The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 10, 1916, Page 17, Image 17

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10, - 1918.
URGE; mim TO
r .5 . . ":r ; - ' ' V : ; .. - ' ' .
:-. T. i . ".1" - - " . ' - '-
Portland: and Seattle i Behind
Measures -Almost Identical
Tin Effects Asked,;
.Bavlgatloa Conunitt Considers Prob
' Isms Confronting Port Actios oa
I - Belay la Bivsx Taxca.
Portland and Seattle ars sending
btlla covering establishment of a oa
..." tional shipping it commission to tbs
: .United States senats so near alike
that - the two porta may ret tog-ether
and work toward one end, according
to In formation . brought oat at the
netting: of the navigation committee
. of the Chamber of Commerce -last
The Seattle Merchants' Exchange
aaked cooperation towards a bill ' call
ing for the establishment of a com
mission of fire men. to have perma
nent charge of the country's - ship
pins'' Captain John F. Blaine Is to
be sent to .Washington to farther the
bill and Senator Oeorge E. ' Chamber
, lain of Oregon has been asked ' to
: present the bilLi;-:;: r--H--.
- Senator ; Chamberlain has ' already
presented a bill prepared by the Port
land Chamber of Commerce calling
for the appointment of a commission
of 12 men to determine the faults of
the-present shipping laws and to re
vise them.
So near alike are the two measures
that the navigation committee decided
to Inform the Seattle Merchants Ex
change of. this fact and suggest that
the two bodies get behind one measure.
' Another cause of delay, the forcing
, of captains of steamers to file a mani
fest at Astoria when coming to Port
land, was taken up last night, and "Con-
gressman Me Arthur will be asked to
, push, a bill through congress abollsh
. ing-this practice. With the North ;
Bank of the Columbia now Included
in the Portland district, this measure
is especially desirable.
- The committee also recommended the
sending of a request to Washington
that Oregon be left in the California
district when the steamboat inspec
tion service is divided into two parts.)!
It Is held that the relation of Porf
. land and California .firms 4 Is much i
closer than would be any relation be-!
- tween Portland and Puget sound.
The referendum on . the proposed
amendment to the seamen's law, which
the Chamber of - Commerce of the
United States is furthering will be
presented to the members' connclr of
the Portland chamber for action.
Chairman IL E. Pennell of the com
mittee was - empowered to - appoint a
committee of three to further a law
exempting Oregon owned ships from
state taxation, as is done in. Califor
nia and Washington. J
Thai committee - also recommended
that the harbor lines be extended to
the mouth of the Willamette river and
will appear before Colonel Potter of the
United States engineers corps to press
this, claim February 20.
Former Coos Bay Steamer Sold to
Alaska-Pacific1 for $300,000.
For a' sum said to be $300,000, the
steamer Arollne,-formerly on the Port-land-Coos
Bay run for Swayne e Hoyt,
.was sold to the AlaskarPaaLfio Steam
ship Co., according , to word received
here this morning. . The Arollne wilt
fill the need of ore and freight car
riers felt by the Paget sound liners
since the copper trade has become a
big factor. ..... ; .
- The Arollne Is a steel steamer, hav
ing a capacity of about 1200 tons, and
also carrying over 100 passengers. She
is built along steam schooner lines.
with houses aft, and Is rated one of
the best equipped of thin type of craft.
She has been on the run between San
Francisco and 8aS Pedro for the Inde
pendent. Steamship Co. since leaving
tne run out or tnis.port. -.
Bringing the largest northbound
cargo a San Francisco steamer hi
brought to Portland in four years, the
steamer Beaver arrived yesterday at
Alnsworth dock. She had 1600 tons of
- freight. Passenger travel was light.
- Captain Mason reports a pleasant trip
up me coast. i
Despite the heavy current the Shaver
Transportation company succeeded in
getting a raft of logs to the Mult
nomah Box A Lumber company this
morning. Three craft, the Henderson,
-Cascades and Echo, made the tow.
Captain Oraham of the government
snagboat Mathloma dynamited . three
abandoned pontoons on Sauvie's island
; yesterday that the menace to naviga
tion might be removed. It was feared
,they would float off In the high water
and damage ships. .
- The cargo of the British ship Lang
dale, which Is expected to sail for the
:- United Kingdom this afternoon, con
sists of 86,025 barrefs of flour valued
at 8I6Z.112 according to her manifest
xiiea at tne custom house by the Port
land Flouring Mills this mornlnev
The Norwegian steamer Wascana Is
Be Rid of Piles
4V Tree Trial of Pyramid Pile Treat
. meat Will Amaze You With ;
; Ita Setulta, V
Take Mr
Advice Ut
SI Is only fair to yonrself to-TBT
Pyramid Pile Treatment the tnost popu
lar home pile treatment in thj' world
today and one that has stood the tex
of time. ! -; v 1 - -
- Mail the coupon NOW or else get a coo
box of Pyramid Pile Treatment from any
druggist. Take no substitute.
free cal:ilc ccupcm
tS6 Pyramid Rldg, Marshall. Mich.
Kindly send me a Freo sample of
l rue TusleisBl. in piam wnpper.
Kams .............-
Street "
r J
expected tor shift tO the dobs mills
oock xrom tna jrorv or iroruana ury
dock this afternoon, -
The steamer Tamalpals, which ar
rived up - at the Multnomah Box
Lumber - company dock - this morning,
has aaked for a towboat to shift from
that point through the bridges tomor
row afternoon. This will be the first
instance in ; many months In which a
small steamer has needed a towboat to
move in the harbor.. ... ;. , '
lake 'bringing coal to Newcastle Is
the feat of the steamer Multnomah In
bringing ' barley to Portland. The
steamer entered -with. 400 tons of bar
ley from saa Francisco this morning.
A special , kind of seed barley com
prised the : shipment- She also ; had
6161 sacks of sugar. lit of coffee and
19 tons of .canned goods. She Is to
load "80,000 feet of lumber. at St.
iiaiene for San Pedro. , , ,t ,
-- Droonaa Takes Post.
San Francisco, Feb. 10. The steam
ship Pennsylvania, captain Holland,
from Balbea and west coast ports.
arrived in hers; this morning with
passengers and'' freight. When the
Pennsylvania , sails again for Balboa,
she wllibe in command of Captain
Ryland Tronnan. who Is to V relieve
captain Holland. -
Captain Trennan was formerly chief
orricer on the Manchuria.1
- Harvard Slakes Record.
San Diego, Cat, Feb. 10. U. P.)
A. new record for coastwise snipping
has been made by the steamer . Har
vard, which . carried 1C76 passengers
between this city and San Pedro In
12 hours. Testerday 1050 arrived on
the turblner and 625 departed on her
return trip. , . i:
- Arrivals Tebraary 10.
TTantalDaU. American steamer. Cantata .
dtrtoa ballast from Baa Irauclsco, Dent 4k
hp Meiu !-:-, --, ' . .... .
Willamette, Amerieas steamer. Cavtala Kel
ar, ballast from Baa Fraaciseo. McCormJck
Departares Pesroary 10.
Nlasei Mara, Japanese steamer, Captala Ta-
mu, aynemiie for west least, us root row
der Ce.
Langdala, British snip, Captala Atkinson,
fit or tor Catted Klngaoa Portland Floor
UUI, - , ; .
Marine Almanac
Weataer at Bivrs stoata. '
North Head, Feb. 10. CoiMlltloa at the
Stoata of to river it a l m.. moderate: wind.
onto, 60 mile j weather cloudy. Storm war a-
utgm oraerea ap yeataraay.
' Boa and Tides Fabraary 11.
Sob rises T:21 a. m. Sob sets 0:80 p. m.
' Tiaas at Astoria.
Hlab water. Low water.
6:13 a. m., T.S feet. . 0:02 a. m.. 8.8 feet.
co- p. m., o.a iec. - 1:4a p. m., x.8 leet.
Tha time ball On the V. &. Hrdrocraohle of.
flee ww dropped at exactly noon today. 120th
Dally River Headings.
:00 A. M., 120th Meridian Time.
Lewis ton . .
Umatilla ....
The Dalles ..
Cacad Leeks
vancoorer .........
Oregon City...
Casadero ..........
. 4 .
86. 8
( ) Using. ( ) Falling.
River Forecast.1
The Willamette rtvar a Portland will
Steamer Iroe to Arrive.
Ksa.'.. Froua ... Data.
Breakwater ........ B. F- C. B. A B..rM ta
F. A. aubora .....8. F C. B. A E..Fu. 16
wu ..-..-...... o. w A L. A ..... Feb. J C
IteaTer S. K C. B. A B..Fb. S3
oonoffvm riuuc. . & r . .......... .Mar.
Boaaeke ,...B. D. and way Indef.
Bo Uty U A. A . M laoet.
Steamers Dae to Depart.
Kama Frou rte
Seaver ............ L. A. A S. F.....Fab. IS
Baa Kaaxm B. F. .....Feb. 12
B. F.Feb. 16
F. A. JUlbnrs .... C. B., B. A S. F..Fsb. 17
f o. r. a I A... ..Feb. is
Northern taeltta ,..s. F. . ...... .....Mar. 11
uoanoaa .......... . B. D. and wu.....i.iu
Staaaers leavins Portland tut Has Francises
only eoeaect with toe steaaeis Xale aad Har
vard, tearing Baa Franclsou Monday, Wadass.
w JV - mmm i"'Mf u uam vvageiea ass
Vessels in Port.
Bernsr W ' -mm .
Baver, Am. es... V.
Ooi. P. a. Mjckll, Am. ss.
B. H. Vsace. Am. as....
EiSlD.hire, Br. bk
Greytoke Castle, Br. es...
Inea. AH. sea..
EL. B. Ju4m. Am myt,
.... Standard Bos
Laasdale, Br. as...........
Stream, Am. ....,...
Ntssal Mara. Jap, as........
Roae City. Am. as.........
Saa Pedro, Aaa. as........
Baa Raman, Am. as.......
...Martin's Blatf
...... ..Mnnlclual
. Weatport
cum, mta, sa. .........
Wiptmi. am. as.........
,....8U Helens
Waseaaa. Vor. as.M ,
Tma Inaa tel. A n. aaa
Willamette, Am. ss'.....
........ .Malt. Box
............ .Coach
At Neiirhborlmr Ports.
,?n ' Inranrfaeo, Feb. 10.-ArrlTedNHonal
City. Monterey. .T a. ra.; Bandon, Bedondo, 8
Norwood. San Dlejro., 10:30 a. m p
Dmw ftf. tmAr. Ift.ftA m Ci It ...
teo, towlns barge Charles Nelson, Ererett, mid-
1.1UDU ,mukv vTBininHL vaocoaTer.
7 .a- - tt e a v . . 9
sTanciseo JVC. . Amred-Wh!ttler,
&V5B.1.1' Baymoad. WlUapa
Harbor. 4:10 p. m j On a. Saa Pedro, 10:18
P-.ja-S Kortberspaclac. Astoria. m.;
UtS p. m. SatledW. g. Porter, Seattle li
a. m.: WilUalmlna, Honohl, li:W p. m.;
WeUesler. Taooma. 12:40 n. m liar cir-vmZ
M. Fhelpa, U tow e tog Bea Bover, Port
omm uua. a. m. ; . x aiS, CMLB JJIeCO, :10
FV. ,m . Jin.Mt. ml ..Hi tw... -
-v" " -jeaHiam,' victoria.
. Sa .c . . . ... .
uirm.. . . r " - - J xii
VtrlC. far United KlnirVm.
Aatorta, Feb. -aUed at : a. aw
-vmwaiev ioe aea laega via way porta, AT
Hf a , It a m a UF .... 1 J
..iTOlt-ij, HVIU O a, aTWirt. aRIIN St S
and left in at A -tut " - - - - -
Saa Fraaciseo.' - .
Ooos Bay, Jb. 9. SallBd at 4 p. aw F.
. - Kilbnrn. tnm Rnrtlinl fa, Bnka
A.. PMiUilaMV 'M-:. '
Umerteh, Feb. a ArrlTed Brttlah atatuner
St. Dnnstea from PBrtlaad.
Heattha. Wash - Mi ia 1 , , a in 1
vrown i eevuie, rrom laeoauu S
a. av; Alamada, frccn Port Blakelcy. e a, m.
Seattle, b, B. Arrived Bee. Saa Fraa.
elseo, 1 p.. m$ la Tooche, Port Blskeley,
: a; Admiral Faraut, Port Blskeley!
dwioum. Mi. c merunr, BaaM Uar
Kt. S. W. Alaska,, m.dal-ht; Admiral Bchky,
eoma. mldnirht: tna- antic ta-Hna t-ii
AnyoiL B C. B p. sa. t - . . , .
Cordova, Alaska, Feb. t. aned Morth-
westera, aoathboaad, 10:20 a. av -
Ketchikan, jrefa. . ft. Sailed AIM, ', north-
botmd. 1:1ft p. ta . . . . ....
lAmertck. Fe. SfAiriTed. Brttlsb steamer
St. Oaastaa, Croat Portland.
CaUao, -Feb. . Arrived Falcon, Taoma. .
V'ita1a ft 4T.: atallA t.
trca Powder Point, for Da Pont, 4-.SO a. m.
- Taaeaover. B. CX, Fee. IO. JrrtV-d soqq.
iwwb, uctooer
; fit Jjobe, from Lobltee, B p. m.
IX In tow
yesteraay. ; .. , - J . .
b aaalindv C, Feb, B ArrtradV Norwe
glaa steamer Taor, Saa Praaeieeo. -
Port Towasead. Feb. 10. Arrived Berk
CMatro Ueraanoa, from Callao, S:1S a. to.;
Slnaloa, west coast. a. as.; schooner Mary
K. Foster, from Marakoaa, in saw. Sarins
Marshfleld. Or., Feb. IO ArHred TelJow.
stone and Speedwell, . Saa Francisco, ...this
morning. Sailed F. A. Kilborn, Knreka. yes
terday afternooa; Nana Smith. -Saa FraaelBoo,
on new weekly schedule this afternoon.
Steamer Is Sent'
To Aid of Tahoma
Held in Grip of Ice
To . assist ' In releasing the ,
s steamer .Tahoma, fast In : les .
Sr v below Caps Horn since January i s
m ' t, the steamer Georgia 9urton
h was sent : from ' Camas v at 4 .
o'clock this morning: - ,
Unless the les Jam Is heavier m
ft than anticipated, it is expected
s that the Tahoma will be free ,v
Dt before nlgbt fall. ; Knglneers s
4 on ths S w. -,4k s. i yesterday -
: brongbt ths first word from the -
4t les bound steamer In several :
days, reporting that fres water i
"was running 200 yards from ths .
1- Vessel. :r-.iri(-i-!tx i ;rfwt .
ltning ths night considerable
4t Ice is -reported to : have passed
by Vanoouver, forcing the ferry 4S
to tie up for several hours. It
m . was ' believed here that this
4t floe must have brought , the m
4t free water much nearer the
Ik t. craft. .-- : ., -. - , x
v Tha Tahoma Is now without r
Pennit Gravel 3loSf
For Lower Wharves
VasUe Bock OommlsaioB stakes mnl
Ing Ynls Xoralag Appolatmsa of
Committees ' Conf irnted, : 4 l'i
Ths dock commission passed an or
dinane this morning permitting , thd
use of ' graveled roofs for ) docks In
tb lower harbor. . A letter was
ceiveo xrom tne united states en
gineer containing suggestions about
ths modification of the harbor line at
Oilllhan'a dock near the mouth of the
Willamette river. The appointment fa
standing committees of ths commit
sion, nitnerto announced, was con
firmed. Membership in ths Amerl
can Association of Port Authorities
was renewed. Other business of roa
tine character was transacted.
Changes, Chartelrs and Sales.
San Francisco, Feb. 10. EH ward
Hardwio' has succeeded.. James S.
Ellson in command of tha steamer
James S. Higgtns. ' --
; The following charters have been
reported: ' ;
acnooner Henry K. Hall, to , carry
lumber from North Pacific to Sydney
at 100b, by Australian government
tApni-aiay lini.
Barkentine James Tuft, lumber from
North Pacific to Sydney at ICOs, by
j. j. Jnoore ana company (April-May,
Schooner "W. H. Talbot, lumber from
North Pacific to Sydney at 100a, by
Australian gorernmetat (February
Aiarcn, 1917.
Sohooner William Bowden, lumber
rrom Zorta paolflo to Sydney, at 100s,
by j. J. uoore and company (April
The steamer Arollne, of the Inde
pendent Steamship llnet has bean pur
chased by the Pacific AlasVa Naviga
tion company ror 9100,000. 'i -
The brig Oenova has been pur
chased by tha American Trading com
pany, tessn privata
Portland's Business
Outlook Is Excellent
Pred Solomon Ssys, oa
JSast, That Oondtttoaa Are Percepti
bly Better Sere; Booming In Bast.
Back from a six weeks' buying trlpp
la - the millinery centers of the east.
Frea Boiomon, proprietor of the Won
der Millinery, declared todav that ' he
anticipates a heavy trade in all lines
in Portland this season.
'Portland has taken on a mora rosy
hue, and ths outlook indicates that the
spring season is going to be good.'
said Mr. Solomon.- "The local trade de-
man as better merchandise this year
than for some time past. This Indi
cates that times are loosening up here.
in the east" everything is booming.
Money Is plentiful and buying brisk.
The style tendencies at present are
for small hats for women for the open
ing of the spring season. Trimming
will not be heavy, instead the ef
forts of milliners are to achieve chic
effects by ths use of better materials."
Mr. Solomon visited New York. Boston,
Chicago, Philadelphia and other cities.
and placed heavy orders for goods,
In anticipation of an extrsmely active
Sweden Holds Seed
Shipped to Russians
, -f sa-sm.Ba-P--assa X '
Mova ' Is Xstallatory; Bosslans Bay
Clover Bead was Beshipped to Oex-
many aad tried Sa Oaa JCa3
Tendon Febl lO.fl. N. B.l Tha
Petrograd correspondent of the Times
telegraphs; i -" V ' i
i "Sweden Is detaining HO tons of
seed, consigned to Russian farmers, on
the ground that Russia - has seques
tered a large shipment of clover
bought by Swedish agents.
'The foreign office states; that tha
clover was seised because a previous
consignment has been reshlpped by
the Swedish . consignees to Oormany,
where clover serves as raw material
used In the manufacture of asphyxl
Army-Navy Orders
Ban lrteaelsea, Feb. 10 P. K. a) Army
Army Orders, Effective Baron B. "
Major Oeorse H. McManas; coast artlllarv
corps (acting; Inspector general and attached
to western department . headoasrters). will
proceed to Fort Werdea, ' Wash., for duty as
rort eomnianaer. reiievus rrom sacs dntv
Major Alfred S. Morgan, who remains at Fort
Worden. , ;: ,,
These leaves of absence r ran ted: seeand
Lieutenant Alexander la F. Johnson. 4th cav
alry, eas month IO days, on antral Is United
States; First Lieutenant Boward-Tstnm. 8th
cavalry. IS days; COkmel Hay L. Edte. med
ical corps, 14 days; Major Henry 8. Untber-
rord. meoicai corps, aw oays: cartam Otorn
la, Hicks Jr.. coast artillery, from. lOBtn to
107 th company; Captain Henry A. Finch,
corps engineers, to Vlcksborg, Miss., duty per
taining to tlood oaditloos; Oapula George
F. . Connolly, coast artillery eofna Ina wLth
qnartermaster corps), to lOOth company.
- :V.;' ,rt ' STavy.
Uaateaaat ComsiajKlers O. C. rjowHn.
missioned froco September 7, 1915. J. C. '
send, from hovember SS; Li en teams - (Junior
erade C. M. Hall, detached from the Vimk.
lag Febrnary IO. to Vermont. March 10.
Mjvemsnts at a aval vsaaaia. . - -
Arrired Drayton and Orion tt Gaantanamo;
Japiter, at Lambert Point; O'Brien and Wada-
worta at uosycanaoo nay; .Saratoga at Bram
ton: St. Loete at Tiberon.
Sailed Arlwln and mess en. - from Kn
Wast for Guaycanabo Bay; ' O-S. from Kew
xork yard tor tsnageeort; ureiron. from Sen
Diego for San Francisco; 8a turn. . from saa
maeiace sor saa mego. . v;.--
- - STstea. x
Oevernmeet ttaaaoertatioB will be inlliM,
from Hampton Roads - to Oaantaname a boot
the 23d Instant. ,
The Csltie. now at the Boa torn nr.. -mrtn
leave about the 20th Instant for New York.
and tnence anoat tae zvie tnataat for O
tsaamo. ,
Brief Tales
Sepswrata Peace " Kegotlatlona WlQ Be Germany's Demand;
Oscar Is Out of the War for Good; Spanish., 3Iarines to Gnyd
Kamerim Refttsees; Snow. Falls Thronghont France; Torpiflo
, Accident Kills Dutch Corporal; Peace Xn&WPlait Jjoses. & r
Bnropean War.
Amsterdsm Newspaper comment is
to the off ect that Germany will con
sent to peace negotiations only with
each individual enemy, on the ground
that a general conference would give
England., too -much power. , -
' Q s r m a n newspapers
say Prince Oscar, son of ths kaiser,
is oat of ths war for good, not because
wounds recently received were serious
enough to disable him, but because of
a weak heart.
Paris A regiment of marines la
lag sent by ths Spanish- government to
Spanish Guinea to guard the 900 Ger
mans and ' 14,000 ... Oerman colonial
troops from the Kamerun. who are in
terned there. Tbs fugitives will' be
taken, to Spain. -
,V . Foreign. .
- Parta The ' first snowfall of ths
winter covered Parts, northern France
and the trench country with snow.
Xroadoa A torpedo accidentally dis
charged by a submarine at Flushing
truck a landing stage, killing a cor
poral from ths Dutch battleship Jacob
von Heemskerk and wounding several
others. . .
XaUonal. -;
Washlngtoxk--A resolution : -calling
for a peace congress of neutral na
tions to be convened by President Wil
son was Quietly shelved by the house,
on objection of Republican Ueader
Mann. ; -
Washington The navy department
presented to the bousa amendments to
the naval reserve law . which it hopes
will add S0.000 men to the reserve
within a few years. Revised pay tyid
various preferments are offered to
prospective reservists.
WashingtonFour Oregon women,
Mrs. EUlaabeth Adams of Portland,
Mrs. Rebecca J, Micks of . Ashland,
Mrs. Nancy A. Bounds of Shelbum
and Mrs. Sarah Bins of Elgin were
granted pensions of 118 a month each.
Washington Opponents scored
Against the $25,000,000 good roads bill
In the senate by referred to
the : postoffice -committee instead of
the agricultural committee, which was
considered favorable. The house has
already passed the bill.
- Washington The retirement of
Judge George W. Atkinson of the
court of claims within a month w:
announced. He is over TO years o
and eligible to retirement.
Chlosgo Archbishop George W.
Mundeleln, new head of ths Roman
Cathollo archdiooese of Chicago, was
formally Installed. He has ecclesiasti
cal authority over 800 priests, 450
churches And missions, - 250 colleges
and many other Institutions and own
ership of property- worth $60,000,000.
In the community of which .he "is
head are 1,400,000 persona of his faith.
Blktas, W. Ta Dr. H. W. Daniels,
having, no instruments at hand, oper
ated on a woman dying from 'diph
theria with only a pocket knife, two
Aleut Children Are
Proving Apt JPupil?
Returned mssitmary Says Brightness
of Totmgten Promlssa Better Oon-
altioas la Alaska ta tlta .Pntnrew
The Aleut children aad the growing
generation of Eskimos generally are
responding to the training afforded
them through government and denom
inational schools, aays Rev. George A.
Learn, superintendent of the Baptist
ornbanajze on Wood Island. Kodlak
group. Just south of Cook's Inlet. Alas
ka, who Is In Portland today.
Rsv. Mr. Ieaxn says the Adaptability
and brightness , of the children prom
ises better conditions in Aiasxa in
the future. .
The omhanare of which Rer. Mr.
Learn is superintendent Is a branch of
ths Women's American Baptist Horns
Missionary society.
Rev. MT. Learn has been on furlough
for the past four months and has trav
eled throuah the states delivering lec
turea on his work. Tonight he will
deliver a stereopticoa lecturo at White
Templa at 7:46. .
Milwaukee to Build
Big Depot in
Deserlptlvs Bata of Wsw eooo,oog
Btrnoturs Bscatvsd Bare; Btanoa
W1U Ba Completed la 1S19.
23. K. Garrison, general agent of the
Chicaao. Milwaukee & St. Jfaui, has
Just received complete data descrip
tive of the new eo,uuu,ou union pas-
senaer stauon now being - eractea at
Chicago. The structure will be ready
for complete use sometime in 1910,
according to present plans.' ' The main
building is to be 326 by $50 feet in
dimensions, and will be supplemented
by a vast concourse. The waiting
room .will no suv ieet long, ivv leet
wide and ISO f set high, with great
arched window ' 100 feet above the
street and in it will be housed innum
arable little stores and shops for the
convenience of travelers. The build
Ing will ba -of : claaslo ,: design, inter
preted according to modem utilitar
lan requlrementa. Bounding the new
terminal are Jackson boulevard. Canal
street, Madison and Harrison streets.
Ex-Governor Invited
To Grant Conference
A telegram was received today at
the office of former Governor Oswald
West from Senator Chamberlain in
viting West to visit ' Washington to
confer with him on certain phases of
pro posted Oregon' & California railroad
land i grant legislation. . Mr. West is
now On his way to Philadelphia, where
he is due to arrive today.-
" C. I- Tnttlo b Deal .
Frank W. Robinson, trafio mana
ger -of the O-W. R. A IT. company, has
received a telegram 'from Salt Lake
City advising him of tha death early
today of C L Tattle, assistant general
freight agent of - the Oregon Short
Liner- Mr. Tattle was wall known
throughout the northwest, - especially
among the livestock men. ?As livestock
expert for ths Short Una and Union
Pacific railroad, he has mads frequent
visits to Portland. Pneumonia is be
lieved to have caused his death. He
was about $0 years old.
. Walls Were Ruined. - -
If tbe storn damaged - yonr ' borne in tae
least look In todaya ekaasifled section. There
tbs staa wtM caa repair it Saa his ad.
of Late News
tin spoons and a piece of rubber typing
from a fountain- syringe. Ths jranan
will, probably recover :- 1 ' j .
- Vorfolk, Tsy "Mite- boxes foiMon
the liner Appam and containing pout
$7S were turned over to ths Am' lean
Red Cross: by lieutenant Berg. Com
mander of ths prise crew ln.4lVrge
of the ship. - . " -.
JTsw Tork John 1 C. ' Sheehanf ,wuo
eessor as head of Tammany Xfc & to
Richard . Crokar, and ons time . bllce
commissioner of New Tork, died t t the
age of T'years.fe--;;ii;; ? 1
Boston Secretary of State '-BsJ Igley,
supporting- a bill to provide for: issu
ance of 1 campaign literature br-i the
state,'; told la legislative com'ilttss
some governorship campaigns la Mas
aachosetts v ha vs cost, $100,000.'-' : - - -
; .- Oregon. ' ; - .
;l Klamath PaSa Henley rural district
school spellers won a bea over five
nearby schools. - 4.
Independence Thomas Fennel took
refuge In a cherry tree when rlsin 1 wa
ter threatened him, and he whs up
there two hours before a launchjoould
be sent to his rescue. , . -
Kood Xlver Because of their', de
mand for use In the manuf actitre - of
munitions of war certain spray ma
terials used by orchanjlsts in fighting
tree pests have almost c.uadrupld in
valua " .:ni'. ' 'i .
anamath Palls -The TTnljed States
forest service has posted - notices .of
invitation for bids for the live timber
and the merchantable dead timber In a
45 acre tract In the Crystal Creek wa
tershed.' The standing tlmbar.JaT esti
mated at 390.000 feet.- Bids wllT be
opened March 9. -"71 , - ,"r
Heppner Heppner Commercla; , club
favors levying a half mill tax i Jr fi
nancial support of ths Morrow County
fair. .. Z, -
Toledo Indians are getting drt&k on
lemon extract. -Z
Pacific Northwest. - fw
' -Forth Taklma The Pacific Power A
Light company has authorised expendi
ture of $4500 for improving the Wapa
tox canal - to prevent contamination of
the city's water supply. '. - V
Prossar, Wash. County - commis
sioners have ordered the wooden "spans
in the Kiona-Benton bridge replaced by
steel spans, the work to cost $4ft00.
Pqnlanv Grays Harbor County hos
pital, which has been vacant snca it
was built three years ago, may a used
to house the county poor.
anoouver, Wash. The lnterurbah
line has been .opened from thje "car
barns to Birton, aix miles. -
Zltopla, Wash. Henry TuytensT Bel
gian farmer, living between here and
the .Snake river, is reported lost in a
storm. ,
Elms, Wash Schools have reened
after a weeks vacation ocpaaioiffil by
severe weather. .
Wanatohee Two hundred Ivhelah
county taxpayers met At . the ' court
house and organized to oppos ths
building of a new courthouse. . ' . '
' 1 a
Chase Down Coagb
Is Ended by Capture
S. W. Ksddsrly and Arthur -m Amldt
Apprshsnded, at Santa Clac.i, ' sad
Charged With Theft of Aat ..
After a chase down the entirstcoast,
R. W. Hedderly and Arthur Schmidt
were cornered through the -efforts
of local police yesterday at Santa
Clara, CaL, and' arrested on charges
of the theft of a Hudson - automobile
and a set of automobile' tires. City De-
i tective R. H. Craddock will leive to-
uijai xor toe souia to bring the pris
oners back to Portland. The antomo
bile belonged to C L. Boss of the local
Hudson agency, and had been used
a. . At aW-taa. tT "V . SI . . . Z
jia-ioy uj xaooaerry. ine ires be
long to G. X. Thiol, owner of garage
at 1143 Mississippi avenue. The au
tomobile was in tha possession of the
two men when they were arrested.
Slain Man Proves ;to
Be Old Time Fugitive
Los Angeles, Peb. 10 CO. 1(5 An
investigation by the Sheriff's office re
sulted today in the - discovery : that
George Mason, killed by an Elisabeth
Lake posse, after slaying one. man and
wounding two others, was really . Jeatfi
Howard, who Had been a fugitive for
36 years. - ... ..
The sheriff says he was ' arrested
near; Santa Barbara' in 1880 charged
with killing a - French sheepherder.
Bscaping, he lived in hiding mnder
various names, the authorities declare,
and was suspected of numerous of
fenses. Including stock thefts. .
Girls ! Try It ! -Have
Thick, Wavy,
Beautiful Hair
Every, particle of dandruff dis-
,. appears and hair stops -.
,1 coming out." .
Draw a moist cloth through hair
and double its beauty
' at once. - .
Tour hair' becomes llsrhfl : mn
fluffy, abundant and appears as soft,
lustrous '- and r beautiful as 1 a youna
girl's after a rDandarlns hair cleanse."
Just try this moisten a doth-with a
little Oanderlns and caref ully-draw it
through your hair, takina ons small
strand- at a time. - This will cleanse
tha hair of dust, dirt and excessive
oU , and 1 in as t a few montent :s you
have doubiod the beauty of your hair.
.Besides neaumymg the hair at
once, Daaderlna dissolves ; evry - par
Ucle of dandruff; cleanses, 'puVifles
and invigorates tha ' scalp . forever
stopping itching and falling hair, - '
But what will please you most win
be after a few: weeks' use when rob
will actually see new hair fine and
downy at first -yes but really, new
hair growing all over tha scalp. If
you cars for pretty, soft hair ahd lots
af it surely get a 2So bottle of Knowl
ton's . Danderlne from any druggist or
toilet counter, ana just try mX. : -
save your nairi Beautify it! Ton
will say this was ths best 2Su-cests
you over spent.. C-6av.J :
1 jv v -:-k . -. .
Abs (Just - returned from the hos
pital) Say, Isaac, that nurse you used
to go up to see la sick. : -
Isaac Did shs ask for ms?
- - Abe No; her mind isn't wandering.
She is perfectly rational. Philadelphia
Fireman's v Smeller''
Works As He Sleeps
Smoke Wafted Into Dormitory . of
Track a Awakens One 'of Boyst Who
. Locates Pira.--"
The smoke smelling proclivities of
Fireman F. H. McCormick of Truck i,
even when he is asleep, probably saved
the home of Mrs. Rose Huber, $t
Third street.! from destruction about
S:45 this morning..
MoCormick was asleep In the dor
mitory of the ftrehouse when - the
smoke wsA wafted, through the open
window. The fireman looked through
the rear window, and saw firs raging
in ths kitchen of ths Huber home, 78
feet away. In a few . minutes ths
blase had' been ' extinguished.
Mrs. Haber had been up lata earing
for her baby, who bad been HL A hot
fire had been kindled, and this Ignited
wood piled behind the stove. - .-,
None of the members of ths house
hold knew of tha fire until the firs
men aroused tthem. j
Rainbow at Night,
Storm Is Predicted
Patrolman- Says Ks fcir, nenomeaoa
Which May Mean a Stora Burinf
aQddls of Pebruary.
.Rainbow at night I
. Patrolman S. 8. Shoemaker ' says hs
Lsaw one' last midnight to the east from
Union avenue and Dekum street To
corroborate his story ho showed the
infrequent night phenomenon to Ho
torman E. Schwlenster and Conductor
C. c. Cross of a Woodlawn car.
Weather officials say a night rain
bow is possible with the moon shining.
Patrolman Shoemaker and the carmen
say the moon was shining, and rata
was falling last night.
An old saying' has It that a night
rainbow presages a storm. This then
is the second such prophecy, for ths
old Indian here last week said Oregon
was dus for a storm ths middle Of
February. t" . : ' v ...
Austrian Warship Is
Forced to Run Away
rtallaa Bestroyar Bsoorttaff
Croiss Opens Tire oa Anstxlaa
: stroyer, Tcixtag Plight.
Rome, Feb. 10. (L N. 8.) The fol
lowing official statement was Issued
from . the headquarters of ths Italian
admiralty here today:
"On the afternoon of February t an
Italian destroyer, whila escorting an
allied cruiser, sighted an Austrian de
troyer bf the Hussard type. The Ital
ian warship opened fire, the Austrian
destroyer fleeing to Cattaro. On ths
same, day an allied i cruiser pursued
four Austrian submarines off Duraxso,
but ths enemy warships escaped, s
"On the afternoon of February an
Austrian submarine . attacked, but
missed a French cruiser off ths Al
banian coast.- . , v
Orchestral Society
In Concert Tonight
Annnal Eyent WHl Take Plaaa at
sonio . Temple Thr Soloists to
' XxttrodaosdV
A musical avent of mora than pasa-
lntr Importance win be ths second an
hual conoert this evening at tbs Ma
sonic temple of the Portland Amateur
Orchestral society. WUUam Wallace
Graham, conductor. -
k The orchestra Is composed of about
4 S performers, who follow musts for
the pleasure it "gives them. and. their
friends. The membanshlp is composed
of men and woman.
Three soloists wul ! ba presented.
Miss Ruth Agnsw, soprano; Clarenoe
M. Heath, tenor, ; and Miss Mary
Schnlts, viounist. ,
Ths concert . will begin - at ; 8:80
o'clock. - - "
Earth Slips Down ;
Guloh oh East Side
' About ' 4:80 yesterday afternoon an
earth . slide nearly 100 feet across;
shot down ths. edge of the gulch on
Gantenbaln " avenue ' between Page and
Eugene streets, , Tbs ' nearest homes
are far enough away, howevv to be
on solid ground, and no property was
seriously damaged. .
Ifo iJifringrment, Holds Court.
' . Twohy Brothers company has re
ceived from William R, Lttzenberg, its
attorney, word that tha circuit court of
appeals at San Francisco has affirmed
tbs decision of Judge c E. . Wolverton
in a oaten t infringement caae nrourht
by ClaytonTt. EaJd. Ths company was
aueged to Jhave mrnnged on the pat
ent to a car bunker and Judge Wol
verton dismissed the case, holding
that no infringement - existed. . Tha
company alleges . that Eald had Pr.Ii
cnasea an .iilcxcbl in a patent lssuea
to Joseph A, McConnel coveting a
similar ; improvement. . The patent In
dispute had been secured by Klbert G.
Chandler. . , . ,.
- Jlra. : Brewer - Seriously HI.
"Mrs. J. W. Brewer, wife of ths sec
retary' of tbe Oregon Development bu
reau of the Portland Chamber of Com
merce, Is, seriously Hi at the family
residence. 111 East eighteenth street
north, i Bhs is threatened with pneu
monia, ' - '
-.:."T- --i'.-v-V-f-- --v"-7 sama-aasBsa -.' i V"
Port of, Astoria. Commission
: Plans , Move Which . Will
Meet Sound Competition.
The Columbia river will meet Puget
sound ship coaling competition. The
Port of Astoria commission has au
thorised its engineer to purchase coal
handling equipment to be installed on
Pier Nov J, of the Astoria Municipal
doc-tt:r.;,----i,i .;:";-vf'
Ths cost will approximate $40.00$.
Provision for handling the coal will
ba of a character to permit the loading
of a, ship in tha shortest possible time,
The efficiency of loading. In fact, is
expected to lessen ths cost and aid in
meeting the Puget sound competition.
The action authorising ths expendi
ture was taken Tuesday. Within a few
montha equipment will have . been In
stalled and in operation. -
Ws did It to m&ks ths Columbia
river us attractive as posslbls for
ships," was tha comment of the ohair
man of tha Astoria Port commission,
George B. MaLeod.
Speaker Disousses
"A Literary CUnio"
Br, Samnal Orothara . Treats Subject
of Books and Thalr Xffeot o&meader
la BOvel arasner. - f;;
tr, Samusl MoChord Crothers
pleased Portlanders last night with
his novel, humorous and clear way of
Introducing English literature. His
lecture was entitled "A Literary
Clinic,' and was ths first of an exten
sion course of five lectures given
under tha auspices of Reed college.
Ths literary ellnio discussed lsst
night was supposed to be an old friend
who had established a "Bibllopeutlo
Institute," "where persons afflicted
with troubles could be cured by a pre
scription of certain kinds of books for
reading, which would have adeslred ef
fect on them. In this way he went
over a ' large number of authors and
brought out the easenoe of the books
by showing tha effect which they pro
duced on the reader.
Census of Military
Strength Is Ordered
AH Xnfonuvttoi of SI Psclflo Coast
tatss to Be Oftthered That Be-
' souToas atap S
San " Francisco, Feb. 10. (TT. P.)
Every scrap Of - military Information
about tha siS coast states included in
ths western army department will be
checked and tabulated : la : a census
ordered -by General Bell. A new di
vision, that of mUitary Information,
has been creatad. This will ohsck up
supplies, guns, faotorles, forts, - Auto
mobiles, shipping, bridges and other
vital points. In this way, ths coast
officials will havs at their finger tips
Just what men, supplies and industrial
features could be mobilised and utilised
in time of need. ..-
Smoking Mountain
Sending Up Vapor
Santa Monica, Cat, Feb, 10. (tJ. P.)
Smoking mountain, north of here,
was acting up" again today. The
near-vocano sent up several gobs of
vapor. It is believed heavy rains may
havs produced subterranean disturb
ances resulting . la tha phenomenon.
-.- Sjast-aSBSS-aB-i-S-SSAaSJ-t-aBS :r:
Slides on Columbia I
Highway Not Feared
While a few slides may occur on
ths Columbia river highway following
the melting of tha snow. Road ma star
Yeon, who mads a trip to Bonneville
yesterday, does not anticipate that any
will be of a serious nature, or .that
tha road will be much ' damaged by
washouts. Men have been - stationed
at ths worst point to keep ths water
courses open and to summon assist
: J vL 111 - u In J ti
Enjoy Life! 'Stop Headaches. Sour Stomach, Billcu:.
N ness. Bad Breath, Bad Cold5, Constipation.
They're a Treat! : Cascarcti is Best Laxative for Mcr,
Women, Children 20 Million Boxes
. Sold Last Year.
Straighten ttpl Remove tbs liver and
bowel poisoa which la keeping your
bead dizzy, your tongue coated, breath
offensive, and stomach sour, Don't
stay' billons, sick, headachy, consti
pated and full of cold. Why don't you
set a -box or cascarsts rrom tha drug
stars and sat one or two tonight and
enjoy, ths nicest, , gentlest , liver and
ance in case of an emergency,
moat serious condition 1 at i
illey'tout It is thought tl,at th t
hatchery officials have it wnivr
Dandruff, Surely
t . . Destroys Ti:3 I "
Girls if you want plenty of t
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do l
means get rid of dandruff, for it
starve your hair and, ruin It It :
It doesn't do much, good to try
brush or wash It out. The only t
way to get rid of dandruff is to
solve it, then you destroy It entlr
To do,. this, get about four ouncn
ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at r
when retiring; use enough to r
the scalp and rub tt in gently witii t
finger tips. .
By morning, most if not all, cf :
dandruff will be gone, and t!.r
four more applications will corr,.!
dissolve and entirely destroy ev
single sign and trace of It.
. Tou will find. too. that all Itc :
and digging of tbs scalp will stop,
your hair will look and feel a hu.
times better. Tou can get liquid ar .
at any drug store. It is lnexrc .
and four ounces is all you wia x
no - matter how much dandruff :
have. This simpls remedy r
falls. , ' (A . )
How to Prevent
Acid Stomachs end
Food Fermcntd:
v Tou may complain of sto
trouble and yet your stomach i:.
absolutely normal and healthy,
real trouble ths trouble that r -everybody
has at times is rrot
excesslvs acid in the stomach, l ou j
be quite sure that this is your trou -your
food ferments, turns sour, c
belching, distress after sating. etx i
cssslvs acid irritates ths ducau i
Ing of ths stomach abnormally, '
Ing that full bloated feeling. '.
both acid and fermentation into .
with and retard the process of
restton. The stomach wail is un healthy
and normal, but irritate! -moat
past endurance by these iur
elements acid and wind. In all
cases and they comprise a great i
Jority of all stomach difficulties
first and only step necessary Is to r
trails the acid and. stop ferments
by taking in a little warm or -Water
immediately after satin r, f
one to two teaapoohfula of li
Magnesia which is a remarkabi -fective
antacid and food corre."'
The excess acid will be neutr.
and ths food fermentation stopr-J
mediately so that your stomach r
then proceed to digest the food i.i
healthy normal manner.- Be eur
ask your druggist for Blsurated I
nesla rather than Magnesia in ,
other form. (Adv.)
Says we must make kidr. :
clean the blood and pim
v pies disappear.
Pimples, sores and boils usually '
suit from toxins, poisons and lrr.;:..
ties which sre generated in t he bo v.
and then absorbed into the M
through tbs very, ducts which st
absorb only nourishment to sustain t
body. '
It is ths function of ths kidney n
filter impurities from the blood ;
east thsro out in the form of urine, i
in many instances the . bowels a
more toxins and impurities than t
kidneys can eliminate, then the I'
uses ths skin pores as the next L
means of getting rid of these Irr;
tles. which often break out ail c
the skin in the form of pimples.
Tha surest way to clear the x!i
these eruption s, says a noted aut
lty, is to get from any pharmacy f
four-ounces of Jad Salts and ta:
tablespoonfnl in a glass of hot v
each morning before breakfast for
week, .This will prevent the form
of toxins in ths bowels. It also
lates the kidneys to normal act!,
thus coaxing them to filter the 1 :
of impurities and clearing ths ski i
Jad Salts Is : Inexpsnsivs, hart:.!
and is made from tha acid of f
and lemon julcs, combined with lit
Here you have a pleasant, efferv
drink which usually makes pimple c
appear, cleanses ths blood snd Is tx
lent for the kidneys as well.
bowel Cleansing you ever expert-r
Tou will wake up feeling fit and :
Cascarsts never grips or sickea
salts, pills and calomel. Thy a
gently that you hardly realize
havs taken a cathartic. Mothers T
glvs cross, sick, bilious or fev
chlldrsn a wbols Caacarst any t:
they act thorougfily and are 1 sr.
rf C PRICE 10 c:i ;