The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1916, Page 43, Image 43

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jDxmz& It
-. beautifully decorated with appropriate
Valentine suggestions, and dainty re-
1 a 1 ' . ir.IA "Cl..'1
and other entertainment were en
Joyed until a late hour. The favors
.went to Mrs. A. J. Groben and Mrs.
William Adams, William Adams anJ
Claude H. Sheeley. Those Invited were
.Mr. and Mm C. P. Powers, Mr, and
Mrs. C. K. Hellyer, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Clyde Shields, Jr, and Mrs. J. O. Pitt,
Mr. and Mr. Emmett E. EHer, Mr.
and Mra. CJade imeeleyv Mr. ana
Mrs. William Adams,; Mr. and Mrs.
' K. S. Flack, Mf. and Mrs. H. O. Stark
. weather, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Groben and
Mrs. Valeria G. Ben vie.
Mrs. J. Blumenthal announces the
engagement of her daughter. Miss
Palo ma Blumenthal, to Dr. II. S.
, Stone of Albany, Or. The wedding
; will take place within the nest lew
Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Xlstner are
receiving congratulations on the ar
rival of a baby girl last Wednesday
morning. February 9.
The Portland Alumnae club of Pi
Beta Phi gave a luncheon at the Uni
versity club In honor of Miss Helen
. Unity Graves, whose engagement was
announced last Friday. The. decora
tions and place cards were In the fra
ternity colors. Covers were laid for 15
of Miss Graves fraternity sisters.
Mi as Graves will be entertained with
Grandma Used Sage Tea and
Sulphur to Daken Her Hair
and Nobody Knew.
The use of Sage and Sulphur for re
storing faded, gray hair to its natural
color dates back to grandmother's time.
She used' It to keep her hair beautl-
- fully dark, glossy and abundant. When
ever her hair fell out or took on that
s dull, faded or streaked; appearance,
-this simple mixture was applied, with
I wonderful effect. .
, But brewing at home is massy and
out-of-date. . Nowadays, by asking at
any drug: store for a 50-cent bottle of
fWyeth's Sage and ': Sulphur Corn
s pound," you will get this famous old
I recipe which can be depended upon, to
restore natural color and beauty to the
hair and Is splendid tor dandruff, dry,
feverish. Itchy scalp and falling hair.
- . A well-known downtown, druggist
says It darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that nobody, can tell It has
- been applied. Tou simply dampen, a
epong-e or soft brush with It and draw
s'thls through . your hair, taking one
' xitrand at a time. . By morning the gray
hair disappears, and after another ap
plication or two It becomes beautifully
dark, glossy, aof t and abundant. Adv.
a bridge tea at the Ann Davenport Tea
house, Portland Heights, by Miss
Elizabeth Mathews Thursday afternon.
Eight of Miss Graves! college friends
will honor the bride-elect.
Frank Edgar Brown, was delight
fully and completely surprised on last
Thursday evening, when about two
score of bis friends, at the Invitation
of Mrs. Brown, assembled at his resi
dence, 1062 East Madison street, to
assist him In celebrating his birthday
in a fitting; manner. Five tables of
"500" were played, the fortunate win
ners being Messrs. Frank McCarthy.
Henry Pfaff, Mrs. Henry Pfaff and
Mrs. Perry Graves, while the consola
tions were carried away by Miss Hel
en Dineen and William Burke. A de
licious luncheon was afterward served
by Mrs. Brown, assisted by Mrs. Pfaff
and Mrs. McCarthy, at prettily ap
pointed tables, on which the color
scheme of blue was effectively ar
ranged. The following were present:
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bailey, Will
Burke, Thomas Dunn, Miss Mame
Dbnn, Miesea Helen and Catherine Di
neen. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Graves, Mr.
and Mrs. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kspenhaut, Mrs. Mary A. Elchler, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank McCarthy, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Pfaff and Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Brown, Miss Marian Brown and
Master Edgar Newton Brown.
Beginning with the Valentine dance
on Monday and ending with the dance
on Friday evening, the Laurelhurst
club has enjoyed a gay week. Bright
Streamers, the Valentine postoff ice,
and finally the varicolored caps worn
by the guests, all made for the festiv
ity of Valentine's day. The next
dance In this series for members and
their; friends will be a masquerade, to
be held at the clubhouse Monday eve
ning, March 6,
Cards will be the evening's diver
sion at the regular party of Friday,
February 25. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. As
quith will entertain.
Mrs. W. C. Darhe and Mrs. R. T.
Barnes will be hostesses Tuesday aft
ernoon, for the usual card party,
.. m
Miss Floretta Velguth was hostess
at a supper party Immediately follow
ing the annual ball of the Pal Omega
Fraternity, Chi Chapter, on Tuesday
night, complimenting; James Balkema,
Cullen Knapp and Harry single, se
niors. Potted alpine, violets and fern
ery decked the pretty supper table,
where places" were marked for Miss
Velguth, Misa Mayme Roddick, Miss
Lydia Dammeier, James Balkema,
Cullen Knapp and Harry Singer.
Mrs. Fred H. Hopkins of Medford
has been vlsitlngr in the city with her
sister, Mrs. C. H. Noble, at the tatter's
home, 1760 East Yamhill. She came
up 10 days ago to be present at a fam
ily reunion Wednesday on the oc
casion of the 80th birthday of her
father. Judge J. H. Woodward, which
was celebrated with a family dinner
Wednesday evening. Judge Wood
ward is a senior member of the Ore
gon Bar association, the oldest prac
tising lawyer in Oregon.
Mrs. Hopkins returned to her
home at Medford' the latter part of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Beckett re
turned home Friday from an , extend
ed -eastern visit. Mrs. Beckett spent
several weeks with her relatives In
Knglewood, M. J., : where ahe la prom
inently identified. ,
: : ' ' X , , -""
Among the F6rtland visitors at Oak
land, : Cal., are the following guests
registered at the Hotel Oakland: Fred
A. Hartman," G. A, Hardinger and
Mr. and , Mrs. John F O'Shea, ' . -.
; . - : ,i . "... -
? Mr. and Mrs.' George Sherman Bots
ford and Mrs. J. H. Roberts, mother
of Mrs. Botsford. left Thursday. Feb
ruary 10, for Ean Francisco, where
they will Join Mrs. C. la. Botsford, who
is returning from a trip through the
east. Mrs. C. I. Botsford was called
east on account of the death of her
sister, Mrs. David Martin. The party
plans to tour southern California.
Mrs. Justin W. McEachren has re
turned from an extended visit in
southern California to her home In
Rose City Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sharpstein of
Walla Walla are house guests of Mrs.
W. C. Shults, M7 East Ninth street
Miss Marguerite Cunlff will leave
Monday for Florida, where she will
visit relatives for several months.
Leroy Park, of Portland, is spending
a few days In New York City, stopping
at the Woleott Hotel.
a a
Vgnrnnnr KarrAckii. Wash.. Feo.
19. The bridge tournament met yes
terday afternoon with Mrs. Ralph R.
Glass. This was the seventh meeting
in a series of 12.
Last night was ladies night at the
officers club, and was much enjoyed
by all the guests.
Mrs. Herbert C. Gibner entertained
at a sewing party on Thursday after
noon. Her guests were all the visit
ing mothers in the post.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorland, of Vancou
ver, entertained at a dancing party
Monday night, in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Schonlnger, of New York, and
the officers and ladies of the post.
The weekly band concert given by
the Twenty-first Infantry band was
given Wednesday evening, instead of
Thursday, ' on account of the Elks'
Colonel and Mrs. French entertained
at a reception Thursday morning at
their quarters in the post, in honor of
Governor Lister and party, who spent
the day in Vancouver.
Colonel and Mrs. David J. Baker
were among the guests at the dance
which was given by the Knights of
Columbus on Monday evening.
: mm
Major and Mrs. William Brooke
gave a prettily - appointed dinner
Wednesday evening, in honor of Colo
nel and Mrs. Francis French. A color
scheme In red and white was carrisd
out with carnations of ' those " colors.
Covers were laid for -16. The guests
were: Colonel and Mrs. French, Ma
jor and Mrs. Peter C. Field. Major and
Mrs. Crulckshank and Captain and
Mrs. Richard C. Moore. '
' : a)
Mrs. David J. Baker entertained at
one table of bridge on, Wednesday
afternoon, in honor of Mrs. . Cbancc
Martin, of Portland, wife of Colonel
Martin. Additional guests were Mrs.
Herbert C Gibner , and Mrs. Murray
' ,.''
: In honor of Captain and Mrs. Car
roll F. Armistead. Lieutenant and
Mrs. Torry B. Maghee entertained at
dinner on Thursday evening. Those
enjoying the hospitality of Lieuten
ant and M rs. ,. Maghee : were : f Captain
and Mr Robert 8- Knox. Captain and
Mrs. - Armlstead, Lieutenant and Mrs.
Vetkias; atiatad Tmt tee -Trie. .
149 TENTH ST.,1 Opr. CM. Wwrtman
JUa.- f 1mm Marshall 1S37.
Ralph R. Glass, Lieutenant and Mrs.
Rutherford. S. - Ilartx, Mrs. Waring,
Captain . Edmund Bayer, Lieutenant
Elliot and Lieutenant Newgarden.
On" Monday night Miss Patricia
Tiernan, - sister - of Mrs. Charles T.
Kins, gave a dinner dance for a num
ber of the younger set of Vancouver
and the bachelors of the post. The
guests were:- Miss Helen Kinney.
Miss Margaret Kinney, Miss Lillian
Connaway, Miss Pearl Pompe, Miss
Evelyn Teal. Miss Genevieve Cooper,
Mrs. Margaret Waring, Lieutenant
Elliot, -Lieutenant Kimball. Lieuten
ant Eisenschmidt, Lieutenant Gar
diner, Lieutenant Mueller, Lieutenant
McNarney, Lieutenant James, Lieuten
ant Davidson. Lieutenant.. Benedict
and Dr. and Mrs. 'Irwin.
u m m
Captain , and Mrs. Murray Baldwin
gave a dinner Monday evening; in hon
or of Lieutenant -, and Mrs. Fltzhugh
Lee . Minnigerode. Red tulips carried
out the color scheme In the decora
tions. The guests were: . Lieutenant
and Mrs. Minnigerode, Captain and
Mrs. Edward Warfield, Major and
Mrs. Crulckshank, Captain and Mrs.
Allen Parker, Mrs. McDonald, mother
of Mrs. Baldwin, and Lieutenant Guy
I. Rove.
On Tuesday evening Captain and
Mrs. Murray Baldwin presided at a
prettily appointed dinner In honor of
Colonel and Mrs. Francis French., The
guests were, besides the honor guests.
Major and Mrs. Peter C. Field and
Lieutenant and Mrs. Rutherford
Uartz. i
St. Francis church was the scene
of a very pretty1 early morning- wed
ding St. Valentine's day, when Arthur
L. Hauvaln and Miss Mary Ethel Mur
phy, popular young folks Of the par
ish, were united in marriage by the
pastor. Rev. Father Black. The church
was attractively decorated for the oc
casion; Miss Elsie Mayer presided at
the pipe organ and rendered some
beautiful selections. The entire church
choir, of which both the bride and
bridegroom are members, graciously
donated their services and sang
Weigand's mass.
The bride was attired in a charming
traveling suit of Delph-blue and wore
a large picture hat of gold lace. She
carried a beautiful shower bouquet of
KllLarney roses. Miss Cecilia Fennell
acted as bridesmaid and was very
pretty in chic suit of navy blue. The
groom was attended by his brother,
Forrest E. Sauvain. After the cere
mony, a dainty wedding breakfast was
served at the bom of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Margaret Murphy, to the
bridal party and the immediate rela
tives. The house was decked with
ferns and ivy and the table decora
tions were carried out in appropriate
valentine colors.
The bridegroom is associated with
the Portland Cordage company, and is
the 4 eldest son of Mrl and Mrs. J. C.
Sauvain of 9 East Eleventh street,
who have made their residence here
for the past 30 years.
After a short honeymoon, the young
couple will be at home to their friends
at 690 East Alder street, city.
The following note from a Salem
paper is of interest to the friends of
the bride in Portland:
"Within a beautiful and fragrant set
ting of spring blossoms. Miss Lyle
Stelwer, daughter of John' Steiwer of
Jefferson, became the bride of Clar
ence W. Walls at the old Stelwer resi
dence on Liberty street, at 4:30 o'clock
February 12. - --1
"Rev. Robert Gill of the Episcopal
church iperfornxed the ceremony.
"The wedding was very simple with
only relatives and intimate friends
"She is a Gamma P1U Beta sorority
girl and was president of the Women's
league at the University of Oregon in
"Mr. Walls, who is an engineer in the
state highway department, is a gradu
ate of the University of Oregon engi
neering school of the class of 1912, and
is a member of the Phi Delta Theta
."The decorations were all in yellow,
creating a sunshine effect that was
unusually lovely. An alter banked with
a profusion of daffodils fromed an at
tractive foil: for the youthful bridal
couple. , ' -
"After a short wedding trip MrJ and
Mrs. Walls will be at borne to- their
friends In the Caurt apartments. i ,
"Among ..the out of town guests at
the wedding were: Mrs. Elmer Con
nell (Helen Stelwer) of Deer Aland,
Mrs.' J. B. Lader. Mrs. Earl S. Cobb
anil Miss Florence Kendall - of Fort
land, and Miss Mary Johns of Pendle
ton." A very pretty wedding was solemn
ized in the presence of 60 Invited
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. V. R. Moorhead, 611 Marguerite ave
nue, Saturday evening:. February IS,
at 8:30, when their daughter. Ella
Mae Moorhead, was united in marriage
to L. Carroll Day. the Rev. A. B.
Calder officiating.
The Impressive ring ceremony -wa
used. The bride was charming' in
white satin with tulle overtrade anl
wore a bridal veil with orange blos
soms. She carried a shower bouquet
of white carnations and narcissus.
Miss Edwlna Clough was bridesmaid
and looked lovely in a pink taffeta
gown. She carried an arm bouquet of
pink carnations. Miss Maude Wells,
neice of the bride, was flower girl and
wore pink taffeta. The bridal party
came in to the strains of. Men
delssohn's wedding - march, played ' by
MIm Florence Oole, who also accom
panied Mrs. Marie Fisher in "X Love
You Truly."
The bridegroom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Day and is well known
in musical circles.
The wedding of Miss Mildred Wat
ers and Roy Norene was solemnized
Wednesday evening, February 16, at
the home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Jane Waters, Fourteenth street. Rev.
F. D. Finley officiated. The bride
was attended by Miss Leon a Philo.
Edward Norene, brother of the bride
groom, acted as best man. The. wed
ding was attended by close friends
and relatives. Preceding the cere
mony Mrs. Bishoff sang "O Promise
Me." The bride was attired In white
satin and tulle and carried a shower
bouquet of Bride roses and lilies of
the valley. The bridesmaid was at
tired in pink -voile and carried a show
er bouquet of pink tulips and sweet
peas. The rooms were tastefully dec
orated in daffodils and pussywillows.
Mr. and Mrs. Norene will be at home
after March 1 at Pocatello, Idaho.
At the piedmont Presbyterian church
Saturday evening at 8:30 p. m. Miss
Hazel Wlghtman. a. teacher at the Jef
ferson high school, and Harry Bastian
were married at simple : ceremony
witnessed by the relatives and a few
intimate friends. Little Miss Kather
ine Wlghtman, a sister of the bride, as
ring bearer was her only attendant.
At a reception following the services
about 70 guests were in attendance.
On Wednesday evening, .February 16,
at the residence of Rev. J. Bowersox,
1170 Omaha avenue, James W. Dry
den and Gertrude M. Whitmore were
united in marriage. The bridegroom
was attended y R. J. Buckley. They
will reside at 176 East Fourteenth
street, this city.
Dr. Archie B. Cropp and Bertha
May Nelson were married at the .of
fices of the New Thought Temple of
Truth, February 17, at 2 o'clock, by
Rev. Perry Joseph Green.
About 40 Ladies of the Modern
Maccabees and friends passed . the
evening at the home of their com
mander, Mrs. Charles Cor, 653 Fourth
street, Wednesday evening, February
16, the occasion being her birthday.
The affair was a complete surprise.
Music and cards with an elaborate
luncheon formed the entertainment of
the evening. Mr.s Charles Cox won
the first prize and Mm. Charlotte
Woods the consolation, after which
Deputy Commander Mary f Isabell Mc
Rae presented her with an amethyst
necklace. The birthday cake was
decorated with 46 red, white and yel
low candles. All departed wishing her
many more happy birthdays. Those
present were: Mesdames H. L. Cox,
R. Cox, E, Cox. L, Nlvlson, F. D.
Bishop, J. Dltchburn, L. Conklin, C.
Woods, E. Richards, M. Welcome. C
Howe. G. H, Williams Sr., J. Blgelow,
F. Blgelow, M Vyse. M. Myer. A.
Skooge. F. Geiger. G. , H. Peters. O. E.
Hibbs, : M. E. Riley. H. Undburg, M.
Luce, L - Sergant, Phelps, M.. Denny,
G. Monroe. W. 8. Titus and E.
Afee; the Misses M. J. McRaePil
Harris, N. Cox, P; Cox; G. Cox, Irene
Welcome,- Charlotte Woods, I. Gaynor
and Mrs. C, Cox. . . .j ' -
- A Valentine stepping party was giv
en by the B. B. Young Men's Hebrew
association ; Monday evening at the
B'nai B'rtth building. The two ball
rooms and the gymnasium were beau
tlfully decorated for the occasion, a
profusion of hearts of various sizes
and Cupids , being ' in '.evidence. -The
promenade was led . by a beautiful lit.
tie cupid in the person of Miss Shlrly
Conn, who led " the promenader
through an arch of hearts, on each
side was sitting a beautiful little Cu
pid.! Misses . Herns ' and Delia Conn,
who handed out the heart-shaped pro
grams and the Valentine favor hats.
The climax feature was a serpentine
battle.. The committee In charge of
the. party was: Simon Cohn, chair
man; Louis Gevurts, William 8pel
man, Nathan Cohn, Victor Hoefllch,
M. Relngold. -Dave Cohn. . Harold
Bromberg, Sanford Slchel; Ed Conn
and Ick Schilb, the Misses . Pearl
Abramson. Carrie Bromberg, - Anna
jvemerasxy, Dorotny weiser. Jennie
Ryan and Eva Levin.'
Today there will be the regular fire
side circle.. A splendid Drogram hat
been arranged. There is no admission
charged.-, . .- ...
A valentine and birthday surprise
party was given at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Emannel Zeller, 973 East
Taylor street, Sunday, , February 13.
The birthdays Of three Zellers. Lil
lian, Christian and Emannel Zeller,
were celebrated. An enjoyable after
noon and -evening were passed playing
cards. Honors fell to. Christian and
Emannel Zeller. The rooms and
tables were prettily decorated for the
occasion and a dinner was served.
Those present were: ; Mr. and Mrs.
Emannel Zeller, M. and Mrs., Jacob
Zeller. Mr. and Mrs. John Dorner, Miss
Louise Zeller, Miss Lillian Zeller. Wil
liam F. Tanning, Arnold and Christian
Zeller, William and Herbert Dorner,
Elmer and Werner Zeller and Irwin
Jacob Zeller.
The Bachelor Girls' entertained with
a Valentine party Wednesday evening.
at Mississippi avenue hail, under the
direction of their chaperons, Mrs.
Susie Olson. Those on the committee
were: Wanda Oelsner, Isabel Mac
Rae, Gladys Coates, Francis Laver,
Elizabeth Sommerer, Irene Stipe and
Kathryn Garrett. The guests were
Nell Springer, Olga Stoller, Alta Arch
ambeaux. Dorothy McKee. Vivian Tol
las, Zeska Ayres, Aimee Pernot,
Eleanor Spall, Mr, and Mrs. R. W.
Kldd, Donald W. Freeland, Herman
Sandow, George Wlrfs, James T. Mur
phy, Claude Frobn, Sanford B. Gehr,
Ralph Thayer, Vern Laxenby, Dom Mc
Greal, A. Roche Kenefick, Victor P.
Shearer. Harold Le Mon, Roy Malott,
Edward Springer, Carrol Day. Reufcen
L. Mon. Van Jorgensen and Eller
A combination Valentine party, and
kitchen shower was given In honor of
Mrs. Harry E. Taylor at the home of
Mrs. Adlia J. Casteel Monday after
noon. Decorations in keeping with the
day were used and dainty refreshments
were served, . Five hundred was the
aame crt the afternoon. : nigh score be
ing held by r Mrs.;; Osborne, g; Much
amusement was afforded the guests in
their attempts at Valentine verse. Mrs.
Kreyer winning the prise offered.
Those present, were: Mrs. - Harry
E. Taylor, Mrs. Raymond Lee Osborne,
Mrs. W. R. McAllister Mrs. C, Puarlea,
Miss Alice Puarlea, Mrs. George Fos
ter, Mrs. Claire Bullen, Mrs. Fred
Balzimer. Mrs. Lillian ; Kreyer. : Miss
Gertrude Kunz and tns nosiess.
mm -Mr.
and Mrs. Fay Dempsey of 687
Flanders street celebrated their sev
enth wedding anniversary last Mon
day evening with a Valentine party.
Their apartment was beautifully, dec
orated with appropriate valentine sug
gestions, the color scheme being red.
Five hundred was the diversion for
the evening, prizes being won by Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Bowder, while the
consolation prizes went to Mrs. E.
Hlrsch and A. E. King. At a late
hour a dainty luncheon was served.
, j - .', c, ; - .. y '.:'.. , . ' ' v
"Mqrxjliattclis of c MeritJDnUT
For Women '
. ii
Is Fully Prepared to Executeto
Your Special Order
The Smartest Coats and Suits
For the Spring and Summer
Season of 1916
With a Complete and Distinguished Showing
3fmpQrtei) iHatertate
and v .
rtgtnal tend) Sztylt
Owing to the unsettled condition of the .
market and the uncertainty of securing im
ported fabrics; we ; would suggest that j, you
place your orders at an early. date. ;Even in
the face of these conditions we still maintain
bur regular conservative prices.
Mr Edward Lipshutz ' 7--
our Ladies .Tailor, gives "his personal atten
tion to all orders. Patrons desiring to make
selections can do so by appointment and, if .
desired, reservations will be. made. ,
1! ; Seventh Floor ;
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Bryne. Mr, and Mrs. A, E. King,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hlrsch, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bowder, - Mrs. N.v Noble. - Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Sitton and the- host
and hostess. Mr. and Mri. Dempuy.
A Valentine party .was given Mon
day evening by Mies Gertrude Kent
at her' home,. 913 Division stret. The
house was decorated In red carnations,
hearts and ferns. Miss Madge Nipple,
violinist, and Miss' Mable Allen fur
nished musical numbers, Hearts and
600 were played, after-which' ref reeh
ment were served. Those present
were: The Misses Mabel Allen, Haiel
Graham. Madge Nipple. Esther Allen,
Ethel Baird and Gertrude V. Kent:
Messrs. W. E- - Mack. George Brown,
Peari Brunk. Karl Volts.' W. O. Davis
and W. Abernathy. ,
. : ' .
On Monday evening : Mr. and Mr.
Lyle Dreyfus entertained at a Valen
tine party in honor of their tenth
wedding anniversary. . Their home
was beautifully decorated . for the oc
casion, "600" was the game, and hon
ors were won by Mr. and Mrs. Held
kemper. Mrs. Jack Bedford. Mrs. Ru
densteln and Earle W. Fish. A splen
did supper was served by the hostess.
Those present' were: Mr. and Mrs.
Heidkemper. Mr, and Mrs. Rudenstein,
Mrs. Mary Graf, Hugo Graf, Mrs. Jack
Bedford. Mrs. Grace Logan, Mrs. S. C
Long, Earle W. Fish, The hostess re
ceived many pretty and useful gifts.
A successful Leap Year party was
given by the K. O. T. club and Camp
fire Girls of Mt. Tabor Presbyterian
church, ..last Wednesday. ? The. committee-
In charge was Miss Sandle,
Beatrice Finzer, Louise Stire, , Ralph
Rees, William Denthar .and Roy Tate.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ronald assisted
the young people. Decorations of
hearts and cupids wers used. Re
freshments were served. Prises for
the guessing contests were . awarded
to Misses Minnie Pomeroy and Beat
rice Quackenbush,
- -
A Valentine luncheon was given' Sat
urday afternoon by the Misses Nona
Becker arid Bessie Ford, at the home
of the former. Those present were:
Tho Misses Ruth Vitbl. Virginia Giles,
Alice Clemens, Ruth Bottler, Frarrces
Manary, Janle Becker, Dorothy Blake
and the hostcssea
The engagement of Mrs. Marls C
Gale and Claude R. Nelson, formerly
of Portland but now of Rose Hill. Or.,
is announced. Mrs. Gale Is the young
est sister of H. O. Nissen and W. M.
Nlsfcen of Carlton, Or.
Mr. Nelson is the son of Mrs. M. E.
Nelson of 636 Couch street. -,
A pretty affair was the valentine
party given Saturday evening at the
home of the Misses Edna and Hilda
Roes. 1138 Maryland avenue. The
rooms were prettily decorated for the
occasion and semes and dancing v
enjoyed, after which a dainty lui.. :
was served to the following git
Miss Florence Ehr. Mis Mary i ,
Ing, Miss Edna Itostne, MIms ! .
Klingsporn and the Misses Viola
(Continued on Following Vu
How Vgr
Oriental Ru:
The advice of a Urge Oriental r,
importer to the retail deak
throughout the country is to con
serve their present stocks of On
entil rugs and mark up prices, :
they will find difficulty in replcn
ishing such assortments. With ru
manufacturing stopped In Pen.
It will take a year or two after t'
war is over to place the Indus' i
on its usual basis. Aground of t'
salesrooms of the New -York O
ental rug importers shows a tv-:
ness of stock beyond any previ. .
condition in the - business. -TI.
Is Sufficient!
CT NOTE Our entire
collection assembled at the
.exposition, combined with
our regular stocks, will
continue on display and
sale at . no , advance in
prices until further notice.
Largest Oriental Rug Deal
.. era in the West.
Tenth and Alder
73 ? HA3
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W e v '1.; A
"Visit Our Fairy- l,i
land of Flowers i
HAVE arranged for a very ;
VV special display of new
Spring flowers, fruits, nuts and L
novelties. All are imported and V :
shown exclusively here only.
- L
Metallic Bronzed Flowers and Wreaths in t:
NevV Pastel Shades. I- i
Glace Nuts,' Fruits, . Flowers, Grapes and , o
Cherries. jt
Black Lacquered Foliage, Fruits and Berries.
Iridescent Foliage and Leather. Flowers. . .
Extra Special for Tomorrow
3000 Bunches imported Flower at
Silk and Velvet ForiGet-Me-Nots in pink,
light blue and white.
Silk . Rose Clusters in a variety of new
e Spring colors. -
, French Rose Bouquets and American Beau
ties all fresh and new. i
i Crushed .'Rose Sprays and Satin Dahlias
and also dainty asters in all colors.
TTcna II v these . flowers wnnlH " ' at "51.25
irn a bunch. We offer them special for QE
tomorrow. . 00 C
7 'he Wbnder
n rrm is v
i ii m
At Sixth and Alder Streets