THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL? PORTLAND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 191G. DSATI23 AND FUJTEHAU3 73 ; AIKfcN lit ftinai aerrlce of the UU Hi tar Aiken, who pasaed away in this city : February 4, Witt ba held tomorrow (Sunday). eV X p. no. from the chapel of the ftkewes " UnWmakloir Co., corner 3d ni Clay, Friends klra.y Invited to attend. Owing to westber conditions, inUrtnent in family lot tone Fir :. .. MtlMu . 1 fclKCHAlUr In this city. February 3, at fha - Davis, 6flO E. 12th at. N., Hannah F. Birch- ' ard, ajfted 79 years. The -funeral services will be beid Sunday, February ft. at SrflO o'clock p. m., at tbe residence eatabllabment of J. ' P: Finley at So Montgomery at 6UV Frieoda '. invlt-d. ULOl NT February 0, at 7:30 Bodbey aw., William Blount, a fed f9 year, hnsbsnd of Mrs bUubetH Blount, father of Miss Sarah Kknwt, Albert Blount, Mrs. Mary Barlow and Mrs. Martha J. KeUey. Be ma Los t A. U, geller Co.'s parlors. BkOOaJs in thii city, February 6, 'at bet . late residence, 706 B. Halmoa at.. May B. Brook, aged ii yeara. The remains are at tb re-ldeue estabUsbmt of 1. P. Fin ley at Hon, UoBtsonaery at &tk. . Notice of funeral nereaiter. UKNDKUSUK- In tbls city,. February. 4 at her lata residence, UHW R. Lincoln t., Jaanita M. Henderson, aged 38 yeara. Tbe remains are at tbe reeldence eatabSlslimeot of 3. P. Finley Sc. Hon, Montgomery at 6tb. Ko tlee of fjineral hereafter. . 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS The Residence Kstabiisnment Of J. P. FINLEY & SON, . Montgomery at Fifth. Portland Or. - Absolute privacy, rich. -soothing sur roundings and" quletneas, bo essential in times of sorrow, are provided in this 'home'lke modern building. A driveway, protected from eyes ot strangers, encircles the structure and insures privacy, while the locarfon , to the residence section assures quiet. It is the finest funeral home in the treat, and Its splendid appointments, chapel, complete automobile equip ment, experienced - woman attendant and other advantages enables tola firm to give PERFECT FUNERAL, SERVICE without departure from its long es tablished policy of moderate price. Phones. Main 9. A-1599. Ma EDWARD D. HOLMAN. the lead in funeral director, 220 Third sU corner Salmon, Lady assistant, phones A-1511. Main 607. Dunning & McEntee u?nefn every detail. Broadway and Pine eta Broadway 430, A-4558. Lady assistant. F.:S, Durning," Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 E. Alder at. Sast 62. B-2525. ; ,.A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO. " . ' .Two EstaUlishmenta Tabor 6267: 6803 82d at.. Lents. Tabor 6815: 66th st. and Foster road. Arleta. A. R. 7dar P.n 692 William, ave, ... ,.,a-v,.w, vviEast 10Sgj Lady attendant. Day and night service. Walter C, Kenworthy 1532-1534 E, 13th. Sell. 71, B-1122. unamDers uo.-rCTywo i lawn 6806. C-U83. Lady embalmtr. MILLER & , TKACYJ Independent fu s ntrnl director! Prir Inw 19(1 f 40. 60. Wawh. an Ella. M. 261, A-7885 P. L. LERCH, leading east side under- taser, n. tttn ana ciay. ht-iss, k. 781. :OlJrArQ Undertaklna-Co Main 4152 OrI-VVLO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. Ram'lltnn East 80th and Glisan Fu al I III Lull neral services. Tabor 4313 R-f T p-yfi vvff Williams--and Kn t I t Dyf iieb East 1115. C-1943. Knott. BREEZE & SNOOK. B-1252. T. 1258. s 1026 Belmont at 34th. Lady attendant FRIPQHM ItESlDENCE UND.PRLS LnlUOUItMT133. A-2235. 440 Mor vaults THE NATIONAL VAULT COMPANY Ft. Montgomery st., manufacturers steel reinforced concrete burial vaults, Air tight, waterproof, everlasting. - MONUMENTS MARBLE 4AND s GRANITE WORKS. : Flnestfnarble and granite. N. A, Bchanefi Marble & Granite Works, 287 Hawthorne ave. PORTLAND MARBLE WKS., 264-266 . tn t... opp. city naju. Mam 64. Philip Neu & Sons, for memorials. II 267-SHD ST COB. HADlSON. FOR SALK HOUSES . 61 CALL sand see latest ' designs and fet i, estimates on your proposed bunga low; plans free if I finance your home. FOR SALE LOTS 1 - Majaa)BjalaajBaaaawlnawBaaBa WANT. cash. 2 lots-near Alblna ave nue, siaewaiKs, euros. 93ou each. Ad dress 823 Cook ave. ACREAGE 87 Gibson Half Acres line, easy terms. Will build to suit pur- -Ski A -.-. 13Vt a wit n 1 4 r Otf X . V-uDOi a UUUO Ud,a Oflcbii, A.0 09 Uf COli wood 476. John JH. Gibson, owner near Portland, 2, 6, 10 acre tracts, :1.j .nil J A ... ...... . - iuii, euuu runua, uear siecinc, aob to 1200 per acre easy terms, McFar land. 309 Yeon bld'g . Portland. ' HOMESTEADS 47 RELINQUISHMENT. 40 acres, orr Wll son river, 6 miles east of TUlamook, "oui niimoa test gooa timoer, h. 144, Jonrnal. I WILL locate you on a good home stead or timoer ciaim ,near Portland ior i o. journal HOMESTEAD worth S1600 for f 100 Apt. 612. 250 12th at. ' Marshall Z071. - CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S OOOW TO THlKVK OF mFHrHCti I tULOPmCy V4TIU TrtE CUluveeo. VT IHC.IVS. VlrVSTAT t aum- I I I 3 --Si3s--2. liXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 'Zk 3-0 acres, Willamette valley dairy farm, i; nmtm of huilHne. imnroved. clear, trad fnr Pnrtlnd. Kfiittlg. Son. kane property, have other clear acre age, to exchange for city property. 601 x . m. v.. a., jroniana. - ' - - - OWNER Portions or all $85,000 worth of Oregon farm and Portland prop erty for clear timber, incumbrances $9500; no agents. Box 224. Clatakanie, Or. EuUITi $4600, - S3 acres unproved Take Portland property. Some cash. itoute l, hox z4. uswego, ur. TWO lots in Farhaven Park to trade for 1 Jot and small house; will pay difference not over 1100. T-679. Jour- nal. . Ea.CHaNGB & rooms, modern house, 2 fine lots, tot improved acrea. a. u-(, journal, BAKER county and city property to exchange for Portland property. T- e-a. journal 100x100 n XOth at., for improved wnw lario. Marenaii 1 1 si. - GOOD property- to exehange. Stout inv. vo., za un&mtitr oi commerce. ROOMING HOUSES 53 28 ROOM hou-e, good location, rent $60: orica 8600. Anil mthpi- hararaina Barnett. 723 Chambr-of Commerce. - BUSINESS OPPOKTUXITIES 20 FOR RENT Moving picture theatre. East 28th at., between Burnslde and Ankeny. Phone -Van W. Anderson, Mam 7738. 500 Business Cards for 50c ROSE CITY t-RINTERY, 192 V. Third. FOR SALE Variety store, dandy lo cation: srenuine snap. Apply at once. 418 f rd st.. McMinnvllle. Or. FOR SALE New and second hana tore: cheap rent; doing good busi ness. HX-143, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE OUR INSTALLMENT PLAN Is the surest and best method of paying a loan, per month tor 60 months pays a $ 1000 loan and interest. $15.17 per month for 96 ' months pays a $1000 loan and interest. (Other durations and amounts in ; nroDortion. Wo loan on imnroved property or for building pudposes. EQUITABLE 8VG'S & LOAN ASS'N, zz marK ni reet. -Jrortianq. Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN On improved real estate or for build ing pudposes; very flexible contracts; no commissions. COLUA1B1A LIFE & TRUST CO. 202 Stevens bldg. HUILDINO loans on city and suburban property; money aavanced as work i ogresses. - W. G. Beck, 315 Failing Idg. Main 8407. $10u,l00 ON mortgages, city and farm property, fire- insurance. McKenzie & Co.t Gerhnger bldg.,-2d and Alder. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $100 to $5000 on cltv oronertv. A H. Bell. 21 tVrlinger -bldg. LOANS on improved properties. The viregon nom uunoers, U3V at. W. Bank bid: . . 1 CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. $.00 XO $40,000 to loan on realty. Fire insurance. F. J. Steinmetz Co., 603 Oerllnger bldg. Mam 8261. - $200, $60. $600. $900, $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com,- MOHTGAGiS loans, 6Vs to 7. Oregon xnv. ee mortgage V.Q., uo aq at. $40,000 OR LESS. FAKRINGTON, 80 4th St. Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved city, farm propeny. -. u., nt Bpaiaing. $1000 UP to $5000 io loan on city or farm property.. Tabor 2520. - $100,000 TO LOAN at 6Vi and 7 per cent. Goddaid & Weidrlck. 243 Stark. SEE us--Small loans, installment loans. Cellars-Murton Co., 826 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, ' and 7. Louis aaiomon to.. au uK St.. near fetn. id ONE V to loan, 6 to H. W. H. BeiU i-o., am apaiaing piag, 6 TO 7 PRIVATE FUNDS, a. iv. rii ii, 4ig Henry Bldg. MONEY TO LOA1W CHA ri:is;is. halakies 1MMED1ATR LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT HiAasXlilrtlM HATES. We have one - of the finest retail jewelry stores in the city. A loan de partment la conducted in connection with same, making business STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL- Absolutely no signs designating loan business dis played in front of our store. Ail mer chandise pledged is held for a period of 12 months, whether or not interest is paid when due. We are licensed and have been established since 1899. No connection with any other loan estab-. usnment in tms city. A. & M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, 324 Washington st. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH ' Call and Sea Usf For a Confidential Loan On Your Salary. You Can Repay Us In Small Weekly or Monthly Payments. Seasonable Rates. '' Best Terms. Licensed. ! j808 FaiHngBldg. MONT-f TO LOAN TOU CAN GET IT TODAT , at legal rates On Diamonds, Autos, Planoav Furniture. Livestock or Motorcycles. Pay back at $5 per month or mora. ' interest a. OFFICE ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. LICENSED, aii tiBKuni oiaijr.. ga ana wasnington. LOANS on diamonds -at 10 per an num; $400 upwards. S-666, Journal LOANS WANTED SO WANT $20,000 private money at 7. Best of security offered. Financial Dept. The Oregon Homo Builders. 1330 i. yy. Bann piag. , . $500, 8 PER CENT $500 8 PER CENT louxiuv nawtnor o oistrict. rred W, German Co. 732 Cham, of Commerce, WANT $3000 to finish sinking shaft in gold mine; $400,009 worth of low srrnriA afa In lt?ht. T-SfiS. Jnnrnal , WANTEi $600 on 20 acre farm. -.i - . . .kij COMIC CAPERS FOOT OF1 o fLCXrKtH'' fT I b I . ' ... n FINANCIAL " PRIVATE party desires to purchas - sellers end of improved. ' uninevm bered real estate contracts. Phone bor 1406, or addrews D-747,-'" Jonrnal. FOR SALE & vear mortgage note for $285 on 200 acre wheat ranch: draw ing 8 per-cent Interest. WlU discount liberally. HX-576, Journal -j 1st nd 2a mortgages purchased; also f sellers' interest in contraeta Ora and Wash. H. E. Noble Lumbermen.. HELP WANTED MALB WANTED 60 laborers for railroad of - Roseburg; wage 20c per hour; blankets necessary: bunks provided. Can report to foreman on work. Ore- KOtt Portland Cement Co.. Oswego, or. WANTED 25 men. aoolv at stage door Or- pheum theatre at 10 a. m. Sunday i tomorrow y , TRAFFIC New field with big oppor tunities for ambitious men who will study to qualify. La Balle Extension university. 4t journal mag. WANTED At once 3 men , to learn automobile reoairina and- driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage. 445 Haw. thorne h. ENERGETIC . man with .'ton truck or one. horse roomy truck for hauling waste uaner. N-785. Journal. EAl PLO k' M EN T department Y. M. C Service free to members. HELP . WANTED MISC. " 4! Y. M. C.A., AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, uay ana nigni classes; expert train ing in repairing, driving and machine work, forge, lathe, shaper, drill press, e t O 1 1 Tn unHmllAil .rnr rau a t educational office. Y. M. C A. bldg.. to Inspect our shop and methods. COM PETENT, CHAUFFEURS i, AND iL& E REE acholarshtp to gas traction en gineeing (using Holt Caterpillar and Wheel tractors in shon and field l with each enrollment' in uur iuta onum Hawthorne Auto School, 443 Hawthorne SHORTHAND IN 180 HOURS. a 1 n Catl.f..ll.n , Shorthand A Publishing company, local ""'vci cau , nm si., i. mix nor ui MEN 18 or over wanted as railway mail Clerks: aamole examination: questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 349 L. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of men ... wanting railway mail clerk nositlans. 17S month. Answer WX-684. Journal. WRITTEN GUARANTEE ADCOX AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 266 11TH AND JEFFERSON UNCALLED for tailor made suits $6.50 up. -rayior tne tailor, ZH9hj Burnslde. HEADQ UAHTERS for cooks. Lewes note, agency. -47 uonen. uawy Z339. HELP WANTED MALE AND t FEMALE - i - , . 2d MEN and women to learn the barber trade, wages paid t while) learning; tuition reduced. Dositlons .secured. The only chain f schools ; in. the world. Send for free catalogue, Mohler Barber College. H. 48 N. 2d st. ' OREGON Barber CoUege. 233 Madison. Fall, term begins now. Men and women learn barber trade In 8 wka.: position guaranteed, paid while learn ing; tuition reduced; expert instructors. SITUATIONS MALE v 3 CHAUFFEUR, no student, has driven " ntfiFA than 1 0 AOa milieu .n tr aM or steam, strong and wliilng, married. or parucuiars. cau jb-hq 7 to 9 even- ings, no. zz. -. tlViST nlo. n -nl. -.,1-1 uvi, suift.v, niouaa exchange work for, accpmpanlment. t ak A H na4 A wk aW h h mv q xcuo $ tHficii, SIDEWALKS and roofs cleaned. Ice cut off buildings. , Main 4301. J. PAPKRING rid tintinp; chap; wor SITUATIONS FEMALE " 'ANTED -Ly a woman,- work by day or nuur. - journal. ELDERLY woman wishes the care of ennaren .near school. gpst 1347. --.'Lw- 2?''. - Ctf NURSE wants position at once; will do the housework' wages $10: best references. Marshall 3396 or H-142, journal. - COMPETENT, practical nurse. Mrs. iviarsn, 1 1 Mam st. Marshall 3961 FURNISHED KOOMit ROOM register listing several hundred in all parts of the city at Y. M. C A.: also those in tbe association fireproof BuuQing, wun mower . oains, swim ming uooL gymnasium, library, read ing rooms, at $1.60 to $2.75 per week oottoir wun inamauai Deoa, or IZ.BU feflfcTlTffll f-(n.,lAtnlfME Tenth at uutm u iu lu'vyuuuimtyuuy Us oaic, mod' ern. fireproof, respectable. $8 week up, STANniSH HHTFI wash.; ' ' -' 1 moaern steam heated front roums, $2 per wk. and up. BAY CITY HOTEL, new management; rwnmi.Duup. xviain aim. ia 4tn- Fn:or Hntol 3d Davis. Modern. ruMcr noiei $2 wk. up. Bdwy 1874. $1.50 WEEK up, clean, Wfarm. modern fur. rms.. central. The Ktna. 10a Jef BOOMS and apartments in modern l 1 Oik m r . a ' m tr nwgl, .PU WeCK bIHI Up. TOO -rVIQvr FURNISHED ROOMS PXUVATZ: rAkULY 70 tC-MONTHLarse room, light, linen. water, phone, close in, 129 13th, near Washington. PLEASANT heated bay window roomT also single' room, ooovenienoea. Main 6634. 889 uayior. NICE furnished rooms, light, beat. pain; a-montn. zoa rargo. IUKMS AND BOARD 15 THE HAZEL, 383 3d at,, nicely fur- cold water; also table board; strictly flume cuoaiiig; reusoriaoie. ROOMS AND BOARD ySITATE PAMXXiY 7a WILL board 2 children reasonable. near acnooi, - oest references, c. s home. Sunnyslde. Phone Tabor 1761 SPLENDID room for 2 gentlemen; modern and home comforts. 30 E. 16th st. Phone E. 7232. ROOM and ioard for one gentleman; furnace heat, 64 N. 16th, cor. Davis. ( VAUM VAVJMW. I I f VAUMPH. W i " f NNCT ,TUU v s BBBwSBWBWaw-B TIOCSEKEEPING ROOMS ONE room with kitchenette, completely - furnished, steam heat, running bot and cold water, phone in every-room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison eta.; $12 and up. 291 Columbia st corner 6th st. (lam A nte weelt up. 401 First st VJCHlnpibi Free bath, hot, cold water WARM rooms, single and suites;-also light housekeeDinar. 410 Morrison. BACHING h. k, ' and - sleeping rooms. Motei jriepose, Z3d and savier sts. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS rarriTsi r axxxmT 7U FOR RENT- Two . nice large outside AMa wStMaf aah-jl AAmnlat a Frt K nnaa. keeping, with hot and cold .water -and tree bath and telephone, ror i' per month. 635 Commercial at. Phone Woodlawn 1120. FRONT 1 and 2 rooms complete, very reasonable, walking distance. 272 Montgomery. TWO very large. light modern house keeDinar rooms, firat-floor. 812.: 429 Main. HOUSEKEEPING rooms with or wlth- out piano. 240 park at. Main vim. HOUSEKEKPINO and ainsrle rooms. Mr A Del, jagr. i aaimon. jaam aaaa FOR RENT HOUSES 12 GOOD 7 room house 12 blocks of post- oilice. west side. $16. lnjuir 4t btn st. Mam 776. THREE room bungalow with bath. -xruit. a iota, near scnooi. aiu dcuh line, rent $7. Cail Main 7266. 4 AND 5 room house. 248 Dixon. 2 blocks Broadway bridge, walking distance. East 4076. FURNITURE FOR SALE tU - HOUSES FOR RENT ADS of furniture for sale are pub - lished in the Household Goods class ification when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FURNISHED modern 3 room house. 1077 East 29th st.t .N. " APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND "UNFURNISHED VILZ-A ST. CLARA, 12 th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apta Walking distance. References. ; .: " TfltWTM A04& aAtHOM ftTsV Partland"- boaaeot quality, comfort and trice MARSHALL APARTMENTS, 624 Marshall st,. 3 carlinea. . a vva a iitauwv afvcaa ments, all large outside rooms; private baths; heat, water, phone, janitor serv ice, etc. - BALBOA APARTMENTS. New brick, large room furnished apta.. complete; oil burner, steady, ample heat, fine laundry, reasonable rates: walking .distance; references. 429 Harrison et. THE SHEFFIELD 270 Broadway a 3 and 4 rooms, well arranged, easy walking distance, at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2606. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316, Klce S room furn. and unf urn. apta; aiao a or room rurnt apartments, ONE suite and on single outside; light, heat, hot and cold running water, free phone and bath. Mercedes. zutn ana Morrison sta THE ROSE FRIEND. 285 Broadway S, Modern unfurnished apts.: large rooms, oest service; walking distance. xnarsnaii . aiPB. $16 AND UP 3 and 3 room apta. fur- nisnea. uarrison voun, sa ain, cor. of Harrison. - THE LUZERNE Modern 2 room fur nished; brick bldg. Phone in each apt.; $17 and up. Marshall 4637. fsinjCnM IS .ntL EfiS Marshall mt XlncL A Ti nHva t m hath nH Hr.a.ln. ,nAm' new ' managBuiem; pricca to sun. DOWNTOWN, modem-apt.. $15month up. Including heat, light, etc. Royal Annex, a no Morrison, aiam 4621. W 1ELAND Furnished apts., $o month and up: steam neat, janitor service. phone and bath. 63 N. 18th sC PENINSULA APTS.. Oil 70, concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, pnone, steam heat, $12 up. THE CODY APARTMENTS. E. 7th, And Taylor sts.; t and 3 room apts.; ngnt iree; private oatn, PiriAinnoS Court, 401 10th, modern uinviiiiiwii apartments. iu to izo LUXOR APTS-, 324 13th mtL 2, 3 and 4 room apts.; aiso itgnt n. k. NEATEST 6 room apartment in city. ail accommoqanona. main aiga. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. ( 6 rm. apta Mar. 3360. M. 7618. A-2676 FURNISHED apartmetft flat, walking oistance, steam neat. Main Bo 03. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy, front apta-, rent $18 to IZ7.&0. Marsnaii Z917. FURNISHED FLATS 50 WELL furnished 6 room flat, clean and desirable. . Gas, bath, gas stove and range. Two carlinea. Walking - t . rXV-A. S 4 6 at m n m . aw. . E-5260. " ' ' UNUSUALLY desirable furnished flat, 3 large light airy rooms, private bath; excellent location. 341 H Mont- omery bu aii aner i:aw. COMPLETELY, furnished modern 4 room flat with cosy sleeping porch. Bzofr a. ring at. aai izvi S ROOM furnished flat, bath, good conaiuon, . uwx corner uan tenbein. HOTELS 04 PALACE hotel 12th- and Wasntngton, fireproof, modern, steam heat, hot. sonable. Marshall 5040. New manage ment. STORES AND OFFICES It BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy On paved street; reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill FOR RENT HALLS 39 PORTLAND'S newest - and ' prettiest lodge hall. 109 13th, cor. Wash. Main 8380. - .Copyright, ISIS, by J. Keeley. By arrangemant with Essaaay Oo-l I I , WAyTID-JTO RENT 7 WANTED-Modern? f urnisbexi ouaga . low. east aide preferred, not over 30 minutes from pos toff ice- T-667. Jour nal. . "" HORSES,! VEHICLES, ETC. IS Auction, - Monday - and Thursday, Columbia Stables. '3Q3 Front street, t p. m. -; Horses. harness, wagons, buggiea. Ivtry. . thing sold on Cora emission. Bring us Tour stock. M. 3030 FOR horses and . vhtcla does and -household pets and poultry, read the, ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other madiuma In tnene -class! ficatlona. . WANTED-t-A stocky work horsa, wL 1060 to 1150, cheap for caah give full information and pricev .. W-698, Journal. ''OR KALE Team of young mares, 4 and 5 years -old. weight 2800: nrice reasonable, i Address D. I MacLeod, Lyle. Wash. DEAD horses and animala hauled twar fraa Oill WondlHii SO. Port. land Rendering Co. ' DEAD horses and - cattle taken 1 1 rea, LIVESTOCK S5 FOR SALE All bfed or a airy eowa la carload iota an 1 less. J. F. Campau. Aurora. ' , - - 18 FRESH cows, ij - Vbam, Holstein and . wcirej; auine b -rviion cows. - mca $60 and up. Bruof IJnion Stock Tarda 9 f POULTitx JT tD PIGEONS 37 "JcuilTORS "l- "Miller's k aoJPto Coast- "Ideal" vombines low price with Best possible construction. Pftee $9.00 up. Fifteen yeara on the coast. Still . elvintr comnleta aatlsf ac tion and go6,wervle. Write Lilly's, Portland. ; V - "OLD TRUSTW incubator and brood - er (100 si ec In and some chickens for sale, very cheap, 243 Watts st-, Ken ton. '. .. - - AUTOMOBlfACCESSOKIISS Jit February Clearance Sale. ortJsed Cars All makes- oftcPtrlns- cars roadstaM and trucks. The. biggest bargaina on the easiest terhiaiver offered. V- : Northwest-Auto Company 31 Coucja sineax Broadway. - v.l ' v f Vat, " ' " ' " hpOSlTLAND'S USED CAR. EARING HOUSE. We buy afrrd s I all makes of used cars and parts, j arge stock to select from. ' 1. I - H. L. vKEX S AUTQ. CO. 29 .Brcadwsfi , at Burnslde. Phones: Brna3 ray 6368. A-1170. . Writavf&Kj ialUnsr Liat Cylinder Griaidlhsiachlne Work and : UseftAuto Snaps f TM3GrVENV LARGE ST?' l TO SELECT FROM. 2. 4. 6. 6'. D 7. PASSENGER. Mitchell, t wis & Staver Co. E. FIRST A' EJ. MORRISON STS. 4-a i i ja iw.l- DO 'is LB tread, puncture p'Mot tires made from yo ; .old ones. . Bring them in. njreson vuicamxing CO W h. at 18th. Burnside at tsrjt iQway. t3 nurnaiae.j BARGAIi I in USED CARS, Large stocl , prices $200 to $750. OREGON-MOTOR CAR CO., St ebakar Bid., Corner q teprnan and Alder. " PORTABLE! kags $30 Up. ' M1LLMADE .CONSTRUCTION CO 6 Hod 6t Main 1167. - fiun ays and Evenings. TTT I .J, . r . . , . Written guar-,. iLAtKSliPKSQ CO. antee wit if every spring sfc. HIGHEST nrUea caid for scran rubber. metal. J. Lef 18 Columbia. ,M. 6198. LATE Ford, .perfect mechanical shape; best caBh'ofTer takep it. Tabor 6100. FOR SALE f 1 pass, Reo. model 1914, a-i cononiQ-p. mone aast i44. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7S WANTED A-tFord runabout, in good yuiiujtini, ran. x-act s. LAUNCHES AND BOATS iM uuit balk r trade 15 passenger tauncn. v tt. 4 u.: 4 tJ, en gine new laaU fall. Marshall 2211. EVINRU13E trow boat and. canoe mo- tors; rownpetts, canoes, motor boata Eylnrude Moj CO-. Morrison & Front. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34. MUSICS INSTRUMENTS $5 FEE, $1.2LkWeekly, sends new $826 piano to yi5r home at $246. making you member bf Profit Sharing Piano club. Members share 25 to 20 In prica . No' interest. Time privilege, total saving $472.28 to you. See display adv. Or call. Sghwan Piano Co., Ill 4th. COR rAKU .iulir.. C17S VV) 1 1 n ..rx , ,u right jpiano tomorrow at closing out sale or security storage co.. IJ 4th st. FREE use qt plana or player-piano, 24 yeara See 'display adv.. or Schwan Plan Co.. Ill 4th st. wnwan fiano co.. in 4tn st ' WILL pay cash for your old upright or square Piaho. ..- CaU 111 4th st. - $376 Kobler& Chase piano, practically new, ror id casn. -t. j ou rna i. PIANO"- wanted in exchange for $250 ..f , 1 A . . . . . o OFP FROV NOUtt. HNO i 'i li . . I . , . w-. J- . r ' -V I v.... - . I , 1 1 I I V. SI CLOSING OUT FOR CASH ONLY. $409 Chickerlng, old model. $3.5; $350 Valley Gem," Baldwin Piano Co $90: $326 Cable & Sons, old mwdel. $46; $500 Emerson upright, mahogany. $185; $325 miniature "J right. - walnut, $60; $650 Steinway & Sooa. upright, walnut! $316; $1000 N. Y. Pianoforte, gr-. $195 $136 Kimball organ, oak, mirror. $28. - To first caller, lot 4th, Storage 75o too. $26s iuity In 25 player piano, firm rnrrhnanil from Win arlve you eontracts with credit for what I - have paid. No reaaonabla hid refused. D-7 5 4. Journal.' . .. TYPEWRITERS T7 WE aave you from io to 75 on all makes of . typewriters, send for our illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE j TYPEWRITER :-. vu. 321 Washington st. - TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for .- $5 and un: months rental applied on purchase price. - Remington Typa wnter Co.. u uroaaway. NEW, rebuilt, 3d t and. rentals, cut rates. P. IXC Co., 131 S' tark.M. 1407. FOR KALK Underwood tynewriter. $35 cash; No. 6. Y-4 90. Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired, i Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-6674. MACHTNE9 or all make aold and rented, $3 up. J Sewing: Macnme lumpo rlum, 190 8d, near Tay lor. Main 9481. A-3626. BILLIARDS New and second hand . carom ; and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and accessories, easy payments. Tables for residences. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co-, 46-4$ 6th at Phone Main 4970. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." Type- wnters" and "Household uooaa- are separate -claaslflcationa All adver- usementa ox these goods are puousneu under their respective classlflcatlona. Look them over. PORTAhBLE houses hunting cabins. chicken houses, woodsheds, etc. Mlf, I, MADE C6NSTROCTION CO., 544 HOOD ST. Main 1167. Sundays and . Evenings, ' Woodlawn 8615. - AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles launches or, ooats ana leparat ciaauicsuuua. A large listing can be found under these different headinga MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired ana exenanrea. Mortnweet uesa Mach. Ca til Front st, S5 SEWING MACHINES, aU kinds, all msJksa, guaranteed. 849, Morrison st. Main 1845. WAiNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. a. stueppeu. agio 1st. Main i281. ONE' small diamond ring for sale. $2. Marsnaii oaut. $5, second band typewriter. Call main 14S. WANTED S ft. clgar case at once. $12 oO DROPHEAD sewing macbina wtth attaenments. can lbz urana ave. SWAP COLUMN 23 WILL exchange Long Beach, Wash., lota for household goods, etc Main 4495. 128 1st st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS O NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dreasera. ruga couchea. chalra. tables, eta. We pay the price. N. W. Furn. Ex.. E. 636, WANTED The people of Portland to know i nay the nignest casn price ror nousenoia gooaa - prompt' attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 148 Russell st. I AM in need of 2d hand furniture and win nay tne nignest pncea ior it. Gevurtx Furniture Store, 207 1st at. Marshall 687. WANTED Second hand furaituro, rangea and stoves; beat prices paid. Morgan- Furniture Co.. 390 E. Mor- rl-on. East 2239. ; -SECOND hand clothing buyer, - J. . Meyer, tailor, pays mora for cloth- ing, shoea Marshall 1229. 229 Madison WE buy everything and anything in household furniture, also store fix tures and stocks. Marshall 3865. SPOT cash paid lor furniture, stoves, merchandise anything and every- A-tTilng. 128 'irst. Main 440. r . . . . -, WANTED Office filing cabinet. Dav- .- enport. Maia m. WE pay highest prices for junk of all kinds. Main 4686. 235 Front st. HIGHEST prices for 2d band furniture, clothing, tools. Phone Broadw'y 2209; ' LOST AND FOUND . V gl tosT Some wheraOB westUsidel . Tuesday era, man's open faced gold watch, monogram, on back "F, E. D." Inscribed "South Bend" on Dial; re ward for return. Phone. Marshall 70 J or Main 3724. LOST 1 bunch keys, with engraving attached A. R, Price, 68 3d st- San Francisco. Finder please return to R. Price, Caxnas, Waan- and receive reward, y - - LOST In Heilig theatre. Friday eve ning, l lady'a glove with garnet ring in aame, finder kindly return to Heilig oox ornce ana get rewara. LOST -Purse on Mississippi car, or on Freemont, near Alblna ave-, contain ing money and paper. .- Reward. Re turn to The Journal off lea LOST A silver mesh bag on Rose City Park car. .Wednesday p. m. R- ward. Phone Tabor 6669. LOST On Sell wood car or Lumber mena bank, package of embroidery; finder phone Sellwood 869. - .- ' LOST Lady's gold watch, "Ada" en graved on it. Reward. Phone Tabor 8383. LOST Purse containing money, watchJ and . papers. Reward. Call Cora Schupp. Woodlawn 3323. FOUND Pair of glasses on 4th and Alder." At The Journal office. PERSONAL SCIENTIFC treatment for diseases .of scalp. 163 Park st room 3. 10 to 7. Katberine Orloff, chiropodist and scalp treatment. Room 210, 850 Morrison. HAVE a switch made of your comb ings: reasonable. Tabor 630. LESSONS - in phrenology and card readings. 232 Parjc it Main 7548, FL4.XOS, ORGANS AND JIUSICAL LXSTRUMENTS cm1 efiic J ' . k V X 1 V X r OOVOUT.I J PERSONAL WHY nay " big orlcea for glaasesT I can fit your eyes with, first - auaiity lnM In -a a-nld filled frame, aa low as 81.60: lenaea dupli cated at a - big saying; satisfaction guaranteed. - Charles W. Goodman, op tometrist. .09' MorrtKon. Main nz. FEBVET & HANEBUT, leading wig j and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods: halrdreasing. mani curing, face and scalp treatment, comb- inrsto oroer. I i uroadway. Main e MME. FONEDA, Egyptian - paliuUt, . clairvnvjuni and ta r.-l r Fn&Arta has her office open daily from 10 a. m. to S n, ni Office. 39S Yamhill. at-J comer ot iotn st. MRS.' STEVENS, 22 years Portland's . renowned palmist and clairvoyant baa her temple open daily. 375 Taylor st. Assisteq oy Mrs.; or. Hamt. -SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price,' cir- Cles. Tues. 1 p "m,i Wed.. Sun. 8 p. m. Reading daily. tn st. Ms 36j. HAVE your hair permauenuy waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekura. Marshall 170J. ALICE HAMOX CARVEL Medium and healer: sulphur baths, v 170 Mt 2d cor YumhtTl ilk flnar. GERMAN trained nurse gives massage ana oains ror ratumatiam, neuralgia, etc. 256 llth. Mar. 5033. Opc.i Sundays G. P. Rummelin'a Son As Co. . Manufacturing " Furriers. ; 416-16-17 Dekom bldg. - 1 oinwi Consultation -free. Main Lawyer 4993. 78 semng Mag. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davia st.- Main 2393. Professional andBiisinessDirec.c: ACOOXPIOH TtEATTWa ACC-UKUkuN. kMFk, AND MUX fU-ATlNO; HEMbTiTCBINU. BkAlDINQj BUTTON HOLKS, BUTTONS- COVh-KklU. EA8TF.BH WOVELTT MFC. CO.. H 6TH. ITWH W. . sTUfU-UUeuaLUcblac, accordioB, io sad aanbar-t plesUux: buttons covered; good apoBiyed. ecaltoplng. aue Plttork bib. B-liww. AflATE CUTTXPS CLTXtNii, polMLOUtK, toouutiuu, X" "4l."'f ! stock on band. Miller's, Wa.b. M. IKT4 AgRICPLTVBAL IMT-.EMEirrS 1. a, bebk.NkUAU. lauMcnwu, -rbx;i aud Seneral farm auwllea. .11 Front. Horttaim. ASSAY ERS AMD CHI. MISTS i,)l.totLKl-H-l.l. .U. t-QUcB Mll.'. I "- BLANK BOOK MAKEil a-A VIA BOOM at I1UUUA, ia., lua M at. KIM ntaxtuiaciuntrs; acaata ww 1 Bi pro-ad Looaa i-af Ledgera. rrfca Lnl. A -!. Mala 188. ll TXII.DI NO COM T St ACTORS Geo. E, Mangas , aio.iua biMH.-uu(. Oa Maeteay Bius. J. P, Taylor ant- minor a amuiauvy aak bm. Jdaia auu. CAXPENTEB WOBX CAliFaMfe.ttwork, ainC. rapatra, rau-ud- ellnx. vary cheap now. : HASiSt Y, Seliwood 3421. CAB PET CLIAMniO 5-iyir'iF ms. weat Hut Co., 188 E. truai id carirau, g rag rags, earpat cleaning. N t h- hth. B. 3VOj B-12o. iOK.U Batud., klrcUK b-auius wyrak. vaur- Eat 4Q. B-lMa. 2Q4 K. IVIk II. N. a-tMNBbUAa Bus Woraa ttag rug aas ear- YBIirTEBg ABP tM tAVft - pet waaviag. 11S Fatton if,., Wdlo. .'t-vj. . 'Hi- IV - t-U-a, JwuA M. As. - 1 1 " a Htarfe 'at. Broadway .CHIHOPBACTOBB 1,11 ' ' , . n BTBB1.B TAstFt AND bEA'-S liH.. at MAHCN, cbrouke caaea. takuis tuna, . ; . - , ,. 81 treatment. $la. Worth 63G. AUditlooal J"! i.f.ft sew offlcea aoe-2ia Maclaay bl.lg., 4tk a W.b. -f,o.Ul COA !MV,. H".1! fn. i . j.. . 1 , ' 8I Waablnatoo at. Mala 110: A-i itf. C a. ilgard, la trvatuuMUl iU, awai ' Wortbwert Bldg. Mala 7266. SAFETY -.aZOB HOblSO COAT. A3TP WOOD ' AHimAiit hni aimi. c.. iw ,u . " Fill TON Wfifin TO trrr mital VQ-.K8 1 UlIVMl.lI jyjU UWl - kkFAiAiAk, Ua sua sialyl root, tun 1200 MACADAif. : ' - sIO lt at. Fbone M.lB 14. a, DaalerB ta "J ta BT? 9KATB OHIBPIMQ A-28S. - fbooea V Mala 7900 . NEER dt FAR Hind SZJm ftl nr:.: C0ALt.f,rt46kT4154,Ta WBwTrg "I ..ATORPt. A- tBX Fir. Dry, graaa al.B-A" ""J STAGE SCfcBEBY wood. Short erdara spepUity Wfyi o. f UOal Coal $6.60 cp. National Vw-Cf. .H. 9Q4t StSSQ bCenSrY eoaU kt.lntao" "--.". Rent ta dr.rn.Uc elnb. ad r wooe. eoal. Mam bTao. baeb'a P. C. fcTle Stortlo. rront CQWTKACTOBS a BtrtXPEBS TOWTX StTPFt.ES ' FOB atlnaatea o saw or repair looa of boild- 1 1 i i ,.. i 77, "" tog. plnmblna, pla.tering. brU-fcor ceaerata i,."'Kt iUm. H - work, call S. V. Klnjtery. M.r.hil l.WI. ato. Itonw; t.t WU Home w- -. OS1.AU ULBKti. Ueuarai Cvuuacun-. , i TBAW8FEB AP 8T0BA0E ."oaTiosrAx Oregon Transfer Co. .' 1 1 1 - . DAB CIH a ' ' ' ' Eatablliied 1ST0, .';'. MANCHESTEB taaclag Acadaa,,, Li ZJZtl awn. 6t.rk and t ak? apeetal rates. 4 prl- 0fflcau3tnra 4I4U fa. it. vats leaaona $2; aaornlng, afternoon. venlM, t,fv Jzl1 Uu.aa , W!T'' A aU la teat daacee snaranteed. Class Ttanraday. :8nt "d , . ,t . "' Katnrday aveslnra, 7:00-8:80. Broadway tla AIWA1 .K,,!"' -'W1-" W'rnrTo'BtVr'k .. fTo FlCiv TBikN8rK b" o" R A C . r BrtTSIO SCHOOXS A1TP TEACKTB8 31 and Fins at. Broadway h: A-' BCUUUL, F laCSIC-dtaff of Taacbara. ore- wLBOB-atoli 1 -ANb a, a Cu.-1'w.i.n, FhOI. X. k. i. AW SON, piaua liiouui ti yuar borne. eOe. - Fbona Tabor 2639. . ---'- - WAIX PAPEB - " --- - k. THiELUuk., aloUa waelux, pupil Sovclk. atOkaAtt WAU PAikk ku kj M ., I 3OT Fkudaar bldg.. A-41O0. . llarahaU 1639, - tweaa alala and Battnoo. , lVlanufacturers t .. Johhcra J iVliolesalera PBY- O00D8 WHOLES AI.E '- PLTJ-BTBIBO PIPE STEAM grPPl!' ' Csaiplale lias dry gooda, lurBtauinga. aottoaaT 14 I 1 1 IMC k4-o-T L. Dinkelspiel Co. VbUbBaV ft1' L KUNL rB0T 'lttr - PAnfT, on, abd oeass ytvifBriro gtrrrtrrs , BMvaakA m vu.. Ulb alalia, ra palaU ri. vt. f- vi m Main TvT - M. aV. co-oar 2d and Taylor. M 1771. A-53I. 1 ' CP- - " PIPE WOOD PTPE - SABTTABT WIPTira BAOS FuKTLANO WOOD l ll k CU. Factory asd I QH A N k TO ooAJt ubi,- fflee near 24 tb sad i'ork sta. Alain 84a. L OnnlllS UU PBOhg klAIN I: , INFORMATION COUPON If yon want the name of a reliable business house dealing In any 1' af merchandise, or information regarding resorts, ho tela railroads, itii, ship linoa, etc address Oregon Journal Information Bureau. Anformatioa desired: Name. Address............ It's a Good Thing the Mvl eX: KEE.9 EXE. OK MM vJKTvt wllLrXR : r ' ; 4 fNNT CH?C V 4' h 1 2 YOUR liOHCiiOuPt: i.-t w WHAXT Forecast of lllneea and wove-" rect. William Johnson, I' . . Forecast of reverses atii now. correct, William lid.ff6.., . luth. Minn, Many more Ilka these, s trologtcal SchooL 850V iforrif- i Correspondence sollciteJ for ii -- -and forecasts. DR. V. G. KETCHUU t nn i a -dlea and acute diseases of men , blda-.. 4th ft Waith.. Km 441. NOTICES SgAUKD -acvfiosalB la triplicate wt.l t eoiTed by ttvr aarterauuiter timet ml ft artay, Waanln-toB. 1. iX, sj'i 3 o P. m.. eaatera tlioe, Marek , 119, t r ' Btsklng atattoaary, of fira aapf!i- as'l i feniture (S?beda)e So. 1); bariwar si, 1 t (Schedule No. 2); tuiiet artiriea. an" ( ciaaBlBg aaatertala (fiHwdoTw No, S); ' .B,u and burlap (Srtwduie No. 4 1 ; waate, boa Itlrbcdula No. ft); f r v.- ' euinc tbe flaraT year J81T. at dmt e,vartemiatrr eorea itoted la acbeauie. ! ute furntabed poa epiUeatkia t mr ter general. C 8. arBiy. Waaktftoa, i. or by qtmrterroaiHar. I'octland. t r. STONE V. 8. Knsiaerr Of flea, Firt 1 -So3 Csuvb baUdiug. lortJmJ, Offa sropaaais fur furnluiics atooa for i:h J caaatr-w-tioa at . loouUi of Nptuka rir-r, foavwill ba racatved bere anUl 11 a. m- i roary 21, lfiitl, and tbea a-wd. Isfvcus. oa appUcatioa. PH01HMAl.S tor cavalry boraea oisioe ' pot 4J Barter maater. Fort Keoca, H"t.: t proposals will be received bera oat it 11 February 7. 1916. and tbea epaned, (r log 311 nature caralry boraoa for 1'Ul.,, Further iBfornaatloa on application. yOFXTLAB M-P8IO &AUT1MIC oa yiaau (uanoinil l.., 10 to SO leaaona, Tferea trial le sot eoBTtneed. Fren booklet. fcol-J I rrt:. eab. obe. rgito at. ir-- Bp-cut. aludorata brin F. F. Caaoday. glT I-k ire. Ui.MS Is bkiil.. 4 1 rras nrttrsAHfr; FAClt lC fclAla Mali I.NsbaA.S. . only OrecoB f Ira iBSnranea xb), n. FLTFT BtTdS AITD SAO ITf-S FLUFF M made from uhi tnc rain. Brawria. Maxyrsa carpets. K rara. ill ear pro nipt attention, booklet. V E3XKIU!i -FLCFV BUd CO, 81 f Blea aa. N. Pbooea Eat P H- X.ZATKEB ABS 9H0B yrwDr" lii. kkaiaiA 1-aVAit.a.a ii. OMeat fir a la sunk weal. Af mta "Mjiht and "L, a M." ole hntber. SJV FJ--tt -.tDICIHAL WATTS S U H.UOI 1- WA1 aa twr W ta. Jrr, t,.. Biaaey trooblaa. e. L.lhi Hiili? . Mn' i ' HODEL ABD SPECIA1TY HACHIXS T' .rft?, awi HiaiBf wtl ciwtuiii, " - 02 arBMtrooc utg. Co., fo. a s Daalaa pvrlectina. saacafkctariis.. i era talesu Aato work. lif i-ncy t HON-IBTOXICATINO BtYESAGt M k.lS il AUK a lituot aoti A lOer .vn. i - tf Wei oard piaot. imb aad Bui -iu Artist Is a Man of Pc: ovr r - AlBilr- alaca. mu w- m , , i y"- t