The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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i ." - ' ... .
f Sheriff-, Receives Anonymous
i Letter Asking Time Trains
;; Left Salem Night of Murder j
Calf of Voile ItltitH TtcUm Wu
- St rook Death Blow a th 9o4 V
in . Chair try -W inflow. - -
BalAn, Or Feb.' if. Sheriff Esch
has received a. letter from a Portland
man asking him to ascertain when
'train left Salem for Portland last,
Friday, night and , Intimating that ii
rtsif xlii mlrht Unt tn f rial tati.
tlty of the slayer of MM. J. R, iilhstl
of Salem. - ; - - -
lie. did not sign hi name and asked
that the information be conveyed
through The Oregon journal. .
According to railroad employes, . no
train left for Portland over the Oregon
Isiectrio between p. m and midnight,
the last one departing at 6:37 p. m.,
and no train left for- th south, either.
The Southern Pacific had only wn
train to Portland between 8 t. m. nd
midnight, although It had two south,
one at 8:10 and one at 10:38 and one
west to Dallas at 8:15.
Chief of Police Welsh's latest theory
Is that Mrs. lllnkle was. killed as she
dosed In her chair near th kitchen
window and that sh never knew what
happened her. -' ;
; - ' Filo Corporation Papers,
i jJSalem, Or., Feb. 12. Th E. Henry
: Wemme endowment fund -Portland,
; ,Wft. filed here Friday hy Commissioner
: Kchulderman, without charge, in ac
cordance with the decision of the su
Cjreme court.
. incorporations Included Beehiv
Meat & Grocery company, Cornelius,
$20,000; Portland Transportation club,
owning $2000 in property r 'Sanitary
Cash grocery, Roseburg, $5000; I.
! Holsman Company, Portland, $25,-
OOOi Brookfield Quarry & Towage
eompany, Astoria. $26,000; Chureh dfc
School Publishing company, Eugene,
; increased capital stock from $5000 t.
; $10,000. Supplementary ' articles
( Changed the firm name of Calef Bros.,
: Salem, to Geer Krueger Furniture.
! dissolutions weret Anderson-Greene
i company, Medford. and Burnt River
1 Mercantile company, Unity.
" Would hepeal Sunday Law.
j Salem, Or, Feb. lv Barnett II.
i Goldstein, who filed here Friday for
1 nomination ty tn Democratic party sb
; representative : front the Eighteenth
district, comprising Multnomah county,
: says In his statement that he advocates
I .the repeal' of all legislation involving
! the restriction of liberty and enjoy
ment on Sunday.
"Th blue law of: three centuries
ago hav notplacein this enlightened
age, far removed from religious pro-
JJudiee and compulsory religious ob
servance," says Goldstein in his statement-
v "legislation that compels ab
stinence from labor and Interfere with
recreation on Sunday is an echo of
Puritan theocracy.- The fundamental
principles of our constitution, are re
ligious tolerance 'and the guarantee of
personal liberty. Sunday closing laws
are ln direct violation of these prin.
clples. -
; "Th purity of religion Is best pre
served by keeping it separate from the
. W. W. Cardwell Is CandidaUs.
Salem, Or., Feb, 12. W. W. Card
well, of Roseburg, who was a member
of th 1915 legislature, filed here Fri
day as a candidate for the Republican
nomination as circuit Judge of the Sec
ond Judicial district, comprising the
counties of Benton, Coos, Curry, Doug
las, Lane and Lincoln..
. W, I. Bradshaw, of The Dalles, filed
ss a Democratio candidate for circuit
Judge of the seventh judicial district,
comprising Hood River and Wasco
counties. )
John U. 'Smith, of West Chehalem,
filed as a candidate for th Republican
nomination as state senator from the
24th dietrtot, comprising Lincoln, Tilla
mook, Washington and Yamhill counties.-'
: y '
I. M. Devers, of Kugene, filed as a
candidate for the Repr.bllcan nomina
tion a stat senator for Lane county.
.-.. 11 .
' ,:, " Purchase Furniture Store.
. Salem, Of., Feb. 12. L. Si-Geer and
A. A. Krueger have purchased Calef
Brothers' furniture store In Salem and
have taken possession. They have been
employed by the firm.
Candidate for District Attorney.
Salem, - Or., Feb. '12.' O, K. Carson,
of salem, has announced himself a
candidate for- the Republican nomina
tion as district attorney. ' Guy,. Smith
and Walter Keyes had previously announced--
themselves candidates. .
S . ,
- : Will Bond Employes.
- Salem, Or., Feb. 12. Announcement
that he will bond everyone who han
dles money at the Stat fair this, year
wa made by Secretary A. H. Lea, fol
lowing the meeting Friday, Lea baa
already posted a bond himself and ho
says he plans - to protect the state's
funds;, la every way possible.
It is onllkeiy: that pay-as-you-enter
turnstiles ' Will tb- installed, however,
as. Lea is of the opinion that losses
Stop scratching!
Resinol Telieyea
itching instantly
.- ' That Itching, bunung skin-trouble '
whKh .keeps ycfu scratching and
digging, is a source of disgust to u
others, as well as of torment to you, -Why
donrt you get rid of it by using " .
Resinol Ointment? Physicians have
prescribed it lor over 20 years, fin , '
- most cases, It stop itching instantly "
and heals eruptions promptly. It is -
; very easy and economical to use. '
Sold by 11 druggists; ' Tot trial free, write '
to Pept. 3-S. Kwiaal, BaJUmore, Md. -
Fire Loss 815,000. , ir
f Due to "Bed Tape"
j , ! . j :'" . . - -
Sfedford, Orr Feb. liV Th hand
some residence oCAllen B. Drury, 06
King's highway, . destroyed - by- fire
Thwsday night, will be replaced. The
loss was $15,000 ; with ' Insurance ;f
$8000 on house and contents. The rest
dene was located Just outside of the
city limits. Without special permission,
the fire equipment cannot be taken out
side. While official red tap was being
unwound the home and outbuildings
burned. . , ' - ...
Mr. Drury is spending the winter in
his Chicago home.. Mrs. ; J. Arnold B.
Scudder of Chicago occupied the prem
ise on. a lease, A gasoline explosion
In the v kitchen " Is . believed to have
caused the fire.- '
Will Organize Unitarian.
Medford, Ori Feb." 12. Charles A.
Murdockv field secretary of the Ameri
can Unitarian association, will return
to this city early next week, accom
panied by other association" officials,
for the purpose of organizing an asso
ciation here. Former President T&ft is
president of the U- A.
He Says Allies Will Win, tells
of His Inventions of Year,
and What-to Eat.;;, ; ' v.
Orange,. Feb. 12. (I. S.)-
Thomas Alva Edison was 69 years Old
yesterday. It waa th first day. in many
years that he arrived at his laboratory
late. r- ' ' ; -
"Tou aee, they dragged jne over to
New York to a dinner last night and I
did not get home until o'clock this
morningr.'f he explained.
."What were your greatest achieve
ments during the year?" the noted In
ventor was asked.
"The dlanibnd disc and chemicals."
he quickly replied.
He amplified this by saying.that he
now has nine plants turning out car
bolic acid and Its biproducts, with
prospects of a tenth in the near future.
Allle Will Win Wax.
Referring to th European war, Mr.
Edison said:
The allies will win, but the war will
last two years longer. Men, money
'.and the ability -to get things neces-
sary to carry on the war will win the
day eventually.' This country will not
become Involved."
t When the newspaper men were called
In, Mr. Edison was in the midst of ex
periments to improve the recording of
sound in phonographs. One of the
; features of the new method he is work
. lhg on is a large bowl of special shape
with a lining that absorbs sound in
. stead of throwing back echoes, there
jby damaging thu tones as they reach
me recoro. ' v
1 IK .Eats, But. Idttl."
Asked to glv 'hi rules Tor eating
Mr, Edison saidv , v
I cut your rood down to one-third or
t ohe-fourth of what you have been' eat
lng I eat three meals a day. It'
habit and nothing els. However, I
eat but a quarter of what the average
mn does."
Prohibition is a subject that is al
ways of Interest to him.
"Man isn't perfect yet, and you can
not take alcohol away from him all at
once," he said. "If you do he will re
sent the act. The percentage of alco
hol In beer should be reduced, while
whiskey and strong drinks should be
out altogether." "
The cigarette, of all things material,
has th Edison stamp of disapproval.
, JH: Xs"Por Suffrage.
"I'd hav law enacted and prosecute
everyone under 21 years of age smok
ing them." he declared. "I would just
as soon, see a man with a revolver as
aT boy with a cigarette."
Mr. Edison is an ardent advocate Of
suffrage for women.
"Women will vote," he said. "I favor
a national law on th subject. Th
instincts of women are good and. they
will have their voice in government.
Mr, Edison's eyes twinkled as he
smilingly added: ' ; -
"Theyll have their way. I guess
you know that as well as I."
from bad moy would amount to
quite a little and he thinks, that hon
est ticket sellers and ticket taker can4
be secured. The board took no action
on th proposition to install the me
ehanicai devjeesj 1 5 .
Recommendations of the expert ac
countant who audited , the books as
to needed reforms in. the business Sys
tern of the fair board wlU b followed.
Lea declared, v .--
Up Go the Movies. -Salem,
Or Feb. 12. It is announced
that Salem film .theatres will - charge
15 cents evenings and 10 cents
matinees, beginning- Sunday. Ten
cents was the price regularly charged
for evening performances. Increased
cost ot films is given at the reason for
the advance, i . v
Pendleton Banquet Tonight.
Pendleton, Or., Feb. 12. rln honor of
the anniversary of the birth ot, Abra
ham ; Lincoln, special- observance , will
be given tonight. Under ths auspice
of locar Reputalcans, 1 a banquet will
be held in the , Hotel Pendleton" and
many men of all parties have signed
up to attend. - . ' , -, ,
Deputy Sheriff of
Aberdeen Sues State
QUes Quimby Seek to Seeover SIOOO
Offered fox Body of Outlaw Whom
X Killed and Received On Seward.
Aberdeen. Wash Feb. .; 12. Deputy
Sheriff Giles- Quimby has begun suit
against the state to recover a reward
Of $1000 which, the state offered or tile
body ot John Tornow, th . outlaw,
whom Quimby killed and for which lie
received a reward of several thousand
dollars from the Grays Harbor county.
The state has refused to acknowledge
his claim. ' , r .
" : ; Hermit's "Wealth Not Found. 1
Aberdeen. "Vv"ash., FebT 12. Th for.
tun said to have been left by E. E.
Punlap, the Hoquiam recluse, who died
some weeks a.50,.. cannot Je found by
his brother, who cam Here from-JNeW
York. It is believed that Cunlap burled
his gold in order that no member of
his family, from whom he was es
tranged, would get it, ; -
WITH $300,000 CASH
j nun. .in .11 siu 1 .1 11 "
GetRich-Quick Swindler Who
Rgured Prominently In Lo
- ;cal Courts IsMlssirig.-!" .
San Francisco, Feb. 12. (F. N, S.I
Is Dr. J. Grant Lyman, stock promoter
end 'get-rlch-qulck - vwindler ' of San
Francisco and Los Angeles, - really a
pauper or has he amassed $400,009 in
New York in land swindles. . :
IsJbe in New York side steoDina th
federal drag net spread for him to- T
day, or is he fighting in the trenches
"somewhere In France?' ;
The are the questions raised be
fore federal authorities of San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles today after one
of th most daring land swindles of
recent years In the east, had been laid
at th door of Dr, Lyman, supposed to
hav been operating- under the name
Of . John H. Putnam. " - . .
Oa XI Way to Zrarop. - -f'
? In Nw-York, a photograph of i Ly
man has ; been identified as that of
Putnam, now being sought by federal
agents for defrauding investors In
mining stock by use of tb'e malls.
He is believed to have slipped through
the federal drag ' net yesterday and
sailed for Europe aboard the steam
ship Baltic Liverpool police hav
been cabled to- arrest him. -v ' IV
In San Francisco Dr. Lyman Is de
clared to be, a pauper. The United
States circuit court of appeals her
has ; under : consideration a motion to
have Lyman's appeal from , a prison
sentence printed at government ex
pense, th court having, been told that
Lyman was penniless and unable to,
pay the costs of printing. ; - . I
Must Trov x Is Fauper.
Lyman - attorney told the -local-1
court .Monday that the accused Pro
moter as "somewhere in ! France
maybe in the trenches." This did not
satisfy the court and the lawyer was
given 30. days to prove byj affidavits
that the notorious promoter is a
pauper. - ,
If reports from New York are cor
rect, however. Dr. Lyman is far from
a pauper and could pay the cost of
printing his appeal, $1438, many times
over. .
According- to federal authorities at
New York, Lyman operated under the
name of Putnam A Co. with luxurious
of f icetir. engaging . in the sal of oil
stocks on the partial payment plan
and using the mails - to carry on his
fraudulent operations.
- . -Ha: Helped Germans.
. But netting 4400.000 In stock swin
dles 1 not all that the government
agents "charge to ' Lyman. They say
that h has been engaged 'In German
propaganda and has been eupplylng
men hlgltin German government
circles with Information obtained from
a Mrs. Lockett. wife - of.' a BriUsh army
oincer., . . - . - agent of the Pacific Fruit Express.
Lyman met the officer wife In Lon- tawho promised six weeks' work at $3.25
don. say tho government agents, .and" g, gay. After th men had worked nin
she accompanied ' him to , America.
Later she is said to hav returned.
After several weeks of vigorous in
vestigation, the federal sleuths esti
mate today that tba cash receipts of
Putnam Co,-' aggregated $400,000
Lyman, they say. drew $300,000 from
a New-York bank yesterday, shortly
befor lie Is supposed to have sailed
for England.
afromised fifty r . Cent iidaa.
Investors fa", this Oil stocks Were
promised 60 per V cent return. Vic
tims who ould not pay cash for their
stock were required to deposit collat
eral. - -' ''..." - ' ,
Louis Thornett, who wa manager
for Putnam. & Co" wa arrested in
New York, according to telegraph ad
vices. Local autboritlea believe Thor
nett is none other than, the nurse who
aidd Lyman in his sensational escape
in an automobile from Providence hos
pital, in Oakland, while he waa await
ing trial in th local court.
They both were arrested tn, southern
Oregon and returned. Lyman was
given a short term at alcKeill's Island
and Thornett was sent to prison for
aiding in the promoter's escape.
Hd Kd Chckxed Career.
W Q. Swain, a secret service oper
ator, detailed to investigate the busi
ness of Putnam & Co4 established the
identity of Putnam as Lyman. Struck
by a similarity between the two. h
showed a photograph of Lyman to a i
woman stenographer in the oxrices or
the Putnam concern.'. Sh Immedi
ately identified the photo's that of
Putnam. . :- ' -.
; In California Dr. Lyman led a check
ered career. ; into which is woven th
name of Miss Maud Lehman, a Boston
heiress who befriended him on many
occasions. He operated principally in
Lq Angeles under th nam of the
Panama Land Developmen't company.
Dr, 3. Grant Lyman; a physician of
prepossessing appearance and of mag
netic personality, ; waa th central fig
ure In -an escape September 9, 1911,
from an Oakland nospltal, whet b
had been Incarcerated pending - re
covery of an injury to hi foot, t
Lyman had been convicted in i th
federal court .at Los f Angeles on aj
fraudulent wee of tn mail cnarge,
and was awaiting sentence when he
decamped from that eity.r At Oakland
he was captured,. and. in aa effort to
escape jumped from a moving street
car and injured his foot, necessitating
his removal to the hospital. - n
Lyman galnfMi ' the sympathy of : a
rrhale- nurse who "liberated him Irom
the hospital. - Lyman hired an - auto
mobile and with the nurse fled north
ward through .Sacramento. "' They were
captured at Lakeview, Or., by a county
deputy,' much to 'Lyman's expressed
disgust, the doctor resenting his cap:
ture by what h ; termed a :rub- con
stable." r. -
Lyman wa brought to this city byl
federal. Marshals and - resisted . axtra
ditlon. The man used all mannerl of
diplomacy 1ft v. hi effort . o escap a
prison, semence, agreeing to pay a fine,
make restitution .and waive extradi
tion proceedings. . ; ,. , : , , "
ii His term wer refused by th gov
ernment:, and he wa taken ' , to ' Si.n
Francisco, en rout ' to Los Angel
There he - again attempted - to secure
release ' on a writ of habeas , corpus.
v . This failed and ha war taken to Los
Angeles where he was sentenced to
McKeil's Island penitentiary. --- ;
.TS.. t - ' 1111 "' " S ' . Ill I - i II I I II .j:V
- French Vestsel " Is AttUixked. '
Rome," Feb. ' 12. (I. N.. S.) A. wire
less dispatch to the Messager from
Syracuse states; that, the steamship
Porto Smyrna received an & O. S. call
today from a French -vessel "Which was
being attacked by a German subma
rine. -ri , " -
1 Averill Harriman ;
, ;Here, Unannounced
Chief ef Vurahaslns SlrlsiOn ef Valoa
Pacific Zaspocts Oregon JSastara
v - Question' of ICaterlals.
: W. Averill Harriman, "rioa president
of th Union Pacific system. : arrived
unexpectedly in Portland this morn
ing on a trip of inspection. H wa
aocompanied by Mrs. . Harriman and
E. E.' Adam and W. - C. Calvert' of
New York," Union Pacific men. As chief
of tha purchasing division of the sys
tem, Mr. Harriman -has just finished
an inspection of ' the-Oregon Eastern,
th line being-: built westward from
Vale Into Harneycounty. ' r -
It is said the question of materials
for the" possible further . extension of
this line beyond Crane creek, gap win
to taken - up. -H :iii: ';-:v"W-
180,000 DEAl ASKED -
Receiver Rountree Brings Ac
tion in Behalf of American
Life & Accident Co. V
. Newton XY. Rountree, "receiver lor
the American Lif e & Accident Insur
ance company, has filed 'suit on behalf
of v the stockholders of th corporation
to compel th setting asld of a trans
action by which $80,000 in Amerioan
Life- assets were transferred to the
Union Pacific Life Insurance company
for 803 shares ef stock in , the latter
corporation. ' .-a" ;"
suit brought y N. Whealdon and
other stockholders of the defunct
American Life through Attorneys
Duniway and Whealdon Judge-Gatens,
in the circuit court, ordered Rountree
to bring action against the Union Pa
cific and It officers.
Circuit Judge Oaten today refused
to entertain a motion to permit Xuni
way and Whealdon to act as attor
ney for the receiver in th litigation.
Six Carpenter' Sue Pacific Fruit
KxprearJ Company,
Six Portland carpenters who allege
they went, to Wallula, Wash., last
October on th promise of six weeks'
work and their railroad fare both ways.
hav brought suit in the district court
to collect 8100 each from the Pacific
Fruit Express company. Th - suits
were brought by Alfred Thiols, William
Reeves, J. H. Leece, Erie , Sanderson,
K. Kelph and J. . O. Selberg.
Trta. pnmnlslnaittk nnnt.nil trine thiv
went at th request of the Portland
day all war dismissed, th foreman
alleging that he had hired another crew
from Walla Walla -because he Was
advised by the company's Portland
agents that carpenter could, not be
-had In this city.. , ......TV,
Peter Jorasich Arrested With .Two
of Ills Patrons. ;
A raid on the drink establishment Of
Peter Juraslch, 32 North Second street,
netted 10 quart bottles of whiskey,
one bottle half full and on pint bottle.
The raid - was conducted by Deputies
Ward and Chrlstofferson from th
sheriffs office, and Walter Oeren, spe
cial agent of the district attorney, Two
men, found drinking in the place at
the time of the raid, are held In the
county jail as witnesses.. They Were
captured after a'. chase of. several
blocks; ' .
The place conducted by Juraslch for
merly was a saloon, and ha been Open
a a soft drink parlor since January
1, Juraslch' bond was fixed at $1000.
He Is still in jalL
Indian Plead Guilty, Fined. -Moses
Johnson, a full blood Umatilla
Indian, pleaded guilty today in federal
court to an indictment charging Intro
duction of liquor Into the Umatilla. In
dian reservation. ' Johnson was ar
rested on a bench warrant issued hy
Judge Wolverton ana wa brought to
Portland last night by Deputy United
States Marshall David JTuller, Judge
Wolverton sentenced Johnson to a fine
of $500 and 60 days Imprisonment in
th county Jail. . ,".. v,
' 1 ' ...
Ralph Bend Fonnd Guilty.
Ralph Bend was found guilty of vio
lating the Mann whit Slav act in
federal court today, a Jury bringing in
a verdict, after deliberating all night.
The Jury recommended that the court
exercise extreme, leniency In Imposing
. .. Iewl Not .Bondsnana.
George S.Lewis, in east aid grocer,
denies he lias agreed to furnish bond
for Charles Angler aad Milton, arrest
ed for celling liquor" at tblr aof t jdrlnk
establishment at ,195- East -. Morrison
street.. Lewis was a witness for th
state in the -Qeorger- Schults trial, and
testified that he could detect no trace
of whiskey in th Perkins ginger ale.
V V Ma Amend Answer, -.Leave
to file an amended answer to
th suit of Ballon V Wright was
granted to ? th transcontinental rail
roads today . by Federal Judge' Wol
verton. The case is based ton alleged
overcharge on shipments of motor.
cycle, from 'New York after the ln-l
terstat commerce commission had re
duced th rates, r - "
-iV Accused Pleads Not Guilty. ;
" Jess Haxell, Indicted by the federal
grand Jury on charges of using the
mails tq defraud in the promotion of
th sal of orchard lands, appeared
before - Judge " Wolverton'. in -United
States court jtoday and entered a plea
f not guilty. Th date for. hearing
wili b met latere ,:x'tAs .p'AV-. - -
xVV-v i fr - - i , r . 1 ' ' -V
; State toGet UMlalm Estates
' Sacramehto, CaL-l'eb. ll.(U. P.)l
Te um of $4S,418.ff, representing th
value of unclaimed or escheated es
tates now held by 13 counties of Cali
fornia will b turned into the -state
treasury, Stat , Controller "John S.
Chambers today, requesting thr attor
ney general to begin the" necessary
legal action. , Under - the; law this
money belongs to th stat.--
. .: : ,i r i i i sa : ' i , !' , f
A'; May v Regulate - Skirt length. I'
'Toledo, Ohio.Feb; IS. (U. P.
Women I wearing their skirts t higher
than three inches above the ankle will
be' fined If a city ordinance to be in
troduced Monday becomes a law.
Are You Booked with the Rcsariai
. "i -v-1 -'v..
covfflo xvcirrs. -.
t, Moadby. Fab. MK ts.1( Utwbm Cent '
National li;am'i Cwotien Day. Spaak.
Srl P. VialMC, Dr. Ja, P. McMaa-hMa a IV
. Fabraaiy U to It Sta Lnma'a Miaainai "M
anTatiiiaai at win l ampia.
TimmUt. Ftbroarr ML ltiiaUkchaes,
ottea oc uta vnampar 01 imn.
rabfaary IT M.ataia mt sautpL,
mi laitnamaa .
Ftbiwy MH-TMrtwtfl Aaaaal Com, "
.--- - - - T .x
H sdqoan.n. Imperial Hotel;
1 - - " 1 - 5
taamBar vmin.ralL
Marak a-niaaooa. Di
of Omntra, t
a-Inisatiaa. Drfau( aa Racal C4
1 anna bacina at Salam. Oraaaau .
-Ma Cmi
Tuna, tl, Pnrtltn Koaa Faatival
SapraoM Ttsapla i'yUuaa Biatara. ,
I !l'
DetiniU anaoaocamnt wa raccired froirT-W, (if-'
too this trcfk that the north bask batinea arW ibc
twecn Portland aad the aea, formerly attached y -th
Facet Soiaad office, had been aegregated ad M Bid.
ha the fatsra, be operated andec th Portland fce,E
mikiag at an affactree part of th Oresoa di Mct.
Thia reaArt cloae aa effort that baa ba Bad mv
by th Chamber of Commerce for mora than aL ta
rp are to (ie caatom admrnistration oft tha Cof bia.
River brought into more ccoaonsieai form. - . i j
1 In past year, rheaever tha matter cam ap.,r: ,ra
a Congresaional i(ht aad Scaatorial coarteiy . at
mmy auifieient to defeat action in the Senate. 4 ; the
ianance of Collector oi Cartoine. Thorna C. Bm t, as
amendment waa quietly attached to oae of tm jUwa :
auied by the laat antioa of Conrrea girme the; .--r
to the Peatdent to change th bonnda of eattoiz :' V
trict. Tm amendment waa adopted without aVjract,
tug Tcryi much atlentioo and waa the first tmpytaat
atep tm aolrmg an aggravating problem that h con
fronted buaineM interest, located on the Bortk'bamt
of the Columbia for yeara - ! .
Immediately tjua law waa enacted,'' Collector a .Caa
tom, Bark made application for tha chance A th
caatom diatrict. Hia request waa referred rV rh;
Secretary of th Treaeory to the Efficiency "Board
that aat tiare laat summer . At the hearing, held by th
Soard, (he Collector mad a comprehenarr prlenta
en. showing by nameroua ' petttiona the desire .of all
baaincaf Intemr locate ea th north bank rot the
ahaaga. Afparanlly th Board waa smprcaaed with
eptaee ef tit euitoina ef fleer at Sen Fiaa,iace' laat
ae rreatiy did the handiwork of the atnocent
woraaaaera of nature ta that far land often the eiodeety
. oi th officials of th Government that they re aaid
to have need a chisel and a mallet ia tea re forma boa
ef the work of art-
Dr- East is a retired medical missionary te tfie far
East, and designed to present the city ef hi ajfbptioa
with thia remarkable totem. . v
Laat Monday the doctor appeared Before th .Mrm
. bets' Council and asked help in teeuring'thc adni,saioa
, of the pole through the San Francisco custom house,
where ita adherence to nature waa held to malse it 6b
jtctienaele. A eommitte was appointed, bus before
- actio a bad th new, came ever ai wir that
an act of eaadaliam aad been tommittcd and 11 totem
nor WM ea it way. f:
Mutilate and ce riser eo' art tnrmgn it may e, 10
- totem pole at Portland will b the only on et flUtma
. in th United States. i - -i Ii '
A majority of the erganixariona to be repreiented at
th Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Credit! Con-ftrenee
hav reported th names ef their delegates, afacft in
terest fa being manifested, and the personnel of tart
delegate insure the greatest consideration of these im
portant matter. SV
The press of th (tat has eommenlvd fft tin th
proposed action by thh) conference and almnrwiySout
exception th newapapert agree that tame definit detioa
ahanld be takea. . That the agricultural . development ;
of the atate ia one of the most important matters to
be conaidered at thia time sa the principal ' nort; that J
sa fonnd in articles dealing with the commit meeting -
The confrere e will meet In Selem on March eth and
undoubtedly targe and representative delegaiioa will
Th lolloarlng delegate kvd been reported to date
Central Oregea Pevelopmsnt League,
Chart Waed Eberieia. Klamath F.Ils- O C LeileT.
rV-rtUnd: J M Upton, Prineville: C M IrkCortneU, :
Burn; O C Young. Culver - - - . . , : .
Oovemae of Oregoa.
Cover nor ame Whhyroano. Sattm, Wt, Hsnlry, .
Barn: Fred M Stump. Sever W H Gore. Med lord:
,E L, Thompson, Portland. . .
Oraat Nortaera Ralrwty Cac ' v . -
f W Crtbam. Seattle
- Oregoa Irrigitloa Cortfrtee. . '
i -W. Brewer, Portland Fred N. Wallace, Tamalo;
Aaa a Tjhomson. Echo; R. G Callvrrt, Portlaadi Joha
B Bell. Eagen ,
Oregoa Jenrml
Oswald eat. Portland. ,
" Pally Nawa. ;
E JorgetMoa, Portland.
Oregoa Aaricnlt-aaJ CUg.
Prof .W J. Kerr. Corvallia; Prof. HeMojfkAPher
eon, Corvallia: Prof I A. Bexell, Cocvatlia'Frof A- B.
tcoraiey. tuorvallia; prof. K. L MetiaJ.
Oregoa fhyejlcananVeaBaa.
L. E. Bean. Eugene; W. L, Thompson. Pendleton;
Ckarle Hall. Marahfield; C fvCaapmaa. Portland.
Oswgaa Dralaag Aaaec1iiea. li -
L rf Edararda. Monroe: W U Power. rvamt
Walter Pierae. La Grande, William Egaa, tiervaia:
Ferry Capper, Salens. - vaj. .
is Oregoa Federetiea of Labor.
' T. H. Barthard. Porttaad E J. -Stack. fViftaid
yv. Manaea. rortuaa; jc A.
llartwig, Portlaad.
WiUiama, PortllMd; Otto
The Journal today prints &lmile of page of The Chamber Cf Canssn
merce, in order to give-ft larger circulation and greater publicity.
Nature's Smile as
" Spring Token Se. s
:AU Birds. Sin'gig
Amon the .Portland rw I
colony today there was i
rejoicing. !
Fat worms crep-t up. to sir. t
th fresh, crisp air, warmed .f '
the glorious gun, - fji
Tiny sprouts of crocus and f9
fodll' afforded luscious plckj
tor uetL&s luuv wefe wvni, ui
lng the day Of snow, to
hunfrrllv at lce-lad twiga
mayhaps. at the crumbs set d
by some sympathetic bird-lov"-(
Spring was in th air, tod; I
od; c
The snow pealc loomed whV ?
and clear, th warm
breezed gently and It wa
heaven In the subueb wh
hlrrl wara efn trine anil rhlldr 1
wre playing, glad that tha co .
and . snow and sleet-drivii: -i-rales
"had departed. !
r r ... . t: 777. . - i
.1 r
uuiisuiar iigem-s ..u---Study
on Probl bs
Chamber to Int Data of Irocklfcfhlp-
pla Condition- at Sisposal oiort
laafi WprsatatlTB. .. - i'j
Thai consular representative for
eign government stationed in ,'ort-
land may have ev,ery . opporruiv f tot
informing themselves on shlppirt 4and
trad conditions In Portland the' li tire
facilities of the 'Portland -'Chamt y- of
oomiaerce are put at their dispti al.
Statistics and data on com mere 1 and
solution of trad problems, lie-ti the
bureaii of trad and commerce!. t.iho
chamber, which will endeavor tb irlng
consular 'representatives and Portland
shippers closer together. , . . .
A banquet Which was to be tenured
to -orisular repiesentatlves afehttytiry
22 has been called ofl. . . ' A i -
Appeiils "Perfec1;eclii
n Swindling Gf?se
Appeals in the eases of Prank 1 lene-
fes-ocar A. Campbell. 8nne
well find H. ; M. - Todd, -nvictedjt)ffl-dais
and salesmen of the United State
Cashiea company, were practically? per-
f ectedr yeerday wnen federal Judge
Wolverton signed - th necessary rvrtt
of error at th request ot thelr.iattor
neys and with th consent' f United
Statesi Attorney Reames. All hadC been
given j jail sentences. P. VI. L Monn,
who wa manager of the eompwny. is
already serving - time.- He considered
sppeal futile. ; .r.j.
lo See the Hala-IIcla' at ilonoluhi;
" Jsr" ' ' ' V " ' ' ' ' ' ' '
P l.cW )aIXTllsTaTsS
- ' i - . ' , ' . . . -
tk arfamcait, birt latar ae'tSay ma4 aa saWaa Tm- .
port aa4 tka Aaaiataat Sacrrtafy 4 thm Ttattary aaa-
taioa4 ita aoaitiea.
- pairiac iiiM tta oi fhm agar! h waa latma aaV
: vlaabla thai tba Chat hat of Comawa alwaM w4ta-7
4nw from any effort th tabject, IctTtnc tha fauwa
ccjI4, official hatiatat aropoMUoo. Br tlua body sot
aarba patina is tha rcqacM it waa aaaaat4 tha IT tha
aaufcial intcraata of tha PB(t S
t h aVawa in ea th oeaotitloa
nmeraiaJ- lntrt of th North
However, th
mscr th ficht -
4i4 ,
', wan aggaeaatvebr aad mt4 all aa their pa Baa tola-"
financ u h-tttoancy Boar an tn secretarjr of the
Treasury ia thai)ecjLioa that ana rendered adver to
.the River. :
. After arcing th BorttMra aomaniUal tnrereeta par
ticipatiag, Jadga Barke thea informed the Chamhf that ' .
it woold be ia order for it to get busy at one. Tba -Chambar
employed anaa who aptnt a weak aad a .
half along the north bank of th River presenting th -itaatioa
to all of the bainaa ratareata, and asggaatv
in to them that they petition, to that portion of the -
' YVaahinjrtoa delegitioa that might he aaprejasUcee) is s
. petitiona were neat to Congressman Albert Johaatoa,
of Hoeuiam. aad to th two Senator.. All three 4 '
tnaaa men agraaa to gtve tae petitioner, e coaaMera- -tioa
and it ia anderstood that, ia view of th clear -.
acenomies aad advaatage Proven, they did aopport, at
Uaat mildly, the petiboa el th reaidenta at th north
bank of th River.
Aa a reaah of the tear of th epeciel reareaeotatrra 7
ef th Chambar a flood of letter aad petition waa- .
- etn to the Secretary ef th Traaaary aad the member t
of the Waahhigtoa dalegatloa. At tha asm tuna th
Chamber appealed by letter aad wire ta th Orafoa
delegaiioa to aae ita full in fine ate ia favor ef aha ahaaga.
Ten concerted actios betwaca the anited Otegoe dela-
Stioa aad that part ef th Washington dasegatiea
it feels boaad to protect aoathwaatera ssate iatereata,
rcsaltad ia a recoaaidaratJoa of the rating previowslr
given, and later in th Saeratary ef the Traaaary aead- '
tog to ta treasons rer aia stems
is to ta President roe sua aiamatai
tha deeired ehanae. After a brief data the aismansre
ef th Prcaideat warn attached and, according a the
telegraphic mrormstion of thia weak, a change that
haa occupied the aftentson ef locamtruil iatertaat bar
for the peat dotea eg more year it finally t aniens
The f feet of the change will ba emit beneficial to :
the north bank of the KJver Th lumber mill aad ,
other indue trie there that en trace ia th export baas
nesa enff ared from a lack ef aw sic by deputy coUeetoea.
The mille at Koapptoa were aaatrialry a grieved aad
' have complsiaed bitterly for veto. When th New
Moaatain Timber Compaay mill at Kalama ia raaaa
atracted ft will als profit greatly. From tha Govern
ment's viewpoint the change will prove an etoaemy
and ef general attwtacttea to taoa peraoaa ids i
E. Brodie. Oregoa City: C E. Inaalla, Corvalha-.
Etwee Lwania, la uttawj r.
C Baker, Tillssnnnb;
Eric Allen. Eugema.
- rartlaa Chare her af
C C Colt. Portlaadr A L Id ilia. Portland: Root. E.
Strahorn, Portland; Franklin T. Crtffita, Portlaad ;
amea d. rverr, roriiano.
. Portland Railway, Light ft Power Co.
O. R. ColdweTl. Portland.
' ' ' Southeia Pacific Corapany.
Wm. U. Colvtg, lejrtlaad.
- - gtata linia.
. W Lair Thompson. Latccvi; t rf. Dae. PartUad;
W. H Sttayer.. Baker; C L Kawley, McCoy) I. C
Smith, Grant Fasa. . -.. ?
L.--"' tfnjvneujjw ef Orgv V '
Prof. P. t CamubelL Pmf. V. o.
Young. W.
V. . il m m u:n i ... . . i .
."fj.... . m, raiimt, er. tunnssr.'
The following oraanirationa nave no aa vet i
Farmers Education ,1 and Co-operative Union; Northern
P ciii Rr. Co.: Meraisw Oreeonlaat State Banker.'
Association; Stat Grange; O.-W. R. ft N. Coj S. P.
ft S. Ry. Co.: State House ef Rcpt-sntative; Ereaia;
TcUgraaa. , . ; . : . . .. ...
Pcbrtjiry wilt brtnV two Important ronvrnrlona
rorttaoo. tn am peing te a-aymea g Mi
.Movement Convention, wbtea open Suadsy Febraary
13, and contrmica through Monday. Tuesday aad Wd- '
nesday. -
Th convention aria be held hrt Us Whrt Tmpl
ad la ape to all men who car to attend.
' At o'clock each aftraooa and at night leclsTTe by
.in wf wmi wmm vi ito, pimumut i
v Members Council
Monday Noon. Febraary 14
; liiteraatioiial Fame
MfCrRtD B. PISHBR.rwa Leader af rh Nat-
DE.IAI. P. BfcNAOOHTON, savratlefram Tur
key with the msstsae; "WHY THE TORES
DR. ftlRlERT JOHrHOW, a f Malnat djeias at
- e; '.' ' - . .
- TWtatlr iiekusaliafihsChiaikwli
-1 sttaad thai istisg.
No Furtlier Slides
Of .Earth Reported
Ztrpartment of Public Work Employe
Aid Materially la Onardlnc Afalut
AddlUoaal .Ianjrra.
tio farther earth slides.- were re
ported to th department . of public
works today , sad It is said -"that-other
slides are gradually stopping. .... .
In -many Instance employe of th
department of public works have pre
vented further damage to residence
by blocking the slides by draining and
Lrurnl-ig the sliding mud into- other
courses. - - - . " -
It is believed that with no further
rain at present the home of W. C
Lawrence. S99 Montgomery Drive, will
remain stationary. There I less than
an inch of movement nine yesterday,
although prior to that time th ground
and house had been moving steadily,
. The worst damags to any house was
done , to the home of Mrs. .8. C. Long,
455 Sixteenth street. -The entire build
ing is wrsckexl and part of It ha slid
dorm Into a ravine west of Sixteenth.
Big Number Attends
Final Laymen Rally
Saw? KerlstraUons drported at Veon
- anuabwr B3S, . Bringing Total Vp to
1803 Ov 80O Atttrnd Xanchoa.
Th final rally at th T. X 0A.
today noon of the men' -who hav been
canvassing for delegate for ,the - lay
mens missionary movement conven
tion wa attended by over 100 enthusi
astic laymen and preachers.: Reports
of 235 new registrations were turned
in, boosting tha total registration tcrl
1805 delegates. - Following th dinner,
Fred Fisher of -India."-. Dr. :vHrbrt
Johnson of: Boston and other, conven
tion ejreakers . made : briefs talks. . . . .
Biirglafs Rob Store,
c ; Private Residence
Thlf TJnlocks Bedroom Window nfsli
t. Tamlly X la XAtimg Bom; rrxxzlaa
' lug ' piae Bntrd, ' - . '.' '
- Whil member of theC. t. Griffith
family of J.Od.8 East Thirty-third
street,sat in th living room of their
home last night, a thief climbed In aa
unlockel bedroom window and stole a
red leather clasp purs containing':
number of English eolna. -
.Thieves broke into th Blender Co.
furnishing store at 171 Ktir Thir
teenth street.' Sell wood, last night and
stole shoe and a number of : neck
scarf a They-entered by way of an
unlocked rear door, according to De
tectives Pric and Mallett.
eoBataan km M cal tk la fa auttar ef arwlita
tor aaatta caara anil b a vary lir. fact alam
aaparariiala, Stflaraaca ha aha total, at laaM antal
tliara m aiora aiiwnwt 4imIobi t tm monk liafc
wtu mm ayiiaiaa t 1M 1
rgsJtxs axu. was pnevuxn.
Discasaio of th roithnt at th yarra) Ml bafar
the member Ceaascsl -laat hfeaday h tana at lagaihaf
Claad McCattoagh, law partner of sva -Governor
Oswald Waat aad iormer State Senator from teat era
Oregoa. and Cr C Chapman, editor ef Th Oragoa '
Voter. At the Machtaiaa of their debate. FranhUa T. .
Grttiuh, frdaraent of th Portland Bailway Ught
. rawer Company, enreag a surprise ia aae of the aseat
ttisrical and cone la si re eitemooraneooa iiidrtst! beard
before th body ia week.
- Mr. Griffith began hi apeech with reTatatioa of
. figare anoted by air McCulkmgh at t tha valuarioa
: pUced .by th ii company a power ait aad water
right, aad thea called attention ta the iawa which
have arway goviaed th giaatiiig of tba rigat to aat
- water tor power or for development awpoeee.
H ceiled aMcetioa to th fact that th Cxmsnoa Law
of Eagland waa ia effect ia thm sjaautia nntil UTT,
at Cagrea passrd aa act which niovidad a method
at aeaiepitauag water aadcr Bate law. Sraee thea
the water ef the etreamt baortly haa been aader
control ef th atatea. -
"la principle Secretary Lane baa attempted ta frame
bill that ia correct, and ia th Ferric btfl be waata ta
' aeovida for th develo patent ef water paasra. Th
tronol with it h that th Frfrte bill ia framed vrlrhoat
fall kaewledga ef th sUsntat ia veered ia deveiop
mat and ftnaartng. sasd Mr. Griffith. -
"Aa it ataada it will niinr aa anmihta aainterant
For snataae the bill nroviden that the eipi.tsiv mM.
laa laterio may fla aha rate for th aa ef the land
ea whack to develop ptaata te etilisa th water that
beletujt to th state. There 1 BO provision lot aaiform
rata, aor th amhlsihiaeni af aay niiara for gaiojtate
'Assotber itttloa toy that aat mar than M per '
cant ef the predaet ef a piawt may he told to aay aee :
Hetrtbetsttg eompany. Such a proviaiow tahea no heed '
ef the aacraaitic wsuch auy hav rilled the plaac lata
caisteace. f - . , ,
. "Th bill provides that aay eompany which make
aa ef aay pertioa of ta public domain to carrying ;
on ita baatrieaa. must place all of its property, whether -an
tha pabisa domara er net. Bode th control ef the
&retary. la th caae af she Portland fUUaray. Light '
Power- Company that weald mean that ail of am .
drfiarent planta wonld have ta be evsn ever to th
direction af Waahmgtea,whil only a email par cent
of th lead occupied ay th company la Government -lead
. - ' -- . -
"AS ef tha) pre parly fa eousrtd by a blanket mart-
a to aeevre targe a ember of widely acattered boad '
fere. Under th Feme bill th eompany could aot .
' hn as a snort gage without tha consent aad approval ef -th
Secretary, if be objected to a eiHgle ctaaee mi th "
fmiiaaya mmtgaga she i unit an j weald wa vteeaaag -
Eacaatoe McCuiiough aapported th yrrl bflt ear
th ground esaslly takea by the conservaxioniet, ; Ita
aactanaet weald ateaa th aritataatioa to th pscple
ef great aatarai rsseaoa of lh aoaairy, aa U weald ,
Chamber of Commerce Ne
t a.
Omm maNrtkmmt$ BmtAlmmyt Ortft
v . -
rnvmumrnvmo bat-okdat SAca -arsu
Cksnik ed&
d Uaiswd I
ed Ckasakara al I
W nasV AKan.
sepalataaa at Pnrilnl g
Eatered as uraad i lasa i
' Jary u seta, at ta
rest uhks st rtailaaa,
March a tttm."
aba act ef
aa Mortal church erganls lions kavins beoaiht their
tronges missjooariea from foreign sand te aerticipata.
Tae preeence of the mm make the fees Latum im
portant to bustnese mea ef Portlaad. They at fresh
from the couutrie where aostal conditiona are chang
ing bueiaeae conditiona. aad taey will be abla te dis
cus the mart era in tech manner that tae keen minded
Bhieper will hav little difficulty ia aaalyaiag the liiaa
tson and aaaking adjaatmeat to fit.
. Th entire coat ef idmittitsa to the IS or U lac rare
sa 1 feat bcJutav - -
Febnsary at, M aad U, tba Thrrteertfh Aaweal Cea.
erenee of -the retail lumbermen of the Pacific Coee
wiU be hefd ra Portland, aad h ss aaeurad that from -a
to aw aelrgate-wiU be ta attendance. The head-
smarrerB ot tn cooterenc will Be at the lmpertai riatst,
susa sm sssssuas wtu a at tea tameer of umu
Al the aaas tun a convention of tha
sacisa eta f ta wortawett wm be ta aeaaion. aad a
roots for their aecammoditioa wig be pro id ea th
flftk floor fa eloue peoajraity te tha place fat tha meet-
las of tha retailer.
smanhern nf, wiTt null, tinsu .U-
tomia. Waskingtoa. Utah aad Idaho, snaey of tkea
being eeeompeuied by their wfvea With tacb a csv
' reaooB there lwey come a larg "camp following"
ta tea aaraaaa of eslsemca aad rprtsalativ of allied
ot trade, aa that ta approachiag convention auy
Th grngraav aiasidi far th
awe tson ef vital importance a the baaiaesa ef lata.:,
bertng, th chief mduatry of th Northweat, eat will b
directed toward Idea of to pratiaa antb tba daveiop-.
awaVCAt of nftrritOsr3r
Amoag th ipiakiri arTfl be T- hi. Crawfoed. preeUisnt .
Of th aaeociation: A. L Porter, h aacrstary; p. P.
Smtpkms, of Salt Lake; Mra C. C Bowerman. ei
Pocateilo: Joha C Catnao,of afaeeeka, CL Joaepkm
Cole pTcatea, Stat School Saperiatrndeef ef Wash- ,
Ingtoat Mary Ellen Geaby ef Ctisco, California; t. W.
Franklin, traffic manager for tha aaaeeiatWai Hrel4
E. Crawford, ef WalkTVallat A. H. Cea, ef Pcadletoa,
and many other ef premiaetsoa.
"Co te if be bee adapted ai th Baits ef rha aea.
entice and aa th diacsuaioe of tha Baser effrud a
treu-iorll act ef rale will ba yet lata effect.
During th three aye ef the conveatson It sa probabi -
uw a snevxuig wm e arraagea est use a i
sorce News, the Official publication
This is done on The Journal' own
Proposal - to Utilize Columbia
. Waterpower:for Extracting
Cyanide From Air, Subject.
: Teashlngton, Feb. 12. (I. N; 8.) F.
S. Washburn, president of th Ameri
can Cyanit company,-yesterday urged
the house committee on military - f -fairs
to recommend th cooperation of
the: government with th private In
terests in -th development of the at
mospheric nitrogen ' industry.- Wash
burn suggested a alt on the Columbia
river. ..--.-i 7 .r-;: -..v
The state and government, on a Co
operative btvals, made an Investigation
of th power posslbilitle at Celilo
Fall. On th Columbia river, and - the
f t: '.X
s.1 ...
ucnt17, Bsaua w wj. aeava- vi fomttoiDir eV' t gBOSt TrO BtPPeii ere . - ' j
along th spla. palpitation, hot 1 lathes, wearlaess. sallow comj
dark circles nnder tn eyes. pin la ta left braaat or a general ...
Utm tm aot worth Uvtatr. .
I Invite You to Send Today for My Free 10 Day Treai:
and learn how these aliments can b:easllv and sureiy conquered at fcor
out the dangers and expense of an or" ration. Wha yon ar cortd, s- 1
enjoy life sgain, you can pass the good word along to some otner fji
home -treatment Is for yonng or olX To Hothers of Daughters 1 will e -to
overcome green sickness (chlorosis), irregularities, h v-adacr-en, "i ,
In young women and restore them to plumpness and health. Tell r e it
worried about your daughter. Zvemember it eosts yea notliiBT to ih-
treatment a ten days trial, and does not interfere witn riaiiy acm. ;
Is worth asktag fox, then avecept my generous offer and writ for r t
meat, t-.-auding my illustrated tooklet. 'Wodmo'i Own JL ,
send ail In plain wrappers postpaid. To save time, you can ci t t it t
mark your feelintrs. and return to me. Send today, aa yoa i .ay i t
offer again. Address .- . .
r-st if - ffnnnr.-
acrat to afvmt atoneooly. H Dun SI t
wtii afccta4 lbra(fc ta prerwam tat a ,.
C C rhanmsa ad v. need tha doctHn of ' "
trai ai water ia eppoettioa ta the hul, as w
Saaaera,. anrntwraetory amimtrtion and g .
aenmisat f ataanet daaiiaaiina by tu p-. ,.
th Vraat.' ,
Rilmaiaai U Oraarad.
. Sehtf aaaored that th Chamber of Cmurr" r
th United State had laveked reirrenm c "
proviana of th Seaman'e Act of hiarcn , l
that th matter area befor a committee of he
ef Trad and Commerce for oneoeruon, W S t.
' ashed that the matter be referred se th entire - -hip
ef th Chamber for vote, and that the i -Committee
at the Chamber be reeaested to ( - ,
for each a vote, as well aa print and aead i l...
aaenta for and asraiaat tha ptapond action.
Responding to thia teqaeai a vwse will he tiV.o ef '
entire body, by eraer ef the Eaecatl-e CenamMi r
' eftort will be eaade to taraia a auifieient an-
tba doeasaaau containing th argumaais far c .;
tioa among mem her, of th ChamSer. rainag in t .
S tyaopai will b printed ia this Paner next w
- The rentrendsm aenr eat by th (initad Ste i.
- her of Commerce greet a report ef apeciai
: which haa ne hsveaucatuig th rationa 01 t .
asaa'a Act and eta effect ea Aaaencee aerpotee, a
. ef the act aad argamiaii tor aad agataat tae cussni. .
rha committee recommends firvt. that Conerees .
be aahad ta a speed Sectioaa . 11 aad I af tni nct.
Section 4 aremde that ammea aa torv, 3
- ahip auy daaiaad hai pay at Aavartcaa
Ssctie 11 refer to th Ueeuia teat and
-k - '- the complement of able seaman. .
. Sectioa 14 concern hfeeavuig appliances
aad th niaaaing af Mm boars.
v " The eommirt recommends thet thoa teetic-t t (
the Seaaaaa'a Act which deal with deserter 1 -
aepeaied aa to foreign thipe, aad that th Stat h'---
meat shall each te have arrest aad punishment of St.
- awn for desertion abolished by other Button.
" The third issnmnisnaaooa sa that Con errs, thill t .
the Preaideat ta withdraw at once the cones 1 -Uaittd
State haa given, regardmg-rh abrogitioa oi
fornga trealiea.
I he laat recaaBmevdatjos t that rroefsl sBtftu-j
Be createo. ,
At practkat metbed for the settlement ef the t ere ef Ore roe land contained ia the Ore, 1
- Cahferai a-raat, Glea E. Kaated aagfeeted t)-it 1
Chambar of Commerce endeavor to get th l r H
' States and th SoBthera Pacific Company to enter ir
Mipalatioa autaoriaing the apposatment of a rec - .r
'for tha land, and their ssaM.iu .... Th (
would call for aU the money received from auch . -
to be depoaited ha hank, and Ita ownership det.rrmn- i
afterward If it ah all finally be decided that the r.
road at larJUed to orrly fa M per acre, th remsinorr ci
th asle aric would a returned to the purchasert er
fee rated amoag thoee-deemed to have intcres's.
, Mr. Malted wa ea ef th attorney en,
thia caae, aad believe that anlet thii pro.-r - -r
. adopted it will be mtoy yrt befor th land to,tu
pubtect to settlement
Th Eaecatrv Committee hat referred thil tusitr
to th Board af tttgitlitiaa aad Tiutu ,
r - V gaa fiaadm Offkiam alsackad.
. A totem not from India, designed ta bsr ftrrse.4
te th city of Portland by Dr. . H. Etas. U ss d to
hav Beat ebocke af korrer ihtsing up aad d t'
a fra--k
and opaa diseusston ef the euestiou of rvwetehing ttr
soaa an i omenta ee coai. an to ascertain
in the causes ef
betwaca mm
weight aad deetnuti-n
- Tbwrdy eveerrng. Prbruaey t-4. Heo Hoe d,nnrr
t will be given at th Chamber ef Comme-ee, folio. -t
by aa Initiation and kangaroo court. On that a - t
- th ladie will be guests ef frb msaagrment of t t
mjmpftm fktafer. - . . . -
Friday tvgbt the annnaJ dinner af th assoc. ianoa wi'i
B riven ike Chamber ef Commeet.
The Pariland Ad Chab Oaartetf bae bee inffri
te ng at each astasua ef the aaeociatioa.
Durtng th week a eerie of conlereocee will be ar
' raaged betueea the lumber dealer and reareeen'. lives
of tba wild prod acta g terntorie ef th orir,ur.t
C-torge M. Cornwall, of Portlaad, ia ia charge ei t
. Tba Portland Chamber ef Coenmerre It gUd to plite
r It rooms at the ditpeaal ef the delegatee ta this on.
tistms and win de everything In it power to mue
delegala weleeene and omfortabl. ,
Led Knia-ht af rrhsaa.
la Aetntft th Stroma Lodre Rniekt ef Pv'l-
wAI held iu biennial eonvratioa ,t Portland Th b r
will be la aeselnet for t days, and dorm that tt-"e
. a conventioa of Pythian Sister, th Crregoa Grtn-i
Ledge end aa an ram anas nl of Ih uniformed compart
ef the Military Dtvisme of Ihe Northweat will be tic. ,
Local aontmrtteea ar bow at work plannmg th en.
fartaiaaieet of Ih reorrsent stives to th Snnreme
, Lodge aad th Pythian Swter, wMrh will Incmdr a
trap so Aseersa and Seaside. AH viaitor wtfl b u4
to nercbaa their Tickets through te Aeterta. and .1
raOreada will b aaked te offer Una aniornutjeje ta in-
- cowsn, rurjfiiw ri ntyoRMATiOH to
... ;,-..v IHIPPERE, - . - " . .
Harry L- Skevwood. tumal for Great PrftaJ. ks aeut
th appended tetter t the Bureau ef Trade and Com-
1 have tiea Imll aclad SA heine to msf entire ,-,
following aaanaartmna regarding cargeet fur Greta
'Sklpattat of flear aad avafa te Creek deetintk.
suay be dstaiead at Gfbvattar er in the Mruitrrr.r...
la erder to avoid the denlention and search of v....
at ea,S ahip aritk Cargo for Greek ports thouid i
at Gibraltar for ammario, or at om Allied prrt
th -Mediterraeeea , for instance, fitaerta, A er,,
e, Trapaal, Valletta, er Meaaa
' rifnCtTEIAXelTEMa
Threetgh tha effort of Rev. S. DarW John.
Sliaaeter of the Methodist Church ef Clatakar, -.. t
aianafactarar end diimoutor ef Porrltnd and o-er i
will haw aa opportunity ta prevent tbatr aroductt to
th toaeamita ef that ronvmumry
it i aWiBld that about ISO fam&le bey f r
their enppKct at.tht point and it la aropoesd tn
a Horns Piadan Eapeeitloa for eeversl aay t .
tha md ef th aanamer, when there will be e
prvdact ef In aotl and factory ra fTtetakam ta fit
Scalar aad Oregoa ia general.
The led ice ef th Church hav volsnlsiiid to art a,
autear nemfmatrator for Ih benefit ef the at--terr
eahibtting at Ihia lepaamoa. Prijse w .
offered so chool chfldren for comsaoditie raised t- -
th tadiaa of th teara will be givea Iwardi i ' t -beet
flower aad vea-ershle raiaed ia the towa i --
The Bwreaa ad Induetrie aad Manafactare is a .
sag aw. Jshaiaa ia bis afiorta. .
of the Portland Chamber of Cor
initiative, and without charge.
engineers reported thatn imrr.
amount of power could b res filly c. ;
developed there, but owing to the
cost of such an, Immense project
was held to be not feasible for prlva -capital
to undsrtake. .
The;-19U legislature appropriate I
115,00 for th investigation. The ro. -etnment
put up a similar amount. 1 : ,
investigation was conducted under .'
supervision of E. O. Hopnon, reclanw
tlon engineer formerly in charge ut
the Oregon district. I. V. llarza wd
project engineer. . w
Thengineer esUmated that E00.C j
horsepower r could b developed t
Celilo. . Of thl amount 480,009 hors--power
could be developed the j -round
and th rest foT eight and r.K
months of th year. The cost of
a project ws placed at SO,00,000
Stat Engineer Lewi was the auth
of th Investigation.
It is reported that several pe rp
hav been In the state in the last f
months making inquiries and Inveit:
tion a to power development tts-:-blliUe.
I "Dircover Iltsrmlfs WtjaUh.
" Sacramento, CaL. Feb.' 12.- Cli P.
Search for th savings of James MatK.
a hermit who died several weeks 1-
in his cabin near Nevada JClty, CaS .
ended in Bacramento today when it -
found he- had $5000 in a safe depo t
box t the D. O.. Mills bank.
X kaow a woman's trUU.
aaow bar need of sympathy and at:?.
Tou.,!I-y auter, are unhappy because c!
111-ucaut.n, it foa i eei unrit xor nousehoiil ij.
ties, avociat pleasure, r daily employrner ?
vy rite and tell rue Just how you suffer, a.
for my fre tea. gUycr trial of 1 1. .
-restment suited to your needs, is-". ea
4adrstad - women's sufferings. bac
omen know from experience, we know r
ter than any man. I want to tell you how 1
cure yourself at borne at a cost of about 1.
Tgnts a -week. .
, If yon suffer from women's pemiJlar
ments causing; calm la ks need. bee-, ort o .
els, fuaff of weigh aa ttratrslBV ori t
satlon. falling or fUarplseenteat cf i.t )
ran, ceasing kidney and bladder .
or constipation aad vlles. valsful or in.
periods, catarrhaa eosd-Uea and t
nervcmsnes, 4 err egged g-