1
tario. He was a star from the start.
envied by the small boys and the hero
of the fair sex. He got his first real
chance at hockey when be came west
to Portage la Prairie, playing his
first senior hockey in the Manitoba
city, .and incidentally - piloting the
team, although his one great ambition
Is to captain a professional septette. -
When the international league was
organized, Taylor went to Houghton,
Mich., playlns; there in 1908-7. : From
there he went to Ottawa, where he
played sensational 'hockey and earned
the sobriquet of "Cyclone. In 1910
11 he was with 'the famous Renfrew
team, along with .the Patrick brothers.
the big moguls of Pacific . Coast
hockey. The following year he was
back In hockey. but when tha big
scramble for players took place three
years ago he was landed by the Van
couver club. Last season the Ottawaa
tried to Induce him. to leave hla hanov
hunting grounds out this way And re
enter the- eastern arena, out the Pat
ricks spiked the guns of the eastern
organization and Fred remained ' in
our fair city.
Taylor Is one of the most popular
boys in the game today. He Is a
remarkable skater, knows all the
tricks of the trade and is a tower of
strength to the Vancouver, team. He
has ranked as the highest -. priced
player In Canadian hockey, drawing
down as much as $2400 for his first
season in the west,
Right now Taylor Is the Ty Cobb
of professional hockey. Fred has
tried his hand at piano tuning, la
crosse and various other things, but
Its at hockey that, he Is right at
home. His lacrosse career was brief
and he admits himself that ha Was not
the best player In the game.- On day
a long time ago Fred got a chance to
play for- Vancouver 1 against New
Westminster's famous cupholders. He
proved about as fast as a snail in a
sprint and his stick handling: was as
delightful to observe as a hod carrier
in action. Needless to say. Fred Quit,
yes. right up. and Quit lacrosse. He
took no chances - on- being asked to
make his exit. '"
. Eastern friends inform me that as a
piano toner Taylor was in a class try
himself, and while he -doesn't follow
that vocation now, they say : he 'can
still get good results. Fred r admits
that only on one .occasion did he
sip from tha flowing- bowl. That wag
whan tbe Ottawaa celebrated a Stan
ley cup victory and Fred raxed on the
contents on tne occasion -, ana-expressed
a desire to some day captain
a pro. hockey team. In Boy ; Scout
circles he was prominent' for years,
and the reception accorded him on his
last appearance here testified to the
esteem in wmcn ne is neia - oy tne
scouts of the west, - . .
The Wfflard At Home
Hours Are Given Out
T?Cew Tork; Febv 28. (I. N. S.) Jess
Willard will entertain any local heavy,
weight who feels in need- of instruc
tion and exercise at tne pioneer sport
ing club any afternoon for the next
three., weeks, nr. .wuiara wui n at
home from 2:30 until 4 dally.
Mr. T. . Jones; the well-known social
leader and barber of Kewanee, will as
sist In entertaining. A tminea corps
of pellbrearers, including - Mr. Jack
Hemple. tho promialns debutante; Mr.
Walter . Monahan. the " genial : racon-
teour. and Tussuf Huseane, tne- Ter
rible Turk, will assist In taldnr the
guests to tha hospital. - - - .-
Mr. Willard la. particularly desirous
of showlnx- -aam hospitality to Mr.
Sbamus Coffey, the Bronx social lead
er, and to Mr. Al Reich, tne Manhattan
Adonis.- Mr. Sam Iangford and Mr.
Sam MoVey will not be present at any
of these receptions. " They are. not on
Mr. WUIard's -visltlns; list. -. ,
-- . Not Strong topToIedo. T
ChJcago, FteO. 2 8. f . N. a) A Up
was out today that Charley Thomas
and Roger Bresnahan. formerly presi
dent and, manager, respectively, of the
Cubs, are . not particularly anxious to
purchase the - Cleveland association
cluh and - transfer it to Toledo, The
Denver Western league club Is -what
they are aeklri& . according- to the tip
ster. : Thomas waa noncommittal when
interviewed on the subject:
nilhards r Erpeota Good Season. :
Alma "Richards, .CornelV university's
all-around athletic star. . weighs - 205
pounds and Is practicing- pole Vault
ing. He Is expected to win points in
the high jump, shot put and. broad
jump. ,.: . - .
Pol Vault Record
, Indoors Is Blasted
Kan sas City. Mo., " Feb. 2 8. ( I. N.
S.) -The world's indoor ' pole vault
record was broken in the annual meet
ofihe Kansas City Athletic club, in
Convention hall Saturday night. . F. W.
Floyd, f ormer .Missou-1 vaulter. topped
the bar at 12 feet,8 Inches. ' .
The world' - indoor record of 5 1-5
seconds Sor tha 60-yard dash was tied
by Joe Loomis of Chacago,. who de
feated Simpson, the.iiissourl star. The
tiger got even, however,' In the low
hurdles, -defeating Loomls two yards
in six seconds Jflat, tying; the track
mark here, '
Ted Meredith, University of Penn
sylvania lost . his, laurels In the spe
cial half mile run. Earl Eby, dimin
utive Chlcagoan. annexed the title in
1:57 2-6. Rockey of Kansas Aggies,
took second, five yards ahead of
Meredith. - . - '
Major Leaguers Are
Leaving ; California
d "i " i ii t " - ' :
San Francisco. Feb. , 28 7J, P.)
All the major league players who have
been, wintering In California will start
east during- the present week to par
ticipate in the training season, which
will be In full swing by next Monday.
Oscar Vltt and Oscar Stanage . ex
pect to start east . tomorrow to Join
the Detroit Tigers: Eddie Burns of
the Phillies and -Joe Oeschger will get
away Wednesday and Fred Kelly will
leave California before Saturday. The
last to leave will be Duffy Ijewis,
Harry Hooper and "Dutch" Sonard of
the Boston Red Sox. The' Red Sox
training season will be . shorter than
that of tha other major leaguers.
ltllageji Drives
Off at Santa Barbara
scanta. Barbara. CaL. Feb." 2 8. (TT.
r imfMRianal and amateur golf
er's of national reputation teed off hers
torinv ln -xhe first half of ths Quali
fying round of the" annual open tour-J
nament at the Santa BarWar country
wne waaren. former American
champion, was the center of Interest,
and sensational golf . was expected
from him. Robert Simpson, former
a-aatcrn eseii . champion, and many
m.v entered, '
The amateur golfers participating
Include Jack . Neville, Robin Hayne,
Ervin S. Armstrong, California eham-
tftTi- M A. . McLoughlin,-" Colorado
champion, and H. B. Lamb.
, Rots to Me5t at Seattle.
c ti Wash.. Feb. 28. (P. N. 8.)
Eight events will be on ths card,UH
night at the smoker in tha B, A. C.
gymnasium. loyd ; Madden and Earl
BiSdTa pair of lightweights, wUl top
the card. Two Victoria .boxers, Dick
Wall, a heavyweight, , and Al Davis
will show here for ths first time, tak
ing on Val Son tag and. onn!e Mcin
tosh, respeouveiy. inur uioou
Oscar Benson, Clarence Amundsen va
Orange Gagor, Jack ; Harper tb. , Roy
Amundsen, and two other- prelimi
naries complete the program.
Money Goes on Weeks.
uiwaieett; Wash.. Feb. SaV P.-K. S.
Backing their Judgment rather than
desires, local bettors are placing their
money on Billy v Weeks, the Canadian
middleweight, to-, win from Charley
Eitan. the local boxer, here tomorrow
'rht The fans would ilka to s
Egan win but "do . not believs he can
put it over, j , -yf--.-y -,s
, Woonen to Svrim in S. P. K
. a :r awlmmlm race : between Miss
Dorothy -Becker and Miss ,4 Frances
Cowells will divide attention with the
match between lady Xanger and Duke
Kahanamoku during ths Pacific coast
events at San Francisco, siarcn
- FootbsJJors on Ball Nine.
V.AAI Maban, Billy Soles, Wllmot
Whitney and Westmors Wllleox Of the
Harvard varsity xootoau team are aii
candidates ' 'or ths crimson pitching
staff this year.c..a -'" y ----
Hr Ta-t Taeht eleb ayadleate saay take
ever the controlling Interest er oa nerresMft
ablpbtiUdlair yeras st nnstoa. ta. a. ,
J of St. Paul : -
. PortlasWI ,f . '
l .WorltTa Middlawsifk t
-, " Championship . ; -
$ii $1.50 - Ringside $2
Seats now on tale tt Rich's Cigar
Store, Schiller Ciffar Store, Hunt-.
ley s Vrug Co-,:Mult, A. A. Club.
I '
Pneumonia May .Get
Lightweight Saylor
Indianapolis. -Veb. 28. (I. J S.)
Milburn Saylor. the local lightweight,
is in a serious condition tbday. and la
not expected to live, as a result of a
severe case ' of pneumonia. He con
tracted the disease Immediately after
his Cincinnati engagement with Xeach
Cross, whom ' he knocked - out in , the
fifth round. '- ; v
, Saylor. - flushed from victory, and
bearing no other marks than from a
training romp, went out into the air
after -the Cross fight'hefora he had
cooled off, and was bedfast two days
later. ' .'
Two physicians in attendance today
gave out little encouragement for his
recovery. . - -., - , ,: -
More Entries In for ;
Pi ?N. A. Toiirney
- . '
Additional entries for tha' Pacific
Northwest association - boxing - -nd
wrestling championships to be staged
at the Multnomah Amateur Athletic
elub Thursday and Friday were re
ceived yesterday by Frank H&rmar,
chairman of the 'Winged M boxing
and wrestling committee. ? Ths T, M.
C. A. entered a large wrestling team,
and Coach Fabre of the Lincoln High
school entered a couple of his star
grapplers. ' . ' - :" ''.
The out of town athletes' are sched
uled to. arrive here Wednesday night,
- Co-Eds to Hold Field Day.
Iceland Stanford co-eds will hold' a
field day on April 29, in which lawn
tennis, aquatic sports, fencing, basket
ball, r- volley -ball,, archery, ; Javelin
throwing and baseball throwing wiU
be ' features. ' ' : : . ' v ,r '::, -
The Brisk
aMsaaanaaaaaBaMaaM 'v -' - --f-nn i
, -When you see on alprt-Iookin 'young hian in; a Kvely 'argument
roll a ''Bull Eram cigarette- it a the natural things He Jukes to
punctuate a crisp sentence with' a puif of "Bull. ' . His;mind re-,
sponds to the freshness that's in the taste of "Bull" His senses are
tckened?by the unicjue aroina -'Bull"
Durham just fits in with keen thlnldng and forceful acdoh. rT:
You Iget more wholesome., lastins satisfaction out
Asa fm FXEX sweswsw
aarfa - Mm m.
1 MMMMMl11MBlla
Seaside, Or Feb. 28. A basketball
game cams - off - Saturday - night be
tween the Mount Angel college boys
and the local high school team, the
visitors winning 49 to,T.
TJebam high
Wash, Feb. 28. The
school basketball team
won the undisputed championship of
southwest Washington Saturday night
when It defeated Wlnlock by a score of
40 to 7. The score at tha end of the
first half was 21 to 1. Lebam has
been defeated only once this season,
Centralla winning on the local floor
last Tuesday by a score of 28 ; to 22.
and has met all comers. Friday night
Wlnlock defeated Raymond by a score
ot 26 to 82. j . .: -
Ths TJneoln high school hastball
Quintet was defeated by tha Beuteil
Business college team of Tacoma Sat
urday night by; tbe score of 42 to 28.
Ths annual gams between ths Lin
coln and the Washington high schools
teams will he played tomorrow after
noon in -the T. M, C- A. A. M. Oril
ley will referee the game.' The James
John and P. A, teams will also , play
Manager Elliott of Oakland has put
in a . bid for the services of Walter
Malls, the former Northwestern, league
huTler", who . will be given a tryout
with the Brooklyn National this
spring. Elliott also had first call on
Jimmy Johnston' services, .
. Xnli Enhn, former star hitter of
ths Seattle Northwestern league team,
who Jumped to the Federals, has
signed with tha, Cincinnati Nationals.
Y4Ths Tacoma Northwestern league
team Is after Pitcher Korstman, Out
fielder Harper . and Inflelder deorgs
trorn any other tobacco ever rolled up into a cigarette.
' ' MaaV cf fright" Vgiriia-North Carolina . leaf,
BuIT iXurham ia rich, fragrant, melIow-weet tha
xruldest, rnost enjoyable of smoke. .
Roll your own" with 3uir
grnokers who have found that go
ebtainea in ny otner vyn
FREE! i&32i
."'"" 1 ingeorrsctway
to "Roll Your Own' Csrsttsev
and a psckago of cigarette papsrsv
will both bet mailed, res, to any
address in U.S. on request. Ad
dress uIT DoiLun, Onraaa,
N.C . ... :-. . - ?
Portland Eifle Club
To Shoot at Mt. Zion
The Portland Rifle ''club 'will have
an outdoor range near Mount Zion.
President 8. S. Humphrey has com
pleted negotiations with William -II.
Warren, owner of the property, tor the
erection of a 200 yard range tor the
use of all National Rifle association
clubs and the Junior National Guards,
whiehtwas organised recently. .
The Portland club Is one of the tew
in the country to have an-outdoor
fangs within the 6 cent car fare limits,
and President Humphrey . la of the
opinion that this feature will attract
a large number of new shooters. - .
The range will be frectedt for 200
yard shooting. 100 yards slow firs and
50 yards rapid fire. Work on the range
will be started in the hear" future. f
Dundee to Meet;Ionard.
New Tork. Feb. . 2Si(L. N.U ED
Johnny Dundee and- Benny Leonard,
two of the most highly-rated light
weight rivals of Champion Freddie
Welsh, will meet at Madison Square
Garden the night of Wednesday, March
8. , This was the date originally . set
for the Wlllard-Moran battle, . ; 1
Ad Yolgast Is Due.
Milwaukee. Wis.. Feb. 28 (L N. S.)
Ad Wolgast is ' due here today to -begin
training for his Freddie Welsh
fight The fight will be held next
Monday night, and Ad says ha hopes
this time his hands won't break when
he is giving tbe champ a beating, as
was the esse in New:York.
Metsger. who have been released
Ixw Angeles. '..;.- '
Pitcher Ben Tincup of the Philadel
phia Nationals, who was a holdout, has
signed his, contract for the 1918 season.
4T !.- -foT .'J" r'!!" ' V 'i - .
of "BuH Durfiam than
and loin the -aVrfiV cf
good cigarette cannot be