The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 05, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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c"vt c commcn mew. rovrmm. otmou
Cystem otTJrtttla, adPp3 Rr9-d lo ColaanLlrfGirt Park
u7: - .
ITXOFSU of flam or DrvxiyOFinarr won
: ths coirnau. ooxos pauc .
r The toHowkiy rsiit of plaa aa4 ptegr its af Weefa.
atoataf the Caraatbta Core Park of ltS acres ka
beea SBbauttad to- Forester Heary 8. Grass at Wash,
inrloa, B, C, bp th Cuhuabia Gorg Park Csauarttc
of tb Partlaad Caaaiber of Cnatatarrt, com posed, of
Jacob Kaazler. Ataes & Brnioa, Fury Ohast
Laerrard aad fc. k. ShcUcy. -,J-l
A anHwiaai mmaaaiiasaia ar-1aaark
aadertakea la saticlsat detail aaerery to aatlia th tm
proeasBaat aaest assist! for deralopratt th as of th
park for rscrestioa earsosss. A syateaa of T nils eoa
aectsaa; th Cottnabta knar HJcbway wkh tba wilder
aad jwora eataot sarta of tb aark m oaa af th arst
Ta tepoaraaky of tb park h) sack aVst what tatwrld
a ta locatioa at as
ataia trsil ereteta is calls brioaa.'
I fact, (be braalrs or ai(h atoaataia cKfl rise abroptly
free t rrrer, aad thsrs ars bat ry few psteiblt loca-
The aiam taoroagWara of tt perk wiu of eoers
always a th hard sarfaead Coeaeabia Rrrar Highway,
which skirts k aottkara edge for ant eacir length of
atilss. Leading freea-tb highway soatkward throngh
--L. 1. ummh! L..-4a ' - ' k AkwMilit
, KJ: '!,;. HMO" y0 -r" " 1
he iveataia trail ate trails anaibered 1,. 4. and 11 lowaMat of tht tract ha conaittad of clearing away
oa eiap). Of tkea th EUt Creek Tra? (No. 4) th anderbraah. leveling teat sites, and jrtrridinga fcw
sMoald, b gad into road sad eaSeaded. a rapidly a Sr places aad a oaaidyof fa wood. rtof wtoc kiato ars svailaMa, to LoetLak and Mt Howl to b J km topablicase. Prated aottccahm beea 9
tasatst sjjtb ihTrosos fa Hoed Rircr yUy. t iaritia, th pahhc to as th tanta greagrt. accord.
iretident of th new company, aad wilt select the alt
a Portland oa his refer, from the East. The decision
locate her waa reached ater thoroughly kiveatigat
ng the crops, rat,, labor, site, etc, ia which th
i ureas of Iaaattri lad MaBoiactarcs was of ataicnal
Aa astomatic cleat for th catting atf of line of vta
irls attached to docks has beea invented by Joel Lacis.
4 CemnMrcml street. Portland. Oregon. With this
levies, all danger of vessel being destroysd by bewe;
arwnsd to barning dock or wharf I slitmnsted at
eel Pas th dsngrr of a man being hit by th recoil of
1 lie cast off whil Uut. There a, provisioa winch
caveats sMscMrvoa persons from releasing the liae, as
h caiting aff is aad' th sol control of the oa
Th cost of the cleat is ao greeter than those of
! ordinary type ia as for many years. It is strongly
rod oread by all. owners snd Bip-mirs who bav
nipected k. - . , , .
Mr. Lace b looking for concern who will tmder
ik the manufacturing and marketing of th automatic
cleat, which luliy covered by basic patents. . - .
Th Chamber of Commerce 1 cndeavontig to leara
that small city in thi seclioa is ia need af a clothing
ind men's furnishing star. ...
. Th Salinger Sales Company of Et Randolph
itreet. 'Chicago, is witling to represent high grade man
ufacturers ia that market. They prefer specialties of
t character that will met tore tip to the high stsadard
1 bey claim for their organization snd invite corretpond
tnce with manetact.reri ia this territory. .
They ehrim to be ia a positron to giv saBafsctory
commercial and bank references. '
W. A. Goeaett, of Baker. Or, hjr aecered sje
bsterit on a, best storage generator. Mr. Gossett feel
confident that this will rtvolouonue th conaerrauoa .
A fntL T r
A ronrm.nicatioa has been recerred by the Chamber -of
Commerce from the Naval Base Committee, an As
lori orsamration of which F. C Hartey ia Chairman,
and rsqaesting the co-operstioa of this Chamber m hav
ng a naval baa established at th month of th river.
Th snw commemcatios ha beea scat to all th com.
aiereial bodies el the Colambia basin.
Th Chamber of Commerce has lor more than year
beea endeavoring to have seme kind of naval baa
ttabliahed or th Columbia River, and ia making th
eflort designated 00 sit or section of the rivr where
th station hold be located, having it entirely to th '
Deaarfmsnt to aay where it would orefrf to-have the
earn placed. Atturirtce has beea givrn to Mr. Harlcy
that this body will gladly co-operate fit any ffprt. -That
proposed far Astoria is a much larger plan than
was contemplated by the Portland Chamber of Com
merce Committee, which had the matter ap earlier with
th Oregon dclerition. All membcri of the' Chamber
believe ihat th full strength of this commanity will b
devoted to whatever plsa promises fh strongest sssar-
At th present time Seattle and Saa Francisco com
mercial and 'industrial interests are concentrating Bpea
the problem el having erected at sTremcrton, and at, or
near Mar Island, plants for the bcritdintref large battle
ihtaa. Secretary of th Navy Daniel favors sseh ptans.
Biifa have been introdaced for th locatioa of th tarn
at the saints ststcd. Under th broader pportnnities
or national preparedness ss being arged by the U. S. .
GorernmeHt it seem certain that Important improve
ment a of thi character will b andcrtskea. '
M Ceaar-Wehrnaha. Mtnsgmg WreeroT of Kosmog
Liae, .the German steamship company that for years Op
ortiatia reace. uelesate s
Snowbound at Hood ftiver;
Tells of the Trip. ; -
Hoofl & River, Or., Feb. 6. Through
:he Efforts' of Mrs.- Charles. Castner.
resident' of tho State Federation of
.Vornen's clubs. Miss Grace DeGraff,
mow-bound at Rood River on her re
urn from the Ford peace ship voyage,
vas greeted by an audience of 100 last
iiem art .ins Mount Hood hotel lobby.
She spoke SO" minutes on the peace trip.
-. Miss -De ; Graff, said countries
tvereLrepresented at The Hague con
ference, and that three days were
-pent making; resolutions declaring
or-, universal peace, advocating demo
cratic control of government, and-,open
eas to all nations.
It was the sense of the meeting that
t he v governments , should control man
i factors and distribution of war mu-
Itlons and .'that children shoikid be
ducated along peace lines In school,
n stead of by the use . of tet books
iiled with war themes.
The most ' important resolution, she
tid, was one proposing a peace com
dsslon sitting during war' time,
iirough fwhich" warring nations could
egottate. She aald that all nations
re looking1 to America to take tha ini
attvs In a peace movement.
ThatHenry- Ford succeeded in what
3 started out to do, by establlshlno; s
ace bureau and that the entire dele
atlon was cordially received In Nor
ay and Sweden, and that the senti
ent of foreign nations is for peace
er declarations by Miss De Qraf f.
She Wears Boots.
When goo4 wtfa foes to market boots nteat
- worn to bock tnov. But at home fnel fur
irl by - deaiera rhe advartlae la todava
'""ii. ww cumus away coau.'. ' aqv,
wmm iron
Increases strength
of delicate, nervous,
rundown peopla. 20t
per cent fn ten days
in - many instances.
100 forfeit If It
fails -as ner full ex
planation in large
article soon to sp-
seaY - in tms paper.
Ask your doctor . or
;:!t about It.
Owl Drug Co, al
carry it in stock.
. i 1 i e - .. - - . ' - . -i
'S """ J 1 . l;"-""1- , .. 'r
- i
Kajatft of Ct.tkaiiat WrtAlrafy (
- Tb Hsraaaa Croak Trail (project ea tb sssp) k
already baaa cOBatraetcd at s cast of abort eJML It
leaves the bibway at a point three lies abew Cao
cade Locks aad follow Henaaa Craek to Wahtaet
Lak aad ladna Moan tarn altitad eSS laet- dis.
taac of 14 St Ue. At Wnateaa u tt toaaecti wita .
fSrrv the proposed trail wl
,, ap W Crsk. Hi
-; pack, train, travi
area waa .
trail wotea wui e pout rrora tn sistrway
ek. Herataa.Creek Trail is epca ta foot :
pack traia. treed three) ka entire leaetb of
14 mile. It aaisr tasne rood waning sad pusae arte.
betiiies aaaking acotiaibl th bestriiiBl UUst tb lorkl :
of Hcrmaa Creek. ,v.v :;. .5 i.r '.'.:
Tba Boaasefila Trail (proiect oa. tb ) Which
was baitt dariar Joly sad Aagast of but. year, it aa
eaceptioaallr scsatc trail. Lcavuma; the -CokuBMa Krret ;
Hiahway sheet half a sails abaes BoaaeriUa, it ascends
oa aa easy grade to the top af Mt. Was aad thea
follows th dmd beta tea Taaaar aad Eagle Creeks for
a ctttaacs 01 ama mxes. rraai is top ot hi na
the watdings aad iaUadaof th tower Col hn j
I nreiaet t no the mssl.
Deiisg tb summer of 114, a portioa of th level beach
. abmn Eaa4n Creek adiotaaaa the hiahwaT
nerttaUy ready for the as of campers. f ha far, tb
erated Kaers oat the Wert Coait of Worth aad Soeth
America, ia bow ia Saa Francisco conferring with Har
old H. fcbey. Pacific Coast agent for the company.
While in Saa Francisco) last week. W. D. B. Dodsoev
Secretary of th Trade and Commerce Bares a, had a
netting with Mr. Wehrhshn and was s.surtd that h -would
be fat Portlsnd within th neet two or three
week. . He Wilt be acoompenied en the northern trip
by Mr. Ebey aad will b received ia this city by th
commercial widest. - - - . 'r-
Mr. Wehrbaha stste that he is studying the cotamcr.
ciai conditions oa th Wsst Coast of the two America
with the purpose of re-eitaMi.hing the- Kosmes servics
whenever the garopeaa arar is fmiihrrl,
. A tetter hag beea received by the Trad aad'Coea
enerc Bsreaa from the Chairmaa of the French Com
miaaioa that is now stsd ring tndastrial aad commercial
eondttronS ia thi country, stating that on account of
limited time la America tt will be impossible for any
members of th Commission to visit th Pacific North
west. Aa argent invitation was sent th Commission
by thi Bureau inviting them to visit this territory snd
stady th export aad import possibilities. Members of
the -Chamber regret that th Comavission has beea
enable to visit Portland, as it is felt that, with the
establishment of direct steamship service between th
Columbia and France, there is going to be en appreciable
increase of direct commerce. 1 he nop is bcm oat oy
th Chairmaa of tb Commission that at a later dat
com members of the Commission may be able to visit .
ths city snd. if so. arrangements will be made to receive
them here and place before them every possible mforma
tioa to improve commercial condition,
Somebody asked: . . v
" .When yon are ia New York, they call Detroit,
VVest: in Detroit. Kansas City is West; in
.Kansas it Is Denver, snd in Denver, West is
beyond the Rockies. -Th
followtnar is reoty to that query by
Arthur Ckapmaa
On, where the handclssp's a little stronger.
Out where lb smite dwells a little longer,
i ;-. ", '.' .That West begin.
Oat where th ran U littl brighter, :
Where th snows that fall are a trifle wWfvt, v
Where the bonds of home are a wee bit tighter
That's where the West begins,
Ont where th skies sre trifle bluer,
Out whera friendihio'i a little truer,
That' wher tb West begins.
Oof where. fresher breese is blowing, .
Where there's laughter ia (very streamlet flowing.
Where there's more of reaping and less of sowing.
That's where the West begins.
Out where th world (s rn'the'msVing, ' .
Wher fewer hearts with despair sre aching.
Tht wher the Ws begin.
Where tnere'l more of singing and less of iirhm.
"Where there la more of givine and less of buying,
And a maa aukes friends without half trying
That's where the West berins.
Th CommcTrisI Xiub, Oregoa City. Oregon.
Brief Tales of Late 'News
The Kaiser Is Said to Be on the Western Front; British War Of
fice Tells of Damage Done by Zeppelin Raid; General Goethals
Tells -of Condition of Panama Canal; , Italian Steamer Will
Leare New York With Mounted Gnns Still In Position.
' , Foreign. .'
ZeOndon Kiser Wilheim Is said to b
on the western front and has been
there for some. time. U- '
Xvoadon Iron currency is issued by
the Austrian government. It is re
ported. AtasM M arie Lemos; Red Cross
nurse from Chicago, who. survived the
sinking of - the Italian steamship
BrlndisL struck by a: mine in the
Adriatic, says 200 . Montenegrins who
were unable to swim killed each other
as the ship sank; r
yarls Premier Romanones ' aays
Spain desires to remain neutral.
Zsoadoa .The , policy ' of reprisal
against Germany advocated by many
sines the last; Zeppelin raid Is con
demned by Viscount Bryce. '
XeondOsVTbe-war office gives a list
of the damage done by the latest Zep
pelin raid, declarin g no damage was
done to docks, granaries or munition
factories. In all 26 men, 28 . women
and seven children were killed and that
I men, 4 women and seven children
were Injured. In the 29 raids, great
and small., that haVs taken place over
Great Britain since the war began, 133
men. of whom, 17 wer soldiers, 90
women and 43 children have been
killed. - -.
BezUn Zeppelin 119 "has not re
turned from a reconnoltering raid, says
an official communication. -
arls It is said that Crown Prince
TouBsof Exredin, reported to have com
mitted suicide, was assassinated.
Bucharest Roumanja has mads ar
rangements with ths Austro-German
syndicate for the further sale to the
latter of 1,000.000 -tons Of corn. 850,
000. tons of wheat, 160,000 tons of bar
ley and 100,009 tons of oats.
Washington . Chines government
troops are reported to have defeated
ths rebels near Suichowfu with grreat
loss. It is denied that Mongolian in
surgents have crossed ths great wall
toward Peking. .
National. '
afsnns ' Ths commission passed ths
assembly bill to buy ths Manila rail
way for $4,000,000. Ths "blue sky"
bill was passed. American employes
of the government who have served
six to 10 years ars to be retired on 40
per cent and full salaries respectively.
v WashisgtoawThe senate passed' a
bill spproprtatins; $100,000 for the re
lief of Mississippi 5 valley flood suf
ferers. - ,
Washirirtoa Th Italian steamer
Caserta is to b permitted to sail with
the guns she carried 'on her arrival In
New Tork. . ,
WaliiasoVTGeneral Goethals says
chambes ot commct irrwt, TomAwo, okbook
eae with certain ral
a aa M arovid da
la, IDI, y . ; -
r r"r" v . -T"-.
ryjfrJSTi Kgyyyjg'g'g joy
- r r "r.7---7. 1 777 i.'i.Tn
f wff i above tau ua that of Malrnoaaaa Fall.
Thn trail etart from tlx highway at th Eacte Crack
" aw arena, and follow th caaroa to
' Mountain aad Waktaam to a faactioa tritk Hi
Creek prrrioaaly aaearioaa. This trail arBl b til
taeroaciitar acroa tn para troom aorta to
wtaaut aamiM anil aomctun bm impro t
-aaobila road Lorn tbm Cohambia Rivar Hiarh'
- Lak aad ML Hood, A archmiaanr locaooa
: tar trail to Waataaa Laac a diataoc of tea saila, . foa,
has bce raaoa.' A aaria of tu baaatiiul fall are Ma.
paned arhki th Crtt two aad -a ball aulas of tk
trad. T marral of tb .Upaer Fan is that ka rock
bad of Earf Creek forai a itiddea barriar. ptiatiiuii;
bat a ihimnaer of water to-oas over tba falls, arbilo
dttwrtias; the nia TQlam of ta aaw at a ricbt aaala,
to reappear again tweaty jrard away ' as- if battiiaa;
aresb frota tke aid of th caoyoa atll. . -
Maftatt Croak Trail (sroiact oa the awpV Tke
- ataia trail sjrsteta af thark will be ittceaaalet anless
' a trail is baitt a Mottatt.. Creek. This crack lows
through a wild aad baaatrfol caaroa, which arrorda
poa tibia trail roate froaa the hifhway to Ml Tillspa.
. t Moffat Cak u Waadiavlv raawh aad aanna -
The total tract af this trail wiU a abort saraa Bailee.
r an..- r-.M M (mix at k ai tko
aabhc as af th aark ancrcstas. there wih aorcly m a t
mw deaaaad for a trail front
Crack to th top of Mt. Deaaece. coaectiBg with tke.
ticrataa vsea trait arm we wreea rvm twaa aw tne
- Hood River sBey. Mt Deaaac (to feat) i th
highest poiat ia tb Colambia Gorge Park, aad aoea-
auads weaderrai views of tb Coram bia Varer, th
Hood River- Valley. Mt. Hood, aad the rang of tb
Caacad Moaataia ia both Oregon aad Waahbagtsm.
About tevca rule of trail would a necessary Jm coa
t aect tb highway with th too of Mt. Peaaac.
The central idea ie the development pbra for Thi park
ahonid be to catica the traveler along th highway to
tare asms aad explore th beaaues of th aark, of
' which he catches glimpss st every rare of the road.
It was, therefore. Ikon (tit advisable that caata aveenoa
aad retting place be an proved aad connected with th
highway by lesser trails. A system af short, trail aad
oatha at claimed leadins! So th saost noteworthy view-.
' poiat aad places of interest, atach as McCsrd Creek
Trail (No. uaaa Mcut vsa. 4rau Let t. ama aace witnoat tanner eiaairng or peper. -
jnathshtsp. -,.' . .'.. Th cotnpotitio snd prodnct ia the iirventioa of twa
- Eagl Creek Camp OrouBd (project D oa th saap) former employes of the Portlaad Ksjlwsy . Ub t
UuThVthe meat entenaive camaiag sit becaae of its Power- Company. The machinery eeed for the mens-
aiae. This caaap groan ia very attractive aao ta wont
' begaa last sammer will be continued thi tea so eaol
the enure available area, ia developed. Ir it located
. about 4 mile from PortUad oa th bard-sarfaced
. Colambia River Highway, and ka eonaeqnence will b
much esed by Portlaadera thi sammer. Every, eflort
is bcnig and to aave this samp in fall rssdiasss for
this seaaoa's as. '.Oa haadred more aerataaent caata
site are aUaaed. A water system of par naoentaia
water aad a sewer system will be inetallsd to manre eee-kation-
A small foot bride coenectis- the camp
ground oa cither aid of tb crsek i needed: also
i short foot paths throne tb gronnd aad along the
' hm .Imm HmmaiAe tba earn svoand. - Work
oa thtsxamp site wiU be resomsd ss soon ss the weather
pirnuu.. iti, also alaaocd to have this camp aa per-
- Secretarr. lvlemberahlpBureeUi:
. Tlw fonowing names are submitted
Chamber of Commerce
Monday, February 14, there wilt b aa -a.iaiua of'
from two to three hundred farmer from Willamette
Valley pomt oa the Oregoa Electric Railway to Port
land. The excursionists are delegates from valley
granges who are interested as livestock and co-operative
community marketing of farm, prodocte. They
'have been invited to a general conference ta be held
at North Portland, at th Union Stockyards, aad will
be the guests of th stockyards company at luncheon
to be held at oa o'clock on tb afternoon of that dat.
Actual eVmonatratioos of bow stock is handled and
graded, weighed aad accounted for whea received at
the yards: tiiseassioas of th problems of tn oparslis
marketing of hog and livestock genera Iry which every
farmer waat to hear answered ta delail foil aid by
a aumber of brief addresses by experts oa Meaatock
matters, will make ap a day of lastractiv enlertsin-
SBent. tnp ot inspection will ae conenCTeo nanars
th plant of th Union Meat Company. , ft h deiired
to disseminate more estimate knowledge af the opsra-
tiona of marketing among farmers, marry of whom. It
baa beea observed, are almost aa mack, ia the jdark
about the reouireinenta of stock offered fas' first-etas
market aa ar city people. It will provid a oppor-'
tunity for faratera to study comparisons af .tb stock
offered foe market on a typical am that day at th.
yards. . Eecsrsio rates bav oeca stml from every
point on the Oregon- Electric for thi occasion.
. Prat Thomas Shew, the livestock evpert of the
Great Northcra and Northern Pacific railway who ia
now lecturing fa the tetef Washington, ha beea
invited to attend and address the farmer of tb Valley
aad answer oucatioes. . ; . -
it will . not take more than eight months
to remove the slides from the Panama
canal, and it may. take half that time.
Th slides were not caused by turning
In the water before th canal was com
pleted.:'. ' .
Wsshsngton -Supreme' court Justices
and other members, of the federal Ju
diciary were guests of honor at ths
second stats reception held at - the
White House last night.
, "General.
-QUuUkOm, Iowa Eight robbers ter
rorized Bhamburgh citizens last night,
but were unable. to crack the Stats
bank, safe. .- ; . .-, .
Sscaaaba, Wis.- Augustus Beau
champ, aged , died yesterday after
sleeping-continuously for a weeki
7ohastown, a.: . Two thousand
miners of the Cambria Steel company
were notified of an increase of 10 per
cent in wages, effective February 1.
Kansas City Th Metropolitan
Street Railway company agreed in cir
cuit court to pay $500 to Evelyn Whit
tlngton, aged 16, because she was
kissed by a conductor against herwj.ll.
Paciflc Northwest.
Tort Ang-el David " rsvingston.
Happy Valley rancher, was killed when
the - roof of his barn: gave way under
the snow.;-!: ',-. : 2- 1 - J ' '";
OoUs VwaJae-Mrs. Rachel 1 Jane
Mets, 74, widow of the 1st Fred Metx,
pioneer of Oakland, Or., died . at th
home of her son.- -v".",
Cheb alls John Raff arty .was killed
when he was hit by a. chunk of ie
hurled by a log which skidded down
MIL, -!
Whits slmon--Snowa is . eight feet
deep. -
CThehslls Sheriff Foster confiscated
all th punch; boards In th cigar-and
confectionery places of this .city. '
Centralis Centralia'a donaUon to
th relief - of Jewish war t sufferers
totaled $210.4S-;. ::K k ? ..-
Belgian Frontier Is j
: Closed to Travelers
Xov X BHrvd to Xaaloat Issjwr
' : taut ' Ooaosmtratloa ' yrellTnlsary ' to
Btvonr Offeasiv- Zs in. progress. :
.' Amsterdam;" Feb. 5. U. " P.)Th
Belgian .frontier has been completely
closed to travelers, it was announced
here today." This move is believed to
Indicate important concentration. prr
llminary'to a strong offensive. . : r- s
i ii " i ill it i in i " ' ii ii ' r "i i
foaawSesetaauUtly " wHVnnsasua utt CsaVtfsnarwaM MS snswOnal wasaraf
ahoald sot rat art tha tiUrriosi fyaam
ort tk Chsnaber aad tasvss
aad asdssnxial adrasnweat of Ma (sty, Edward
,.m-ra-:,J ,
Waal chart af a earutakar ia fM seuulov a U.
cirvsl at in auria see an sues r ssssna . .
Sis eeber iwaa an past iiimIi M A; C
x hl eauauare u tnu aa castor ao e- ,
i awwnaerfc. e .
" arerea-or pmham : savour. . ;
reaerea-ior aitcains teats; anuire.rul
So uaa vweas; Br alarm wus a I
I water witt he aill a '" Beat
t ueaa. - --- ,
ta fat, awy eort wTO art facta ta
fcis Corg far the ideal alarTOa wf
bia Rrrar HifkaM aae-Ferk a nadatvaa wf ant
aa Mil at arsl rtM total m sr am
Wark for mi , : rJv-WV- - . '
rrajaet 1-McCord Creek Tra.... 1M.M
Frojoct Mowatt Creek Trail XM.M
Frorsct Eaele Creek Trail .MM.
Froiact t .PeaSmaa Crack. Trail aad csaao. ,
Protect aSpar Road to Hiah Caaip....... -
Proiect T Trail ta Racket Creek......
Project a-SleUrock Moaataia Trail........
rrotact i msrrssat utt iraM . ... ......
ProJ,c ?. Deiaac Trail O-
7?)? A-jScoita Caanp -Uroaad .,
IT" S Si-
riEVt k r.mul -
t Tuipa r I wi vvi nusi xttitsMi
Project H Boat Laaaintj feost aet aatiaMiHd)
Xrojact O- Bnclirl Crack Caata jrqnd , ,
- .ailMJiTatlAfcnaPa
' Takrag aaVaatag of oa of tb great ea( wastes of
Portland's wood workiag tadastries.- th Aaitrirta
Kind line Block MaatUactarins; Coaapaay ha started
epcrataan to atiliee the sawdast af ear timber. Thie
aeacsra ka started a saaall plaat at n Kawtharas
aesaas, rher-it ia asaaafaciena: small blocks of
pre est 4 sawdost boss' together wrth IniUmaiahle ana.
teriaL ' Twenty of that blocks ars enclosed ia aa
attractive cartoa that retail at cants. Oa or two of
theae are aaflieieat to kindle a wood fir and three or
lour easily etart
a coal or one act tire hi a tang or ar-
factarrag of this prodnct i also covered by patenta and
ta plana ot ta coenpaay are to eataouaa yaiaat
and diettibtioa plants where aswdaat a available.
'The as of the American kindling block not only rt
isc a heretofore bard to get rid of was, bat ia a con
venience of inestimable vain to th majority of home
aad wherever fires sr seed. .-
Oregon cherries will ao longer be disguised under ,
4 he brands of canneries located elsewhere, aa P. A.
Lea;, formerly oa of California largest tirodacer of
prsacrved cherries, s arrangenaenta to etart a
plaat ia Portland for th national dittribntion of Royal
Abb and other fsnsoa cherriea of Oregon ander Oregon
kniut Th. w taiMii will .anerat a th Lena Prodnct, Omsts.. A. 'nMrJJot ta.
Loa Syraa Rcfxaiag Compsay. of Saa Francisco, m
Frait Products Company. . f. A. Loaf, formerly of the.
- : "',
u possible members for the VtKQmA
" -
Director Ormstead baa beea bat five year fat carving
eat a place for himself ia tb business world of Port
land. A astir of M irmcepolis, Mr. Oimstead fn-sr mi
araud to Scattl. Whet he was ideaufied with th
avLse aaviaaM CalaBiaia t.faia vseoa; seel
of IS, ra- ' lirun at te ilmaat mini variety at tta iiirnir
i - .- i&m&mtc ..
i hi in iniBj mf ,i sasewwiiiwwnuuaal ,
to PoetUnd aad became laisrsslid with tha Portlaad
True Company. Out af that Yeixatioa grew the
venter National Baak, af which Mr. Okesstssd
Matiooal Baak, af which Mr. Okesstssd
t ad auasger. He is oa of th
of tba Chamber of Cnmam i a.
Jiiryin Deliberation .
Upon Murder Case
TJp to ZToon Today Vo Seoislon Xad
Ben Iswached In Oas of A. Vakano,
Aooused eTapaasss. .
No verdict had been received at noon
today In the case of A. Nakano, tried
for the murder of N. Tobdtnata. Tobit
nata was "shot when he attended a Jap
anese entertainment at Arion hall. The
caus of the shooting is as much of
mystery after the trial as it was be
fore. Hurlburt & Layton, attorneys for the
defense, contended . that . there was a
conspiracy on the part of several Japa
nese to "get", Tabltnata. Interpreter
Komastu, a witness for the state, said
on direct examination that he was not
in the hall at the time of the shooting.
On cross-examination he testified that
he saw the whole affair from behind
ths scenes. . - . - - I. '
It was also admitted that a Japanese
wielding a long knife was waiting at
the door f or Tabitnata in event of his
escape and flight from -the bullets In
side. ' - . . ' l
Although only one person is charged
with th murder, It,.was shown that
two bullets .of . different caliber were
fired into th victim's, body.
Mrs. Fred Metz,
Follows Husband
' .- A-M -i . 'V-'I.7'
Colfax,- .Wash-. - Feb. 5. Mrs. - Fred
Mets, aged 74r died Friday at the home
ot her son, A. H Mets. county .auditor
of Whitman county. ' Mr. Met died at
Colfax last month. Mrs. Mets crossed
th plains with " her: parents, Mr. and
Mra M. R. Schumpe, located at Oak-'
land. Orw in 18S7. She was married to
Fred Mets In 1865. They moved to
Portland in 1887. and moved to Colfax
in ' 1891. On son and ; on brother
survlv. ": Sb " was a member of th
Christian church and bad belonged to
th Bebekah lodg for 20 years.,. Th
lodge will assist Rev. Mr. Williams In
th funeral service at Christian church
Sunday at 2 p. m.-. t :" : . - -
Trade With
Vw Torlr. ank TTsrlmstss Export and
ltepOTt Trad XdM Yx fsarOOOrOOO
'Seyond Previous eeortt.
New Tork, Febw P. Export
and import business between the Unit
ed States and South America amount
ed to $456,000,000, last year,, the : Na
tional City bank estimates. This is
$92,000,000. beyond., the best previous
record.. . . 'V -,
;big profits wmm
ship Co. td ( Place Fleet In
the Atlantic Trade.
Tlm SKaiwI Btfals la' SWU
Ttaf riom ; SsA TTmBClaOO
SibUrotvflat Will Bmflt.
The' American-Hawaiian Samahlp
company yesterday-a.nnouncd Its com
plete, withdrawal from Paclfia trade.
The sugrar trade, which has hitherto
held that company'; Jn the service, has
been abandoned, for the -time belnc
and their; entire fleet of 28 10.09-ton
carriers has beejl or will. be. chaRered
for service on- the Atlantic
It Is . estimated that ; the company
will, be -able to pay for the cost of con
struction of its" entire fleet toy- one
year's service on the Atlantic side.jOUlo
ine fleet would ilkely have- paid a
dividend of from t io 10 per . cent If
fcept In these waters.
The steamer - Floridlan, ",' a new
steamer built to .replace the at earner
Washlngrtonlan. lost off Baltimore
breakwater a ear ago. will be the last
vessel to come to' this coast.-. She is
to sail from New Tork next Friday". -
The withdrawal of this company from
the inter-coast 'trade will be a great
boon to the already busy , railroads.
In addition t( diverting much West
bound tonri&f e 'to the roads. It 1s ru
mored .here that-wtthin the next week
an arrangement will be announced by
which the sugar ' from the - Hawaiian
refineries will be handled by a small
fleet of regular' coajsrllng steamers Into
San Francisco, there to be loaded ' on
trains and shipped to various . points
In the east.' . s
Much additionaVtbnhage wiTl also ie
available now for - the lines remaining
in. the Honolulu frade out of Ban
Francisco. The. T' American-Hawaiian
handled monthly 'much of the Inbound
freight to the. Islands and this will
now .of necessity?, g'b by other routes.
The t Amerlca-g-Hawailan Is the - last
' American compan-to yield to the al
' lurements of big., profits over an es-
taDiisnea ana low-.jrp-orit run. w. R.
Grace & Co' the tuckenbach Steam
ship CO.. the' Pafitja-Pacific line, the
Boston-Pacific jTbcV. '.and many small
concerns have aroppkd'out one by one.
t "
Plan Pro;
r Jtianaiinsr of
amship Line.
- Xios Angeles,
-Proposals bo
LFeb. 6. (P. N. S.)
Los Angelev ship
pers charter twk' three light' draft
vessels to operate4 through the Panama
canal on a cooperk Qve basis have been
made by F. P. G son, traffic mana
ger of the AftsocA. ed Jobbers, the ves
sels to take the OS of the American
Hawaiian compax .;. liners, which have
been discontinui because of the
slides in the cani;
Mr. Gregsom stir d that the shippers
would also ronne; congatBS to remit
tolls charged atl
he canal until the
va. and free for pas-
canal is entirely f
age to all vesse
Frank Bollam. .'ty ticket agent for
the Alaska Stea 1 ship company, re-
celved word this r-rnlng that the sail
ing or tne sieame , jenerson ror Alas
ka from Seattle f id, been advanced 24
hours. She will sail February S at
J p. ni. '
The steamer Ot gona commenced her
operations - for' tl' Pacific Telephone
ct Telegraph Co. early this morning.
She is carrying; fC crew of men who
are repairing the 'lines jf rom - Llnnton
to St. Helens. ' i
The steamer Breakwater will be sent
out tomorrow night. for Ban Francisco
only by the North Pacific Steamship
company. She will double back from
the Bay City, sailing Friday on the
schedule of the steamer Roanoke, now
engaged in hauling, relief supplies to
San Diego. .
The steamer Bear sails this after
noon for San Franclacc-
Tanker XjaUnched Today.. .
San Francisco. Cal- Feb. 5. (P. N.
S.) Marking -another ' step in the un
precedented volume of ship building at
th Union Iron Works this year, the
new oil tanker LrOs Angeles of ths
Union Oil company wih be launched
today. This is one of tie 12 mammoth
tankers under construction at the local
shipyards, and a sister ship of the
, La Brei, launched two months ago.
! As the Lsos Angeles slides down the
' ways, Miss Gertrude Orcutt, daughter
of W. W. Orcutt, director of the oil
company, will break a bottle of Call
fornla champagne over the tanker's
Onward Ho Believed to Be Iiost.
Vancouver, B, C Feb. -4. (P. K. S.)
As vessel after vessel makes a belated
arrival from the northern banks with
tales of hardships and storm, fisher
men began to abandon hope for the
(overdue steamer Onward Ho. The
New England reported ales and ter
rific seas and' th Manhattan had. to
shelter for five daya Th schooners
Republic and Liberty puf into. Prince
Rupert witn a story or storm and
stress and now comes word that the
schooner George E. Foster was thrown
on her beam ends 40 miles off Takltat.
Captaln W. .Walter snd J. Robins were
frost bitten .and gashed by a lump of
lc railing on tnem. -
Ask ..for River Worlt.
. Washington, Feb. 6. OJ. . P.) r
Straightening of the Napa river chan
nel, California, .was recommended in
a report ' of. -the army engineers to
congTeas today. At he same time they
said work on the nomingues channel
at Los Angeles ought to be don by
local authorities. .:.
Arrtrala reknaary i. -'
- ".- A.' KUbnrn. Arserfcaa tf?rar. Captain
VfcLelaen, jaiannrar aad fretgbt from Saa
FVaracIapo, Cbo Bay as Eureka, Morta Facltle
DiesmsBip cosrxysui v.-. . .. ;-. 5 , --.-- --
Breakwater. American' etearoer, Oaptala
Marsvpa.--. paauaipaais aad Xrwicnt. -rrota a
yrsnclarxv Nortfa PadOc SteamahtT eoeripanT
Col p. a.- Miesia. Aasericaa onager.
Orava Harbor, for repair. U. 8. rnlnn-.
.ii-V- Xlaaartoras Xatasary 0. - r
- T. A. Kiltrara. Anerieea emr, Oaptala
McLellaa. paaaens-er aad , Craltrnt. for Oooa
Bay.- Eureka aad gas rruoelaooy Marts Pacific
Buasaablp eosnpany, . .
- Besuv-Aaaericaa ateanaer.' Cantata Kooendarr,
ptiwiiewi and freight, star Saa- FTawisew and
U anseles, Has rTsnclaeo a poruaas te
aalp company. ,
Slarine Altnawae. '
. Wlraa Dovra te'Vorth HaaeV
-All wire eotuieetioa wltk Starts. Bead is'eot.
and wlff b for least another 4 Jsoars, e-
cxicxUbs to tb) weatbet jHtrean, i - -.:
,- -Stm aad Tiaaa rabrvasry .
Sua riaea, 1:28 a. ra Bun acta, 6:23 p. m.' '
'. - 4 - y-.Titom at Aatori.. .. ' - . '
'HtsteWa.lew-:: ; Loer WhteTJ
2:49 tu 8.T tt- J r. a. n. I a fort
p. m. 8J t I i p, n. 0J foot
- Tb tlaa ball on tb V. 8. bydragrraneire
wfficaj waa drociped at exactly noust today.
iSOth siefldiaa time.- - - -
Daily" River Retvdiiis. -
V. gH A. M.r laoth merldlaa Time.
Lewis ton, ......
Kcgeno . .
Albany . ........
8 sierra .........
Orwgorj City....
H.6r o.aki.os
8 O.AS
7.i O.l
- ( h-allia.
River FJrtscaet,
Tha Wtlmmatt) VI
at PTjrUanrl will rla
I two or Uiraa dara.
Balgbtly darlrioT the aest
6tMuner Due to Arrive.
Prom , i Date..
NortaorB PadOe. ... 8. P.-............Feb.
Beax S. F. A- I A ...Feb. JS
breekwrtat- S. F., C. B. m E..Fe. .
Bevr 8. F C. H. ..Fro.
P. A. Ulbargt .....8. F., C B. A B..Feb. 17
Hoaaoke ...8. D. and way Indef.
City L, A. k S. F......1bcVC
Bteainer. Due to Depart.
pas&bTNGEbs and raxiGBx.
Warn rrora .. Dana.
. A. KHbura .... C. B., K. St g. r..reb. 6
Rrenkwater . B.. K. A BB. .Feb.
8. T. Feb.-. 1
Northern Paelfle ...a. T. Feh. a
San Ramon..... B. F. .............Feb. ft
er h. r. a L. a Feb. Ie
Beavar ............ U a. I, F.....Fb. 1$
Ke iy ......... i a. b. r.:...lndf.
Eeaook 8. U. and war. . I Bile f.
Steaaaera leavias Portia al tea? Hi Fraarteew
ealy cenaect wltb t'J (teener aie and Har
vard. reaviBS saa rranclaeo Meaday, Wedaee
day. Friday aad Batardaytor Las Aagtle as
saa snuarw.
in Port.
At la. A, as. ,
Berearere. Ft. as....
............... .Llnnton
Celilo. Am. sa ,
CoL P. 8. Mtekil. Am.
.......St. Helena
a Llnnton
Elginshire. Br. bk
F. A. KUbora. Araw-a
Hoqulans. Am. aa......
Iocs. Am. ecu. .......
Long-dale, Br. a
.. . Rainier
........... West port
............... .S Li e in
Mliae Marti. Jan. as..
Martla'a Blnff
uiympic. Am. as
N. P. Mill
tuMc.uiy, am. aa.... ..........
w apama. sou? aa..
Waacaoav Nor. sa...
........... boand sp
Astoria. Feb. 6. Left no at ft a. esredge
Col. P. g. Micnle. 1b tow at a. m., aclwopcr
E. B. Jackson, rrom Doaedui.
Astoria. Feb. 4. Sailed at saldnjsrbt Tt-
punt, for San Francisrw; at a. m. Jonas
Poolsen. for Baa Frtuictsce; at v a. m.. Geo.
W. .FMiwirk. (or Ban Ftsnclscrx Arrived at 2
and left op at 4:80 p. m., Atlaa, from Baa
rTancuro. jarnveo ar. a p. tn.. areata aione
P. S. Mlcble. rrom Aberdeen.. Sailed at 7 n.
in., Daisy Putnam, (or Bn Francisco. Arrived
t lO-and left up at 11:0 n. ao.. F. A. Kll-
bnrn, from Saa Franclaoo, rla Enreka
Cooe Bay.
San Pedro. Feb. 4. Arrived at Jl a. ra
Beaver, from Portland, via Ban Francisco.
Balled at 7 p. no., Roanoke, from San Dleso,
for Ban Francisco.
Saa Frsnr-tsco. Feb. 4. Arrived MarubflM.
Albion. VtiM p. tn.; Norwegian ateamrr Al
fred Noble, Tkltai. 12 noon; Vanguard. Ko-
reka, 2:30. p. ra.; Arak, W 11 la pa Harbor,
6:20 p. tn.; Senator, Seattle. 6 p. m.; Oleum,
Seattle. 0:20 p. m.: rreddent, n periro.
v:4w n. tn. : ue soto. favia. iw a. avs
don, 10:30 p. m.; Moklletr). . Port Anreles.
with barse Cnarles Nelson m tow. 11:10 P
brls- Geneva, Papeete. 10:20 p. m. Railed
City of Topeka, Boreka, 12 norm; Klajnatb.
San lylrrn, 2 p. m.; National City, Fort
Bragg, 6;50 p. m.; Joen, Saa Pedro. 11:15
p. m.
BalTma. Feb. 9. Arnreo Bruins stea:
Cape Corarx Kan rranclaeo. for Oars ton. -
UMstobal. re. 4. Arrlvea wtndDer. Beu
inEbam. for Seattle.
Ban rranclaeo. Feb. 6. Arrived Bee. Baa
Pedro. 1 a. m.: Bovrdoin. Kedoodo. S:S0
m.i Sea Foam, afendocixao. T a. su: Doris.
UolnmMa river, S a. m.; J. A. Cbanalor, Ev
erett. 7 a. m.; u. a. a- Nero, Baa vieso, a.
m. : Mniraosnao. san r-earo. t a. m.: raaa-
dena, - Albion, 9 a. m.; Lymaa Stewart. Port
Ran IaiIs, IO a. m.; Boetb Coaat, Fort Brass.
10 a. m. Bsueo Aureus. Baa reore, z a.
Adeline Smith, Coos Bay. 8 a. m-; Bowdoin,
Enreka, . iO a. -m.; oieom. Port Baa Loli
10:SO a. m.; Westerner, Coos Bay, 10:30 a.
(Continued From Pag On).
what authorities think was a blasting
It is now thought that the supposed
bridge plotter lost his life by drown
ing, for his tracks were traced to open
A roundup of foreigners will be made
the mors easy because railroads hav
turned over ticket numbers and desti
nations of alien passengers.
Additional evidence pointing toward
a spy plot in ths parliament fir cam
today with the statement of Charles
Stewart, house doorkeeper, and others
that if the band extinguishers used had
acted normally the fir could hav been
put out; but that these appeared to
contain Inflammable chemicals that
spread th fire.
Windsor, Ont. Feb. t. (TJ. P.)
After spending th night In Jail her
venting his "tempera tment," , Charles
Strony. Belgian, Chicago grand opers
man. was released shortly before noon
today from arrest on suspicion of fir
ing the Ottawa parliament building.
A telegram from ths cihef of Domin
ion pollc said ths evidence against
him was not conclusive and' that he
had been detained as a foreigner In
order-that he might explain his pres
ence in Ottawa when th fir was rag
ing. - .'
Strony. who was formerly ths offi
cial accompanist for ths queen of
atelglum, threatened after,, his release
to tal th chief of - police) and th
government ' for false Imprisonment.
As, soon as he was fres h hastened
to a hotel, dashed off a cocktail and
heaved . a - sigh of relief after th
night mar of spending some hours in
company 'With two drunken sailors. II
explained "that he had hastened from
the - theater at 11:20 o'clock af taef
playing for th Duke of Connaught in
order to make connections with ths
Chicago train.-v -.
" 1 ' - . - - .4 -..
' . . I . - - ,
. Chicago. Feb." S. I. N. S.1 Charles
Strony. a director last season of th
Chicago Grand . Opera company ' and a I
musician known throughout th world,
was arrested on th Canadian ' border
yesterday as a suspect in ths alleged
bomb plot which wrought th destruc
tion.of th Dominion parliament build
ing at Ottswa. ' --j. J: r ,
- Tb musician . was th guest of Sir
Thomas O'Shaughneasy, head . of the
Canadian ' Pacific " railroad, in Ottawa
Thursday, when ths building - was
wrapped in flames. ; Ha hsd played as
accompanist for Loulsa Ed vina, a star
of ths Chicago Operatio company, at a
concert there th evening. 'previous.
Mm. Edvlna'lf a personal friend of
Sir Thomas, who had invited th two
to stop at, his horn. ;: - . -
mt Brr"-;r:V" '
A few hours after the destruction of
ths parlla nent building 8trony bad d
parted fo Chicago to assum the di
rectorship ot the fashion show-which
is to ope i here Monday a renin a;. His
arrest followed at . Windsor. - Ontario,
as a westbound Canadian Pacifio train
on which h was riding was preparing
to enter the Michigan Central tunnel
there to cross to American territory. -
Accordinzly. - under the teleDhoned
instructions from Ottawa, Provincial
Officer Smith of Windsor boarded th
train and took th musician into cus
tody. He was identified by the num
ber of th railroad ticket, h carried.
He was lodged in jail.
attrony Zs a Belgian. , ..
Strony is a native of Belgium, sle
presented a passport signed by th
Belgian consul at a Canadian point
to the police, but th latter declared
they believed the document to be a
clever - forgery. . Strony met another
reverse when he sought to identify
himself by instructing th officials to
telegraph th Congress hotel In . Chi
cago. Although .Strony .lived st th
hotel during the past season, ths man
agement;" throush some error, replied
that -they -did not arrow blow
Sir Thomas - CTShaughnessy - was
communicated with tonight by . th
management of tb -fashion show over
long distance telephone and asked to
arrange for . S irony's . release. It is
probabl '.'.that -.' proper identification
will be - forthcoming; Immediately and
Strony permitted to continue his pass
age. - : . .
Picture Deeined Suspicions.
Windsor, OntVKeb. 5. P. i.)Dis-
covery ' or a picture or - us Ottawa
parliament Duiiaings in tn nects ot
Charles strony. oursctor : ot - f rench
opera In th Chicago Grand Opera
company, atrengthened - official t .sus
picions, todsy. that na wss connected
with the fire that wrecked the struc
tur Thursday night. .,. r -
Th musician explained that; he had
played before the Duke of Connauabt
Thursday .night and had hurried out
of Ottawa to reach Chicago. Author!
ties had word from the chief of the
Dominion police that Strony was sus
pected and -that he had' hastened in: a
taxlcah to' the station only two. hours
alter pi Dig; xlrs started.
B&j Time Bombs Set.
Ottawa. . Ont, Feb. 6. !. N.
Thati time bombs placed in various
parts of ths house of parliament ex
ploded during the fir that destroyed
the" structure Thursday- night, was
the assertion of different members of
parliament here today. - These sxdIo-
slons. they said, mad rescue work
hazardous and probably were respons
ible for several of ths deaths in ths
flames. t
Frv explosions were heard by Fir
Chief Graham while the fire raged.
While tha police declare their dis
belief in the incendiarism theory, fire
department officials and members of
parliament ar convinced . that plotters
started ths fir. ,
It was reported today that Colonel
Sherwood's activities In connection
with- th fir will be Investigated. ' In
an Interview last night Colonel Perry
is said to hav asserted his -belief
that th fir was accidental, whil
at th same time his subordlnat -a
were searching Ottawa, Toronto and
Montreal for a "man with a small
. Supply Plant Burned.
Ottawa, Ontario, Feb. - 6. (TJ. P.)
While investigation or ths Parlia
ment building.-destruction by fir wss
wraw- av stauw: talaaau . balievad tn
be incendiary, early today destroyed
th war : supply piani uranr,
Holden ft . Graham company. .
Thousands of dollars worth of
clothing and haversacks were ruined,
but the few men in th plant at ths
time escaped safely.
Th watchman said he is con
vinced , that a nrebuaT was respon
sible, -
Reports thst spies - wrecked ths
Parliament building- wer revived by
Sir Wilfred Laarier" speech In whica
he hinted that a "cruel fo had been
responsible." -, - - -
B. B. Law, a member of parlia
ment, and a deputy clerk have been
added to th list of missing in th
parliament fire.
Attempt to Wreck Big Bridge.
Montreal. Feb. . (U. P.) What, U
believed to hav been -an attempt to
wreck the big Victoria bridg was frus
trated early today - by troops. They
fired on a man. creeping along the
ice to th bridg and then when
searchlight had picked him out clearly,
more shots war fired but be escaped.
He had appeared previously Just bs
f or midnight ... but - fled when chal
lenged. ?"
Th bridg -Is on of th largest on
th continent. Spanning ths St. Law
rence river, it" Is used by th Grand
Trunk railway, and by th street rail
roads and . for general traffic Sine
th war started it has been cloee
guarded.' .
Fagon Sentenced to JafL
' Although Thomas Fagon pleaded not
culity to a charge of doing a thriving
hip-pocket business, in violation of th
prohibition law. the evidence was so
strong against -'him that Municipal
Judge Langguth this morning Imposed
a sentence of 0 days An Jail, r Fagon
Wa arrested by Patrolmen Nelson and
Scbulplus Thursday night after they
had given a man a tnarked dollar to
buy whiskey from Fagon. 'L'
Steel Cmsttngm Wanted." -'
Copies of blueprints snd specifica
tions havs been received by th trades
and commerce bureau of the Chamber
of Commerce for- steel easing, for 0
cars to be built by th Stat Railway
of Chile. Local manufacturers Inter
ested are Invited to Inspect them. They
will be -here. for eTeral days, being
loaned by the branch office of the de
partment of commerce in Seattle.
I "Beksc! by Trmmxt --
- -A the : :
U.S. Bakery
E. 11th and FlandW
arranza' Officials Say Docu
ments Found 'Show Million
Dollars Was Price. -
El Paso. Texaa, Feb. 5. IN. S.)
Legal papers, correspondence and oth
er documents have been found in the
archives of the Juares customs house
by Carransa officials which show con
clusively that General Villa had en
tered into an agreement with the Japa
nese government to permit tb landing
of Japanese troops on the wet coast
pt Mexico, according to Carranza Con.
sul Andres Garcia and ' other Car
ransa officiala
Th correspondence is said to hav
been found following the formal sur
render or th town to Carransa offi
cials, and all of tb documents havs
been forwarded to General Carransa
at Queretaro. Th permit for the land
ing of troops and the leasing of a bay
on ths west coast of Mexico was In
exchange for a large monetary consid
eration, said to have been ,1.000.000
in gold. Iarga shipments ot ammuni
tion for the Villa forces when they
were operating in Sonora are said to
nave been a part of the consideration.
Th dates of th negotiations were
not given out by Carranza officials,
hut- It is thought the correspondence
was exchanged during, the latter part
or vina s regime last summermt,d fall,
when - bs was in desperate .need of
Diaz Linked With Revolution.
Washington. Feb. S. (I. N E. Ad
vices linking; th name of General
Felix Diax. nephew . of the former
Meklcan dtrtator with a. ennl.rnnlatarl
revolution In Mexico are be ins; made
tn sunject or investigation by the de
partment of justice.
uias plans to operate from Guate
mala, according o the department's In-
xormauon. At present be is in ivew
Tork. . .
ViUlsta Attack Exp3cted.
Presidio. Texas, Feb. S. (I, N. S.)
Carranslstas were intrenching at OJ1
roiga, Mexico, opposite this city, today
in expectation ot an attack by a small
army of Villista gathered at Bosque
Bonita, Js miles west of Ojlnaga. The
rebels are under Villa's personal con
trol. United States border patrols
wer strengthened early in the day.
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