THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY' MORNING, FEBRUARY 20. 1910. HAR ie COUNTY IS PINNING FAITH UPON IRRIGATION FUTURE William Hanley Tells of Possl- f bilities Along Development TO, ATTEND CONFERENCE People o( luaif Conatj Said t Xelig:hted at Interest Portland -Is ttwwtatf in Matter. Haxney ount y looks hopefully to ward the Oregon Irrigation, Drainage A Rural Credits conference which Is to be held at the statebouse la Sa lem March 9. "The people of the state must get behind .their future In an effective way to bring about a future of de velopment," said Winiara ,HanIey, : tne age of Harney and former president or - toe Oregon irrigation - congress, while in Portland on his way to -San Francisco. . , Mtj Hanley Is president of- the Burns Commercial club and In this capacity rui attend : tne conference and give the .delegates there the benefit of his long- experience and wide observa tions In - reclamation. i Assessor Bees Benefits. " His associates from. Burns will be Leon M. Brown, cashier of the Harney county national bank; H. C. Ivena, county sudg ox - Harney county George Fry 4 and J. M. Dalton. presl oent and manager of the Lunaberg & jjauon department store. James Doneean, assessor of Harney county, sees In the plan to give re clamation drainage . by stats guaranty of irrigation and 'drainage securities the assurance of greatly adding to the taxable property of Oregon. "Let Harner county serve sS an in stance." he .invited, while In Portland. wWj have 660,000 acres ot tillable nut not cultivated land, it : is as sessed we will say at $6 an acre. It Is now unproductive and consequently the money to pay taxes ' on It .must come from other sources. "But suppose this land Is reclaimed Its value, based on the alfalfa the land can produce, will go conservative ly to $?6 an acre, and if only assessed at half that-amount, -it would be ,7 VI umes me lormer vaiuauon. Tax Burden Hot Heavy. "This land can produce four tons of alfalfa to the acre Tin d with -alfalfa at tiv tun jruu easily dtn see iimL the lax burden on the reclaimed land would not be heavy. "Land In the Boise. Idaho, valley. reclaimed, has averaged $200 an acre. and reclaimed in Malheur county has sold, for $150 an acre.' I consider my own-: estimates,: therefore, ,: conserva tiva . t . - "The" people of. Harney county are aeughted with the interest' shown by the business men of Portland in the com In CATifr6firA. It is easftnflal that bi movements tar. state- development shoatd center m-Portland and that the entire-: stats should have benefit of ' tne. ability" possessed by Portland's leading tJltrfghffl. And 3we think it .Is time' the frfeat ' city of the Oregon country: should Join the rest, of the stats in getting, organizedly . back of development. ' :..'... f - .'.'. Canary Birds Are , Burned Vtb -Death In ' Dwelling. Fire - Over a dofcen canary birds - wars- bured to death' In la f ire early ' last evening, Which .' to - tally destroyed a ; small dwell In at .911 Oswego street. St Johns, -r The . building was owned br H. U Haiti, an em- : ploys r of Olds, Wortmaa A King. Ms. Hazel had just re- . turned . from. town, and had started a- fire. She , went out on the back doorstep for wood, and found a 'package of meat, which .. was Intended for a neighbor. She delivered the ; meat, and, upon her return, found the bouse' in flames. Engine No. 32, Captain Stark, 'responded, but the fire had too much of a start. The damage amounts to about 1300. . EFFICIENCY BUREAU! VITAL fiTED, ASSERTS PRESIDeiT GRIFFfTH Military Exhibit to B,e Special Feature ua Battle at aTlf-nt to Be Attractlea on StnltaomaV Tlel - are-roary 82; Tlrsworks Planned. V Six companies of .the Third regiment of Infantry, Oregon , National jcuard. Eighth company coast - artillery and r) 1 o o -V J Troop A, - cavalry ' under' command of I here Is cut One Answer ? to coii ciMra rn ;i Argument Establish . It, "f Says the Speaker. Mothers' Congress v .. Tag Sale Success Zneomplste Betnrns bast Bight Show . saa "With Many Associatioaset to Be Heard Xrom. .. . .; . ... ..-. --, - Incomplete returns from the down town district show a sale yesterday of XSZZ.3S worth of Ugs for the benefit of -the Oregon Congress of Mothers. PracUcally all of the 62 narent-teaoh- r associations ot the city had taas for sale and -many of thesa bad not reported. WhUe Mrs. Arlstens Felts la conducting a statewide sale, the re turns from' these sources are not yet being In. ' The sale waa the most suc cessful ever - held by the conirress. Mrs. fj. it Stanley, who is recognised ss-a banner tag seller, carried off the nonors with sales amounting to $2 5 At the Northwestern Bank buildinir Mrs. Frederick Faxrington Jr.. Mrs. K. Busby, and Mm J, C. Alexander sold f50: worth Qf tags. Mrs.. Alva Lee Stephens had . one . of the interesting experiences of the day. whil sellins- at tne fortiend Hotel. A man whom she asked to buy a tag told her - he had no money, she smilingly assured him. that she was surprised. '"Because you look like a millionaire." she de clared. "Do I? Well, hese's five dol lars, for thaVj; and he left a shining r goia piece m, exebang for , the tag. Later when his wife was .asked to buy a tag. she said. "You lust worked my husband for five dollars and what's more X won't b able to live with him for a week after what yott told hinv" Portland's 1915 perfect baby. ,the child of Mr..and Mrs. Owen Summers. Both Mrs.. Summer and Mrs. Jacob Kanxler, mother of. the X9 13 perfect baby, were among the successful saleswomen. The committee to whom much credit Is Sue for : managing the sale, consists f Mrs. A.; V. FlegeL Mrs. - I. I. 6a Dins, Miss Wllda Buckman and Mrs. C F. Clarke. - .,...- ' Jain os John High School. A recital will - be given in : th Fames John 'high auditorium under the direction of. Miss Georgia Rloh on March 3. . A number of . pupils, will take part, in the program. A featuring- number win b a. trio by : Clyde Spencer, violoncello; Flavius West, rielln and. Georgia Rich on the piano. - Convicta to Do Road Aork. a Sacramento, Cal., Fb. 19.U. I.) -Blfty Folsom prison convicts -will egln work within a week on ' the Improvement ofy Lake Tahoe road etwen i White Rock and Shingle Springs. , State Highway - Engineer Tletcher . announced today. HO H00 WILLIE ESTABLISHED ONCE on the night of Fernary J2. at Multnomah Field that has never been equaled in : Portland. The military parade-through? the prin cipal, streets -will, start promptly at-$ I, WORKING PUH OUTLINED ftK-fi?? Iri the Multnomah field and a night attack, or ; sham oatUe. will-be real istically put on. - - . Several thousand! rounds of amrna- fiitlon will be consumed in the mimic warfare. - The Multnomah club man agement is to cooperate with the mUU tary to. make the affair a success. . The military bands will play patri- Capable -at MORE PORTLAND reaaMrost Vet Controlled by-- Aay ,MtiU Znteyests. -There ,ls but one v answer to the arsmme!t tor -a. nnh1( turn.' m.- ficlency and economy to establish it," I Ie ra an1 ,m,lltlT marohes. nam rraruum r. unziitn, prescient of ins r-oriiana Kauway. Lisht Power company, doling an address before.tbe Oregon Civic league yesterday after noon. - ThH .Will alan . ti m. a-vl. - ..WW lV AW WW. fireworks, which- will . Include the American eagle,' American flag. XJ. 8. soldier, portrait of George Washington and other displays of pyrotechnic art BATES HOT HIRED TO REliDER'ACCOUNT $107,000 DEAL Circuit 'Judge .Garitenbein Makes ' Ruling? in I Vitrified r Brick Company timeelehemt:ihcase r.'. Aha KM Waited Yeaxa Before Vi rtngtas: sjs Aettoa Agalast Bates ' - - - and Ais-ociatesCr: , - George W. Bates will not have to render an ' accounting . to ; F. - & Akin and other former stockholders of the Diamond Vitrified Brick company for $187,000, for which the corporation was sold In 108. This was the decree cf Circuit JTudge Gantenbeln, rendered yesterday at the conclusion of argu ments by K. B. Seabrook and W. C Ben bow, counsel for Akin, and Guy C M. Corliss and K. H. Glltner. acting as attorneys for Bates. Judge Gantenbeln said that the fact that Akin had waited for years before bringing action against Bates and his associates, and that the plaintiff had not Interested himself - In ' the 'brick yards during Bates management of the plant was evidence, In the opinion of the court, that even Akin himself regarded Bates as the real owner.-.. Bates . took over . the - brickyard which V was located T in Vancouver. Wash, in 1900.- at a time when the plant . was nearly: bankrupt.- . He flnapjed the revival of the yards, paid off an. Indebtedness of SI 9,000 and put the business on a paying basis. At the time Bates took over the management he received 127 shares ; of ; the . J 68 shares ; of stock ; of the ' corporation. Later Akin transferred to Bates 123 more shares in the plant-This trans fer. Akin contended, . was "a trust be-J stowed on Bates. If was shown, how ever, that Bates , had deed ' to the stock, which was sold i 1S0S to -a Seattle corporation. In - his unwritten - decfslon ' Judge Gantenbeln said it waa not within his province . to take money from the pocket of one man and place it in the purse of another merely because one man had much and tbs other not so much. Each side ' must pay : its own costs. SUICIDE ViCIHAS ENGAGED TO MARRY GIUL IN PORTLAND 1 . ' V. . 11 hi 1 1 - - . T,"?..; J, -jS: Mother- Tells- U P. MitcTrtell He Would Have to Earn :- More Money! First. YOUTH SWALLOWS POISON Act Conunltted - ass Coastablas Were Xnterlns; Xonse to Arrest Xouas; Kan to AOeg-ed Theft, . New Life Will Be Put into the! Blaste Catr Concatenation Will Be' Held Thursday. - if ! i m 1 ;:::X::,' II 1 mm W. P. lockwood Mr. Griffith outlined the bureau' or-1 ganization that meets the approval of I his Judgment one that shall be first 1 or ail efficient within Itself. ; mannei by a capable executive, sunnortn s private subscriptions open 'to alL con trolled neither bv nubile official or ! 'clique r ring, putting into effect- the oetterments suggested by its findings through weight of nubile opinion. ; "I do not feel that a bureau of psb- ic eriiciency and economy In Portland will uncover graft or corruDtion be cause I do not believe : that graft and j corruption ; exist," continued Mr. Qrlf- ' -Such a bureau would not be-a de tec ter - but a help to officials who de sired to do their dnty" r i , Business organisations of all. kinds, averred the head of the street car com pany,; hav found : effldencT organi satlon todispensabla . The admlnlstra- non ox a cirys arzairs is Business: ef ficiency m an essential to the suc cess of munidpoj administration and just as tne business enterprise has its efficiency engineer to polnfc out ways of avoiding lost motion, to secure max imum production of minimum, outlay, so the city must bare its efficiency or ganization to serve similar purposes. "But," he qualified, "efficiency. or ganization is not alone to increase re sults. It falls -If it does not add to the contentment and welfare of the people employed. ; y The Portland Chamber of Commerce has appointed a committee to Investi gate me propriety or establlshlns: - a TPorUand bureau of ef f iolencv : and economy. This committee, said - Mr. uriffiih, is conducting an - inauirv touching on the methods of ail cities that have efficiency bureaus. Though a member of the committee Mr. Orlf-! 1 ith explained that his address was not IS tended to anticipate the commit tee's findings or compromise its con-i elusions' buteas an expression of per sona opinion. Lawrence p. Mitchell, the youth who committed suicide Friday night at the house : of hi fiance. Miss. Marion Brownell." 102 . East Twenty-eighth street north, waa granted a marriage license February 10. The girl's mother Mrs. M,B. Brownell. gave permission for the Issuance of the licens,. : Ihs principals were 18 years c i. 1 told him he would have t a man's wages before he coul.! : my daughter, and that he woul ,3 ! to. learn to be more trnthfui," clared Mrs. Brownell when aked - the marriage bad not been allow 1 . take place. '"Lawrence was a good hea-rte I I and we thought a great deal cf 1 But- he was only earning $ S a v ' I begun to suspect that things v. net right when he brought us 1 r ents of toilet waters, perfumes, m. sors and such things. Last Wednesday night he brou out - sr dosen pocket knives and t uiiT wirA sam Dies. 1 anew eomri. n w u nawMwl w w . ivy m ,..w . v WDeputy constables to arrest the foV thtk allnrexl theft were enterina- house Friday night when he lowed" the-deadly fluid. , Just 1 1 thelf appearance the gtrl had told that she could not marry him. r who made , the Investigation, say. rThe body yesterday was removt 1 the A TK Kenworthy undertaking j ably be held. Monday. ; t Took Poison "For the Exert f Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 19.(U. 1. aakrfl if .: h had a motl v for tempting to commit ' suicide poison, -Irene Lane, 20. told the tor. "No, I took It for the ex else." Next Thursday night Hoo Hoo will reestablish in Portland. For more than nine months, the order has been dead sd far as 1 this district la concerned. !ut : the 1 intention ia now to put new ife. Into1! the black cat. - Robert - D. In man, of the Inman-Pouleen Lumber Co.. and past3 enark of the universe, has been elected vicegerent snark for the "northern Oregon districfl 1 A concatenation will be hsld . next Thursday night at the Chamber of Commerce and it will be -the biggest ever held here, it Is believed, except perhaps the one pulled off' at the time of the Lewis Clark exposition. w.vp. Lockwood. supreme senior. whose headquarters are in Seattle, was nere yeeteraay, and eonrerrea. witn some of-the old members of the order. The meeting was at luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce; Everybody seemed enthusiastic, and all favored the proposed concate. V - Hoo Hoo Is to the lumbermen what the Shrine is to- Masons. It has Its fraternal - features too, and it la re ported by Supreme Snark of the Uni verse Julius Seigel of St. Louis that prosperity is again the order. -JHoo Hoo Is an order without lodge room headquarters. , It is directed by a vice-gerent - snark In each district. J4y ' S. Hamilton presided at the luncheon. Others present were: F. Sullivan, W. W. Clark, George Wentworth, Kurt Koehler, J. L. Jack son, a. 1 .' B ration. Roy siocum. George W: Cecil, R. B. Oakleaf, Miles Jameson,: George Leuders, R. B. Stew art, George M. Cornwall. IB. R. Blair, Geore Douney, W. P. 'Lockwood. :W. Phillips and A. Whisnant. Three Tongs Agree ' To Keep the Peace Igotto of Ztos Angeles Tonsi Xm "XTgox hi Bit sniitt Wfl IMng," wCoanlBf; -w. Must Kavs Peace." Los Angeles, Feb.: 19. (P. NT. S.) Officiat representatives of the Hod Sing. j Wongr ' Wing and Blng Kong tongs met with Chief of Police Snlvely today and signed a peace pact. Until the ' actual signing of the papers. Chief Snively had feared a tong war in Los Angeles as an outgrowth of the Port land war, he declared today. . The tongs ' adopted the fouowlna motto; Ngorfchi Bit Shiu Wo Ping." It means We must have peace." - A Sole of Nearly One Hun3rcdN Modern; Player-Pianos,. ;To Carry C Manufacturers Contracts -fa . -L Says Wilson Is a' 1 sTi . i ' ir :; i Seven, hifti-cTade eiart cntivlv A. Hard Mail tO Beat vertised $650 Player Piano now only CBO-fl e And plainer case $260. Secures a Piano I or Player (tj per week M upwards' Ji pays it it wm Be jro XMcnie to Sefsat Vresl- dsnt for BeeleetloaN' flktys O. M. MMitaei -taMil4lljlse1 -''i . t ' : '? ' ssjiasui smwiMebSMM . . I F - , it wiu be no picnio to defeat Presl-1 Guaranteed : 88-note scale: aoorooriate " f I oencn. latest music included, and de- v. rx. unMLn, xtepuDucan, wno nasi a f - lately returned from an extended busi- livery free Easy payments.- Terms ncss. trip through the east, visiting i to stHt any reasonable buyer. Now on rTotn-e,. V0t. aa mr'?1ale at EILERS MUSIC HOUSE. tne ?inian, xxaraer boot company. . Ths fellow who can beat Wilson la going to get bp and go some,' be said. He will know he has been la a race. He said the ' sentiment he -encoun tered was that the Republicans will nominate Theodore Roosevelt as Wil son's opponent. Sentiment was la favor of Hughes as first choice. and Roosevelt as sec ond," he said. "But so many think that Hughes will not accept that they Deiieve xtooseveu wui oe we nominee. I tri it - i - ' After the New York Tribune published l Here are over three canoaas to choose from. a strong editorial favoring Roosevelt I ti r i. i ' e . . sentiment esemed to crystallise rapidly W6 nOW have TOT Sale KM Ollly J?3l5 the grade ln.?is favor. . . Xr. A j i: i . ' "in Boston McCali sentiment ls very I Aim Uttilljf iiC4UCllliy aUVCIUwCU 35 JOOU VaiucS strong , and he seems to be popular! r-i .j... - , . - elsewhere. 1 discovered no sentiment riailicr taSCi Ulliyp-IOU ICmiS Or paymeni J50 a month. Surely every home can afford this. miners i simnany siauenterea. see tnem or write us for catalogue Immediately. We must Arid homes for them all; we must do so within fifteen 'days and we are going to do so becaute of the low prices, thef ret music roll and the exceptionally easy terms of payments '.. STUDY THESE GREAT NAMES Not to Bo1 Fouttwl in Any Other .Western Mtuio House. i. ll fl . L ue i ,a . . sea . - " a " . municipal judge. He will resign the! He nauons nigney quality, punos, carrying tne most stats eenetorshlD in time to nermlt I Mrhlv honored nimti in muaicdom. lncludinr even ths xunprh SwV'wSiA puyer, piano and the wonderfal cSlckerhig tftl- county for the state land board. I graphic, also (ha. Nation's greatest favorite, fhe Kimball, the juuse nsiuta.. apuuiiw vuwi am i tnaraiflcent old estlDHShd crenulne Darker, the now Intsr. ...... - : uiuuDiu, jeuuwueu cuuine . Auropiano . pnyer piano, ine In our consolidation plans we unex pectedly took over 10 many pianos from other establishments that we could not fully live up to our agree ments with a number of player piano manufacturers for whom we under take to sell a definite number each Tear. ;$ Thus; we find ourselves with too many player pianos, and we must take still more under our contracts with a number of factories. The old reliable EILERS MUSIC HOUSE always makes . good. . Therefore we devote the next 15 days to the quick selling of nearly a hundred of the highest grade player pianos ewJer shown in Portland., Near ly all of them brand new ones; also; some' concert used , ones, and numer ous player pianos sold by other firms that we have accepted in part payment for the most highly perfected player pianos which' are sold by the House of XixxQr The extremely low prices brought about byl these conditions can never bet made again; and when the last of these irutrumenU is sold no more can be had at such low prices. . - V TJie SupeA NewlModel 180 iJuncalow flayer Piano Correct in design, perfect in finish, purest in tone, easiest to optrc . most durable of all and not expensive Included in this sale at a mr liberal concession in price' - '.:''-' --i-. Also omc ilcgular Piafaoa Brand Nov.- E: clridcd in This QaicH Salo as Foilowc: for Weeks. The standpatters seem to be eliminated. Those with - whom I talked thought Roosevelt was the strongest man the Republicans oould geff - - Langguth -Retains . Municipal Judgeship j . t XneumbenS Will a.eslgn State. Semator shlp ana Drop Work ag CSomasel for the State Xand Seatd. Arthur TJ-ngguth will - continue as had not hitherto resigned the state positions because he was not sure in his own mind a to how long he might be able to handle thee Judgeship, 1 took the office tentatively. , The work was new to my experience. X could not reach a conclusion until X had had ' some real experience in handling the business of the court, ! X am becoming- greatly interested la the court work and am keenly anxious to make it ah ' agent for - the general Buf-aloW' player pianos, gold medal winners at the San Fran cisco exposition, tne superb playfcr pianos de luxe, and ever so many others. .- . ,. . 'r, METAL TU2INC IS B-ST ; . . T The litest, metal tubed, human touch, correctlv aanfened f ilayer pianos are Offered. Not the make-believe, rubber tubed, -mitation of the fenulne with nothing but high flowlqf adver tising language to recommend it : ; ; Don-abrx:: Will keep yon eanarles la rood heat A aadso-r .ather-of tb V 11 Karts Mosataia Breeders. k v " "S estbers x. t-, WTVm SJesWing. It will S. VJewssestettrsesllaieatsel - . Csaaries mi .tin. .km v - Blrda. Sold by Dravglats X, end BirdDeaiers. Del. Tend x . by Well lor 1 5c In Stamps niXCiniT WITS S SCCBI (5irS dook ey tne Philadelphia bird Food Co.. 40O N.rtk rd St. ChlUdclpbis, Cs. y .. . Escape. Waa SlJraculoiig, shoo at 202 Phlladelchia streeL fit. good.1 Johns, miraculously escaped - serious " M ' injury-tn an accident about o'clock -Injures Slf by Pall. last nigb : Babbott. who Is ' a crip- tValktne across : ths intemetlon at pie and owns a: motorcycle, attempted j Third and Morrison streets yesterday to ride the machine, and going at a afternoon, Richard Adams, manager verrmo speea . crasneq into ids ' irst .: tor rerrott, ft uo.. merchandise brOK National bank of sc Johns, breaking era, slipped on an orange -PeeL and an 8x13 plate glass window. He re- his left, ankle was 5 fractured. Dr. ceiveda- few minor cuts and bruises. . Frederic J. Uegler took him to the Officers - were ? stationed about the , citv Emereency hospital, and ha was scene of. the accident until the large ..... ... ..... ... ...... winaow naa seen repiacea. r Interesting ProgramHendered. An interesting program was rendered at the regular business meeting of the 8t Johbs Parent-Teacher association Thursday afternoon. i Arrangements were made 5 fo yesterday's tag day sale. The program , was rendered by pupils ' of the North school and con sisted -of the following: Reeltauons. exercise and folk dance. ; Very Good Miss Ryan. . Toledo Wash Feb. ll-Ulss Bab Ryan, trying; AO rids a coit bareback, with a halter strap, was given prob ably the most exciting moments of her life, and wound up under the coifs hoofs In. a stay; s Recovering herself. Miss Ryan wal loped the stuffing out of the colt and rode It to a standstill. then sent to the. Oood Bamaritan. where he i under the care ef tr. E W, Morris, Mr. . f Adamf resides ' at 180 ISast. Twenty-fourth street. -Possibly ; 1;iVo2wia rIolre chocolates do cost I us both a little more ' ItlODSSH COTffFSCTXONXnXT C6. s;-': Pertlsad -- 1 ) v , Ortjes - , A xnodern player piano means more in the way of entertain ment, education and real enjoyment than any' investment that can possibly be made. ' v - . ' ' , - Now a modern player; piano can actually be had for only $8, a month.,, AndUthe very finest andTmost valuable player pianos will be supplied at these low gale prices, to be paid for in forty months' time. Special inducements to those wishing to pay all cash. A bonus of 25 cents for every dollar paid over $20 as an initial payment "' 1 r Each instrument is accompanied with either our studio or committee music roll selectioris. One dollar's worth ' of music free with every $3 paid, v , At the end of two weeks every, instrument in" this sale must have found a purchaser. " If not, we shall ship them elsewhere. It is necessary to act quickly.- : The time to buy is when selling i imperative. : That time is -right now. Come and see first thing in the morning, or telephone. Every instalment in this great selling event is definitely guar anteed by the manufacturers as well as by ourselves.; We ship everywhere subject to examination and free trlaL : Ei!eirG- Miilioic Hbiice -, The Very Latcxt Player. Piano THAT WERE $1000 ARE NO) ONLY 620 and scrxi for $540. The Very LatertPkytr Piano THAT WERE $850 ARE ' NOW ONLY $520 and some for $415. V- . The .Latcst Player Pisaioi TOAT WERE $750 ARE NOW pLY $470 and. some for $355. The Very Latest Player Pianos .THAT WERE $650 ARE NOW ONLY $35 end seme for $315, : SR v - , ' V . , j-- . "... . The Very Latest Player Pianos .THAT - WERE C550 aKe.NOW ONLY - $31p and seine for C2C0 . , StUl other uakse, a ft ca desistt, aamtf ska, snaaoany mf wainai, ' Ofttlmes aelvertlseel Worth S4C9, kens taly . ' - Tlhec3 . Pian?: Only CASH BUYERS, ATTCNTIOH ; Oa this occasion we cm sacrifice the Instruments tt actually $16& la cold Ies than the price frequently isktd tar t same. , " Same rate of discount may be applied any plaao or player-piano you may sL from the stock in this sale. Tunlnj an 4 delivery FRT2. i ;. , i p Many peopU lit days gon by nave pail : - for these brand new Pianos, cf. ceursej they're now- G216 Terns cash or as lit tie a SS a month. All included ta the great sale at E3r Musie llcmse. - FOR ENTmTAimEOT, EDUCATION AND ET4JOY-ilENT Thtre Is Nciklro Cirp-ricrto the llclzm tlzycr Vizzo. I 1 - ii lal ' SBfss Only y 111 Eilcrs Duildin, ; Terras ' eh. tor as Utile as ' J5.C3 month. : " Now ' lac J in the treat tale at L. :$ Masia ll.vts