Tiin o:;:: con daily journal, ; Portland, uquday, fcciiuary . 21, 1013. ;: ALL-STAR SEPTET : WiLL play rosebuds AN EXHIBITION GAME - " " I - t Manager' Savage Arranges-to - Give.;: Coast, 'Champions ; Plenty, of Practice'. .'; AGGREGATION IS STRONG ; B?jNGir;G up father femvTlvfet- ieia tvtcrMttoaal Havi . Bfitcr4 Dalteg ktiMt -t ofoeJ a Player and Three Spare W0O14 Frobatty Portland Teem U boa Sari of Oeme. ; feSs - J r TKW Nr ' TAtQJUARe - ' -UmKtlft J ,'. An all-star septet of puck chaser selected .'froin -the ,Vanceuver Seattle nJ Victoria teams will lineup against the Portland champion In th leeHip. podrom a -4 .week t from Wednesday night, provided Manager Ed Savage ia successful in his. negotiations with president Frank Patrlek. ',:'?. The local team manager la anxious to piny thl gam so that hi Players lll b able to keep on edge for. the potential aerie with the winners of the National Hockey association oham- - iionahlp. . .v.' " r - - -A strong aggregation of stick han dlers could be selected from the three northern teams- With Hugh Lehman In the net. the Patrick brothers on the dfenee and Taylor' of Vancouver. J'oyston of Seattle, Cook of Vancouver and Walker of Seattle on the forward . line, the all-star would hve lineup that would make the champion hustle. Then there is Mickey Mackay, Dubbl Kerr and Bennle Morris for spares. ; Manager Savage is not coins to let his player take things easy, despite the fact. that they have cinched the championship, a ha wants to win the ' rame from the Seattle team Friday night. Two practices' have been ordered for this week, r The Seattle team will play the Van couver Millionaire tomorrow Bight at Seattle and Manager Pete Muldoon has hi eyes, on second place and he will .land , the plum If he Peats Vancouver tomorrow night and the Portlander l-'rlday night. , Yankees and Naps ; on Way to , - - -. "i New, Tork. Feb. 81. (V. P.) Beat--ng the -barrier. Wild Bill Donovan's rejuvenated Yankee boarded a train here last night for Macon. Donovan is ..stealing a inarch on most of his - American league brethren by beginning the limbering-up' stunts so eariftlntbe ..season. , - , ; Tho Giants will not leav until Maroh , i, and of Ban Johnson's ciroult the much-bartered Cleveland - Indians are the only club la pace with, the clan "of Smiling Bill. The Clevelanders got , away, Saturday for New Orleans. The , New. York players who left were Ray KeaOng, f - Gllman , Gay, Johnny Fieh, J.lle Nunamaker, Plus Schwert. Oeorgo Mogridge, James McGovern and Harry Smith. Donovan,, Huston, Coach l-'arrell and Trainer Duggan complete . . . . . . , . in rosier, 4, rrenaiin iseaer ana umm Mage, the stars whose luminosity even in winter Attracted huge wads a of lucro from Huston's reM, will not 'Join the eamp until things are pretty well under way. Other members of 'the squad will meet Donovan at Macon or put in an appearance later. BASKETBALL GAMES Clatakanle, Or., Feb. 21s Tbe Clats .kanle high school easily defeated St. Helens high, 47 to S Saturday. Lar- eon and H. Van of the locals were the stars of the contest, the former making 21 of his team points. Smith, a St. -Helens' guard, was Injured during the Kama by -being crowded into a window. By winning tbi came Clatskani la tied with Rainier high school for the championship of Columbia county. Ef forts are being made to bring; Rainier her tor a game to decide the title. ' -Next Saturday night the Multnomah Amateur Athletio cluo basketball quin tet will clash with ' the Washington Mate college flv on the 'Winged M" floor at 8:30 O'clock. Tho club team lias not beetf defeated this season and Manager- Fischer plans i to give the "Waver two hard workoik this week o that they will be: In tip top shape Jo battle against the Pull manl tea ' i The - Christian Brothers Business college basketball team will play the .1 o'ung Men's Hebrew association -five tonight In the C. B. B. C. gymnasium. The C. B. B G. Junior alumni five will V lash with the aecond Y. M. H. A. n ulntet The juniors will be minus their two forward players, Clifford and ouffy, . Ecdura and Murnane will play in their Places. .-v -!- . South' Bend, Wash., Feb. 19. South nd High school . basketball team broke the hoodoo Friday night, which has followed them all season, when they won their only; victory of the year from the fast Pe Ell team, 21 to SO. 1 hi was the last gam of tho season rnd with the score 13 to In Pa Sirs 1 avor at th end of the first period. . outh Bend, oy brilliant offensive work, was : successrul in ' bringing t ome the bacon. - Toledo, Wash.. Feb. 11. The Napa vine basketball team was defeated by 'ie Toledo team at the latter place . hursday night by a score of SO to - " - BOMG SMOKER ROMEO HAGEN, The Bovxing Baker Champion. EARL MIEBUS, ' Portland' Bast Boxer, , ; BETTJBI BOTJT 32O.C3b08a vs. VAXABT ClUb h BJBTVa. sxx gbjutt vav Toancr oxjuuc t. xtoonnr va. sjlzjth xjbb. From Evergreen - Athletic - Club, Van couver, Wash. - , zxxacBxtaxx v. OAxninsx. ive CBACXBBf AOC BOUTS PiVe Two CXTXTAXW SAXSEXS-x-Two - cdnesday February e r y ' 23 LEADERSHIP IN OHESS -DEPENDS UPON A PLAYOFF Goldman 'and Ray . Leave League Leaders in Posi tion of Tie. F, Goldman of the Multnomah club and JL J, Bay of team -TA" of tho Fort land Chess and Checker elub. engaged last Saturday night in a desperate and very evenly contested struggle whers ln the "Winged M" player had won a pawn and secured potential win when . the gam was adjourned after three hours play. If Goldman is able to press his advantage home and win on the playoff, the Multnomah club will win Its match against team A" and forge into first place In th Inter city Chess league race. While Multnomah was battling for a probabl victory over team "A" at th rooms : of - the Portland Chess and Checker club, team "B" secured their opponents' scalps at Vancouver, the Acacia club noted the. double part of host and victor over the Chamber of Commerce team,- and team "C" van quished Wnnton at the Portland Chess and Checker club. Tbe results of Saturday night's play follow: Mnltneme A. A. Q. va.Team "A" O. T. Bte . t 6. Goldmam 0 F. J. Dmt I A. WalnutM f r. Goldmaa A. J. Bar- A. W. Uotbleuai 0 O. B. UanUaaa 1 TbtaJ ! TeUl . . 1 est betweea T. OoIAAea Th e4joarad g nd A, 1. Bar will DieeeMy be plye t: Chamber of Oowsmce A. O. Watkiq 0 H. Dobrla . protmaa 0 17 a, 8ebwarta 1 C, vW.- DeOraM 0 Tneadar rvealos. - Aeecta Club va. T3. JohnaOB 1 Li R- - Cider WW. Vm. n.u Li. Van Bbbr . -1 O 1 8 G. W. Hotoomb W. . weoowara ' Total : Total Tbe atfjooraed ram betweea Elder and Dobrin will b Dlared Hoadar erenlns. Team "C" va, . 14 mi ton Cbeae Club - . J. Tea Slant t Zanta O I.. B. gtorr - ' I C. BAnwia B. Vt, Brawi O. U Wood 1 M. W. Mstoae o 1 C. E. Olwaanae O i B J. Borlay 0 Total 1 ToUl 1 VaBouTe Cheee Oob. 1 D. McMatter O 1 O. B. Uojd O 0 Wi M. Bodrkla 1 1 A. Borabam O Team "" vs. K. Q. Short A. K. Tranbolm H. Kertb W. B. Ortfflth i. B- Baatkam 1 W..B. injBol 0 Total : 4 Total " 1 Usee Morphyg Oefease. , C.v T. Bice, leader of tbe Multnomah forces, adopted Morphy's defense against the queen's pawn igarae, aoon won a pawn and then wore down his opponent, Goldman, captain of team A," In the end gam play. I Van Bobber proved to be the sur prise of the match between the Acacia cl .b and tbe Chamber of Com merce as nl unexpected victory over the veteran Protxman gave the Acacia club tbe point needed to win the match. The last match of the -Inter-City Cheaa leasrua tournament" will be played next Saturday evaning when all the teams will assemble at the Mult nomah club. ' The present standing of the teams Is: Name Won Lett Pet Mnltnomah A. A. O. .... .800 Team "A' i.. .......... .900 .667 .583 JMK) .417 .167 .000 Team "C" 4 2 ft Acacia Club St Team "B" ..... 8 Cbembn of Comnieroa ... 24 Viaooom Cbeaa Club . .. 1 UuatoB Chaaa dab ...... O Eddie Collins Does , Billy Sunday Stunt Palndyria.1 N. J Feb. 21. N. S.) Xddia Collins, star second baseman of the White Sox, mail a homo run hit with 800 persons who heard him break Into ' th "Gospel team league yesterday afternoon in his first, ven ture as a platform speaker, - before a church audience that applauded like world series fans - when he handed boose some- wallops that would have done credit to Billy Sunday. I Collins wove much of his address around baseball history and exper iences to demonstrate the value of rid ing on the water wagon. "Temperance living- la necessary for success In any field of action." be declared: "I bUeve a lot of raan'a aniocasa - depends upon hi stomach. Cut our the booae. .don't be intemper ate. In atins and you've half won the battle. good stomach meane a clear head - that will carry a man through the crisis In baseball. ' busi ness or professional life." Collins spoke , before tho i Kpworth Methodist Sunday, school, on of the largest in South Jersey. Westergaard Beaches S. P. Tonight. San Francisco. Feb. 21. CU.: P.) Jess Westgaard, who wUl wresU Ad Cantel In the principal bout of the mat feaUval to bo held here tomor row afternoon, , will reach San Fran elsoo from the northwest tonirht. He ha -kept himself In good tratnlns re cently and is expected to need no work for the contest. Santel la the fav orite. . ' Cap Anson "Wife Die. ' Chicago, Feb.-1 Jl L N. S.) Mrs. Virginia Madeline . Anson, wife of "Cap" Anson, famous former leader of tho Chicago -National letcgvo club; died hero today . , after an illness of three weeks. - Her body, will bo taken to Philadelphia tomorrow for burial. The Anson had been married 40 year. - - MRS. LOMBAED i OAEEIES MATOH : TO NINETEENTH Portland Golfer Surprises' Del Monte "With Her Long Iron Shots. Del Mante. Feb. J1-(L K. 8.) Th results of . the greatest interest in th first round of the Mid Winter Golf tournament at Del Moat yes terday were Douglas Grant getting through the day successfully, the de feat of Robin T. Hayne by H. B. Knight, the defeat of Mrs. Douglas Grant and the win scored 4 at the nineteenth hole ' by Mrs. Max Roth sohlld over Mrs. Gay Lombard - of Portland. In other respects tho tour nament progresssd with due enthus iasm in the various flights. - W. W. Carson opposed Grant In th first division and received as a handi cap, ftv hola. Grant was not presseJ at any point of the round and after overcoming Carson' allowance at the twelfth had easy sailing for th re mainder of .the journey, winning out by S to a.. - Bobin Hayne waa called upon to give H. B. Knight seven holes start, which produce a very confident ef fect on a young player with a free and easy awing auch a Knight ha. Instead of cutting down hi oppon ent's lead. Hayne. loot additional ad vantage and finally wound up by being nine down and eight to play. It would not surprise many of the fol lowers of the tournament to w Knight reach the finals, and possibly carry off first place. - .I.n.th. PaWnss'for th second round, STw' i& arw ginst A. H. Bralv, th bost player that southern Cali fornia haa sent to the present -tourna-m12h f1 'csive two holes. Mrs. Doug-la Grant allow h .. ?2nnLM1" Douhleday, six holes wwr wi aismaen. Bo started out by OUttlnar lha mmA .-i ... uiu one cue orr a few more holesbut it was too lata and the match finished with Miss Double day winning, 4 and 1. Mrs. Max Rothschild won an ex cltin round from Mr. Gay Lombard SnJl I"1? on ft' nineteenth ? thirbB. Mrs. Lombard ZthJL TT!rtejr CIuD of Portland, la f?-. k tn ,?aM,t n elub placers lfn!?." rlr DelMonto links. As on of th contestant ex pressed iv "her iron shots are colos- Shtrt -ft "-ch" U by no means Bor vlth a drtver. but several times SSSfiES!; puyin ow Cleveland-Secures Ivan Howard for 1st C,innS,Peb- 21- u- P--Jamea P Chicago contractor, who made his debut last week as a manat by buying the Cleveland . Indians, has bun out tha welcome sign to repo " gum shoe class. . t - , ? . "Loa of Publicity.- said Dunn. Ihai:, y "Md ry Paftner in wavf.8' u"tT thesamo S?i " hl town good bas- . rT .n1 Wony spent there will be a good investment. I haven't amid definitely that Lee WwHrtSS as manag-er of tho Indians." , Dunn announced that he had bought fit VJ!W?,an Ivan Howard from the ft. Ioai, Bros to strengthen the Indiana and la still in Jr i. players,-. " w Ladd Tennis Club in Members and ?5L.tbHal Tfnnim enh to meet tonlrht at O'clorlr In h. v... ? .Fllltea Evgellcal church , in - ,a rcl n annual meeting of tbe club. . - v Th Ladd Tenni club, formed flv year ago, plans a aambc, r imnn. ments thl year. , The Ldd Eatat company, ha given' permission for tho building of a third tennis eourt and also a elabhousa on th m.. by th club near the center e th 3Udd A campaign for 190 new members Is to b Inaugurated. At least half that number ara assured from th. already secured ' ana the entire mora Kmoiptmu do enusteo tonight into the campaign for tho rest of that Mum. ber. The Club roll is open to members initiation fee of tl and IS annual dues are charged."', . -, , - t .. r. :i Callahan Got Trial With Oaks.' Chehalls, v Wash Feb. il. -Pat" Callahan, the Ch shall aonthpaw, who Ust year want oast t play baseball. 5. who Played with Portland. Spokane, and other Northwest league L'fi founces that h ha finally S t?vVsonirct cntly -off ered him by Oakland and WUl play In the i1fa ,for Callahan was laSlwlnter b Spokane to Van iW?'? "I " "I, will leave where he will go to the - training camp. - Howard Drew 1 ambition to todr law. , - Membership Novice Manager Makes Figkter Moran Rich at..si. at t t h n ' t . t. ; n n rn"' K' P ittsturer s Bit New Tork, Feb. at. No on ever thought it of quiet, unassuming John Ia otherwise known as Ike rorgan, al there's a whole lot of, folk who won't believe it until they gather in all- the detail of how ho lumped ln four brief month from' obscurity to fame a th greatest financier since the day of Adam and little Kva. Until last September, Ike's only claim to greatness was the fact that he was ' mighty good newspaper writer and th brother of T. Aloysius Dorgan. known throughout the civilis ed world and Chicago as Tad, the cartoonist. And then fat ruled that Ike should encounter Frank Moran. pugilist,' Just at a moment when tbe aforesaid Frank we wearing woe begone expression, "Unburden yourself what" wrong? commanded the sympathetic Ike. - "Tig a cruel, cruel world we Uvs in," sighed the blond battler. Here a m in what may be termed a helluva fix. rye fought S battles and yet in all those battle ray total lnooroe haan't been much more than 11000. I see by tbe paper that lota and -lota of dub acrappers get that much and more for on battle. "What you need Is a manager ad vised Ike, whereupon Moran sighed again. Koran's Bad Fata. That's Just it," eald be. X need a manager but X don't want one. Prac tically every one I've had has trimmed roe. 1 said I got only 16000 or so from those 41 scraps. That's true. But I've earned over f 0,000. The other 154,000 got into the hands of my manager and I never , saw it again."- "Then manage yourself," suggested Ike. "I've tried to and X find that those darned promoters take advantage of my good nature and run me dow-so low on my original demands that be fore Z get through talking with them I feel as if I ought to pay them to let me fight ln their clubs." - "Well. then, it seems to bo that you need a guardian," put ln Ik. "Will you take th Job?" asked Moran. - Xke Benders First Aid. "Handling fighter ia a neV game to me," said Ike. "Furthermore, I'm busy as a newspaper guy. I ain't got much time to monkey with fighters. But IH tell you what IU do. I'll try to get a bout for you at a fair price. Ill show you how it Is done. Watch me closely. Afterward you can go on handling yourself, using- my system." Well, Ike approached Billy Gibson, manager for Jim Coffey, and boldly declared that Frank Moran could whale the consciousness out of the FAIR PORTLAND .'TRAP SHOOTERS LOSE TO SPOKANE Van Atta Wins First I m Diamond Medal ' Shoot at Jenne Station, Portland women traps-hooters lost the first of a series of matches with the women's team of tho Spokane Gun club yesterday. The Inland Empire Dianas scored 61 out of a possible 75. while the Portland women scored but $$. A high wind - mad consistent shooting at .th local traps yesterday impossible. - The individual score , of th matches: Spokane Mrs. C A, O'Connor 21. Mrs. F. A. Dry den ; 12, Mis Bessie - Lamar 1$. -: Total, SI. Portland Mrs, Ada Schilling 1$, Miss Gladys Reld 11, and Mrs. E. H. Keller 9, Total $. ' '' Twenty-eight shooters participated in the weekly shoot yesterday, Frank Van Atta leading th field - with 1 per cent, as well as winning the Im perial Diamond trophy with th score of 83 out of 25.HH. R, Everdlng fin ished two. bird behind Van Atta, and President Strowger - broke 19 target. A. match race between . teams of seven Y shooters ' captained by , . Mis Gladys Reld and Mrs. Ada Schilling waa very close,. Mrs. Schilling's team winning by a margin of flv' bird. . .Th snore of the Imperial Diamond medal event:- ; - " ' 'iv-, ;'--.r Seguin 1$. Abnr Blair 1T.-H. R. Everdlrag 2. II. A. Pollock 1. A. W. Strowger 19, Wr C. Bristol, with-. 20 gauge gun, li, E, H. Keller ?19, A. L. ZacheHsson 23, J. C Morris 19. Frank Van Atta. 23, R- A. Tyler 19, Mrs. Ada Schilling-16, Miss Gladys Reld 11, C. C. Kelly 1T. - - .r-; The team shoot results among mem ber of th Portland Gun club Miss Gladys R14 (captain) 12. El B. Mor rl 2U J. a Morri 19, E. C Feller 2$, H, B- Everdlng 22, A, W. Strowger 22. R. A. Tyler Is. total 127; Mrs. Ada Schilling captain) - 24, C, J. Schilling 21,-p. J. Holohan 2$, J. P. BuU 19. W.- C Bristol, with 20 gang gun. 11, D. Reed 22, '.XI., A, Pollock 20. total ' The ' regulfr practice cores Mrs. W, At Shaver. 60 per cent; D. F. Allen 74. James Re'-I 74, A! Seguin 71. Abner Blair 11.W; C Bristol witb 20 gauge gun 47, II. R, Everdlng 44, JH. A. PoUock CC. E. B. Morris 74, A. W. Strowger 75. 3. C Morris 72. EL B. Van Arnam 79, E. B Keller 75, 3. P. Onlv S6000 InPrevibus Battles serapperwlth the beverage name. Thl vexed Gibson, who forthwith rushed to Ml the newspapers and , declared that Coffey could beat up any person in the wide, wide world. Ike Influ enced Moran to visit various newspa per ghop to deny the truth of Gib eon's assertions, and very soon after ward Jimmy Johnson, promoter, ought out Moran and Coffey and wanted to match them up at bis own fig-urea. - Johnson offered Moran a sum in keeping with the amounts ireviousl earned by Moran. The blond battler was on the point of accepting, when Ik Dorgan loomed up ln the offing, learned of Johnson' offer, and aald: "Nix, nix, Jimmy; tbi boy Moran fights for a certain percentage or be don't fight at all." . , - Zke Oft Moyan eoo. Johnson demurred but Ike was ob durate. The publlo demanded a Cof-fey-Moran bout, and rather than let soro other promoter grab it. Johnson reluctantly met the : demand of . Ike Dorgan. - " . Moran' share for that first Coffey fight was $8900, and whan the money was placed In the band of Moran he promptly fainted. When he revived. Ike aaid to him: That' the way to d it, my boy: now I'm going back to my newspaper work. I wish you much Joy," But Moran wouldn't let Ike go back. He clung to Ike. and insisted that Ike should be his manager. He pleaded! with Ike and finally Ike consented. : In December Moran and Coffey were rematohed. Ike calmly, but firmly, de manded a bigger-percentage for Moran than had been guaranteed for the first fight. Johnson again objected but finally capitulated. " t994 for Vext Tight. ' In his second fight with Coffey, the Pittsburg, battler duplicated his first feat scored a knockout, and when he hustled -into hi dressing room Moran round 898 waning for him thelarg eat amount of money he ever tad seen in hi life. "Is this mine? gasped Moran. "It is." answered Dorgan. Ammonia was used to revive Moran. And then came th greatest feat ln the meteoric career of Ike Dorgan, Prise Fight Manager Extraordinary I As soon as Moran beat Coffey for the aecond time, there was a scramble among promoters anxious to frame a Wlllard-Moran bout. Various tight ciub promoter cluttered up th hall way leading to Ik Dorgan' quarters. and asked him -vw hat he wanted as guarantee for Moran. "What.! your best offer? was the answer. "Ten thousand for Moran," aald. one. "Begone!" said Ike. in corn,.. ,, TURNERS ARE HIT IN ANNUAL SHOW ON HEILIG STAGE . BaaaaBB)BBBBaBajBeWBsassaBa' j, Prof. Genserowski's -Pupils Perform Better Than at . Any Previous Exhibit. ' Wtell-executed calisthenics. fancy and fracef ul dancing. . difficult pyra u;id-tuldlng and neatness of costume combined to make tbe annual gymna. tlo exhibition of the Portland Soola! Turn Vereln, last night at the Heilig. the best ever. Th lengthy program was put on without a. falter, which hows that Professor Richard Gena rowskl worked hard - with his many pupil and left no stone, unturned to mak th exhibition a success. The house was crowded and th peo ple were liberal with their' applause for each number. , One of th features of the program waa th difficult pyramid-building on Roman ladders and parallel bars by th members of -the second boys' v class. Another number of the program which made distinct hit was the daffodil dance by t9 mem bers of the first ladles' class. f The color effect - and the gracefulness of the performers mad this number on that will long b rmmberd. ?, Opening; th program was th grand entranc . of all olasees, following which was the apparatus exercise on horlxontal bars. - parallel bars, horse and -bock by the members of th busi ness men's class. ;The ease with which these men accomplished th exercise shows ; th effect : of th training of Professor GenserowskL Th ; dumbell exercise and folk-dancing" by i the first girls' ' class -was good, .and the free-hand exercise of th first boy class was something-new. ? r-fc-" --i" The application of boxing to calis thenics mad a big hit. - This number wa arranged by Professor Genaerow aid. t Th Cupid and Butterfly dance by th second girls' das wa vary good. The second boys das grave neat horlsontal bar exhibition, and th seniors followed them.. ; Th Indian club drill and Hawaiian song and folk-dancing were the clos ing numbar. of th program. , Bull $1, P. J.i Hoioharf 8 8, A. L. Zachet iaeon 60. Frank ' Van Atta 91. C. E. Feller. 7 2, F. O.. Joy 4$, C. J. SchllUng 82, D. Reed 75, R, A. Tyler 78, H. W. Robar 21. Mrs. Ada SchUllng 75. Miss Gladys Reld 64, Mr. E. II. Keller 46, B. 1 Leonard 66 and C. a KeUy $0. , Twelve thousand. chirped another. i "Bent it 799 chepi kater - com manded Ike. - . . - , - :)j;ir : At thl Junctur Moran out in ; "Ike, 112.000 . ia I iW.OOO, he aid. "Mebbe those fellow will get mad at you and me and won't com back, and then we won't get anything. I'll fight WlUard for il2,e0." " i v -"80,000 or jrotklngP Oe. "Not if I know it!" snapped Ike, Twenty . thousand buck la what they've got to pay us." v - . , Moran gasped. ' "But they won't do it. Ike; they won't do It. Don't you think, 1k. that we oughta accept that 118,003. That' an awful lot of money for SO minutes' work." . - - ' s ; ; "-':-' ; x . : ,- . "Twenty thousand Is more. was the answer. They've got to' have you to fight Wlllard, or the fight will flxila See? We've got them where we want them. And if they don't hurry and slip us $20,900, we'll increase our demands to $S.000." " " "But tia.ooo is iii.ooo ? "Silencer roared Ike. "Twenty thou s,nd or nothing Chat' -our motto." What Porgan AooompUahed. , On March SB Frank Moran will gat $10,000 i and no less for meeting Jess Wlllard In , a 10 round bout in New fork. Th $20,000- guarantee made to Mo ran for that bout is th largest ever given to a non-ohamplon in th history of the price ring the total of 1.030 for three fights within, six month is tbe largest ever earned by a non champion sine pugilism began, And Ike Dorgan. little mora than a novice, is tbe man woo has made it possible for Moran to achieve these two wonderful records. ,' . ' dlC jj ' -,6i-4aS - - . j i ::;A;:iTc&? K of TBull" Durham is asf quickening and iiispiiir or the "fret busy" notes of a bugle call. ''Bull" Diii4iam is the onoJce of tno ired4lobled7--the bright and breezy cmoke that goc3 vib youth ful enlbusiasm and energy; : - " -- 0 BULL No : otKer. tobacco in the world Haa the trruque. mtHawewctt XTiildness or the delightful aromatic iTagrance.br "Bd pockagm of rpapmrm". . I i . ... I WIS:: n if Calif ornia-Or A. C. Deciding Game Off . . . -;- . ' ;-. San Francisco,- Feb. IL t, N. S.) Th Oregon Agriculture college and the University of California will not meet to decide the Faelflo coast conference basketball championship , vnle th California men can make a pclal trip north for that purpose. f ., Permission tor th Oregon player to remain here and meet California t a decisive gam last night was denied by the faculty of the institu tion. . . - Oregon has a game scheduled with the Medford team tonight. When, as - a result of the victory of the northerner last Saturday night, th two teams wer left on an even basis tor th conference title, tbe Or gon manager wired for permission t caneal this gam and play at Brkly tonight. Th faculty antvsr was to the off eel that the team must go ahead with Its prearranged schedule. There Is little possibility that the VS, of C team will make th trip north and the championship thl eaeon will likely go undecided. Bill Kenworthy Too Costly for San Fran Baa Francisco, Cel, Feb.: $L (U. P.) Bill Kan worthy, th Federal league Intielder, will net wear, a Seal uniform next season. Thl wear mad certain today when Harry Wolverton aald hlav conference with Kenworthy yesterday had to do onlywlth other Federal leagq player. Wolverton wanted a line on the abili ties of a number of ether men, but he considered Ken werthy terms too high for th Seal to mt. --l ' R6UYbur mm SMOKING TOBACCO ' Made of rich, ripe VhJnia-North Caro lina leaf, "Bull" Durham haa that distinctive,. exclusive ; quality iwhich has? made it the favorite smoke of three generations. Only by Vollinaf yoiir own" witK BuIT Duikim r can you get a cagaretta vvith tha indrv-kStxality end tpcrsonaiity tht cxvo tnach "V . ' . " FREE to "Roll Year CW Ogarirtss, and a pckgl dgarett papers, ? will both be maiUd, to any address In U.S. n raqveeC. AV chee Ba2 Daikam, Dwbav HC WILLARD WON'T GET ANOTHER DATE FOR FIGHT Champion Says Recent' kU taek of Neu ralgi a Has , ; Entirely Disappeared. . Chicago, Feb. 11. !, N. S.) "My fight with Frank Moran positively win take place March $1 as scheduled. I will be right on that date. No further postponement will be requested. I have been suffering from a alight at tack of neuralgia, but this has en tirely disappeared. I won't go down town today, but I expect to leave for New Tork by the end of thl weak." Thl ia th way Jess WUlard, heavy weight champion' of the world, today set at rest rumors that hi bout with Frank Moran, Pittsburg heavyweight, is to b postponed again. Th bout." said Wlllard, "was orig inally set for March s. It was post poned to March 21 becao of my ill ness. I am getting along fine new and the latter date goes." . . Sea Sale Opero. New Tork. Feb. 2L U. F.) The seat sal for th coming battle between' Jess Wlllard and Frank Moran for the heavyweight championship - of the world is scheduled to open here this afternoon. Tex Rickard. promoter, de clared his " confidence that he would have a hug crowd, despite th neces sity of postponing th match two weeka. ' i-- - It Is estimated there ar 4000 gun dub and 400.000 enthusiasts in vari ous organisations . throughout . this country. 5 Ov7n!,, mm perfect, iaxuaj