The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1916, Page 41, Image 41

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lVIias Cornell Cook who is prominent In. tbe activities of the Junior League sewing room.
Ncvg for tmblleatlon - In tfca Snndmr
oetety MfM most b la Tb Joarnal of
tics b rridaj tftemooii.
By Nona Lawnr.
ITTLrB Dan Cupid, flaming red
hearts and all the rest of tbe
' I St. Valentin features have fig
ured In the weeks entertaining
just past. There is np type of
party so auunns to tbe bostees. and
affairs were exceptionally attractive
and numerous. Beginning' Monday
with the Visiting Nurses' big- charity
tea at the Portland,- the little god of
love who characterises the spirit of
6t Valentine " has ruled through the
entire week, f
- Engagements were - made known,
there has even been a whisper of early
spring weddings. Jonquils, tulips and
freesias deck every tea table, and, all
together, we know that , spring Is ap
proaching. v - t
4 '"f ' ' : . ;.. ....
i The Monday Night Dancing club's
fourth party of the series- for, this
M-M linn will hA Hvitn tnntAfmw .f.
!nlng at the Benson, and. will be a lln-
r uance, lariini M o ClOCK. :
An apron sale is the next venture
to be fostered by the Junior League
Sewing room. That U the sewing room
that , will turn out the aprons under
contracts from leading stores, thus
meeting the running expenses for 'an
other, month. The stores have agreed
to . handle the output; of the sewing
room, which will solve one of the big
problems in connection with it.
The one cim of the sewing room is
to give employment to women in need.
The Junior League, in taking hold of
this work this season, have grown up,
o to speak. They have been organised
but six years, and are made up of a
group of society girls and- young
matrons ; who have hitherto devoted
their spare: time to assisting other
charities. Tbe sewing room which was
operated by subscription last year at
The Journal building opened a splen
did new avenue of philanthropic work,
and the Junior.' League has carried it
on this 'Winter with 1 great success.
It Is the first definite constructive
work that . they have undertaken.' and
its serious duties have taken '-much
time and thought. The 'Organisation
Is non-eectaraian,.and in their employ.
;K. S, ERVIN & C0.;LT0.r
Csstem Clstsiag -. '.
V. WOMES, "V .
srcoiro nooi, sx:XiZ.XHO Btaa.
ment of some 20 or more women a
week since last November, they have
cooperated with the following insti
tutions: The Visiting Nurse Asso
ciation, the People's . Institute, the
Neighborhood House, the Associated
Charities, the Catholic Women's league
and the city free employment bureau.
All women who are given a card by
any one of the organisations for one
or two weeks' work at the sewing
room are employed. The rent of the
sewing . machines and the materials
are the only expenses, and over 91600
has. been paid out in salaries to the
unemployed women since the opening
last November.
The aprons which are now to be
made are of a unique pattern and are
not ' to be purchased on the market
in any other -way. The members of
the 'leaguer are -promoting the sale of
the aprons, as the sewing room will. In
this way, T carry itself for another
month. On the ' advisory board are;
Mrs. Julius Loulsson, Mrs. James
Laidlaw, Rev. 'Father O'Hara, J. C
English and Adoire woire.
. ' -
. Throngs ; of . society matrons and
maids called at tbe Portland hotel
Monday afternoon at the -Visiting
Nurse association's annual Valentine
birthday .tea.. In tiny silken bags
coins were received at the door, one
for - each year of tbe . donor's age.
Mrs.- Elgmund Frank and Miss
Virginia - Wilson received the bags,
and greeting the' guest 'about 'the
rooms were, the members of the social
committee .of the association. Mrs. A.
A. Morrison had charge of the sale of
home made candy and a bevy of at
tractive debutantes assisted her in
selling. They, included: The Misses
Jean Mfrrison, Helen Ladd, Louise
Bradley, Mary Stewart Smith. . Cather
ine Holbrook, - Rhode, Rumelin, Marian
Citron, Kemtia KJoaterman, Gretchen
Klosterman and Barbara . Bartlett.
presiding at ' the tea table the first
hour were Mrs. C 8. Jackson, Mrs.
Solomon Blumauer, Mrs. Kurt H.
Koehler tand Mrs. Lewis Mills. The
second hour Mrs. JHency C., Cabell,
Mrs. Edward Ehrman. Mrs,. F. O.
Downing and Mrs. Helen Ladd Oor
.bett:pouredv .... vvc k,:. .
.Musical numbers were given during
the afternoon by Waldemar Llnd. vio
Unist, - Accompanied by S. R. Trayle
and Harry. Wedemeyer, baritone, with
Mlsa Constance Piper acoompanying.
At E o'clock Mlas Axia Paget gave
two .solo dance numbers, and general
dancing followed. :
All the appointments ef the affair
Were Quite informal.
.r.y::? , ; -y.
- Miss Lesley Smith's engagement to
Charles Miller caused a furore of com
ment the early part of the week. Both
young people are popular in society
and: will doubtless be much enter
tained. Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett, a sis
ter of Miss Smith, made the first an
nouncement at a luncheon last Satur
day afternoon and Mater In the day
Mrs.. Helen Ladd Corbett received at
an Informal tea for a number of maids
and men of the smart set when- the
news -was also told. --
Wednesday; evening Miss. Genevieve
Brooke will , give a' dinner party . for
Miss Smith . and Mr. Miller. t the
Brooke . residence, "Fircllf f."
'S-' - V5 ' I' i v . ?
- Tomorrow" " evening ' the. . Florence
Crittenton Home Benefit at the Hailig
theatre,; when the ' first night perfor
mance of1 -lt Pays to Advertise' will
begiven" f or: charity. Is an' auspicious
opening for this week. The box hold
era . Include a host of. prominent so
ciety people.
Mrs. Edward II. Brooke -and her
daughter. Miss Genevieve,' will leave
the last or tois month for caurorma
to pass the month of March at Del
Monte. Mrs. Theodore Wilcox and her
daughter. Miss Claire, will also be at
Del Monte for the month. Mrs. Brooke
and . her daughter expect to go to
Honolulu for the month of April, In
which case Miss Wilcox will Join them.
They expect to return to Portland at
all events about May first, when the
Brookes will be domiciled at the Wav-
erley club for the spring and summer.
Mrs. Marion T. Maus.was one of the
hostesses of the week 'entertaining at
luncheon for . 13 on Thursday after
noon . at her apartments in the Alex
andra Court. - i
Saturday afternoon Mrs., Edward H.
Brooke gave an informal luncheon for
12 at her home at Rlverdale.
m m m
Foremost of the larger functions of
the week was' tbe tea Friday given by
Mrs. William H, Lines, to which about
160 maids and matrons were bidden.
Mrs. Marion Dolph and Mrs. George
Warren assisted the hostess in re
ceiving.. . . . .
.. ' . O i . '. :
Congratulations are being showered
on Mr. and Mrs. Chester. G. Murphy on
the arrival Friday of a baby girl who
has been named for Mr. Murphy's
mother Catherine Elizabeth. ,-
. ; r
About 200 guests attended the reg
ular irvington ciut dancing party
Friday -evening. It was a leap year
Valentine party, and the - hall was
gay scene, with Its at rings '-, of red
i Continued on Following Page)
Helen Igoe
Shop for Women .
' - .... 1 - - -.(
Portland Hotel
Exdiisiye Styles 4 :
&jd Individual Models
Suits. . . V. .$67.50 to $187.50
Coats . j.. . ;r$62.50 to $150.00
Dresses vi. $50.00 to $175.00
Ev'g downs $75.00 to' $350.00
Blouses ....$. 6.75 to $ 50.00
The favor of inspection
- cordially invited '
Anpther' Week to '
Devoted to This Mac,
Remarkabl e Event!
The Offerings to Be a Repetition in Value-Giving. LeaHins J,lzr.n
facturins Concerns Continue to Contribute to This
ju ivij 3vuuit ui um okuivi vw i(o wvi a.ji. aw vuua atiu MiuiiiiiiuiiLiv uivvvt v.vv-e iti l ii v i v Hi u i
that many, additional new bargains will be noted when the sale enters into its second week toniorryv
A. rI3 T 171 FHi -.- J
l rrr t S r- WCdl TUUK Ul UUUU I tuo et or six omri cxm
5ci m mr ir sSc -.
H', L-f V .. .-1 i j Feurteen-qnart dlshpan.
PSffcjEJZf f5rH ' " : ' ! Kxtr, large else, spring seat, eush. V C 1 7 C
I Wf I 1 4 hi I 111 Choice of Irish Point." Cluny or i 'I
II ft I C I iH Arabian, two to four pairs
ei n Ki A rm mi wa
r.L-i'rh - M m $6.35 RANGES
ill f- I I - U I . Cluny, Antique or Duchess, two to
IcZ? "- Bix Pa1" ot a kind.
i - ft. 'fT"! V
Cggshell china s in the new blue
. dragon design. Bowl
. - , , shaped cups. . -
SST TBmEB rxsciis.
Feurteen-quart dlshpan, covered
, saucepair and handled sauoe
. pan. extra weight. ,
. $7.85
Antique or Arabian, two to four
pairs of a kind.
A Quantity of Usecl Gas
and Steel
In This Rummage Sale at
Radical Reductions.
. (870 moss Bvmt tcm
. $19.85
Large sise, carved doors and feel;
Finished In mahogany, with long
. ; glass, drawers on both sides. .
S3S40 xokars exsza
Extra large sise, spring seat, eush.
" ion back.
Full reed body, mohair auto hood,
good condition. :
$9M WaUnrt TABX.X TO
Oval top, dainty design.
ff $385
Nk $175 7
Worth $1.75 to S3 a pair, slighUy
. soiled, Kottingham, Bungalow
Nets. etc.
. , 65c
Betterquality, worth up to $2.50
per pair. Slightly mussed.
High - Grade Mahogany
and Walnut
Dining Room and
Chamber Pieces .
$83.60 Mahogany,
nlal Grandfather's
for -.4
$72 Mahogan:
for . . .
? $36.75
Dent m-
..Uf! $29.75
s$8 Sheraton Inlaid
Dresser, rummage , price
$375 Three - Piece Ma
hogany Post Colonial 1 JT CA
Dinlng-Room Suite for 10 .OVr
$92 Extra Large Double-Door,
60-inch Colonial Qf CA
China Closet , J0.OI
$451 Louis Xvr All-Ma- .
hocany Four - Piece C1QQ tf
Chamber - Suite for. ...4 ivH.UU
$126.00 Colonial- Walnut.
60 - inch Dresser, tripli
cate mirrors. .. .... . .
: $52.25
fetal - Trimmed Buffet, CyfO OA
v., ........ tTJrJ
$160 72-inch
for ,
'$8$ ; Sheraton ; Mahogany QQC CA
'China' Closet. ..... . . . ,. . J400.JU
"$331 - Three-Piece Wal- , -nut
Colonial Chamber fQ ff
Suite for. . ........ ly.UU
$65 '' ' Mahogany 4 8 -inch
Poster Dresser.
$60 Mahogany Colonial
Rummage Bargains in
Tapestry, Denim and
Leather-tovcred ":
Chairs and
$33.60 Karpen Tap- 1 A QA
estry Arm Chair f . ip 1 U
$38.60 High Wing
Back Mahogany 017 QCS
Denim Rocker for P A fJ
$80 Karpen Leath- (OQ 7ft
er. Easy Chair for tyOJ 4 V
$52.00 Mahogany
High - Back Kar- OQ A(
pen Chair for ... fJI
$46.50 Loose-Cuan-ionTapestry
Rock- 23 1Q
$35.00 Hoose-Cush-
lon Denim Living- $61 C QC
Room Chair for. fiUtOO
$40.00 Arm Rocker e r Cf
in panne plush Tor V Oil
$80.00- Jacobean
Cane Settee for. ,
$75.00 Denim Cov- '
ered Jacobean Set. ffOO Cf
t for. . .
e 4
jff ,$155
B colonial y
H .. BUFFET- ffl.
913 to 919 xaxooabt
. coxkosb
Choice of four patterns, very
large, extra quality.
. Covered in genuine Spanish
, leather, oak frame.
' $18.95 :
. Rummage Buffets
China Closets, Chairs
$47.60 Large Fumed Colo- CIO
nlal China. Closets for.., V"! w .
2.0 j
ft r M
Enameled in white, two side shelves.
Colonial design, extra large sice,
Ten large filers, continuous-post
pattern.'' -
Massive in construction, heavy
filler rods.
' $4;45
' .' All brass, unique design.
$9.80 v
48 Inches, fumed oak,'. very massive.
$t.75 Stlckley Fumad t
! Serving Table for. ... .... y
$2.96 Oak Saddle - Seat
lat Back Dining Chairs O
for ... .. ................ v
$4.$0 - Slip i Leather-Seat f
Dinlng-Room Chairs for.. V
$10.75 Box-Frame Slip
Leather-Beat Dining $
, Pbairs for . V
.... j-- . . -
$160 73-lnch Fumed 'Stick
ler Buffet, splendidly made
$57 . Fumed Buffet, carved flft p '
base and claw feet, for. . . vlJ.Uu
$16 Stlckley Fumed But- "3 I f o
f et, 54 inches, for ...... . . 'l.C J
$48.60 Quartered Oak Buf- CIA T
fat; extra- latte site, f or y -'
A- ' $54.60 Colonial Quartered ?00 C"
". $ 14.95 0ak Bu" avjl v
$85.00 Three-EUths Qg
Knamel Bed for. t ... V A0.570
$88.75 Full-Sixe Wal-C1 C OA
nut Bed for ........ VlO.OU.
$48.00. Ivory. Cut (1 T- Ofi '
Panel Bed for....... sl.00
$33 Mahogany . Post 01 9 Oft
Bed for .'. . . . . J 1 d.?U
$69.60 Mahogany eiQ AC
Twin Bed for. . . . , . ij) 1 V,00
Never Before Such Low
Prices on . - -
Wood Beck
$36.50 Hther
Kour-Fost. Bed for
$85.00 Three SUths
1 Brass and Iron Beds
S c o res of The m at
Prices Less Than . Cost
of Production. .
m., - suite: - J
hlffonier, extra large MO 7C
...... vw.i
H " buffet ' ; - !m
Go-Carts, Sulkies
$3.25 Black Side
walk Sulkies, with
$14.60 Auto-Hood
Go-Carts for. .....
$9.60 Oriole Go-Bas
kets for . . .
$27.75 Stnrgia Go. (lo 'tC
Cart for.......... rA.15
'WT' -'$89.50- :
ff OAK !.
Lowest Prices Ever
Art Glass Electric
- Domes ' v-l'.'
$15 Art Glass : Dome, 22 T QP
inches V
$45 ' Art Glass Dome. ; 24
$1$ Art" Glass Dome, 20
Inches ... ..-... . .-..
$25 Art Glass IDome, 20
incnes . . . .-. . . ..... , .
$50 . Art. Glass .Dome, 24 Ol OfV
inches : i i. . . : ; . r ; . V A. 51
$35 -'Art Glassy Dome,- 24" f'
$15.C0 L
Dining Table
$18.50 v Plank Tdp, f Qf
pedestal pattern ylU3U
$26.50 - Q u artered -"
Oak, Round. Pedesr CI 4. QC
tal Base .. ep A".i7i
$29.75 Group Ped- v
estal Pattern fiC
Quartered ........ V A .Oi
$14.50 ' 45 - lnc?j tfj Qt
Scroll Base Table j .5
$56.75 Mahogany '
CoKmlal..i..4$ inch gg
$43. 5 0" Jacobean "'ji. .: --
6 4-inch -Dining QQ Q(
Table . ... . . ...... .
$46.78 4$il Sher- 4?fT TC
aton Dining Table 9
$25.75 48-in.. Quar-4f O-OC
tered Dining Table V A .73
$35 43 -In. Octa- 41 f etS
gon Base Table. . . V .97
$ 13.6 0 Maple Dressing 4P 7 1 f
Table, , large mirror . . . ... OilU
$39.75 'Maple Princess 41 C QC
Dresser, finely, made. ylut?9
'$$2.00 ..Blrdseye 'Maple 7C
'Dresser,- extra large lM.. -ynlwf
' $16.75 Gray , Finished 45 7 QO
' Dresser for ; v i uO
$27.60 Quartered Oalc 4511 CC
L Colonial Dresser ........ 1.00
$12.50 . FuU-Base, l4trge-- 45 7 4Q
Glass Dresser: ............ V eO
$19.75 Golden Dresser, 451ft
: large mirror . V A w.O9
$17.60.Quar tere A Oak C QC
Dressing Table '.. V - -
$26.00 White Enamel f10 CC
- Dresser for yl6D3
$37.60 Birdseye Chlf-45
bonier for v
. $17.75 Large Glass Dress- 45
v-er for ........ .i. O
1. $14.76 Five-Drawee: Chi f- v Q-fXC
' fonier.r.with' glass 1 : .-. . . , V 0
Greatest Values Ever in
GarjpeiLs . aisiid7 IRiag
- Carpet Remnants '.
Nine-yard piece $1.25 Brus. ft
sels, per yard ............ wJ7C
10. 67. 4i; 2$- TO-
yard pieces $1.35 Velvet, yd. 7C
10 and $4-yard pieces $1.65 TO
Velvet at, the yard.:,....; fC
12-yard piece $L36 Velvet
at , the yard .............. VJC
i Remnant Linoleums
Klght-yard piece tOo JJn- yf
oleum at the yard. w
12 H -yard 'piece $0o Linol. 45
turn at tbe yard.... , WC
$ 2-3-yard piece $0u. Lin- AO
oleum au the yard ......... 3 C'
t 2-3-yard piece $1.50 Inlaid 71?-,
linoleum at, the yard...... 5C
Six-yard piece $L60 Inlaid
Linoleum at, the yard U
- Four-yard piece $1.25 Inlaid ftf
Linoleum at, the yard ..... V C
Rare Bargains in Used Rugs .
$33.00 Body Brussels 41 Off $33.0o' Body Brussels 41 T PT?
Rug. 8-xl0-, blue... ViO.OO Rugs, blue and tan... y I OJ
433 Scotch Rug. 9x12 41 Cft ' 1 Wnton V 1 r t 1 A f?n
slxe Hit ............. VJV Rug, 6-9x9 sire, for.. ylw.wU
$35 Velvet Rug,' else 41 Q QA ' $22.60 Scotch Rut ClflTfl
11-2x11-2. for VlOiW sixe 9x12, for... JlJL.J
tM -yard piece Brussels Car- TQ
pet at. the yard........... f C
4 hi ' and 1 2 tt-yard pieces !Ql,
Velvet Carpet at. the yard..-OSC
$2M Axminster Rugs . $20 to $3 Bath Rus
Mottled Axminster f
AULS A-1 isWIVb va
colors cite 2Tx64
n m. 1$r ; af "Rsi r pV
sww w ' st t ' m s in
Rugs m various JTVr'ir l
- ' i
sixes and eolors.
Examine Our Show Win
: dow$5ee i What We ;
T"'-.-. Are Doinrr'
n (fEiiti.,
I :
1 'iiMr