V 1- N ... . : it 11 THE - OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 6, 1916. '.-fllOrSBKSCFIXG ROOMS ; M? Continued j FOR RENTTwo nlea lirta outctdc rooms. furnlahed comcleta for house- - keeping. with hot and cold water and ' free bath and telephone, for $7- per month. 585 Commercial - St. ' Phone -MlHi riHimn fnrndhMl 4921 RUSSelL 1 .rr. ii . , rP. iiriV?A "-tahrrS?r wSl10"" room furnished flat, all outside Hfit5?1)?J'tu'EJ2 viit B461 rooms, steam heat, water! free phone, light included for $10 mo. East 54t7. tTT7., ,,,' rct.-.-ntlv furnished. , HOUSEKEEPING and aungi room , Mr Abel. Mgr.- 429 Salmon. Main 8538 FOR RENT HOUSE , 12 METER A PRANK'S FREE INFOR- : MATIONMNP KENTAIj UUK1SAU. ; J For your convenience, there are com plete an reliable lists of vacant 'houses, flcts. anartment and bunxa lows in Portland. This service place Newcomers in Portland will find this rWX&S prlvt. bwn- ere are requested to list their unoecu- ried property at Meier e& Frank Free ntormatioB and Rental Bureau sev- enth floor. " . BUNGALOW 6 rooms, west side; r modern exoent furnace: fine loca fion and View; 17 minutes from city; M3 car tare; is, - - BUNOALOW Laurelhurst. 7 rooms, thoroughly modern; new: 625. PORTLAND HEIGHTS rooms, thoroughly modern, wonderful view. 4iS Myrtle St.; 35. - . ALAMEDA DISTRICT 7 -" rooms thoroughly modern, fine home In a ; fine location; $35. , 2 KING'S HEIGHTS 7 rooms thor oughly modern; fine, view; $30. . PHOV1DKNT TRUST COMPANY, : -- 213 fgelling Bldg ' ' HOUSES $25 rooms, 144 N. lth U near Hoyt, eultaMe for housekeeping apts. $26 8 rooms, 392 E; Taylor St., cor ner Grand ave.. large yard. $17 7 rooms, 789 B. Ash at. . 15-t-6 rooms. 651 Overton st.. near -16th.. .... .,AW $ 8--4 room . n eat cottage. 41S5 49th ave., S. K., W-W. car. - : " FLAT. I L., cB.. v. I ..4 13am P! tv rar. - k. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 4J4 Wilcox bldg.. Main 868.- SIX ROOMS $11.60. '. 646 E. $oth st., l block to car: bath, toilet, stationary tubs, lavatory In each . bedroom f-urnace, bearing fruit and i berries, Fred German Co., 738 y Chamber of Commerce. f . ; ' - FIVJC ROOMS, TWfl LOTS. $10. Bath, toilet, firplace, barn, chicken house, near Myrtle Park. Fred" W, German Cp., 732 Chamber of Com- ; merce. 12 ROOM mnditni residence. 7 Trinity Place, suitable for roomers and hoarders, ' Inquire owner. Frits Aben ' droth. Jweler. 313 Morrison "t. FOR RENT 6-room modern house on E. 88th et.. near Belmont; Just re tinted: rent $18. Hammond Mortgage Co., 424 Charpher of Commerce. GOOD 7 room house 12 blocks of post- . office, west side; 816. inquire av fith et. Main 7769. - THREE room bungalow with , bath, fruit. S lots, near' school. Mt. Scott 'llne.-rent 87. Call Main 7288. ,SNOW? Walkl 648 6th, 820 cottage. electricity, gas. 4- Drakea, all Selling. Main 8392," - . FURNITURE FOR SALK '' HOUSES FOR RENT 34 ADS of furniture for sale are pub - Itahed in the Household Goods class, iflcatlon when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 715 CORBETT, cor. Hooker st, oppo- site new Falling school 8 room well 'furnished house, bath, gas, Ruud beat er. furnace, fireplace, nice yard, $35 eer month t references exchanged. ln : quire In rear. Mrs. F. J. Polivka, 714 Water, cor. Hooker. ' . "$25 FURNISHED complete. . modern ; 7 room house, 8 bedrooms, furnace, ; Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4679. $16 FOR modern a room completely xurnisnea - oungaiow, nuaum ouii Rlggs, 11.03 Spalding bldg. FURNISHED modern 3 room house. - 1077 East 29th St., N. , j . -F'Li-RNviSHED 6 room house in Laud' S -Addition. Call Main'7273. APARTMEN1S 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 'U : Lucretia Court Lucretla st. bet. Wash, and Ever ett sts. Most beautifully located high class apts.. 2-3-4-5 rooms. AU modern conveniences first class service, prices reasonable. Reference required. Man ager Mar. 151$. 1 . . VILLA ST. CLARA. I2th and Taylor. Modrnt completely turnisbed apt. , Walking distance. References. - TVTKSBILDCa AKK32a TKf4Tjni.AKD SwaJloeiL (IT "wtUad', baoye el Qoallty. comfort d1 mrvlee MARSHALL APARTMENTS. 24 Marsnau St.. s csxunes. Beautiful 4 room furnished apart ments, all large outside rooms; private baths; heat, water,-phone, janitor serv ice, etc BALBOA APARTMENTS. .,' . New brick, large x room furnished apts., complete: oil burner, steady, - ample heat, fine laundry, reasonable . rates ; walking 'distance; references. 429 Harrison st.' - - . -; ; - - THE - SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway S. j - 8 and 4 rooms well arranged, easy. ' v walking distance,. . at - very reasonable . rent; oest or service. fliain gaw(. - , i - THE DEZENDORF. "208 16TH ST. .Marshell 231$. Nlpe 6 room furn. and unfurn. apts.; sio a or 4 room rurn. apartments, DIEL apartments, 790 E. Ankeny. 3 room, completely furnished apart ment. 1st floor, modern, - plenty heat. Phone East 1808. ... - 841 14th- st. 2 and 3 room apts. Pri vate baths and best heat In city Mod' em. new management. ' FURNISHED 1 and 2 rooms,, steam heat,: dirt cheap, close in, west aide. Tnomessen apts., wjs- aq st, THIS-ROSE FRIEND. 285 Broadway S. - Modern unfurn. apts.; large rooms, -' beat service walking die,-Marsh. 1403. $16 AND UP "3 and 3 room apts. fur- . nisned, - Hajrisoa v,ouri. a etn, cor, of Harrison. . - T hk IiUZEftliu Modem 2 room fur- nished? brick bldg. - Phone In eaco apt.; $17 e.nd up.- Marshsu 4887. ' NokoMijS aDts. 565 Marshall st. Mod ; ern,:pftvate bath and dressing room; new managemeni; prices to eun. MAY aDartmenta 14th and Taylor. 1 unfurnished 2 room outside corner, Newly decorated apartment. -DOWNTOWN, modern apta. $15 month .up, including beat, light, etc. Royal Annex. 360 H Morrison. Main 4621, W IE LAND Furnished aDts.. $5 month i and up; steam heat, janitor service, 'phone and bath. 63 N. lgth St.' , MERCEDES,'20thand Morrison. 1 and :,,& room suites, ftirnace heat,fire- piacoa iz to ?3.&0 per weeK. THE PALACE APARTMENTS. East xi in ana.-Maritet. xurnisnea or-unfurnished. Tabor 2651. .PENINSULA APTS C1170, concrete bldg-, 2 and 3 rooms: hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat, 312 up. THE ;f)nY APARTMENTS. , ft. 7th and Taylor sts.; 2 -and 3 room spts.;. light Tree; private Path Cincinnati- Court, 401 10th, modern apartments, 110 to 3e LUXOR APTS 324 13th sc. 2, 3 and a roym tpta.; ajso iignr n. K. AMERICAN and -Marlborough, mod. 4, 5 rm. aptsvMar. 3360. II. 7516, A-2S78. CHOICE- furnished -apartments. 1. - 2 and 3 rooma 44a Clay St.; near 12th. FURNISHED apajtment flat, walk ing , rttmroe, steam heat. Main 2502. C-(Aii.'7o4 IxveJoy, front arts 318 to $27.50. Marshall 2917. rent ISfl 0- !-s 1 . ModarnTe room flat, sleeoinx Porch, front porch, gas ranxe. wall beds, not water heat, winter comforts, abun- dance of light' and air tor summer; only $ 25 Hawthorn car to SOS E. 21st, or. Tabor 1993. Free rent till first. - 50 1 J r lnaiOn&U VAiA-AO 62 gth st. N., corner Davis. Phone 1 81160.- $25 per month. FOR RENT FLATS GOING away; beautiful 7 room home I baby chicks. 16c each.- Order lmma ! over looking river. 2 'large private J diately, avoid disappointments later, porches, large lawn, heated, thorough-1 UcKENMA PARK POULTRY FARM, ly moaera, 4 hi. unsan. i UNUSUALLY desirable furnished flat, I a Urra liarht - alrv rooms. Drlvate I bath; excellent location. 241 Mont-1 -ornerv at. Call after ItSO xifT.-r t " i i i r L i . " .i ... ..' I desirable. Gas. bath gas stove and ranee. 2 carlines. Walking distance. Only 218. R. Taylor. East 6260. room flat with eosv .sleepina Dorch. Kzgyfc k. yme st. iKast rz9i. MSSwa5rM2t ftfi'STf o -4in2r -Broadway bridge, low rent. C-2129, J HOTIiLS PA LACE hotel 1 2th and Wasnington. nreDrooi. modern, steam neat, nouior rnlit ttittr, nhnna-in urh room! rea- eonable. Marshall 6040. New manage-1 STORKS AND OKHCES 11 GROUND floor for rent,' suitable for omui t du siness, cteani n g ana press- I gfcSfe PhOTe Marehail 1298. - BtarK. ynone warsnau izvv. i j . ""WJ. "t I tfjKlA. wareaoMse w.ewuw rvf I . for rent. trackace. lirht tand ' airy. On paved street; reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill, FOR RENT HALLS 5 J TrJiV.i i i"w.rh"Mr A TWO or ' 4 room suite, beautifully furnished.' Close In. Marshall 321 4. WANTED TO RENT. 1 1 WANTED Modern furnished bunza- low, east side preferred,' not over 30 minutes xrom postomce. T-&i, jour- naL - Wanted 1 or 2 unfurnished or I fpartly furnished -rooms; close . in; reasonaoie rent, f 4 o. journal. WANTED To rent modern house suitable for rooms and board, 12 to I so rooms. Taoor 31)3. 6 OR 6 room furnished hob.se or flat, near couch school. 784 . GUsan. APt. I. ' - ' HORSES, BHICLES. ETC. IS WE HAVE the following mares and horses with or without the harness at very reasonable prices as fcfllowa; Bay team, 6 years, 3300 lbs. Bay team. 8 years. 3100 lbs. Sprrel and - gray, young. 2000 lbs. Black horse and mare. 2600 lbs. Bay mares, young. 2500 lbs. Black marea. 2400 lbs., good age. Dannie rravs 2750 lbs., vounsr. Seven, sets double harness and col-, iars. : . Two farm wagons and one hlsrh seat truck. All the above horses will be mtcned, tneo i ana teetea. aeiivereu free to boat or R. R. , Take S street car, get off at 11th at, Ruley's Stor age and Transfer Co.. ilth at Hoyt st,; TEAM matched black mares. 2400 Ibs.i are gentle and true workers. eel good harness. All at $160. Team moras 57ffl Ih fat onil huva hpn bred; are ready for work. Set good neavy narueou. au ac um team, 2650 lbs., rood, true pullers. Set used Harness, - All goes at $90. Two wood racks ' complete with, - running rears, can at 44 4 Moyt at. Auction. Monday I and Thursday, vorumoia stables. 802 Front street. J 2 p. m. Horses, , narnesa, wagons, ouggtea 2 v e r y- thing sold on com mission. Bring us your stock. M. 3030 U. S. STABLES. 248 FRONT ST. - Just reoelved a carload of. srood young horses, 1200 to 1600 lbs. Some food matched teams of good mares, f you are in the market for a' good horse or team, call and Inspect thia cuii. averyioiur iQia wun a guar an tee. -- - -- G. D. "WILLIAMSON. CHEAP If sold this week, team brown mares wun Harness, 100 lbs, each, $65; team, bay mare and horse. 1200 lbs., each l0; one bay mare. 1500 lbs.. 850: all cood workers R or nouth to Meade st., walk 2 blocks west, 1 io. aoa, -. t FOR horses and vehicles, dan and ' nousenotct pets and poultry, read the ads under these resnectiva headinxs. The Journal leads all other mediums in tnose cianeirications. $b0 1?XH bay mare, 1100 lbs. 9 yrs. Old:- soil nd. works, ulnslM n, Hnnhls Sellwood car to Powell st, Mrs. Stew art. 661 Reynolds, Sell 452. After 10 1 . m. 30 HEAD blocky buiit Percheron mares and . areidines and some chean email farm horses at a very reasonable price I ew aioupi BtaotTO, oin ana iavi8. i vvAiNtLi a stocxty worse noree, wt, , IAEA A r A 1 - ' . 1050 to 1150. cheap for cash, give! full Information and price, ! a 1 W-638. juu rnai, FOR SALE Team of younx mares. 4 and 6 years old. weixht 2S00: cries reasonable. Address D. L. MacLeod. I iyie. wssn. DEAD horses and animals hauled . away free, call woodlawn 20. Port. wnn Ketidering CO.' WILL trade light spring wagon for ! 8IZA. jbents, or. TEAM weighing 2400, harness and larnKwagon, 3135. Spokane Barn, is. oinBi. ana nawinorne ave. -L4JOKI $125 buys bay, 1600 lbs., 5 years old gelding; good worker.- Call 129 N. 11th St. ' WANTED Light one horse wagon. I most pe oneap. 1 n;ast id t. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. U'SDOr 4203. - FOR SALE Good team, wagon' and naraess. inone .Mar. 4248. soo 6th st. CHEAP horse at Vour own price, good wurwr, iviv IHmnill si. LIVESTOCK 89 GOOD, frtih. Jirv mw. srtiHnv R - gala, of milk and very- gentle, would be excellent family cow.- Take Haw thorne car to 24th st, go 2 blocks norm, m. n. Main. THREE extra; good milch cows com - ilif fresh within IS t, ?S Ha va rnm sal or trad Io7. W-Itx-Tio 1 ' " ' -. - ; 1)XR SALK or trade for cow or hoar v: a good high priced stock saddle. ..A. Dim bat, Oswego. Or. - . 6 .HEAD of good milch cows, some - fresh and mimt nmln, fr,h T.r... and Durham, will xlve terms. Sell, so 71' "WANT cows, horses, bog. Implements aa first payment on house? easy terms on balance. 80S Almira ApmNi. FOR ' SALE 12 head Holstein - cows. 4 of them ; fresh. -R. 1, Box 967, fortianq."- Ktr. FOR. SALE Good young Jersey cow. . ' xga iia St. W. IFYOU want any kind of dairy cows. prime vma mem, union biock x aros. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 87 60,000 DAY-OLD Reds and Leghorns fprv eale. this season from, heavy laying strain; write for free catalogue: agents famous Queen incubators. 70 to. sod capacity, Pacilio Poultry Co- xxs.88Srro ""'J1 6emaP 13 gfo ' I L to.-60-capacity, . PaciflQ Poultry Co. FOR SALE. Barred Rock cockerels. Barred Rock eggs; special prices In cubator tots, ijuxr cocmn iiantams. z Buff Orpington - pullets. - Wooulawn j 1 s be. 1447 Mauory. er 100 size) and some chickens for sale, very cheat. 243 Watts st..- Ken- .243 Watts Et,. Ken- ton. -- - VANTLi 10 getting , hens, isellwood 276S. , Phone POUITRY" ASTD PIGEONS 87 j . f Ceatdxraed) INCUBATORS Millar's - Pacific Coast 1 -Ideal" combines low price with best possible construction. Pries , 39.00 up. FIX team years on the coast.- mill -1 vinr eemnlete satlsfac tlon and. rood 'ervtc. , Writ Lilly's, Portland." 8. C WHITE LEGHORNS. , -famous McKenna Park strain I SfSnSon KXi wrds'' that lav white Sg? 18 f llo; 10 ergsr $7?50; a. maximum eg? 727 cnambcr-or com, yortiana, yr, BARRED ROCKS, larer. vigorous. ... haw lr. . won "first hen. Port- land; first cockerel, Seattle, Cockerels, ii sik II Km. 99 for IS. Hares. nl catn hAntunfl. Hettinn? hens wanted. 1 9gn Carneau Co.. Box Z19t Fotland. (MC Scott car to 80th st, 1 block be- lyond school. - - - - ?4 rooms ood furniture. . 125 layers on r a paying proposition, luorougn- " tooSder.Fln T outfit all Wpto - date.. Inquire at 1670 E Stark breds. Reds and Orpingtons. . incu st. Mt. Taoor car to 6tn. WANTKD to - exchange St. Helens SO egg incubator xor one aosen cnicnens win sen tor in 85 Wood st. " ' ' ' ' DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS 44 I AJKKUAL.U exui a winner or v;n. Illuminator, fee S10: puppies cheap. --ilMain 4622. or kennels.- McKenna ave fend Lombard st., St. Johns carllne. rry - kn. . KAT.F! Reaaonabia. Al redale jcar, f"238 48th 8" f1 . i . . 1 , i SACRIFICE lor ouick sale, pedigreed hrlnHU hntt nnnnltn f KtKbinm: As. rora, 'ur. AIRDALES, pedigreed' stock, trained - parent, raised riaht. $ 6 and us. Max Muller. Ontario. Or. . oA with -papers, Good female - retriever duck dog for ' sale or trade for cmcKensj nas some trai n i n g. P-6 3 7j Journal, y CANARY birds for-salei East ' 6223. AUTOMOHILKS-ACCESSORIKS Chains vs. Tires , YOUR, TIRES ARB TORN BY- Chains and Snow -CHEER "UF1 " t- They Will Make Good . Double Tread Tires Bring Them in OregonfVulcanizing f Co. "650 WASHINGTON ST AT 18 TH. 886 BUKNSIDE ST.. AT 'BROADWAT, February Clearan6e , Sale . on Used Cars . All makes of touring cars, roadster and trucks-' The biggest bargains On the easiest term ever offered, y - Northwest Auto.Company 831 Couch st., near Broadway, 1 SHELDON truck cost $2500. good a new, capacity Ift tons. $950. 1 OAKLAND roadster, $276. 1 MITCHELL, 6 cyLl $360. 1 STUDEBAKER. 8200. FORDS We have several bargains in used Forda, -'oras. TERMS IF DESIRED. Oakland Auto Co. 16th and Alder sts. : ALL KINDS OF , Used Cars , FOR SALE CHEAP. Terms to responsible parties. Fred Dundee Motor car repairing and , . machine , - - worxs. fi7S Jefferson st.. Portland. Or - Main 1 2868 , , , ; A-J2668 ENGINES FOR AUTOS OR BOATS. PEERLESS, 40 H. P., $140. CADILLAC 25 H. P.. $136. BUICK. 224 tt PT, $75. FLANDERS, 22 Ml H. P., $65. : - MAXWELL, with transmission, ISO. AUTO PARTS OF ALL KINDS, OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 129 Lownsdale. Main 1161. ONE 1911 Marion,, with motor, top. upnoistering and paint in good con dition; a lixht oar: 3876; - . BUICK model ,37-C," S passenger, In excellent condition; run about 6(100 miles; sioo. - kx. Lj. MANN MOTOR CAK CO.. - 5? N. 23d at. - Main 299, DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them tn. -uregon vmcanizinx Co Wash, at 18th. Burnside at Broadway. 336 Bumside.t' FOR SALE At sacrifice,, thtee ton. Packard truck with -established router $2250. Also Reo two ton with Established route, $1250. Terms. In quire, 716 Swetiand bldg. Phone Main 777ft. . . BARGAINS 1 In USED CARS. Large stock, prices $200 to $760. . OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. -- Studebaker. filde.., Corner Chapman and Alder."'"' 1 PORTABLE garages $30 u I wri T.vinp. mnjafBrtPT 'taW. 544 Hiod sir CO- I Main 1167. Sundys and Svenlngs. 1 nmauwn jm, Written guar antee w 1 1 n f J'J7 i, f ?Ll1f I 2S !t. lotn et. KNGINKS, gears, wheels, transmls- sions. raaiators, parts for most all Eakw ? ?ror prI a,nd J8 I Motor Parts Mfg. Co,, 83o-27 Burn- EXCHANGE good roadster for equity in 5 or 6 room house -or sell cheat) for cash, Multnomah Gaw At Electrie Garage. 6th and Madison. : ., , ONE -7 seated 60 horsepower automo- - bile; win traae ior ii5 orfl ana $200 cash. - H-141. Journal. - 5 PASSENGER STUDEBAKER Tour - inar car to trade for crooertir. . K.. 875. Journal. NEW and second hand Ford bod.ea, $15 .to $75. Bent. E. Boon At CoT 614 Alder st.'- Main 8966. WTT'tn-iii,. , 'o' "iii ' .SVI? wrtTTT t' .,,. V" leifJl? UsUHuasJYuto. ygft lnx Whine Crr 850 Alder. Talk- NEW Gray & Davis star tine and lixht ' Ing system for a Ford. $35. Main 910. FOR SALE cheap One Ford delivery. 181 Holla day ave. I HIGHEST prices rjid , for i metal, J. -?eye. Col u scrap rubber. mn!a. M sibs LATE Ford, perfect mechanical shape; tet ch offer tK- it. or 5100 FOi.L) eia.u ibi. a27 Lurnbiae st. "44 AtTTOMOBIUCS-ACCESSORIES 44 rail t U U US W U U3 HEDERALiTRUGK A" Safe. Used, Truck to Buy! -In buying a rebuilt Federal you set! as much slue for your money as in any new truca you couia Duy, A reou.it i Federal means that it baa been com teiy overnauieo, every cart enticai examined and, when necessary, re ced hv a new on. It Is oatntad and finished-just like a new truck. 'And remember this: ' v When yon buv a rebuilt Federal, you are protected by the same policy go- puea to an -eoerai owners, we oper ate a repair department manned only oy eaera experu open nisi anu day with the most complete stock of parts in the northwest. Federal leadership Is a byword in the trucking field. This "built la!' quality, backed by an - organization capable and willing-to give you real service. Is consequently ' A SAFE? USED TRUCK TO BUY. If you are in the market for a truck from $1000 to $1400, we urge you to ; compare used ireoerais with new trucas at similar prices. We think we can convince you of their superior valua : MOTOR MifM. East Third and Oregon Sts, - Just across the steel btidga Our Used Car Department; Offers the Following-Bargains CADILLAC touring car, lfew top and good tires .$276 CADILLAC. 1918, 7. pass... electric starter. This car is in splendid condi tion ' .,.......-.,,.,,'..,...... $850 COLE, 1913, electrically equipped! at .$576 OVERLAND roadster, 1914, newly painted, fine condition .......... .$400 New 191 5 FORD, electric starter and lights, demountable rims, three extra tires and double tire carrier, Yale lock, special too and extra equipment valued at $300 Car cost owner $800. Will sell for i .8550 CHALMERS 30 touring . oar. .... .8300 WINTON SIX, self starter and electrie lights .....r;.i,.,i. ........ $550 LOCOMOBILE. 6 pass., in perfect con dition. . PACKARD IS." repainted and in Al condition -..- ,-..,... 3600 MARION, racy roadster. . . . , . . . ..$300 STODDARD light roadster. $260 AUBURN roadster, new top and tires, electric lights $360 CONTINENTAL 35 horsepower touring car, at - . $175 CADILLAC, 1912, electric starter.,$625 MAXWELL light roadster $125 ri-u-ri. late moaei .... i960 . nn T . tan K -y a A NEW DAYTON motorcycle. 2 speed. at .,1 325 MERKLE TWIN In good condition.J75 ALSO MANY OTHERS NOT LISTED. CALL AMU i.NBr'KUT UUK .USED CARS. i Covey Motor Car Co. 21st and Washington. - - Main 6244, Fords Fords Fords Fords If 15 FORD 5 pass." fully equipped, shock absorbers, used very little, $385. 1815 FORD, 5 pass., like new, $360. 1S14 FORD, 6 pass.. $295. 1914 FORD, 5 pass., $35. 1914 FORD, 6 pass!. $315. 1913 FORD; 6 pass.." $276. ' - - - . . - Term If desired And a year's free service on all minor adjustments. : . We bavea complete stock of Ford parts. You can get them day or night we never close. ' -, - Francis Motor Car, Ex. LIMITED FORD AGENT. L 1199 East 13 As Hawthorne Av. SOMIE. OF THESE CARS' HAVE ONLY BEEN DRIVEN FROM THRER A TO FOUR HUNDRED MILES. USE YOUR CREDIT. EASY TERMS. 1915. Touring FORD. ...... 1918 Touring FORD. 1915 Touring FORD. ...... 1916 Delivery. FORD...... 1915 Delivery JX)HD.. $435 .... 410 410 .... 410 .... 415 .... 39S 1915 Tourlne FORD. . 1915 Touring FORD. ...... 1916 Touring FORD. ....... 1915 Delivery FORD,,.,.,. 1915 Touring FORD. , sfli 405 8851 393 1 Touring .. 1916 Touring FORD. 85 1914 'rourin r uitu. . . .... . , 1914 Touring- FORD, .. . . 101 PAniliLAC. 8 70 296 1914 Ton truck. FORD. 779 1916 DODGE BROS. TOURING CAR. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH . EACH CAR, . , Benj. E. Boone & Co. . 614 Alder st. - Main 8966. Used '.Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN. LARGE STOCTC TO 6EU0CT FROM. Mitchell, Lewis &. Staver Co. BL FIRST AND E MORRISON STS. . HAW 1213 iJ-lZlB, . ".' - , . . - . . BODIES. -- Bus, hearse and commercial bodies of -every -description. We are headquar ters for this work;-Our factory is' the largest ana Dess equtppea on tn w olfie coast. , , iOLUMBlA CARRTAGll A AUTO VifORKS. . . . , . -MAA .. . MAfh k Yl-. i. EEE the 1 ton true attachment for Ford cars. $368; complete with chassis. 8795. ' .. . ' BENJ. E. BOONH CO. 614 - Alder St.. Portland. Or. ' BUICK roadster, model "37-C only run- about 6000y-miles. in excellent condition; $700. Phone Main 293,-A-8411. - WILL pay cash for Ford cars. Hern ENJ.E. BOONE CO, 814 Alder St.. PorUand. Or. " SLIGHTLY usel tires. larc;st slock - In I'rtiad. $i to $15. I me repair ing. Tire fcupply Co.. 237 J.Iadlioa. 1 je!s4 AUTOMORILES-ACCXSSORIES , 4 1 - - l Coitiaaed ) mm depabtueot-. DISTRIBUTORS i - WE GIVE" LIBERAL TERMS. - ' i. ejliPEN SUNDAY. . ; - f STUDEBAKER "JO"' .delivery ' carr ; canvas top.. ... . .......... lights, overhauled and repainted, 5DP GAUFORD, 7 pass., touring Car it good shape..-............. ..... ZOg ST UDEBAK t T2 " touring car, v fine eondjpffon. . 1 J FORD DEOMERY CAR, panel tm 260 touring cArl is) ec trie starter, and . lights sv. . . , . ; . . ;.. i , . '; m iru;,m wii overhtilia and renalnted. . 160 FORD touring car, electric light,. . . snocx aosMTuers, master un--'.. tor. extruaireu chains, etc., . . .. -3C hauled id repainted. . . . . ......' 260 eTiinrTiiircti .it,v a-. canvas top.Jsh good condition. .178 LOCOMOBILE-. -0,? touring r.Kmmm in tirst, ciaaav condition... .i 0reg6n, Motor Car Co. . RTTTmiRAltTi?n TtTTILDING." COR. CHAf SlAjN and ALDER STS. PHONF AIMN 9402. A-76&. i "PUT LAND'S CLEARING HOUSK. USED We buy cars and xat from. T. sell all make of need k Large stock to select IL Ix- 11&.TS AUTO ca la TtrO Nrav t Rurnaide. " Phonesi'i'oedway 6368, A-1170. Wr"for Mailing List, Cylinder Gi glrfg. Machine Work and Repalrlng. At ' A,. TO WHEELS. When touX auto skids and you break a wneei, wit jot us. we maae a, mv- cialtFof wV '.rebuilding. High class work at rnq irMeprices. i . a wheel, thif T of us. We make a epe- COLUMBIA. A3ARRI AQB AUTO. TOKe., A Main 589S. "i . - . TZ1, ; u ATJTOMf jlLES ; WANTED TS rrrrTlf "ii.,.1:,- H9UE renl f $1 se 78S. JMirnaF - ... it 4 ' .-l. srrrr WOULD -UUk-rt) buy a isi lightstx H tson auto or a- ioago. Hvatt Talking 7 Machine Co,. 850 Alder. WANTED buy cast off X cylinder Reo. East '75. . - TRADE 4 lota' ted little cash, for auto. Sell. 442.- : 1 WANT Fofa-Lauto this week. Cl) Hedln. 43Q.y7P'rceeter bldg. FRESH dairKiiows to trade for late model 5 pajS; eauto. "East 8883. MOTORtTYf uESBICTCLES 53 WlLiL sell. flrK class 1913 twin fndlan motorcycle Jresto tankv-lamp, tan- dem, whistle! X r $100. - Will take $23 in electric -wfr; ig; balance easy nerms. Hyatt Talklngj idachine Co.. 36r Alder, WILL exchange fine new VI itrola, rra fanola tv Edison ehonoxr h for motorcycle.- lB4att Talking M fcchln WANTEDMoor3 ycle, ' hiah bovtr. late model: f Will Mr cash. Write can yrcr, mi -laua. ur. WANTED f hi best second t torcycle $60 ! cash will buy. week day a. Ajaln 2958. d mo-1 none LAUNCHES AND BOAlW j M siS"ssi 4 BXCHANGE--4lave a fine llttl. 12 H. tle:4TOBt $3o "lce Vial $5 P.- Uunch,. cAnvas top andrc rtains. j domtlfj m0n thl y Hyatt Talking M In good, order. Want fully eriulppe S "fSmltA t? tT Ejvlnrude of , verr .Hxbt . draft- 1 coa iv. a u. r tv j. 0 x a, v. a -a LEAVING city; . will rent ' my hand some 80 tfbot nwtorboat cheap! to re sponsible parues tor car ec same. . x 489. Journal. FOR SALE 5 ' room bungalow house- boat., f ujfnlshed, .bargain, call Hun-1 day 12 tc? P. m.; No, 14 "Wlliametts Moorage. f" ' - -:--;-T.. LAUNCHES, - houseboats, great bar- jrains, . fc- w. Raynor, marine broker. Spalding Flafr FOR SALE or trade 15 passenger launch. I?xe, zo . r.. p.; 4 y, en gine new last rail, siarsnaii enx FOUR cylinder.-41 cycle engine, 20 h" pu, 6x54. At water Kent Ignition, $160. Marshall 9152 EVlNRUDE rowboat and 'canoe mo- tors;mwboats. canoes, mototboats,. Evinrude Motor Co.. Morrison fc Front. WANTED-1-26-SO ft. launch. Must be exceotloiial bargain for cash. H-369. journal. - PIAOS ORGANSfi AStl ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS C LOSING. OUT FOR CASH ONLY. $400 Chlckerlng. old model. $36; $360 -valley oem. Baiawm Jfiano vo model: $46: f 500 Emerson Upright, mahogany, $185! f?" miniature aorixht. ' walnut. $50! $650 Steinway & Soaa, upright, walnut $31i; 81000 N. Y. Pianoforte, gr, $195i $181 Kimball fgn, oak, mirror. f8. To flrai ealle.- 109 4th. Store XO- 16o mo, $5 FEE, i l.i6 weekly. new ii you member of Profit Sharinj Piano I club. Member ahar 26 tj inl piano vo your nouit Mi(rfuia club. Member ahar 25 to; 10 in price. No Interest. Time D wilege, total saving $172.28 to you. See ilsplay adv. or call Bcnwan fiano un.i 11 .4 in. $265 equity in $675 player plai . fir .purchased from will give .yot a ne rm new contract with credit for .what I have Paid. No reasonable bid refused , D-7 64, journal. L "cornet"' wltTTne Price S0 $10 'wfraiiHrr MlI FINE Conn B flat " p,u rjat ' iso down. $3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma- 1 cnine jo., soiLAiaer, : L.O., auAiaer, : .: Talking Machine Co., $60 Alder. ELEGANT ' $1200 grand mahogany Knabe piano, only $486; $100 down, $15 monthly. E. B. Hyatt. 360 Alder, if-j j.: '.':..:."w.ni.' V-AOrt wcura eao lva FREE use of piano or player-piano, 2 aa yeara See display adv. or 1 Pchwsn Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. WILL pay cash for yocr.old apright or sousre ruano. un in tin st. $376 Kohler Chase piano., practically new, for 3176 cash. O-688. Journal. PIANO . wanted in exchanxe ior $260 Indian motorcycle. ie n et. 3ita! new piano, in 1940. TYPEWRITERS 8T NEW REDUCED PRICES. ni;Xv7.. N 10. -- .7.882.80 Remingtons. MO. 1 1 ........ . aaa. a.vv Smith Premiers, Ho. .10...... W 27.60 Remingtons, Jvos. ana L. C Smith, No. 6............ ez.boi BlTl.tJY GUARANTEE! -.. PPRITTI.T DKPARTME1 IT. - REMINGTON TYPEWRITSA CO., 86 Broadway. Phone Broadv wy 621 WE save you from 50 ta 751 on all makM M tvoewriters.- Send for our Illustrates.- folder; retail - der-artment, . ixrfcHiifo . w 321 Washington st. TY PEWRITERS for rent, t month for 25 and up: 6 months' rental applied on ourchase prica Remington T writer Cg 8 Broadway. NEW. rebuilt, 2d band rentals, cut rates y. D. a Co.. 231tark. M71407, FOR BlLEUnderwod typewriter: 335. cash; No. 6. Y-490. Journal, - HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 03 IS inr-h oven: s.nitarv baa: nln nickel rimmed ! aroorf' as ' new: com $47.50. Price how -5-50. CevurU Furniture Co.. lbo-lS7 ilrit si.' ffnvfilc ffo 'B... ........ ....... f, 30.00 1 I.. .' 1 1 . . ' I . . ' Z. ji'.-w. ''I. (nlWAni to (raws a nvra ior ...... ... , Underwoods. No. v . &Vv . 0 1 cycW: j. o. Markle. Box.84. Lanta, XBR HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 63 BEAUTIFUL set Of nahogatt7 twin - beds, extremely attractive design, together with ILuxe - oll ;-prtog and very, fla felt mattress.- This set of beds coat $126 four months ago and can't be told from new. Our Price $7. vTh4s is, furniture of the unusual kind at a rare bargain. Gevarts Fur mture' Co 185-187 1st st. GENUINE braaa bed, fuU sUe. good u steel springs, Ostermoor mattress; genuine birdseye maple dresser, chair and rocker to match; cost now $90 ta splendid condition, - Our price $11.10. uevurts j?nimiture Co., iss-is7 et tt. FRENCH Gold dreeeer and chiffonier G. oak - librarv table, silver- library lamp,, -oriental - ruga hand ' painted screen, bric-a-brac. china.; Axnunsier. rug. io-e: wuwm rag, fine goods. Brown Apts.. B. Mar. 6984. FOR SALE, fine mahogany and, walnut fnrnit nr. nf 11 v a rtonm flat; every thing complete, only two months old: a bargain. f Call between noon, ano. j P- m. nivti ntBL----r '- -'.t.. shoes. Marshall 1229. 229 Madison, PRIVATE Jarty- sell furniture TJiWE buy all kinds'second hand trunks. - che4. Cornbii and handbag. Main 1072. i ,PUT f ' i : .. Vii' OR SALE Household gooda cheap? naca east; a ottparv o ntr, 884V Belmont. ; " - f - ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 DROPHEAD SEWING MACHINES. ah" 'FF7 Dollars A" , Each ?naS : -Guaranteed ' t $41 MORRISON ST. , " :- MAIN 1846. Electric Motors : . r . Bought, aol,. rented and repaired. Walker Electrlo 'Works, 418 Burnside,rcor. ' lOtn. Broadway or A-5674. MACHINES or all makes old and rented, 38 op. Sewing - Machine Empo rium, 190 3d,, near Tay lor. Main 9431. A-2626, 1 BILLIARDS New and second nana j B1Ca1ntd i5Jck4 billiard tables, bowlimr ailevs kak accessories, easy second band naymentsTTableT fbriresidences. The "w'ckkllenrCo.. . O-i. no i. r none main v.- . J "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," -T'yP' j wrltera"-and -Household Goods" are I senarate elaastfleatlona. - All adver 1 tijsements of the KOd are publl.hed Look them over. porta hm v. hunHnir cabins. 1 - YrnVZ7r,,..; iWA hd tc v MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION , CO, 544 HOOD ST. Main 1167. Sunday and Evenings, Wood lawn WAYNE oil tank and pump, complete. 60 sal. capacity. Perieci conaiwon. ! Cheap for cash. . 614 Alder st. Main 8088. bENTLEMAN'S fur overcoat, slf. you tXg? 9 eo TlUe &' Trlfst hmg? I Phone Main -7948 Sunday. Miy-Oerr, AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles. launches or boats and separate claslficationa. a large listing can . be found under these different headings.' - - - " bob sleds for sale cheap; Bises two and fnur kan,. Annlv 524. Railway Exchange .bldg, or- phone;, Marshall FINE $65 Buescher cornet, silver Pst . ed and burnished belt Price $36; 810 down. $8 monthly. ' Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder, 1 rplendid 8425 - xenuine xMewmaa Bros-, piano, fine burl walnut case. Print iifin- 110 dnwn. 88.50 monthly. I Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350, Alder. I T.T.Tr. . i 4 fuUa aaaxAi aalltsW ; " - . . w i 1 , -w- . . . ; diamonds, for ale cheap at : $30; good time keeper. Phone B-185I. MACHINERY hoghtsold. repelreg and exchanged. Northwest Lead ea Msch. Co.. 311 Front st. "gf C SB WiNG MACHINES. aU 5 kinds, all makse, guaranteed, $49 Morrison sL ; Main 1845. WAif NE gasoline, pumps and oil ;tor age tanks. E. H. BueppeU, agt, 184 let. Main 1221. j FOR 6 ALE,, cheap. 8165 Swenson stumD Duller and rubber. Woodstock car to 4236 48th ave. S. E. ' j NEW and second hand fJhook, j Johnson's book store, 210 4th, near court house. I FOR , SALE -Red top h jy andrtry hardwood. M. P. Whaien. Wood- land. Wash j FOR billiard and pool tables see Wv J, Quixley. 256 Market sU Lowest price and easiest term. LADY'S and gentleman's -coat 88. very - warm. Oil heater cheap. 404 Clsy at, WIRELESS receivers, 3000; ohms,5 83, 1 a JJ a " s, .r- r j.-.!' . - - 1 -"i" it-it- ONE small diamond ring for sale, $25, Marshall 6904.- . w - $12 60 DROPHEAD - sewing macmne. wuh t""""""- '"'""-- POOL table. H., R. Thompson, 14$. E. 7Zd. M. " . ' , 1 $5 SECOND hand typewriter. Call Main 6148, " - -- - '" . ' CHP-Several medical student's books. Phone Marshall 1892. $ INCUBATORS and. 3 brooders: malt an offer. Snap. 602 Couch bldg: SWAP COLUMN 5 WILL exchange fin new- Victrola, - Grsfanola or Edison Diamond Disc norhlna for machinist's lathe, about 9 inch - swing or more Hyatt, Talking Muchin, co. Jan Aiaer. - t I SOFT drink parlor, stock and futures; I "Worth $1000or $1200: will exchange or Ford auto; must W Ut model f "";Va D-761. JouraY ;i - , .. . .. 1 . , - , . . 1 . . . j tented devices . Will trade for auto, real estate or anything of value. 853 PittocK pi oca. von sat or- exchanxa. oalr hockey : kitM on a noes. 2 new-taroau tines. ""a auw it iu,v- 1 750, Journal. modern Hawthorn district for houseboat, launch or what nave youT- x-ev3, jonmai. ' . -BEAUTIFUL Blue Fox .peck soarf? , small diamond ring -for sal cheap, or trad for anything X can use. W'difl, 787, I TifJi $400 EQUITY in fine player piano j swao for good team horsaS- D-7 55. Journal. " " ' WILL trade carpentry, painting, tint ing or good lot for typewriter. Sell wood 1665. , - . - - '-- KTRADB new stump puller for cofd I - wood. . Main 1846. Writ owner, 1295 Hood st. I CLEANING and oreaeinx shoo for rifle or shotgun. $208 Woodstock 1 ave.. Grays Crossing. i-?"IEBWINO machine, dressers, beds. other furniture; -exchange for cow. ELGIN watch tsilveroid case) to swap ror pnonograpn, typewriter or .woaw . r u -1 1 1 , 1 WILL exchange Long Beach, I . lots for household goods, etc. Main 1 4495. 128 1st st. . -. QOOD aaddla er watch for stove or phonograph.' H-147. Journsl. WAJfTEI--MI8CELLAKEOU8 ft WANTED--Office filing'cabineL DaVi tl J WE pay bigb. enport. Mijn bji. - - gbest prices for junk of 4JS6. z5 Kront st. HIGHEST prices for 2d bead furniture, clothing, tools. Phone Broadw'y 2209. t WANTED- Diamond. Small. Must be prutiant. r-ea, joarnat. ...- 1 WANXE1J XJght- wsxon, Hop bjjggy. ' ILL pay ch for second Lnd con;i- 1 to-.eter. ir-i-a. journal. a; 1 WANTED MISCLLAXCOCS 5 j!,"! :'r:;'iowt)4-:- . . FIREPROOF SAFE Wanted, bargain - in second hand safe. Inside meas UTemeat to be about 25 Inches' high, 18 inches wide. 1 J inches deep. Seller must be prepared to accept small safe in. part- payment. Secretary, Portland trees ciup, r;inrDtqg, . -'. - NOTICE TO MOVERS. -Wanted Stoves, rockers; dressers, rugs, couches, chetrs. tables, etc. We pay the price. N. W. Forn. Ex. E." 838. WANTED The people, of Portland to . know I pay the highest cash price for household . goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. It. AM tn need of 2d hand furniture and will nav - the hisrfaestr Dricee - for: it. Gevurts Furniture ; Store, : 207 jlst fC Marshall 687. WANTED Second -hand furnitur. ranges and ' stoves: best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co-t-ito-i ELMor Tfm. Vtnmt 2238. . ' " ' , ;KEOond. hand clothinx buyer. J, , Meyer, tailor, pays more 'for eloth- lrWE..buy everythinx- and any thins In - - household furollure. also store fix tureg end stocks. Marwnan ip&, SPOT cash paid lor turntture, stoves, merchandise any thing and -x vry thlngv 128 First. Main 4495. WANTED 6 ft. cigar case - at on:, must be cheap. 263 4 Morrison st. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light St Ppwer Co and owners; thereof may claim same at the First and Alder st. station. Marshall S100. A-6121; ; February I Three packages. 1 note book, . 1 -school book, 3 umbrellas, 1 suitcase, 1 pair rubbers, 1 lunch box. February 3 One pair overshoes, I hat, 2 box. 1 rope and oil coat, l hand bag, 1 shoe, 1 basket, 1 umbrella, V1 LOST I bunch keys, .with' engraving attached A. R. Price, 683d it, San Francisco. Finder please return to a. R. Price, Camas, Washu, and receive reward. LOST Large - pocketbook containing valuable papers. Please return to Depot Restaurant; 420 Hoyt. Receive rewa. -Phone-Broadway 1715.1 LOST In Hellig theatre. Fridtgy eve - nlng, J. lady glove with garnet ring in same, finder kindly return to Heilig box off ice and get reward. - - LOST Purse containing money, watch and i papers. - Reward. Call Cora Schnpp. Woodltwn 8823. ' - ' LOST G rand Trunk- 3 first, mort gage bond. Reward. Addres T-57e, Journal.' - ' .-. - PERSONAL S3 DR. V. G. KETCHUM Women's mala dies and acate diseases of men Wash. bldg.. 4th & Wash.. Rm. 441. Mir, 448 SCIENTIFC treatment for diseases of scalp. 168 Park et., room 3. 10 to 7. . . 1 mi;, hi. v. 1 1 1 1 v . w . v .... 1 11 ar treatment. Koom-11 u. aot Momron, HAVE a switch made ef your corns- ingar reasonable. Tabor eo. LESSONS - in phrenology and card - readings. 282 Park st. Main 7648. ' BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis st.. Main 8898. I nuiKAr Consultation free. Lawyer 4993. 708 BeUlng bldg. Main Professional and ACCOttUION. km ra:. AND BOX. fmATlNTTl HEMSTITCHING. BBalDINQf , BtTTTON. HOLKS. BUTTON 8 COVERED. aBTtBJr yovELTY ura. co.t estt bth. wwat aono, K. S1KFHEN UaaaaUtcblns, acourdioo, aide and aunburat plea Una; buttooa cover, a; aponeed. Bcaltoptng. 209 PHtocb bib. B-HW AO ATE C'UTl'lrt VCl'llAU, fwlwauis. awiut, ku1 c alirj awes on baed. Mlfter'a. S4tH Wab. M. 74 AaitlCTTLTTltAL XUT LEMTg . K. bSBENSUAUa loif lasMOta. vvBlclM a xeseral farm aeppUea. 214 rreet. forttaed, amatim -jn- cimnrrs 6lLMkK'l-riLL vO. Coocb bide. Ia 4ib. BIABX BOOK MAJOOt La Via, .k aoiAi. .., n m am.s book sjaBBfacturera; ageau for Jooaa Jt proved Imn taf Utow...6n the aa aa, eka Leaf. A-SISS. Mais IM. BTrrXPOtO) COMTBAC7TOE6 C Un M"U" S4aMUIB, faeO. L MangaS Macleay mag. I o TauU,.)" ateuoer'a situtiMur It I. I qyiOl ea m. Aaala saas. - cAinim wobx -t - CAttl'kH'IkU work, paluiia, repura rea4- eung, very cneap- ivw, NAaai, aauwwa 2421. t-- --- - - -.. CAEFET CTJAJratO : FMmiHiiyiiss 1IV4S w 4 d eaT)ei rag rags, eerpet weat Kos Co.. 18 tStb. EL 3S0: H-I2"0, JUkC 14 MVS.,' sJectne cwaulag Sfwraa, tM- peU cleaned a ad laid,- rcflUlug oer secisigr Ea.t 44U. tt-iwes. 804 K. Wtb aC H. ' , rkAiSULAiA Atug Woraa Kas ru au4 car. pet weaving. ISIS ftlo avw.. WSis. Wl&t CHntOrEAOTOE 81 treatnieeu $1. Wortb 850. Additional efTieea sue-ais staeway piog.. eta m waaa. lr. C a. 'iigard. IS treataaesis flV. Wortsweat AUdg. Mats Taos. COAX AJTO WOOD FULTON WOOD. CO, ' 1260 MACADAM. W Dealers 1 urees sad Iwy Slabweod. A-2899. - - Pbesea Mais 7890 .UMX rir. bty. eraes alab.tyJ f- wood. Sbert ordaea-aueeialty TV. '."-I VUal Coal S.fi0 cp. Watt al foalCw... SM4f VAfcAAiA XUKL. CW aU K'Mia oaA. Mf, wood, coal. Alals A730, O0WTEACT0E8 BHILPEEg - tott estimates oa sew er nun it tuu of beiMi I,,. BlBmblnc. Blaatsrtas. brick ee eeea ncs er work, eall 8. aw Ktngery. Maraball lows. tySBlAK ilObkiA. - Sbertoek bldg. , . irtueral : Mtuuavtura, . ttiU nry-CATIOBAX PAMCUIO MabOlaallCB Uudat Acaaiaf, aAVk 6u SW set. Stark end .,aS special rate. 4 srl Tate laaaopa 82; aaoralos. attarnoos, eveafas, Sll latest dsseae gsaraBteed, C'laaa Tbaradar, SatsMay evvnlnra, 7:W--0. Broadway 81tQ HH. aod Mra. iiaa'B a aVbwoi: kvmuo eaMjr. CUve Toeaday, rrtday eve. IO sd at., bet. Waablegtoa) and Stark. Ltaaoas X6e. Mais SSOat BTOBW fCTOen A BP, TEACHgXt - . LckuviU or MUSIO Staff 4 7eaaars. ura oa C ervatpry. 141 Htb at., it AMw. T'ku.- tT.- k. lUWaVf, laiw a( fwar ' kecbe. SOe. fboa Tabor JW0. k fUlkl-U01i, vkilia taacaer.' popit Sateik, 'SOT tleidBr Mdg A-4ISV. baraball fj vVUaM you asawac iseae Hiu ASa. steauvs . Sbe Jearsal. - Manufacturers ' , . JoDDcra -rVliolcsalsrs PET OOOrS WH0LE8 AXE UMDpleie4Ue dry gucxU,. taraiiuluga, awtknsa, L. Dinkelspiel Co. i'.Uf: BAnrr. on, aurp l af ;sSkAI CO., "tligb Staadard" fwint- eorner a no nywr, miiii, -wi, bite wood rirg ilaFw Cke ae WUOU rlfK CO. Aaeturv A it ear 24tb aftd Xork ata. Mala 84a. v Lcrjuncri cou?c.i If you want the name of -reliable business bouse deallrtx in try ef merchandise, or Information rerarcUng resorts, hote'a. rauroaas, ship lines, eUi- add rea e Oregon Aurnl InxermaUoa Lureau, . information desired; KJOfi...MA.4...4f89.MMM.. rnnsoNAL iOUR HORO)PU KJi.i-AL. WHAT? 1 Forecast of Illneas and r-"ave-" reet. William Johnon, Ec.tor ; Forecast of :reverse and e :?. now, : correct. William lH:s. luth, Minn. - . . . - Many more like these. Aw. :s trologicat School.- 850 Vi Morri-j---Correspondence ; solicited tor K and forecasts. WHY- pay big prl'-fs glasses? .1 can I s : eyes with first . , lenses In a cold t frara. as low s 81.60; li;e4 c cated at a big saving; aatiafa guaranteed, Charles W. Geo J ma;; tometrlst, 20 Morrton. M!- .' FKBVET & HANEBUT, leading: and toupe makers; tmest t human hair goods; balrdress:n, 1 curing, face aods6alp treatmert. t Inge to order. 147 Broadway ''" MME. FONEDA, Egyptian clairvoyant and card reaUer. lu has her oftice-opn daily from 10 a. to 8 p. m. OXUce. 35 -Ysmfciii corner of loth st. . ' . MRS. SKATON,- graduate t-; -- healer. Circles Tuesday. W edn-'-Thursday, Friday from 3 till 6 p.,' 8 till p. m. Life readings, $-..-. till 2 p. m. 813 Weit Park pt. MRS. STEVENS, 22 years l urt. . renowned palmist and clafrvoe has her temple open dally. 85 1i St. Assisted by Sirs. Dr. Hume. WAY of Life Healing Center; io- ful 1 Instructions in concenlrati Draw your beet to youf heallrg di- zirw, rarn. SPIRITUALISM-Rev M. A. 1 -. -cies, Tues. 2 p.'m.: Wed-, 8 y. ; Reading dally. 803 6th mt. M iiAVE your hair perusttMe'ii y v ' t3aranteed to lst antiat y ? -Parlor. 400 Dekum. ?Mrhail 17" ALICE HAM OX CARVEL WeT" and healer: sulphur baths. lvi 3d. cor. Yamhill. 4th floor. GERMAN trained nurse gives nf - and baths for rheumatiam-neura etc. 258 11th. Mar. 6038. OrJ ' G, P. Ruromelin's toti . . Manufacturing Furrier, ; ;- 416-16-17 Deku'n M1 MARY Your letter at hand, Cw Ohio Investment Co. NOTICES SEALED proeoMta adOred to N. K. S ' acretary ef tbe bnere f rerest, " Agrienltoral couvira, CervaUla. or,. received by tfce aaid baare ef mtrut, . S e'cloek p. aa.. rebntarr f, f-r 1 (nrulahlDC of ,11 millil and Ui rrf " ance of ail labor teqatred for ba rc!' n esnpletien et tba tureatry batidlnf t... 1 aarlcultaral oOlUra, a tat f or, hod. , AH blda to be lodoraad Propoa J f r r eatry Buildlor." Said nropoaaU te be t Upoa tba above data bj U.a said hoiJ raxeata. All 4Se work a ad matortal contorts 4 tbe ptase and ap?licaiKn tr ior ea file at the office of tbe tit', i. vallla. Or., aod of the areniteet.. J-'t.n Ikbiih. lotO Chamber of Coinwerce tu.. 1-ortlaod. Or.-Eaea propuaal pwl be paaled by eartlfiad tbeck ef nva pr en ibe amoont of the bid aa a roarante to aaeeeaafal bidder will aotr Into a f-' mrdlu to aald plana and apeei riv aid cbeck to be autde parable u iua & , ealteral Cellef ef the Slate of Oreson. to any reaaoa tbe bidder faile to ei- "' t proper eoetraet and bood retiaired vrltr- a Sara aftrr sotlfteatieB of tbe aceeri"-" bla bid. tbaa aald certified eback wl.l -forfeited to tbe Agricttltoral Ccl'.esa of 1 State of Oregoa. - BusinsssBlrcclc : ; rOPtTLAB lrPBTO llAUllalK ea piano guaraateed bflnitr 10 te 20 leaeofla. Three trial Iraanne set eoevlaeed. r awoalet. ftol- Hi'" ' m. KAE. V09E. TKEOAT. IVr' IM-l. i t. ll UwlHMl, l.f U- . til. F. y. Caa-day. 61T P-bam bids.. M w' riXE nuTrgAirci!' fact no sxa i k.a io only reoe nre 1pwrae-e romTxnr. ixvrr auos axp eaq t?gf aaaSe traa. h log rale. rmla. A jj ' ' Oaayrsa earseta. iug rope, all aiaae, .- eere proaupt atteatioo. , booairt. WESTEHN VIXYW HCO CO. t Pnfne ave. W. Hlwn. 8e AM tEATHXE AED SHOE TlVT:r: 'i'Uk BkBikMilA i.bAiUM OM-t liroi la aortbareat. Ageoa "Monfw end !- M." kMitber. rvvr. O.PlClAL WATtEl v 1 l.kfJi t a., uir iluiuiui, j.-r. m,. m stdnay trooblea, fte. LablK ldg. tl 1 If OPEL ABO OFtClAtTY MACHIXg V'- j arstairoug Mia. io. - U DestfS poftretlBg, saaetuHn. 1 era talent. Ato wors. eiticient t BOX-IMTOXJOATIWO BfcYEEASl WairtAau S litata a wl Aw war wun . r WaiuAard thiaew IMS au4 Vihwk 8(aia Ta. . rboee FEIBTEES AWO IN AVTHf 'Acts k -, Wo 4- wa.s Sua Stark t. bniadway m. A- bitbxee man n tiAti PAClklU COASf BUMt V.uttKS El- WahiBtmt -at. Mala Tl": A-jtTH. ArETT .azdE nouns lxzet nrrat -irorjrs hAfAlMtAV, UU aue rJl roula, Jtion k-v 10 lat at. r'biw Main I4a. 8 BUTE OEIEriiro At . tbe Ice - i.iiik iAPerMscad aAate a: stAex wurttt Stagej Scenery; fleet te irasutt elaba a ad theatre, beeb's P. C. Seewie Stadto. Iroet and TOWZL BPfrt.rf. a., a a eta. I'ber Kt V4I. ! wit, r- - TEA W6 FEE BP 8TOEA0E . , Oregon Transfer Co. - - - - gatabliabed -4STO. Trasafer aod erwerdB " Afeau s Bioraf rrea Tracnata. Office asd aurage 44 t.-.a-a at, litfk and bllaea. M. S; -' AL-WAVS '-rlta" 'Ink jv..--.i OOOLMt gPEClALltii kioraga. he. SBtPBg and Moving. , I ior, a or Atno Spavtal f ratal. t rata, aU porta. Cl. ficZ TKA.sSfc ta a iO!tASS.r al aad t)t at,- t-iroadway fn-aj A ' 4LaxA-aMS XaAka tu.-ii;in - .era. sacliera, -atorafa, fireproof vart.' lain and tiri ata, is mi, a.,i. T wail varrm liVMik VVALL. fArtM CV AM u at., twees Mala sad Salaaos. BICKBTBO BIBS 8TEAM Vt TtTT 'i M. L KLINE CBOM a I k r. f'T BXTfltBnf 8 rgTTtri-8 Da via tlit d. Main BABTTAET WTTTv 8 L. SHANK CCfui VTaLV; mm g4 e S) a I 94 t i