TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES ARE . FIGHTING PORTLAND EditIby Hrmaa H. Cohan EGG PRICES SHOI MEflING FEELING ALONG THE STREET Mmnrmt. iiMnur imim in azaf? J - With Supplies Somewhat Mora V' IJberalr Chljiese Stock Iay Be Sold In Canadian Province. f ) Brfce in to toeml egg market sre weaken ing and' generally showing 'a town rang for. tbe day. Along Front afreet cnllet eftg. ver generally; being offered daring the day. st 42Vc a dosen, a drop of 2e from the. extreme -figures of J?rtday. - " Recelpta -of -fresh Inrreaslogf M- wbatr At tbe- rxtrenut prices tbe demand at beat was 'limited, therefure when more stock i pu. In sppesrani-e loan evpecled. values d- - Justed therawlvps arvordlugly. - - Katber liberal stock of eastern atorage are band here and these are befog free ly offered, Sales were reported today at 30 32He generally; , , . The Chinese stock bss not yet arrived here. ' according to report, and- per bap will not coma because of tne nnpt-iijt publicity siren the - natter by The Journal. The gg reached ' Puget sound, but even" there there was oppo . alt loo to their sale, ' and it la understood 1 that the bulk of the shipment will be ahlpped . Into Canadian markets, arbere fresh supplies are practical 1 exhausted. IOTATUJE AKE AllVaSCUlU While aome of tbe loesi trade ia atlll j not ing good j&otatoe atf$1.73 a cental today to i retailer, others are asking as high aa $2, and the latter price la expected to become general : during the cent lug week. . i . . i OXIOXS JtRB FIRMER AT 2.SO MaTket fur onion is eery firm at $2.50 a . rental along the wholesale way. Up to the .' last 24 hoars there trrre quite fair atocka of -- No. Z onions here, and these held down the prices of the beat quality. SUGAR MARKET IS FIRMER Sugar la ebowing Increased strength gen- the situation. No change waa shown- during the day In local quotations, but the trend, of lite uiaraei waa very jirm. - , Buyers Paying $20 ; ;To SlTonloriJest Alfalfa Hay Here Market for - All Hay, Firm With ; JTJmothy - the Cheapest of fAll the. Good Quality Snpplie. ' NOBTHWXST GRAIN RECEIPTS S , ' ' Cars . " Swn f Tim rW ftortlABd,, Set .-.... .. tear aad.. .... 14 ! I Total- this week' 26 I . ; ' . Year ago. . . ...... 322 S3 Seaaoa to date. ri304 Veer ego.j..t,43,2S 4482 ; Taeoraa . . Friday . j, . . inr sfo....i,. . : zh Season to date. It 71 7 Tfear ago .7. . ,564 Seattle. Friday. .1... it ear ago ia. i.. i t Reason tadafe, .6.S18, Xeer ao.;...i. a.oat EtnorU 'from P.l.iul tfcla week 125.484 brshels wbea:.' ' BUTTER STOCKS ARE SHORT ' While, aa atatetl yesterday, the output of butter here did not decrease aa much aa ex pected during tbe fctorro, storks of butter here re scant, and some of the wholesalers are un able to fill orders promptly. IRESSEI MEATS ARE GOOD breeeed meats how a steady to firm tone for country killed. ' Beat country boga are quoted generally at 94e a pound, with se lect quality ealTee at 12J12V4c 8a lea in the latter line about equally divided between the two price for fancy stuff. - BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE Cheese market firmer, both here and in the east. Best Lot Angeles cauliflower selling at $2.25 crate. No fresh fish arrivals are reported by the trade. : Chickens are quoted steady at the advance yesterday. Vegetables are generally very scarce, with ptlces firmer. . SHIPPERS WEATHER NOTICE . Weather bureau sends tbe following notice to sbippera: . Protect shipments during tbe next 48 hours a far north aa Seattle against minimum tem peratures at about 34 oegreea; nortbeaat to Bpokane. 18 degrees; soutbeast to Boise, IS degrees:, south to Ashland, 32 degrees . Mini mum temperatureat I'ortland tonight about 30 urgrees. -JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND These prices are those st which wholesalers ell to retailers, except as otherwise atated: , -' Dairy Produce. BUTTER - City creamery eubea, extras. S2c: firsts. 90ct seconds. 2ac: prints snd car. tens, extra; country creamery, cube. 25)29c; storage, zgac urcgon aatry. istjivc BtTTERFAT Portland delivery No. 1 cream. 32c: No. 2. 30c . EGOS Selling price by deatera. delivery extra Selected freah. 42c duaen; case count, Oregon ranch, 40c. - LI VIC Itil LTBy Hens, beavy flymontlt Kocks 10l.c; ordinary efalckena. lStMlScl airlnga. IV,Q2 be.. luf l,e per lb.; terkeys gac; diffa fancy. Ujtac; culls, 20tfr21c: Jilgeons, 1Q !...): . miuaus. st..-u uosen; geese, Ive. lOSUOUc lb.: l-ekln ducks, old. lftc lb. young and heavy. 1st; Indian Bunuers, . &tk Jc Ih. - - JACKRABBITS-Kancy. -23050c dosen CHEESE Selling price l-Ttiih Oregon fancy ran cream twins and triplets. 2ue per lb. Young America. 21e. PrU-e to Jobbers: Plata, Jlc; - x'oung Amentca. 20c f.; o: b.; cream Lrit. lvU20cv limberger. 20e lb. , Frulta sad Vegetables. fc rREHH FUCITS Oranges, fancy navel. $2. 00 MS. 25: bananas, 5c lb.; iemona, 3.O0i 4.8C box; grapefruit. 'Florida, $.504jS.5O raae; ' pU. apples. 7j8e per lb.; pears. 41.ThQ2.CO; erCDea. 7c per lb.: tancerinea. 41. 50 box. APPLES Local, $1.2a42 per box. according to quality. . ONIONS Local, $2.50 per cental, association selling price ear toads, fi-Oo r. o. b. c twlritK! earlie.!'a5c Pi. POTATOES SelUng price Local 91.751 SS.UU; bnyt.ig pricey per x cental sweet. g2.7.nefa0L .VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.00: beets. $1.00 per sack; carrots),- $1.0O -per 'ack: parsnips. $1 sack:' cabbage,- $l.7Stt2 per cwt.: green onlona. ztic per uosen oancnea: peppers, oeu. 'J TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Clutnga .r alente) , Ths 81c.: Cleaa. CoxnXortaole, . . . kuegaatly Appointed. i Sa-aoLnsT BtsejnglUp Fir, Oats. Hay. 1 a 4 - 2 27 44 40 T92 144 ltt-kS 1449 8 23 2 1111 1576 1 4R ions - 2 17 1533 iai7 4 24i 422 "f 727 OlS 8 1055 2343 - 27 yw.l 82U2 Of the good bars, timothv Is today the cheapest In the local market, although the entire bay trade is a mass of atrengttt. For o. l alfalfa the trade here Is freely offer ing and paying $2021 a ton. Portland de livery basts. Best interior alfalfa is finding I'ortland delivery blda of 1 a ton, with Wil lamette valley at $ie generally. Cheat, oat and vetch bays are generally finding bids of $15gl6 a ton for similar delivery. Oram markets are abowlna; some activity la the Interior at' the fUghtly better prices Quoted during the last 48 boars.' While It is stated that this business is almost entirely confined to casters -shipment, still leaders of tne trade nera are at a loss to understand bow shipments can be made, both because of the freight congestion and the ajeneral abort- age of oars. Floor market la steady to firm at former prices, whale mlllstuffs are quoted firm by millers. - . f FLOUR Rellin nrlee: Patent. X5.BO- Wil lamette valley. $5.M; local atralght. $5.00(1 5.40: bakers. local. $5.205.00; Montana spring wheat, $7.0; graham. $3.80: rye flour. $5.Va per barrel. AI rsuying price, Willamette valley tim othy, fancy, $16; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy ttrcothy, $18; lslfa. $2U21; vetch and oats. lioqw cwver, sia.ousia.uu. GRAIN SACKS 1916. nominal: No. 1 Cal cutta. i2a 13e In car lots; leas amounts higher. MliiLSTUlTS selling price, carload lots: Bran. $23.50: aborts. $26.00. BULLED OATS $6.506.75 bbL Comparative wheat blda: Satnfdsr. Year seo. Bluest rn 108 187 Fortyfold J VJ 137 Clob ( 156 Red fife It6 151 Bed Russian &ti 146 PORTLAND SUPPLIES FOR THE NORTH ARE DELAYED IN TRANSIT Ijocal Interesta Iieport That Trans : portation Companies Negiecr f ; Prodnce Shipments ; From This Cltw to British "Colombia. -V- ;' t ? j h " vi : " : : . r : ' The ' Portland wholesale trade has at last discovered-the exact reason why It Is' able to tecare only a nominal amount of prodnce busi ness In British Colombia, According t the represents five of a pack ink': concern, the reason Is no other than diacriminatloa against the Oregon product by steamship companies that ply between Seattle and BriUh Colambia points. It Is stated on authority of this Interest ttat be discovered that ahipments of egga and other produce from Portland were oft times held np for a period of five days at Seattle, while the Paget sound stock was sent forward immediately. Soch Infrequent and delayed deliveries nat urally caused bad feeling between the Port land and Brftlsh Columbia trade, and par chases were made here only when the trade lu the north was unable to secure supplies eh ew here. The matter will be taken up with the local Chamber of Cora meres la an effort to remedy tbe trouble, according to local wholesalers. Loes'Vf about a cent in tbe Chicago market caused a weaker feeling for wheat ou tbe Portland Merchants exchange during the dir. BHa for February were unchanged to 1c lower, thaa yesterday. February oats and barley were unchanged with no trading during the session. Merchants Exchange February prices: WHEAT Saturday. Friday. lion. Bid. Ask Bid j Bfnestea ......10 111 lOS 105 Fortyfold 97 104 98 PS Club 96 100 97 96 Red fife 96 ... 97 07 Red Russian... 96 ... 7 97 OATS Feed .2700 2600 2700 2700 BARLEY Feed 2900 3100 2300 .... MILlJSTUFrS Bran 2125 2350 2125 2100 Shorts 23U0 2500 2300 22M Futures were quoted: WHEAT Bid. Ask. March bloeatem. HO 112 March fortyfold 99 106 March club 97 102 March fife 97 ..... March Bqsrian .... 97 ..... FEED OATS March ..2F750 2823 FEE-U BARLEY March ...2325 3100 MIIXSTUFFS March bran .K. ...2150 2400 March shorts .2356 255Q Chicago Wheat Of f rCent for Options During Day's Trade Chicago, Feb. 5. (.. X. s. Wheat lost about le In price daring the day's trading. The close was about 94 up from the low. snd fairly firm. Corn and oats broke under pre-: sure of closing oat sales and fell off more thaw 1c. y Trading Id wheat was ngnt st the opening, with selling of a scattered nature. Cables were firm, and this fset held, the market to a good -plane until: the usual Saturday selling began to bear price down. Professionals seem to consider tbe present market a pare trading affair. - Cora and oats were held to a fairly steady position by the pit element in the first hour. Later," however, irregularity ruled. Weather conditions favor a higher corn market, and It is the general opinion that oats will set in sympathy. Provisions opened with light offerings and a fair demand. , . May wheat opened at 134J4. and ' July at 1264. " ' ' WHEAT Open. High. Two Loads Valley : Hogs" Total Supply : At North Portland Interior Stnff. Is Still Slissing and lLinW 1 Are" Strong . a, the Former; Price Quotations. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCJf - . , Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Saturday 14 .. .. Friday 79 , , . 1 r- Inorsday 2,467 1 " 20 ... 23 Wednesday None. Tuesday 190 "11 Monday ; 5,179 1007 5 976 Week ago,.,;.. 137 5 .. ear ago...... . 300 S7 1 ?. Two years ago.. 21 - Three ysara ago. 197 . 463 29 Two loads- of Willamette valley bogs came forward on guaranteed prices to the N.rth Portland yards. . These were total arrivals here during the last 24 hour. - General conditions in the market are good, with no apparent change in quotations, al though aome advance la expected next week. General beg market range. Choice light weights $7.507.53 Good light weisuts 7.307.40 Medium weights 7.15(07.23 Bimgb ami heavy Xe Cattle Arrivals. No. cattle arrivals were shown at North Portland overnight; in fact, alnoe Monday total arrivals were but 31 bead- Market for cattle Is awaiting further ship ments from - the interior and until these ar rivals are abown jke price Is not likely to be given a test. General cattle market range: Choice pulp ted steers ...$7.6037.7$ Choice grain ted ateers. 7.40&7.5O Ordinary grain fed ateers 7.40jfT-S0 Choice hay fed steers A. 7.23437.33 Good steers 6.757.00 Ordinary to common, steers. ........ 5.00s5.54 Choice cows 6.256.35 Ordinary to common cows. ......... 3J0W6."0 Choice heifers 6.2a Ordlnsry to good heifers 4.ou5.7S Choice bolls S.75424.50 Good to fair bulls. 3.oo3Ji Ordinary to common bulls.. . ,y 2.00402.73 Beot light calves 8.00 Good calves 7.00 7 S3 In Mutton Market. Since Monday there have been only 23 bead of mutton received at North Portland. De mand of the trade continues firm, but nothing has arrived of late to teat valnes. General mutton and lamb range: May July May July May July May July May July May July 134 12S aile From aiuwar,h Sock 3 P. FEB. 5 lOO Qoldea IffUea cut- Columbia. Btver. JOJ Bate Xaolnde Barta and Meaa. - Tablas. aad Berrtoa UaexcaUed. The Saa 7raac4soo at Portland 8. S. Co. Third aad Washington St a. twita O-W. M. fe W. Co.t Tea, Srstd. way 500.! a. -6131. 15c; head lettuce, California. $2.50 per crate; telery, California. $4.75; cauliflower. Call fornla, $2.25 per crgte: . French artichokes, $1.40; string beans, 15 c; botfaouse cucum bera ' ( ) doxen; tomatoes, California ( ); t-gg plant, 15c per lb.; ap.-outs. 6e per !b.; rranberriea, local. $10.50; eastern, $ll.O0J 12100 per barrel. Meats, Hah and Provisions. DRESSED MEATS Selling price Country killed: Fancy boga, tt9c; poor, 7H3.Se: lancy veals HQMHe; ordinary. 11c; poor. 7 fec; goats, 2stt4c; spring lambs, 10c; mut ton, 6ii8c lb. , bAMS. BACON, ETC. Hams. 1520e; breakfast bacon, 184J26c: boiled, hams. 29c; picnic. IOVic; - cottage roll, 13 cj Oregon ex ports, ll ,t13c lb. OYSTEHS Olympla. per gallon. $3; canned eaatern. 65c can, $6.50 doxen; eastern in shell. $1.65 pet 100; raxor clams, 12Vc dosen; east ern oysters, per gallon, solid pack. $3.00. FISH Dressed flounders, 7c; steeibesd sal mon, 12c; perch. 7ft8c; iobaters, 25c; silver smelt, tie; salmon trout, 12c lb.; halibut, 9Ht4l2c: Columbia smelt. S9c; torn cod, 7c; tlack bass. TM.0 lb. CRABS Large. $2.00; medium, $1.50 dosen. standard, ivqkc. LARD Xlercea, kettle rendered. 13c; standard, 12c. Groceries. SUGAR Cube, gi.15; powdered. $7; fruit or berrv. $6.75; beet t ); dry granulated. $6.75; t yellow. $55. (Above quotations are Ml davs net cash.) RICE Japan atyle No. 2, 4c; New Or. leana. head. 5&6tte; blue rose, 5 Vie. SALT Coarse, half grounds, 100a, $10.55 per ton; 60s, iil.ou: taDie uairy, aOs. Sl; lUs. $17.50; bales. $2.&; lump rock. $20 per ton. - BEANS Small white. $7.25; large white, n.25; pink. $5.75; limas. $6.00; bayou, $6.76; red. o-WJ. Heps, Wool aad Hides. HOPS Nominal buylnsr price. 1913 crop. ctoice, 12312Vc In.; prime, ltftjllc; medium to prime, iuvc. HONEY New. 33.25(23.50 per esse. WOOL Nominal, 1915 clip; Willamette vs,- ley, coarse itswoia. zotgsc; meoium siirop- fchire, 2Mrs2oc; cnoice tancy 401a. zac; eastern Oregon, 14EC. II 1 1 1 L- K.lll MdM , Th. BMf nn 1 . salted stags too lb, and up. 11c; salted kit (15 lbs. to 23 lbs.), 15c; v salted calf op to 15 Id. ), toe; green woes ta mm. snd upj ISc, green staga - ids. ana up). Vftc; green klf (15 lbs, to ids.), iocj green call (up to la ids. I, isc; u-y Hint aiaes. zoc: ary tltnt eait tup to jds.. -zc; ary suit niaea, 20c; dry. horse hide, each. SOcSl.OO; salt hursehides, each $2,0043.00; honehair, 2oc; drv tons: wool pelts, 16c; dry short wool Delia. ISc. dry sheep shearings, eacb. 1015c; salt ed sheen toearinga. eacn, louxoc. TALLOW No. 1. 6l5Vse; No. 2. 45e; CU1TT1M OK CASCARA BARK Bnyifg price, per car lota, -e; teas uu car lots, IdOllAisv ivia, ac . Paints and Oils. LINSEED OIL Ks w. bbkv. Me gallon: ket tle boiled, oojs.. bsc; raw. cases, nie; boiled, cases. 93c' aral.i lota of 230 arallona le less. . COAL OIL Water white, in drums and lion, barrels, 10c t TURPENTINaV Tanks, 67c; cases, 74e gal lon -' W1ITTB LEAD Ton lots, Se H.; 500 lb. lcU. Se; less lots, w hc per to. OIL MEAL Carload tots, $34; Mas than ear lots. 36o. ; GASOLINE Balk. 14V.C per gallon. - " ,saasssaSsBBasssBB DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST " Horta Paetfld BteaonaMp Co, D - S. S. BREAKWATER D 0 SAILS FOR - -fl San Francisco Only"; " 0 smroAT. res, s. Tlckst Office laaa. Third St, Phoaea aCaia : 1314.- A-1314. D fi BALLS uiKkM- u 5AN FRANCISCO Los Angeles - San Diego :- Tuesday.; Feb. . S:30 p. m. Psn Frandacu. Portland A Los Angeles Vi-sn-Mp to. Frank Boilam. Agent.' 124 XHIRO STREET. A-469. Maii 23. ..;r 1 K Saa Traaciaco -Market. . -1 San Franclacp. Feb. ' 5. tlT. P.) Butter axrrsa,. wjc; prime nrsta, sc; nssts, 28e, bggs Extras, iswc; puuets. 37C - Cheese California fancy. I7e; firsts. "16c - Seattle Market. ' . . Seattle. Feb. 5. U. P.) Bottec .Native Wsebirsrtoo creamery brick, S4e; ditto- vll4 pack, - . Cheese Oregon triplets 20c; Wlseonsla twins. -21c; ditto triplets 21c; Washlngtoa twins, .jwc; x oang-America, stc. ; -' . EggsSelect ranch 44c; April storage 33c. .. .!. i - Ztsa Angeles Market,.. - -' ILoB Angeles. JTeh- 5. P. : N. tL.) Eggs vase count. ic. , - j.r -" Butter Frwh extra. 34c. Iew. 132 12 Vi Close. 132 B 124 CORN 78T4 79 .77, 77SA 79H 79fc 779s 77HB OATS & 51 49H 4s4 x ..... 47Vs 47S 46 46- PORK 3TsV) 2050 2027 2027 2U60 200 032 2ltt2 LARD 1020 iJO . K02 JO02 A 1037 10J7 1020 11)20 A RIBS . nor no?. loos loots b .....1120 1130 1110 1112 A BANK STATEMENT OF. COAST Portland Suki. Clearings This week. Mondsy $ 1.793.902.71 Tuesday 1.732.430.59 Wednesday ....... 1.609.988.39 Thursday 1.132.544.66 rriday l,039.3t6.79 Saturday 758.u48.42 vvcea . . Tear ago. $ 2.563.456.49 1.663. An 65 1.636.686.72 1.772.625. IS 1,340.456.53 .$8,066,281.56 $11,232,561.86 Clearings Balances Clearlnga Balances) Seattle Banks. Taooma Banks. .$1,477,294.06 . 2S7.98S.00 272,067.00 65,971.00 San Tmaeiaao Sank& Clearlnga $7,623,562.00 Loa anreles T,--v Clearlnga ....$ 3,144,654.00 BOSTON COPPER QUOTATIONS Boston. Feb. Adventure ....... 2 Ahmeek .3 97 Altoues 7 Arcadian Alaska 22 Black Mtn , 34 Bohemia ........ 2 Boston Ely....... 4) Butte Bai.. . Butte Superior... 77V, CUL & Ariz WJ Cal. A Hecla 5&5 Centennial ...... 17 Chief Cons...... 1 3-16 Copper Ranges.. Cbrtes . .... Crown Reserve. . Dsly West. Davis-Dsly IV, First Nat'l 6 FrankUn BV4 Goldfleld Cons.... 90 Greene-Cananea.. 4S Granby , 93 Hancock ........ l Helvetia ........ zu Houghton ZVt Indiana 4n Isle Roy ale . 27 Salle 4U Lake Copper.,... IS j alajeatle . 1 5. Copticr bids: Michigan .... Mohawk Nevada-Utah NiplHsing .... X. Butte North Lake.. Old Colony .. Old Dominion ft6i tnceoia 88 Parrott 12 Hjulncy OH nay ixns Z4 tuker, h. a CO..C 6H 1 fx ) 14 in . 7 2S1 1 Santa Fe.. 63,:Khannoo. . 70 (Stewart ...... 65 ) Superior , 4H.!wift Packing llt. Mining. . May tiower Mexico Cons... 12 41 Tamarack Trinity United Fruit..-. U. Shoe Mchy. .. C. Shoe M., pf. United Zinc..... Utah Apex C tah Cons Victoria Winona Wolverine . , Wyandot . . , Yukon Gold McK. D. ... Profit .. . . Success ..... 3 . 9 , no . 20 .125 . at .i;w .-68 . is . 3 . 3 2H . 2V . 48 .1 . 0 WOOL- MARKETS ARE GAINING STRENGTH FOR ALL OFFERINGS . . 1 ' ' - . ... -r , v : , Boston , (a. lladelphia Trade .Are Siioirlng Farther - Rise in . , Valnes With Foreigi, Situation . IniycatLnK Still Another- Adranie. i r: Pprmgn Aff air is a -Bearish Factor in 1 CN. T. Stock Trade (Copyrbrht,. 1916, ' by the New Tork Evenlng Post.) New Tork. Feb. 5. t?. P. Something ot tbe perplexity with which svaryosis was im pressed at conflicting state meaU froaa Berlin aad Washmgtoa regarding the latest German attitude toward ABerteav was reflected 4a the ateck " marker today, The renewed decline during too early trading expressed one view; the sharp -recovery after a half boor of weak ess expressed the other, erbile the uncertain movement afterward suggestsd tbe Inability of the market to discover what the position actually was. . - , -1 . . - - ; The street, however, remembered that there ta a band an t precedent for Berlin to aanousee that she. has gone as far a poasibks in eoa- ceiirtrsiM, and tbanv gs cusniderably farther. - Range of New Tork t prt' farnhUied ty Orerbeck- a Cooks Co., 216-217 Board of Trade buildimT. i - - Wool market price continue to show m l fltmlnr tendency at Atlantic seaboarj pointJ J DESCRIPTION "ar.lH.L ... : V(Aiaka Goal ' heavy wlth pHees- higher to practically aU Aj comers!' pfdi. grades. The faet that EncLttd -r-'S made American - Beet Sugar, definite announcement that-no m ?- pe: uit American Can, e....... would be leaned to ship--Merinos from te American Can, pfd.... United Kingdom to the United States K a An tr lean Car Fdy.. e. . very big factor la tbe late market vradlsg. j American Cotton Oil, e. A Philadelphia mail advice says -rhat t'a-1 American "Linseed, c. . . mestic wool prices will continue to adsaoee 1 American . loco., c tills week la the opinion, boiled down, of j American Smelter. C. . dealers in Ihe PhUadelpbia market. Irent I Amerif-sa Hmelter. pfd. strong demand la the heavyweight Hue fr t AmrJe,B fMi v ' mene wear coupled with the Jump In teaABr,BTe- TeL. . at the Londn mntt lulnUIn aartina m ABteriCan. W-OOIen. C. . . last week. U addition to foreia-n comneritfou ' A". Mining Co lu South A Bier lea . I. ciTpfl aa the chief rea- "r!?!" son for the uplifting tltustkn - , More strihgent rules regarding ship met ts of wool to this country from abroad are In effect, yet requirements - do not sbow auy diminution. Receipts on, old orders have beea coming forward lately in good rotame from other countries', and are readily . absorbed by American consumers. Domestic stock also Calif. Fetroteum-, pfd movea wild greater freedom, iu grsdea sp- tuwm r-aciiic peering lnwtha list of desirable clip changing hand. sL But It 1 Abe importation outlook ia par ticular that claims the attention of tbe trade, American buyers are lesa actively participat ing in the suctions of England, Australia and New Zealand, having -no' desire to eacoursse increase of competition or an advance in price. Home-grown fleeces snd territory clips, as well as abattoir pulled stock, are tbe subjects of renewed Interest, with gouj I Opent High e... Atchison, pfd Baldwin Loco.. c... Baldwin Loco., pfd.. Baltimore Ohio, c. Bethlehem Steel, e... BetblefaesB SteeL pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit uaut. remMeum, 22V, 79 65 61 66 23 65 a, 127 85. lOS "04 74 Choice weiaht lambs Uood to common lam us. . . Poor to fslr lambs Choice yearling wethers.. Good to common yearlings Old wethers Choice light ewes Good to common ewes..... Saturday Livestock Shippers. Hog C. E. l-ucke. Canby, 1 load Mishier, Hubbard, 1 toad. Friday Afternoon Salsa. COWS. No. Av. lbs. 1 cow : 1 cow 740 1 cow loao 1 cow 870 STEERS. 1 steer 620 HOGS. 4 bogs 181 9 bogs 180 39 hops 177 3 bogs 190 5 hogs 170 It hogs 135 6 hoKs 177 20 hogs - 131 1 Saturday Morning Salsa. STEERS No. Are. lbs. 4 steers baw HEIFERS 9 heifers 900 HOGS 260 180 220 185 528 12 431 110 180 $ 8.53 . 8.00438.85 7.0O37-23 T.50407.73 6.7567.0 6.25426.50 6.554x6.75 6.0036.23 1 hog 60 hogs 1 bog - 101 boga 5 hogs 2 hos 8 hoars 5 hogs 1 bog . J. M. Price. $4-5o 4.0(1 4.O0 3.00 $4.60 $7.50 7. SO 7.50 7 .50 7.50 7.50 7.50 6.50 Price. $7.10 $6.25 $7.60 70 6.25 7. 50 6.50 6-f9 6.50 6.50 6.25 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES 200; cows and heir- Denver Hogs $7.70. Denver. Feb. 8. Cattle Receipts steady. Beef steers, $77.t; era, $56JM; calve. $o4M. Hogs Receipts 300. 6 to lOc higher. A few here sold from $7.00 to $7.70. Steep Receipts 70O. steady. Chicago Hogs $$.1$. Chicago, Feb. 5. Hogs Receipts 15.000, slow, 5 to 10c above yeaterday's average. Bulk of sales. $7.8568.05; mixed. $7,7548.15: heavy. $7.70148.13; rough, $7.707 JJ; pig. $6.107.25. Ct ttle Receipts 3000.' steady. Native beef steers, $6.409.00; western steers. $0.6OC 8J; cows and heifers. $3. 20 8. 23; calves, S&ftill- Kheep Receipts 1O0O. weak. Wethers, $7.60 (38.13; lambs. $S.50&11. St. Louis Hogs $$0 St- Louis. Feb. 5. U. N. 8.1 Hogs Re- ceints 950O. hlcber. PIes and lights, $6.2544 8.10: mixed and butchers, $7,854(8.13; good heavy. $8.15i8.20. OaUle Receipts - 6000 steady. Native beef steers. $7.3(X6t9.50: yearling steers and heifers. 8.50&'9.35: cows. $50E'7; storkers and feeders. $57J25; southern steers. $5.25 47-50: cows and heifers, $4426.50; natlvs wethers, $7.50 Various Wheat Markets. Ltverrjool Soot wheat nnekumd to XLA omaha Cash wheat i2c lower. Buenos Aires Whest J4e tower. London Cargo market ateady. , iHiluth May $1.31 H; July $1.80HA. ; Winnipeg May. $IJOiA; July, $1.20a,B, Minneapolis Msy $l.Ov; . Jury $1.284 B. Kansaa Citr May, $1.23: July, $1.18. St. Louts Iay $1.28j; July $liie,. New York Bank Statement. New York. Feb.. I. N. 8.) Tbe weekly ststement of New Tork city clearing house banks shows the following changes: Average loans, lucres se, $16,511,OOu; demand deposit. Increare. $16,576,000; time deposit, decresse. $1,731,000: reserve), decrease), $2.267,'7. Actusl loans, increase, $24,6O,00O; net de mand depoaita. Increase $14,032,000; time de rosits. Increase, $1,043,000; reserve, decrease, $7,395,870; . , ... ... i. New Tork Cotton. Market. " - - - Open. . j Htgn, - Low. ' January- ........1235,; ..... .... March. ..........1185 1186 llfto May ............1202 iart7 120O July 1214 ' 1221 1212 - October 121 1223 , 1217- December .......1231 1235 . 1230 Close. 1235 1181 1201 1214 1221 1219 1232 tots changing owners. San rVancisco Cash Grain. San Francisco. Feb.-6. fU. P.) Wheat i Per cental CsUlfom la club; $1.70J1.73; north ern CallfomU. $LS5ai.90': bluestem. $1.97Vs tx.Kv; iytej red, liuwiittt; red eua alan, $1.82V?"t l-85r fortyfold. $1J1.2H. Barley Per cental, feed. $1.33ttL37V; shipping and brewing. $1.401.45. Oats Per cents, red feed. $1 .32 V 42 1-8? 14 : do. seed. $1.45fifl.50, with recleaned higher; white feed, Lro4j 1.60; black, nominal. Shattered Romance Shocks Army Circles ventral Leather, c. . . Central Leather, pfd.. Obesapeake Ohio... Cblcaeo A tit. W., e. Chicago A Gt. W, pfd Chicago, M. A St. P. Chicago A N. W., c. Cblno Copper Colorado F. I., c... Consolidated GaS Corn Products, c Cora Products, pfd... Crucible Steel, c Crucible SteeL pfd... 1). 4 It G.. e ' ... D. A R. G., pfd ! Distillers Erie, c... Erie. 1st pfd General Electric General Motors Goodrich . Rubber Gt, North., ore lands . Gt. North- pfd . Guggeubeim Exp ! Hide A Leather, c I Hide tt Leather, pfd. J 1 Securities 1 1llinois Central: i 1 inluel rial Alcohol. . . . Inspiration International Harms au hterboro, c Interboro. pf I ivsesss City Booth., c. wr.4..i iMrvr-nl4t af Artluu- H. Craaa. : Lackawanna Steel TT. B. Signal Oorpa, and Wife, PrOTO Louis. A Nsabville. ! VI. 4 1 HI I UIUUCI M.. K. A T.. c.... 22', 28 79 65 62M 61H 23 Vi 66W 1001s 127 85 103 r 86 474 o4 fi2 169 51 62 12 97 ii 53" 44 j iik" 85 50 3Ti 62 71 4 121 51 106 154 1 DlTorco SamaujisOa. San Francisco Feb. 5. (P. N, S.) Shocking army -V rcles from east to west, the shattei d romance of Arthur B. Crane. Unites States signal corps, for 20 years asflLtant to Colonel W. A. Glassford. chfef dgnal officer of the western depaans ent. United States army, and lsT vire, xnra. itaicyon Crane, was reai d for the first time today when- -TtWTUCrano tiled an an swer and croajtT1 omplaint to a sensa tional suit for, rorce brought here by her husband. While tamal tal difficulties of the Cranes brought '.hem to the parting of the waya 14 j ara ago, according to the complaint, ar ay folk knew notiung of th broken r mance ointll its de nouement, t. series " of bristling charges irathe tit, :uments ratealed to day. Figuring prorfIkently in jthe case are gears. Roebuck A Co.. a series 01 leiiers wntcs vrsne uo- sraonwier, c. ........ Clares hia'wiseajFrote to tho secretary gmdebaker yt of war, the waFdepajrCTnent at Wash- HSPsrttic " ington, Orloixfel Olassford and other outhera Railway! e'.'.'. high army officials, derogatory ox mm. suthera Katiway, pf Mrs. Crane does not deny writing to those offiftiara, but declares she waa only appealing to them to make Crane support her. . 26 8" 77 104j sua 32 62 IITO o- 53 62 12 97 53" 45 '23 85 169 BOi 7 171 71 44 121 61 106 154 44 18 28 71 106 36 M.. K. A T.. pf Missouri Pacifle 5 National iMd Opt raevaua conaoliOated. . 15 vt tiaven 7 N w York Air Brake. . 142 New York Central.... luu N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Western, c. . 116 Northern Pacific 112 Pacific Mail 13 Peoolea Gee renoayivania Railway. I o& Pittsburg Cost, c I 33 niwDarg tjoai. pi.....uv t iiacu Bieei tar. c.i 00 Pressed Bteet'Car. of. Ray -Cons. Copper I 24 Ksllwar Steel Soriaa-s Reading, c 1 96 swaaing. ReadlUK. 2d of. Republic 1. A 8- c. 52 republic 2. a 9.. pi.. Kock Island 13 hock asiano. pi e tin..) 146 Receiving Stolen Property la-Juharge .' laverpool Cash Wheat. - Liverpool. Feb. 5. ft Si S- Wheat Snot f No 1 Manitoba. 14s 7d; Nos. 2 and 3, not quoted; No. 2 hard winter, new, 13a 4d; No. 1 nortberc Dulutb. 14s Id. . J Oregon Apples in South. ' Ssn Fram-Isco.. Feb.. r 4---Apples, per box. Orerou and Washington: 8pitxenberga. $1.50 J2.oO- Ben Dsvst. $1.1531.40; Roman beet tie. I.40eU.63. ... San San Francisco : II ops. FrkRClaco. Feb. 6. (1. N.; 8.) ; Shipperss 1 Attention 1 We pay on immediate shipments: Fresh eggs, S5$3Se per dos. Hogs, No. 1, e per lb. VeaL No. 1. 12 12c ler lb. . liena and springs, 15 16c per lb. Springs. 2.; lbs asd under. 20r per lb. Barter. 18c per iii. W still all your mutton, beef and bides. Highest market prices guaranteed. No commission. ecka mailed daily. THB HAV1NARCO-, 207 2U9 Stark St. Marshall 6S7. . 1915 crop (basis per sound). Sacramento val ley, wn oiner secuoas. iifcjic; 112c;. Washington., loJ12c-. Hops, I val- Onrgoa. - New Tork Sugar and Coffee. ' New York. Fen. 5. ner. centrifugal $4 89. Coffee New York spot No., J. Bios. 8e; So, 4 Santos 9e. ; - St. Ixnls Wool Market. - ' Sf. Louia, lis. Feb. 4. (I. S.- 8.) Wool unchanged- .. , - calve. S6R11A0. Slieep Receipts none, nominal. Yearling wethers. $84X9.50; Units, $911.10; ewes. Kansaa City Hogs $$.08. Kansas City, Feb. o. (I. N. 8.) Hofra Re- ceiuts 1000. higher. Bulk of sales. $7.7O7.90 heavy, $7.9O4s8.06; packers and butcbera. S7.8038: lutht. 7.00l7.BO: piga. 66s7. Cattle Recelpta 100. ateady. Prime fed steers. $8.50tf9.25: dressed beef steers, $7f 8 .60; western steers, $6.5033.50; stoekers end feeders. $67-83; bulla, $566.50; calves. sa. 50210.50. Kbeep Recelpta none, steady. Iambs, $10.25 QIO.85; ' yearling. $8.7542930; (18.25; ewes. $7437.75. Omaha Hogs $7 .$. Omaha. Feb. 5. -(1. N. S.) Hog! Receipts 9600. higher. Heavy. $7.707.85: light, $7.50 4Z7.XO; pigs, $6JiOa7.40; bulk of sales, $7.60 4J7.75. Cattle Recelpta 100, stesdy. Native st $6.254i.8JZ5: cow and heifers. $5-35t?B.75: wotera steers. $6417.60; Texas steers. $5.73 Cxa73: stoekers and feeders, a3.50ts7.50. rlneen Recelota lOO. steady. Yearlina. S8.2S 429.25; wethers. $7Q7.p; lambs. $9.85Q1Q.75. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST , Saa Franeisos Karkst. San Francisco, Fee. . U. P. Potatoes Per cental, Salinas Burbankv, $2&2.10; do fan cy; $2.23; Delta Burbanks 1.5Kti 1.75; Oregon, $1,404x1.75; sweets, $2.15j2.25. Onions Per cental, $24)2.50. Seattle Market. ' . Seattle, Wash.. Feb. 6- (B. P.) Onions Oregon. 2c; Yakima. 2ftt2c. Potatoes White river $25e27; - Yaklm Burbanks $334335; Yakima Gems $32234. 1 awassMSaal f U restock for Portland.. Ridge field. Wash.. Feb. 6. A shipment of livestock, consisting of 6 - head of cattle and 21 nogs from this place, was made Monday en the steamer Metlako to the North Portland stockyards by J. W. Davis, a livestock buyer. Siesriy nesa 01 uvestoca were siso put on tbe Metlako for the stock yards ewer 00 Bach elor island, just west of here. This waa .the laat trip of tne ateuaso necaose or toe weath er. Navigation on - Lake river aad Bachelor Island stongh la sgain closed- Milk and cream from -up above Ridgefield and from Bachelor Island, where there -are a Bomber of dairies, which usually Is ahlpped by- the steamers UU mare sad Metlako, is now; being shipped to Portland by train. ; ' Chicago Prodnce Slarket. ' Chicago. Feb. 4. I- W. ' S.) Butter showed much. Improvement today. Egga were strong. ... . - .: --- Butter Receipts 5696 tabs; creamery extras, SOc; extra firsts. 2829e: firsts, 25t 27c; seconds,- 23J 24c; dairies extra. 29e; firsts. 25t26r: seconds, , 20 S 23c; packing . stock, 19'i20c: Isdles. 2lKt21c. . .. Ergs Receipts, 1697 eases; firsts, 29e; or- UitKary - to sus, .7,. 'j . uwriaRW iwi, 24j29e; extra. 64235e; storage Apriia, 15J 195e. , ' Eastern Barley Markets. . Kansas City, Mo Feb. .(!. N. S- Bar- ley. OC. Eel raraasaV Junk Dealer, ra dieted aa Sesalt'foT Statemaat Mad try Boys woo War Axrested. Sol Parness, a Junk.-, dealer, whose home la at 693 First street, - waa ar rested this thorn ing on a charge of receiving Vtoien property. Parness waa indicted yeJstisJday by the grand Jury. Several $MfAa, ranging In age from IS to 20, recently have been arrested and eonf fssp .40 systematic stealing j of wire fronlnc-lea of telephone, tel- graph and'leci 1c companies, plumb-! ers and csrpent rs tools from nooses in course 'of ccstructron. lead pipe, brass house fittings and mlscellaneouaj material, allapr whlcn was peddled to. second hands, dealers. . When ' arraigned in court tbe lads Teas. Copper Teia uu Texas Pacific Third Avenue Union-Pacific, e... I'Bton Pacific pf.. U. 8, Robber, c. ... U. S. Rubber, pf.., U. S. Steel Co.. e. . I.' S. Steel CO.. pf feUh Copper ilra-lnis Cnemical. W. C. Telegraph Weatlaghouae Eiectxic. Woolworth 99 66 204 7 61 132 hi' 82 116 78 21 88 '66 5 69 15 67 144 1 LowJCtose 22 U 27 78 65 61 66 e 22 65 126 84 102VJ1O3 JOO 109 479 so: ,22 27 78 65 61H UO 66 Vi 53 22 65 99 113g U2 126 4e 86 6l1 51 52 61 12 97" 52 21 82 48 S7 62 17 70 44 120 51 ioi" 151 44 112 107 88 465 132 86 at iT 176 26 76 102 66 52 W9 62 - 12 85 97 129 ass 44 137 2 95 S3 116 IS 19 48 87 62 tT3 44 121 10 51 28 106 152 44 116 74 ze 81 . 761 123 106 6 6 14 Xdvaartoek IVoas TJsually OrererU 1 xaatede W. P. Dickey, president of the Portlalnd Cattle Loan company . which easT1 0 rer. $$40,600 loaned out, the ae curity for which is "livestock. aaya tt ia rjr- unfortunate j for 4 . the com munity that the reported ioasea of 11 ve stoeat. owing to -the winter atornaa, are circulated, avnd his experience has been tnat tney are mucn exaggerated. Laat winter.' said Mr. Dickey,-"re- ports were started that - tlera were ioasea of between, 40.00 and 80,000 sheep in th Pacific northwest, arising from storms. ? severe cold, snow,-and lack of feed. The result was, that we had numerous telegrams from eastern banks watch are carrying our paper. asking for a denial or verification of the report.'; We Investigated the situa tion thoroughly and found that the losaea were not la excesa of 2500 bead altogether. -. v .-'. .--"' :- "Of course, this Is proving a severe winter, and there. will undoubtedly be losaea. aa a result of th storm. It la too early to determine their possible extent. It would, therefore.' be advis able If the reports war verified before being sent out, and a little delay to making up tbe reports- would be a good thing for the people of other sections who have inTeattneats out here. .There is plenty of hay in the ountry for feeding purpose, but the price 1 rap idly going up. - Th man who-will suf fer will be th maurwho waa taking a chance, and who expected to get through th winter without a storm and with the least possible feeding- ex pense. - - 6 15 i7 142 lu5 1U4V.,1'S 1 2 lioiyiio iie 15 7 144 5" 32 107 U 24 77 53" 19 150 9 66 205 5 1 M 83 116 78 7 US 66 13. 66 32 106 55 s a 23 76 52 18 147 99 21. '65 204 T 132 V! 61 82 115 78 r47 88 65 Total sales 305,700. 14 1054 65 82 106 56 ltW 24 a 76 43 41 62 109 19 179 ! 11 1 68 99 69 66 12U6 eo 1x1 S3 El 106 82 115 78 47 67 raj 122 German Raiders Are Feared by England Xiaar Captain Varad Vot to . IVet $rtraag taalps ApproacJx Wlthla Two 5. (TJ. P.) Kng- raiders are roam' New Tork, Feb. land fears German ing the seaa. Thl became known today when Cap tain Finch of th British, steamer Bal tic, commander of the Arabic when she waa sunk, arrived today, telling of named Pare8$ as the receiver of the how the admiralty had warned him to stolen eoASl, The youngsters said be on hi guard against disguised rald- they were aig merely as agyents for ers, and not to permit any steamer to Parness. Parness whicU had 1 p. m. Engiii To- The Or will hold ! rooms of . Commerce S 7, at 6 o'cF- The firs- be a dollar society, an reading of At 8:16-- of wild ai shown. ' 1' All engint t been furnished up to Financial, Industrial Deveiopme::: W. P.' Dicker " of Portland Cattle Loan Company Sars Early I ports 1 Xioases . of . Livestock Are alnch Exaggerated Co ference Cominittee of AU itailroads. 3enfxae . Coxoxultta of roadav A propsal to organis a general conference committee of Railway. Man agers of th United States ia being se riously discussed. It is proposed to get tbe organisation in working order to handle the situation that will grow out of the demands of tbe four broth erhood of railway employes. ' At pres ent there Is no arrangement of the railway with each, other, t by which they can handle a national question as a whole. Only district organisation of railway managers, for the separate geographical section of the country. are, available for the purpose, at the present time. The functions of. tne district organisations are limited to the districts which they represent,--As the questions at issue between the rail road leraploye and th' railroad con cern ail the roads of the country, there Is neted. it 1 said, of an organisation of much broader power. and scope. The principal issue advanced by th railroad employe Is an eight-hour day for all the organized employe. Some wage demand are being made that are important but secondary to the length of the day. The railroad employe are now taking -a referendum vote , aa - to whether or not they efaould strike is order to enforce their demands or sub mit the entire subject to arbitration. aad.- 2.000,000 J 0-year barge r bonds.. which will yield $.615 per interest. - A showing the corr.jifti: it 1 recorded that there were - acbmltted. .and - that the next I.-. - bidder waa "within one per cent cf t auocesaful bid. The belief that fe -. rate of taxation will be higher tar t coming year, the exact knowledge t stat and municipal taxation in Tork. stat and city. is on the crease, the Imposition of a state : com- tax, 1 Which 'has. been recc mended and la jlkely to pass, are urgent factora underlying the e'. ' market that prevails whan high . municipal and stat bonds are cf:t for aale. tat Xaoom Tan for Sew Tcr: A apeclal committee appointed to c alder the subject has proposed to 1 Nw-Tork state legislature the if f of: a atat income tax. It will, course, be levied In addition to the. now, collected by the federal pov, men. The recommendation inclu graduated tax running from one-: to two mills per $1 of exces on comes of more than' $1500 for s r men and $1800 for married, men. I'r, this plan a married man witn an come of $$600 a year would have pay a year Income tax and a gl man $3 a year. An'.c th caa of married men with two dren, of $100 for each child, la a f tur of the bilL Under that r where the Income la $3000 and t r two? children, the tax would 12,29 a year. No provision is r for additional exemption for fair., et more than two children. rebruary Interest and Slvlds&C Interest n dividend diaburstrrr on th tistetfVand known investnv of the United State for Februarv r $131,214,151 againat tU S4.S67 for the corresponding month last year. 1116, an Increase of c . 110.000.000. ; ' Firms Asked to Sena Extra Men on Wage Lgoroaa Xmand for oada Wbal is considered on of the most success ful bond salea In the history of the state waa th purchase by the First National bank of New Tork City of $26,000,000 of four- per- cent atat bond for a premium of $$17,000. This 1 kt th rat of 101.27. Th issues wer: $2X.0O0.600' of 50 'year Canal and state highway bond, which will net the banai an Income of 1.S5 per cent. aXayor Says X. Xa Kotlced Xrir , Xav . Trouble la Oettlar Etr : After acta. stalled. "Pleas ; send two men -along : each delivery wagon so that in casa s wagons ar stalled in th snow, be' result can be accomplished In free them.? ' - . This appeal is sent to the hea all firms using teams, and deliv waarona by Mayor Albee today. W have noticed much tro.. principally along the earlin," e th mayor, "with wagons being mtn; Irf the anow. The driver, being a, has all sorts of trouble. I real!y t lleve that If two men ar with wagon, there will be fewer delays." Dutch "Wrecked Zeppelin. - Paris. Feb, 5. (I. N. S.) To communtque stated that Zeppelin !. found floating In the North ? i rrauM of wreckage, was dowse 1 Dutch gunners th moment the 7. lin, with "customary Oerrnan evnte for neutrality law" attempted to : over s Holland. - Uncertaintie Life is full of uncertainties, for which everyone must be prepared py having money. The best and surest way to have money is to get the banking habit. Then, you are prepared for any emer ' sency. v - ; 0-4 -' , Deposit your money in this strong na tional batik where the same careful attention is given the small depositor - as the largest one. The United States National Ban!; Interest Paid en Savings - Capital and Surplus $2,000,000.00 Chicago. Feb. 4UL matting, 764s SOc. - New '.Tork.- Feb. . (L steady: malting. fcSSe. . 8-1 Barley doll X. S.) Barley aoDroach within two mile of th Bal- held under $1000 bond, tic until It had been Identified. Stories of Baltic passengers con firmed statements of the Appam pas senger who reached here last night that at least two raiders are loo on the Atlantic. - The Baltic, though not convoyed, eig aagged as a precaution In th Irish sea against attacks from raider or subma rines, though none were sighted. Forty five trawler moving ia a semi-circle Were reported in the Irish sea, dipping with ateel net for submarines. ' T' Society Jold Meeting i Society . of Engineers v a inual meeting in the A Portland Chamber of 1 ndy evening, February1 .tart of the pro errant will "'nner for members of thj will De loiiowwr Dy tiie V report of officer.' Flnley moving pitcure lilife in Oregon will be rs nd archltectn'whather members ei the society or not ar in vited to brt f their wives to see these pictures. ' -; . - -' '-j ' Pres0lint Prepares Forj Second doiirney Lisbon Riots Assume Grave : Proportions Otrtbraak aglaalag' XMt Jtlgat' Oos 1dnas Today aad Kaa APpsaraaoe f siaiioiiiliif ST0lutioa .'. .Part. Feb. 5. (TJ,- P.V A riot," aa- sumlng th proportions of a revelation, broke out in Lisbon last night, aad continues today. v Crowds are attack ing th -repnbUcaa -gtiarda, and p 11 lag Ing artorea. r - , - . . ' - - .- . i Dosen CPUs cfl Teatatlv Bchedale; far Veatf h Trip stay B Abaadoaed if TxttePtJ 2X ;aaaC'Jf?;;rT-; -WaahintoX .Feb. . OJ. P.) The tentative .c?(Jule for Presldeat Wil son s : sepw l preparedness - awing around th ,rele includes Cincinnati. Dallas. ' Oaf kston, LUUa .Rock, New Orleans, la Jsvijle, Paducah, Atlanta, RlchmonoV ' talegh and other cltie. These , be covered in a two weeks' Journey, tt! l ; probably in president will . not? into the far west if he de termini . Spoa making th second trip. .-Ml'- V . v.. -"'.-v , ; H it - - v -1 f Pe4 fj. Forget 910O.0OO. San Kri ay isri, CaL.' Feb.;s.-U. -P. More t VK$160.000 In forgotten bank deposits I Wf. revert ,to the stat un der suits! e Tiled soon by th stat bank-. uj f Mitendent. PORTLAND FIRE RECORD '-- .- - - Txlday. - 1. J:lt p. rrW Electric Steel Co Twenty-fourth and . Tork streets, cavein of furnace; loss estimated at $10,000. - - - - - Btetarday. - : .. .; ; - No t ir.v Overlieck & Cooke Co. szc-sit .Cettoa, Orala. Sta DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE TO aAlX. EXCHANGES Members Chicaao Board of Trade. Cerreapondence ef Logan A Bryan, ' . . . Chicago. New York, , TKefi rst National of Portland. Oregon offers you every facility of modern bank ing, with courteous and prompt attention to your needs. ,We will appreciate your, account and knowthat: we cai be of as t distance to you in business and: financial affan Surplus - - Vy $3,500,0 0 0 rs ; . Capital and NATIONAL ASSOCIATION : .... OF SAN FRANCISCO Capital paid in cold coin- 1 Surplus and undivided profits Commarciai Can kin f; Interest Paid on Tim and Saviors De?cU Portland Branch Corner Third and Star!; Sis. C3,Et30,CCO.CD