HUNDREDS OF FIRMS FAVOR GRANTING . OF THE TERMINAL RATES Monster Petition "Was to Have Been Submitted to Cham ber on Tuesday. ' John a. tighter. McCargar, Bates. Lively Co.; C.r. WrlgHt,- vie prealdeot-aecreury Bailee WrtghtT ' - O, B. BaJloo, president Balls sVWrigbt; A I. Lendborg, guuir - Hotel Btnxm; George M. Cornwall The Tlmberman; J. S. Ball. Kilbam Stationer A Printing eomuanvt J. O. Mack Co- W. D- UcWkUn, Faclfie Paper company: ; N. - 8. Welnatelav wnole- ; Ml clothing; C. R. Griffith. Americas Ben in A Hose company; Brackett Frnaier,: raper company; v, uaim, raciria Awning company; Max 8. Hiraeh, Hiraea-Wela Manufactorine- eotaw:. Wt. lawyer: 1L H. WaassricsP. lumbla hotel; John Twohy, president Twohy. ; J Brothers company, laUrend contractors; S. i ... f Meant, timber: Ooaat Steel Machinery com pany, J. H. Gallagher; D. U. Staart, aecra- tery Hotbrook Timber company, Stuart . w. afna Wllliy . .CW VllfKI . eating Oil company. l. B. Stoart, D. M, Srsart Bon: George - Arthur , Brown, attorney at law; Joeee market, "A. T. Smith, president. Snath Watson iron Works; Herman Schade,, Columbia hotel; D. Sella Cohen, attorney; O. H. tkuniMr, sjiDifir itroxmr Co.: H. M. van Dears, manager Sherwood . & Sherwood, BREAK GROUND FOR NEW CITIZENS BANK LEADING MEN URGE-PLAN JgSJ'Ss. S$rtL8?& .j; '. -,-.ijif.,r,T, ctowo at j. uooaniB. aec- : retary Goodman Brother 8boe company: B. ' h'eostadtar, manager Neestadter brothers; , Aggregate of $200,000,000 in Capital Beprsseated a. Petltloa Pre-, pared la This City. . . While people of the Columbia baaln Arias. Os mebell . A Oault : W. O Haseltlne. i B. i Haseltine Co. ; Meew Gottfried eompaay, Fred f Oram, the Hodaoa Oram company ; C. Schallliisec, president Haselwood company; J. M, Younger, Bennington Produce company; Char lea D. Scnretter, L. Gerlluger. lumbering; J. K. OiTl, ' president J. K. GUI ocmpaay; v. .a aina, : Hitu-wmtworiB Waited for the decision of the Aatoria mW company; W. H. MeCredie. Central rata caw by the Interatala Commerce ttrSSJSPZiZ.KBSS. . ... i .! iiii)..wniei.nisiini. ii "jmWr -X--X- a ;-ii-:!;!.tn;- 1 . -d). i . mm rh, Proposed strnctnre to house bank, postofflce station A nd ISast Side cluo. - K. t7. Carpenter, president of the OUsens bank turned the first shovel coromlaalon, a movement waa QuleUy, of earth last week.! tor the pro- under way in Portland more power- pany; John E. Cordray, ' manager the Oaaa . posed new home of th east side ln faUy to declare this Clty'a attitude park; W. 8. Chapman, C, HUU president Ulll ... ,. ,rth. i Loeeina- nniiui- . Biaaineee A Co.. J. C. I tltUtlOn tO . DO erected OH , the DOrtn- DamMOr dressed to the Chamber of Commerce ' Brigrs, Bridal Veil lombar company et al; stgned by over' 500 firms : repreent-' fert sou. rraacia,Beaiy. aecratary fay lnjr i an aggregate, it , was said, of fSSSs ""SSSfr UlSS, "T? " $200,000,000 capital. The petiUon ! e.'4 was to have been eubmltted to the Works, Inc.; A.- Neppach, vice president board Of directors of the -Chamber of iwna-er Nlcolal-Neppach company: A. - rjep Commerce next Tuesdav evenlnc k-il"ch' irrrt Bobbin. PortUnd Braaina a Mi' 'ir- t. .i T i ,,8r,a. chine company: Bobert Ireland, maBak-at Port- tna; the adoption Of the f Ollowlng ( Uad Pure MUh A Cream company; P. Tcld resolutlon; . man, preei dent Monnt Hood Hoap company ; "Be It rMAlii 'h'' thu"rh.ixi''- 8. .0thUL-aiMir.Owoa-Cais eom kArIh . . hamb I paoy; C. K. Hendrickson, president 8caadln- bereby decUrea Itself in favor Of i vlan-Amerieaa bank; W.' M. Kniht aecre tne establishment Of ' railroad rates : tary -treasurer Knight Shoe eompaay;' Andrew from And to interior common points ? "M,t-iJEhiDe" topwmv -andrawJKaa to the month nt rini.k . L... Aaia tie Importing eompaay; 1Y. B. Layman, r. ,?C ,iithCoIBha rvar manaaer tnV Aluminum Cooking tteosil eom- on a parity with the Yates prevailing f panyjf ETerett Amea, manager Amea, HarrU at .said common ' points to and from ; f'eUle company ; J. H. lundore, general man Puget sound, and. , jager Sherman, Clay A Co.; J?. O. Downing, . i. ...Lt i . 1 owner .the Medical buildlnc: C. If. Barbae. tT J ,!l.rJ. r."-1Te"'. lne ? Phyaldan; r. a Malpaa, manager Canadian east corner of Grand avenue end Kast Alder etreet.. ..' ; .: v The bank will be built simultaneous ly with an adjoining; structure financed by the : East Side Holding company. Together the two buildings will form what la to all Intents and purposes one structure. ; The two buildings will occupy a" site 90 by 100 feet, the bank measuring 40 by 00 and the other SO by 90. " The combined structure will be two stories and full, basement. . of rein forced concrete and mill construction. White brick twlth a terra cotte ex terior will, be employed. V The bank proper: will be housed oa the corner, the second floor being giv en over to offices. Next to the bank on the Aider street side will be sta tion A of the Portland office. Its .Quar ters running back through the entire 90 feet, of both . buildings. Shops will occupy the lower floor of the East Side Holding company's struc ture with offices and quarters for the Kast Side Business Men's- club above., The rooms of the Cltlsens bank will be finished in mahogany and marble. There will be a tile floor. - The combined building will cost t4c 00 and will be built from plans pre pared by the local architectural firm of Houghtallng A Dougan. James P. Taylor has the general con tract. T. J. Row and J. R. Widraer have the heating contract. Mr. Tay lor estimates that tha structure can be completed in 119 working days. intendeat PortUnd Artificial . lee company; Pacific Stoneware company, inc.. by P. VV. : R. H. Mobme, manager Portland Linseed fltt company; F. WAlaherwood, capitalist, whole sale store;- M. H. Schmeer. Zimmerman Walls-Brown eompany l.C. Henri Labbe, coo snlar agent, itsae. vice-eooaul, Betgtam; James Ianahr. -Jr.. -timber; A. Hester, nreai dent Beater A Company; A. TJChenor, nart owner Biler'S bnlldlng. Press Publishing A Advertlatng company; Spokane. Portland A SAttla Railwav i! 'nJ-n-' a.,fii m.M.n. i nanr. Ea-t MAm aw eomnaar. Field A Poor- company' be requested to put into ef- ! treaeorer A. H. ATerlll Machinery company; man. Auto Track company. East Bide Boiler i sw rates, ana tnat a committee 8I ui.i president Big Slchel A Co.; B. 1 Kerrn. president; Eaat Portland Wire A Iron Of three, composed of the president Sichel. aecreUrV-treaanre" Eig Slcbet A Co.; Worka; Joseph Supple; Thayer-SheverCaUey and-tWO Other members Of this board J. V. Shea, by Charles A. Bbea; a. a Warin-r Machine- company; Willamette A Columbia to be appointed, by him. be delegated ner Opera Howe Laundry company; A. Nep-, Rlrer Towing company by Cap tela r. o. nmnillv tr...B . Z,. m. Neppach EaUte company; W. r. Piier, Jones; Longhead A McCarthy; PortlaBd Top Sffi. X .i? et. f0pAo ini lalW Oregon Braaa Works v a.. J. Peeper," company ; Wllen Chambers company; Mnltno rcsolutlon to the president of the Spo- W. C. Brown, traffic manager Gray, Mc- ah Trunk A Bag company; Nlckuin A Kelly kane. Portland & Seattle Hallway com- Lean A Percy; M. A. Henley, F. M. Case. Shad A Orsrel co'PB'i r,I.Jii.T', nanv and urn th .tihllhmM of Imsnagar tha Wiley B. Allen company; T. L. chin Shop; The Cudahy Packing company; If ,iLVA Eliot. paator Emeritua Church f Out Father; ? Liberty Coal A lee company! - Portf cl" the rates In accordance With this reso-. f oeorge A Hall branch manager Royal Bakery i Box and Mfg. company; Oregon MoUoe com lutlon." 1 Confectionery company; Antbon Kckern, pany, by D. J. Marphyy manager; American While the decision of the rate case aahler Scaodinavlan-Amertcan bank; M. a.lnndry company; F. , C. Stettlea' Mfg. com el Imlrte. t,a,-V-.i.i e .t?T Thome. Fisher, Thoraen A Co.. Pacifle Ooaat pany; Portland Seed eompaay by 15. C. Jobn enminates the necessity of , presenting rv,M cmidmb. wi Pmm. an. maidit; Owl Drag eompaay; ; Boat er pSSSing so direct an expression, the log company;. Luie Foo, manager Chew. Hlngi ledge Seed A Floral company; Oto. S. Taylor; vsrv slvnsrnr.. .m t.lrn .i,ifi. i.rns a itx ' John D. WUnn. real estate: fQ. IE, Weisa. Yamhill Market; Porter Bros. cant of Portland sentiment which : .,nA aeSaSn. ' .. vaaws, .a. should show significance and influence 3 h. A SaTgent, vice president-manager Si in the event the railroad tkes an ap- ' monda Manufacturing, company; George w. Peal from the decialon. , Kramm, Henry DlwTton A Sons; oeorge - D. Ths petition which was circulated "H. A7kin.WA:-An-gnrt !nfn: Aiua-cnaimers atannracmnng company; a. t . bnaaeu, 'preeiaent tne roriiana aiacnmerT under the direction "of I. B. contains the following names: Seeley H. C. Leonard, canltalist: Georea W. Bate. president Lnmbermena Matioaaf bank; A. reldaafaeuuer, A. - A C Feldenheimer; Gua . Rosenblatt, Reward hotel and G. Rosenblatt A vo.; Jtuius 14. manacee Meier Gadsby, William Oedsby Hoys; Adolphe "Wii". prearaeni upmott. woue at Uo.t 1 MBiut be Andrew K. . Porter, vice Drest- dsat; Theatricsl Managers "aaaociatkm by Mil ton W. Seaman, secretary ; Marcus i. Dela hnnt; Heillg Theatre; John F. Logan; Lester W David.' " ,..- F. 8. Akin, L. K. Lepper, Wholesale Stove Works; C. C. Hau, Oregon Packing company; W. C. Woodworth. Hease Marria iron Works: U. S. Laondry company, ISaat Side Bnalneas naor; K. a. atewart, manager tiorius Men's club Mr - M. Lppec, secretauy; Eiulpment eompaay; C. A. Stewart, president Joseph, raqnet. Yale Laundry; William J. Stewart Brothers company; R. W, Schmeer, Clarke, The Maytag company, Calef Bros, cashier Cnlted SUtea Nattoaal bank; W. L. John Deere Plow company, Stodebaker eom- . j pany, W, B. Mcirasi. J. a. freeman at eona, '. O. 1 Adranre Komelv Thieaber ' eomnany. Koter- Dreeident-managep Pine Street Cof-1 nriaa Planina nmDinr.. Willamette Pattern fee nous; J. C. Boblnson- the J. C. Bobltnon Works. Triumph MacniSerr company, Weat- V. Powers, preBldentmanager lrn- F. Powere company; - R- Bancrott. Mowoey ttemng F,ronhar Machinery company, sJobs F. Oar- Foraitura cetupany, IncT- if B Albee. mayor cepany ; L. H. Maiinhw, jnanager the Man- Koehrlng Machine company. International of rVoaodK W. Baite.' preBldent fTwT f,cln cojapauyi I. VU Wackrow, North HSeater company of America. Pacific Bridge Bsltae A5o.t Andrew c.' SmlthT president cltU: Ante A JVagon Worka, F. A Daniel j company, Oliver Chill Plow WOrka, by W. S. Hlbernl SSTlnK. bsnkT V K Carrot pub: "?"f . V!f" 1 WiliW fcanager; Parlin A Orendorff Plow liaher the Bvenlng Telegram; Charles Felen- J" i.JJ-'a 'V- Pearaon-Byan company. W. O. Cai- heimar, - A. A Feldenheimer; H. C Wort- Wool wortt company ; 8. W. Ot ten-, boUJl Tbm HcdaooFeeneoghty . company, by Bias, secretary-treasurer Olds, Wortmn t.rtw'.,t"7'ir5.17sro..! n i ,,' ' C. W. Hodaoo. secretary; Pacific Fmlt A A King. Inc.; W. F. Woodard, secre- F. S- Stanley rlat 8tanleymith Lum- p,,, company. Christian A King Iron tovy-treeeurer Woodard - Clarke company; company ; mN ItTJHnTZ Works. Fletcher Una, Warren Construction W. F. BwrelL oresldent BnrreU Inl Keaaaek?! Cj?le.a Bmn co"P"B' eomnenv. bv B.-D. Hort: Gerald. Basnall. vearmeat company; Joseph P. Jaeger. Jaeger .Tfli!!? Z.Zi i t William Nash. James -J. Lind. Otto JKrae. .--j. ------ mgr.. laiamnor oi rd hotel and G. Rosenblatt A w fl i k Ie'klcor.,,n,eUtwt1,,,!:,m & SC; TSflray- G. . mSoS? AdiioS Haehlen, pre.ent-magaP Ptee Street . Cof- bro there, Jewelers: F. K. Beach, president; iOteen. Chamber of Commerce,, building1, by ... ' & u m . ... rm h v i ..ui rmm vn . , . ... pacinc coast Biacoit "I ., CLT. Vm" SZfZZZP ZZ- pany, Jacobs Hat cap company, tnunota attorney a.t Jaw; J, H ,.?IfT Manufseruring company. - . Haielwood: Robert S. paay;A. H. WethyLSaaaara Wicit A f" I Rutsm Manafactnrin comDaar. B. M. A- FarreU; O. W. 5 . J VLl ;', S'.li.. "IT Wade A Co.. by Edward Kewftegln, manager; Z2S"JZ. r.,,, A -fSom.:- ll' -lnn r'S JCargar.B.te.A Uvely, A. 8. Beoaon, WO- ' nam txmatanxine. - manager Araer maraei; Pacific State 1re Insoradce- company. a, . naie. manager -minr: uauen. Joyce, manager the 1 srreU,-Uwaswrer JSrerding . rtoaioro, -y presides dent-m.; 1,1... Keagl United SUtea National ..;; H. B. puny; -. aienercoer. -secretary jsquitable bar- v-s". lugs A Loan aasocUtlon; C. Lewis Mead, in- , ecmpaoy jTtatment nrocer ; a. a. fiicnots, pnystctaa; A. i "'"p"' tfZZZj .nd-'T rthr i thlPormna Cyrt J UndDo A Windocmprnyrprr 'ribei- iUlmiJ' JL Uit lers A &teTrthuF. Cbanee, dentist i r?row'nrn 5WW..! eompanv; , Chew, railroad conusor; temr ZSrJZrTTV Mnefw'lmo rTI . -- - - AU afaa V.mhlTI tit sal . UnhHs si UaeatHAad UsniifSMnrtna iiuuia vi vssa ens, -'w . a as J W A HeVnTujtsrr DresTdent Hen- market. Inigrnatlooal Scales eompanyr, Paul . - - . JJir!!?eS: S C. Batea-VVallaea-Ccoran Co. . H. . IT ""-rrrrr ' aBria. l: O Pike. Pike A Markham cota- , P. 8. Brumby, agent. Blodgett company, Ltd.; Lebe J Co.: r K. Ea Noble, nwrlnm and tlmher; Captain T. H 4 nmes- Mjooana tary-treasurer Uilley, manager itumrora. liAftlfl ft 'Burred Investment hist, secretary eunipany; S. A. Brown, Meoefee. Troy Laundry com- Cranar. L. O. Swetland. man- company. O. B, jr umber: r. ll. page, secre- ' " y" ' V." r' , S'UCZi v it i.KS a Son. Ini' C M. Jr., treasurer uenry denning at ouu: . mu. sea awtwiv, tt . . 7.i-.i iw ter' Page's SoiInclV ' MT- Jb. P?J?vTi .''U manager Pace A Son: E. B. wu. iweun nom otuj, uvu,".-- " . - , " rr .wffi.. ' k w.n.-i bura-American Une. China Import A Export . Bank of Portland, H. H. NewhaiL president company; Chester O Kel- Lumber company, inc., Imperlai Jrman con- and The. City Bank, N. A. Carpen- J. KellosTg Tranamortatlon sui ; . sw n.. ,auon, inHueiu-uw """"iter, preaiueni; . a P. Trimble, lawyer: Herbert 8. Mchola. nhrai. ette, acslatant jnanager Maranau-weiis Maro-i- George F. Heuaner, pnartes awaeoey, oy- claa; O. L. Sea quest, Seaqneat brothers; Cor. ware company; r, al Bakae and Confectionery comDany by B. don voorhies, vice president Northern Pacific . company; Klcbard Qulncy, Becker Automobile j H. Heuaner, president; Nortooia hotel. Lumber company; F. N. Pendleton, vice preei- company; j. rr. alw i weu -aparnneni, dent BnffuiTA Pendleton. IncJ; M. J. Clo- tor company; B B. Blodgett, B. flodgett . teta Clyde an. 1 i nr ,1 . . f BmMm. MUnnlnf H IT NtTS! K. SllVerZielOt. ' ITmI 4.4V IIm, mm n.V Yflrk onrnttlnf MT Healy. prealoeat Sllverfleld company ; Grant Pheg ley. ! company. Eastern Outfitting eompaay, Cher lce eonsiiir Phegley ' A Ca vender; Robert L. Yoke, man- r,.,, ginger gewlng Machines company, Beed- f iirn uww invearment eomnany: n, smmi, pi.m mn.- duh n enaatn. NItchy. manager Crane at; Nortooia hotel. Crom Bov BL Marx. Ho- and Men lo. Henry Blatt. Cornelias Hotel company: Joseph liTtmenta: ndre M. Cederbereh. X',.. w - U t ftbnl.M. . . k . f.k. ' " Almander,- "agent, Weyerhaiwer Timber corn H. Pool, U G. Pfunder, Ellla McLean, Fraater . 3 mm9m jj Hart, manager: Bartb oiomew com pany ; k. li. Lang Hie, manager Jamea D. at icLn; aoiji "vnu Jlrrwi-T pany. uawrge a. vaiung, mto vaarjaw Lacy A Co.; Jamea Elwood, Klwood A Snow, i Co.; S. L. Smith, George 1. Thompson. George &t wart. WlUlaaa O. OoaaUn, tl. 8. CoaasBeres timber. ow, j c 'j,, gasde Manufacturing npaay , eoo,plin7, l. p. Qulmby-H. W. Wells, WO- s nam r. nnstrnaa Tavioe a uo.. Maw urana Amusement company, &. M. Gray, lee DeUv- ery company, Ptckiora xneatre, jacoosoo Bade company. Peoples Aarasement company, -w. J - - BmM Un,t Doyla, caahler Wisconsin Logging aV Timber j WeM52v. "n 'I222?ii Hotel Caples, Eaute Adolph-Burckhardt, by company; J. o. aMnt, vice president uant 4 r w OT"r,. r,.u: ; A. Burcknarot, v. a., mircsnarai- a . a, Buaeell; William D. Wheelwright, president confpany M. M. Rinr. mauf",IUllf1!" Borckhsrdt, George Wills A Sons, Ltd.; Alas Pacific Ejmort Lumber company; Jay a. .Dancing academy; Cha r lea K. r tin. Bine k,Pac1fltf riaJeries. C. A. Burekhardt. presU HamUton. Jay S. Hamilton Lumber company; Tax lea b company; J. J. Devaox. Chevrolet; tfent. ipo a. Dnnlway. Charles M. Hemp Percy Allen, president Patterson Lumber com- i Lou! von ateln. w.n.e .tara t L ' C. K. Curry . A Co.. M. SlcheL Ashley A if...k.. -A . 11.. owl...). I Panl Weaainsrer and Henry Wagner, estate , . r,t. a. tu comoanr: Albert Brir. Hawle Pnln A Paner of Henry Welnbard, deceased; Sol Blumauer.l u.Bre s Unach Anto Exehanae. company ; C, a Patrick, pwaident-nanageej BteaoerA Hoch; frielMcji?; C. E. 8. ft 1) . MeTxvl vim, mat&nt nammJ CBarlCS W.. Be DC. . JMCTJUJD, rarruiKWB Lumber company! Frederick A. Krlbs. timber Farrington, Western Bond A Mortg agej eom- ianoe; W. it. Jones,' timber lands; Isldor nn . w.rtff Z Patrick Lumber company; W. C. iCameroa.4 C. B.J3ewall, assistant ?ueLfS." U u. uiatr. manager. s " ' " fc. . !! ip i- w.T eomnany; J.-B. Cam-.1 manager Gearhart Park company; FvfcWat- sroa. president J. B. Cameron Lumber coin- kl. . Pi ' lTJi- Henry E. Dosch, Auto Kxcnaage, Wood. J. T. ' Allen IlBpnaaa A Martin. Waat Side Garaae. Port land Auto Top company. The Auto Top com pany , BenJ. iff. Boon A eompaay, C B. Min ers A eompaay, Oakland Auto eompaay, ra gene Burr, H. B. Black, Riser Aoto eom paay, studebaker Corporation ef America, C H. Odeea. W. R. Thomson Oregoa Motor Car company, Oregon Vulcanising company, Cen tral Stables, The Wlatoa company, chanstor A Lyon company, .Covey Motor Car company. run, president bi. cameron loddm com- - a.1"?-, VI ""fcwl izT.V-: xi -v,-i pany; W. F. Slaughter, president OregoaiC M. Olaea fnp .NvWi Timber A Realty courpany. treasurer Mahaata Oearhart P ark Sp" JJji-T Lumber eompaay; J. STo'Doaneu, O'DooneU D Post da JW S???,' A Warner; John 8. Bradlev . vie? preaident-' A. AtlyehjAttyeh brottersr A. Wlldmsn. manager Bradley Locirina eomnany: W B. ; nsanager WHdman A Co.; O. C, calhoan, WlgttS. BrouWlTUguIC?,H. Wneit praoat Mill, Simlngton CUKun eompaay; president Wheeler Lumber company; John- W. B. Ayer. Ur?,11 mtSnVeJoSS 11. Oatman, agent Cochran estate, timber; bT( Lumber company William H. Belrren. man J. Burke, manager PeacUeton Wool Seen ring , ager Hey wood Brothera A Wakefield com A racking-company: Evan H. Roberta mar-.: panyj S. J. H.. Blumauer Frank companyi ehandlse ; manager Roberts brothers; ; F. C. 1 Walter J. Moeeuxeio, ttn'y? '?,r'l Wichita Motor Truck company. Schiller Cigar Whitun, Whittaa Bryant, timber; E.-A. 1 Smith company; T. J. ArMtrong, PJIofn factory, MeNeff Bros.. B.J. Linde a. Geo. A n. w avrrjals. uregvu s& ajSA et v ausi vvwFati Lestnsky Broa.. . Edward T. Kolopbi. J. -W. Seavey Hop company, Charles M. Werner, Bowie A Caldwell. W. J. Loomls, A. Wolf A Boa, W, R- Bagot A eompaay. - Pretfle XisselKar ' Branch, Hill Hotel by E. Jean Campbell, manager; Smith-McCoy Elec- rrie company, (taxes aaowr aaaes eompaay. , . A. v. aieysT, Labor Auto Spring eompaay. Holmes, preaident Oregoa Timber A 'Lumber ( Noon ;Bag company; whA """SS H. Chick, C. H. Chick A Co. ; ' Fobes Supply company f W. V. Gdex,Port- I. tlmben C. U. Baara. RamM land Trunk Manufacturing company; W. J. company: C T. B. Garrison, Lumber e Bridal Tell cayltaUat; Lester A. Brix. B. P. rlaon. timber C. M. Roger. Rogers ' land Trunk. Manufacturing t ?ZiJW'' company; E. B. Basen. manager ; Roopa, manager Cnlted St" ubr. , -co-11 Lumber company ; Philip Buehner, j pany of California; W. B .Peacock. prealdenN ter a. tmx. tt. p. rvocie, John manager norawwirrs '"r"" ,rirj riT. UWT'UUlwnr Ttwern luinir puu . Amu:.! , . . company: J. M. Letter, Bridal veil Lumber Charles k. avasier. unnra a IVaxaon, secre ss A. McNary, lawyer; e: w. H. Mall, real eompany; Ben Selling, mea'a fnraUher; W. : aier a McLean J lawrwes xr . fisw.r . nmnptatoe fiHanl hnt.i, i R T, n. ronilc. real estate: Salmon.. C. W.. Nottingham, president Not-: tate; WUUam Isensee. William Isenaee com tiugham A Co., Ine.; George. Breughtoa, pany; - N. P. Sorenson,- timber Jsnd, Bruugbtoa . Wiggins; B. L. Bradley, secre-(J. feoeenthal, Rosenthal A Co.: -Edwla ttry Bradley Logging company i p ' C. llule; B. F. Prael, prealdent-maa-Thoman U. kicuardeon. 'XerwllHger Land ' ager Prael, Hegele A Co., Ine.; O. K. company ; Otis Arnold, sgent Howard, Sim-! Fletcher, - O. - B. Fletcher, importer; C- O. aona A Co.: A- RefflLng, tailor; J. M. Parke. ! Pick. C O. Pick Transfer A Storage com- a-creiary-inanager oregoa . iraanar omaan ni jam a, auenaa, mi ftrnla; J. L. Hartman, A whAlaaala hmiw; DmiM W. BrMK. f Navtaa W. Bonntree. Investment er tary-treasurer Columbia Creosotlnf eom-, broker: D. G. Mackenzie; Fraacla li. DeWltt, pany. Larkla Green Logging company; B. U. agent Mutual Benefit Ufe Imurance eempaay. Crawford, vice president Lumbermens Na-t Frank Julo!o, ; secretary T. M.' Stevens A ttonal bank; F. E. Taylor, F. K. Taylor com-1 Cow Inc.; J. H. Kioaterman, , J. H. Kloeter. any; ueorg w. uaicer, city -comanaaaoner, man a - vp pais eiponrrrr. m, r; rpany ;- vevo- jsreysnsn, prwwigu. - in. i7 win sua oc fail-1 iaaiaav aompanri - ar"w. , Hartmaa-Thompaoa, , brothers; F. B- Mallory. presMent-general . -. . n in a at ariinra a, rv. m t Wand. L Ktai Baker Thearre-Oreron Theatre company: C A.l Newell. Gooectt A Walsh; Will H. Daly, dry Blgelow. city commlaRloa, department public comnUsa loser, comiaiauioner public atiuuee; fiuance; F. M. Hurlbnrt, county sheriff; Henry B McGinn. Judge circuit court, depart- Tfcomaa C Burks, collector of customs. Oregon ment No. 3: Lloyd B. Smith, Campbell, Saaitn dUtrlct; Thomas Klssaiie. timber Uncle; B, R. j A Co.; big Unman. Eloeer-Heynemaun eom- . timber laBOa; , paoy; w. o. aieiiwng, pjumoer; a uvuw, Mwtwii as uur, vtuw uuui, W. A. Pettigrove, manager Oregoa Lumber A Fuel i eom pany; John A.- Johnson.' manager Pantagea Theatre company: Phil Metschaa Jr.. manager Imperial Hotel company; & H. LarU taore, manager Hotel Oregon : C. W. Embody, vice president Embody A Bradley company, lumber; . a. King Wilson, Wilson, Neal A Koaaman; E. W. Guyer, manager- Swift A Co. 1 J. D. Lee, Frank Daytoo R. P. Bryan. eal estate; Joseph T. Peter. Bridal Veil Lumber company; Walter D. Whrtcomb. Whit field. Whltcomb A Co.; R F. Hall, B. B. Goudy. mortgage loans; J. H. Cook, Moltnomah , Ijumber A Box company; Rufus - C Holman, county commissioner. Da via A Holman, lac ; Robertf Q. Dieck, - city commissioner, depart ment of public works; H. C. CampbeU. seere-tery-treasurer Pacific Bridge eompaay Sue dial ranch,- Orwood Paint - company; Edward Bcyce, vice preaident Portlend'-IIotel eompaay; W. J. Morrison, Flnley Morrison A Son, tim ber; Wallace McCamaat, - attorney; Charlea K. Spanlding, president Charlea K." Spanld lug Logging company; Zera-Snow.: attorney; mcnaeee Stubbs Eiectrie company: B. R Wiggins, presideBt-general manager Archer A Wiggins company ; T. W. . Stark, 'capitalist ; a Tl. Mayes, secretary-treasurer Lowengaet A Co.; Theodore Bergmana Shoe Maauf acturtea Co.; Charlea j. S. Oassel, treasurer- Theodore Bargmasn Shoe Manufacturing, company; B. L. Balser, manager Contratcors' Equinment ecmpeny: W. O. Batemsn, - manager Mont gomery Ward A Co.; B. G. Llndstey. - Emer eon Hardwood company; B. C. Bail, president Willamette Iron. A Steel Works; A. B. Stein bach, capitalist; B, H. Meyer, manager Chas. B. MeCormick - A Company, umber Kanll Scbachtv Emii Schacht A Son. architects; F. T, Greer, aecretaxy Western Realty eompaay; D. o. Wilson, B. M Lombard. Jnvsstments; C. Mlnslager, Star Sand company ; Captain J. Si Cochran; E. Bsrnlckel: T. Vl Ward. tim bermaa; H. W. Goddard insurance and loana ; A. J. Wlnterav jpreeldent A. J- Winters com uany: Geo. H. Klkerton. Scientific Tube com pany: H. W. Manning, BI. W- Manning Light ing A Supply company ; : W. E. Harrla. super- Bomb Wrecks Homt : Of Bank President Chicago. Feb. 1 -t. K. S.)--The three story atone residence of. Modes tlno Mostroglovnnnl. editor and presi dent of a bank which failed to March, causing heavy loss to depositors, was destroyed by a bomb bare today. Every window was broken In the adjoining home of Ira J-- Mix. - millionaire milk The member ' of - Mostrogiovannra family escaped uninjured, .' MoatroglOTSnnl recently received S letter directlnj him to leave $500 at a designated spot. HJ home was damaged to tri extent of 1100.000. g?JPy nthonv Ir Dinetor, - Ashland, Or., Feb, 19. At a special meeting of the - stockholderr of ; the Pompadour Mineral Spring company, held in Ashland today, Criarlea O. An thony of Saratoga Springs, JJ. "was elected a director of the company.. - Mr. Anthony, who 1s the consuJUng engineer of the New Tort state reser vation commission at Saratoga Springs and is now In the east preparing plans and specifications for a bottling plant and for a plant to handle the large flow of carbctnio acid - gas : which : the company -has...' m , ''-, v.. t HUNTINGTON WROTE PROPHETIC LETTER ON ASTORIA RATES Noted Railroad Man 16 Years Ago Saw Advisability of Making Common Terminal. The prophetic letter written by C P. Huntington, noted railroad man, to A. B. Hammond, builder of tha rail road between Portland and Astoria, Is again brought to mind by she Aatoria rate decialon. The letter was written IS years ago February 6, 1900 and yet to read It is like perusing a docu ment of today. ' Huntington wrote: "New Tork. Feb. , 1900, Mr. A. B. Hammond, Portland, Ore.: My Dear Sir Referring to the conversation be tween us on the subject of making As toria a" common point with Portland, and my decision to that effect, so far as the Southern Pacific company is concerned, let me say that since you left ! have given the question much thought. When X told you that tha Southern Pacific company would do it. X was still in atoms doubt whether It would be a wise thing to do, avs it would tmlld up Astoria and make that port more of a competitor of San Fran' Cisco, that could otherwise be the case, end even , more than any of the towns on Puget sound could be, as the latter are all so much farther from the sea than Astoria or San Francisco; be sides which the Southern Paclflo com pany would loae the long haul ltSe cures by making San Francisco its great embarkadero. Mistake Will Be mealimed. "But the more I have thought of the matter tha more I am disposed to be lieve that I was right In my judgment, for man cannot change to any consid erable extent the works, of nature. The Columbia river can have only one out let and that, of -course. Is at Astoria. The watershed of that river is the second largest in the United States, and substantially all of the immense ton nage coming from It must follow the gravity Una determined by the course ef the river, to its mouth, where It can be transferred directly to the great ships that are hereafter to do the com merce of the seas. This result may be prevented for a time by the. people who are so Interested. in real estate, but these people will some time learn thai In opposing Astoria, as the em barkadero of their . region of country they have been making a mistake; al though they may continue to strenu ously hold to their views : until the people living on the borders of Puget sound shall have had time to so in crease and improve their facilities for the transfer of tonnage between rail and ship that the danger and injury to Portland ehall have become everywhere recognised, and It might . then -take years for the gravity line to assert itself, as it la bound to do sooner or later, since' no other power can com pete continuously with gravity. The time to act for Portland and that great country of which she Is, and will no doubt remain, the financial center, is now, and I have no doubt that the wis. dom and justification of my action in declaring In favor of making Astoria a common polht now will be seen in the comparatively near future by all the people of your )art of the country. . Gravity Controlling rector. "I have been, told that Mr. Scott, proprietor and editor of The Oregon Ian, underatand vhla question as I do, and If he should use - his great ability and to make -Astoria the embarkadero of Portland,, only a small precentage - of the tonnage of the Columbia river watershed will be lifted over the Cascade mountains to go to Puget sound; and - even that small part will take that course only for a short time, for gravity lines on the land, and the great ships on the sea, are going ta determine the lines of trade and. the direction of tonnage hereafter. - Irr acting along these lines I may not be serving my own best interests at present, but the future la longer than tha present, and he does well who recognises the signs) of the time and gets out of the way of the Inevitable Portland has neighbors on Puget sound who are not only wise, I but energetic With Seattle's naturall advantages to compete with, Portland meets.' It seems to me, the imminent danger of losing her financial prestige. With a eeaport like Aatoria aa her embarkadero. Portland, in my opinion, can retain for practically all time to come her proud - position as the fi nancial center of the srest northwest Vsry truly yours, - . - i -C. P. HTJNTTNaTON ASTORIA,: BUBBLING . " OVER WITH JOY.-IS v - GOING TO CELEBRATE -j;-IS 'sansjaajanasansn - 71 """' . - (Continued From Page One) minutes : the city : put on a buoyant front, never before so spontaneous. Vehicles displayed the national colors and. congmtulatlons. were extended on every hand. - At 1 o'clock this afternoon the As toria Chamber of Commerce, which started", the suit ' to compel- the rail roads to grant the common point rate, held an enthusiastic meeting to con sider the proposition ' of holding a giant celebration in honor ef the an nouncement. , Dr. Alfred Kinney, formerly of the ''-Committee of ll-Judge Q. A-Bowl-by and other pioneer residents of the city, had tears in their eyes when they addressed the audience, which packed the room and lined the walk outside Other residents ef the city addressed the meeting. , The fight for parity rates was re viewed and congratulations were ex tended to those who had taken the most prominent part in tha struggle Celebrate sText Thursday. Dr. Alfred Kinney, probably As toria's foremost citixen, who has ear tied many a fight to a succesaful fin ish, was made chairman -of a commit tee .on arrangements for the celebra tion, which is to be held In Astoria next Tuesday night. .-; Though details are as yet Incomplete, It la expected that a banquet will be held at the Weinhard hotel preceded by a street parade If the weather Is fa vorable Many subscriptions were received at today's meeting; to defray the expenses of the celebration. Will Xavlte Mends. A special Invitation is to be ex tended to those in Portland and other cities who have favored Aatoria in the fight that has extended over a period of many years. Plenty of musio Is to be provided tor the occasion and the affair will be made one of the greatest in the his tory of the city. The Astoria Chamber of Commerce started the fight for terminal rates in 1912 when $6000 was raised by popular subscription for atax-tlng-. the suit in the Interstate Commerce commission. Ex-Senator C W. Fulton of Portland was engaged to represent the city. W. A. Sherman was preaident of - the Astoria-Chamber of commerce at the time - - Paul Revere's Ride Will Be Tried Again Twentieth Century Means of Sendias; . snmmtma to r meaote Corners ' of tmited States W1U Be Wireless. Baltimore, Feb. 19. (J, N. S.) A twentieth century . Paul Revere' s ride will be attempted by the United States government on February 22, and the first move in radio-preparedness will be taken. In hie day Paul Revere used the quickest means available to spread the order for mobilisation a horse On Washington's birthday the quick est known means of transmitting mes sages, the wireless, will be tested, and the war message that will be flaaned out from- Rock Island arsenal, Illinois, will travel -ayound the. United States. There are .26,000 licensed amateurs In the; whole country and it is safe to say that nine ten tha of them will be at their receivers . when the message comes. ' . , At It o'clock on the night of Febru ary 21 (central time) a "stand : by message will be sent out, and all am ateurs are expected to get this mes sage. Then there will be delivered by the federal government, through a messenger, a military dispatch to the Rock Island arsenal. This will ' be opened by the wireless operator at the arsenal, who will then see It for the first time. -1 :-v;v- .;: '.-: .. . The operator will flash forth -the message and- it will be picked op by other government stations and ama teurs within hearing distance. - One of At designated stations will listen' for a clear atmosphere, and in turn will sound out the measage to the next relay of operators, who will repeat the message. ; The Mnessage will be delivered In each city or state to the mayor or Vovernor. . It is admitted in government circles that the whole - plan Is to learn - how quickly an army tof 2,000,000 soldiers can be mobilize d. - , .y Many Injured in Strike. . Prv lsw; Feb. 19: IT IT sj Many persons were injured today, six Seriously, when pickets at the Green wood colliery of the Delaware and Hudson Coal company,, where 00 man 1 RATE CASE PROBLEf.1 : DATES BACK ABOUT. MNM YEARS Astoria's Rrst Step to Obtain Parity of Rates Madein Petition in 1909. - JOURNAL TAKES UP FIGHT Zditorlal ia March. 19U, Oossea Zdks , - a lad Tldlnga to Beeldsaf ef " the City by the ' Fully a quarter of a century ago the Astoria rate . case - began to be dis cussed, and those who were interested In the developing of Astoria aa a port were saying that their-only hope lay In securing rates on a parity, with Puget sound, which is precisely the opinion of ; the Interstate Commerce oommtsslon . in the decision handed down yesterday When the mouth 'of the river was given a railroad connection with Port land the differential in rates on wheat against Astoria was 11.80 a ton. Sub sequently this waa reduced to so cents, and it is this differential which Is en tirely corrected by the decision mads publlo yesterday., t Astoria Makes Move. ' Astoria's first definite move toward securing parity rates was- directed' against . Portland when' in 1909 a . pe tition asking for the Portland rate-on wheat from inland empire points -was filed with the- Interstate Commerce oommlaalon. .-. . - - -.; . The decision was negative. - Xt had been pointed out that lack of water terminal faculties at the mouth of the river militated against Astoria's effort to secure parity- rates, and Astoria proceeded . to build - publio docks. Meanwhile government dredg- German Merchants Tq Leave Hongkong British Crovorameat Sets April SO aa tipate for Comp lettoa ef . Zstquldatiea of Busiaees ia Chtness City. r Washington, Feb. 19. Oprll 20 is the date set by the British government for the completion of the liquidation of the -baadnesa of German flrme which operated in Hongkong before the war. Information to this effect haa been received by ; the - department of com merce Tram Consul General George & Anderson. ..i ? v Taking all lines of business into Consideration and allowing for many special cases.' he says, "It Is generally understood that the work of winding up the Immense business of all these firms is about 79 per cent complete. In most eases all business has been so arranged that further liquidation (s a matter of periodical action from month to month, terminating within a short period. ? . . f-"-.----- - ; -:: ' - s - v : The disposal of stocks ef goods of all kinds on hand at the time liquida tion - waa commenced presented the greatest difficulty, but through fore sight of the British government, which foresaw the danger of dumping stocks on the market, time was given to get them liquidated and demoralisation of prices was avoided.- . .. : ? NEW EXTENSION: OF TELEPHONE COMPANY - SERVICE AUTHORIZED Improvements Planned ;. by -- Pacific Telephone & Tele graph Co. to Cost $17,570. Fred Spoeri. manager of the Pacifld Telephone V Telegraph oompany. an Bounoed veaterdav thAt thraaa ' avian. .rttT. beJ,-Vf been author, and made a 40-foot channel an assur- Jf1 immediate construction, -We acce for the near future.: The railroad PV i"000" .cvlftar? All of our trou between Portland and Astoria had not olesdue to the -Uver thaw storm been recognised as an integral part of j adlng: . the a, P. A S. system and the Inter- L, 0.,!i. Tl1.1 V ,n state Commerce commlsslon was in- .CoU dlstrlet (St-Jehns for clinsd to the position that it could not pcmJ l"? re1 A00 W under regulate the ratee of a road entirely 5JUBd abl!LSnd U! J J.n i0 in one atate. LaUr the Portland- ,u"leern Portion of Colombia dla Astoria railroad was recognised as an This. work Im necessary to cAr integral nnrt of the S- P. ak 8. system t ?or. th Pwnt: eongested open wire and subject to interstate regulation. Journal Backs Caaase. These things) strengthened Astoria, but did not change the fact that the city at the mouth of the Columbia was waging a lone battle with many power ful opposing - interests and a large amount of hostility in Portland. Such - was the condition when. - en leads, and provide facilities for future growth. This work will be finished about July 21. "Five thousand four hundred dol lars will be spent for Installing cen tral . office equipment - consisting of four 4-posltlon - sections - of .. switch board to be - used ; for Information.' equipped - for 100 trunks. This is to replace part of the present Informs March 19, 1912, TheJournal oaxne out ! deakaquipment'used In the va- with a ringing portal , Pf rious officeV and to provide mean, of trml?.i. rata.' T? a J?T . band Ung the Increased informaUon alad tidlnaa to the Astorians. It u ,-.n. wki. wi . recognition of the fundamental propo sition that parity terminal : rates - to tidewater on tbs Columbia river, and Puget sound la a concern of the entire Columbia baaln. - the commerce of which,-under . rates; artificially based on the mountain haul, was being di verted from its natural ports to Puget sound. . . - . . 1 - Sentiment Xs Ckaaged.- -The Journal foIloWedNup Its initial declaration with many more editorials, special articles and a fair and complete traffic. This work will be completed py April so. ill. - - o - - - . . "Oak Grave. Or. $iS30 will be spent to install a complete common battery uentral office equipment to , care for the estimated development, also to provide efficient and satisfactory com mon battery service. This ! work will be finished by March 10, 1919. . , . , i i i.a i ' j PORTLAND IS EL i BY IIB7 RATE RUL. DECLARES' C. C. I ActionToward Obtaining P, ognition for This City Li ' ly to Be Deferred. . lr- :.- CHAMBER HEAD PLEAr Bxeemtivee Are XTs Vpoa What Course to J?urr-: : :. Courts Would AJQow &evi r New Toitt IUts Costly.' r- New Tork. Feb. I f. New Torks rat population of 2,900,000 costs the city congoTaU-thsnews. .a the time, i"-. KJW other newspapers were eitner ope my hostile or indifferent. But gradually this sentiment changed. Expressions .began to - come from other than Astorians commending the stand of The Journal. Traffic and commerce authorities who investigated conditions uniformly . : declared ' the rates as they existed inequitable and discriminatory. The city of Astoria filed its peuuo: according to an estimate by Dr. Vic tor Heiaar, director ef the internation al - health' commission. ? 4 Boy Pwferred Death. ' Nev Tork, Feb. 19"Delr mother and fathers Death is better 'than an aching tooth. Such was the note discovered in the clothing of Norman We MFk Up Yonr VLci fiiouui For Very Littls -EZonsy. ar out en strike., attacked deserters. State policemen quelled the disturb ance. v-v--:' -v-,-v-v'..:-.vUs"v;. . -j - TTTl . .The Eiriinent and Wonderful ' Portland Pianut Will appear in concert with the Hazelwood Orchestra ' Wednesday aAfternoon, Feb. 23, 3:30 to 5 - THE . 'HAZELWQOD VVaxhinon Street at Tenth - - . CONFECnONERY AND EESTAUPaATsT teruberg. 11. who was found hanging alive in the Sternberg store cellar. Hs for rates on a, parity with Puget soun4jmay recover. - from Inland empire points January zu. r Far from lntsrvsning against the tj granung ox tne rate, oecausa nus ir Astoria on a parity with Puget sound meant also rates on a parity with Portland, this city took Aha position or a-friendly spectator as evidence was. taken, briefs were filed and the case( was argued. ,- : . - Chaxabes' Adopts Besolutlon. . . j It waa agreed that becauae of Portland's position at the head of deep sea . navigation. 100 miles from the ooaat,' and at the foot of the only water grade access - to the interior of this region,' Portland was entitled to lower rates than either the mouth of the river or Puget sound, but this, it waa declared, was an issue to be tak en up in due aeason and after the ' . T. .... v.-.. a' r.r -' The Realty board. Joined in - with the Progressive Business Men's. Ad; and other civio clubs and the Menu- i fecturers association, called upon the Portland Chamber of Commerce to . express . by.-resolution this city's at titude ' The Chamber of Commerce adopted a - resolution asking , the parity rate for Astoria of the 8. P. 8. and a lower rate . for Portland. r When the decision was rendered yes-1 terday. a second resolution was pend- In a; before the Chamber of Commarc. -The granting of the Astoria termt- j nal rate gives the . Columbia - river harbor ' a notable advantage. - It is s 290 miles nearer all commerce com-; ing through . the Panama canal , and the harbor at the mouth of the river "i is within about 10 miles of the open ' sea, a condition that cannot be dupli cated anywhere else along - the - coast . a condition particularly to the-: ad vantage of larger shlpa. ' ; i -' One of the first things the ie; . committee of the Chamber of Corr. : will take Up this week will be a cuaaion of the Astoria common ; rate case and the possible bear!:- -Interstate Commerce commission eieion will have upon Portland's taining the advantage of ita gecr cal position. At the came time the impress; c fairly general among the directors t ognition or Portland ahould ta f erred until the workings of the rate adjustment shall have had t; work out- . - aTrealdent Zs Pleased. , C C Colt, president of the Cha r of Commerce, expressed himself a pleased with the rate decision, sonsily, he said, be considers It vantage-that will of Itself halp : land as well as the lower river. -It behooves . Portland to v what the results are in the wr traffic,- said Mr, Colt. .I cane at what difference it will make la t ping right now. , but every thic t t frees the river from its barrier, : erai end : artificial, cannot help I good.' At its worst, it can ii harm and X am convinced that r good will come. , : ..--My own Judgment would be, t ever, for Portland to abide Ly decision for a time snd then t what steps the new situation may r rant." - , . . Wartiag Oasae Advised. Za. Allen Lewis, chairman of trafflo and transportation burt the Chamber of Commerce, : sal d whole rate case has been ao ccr cated by agitation that it ari hard to comprehend. To hiro. ; ever, he said it aeemed simple r. : - Railroad executives are unde. upon wnat course to pursue. tunity for review of the decision; resort to court interference wouii mil.. AahmvUJ a.tlM, V, ferent defendant carrtera L. C GUman. president of the Bank road, which la the prlnclr! fendant because of its owners., the only rail line between Fori and Astoria, would not discuss tr i elaton or tho carriers program t. he had been able to confer with I Of the other rail road a t TV Vl alt 4 V - r the earns way, saying last night t w awww W v Utuvu Itl.viltj li.' will require much careful con tlon before any steps are taken t gist the. order. mot Z .rabUaat. Great Northern, with their subs' : lines that are made defefidants i; commission's records, have their i quarters at St. Paul. Their Port repreeeatativea were not authorU make statements regarding the i In the ranks of those who f. for the common-point rate there great Jubiltatlon when the ne A received yesterday. C. W. Fult , torney for the city of Astoria 1 fight declared this decision al ly frees the Columbia river frc artificial barriers. Just as the t men t work at the mouth of the i has removed the natural barrl--. AND INSURE IT FOR FIFTEEN YEARS ! 4 (v - No mattae whwrw.ysm liwev' it wQ pay yea to conae) te Portland f yoer aientiatry. ,W can eeve yem mof thaa what your ticket cost. Resnember, we have been hare for the last 12 years, and have l" confidence Mtnbllshed as sp-to-date. rsllaile, . painless dental ators. We have experts la every branch of the profession. Aluminum Plate ..... . .$15.00 Flesh Colored Plates. Vi . ! 10.00 Ordinary Rubber Plate . . . $ S.C0 Porcelain Crowns C3 and S 3X0 Gold Fillinirs from .... .$1.C3 up QWX ST ZVXKY tn " : 15 -Year Writ: Guarantc3 22k Gold Crown C3 and $3.Z0 Free'' 22k Gold Bridge C3.C0 and $ 3.C0 , . , . ; Painless Extraction ... . . . . . . 0c -Lady-Attncir.: " Ve Hate the Knowledge, Ability and Expericr - lBaVsa BsasatfP' Sssa-' - en , In the Two-Story Buildinj r Corner Sixth and Washington St., Pcrt!-r .!f C