The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1916, Page 44, Image 44

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neaday afternoon. Tobruarr 22, at S
o'clock sharp. AH Maccabees and
friends are cordially invited.
The Corlntbiarj Social clnb IU gl
an Informal colonial costume dance la
tne Masonic Temple, Monday, February
21 All members of the Eastern Star
and their friends are cordially inTlted.
Xonlo court. - No. 1, Order of ; the
Amaranth, will bold its next social
and card party Thursday evening;, Feb
ruary ti. at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
A. O. Sinks," 363 East Twelfth street.
- ' : '
'Marguerite camp, No.-1440, Boyal
KelKhbors of America, will give , a
rard party on Tuesday evening-. Febru
ary 89, at hall No. 1, W. O. W...Elev
enth and Alder streets. -
The next meeting- of the Hawthorne
"S00" club will be held February 8 4 at
the home of Mrs. C C. Camber, 463
Marguerite .avenue.
Belgian Professor
Predicts Long War
3r. Carnoy Bays Oermany Cannot Zde
Sown and That Allies Says Just
Begun to tfht.
PhlladelDhla. Pa.. - Feb. 19. Dr. A.
Carnoy, who was at the University of
Louvaln when the German army In
vaded his country and now instructor
In-Greek at the University of Penn
sylvania, predicts that the European
war will continue a long time to come.
"Germany cannot at this time naatce
any peace proposal that will at the
same time satisfy the allies and the
German people," said Dr. Carnoy. . "Be
cause of that condition and because
the allies are now ready to get down
to real fighting the war will be a very
long- war.: I do not look for peace In
11 an 11a HUgley. The masters were
Ueorge Lind, Ade Olson, Ale Morrow,
iy1e ( Twining, Harlow Talt, Frank
ilver,v. Herbert Er and Ray Higley.
: -vH7 ; '
A birthday party was fc-lven at the of.Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sinner, of
giiO East Tenth street. North. In honor
of their daughter Pauline. Games were
played after which refreshment were
sorved Thoee present were Christina
Burback, Nellie Johnston. Margaret
Keuersteln, Marion Seel, Jeannle John
tOft, Emella Sinner, Minnie Sinner,
Master Herman Sinner, Pauline Sin
nar ftnd Mr.-and Mrs. Sinner.. Miss
.Sinner-received many beautiful gifts,
Mias Marlon Seel and Miss Minnie Sin
ner tendered piano solos.
'V ..
1-A mdst successful social was held
d a Tuesday evening, February 15, at
the school hall of St. Philip Neri's
i hurch, Sixteenth and Division, under
i he auspices .of the Holy Name so
ciety. The playing.of "&00" took- up
t tie : early . part of the evening and
Miss A. McNeil won the ladles' prise
nd Lee Ryan the gentlemen's prize.
'terreshments were seved by the
: oung -ladies of the parish and the
ijalance of the evening was devoted to
The aferry Hearts" were enjoyably
entertained Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. John Kunz Jr., 614 East
Twentieth street. The game of 600
was the diversion of the afternoon,
if ter whtch a bountiful luncheon was
served to the guests. The club will
entertained next at the home of
Airs. Allen, Rodney avenue and Stan
ton street.
Miss Bamona Millegas entertained
the W. K. club on Wednesday after
noon, February 16. The club, which
is planning a number of delightful
social affairs, elected the following ot
t icers . for the coming year: Helen
Torres, president; Madeline Glnty, sec
etary, and Myrtle McLean, treasurer.
Rev. and Mrs. Moy Ling announce
the engagement of their daughter.
Rose,, to S. H. Lew of Seattle. Miss
NewYork Society
Strenuous and Is
Finds Life Too
Hieing Southward
largest' Organizations Holding Farewell Balls, Greatest 6f
Them" Being Wonderful Ball of the Gods.
... r , . i
1 JJ
tU 1 ItUilil
-mpoos with Cuticura Soajp pre
ded by light touches of . Cuticura
Intment do much to cleanse the
-lp of dandruff; allay itching and
: I nation, . arrest t falling hair and
:mote a hair-growing condition.
Caniples Free by Mall .
vots Soap sad Otetaeet eoM erwrwhar.
hi nmpte ot sack Bstted fras with S3-, book.
i iraiiloars -Cattan," CMC. HKV
Ling is a graduate of Lincoln High
school, and Mr. Lew is a University
of Washington man.
Mrs. Rosco Conaway, a recent bride,
delightfully entertained the ladies of
"The Attend to Business'" fancy work
club at her home In Woodstock Tues
day afternoon.
K ; a
The ladies of the Altar society of
St. Lawrence church will give a card
paHy and entertainment at the St.
Lawrence assembly hall, Third and
Sherman streets, Friday evening, Feb
ruary 25. Miss Agnes Doolev will
render a violin solo, accompanied by
her sister, -Miss Dora Dooley. A so
prano solo by Miss Frances McCarthy.
Refreshments will be served. Follow
ing is the committee having this af-
rair in band: Mrs. W. P. Lillls, Mrs.
P. J. O'DonnelL Mrs. W. J. Smith,
Mrs. J. Wallace, Mrs. J. P. Hendren
and Miss Josephine Heitkemper.
The senior class of the Christian
Brothers college will : give its third
dance of the year Friday evening, Feb
ruary 25, -in the C. B. B. C. Alumni
nail, urand avenue and Clackamas
street. The committee is working
hard to make this dance a big success.
The committee is composed of George
jriooan. juinus Martin, Darrell Circle,
Patrick Meaney, Joseph McKntee.
Bryan Doollng, Waldo Silver and Ar-
mur AiDertini.
The patronesses are Mrs. H. A. Cir
cle, Mrs. T, Doollng. Mrs: A. J. Hoban.
The girls of St. Francis will give a
stepping party in the Irving-ton club
house, Twenty-seoond and Thompson
streets, Thursday night, February 24.
The- patrons and patronesses are: Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Murphy, Dr. and
Mrs. William Trimble. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Egan, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Foley,
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Healy. The com
mittee includes the miimi ui
Per- Mary Nadeau, Agnes Bowe,
Rose Cully, Nellie Murnane. Mary
Corcoran and Cecilia FennelL
The new officers of Friendship
chapter. O. E. S., are entertaining- the
members of the chapter and the mem
bers of Friendship chapter, A. F. and
A, M, at a progressive five hundred
party. Monday evening, February 21,
at Vincent' haU, Easti Forty-third
street and Sandy boulevard. All mem
bers of the two j chapters and their
families -are cordially Invited. During;
the evening the gruests will be enter
tained by s distinguished ; local talent.
Refreshments will be served.
- - ':- n n 41. - . " .
' The Leap Tear dance to it Wtvnh
the Bachelor Girts of Mt. Hood circle.
. i on February 29 in the East
Side W. O. w. hall. Is being; antici
pated with pleasure. This tm. tb firm
dance to be . eiven ;bv; th 'club - this
year and no pains are being spared t
make it a iucmm. . Rn.iai i
have been arranged.' The- committee
Includes Dalles Perkins, Edith Char
ters,' Mabel - Trembly. Llzsie Evansw
Hazel Llttell.and Selma Ten Eyck.
The Y. L:'R. luh nnniiiuo TI
dancing t party (Wednesday, -February
23, at Irvlngton club. The committee
is the Misses Teresa Albers, Irene
Studley, Marguerite Sheehy, . Helen
Hughes, Nina Dressel. Ethel Bolger,
Ann Dowd and Catherine Galvln. The
patronesses are : Mrs. James Eheeby,
Mrs. O. M. Lowell, Mrs. J. A. Hughes,
Mrs. E. Madden, Mrs. W, H. Dressel.
St -
A sewing- meeting; under the aus
pices of the ladles' auxiliary of the
Clan Macleay, will be held at the
home of Mrs. H. R. Hewltson, 929
Gantenbeln avenue, on Wednesday
afternoon, February 23, from 1 to S
o'clock, to make garments for British
soldiers at the front.- Air those who
are interested are cordially invited to
The "La Hoa" club announce a Leap
Tear Hard Times dance to be given
Friday evening. February 26. in the
Hibernia, halL The club members and
committee are the Misses Mollie Mc
Carthy, Mary Lawler, Anna- Donovan,
Ella Sullivan, Cecelia Flynn, Josephine
nnuer, Margaret Whitney, Anna Cody
ana josepnine flynn.
The leap year party of the Rose City
Dancing club has been postponed until
Thursday evening, February 24. -It
will be in charge of a committee, of
ladies who have no hesitancy In assert
ing that a real surprise awaits the
members of this well known club.
Grge Washington camp, No.fl,
w. kj. w., and Marguerite camp. No.
1440. ; N. of A will give a joint
dancing party on Tuesday evening-,
February 29. At W. O. W. halL Elev
enth and Alder streets. Members and
their friends are cordially invited, i
- "
On account of not being able to se
cure the haU on February 22, the
Clover Leaf club announces its Leap
Year dance will be held Saturday eve
ning; February- 26, at Myrtle Park
hall. - Take lit. Scott car to Myrtle
park station. r , s
St. Rose's Court W. C O. T.. . will
give a card party Wednesday -evening,
February 23, at their hall. Forty-sec
end and East Taylor streets. - , -
The McDoweU club will hold" their
regular meeting next Tuesday after
noon at the Benson.
v - v.r' - so - ' '
The Officers and - Guard club of
Queen Elizabeth Review, will hold their
next card party at the home of Mrs.
Martha Smith, 2S2 Cook avenue, Wed-
the Immediate future by any means.
In fact I would not., attempt to pre
dict in any approximated months or
years the length of the war.
By Getta Wasserman. - . -New
York, Feb, 19. The social sea
son . Is commencing to wane, partly en
account of the exodus to the - south,
and. partly because it setatoo strenu-bur-t
pace. The ; large social organisa
tions haveeither held or are holding;
their ; farewell dances. - The greatest
of all of these- was the "Ball of the
Gods, - which, for beauty of ostume
and gorgeousness of setting, outclassed
anything; ever given in New-York.. Jt
was figured that, the expenditures for
costumes alone was over $260,000. ,
Lady . Duff Gordon, ' perhaps better
known as "Lucille, is organizing a
fete for the benefit of the war orphans.
The affair wiU be a , "Chansons
Virants" (Songs Come to Life) .and will
consist of songs sun by famous ar
tists, and illustrated by ;; beautirui
mannequins in costumes 'especially de
signed by Lady. Duff Gordon. " ?
s"-.. ::':"v
The Colony club Is holding an in
teresting exhibition of the work of the
modem society woman, to show that
she is as capable as was her grand
mother. A great variety of articles
from - a pie to wonderfully designed
laces are being- shown. Th pie was
made by Mrs. S. Sands, and is claimed
to be just as good a the, "one- that
mother used to make." A child's coat
is the work of Mrs. Theodore Roose
velt S r while Mrs. ttoosevelt ; has a
lovely luncheon set. A tapestry, shown
by Miss Eleanor .Hewitt is a delinea
tion of a Newport hunt, in 1894, in
which many w ell known men and . wo
men are depicted. Other articles are
corded waist coats, bridesmaid dresses.
samplers, spreads,- works in pottery,
book bindings and a variety of others.
. -.
The third of Mrs. Vincent As tor's
civic welfsre luncheons was given in
the interest of Americanization, and
plans were discussed for the formation
of a national council of all agencies
concerned in the effort of making' true
and patriotic American citizens. Among
those invited to speak were ur. ana
Mrs. Stenhen S. Wise. Dr. Wise also
spoke In Washington before the United
States Chamber of Commerce wnen tne
Berger-Jones color pictures of Oregon
scenery were shown.
A very uniaue social affair was the
Indian night, of the Camp Fire club.
The ball room of the Hotel Astor was
turned Into a hugs log- cabin. The
600 members and guests "wore Indian
or hunting costumes. Ernest Thomp
son Beton ana .rancess -uauioni ox me
Cherokee tribe took part in "fire test"
and Indian dances. Colonel William
Cody, (Buffalo Bill) was present. The
dinner was served In the crudest earth
enware crocks and receptacles.
The annual - banquet or the Far
Western -Travelers' association which
was also held at lthe Astor hotel was
a great success, in point of attendance
and entertainment. Many Oregonlans
were present. Huge baked potatoes
and an enormous . fruit cake were
served by the culinary department of
one of the transcontinental railroads.
An apartment house for women of
the selt-suDPorting. class is being; con
sldered by the N. Y. W. C. A. The
place, as contemplated would have
apartments of from one to several
rooms, as well as a cafeteria and. al
though the prices would be very low.
It is figured on having the enterprise
i Frank Vincent Da Mond, formerly
of Portland, is one cf the eight mem
-t If you wish to have your Sprint;
Suit ' made to order, : inspect our
models first, t It will demonstrate
to yoa that our styles are exclu
sive 'and the prices are very mod
erate. -
- Tne models we have on hand
will sell ytry reasonable. - ; ;
425 ALDER- ST. Main 5210.
YOUR PARTY O A lVTrV"" rchestra
AfteroooeTee Mince, Apple and Pampkis y. ealy rertiUrly nktinW Tntmtlonal
e-Bpeeisl Orders Tsken. muiotd erxlitio ia the Mrthvwt.
WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Percy A, Campbtil. Owser and XKrwrter.
188 Fifth St. . Fbone Main 4622. Tlwr 658. BMfatets; Mala 7173
. Exclusive) . v
i. Ml- For Enslaved Wedding Cards
V . . and Stationery
346 W bmgton. Near Broadway. 326 H WASHINGTON STREET
j . J . Delicious FOR YOUR ICE CREAM and ICES
MxjxQz! wnner
7V25 Cts MINTS ii jJfj!.
Per Box Now. r
Sig. Sichel c& Co. -isSS -
9 Third at. ' , Phone Mam 808 . - - -
Photos That Please wxcmSf1 - I
' V - - only eri , - -. ajto xsxsos
oT Ditinciive, "x Dance Records
V2.but Artistic. GRAVES MUSIC CO.
COLTTMBIA BTJTtDnro - S S8S Morrison st. - -X8X Tonrth st.
.D1MG4100SI furniture When Yoii Need Help
. UNueuAii reduction in dining-room, kitchen or ny-
SX ' - n O 4 " where;around the house, you can j
JAUOjJL & &OJn. PP you' wants at any time by !
. KJWAyiA. SX. SJU turning to The Journal's Vfemale ;
. 13Q tihth gr. ' , t help" columns, r - !
Annual Fancy Dress and Charotr Four Handsome Prises to be Awarded. '
XuSSSaT ariOKT- Junior Assembly, Annual Fancy Drese and Characters. !
, All Classes Are Now Being Meld Uv-Xarge Hall.. - , , .
";;;-:lV3- CHRISTENSEN -
Mats 6Q1T. - ' . Oradnaf Castle's arormal School ef Panctn-. A-468q ;
, bers - ef the Jury of . awards for - the
National Academy , ox Design.
,.--. . - " -
Sir Johnston Forbes Robertson will
speak at the Free synagogue on Sun
days morning. 'April ; 23, on "Shakes
peare as a Spiritual Influence.! In the
afternoon, he will deliver an address
at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine,
at the same "hour as - the special me
morial f service in Westminster ' Abbey
is being; held.' The day- before, . Sir
Johnston wiU .make his farewell ap
pearance on the American stage, la
"Hamlet". In the old English theatre,
at Harvard university. , i
-. Honorable : John Barrett spoke "on
"Preparedness and , the Uunroe Doc
trine" at the annual dinner of the
Alnmni of the University of Pennsyl
vania.. -
. Mr.-and Mrs. Beckett, who have been
visiting the letter's , sister in Kng-le-wood.
New Jersey, left on Friday, for
Portland. . . . " -
A F. -S. " Greene is at the - Manhattan
hotel. 1
i Miss TEL Allen of Portland is at the
Blltmore. . -
"Win LJpman is spending several
weeks at the City Athletic clnb.
Dr. SpJro Sargentlch of Portland is
at the Klks club.
J. F. Munday of Med ford and J. E.
Chilberg- - of Seattle are registered at
the Waldorf-Astoria.
. -. , . - - -;: '-
The Astor hotel seems to be a favor
ite stopping- place for - Oregonlans.
Among those : there at present - are:
Owen Summers. Th HJ, Gibson. Julius
Low, F. A. Long and M. 8. Meyer. J.
E. Young- is at the Murray Hill. -
Portland buyers In New York In
clude J. Frledeathal and Mr. Straus of
Fleisbner Mayer & Co.; W. H. St.
Clair. Miss N. Hammond and E. Rogers
of Olds, Wortman A King; M. 8. Meyer,
or M. Seller & Co.; Miss E. M. Kitch
en, . Miss N. Lund. Miss F. Hanley,
Gensler and Harm an of the Meier A
Frank Co.; M. F. Shlnner, 3. Dolan,
and L. N. Levlnson of LJpman. Wolfe
& Co. - ;
Big "Proms" at Yale
Now Things of Past
State Anthorities Object to Giving- TTp
Armory for Heaulred Period, JTo
Other Sail Xrfurge Zaongn.
New Haven, Conn., Feb. 19. A strain
of sadness has run through the gor
geous annual Junior promenade week
at Yale on account of the news that
this Is the last big prony tor sev
eral years.
Thus was the policy of preparedness
brought home forcefully to the prom"
girls. The Yale students thought they
were - doing- their : share for prepared
ness when : they organised the Yale
battery and the Yale aviation corps.
- But now they will have to give up
the social event, so far as its present
slxe is concerned, because of an agree
ment between President Hadley - and
the military authorities of the state
that1 Yale will not again ask for the
use of the second regiment Armory,
where for years the dance has ' taken
plaee.c? No .hall in the city . approxi
mates the sise of the armory.
-The state authorities have taken
the stand that the drills of the various
military eomnanlM
Interfered with,, and It always takes
we.- w wn nays to aecorate the
great hall for th "prom' ball. Then
for the vmIt fnllnvtm. lni
sations who want, to reap the advan
tage of the $5000 decorations put up
by the "prom", committee have CI ways
used the floor. - ,
; Hereafter the Yale event win have
any of the other halls.
Ohicken Eats Copper
. family Is 111
Ptomalns Polsealnff JUrolts 7rom Meat
f Sbrd Which Hd Maniferted Oi-trlca-Zrlke
- Atlantic City, N. J Feb. 1.-The ostrich-like
appetite of a chicken sold to
Frank Shlnnen, ' chief of the resort's
electrical bureau, put his entice family
to bed with ptomaine poisoning. All
are' expected to recover, because of
prompt action ef physicians.
Examination of meat cut from the
fowl showed poison, and when the craw
was i investigated thre partly con
sumed copper tacks we're discovered.
The action of the bird's digestive or
gans had worn away half of the tacks
and distributed the poison through Us
peeiai Announcement.
Edwards and . Jensen millinery, 384
Washington sL. the lAdtes Hat Shop
of exclusive style; modestly priced:
6.00, $7.60. 110.00, 112.60 and JIB. CO.
See our 15.00 specials. Special at
tention given retrimming. (Adv.)
, , 1 ' ! J
For 10 Days! The World Famous
Electric Cleaner
-Yes.'-madua, tbat la exactly whit we mtu. We will
settd ymt oil of our anperh. BRAND NEW, aeay (lidinf
and el sing Franta Premier Eieetrlc Cleanrra on 10
. daya FKBE cleenlng trial. We are soing to loan yon free,
, this aplendid dener for Id whole daya. Remember, thia
tree ktaa waa't oeat yea a pas ay. . We bear t-naj ex
pens. All yon bne to do la to eae ' It to - your beart'a
. cae teat tor. aU eUantag pvrpesaa about the souae.
Without Cost to You
Telephone or write as and we will aeod yositbe fuH de
. tails of thia weoderral free loan offer, and alao eor bean
tifully Uluafrated booklet. No arrlnra are attached to tbta
.free loan offer.- We want yea to oae tne Franta Premier
far 10 fall days lost ss thou f a it wars year ewo. Clpaa
your carpew and yonr ruga with it. Try it oo your
foraltiire, untrrtuaea and walla. Use It -In all the nooka
sad corners. We wsnt yos to see far yeareelf how it plcka
. np threada, list and ravelins s and every . apeck of dust
and dirt. ; . ;
And tbea, at the end of the JO days' free trial If yon
are not more than - delighted with the -cleaner yes may
" re torn it, or we will send for It. without s rent of cost or
obllfstioa on yoar part. Bat If yoa decide that ymj kiinply
cannot get alone- without it. taea yoa may keep the eleauer
M ia W : f
Easy Monthly. Payments
Tint yea get the free trial sad then the' ssay inenthly
payments. And remember, yxi set the rbrk bottom factory
prlca yoa do not pay a peony more because of this special
jaaay Monuuy-r ay meat nan. , ,
We expect to be so swamped ' with Free Trial request!
that we reserve the right to withdraw mis oner srter s resaonauie teoxxn or nine, oo
send at once for your Free Trial. Bememher sbiolately as obligation ts buy.
Union Ave. and E Irving St. Telephone Now "d-"SS
i I ! . .
Am -
lrv j' imiw
If You Want to
See Something
r See the Eastern's new . Spring: 'display
windows, and incidentally the two beau
tiful .imported manikins purchased from
the French government after having been ;
displayed at the Panama-Pacific Exposi
tion. Nothing so fine and lifelike in wax
models has ever been shown in Portland;
and when on exhibit at San Francisco one
could scarcely get near enough to peek
with. the mobs of admirin'g people., -
Always first with, the newest and fin
est in everything. Our display of Spring
Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses and Millinery
offers a treat to -all : lovers of beautiful
wearing apparel. - Don't fail to include ,
bur corner-when enjoying your Sunday
walk -and,N remember, the garments dis
played only represent to the smallest de
gree the wonderful line of Spring styles
thaf now fill the store.
U'ashlndton Street at
- . ' V '"I
If ' i
Tenth ' l
MM HI I II III I Ml M 1 1" I I iu " mm 1 -mJ