The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1916, Page 16, Image 16

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-We Baste and Fit Plain- Restful.-. appotntrnerits, Chiropodist in A tt end
Tailored Skirts, SOc; Wholesome, -.- A ppetizing ' ance Daily. Appointments
Pleated Skirts, 75c, When Foods and Quick, Service by Phone or Personal Visit
Materials A re .Bought Delight Our- Restaurant Manicuring Parlo rs,
Here Second-Floor; Patrons Ninth Floor. , , Fifth Floor, Fifth Street.
Furs Stored in Our Soda Fountain Special: We Cut, Fit and Finish
Vaults- Are Protected Hot Chocolate, Whipped Man-Tailored Skirts $130
Against M othsiFire,Theft Cream, Choice of Sand- and $2JS0 if Materials Are
or Loss. Expert Repairing : wich; Pie or Cake, 20c Bought Here Second
and Remodeling 4th Fl.: Basement, Sixth Street. Floor, Fifth Street.
Agreement rted Been ; Made
' by. .City and-County,' but
; Men Do Not Show Up. ; .
2018fJYdrdi 6f2
- as1ss,a' . .'
- L -.r-'
Series Silks
TliBrtdsjr Tn Xn W Ssat Ont fcy
Cityi Imt Thin Was Hot Xnoufh
. . ' , to Xo tbo Wort. ' .
. ''Althoush the county -has been pre
pared since last Tuesday morning to
fulfill its agreement to cooperate with
'tlja city' in the working of Kelly Butte
rock quarry,-, the plant ; 4s still Idle.
Under, tbe i agreement between Com
mlssloner -Baker and Mayor Albee, on
"the part of the eliy-, etadthe board of
count jr.eofnmlssJbtiers,the:lty .-was to
furnish, 'force of knert - adequate to
' operate the - quarry'-"at Its full capa-
This agreement was not, put - in writ
ing, but the mayor; gave sstrance.,to
i the commissioners' that, the cltycouli
furnish at leasf SO men daily .to carry
oh the work. . When tbe quarry wpened
Tuesday morning, there were-Just two
city prisoners available. V; l ! ,
, . In tbe expectation "of entertaining a
large force of city prisoners, the coun--ty
had sent a quartet of beef to Kelt y
Uotte, William Katehel, euperlntena-
eht of county, properties, also had em
ployed three guards,' a cook, engineer
and powder man. There was nothing
"for thla crewr t do, except : wait for
. the -city to make good ; with its -.force
of . workmen. - The county Js footing
the bills for the guards .. and others
necessary to take car of the prison
ers; who are supposed to open the
quarry. . " " '
' AgalnTc Wednesday morning the
county: force reported for duty at the
butte. No .'city prisoners arrived. ..By
Thursday It ,; wasV a' little ' different.
The city, sent out 10 men. about .one
third of the force necessary" fqr' proper
-operation of the plant. No work could
be done. '
, There were no prisoners on hand
this morning, and' not a wheel has
'turned at the quarry.
'More than 90 men have come before
Municipal Judge Lngguth since the
quarry was-; ready -for operation, but
most of the "offenders have been per
mitted to go free.
Assistapt Pastor ;oi;
Church Transferred
. . " '
Bar. X. O. Greens Wiu Become Factor
of the Methodist Episcopal Church
. at Croldendale, Washington.
, Rev. II. G. Greene, since June,. 1914,
assistant pastor of the First Methodist
-episcopal f church t of this- city, ha
been .transferred -from the Oregon con
ference of the,-church. to the Columbia
.river conference, "and will "become' pee
tort of the Methodist Episcopal church
at Goldendale, Wash.
Rev. Walter L. .Airheart. castor of
'the Goldendale church, haa been trans?
rerred to the Oregon conference, and
. will succeed, Mr. Green as assistant
- pastor here. The exchange la effective
. March.l.r ,, : . .
'- Mr, Greene has a preference' for
pastoral work, although he has made
.a striking (Success of his department
or church affairs here In Portland ;
, while Mr. Airheart Is a Sunday chool
and social service worker. It Is said
-that.- while nominally assistant, pastor,
Mr. iAIrbeart will In reality be the
educational secretary or the - First
Methodlut -church.
i ' Mr. Airheart Is at present represen
tative of the Columbia river conference
on the board of trustees of WiUamette
university m :
Market Expert to
. . Im. OoodseU, of Hew Tork ana X.on
don, XMelaxea Well Qnalifled to Aid
Growers With Xelpfnl Information.
E.' I Good sell, market expert of
NiwiTork and Iiondon. will speak In
Portland at a meeting of fruit grow
ers In the T. M. C A--auditorium on
Wednesday, March 1. ...
Mr. Goodsell's help has been asked
5 n working out a marketing system
for " some, of . the ; California., products
that are .now glutting the market.
There is. a. great movement on In Cal
ifornia.', toward - manufacturing and
j narketlng; by-products of fruit, espe
cially dried peaches. .
Mr, Goodsell's long 'connection with
large fruit Interests In Covent Gar
den, LiOndon. aa well as his experlenco
In New York, makes him well. quali
fied. faiDlrector Welnstock's opinion,
to aid the growers with helpful Infor
mation. - - 1
Mr. Ooodseirvaees a great future ex
port ' business- direct by steamship
from the Pacific northwest, and has
. t repared , soma definite i plans along
this line. ' ' -
The-meeting at the T. M. C. A, au
cltorlttm wlU'be In the evening, at 8
o'clock. ; -. .v -.. . ' .v
Slated fqr Position
Salem. - Or., FebV !. Fred G Buch
fl. active bead . of , the state weights
. id measures" department, announced
t oday that on Monday he will appoint
: pence Wortman of Portland supervis
s 5g' sealer of -b entire state. . Wort
nan will have charge of the enforce
7 enl of the . regulation as to specf
l ications. Ho will also. see that ecales
hipped? into 'the state meet requlre
j lents. .
drockett's Niece
Leaves Poor House
" it i '. " a-. ': "i''. - - j
Sherman, Texas.. FK, 19.-(U. P.)--.
r avy Crockett niece baa left the poor.
I ouse. After llvlng-J on; the 5 county's
bounty for two years, Mrs. Mary Mat
l ey. 84: has been given a home by Or.
I avid H. Teems of this elty. Mrs Ut
t ey is a daughter of Patterson Crock -fit,
brother of the Davy Crockett of
Alamo fame.- She says she can dls
t .nctly remember - "Uncle' DaTjr, as p.
v.sitor at her rather'e borne when she
w as about 4 years old.i Mra. Matney
39 born in Gibson county, Tennessee.
1 lived fdr several years In .Cedar
mty, Missouri. She has been mar-
i ' fV" but has no children. ?
Chic Hats
New Knox, Burgesser,
, . Vogue, Hyland Models :
And such variety! Brightly hued and,
soberj-huedj small and close-fittinj,1 or
; large ' and droopy r- tailored, semi-tailored
and flower-and-foliage-adorned models.
We .Cordially invite . you to visit. .our:
beautiful Millinery,; Salons 'and ."try on,
some.of these new hatsthey're charm-;
lng and very moderately pricedl w-...
. -jrou-th rioor. Sixth Street
NEW! Ttfey're -just the iilks
you' ver, been; reading about .
irf "all the; Fashion Journals -crisp
and -fresh as the season itself ! Silks
; ' will rustle everywhere this Spring:,.;
in dresses, suits, voluminous skirts, -.
basques, - blouses and what - not ,
f And " the irony of. it' is that - silks
, v ire f soaring , steadily, rapidly, and
' daily-becoming more scarce.V Figure , "
1 u for yourself : Raw silk a year ago
, cost $3.60 a pound today it is" scarce ; ,
On Sale Monday
Only !r See: Fifths
and Alder Window
. -V sffl II sT 111 ! Ill WJT -
DYES, that : cost 40c a pound
. . last-yeV cari hardly be pur-
chased at-$10 today I
-These silks are just received the
- patterns , are s the latest "1916 vin-'
Cage" crisp taffetas with broad sat-
in self stripesand narrow "candy" :
stripes, Pekin stripes, Jacquard pat
. , terns all in the most 1 fascinatingly
lovely Spring combinations. ,
The value is so unusual we advise :
you to come early!- . - - ' '
Beoond oor,.fth Street -
On Sale Monday nj
Only! See Fifth
and Alder Window O
' strive
New Blouses
; J Dressy Models of Silk
, and Crepe and Lace
In a. rainbow maze i of colorings New
Blouses' displayed in the Blouse Shop I
Georgette crepes, In charming divetsity
of coloring and style. Soft, filmy laces,
combined with crepe; new figured crepes
and dozens of modifications of the quaint
frilled styles.
Priced at 6.50 to 25.
-, fourth TIoot, Oeatral
NeW RiblMiiieltie
The 'fad for siilE.of every, nature brings r!bbons ; to'
the foref You've never; seen ribbons put to such artistic
and varied' uses as now -Spring hats, exquisite bags,
dressing ; gowns,', camisoles, collars, capes, skating sets,
slippers, 'caps and a hundred and one other dainty
articles made entirely of rjbbohl
The finished Novelties priced from $2
to $25. Ribbons i from to ?9 inches
priced from a few cents ta $10 a yard:
Kayser "Leatherette"
GlaPairl$10 ;
They're new ? and ' good-looking; - but, - better still,
they're washable. ; Far Jess: expensive than . leather rand
far more comfortable, and. practicable for street or even
ing wear. - , ' , ,.:' ' "
Black,' white, tan, 1 gray, biscuit and natural , shades
at si Main Floor, Fifth Street.
Patriotic Dinner Favors, Table' Decorations and Red, White and Blue
Paper Novelties.
Lunch Sets Red, white and blue
effects, complete, sets 50c ' v
Table Covers Red, .white and
blue paper covers, each, 25c " ,
Crep Paper Red, white and blue
the roll, 25c and 15c
Seals and Cut-Out A great var
iety to choose from, pkg., 10c
Paper Napkina Patriotic red,
-white 'and blue, dozen, 5c
Washinfton Place' and Score Carda
Dozen, 35c and 25c
Paper Flats Red, white and blue
' - - paper, doz., 35c and 20c
Sutionery and Cards Red, white
and blue boxes, 50c and 35c
noer, Sixth Street
i Book Lovers Have You Read -
Life and Cabriella, by Ellen GIlS-
tow, $i5.t -.
Clipped Winrs, by .Rupert Hughes,
v priced at $15. :
Shadow - of ' Flames, by . Ainelie
' . Rlvevt - $1.35.
Mr-Marx's Secret, E. Phillips pp
penheim. - SlO. .
'Borkeees Army; by Julie M. Llpp-
.msui. 91.25.-.
The - Golden Scarecrow, by Hugh
Aaaa&t Baleomy
Kayser "ZephyrNew Silk
You appreciate what the word "Kayser"
means on' Women's Silk Underwear-ln fact,
anything' made of silk. .And zephyr tsilk
Kayser considers the "highest . product" of
his art, not only for beauty, but durability
and washability. You will. find these the
most serviceable ' undergarments ever pro
duced by this famous manufacturer.
-Just received - and 'shown - for the first
time,-camisoles, knickers, vests, envelope
chemise,' bodices, etc., exquisitely lace
trimmed or tailored. See the whole , win
dowful of ithem today. Fifth street.
Priced Prom $2 to $6 ,
Tloor, anzth Street
An Announcement Big With Interest to
Alii Who Look for Desirable Qualities
Hundreds of leather articles one, ; two or; just
a few; of a kind brought to light by inventory to
be disposed of at once. Regardless of former fig
ure or .even cost prices have been cut right, in
half! Now is the time to buy leather gifts rgrad
uation, wedding, 'bon voyage' and card party
prizes at biggest savings! .
6.00 Toilet Cases now $3.00
3.50 Toilet Cases now $1.75
2.00 Medicine Cases $1.00
50c Medicine Cases now 25c
2.50 Game Sets now. $1.25
13.00 Game Sets now S1.RO
1.75 Game SetSxnow at 85c
4.00 Flasks-priced at $2.00
2.00 Flasks priced
at $2.
at $1.
3.50 Flasks priced at $1.75
1.00 Engagement, Books 50c
75c Engagement Books at 38c
5.00 Picture Frames at $2.50
3.00 Picture Frames at $1.50
1.00 Picture Frames at 50c
75c Book Covers' priced-at 35c
50c Book Carers priced at 25c
IZalm nooz. auzth Street
iMENTjGl a d W
Touch of Spriri
That foretaste of Spring in the air
is realized in the garments shown
in our apparei Salons. ; A brilliant
rose frock glows beside a pastel blue
. one, while soft greens and taupes
and navy blues prove a pleasing con
trast! ;
Dresses range from i a - 'simple
peasant-like smock as illustrated
to the richly embroidered taffeta
and Georgette also show,n. '
Suits show quite as much variety.
The sports suit illustrated is of blue
wool jersey, and the dressier model
of rich Cbarmeuse in dull cedar
tone. -
arriving, daily. V-
' ronrth Tleor. nfth Street ;
With the
For Summer Froejcs
We're Displaying Heaps of the Prettiest
Tub Fabrics the Best We've Ever Shown .
Such daintiness and prettlness, such sheerness and exquisite
color combining has seldom been achieved in wash materials. Come
In tomorrow and let us show you the v .
NEW LINENS for dresses will be more popular than ever.
Coarse, fine and mummy weaves, exquisite new colorings, 36 and
45 Inches wide, yard, 7Bc.
HOLLY BATISTE a most charming and inexpensive tub dreis
material . White and tinted, grounds, floral, stripe, dotted pat
terns. 30 Inches wide, yard, 15c 'y
NEW SKIRTINGS Heavy white skirtings are very popular
this Summer. We've the most splendid assortment, stripes, dots,
figures, 36 and 40 inch, yard, 75c to $1.25.
NEW., WAISTINGS Charming new white embroidered voiles,
barred, figured, striped, small figured, striped organdies and mer
cerized voiles, 36 inches wide, yard 75c to $2. . ,
Tloor, jrtfth Street
Spring Brassieres -Here
50c to $1.50 .
' 4
They're 1uilt "on the ,new lines approved for Spring wear,
especially adapted to the new basque-like waist , Some quite
plain,, of firm domestic others of heavy' silk, lace trimmed,
50c The model is "of heavy
with band of . filet lace, fasten
ing in front, with V-neck.
AT $1 Tbe model sketched is of
fine batiste, embroidery trimmed, f
AT. $1.50 The model shown is of
fine pussy willow silk and cluny lace.
Fastens in front. . - - ' .- ; '
L. Crair, instructor from the
Hygienic Fashion . Institate, will
the - Nemo d anions tration
week. 4 YK-Vf.::' : - ,
Thtre, rioot. Sixth Street
- VSrtglg&&X I ..Mn. A.
mim '' Nemo
I .. v conduct
New Novelty
7 Yards for Skirt Pattern Ff4e
Yard $1.75 v
A - boon to the woman who' prefers to make .her
own lingerie.' - Dainty ' lawn, lovely floral- and eyelet
designs. - Flouncing '39 1 inches- deep ' with 16-inch
pleating and topped with two-inch .'beading for"rib
bon. One and one half yards will make a -three-yard
flare petticoat. -
New' Voile Flouncing
$2 Grade, Yard $1.49
The ' very best edge, strong and well woven, -. sure
to wear indefinitely.! Pretty floral -patterns, in blind
effects, ,18 inches deep;.; flouncing 45 inches wide.'
Ideal for summer frocks. .
$l.S0-$2 Net' Top mad Shadow Laces in cfekm and
white, 18 to 36-inch widths; for making. pret-QQa
ty lace blouses, yard . . .V . . ; . . . . . ; .". eOI
6Sc75e Narrow ; Net Top Lacesj cream , and .' white,'
especially suited to collars and neckwear,? 3 A Qn
ta 6-inch widths, vzrd ' faC
near raw iuhi
Good House Linens
. - 1 Underprices .on Several Splendid Lines -
$3JS0 Linen Table ? $2J5 Table Cloths, $225
Cloths, $2.75 ' Good grade pure Irish linen, pret
ty floral designs, full' bordered and
snowy white. Size 68x68 inches.'
$3.25 68z86-inch cloth at $2.75
A good, firm quality of pure linep
that will . launder perfectly, t Size
of cloths, 68x106 inchest Very ex
cellent fpr every-day use these 3. So
cloths reduced to $2.75.
$125 'Table Damask,
I Heavy union linen, spot and key
pattern only. Excellent to wear and
launder., . 70 Inches wide.'
1.15. grade of fine table damask;
-full' 63 inches "wide, yard, 90c
; 35c Bath Towels, 25c
Heavy Turkish' towels, hemmed
ends and neat ihree-red-stripe
'border. Size of towels 22x40 inches.
$10 Colored Linen Sets $5
Austrian 'linen, round 48-inch
scalloped cloths and " napkins to
match,'; principally " fold and . blue
shades. :
11 54-inch Cloths, with napkins,
- set, $5.50. t
12 60-lnch Cloths, with naVktns,
. set, $6.50. ' -
-' . , - - - i . .- - .
$125 Center Pieces; 75c
Pure white inen, deeply scalloped,
embroidered .center, ' 27 inches In
diameter.- Fine quality. ,
Second Tloor, rifth Straet
Boys' New
Wash Suits .
Just In the Prettiest Little
Models See Them Tomorrow
There's an ar
ray of Jhetc
tin art, new ar
rivals to gladden ,
eve ry mother's '.
heart . Good, dur
able qualities, too,,
such as galatea,
repp, , Devonshire :
and crepe madras.
nnusually bright '
and effective.
B e 1 f ed Norfolk!
are here in great
variety. : Many
have extra collar .
and cuffs. Ages '
.2 to 10 Priced at '
3.50. ' .
E x C 1 u I v e
agents "Kaynee"
wash togs..
Third Tloer, flf tn strset
Trunks and Bags Reduced
Read A bout These Splendid Savings on Travelers Weeds'
Gladstone ; Bass tan ' COlor--the" 'handbag
for the short Journey! '. Regularly sold
!at 14 and 16.50, to go at $l6V t
Mackinaw Robes all wool and. waterproof,
with bound edges. For. auto, outing and
steamer, use. special at 53.88. - - - :
Steamer Trunks 3-ply veneer, fiber cov-
. ered and linen lined. Guaranteed not to
: break. Always 12.50, now $8.25
Indestrncto Trunks steamer and three
quarter ;size, 5-pIy veneer, rawhide
bound. " Regularly 44 and 52. Priced
now at $28-
Wardrehe Traalu Big discount on all remaining stocks.
Basement, Sixth St
SasaasansSSi JP ..
Marquisette Curtains Reduced
: Big Special Purchase A bsolufely New -M erchandise
: Strong, durable marquisette, cream and ecrn, wide or narrow lace edgings and inser
tions; . Curtains.suitables for any , home and all NEW I ;
2.25 grades
reduced to.
3.75 grades ' QO Off
reduced to. ; . . .J5aW.VU
H4.00 grades 0 AQ
reduced to.....VfoTC .
4.25 grades QO KQr
Teduce'd to.. . V .JaSeJe7 ,
- reduced
5.00 grades OO Hf?
; reduced to. . ,td i j
Sersath Tloor, Elxth Ctrsst