THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL, PORTLAND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 191(L TZhTirxf rr ''Ai Use of-Beef Scrap . In Chick Rations rrperlments at Cornell Agricultural eriment - station wwn cwchi owed tbtt'bttf - scrap fed with :i-balanded ration gave better r .its In rrowth .; than did eggs fed rider th.,ania-conditions. Hopper " 1 beef scrap produced no harmful 'fact when 'fed la a ration" of the ; ht composition if, however, tne t Her food did not supply "the mater ials needed, the chicks are abnormal quantities of beer scrap ana many uea c f digestive ailments. Powdered , milk was "more effective than skimmed milk, when fed In a moist mash. Sour skimmed milk in- c need i better growth ' and better eon cition than did granulated milk.1 Sour s kirnmed milk was- found to be a very beneficial food for chick rearing and Lad no harmful effect on the chicks when fed tfrom 'the first meal. A summary of findings for the first eight "week of rearing showed that: - 1. Chicks appeared to need both cracked and ground food. ' 8 Chicks grew more rapidly m moistened . mash than on dry mash, other, conditions being equal. 8. Chicks fed from .the start on dry majstj and grain were nearly as large at the end of eight,; weeks as those that had been started on a moist mash and later, changed to dry mash, 4. Skimmed t milk - mash produced growth on less food per pound gain la weight ; than; did -dry mash. - 6. Chick that were given hopper fed beef scrap from the first. In con nection with cracker grain and ground food, , made better growth than those started on a limited amount of beef scrap. . 0. Chicks given a limits amount of beef scraps for, the first three weeks pre w better than thoee Whose meat tood waa -given In the form of egga. 7. No ill effect was observed when beef j scrap ' was hoDDer-f ed from the first meal. If given in connection with Heh: Has Record Far Faithfulness Salsy Vartin, 14 Team Old, Exhibited at Medford poultry Show, and Iys an sy Sally.. Medford. Or., Feb, 18. A remark able exhibit at the poultry ehow now m session here, under the direction of the Southern Oregon Poultry associa tion ts a Brown Leghorn hen 14 years old and still on the job of egg produc tion, depositing one In her coop Friday as evidence of good faith. . She belongs to Mrs. Fred Powell of tms city,-who estimates that she has yielded a total of more than 2000 eggs. Her coop name is Daisy Martin and she la the pet of the show. Veteran poultry men visiting the show from,, Willamette valley poul try centers pronounce , the Initial show In southern Oregon one of the best Jheld Itt the state. Its influence In stimulating' the development of the poultry , Industry in southern Oregon, ii j conxiaentiy predicted, will be far. reaching. , The exhibits numbered ISO coops on the first show day. Others wera too late to reach the entry list. : Medford Show Popular. 'Medford, Or Feb. 12. Nearly 1000 paid admissions was the record of the second show day of the Southern Orei gon Poultry association exhibits. Judge F, B. Keeney will complete the merit record of the pens tonight, covering nearly . 600 exhibitors. This is more than waa shown at, the last State fair and nearly as many as were recorded at the last Portland show. v Visitors from other parts of ' the s tate, . notably from the Willamette valley. Join with, the people "or south ern Oregon In the claim Jhat Medford should ; hav the state poultry enow next fall ? EL J. McClanahan, the vet eran poulterer of Eugene, i enthusi astic, for this location for -the next state show, s "The remarkable auccesa of this show is a marked triumph for the southern Oregon spirit. . It should wia for this -association the privilege of naming the place at which the next f tate show shall be held." said Mr. Mc Clanahan. . Encourage Poultry Shows. . Poultry shows are, as a rule, not a money making proposition. They are p romoted and conducted by organiza tions composed of poultry fandors, who are interested In educating the public In the breeding; of pure bred poultry of all standard varieties. The door 1 receipts help to pay the many cash prizes and other trophies offered to -encourage ; the breeding of "better pecimena of the arious varieties of ut domesticated fowls. Without hes exhibitions the progress of im rovemant in the -Standard varieties ould be reduced to a minimum, and i poultry raisers be handicapped in ieir endeavor, to advance the growth f the pure bred poultry In this coun ry. ----- roultry Plant " SUntu Boosters. To those who refrain from keeping ; oultry, heing fearful that the roost- ra will disturb the Quietude of the eighborbood let me recommend the ceping of hens without roosters and lying s baby chicks each : spring to ilse for-fryers- and roasters. There re , tbousands following this clan. Kven those having small back yards n raise poultry, providing, of coarse, . h yards are touched by the" sun. iuiiry muii sun. xnere are ne . who are attempting .to keep ickena in back yards and basements ver reached : by a " ray of sunshine. t my advice Is if you" can't- give .it chicks this necessity of life you l oeiter aoAtry no raise poultry. QUESTIONS ANSWERED - i i Indigestion. , Poultry Editor -Will you kindly tell 3 what is . the matter with my hans? : ir combs are red-and eyes bright. t they stand - around all day; and i t eat; v droppings are . black: with ht green and yellow. I have kept ! tnanganate of potash In water for 1. - Should . I vdo this? , Is stale . I good for them? AIRS. F. y - h e trouble with your liens Is In stlon. caused by imnroper or over ang and laclt of green feed. Change : ration, discontinue use of perman ate of potash. Give . three table nf uls of following in ten 1 quarts T-ash: One pound, pulverised gen- , crie-fourth pound pulverised gln- , c ne-fourth-pound pulveMzed salt r, one-half pound iron i sulphate, tiread, if tin fermented, iaac- j part of ration-if fed epar tt)V Lady Eglantine Still Luring. TJp to January! 21 Lady Eglantine, has laid 17 eggs. She began on Decern ber 81. Nextyweek a description ot the conditions of her pen-sisters will be given with their egg records. Lady Eglantine seems to have adopt ed her old speed for the coming year, laying five or six eggs each week. She will probably lay, for. the 10 months before October 31, 1918, about 210 eggs, a score seldom made in the - second year. - , . - ,Her record of 214 eggs added to the above estimate will long remain' unde feated. j 'The one man poultry plant is -the most successful, says , Professor J. E. Rice or Cornell. Automatic food hoppers are suitable for the average back yard fancier. s NEW TODAY WRUWANSffctrr -;; Bankers ' ' Mortgage Corporation j Capital 9500,000. Title and Trnrt Bldg, nun Ob City uul tun tfitmrx.M te Amy imw - a sumu uw, Btrtau S Tbona pm,m, , lutw Cmir if Veartk mi I tark Ate. THE J. L. FEAREY CO. . BUTl KOTBB. MOgTOAOSS AJ COBTTBAOTS.' 806 Deknm lldg- Portland. Or. FARM LOANS - Mortgage) Company for 'America, Boom aa, Alasworth Bldg. . Phone vain 6841. - Portland. Or. Afraid of Going Into Debt We hHeve the oneSeason that more than tny other, keeps the aver age man from buying a home, is the fear of going into debt. ' Isn't that true in your case? To show you how little" ground there Is for such fears, compare buying with your present situation. . - - You are now renting. You already have a debt hanging over you of, let us say, $2 per month, due every month, to your landlord. As long as you rent, you will always have this to pay (perhaps more); for you and your family must live somewhere. " You couldn't go any more into debt if you bought th house. In fact, much less so. . .1 Let us see. A house renting for $25 is likely to sell for around 3O0O. you probably have a few hundred, dollars saved, so that you can pay iOVe cash, or 5300. The balance, you can pay at the rate of i (in this case, JS30) a month; only tS a month-jnore than you paid for rent : In four years you will have paid 58 of. the total amount , Of this 18 is interest and 40 is principal. " In other words, you will have paid $1740, of which $1200 is principal, coming back to you in the value of the house. Your only expense in four years has been $540 plus the taxes and insurance. . "But," you say, "supposing I get sick, or lose my Job; what then?" You must admit that $uch misfortune is equally possible When you rent-. You know that at such a time, no landlord will wait very long for over-ane rent. ' ' . " ,: ",.' On the other hand, in buying, you will find that man of the leading real estate, companies have a clause in of sickness or other good reason for payment of the interest. But even if there were no such can go to any bank or loan association and borrow 50 of the value of the house, in this case, $1500. The interest on this will 4e only $10 per month Where can you find a landlord distress for a 25 nousef - Best of all, buying a house on these rest of your life; in seven to ten years It's the man who rents who is you will soon owe no man. Porfclainidl Reality, Ralph Ackley Land Co. 878 farms to exchange, ranging in Srice from $800 to 875.000. 204 Failing ldg. Main 7141. ' H.l;-MCHER-&:Gllt. VT INVESTMENTS. Real Estate Loans and Insurance. 404-5 Northwest Bank bldg. a P. Haerle i r o. V. Badley Associated Investment Co. : 619-620-621 Teon bldg.. - Main "181. Real Estate. Business Opportunities, jtentais. - MIES ;'&18METH ; 827 H WashloKtoa St.. 601 Northweat bldg. BEAL ESTATK AND INVESTMENTS , Exchange Our Specialty. THE BRONO CO.. Inc. REAL ESTATE. !I7U Oak at-. L.awis bide Business and suburban property trib utary to union avenue a specialty. Main 1742. Campbell, Smith & Co. - GENERAL INSURANCE.' . REAL. ESTATE. ' 61? CorbetUbldg. 4 . Both Phones. Cascaden & Readen 207 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. Farms for sale and exchange in all western atatea.- Dakota and Minnesota. Canadian -lands a specialty. - . - F. N. CLARK CO." EASTMOKELAND. WESTOVER TERRACES. -INDUSTRIAL CENTER, ; Building and Insurance. : 8d -floor Title & Trust bldg. : Goddard Wiedrick REAL ESTATE LOANS. FIRE INSURANCE Phones Main 831. A-2452. 242 Stark at. Hartman Thompson Corner Fourth and Stark " ' BOUB AUK NTg FOB " f R O S E C I T Y P ARK HOCSES AND LOTS HOMESTEADS, 'timber claims, ehean araln. hay, itock rancbea. - Central Oregoa'a best Unda, . ahallow to water, conTenient to wood. Come ahead of the railroad now building. Write for. price list and literature. Inland Em pire Realty Co. Bur na. Or. m ' The Fred A; Jacobs Co. " " ' 104 STH STREET. General Real Estate, Exchanges, RenU als and, Insurance. - Main 86 A-1777. W. T. JORDAN VALLKY EMU. A LAND CO. Jordan . V allay, Maliieur Co., Ore farm lands, atock ranches, irrigation protects (600 to 10,000 , acres). Mea-lrrlgated .. grain, lands. Power aitea, J 0 BD AM . V ALLEY ENG. LAND COMPANY. D. D. Joaiya. Mgr. G. H. Kieirvsorge Co. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS.. 315 Oak St. . NEW TODAY Exchange lot.' Sale; Do Yon Want to Co Tbrl - " Va 6 tab acvcsv -9 " miles from Truto . y, 3H miles fro" Elk Creek store and V. O. Good small barm, small enieken house - and good granary some fruit trees, . grape vines, plenty of wood, a good spring of water, zfo .. noose. "100 acres has been in ooltlvation, 4 ! acres of which is nice littls flat " which, ls suitable for orch ard. VBXCB tl ' peg i aere. Would make s good turkey ranch. S3500 In trade, some cash, terms on balance, s Wo. 7 40 acres alfalfa, near Oer mantown, nicely located, no waste land, family orchard, . fairly good ton U dings, a ; splendid well, equipped wltn lectrie motor. , thiee . and lour f crops f alfalfa nava been cut without irrigation. Well alone cost fully tlOOO. PBZCB $5250; $1350 casta, balance 5 years ( at 7. . ZTo. 8 8800 acres, foot hill land. 65 acres tin alfalfa from which they cat two crops per year without Irrigation. 6O0 acres level land and a little rolling farm land, all fenced. Oood 7 -room honse, two large barns in good re- pair, one old bam. - Water piped from spring, plenty of " oak wood, county road near house. MOB $36.50 per -acre. 16,000 in trade. Vhis Is a good buy and in a good location. - . CALIFORNIA LAND DEPARTMENT Dorr E, Keasey &c Co, : B73 Btaxk Bt. their contracts providing that in cases inability to pay, they will, only require 4 - I , provision, at the end of four years yoa who will take $10 a month in time of , T - terms, you don't go onpaying the you are through the house is yours. always in debt Own your home and Main 6967. EI REAL ESTATE. . - 913-917 Chamber -of Commerce bldg. MALL & VON B0RSTEL - " BBOKEBS . ' : 4 t. Beat Batata. Leases. Mortgage Coens i GENERAL IKSUBANCa 104 2nd Bt Lumber Bsehaaga bldg. Ha In 1436 K - DOBB B. KBA8BT CO. K K KEAL ESTATB X K K Oregon, Waablngten A California Lands K K ; 2nd floor Chamber ot -Commerce. k K Main 118 7 , A-681A K KKKKKKKKEKKKKKKKK Large farm fn any locality a spedslty. Phones A-2972. Main S67, .The Oregon Home: Builders Home builders, renters, exchange dept. . Loan Dept. and real estate. 1830 Northwest Bank bldg. T - . . M : S. P. OSBURN ' 02 McKAX BLDO. ' . ' 5 aeres eaat of Parkroae; paved road, near electric a tat Ion, fine view nouataloe and rirar: HcV 92000: buU,u f MU teaaat H. P. PALMER-JONES' COA . ?.FL Jf?TATB BBOKBBS 404 Wilcox bid. aiaia 869ft. e .a s wuuo, ur. a e a ; J. G.I BAIN EY ; . 04 Teon bldg. 'Marshall 8177, - REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS THE "HAW-FEAR CO. - Beaverton-RcedvlUe Acreage. '-rAKH AN1 CITT ; PROPERTT. . ,.102 4th. t, Portland, Or. Phone Main S&, A-3600. J . E. 'SHEARS BEAL ESTATB -L: f taada My Specialty' , SOI McKay bldg. Phone aiala kSBS, en. Tabor 182?. ' BICHABO 8HSPABO ' ' KBl44-BSTATg-J ' ' fp5iJl?'pa is Home Sites on West Ride Wart, Mala OtTlce 464 Wash. gt. t Main 63t A-4T10. branch-of flees Wiilbrldaa aad Whlcwood Court ' " " Beai Estate. Inside Property a Specialty. " Oroond floor Henry bids. . Maraball ml TITLE GUARANTEE - AND All- BitA.tJT COMPANY. Abatraeta, real eatate, laaurance. - Looking after asaeaamenu and tazea a specialty, Marehfleld and Coqoille City.. Or. HENRY SENQ8TACKEN, Manager. Umbdenstock & - Larson " Co. Suburban lots, home builders, email farms. CJ round floor, 4 Oais et. Sunny CaLTornia MW TOD AT? MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. No delays. . . - A. H.EIRRELL CO. SIT srortnwestara Btk BnUdins? Y Marshall "4114? A-411. " MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7 Oregon Investment St SCortgage Co V Offices B02-4 lO 3d St. - -BCStPTESS CARDS EMBLEM lewelrv a SDeclUtT. buttons. pins, charms. Jaeaer Bros. 111-3 6th. i- ea$' VV Plumbing Tinting--Painting - U. . :;. ''- v If im need 'of soxJi ivrork da; toDoyiai';;: -' t reliable firms ' stand ready tat serve yovu' ? J " General Plumbing Contractor 70 6TH ST, PUONB BROADWAY 2083 Agents:.: ":'.', ;v ' Q. bT SHOWER BATHS KENNET NEEDLE BHOWERS SAKITARY DRINKING FOUNTAINS . HIGH GRADE ACCESSORIES 5 FINE RUBBER .OCODS 1 '-CARBftKI MM Will stop that leaking roof. Wall paper and ' kalaomlne. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. : . , . : Pioneer: Paint Co, yitXf BOTH PHONES. Va Kt7H- 18 FIRST ST. Ki7i ;i0 J'Wi . : Plumhing and Tinning 672 FIRST ST. Roofing, stove re; pairing - and " gen job too Small. All era! plumbing. - No work sruaranteed. , - PROMPT SERVICE. LET US DO TOUR - PAIKTIfiOCTlLHTIKIG Mir ' MKU HAOOCIOSG : THE RIGHT KIND OF WORK - AT THE RIGHT PRICE Let us giva you a figure. We are sure wa can satisfy you. . Sutcliffe & Blied 129 11th st Phones Main 1878, A-3225. WlhUEM PLUMBINQ, OAS FITTINO STEAM AND TXpT 5VATER HEATINO PHONE . MARSHALL. 5978 425 JEFFERSON STREET FEDERAL ELASTIC CEMENT. The best material known for repairing- leaky roofs, skylights or gutters. Comes all prepared ; last a life-time. Two hands and a trowel are all you need. - - F. T. CROWE & CO.. 45 4th st Broadway 5747. A-8888. WinterTime When in neel of Coal or Wood, the fol lowing responsible Fuel Dealers are) anxious to serva you. Sb h. green trading stamps. Dry slab wood, inside wood, fir and oak. Fair prices. Honest measure. We deliver any place north, of Alberts VCOLUMiBIATUIEt-CO.;-- Columbia blvd. and Delaware St. PHONE WOODLAWN 919 $6 Per Ton Delivered Second grade cordwood,. sawed 84.60 per load, delivered. . East 28th and Holladay. -mmmm East 86H- Phones. B-S188 US.S0 $.00 -60 ' Beat coal for the money. No soot. Lots eC beat. Our customers Ilka it. Ask Bob Adama, mine agent. MEN DOT A FUIS. CO.. - ' East 845 Phones " B-1232. . rail i - Absolutely the cheapest and best fuel on the market. $ ton lota." 81 per ton delivered. A Big Reduction In Lunro'Coal. eie WiflHINOTQN ST. Main 828. ' - ' ANTHRACITE, HIAWATHA. , ROCK SPKINQ8. WELLINGTON, MONARCH. Etc.... .... - 84.50 TO 818.71. EDLEFSEN KUELCO. . ; Commercial Club Bldg. Phones E. 80S Ci tlOf. -.' Auto or team deuvety. NO ADVANCE IN i PRICES. Red Oak Coal : .8B.B0;Tffl Owl Creek 1 Coal -THE BEST,' G3 uC9.53 NO 8 LATE. NO CUNKEiia. NO BONfii. f 1 ASH.. - Standard Brick St Tile Co. , 81 FOURTH STREET. iicnry - nuuiuui, Main - 1109 . Pi 3honee A.1108 No Extra Charge for Delivery. Fuel is necessity It is a matter of price, totality and r--;r, TLzcbovs Ftml Dsalsrs ivzrrc.r.t ycv,r 'ccr.zH:rcticri. Titr Statistics BIAKRIAB X1CEXSES , ' Axel Keraard Nrstroou lOS Webster st gml, and aaaa fc'arolina Lojdqniit. eaae-d- -01ie Baacok.' 80S ScIUbs building, Wal, anA Elsie Peari WMtoa Resent hotel, lesu. - Ktepbaa 1. Koteff. . 148 8TnteenUi at. . N 1 lesL and! Eaat s. Miliar, 43 gtaatoa iL, 1 Kdwin O. Thomaas 1678 Gloucester at., legal, aad Margaret 1 kcaleaaa. g4 WUlaaMUe boalerard. .legal. . .-,'. t ' W. 6. Smith & Co. Third floor Morgan - bldg. - : " "1 PRESS suits sold or rented, low prices, latest sty res, all sixes; we buy drees suits. . BareU's Misfit Cloth. 8 tore, fil ad. DRKriS suits for rent, all sixes, TJnlau . Tailoring Cos, 0 Stark st. i,-'. Coffey Plumbing o. ; Ijaor QTJICK. f COURTEOTJS, EFFICIENT. PRICES IX -NOT CHANGE WITH THE WEATHER. Main 8487 'V'.' Phones Res. Mar. 4844. H. X. Brown. Plumbers and Gas v Fitters ESTABLISHED $0 - TEARS; ' The only cheap thing a boat urn la oor priceij 274 Taylor, Near 4th S Shop phone Main 7009 Rea..,Maln 6481.' B War iTUUViva u lis U i 7 Plumbing Material -Wholesale. - do-, lng Out Supply. Jobbing Care fully Taken Care Of.'. . Estimates Furnished PHONE MAIN 8297. WCM -FAULTLESS" PLUMBINQ AND HEATINO, SUPPLIES. J4rL. Kjine '.J; . 14-86-87-89 Front Si. TROUBU . WITH TOUR ROOF 9- CaU Farrlngton Co.. bldg. Marshall 8270. - 803-4 H R We do-all kinds of Sheet Metal Wor Rooftng. Tinningl Cornice. Skyligh aad. s Repairing. Our - prices are md ' reasonable. Give us a trial. ' ijT inone iast S7z. 2 ' STANDARD VAULT A- 8HEET 888-892 East Clay St. . i OROER COAL NOW. ARE TE CLEANEST AND BESTS i jsuiuig.iw un ina Ar.n,Eii. j Crystal Ice & Storage Ck HEast 244B-1844: - : :. k Main 547:1 PHONES A-2241 From culne to conxnjmer. A clesh Ughlte coal, no soot, no clinkers, w alalte, no tfock and little ash. Lump ..4 .$8.tD Washed egg hut ................ 6. W i i . . Delivered. . . ff Aarents for Ford's Prairie Coal 1 WiMCill Ob IhUU. i 5tb and Hovt ats. - (. Gqod Rirnace -Woodt ,$4.5i; Co rd,s Sawed Any Length Newcastle Lump Coal. . 88.8b TON DELIVERED. I 9th and Glisan. Broadway f 8 8 PHONE8 A-t2tt. j . TttE ! I Famous $9;& $9.50 Jon No1 :soot" S6 Pfr'Ton T T . 4- KING COAL. Independent. Coal &.ce'Cd tti stark: street ' ! PHONE BROAD WAT 234. DEPT. -R. The Famous Castle Gate C03I MINED AT CASTLE GATE. UTAHi Ask your dealer for the genuine. Al ways gives satisfaction. Intense beat. Little ash. . - - , " - Ji. . : Economy - Fuel Xo. - V' 81 Grand Ave. - Mine Agents. - 214B. 1848. J HI Tom BroA-n. Fuel limb mm tlDESnY - .fSStaCOi-'f. - i : BiRTns BTRAUB To Mr. and Mra. f Karl J. stranb, l73 B. Id am ac. Fab. 1. a aoa. ; FEUX-To air. and Mrs. Petar Felix. S3 S. ta at.. Feb. , a aoo. SCHMIDT To Ur. aad Mra. WaMemar A. 8i-hmldt, 4l B. Slat at. N., Jan. JBO, a aoo. IXCE To Mr. aad Mra. .Elver C. Loca. fc2t Koaeiawn ,t Jan. 28, a daughter. -WARD To Mr. aad1 Ura. staoiwps O. Ward, . iv b. aider at jan. ou. a aoo. McElroy To Mr. and Mrs. 1. Halbert MeEV-I ror. us a Ti at. N.. Jan. 10, a aancaicr. iuu; smau amount cash wanted,- bai WINTERS To Mr. and Ura. Will C. Winters. . ance In Portland or coast . property . ncuiKr aw. an. sv, m obusimce. BLUNT To Mr. and Mra. William B. Blunt, O A ai P B KUL, To Mr. aad Mxa.- Ijf T. Ctmp- - bell, 867V K. Boraalda it, gab. 3. a dangb- LOVELT Ta Mr. and Mrs. gred Loraly, l20O MlM-laalppi avaw. FeU. 2. a daoaiitar. - C ALLEY Tt Mr. aad Mrs. Oeorga Calley, 97S Vale at.. Feb. 8, a daaaiiter.- BOLANDER To Mr. and Mra. Cbarlea Be Under, Qi W. WiacbcU stn Jan. II. a aoo. BCBAFER To Mr. and Mra. Edward O. 6cba - ter. 18 Cborea it. Jan. 27, a da nshter. DEATHS AND VVSERAJLS 73 BEAVEK In : tats city. IJ. 11. , Mae C Beaver, late or 901 w. Far sc. widow t tne late Harry L. Bearer, and aont of Beth M. Walker. Harrison B. and eo. A. B. Walker at tKla oltT. Tne rnneral aerricea will be hoU Mondy.-February 14. at S:) o'clock p. m., at the retldeaoa eatanllaliment of J. P. Plnlev A Moa - atoataomerr at 6th. Friends inrtted. - Jntermeat at Blear Vlaw eenietery. - Omaha, Neb., papers please copy wLT2 At tba retldenee, fi Kaaeell at.. Feb. - lO, - Bertha M. Kota. ace S3 years, beloved daughter of Mr. sad Ura. rred Kuta, and sis. ter of Artiwr Kota Funeral will leave the rrlora of Miller A Tracy, February 14, at :8C' p. m. tierrleee will be held at the Ger. man Lather an Trinity church, corner WlIHama are. and Graham are., ' at 3 p. m. Interment Bnae City cemetery. - MAKTIN At the faniHy residence.. Sua Grand are. N., February 11. Suihia Martin. arati 78 yeara 9 inoutha g - days, widow of the late Henry atartia. Funeral - serrtcea will be held at the Holy Boaaxy church. Bast 8d and Clackaraaa. at a., st S a. m. atooday, b, 14. . friends larlted. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. Services at the grave private. Please emit flowers. - ' ' - , I'BHTUICK PrlTate funeral aerrlces of the lata Walter M. Dertaick will be held at Holmaa'a funeral partors at 8 p. m. rkiuday, Febroary IS. Frlenda wishing to vlaw the ra mains may do so a feoaday ' from 1 :30 to 8 f. so. The body will be taken to BalTidere, 1L. for intennaat. Friends are reouestad not t send flowera. - OATNOB The funeral of the late Thomas A. tiarnoe will leave the parlors of Miller Tracy Monday, February J, at BiBQ a. m. 8trvleeswlll he held at 9 a. m at tit. Law. resce church, eorner 8d an n ent Biver Flew cemetery. church, eorner 8d and Sherman. Inter. WUCt'O Tk L'ak 1 1? mil JsaT Gubaer. late ot 6017 72d rt. 8. R. Tbe r nrsixiim mw l uv rcMutniw its mw v J. P. Ftnley A Sob. Mootgootery at 6 th. Notice of funeral hereafter. McLXl In thla city, Feb. 13, Alex Mo--Leod, agad 77 years, lata of Baioier, Or. The ramaiua were forwarded by J. P. Haley tc Son,-today (&tnrdajr),. to Bahuer, Or where interment will be made." MARTIN Died la this city, Febrnary U, Mr! Sophia Martin, are 78. rnneral netlee-later. BALU& Ida- Ballla, lavbia Apti, Feu. a. 74 pimTHIck Walter It- - Permick, ' Bt. Tl- cent'a. Feb. 7, 40 years, appeadleltta. VE HTKETBS Gilbert Vertreee. Good Sanuri- taa. eb. 8, as years, tuberculoala of kid ney a. .. -- . v , UOSO Charles IS. Loaf, Plttock block. Feb. 7, 69 yeara, angina pectorla.v -XOUNO Clara E. ounr, 4403 94th st. 8. B., Feb. , 61 yeara, clirooic , Isteratltial na phrttie. -.. . , - ADAMS Elian 8 Adama, Foater Boad. gee. 4. 75 yeara. i cerebral nemomur. -&ALKOFEK Albert Kalkofen, oster Boad and v2d at., Feb. . 76 years, lobar pneu - mania ana wa KAST Michael i. East, St. Ylscenfs,- Feb, , 67 yeara, carcinoma. ClAnKU, florists. 281 Alorriaoa , aC ' Main or A-l 80 5. Fine flowera nd floral designs. No branch atorea. MARTIN ec FORBES CO florists. 47 Wash. Main 288. A-1248. Flowets for all oceesiona srtlstically arranged. 1'rioNE Main 6116 for beautiful wreathes, pillows, 84; sprays. I1.&0. ChapTeU'a. 847- Morrison. TONSETH, FLORAL CO, 288 Wash.. bet 4th and 6th. Main 6102, A-1102. AiAA M teiMlTri. f loriwt. 141 bth at. FUNERAL DIRECTORS The Residence Estaolisnmeat - ot J, P. YINLEY BOK, Montgomery at Fifth. Portland Or. Absolute privacy, rich, soothing sur roundings and quietness, so essential In times of sorrow, are provided In this homelike modern building. . - A driveway, protected from eyes of tranaera. encircles the structure and Insures privacy, while the location to the residence section assures quiet. It Is the finest funeral home in the west, and Its splendid appointments, chspeL. complete automobile equip ment, experienced woman attendant and other advantage enables this firm to give -.y ' , "j " --- PERFECT FUNERAL SERVICE -without departure from Its long es tablished policy of. moderate prices. Phones. Main . A-1680. MR. EDWARD D. HOLM AN. the lead lng funeral director, 220 Third it, eorner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A-1611, Alain f0;J.: -.r,,,- ; -. - . ; -:---.. .f"V;;'-r, I '-i- Dunning & McEntee ueS every detalL Broadway and Ptae st Broadway 430. A-4S66. Lady aaaistant. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 K. Alder st. East 6 2. B-8626. " A. D. KJbN WORTHY. 4s. CO.. - Two Establisbmenta, - " Tabor 6267: 6803 2d it. Lenta. Tabor Bd: aotn st. ana jester roaa. athuu A. K. Zeller Uo. lrlt La.dy attendant. uy ana nigna ttrriea. Cirambers COiwsy.y aveu and Kerby, ? Wood- lawn 8306. C-1133. Lady embalmer. Walter. C. t Ken worthy -.-. 1682-1684 E. 18th. SelL 71. B-1121. M 1 1 .1 .F. r A TRACY. Independent f u-j nerai directors, j Prices low as e, 840. $60 - Wash. an. Ella. M. !, A-7s8 Hamilton East 80th and Glisan. Fu neral ervlcea.raber 4816 P. L. LERCH. leading east aide under SkTr.bVilth and Clay. B-1888, E. 781. BREEZE As SNOOK. B-1262, T. 1266. .1026 Belmont at 64th. Lady attendant f DICHM RESIDENCE UNI.PRLS. tnlUoUiNM. 13$. A-2236. . 44Q Mor. SKEWES ertaJtina Co. Main 41l lit Cor. Id and Clay. Q T D.-nno WUUams and Kaotb East 1115. C-1848. VAULTH IK An",V " manSwrrf -rSfiS e2r?r.turta Tvaults! steel reinforced . concrete Zu"-4 MONUMENTS MARBLE AND GRANITE- WORKS. Finest marble and granite. N. A. Bchanen Marble A Graclte Works. 887 Hawthorne ave. J PORTLAND UABBLB .J"- .8-A'. 4tb sL. opp. city halL Main 6S4. l-'hillp Ned Sons, for mernortals. jT-SBP ST COP. MAP I5QN. a'Oit HOa.&iu ui NEW 6 room modern bungalow, fira . place and full basement, $20 . per month. 1000 E. 28th rt, N. $1260 BUILD nobby 6 room bunga lows, block car, easy terma. See plans. Gl C. GOLDBERG. Builder. tielL 76. $2tt0; 3 room shack, 60x40 lot, Wygant and 2Sth at, 1 block Alberta car. Fellwo''! 1 5. - - - '" - A fc.N'AF 4 - V. - t f ' ' . - MnviTMKXT8 v .vJwant a- bargain, f at At:. :u-a in?. FOR SALE HOUSES , 01 ContlBBad) - ROSE CITY. PARK. . Mr strictly modern ' T room resi dence. Circumetances compel me to sell at a sacrifice, absolutely - a bar gain at S00. Kasy payments. Owner, 810 N. E. 61th, near Sandy boulevard. Tabor 4911.-- - 1 - , i COLORADO Sorinaa Modarn houae. - rooms .and bath, yalue 91000. mtg. same value or less. 62 W.; Wlllam- IOU bargain .hunter four room mod- am COt Lair a. two blocks from ear As I need money will sell for less than ma price or 101: in tna a4 miia circle: go look at it and maka offer. ,601 Mcnty Diag. ynone Alain 1890 CaIL. and see latest eesigns and gat " estimates on your pre poaod -bunga-Jcw: plans frea If I finance your home, yvilliams. architect. 0 McKay bldg - FOR SALE LOTS 16 FOR. SALE Two clear 60x100 lots .-n.tH,faip:!?J: " aca- Owner, F-.Tj7 .V!.,"?. 1 fBt 7gS evenings. ACRRAGB 57 ;.u -;.-v Gibson Half Acres ' Good soil, city water, close to ear line, easy terms, will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1(85 or belr wood 478. John H. Gibaon, owner. FOR SALeT $1700 equity in 83000 acreage home In HiHsboro. Or- as part payment Ford auto; must tie late model and 4A-eedJJ eaap or i taae what yoa iiave. .Owner, 233 V Washington -st.. room 18.' uuv,. r yi., UAftuJiw ranone - near roruaou. . z. a. iu aera tracta;. - . beat soil, good roads, near electric fSS to 1200 per acre easy terma. MaFar. land. 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 70 H ACRE home sites or more, Coleman station, on the new Carver line, 8600, terms, fare 10c. See E. Coleman. Phone Milwaukie 81-T. FOR SALE FARMS A Snap, FOR SALE 8 aerea. Improved, good - plastered house, on unfinished house, good chicken housea to accom modate 300 ehickena, good well. Bull Run water to property, 6 ft. fence, berries and some young fruit trees. Price 82800; some terms. Mount Scott car to Lents; go to Lents school, then V mile east to prune orchard and In quire. H. O. Bowman, owner. Lents poetofflce. . ; - - FOR SALE Part or all of SS acres on . Ut Scott, overlooking Happy Val- cleared. balance . been slashed; good water, fine, yoans; family orchard. small fruit, small bouse, large, nearly new bam. all. fenced, on good rock road. 8280 per acre; part terms. Write H. W. Kanne, Lenta, R. No. 1. 67 ACRES, 14 acres in crop, hill pas ture, new barn, $1880 j also gen; mdse. store with postoff ice, dwelling, 4 lots, good barn. 1 acre family orch ard: located at . R. R station and cross roads; $4000. Aged owner. JdV C , Smith. Walker: Or. 820 A. unimproved,), 7 mL from CAIer rill., Klamath Co 88 per acre. -No trades. - J-989, Journal. ----- . C , FOR REXT-PARMS - ill jCsasBSsaasMsSSsaswesa-ejs w. m aaaweaassssssMai .aesSBaBBasaJ1e- RANCH FOR RENT. - PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR BALE. 20 acres 16 acres under cultivation, balance la pasture fenced' and orosa f enced; -' 7 acres in fin clover, good house, barn - and other outbuildings: fine water, close to school, all rural advantages, : good young : orchard . and all manner' of small fruit, free de livery of groceries at door; 6 ml lew out . on - good county road; - personal property - consists of - team, wagon, harness, farm Implements, cow, heifer, calf, several tons or hay. carrots, kale and potatoes; $650 cash buys personal property and pays rent for first year. THOMPSON A. SWAN. 6th and Main ats.. Vancouver, Wash. FOR RENT, farm 20 acres, 1 dear;. Ideal for poultry:- stock for sale; work rent out on place; J miles south Sherwood, or. Address Newoerg. or ' R 2. Box 66. ' 10 A all under cultivation, V-l 1 bear- be lng grapes; omer xruat;.m. s. w. Tiirard ata.. on the O. E. R.. R. Write S. C. Tlchenor R. 1,' Beavetton, Or. FARMS - WANTED . RENT OR BUY 88 WANTED to rent farm with lots of - pasture, about .60 or 60 acres clear; must be rood for dairy; willing to buy som stock. A. S., 88 Kelly it, Port land. - c. WANTED To rent Uiry farm-large - enough , for 60 , to 60 head. John Olaiaen, Bcappooae, Or.. R. No, L V AN TED. to rent farm, - 4 .acres. clear. - F-664. Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 RELINQUISHMENT for gale; bargain. 2 room shack; fenced, one and two wires; 86 acres plowed. Crook Co., Or. Address Box 6, Boynton. Sullivan Co Mo. -- ' --- ' HOMESTEAD Fine location, near the coast, good dairy country, s handy, accessible, hurry; 8100, terms. P-887, journal. -: " ' HOMESTEADS located, fee reasonable. Good Improved relinquishment from 1260 up. Railroad now surveying. RX 874. Journal. . - TIMBER TIMBER cheap. 160 acres, A No, ,1, : near' a. logging road. Marshall 714. BXCRAXGE- REAL ESTATB St 6 ACRES of garden land and one city lot In Brazarla Co., Texaa, to trade for beach iota or what have you?- 11- B . Journal. - - - 6 ' ROOil modern house; have 212J0 ' equity, mtge. $800. years, f win take automobile worth, from 2700 - to 81000 f or my ; equity. .H. Fallman, Lents. Or.- . 20 scree near Cau. tie rock, Wh, clear for amaU house, : will assume. $12 Panama bldg. . - - - ' 6 ROOM fcouse. J lota, for improved acreage.- Q-M8, JournaL WAJnTETREAL TATE 31 PARTY to make me an offer or will rade my $1160 equity in modern 7 room rtose vl7 oungaiow -ror ood lot. 6iv st. ja. oun. rnone Taoor ANTED -The beat equity in email home I can buy for $200 cash or less. , Give particulars in first letter. Q-47. Journal. , , .. ROOMIXO HOUSES 63 s WANTED - ROOMING HOU'SE. , UWMUtH OJNL.TC. " Must be cheap. 4 No trades, all cash. wMtad roomlni -ho of H - or 16 ' rooros between the streets of Morrison, Main. Broadwav and. Twelfth. I am no. once, v . U-885. Journal."'" - " - .. .,: : ;- X$ H. K. ROOU3, rent $20; only 8175. 8125 down, balance $5 month. Owner, 600 Jefferson. - - ' ' - - liLSlNE&S OPPOKTUN1TICS 20 FOR - SALE New and second hand v-store; cheap rent; doing good busi ness. HX-1 48.-Journal. ' - ONE-HALF - interest - mfg. business, little cash, balance your own terms; consider trade. J-991, JournaL ON account of health, will aeil old established bakery, eacrif ice. Tabor 174. - . - GROCERY Clean stock, good loca- tion: owner sick, must sell; low rent; cheap for cash. Phone East 757S. GARAGE and repair-shop for sale In good location. For Information write F-i 57. Journal. v SsllOK ahop for t-sit, il r6lsi.iiiel trade; barriia If a tcn. t3 "T:..--:i ave, BLSLXESS OPPOltTUXITUlS 23 - - m tContlnoeai - General Merchandise . Store' a Jroo! ?y: . Stock worth 412.000: r.i?8 t50,13. buBine"- Splendid1 naw i atory building, 14x80. Owner lost wife and wants to sell For further par cularsi addreaa E. B. Thrift. Langlois. JP14. SALlJCONrKCTION L"UY. NI the-tlme to buy beat located confectionery on west side at itooj tranafer point; will mow than pay fo Itself Ih. rrnrnr - . - . .. i WUl ive some discount for all cah: must go to drier climate onlv CO to drlftr rlinuta mi1 r.i for eelling. w-l9. Journal. WAISTKIJ Partner, laay piefcrreU. for business venture; IsOOO cash re. qulredr clear real estate security: bona fide proposition. Will be pood for 15 per cent on Investment.- PX. 649, Journal. ' . WANTED County agents. Exclusiva territory, Oregon and southern Waahington; swift eellar; good clean uuiuM; some capital reoutrea. x . ! price 8 10 oO' temr 82800 would Present net income, 1108 per mo. an additional se income 885 per t month. Inquire 10 E7 th st. N BAUQ OR TRADE Photo studio fet Camas, Wash.; best town in state without studio;- 880,000 payroll. Ad dreaa It Failmaa. 9621 66.h ave. S. ATTENTION I A llret class money making, manufacturing buaioess, patent right,' for sale; aomeihlag la neceaelty. F-760, Journal. SMALL investment, f 100 to fo09 cash; will net you 10 to 815 for every dollar Invested. See Investor, 408 E. llth at. S. Phone Kaet 6H5. ABSTRACT PLiANT for aale or trade ror mortgage or real -estate: good. l0f.tion - h ii r. T w.K 7 TT, r. f ... " atuiiuw picture outiit. including elac trio piano, ready to set up: $500 if taken soon. Addreaa J. C. McClure, . nay tny, vr. 500 Business ; Cards for 50c ROSK CITY PRINTER Y. 19iH Third. ' MONEY TO LOAN ' REAL ESTATE 27 OUR INSTALLMENT FuAN la the surest and beat method of paying a loan. 821.14 per montn for SO months -.pays a $1000 loan and Interest. tit. 17 par monU for 88 months : paya a 8-1000 loan and interest. . (Oibtr duration, and amounts in , - proportion.) We loan on improved property or for building pudposes. -? EQUITABLE SVG'S & LOAN ASSN. ' Z42 Stark street. Portland. Oregon. $60,000 SUMS TO SUIT At, to 7 per Portland realty and farms. Call or write. A aafe deposit box in our vaults nrotects your valuables from fires and burglars. UNION v SAFE DEPOSIT AV TRUST CO., 284 OAK. UONEt TO LOAN On-Improved real estate or for build .ng pudposes; very flexible contracts; Bo commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO, 20S Stevens hlrtf. BLlLOi.Nl loans on city and suourona . property; money advanced as work progresses. W. U. Beck. 616 Failing blda:. Main $407. HAVE for loan money at low rates if " security is good. Prefer Portland residence property. II. L. Archer, 404 Northwestern Bank bldg. 81000 or more private money to loan on Improved Portland real estate. Telephone Broadway 401, lou.vOO ON mortfe-agea, city and farm property, fire Insurance. McKenxte SV Co.. Oerlinaer Mdg.. td sndAlder. Uo.V 1U LUA.N in auwuau of 1W to $5000 on citv DroDerty.' A. li. B"tl 201 Vrliwtrer bldg. LOANsi on iuiprovea propertiea. 'In Oregon-Horn BuUders. 1820 N. W. Bank bid; . - CAtii paid lor iDortgaitea, auiea, con tract s, mortgage loans; reasonable rat pa. F. II. Lewia ct Co.. 8 Lewis btdtr. 20tt TO 84U.0OO to loan on realty. Fire insurance. F, J. Steintneta Co., 608 Ocrtina-er bids. Main 8161, 600, OS bit. $Uu. SUU. 612U0. $lfcuu. Fred W. Oerman Co., 732 Cham. Com. MOKiOAUE iuaua, aft to oregoa Inv. & Mortgage Co., 170 3d at. 840.00 UK LKUci. FARHiNUi'ON. "80 4th at. Board of Trade bida- MUAK1 to loan on improved city, larro property. F. C. K'ng, 14 Spalding. $iuuu UP to S0uu to loan on city or - farm projxriy. Tabor f6?0. llOu.vOO TO LOAN at and per cent QrHiiiwid A- Weidrtrk. t43 Stark. eVhiri. ue ommk iotuia, loatuilnianl loan a. Cellara-Murton Co., -?6 Yeon blder. UUHfUAUK LOAN si, a apd I V. Louis Salomon & Co., $00 Oak st.. near 6th. MONEY to loan. 6 to W. ii. oeita A Co. 810 Kjaldlng bldg. 810.VEY TO LOAI" dlATlKLS. ti.4LAKfES OT IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAAiONDsJ AND JKWELRT AT EASTERN . RATES. We have one of the finest retail Jewelry stores In the city. -- A loan de partment is' conducted in connection with earn, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL Absolutely no signs - designating, loan buaineaa dis played in front of our store. All mer chandise pledged is held for a period ot 12 months, whether or not lntereat Is paid when due. We are licensed and have been-established since 1699. No connection with any other loan estab Ushment in this city. ' A. A M. DELO V A U E. JEWELERS, $24 Waahinirton st. SALARlErt CHATTELS. Honey loaned to salaried people and qthers en furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, eta, at legal-rates, with easy terms of .pay ment: no delay. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, INC, - -. -, " Licensed. 811 Dekum bldg. LOAN'S on diamonds at lu'b per an- ruin: lioe upwaria k-.m. jourriai. LOAXS . WANTED 3o $16,000 WANTED from , private par tieai will pay 7 per cent; highly tm- ? roved farm close to Portland. ournal. " ' -. - ' - aOOO , WANTED on practically new flats,. fully occupied; 7 per cent ln tereat ; no p. c nt g. M-7n, Janrnal. $5000 6 years close 8. to 812,000, Portland. 40 acre . P-681. J!f. j f ourn'tl farm . FINANCIAL METROPOLITAN Investment Co. stock, also Oregon Home . liuildere atock for aale by private party. P-63U, Journal. " lat od o morucages purchaaed; also aeiiara- Interest in contracts. Ore. and Wash H. E. Nohl LnTtihrmn hi. r HfcLI' WAMt.ll--MALE 2. WANTED -Middle aged man as cash . ler In restaurant, with reference and seedrtty. ArplT Nickel EaUng Houae; 230 BumMdt at, -SINGLE wan for cook and general housework, on farm, htiit time con tract riven If guifd. W-16S. Journal. iAA'l.ijvis' hauger and assembler; stale experience. -D-83t, Journal. LMfLOi'Mfc-NT department Y. L C . A. Pervice free to memherw. -IIEH VANTE1 .ailisC. 4j MEN 18 or over wanted as railway mail clerks; .sample examination; DQe' ueslions free. Franklin Institute, pt. 4 Kochffter. N. Y. WaNTLD .aine. of men w auli n na. 85 5 milwaV nvail cler' position rnorith. Answer WX-4. Journal. WR1TTKN UUAUANTES ADCOX AUTO?,!UBILK SCHOOL 2 HT!1 AM' Jl Fr-.R.ON 4lLAi4UAi . i us lur il Kit tn " D-tot, 2J1 is' COOKH. I fa.ii. Mi l. sr. t'- L LL. .i . v "i - ' N