1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY4EBltUARY 7, 1916. 11 EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 21 320 Acres ' In Lowtr Kltmath l&k drainage dis trict, On mile from railroad. Very rich land.' Price, $ 8 000. clear. "Will exchange for Portland . noma up to i,VUO Dorr E. Keasey & Co. IS 2 Chamber ; of Commtro. GOOD property to exchange. Stout inv.'Ca, -T23 Chamber, of Commerce. v ROOMING HOUSES S3 CLASSY rooming- house, centrally lo cated; receipt 2Tt month. Price 11800. Rooming booses good location; SI rooms, rent $75; receipts (300 month. $1200. 618 Swctland bids. HAY 15 a client wants 13 or 14 room furnished bouse, fairly close la, must be modern. Barnett, 733 Cham ber of Commerce. - BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITIES BO $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 Buys a soft drink plaice heart of west side; this includes 3403 piano, lino leum, stove all glassware, chairs and - pictures; you can have use of 2 pool tables, fixtures and everything to do business with; must be sold Monday. Hce Peters. IB N. 6th et. - SEVERAL snaps in grocery stores from $500 up; also confectionery - that will consider some trade. Gents' furnishing, west side, taka all trade. 301 Lumber Exchange, 2d and 6tark. SOFT drink parlor, etoca; and fixtures; ' worth 31000 or $1200; will exchange for Ford auto: must be late model and In good shape. D-751, Journal, WANTED Partner In wholesale busi ness. Must have $1000 to invest. Sal ary $75 per month. Prominent location. Money eecured. P-838, Journal. '. SMALL Investment of 100 to $500 cash best, opportunity In tho state. See inventor, 406 E. 11th St.. S. Phone East 6145. ' TfOUNa MAN can Invest few hundred dollars with his services; has sev- era! years' experience In grocery busi ness, D-756, Journal. FOR KENT Moving picture theatre. East 28th st., between Burnslde and Ankeny. Phone Van W. Anderson, Main 7738. 500 Business Cards for 50c ROSE CITY PRtNTKRY, 182t4 Third. FOR BALE New and second r hand - store; cheap rent; deing good busi ness, HX-14S. Journal. FOR SALE Variety store, dandy lo cation: genuine snap. Apply at once. 418 rd st.. McMlnnvllle. Or, MONEY TO fOAN 2? REAL ESTATE OUR INSTALLMENT PLAN Is the surest and best method of paying a loan. $21.24 per month for 60 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. $15.17 per month for 93 months pays a $100U loan and Interest. (Other durations and amounts In proportion.) We loan on improved property or for building pudposes. EQUITABLE SVG'S & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark street. Portland. Oregon. 125.000 IN auma to suit at 6 to 7 Per cent on Portland realty or farms. Call or write. A box In our Immense ; vaults protects your vaiuaoies irom fire and theft. UNION SAFE Li POSIT A TRUHT CO., 284 OAK. MONEY TO X.OAN On Improved real estate or for build ing pudposes; very flexible contracts; no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE & .TRUST CO. 202 Stevens bids;. BU1LDING lodns on city and suburban vruKicunui. vv. ur. ev tii w.us bldg. Main 8407. - $100,00.0 ON mortgages, city and farm property, fire insurance. McKenzie eV Co.. Oerhnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. MONEY to LOAN in amounts of $100 to $"5000 on city property. A. H. Hell 201 Grlinger bldg. LOANS on - improved properties. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Fsnk bid: . . tit 1 1 1. ovr 1Tn4tl JA&H paid for mortgages, notes, con- tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. $juo TO 340, 000 to loan on realty. Fife Insurance. F. J. Stelnmetz Co., 503 Oerlinger bldg. Mam 8201, iOO. $350, (600. $900, 31200. $1800. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com. MORTGAGE loans, 6 to 7. Oregon Inv. & Mortgage Co., 170 3d st. $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. 80 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved city, farm property. F. C. K'ng, 314 Spalding. 31 VUG UP to $6000 to loan on city or farm property. Tabor 2520. $100,000 TO LOAN at 6U and 7 per cent 'Qoddaid & Weldrlck. 243 Stark. , SEE us Small loans, installment loans, Cellare-Murton Co., 826 Yeon bldg. M6RTOAGK LOANS, 6 and 7. Louis .saiomon v uo.. aoo oatc at-, near bin. MONEY to loan. 6 to t. W. H. tselts ft Co. 310 Bpaldtng bldg. $500, ALSO $1000 for immediate loan. A. K. MILL, 419 Henry Bldg. tfr 6 TO 7 PRIVATE FUNDS. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Bldg. MONx TO LOAS CHATTELS. SALARIES or IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of th finest retail Jewelry stores In the city. A loan de partment is conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played in front of our stores All mer chandise pledged Is held for a period ot 12 months, whether or not interest Is paid when due. We are licensed and have been established since 1899. t No connection with any other loan estab lishment in this city. ' A. 4b M, DELOVAGE. JEWELERS. 9i Washington st. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH Call and See Us For a Confidential Loan On Your Salary. Ton Can Repay Us In Small Weekly or Monthly Payments. Reasonable Rates. Best Terms. STATE SECURITY CO,. Licensed. 308 Falling Bldg. MONEY loaned to salaried people and others, on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., at legal rates with easy terms of pay ment. No delay. Portland Loan Com peny. Inc., (licensed). 311 Dekum bid. 'LOANS on diamonds at 10 per an. num: 3100 upwards. - S-666. Journal. ' IJOA3i& WANTED ' 80 WANTED $22,000 at 1, first mort gage on farm land three times val ine. Thomassen. 402 3d st. Main 7771. WANTED 31500 on improved city property. T per cent, from private party. Apply 363 Wilson at. Marshall Zif 3 WANT $20,000 private money at 7. Best ot security offered. Financial P,p,t. TJ1 Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N W. Bank bldg, $500. 8 PER CENT $600 8 PER CENT 100x100 Hiwthor district -ITVaut W German Co., 732. Cham, of Commerce. WANT $3000 to finish Kinking shaft in gold mine; $400,000 worth of low grade ore in sight. T-665, Journal. WANTED 8500 on 30 acre farm. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg. . FINANCIAI, SI 1st and 2d mortgages purchased: also .e!J?rs!. Interest in contracts.- Ore. . and Wash. H. K. Noble Lumbermens b. HELP WANTEDMALE ? i t TRAFFIC New field with big oppor tunities for ambltioae men who will study te- qualify. La Salle Extension University. 409 Journal bldg.- EMPLOYMENT department' Y."' it! "CL A. Service free to Q embers. HELP WAKTED-nsa 49 Y. isi C A. ATJTOM OBILB SCHOOL, day and night classes; expert train lng In repairing driving and machine work, forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure paaa at educational office. Y. M. C. A. bldg.. to Inspect our shops and methods. COM PETENT CHAUFFEURS AND ME CHANICS SUPPLIED. MEN 18 or over wanted as railway mail clerks; sample .examination; questions free. Franklin Institute, pept. 349 L, Rochester. W. Y, VANTED Name- of men wanting railway mail clerk -positions, $76 month. Answer WX-684. Journal. WRITTEN GUARANTEE ADCOX AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 266 IITH AND JEFFERSON HEADQUARTERS for lt class chefs, cooks. Calif. "W Deoot. 291 Yam hill. TVL 5500. Soft drinks, mer. lunch UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.50 up. Tsytor tne tailor. z9 Burnsiqe. HEADQUActTERS for cooks. -Lewes Hotel agency. 247 Couch. Bdwy 2338. HELP WAXTEjrwFEMALE S WOMAN to assist light housework; good home; small wages. 221 10th. Main 7635. WANTED, chambermaid; small wage. 233 Burnslde, HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 MEN and women to learn the barber trade, wages paid while learning; tuition reduced, positions secured. The only chain of schools in the world. Send for free catalogue. Mohler Barber College. H. 48 N. 2d st. OREGON Barber College. 233 Madison, Fall term begins now. Men and women learn barber trade In 6 wks.; position (guaranteed, paid while learn ing; tuition reduced; expert instructors. SITUATIONS MALE EXPERIENCED farmer, German, with family, wants position on farm, handy with tools and machinery; some experience with orchard. Address J. Deschno. 725 Rodney ave.. Portland, Or. URST class tenor, single, wianes to excnange worn, xor, accompaniment. sse -uast Anneny, WANTED Work of any kind by young man, 18; has mother to amp- port, iuain 43oo. WE write show cards and small signs; tell us what you want. Call or write. Hoyt's, 138 Knott st. BAKER assistant work; bread, cakes; . country preferred. 8 2d at. EXPERT tree pruning, 12 years' ex perience. J-Jaat 35a. PAPERING and tinting cheap; work guaranteed. Tabor 6268. SITUATIONS FEMALE YOUNG woman wants to assist with light housework in a place where she can keep her 16 months old baby. xi-ii, journal. WIDOW, 40. good education, practical. worker; experienced store, house Keeping, good cook; moderate salary. journal. WANTED, fancy waist and children's laundry by experienced widow lady In need of work. Phone E. 6055. STRONG woman desires washing, scrubbing, etc. Main 4366. Room 21. ELDERLY woman wishes the care 61 children near school. East 1347. DRESSMAKING 40 RESPONSIBLE dressmaking at homo or by day. Work guaranteed. M. 6673. NURSES GO NURSE wants position at once; will do the housework- wages $10; best references. Marshall 3396 or H-142, Journal. GOOD nurse, with years of experience, will give her services reasonable. Address E-672, Journal. COMPETENT, practical nurse, Mrs! Marsh, 478 Main st. Marshall 8961. FURNISHED ROOMS 0 -ROOM register listing several hundred In all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A.: also those in the association fireproof building, with shower baths, swim ming pool, gymnasium, library, read ing rooms, at $1.60 to $2.75 per week double, with individual beds, or $2.50 to $4.60 per week single. ern. nreproor. respectaitie, 33 week up. STANDISH HOTELdlrnm heated front roros, $2 per wk. and up. FOR RENT, 2 to 10 furnished or un furnished rooms; low price. 2336 Durnaiue st. BAY CiTY HOTEL, new management; i"iua ti.po up. Main aim. 183 tn- Fnctor Wnial 3d and Davis. Modern. rU5lPl nUtei 32 wk. up. Bdwy 1874, $1 6o WEEK up, clean, wirm, modern fur, rms., oentral. The King. 80 Jef. KOOMS and apartment? in modern hotel. z.bO ween and ur. 455 Alder, FURNISHEI ROOMS 70 PRIVATE FAMILY NICELY furnished room, modern able. 404 Clay, near 10th. iub furnished rooms, light, beat, bath; $6 month. 269 Fargo. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 THE HAZEL, 385 3d St.. nicely fur nished rooms; steam heat hot and cold water; also table board; strictly home cooking; reasonable. ROOMS AND BOARD 7X PRIVATE FAMIX.-ST WILL board a children reasonable, near school, - best references. C. S. home, sunnyside. Phone Tabor 1761 SPLENDID room for 2 gentlemen; modern and borne comforts. 80 E. iatn st. fnone 7Z8z $4.60 WEEK, outside rooms, bath, 3 home cooked meals dally. 284 Main st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ONE room with kitchenette, completely furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.; $18 and up. 291 Columbia st, corner E aW U I If Bl 170 13TH -Suite large rooms, first iioor; aiso single; everything fur nished. ; fipm Ante il week up. 401 First st UCIII nUlbi Free bath, hot, cold water WARM rooms, single and suites; also light housekeeping. 410- Morrison. BACHING h. k. and sleeping rooms. Hotel Repose, 23d and Savler sts. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PJUVATE FaKTLY THREE rooms, everything; for house keeping; private toilet and bath; sink In kitchen; lights, water, linens. $8 month. 195 E, 74th mV. it. M. V. car. NEAT. respectable housekeeping rooms, opposite Christian Science Temple, corner of 18th and Everett eta. rnone Mam CT63. $1 TO $2.60 week, furnished H. K. rooms, rree neat. laundrv. th. Phone East 6039. 203 Stanton. WA car. - ONE well heated furnished room, $3 week, Also single H. K. room. 189 parKst, TWO very large light modern house- Keepmg rooms, rtrst floor. -313- 429 Main. . VERY reasonable furnished bousekeep- my rooms, ii to, tun st. wortn. FOUR housekeeping rooms, heat, light ana gas mrnisneq mror Ju HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms. Mrs Abel. Mgr. 429 Salmon. Main 8539 FOR RENT HOUSES 12 12 ROOM modern residence. 57 Trinity Place, suitable for , roomers and boarders. Inquire owner. Frits Aben dxoth. Jeweler. 313 Morrison st. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT : ADS of furniture for sale -are pub- iisned in tne uousenoia oooas cis Iflcetion when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES sa 326 FURNISHED comDlete. modern t room- house, t bedrooms, furnace. Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4679. t FURNISHED modern 3 room house. 1077 E. 29th St., N. room house In Laid'. Addition. Call Main 7273. APARTMENT'S 43 FUTtyiSItED AND UNFUItNTSHED VILA ST. CLARA, 13th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apt. Walking distance. References. &UH3BK3 AME3SJI. ABARTMIMT MOTUL T3U4TM Jm AXt&. fiTSv Perttond'ti Uouy oi quality, comfort ud rvtee BALBOA APARTMENTS.' New brick, large 2 room furnished apts., complete; oil burner, steady, ample beat, fine laundry, reasonable rates; walking distance; reference. ez Harrison st. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S. 8 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2506. THE DEZENDORF, Z08 16TH ST. Marshall 2313. NKe 5 room f urn. and unf urn. apts.; also 3 or 4 room furn. apartments. THE WINSTON. 341 14th st. 2 and 3 room apts. Pri vate baths and best heat in City. Mod ern, new management. THE ROSE FRIEND. 285 Broadway S. Modern unf urn. apts.; larg rooms, beet service walking dia. Marsh. 1403. $16 AND UP 2 and 3 room apts. fur nlshed. Harrison Court. 394 6th, cor. of Harrison. THE LUZERNE Modern 2 room fur nished; brick bldg. Phone In eacn apt.; $17 and up. Marshall 4687. NOKOMIS apts.. 565 Marshall at. Mod ern, private bath and dressing room; new management; prices to suit. DOWNTOWN, modern apts.. 316 month up, including beat, light, etc. Royal Annex, 350 H Morrison. Main 4621. MERCEDES. 20 th and Morrison, 1 and 2 room suites, furnace heat, fire placca $2 to $3.60 per week. PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170. concrete bldg., 3 and 8 rooms; hot aud cold water, baths, phone, steam heat. 312 up. THE CODY APARTMENTS. E. 7th and Taylor sts.; 2 and 3 room apts.; light free; private Path. Cincinnati Court, 401 10th, modern apartments. 310 to 320 LUXOR APTS, 824 13th, U. 2, 3 and 4 room t.ptB.; also light h. V. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, 6 6 rm. apts. Mar. 8360. M. 7616. A-26f6. FURNISHED apartment" flat, walking distance, steam heat. Main 3502. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy, front apts. 318 to $27.60. Marshall 2917. rent FURNISHED FLATS 50 FOUR room furnished flat, all outside rooms, steam heat, water, free ohon Walking distance. Elegantly furnished. ez js. etn at. im.. corner Davis. Phone East 1160. $25 per month. W I,'. I .T . fnmf ah? K rnAM flat Iaom desirable. Gas, bath, gas stove and range. 2 carlines. Walking distance. Only $18. 772 E. Taylor. East 52S0. MODERN. 4 rooms. 888 Ross St.. near uroaaway priqge. low rent. C-Z129. HOTELS S4 PALACE hotel 12th and Wasnlngton. fireproof, modern, steam heat. hot. cold water, phone in each room: rea sonable. Marshall 5040. New manage ment. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street; reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. FOR RENT HAULS PORTLAND'S newest and prettiest lodge hall. 109 13th. cor. Wash. Main 8880. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. IS U. S. STABLES. 248 FRONT ST. Just received a carload of good young horses. 1200 to 1600 lbs. Some good matched teams of good mares. If you are in the market for a good horse or team, call and inspect this stuff. Everything sold with a guar antee. Q. P. WILLIAMSON. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums In these classifications. 30 HEAD blocky built Percheron mares and geldings and some cheap small farm horses at a very reasonable nrice at Model Stables, 6th and- Davis. FOR SALE Team of young mares, 4 and 6 years old. weight 2800; price reasonable. Address D. L. MacLeod, Lyle. Wash. DEAD horsea and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Port land Rendering Co. TEAM weighing 2400, harness and farm wagon. 8185. Spokane Barn. EL gin st. ana nawtnorne ave. DEAD horses and cattle taken ffee. Taror 4Z3. CHEAP horse at your own price, good woriccr. iuzv m. lammii st. LIVESTOCK 35 WANT cows, horses, hogs, Implements as first payment on house; easy terms on balance. 306 Almlra Aprots. IF YOU want any kind of dairy cows, Bruce has them. Union Stock Yards. POULTRY AND PIGEONS ST INCUBATORS Miller's f Pacific Coast "Ideal" rO combines low price with i jy - best possible construction. 1 : p Price 39.00 up. Fifteen r years on the coast. . Still giving complete satisfac tion and good service. Write Lilly's, Portland. "OLD TRUSTY" incubator and brood er (100 size) and some chickens for sale, very cheap. 243 Watts st, Kenton-. WANTED TO RENT WANTED, 6 rooms, modern, unfur nished house, reasonable; not over 20 minutes car ride; state full par ticulara. Z-399, Journal. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES f. PORTlJtNtS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. We buy and sell all makes of used ears and parts. Large stock to select from. H. L. KEATS AUTO CO. 29 Broadway, at Burnside. Phones: Broadway 5368. A-1170. Write for Mailing- List. We do Cylinder Grinding', Machine Work sad Repairing. FOR BALE At sacrifice, three ton pacsara truat with established route, $2250. Also Reo two ton with established route, $1250. Terms,- In quire lib sweuana nuts. Phone Main 7776. -- - .... BARGAINS in USED CARS. .Large stock, prices 3200 to 9750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker Bldg.. Corner Chapman- and Alder. PORTABLE garages 830 tip. MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO 544 Hood St. Mala 1167. Sundays and Evenings. Woodlawn 3615. FORD delivery ear, fine condition, new tires, zu. see xmrnsiae st. HIGHEST prices paid for scrap rubber. metal. J. lwo. jh coiumnta. M. 61S 5 PASS. Ford - bodies. . also . delivery . poUieSa.; V . IU SC. ' - : AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 4 (COEtisneSl Chains ys, Tires TOUR TIRES ARE TORN BT Chains and Snow CHEER UP I They Will Make Good Double Tread Tires Bring Them in Oregon Vulcanizing Co, 650 WASHINGTON ST.. AT 18TH. 335 BURNSIDE ST.. AT BROAD WAT. February Clearance Sale on Used Cars All makes of touring cars, roadsters and trucks. The biggest bargains on the easiest term ever offered. Northwest Auto Company 881 Couch st.. near Broadway. Look Snaps 1915 MITCHELL, 6 pass, eyl. electrlo starter and lights; used very little. - 1916 MITCHELL, 5 pass., 4 eyl. used very little; electric starter and lights. NTJMBETt OF OTHER MAI PRICES 8375 TIP. TERMS GIVEN IF DESIRED. Mitchell, Lewis -& Staver Co. EAST FIRST AND EAST MORRISON. East 7272 B-1216. DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them In. Oregon Vulcanising Co Wash, st 18th. Burnside at Broadway. (335 Burnslde.) Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 16th st. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 TRADE 4 lots and little cash for auto. Sell. 442. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 LAUNCHES, houseboats, great bar gains. C. W. Raynor. marine broker, Spalding bldg. FOR SALE or trade 16 passenger launch. 27x6. 20 11- P.. 4 Ci - 4. a en gine new last fall. Marshall 2211. EVINRUDE rowboat and canoe mo tors; rowboats, canoes, motor boats. Evtnrude Motor Co., Morrison A Front. WANTED 25-30 ft. launch. Must be exceptional bargain for cash. R-369, J ournaJ. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 31 MUSICAL INSTRUSIENTS CLOSING OUT FOR CASH ONLY. 3400 Chlckerlng. old model. 835: S8S0 "Valley Gem." Baldwin Piano Co, $90: $325 Cable & Sons, old model, $46; $500 Emerson upright, mahogany, $185; $326 miniature uorieht. wamnt 150: . ififio btelnway & Sons, upright, walnut, $315 lvwu is. z. i-ianororte. gr fiva: Kimball organ, oak, mirror. L . 1 , . A O U 228. .To 1 9 rirst cauer. iu etn. Storage 76o mo. $6 FEE, $1.25 weekly, sends new $325 Piano to your home at 9Z45. making you member of Profit Sharing Piano club. Members share 25 to 80 in price. No interest. Time privilege, total saving $172.28 to you. See display adv. or call aenwan piano Co., m 4th. $i!v5 equity in $.75 player piano, firm purchased from wQl give you a new contract with credit for what I have paid. No reasonable bid refused. D-7o4. Journal. $95 CASH secures 3375 Wellington up right piano tomorrow at dosing out sale of Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. FREE use of piano or player-piano. 2ft years. See display adv. or Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th St. WILL pay cash for your old upright or souare piano, call ill 4th st. 3375 Kohler & Chase piano, practically new. for jits cash. o-f. Journal. PIANO wanted in exchange for $250 Indian motorcycle. 109 4th st. TYPEWRITERS WE save you 'from .60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters, sena ror our Illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE T x Pri W till, ma CO.. 821 Washington St. . . TYPEWRITERS for rent, 8 months for 85 and up; 6 months' rental applied on purchase price. Remington Type writer Co.. 86 Broadway, NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Ktarn. At. 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 63 FOR SALE, fine mahogany and walnut zurniture oi live room net; every Jpg complete, only two months old; a Daj-gain. call between noon ana a m. 147 nth st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 Eiectric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde. cor. 10th. Broadway or A-B6T4. BILLIARDS New and second hand carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46-48 oin st. Phone Main 4970. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these good are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. PORTAhBLE houses hunting cabins. chicken houses, woodsheds, etc MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO.. 644 HOOD ST. Main 1167. Sunday, snd Evenings, woodlawn 8615. BOB sleds for sale cheap; sixes two and four horse. Apply 624 Railway Exchange bldg., . or pnone Maxsnau 6918. , MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead Muh Co . - all Front mt. Sil SEWING MACHINES, all kinds, all makae, guaranteed. Morn son st. Mam 184S. WAYNE gasoline Dumps and oil stor age tanks, E. H. Rueppell. aC. 194 Jet Main i31. FOR SALE Red top hay and dry hardwood. M. P. Whalea, Wood- lana, nun FOR billiard and pool tables see W. J. Qulgley, 256 Market st. Lowesr price ana easieet - terms. . WIRELESS receivers 3000 ohms. $3. B-iz. ONE small diamond ring for sale, $25. Marshall 5904. 812.60 DROPHEAD sewing- machine. - with attachments, can jtz urana ave CHEAP Several medical student's books. Phono arshall 1692. . ,-. o QlFt FOR SAJLE MISCEE1 . ' CContfc anod) MACHI or all i akes sold an rented, i V an. Sewing Machine SJhpo- lor.MafaTtjL Al626. AUTOMOBILES, motorqyoiee. lau. ;bes or boats and separact .cUsifica' Xn. A large listing; can be found oder these different neadinga. ;- i SWAP XLCWJI SOFT drink parlor, stoek sfnd fixtures; worth $1000 or $120fl"lv WU1 exchange for Ford auto; must late -model ana in gooa snape. U'.2Ltf Journal. WILL trade carpentry j Pln ting, tin t- wood , . v, TRAILS new stump pi ood 1666. , i i . . for eord- wuuo. ain Ha. w to ivntf 12SS HOOd St. . WILL exchange Long y e kch, Wash lots for household got, etc 4495. 128 1st St. i" .v ' GOOD saddle or watcnT . ir sts"$ or phonograph. WANTED MISCELyLNEQ! ft NOTICE TO MOVERS. r Wanted Stoves, roerwsrs. drt sers, rugs, couches, chairs. ta les, et- We pay the price. N. W. FuCi Ex. Hi. 6S6. WANTED The people if PorUand to know I pay the highest" ash price for household goods. Proil ft attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater.;- 13 Russell st. I AM in need of 2d hand" turniture will pay the highest -Vices for it. Gevurtz Furniture 8 tori -f1 2 07 1st st. Marshall 687. WANTED Second hai furniture, ranges and stoves: bej, f prices paid. Morgan Furniture uo., i 130 t Mor rison. East 2238. SECOND hand clothing buyer. j! Meyer, tailor, pays m he for cloth ing, shoes. Marshall 229, 229 Madison. WE buy everything antfl anythtog in household furniture. aio sios iix- tures and stocks. Marshall 88y WANTED, roll top desk, must be In good condition and pride 'rea uable. K-482, Journal. ' SPOT cash paid tor furniture. loves, ivery- merchandise anything i ana thing. 128 First. Main. 4495. WANTED Office filing cabinet ' Da- DIltWlT. .n Mill DS31. , - HIGHEST prices for 2d had f uf liture. clothing, tools. Phone ttroaqw zzny. LOST AND FOUND SI LOST. 1 bunch keys, with engraving attached A. R. Price, 58 3d s L, San Francisco. Finder please' returr. to A. R. Price, Camas. Wash.,, and iecelve reward. '- LOST Lady's gold watch, "Air" en graved on it. reward, pnone , raoor 8383. . LOST Purse containing bnoney. Watf h and papers. Kewira. v can core Schu pp. Woodlawn 3823 PERSONAL 23 MADAME KIRON palmistry and card readings daily 10 a. mU-to 8 p. m. isi etn st,, corner xamtyii. BALM of Figs, remedy of diseases of women. 604 Davis sb -mj in READINGS. 25c and lOe,, 374 7am- hill st. Main Z7bl, noon a. I ouvar Consultation ; f re Main Lawyer 4993. 708 stsg wdg. Professional andBusinessDirectory AOcoxDiow nv ACCOKUION alNIKii, aNOk ifXfl-HATIMli HRMSiTlTrH I Mfl BHA1U mil BITITW- HOLES. BUTTONS COV-Kl fD. EA8TKBN NOVELTY UFO. CO.. 8&H 01 rTWAT ywi K. STIlPUKN Hemstitching. accordion, aide and sunburst pleating ;' buttles eored: gooo sponged. Scalloping. 20ft P1H k-k blk. B-low. AO ATE CTTTTEl ;B CL X1IAU., puil.uiug, UMMiutiuS. gytU siock oo nana, millers. w.v n AGRICXJLTTTRAL IMFLEMEHTg rT P. K. hbSaHADb. iiupleuieuls. vrbtclss sad general farm supplies. ilH.lWM. r-i-rn.QM AE8ATEIS AKDCHI i a. BLANK BOOK XAKZf at T La VIS s HouAiAA, lue., low " at. Miaaa book manufacturers; agenta it Jonas u- rvrwmA I i . f LmIim. . SaS AS SW lkU- Kka Leaf. A-C1K3. Main 163. BUILDIMO COMTBACTOkl VJPUt Li IViailfeaO eue aycaj s- Ji I i I ayiUI ssk m. Main ojaa. CAkPENTEB WpBK CAKi-tNXfcli woik, paintiu reltairs. ratuod- ellng. err cnean sow HAtijL, Bali wood 2421. CARPET CLEAN Iiyai nil carpets. a g a. carpet C. North- west Kag Co.. 188 E. Btb.TK' '0' B-ias JUaCSi JBKOS.. tlettrlc ciaului wurka, umt- pau cieanea and laid, raniuug ar speuaKy. Ea.t 44). B-1UW. 'AM K. lth- JL -. tk.NlMilUii tiug VVm-aa H rug 'sad car. pel weaTing. idle rattoOia.. v am. kw CKXK0PB.A LK. ki USHVS. chrvulc -lasting tiuia, 81 Ueatmeots $15. Wort WX, Additional new offices 2ue-212 Macleay higA-4tb at Wsh. lit. C b. 'ilgard, is urearuisus S . Kldg. Mala 7263. . Northwest COAX AND W FULTON W0 off cor 1260 MACADAifi Dealers la Ureeh and Lfv Abwood. ' . Main 7800 A-2S&W. Phones s PANAMA KLluL CO.. all kk . i ti.i- . rsrs kak. Ur, slae- '. $ rasLFU 31. Assgiia tilaw. CONTRACTORS tc BtJ "lEBU iuK esilmattis oa new or reps4 on' Be buiiev ing, plumbing, plastering, tr srork. eail B. t. Klngery. M a 11 all &8S. OS h. A It ULBH.M, u alter si nttln. J Sherlock pldg. EDTrCATIOMAL Danclho MANCU.sla,li Wncuig Aca4 sr.. bet. Stark and lak: apeo t. 5a 6ta rates, prs. Tate lessons 82; morning, aft Sob, , araning. all latest-dances cuaraoieea.-t iaa -iaorsaa, Saturday evenings, T:UO-S:W. fosdwsy 2toO MK. aud Mrs.' aieatn's bcbuol lessous Uaii. Class xnesday, riasr e , v xa ax., oei. WashlngtOB and Stark. Lssei ,ie. Mala 8ieu. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND Tl A CHER SCHuOL Ua MUSIC attaff of Ceachsra. Ors- gos Coosertstory. 141 lain . n.,-a a mar. Pku. 'A', si. LAWeON, piauo tsMauft, at yvex hnm, one rnone lauor w. ' E. XtlliwLUOUN. vlulln trachaf pu bvrcia. 207 I- leidner Bldg.. A-aroo, sarw in na POFULAR KVBU kAu'llMlk oa piano guaraulec le uir. la lO to 20 leseoaa. Thrso trial esao J free Ht. sot convinced, s'rea buoklet, MU U Ira Bldg. M anuf acturer rr J DRY POOPS WHOLES ATJ Cocupiele Una dry goods, lurBtsoingS ; sotioaa. L. Oinkelspiel Uo. ahirdrsSeV'S: PAINT, OIL AMP GLASS- RASMliSUsN at CO., "lilgb Slauoall"' paint. N. E. eoruer 2d and TLytor.. Mir7 AtAiil. PIPE WOOD PIPE ; POK'iLANU WOOD .PlPsJ Co. s6ary sad oCTios sear aetn ss aura eta, yea iru LNPT ttMATION COUPON If you want tbe name 1 reliable business bouse dealing tn any line ef saercnadise, er informal in regarding resorts, betels, railroads, steam abip lines, etc address Ur fva jvuruU lniorw stloa liureaq. j . ' InXermstlon deayred -r : ' - ' ' " '" : ' ": i T ' . . Num.............' - Address). PERSONAL COostlaaed) . - WHAT? " : Forecast of Illness snd recovery cor rect. William Johnson. Editor World. Forecast of reverses and euecessee now. correct. William Hawkes, Du luth. Minn. ' . ' Many more like these. Adams As trological School. 350 Morrison st. Correspondence solicited for lessons snd forecasts. - '-. WHY par big prices for glasses? X can lit your eyes with first quality lenna in a a-old filled frarao, as low as 31.60; lenses dupli cated st a big saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Charles W. Goodman. op- tometrtst. 809 'Morrison. Malt Lin 81 134. FEBVET ss HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; halrdressing. mani curing, face and scalp treatment, comb ings to order. 147 Broadway. Main 646. MMK. FONEDA, Egyptian palmist, clairvoyant and card reader. Foneda has her office open daily from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Office. 895 Yamhill St.. corner of -10th st. MRS. STEVENS. 23 years Portland's renowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her temple open daily. 376 Taylor st. Assisted by Mrs. Dr. Hume. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles, Tues. 2 p. m. : Wed.. Sun. 8 p. m. Reading dally. 603 6th st. Mar. 3960. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to laac Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4SO Dekum. Marshall 1702. ALICE HAMOT CARVEL Medium and healer; sulphur baths. 170 7Q. w. amhllT. 4th floor. GERMAN trained nurse gives massage and baths for rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. 856 11th. Mar. 6033. Opc.i Sundays G. P. Kummelin s son ec Co. Manufacturing Furriers, 415-1C-17 Dekum bldg. DR. V. G. KETCH UM Women's mala dies snd acute diseases of men Wash. bldg., 4th & Wash., Rm. 441. Mar. 44. Katberlne Orlpff, chiropodist and scalp treatment. Room 210. 860H Morrison. HAVE a switch made of your comb ings: reasonable. Tabor 630. LESSONS fit phrenology and card readings. 282 Park st Main 7648, LAWYER, advice free. 325 Falling building. Main 2650. N SC1ENTIFC treatment for diseases of scalp, 168 Park sU room 3. 10 to 7. NOTICES 20 SEALED proposals In triplicate will be re celTed be tna quartermaater general ef toe army. Waahlngton, D. C on til 3 o'clock p. hi.. MStaca time, March S, 1818. for fur nishing stationery, oftlca supplies and office fcrnlture (Schedule No. 1); hardware and tool (Schedule No. 2j; toilet articles, eoap and cleaning materfala (Schedule No. 8s cordage. CLOvas and burlap (Schedule No, 4i; peeking, waste, boae (gchedale . No. 6); for dell ry dcring the fUcal year 117, at depot of the quartermaster corps listed in schedule. Sched ule faraished upon application to quartermas ter general. D. 8. army. Washlngtoe. D. C er by qaartermaater, yoctlanq, ur CIBCULAB NO. 148 Sealed propoeala will be received at office of purchasing agent, Alaskan Engineering Uommlaalon. Seattle. Wesb.. not hater than 11 a. m.. rebruary 28, 116 for ese track pile driver. Copies ef circular may be obtained upon application at this office, er Bureau of Mines, Bo Custom Bouse, Ban Francisco. Cel.; United States engineer office. 802 Coucb. bldg.. Portland. Or., and Alankan Engineering CXm mission, Wash ington, D. 0. C. B. DOLE, Purchasing Agent. ETZ, EAS, NOSE. THROAT. LTTFGB SprcisUst. Moderate urk.-ea. vilassssi fitted. Ur. W. r. Caseday. 617 Dekum bldg.. 3d sod Wash TTBE INftTTRAltCE PAC1K1C STATES slit a! 1N8L.HANCK CO.. only Oregon fire tnaorasee company. TLUTT RTOS AVD RAO RTT08 JRUIFF WOi made from old Ingrain. B ousels. Ax minster. Smyrna carpets. Bag regs. all stsee. Mali er- oera prompt attention. Booklet. WESTERN f LUis BDG CO. SI VnUm are. N. Pbonea Et A1. B-14TS. LEATHER AMD SHOE mfPrNOS TUH BKlil'MAN UAiULU OO. Oldest firm In northwest. Ageata ''Mooarea and "U A M.M sole leather. 820 Rverett at. EDICTS' At, WATERS WILHOIT Wl'tsii for stomach. Jrer, bladder. kidney trouble. 6c. I.bh Bldg. Msln 723T. MODEL AVD SPECIALTY MACHINE WORKS MODali, Machine aud Spavtsjty Wars. Armstrong Mfg. Co.. No. 4 3d at. Design perfecting, manufkcfurlng. East era talent. Sato work, efficiency beats. JfOR-INTOXICATINO BEVERAGES WUKHlUK ii uwua aud AautMir atsr. tiea tf Welnhard plant, 18th and Bui aside sts. fata 72. A-1178 PRINTERS AND EM ".AVERS lUH IV V r)Us, 4Uiia M. MANN, a Stark St. Broadway ,4QM. A-40SS. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS AijetU ktravus trad check, brass 1 PAClsiU COAST STAMP VOMKS 831 Washington t. Main TIP: A-27IS. SAFETY ilIOE HOMIMO AUlOMAllC Kfc.fcN binilb Co.. If ,tU .1. LHEET METAL V 0.KS MEPA1U1NU Uii aud grajl ruuis. Wauuo a7 klO 1st at. Phone Mr.la 14V1. 8 KATE OS IN DINS At the lee Kippodreiaa. . per lanced skats gxleev eng. BKKCKENH1DGB 4V THORPsV STAOZ SCEMEXT Stage Scenery Beet to Aramatlc clubs and theatres. Cra- bach's P. C. Srealc Studio. I-root and Rberldae. TOWEL STTPPLxEg WlLlAMaVa'owel buppi Co., si. h and Cis at. Phones: East S41. Home B-2S22. TRANSFER SVD STORAOE Oregon Transfer Co. Esubllabad 170. Transfer and orwrdlag Ageats ' Storage Prae Trackage. Office and storage 474 11 -Is at. 18fh and Ullaan. Ma.j Aft; A -lie alwaVs 'PicK" 111 btsx juktsauu! GOODS SPCIALlsTg Storage, Packing. Sbipplug and Moving. Horse er Ante Vaas Special freight rates to all poets. C O. PICk TRANSFER sj SiORAGB CO.. 1 1 and Pine at. Broadway COM; A-lsee. OLbON-awOs; TtLASHi h.U CO. Jp urutura Bm. era, psekera. aterage, tirepruof warehouse. 16th and Uoyt sts. Main S47. A-Z247. WALL PAPKS MofcOAN WALL PAPkU CO. twees Main and Satanee, swMttr WHEN yen anew a these Wast Ada. aeaaa The ioaraai. obters - Vliolcsaleri PLUMBING P IPX STEAM SUPPLIES M. L. KLINE FRONT STRgaTT nxrmtx g fpxrrg PLUMB1NU auppUws, wsolssste ts-nwa. stars Da via Co, 212 84. Msln 7W7. SAMTTARY WTprag BAO L SHANK CO 1914 DHJNOUQIT M UST :' . . The foUewtsg list of real property stteated la Mnltneaeab county, state of Oragoa. la here- . br advertised for eUnMnt tesae TUT IM lilt. A l IQTtniHUIUH n - - tborlsed kr as act eaodl4 La Chayear SOt of the General Lave ef Oregoe. as passed by the 1913 eeasfcm et the legislative sasemWr. I The taxes ea the following asvertieeA llet 01 real isunertr tweeste delloaoeet September 1. IBIS, and October t. ISIS, and are aebject to . s penalty to 10 per cent aae nttereet et ue i rate ot 12 per eeet per aaoosi estil the said taxes shall have bean paid. - , Sietiee U hereby gives that six months after j tha - taxaa eeamd mlnit tke feUoarlas real I ' property first becaate deuaqoent tne eaertff is t required by law to issue certifieatea ot dalle- esescy egalsat the said procerty tor sells e.oent taxes. The said certificates ef dells- 1 eoeecy aball bear lot are t st the rate ef 15 per ) cent per annum saiu ins caruucaise w .densed. -.-- I Aar thne after the enrfratloa ef three years ! from the first- date ef delloauescy ef any tax , Jsehidad fat a eertifteate of eellDqaeBcy the holder of sack certificate stay caeae eosiBjeee . to be served on the owner ef the property ne- , acrfbed la the certificate, notifying the owser , . that he will apply to tbe circuit court ef the . couatr In which aecS Braeertv la atteated for - i a decree foreclosing the lien against the prep ! erty mentioeed la such certl fleet. - ABBRSYIATIOKS A'D ARBITBABY SIQKt. L. Lot or lota. B. ar Blk. Bkx-k er eloeks. t K f Free Fractlooal part. T. C, Tax lot. tJnd. CndiTlded. Exe. Excepting. Ine- Iarlnalng. Adj. Adjoining. tlb. 8abujTlaiua. - , x Hr." Htra of. Tr. Trustee er trust, Kat.Kstata. ' " And. Imps.liBprovemeBta. AB1NGT0M. Lola B. Ua L. 4.. 88.55. ACME aFdITIO!. Wm. Cheater 8. 18 ft. L. 1, 3L L sad H. 12H ft. L. J. B. 1, JlB.25. ACBS riELM. Craa. T.. rislda L. 6 to 0, B. 1. S.4B. Chaa. E, Flehla L. 6 to 9, B. 8, $3 45. ADiW8' ADDITION TO 81. JOHXS. Amaeda Thomas L 6. B. 8. 813.60. . S. W. Bugbee U 7. B. 8, .(M. C fchnebel L. 8, B. 3, $9.40. M. W. Gattoa L. S and 4, B. 4, 33S.ea. . Keaale Langille L. 4. B. 8 83.68. AIKEN'S ADDITION. -Topas Land Co, W. Va l 8 sad e. B. 263, $76.23. Annie EUaabeth Qatena E. 1. 1 sad 8, B. 2i3, 809.K. AINSW OKTH TRACT. EC win O. Holmes N. ft) ft. ttt W. M ft L 8, B. 6, $43.20. Kerry Howard and Wm. Llud. TJod. H eaeh . M U 4, B. 5, 823.10. ALAMEDA PARK, H. a Thompson L. 8. B. 4. $12.71. rrancls A, kfaermas L. B. B. e. 83.73. Mary A, Kennedy L. 8, B. T. U)S. ctose Hurley , B. T, 8S2-37. . Alsmrda Land Co. Tax Lot No. 2, t, B. IC. 810.40. Alameda Land Oo. L. 11, B. Jl, 89 24. ' , C. J. aleCusker L. 13 and A. Blk. !. 84.3d. Arthur W. McCain L. 2, B. 18, 4O.O0. ! Henry Oopenhages L. 1( : 11 sod F. R. Is. tlS.SA 10 sad D, ii. 18; L 0. uikKaiseB is, a. i. aiz.Ti., H C. Tnompaoo L. 3. B. 20, 19.o4. Henry Copenhagen L. 1. B 21. 82.81. ' An-alle WinkWr L. 4, B. 22. 21.S7. Abbie C. Preble L. 7 end s. B. 23. $70.23. M. Cornell L. 12. B. 86, 318.46. Alameda Lend Co. L. 14, B. 36. $12.71. Alameda Land Co. L. 7. B. 37, 88.67. W. 8. Short L. 11. B. 27. 86.86, Ettyl B. sad 1. W. Mattbas L. 15. B. 23, 611-56. Arba N. Lincoln L. 14. B. 29. $M.ft. Peder Opbus N. H L. I and 10. B. 82, $48.51. Pred J. PbeUn U 11, B. 88, 639.37. Alameda Land Co. L. 14 and 18, B. 83. 828.10. Alameda. Land Co. L. 8, B. 84. 812.71. Ethel M. Webb L. 2, B. 88. 85.7s. N. M. Todd U 8. B. 88, 8S.84, Ethel B. sad J. V. Matthe L. IS. Bt 88, 8fr 24. K. J. Bodfld U 8 od 4, B. 40, 327.73. U U. Woods ideU 7, B. 40, $82. B. Z. rerruaoe L. 7, B. 41. $28.88. Alameda Truat Co. L. 2, B. 42, $11 Ss. L. M. Weodalde L. 18, B. 42, SS.S2. N. M. Todd L. 12, B. 4S. S.83. R. N. Hockenherr y L, 7, B. 4. 892. N. M. Todd L. 11. B. 48. 9.8ii. Ola Knight U 14, B. 4fi. fO.83. J. C. Alnawortb L. 8, B. 46. 313.2B. R. N. Ilockcnberry L. 14, B. 4d, 80.83. W. 8. Short L, 4, B. 47, $8.67. Emit Nelson L. 11. B. 47, 89.82. Alameda Land Co. U. 12, B. 47. 80.82. A lamed Lend Co. L. 4, B. 62, $5.20. Terona P. Daniel I 2 and 8, B. 65, $10.40. ALBEfiTS HUBDIVIHION LOTS 2 A 2. GLEN HAVEN PARK, rellx W. SUrer too Lb L. 4 to S. B. 3. 99-24. Felix W. SUTerteoth L. IO, B. 2, $1.80. Jas. Qullliam L. 8 and 4, B. 8. 83. 88. C. A. McOrath U 6, B. s. $3.31. ALBINA. CUrlatopser O. Pawling U 15, B. 1. $18.64. B. Cote E. 23 1-8 ft. L. 21, B. 2, $18. S3. Mrry Agnes Plan L. 23, B. 4, $.80. 1 Geo. WU1-L , B. 6, 381.1ft. Prank and tUella M. Hayek . H L S. B, 11, it-!?.' and 7ene 33. Oreeaosgh L. 12, B. 14, $21.87. Aioya Harold U 21. B. 18. $15.02. J. T. Edgerton N. CO XL U 23 sad all L. 24, B. 15, $44.68. Joe. H. sad Ceo. 3. Johnston g. 34) ft. L. 14 and 16. B. 16, 8104.43 3. W, Troup L. 23, B. 16. 838.50. Cbrisiopher U. Pawling I, 24, B. 17, SK0.60. Era OrUfis . 25 fC U. 24. B. 20, $21. IS. Isadora Roof sad Max Bar h tela L 5, B, 21, Thoif Bllyeo W. MS. H L. ft, B. 21, 81.16. Mlunle Hansen B. Va of S. of U 8, B. 3X. 835.81. Homer B. Debots W. 23 ft 13. B. H, S2.8L Lena M. Pteld U 1ft. B. 22. $4.B1. Joe. A. Strowbridge Co. L. 28. B. 23, 823.10. H. H. Clifford L. 8, B. 28,224.07. Ore. Surety A Casualty Co. W. L. 10, B. 41. 813.23. Eat. of Mlebael Dooney L. IB. B. 82. S40.43. J. and H. Bankla L. 6. B. 58. $10.40. Hut Phelps Mootgomery L. 8 aad 4. B. eu 848 20 ' ALBINA HEIGHTS. Blanche T. Brick ley N. H I 11 end aa U 12. B. 1, $171. A. B. Esstlund L. 7, B. 8. $18.84. 1. E. sad Bdlth Goldeen L. ft. H. 8. $30-08. ALBINA HOMESTEAD. Ahgeat Beck U 1 end 8, B. 1, 813 . Martha B. Smith 10. B. 1, 617.83. Albert Cummings N. 20 ft. L. U. B. i. 86.83. Ftul P. Tsppsadorff L. 16, B. 1. 820.79. Heibert Kubik U 10, B. 4. 8S.83V Geo. Boesehlia L. 11, B. 10, $18 3. Thos. W. Shea L. 13 to 16, B. 11, $96. Id. J. W. Keller U 8. B. 18. 826.41. . Sarah Claudia Orattos L. 14, B. 18, $36.80. Htnry Glebelhoua L. IX B. 14. 813.87. K. c. Shipley aad LUsie A. Millar L. 14. B. J4. $19.04. A, J. Hunt L. 4. B. 21, $178. ' -Wm. H. Sprague L. 6, B. 33. $20.22. -Dceatd MacLechlas, lira, of L, , B. 24, $14.44. t, G. Anderson L. 8 and 4, B. 29, 825.44. ; O A. Mark land L. 4.CB. 28. 81.M. Jacob Smith U 13, B. 28, $9 H2. Peter 1. Dowling U 8, B. 2, 3SS 88. W. W. Rollers U 6, B. 28. 851.96. ALBINA HOMESTEAD ADDIT10M. Mary K. Britten L. 8, 823.10. - ALBION ADDITION TO AtBlNA. G. B. aad W. s. Gates L. 7, B. 1. $8.44. P. W. Medrew U IT. B. 1. 87.M. Penumbra Kelly U 20. B. 1. 87.51. Minnie Daltoa aad list tie floknasaj. TJnd. H each U 1 e 8, B. 8, $18.14. ALCXANDER VILLA HOMES. Rose and Alexander 8 lackland, tod. H aed Bankera' Isreatswat Co., Und. ft L. 2. $1.32. ALMO ACRES. Semael Botes U IS to ij8f2LdO. ' aLtameadV Base I Asa Lend Ce-U ft. B. 1, 84.28. Baae line Land Co. U 17. B. 1. $3.24. Base Line Land Co. L. 1 l 8, B. 8. 18.64. Baa Line Lead Co -L. 9, B. 8, 84.74. Base Une Lead Co. L. JO esd 11. B. 3. 86J4. G. G. Deerer L. T, B. 4, $6.70. ... . BaeetLlne Land Ce. U 15, B. 4. 8S.13, Paae'Llae Lead Cev U 8, B. ft. $16.17. ttaasi Una Land Co L. 8. B. 6. 33.47. I Paae Line Land Co-L. 8 B. 5, $3.47. Etae Line Land Co L. 10 and 11, B. 5, $7.28. Baae Use Lend Co. L. 3, B, 6. $3 82. Base Line Land Co L. 2, B. 7, 34.62. . - . , . . n '1 a sass SiiBo a.aw 1. 1 i. , vm, Baae Ua Land Co. L. 13 and 16, B. T, 8S.70. Baae Line Land Co. L. S and T, B. 8. $ 10.40. Base Une Lead l. 1. iz. 0. 10, es-iz, I,ss Line Lesd Co-L. 18. B. 11. $3.oi. Baae Une Land Co 2. B. 12, $2.. Bate Use Land Co. L. 11, B. 16. $2.43. iMtm Une Land Co. L, 1 and 2, B. IT. $10.17. Baae Line Land Co. U 7, B., 17, $4.8. ALTAVT8TA. n aISoTpIb- ' . Jas. I Mtyberry L. to f B. 11. $2S6S. Jeaa, Baptists See rd Sr., Hra. ef s asd a, fi. 13, tB. . -.w ALTOONA PARJC r. 3C. Hanriee U 1 ssd it . B. s, $18.14. Jne. H. fenUts L. 11 esd 13, B. 4, $.i. BToyd and Lena Johnaa U 16. A. e. $3.24. VtTlasi L. and Vaille Y. Bahlsnsi t- fist A Irian V asd Vallie Y. atobUas L. 9, B. A, 8Z.0S. - - , . . . R. B.esee sad Peter esd Kotb 1 to S, g'.dooa .Antsrda . L. 7, B. 1.(46. u -BesJ, Amsterdam 8 asd 7, B. 2, 3384, ii. Il, Lswswb U B. g. 37.637 f - ANDREW'S ACKJCsL ; Joba Asdrew Tract 4, $1.64. - John Asdrew Trsets 87 te 34. $10.08. - I ANKKNY HKIOilTd. jjane OA Beckmas asd ii. asd Mary Q, fettebler--t, 4 B. 4, $13.64. ARBOR LODGE. Geo. SC. Cameeoe-L. 13 asd 13. R. 3. !' Ixvuse E. Has 10s 4V. 8 and . B. - H. O. Rich L. 20 sad 21. B. 5. $ll i". Louise E. Hamlltoe L. A to 10, B. 11, " Louiae K. Hamiltoa U IS to 21. to. 11. I Mrs, L. K. Hamilton L. ((.. 13. ; ' - . L W. rvUr U 18 and 14. H. 19. -h.-. Lacy M. LltUs fc. 17 2L B. So. Arthar J. Moore L. aad 1. B. 4, t'.U. ARCADIA. eaterg Ore, Treat to. U 1 and 2, t. 4, 318.48. . EfOowIiasew R.: H U 8 aad 4. S. 4, ARCBER ft CK. Victoria IX. CeraoB L, 6, B. 1. $15.71. Sam Newaaaa L. 10, B. 1, $4.8i Saras J. Kerr L. ll and 12. B. 3. $3.94. 4 ARDKN PARK. Bobt. J. rptea U 1. B. 1, $1.8J. KobC J. fpia U 8, B. 1. $1.. Bobt. J. I ptoa L. 8 ssd 8. B. i. $153. Kobt. J. I'ptoe L. 14, B. 1. fi.l. Kobt. J. Upturn L. 1. 8. 2, $1.14. Root. J. VfHom U 14. B, 2, 31.16. Bcbt. 3.- t'atoe) L. ltol.it $3-47. Kaffael MantaUo L. aad ft. B. 4, $X5. Bcbc J. I Moa L. IO. B. 4, $L16. Rcbt. 3. I'ptoa L. 12 to 14, B. 4, $3.47. KOBC j. 1 ptoa L. 1. B. , $1.18. BoSUJ. Vflaa L. I to ll S. t HCl Kobt. J. I too L. 1 to ft. B. 7, $dX.l. BobC J. Lptoa U 8 to ll. B. I. V.o. BotC J. Vptoav L. ft, and 6, B. 8. 4A.1. Hi bt. J. t'pten U S. B. 8, $1.74. Bobt. J. rptos L, ft and 10. H. . $2.81, " Bobt. 3. Cptus U 13. 8. 8, $1.16. AKQUO&I Eetelle H. sad Claire Hoe rt ton. Cad. l t st. i. iu, a. s, ai.aa. A KG TLB PARK. LfTOsn Shield L. 8, B. 1. 4L74. AUtert P. Leonard L. 8 to 6, B. 8, 81.20. K. A. Olbba L, 18 aad 14. 8. 8, $3.47. E. Miller L. 88 aad Stt, B. &. 8S4.&S. IVle Trust Oo. L. !i& to 3b, B. , $6 Title et Treat Co. U 1 to 8, B. ft, $ 1J -Weilaeley Land Co.. U 88 aed 84. B. U. 4 t 47. Autos MubrtU Ll. 87 end 88. B. ft. 47. Title A) Trust Oo. L. 81 to 84, 8. 11, --'--Title At Trust C-s. L. &3 and hi, 8. 11, ' Title A Treat Co. L. 33 to 2d. B. 12, Title s Treat Oo U 81 to . B. Li. i-f -B. JC J. tuoppeimassU ft asd H. to L. , B. 14. $2.66. CP. A. Stoppehsann 8. H I 8 and a.i L. T, B. 14. $8.. Edwin a. Tuek U. tl to 14, B. 14. 8fl.eS Tltle A Truat Co, U 87 aad 8a, B. 14. f ' Title A Trust Co, L 8 aad . B. 15. i.4T. Cbas.. UrLeas U 15 esd Id. B. le, $V4T. Title A Truat Ce. U 19 and So. B. 14. T, Amue U. SUostoo L. 81 to 86. B. 16, $a.-U. AKLETA PARK. Joseph Seherkla L. U Kac. Part taken 1 K. Uth at.. $3.4T. Ivenora Blebardaoe 75, $8.78. ' Lenora Ktchardang -L. SO and 81. 821.S3. H. T. Palmer L. 80 and 80. $19,04. ARLETA PARK NO. 8, N. Alberta stay Dinner U 6, B. U Sc. that part of L. A adj.. $14.79. Blascse K. Hedla L. 16. B. 1. $10.17. Cora Stlrnwela L. B, B,2, $29. C, B. Jackson I 1. B. 4. $ 24. t mr .. r a ks a - ua : - - wis, WW a sUCVW 88" AS. aVP W. aa.aru, yrank4J. aad Myrtle Butiar L. 22. $2.04. -Grace U Plckhsrd U 1, B. B. $3.47. Ella M. Ward L. 6, B. ft. $T.5l. A. Kildabl U lit B. , $8 7. ' P. O. McGrew L. 18. B. g, 87.61. Edward Milea I 11. B. T. ftSSO. Dudley Hoefcatra L. ti, 8. 7, $7.74, Jno. Wsh-ori L. 27 ft. T. 83.18. B. 4, Chas. aseat slarelase 88 sad 80, 8. T. Geo. r.-aad Isadora D. Bitter L. 14. B. 6, $5.00. , - sam'l. Dexter Plscber U 14 i II B. , $W,40. L. 11. Carter L. T end 8, B. 12. 86.47. AR STA PARK NO. 3. Jos. H. Kaao U 18, B. 3. $11.53. m , Kdward Heumaa L. 16 eud IT, B. 8, $71. E. I. Kaia L, 24, B. 8. d.S. Jack Wteder lila, B. 4. $19.18. A. O. Kaady U 16 B. 6, $J4. ' - ' 11. A. Has) tine L. 19 end 2U and 8. 4o f L. 21 and 23. 8. 8, Kxe, N. 4 ft. aad & ft. L. 23, B. 6. $33.88. M. A. M. Ashler L. 27, 8. S. 34.46. . Ada E. Boole L. 8, B. 8.. $2368. E. W. Cole L. 16. B. 8. $4ja. Asnle E. Cole L. IT, B. 8, 4(1.1 S. M. T. Hargrove 48. tU L. ft esd 6, H. 8, $5.78. ARLETA PARK NO. 4. . IitaUa P. Hacibree U 8 to 10, H. 1, $Z.t,. Jno. 11. Tempiis L. 6, B. 87 $8 93. J. U. Douala L. 11 and ll B. 4. $0.47. Maud Wood worth U IS, B. 4. ti.Oii. H Degenhart L, 8, B. . $4.05, Mary A. Acton L. O and . B. 8. $7.63. CooperaUve Tr. Co. L. 7. B. 5. $12.13. D. W. and H. C Kamaey L, id and 17. E. 5. $4.81. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. Title At Trust Co. L. 1 to 6. B. 1. $33 04. Title Trust Co. L. I to . B. 1, 8-1 17. Title as Trurt Co. U 1 to 11. B, 2. $i'7.15. Title A Trust Co. L. 1 snd 2, B. 8. I.'T.TJ Title A Treat Ce. L. 1-to 8, B. 4. 8114 5. Title A Treat Co. L. 1 to 14, B. 6, fiw) . Title 8 Trust Co. 1. 1 t 8, B. 6, $-4.i'u. Title A Trast Co, L. 8, B. 6, $6 57. Title Trust Co. L. 8, B. 6, $4.57. TiUe A Trust Co. L. te 12. B. 6, $?7.T1. Title 8 Treat Co. L. 8 and 8, sod Sly. tete. L, 10, B. 7. $23.66. Title A Treat Co. L. 13 ana 13. B. 7, $53.1, Title A Treat Co.!, 1. B. 8, $18.60. Title Truat Co. U 8. B. 8. $7JS. Title A Trust Co. L. 7 te ft, B, 8. $"2.34. Title Truat Co L. 15, B. 8, $32.71. Title A Truat Ce. L, 1 to 6. B. 9. W.7. Title A Treat Co. L. 8 and ft. B, ft, $02 Title A Truat Co. U 10 te 12, B. ft. a" Title A Treat Cw L. I to t, B. 10, $6i ( Title A Truat Oa. L. 6 asd 7. B. 10. " Title Truat Co. L. 1 to 7. B. II, $ll: 1 Title A Truat Co, L. ft sad IO, I;. 11, 8 i . Title A Trust Co. U IS to J. B. 11. ftlol.t Title Trust Co. rac. L. 18 and 20. B. i.. $31 1ft T TiUe A Treat Co. C 8 te 8. B. 12. $2 Tt. Title Trutt Co. L. 8 to 11. B. 12, $" M. Title A Trust Co. L. It and 15. B. 12, I i.: Title A Truat Co. L. 17 to 20, 8. 12, $.. Title 8 Trust Co. U 8, B. 1$, M 67. Title A Truat Co. L. 1 aud 8. B. 14, $2 Title Trust Ce. Prae. L. 4, B. 14. $l.iu. Title A Trut Co. L, 6, B. 14, $25.41. Title A Truat Co. U 7. B. 14, $s-7.7i Title A Trust Co. L..11 aed 12. B. 14, tTT,7 Title A Truat Co. U. 1 to 11. B. 18. $)" Title A Treat Co. L. 1 to SS. B. le. Title A Truat Co. L. 1 to go. B. 17, $32- i Title A Trust Co. U 21 to 85, B. 17. -Title A Truat Co. L. 1 to 5. B. IH. $ Title A Truat Co. L. T to 11. 8. la. 7.?-. Title A Truat Co. I 1 to 6. B. 19. $117.). TH1 A Truat o. L, 11 te 15. B. 19. - ' Title A Treat Ce. L. 1 to ft. B. 81, $i Title A Truat )o. U. 16, B. 21. $1 4S. TiUe A Treat C. Nly. 10 ft. L. i and 1 L. 20. B. 2!.' $18.86. . - , r Title A Truat tv L. 1 to 4. B. 23 ae4 : 6, ft. 88. Esc. Part Is Kingston ave.. $1H : Title A Trust Co, U. 17 and IN, B. 23. M . Title A Trust Oo. L. 1 aad A B. St. i ' part In Klngtoa eve., aad L. 3. B. 24. ' Title A Trust Co. L. 4 te 17. B. 34. 3 Title A Truat Co. U 1 te 10. B. 2-', 424ji Title A Truat Co. U 1 te 14, B. i. $1-7 Title A Trust Ce L. te S, B. 2, $113 1 Title A Treat Cev B. lV $sa6. AKMINUTON. Alias B. aed Mary I. slasaoe aed L. A M raret I. Blljeu t'sd, H I- 1 to 24. 6. . A3 .20. Allan B. and Mary 1. gtaaaoe and L. A M$ gsret 1, fillyee ted. Vi U 1 to 24. B. . 830 27 Allan B. and Mary I. Slsuaoe end L. A fa ret I. . Bilyes t'sd, U. 1 to 24, It. . 29-50. ' . . Alias B. and Mary V. Plaosoe sad L. A ? fstet 1, BUyee. Csa. h L. 1 to 24, B. ' 2b8S. Allan B. aad Mrr I. glauaoo. and L. A garet 1. BUyee Csd. U I to 11, Ii. I2S.12. .-.-. l ASCOT ACRE. Title ft Trust Co. L, 129, $.1.70. Habtr S, Hamlet U i fi d. - ATKINSON'S ADDITION. Wa BeDJ a L. I, 8. 1, $8. to. . ATLAS ADDITION. H. A. Brock eeL. x, B. 1. -Jw. B. A. Barrtck 1 A 2, B. X, $6 SS. Hester Ass Harvey L. 3, B. 8. $4.16. Al'KR'B ADDITION fO EAST POKTLAJ kiioale Brtckaos U 4. B, 8, $24A4. . A sT V. mICJ . A. B. Stanley Li 1 A 2. B. t. t'.m. AVONDAXJC SCBDITISION, LOT 25. MA El VILLE- r. Wss L. Angell U 1 X. B. 2. $12 ; OUve BX McCoro Let 6. B. 8, $106. V. W. A L. Angell U 10. B. 8. $4.24. Asnie Tru biae Trsc B. 4, $3.0s, AVONIA. P. A. Bert L. 6, B x, $4.4X A. K, Hadley U 8, B. 2, $279. mt i G. W. Prieat N. L. 1 A 8, 8. 8, $14.44. Gey W. Needhem L. 8. B. 8, 2X BAILEY'S ADDITION TO - ST. J0B 5. Carl Jonsoe L. 1 to Su, B. 1, 8 13 A3. e e t a) 4. s.r l mrl a8'UU8JUU We 8 8Ss , v, at Carl Joeaoe L. 1 to 8A. B. S, J 1 51 2. Carl Jonsoe L. 1 to 24 B 3. 313 T9. Ctrl Jon son L. 25 t 40, B. 8. I'M. BaireADDlTION TO PORTLAND... Hector A Alice Paget 4eumal U 8. B. Cmoeealth Realty Co. W. 41 ft. L. 5, f22. and 8. ft fC L. e. 8S2. $.i , Ttpas Land Co. W. iOO ft. ef.K. 130 ft. . 2. B. 3. $71.61. " raNNEB ACRES. tmi Combs L. 18. . k, Takeuchi L. , sd.72. - -BARTONS ADDITION. , . C D. A Delphis Ii. McCouaUr L. 1 A . k A'Undbtos I 17. B. 8. 8 62. Axel Lsuderbol m L, 4. B. I. i.f4 , AR1CH PARK ADDIiTON. Walter K, Moetague si. 34 ft. L. 12, E. WaUer W.- ebater L. 78. B. 4. $31 L. Swank L. ft. B. ft. $19.4. ' BAVAHD AWUTIOS. E. B. Wood 1.. 19 2". H. 2. 1 1.4. Ceo. E. A Charlotte D. Bostau L. H, I . Ms's'r.. Mathlot NV V L. IS ft all U IS. fc'si3 At5oinn-L. 1 to 3. B. X. and Tt : I. 8. 2. $7.2T. , Emma M. Burdiek L. 8, B. 4, lac. atrip ft U $15-. s