The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1916, Page 42, Image 42

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heart . and fluffy cotton boughs. A
buffet supper was served at 11 o'clock
from a . charmingly decorated table,
arranged In the red color-scheme with
red carnations, redatreamers and can
delabra. This was quite the nvfft
elaborate affair siren by the club this
season.' and: was keenly enjoyed.
Especial Valentine features were in
traduced in the dancing program. The
committee la charge of the arrange
ments was: Mrs. B. P. Irvine, chair
man; Mrs. Arthur U. Fish. Mrs. Wil
liam - N, Gatens, Mrs, Klof Hedlund
and Mrs.' Bert A. Haney.
Mqnday evening Dr. and Mrs. John
Besson were hosts at dancing at their
It was an. Informal bouse dance with
about 60 - guests : in attendance and
Valentine suggestions were carried
out In all the decorations.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lang enter
tained at their residence on Portland
heights last Saturday evening for Mis
Flora Rosenblatt, a charming debutant
of last month. About 60 of the younger
set vera in attendance.
'Tomorrow evening Edmund Van Co
man will entertain about SO guests of
the young sub-debutante set with a
dancing party at the Portland Heights
club. - Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur E. Coman
will receive with their son.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Her
bert - Holman celebrated their thirty
secoad ? wedding anniversary with a
tlanoing party at ; the Benson hotel,
followed by a supper at their resi
dence in Overton street. Twenty-two
couples were in attendance. The sup
per .table was a bloom with freeslas
and daffodils. - -'
' . - .
Mr. and . Mrs. " Stewart J. Morroe
(Kathleen - -s Furnish) are receiving
flowers and all 'the pretty expressions
of .congratulations on the arrival yesterday-morning
of a baby daughter.
lrs. Morroe is with her mother, Mrs.
W. J. Furnish, at their residence on
Portland Heights. -
, -.
At the loe hockey game Friday
right one of ' the most enthusiastic
crowds of the season was gathered in
the big hippodrome. Among -; the box
r arties - noticed were; Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Gray Kamm, whose guests were
XI r. and Mr. Connell Dyer, of Salem,
v, ho came down to see the game and
V. G. E'lITH fit CO.
a::r?.i noox uosoas bijhj.
V "
pass the week end with the Kamms;
Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Bush, of Salem,
and guests; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davis,
Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robertson,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Burns, .'Mrs.
Alice Benson Beach, with Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell, .Mrs. Starr and Mr.
Lundburg, as her guests, and Mr. and
Mrs. j. p. Farrell ana guests. ,
a .
Mesdames J. H. Bryant and R. H. t
anui entertained at one of the most
unique valentine parties ' of the. sea
son at the home of the former, 620
Rex avenue, Monday evening, Febru
ary 14. 600 was the diversion of ithe
evening, and the valentine suggestions
were artistically carried out in all de
corations and refreshments. Card hon
ors fell to Mesdames S. Bryant and
A. E. Smith, and Messrs. Wilbur P.
Reid. and O. H. Keene. with consola
tion prizes to Mrs. H. R, Landfare and
Dr. D. H. MHJer. The guest list In
cluded: , Dr. and. Mrs. R. & Stearns,
Dr. and Mrs. X. F. Miller. Dk and
Mrs. U. J. Blttner. Dr. and Mrs. H. B.
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. B. X,. Bryant. Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Ersted. Mr. and Mrs.
William Raid, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur P.
Held. Mr. and Mrs. F. Elchenlaub, Mr.
and Mra Reyaella G. E. Cornish. Dr.
and Mrs. C I Bender, Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Carver; Mr. and Mrs. - H- R.
Zjandfare. Mr. and Mrs. .Ernest Gra
ham. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Black, Mr." and
Mrs. W. IX Davis, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kenworthy,
Mr &d Mrs. Lew Wallace, Mrs. Eld
ridge. Miss UMan -Taylor, Mrs. Mary
Cary,"3;-H. Keene, Earl Garth, and
the hosts and - hostesses. Dr. and Mrs.
R H. Cahill. and Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
BryazxC - '".f :-
v'v ;.:.'' :".rr'v",;-,i
Mr. and Mrs. John Claire Montelth
asked a number of musical people- to
meet Dr, John Landsbury of the Uni
versity of Oregon last week. About
60 guests enjoyed their hospitality and
heard the program of songs sung by
Miss Dagmar Ines Kelly. Tha.-"at
home", had a delightful air of infor
mality, and the rooms and tea table
were charmingly decorated with wil
lows and spring flowers. Later in
the evening Mr. Montelth also sang
a group of songs. ,' t ,
-i-f-- Si SJt SJt '. "
Word from Miss Lucia Herrlman
has. been received this - week;-from
Toklo. where she is-still making- her
noma, . She ; had planned to . corns to
Portland this year t and the rnany
frienda who have been looking for her
arrival will be interested to know that
she has altered her plans, and will re
main la -the orient this spring. Her
address is cars Thomas Cook, Yoko
hama, - - -" . ' -
The marriage of Miss Nan Pennoyer
Russell and Harold H. Dudenwas sol
emnized Wednesdajr at Christ Episco
pal church ; at Coronado, ' Cai ; . Rev,
Charles E. Spaulding officiated' at the
ceremony, which was very quiet and
simple. The couple eluded their friends
by announcing a date for next week.
The announcement here a short time
ago that they bad taken out a license
at San Diego caused a furore at the
time, as the engagement was to
have been announced several days la
ter, and not a word of the. affair had
yet reached Portland friends. Mr. and
Mrs. 'George F. Russell knew nothing
of the Issuing of the license, and were
equally surprised. They had. planned
a large wedding' for their daughter
here in Portland, to take place In the
spring. Parental blessing was, now
ever, finally won, and the- ceremony
quietly read at Coronado.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Duden are touring
southern California In their motor for
their honeymoon, and will later go to
New York city to make their home.
-. '
Mrs. Julius Johnson entertained for
Mrs. Stanton Boyer at luncheon Tues
day afternoon at her home In East
Fifty-third street In Rose City Park.
Dainty St. Valentine suggestions were
carried out on the luncheon table and
about the rooms. A pot of red tulips
centered the table, at which were seat
ed: Mesdames Boyer, T. H. New stead,
A. H. Ellers, M. F. Deely, Fred Drake
and the hostess.
- The Portland Rowing club dance
which was to have been given Thurs
day evening- .-t the club - house, has
been 'postponed for two weeks owing
to the recent drowning of two of the
club members. i . . - , , .
The recently ' postponed . dancing
party of the Irvington Thursday Night
club will be . held ; next Tuesday ven-
tng, -Washington's birthday. at the
Irvington clubhouse. A fall member
ship of the , club Is requested, -. -
-. ... v : : :,ii-
The Blackstons club entertained
committee members and their friends
with a complimentary dancing party
on Tuesday- evening at Mux lark ball
room. Dainty programs and . Valen
tine favors were used for the , occa
sion. : Light refreshments were served
during the course ?-of the evening.
Among ' those present -were: The
Misses Rata Donovan, Iran Wentz,
Evangeline v Mcintosh. " Allca Burke.
Myrtle Hummel. Haxcl ; Linvllle.- Jnes
Stamper. Mary Roosa. Winifred Ral
ston,. Margaret Harvey. Lenora ' Wil
son, Loretta . Wilson, Margaret v " GU-
more, - Kegina Bhea, Irene - Harmon.
Ethel Hawkins, Frances Reagan, Lydia
Villeneuve. .Helen Whitfield, Ruth
Routledg and Mrsi Walter E. Gorrie,
Messrs. Robert . A. Sherwood, John
Gregg, Thomas B. Collins, Lisle A.
pmiia. jusri w. Hammond, Alfred J.
Shawcross. .Paul R Dickinson.- J. , W.
Malley. Harvey L. Stevens. Ernst X
Ths aswwtyiss fhr
v iruis; JUkvs Skczawo,
ZSH4" snd' avoid the
rush. ; VBZCXS 1TifM?TTanT.-n, ,
.Sadies Trallorrr-i07 liters ridg.
Marius. ' Jr George ' E. Lots.- Walter
E. Gorrie. George Roos, Bar J. Mai-
uttn.'vwtucr jacuutrs ur.- . - ms,
Belknaou Benl. J. Kuhnt Victor Lw-
aux, Karl Herbrihg, Theodore D. Har
mon and John L. Bosorth.u , --
i ' - :
All the Rose City 'Park people are
looking . forward with' great - pleasure
t the maak- ball, which will be given
by the club, next Tuesday evening. It
will be the regular mid-wintsr Enter
tainment of this character, and - the
fun anticipated will be s-ure to materialize.-
since- practically all the
members have signified their Intention
to attend In disguises that will baffle
their most intimate acquaintanoes.
There will be- prizes awarded to the
most original, the most comical, the
homeliest ? Costumes. .; The party" will
be under the direction of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles ? it. . Thompson.." "Since -the
members take a keen Interest in these
masked affairs, it ls& expected ' that
one of the largest attendances of the
winter will be present on ..Tuesday
evening. , .
'Mr.-' and 1 Mrs. D." C Burns enter
tained very happily- Saturday evening
in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. George
H. Themas, who - will leave soon for
California to make' their home. Much
merriment was caused In; a- contest
Involving the writing -of advice - for
the travelers. Mr. Canning took the
prize with Clarence Knox a close
second. - The refreshment table? was
centered . with a miniature ship and
tha honor guests were showered with
all sorts of mlniatnre accessories lo
an ocean voyage. A delicious supper
was served and the evening's 'pleas
ures were brought to a dose with the
nrMntj.ttnn ; ' an . Alxtrln tnaatAr
and tray to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, to
which they happily responded. There
were 26 guests present. Mrs. Thom
as was the honor guest at a Small
and. very delightful tea given Sat
urday afternoon " by Miss Metta C
Brown at the Slgn of the Rose."
The table was made dainty and frag
rant in violets and ferns. The guests
were: ;. Mrs. ; Boudinot Seeley, . Mr.
George Fltchener, Mrs. Sabian Byerly.
Mrs. G. J. Burns, Mrs.- H. -C. Loh
mann, Mrs. George M. Geddeav Misses
Lamberson Margaret - Lamberson,
Catherine . Burns. Lillian Fisher' and
the honor guestjj , ' ; ;s.-" ,
i" -s 4c si '
The -wedding of Miss Helen Unity
Graves and John Galbraith Hunler
will take place Friday at 1 o'clock in
the Unitarian church, W. G. Elliott
officiating. Mr. Hunter will arrive in
the city from San Francisco Tuesday
and "a number of dinners and enter
tainments are being planned for the
young couple. - Mr. HuAter is the son
of Mrs. J. H. Hunter of Edinburgh.
Scotland, and the late John Hunter,
who was prominent in Edinburgh civic
affairs. After graduating from the
University of Edinburgh, M. Hunter
entered the- Union bank of I Scotland
and later the Canadian Banjg of Com
merce. Several of Miss Graves'; friends
entertained in her honor last week.
Mrs. M. D. Hawes had aT bridge party
Saturday afternoon In - her Irvington
heme for Miss Graves. -
Mrs: A. Bradshaw of Portland, who
has been spending the winter In Sea
side, gave a delightful afternoon tea
to a number of her , friends Tuesday.
A delicious menu was served and the
table was arlow with -n-n Ar
fodlls and hand painted butterflies.
Miss Virginia Drake read an original
poem dedicated tn mrlnr tmhly, nnc
written by the hostess.
Mrs. Harlan Grover Thompson left
for her home in Spokar last night,
after passing three weeks with, her
TarniM. XT r art A TVan, n n j.
, wa. iu vUXeiU.
and hep-sister, Mrs. Llvy still, at Ore.
gon City. Mrs. Thompson will be re
membered by Portland friends as Miss
vuuiu ueiora er marriage here, a
year and a half ago. t
- " -a bi'cu iur air.
and M. E. Bcott in their Ixome at
560 Jklbintt. AVnil taK.tfea ,A z
honor of their twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary, by many relatives and
friends. Many silver gifts were re
ceived. Those present were: ' Mr. and
Mrs. Bcott, daughters iBabelle and
auvo uu un irwin, Mrs. .Robert D.
Russell of Glasgow, Scotland, sister
7 - rB. tx. jriem-
t ; Catherine Curry. Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Nonntn T .
- , jbi. ouu jura.
J. J. NOonan, Sr Mr. and Mrs. John
Jiu voriew, Mr.
and Mr . tt vr rvpjiM. . .'-.r
Georse Miller. Mr. and Mri.-F.fS
' tarm. wuuam West.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rlef. Mrs. Lindsey
end daughter Margaret, Mrs. W. G.
Hayes ajBd. son, the Misses Margaret,
and Besl Scott, Gertrude
TfAJJ JobJ Verna Baoftstrom,
w - mwvs,.
-' ; " . ; . -'- -
-m S41 Bexts nclng party
W-i? b ?f W he Hotel Benson Mon
S5 I E!?' Fbruar3r 28. The affair
will be informal, and a full attendance
?5i-fSmber of the clnb "I their
menas is ,ttuw4. a ..i -
ll Cornell are in charge of
t' r-i - t :f "w"". ttaiston
rVJSSif ?W WW1 ui Fred L.
.v evenmrs entertatn
T committee includes'
M"r-' C- E- TraviUion, Ralph Da
Lano, Dr. Charles Randall. Dr. E. C
Jones, R. A. Perry, Harry A. WeileV
w,Myt7 nd W' Hazen, assisted
W th M1"Be" Ruth.. Johns? Axa G.
)flS.har,10tta,?atterocm- Ru" Duil
ul Mesdames James IL
toZ9T' ' U ConieU' Arthur c" Day-
, "
M.ra- Curtis Simmons has sent out
cards for a recital Wednesday after .
noon, . which ..she is - givins'at the
Benson. She will be assisted by Miss
Constanoe Piper at the -piano. .
i ' ' ' ? ';. st si ' sc. - ; ' '. r-i. ' ". i
?paJt oa Chrlstensen's haU
5-!?.n' '.completed the dancing
r"" r being resmued there. This
week both Monday and Tuesday eve-
l?ZJ?V? wUi'bt, wpecTS
interest, given by Mr. and : Mr a Chrls
tensan. Monday the ChrlstiSlon cluo
jru can make a delightful sham
poo with very little effort and for a
very trifling cost if you get -from your
druggist w a package of canthrox and
dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot
vter. Your shampoo is now ready.
Just pour a little at a tlms on the
scalp and rub brtakiv - Thi,
a' abundance of -thick, whlta .lather
that thoroughly dissolves and removes
aU dandruff, excess oil and dirt. After
rinsing, the hair dries quickly, with a
fluff lness that makes It seem heavier
than it !- mtiA tik,i ai risk l.t..
and softness that, make arranging it I
a nleasura. I
party will , be, an esBeeially arranged
affair and .Tuesday; night the Junior
Assembly club will give a Washing
ton s pirthday party. The patronesses
xor- tne arrair will be: Mrs. C. B.
Hurtt, Mrs. N. U. Carpenter. Mrs. W.
J. Hoffman. Mrs. J. B. Ettinger. Mrs.
J. Shemanski, Mrs. H.- W. Mitchell
ana airs. j. a. JtJurke. -a
0 - : -The
parishioners of the ' ' Madeline
church, in Irvington, will be. enter
tained Monday evening at the church
hall with a concert and entertainment
given by the choir and the children of
the school. The choir has prepared a
concert rendition of the "Bohemian
Girl." by Balfe, and "will give several
choruses and the principal solos of the
opera, .
The New England society's officers
and directors have planned what prom
ises to be a most delightful evening
for the. society's members and friends,
Thursday. February 24, at Cotillion
hall. Fourteenth street near Washing-
ton. A program of stage talent has
been arranged, to be fololwed by auc
tion bridge, "600" and dancing.' The
society membership list Is . Increasing
most gratifyingiy and applications are
constantly, coming in.- At .this rate
the society will soon be able to have
its own club rooms where former resi
dents of New England may renew old
memories and friendships as Svell as
extend a western greeting to all the
"home friends" who may visit? the
City of Roses. A varied evening of
awaits every guest at our meeting
next Thursday evening, and a large
attendance is promised.
.. . : ,.
- D. Matthew Taylor, 238 East Forty
sixth street, who had a birthday last
Tuesday, had almost forgotten the
fact t until a - group of his' neighbors
stepped 4n and forcibly reminded him.
Efforts to ascertain the number , of
years that had - passed -over his head
proved futile, as he kept insisting
that he was ""only 2 9." However, it
was known that in Pendleton's early
days he was one of the leading citi
zens 1 and figured , extensively in the
mining operations of eastern - Oregon.
Judges of Correct -
Engraving have " .
' alwaya looked
: upon GUI a aa on
J Authority v-..'.
Oh High-Class
" Card and Social
Stationery .
f r i
The 9,
1 Third and Alder.
tt TvtrfTrvTf tvw MtrvtTevee trti,TMvTVtvt W
(Second floor) .
- 1 '
The birthday visitors played 500?
during the evening, prizes being won
by Mrs. Charles X. Hogs and Fred O.
Mitchell. Those present were: - Mr.
and Mrs, George Schoboe and Clarke
Scboboe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Mitch
ell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor, . Mrs.
Adams and Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Tay
lor. . - . ' ',: . ' ,-
' - " ., . - '
The dance and card party given by
the , Ladies auxiliary of .the Spanish
war veterans at the Masonic temple
on Valentine eve was. a great success.
Among the prize winners at the card
games were Miss Margaret Reed and
Dan Leatherman, Miss Maud Melba
and Harry Thompson carried off the
honors as winners of the prize wait!:
t ' 'T:
Miss- Lucille Carroll Entertained a
number of frienda recently at her
home in City View park. Cards and
dancing were the features of the eve
ning. Stella Conrad and Chester An
derson, both well known In musical
circles, contributed with various vo
cal selections, accompanied by Miss
Rot ha Carroll. - Fernery and yellow
tulle adorned the pretty luncheon
tables Those enjoying Miss Carroll's
hospitality were: Misses Stella Con
rad, Lydia Schneider, Myrtle, Hummell.
Evelyn Kirby, Rot ha Carroll, Lydia
Dammeler, Messrs. Clark Hazlett, Al
bert Schneider, Roff Niete, Reed
Chamberlain, . William Harbke, Wayne
HERE is a word-sketch of three models, typical ,
;of Emporium individualityand value. v See
tnem an Monaay eacn sun seems more cniit
ingly lovely than the last -
" --At $224fO Jaunty -fan-club check, yoke style, the
sleeves and yoke cut in one piece. Fullness of Jacket is
:j caught with black satla sash firdle.
At $27.50 Stunning wide box panel back, with wide
belt extending around front. Waffle "moire collar and s
pipings. - Nayy gabardine. , -
., At $31J30 Charming Suit with shirred satin Medici
collar; ruffle flare jacket, caught with : narrow belt A
very new skirt, shirred and belted. "
" - The last word in silk or wool frocks, for every occasion. - r
AH tfnfirely new and different prettiest Portland has seen for.
many a day. See them in our. windows Sunday.
' $19.50 $23.50 $26.50 $29.50
,". OamisB aloa, Beooad Sloe '
!... ,.11,1
3 o"- C5TT ,ANra
i; ill
134-128 SixthSu Just cftMti&shirucn.
7 'J
y 4
Carroll, Herbert Darnell, Chester An
derson, Charles Von Ryan. Jay . Pad
dock, -Edward White, Mr. ' and Mrs.
Sydney Hatcher, .Mr. and Mrs. CV L.
: - - -St . at - .. :v :
A St. Valentine party was given at
the attractive, home of Mr. and Mrs
William r Dailey of Portland Heights,
where cards and dancing . were en
joyed until a late hour. Quantities
of red hearts and greenery were used
about the rooms. High scores were
in favor of Miss Antoinette Manin and
Oris Burnham. Dainty heart favors
merited places xorj Mr. and Mrs. J.
Hutchlngs, Mr. and Mrs. J. White.
Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Dailey, Miss An
toinette Manin, Miss Jennie Langford,
Miss Bertha Moodie, Miss Lydia Dam
meler,: J. Keller. Lloyd Stevens, James
Manin, O. Burnham, St, Dennis. :
Cupid won a game on . Valentine's
day that but two persons knew was
to be played. David B. Petri and Miss
Mae Van Vleet were quietly marl red
last Monday afternoon while relatives
supposed they were ; at the theatre.
Friends knew Of the engagement, but
the marriage was not expected until
late this .fall. .
- Mr. 1 and Mrs. Petri rented a neat
bungalow only 'a few blocks from the
homi of aha bride, had the Inside all
retinted and completely - furnished.
even to a store of groceries; in the
iiits--rrresistiDle !
Iri tke Blouse 5kdp--
A newcomer In wide satin stripe Habutai- flesh, maize and NUe.
And best of all, the price is only 3.351 . nam rioor
pantry, without one of the neighbors
even "catching on." .
a- ' c '
Miss Marguerite Schanz entertained
Saturday - with a delightful Valentine
party. The afternoon was much en
Joyed with "600," the honors falling
to Miss Mable Metcalf and Miss Irene
Bunnell The . house was decorated
with red hearts, streamers and clus
ters of red carnations.' After refresh
ments,, the balance of the afternoon
was devoted - to music and dancing.
Those present were the Misses Frances
Palmer, Irene Gansneder, Mable Met
calf, Nellie Williams, Florence Oliver,
Mary McDonald, Flora' Clark. Gertrude
Wackrow and Irene Bunnell.
- The dancing party given by the
Washington High alumni at the Lau
relhurst clubhouse - Thursday evening
was an even greater success than
hoped for by those in charge. Nearly
100 guests were present and enjoyed
the dancing, which occupied most of
the evening. Mrs. Charles Cox . won
clever readings were enthusiastically
applauded and she responded to two
encores. Miss Marion Bennett and
Carol Day each; gave splendid vocal
numbers and encores. From .the at
tendance and spirit, the newly reor
ganised alumni Jhas a bright future
with many more such good times in
tore for its members. ; f -
v The women's auxiliary to the Ger
man Red Cross have postponed their
ball, which was to have been given to
morrow evening at the German house,
until Saturday evening of next week
at the same place.
'm "-;
Mrs. Lenora Sykes of Fargo, N. D..
is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Wer-
icin. ana wm remain over to join the
Rosarians on their cruise to Honolulu
tn April. , ,
. One of the principal social events of
the coming week wlli be the reception
which - Willamette chapter. Daughters
of the American Revolution,' will give
Tuesday at the Irvington home of Mrs.
J. ILv Bagley, in honor Of .Washing
ton's birthday. This , lv the day . of
days to all loyal Daughters, and la
observed in some special way wherever
there is a chapter organized. All
Daughters are especially invited, and
an effort has been made by the com
mittee to reach every member in the
city, that she may have the oppor
tunity of thus honoring the father of
his country.
"" .
Mrs. .A. B. Brown of Rupert Station
gave, a Valentine party , Monday evo-
ping, February 14, complimenting her
friend. Mrs. V. G. Benvle of Portland,
who ;ls visiting - her. The house was
(Continued on Following Page)
profusion, o:i .
Cherry's' Credit Clothing Shop has
never been behind' another store - tn
Portland in smartness of stocks dis
played. - But this Spring's- showing
so .- . a til ekas m si rlr than svr : ai
Never were Suits more distinct! ve5)
Dresses more charming, coats more
graceful, or BKirts ana waisis prei
tier or more replete with spring
hMntv anil newness! Every sarment
is correct ana oi iat n; nn-mnu
everything is for sale ON INdTALL-
: You probably would not have enough
cash to buy even one of the new
things you want for weeks, perhaps
months, at any other store. But at
CHERRY'S a small first payment is
enough just follow it up with easy
mvminti while you're wearing your
J new clothes. - . ' . t ,
: Womcil are particularly entnusiasnu
over - the new one-piece Dresses In
Cherry's advance sprinar displays.
They're the prettiest ever shown
you'll say so when you see them. And
here's r another tempting offering:
Corduroy Sport Suits and Coats in
white and delicate shades of blue,
gren. etc. , .. . . .
" Their ; store i is conveniently- located
at 880-891 Washington street, in the
Pittock block.-Adv.
Bring your' material or garment to
make over. Nowjs the time. Reguisr
course taught.' Phone Main 8702. 60J
Oekum Blag. -
r :
yTJ7 '6i
aai4ititkiiMkiiiiiiMitititiwuiiieaaaAasAtfte4 4si