The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Leaders From ' Various Activ-r
ities.of Life to Participate
in Great Meeting.
Contention to Open a 3 p. m. Tomor-
' , roir In rint Bejrttat Church.
(White Temple.)
"When, today closes the committees
which iave been for weeks preparing
for the great Laymen's Missionary
movement -convention wilt have practi
cally completed the last details of the
gathering- which will meet tomorrow
at 3 in the First Baptist church
i White Temple.) These meetings will
conclude Wednesday night..
The convention will open with practi
cally an even 2000 delegates. Of these
between 160 and 200 will be from
point in western Oregon and Washing
ton outside of Portland.
. Weather Zs Handicap.
A month's severe weather, which tied
up mails and "transportation facilities
has. handicapped the efforts of the
'general committee, and it . has been
impossible to bring from out of Port
land the large number of delegates
that could have .been interested had
the elements been mpre considerate.
'The Laymen's Missionary Movement
aims to interest laymen of all com-,
munities in the United States in mis
sionary work, both home and foreign.
Leaders in ' the movement have noted
that, in the past this branch of church
work has been left too much to the
women and It is felt that it is about
time that the men of the community
bestir themselves and ; shoulder part
of the responsibility for the extension
of the Christian religion and the moral
uplifting that follows the lead of the
religion of the Christ.
Church Dignitaries Attracted.
The Portland convention has attract
ed to the city a large number of the
most prominent churh dignitaries in
the United States, these include mis
sionaries and fteld workers in practi
cally every evangelical denomination.
It can be said without stretching the
truth, that the men who are In at
tendance . form a 'group which in its
composite state has seen -all the re
mote corners of the entire earth. Tur
key, Asia Minor, India; ., China and
Africa have no hidden spots that have
not come beneath the gaze of some
one of these men.
- The men are speakers of more than
ordinary ability,- and some men stand
foremost in tank as orators. They are
all interesting and above all and in
tensely; human.
Laymen. Leader to Speak.
---'.Morris -W. Ehnes, formerly a mis
sionary to Africa, and now editor of
th publications of the Missionary Edu
cational Movement, will . address the
current events class of the First Pres
byterian church in the auditorium im
mediately following the church serv
ices tomorrow morning. Mr. Ehnes is
one . of the leaders of the Laymen's
missionary- convention. This meeting
is open to men and women.
' Free Lecture Tonight.
Through the courtesy of the Lay
men's Missionary .Movement a free
stereoptican lecture will be given in
the White Temple this evening at 7:30.
The pictures are entitled "The RedempV
tion " of ' Jimmie," 'and . give a graphic
representation of church work as car
ried on In certain parts of the city of
Boston. W. H. Gilbert will be the
lecturer. - The public la invited.
National Secretary to Speak.
Rev. Herman P. Swarts, one of the
national secretaries of the Congrega
tional Home Missionary society, will
ireach ' at Waverly Heights church.
Woodward avenue and East Thirty-
third street, tomorrow morning at 11
ir.- Swarts is a leader in Congregationalism-
and will be one of the speakers
t the v Laymen a Missionary conven
1 lOn, :,'
Visiting Ministers
To Occupy Pulpit
Tomorrow morning the pulpit of
First Congregational churcb will be
occupied -by some of . the speakers -of
he Laymen's Missionary- Movement
onventlon. At the evening service
r. Luther R. Dyott will deliver a
-rmon on "Physicians. Nurses and
(hers. This is the third in a series
' sermons on the general theme,
fealth and Happiness.".
The past week has been an active
ie- for the workers of First Congre-
itionai cnurcn.
Monday evening the Men's Brother
od held its monthly dinner. .J. B.
. instanley . gave ' a review of the peat
. years of the church's growth.
Tuesday the Woman's league held
i "all-day" in the church parlors.
ne day was spent in sewing for
al charity.
' last night the Endeavor society
ive a valentine social in the church
t lore? -
Dr. Cline to Speak.
lr. C.-B. Cline will deliver his fay
-us - lecture oa Abraham ' Lincoln at
i4 Vancouver Avenue Methodist Epis
al tihurch,' corner ... of ,Skidmore
reet, tonight: at 8:15. Admission is
: i-e. The '"Lyng" society will serve
' . tshments. -
Bishop Bell to Speak.
. shop William L.' Bell of the Unit
llrethren churcb will occupy the
:- if of the First -United Brethren
i rch, Sunday, at 11a. m.
Vo I Teachers and Sun
day School Workers "
" Provide yourself now with '
PeloubetV Notes
' for 181 -'Price
SI post paid -Vv
TarbeH's. Teachers' ; ,
.Glllde for 119'. i
Price 11 post-pafd "'"'"',-.
Gist of the Lesson
for 1MI:
Price 2Xc post paid
Alder -St.
. .
Active in behalf of
laymen's 'convention
f A,
s Vi; J- "l ;!
Dr. George 'BJ Pratt
Lincoln's Birthday
Will Be Celebrated
Lincoln day will be observed in the
First Christian Sunday school tomor
row -morning, at :45 o'clock. B. F.
Mulkey will make the address. It will
be the same address that he will de
liver at a big Lincoln banquet tonight.
The Veterans quartet will sing two
selections. All the -members of this
quartet are over 70 years of age. The
quartet is composed of W. N. Morris,
who was on Sherman's march to the
sea; Z. N. Parvtn, who has written
much music for the quartet; Mr. Hall,
who was in the Gettysburg campaign.
and Mr. Mills, who was in the Knox-
ville campaign. Among other numbers,
the quartet will sing "The Old Flag
Ripples in the' Breeze." written by
Samuel M. Simpson, with music by Z.
N. Parvin. , .
The young men's classes are prepar
ing special features for the Sunday
school session. They have some big
surprises for the school. It will be
worth coming to Sunday school lust to
see .50 young men on the platform. The
Q. A. R. will be present.
Rev. George Darsie will preach at
both the regular services, which will
be held as usual at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.-"
Accepts Call to Everett.
Hood River, Or.. Feb. 12. Rev. W.
P. Kirk, who has been pastor of the
Hood River Christian and Missionary
Alliance church for the past four
years, - has accepted a ca21 to the
church at Everett, Wash., and will
move with his family to his new field
of labor next week. Rev. Kirk has
been highly successful in his church
work in Hood River.
Postponed Services Tomorrow. The
postponed revival services at Sunny
side Methodist church will be conduct
ed tomorrow by Evangelist John Sew
tas, of Tacoma.
Bethany Xtealsb. Aid to Meet. The
Ladies' Aid society of Bethany Danish
Lutheran church will meet at Mrs. H.
Hansen's home, 219 Graham avenue,
Tuesday, at 2 p. nr.
Ho 7asto Cnosea Yet F, E. Helton,
chairman of the committee to recom
mend a pastor for White Temple
Baptist church, reports no recominen-
WUrvObserve Uaooln Day. The
Highland xJongregatlonal church will
observe Lincoln memorial Sunday by a
special service tomorrow evening with
special music and aa address on "Abra
ham Lincoln" by E. V. Littlefleld.
Sermon on Tlncoln. The morning
sermon at Atkinson Memorial Congre
gational church tomorrow is, "What
Constitutes the Greatness of Abraham
Lincoln." The evening sermon subject
Is, "How Old Art Thou?"
Special Beviral Services The First
church of the Nazarene. East Seventh
and Couch streets, tomorrow will be
gin a special series of Sunday meet
ings, conducted by the pastor. Rev. C.
Howard Davis.
Physician to Speakv--Dr. J. Allan
Gilbert will deliver a lecture upon "Sex
Hygiene" before the Young Men's Fo
rum of the First Methodist church.
Twelfth and Taylor streets, tomorrow.
at 12:15. Dr. Gilbert is medical ad
viser of the Oregon Social Hygiene so
ciety. .
- "Will Hold Day of Prayer. The
Woman's Baptist Mission Union of
Portland will hold a special day of
prayer at the White Temple Thursday.
February 17, from 10:30 a. m." to 3 p.
m. Mrs. L.- E. . Troyer, missionary
among the Mexicans of Southern Cali
fornia, will be present.
Will Speak at Anabel Dr. S. Hall
Young, the Presbyterian representa
tive in Alaska, will give an Illustrated
talk on Alaska at Anabel Presbyterian
church at 6 p. m. tomorrow. Dr. Young
is a scheduled speaker at the . Lay
men's Missionary Movement conven
tion. . - -
Commissioner to Speak Commis
sioner Will H. Daly will speak at the
7:30 service at Rodney Avenue Chris
tian church, i Rodney avenue and
Knott street, tomorrow on "The Lay
man's Opportunity in the Social
Reconstruction. v .
Dr. Oorbys Anniversary The ninth
anniversary of the pastorate of. Rev.
J. D. Corby, of the Church of Good. Tid
ings. Broadway and . East Twenty
fourth street, will : be celebrated Sun
day morning at the service and Sunday
school . house. There will . be special
features and music. . ,
Second of Sermon Series The second
of & series of six . Sunday evening
gospel talks by Rev. L. K. Richardson,
pastor of Kenil worth Presbyterian
church. East Thirty-fourth and Glad
stone avenue, on topics of particular
Interest to workingmen," will be given
tomorrow at 7:45 oa . "The .Working
man's Sunday." '- p '..'.-:, i -
- Workingmen are particularly Invited
to hear Rev. Richardson. - r -.
...vVesper Mnsle Program, - The order
of sacred music for: the 5 o'clock ves
per aervice at the Church of Our Fath
er, Unitarian, corner-of Broadway and
Yamhill streets, tomorrow-is: Volun
tary. -Elegie," by A. Lebeau; anthem,
"Break Forth Unto Joy by Rogers;
offertory, soprano solo, "My God and
Father" -..postlude. "March Des Fan
tomes,? TgyScotaon Clay. ; - ;
- .'".-J ' Q ' ';;,"-'r" ' v - r-'5 "-""'-'-'v " ---'-ti
Campaign to Register; Stu
dents' Now in . Progress;
' r Visiting Team Noted Men.',
A campaign is being conducted
among members of Baptist . Sunday
school classes, young people's socie
ties, brotherhoods and . women's mis
sionary societies this -week to register
students for the educational Institute
to be held in the- White Temple, Feb
ruary 21 to 25.' There are no regis
tration. . fees and certificates of credit
will be granted to those taking notes
on 10 lectures on young-people's work,
or five lectures on young; people's
work and five in other courses. -Rewards
in the form of libraries will oe
given to the young people's society,
the women's society, the Sunday
school and the church that attains the
highest percentage la attendance and
note taking: students. Points will be
awarded as follows: One for atteni
ance and one for notes on any lecture
or subject. -
The seven visiting members of the
team which will conduct the institute
will arrive Tuesday and during the
remainder of the week will be in a
workers conference preparatory to the
opening of the . lectures and classes
next week.. The team has been in San
Francisco conducting a similar .insti
tute to that planned for Portland next
week. The personnel of the visitors
is: Rev. William E. Chalmers, Rev. S.
Zane Baten. Rev. W. E. Raffety, Rev.
George L. White, Rev. L. P. Valentine,
Rev. W. B. Hinson, Professor J. S. Wal
lace and Miss Meme Brockway.
Rev. Mr. Chalmers for the past
seven years has had charge of all local
religious educational work of the Bap
tist churches in the United States. He
is dean of the team who will be here.
He is a New Jersey man and was ed
ucated at Chicago university. Before
taking up his present work he was a
Chicago pastor.
Catholic Chapel Car
Is at East St. Johns
Services will be conducted Sunday In
the St. Peter Catholic chapel car
which has been stationed on a side
track at Bast St. Johns.
The car, which was built at a cost
of $25,000, is inJ reality a Catholic
church on wheels, and contains all fur
nishings found in a Catholic church,
such as an altar, sanctuary, sacristy,
confessional and vestments, etc. "What
the Catholic Church Is and Is Not"
will be the subject of a lecture to be
delivered In the car at- 8 o'clock Sun
day evening. The car will be open to
the public from 2:30 to 4 o'clock. Serv
ices will be held for an indefinite time.
Women's Auxiliary to Ifeet Tho
Women's Auxiliary of the Episcopal
diocese will meet at the parish house
of. St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral, -Thirteenth
and Clay streets, Wednesday
at 3 o'clock Rev. Hugh L. Burle
son of the board of missions of New
Tork and Bishop Walter T. Sumner
will speak.
Entertainment XText Priday. The
Epworth league of the Mount Tabor
TklT to v. . . . . ... . . . . . .
i. uuurca wiu give xne tnira or a
series of winter entertainments in the
Church Fridav vnn Tff-aK Ml tt m mm 1 V
Tho program follows: Saxophone solo,
Carpenter Staples: sketch, "Shattered
Nerves," Ava Owen and Elizabeth Sin
gleton; piano solo, Miss Eva Graves;
"A CaSA Of SURnennlnn " in,Uir.lAm.
edyf by members of the league.
Idaeols-Douglass Eatertainmeat. A
free entertainment in the form of a
"Lincoln-Deuglass" service will be giv
en at the First African M. E. church,
288 Williams avenue, tomorrow eve
ning, beginning at 8 o'clock. J. D.
Lewis Will xnpn If on 'Dniita. Y.
Abolitionist." A paper by Mrs. K.
Gray on "The Religion of Abraham
Lincoln," the reading of a poem, "Lin
coln." by Mrs. J. S. BelL an address
by Rev. E. D. L. Thompson on "Lin
coln His Message ror Our Day," and
solos by Miss JEdlth Gray and W. S.
Drew will have places on the program.
Tjarge Number Present. In spite of
the inclement weather, there was a
large number at the Chrlsti
or meeting in; Calvary Presbyterian
cnurcn last Sunday. Short addresses
were made by the following local mem
bers: Rex Stuart, Miss L Fisher,1 Roy
Glover, Miss E. Jones and Mrs. Roy
Glover. The music was furnished by
Miss Metta Brown, Miss Grace Allen
and the choir, accompanied by Miss M.
Lamberson, organist. Miss Pearl Thom
as, pianist:- Andred 1 Loney, corrietiat,
and Nathan Thomas, violinist.
i ' - '
Xevivals Kext Week Revival meet
ings for every afternoon, and evening
in the week except Saturday will begin
at Sunnyside Methodist churcb Sunday
with Evangelist John Lewtas of Ta
coma in charge. Rv. Mr. riufo
been in the evangelistic: field for a
numoer or years. . ' : i ; -,
A , chorus choir has i been organised
and it will be led by Mr. Lewtas.
Miss Florence Twidwell,' gospel solo
ist, will stag at every service. There
wuj also te special musio each' even
in Two hundred new song books will
be used in the services.- All are In
vited to attend these services.
xissioxutrT Will Speak Rev. John
J. Schmidt, for many . years mission
ary in the province of Shan tun in
Northern China, ; will preach at 10:30
a. m. and - 7:3 p. m. in the German
z,ion vongregauonai cnurcb, corner
Ninth and Fremont streets, February
13. He will preach in German. Mr
and Mrs. Schmidt will render a few
songs in Chinese. ; The ; services' will
be conducted by the pastor of : the
church. Rev. J. . H. Horn. . Several
musical selections will be given under
the direction of Prof. - D. J,' Leather
man. . .' There .will be no admission
charge and , the public Is ; cordially in-
viiea. , - -. .
Troupe" Zs Entertained The cast
of the Play A Case of Suspension," ta
be given by the Mount Tabor Epworth
League - were entertained Thursday
evening by Ava -Owen and ' Elizabeth
Singleton, 4Irectoi;s of the play, at the
Studio- of. Mrs. Adeline N. Alvord.
Mrs. Alvord went over the play with
the young people, and games and music
were enjoyed. ; Light refreshments
were . served. ii Thoee present were:
Misses Genie and Mabel Black,' Helen
MouBtjt Marjraret -Colemanr and Myrta
Henley and Messrs. Walter Nelson, Al
bert Capps, Kenneth Ross, Harold Gra
ham. Harry. Teller, George Graves and
Robert Henley, v ' , '
' j' s.1
f:-:-'v: :-V : :
f ' i f ' 'v
Rev. Willim XL Chalmers.
Rev. Dr. Orothers
Is to Preach at
Unitarian Church
4t Rev. Samuel McChord Croth-
0t ers, D. T ot Cambridge, Mass.,
Ik will preach at tomorrow" morn-
ing"s service at the Church of
Our Father, unitarian. Broad-
m way and Yamhill street. - In
the afternoon vesper service at
6. The pastor of the church will
4t speak on the theme, "Since
Lincoln's Day." 1 v .
(a v P P P P P P
Dr. Duff to Speak
On Preparedness
Rev. W. Duff will preach his de
layed Sunday evening sermon on
"Non-Preparedness" at , Woodstock
tabernacle tomorow evening. Rev. Mr.
Duff has lived ' in England and has
seen "preparedness" as it applied to
that country. He says:
While the big guns roar about this
subject it is well for common gospel
preachers to look to their armory.
It costs to prepare, so It .was thought
cheaper to fight than to be crushed
any more with preparedness. But it
was not.' I fought militarism in -the
the British Isles, when every evening
men trained in their back yards for
the German or some other scare.
"I never saw men wanting a fight
but got it. I would not belong to an
obligatory military . country. Bismark
thought It preparedness - to form the
triple alliance and It was because of
it the others formed their alliance.
Lord Roseberry says he is sorry to
see America falling away from her
old policy. "
It will be the wealthy of the coun
try arming and training the people
and when all are ready, unless there
is more social Justice preparedness
will mean internal revolution quick.
We believe that Christian and fair
economic condition preparedness
strengthens a. country.
Leading Methodists
Preach Tomorrow
Tomorrow is to be a big day at the
First Methodist Episcopal church. Spe
cial attention Is to be given to the Lay
men's Missionary conference, and two
of the leading men of the Methodist
denomination in the missionary move
ment are to occupy- the pulpit of First
In the morning the . Rev. Dr. J. B.
Trimble, educational secretary of the
Methodist Episcopal church, with head
quarters in New Tork City, will deliver
the sermon at 10:30.
In the afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the
convention of all the women's mission
ary societies of the city will be held
in First cburch. It is expected up
ward of 1000 women will be In attend
ance. It is the big gathering, and an
excellent, program has, been . arranged.
At 7:30 o'clock in the evening the ad
drees will be given by Morris W. Eh
nes, editor of all the missionary move
ment publications of the United States.
Mr. Ehnes is known the country over.
Sunday noon, at 12:15, the first ses
sion of the Sunday school in the new
temple will be held. Special exercises
will feature this gathering. -;.
Noted Men to Speak
At Baptist Church
- Two of the team In Portland for
the Laymen's Missionary convention
will occupy White Temple pulpit to
morrow morning and eVening. Dr. M.
D. Eubank of. Hu Chow, China, will
deliver the morning sermon and Dr.
Herbert' 8. Johnson of Boston,' for
merly of Oregon, .the 'evening' sermon.
.The Temple quartet will sing, "Angel
Bands in Strains Sweet Sounding by
Saint-Saens, and "I Am Alpha and
Omega," ; by' Stalner, at . the morning
service. The evening numbers by the
quartet , will be: "As the Sun's. De
clining Ray" by Bliss, and 0 Rest In
the Lord," by Morse.
- Rev Wm. E. Chalmers and Rev. S.
Zane Batten, .of Philadelphia, will
occupy White .Temple pulpit- Sunday
morning and evening, February 20.
Both men are members Of the Baptist
educational team 'which will : conduct
the educational institute in- White
Temple February 21 to 25.
Minister Asks for (
Anonymous Letters
' V-. . . -. -" -ir;--:' :r '"i'
; 'A special series Of Sunday morning
and Sunday evening sermons by Rev.
A. L. Crim, pastor. - is 'announced for
the East Side Christian church. East
Twelfth and Taylor streets. ' The morn
ing subjects will deal with fundamen
tal principles" in religion, and will In
clude a discussion of present indica
tions as seen In; the .religious world.
The evenings .subjects will deal with
the ideal young man and woman of the
times, and the ideal busband and wife
of the times. 4A novet method will be
used by the pastor- In gathering ma
terial for his evening sermons- Anony
mous letters ? front young,' 'unmarried
men and . women ana from husbands
and wives on their Ideals oft the other
sex will be used,, and some of them
read from the pulpit. ' - ,
CLASSinfe Directory
. i S. S. Lesson Tomorrow, , V
HamVlad aad Eaaltod. Phil.' 8: 1-1L V
Memoriae veraea 6-7.--- .' " v -
Golden Text For know the grsce of o
Lord Imu Chrint, that, thong li he waa rtel ,
ret for your aakea be beraaie. pour, tbat t
tboiii hie - porerty aurbt become rlcb-
Cor. S, . .-;,).--.,.- . -
Home Readian M. Hnnibled and- &altea.
ITU. z. i-ii. i. Humility or iwmra, yt
1S: 22-23. W. Hamllity of Moaea. BxoA. S-lJa
Ta. Humility of Oldeua. Judg. : ii
liumlllty or Uim CPDtnrtoD, Matt, a: a-x. n
UrJnllity ot Paul. 3 Cur. 12: l-lO. S. BamUtt -ia
prayer, Luke 18: 6-14. 'f : s j
! Young People's Topics. ,
Christian Endeevor (eonaeeratloa meetiof
Tb CooaecraUuB of Influence." Ue iJ
19-25. - - - ' - -' - . .s .
. Kpworth leegner "Myatery of a Minorit
B. Y. p. u.; "CbrlaUan Fidelity and Forcer"
Matt. 25i 3-t3.
Aiaoclsted Biohr Stodaato (LB.. Av N
Vi. O. W. HaU. Eaat elb and Alder at. ;
1 .45. aymporiam: C. field and DooffiM
4.m , J .-- i J .ay i. olUK an4 toatL-'
1 - . . .... ... e sLAMK.J
7:15, oior . serrlce. 7:30, public lecture or
Xwelre TMlxMJr-
leabty aad eplrttaal.'
- Advent C&rUtiaa ffot Seveatfc Bay), t j
Advent ChriatlBA -Saeand atreet. betwa I
Hall and liucola. Her. J. 8. Lucas. Preaculo
eerricea, 10: HO, 780. Sunday school, 12 at
Prayer meeting ThuraCay evening. Loral YVorK
era meeting nnUy. 6:30. ..".''' '-,-
Saptiat. -' ''"
ITrat White Temple XI rs. A.. W. PeLon
acting pattor. Blb4e acbool, 9.&0. Srviceal
and 1:30. B. Y. P. TJ., 8:15. Or.'.Halberwy
Beeman. Morning. Dr. M. 1. Eubank of .Cnio
and Or. Herbert 8. Johnaon ot Boaton.
Swedish Fluniab Baptist mission 6 o'cU
In ladies- parlor, WuiU Temple, Twelfth -n4
Taj lor at. 4tili
Eaat Side Eaat 20th and Ankeny Rfev. TV.
O. Shank, pastor. Services 11 and 7:30. SJas:
iX B. Y. P. U., :30. Morning; "Does
Care for Me?" Kreiiing-, "Fba Deposing j
Qoeen VaahU." T
Highland, . Eaat 0th and Alberta Bev. Ctl
F, Mieir, 11 and 7:30. B. X. P. U.. : A
Bible study, 0:45. .
Arleta Bev. W. T. 8. SDrlgga. 8. S.
B. X. P. V.. 0:3O. Servteea, 11 and T.'IJ
uuiwenuij i trti nev. j. ij. rtesseii oc -icea
11 and 7:30. 8. 8., 9 -SO. B. . P. V., 8; .
8wedlati lSth and Hort U., 10:43 and-7 ; .
S. 8., 12. B. Y. P. V., 6. - ; f
Grace Mootavilla Bev. H. T. Cash, 11 &
7:30. T. P., 8:30. 8. 8., :46.
BeUwood Bev. F. H. Hayes, 11 and 7iT
8. 8. 10. B. X. P. U., 8:30.
St. Johns E. P. Borden, paator 8. ft., LO.
Bervleea, 11 and 7:30 . x . p. u.. o:SO.
Calvarv Eaat 8th aad Grant Kev. xn
StepbenaoD, acting paator. 11 and 7:30. 8.
tVi A. K. J . . .uv. :
lit. Calvary Pine street and Grand ave-r
Bev. A U. Machack. Services 11 and 8. '8.
Thlr Knott . snd Vancoover avenue Revs.
W. J. Beaven. Preacblna 11 and 7:30. K. X
V. V., 8:80. S. S.. lO. Morning, "The Excuse
I Can't." Evening, "Heaven's Esteem
faith." " f
et. J ODDS luermani nev. r. ormrm
8. S.. 10. 11 and 7:30. B. X. Ps U-.
Chinese Mission S. 8., 7. J. U
amierlntendent :
Lents Kev. J. M. Kelson. S. 8.. 10. Serv-
Imi 11 anH T -SO- R. Y. P- C. A:30. -
Second Uerman, Morris at. and Bodney avej
11 and 7:30. s. :o. a. x.r.,v.. o:o
Glencoe East 45th and Mi in ats. Bev. A
R. Wa.ltz a. S. :4A a. m. MorninK. 'Mor&-
lns and Evening Sowing." Evening. "Laaayf
Slides." .j
Mount Olivet Rev. W.' A. Magrett, patr.
11 and S p. m. 8. S-. 12:30.
Italian Mission - Rev. Francesco Sannells;
paator, 10.30. 11 aad 8. 8. 8. 10. Paster's
Hrrl H. Knrllsh auoken at 10:80 service..' - m
First German Fourth and Mill Rev. yJL
I Kratt. Services, 11 snd 7:30. 8. 8., 8:4o.fv
I, Goodwill Allaalon 15th aad Boise Miss A.
iM. Nelson, auperintendent. .1
North Portland Mission BOO ntcoiai airo"i.
Set vices Friday. 8 p. m.
RaeseUviUe Miasion 8. S.. 3. Preaqg
3:45 by Dr. Albert Laugnomage. 't -
Tbrnaclp Euft 42(1 and Holgate sts.
Walter Duff, acting paator. Preaching, 11 f V
7. SO. S. S., 9:46. B. Y. P. D., :3. Morn
"Ibe Two Natures." Evening, "Noo-PrepaV fc
nL iu On, Vrr t ' ,
Swedish Finnish Baptist Mission Dei -r
White Temple, iMJX and xayior sts., i:a;
' ' - Sf:
First Park and Madlsoa Bev. Luther
Drott, D. D. 8. S.. :0O. Preschlng,
7 45. Morning, speakers from L. M. M. f
ventioa. Evening, the pastor. Physlclsj i
1 Iurses and Others." '
First German East Tib. and Stanton R f
I E. O. WUlman. 3
i Atkinson Memorial Kt 29th and Everetr
- Rev. Thomas S. Anderson, pastor. 8. 8.,
11 and 7:45. Y. P. 8. C E.. 6:30. -
University Park Haven street near Lomba
Rev. F. J. Meyer. D. D., pastor. 11 a"
7:30. S. S., 10. Y. P. S. C. ..'6:30. Mornlf
"The Religion of Abraham Lincoln." Evenli.
"Japan The Land of the Lotoe Flower."
United Haven and Lombard streets Rs.
r. i. Meyer, pastor. - S. 8.. 10. Preaching
11 and 8. C. E.. 7. .
BcUinger. Preaching, 11 and l: S. S., i 1
J. E., 3. Y, P. S.. 8:30. Morning. "Our Jf -J
cbor in tne uoooness ot jesos.- iiirening,
V. Littlefleld on "Lincoln."
field on "Lincoln."
Linderhurst Rev. D. B. Gray, 11 and 7 'A
a a in. IT E.. 8:30. !
Pligrlm Missouri sve. and Shaver St. Re
W. C. Kantner, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8.
:45. C E. 6:30 1
St. Johns-i-Daniel T. Thomas, pastor. 8. JJ,
. lO a. m. Preaching. 11 a. m.: C E 8:30.
I Lanrelwoofl 5th avenue and'5th streeLj
Rev. C 8. Johnson. 11 and 8. ; E-. 7.
S.. lO. J-
1 Ardenwafd Daniel T. Thomas, pastor. S. sj
' 10:45. C. B., 7. Preaching, 8. i "
1 Waverly Heights East 33d and Woodwsr .
I Rv. A r,. Moses, minister. Preaching. 11 at! '
T:30. 8.8.9:45. Y. P. S., 8:30. . Morain, t
Bev. Herman F. Schwarts or e lorn, t
Bunnyslde-4-n;at aaa ano uj"1
J. Staub. ll'and 7:45. 8. K. 10. Junior C. El
8 - iniermeaiaie c., w.a. dtwo, .
6-30. Morning, "The Church's One Founch
tion. ISVtnuig, sacrea mucrri. . .
Zioa (German) n.apt viu ana ircmonx. jmi
J.. H. Hopp,
10:30 and-7:30. C.
- First Park and . Columbia ats. Rev. Get tJ
t . . . . . .a a . .1 31
F. Darsie, pastor. 11 snd 7:43. a 8.. :4i S
. J, e.Sw. nior luug , xtmt . v ....
B-.,in. 'ttlar'a Wash Basin." '
Montavill-East 76th and Hoyt Rev! J..Ct
Ghormley, 1J and o. a.. . -
Gladutoiw Her. Roy L. Dunn, pastor, H anoi
8. S. B IOj C. E.. T. i T.
XVoodlawn 7 th and Liberty ett Rev. W-
J. Mellinger,' 11 and 7:3o. S. 8,.. 8:43, C.-E..
8 '30 '
Se'llwood Cor. 18th and Nehalem Rev. fi.
V Knrrrmuj DSSton 11 and 8. - 8. 8.. 1U
cl E7 1 'i
Rodney Avenue Rev. 3. F. Ghormley, pa
tor corner Rodney and Knott Preaching. 1
. ,i T-4S R. S.. 9:45. C E. 4 8:30. Morning;
"TTanaformation." Evening, City Commliotiefr
Imly, "The Layman a opportunity in tne f-
eiaT ReconatrucUou.' s .
p..t Kid firistlan. cor. E. 12th and E
r.w.r a i.1 rrlu. nHBtor. S. 3.. 10. Preach
lne. 11 and 7:90. C. B., :30. Morning, "Js
tbc. Bible Credit a bier' Evening. 'The loona
f Kern Park; Rev. G.' -K. Berry, pastory
it 7-3U -! S.S.. B:45. erE.. 8:30.
- 8t. Johns 'Rev. Herbert F, Junes, pastoi
and 8. S. 8.. iw- v. '
r - vernon tnurcn vi mnw iui iiu wye
i gant J. A. iMelton. 11 and 7:30. -.8.' S., t0f:
i Bethel E. 1 S2d and Tbompeoa.
!brey W. Witaon. 8. 8.. 2 p. m.
Rev. -e.
Chriatiaa Scienoe,
Firat Church of- Christ, Sctentlat EvetM
between ISthiana lwta sis. etrricvs it ikl B
iL a :4S and 11. Lesson sermon. "Soui.'r
Mmuid East ttth and HoUaday Services
11 and . 8.' 1., :4S and 11. Lesaoa sermon
Soul. Wednesday evening. 8. . .-- ;
Third East 12th and Salmon ts.Servirea
U and 8. S. i and essoa sermoui
"Sool." weauesasy tBm, J. - ' . j -
trourth Vancouver sve. sad Emerson at.
Services II. 8. 8 :45 and 1L, Lrsaoa mttA
iuon. wui. . o - - .
FlJtb Myrtle Psrk ball Services, II a. aa,
c a O't-4 an1av. lesson aniion ' "'Amil.- r
- Carlstlaa- Seleuca Society. HslLrook block,
St. Johns Sersicest Saadsy 11, Wednesday
evening meeUng at 8. Subject of lessoa ser-
aon. "Soul." e. a. xx. ana . - - , -. A
-- CataeBe. - ' ,L
St. Peters Lento iter. P. Boetgen. . Maet
g - High mata. 10:30, Evening service. 7 :30.
r Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis sts. Uev. K.
V. O'Hara. Mass 8. -7 :. 8::W, 8:. Higlt
mesa 11. Evening service, ; 7 :4A.
St.-Lawrence 3d and Shermsa sts.Rev.n
j. Ki, naim. mimam , m.ijv. mgu mass luiv.
L-M.IX. unlM 7rafl. t- ... ... . - .
St. Patrick's XStn aad Savler sts Rev. .4
P. MarDbv. Mass 8. lima mass 10:SO. Evenlaa
i r-m - . .. '.. - . - ... i
St Kraacu E. urn ana oak sts. Bev. a.J
H. ' Black. Mass, ; 6. 8, ., ,High mass. IQ&XJ
Evening service, i :au. .- t .
. Immscnlate Heart of Mary Wllliama ave.
ami Stanton Rev.: W A. Daly. - Mass . 8, ft.
High mass 1:30. Evening, service. 730. -;
Holy Rosary E. -3d and Clackama Rev.
E, S. Olson. Mass, 8. 7. s. 9. .. High mass 11:
Krenlng service. 7:30. 'V U ; -,t-.V
St. Rose E. 63d and Alameda Rev. '' Tl
vtsmu.: .hmi o(-aw.: ATcniug aervicst -T,"ao.4Si
T. Klernan. Hm 8. High mass 10 JM. Eve3 St. Pani's German East 12th and Cllotoo
nin service, 7:30. " ... . 'A. 8. Krause. pastor. German and English
- The Msdeletoe E. 24th and SUklroo Rev: I 8. S-. 9:30. German service. 10UJ0 a m. Eng
By Rev. Luther R. Dyott, D. Pastor of the First ;
" Congregational Church.
the thinking man knows that he is more than the six hundred
million ceils in his brain. -
Histliinking, is right when it is straight straight toward
God, his brother man and himself. In his capability of such
thinking is found the initial idea of his likeness to God, while
through such thoughts, as living forces,, he reaches his ade
quate life as it is expressed in divine terms. One cannot have
a first-rate life with second-rate thoughts. No more will he
have a second-rate life with first-rate thoughts. . As he thinketh
within himself, so is he. . , ' .
G. F. Thompson. Mass, 7:30. B. High mass,
10-30. Evening rervlce. 7:45.
: Ascension E. Ysmhill and E. 78th Fran
ciscan Fatbera. Mass 8. High mass. 10:30.
Evening serriee. 7UJO.
Holy Redeemer PosUind bird, and Van
couver ave. Rev. F. H. Miller. Mass 8, 8.
High mass 10:80. Evening service. 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blaa.
dena1 St. Rev. B. V. Kelly. Mass 8. High
msss 10:30. Evening service, 7:30.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoln at- Rev. C. Rsy
mond. Mara 8. High mass. 10:30. Evening
service. 7:30. '
St. Ignatius 3220 43d st. 8. E. Jesuit Fa
thers. Mass 8:80 and 8. High mass 0:30.
Evening service 4. .
8t. Stephens 42d and E. Taylor Rev. War
ren A. Waitt. Mais 8. 8:30. High mass 10:30.
Evening service, 7:30.
Bt. Philip Keri S. 16th and Hickory Bev.
W. J. Cartwrlgbt. Mass 8. High mass 10:3a
Evening service 7 :30.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. O.
Rcbl. Mass 6 High msss 10:30. Evening serv-
iCSt. SAgstha E. 15th and Miller Rev. 3.
CummUky. Msss 8. High mass 10:30. Eve-
St. Joseph (German) 18th and Coach t.-
Rev. R. Dnrrer. Mass s. uign msss aw.ov.
Evening service . 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ave, end
Failing ats. Kev. F. Matthew. Mass 8. High
bum hi::i. Kvenins- service f
St. Micbsel (IUllsn) th and MIR sts.-
Rev. M. Balestra. Mass 8. High mass 10:30.
Evening service 7:30. i
St. Clements Smith and Newton sts. Rev.
C. Smith, Mass 8. High mass 10:30. Evening
service 7:3a
St. Clares Capitol Hill Rev. Anthony,
Mas 8. High mass 10:30. Evening service
7 30
St". Chsrles 34th and KllUngrworth Rev.
G. Salderborn. Msss 8. High mass 10:30. Eve
ning service 7:30.
' Chriatiaa Bpirltual.
Christian SplritualUt. room 411 EUers bolld
ing Lecture and messages,- 8.
First Cb Hat lan Spiritualists. Odd Fellows
hall. East 8th and Alder streets Commnnloa
messages, 3 p. m. by Ida S toller, 8 a. m,
West Portland Zl Eaat Waahiagbaa. Sun
day. 10:80 a. m. Wednesday. 8.
ML Tabor E, 00th and Belmont. 11 aad
Chriatiaa aad Missionary Allianoa. '.
Gospel Tabernacle East th and Clay John
B. Fee. pastor. 8. S.. 10. Preschlng. 1L Usv.
C. H. Chrismsa. district superintendent. Bible
tudj oa Scriptural nesting x:a p. m. arioa.
EdIsoopsL -
Bt- Mark's 21st and Marshall sts. Rev. ?.
E. H'. Simpson, rector; Rev. J. G. Hatton, as
sociate. Sunday services, 7:30 a. m. Holy
Enchsrist. 7:30. S. 8.. :45. Mm Una. H:15.
Holy Eacharlst and sermon, 11. Evensong,
fi.JO. Mission hymns and sermon, TJ30.
Trinity churcb. Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rec
tor. 8, 11 snd 8. 8. :43. Good Fellow
ship socety. parish house. 19th and Davis sts..
7 to 7:.V. p. m. Y. P. S., 6:45.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr
Rev. H. M. Ramsey. 7:45. 11 and 7:45. 8. 8.
10. Special service for colored people, 8. "
8t David's Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector.
8. S., 9:45. Eucharlat pUin), 8 a. m. Morn
ing prayer and sermon. 11. Service and ser
mon, 7:30. Morning, "Tne Church Which la
His Body." Evening. "The Approach to Re
ligion' -
St. Matthew's Rev. W. A. M. Breck, vies
Corcett and Bancroft streets. S. S, 10. Serv
ice and sermon, 1L
St. John's Mllwankle Rev. John D. Klce.
8.. 8-2. ' Evening prayer and sermon, a.
Servteea. 4.- - ' .
4. St. Andrew's Hereford street, Portamoath.
Archdeacon Chambers la charge. Services 11,
5. 8., -10.
Grace Memorial Weldler and Esat 17th at.
N. Uev. Oewald W. Taylor, rector. Holy
Common Ion first Sunday- in the month, 11 a.
m. - Holy Communion - other Sundays in the
month 8 a. m, Morning prayer and sermon.
11 a. k., except the first. Sandsy la the
month S. 1 a. No evening service.
Good Shepherd Rev. John Dawson. 11 and
e a3e s s 10.
St. 'Michael's "and All Angels East 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. S. 8,
10. Holy commanion first Sunday, 11; third
Sunday. 7:30. . . .
Chnreh of Our Saviour 60th ave. and 41st
st. 8. E. ' Arcbdescon Chambers in charge.
Services. 11. 8. 8.. 10. .
St. John's cburch seiiwooo iiev. joon u.
Bice,. 11. Evening prsjrer. T:30.
St. Paul's Wooduiere Rev. Oswald W.
Taylor. Holy commuuion, first Sunday in
month. 8 a. m. Services, 4 p. m. Sunday
school, .ia - - ' , .
Biobop Morris Memorial cbapeL Good Sa
maritan hospital Chaplain. Frederick K. How
ard. Holy communion. 7 a- ta. Evensong,
T;15. '
All Saints Chnreh 25th aad 8av1er Bev.
Frederick K. Howard. 8. 8- 10. Service 1L
E., ,:30. 8. 8., 10.
- Evangelical Synod.
- German Evangelical Friends chnreh Tacoma
ave. and East 15th Rev. Ellss Hergert. pss
tor, 10:45 and 7:30. 8. S-. 10. C. E., 8:3a
St Paul Evangelical church 447 Falling
at. Uev. J. Hergert. pastor; 11 and 7 :30.
X. P. 8.. :30. - -- i'
"' Evangelical Association,
Carson Height U. F. Llening Jr pastor.
f-irat English East 8Ui and Msrket sta.
11:30 sad 7. b.' S lOJO.
Bv. E. D. HoraschQcb. pastor. Services 11 and
S. 8., 1. . r. a., . '
lrst German Kvsngeiicai linn ana viay
ats. 1. K. Iteming, nsaior. o. o-, van, s-reacn-ing.
ie:4A and 8. Y. P. A., 7. -
' ' " Friandt' Church.
' Sunnyside Esst 35th aad Msia sts. Homer
Cox, pastor. 11 snd 7 UJO. 8. 8.. ;45. C. E,
K:yl, ' . " ;.---
Lents South Uaia street. Rev. John Riley.
hpsstor, 1 1 ua iw ounm kuuw, w.w. v., ...
wm Piedmont Frienla Rev. Mrs. Ethel M.
Arnold. 11 sail 7:30. Blbie school 10. 8. s. 10.
C. 6:15 , . .. :,
- 'rrea Methmiiat. ''-.'' V
: ' Central church 55th and East Flanders
Rev.- L. R. Blsckmaa. 'Service 11 and 7:45.
BS.. :44. Y. P. M-.8:30 .
First church Cor. East th and Mill sis.
Bsv. E. L. Horrlngtoa, pastor. 11 and liHtk '
- - - - 1 ) '. - -
li-. --Jswiah, " i 4
Congregation Beth laraei 12th end Main
ata Refurm ritual Friday night at . Satar
day morniug- at 10:30. Religions arfwol st
IT & Sunday morning. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise
CLrfucta all services and Bible classes. ,
: S'"-lllsH "-'l-''' -
Immaaael lth and Irrlnr sts. Rev. J,
Rlt-tisrd OlsoWv 11 8. - 8. U.. :45. -
Trinity German (Missouri Snod Williams
avenue and ' Urahsat J.; A. Miaibach. - l:l
aad 7:3uv 8. 8. a:15.
United Norwegian Dltman Larsen. paator.
li and -7:48. 8. :. t
-Bethany IMnlsto L'nloa avenue N. and Mor
ris street M. C Jsusen-Eughoua, pastsr.
Hervlees 11 and 8. t . 8 W- il. P. meetiag.
a on- Tnesdsy. Bible eoaversetloa, Taarsdsy, a.
-Oar Ssviur'a Lutheran Cliurcb H. luth.and
K. Grant sts. Bv. Oeorgs Henriksen. pa
tor. 8. 8- It Jn.' English semeea, 10:li,, Nor-,
wegisa , lerviees, ll:li. - , t
immaaael . tiermjin Sellareod H. C. tbsc-
. Kns-lUh (Mbnoart Synod) Alblna
ve.-aiid Mafconv Rev. t- Lneeke, pastor, lt):oO
of church
Man is capable of right thinking. He isr
more. than a - machine. Marvelous is ; the
mechanism of his body. We touch heaven
when we lay our hand on a human body
Carlyle declared this saying to be a scientific
fact. But a man who thinks, knows himself
to be more than his physical body. Even so
do others regard him.
Great js the miracle of the brain. In
man's brain Emerson saw "the geometry of
the City of God," while likewise in his senses
he. observed that he carried "morning and
night, and the unfathomable ealaxv.' But
lish, p. m. Bible study and young pea-
pie's meeting. Thursdsy. 8 p. m. Continua
tion. Tuesday snd Friday. 4 and 7:80.
8t. Johns Peninsular and Klrkpatrlck Rev.
K. O SaUman. 10:48 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 8:30.
tn 7,di"5 "f U. e. Sandstedt.
10:43 and 7:45. S. S., :30.
German Evangelical Lntberaa Zioa M!s
soorl Synod Salmon aad Chapman sts. Rev.
H- H. Koppelmsna Services 10:15 a. m. and
7:45 p. m.; S. 8., 9:15 a. m. -
United Korweglao Portsmouth H. O. Hea-
Sriluon' P",or- 1L S. 8, 10. S. Lunde's
ball, Vernon.
8L James' English West Park aad Jeffer
soa streets Rev. J. A. Less, psstor, li and
?- 8. 8.. 1ft. Lntber league. 7. Morning.
"The Best Testimony Concerning Christ."
Evening, concluding sermon ot a series, "Mi
chael O-HaUoraa and God."
German Evangelical Reformed efaoreh
Lents W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor 8. 8.. 10.
Preaching service, n. Catechetical clasa,
Saturday, 10.
ZAtUr Dar Batata,
Chnreh of Jesus Clirlat nf itte Tm
(Mormon) Chapel East 25th and Madison
8. ., 10, Preaching 11:45 and 7. Evening.
Centenary M. E. Church Esst 9th and Esst
Pine streets T. W. Lane, pastor. 11 aad 4:30.
o. o.. uiaea meeting, li. t,. i.. 8:15.
L. M. M. delegates, morninr and evenins-.
Taylor Streeters Sidewslk Taylor and
Third Preaching 10:30 a. m. by Rev." Dr.
uiivdcv a rue rfiisoo.
Trinity East 10th and Shermsn Rev. A,
J lamer, 11 and TUSO. o, 8.. lO. E. L.. 8:30
Morning. Jewish concert. Evening, Mr. Lyon
oi in tug uroiners- tana wui speaa.
8wedlsb Bortbwlck aad Beech. John
jveiiman, pastor. Preaching. U aad 7:45. S.
Epworth 26th and Savior Rev, C O. He-
CUIJocn. 11 and T:SO. , 8. B.. 9:45. E. L.. 6:80"
First Norwegian Danish Corner 18th and
uoyt. Kev. it. T. Field. XI and 8.
Wood lawn Eaat loth and Highland Rev.
Louis Thomas, pastpr. 8. 8.. 10. E. U. 8:30.
Thursday evening prayer meeting. Preschlng,
11 and 7:45. Morning, "Lincoln's Religion."
Evening. Preparedness."
Sellwood Rev. Alexander P. Maclean. ' It
ana 4 au. j. a., z-.vo. a. it., o:ao.
Sunnyside E. 35th end Yamhill Rsv. R
Elmer Smith. D. 11 aad 7:45 p. at. 8. 8,
9:50 a. m. E. L.. 8:3a r ...
Central Vancouver evanne and Fargo afreet,
C. C. Harick, psstor. S. 8.. 9:45. Preaching.
11 snd 7:30. Class meeting. 12.13. Epworti,
league, 6:30. , Mid-week service. Thursday.
7:45. Morning, Rev. B. a Peterson of Ms
ailla. Tbe Challenge of the Philippines to
(jnrutiaaitr." aenlng, "The Prisoners of
Mope." .
St. Johns Hayes and Leavitt sts. W. E.
Ingslls. Service. 11. S. S.. .&0. E. L.. 8:SO.
MoutsviUs Rev. . W. H. Hampton. 11 and
7:30. S. 8.. 9:45. K. U, 804. Ti. U. .
Clasa meeUnc. 12:15.-
Laurelwood Rev. C. B. Carlos, pastor. 834
sr.. a. snd roster Koad. 8. 9:45. B.
L-. 60. Preaching 11 and 7:30. -Clinton
Kelly Memorial J. West Thompson.
pastor. 8. 8- 9:45. Services. 11 and 7:30. E.
h.. 8:30. Morning. J. Wesley McCallntn.
"Getting Onto the Game." Evening, "Sin
Against the Holy Spirit."
Japanese Mission Jtev. Fllaen Rlbara, 9:30
ana s;au. o. a., a;ifu. -
Rose City Park Sandy blvd. aad K. 88th
sts. Rev. William W. YoungsoB. pastor, it.
8. 8., 9:48. Morn tag, "The Boy: America's
Greatest Asset," fco afternoon or evening
service. -
German Rodney ave. aad Stanton st. F.
Schumann. 8. 8., 9:45. Ssrvicea, 10 aad 8. Ep-
wurin league, i:j.i.
African Eton Bey.- W. W. Howard. 28.
Williams ave. S. S L C. ., 7. P reaching
it ana a. ; .
Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Dantab Corner
Skidmore Rev. Abraham Verelde. pastor.
Services 10:43 and 8: 8. S. 9:45. E. L.. 7,
Morning, " W oman's place and Woman's part."
Evening, English service, "Leo Tolstoi and HIa
Messsge." j
Mount Tsbor 8tst and East Stark, Rev. E.
Olln Eldrtdge, pastor. Preaching. 11 sad 7:45,
S. S.. 9:45. Junior League, 3. E. L 7.
Mid-week prayer, Tbnrsday, 8 p. m. Morn
ing, Dr. Waldea C, Clark of Rome. Italy.
Evening. "The Relieiooa Side of Lincoln."
University Park Lombard and V la It streets
Kev. G. G. Hamilton. 11 and Itau. a.
9:45. E. L., 8:3U. "
Lea4a Rev. W. Boyd Moore. 11 and 8. S.
8., lo. E. U. 7:30 p. m.
Bethel Larrabee and McMUIen sts. Res. 7.
L Craw, pastor. 11 and 8:15. 8. 8., 9; 30. C.
B. 7.
' Westmoreland Milwaakie ave. between Ra
mon and Soatn sves. Rev. C B. Harrlsoa.
11 snd 7:30. 8. lO.
Llacota Esst &2d and Lrncofn O. G. Ha
ley, pastor. 8- 8. 11. Services. 10:30 aad 8.
Patton Michlgaa and Alberts Bev, George
H. Feese. paster. 11 and 7:45. 8. 8.. 10. E.
L., 6:45. .
Woodstock Esst 44 th and 60th ave. 8. E.
Frank James, pastor, si and ltM. 8.' 8-, 10.
E. 1. :30. Class. 12:15 p. m.
First German A. F. Cramer pastor. 11 aad
8. S. S-, 10- K. U. 7:30.
Brentwood Rev. J. West Tbompsoa. 8. 8.
lO. Services, 11. - - '
Berfceiey Heights elnbboose 8. 8., 2. Serv
ke., S. conducted by Rev. A. B, Celtter. -
Chinese Mtsstoo 11 snd 7:30.
First. Twelfth and Tsylor Dr. Frank L.
Lovelaod. PreachiDg. 10:30 and 7:30. 8. .,
12:15. Y. P. council. Morning. Dr. 3. B.
Trimble. Evening, Morris Wines. -' a .
X. E. Chnreh Bonth. "
Union ave. and Multnomah W. J, Fenton,
tsstor. 8. 8., 10. Services 11 aad 7:30.. .
. 8:30 p. m.
- Kissloas.
Swedish Mission Res. B. 3. Tboren. 11 sad
8. 8. 8-s lo. P.. 6:30. j
Ellm chapel iev. B. J. Tboren. IX, 8. 8..
ia --
- Bethel Free Churcb Ivy and - Williams
Rev. J. A. 8mvaeyll snd t. 8. 8 10. .
Yew Church Society, -
SwedVaborgiaD K. of P. ball. 1Kb and Al
det Rev. Samuel Worcester. 8. 8., 10:15 s. m.
Services at 11 a. m. Sermon, "David and
ttoiiath." .
First Pentecostal Cboreb of tne Ksaareavw
E, 7th aad Davis, Bev. C. Howard Davis, pas
ter 8. 8.. 9:45. Y. P. 8., 8:1ft p. aa. Preach
iac 11 and f:SO. - - - -
Sellwood East' 9th end Spoksne Rev. H.
C Baker, pastor. 8. :5a Y. P. S.. 6:30.
i reaching 11 and 7:30. Prayst meeting Wed-
asaaeay i --.-" '
Brentwood E. BTth at. and E. 85th are. 8.
E-, Mr. Stalls Crooks, psstor.. . 8., 9:48.
( eo-pi a meetlDC 7. : Preaehiog at 11 aad 8.
Scandinavian 948 Garfield Rsv. J. O.
Briugedahl, pastor. t. 10. Preaching at
It aad I.SO. . - , . .
. Hew Thought.
Temple of Truth, Eiiers bonding Perry Jo.
seph - Grace, minister. LvenLna, , Miss Grace
De - Graff will speak ou "The Ford ' Peacs
loar ot Earcpe- '.-.,: .- y
Rstionsllsta.' ' - T
Pert lead Rationalist Aasn. PnbOa Kbrary.
a a. aa.. -, . -
- . Plasty tsnaa.
First 12th aad Alder Uev. Jobe H. Boyd,
minister. . Preaching. 10 :3U aad lOO, C E.,
lourth First and Clbbs Rev. : Henry O.
Hanson, povtor. preaching 10:30 sod 7 -JO.
8. 8.. -12. G-E 8. MurnlBg, Tbm Holt
aess of God."
calvary 11th and Clay sta .Ev. o. S.
Baam. 10:30 aad 7:30. 8. a . li r v. e-srt.
Morulng. einamunloa
bera. Evening. "The Righteouaaeae of Abra
ham Lincoln. '
Arbor Lodas Rev. Gaorsw R rMini 11
and 7:45. 8. 8., lO. .
Kenllworth Esst S4th and r:i.4.n n.-
Leslle Kirk Richardson, paator. 8. a.. 9:45.
Services 11 and 7:43. Y. P. S.. 6 30.
Mispsb E. 18th and DlvUton Rev. Harry
I ceda. pastor 11 and 7:30. o. a., ia. e."
80. -
Uops ' Montavtils. TSts aad Everste ats
Rev. 8. W. bee in an, 11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 10
- Forbes Bev. Harry L. Pratt. 11 ,'
8. 8., 10, O E, 8:30
ventral East lsih and pine ats. Bsv. L.
K. Grimes, nsstor. 10:30 and 7:45. a. a..
12. C. E.. 7. - -
Millard Arenas Rsv. W. M- Amos. .. 11 aa
7:30. 8. S.. lO. X. P. 8. C. E.. 8:30.
Mt. labor Ksst oath and Belmont Bev.
William Graham Moore. 11 and &. 8. S.,
W. C E.. 6. latermedlata C E. 4 n. m.
Aiorntng, rommnniua asrvlce.
I DitT . Gee Gray, minister. II aad ft.
8. 8.. 10.
Piedmont cie valsnd and Jarrstt afs. Rt.
A. L. Uutcfalnsun. paator. C. E.. 8: SO. 8, 8-
12 in. aild-week service. Thursday. 8 n. m.
Services, 10:3O and 7:30. Morning. "A New
World Vision. Evening. "Koeh'a Carpenters."
vernoo lata, snd Wrgaut atreeis H. N.
Mooat, pastor. 11 and 7:aO. 8. 8-. 9:45. C
a., :du. junior u. . -
Westminster East 17th and Krtiu.Uf Rsv.
Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and 7:3U. 8. 8.. 12.
Y. P. 8. C E.. p. m.
ttose vity t-ara taai sain at. ana uancoct
Rev. i. M. Skinner. Prcachlag 11 aad 7:i0,
X. -P.j 8:3a 8. 8., 9:45.
Spokane Avenue E. 16th and Spokane W. :
S. McCuUach. Das tor. 11 and 1:3a 8. 8.. 10.
C E.. 8:SO. ' ., .
Marshall Street Bev. A. J. Banna, pastor.
8. S., 10. Sermon, 11 and 7:30.
Trinity, corner Virginia and Nshriiska sts.
Eev. . Benson, pastor, 11 and 7:30. 8.8,
10 Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30.
Anabel 5oth street snd 37tb svenus 8. E.
Rev. Alfred Levis Tax la, minister, 9:45. 8. 8.
1 and 8, preaching. 4:00. Junior C E. 5.
Senior C K. Morning, "Weak aa Other Men."
Chiuese 145 1st St. 1:45. 8. 8.. 8:45.
Saformad PrssbytSi2 ;
First cburch Minnesota andSuswortb
Rev. - r. D. Fraatr. Services, 11 aad 7:3a
a. s.. ia
. . - Raforasd.
- First German 12th and Clay sts. G. Hsf.
aer, pastor. Preschlag 10:45 aad 8. 8. 8..
9:80. Y. P. 8 7.
Second Columbia blvd. aad ST 1 St. A. E.
Wyss. 11 snd 8. 8. 8.. 9:30. X. P. 8 T.
Third Firth - sve,, Lenta Rev. U, Schald
tnecbt, ptator. 11. , 8. 8 lO.
- flai tlusa for ths TJeaf.
Cnlted Presbyterian Bev. b. Earl Dubois,
V3:80 and S. C aW 7.
First Spiritual church Southeast comer
Sixth and Moatgomery streets. Lectare at 8
p. m. by Mrs. M. A. Cougdoa. Address at 8
p. ni. by Wallace R. Struble, . Public testa by
accredited mediums fellow lug both addresses.
- Spiritual. .
Church of the Soul 2U8V4 3d atv Bev. J.
H. Lucas, paator. - Conference. 11. 8. S.. 1:30,
Mediums' meeting 3 p. m. Lecture aad tests.
8. Lectare by Rev. Raaey. - i
Ssvsnth Day Advsatlsts. .
Nots Regular servteea of this denomiaatioa
are held en Saturday.
Central, E. llth and Everett Elder P. C
Ha j ward, paster. Preschlug 11 a. m. 8. 8., lo.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30. Y.
P. 8.. Fridsy, 7:45. '
Tabernacle. West Side, K. of P. hall, or- .
ner llth snd Alder . streets Psstor. E. W.
Cstiln. Sabbath school, la Sermon,. 11. Bible
study, 7:45. Lectare. 7:45. .
Muntavills. fcatt (Wib aad Everett J. F.
Bestty. : elder. Sabbsth school. 10 a, m.
Preaching 11 and 7. X. P., 4. Prayer meeting.
Wednesday. 7:30. ;-
Albins tGermsai Skldmora and Mallory
A. C. Schweirser. local eldr. Ssbbstb school,
10. Preaching 1L . Prayer meeting Wsdues
dsy 7:46.
Lents 94th st. and -58tb sve. D. J. :
Chit wood, elder. Sabbath schoul. lo. Preach.
log. ; 11. - Prayer meeting Wednesday, a.
St Johns Central ave. and Cbsrieston St.
Elder E. D. Uorlbort. Sabbsth . school.' 10.
Preschlng, It. Prayer Wednesday, 8.
Mount Tabor Ear t 80th and Belmont Rev.
C. J. Cammlngs. psstor. - Services: Ssbbstb
school, lu. Praacfaiag 11. Prayer Wednesday
- ScandlnavlsB cburch. 82d and 39th ave., 8.
E. Elder O. B. Saodnes. pastor. S. 8., 10.
Preaching 11. . prater BMwtiug. V ednesosy
7 :43, - -a -- --- - .
. . Bsivatioa Army. :
Corps Ka. 4. 2u7 Salmoa at. Ceneecrstloa
service 11. B. 8.. l:ao. Praia service. 4 P-
Ul. Soldier's council 8 p. no.
Corps No. 1243 Asa St. Adj. snd Mrs.,
Whitney in charge, 11, 8:1j and 8. 8, a ,
1:30. x. P. 8.. 8. Bervlcea in charge. Janu.
ary 18. of Adjutant and Mrs. Joepb Hsrrison.
- Swedish Corps 430 Bura'lde 11, :9U and
Seandinavlaa 243 Ash su 8 p. m. Rev.
John OvaeL
United Brethren. -
Alberta 27th and Alberts Rev. C. C BeU.
11 and 7:30. 8. 8.. 10. c. .. 8:30.
First East 15th and Morrison Rev. J. D.
Nlaewomler. paator. Preacbisg 11 and 7:3a O.
E-. 8:30. 8. 8., 10. Mornlns. "Missionary
Idea ia the Book of Acta." Eveaiag, "Abra
ham Lincoln."
Fourth ovth-st. and 82d ave. 8. E. L. R.
Conner, Paator. Sermon, 11 and 7:45. 8. 8.,
10. C K-, .-45.
Guy Woodworth Memorial. Tanconver, Wssh.
Rev. Dors Young, pastor. 11 sad 8. 8.
8..10. Y. P. 8. C. ?1. ,.
-Third TJuIted Brethren Chorcb Corner-87th
at. aad 82d ave. 8. E. Herbert F. Wblts, pas
te. 8. t.. la v Prssching 11 sod 7:30. Jun- ,
MCS.S. Senior C. E.. 8H.
; TTaitsd XvaagelioaL " .
Fotrrtb Bev. J. E. Conner, pastor, 11 aad
7.0. 8. S., lO. C. ., 8iO.
Radical Jessnp st. Rev. A. S. Hendersoa.
pastor, 11 and 7:30. b. 8.. lO. C. L. 7.
Manor circuit aervtces Manor, 11 a. m.
Cherry Grove. S p. m. Bnh Pralrls. 7:30.
Ockley Greeo Wills n-ette blvd. aad Gay
Rev. 8. L. LovelL paste 11 aad 8. 8. 8.."
ia C. E., 8:30.
First East loth aad Poplar Rev. C. C. Po
ling. 11 and 8. 8. 8., la C. E.. 8:30.
- St. Johns A. P. Lsytoa, pastor, -11 and 8.
8. 8., lO. C. E.. :3t.
Wichita Rev. li. U. Faraham, pastor. It
and a. 8. tL. la C. E.. 7.
Halted riasbyteriaa. J
First-East 87lh snd Hawthorne: Fraik
De Witt eindley. Preaching, 11 a. m. and
7:30- p. D. 8. B.. la C. E.. 8:80 a. m.
Murnliig. The Misslossry Chsllengs. Evs
aiag, '-Sinking a Well for God." ,
Church of the strangers Wasca. sL sad
Grand sve. Rsv. 8. Larl DuBois, pastor,
1A-UI mmA S
Keatou J, 8. Pole. lOug a. I 8. 8. 8, 10.
- ' ' ' TJaitariaa. .'
Church of Oar Father Broad ay and Yam-
bill Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. l., mloiiter emer
Itos; Rev. W. G. LI lot Jr.. minister. Prescb
iuar at 11 and 6. 8. 8. aad morning adult
clasa, 9:45. -Paator's sdalt rlaos, . p. 8.
C. E., 8:30. Morning, Rev. Samuel M. Croth-
ars. vespers, ' oiucs unc-ola'a Dsy."
, ' . ' . TTalvarsalUt. ' ,
' Chnreh of the Good Tidings Broadway and -East
24ta Rev. J. D. Ccrby. .8. 8., 13 noon.
Preaching. lo:4. . Jaaiur C. E.. S. Sunday
evenlug class, 7, .
'T.-K. C. A-T. w. C M.
Y. M. C. A. Sixth sad Taylor streeta. H.
W Stone, general secret sry,
Y. W. C. A, Broadway and Tayloa eta-
jaise una v. dames, generaj secretary, vesner
service, 4:46. Rev. N. L. Bur two of North
Yskliua will apeak. Miss Genevieve aisaer will
sf IsnsTTansnaa
Portland Bahat Assembly 616 Eiiers bids.
Services, 8 p. m.
vnristisa xoga teuier aim ougion otag.
F. J. Ha ner. tustrartur. Evening servicea 6.
Wednesday snd Friday. S. 8., 12. Sunday,. 8
p. aa., topic. "Ute and the way."
- Church of the Brethera iDunkarda) Rev.
George A. Carl, II and 7:3a h. ., 10. O.
Cast Stark , street Gospel HalL - betwsea
Twenty-eighth and Tweoty-nlnlb.
Advanced Thought Splritaal Temple, corner
Sixth and Montgomery streets. 11, special
music. Tuesday, zuto sua a. . - .
Theosophiesl Society 738 ;M-orgsn bldg
Ictsre 4y Llewellyn George, "The Science ef
ta TUaea. Accordinat to Aslroluay."
-harch f ITirmt Gents preschlag. II and
TUW. Bible class., la ,
Pentecostal AaseniniyzzTH Ankeny street.
Will C, Trotter, psstor. Soaday services. 10.
11. 8 and 7:3a. services every evening except
8a ttirds y, ' . .
Tho horfb of God (German) 754 East 8th
St., north Pastor. Rev. D. F. Komm. , Ger.
msa eervieee, 11 sad 7:30 p. m. 8. 8., 9:45.
Prsyer meeting Thursday evening, 7:45.
ptsgsb MiMloa Lents Fall gospel Sundsy,
10:3Osod 2:30. Tnesdsy and Fr Ida j at 7:30.
Lents cburch Joan siuey. 11' aad 7:45.- B. .
8-. M- C E., 8:45. .
Scandinavian Evangelical Mlasloa Cbnrcb
737 Alberta Servk-es. 1 aad 7:45. 8.-8., 10.
Y P. M. Sunday. 00. Prajer meeting Thurs.
day, M.- M. Olsea. pastor,
First Divlna rleoce Church 131 12th -et.
corner Alder, Rev. T. M. Mlnard, pastor.
Service 11 snd H p. m. Bible class Tuesday
If. nv Stody Class Thursday, 8 p. m.
cnurcn oi tfte nuii &a si., otrween
an5 Salmon. Co?fr-nce, 11, S. S.. -1:3-2. J.:
diums' uieetii, 2. to.