THE ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, . FEBRUARY 21. : 1916. 16 STUDENTS FORCED OUT OF COLLEGE, BUT NO ATHLETEJDROPPED University of Oregon Data In dicate That Sports Are No Handicap on Scholarshipr PENDLETON GIRL HONORED Kiss OU Xalsy, a SUnior, Is Elected 8crtary of Student Body to Mil Vacancy. UniversKy of Oregon, Eugene, Or., Feb. 21. Although 16 students were forced to leave college on account of -Insufficient credits earned during tha past semester, there was not a single athlete In the students droDDed. Twenty-five students fell below the mark, but six were allowed to remain in college on probation, having orn- duced evidence of sickness and other valid: excuses. I In high grades, the junior and ssenior classes lead, with the sopho mores next and the freshmen last. The highest grades were received by Kosalind Bates of Eugene, wife of professor Bates, bead of the de partment of rhetoric, and by Earl Fleiachman, -a,, sophomore from Sil verton. These two students were tied for first place with 11 hours of "H." the highest mark given and five hours of "S," the next highest. Pendleton Girl Honored. University of Oregon. Eugene. Or.. Feb. 21. Miss Clara Raley, a senior from Pendleton, was elected secretary Qt the student body to fill the vacan cy created by the graduation of Eva Brock of Hood River, Incumbent. The position is the highest in the tudent body for the women. Big Celebration at ,; ! McMinnville College Tenth Anniversary of Elevation of Sr. &Uey to Presidency of Xnstltu : tlon Will Be Observed. This Week. McMinnville, Or., Feb. 20. Exten sive preparations are in the making at McMinnville college for- the cele bration of t)ie tenth anniversary of the elevation - of Dr. .- Leonard W. Riley to the presidency. Among col lege presidents who will make ad dresses are: .President Bushnell of. Pacific university at Forest' Grove and President W. II. Lee of Albany college. On "Wednesday. President I I. Ey ley of Philomath college. President Carl Gregg Doney of Willamette uni versity. President P. I. Campbell of the University of Oregon will be on tbe mornins; program. Wednesday afternoon greetings given on the part of the trustees by W. r. .Tnka nf RaUm PrnfMifir Vi North- up for the faculty and Professor Ken neth ;. Latourette for Reed college. President Riley will rive an address on "My Ideals." Other speakers w!H be Rev, Myron Haynes, secretary of the endowment fund, and Professor Norman F. Coleman of Reed college. TRUSTEE FILES SWT TO RECOVER PROPERTY IN BANKRUPTCY CASE Claims W. E, Mallory Deeded Land to Relatives in Effort to Defraud His Creditors. :"i Urges Polity Club Branch. University" of Oregon. Eugene, Or.. eo, zi. Lamar Tooze, fresh from his European jaunt with the Ford pacifists in search of peace, is agitat ing for a branch of the International Polity club at the University of Ore gon. The club originated in England among the college men. and its aim is to "Keep in constant touch with world- wiae coiiegiate questions. Interna tional lecturers coooerata with th.u clubs in their movements toward in ternationalism. DRAINAGE MOVEMENT AT ONTARIO TAKES IN 6000 OR 8000 ACRES Most of the Land in Snake River Valley Now Can Be Brought Under Cultivation, Lecture Series Arranged. University of Oregon, Eugene, Or.. Feb. 21. In order for the students of the school of commerce to get ln'to touch with business men of the world a lecture series is being arranged bv H. B. Miller, director of the Univer sity of Oregon department. The first of the series will be given Wednesday by Fletcher Linn, a gradu ate of the university and on the board .of advlser3 of the commerce school. He is a business man in Portland. Among the series is one by Julian Arnold, United States attache at Peking, who is on a leave of absence and, will stop off at Eugene on his way back to China. He will speak during the latter part of April. is Versifiers Made, Not Born. -University of Oregon, Eugene, Or., Feb. 21. "NewsoaDer columnist ami Versifiers are made, not born," . uw Bimemeni or pean Collins, of the Oregonlan Friday before the Univer sity of Oregon students in Journalism. " This was the main tiiesls of Mr Collins' .talk, and it was packed by examples of newspaper columnists who have arrived in their "unin spired" vocation. ; "They have not time for poetic temperament: they be inspired. Practice makes perfect.- Ontario, Or., Feb. 21. A movement is on foot o organize a drainage dis trict here, to embrace some 6000 or 8000 acres of land lying adjacent to Ontario. .A preliminary survey indicates that most of the land in the Snake river valley can be effectively drained tit not to exceed 315 per acre, which cot when met by a bond issue, maturing in 5, 10 or 15 years at a low interest rate, is small compared with the beneficial results to be obtained. Home Buyer Arrives. Ontario, Or.. Feb. 21. The first influx of home buyers to come to this county this spring is Henry Moeller of Bennington. Neb., who is now on his way with two car loads of goods. Mr. Moeller declares that lands in Nebraska are higher than here and a rental of $7 an acre is asked there. He predicts that others from "Nebraska will come here to locate. Bootlegger Fined $60. Ontario, Or., Feb. 21. The first case of bootlegging to come up here was tried before City Recorder Stearns a few days ago and resulted in the conviction of Dutch Charley and the paying of a $60 fine. Very few shipments .of liquor are reported as coming to this city under the new law. . Cook Wants Parole. Salem, Or., Feb 21. W. B. Cook of Salem, former real estate, well known here, who is serving sentence in the Oregon prison for forgery, will make n effort to secure a parole in April and he has applied to District Attor ney Ringo for a recommendation for clemency. Insurance Kates Boosted. . Tenino, Wash., Feb. 21. A raise of 60 to 75 cents on the hundred was recently made in Insurance rates on ilvrAlllncra fn T.ntnn ivtth n 1 J: where chimneys are not built from the ground up. Another '25 cents ad ditional is placed for cloth-lined houses. Heads Whitman Y. M. C. A. Whitman College, Walla Walla. Wash., Feb. 21. Carey Berger, '17, ' of Osage, Iowa, was elected president of the college Young Men's Christian association at the regular meeting of the organization held last Friday afternoon. Berger will hold office for the ensuing year, and was given power to appoint the members of his cabinet. Specially prepared banana flour is being used by French doctors as a tonic. I C Merchandi'ae of cV Merit Only" Wise Housekeepers Are Reaping the Benefits From This Bedspread Sale '4 Keenly Appreciating the Fact That Such Splendid Bedspreads Cannot Be Duplicated at These Prices Today has seen lively selling in the linen store, but as this is a ' r.l . n . U k .... 1. L - J a i ... ! wucic wc uiTc gimcrcu xogeiner an unusually large assortment of various weaves and kinds, there will be sufficient for another day's selling. Hemmed Spreads, scalloped and cut corner Spreads, fringed Spreads, in raised designs, flat designs, plain and satin finishes. For full size beds, three-quarter beds and twin beds. &25 Bedspreads 98c $3.25 Bedspreads . : . $2.50 $1.39 Bedspreads ...$1.19 $4.75 Bedspreads . . . $3.75 $225 Bedspreads . . . $1.75 $2.00 Bedspreads . . $ 1.50 $2.75 Bedspreads . . . $2.00 $5.50 Bedspreads . . .$4.50 $6.00 Bedspreads $5.00 ' ; -Second rioor c-MercK.rKlio of cJ Merit Only The Coiffure of the Season Demands a High Headdress And to Acquire This You Need Plenty of Hair This Sale of Hair Switches will help you arrange your hair In the most becoming manner, even . though you might possess a goodly amount of your own hair, an extra : switch will give Just the right effect in a. much better manner. These switches are all made of the very finest quality of wavy J Jrench Refined hair in the three strand style. We guarantee to j match any natural shade of hair, no matter how difficult its color. '. ; $ 4.00 French Switches, 24 Inches, $2.98 $) 8.00 French Switches, 26 Inches, $5.48 $ 80 French Switches, 30 Inches, $5.89 ,'' $12.00 French Switches, 34 Inches, $9.48 Special prices now on all French refined Gray Hair Switches. . . Z- - ' ; r - . 7 .Second Floor CONTEST OVER 159 ACRES W. X., Ida, Bos acauory ana Mary Staff Are Defendants ; Case Adjudged la Portland. Salem. Or., Feb. 21. Circuit Judge Galloway has under advisement the case of B. K. Knapp, trustee, against W. E., Ida and Rose Mallory and Mary Muff. W. E. Mallory filed a petition in bankruptcy in Portland January 15, 1915. and was adjudged a bankrupt. He had scheduled debts in the sum of $17,000, with no assets except an equity in 108 acres near1 Newberg. B. K. Knapp; as trustee, brought suit on be half of tha creditors to recover 159 acres of land near Newberg which the defendant conveyed to his wife, his sister-in-law, Mary Muff, and Ida Mal lory four -months, before going Into bankruptcy. It i asserted. ' The trustee claims that the transfer was made - to defraud creditors, while the defendant says ft was for a con sideration of 97000. -. The trustee has also filed objections in federal court in Portland to the de fendant's charge as a bankrupt. A hearing on the question of discharging Mallory was scheduled for February 23. Guardian Aurora Man Appointed. alem. Or., Feb. 21. County Judge Bushey has adjudged Jacob, G. Miller, of Aurora, an incompetent and has ap pointed Louis Webert guardian of his estate, valued at 127,000, and person. Husband Claims Desertion. Salem, Or Feb. 21. K. Ostendorf has filed suit against Ethel J. Osten dorf, alleging desertion. They were married September 8, 1910. New Building Nears Completion. Salem, Or.. Feb. 21. The new wo story brick building on Court street. being erected by W. W. Moore, will be completed and ready for occupancy March 1. The lower floors will be occupied by R. S. Gilbert's art shop and Mrs. A. B. Kelsay's needlecraft store and the upper floor by Miss Mlnetta Majors with her studio. Utiram tJ " Mercriartdi I S5l JQ Will Hold Scholastic Meet. Salem, Or., Feb. 21. The Marion County Principals association held a meeting here Saturday and discussed plans for an athletic, and - scholastic meet to be held here In the spring. Progress was reported by committees named to look after the different phases of the meet. It was decided wtt so of C Merit Only- FrCsl From Japan These Lovely Crepe Ki monos $1.69 Never Sold Before Less Than $2.50 Each Such pretty colors, light blue, cadet, green, pink, rose, lavender, petunia, in soft shades. Every stitch hand embroidered on " both side fronts, and in the back, nearly to the hem, also on sleeves, on a wonderful quality of co'tton crepe, in characteristic Japanese designs, such as wisteria, chrysanthemum, rose, cherry blossom, in white, or exquisite variegated natural colors. Each kimono has a sash to match, either pointed, or fringed, the sleeves loose and flowing, and the skirt section unusually full. Fourth Floor n U o nercnanats 01 rieni v-niy A Millinery Occasion Out of the Usual Newest Hats for Spring At $10.00 -ihe millinery situation grows more keenly interesting from day to day in the Lipman-Wolfe Store. j Especially noteworthy is the collection of trimmed models we have gathered to gether for this sale. Piquant poke shapes topped with flowers or audacious ribbon bows wide-brimmed sailors softened by wreaths of fruit and flowers, or made entirely of striking striped ribbon small turbans without a sign of a brim, with flowers unexpectedly tucked among the folds of huge ribbon loops hats made more charming by the addition of ribbon or feather quills, clever adaptations of lizere ribbons, combinations of silk and rough straws we could go on and on mentioning this and that charming model, which would be useless, as there are no two alike. Every new color brought out for Spring is here, as welt as the most correct, distinctive shapes. Third Floor St Baosstfff tf-Marchmndi of Merit On Always Something New in Veribest Blouses $1.00 By Far the Best Waists Ever Sold at This Price to incorporate in the events folk dances and drills and parades of the children, "... ' ' -, ..; , ,, . .,- ys G. 0. P. Delegates Not To Join Bull Moose - "-"e . -,.-3 --'-"- - San Francisco, Feb. 21. (U. P.) A proposal by Meyer Llssner, chairman of tha Progressive state central com mittee, to split the California delega tion to tha Republican national conven tion eauallv With th Prnrru.l... l to Indorse the candidacy of Governor Hlrafm Johnson for vIca nrMM. . rejected by the members of the Re publican state central committee at a conference held here. California, will have 2 delegates to the national con vention nd Lissner suggested that It of these should be 'Progressives. . BIrs. Mary Tozier Dies. Latah, Wash, Feb. 21-Mrs. Mary Toxier, born in Indiana. October 17, y 1822. died hers February 1. aged 93 years. She was til pnly two days. ; Burial was la Rockford cemetery by the side of .her husband, Thomas Tozier. who died in 1880 at the age of 80 years. They crossed the plains from Cass county. Nebraska, to Port land. 1 - ms Cues' fa te 1 Xteya. - Drncits refund sooey If PAZO OISTMEXT falb te ear Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles, rtrmt a p plica t ton cl'a ralief. Boa. Ad !.l Not the same thing you see every day in all the shop windows but Blouses that were made to give a "dif ferent" air to the wearer. A touch of embroidery or lace--a bit of hemstitching raises the Veribest Blouses above the ordinary. Sheer voile, the most fashionable of all waistings for Spring, is used almost exclusively in their making, all have the new style long sleeves, and high collars, or V-necks, whichever women may prefer. Taird rioor A Unique Repair Sale Of Watches and Mesh Bags We will clean any watch for. . .:. . , . . ...... . ,75c "Guaranteed 1 .Year" Mainspring put in. i .... .75c Mesh Bags Made As Good As New Any Mesh Bag repaired and silver plated for . 79c Any Mesh Bag repaired, silver, plated asd re-1 lined with kid or silk for . . ggc Any Mesh Bag repaired, silver plated and re- -; lined with a fitted kid lining, consisting of " file, change pocket, mirror, buttoner and powder puff , complete for. . : . .$lm00 Jewelry Repair Department, First Floor WAIST DAY In Liprrian -Wolfe's Economy Basement tore "Where You Spend the Least on J Get the Meet for It" 1000 Newest Spring Waists At 4 Sensational Sale Prices Special $2.25 All silk crepe de chine Waists, in flesh, white, and melrose newest styles for Spring and Summer. Pussy Willow Taffeta Waist, white, flesh and pink. Special $2.35 Handsome candy striped tub silk Waists, In beautiful new color combinations smartest Spring styles. Special $1.98 An assortment of broken lines and sizes of Waists that sold to $4.00. Fine taffetas, crepe de chines, and novelty Waists, in white and- colors Very special 1.98. Special 69c A large collection of splendid voile and lingerie Waists that have sold at much more. They are slightly soiled from handling hence the lowered price. No phone or mail orders filled. None sent on ap proval or C. O. D. Be on Hand Early to Share in These Bargains Saaamaal A - im.M t I. a.lM ?1 rV-l." jj s .narctMtKti or w i-en vngr If You Know Dress Fabrics These New Spring Weaves Will Speak for Themselves There would be no point in telling you how good these silks are, if you couldn't see their merit, and appreciate this sale, at a glance. But most women can, and the result is seen in the busy sellings today of these splendidly seasonable weaves offer- -ing 46, 50 and 56-Inch Newest Spring 1916 Wool Dress Fabrics That Would Regularly. Sell at $1.50 and $2 At 98c Yard Striped wool Taffetas, wool Melrose, Jacquard Weaves, Chiffon Panamas, and the most wanted black and white checks, as well as many other fashionable weaves. Bcoad CToor 11 Tuesday Free Tailoring Classes In Fashionable Skirt Making By Mr. Edmund Gurney, on Eighth Floor Mr. Gurney's tailoring methods are so simple that there is no excuse for a woman not knowing how to make her own skirts. Separate skirts have never been more fashionable than now. Pur chase your materials from our new Spring line of fabrics, and Mr. Gurney will cut and fit your skirt FREE of charge, at the same time showing you how to completely finish the skirt, even to the last stitch. Free Press Irons, and the Famous "Free" Sewing, Machines at Your Service On Tuesday and Thursday of every week, from 10 to 12 and from 2 to 6 o'clock, on the Eighth Floor. I Woolen and silk materials on sale, Second Floor. Free Tailoring Classes on . the Eighth Floor. nerchandiae or C Merit Only Tuesday Speciai Demonstration . Vr ne ramous : Hoover Electric Suction Sweeper - The Hoover Suction Sweeper shakes, vigorously sweeps and draws out all'dirt in your rugs -without injury to the napin fact, brings it back to the correct positions and re stores the original colors. The action of the Hoover is this; The air suction lifts the rug from the floor and holds it so that the electrically revolved brush (a Hoover patent) loosens the dirt, thread and lint embedded in the body of the rug The powerful air suction sucks all the dirt out. This is the only way you can thoroughly clean and the Hoover is the only machine that does itr Will you come in and try the Hoover yourself? Do it to- dav- - . ' All Hoover Sweepers Sold on the Easy Payment Plan. $5 Down $5 Month ale. Xirta' TUxtr si cr-MorchatKiia of C Merit Only : , This GREATEST SILK LINGERIE EVENT ' Of the Year:. Offers to the Women of Portland Crepe fe Chine and Society Satin U nderwear at Prices That Cannot Be Duplicated The crowded department, the enthusiastic JP customers, attest the unusualness of " this y event. The finest of silk underwear in this sale is all new, the prices are without parallel, and owing to the condition of the silk market it will not be possible to again duplicate these garments at anywhere near these sale prices. Come Tuesday secure your share of these very necessary garments. Made from the finest of Crepe de Chine and the new Society Satin, in white and flesh tint. In elaborately trimmed styles and plain French styles. $6.00 Crepe-de Chine Gowns. .. $1.75 Crepe de Chine Camisoles: . . . $1.75 Creoe de Chinm Waimt S;n. $2.50 Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise $1.79 t.o irepe ae Ciine Envelope Chemise $1.98 $3.25 Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise $2.59 $10.00 Society Satin Gowns . . . ........ $7.45 $2.00 Society Satin Camisoles ..... . . .$19 $7.00 Society Satin Gowns . . .... . . . . . $5.95 $4.50 Society Satin Envelope Chemise. .$3.39 j v' ' . . Fourth Floor .$4.95 :$i.oo .$1.39 oLunttan CTMorcrMinclii acMitOittv" - 6 The All-Important Sale of Mmpofted Black Velvet Ribbon Guaranteed Pure Silk and Fast Dye Only the people who come in contactt with trade condi tions, daily, know how absolutely impossible it is to secure anything at all that can be guaranteed fast dye. This unprecedented scarcity, combined with the greatest rise in raw silk that we have ever known, make for anything but the usual established market conditions. By fortunate chance, we have Just received a limited quantity of pure silk, heavy pile velvet1 ribbon with satin back, which Is iast black this shipment represents an Import order which we had given up all hope of receiving. As black velvet is' one of the most Im portant items for millinery and trimming of alt kinds, the woman who secures any of this velvet ribbon can count herself extremely lucky. No. T velvet ribbon 6c No. 9 velvet ribbon 25c No. 11-2 velvet ribbon 8c No. 12 velvet ribbon 33c No. 2 velvet ribbon 10c No. 3 velvet ribbon 12 l-2c No. 4 velvet ribbon 14c No. 5 velvet ribbon J 6c No. 7 velvet ribbon 20c No. 16 velvet ribbon 39c No. 22 velvet ribbon 45c No. 40 velvet ribbon 55c No. 60 velvet ribbon 69c ' No. 80 velvet ribbon 7 9c JmMrchmndi ofcJ Merit Only" Tuesday -We Will Set a New Record Offering Over 1000 New Aprons At25c,39c, 59c, 79c, 98c Four of These New Models Are Illustrated. . 35c Work Aprons at 25c Art made of percale in fitted style In both dark and light colors, as well as plain white in same style.' 50c Coverall Aprons at 39c . , Are In regulation style with belt across the back made of light colored percales finished with bias white pipings. 75c and 85c Aprons at 59c Offers a new middy Apron a slip-over Apron in two styles the Polly Ann Apron the Puritan Apron the Billie Burke Apron full or half fitted styles and extra sire coverall Aprons. . Made of fancy figured and plain percales. - . $1.00 Aprons at 79c . .-tin the apron-dress style, featuring a new high waist finished with a narrow ruffle. Also at this price is the two-in-one Apron ' with elastic or shirred waist line. Made of percales and ging hams, ." Waterproof Aprons at 50c Will also be featured Tuesday. An Apron that is absolutely lnii. HBensable in the laundry, in the nursery and for-dish. washing, as it Is Impervious to water. . . , . $T2S Empire Breakfast Set S8c Consists of Empire style Apron of gingham with cap to nitcv - Trimmed with plain bandings. " ; Fourth' n-'r n f o t I i